#the apartment chronicles
chiscribbs · 7 months
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(Apologies on behalf of my delinquent son @tmntaucompetition.)
Grown Apart AU: [Premise/Concept Art] [General tag] [Intro]
Thread: START /<<Pt. 3 / Pt. 5>>
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wondersinwaynemanor · 3 months
i have this hc that the rest of the batkids are getting comfortable in going to Jason and Roy's place, and just know that Jason won't get mad because of Lian's presence.
[i promised myself i won't make the scenerios too long]
Jason walks out the room to get some water from the kitchen, when he hears the kitchen cabinet open.
and viola, it's Tim and Steph opening a box of fruit loops cereal.
Jason, tries to keep his voice low: What in the actual fuckery are you both doing here in the middle of the night?
Steph, munching on some food, raises both of her hands: This was Tim's idea. I'm innocent.
Tim, shrugs: Lian said I could have some of her fruit loops.
Jason: I swear, Replacement, I'm going to-
Lian, walking from behind the counter, rubs her eyes: Don't be mad, Jayjay. I told Uncle Tim and Aunt Steph they could take some of my food.
Jason, frustrated at this point: Did you wake her up?
Tim and Steph both shake their heads.
Roy, from their room: Jaaaaaybird, let the kids eat!
Jason, sighing, takes Lian's hand slowly: Let's get you back to bed, Princess.
Lian, sleepily: Don't forget to add to the swear jar, Jayjay.
Tim and Steph laugh quietly by the time Jason and Lian disappear for their sights, and continue to eat.
at 5 in the morning, Roy shrieks from the hallway. Jason immediately goes out to check.
Roy, a hand on his chest: Damn it. Cass scared the living hell out of me.
Jason, raises his brow: Cass???
Roy points to the living room. Cass is sitting comfortably on the couch, still in her Black Bat suit, but cowl off. Lian has her head on her lap as Cass runs her fingers softly on her hair.
Cass looks up at the two men, but doesn't say anything. then smiles down as she sings a low lullaby to Lian.
Jason: Uh, I think it's best if we let her be.
Roy, nods: I agree.
as Jason and Roy are getting comfortable on bed, Lian knocks on their bedroom door.
Jason: I already put her to bed. I think it's the chocolate milk, Roy. She gets a little hyper before bed.
Roy, getting up from his position, chuckles: Maybe munchkin got hungry. Again.
Jason chuckles with him, putting the blanket higher on his upper body.
Jason is not too sure, but he dozes off for a few minutes. and reaches for Roy on his side, but he isn't there. thinking, Lian did get hungry, he stands up from the bed and exits the room.
he should have just continued to sleep.
on the couch, there's Dick, still in his suit, a few bruises on his face and a bandaged leg, and Duke, on his suit as well, a few bruises on his face too, but no bandages whatsoever. Lian is sat between them as the three of them watch an animated show on the television.
Jason, standing a distance from the couch, crosses his arms on his chest: Last time I checked, this is supposed to be a private apartment for three people. This isn't a vacation home-
in sync, Dick, Duke and Lian shush him, their eyes glued on the screen.
Roy laughs from the kitchen.
Jason, approaches him: What's going on here?
Roy, wipes his hands on the kitchen towel: Lian let them in. Dick is injured-
Jason: Good.
Roy, pulls Jason close by the waist: Dick, your brother, is injured. I patched him up. Duke thought it was a good idea for them to stop by here to rest.
Jason: And they're ruining Lian's sleeping hours.
Roy, kisses his temple: It's a Saturday, Jaybird.
Jason, murmurs: Sure.
Roy, smiles: You're such a dad now.
Jason blushes, hiding his face on Roy's shoulder.
as Roy brings Jason on top of him, they hear Lian's loud giggles from outside their room.
Jason, looks down at Roy: I thought she's asleep already.
they both stand up to check on Lian.
and it's her and Damian on the living room floor, a kitten between them. the kitten is wrapped with Robin's cape.
Jason: Looks like the brat found another kitten.
Jason and Roy stare lovingly at the scene for a few minutes. Lian smiles brightly, patting the kitten gently. Damian is also smiling, caressing the animal on his arms.
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panevanbuckley · 1 year
mutuals who share multiple fandoms with you are like rare gems
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fabuloustrash05 · 5 months
Okay just so y'all know...
Leoichi and Leosagi are two completely different ships!! They are NOT the same!!
They are both Leonardo focused ships, yes, HOWEVER it's Leo being shipped with two separate characters.
"Leosagi" is Leonardo x Miyamoto Usagi
This ship mostly grew after the popularity of TMNT 2003 with Leo's close friendship with the character Miyamoto Usagi.
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"Leoichi" is Leonardo x Yuichi Usagi
Yuichi is the main character of Netflix's show Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles. He is the descendant of Miyamoto Usagi. Also unlike Usagi, Yuichi is NOT a TMNT character, he is from his own franchise entirely, but fans have been shipping him with both Rise Leo and 2012 Leo.
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Edit: I originally had this in the tags but many people are not reading them so I’ll say it here; when I say Usagi is a TMNT character, I'm aware he's apart of his own franchise, but he's well know to crossover with TMNT. He's interacted with many TMNT characters and been in TMNT series such as 1987, 2012, and as mentioned earlier, 2003. Yuichi has not, so Usagi can classify as apart of the TMNT character roster, but overall Usagi has his own franchise, but sadly lots of fans don't know that
And the most important detail to know is...
Yuichi and Usagi are NOT the same character!!
So please if you’re making ship art or a fanfic of Leo with Yuichi and tag it as “Leosagi” that is the incorrect ship name and vice verse.
Hopefully this helps so people can know the difference and tags things more properly and not get non shippers and new Leosagi and Leoichi shippers confused, cause even I will admit it can get confusing.
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littleulvar · 1 year
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Making of the box art for Kinfire Chronicles: Night's Fall ✨
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cnl0400 · 4 months
What's even the point in Thirteen making traps If she isn't going to use them on anybody?
She doesn't even try to kill Solomon anymore, they got rid of all her more """"problematic"""" features (AKA she was "too mean" or whatever). The difference between S4/OG!Thirteen and NB! Thirteen are night and day
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leslutdepointedulac · 1 month
Isn't it wild that Louis setting the theatre on fire is a full circle moment. Before Nicki dies, he tells the theatre vampires they:
'. . .must call together for him somewhere in the countryside the ancient Sabbat with its customary blaze. If we did not, then he would make the theatre his funeral pyre.'
~ The Vampire Lestat
Nicki threatens to burn the theatre down in order to take his own life, which is only prevented by the vampires deciding to help him as he asks.
And then almost 100 years later, Louis comes along and burns down that very same theatre, that Claudia dies in, making the theatre a funeral pyre for all the vampires inside.
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poisxninthewater · 4 months
i keep forgetting tlkof is part of a trilogy… so this means kit and ty are totally spending the 3/4 of the book pining and then getting together only to fight in the last 1/4
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d4rkshad0w · 1 month
imagine when Ty goes to Kits house to ask for help they go into Kits room and there’s a shoebox under his bed that kinda out and it has papers spilling out and Ty leans down to pick it up and asks “what’s this” and Kit leaps across the room and takes the box from him and says nothing, and Ty is thinking Kits mad at him again but the real reason Kit didn’t want to show him is because that overflowing shoebox contains all the letters Kit wrote but never sent
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omegalomania · 10 months
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take this to your grave, 2003 // "...i'll take it to mine: the untold story of designing take this to your grave," the bad habits collection, 2021 // where did the party go, the youngblood chronicles, 2013 // fall out boy vh1 commentary on the youngblood chronicles, 2014 // "how fall out boy beat the odds and rose again," rolling stone, 2013 // "the giant white unicorn in the room," pete wentz, 2014 // alternative press #303, 2013
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helenofblackthorns · 9 months
thinking about how much Ty hates change & how he was visibly distressed when he thought Julian forgot about the pancakes but he's the one who most desperately wants Mark to take over from Julian. thinking about how Julian's first line in the series is that Ty & Livvy are eating wax and how his hands are covered in wax too. thinking about how Julian thinks of them as his children but they're the siblings closest in age to him, the brother and sister he was probably the closest to growing up
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chiscribbs · 7 months
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I come bearing amenities for our little AU competition. Good luck in the preliminaries ;)
- REBOOT: Second Chance AU Donnie
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He came this close... 🤏 (Thank you! Congrats on making it into the main bracket! Good luck in the competition! :D)
More @tmntaucompetition shenanigans!!
[Grown Apart AU] [INTRO]
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sofskii · 1 month
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have sum meowths
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wildmelon · 2 months
enter the...
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hiiiii 👉👈 i got a tumblr community approved without a plan... but i want it to be for interactive fiction fans !!
most discords are if-specific, so i think it'd be fun to have a place on tumblr to discuss all our favorite ifs! a cozy spot for casual posting, theories, mc development, and random thoughts <3
invite link
tagging some favorite IFs but all are welcome!
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wayhavenmemes · 8 months
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snivyartjpeg · 1 year
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a dashing gentleman and a cute girl <3
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