#the hero lives in this one don't u worry
tuckersdeslauriers · 1 year
chenford + 'how the hell are we getting ourselves out of this one?'
Tim swallows and glances over at her, his lips twitching into a scowl for a moment before he neutralizes his expression. He can’t frown at her when she’s bleeding like that.
He sighs, crouching down next to her and adjusting her hands, pressing them down over the wound so she’s got actual pressure on it. He doesn’t allow himself to notice just how hard his hands are shaking. Doesn’t allow himself to notice how hard hers are, either. “Look at me,” she whispers, her tone harsh. “Right now, Tim.”
He listens, looks down at her face and feels his throat go tight. "Hi, baby."
Lucy furrows her brow at him and he can tell she's trying to fight a smile. "Hi," she returns, her voice clearly a little shakier than she wants him to hear. "Talk to me. What's the plan?"
Tim slides one of his hands over hers lightly, ghosting his palm over her knuckles. They're sticky with blood and he feels a thick, wet swath of it graze along his skin. He presses his lips together. She's bleeding more than he'd like, but not so much that he thinks it's catastrophic.
Still, the ambulance is at least 10 minutes out and they aren't cleared to move, yet. As if on cue, a loud crumbling emanates through the narrow stretch of the hallway they're trapped in and a piece of drywall lands next to Tim's boot, scuffing the side. He pushes it out of the way, away from Lucy.
This was supposed to be a quick stop-off to question a suspect before they grabbed lunch together. He was supposed to be picking french fries off her plate and casually telling her about all the things he had planned for them to do over the weekend in her incredibly empty apartment. Instead, the suspect had fled after pulling a knife on Lucy and his shitty fourth-floor walkup had started to collapse in on them.
The building, which Tim's pretty sure should be condemned, is going to come down any minute now and they need to be out of it by the time it falls. How that's going to happen, Tim has no idea.
"Baby," her voice is light, pulling him from his thoughts. "What's the plan?"
He knows she's asking for him, not for her. Lucy has a plan already, and he's sure it's a decent one. It's not what he's going to go with, because he's also sure it involves him leaving her, but it's probably decent. "The plan," he says softly, trying to keep the rest of his body still as he reaches down and brushes her hair out of her eyes, "is for you to keep up the pressure, and for me to get us out of here." Lucy frowns and he frowns back at her, albeit teasingly. "What?"
"Real plan," she urges, then sucks in a sharp breath, pressing her hands down into her skin further. The wound is just beneath her ribcage which makes the bleeding that much heavier. "Give me the real plan, please. Ambulance is how far out?"
He glances down at his watch. "Nine minutes," he casts his eyes towards the bleeding, then back up at her face. "You think you have nine minutes in you?"
"I'm not the one who can't last," she teases, and his chest tightens. "I have more than nine minutes in me, I promise."
Tim nods, looking back over his shoulder out the half broken window, straining to see if he can catch a glimpse of flashing lights or rescue vehicles. "I could do a lot with nine minutes," he murmurs, grinning when he hears her laugh. "What?"
"You planning on proving that to me later?"
"I've proven it plenty," he huffs, another crackling sending waves through the air and leaving the ground unsteady beneath this feet. He shuts his eyes and feels Lucy's leg tap against his ankle.
"Breathe," she whispers, and as much as he wants to tell her he'll breathe when they're on solid ground, he listens. "There you go."
"When did you become the voice of reason," he sighs, dipping down next to her slowly, so he won't fuck up the equilibriums of the building that he swears to god is swaying beneath them. He wonders if part of it is just his body reacting to hers, his head swimming because she's unsteady, because there's no way they're this unstable.
Lucy hums quietly. "Well, I was born in June of 19-," Tim cuts her off with a laugh and he watches as her face twists up into a smile, a real one. "We're going to be fine. I'm going to be laid up on your couch by this time tomorrow."
"My couch, huh?"
"Don't tell," she looks around conspiratorially, trying not to smile. "Your couch is more comfortable than mine."
He stares down at her, his face hard. "How much blood have you lost," he asks, serious, before cracking a smirk. He peeks out the window, then settles down next to her as carefully as possible, sliding one of his hands over hers and pressing down a bit further on her wound. "Can I tell you something?"
She hooks one of her bloody fingers around his thumb, squeezing it gently. "Anything you want."
He leans down slowly, as careful as he can, brushing his lips against her hairline. "You're the most important person I've got," he murmurs, his free hand slipping into her hair. "Even with your bad taste in furniture."
Lucy exhales a slow breath that hitches into a laugh by the end, another piece of drywall lands too close to her head for his liking. Tim smiles, kissing her gently and letting himself linger before he sits back up, admiring the smile on her lips, her eyes still closed. "You've at least cracked the top five, at this point," she hums up at him as he hears sirens hurdling toward them in the distance.
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mysteryshoptls · 7 months
SSR Idia Shroud - Platinum Jacket Voice Lines
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When Summoned: It hits so different when the real deal's right in front of me! I can feel my power level rising just by basking in these creators' true art!!
Summon Line: Phone's switched off while in the museum. I don't gotta worry about the daily missions on my mobile games, since I've cleared them all already. 'K, time to get going.
Groooovy!!: Everyone has a weakness or two. Obviously, that includes immortal heroes, too... Heehee.
Home: 100 years, not bad...
Home Idle 1: I can basically draft up designs and blueprints of tech systems using software, but when it comes to actually doing art... Basically, I'm more of a read-only type lurker.
Home Idle 2: That sleepy looking King of Beasts painting kind of reminds me of Leona-shi. Especially how it looks like he could pounce at any moment despite looking like he's not paying any attention.
Home Idle 3: I was surprised that I could buy whatever design of postcards I wanted from the shop. I'm so used to it just being something like 3 random cards in a pack out of a possible 50 or whatever...
Home Idle - Login: Hoards of art made by top-tier artists! Seeing it live is just a whole different sensation! Time'll just fly by here... I wonder if I can see 'em all.
Home Idle - Groovy: Crazy how Silver-shi can just spam the "praise" button over and over again without any charge time needed... I got no defenses on how to deal with this sort of thing.
Home Tap 1: If everything in life could be fixed just by singing Hakuna Matata, then I'd be a bright little extrovert by now...
Home Tap 2: I thought there was some sort of sparkling statue at the entrance to the cafe, but it was just Vil-shi checking out the menu.
Home Tap 3: So, it's true, then, that Ace-shi's got super nimble fingers? Not fair at all that on top of being a smooth-talker, he's also got that kinda dexterity.
Home Tap 4: This fit... It's way to shimmery for a gloomy guy like me... Eh, it works? U-Uh huh... Okay.
Home Tap 5: What do you want? If you want to try to get in the way of my nerd out, you're just asking to get your forehead flicked! And I'll be the one who has to do the flick... I bet you feel bad now, huh?
Home Tap - Groovy: C-Can you help me carry the merch I got from the shop to the storage lockers? Th-Thx... I'll grab you a coffee later.
Duo: [IDIA]: Silver-shi, thx. [SILVER]: Aye, Idia-senpai!
Birthday Login Message: Siiiigh... As expected, I didn't win a greeting from Premo's birthday present campaign. Looks like, as always, I'm just a poor soul that'll only get birthday wishes from my family and my games... EEK!? WHEN DID YOU GET HERE!? Eh, you came to wish me a happy birthday? I-Is that so...? Well, thanks. Wheehee.
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Requested by Anonymous.
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celaenaeiln · 10 months
i mean this in the most neutral tone, but, im genuinely confused with this eldest daughter syndrome dick thing? as far as i know, he never lives in the manor with other batsiblings and personally take care of them except damian, and just "yeets" from any possible trouble or tension within the siblings or when they have issues with bruce
No worries I totally get it! And I'm here to deliver!
First, to be fair to Dick, no one lives in the manor aside from Damian and sometimes Tim.
Dick lives in Bludhaven, Steph lives in Gotham U? She's been in and out of comics but otherwise her own house. Cass lives in Leslie's clinic, Tim alternates between the Titans and the manor, Jason lives anywhere that doesn't have Bruce, and Duke lives with his uncle.
However that doesn't mean they don't all rely on him.
I think the confusion comes from scenes like this-
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Batman: Urban Legends Issue #10
Where it seems like Dick just left Tim to deal with Bruce on his own. But-
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Batman: Urban Legends Issue #10
Dick called him. When Tim when to him for advice, he gave him advice but also knew it couldn't just stop there. So he called Bruce to get it through his thick head that he's allowed to be happy. If there's anyone that can change Bruce's mind on anything it's Dick.
Which brings me to my next instance of Dick acting as the mediator and emotional burden lifter of his family. When each batkid dies (or almost dies in Dick's case), Bruce grieves in a different way. With Jason he took it out on criminals, with Tim he took it out on himself, with Dick he took it out on criminals and heroes, and with Damian, he wanted to undo what happened. He torments Jason about it, goes too hard on the criminals, gets worsened by Barbara, gets helped a little by Selina but also feels a billion times worse about Damian's death so-
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Batman and Robin (2011) Issue #23
He locks himself in a simulator for days trying to see and fix where he went from when Heretic killed Damian. Nothing gets through to him so Alfred pulls out the Big Guns - he calls in Dick.
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Batman and Robin (2011) Issue #23
"Richard just came in from Chicago to--"
"Talk some sense into me?"
"Yes, I've implored you to shut this...thing off and join the living, but you have turned a deaf ear for days."
"This calling in the cavalry routine is getting old, Alfred."
Since the dawn of Batman and Robin, Dick has always acted as the mediator for Bruce and the family. Always.
With Dick's help, finally, after days, Damian's saved.
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Batman and Robin (2011) Issue #23
And Dick finally brings Bruce back to life.
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Batman and Robin (2011) Issue #23
He took a destructive, dead-man-walking and breathed life and hope back into him to stop him from taking his grief and anger out on his family and criminals.
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Batman and Robin (2011) Issue #23
Calling in the cavalry always works.
Of course there's times when Dick doesn't help mediate. But the issue is not that he doesn't want to or he pushes it off, it's that he can't. What the hell are you supposed to do when the mediator who mediates all your problems is themself broken?
Dick really wants to help Tim but he can't. He can't find it in himself to barely live right now because Donna-his platonic soulmate-is dead.
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Teen Titans/Outsiders Secret Files
He really can't.
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Teen Titans/Outsiders Secret Files
She was his sister too. Pretty much blood.
I actually think the fact that Dick doesn't live in the manor makes the fact that he still takes care of all his siblings and their problems with Bruce even more important. To calm and rationalize down Bruce and take care of his siblings, he's constantly flying or driving back and forth between different cities, dropping his cases and work, ignoring his problems, just to be there for them.
For another example, when Dick hears that the newest Batman is causing problems in Gotham and Bruce just abandoned Tim to deal with everything and Tim nearly got hurt, he comes all the way back to Gotham to rail Bruce out for doing that to him.
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Robin (1993) Issue #8
When Bruce teams with Damian their relationship so tumultuous but once again Dick steps in.
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Batman: The Return
"I need a partner who can stay focused and keep up."
"Bruce, come on! I made a career out of not doing anything I was told when I was Robin. He gave up everything for this. You can't just take it away...you can't cut him out."
He keeps Robin from being fired and continues being Damian's support system.
It's not just mediating though, Dick fully steps in to take care of the batfamily whenever Bruce absconds or there's trouble.
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Batman and Robin Eternal Issue #24
He's like the command center of the family.
This picture just embodies his role.
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Batman (2011) Issue #15
And as Bruce once said-
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Batman: Urban Legends Issue #22
He's really the eldest daughter and caretaker.
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irisintheafterglow · 8 months
hello!! I hope you’re having a wonderful day/night ^^ I was wondering if u could write about bakugou x deaf reader? Like bakugou’s mom is HOH (which is why she’s always screaming :0) and bakugou knows sign because of that so he can communicate w deaf reader which surprises them!
simple complication, miscommunication (pro!bakugo x deaf!reader)
wc: 2k
cw/tags: established relationship, story of first meeting, strangers to lovers, implied fem!reader but no specific pronouns used (reader does use makeup), guy being an asshole but it's ok because kats scares him away
note: hi!!!! this is probably one of my favorite (if not THE favorite) prompts i've ever received. i'm actually majoring in deaf studies and focusing on increasing deaf/HOH rep in popular media. SO! i really love this prompt. i'm hearing, so i'm always still learning from the deaf and HOH community and acknowledge that i have a lot more to learn! because of this, this is mainly from kats' perspective because i don't think it's appropriate for me, as a hearing writer, to write from the perspective of a deaf reader. i talked way too much, sorry for the long note, and i hope you like this!!
likes, reblogs, and replies are always appreciated <3
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He can’t remember the last time he was this nervous to see his own mother. 
For the twentieth time, he confirmed that the windows were clear of smudges, the floorboards were as shiny as his Hero Award trophies on the living room shelves, and the wiring on the doorbell light was functioning correctly. Everything was as it should have been. Still, an anxious churning in his gut tells him something is wrong and he throws the front door open without thinking, determinedly jabbing his thumb against the button next to the doorknob. As usual, the bright orange light by the “FRONT DOOR” sign above the hallway flashes once. Everything was working as it should have been, so he couldn’t pinpoint why he felt so nauseous. He tests the door light several more times and completely forgets that you were getting ready in the bathroom. 
When he spots you, you’re wearing his bathrobe and a makeup brush is tucked behind your ear. Your eyebrows furrow in concern of why the door light started flashing an hour early as you peek out from the hallway. He gives you an apologetic look, the corner of his mouth turning down in clear dissatisfaction. 
Sorry. Testing the door light. Your mouth opens into an oh of understanding and you nod, taking note of the subtle ways your boyfriend was trying to hide his nerves. His head appears around the corner of the door when you knock your knuckles against the wall to get his attention. 
You’re gonna break your jaw if you keep it clenched like that. His frown only deepens and he can tell you’re trying not to laugh from the way your eyes sparkle. It’s nice that you’re excited to see Mrs. Bakugo again, but he’s already anticipating the tidal wave of disapproving comments about the new place you recently moved into together. Shut the door, Katsuki. You’re letting the warm air out. He reluctantly obeys, following you down the hallway to the master bathroom and hopping up onto the counter to watch you finish your makeup. He’s careful to sit in a spot where you can sign without having to turn to face him; you catch his eye in the mirror’s reflection and put your brush down with a sigh, raising your eyebrows expectantly. Food done? You already know all his dishes have been done since this morning, but you’re still trying to help him take inventory of the things he doesn’t need to worry about anymore. 
Just need to throw some extra stuff on the salad. I’ll do it before we eat. You nod, returning to tapping a neutral color onto your eyelids when you catch his shoulders sag as he huffs. The makeup brush is carefully set down again and your eyebrows return to their expectant position. 
Wanna tell me why you look so… Your fingers flutter around absentmindedly for a few seconds while you look for the right word. Dejected? 
I’m not dejected. 
Your pouty lip says otherwise, you respond with a small smirk. I’ve loved you long enough to read your body language, no matter how stiff or angry. You scrunch your face up in mock wrath and that finally makes him break the tiniest ghost of a smile. Tell me, please, so I can help you. He shakes his head and you set your mouth in a thin line in light-hearted irritation.
You don’t need to help with anything. My mom can just be a lot sometimes. You know that. You shrug, fondly remembering the first time Katsuki brought you to meet his mother. To your boyfriend’s horror, his mother got so excited to sign that she knocked over her wine glass on three separate occasions. And she really likes you, so she might end up accidentally revealing some embarrassing shit about me. 
That’s what I’m hoping for. You shoot him a wink and Katsuki can feel his face become a little warmer. I’m praying that the woman brings baby photos. His face turns a deeper shade of red and you burst out laughing, your smile a sight that he’d never get tired of. Hey, you rap your knuckles against the marble again and force him to look at you. We’ve seen scarier stuff than your mom. 
At least in those situations, I can blast my way out. 
Sure. But, if you blast your way out of tonight, you’re paying for property repairs. He sticks his tongue out at you defiantly and you copy the gesture, smiling to yourself when he slides off the counter and wraps his arms around your torso, resting his chin where your neck meets your shoulder. Your fingers gently trace his cheekbones and he meets your eyes through the reflection of the mirror. We’ll be fine tonight, Katsuki. I promise. Can’t be any worse than our first meeting, hmm? You feel his chest rumble against your back as he groans, hiding his face in your skin as it heats up again. 
The first time you met Katsuki was a very abnormal case of wrong place, right time. A high-threat crime boss had swiped a political candidate off the street the night before the most important debate of the season, following him as he went out to pick up snacks for his assistants. The candidate was a passionate supporter of public policy protecting the liberties of Pros, and to lose him right before an election would be catastrophic for agencies across the country. To the rest of the city, it was a public emergency; for Katsuki, it was a Tuesday night. 
“Pro on the scene, clear out!” His boots cross the police tape and the cops part the way for him like he was an activated grenade, avoiding his gaze and conveniently finding new tasks that were out of his firing range. Someone from some federal agency approaches him blabbing nonsense about how disastrous this would be if the press arrived and he all but tunes them out, his focus zeroing in on a scene happening just outside of the barricaded perimeter. 
It wasn’t uncommon for policemen to command passing civilians to keep moving, but something about the confrontation he quietly approached felt different. In any other case, the civilians would ask the police about something they weren’t allowed to disclose and then they would leave, maybe sticking around to get their ten seconds on the nightly new segment. You were clearly not like those civilians.
“Hey! I’ve got a job to do, so you better get the hell out of here or I’m gonna charge you for disturbing a crime scene!” The cop was screaming at you to the point where his voice broke and you didn’t even flinch, continuing to stare daggers into him from pure frustration. He tries to yell again and you cut him off with a series of ridiculously exaggerated gestures, looking at the policeman like he was dumb as rocks. “I don’t have time for this, and I don’t know what the fuck you’re saying!” But Katsuki does. 
“Oi!” The cop doesn’t hear him as he storms across the concrete, palms crackling. 
“Fuckin’ crazy–” You look ready to bite off the accusatory finger the cop points in your face when a strong gloved hand wraps around the asshole’s wrist, unceremoniously shoving him out of the way to listen to you himself. “Who the fuck–”
“Get lost, fuckface, and take the uselessness with you,” Katsuki seethes, putting just enough heat into his hands for the guy to yelp and scurry away. He turns around to find a scowl intense enough to rival his own and he takes a deep breath, wordlessly encouraging you to take one too. You watch with caution as he tugs his gloves off and stuffs them in his belt. Sorry about him, he signs and you blink, taken aback. These kinds of scenes make everyone on edge more on edge. 
You know sign?
My mom, she’s hard of hearing. Growing up, she taught me sign as a second language. You nod, still eyeing him a little suspiciously. I need to get back to work, but I just want to apologize for him again. You look like you’re about to respond but he looks down, fishing through a pouch of his belt and pulling out a crumpled slip of paper. This is some coupon I got a while back from a business we saved. Buy yourself a coffee. You take the ripped rectangle with a look of disgust and shock and he nods politely, turning to leave. Before he’s even one step away, he finds himself being yanked backward by the collar of his shirt, readying his Quirk to fire on pure instinct and whirling to stare you down like a bull facing a matador. His palm is scorching against your skin when he grabs your wrist, but you don’t relent. What the fuck are you doing? 
I know where they took him. Give me a map and a marker. His eyes widen and he loosens his grip but doesn’t let go, gently guiding you around the barricade, through the crowds of cops, and into the detectives’ truck. He pushes past the people surrounding the table and pulls up a digital map of the city on the touchscreen. 
Everything’s electronic now, so use this as your map, he explains and you nod in understanding, hesitantly tapping a finger on the screen and receiving a bombardment of paragraphs about crimes in the area. Dynamight’s hand moves up and down at the edge of your vision and you look up, still unsure how you’re supposed to use such a complicated piece of technology. I know. It’s over-engineered and stupid. Do you know the exact address where they took him? You shake your head and he grimaces, running a hand through his hair.
I don’t know the address, but I know the directions of how to get there. On this map, where’s the convenience store? His pointer and index finger swipe around the screen, spreading out as he zooms in on the 2D representation of the site where the candidate was taken. You copy his actions and zoom out slightly again, making sure to remember which rectangle was the convenience store. Is there a way to draw on this? Dynamight pushes a button on the edge of the table and a marker pops out. Cool.
It’s the only cool function this thing has. Everything else just makes my job harder, he signs and swears he can see the slightest smile on your face while he hands you the marker. Miraculously, you’re able to copy the navigation route you saw on one of the thug’s phones while you waited in line at the convenience store. You circle the building in bright pink and the Pro wastes no time, barking out orders to surrounding cops and re-donning his gauntlets and one glove. His ungloved hand helps you down from the truck and he pulls you aside, away from the commotion of the crime scene. Do you live near here? 
A few blocks down, yes. He fishes around a pouch on his belt again and retrieves a black ballpoint pen, handing it to you despite your obvious confusion. 
Write down your address, he signs and he holds out the back of his ungloved hand to you. 
I’ll come find you after we make the arrests. Maybe you can let me buy you a coffee. A smirk appears on your lips and Katsuki finds his face heating up. 
Is it gonna be with the tattered coupon? He rolls his eyes and you laugh, a sound that he finds he wants to hear again and again. You later explain to Katsuki and the detectives that you were questioning why the guy in front of you had his brightness so high, and the visual eavesdropping was purely by accident. Everything following the investigation felt like happy little accidents, too: Dynamight showing up at your door one night with two coffees and the last muffin the cafe had, Bakugo crashing onto your apartment’s fire escape after a particularly dangerous operation, Katsuki asking you out to dinner officially for the first time, his mother spilling her wine several times the first time she met you. 
You knew you were in for a lifetime of more accidents when Mrs. Bakugo burst through the door fifteen minutes early, excitedly asking what venues you were looking at for your upcoming wedding. 
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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whenanafallsinlove · 1 month
i quite literally screamed when i saw ur 150 post. i’d say i wanna be the james to ur betty but betty is too good for the world, let alone any guy 😞
ANYWAY, congrats on 150 🤍 you deserve that and so much more 🪽 SAD PROSE 🖋️ touya tdrk + “with my calamitous love and insurmountable grief”
- mady 🤍🪽💿💭🐚
ahhh sorry it took this long! this was a challenge! i really hope you like this. I guess, be the betty to my betty? anyway, love u mady!
✒️"SAD PROSE" - send a character + your favorite folklore lyric, and I'll write a short blurb
Touya and you were childhood friends. You had known him since you were a toddler, because you were neighbours.
The first time you met Touya, was when you were around three years old. Your had just moved in to the neighbourhood, so your mother decided that you should greet and introduce yourselves to the family next door.
You didn't remember that moment with a lot of detail, but you recalled your mother knocking on the door, a beautiful white haired woman opening, and a little Touya peeking from behind.
From that moment on, Touya became part of your life, and you his. You practically ate, slept and breathed together. It was so common for you to be at his house, that you weren't even amazed anymore by the fact that his father was one of the biggest heroes.
To you, he was just the man who usually made your best friend cry.
Touya was homeschooled, so he always asked you what it was like to study with other people. His reality was very different to yours; he was taught by private tutors, and as he grew up, most of his free time was spent on quirk trainning with his father.
Still, you did everything that was possible so you could see him everyday. Of course, you started to spend time with his sibblings as well. Fuyumi was just a few months younger than you, whereas Natsuo and Shoto were still very little.
As the years passed, you started to comprehend better a lot of things, you started to see things that you hadn't seen before.
You saw how Touya's father had a lot of expectations on him, you saw how your best friend was getting injured because of this, you saw the way Rei was as preoccupied as you were, and you understood how impotent you were in this situation.
The only thing you could do for Touya, was hold him while he cried, help him clean his wounds, and hear him vent about his father.
Throughout the decade you had known Touya, you had seen him change. He seemed to have lost his happineess, and replaced it with a motivation to please his father's wishes.
But you always remained as his constant.
Since you met, Touya told you that he would keep you by his side forever, that when you grew up, you'd be together for the rest of your lives.
But destiny played its cards, and on a windy day in winter something happened...
"Y/N, today is the day! I'm going to show my father how a great hero I can become!" Touya said, seemingly excited.
"Are you sure Tou? I'm sure you'll be a great hero, but I'm still worried about you..." You said to your best friend. Touya scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"You sound like my mother, Y/N. I have told you not to worry, I'm stronger than my father, he has to see that!"
"I really hope he does. Just be careful, Tou!" You knew better than to push Touya. He needed to feel supported, so you gave him that.
"Yeah, whatever..." Touya shrugged, and you both stayed silent for a few seconds, before he spoke again.
"You know, Y/N? I want you to be by my side forever. I'll marry you when we're older."
"Huh!? Don't talk nonesense Tou, you're too young to decide that!" You felt your cheecks burn.
"That's why I said when we're older. I'll be the greatest hero, and I'll have the greatest best friend as my partner" Touya gave you a small smirk, so you shoved his shoulder.
"Shut up, idiot!" You said, but couldn't help the smile you had.
You both started laughing and shoving each other. In that moment, your heart burnt with intensity, but the incident that happened later that evening made it burst into a thousand ashes.
That was the last time you had seen Touya; he had made you a promise he wasn't able to fulfill. Your forever dissapeared hand in hand with him.
The years that followed didn't make it any easier, you kept telling yourself "It takes time", but deep down you knew that it was only making you ache more and more.
So, when you watched the news and saw your childhood best friend confessing to be part of the League of Villains, you entered a state of shock. You felt a mix of happiness, nostalgia, hope and depression.
You weren't sure whether he remembered you, if you could contact him or if you should just let everything stay buried. But a few days after the transmission, you found a letter in your doorstep.
It was inside of an envelope, that had "Touya" written in it. You sat down on your couch and opened it, with a hole in your stomach.
"Dear Y/N, It's been a long time, so I'm not sure if you will read this. I haven't had classes in a long of time, so don't get petty with my spelling, okay dumbass? I'm sure you're confused with all the mediatic stunts I pulled, and you may have a lot of questions, so I'll try to answer some of them. That day, after we talked, I went to the place where I had asked my father to meet me. He never showed up. I can't remember much after that; I was surrounded by fire and the next thing I knew, was that I woke up in a hospital three years after. The next years, I worked on developing my quirk. I couldn't go back home, and I couldn't go back to you. I may sound like a stalker, but I've been keeping an eye on you though. Just checking from time to time that you were okay... You know? I sometimes wonder if you would feel dissapointed for the way I turned out. I hope that deep inside you, you understand that this was my only way to get my revenge at the old bastard. You're collateral damage. I'm sorry I didn't keep my promise, our field of dreams ended up engulfed in fire. Anyway, you may have been right back then. We were just kids, what we thought was for all time, was momentary. I don't have much more to say. This might be the last goodbye, please use this as closure Y/N, and don't try to contact me. I loved you, you were the loss of my life. - Touya "
With your watery eyes, you were forced to let go of Touya for the second time. Your heart filled with an emotion that you could only describe as calamitous love and insurmountable grief.
a/n: so... I know this was supposed to be only inspired by folklore, but i had to add a little ttpd for the suffering! btw this is not proof read, again! so sorry if there are any mistakes
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that1geek06 · 2 months
Could you write something with teen!reader and the Avengers where reader got in a fight with his sibling, says something he regrets, and then the Avengers encourage him to apologize and tell reader that he's not a horrible person?
That would be awesome. If you can't, no worries! I'm excited to see what your writing style is like.
Have a good day/night
AHHHH OMG YESS I love this idea, I had a big fight with my sibling not to long ago so lets see how this goes, I hope I do your daydream justice, this is my first one so I'm sorry if its absolute garbago 😭 ANYWAYS enjoyy
Avengers X Teen! Male! Reader (Platonic)
Warnings- Angst (I'm not entirely sure how warnings go so pls lmk if I missed one)
Y/N sat at the dining room table, the sound of the ticking clock seeming to make his nerves even more on edge then they were. He grips the roots of his hair tightly as he stared at all the study guides and previous home work assignments, hoping that it will all be engraved into his brain by this coming Monday.
He sighs heavily, finals week was always the worst especially since he has his internship on the line with these scores. Now don't get it wrong Y/N wasn't like Peter Parker, using the internship as a cover for the teen hero to help and slowly join the Avengers. No, Y/N was just a normal kid, sure he was smarter than most but he wish he could just focus on training and hacking rather than why Avogadros number was still accurate when being used in modern day chemistry.
While sitting there the front door opens, and his older sister walks in. Y/N pays no attention his head not even moving up to see who entered which he knows Nat would say is an ignorant move.
"Its nice to see you too Y/N, and thanks for asking, my day was just fantastic, how about you?" Sarah said sarcastically, standing on the other side of the table and watching with a raised brow as she waited for a response.
He mumbled a fine in response, eyes never wavering from their focus on the many papers. In which his sister scoffs, "I get your stressing about these tests but you could show a bit of respect you know."
"Please stop bothering me Sarah I'm trying to focus.." Y/N says dryly, ignoring the oldest comment.
"I would just like to actually get some attention from you, I barely see you because of our schedules and your always to busy now a days-"
"Oh my god, what is so hard to understand about the words Stop. Bothering. Me. I'm trying to focus." He snaps back, finally looking up at her with an annoyed glare. To which Sarah gives one back.
"Well sorry if I come home and I want to talk to the only family I have." Y/N scoffs at her words, "Oh so now your trying to guilt trip me."
She straightens her stance and takes a deep breath, "I just want-"
"No, just shut up, SHUT UP FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE! GODDAMN CAN'T YOU SEE I'M TRYING TO SEE I HAVE A GOOD LIFE INSTEAD OF ENDING UP WITH SOME WAITRESS JOB AND IN A SHITTY APARTMENT! I NEVER ASK YOU TO TAKE ME IN AND HONESTLY I WISH YOU NEVER DID!" He looks up and sees his sister just staring at the ground and he scoffs, "You're not even going to listen to a word I say like normal! Whatever I'm wasting my breath. I'm going to the tower where people know how to leave me alone when I'm busy."
He quickly grabs his papers, stuffing them into his bag and storming out of the apartment, slamming the door behind him.
Y/N finally makes it to the Avenger tower and heads straight to the elevator, using his keycard to get to the upper floors.
You see, while he wasn't a hero he was still close to the team, his talent made him stand out in the lad and Tony Stark himself took an interest and introduced him to the team. Since then he's been surprisingly close the Earth's mightiest hero's.
The elevator opens to the Avengers living area, Bucky and Steve sitting on the long couch watching an old 80s movie that was still on the list of things to catch up on.
He stomps through the room, going to the empty kitchen area and taking a seat, dropping his book bag and immediately going back to studying.
Bucky and Steve share a questioning look with each other. But before they could say anything Tony and Nat walk in, both were somehow roped into the binging with the super soldiers.
"What's up with sour face over there?" Tony teases, eating a handful of freshly popped popcorn as he takes a seat on the couch.
Steve shrugs, "He just walked in like that, we aren't sure what's wrong."
The 4 of them watch as Y/N's face slowly changes from anger to guilt. His attention seeming to not even be on his work.
Bucky pauses the show and stands, walking over to the sulking teen as the others follow. They all take a seat at the table, concerned and wondering what was the matter.
"You alright kid?" Bucky asks with a worried expression.
Y/N looks away, feeling his eyes start to water as he shook his head. "I think I screwed up, big time." He says in a wobbly voice.
Natasha gives a small encouraging smile, "I'm sure it can't be that bad, why don't you tell us, maybe something can be worked out."
The rest nod in agreement but Y/N just keeps shaking his head. "No, there's no fixing this, I...I was really stressing about my studies and my sister came home. She didn't even do anything wrong she just wanted to talk."
He takes a deep breath, voice shaking as he tries to hold in his emotion, "I wasn't thinking straight and I yelled at her. I told her to shut up, how I wanted a better life than her and I wished she didn't take me in. I didn't mean it at all...I'm such a shitty brother."
Y/N's shoulders slump as he sits there, regretting everything he did.
"Listen kid, I know you think nothing will make what you did better but she's your sister for a reason, sure you made her feel bad-" Steve hits Tony's shoulder at those words, glaring at him before he goes on, "But she'll forgive you in the end, you just have to tell her your sorry."
The 4 look at Tony in surprise and he rolls his eyes, "I get I don't a lot but is me giving this advice really that unbelievable?" Y/N smiles at that, looking at them all while thinking.
"...Do you really think she won't hate me for it?"
He asks softly. Steve smiles and puts a comforting hand on the teens shoulder. "We know she won't."
With a new sense of determination, Y/N stands and grabs his things. Swinging his bag onto his shoulder, "Then I'll go do it now." He heads to the elevator and calls it up. While waiting he looks over at the 4 Avengers, a grateful look in his eyes.
"Thank you, for the advice and everything." He says, and Natasha smirks at him, "They call us hero's for a reason." Y/N laughs, and enters the elevator, the doors slowly close as he starts heading down. Ready to make things right.
Bucky looks over at Tony, an angered look on his face. "So are you going to take your own advice and apologize for turning my shampoo into pink hair dye?"
Steve and Natasha starts laughing as Tony groans, "Number one it was temporary so don't get those super soldier panties of yours in a twist, and number two, I'm not apologizing for something as funny as that."
Bucky lunges at Tony who quickly jumps out of his seat and starts running. He was determined to get that apology, even if he had to squeeze it out of the cocky bastard.
I HOPED YOU LIKED IT, I enjoyed how it came out, let me know what you goobers thoughtt,
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serxinns · 7 months
Give me the reader being batman(idk what gender they are) we just need to be saving the city.
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• You always hid that you were the Bat, Ever since ur father retired you were eager to take his place, it was no surprising there whenever your classmates asked you who was your parents you always told them that they died and u lived with your "Grandpa" (Aka Alfred ) and they all believed it plus even if you'll tell them they'll be even WORSE
•Now your classmates were already obsessed and overbearing with you they bicker with each other about who would hang out with you Mina would pinch your cheeks telling you how adorable you are tsuyu loves to cuddle with you and if you tried to leave she'd guilt trip you to stay longer, Hakagure love watching you even if you're not talking to her but if you are she acts like she doesn't deserve to talk to someone like you, Jirou is Making you a bunch of playlist involving love songs and your fav songs are now hers too
And the boys aren't any better
•Bakugo would force you to walk with him to class while holding hands and glaring at anyone who looked funny, Todoroki would always need help with something in his room whether be a broken lamp or some work he would always be something in his dorm room and while you're helping him he'll invite you to spend the night or to just watch you, Izuku would try to squeeze information out of you by asking a bunch of questions about everything, Sero and Denki would try to invite you to play video games with them and would try to impress you with their skills making it a big completion
•But they always question your strange habits, Like how you'll go to bed early, Or how you mostly don't use your work as much and use your fighting skills, and whenever you see the bat on TV you always 1st one to see it
•One day you were heading to bed early while talking to Kirishima and Tokoyami the 2 men got curious and took a peak in your room to their shock you were to be seen but there was another costume on your bed that looked similar to "the bats" hero costume kiri took the mask and examine it and theories were true they were gonna have to tell the class
•The next day you were bombarded with questions, squealing and wonder everyone was holding put autographs and stuff it was crazy
"Troublesome extra STOP BEING RECKLESS"
"Y/n you have no reason to be fighting crime late at night it is unhealthy"
You were shocked and confusion by this sudden attention so you questioned it and to your horror kiri sheepishly told you that he peaked into your room and saw it defeated you told them about how you were bat kid and sternly told them to NOT Tell anyone about it
To this day on the class all promise to protect you and keep it a secret
•Like How Kirishima and denki would beg you to let them see your gadgets and if you accepted it they'll play fight it with each other which u scolded them not too but Kiri will worship your weapons like crazy
•Ojiro would offer you to train to where it's just the two of you
•Izuku and ochako is just be obsessing over you Like lovesick puppies Izuku is just writing down everything about you and finally gets to add more info about the bar hero section while Ochako is just sighing dreamily doodling you with love hearts and cute little letters
•iida will forbid you from sneaking outside and scold you about how it is way past your bedtime and that school is important and if you still manage to sneak out he's going HUNT MODE heck even some of your classmates will join in cause they're extremely worried for you especially when you're fighting all these villains
Your classmates see a devoted to protecting you no matter how dangerous after all you are their batty little darling~
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tartigglez · 2 years
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"i'm here now, aren't i?
diluc x gn!reader
genre: fluff/hurt-comfort??
word count: 1.6k (i got carried away)
tags: diluc is our mr darknight hero, soft hours, diluc gets wounded :( but its fine u can take care of him, many kiss, such cuddle, shy diluc at the end bc i have brainrot gonna be honest
tw/cw: descripton of blades (swords), brief description of cuts/wounds + treating them, scars, reader is alone at night (idk if this is worth mentioning but better safe than sorry), diluc carries reader in some positions that would be considered sorta feminine????, insomnia (?), lmk if i missed any
a/n: FINALLY DILUC! gotta say, i love the graphics for this sm, i feel like i did a rlly good job (giving myself credit bc they're pretty). i love soft boi diluc and intend to write for him more ngl, anyways, enjoy!
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a wet, stormy night at dawn winery proved to be the reason for your lack of sleep. the sounds of the thunder and lightning clattering outside, accompanied by the drumming of the rain on the window were so loud that they tried to take priority in your mind. however, the only thing you could bring yourself to think about was your lover, all alone, in the cold. 
the empty space in the bed next to you, the lack of his presence, the ominously daunting weather outside. these things all worried you. 
what if he got hurt? 
what if something was wrong? 
what if…?
don't think about it. don’t. 
you knew that you wouldn’t be getting sleep anytime soon, so you got out of bed, putting on the bathrobe which was hanging on the wardrobe door, and brought yourself to the sitting room, perhaps to distract yourself with a book? but in reality you were just going down there to wait for him. 
so you waited
first 10 minutes
then 30 minutes
then an hour
then decided that enough was enough
you could defend yourself in combat, you could wield a weapon, and you would do anything to know that diluc was okay. 
and so you found yourself back in your bedroom, in the wardrobe, looking for the longsword he told you he had left in there for emergencies. 
the blade was sharp, and glinted silver in the light. the handle was encrusted with what you could only assume were rubies, and so you concluded that this sword must have costed diluc a significant amount of money. 
you lifted the sword from its case, sheathed it, and then you realised the weight of the weapon, which wasn’t exactly the lightest, to say the least. 
you left the winery, still in pyjamas, your bathrobe having been replaced with a jacket, quietly closing the front door to your home as to not awaken any of the staff who also lived there. 
if you were going to be quite honest with yourself you weren't sure where exactly you were going, but you just began walking down the path…
the night was eerie. the cold, windy air hit your cheeks as you moved slowly away from the winery. it wasn't shortly after you began your walk that you heard a sound. an immediate response of adrenaline came to you, and so you drew your sword, ready to face whatever was coming near you. 
after about ten seconds of standing still and hearing the sound get closer to you, you saw a red light glowing about ten metres away. with your sword still drawn you moved closer to the light, preparing for combat, and the light moved closer to you as well.
within a split second, you realised that the light was that of a pyro vision, the light of his pyro vision. you dropped your weapon on the ground, and he did the same as you ran to him. as if by natural instinct, you jumped into his arms as he wrapped once of them around your waist, and used the other to hold you up. neither of you said anything for a bit, simply holding each other and allowing yourselves, and your heart rates, seemingly, to calm down. after all, you must have startled the man, appearing out of nowhere like that. 
he placed you gently down, back onto your feet as he held your waist with one hand, and placed the other on your cheek. 
the man had a face of pure concern as he looked into your eyes, why would you possibly be out here at this time of night?
his hair was tousled, and his lip had been cut, presumably in some sort of rough battle. not only that, but his shirt had been slightly ripped as well, presumably by some sort of sword, or in this case, a mitachurl axe.  
“have you been injured? are you well? why are you out here?”
these were all things you ought to be saying to him, so why was he so concerned about you? 
“i was worried about you, you were supposed to be home and i-”
“do not worry, all is well, i am here, love”
“you’re hurt”
“surface level injuries dear, please, settle. I’m here now, arent i?” 
“yeah, yeah”
he pulls you into his arms, placing a kiss upon your head. 
“let’s go home, you’re cold.”
and so, without dwelling upon it, you walk hand in hand back in the direction of the winery, coming across the sword you had previously dropped on the ground. you sheathed it once again, and picked it up. diluc let out a light chuckle. 
“you were really that worried about me?”
“what do you mean, of course i was!”
“my dear, a weapon of this size is far too heavy for you to carry, allow me”
“you can’t, you’ve already got your own sword, its too much and you’re injured an-”
he cut you off…
with his lips…
“i'm fine. trust me. i'm more than capable of carrying this sword, its only half the weight of mine”
“hmph, fine. but don't come crying to me later when your back hurts, mister high-and-mighty!”
“very well, sweetheart”
you grabbed his large, calloused hand to lead him back to the winery, and although you wouldn’t see it in the moonlight, a rosy blush dusted itself over his cheeks. archons, he loves you. 
as the pair of you entered the winery once again, diluc placed both his weapon and yours down beside the front door, smiling to himself at the fact that you cared about him this much. it also seems to him that you didn’t notice, the longsword you had gotten out of the closet matched his greatsword, it was simply a smaller version. 
you both enter the sitting room, which is still dimly lit. diluc gestures towards the fire, which immediately relights, due to the skilled use of his pyro vision. 
“you are cold, dearest. i shall move the sofa closer to the fire, and we will sit for a while, yes?”
“luc’, at least let me tend to your wounds first, you're hurt”
the look of concern on your face caused a veil of guilt to loom over him. but he brushed it off, as to not make you feel bad about caring for him so much. 
“fine, but be gentle”
“i will”
and so, you both sat on the soft plush of the sofa, diluc with his shirt off, and you gently caring for the shallow wound slightly above his left pectoral, dabbing it with a damp towel. his skin was covered in battle scars, but it was beautiful, in some way. these were the lengths your lover would go to for the sake of other people, an admirable trait to say the least. 
diluc admired your concentration whilst caring for his wounds, and was slightly surprised when you manoeuvred your body to straddle his lap, only so you could get a better angle to analyse his injuries, of course (definitely not to look at his muscular arms or anything like that). he placed one of his large hands on your thigh, and the other on your waist, as you gently cared for any other wounds on his body. your skin made contact with his as you put your hand on the warm skin of his shoulder to balance yourself. 
“you’re freezing, dear, your hand is so cold”
“hm, i guess i just didn’t warm much since being outside”
“that won’t do”
a gentle heat began to spread through you, from your heart around the rest of you, warming every inch of your body. he had used his vision on you.
“tsk, pyro users”
“i know, right?”
the man was surprisingly chipper, considering the injuries he had sustained. you both laughed, for some unknown reason, at a joke which wasn’t really all that funny, but that’s love for you. and as the light of the fire began to dim, and the pair of you began to tire, he placed a gentle kiss upon your lips.
“shall we go to bed, dear?”
“yes, please! archons- i’m tired”
“i'm sorry, i feel that this is my fault”
“oh it is entirely your fault, mister darknight hero”
“i told you not to call me that”
“and i told you not to stay out too late, no?”
he let out a chuckle, lifting you from your position on the sofa, and carrying you to your shared bedroom, whilst holding you close to his chest. he removed you from his grasp momentarily, placing you on the bed and telling you to get under the covers, just so he could remove the necessary garments to be comfortable for bed.
yawning, he pulled back the duvet and placed his weary body next to yours, quickly moving to bury his head in your chest and wrap his arms and legs around you. your hands moved to his hair out of natural response, gently massaging his scalp as you fiddled with his vermillion locks. 
"i love you, y/n”
“i love you more, luc’” 
you placed a sly kiss to the crown of his head, and he only hid his face from you further out of shyness, whining into the fabric of your pyjamas.
“you’re so cute”
“don't call me that”
“night, cutie”
and so, you both drifted off into slumber, held in each others arms, held in love. 
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bananami · 2 years
18+ | mdni
constantly thinking about hawks x reader with a penelope and morgan dynamic from criminal minds bc tell me that’s not exactly how hawks would be
like let’s say you work at his agency as his personal secretary or something and at first everyone is so confused as to whether the two of you are an item or not because you’re constantly flirting but they’ve never seen it go beyond that
and yes, instead of babygirl he calls you things like baby bird (idc if u don’t like it i think it’s kinda cute ok stfu), dove, love bird, etc etc
the first time he met you was when u were first starting out as his new secretary and he just thought u were adorable and was feeling a little flirty and at first it was a joke (not a joke now btw the man has fallen in love with you, how could he not? i mean look at you) but you met his jabs and comments head on and he loved every second of it
so now you call him things like chicken, peacock, big bird, and other very obnoxious and not cute things (although most of your nicknames are not cute your inappropriate and very not HR friendly comments never cease to fluster him)
he’s down so bad, sometimes he’s so happy you’re usually flirting with him over his comms because he’ll turn so red at some of your comments
he’ll be flying up in the air and will call you to have you look up the guy he’s tailing
"hey babybird, I need all the info you can give me on this guy's quirk"
"what do I get in return?"
"careful now, dove, or I might have to punish you"
"oh, I'm so scared"
"be a good girl and help me out here. and maybe I'll bring you back a little treat, huh?"
that treat is kfc, you definitely smacked him after that. but he brought you starbucks the next day to make up for it and you drank that $6 drank and made him get you another after lunch just to be a brat
honestly everyone is so lost and awkward around the two of you. ya'll are an HR nightmare. worst thing that's probably happened was when hawks answered the phone around endeavor and you just
"talk dirty to me"
hawks dumbass just :o *clears throat*
endeavor just stood there like -_- and had to be like "...this is pro hero endeavor...."
yeah you hung up
hawks has never let you live that down
you are nowhere to be found when endeavor visits the agency
ok and yeah the flirty moments are cute and all but the soft moments
thinking about the episode where morgan gets shot but its hawks instead and you're just so worried
"what happened they said you were shot?!"
"i got shot in my bullet proof vest babybird, i'm fine"
"why would they shoot you?!"
"i'm assuming because i'm a hero and they were a villain...but i could be completely off base with that one"
"...next time they better finish the job."
"oh you don't mean that! like you could live without your work husband. who would buy you food and stare at you shamelessly when you wear those pants that make your ass look-"
"this is workplace harassment"
and when you see a large scale hero and villain fight break out on the news on your day off and hawks is nowhere to be seen by the end of it and you keep calling and he won't pick up and you're rushing to the agency to find out what you can worried out of your mind, all of your colleagues confused bc if anyone knew where he was it would be you, if he would call anyone to tell him he was alright you would be the first and they're sure of it
and it's not until you hear the soft little "babybird" behind you that you're spinning around and running into his arms and he's holding you tight, apologizing because he lost his phone in the fight and he stopped at your place first to check on you and let you know he was ok but you had left your place to check on him and!!!
ok but flirty moments seriously
"hey lovebird, don't tell me you've forgotten about me after working a single mission under eraserhead"
"i WISH i was under shota"
"did you just first name eraserhead?"
"he's not even a dad"
"i would offer to make him one so quick"
"that's it, no more lending you out to other agencies, clearly you can't behave yourself"
he gets chicken nuggets for the both of you for lunch one day and you just stare at him until he's like wtf do u want
"is this technically cannibalism for you?"
"why are you like this?"
"i just want to know because you're like a bird eating another bird, you know?"
"i'd eat you given the chance, what does that make me then?"
you choke on your sprite "a whore"
you fall asleep at the agency and he finds you working late too so he picks you up and carries you to his office and lets you sleep on his couch he has for when he's working long hours
sometimes you sleep talk, mumbling things like love and keigo and birdbrain
and he just smiles and kisses you on the forehead
bc he's very much in love with you and very patient in waiting for you to maybe hopefully love him back
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queenendless · 8 months
❤️‍🩹Flare (Keigo Takami/Hawks x Adult!Fem!Reader)❤️‍🩹
A/n: IT'S BEEN SO LONG! Sorry for the wait! I went through a Hawks writing funk. Also been working on JJK stuff. And watching a bunch of stuff too.
So, this piece is a self indulgent venting one cause I have chronic flare up pains going for 3 years now so this piece is kinda based off of a day in the life of me when dealing with my particular condition; feet wise. So I'd get it if reading this ain't up your alley. I just wish I had someone like Hawks to comfort me and quell my pain and worries.
AU, already established relationship with angst, hurt/comfort, fluff and feels indeed.
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Chronic pain is a living hell.
Engraved into your body.
Will leave on its own accord or be stuck with you for life.
Unfortunately, it was panning out to be the latter for you.
Staying up all night, multitasking from working on your laptop to checking the news to see your birdie partner engaging in a team up with his idol of a hero Endeavor alongside their hero works students.
Pride beamed in you at seeing Keigo in action, feather swords in hand to disarm his opponents, swooping in with his feathers spreading out to push and carry and guide the civilians to safety amidst the chaos.
The dews of dawn crept in as you finally finished when it happened.
Going in 3 years so far, the hereditary curse triggered in you from your pent up stress collapsing on itself resulted in flaring burning footsies.
Fatigue stung your eyes.
Your head pounded in dull pain.
With the curtains blocking out the light and the AC set to cool, you thought the cold would push the swelling burning go away.
But this was turning out to be one of those worse days.
You curled up in the fetal position on your bed, taking over 2 hours to fall asleep.
Falling in and out of slumber, you were now restless.
You heard the slide-in door of your living room balcony opening followed by the thump of footsteps and the flap of wings.
Always keeping it unlocked for him when he took a dive straight to your place. It is more of a home to him than his penthouse of a place that was still filled with unpacked boxes of furniture and such.
“Hey! Baby bird? Ya home?”
Hearing his heavy footsteps inching close, of course he'd first check your room.
Having only been seeing each other for a few months, you knew you couldn't keep this hidden from him for the long run.
His muffled voice finally came from behind your door. “Birdie?”
You knew his feathers could pick up even your quiet tone. “Here.”
Seeing light trickle in through the crack of the door, the man himself blocked out most of it from his frame. “Why is it dark – shit – and cold in here!?”
His shivering self hug was halted as those pupils shrunk behind his visor as he opened up the door more to shine the light in to unveil your red irritated feet. “Y/n? W – What happened?” He quickly came to your side, alarmed at the sight. Gobsmacked to be precise.
“Just circulatory defectiveness. Chronic stuff, ya know.” Your attempt at brushing it off like it was no big deal only riled up his feathers. Literally.
“No I didn't know! I've just found out!” Stripping off his gloves that fell to the floor, his calloused hands carefully felt your sensitive red dorsums. “How bad is it?”
“The tingling and burning really gets to you when you're trying to focus on work or sleep.” You winced for even his cautious fingers featherly brushing your veiny skin did little to quell the soreness. “Makes it harder to sleep when I'm not on the brink of exhaustion.”
Cradling one foot in his hands, Keigo's eyes trembled with emotion. “For how long?”
You couldn't meet his serious gaze. You looked away. “This year makes it three.”
“I get that everyone has their fair share of secrets but … ” The hurt in his voice cracked your heart.
“You have enough to deal with as is. My defective self is stuck dealing with this.” Your reasons made him wince at how true it was.
“Even so,” he set your foot down gently just so he could sit right beside you, his face hovering right above yours, gently cradling your head as he forced you to look him dead in the eye. “You shouldn't feel the need to hide this kind of thing from me.”
You self consciously fidget, throat choked up and lips wobbling. Your beautiful eyes grew in beauty from the tears but it just made him want to kiss them away. So he did.
“I have my fair share of secrets. Comes with my hero work … not to mention my past.” The crestfallen haze in his gaze was there one moment before his eyes lit up with endearment as you filled his sight. “You're the only one I'm willing to be myself around and just … be honest.”
“I was … embarrassed. I didn't want you seeing me like this.”
Taking off his visor then his headphones, his serious tone sent shivers racing through you. “I want to see all of you … the real you … the you I fell hard for.”
Setting his things aside on the nightstand, that left him free for you to hug his neck with no obstacles. He kept layering butterfly pecks against your cheeks and eyelids, curling your lips in response to his affection.
“You were scared. I get it. I was the same when I felt ready to tell you about my past … but you more than anybody reassured me I could trust you with my troubles, my feelings, all of it.”
His genuinity made you whimper and sniffle out of that shared sentiment as he helped you sit up.
“What's the point of being the #2 hero if I can't use my resources to help out my partner? Especially when you've been suffering this whole time.” He was sticking to this newfound resolve.
“Chronic stuff is incurable.” You sniffed at the sight of him pulling out a spare cloth outta his jacket pocket, wiping up your wet cheeks before dabbing your runny nose, letting you blow as well.
“There's still experimental treatment. Physical therapy. You still have options. And I'll help you in any way I can.” He is so charming and persuasive.
“Fine … I did miss having you here.”
“C'm here.” He immediately gathered you up in his arms, letting you bury your face in his shoulder, taking it all out.
The strain in your choked sobs. The pent up exhaustion, the struggle, the pain of the past three years you kept inside. Your blubbering got soaked up on his sleeve but he didn't mind one bit.
“It's okay, Y/n. Just let it out.” The enriching relaxing sounds of his voice kept you grounded. Solid. Assured.
“I'm here. I gotcha.” He squeezed you firmly but gently, rubbing your back in gentle motions with one hand and simultaneously weaving through your hair with the other; his fingers brushing them as soothingly as he could. “You're sleep deprived as is. You deserve to rest.”
“Only if you're staying.” You stubbornly set straight.
Keigo grinned, pecked your lips, drawing it out, filled to the brim with reciprocation and affection. “Deal.”
He cradled the back of your noggin as Keigo peppered kisses all over your face, gently pushing you to lay on your back as those lips traversed to your neck.
Your feet brushed together and your toes curled as Keigo spent the next few minutes sucking and nibbling all over your neck, his wings draping over you both, and your breathy moans feeding into his pleased ears.
Sleep could wait for a while longer.
115 notes · View notes
sunsetsandsunshine · 1 year
~ You can always ask ~
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This is a gift to the spectacular @vxlepop!!!
Lee: Leo🐢💙
Ler: Mikey🐢🧡
Summary: Mikey has noticed throughout the week that his oldest brother has been acting…off. Call him paranoid all you want but he just…he just knows something’s up with Leo. And the youngest of the Hamato brothers’ is determined to figure out what’s bothering they’re leader in blue.
Warnings: Tickling and spacing out (just for a tad bit though). If you are uncomfortable that please scroll down- this fanfic is definitely not for you :)
Call Mikey paranoid. 
Call him a worry-wart. 
But his eldest brother, Leonardo, has been acting…off. And it’s been absolutely dreading Mikey inside this whole week to ask his eldest brother what was wrong. Leo’s been quiet, more than he usually is and even that alone is saying a lot. The oldest has been training with his swords non-stop, meditating like crazy and practicing speaking Japanese fluently, and not really talking to Mikey or his brothers, only if it had to do with those topics. 
Which…now that Mikey thinks about it, it does sound like everyday Leo. But he just knows that somethings wrong with the leader in blue…there’s got to be. Maybe Mikey is worrying too much, he is known to turn little things into a big deal after all. But on the other hand, he has been living with his brothers his whole darn life, if anyone would know if something was bothering one of them, he would know! …probably. 
And…now that Mikey thinks about it…
Leo hasn’t watched any Space Hero’s episodes this week…
Yup. Something was up. Mikey knew that for a fact now and you couldn’t tell him otherwise. But the real question is, what can Mikey do about it? Leo was very…closed off about his negative feelings, and didn’t like talking about them at all. Even though it was completely healthy and normal to feel negative emotions; literally every emotion is! His eldest brother told them that several times himself!
And yet, Leo never talks to Mikey or their other brothers about his negative feelings! Tch, what a hypocrite. 
And…maybe this is partially Mikey’s fault as well. Mikey has always falled for Leo’s “older sibling worry™”, but Mikey has never really worried about him that much. Sure, when Leo’s injured during a fight or he sees his brother patch up a bruise from training he asks if he’s okay…but other than that Mikey doesn’t ask him that question often.
But it’s not like Mikey didn’t care enough to ask Leo that! He does! He really does! But the thing is…Leo’s always they’re leader, they’re older brother, they’re protection. Leo’s always been the one that’s just…been there for Mikey and his brothers- ways that even they’re Father can’t compete with and the youngest can’t be anything more but grateful for that.
And…the sad truth is Leo isn’t just they’re leader or protection, under all those labels Leo’s just a kid. An amazing, strong, independent kid who has more on his plate than any other 15 year old should. And it seems Mikey, including everyone else AND Leo, forget that sometimes…
“MICHAELANGELO!” Mikey jumped from off the couch in the living room at the sudden random yell of his name, pulling him out of his thoughts. Mikey grabbed his nunchucks from off the cushion. He began to swing them, looking around the lair in hopes to find whomever called his name. “Who’s there?! How do you know my name?” The youngest turtle demanded, swinging his nunchucks faster and doing complicated tricks with them. 
Without a second thought Mikey closed his eyes and swung his nunchucks, coming in contact with a figure and them hitting the ground. Mikey opened his eyes and looked around before sighing in relief. A couple seconds after that the youngest heard a groan underneath him and looked down to see his older brother lying face flat. 
“Wait- Raph???” Mikey gasped, immediately dropping his nunchucks to examine his brother that was lying on the floor groaning lightly. “What’re you doing on the floor, bro?” Mikey chuckled, confused and intrigued to hear as to why his brother was currently kissing the lair floor. Raph slowly got up from off the floor; massaging the right side of his head as he glared at the youngest.
“I was comin’ to check up on ya after I finished nappin’, but ya nunchucks just wanted to get to know my head better I guess…” Raph huffed, crossing his arms around his plastron and shaking his head. Mikey stared at Raph confused, his nunchucks wanted to get to know Raph’s head better? 
The youngest gasped in horror, going to his older brother and giving him a bone crushing hug. “Oh my god! Raph I’m so sorry! I spaced out and you know how I get when that happens so when I heard someone- apparently you call my name I just I dunno- reacted! I’m so sorry, is your head okay?!” Mikey rambled, releasing Raph from the hug and grabbed his head, shaking and examining him to make sure he wasn’t hurt. He continued to shake Raph’s head up, down, and to the side, making sure there weren't any bruises or cuts anywhere. 
Raph struggled but soon got out of Mikey's surprisingly strong hold on his head. The second oldest turtle sighed and patted Mikey’s shoulder, giving him a genuine smirk. “I’m okay, lil bro. I was just jokin’ with ya, the hit wasn’t even that hard.” Raph chuckled, now sitting on the couch as Mikey followed, sitting next to him.
“Are you sure…?” Mikey asked, fiddling with his fingers and looking up at Raph, guilt very evident on his face. “Positive.” The older replied, wrapping the younger into a side hug as the orange banded turtle fully gave into the hug. After a couple of seconds the two released from they’re embrace. The older went to grab the remote and turn on the TV, putting on some random channel before turning to Mikey.
“What’s got you so freaked out like that anyway?” Raph asked, concern written all over his face. Because, yeah, the nunchucks did hurt, badly. Obviously! I mean- they’re nunchucks. C’mon now. Raph’s a strong guy but he’s not that strong for the hit not to hurt. He just didn’t want Mikey to feel worse than he already did. 
There’s only been a couple of times where Mikey spaces out, completely unaware of anything that’s happening around him that he just…reacts when he’s able to get back to reality…if that makes sense. All those times being when he was around 7 or 8 years old, or sometimes when he’s really stressed about something. So for him to do it right now is a bit worrying… 
Guess old habits die hard. 
“It’s Leo…” Mikey said, looking down. Raph’s eyes widened, starting to  get up from the couch to grab his sai’s that were on a table, which were just a couple steps away. “What- what happened? Is Leo alright?” Raph asked. Did he miss something important while he took a 2 hour Power Nap? What could possibly have happened in the 2 hours he was taking a nap?! …you know what? No. Why would he even wonder that? The universe has a way of making him and his brother’s lives a literal hell in the key span of 24 hours, who’s to say it didn’t max down to 2?
“What-? No! Nonono! Nothing like that! Leo isn’t in danger or anything!” Mikey reassured Raph as he guided him back on the couch. The older glared at him, slapping Mikey in the back of the head causing him to playfully yell. “Don’t scare me like that again, man…” Raph sighed in relief, at least his older brother wasn't hurt. Physically at least… 
“Just…I feel like something’s up with him…y’know?” Mikey sighed. The red banded turtle nodded, letting Mikey know he was listening. “Why don’t you ask him about it then?” Raph asked. “I don’t wanna bother him, though…” Mikey said, slumping on the couch and looking up to the lair’s ceiling, in hopes to find the answer right there. But there was no way it would be that easy…it never is.
“Look. We all know that Leo can be…Leo.” Raph said, wrapping Mikey into another side hug resting his chin on the top of Mikey’s head. “And you know how he can be when we try to get him to talk about his negative feelings; he gets defensive. Which, honestly, I get. It’s hard talking about your negative emotions sometimes.” Raph started, recalling many times where he second-guessed himself to talk to his family about his feelings. 
“But we all have to talk about it eventually, because stuffing those kinds of feelings inside yourself is like stuffing an already full suitcase; one of these days it’ll burst. And you will face the consequences and be left to clean it up.” Raph said, releasing Mikey from his hug and smiling at him. “I’m not the best at this whole big bro lesson thing, but just talk to him, Mike. Just talk to him.” Raph smiled, squeezing Mikey’s shoulder comfortingly. 
The youngest beamed at that,“Thanks Raph! You’re the best!” Mikey cried, squeezing Raph into a hug. The red banded turtle squaked at the sudden contact, patting Mikey’s head comfortingly before both of them let go of each other. Mikey got up and ran to his eldest brother's room. Now 101% determined to figure out what was bothering his eldest bro. I mean, what could go wrong? 
Leo wanted to go up to the surface and jump off the nearest building’s window in hopes he would get absolutely crushed by the upcoming cars of New York City. Which, he knows he shouldn’t say or think…but he really can’t help it right now. 
He’s in a Lee mood, a bad one. And he doesn’t know what to do. Like any normal person, they would go and ask a family member or close friend to tickle them, right? Right. 
But Leo couldn’t do that. 
He just couldn’t. 
It’s not like he doesn’t trust his family enough to ask. But he’s the leader, they’re protection, but most importantly, he’s they’re older brother. And he can’t be asking for such childish things out of his younger brothers. He just wouldn’t. So he would do like he did anytime he got into a Lee mood and just…deal with it until it subsided.
Annnndddd now he’s sulking like a little baby because he can’t just simply deal with it. Wonderful. 
The blue banded turtle sighed, flopping on his bed and burying his face in the pillow, letting out an annoyed muffled groan followed by a couple giggles soon after. Whoever designed pillows, Leo would probably want to marry that person right now because if the groan and giggled weren’t muffled from his pillows, his family would have run into his room, asking him a bunch of questions. Which Leo wasn’t in the mood for. Again, he was in the mood for something else…but he wouldn’t ask for it. There was no way.  
Speaking of family, Leo heard a knock at the outside of his door, slightly flinching at the sudden noise. Leo groaned from under his pillow, taking a deep breath, “Who is it?” Leo asked, trying his best to sound at least decent but probably failed. “Hey, Leo!” Mikey greeted, inviting himself into the eldest room, closing the door as he entered. “Hey Mike, what’s up?” Leo asked, getting his head from under the pillow and sitting up on his bed, facing the youngest.
Mikey cleared his throat, going over to Leo’s bed and sitting on the edge of it annddddd oh man. Mikey didn’t plan ahead this far. Mikey sat on the edge of the eldest bed, opening his mouth to say something but quickly closed it. Mikey kept his gaze away from Leo and fiddled with his fingers, trying his best to at least say something but his mouth was not communicating with him at the moment. 
The oldest saw the youngests’ fiddling with his fingers in his lap, Leo’s gaze softened as he got out of the covers and sat next to him on the edge of the bed. “You…do know you can tell me anything, right?” Leo said, putting a hand on Mikey’s shoulder. The youngest looked at Leo, face hardening. No! Nononononono! He wasn’t going to fall for this, not again. Not. Again. 
This isn’t about him right now, it’s about his eldest brother. That’s the whole freaking reason he came here! To ask if he’s okay! Like hell is he going to change the worryness (A/N: Is that even a word? Worryness? Eh. Whatevs) onto him. 
“You should take your own words into consideration, Leo…” Mikey mumbled, turning his face away from Leo, resting his head on both of his palms looking down. Leo looked at him in confusion, sitting closer and pulling him into a hug, resting his chin onto the top of Mikey’s head. The younger leaned into the touch, sighing sadly. 
The two knew each other were upset, and wanted to help anyway they could. All of the Hamato brothers might be different people with different personalities, but one thing through all of them stayed the same…
They were stubborn as hell. 
“What do you mean, little bro?” Leo asked.  The youngest sighed again, resting on Leo’s plastron. “You’ve been kinda…uh I dunno.” Mikey started, “Distant this week?” Mikey said as if he was asking some sort of question, even though that was far from it. He knew his brother was being distant this week.
“Oh…” Leo said flatly, almost as if he was expecting this kind of confrontation about this. Leo figured this would happen sooner or later, just wasn’t expecting it this soon. The two brothers looked at the ground, both not being sure on how to continue the conversation. 
“Just…I dunno…I feel as if you’re avoiding us? You’ve been training more than you usually do, doing a lot of mediation, more than Splinter, and you haven’t even watched any Space Hero episodes!” Mikey listed, finger curling into a fist before releasing in soon after. “I…I just wanted to ask if you’re okay…” Mikey said, starting to tear up about the fact that he realized he has never asked that question to Leo before. 
“Well…I-“ Leo’s face soon turned a shade of red, the blue cladded turtle released from the hug put his face in his left palm, groaning. “I want to tell you Mike, I really really do but it’s just…embarrassing.” Leo said, looking at the ground, still blushing.
“…Did you get a girlfriend?”
“What? No-“
“Boyfriend then?!? HAH. I KNEW YOU WERE GAY! Raph and Don owe me $50 dollars each and a free pizza!” 
“What- why would you- you guys bet if I was-“ Leo pinched the space between his eyes, taking a deep breath. That’s a topic for a different day…
“No, Mikey. I don’t have a significant other.” Leo said, chuckling a bit. Mikey groaned dramatically, flopping on Leo’s bed. “C’mon dude! You can just tell meeee! I promise I won't make fun of you!” Leo sighed and crossed his arms, still looking down.
“Or do I have to tickle the answer out of ya~?” Mikey teased, getting up and starting to wiggling his fingers near Leo’s side as a taunt. Leo started giggling and holding Mikey’s wrists, but not pushing them away at all. 
This seems so freaking familiar…
When Mikey was about to come into the room, he heard Leo giggling and he swore he saw the blue banded lightly poking himself in the side and skittering his fingers along his own stomach…
Why didn’t Mikey figure this out sooner?!
Leo was in a Lee mood…
“Wait…that’s it isn’t it?” The youngest turtle said gasping, “You…want me to tickle you, don’t you?” Mikey grinned as he saw his brother turn a red shade that he couldn’t describe. “Don’t say that out loud.” Leo groaned, getting the courage to glare at his little brother. 
Leo looked at his brother before groaning again. “This week I’ve felt…y’know….” Leo said, waving his hands trying to symbolize what he was trying to say because like hell was he going to say the dreaded word…or anything close to it by that matter. Leo began wiggling his fingers lightly before stopping. “That.” Leo said as Mikey listened. 
“But…why didn’t you tell us, Leo? We would have understood and we would’ve been more than happy to tickle you!” Mikey said, stopping wiggling his fingers and relaxing on the end of the bed next to Leo. 
The oldest sighed, a sigh Mikey knew too well.
With being the youngest, Mikey knew the kinds of sighs Leo did and what each of them meant. Sometimes he did a “Please-stop-joking-around” sigh or an “I’m-older-than-you-therefore-you-have-to-listen-to-me-” sigh, but this one was definitely a “You-wouldn’t-understand” sigh. “That’s- That’s not the same Mikey…you all are younger than I am.” 
“So, that means that I can’t get into these weird…funks. It’s childish.” Leo said in a very relaxed tone, as if what he just said wasn’t the absolute dumbest thing Mikey has heard. And that’s saying a lot since the orange banded turtle has heard Donnie talk loads of times, and anything coming out of his immediate older brothers mouth is automatically dumb.
“That’s complete and utter bullshit!” Mikey yelled, getting up from the end of the bed and facing Leo. The oldest flinched slightly at the volume change but continued to look at the floor.
“First, I don’t think you seem to remember, Leo, but we’re quadruplets- dude, we’re the same age. You might be the oldest of us, but not by that much. And secondly, you’re a child too. We’re 15. You don’t have to worry about being childish because you are literally a child!”
“Is me, Donnie, and Raph asking you to tickle us childish?” Mikey asked, crossing his arms across his plastron, recalling too many times where he and his other older brothers got into Lee moods and asked Leo to tickle them. “No of course not!” Leo interjected, looking at Mikey and getting up from the bed, eyes widened. 
The youngest smiled at the reaction and went back to sit at the end of the bed, anger now gone from before. “So why in the world is you asking one of us to tickle you considered childish, hm?” Leo blushed a bit harder as he kept his gaze at the ground. His little brother actually has a point…which is a first. 
After a couple moments of silence the youngest went to sit next to Leo, happy that his eldest brother could see where his reasoning to “being the oldest therefore asking for affection is bad” made no sense whatsoever. Leo sighed for like the millionth time today, putting his hand over his face and slowly dragging it down. 
“So…if I asked for you to…to uhm, do uh, yeah. Would you…would you do it?” Leo asked timidly, which was something the orange banded turtle really never saw his older brother express. Mikey only chuckled at the older, beaming happily, “Dude, duh. Why do you think I made that epic speech about it being okay for you to ask for tickles?” Mikey said, crossing his arms and nodding his head in confirmation. 
“So…can you…can you do the thing?” Leo asked, blushing again, “If…if you don’t mind-“
“Dude, of course! Literally all you had to do was ask!” Mikey smiled, wrapping Leo into another hug. Mikey then suddenly pushed Leo on the middle of his bed, sitting on top of him before wiggling his fingers over him teasingly. This was also something Mikey didn’t plan out either…the orange banded turtle wasn’t even sure where Leo was ticklish…which made the youngest feel a bit more guilty for not asking him about his Lee mood sooner. But he was gonna find out where his older brother was ticklish, obviously. How hard could it possibly be anyway?
“Just use the code word when you want me to stop, okay?” Mikey said. The oldest firmly nodded as Mikey began to lightly skitter his fingers around his brothers sides; the only spot Mikey knew for a fact Leo was ticklish, recalling too many times where he tased him in the side during training causing the older to stiffen and cover up his sides. Which he was doing right now, actually. 
Leo squinted his eyes shut as he hugged his middles and tried to squirm away from Mikey. The younger laughed at how squirmy the older was suddenly but after a couple seconds he was switching between kneading, scratching, and prodding at Leo’s sides but his older brother's reaction was still the same. And he hasn’t even laughed yet! Not a single giggle!
“C’monnnnn! Laugh already!” Mikey whined as he picked up the pace with his side tickling tactic, moving up and down Leo’s sides. The youngest then moved to tickle Leo’s neck, causing Leo to suddenly squeak at the sudden six fingers on the sides of his neck and burst into a somewhat high-pitched laugh, kicking his legs and holding Mikey’s wrists. 
“PFF-! NoHoHOh! DahaHaHAmmit!” Leo giggled in defeat, cursing himself for not being able to hold in his laughter any longer than a couple seconds. But Mikey happily smiled, finally being able to make his older brother laugh. “Hah! Works every time: never let them know your next move!” 
Leo wholeheartedly glared at Mikey through his laughter as he poked Mikey in the plastron where his lower ribs would be- one of Mikey’s known death spots. The orange banded turtle squealed at the touch, twisting and turning on top of the eldest as Leo continued to tickle him. Oh that little cheater. “HEHEY! Hehey! NohoHOH!” Mikey giggled, wholeheartedly glaring back at Leo who only stuck his tongue out at the younger. 
And here Mikey thought he was the little shit of the family. 
“Oho you are gonna regret that, Leo” Mikey said as he stuffed his hands in Leo’s underarms. The older screeched, kicking his legs on the bed at a faster pace. “OHO MY GAHAHAD- WAHAIT! NAHAT THEHERE!” Leo cried, as he thrashed underneath as his legs kicked along the bedsheets. Leo put his arms down as he still was holding the youngers wrists as he evily evily traced in his underarm.
“MIHIHIKE! MIHIHIKEY PLEHEHEASE!” Leo laughed loudly, blushing a light red because as much as the older one was enjoying this, it was so embarrassing. Mikey was barely tickling Leo, and he was kicking and thrashing like a little kid. But again, he was enjoying this so he won’t complain. 
“That’s what you get for tickling me, bro! I’m the Tickle Monster as of right now and no one tickles the Tickle Monster!” Mikey chuckled at Leo, now beginning to pick up the pace with his tickling at Leo’s underarms. The older whined through his laughter at the change of pace, trying to buck Mikey off of himself but the younger stayed sturdy on Leo’s waist as if it was glue. “IHIHI’M SAHAHAHARRY! Leo yelled. 
The younger one laughed at Leo’s reaction to the new pace, deciding to turn it up a notch as he kneaded the sides of Leo’s underarms causing him to do a girly-like shriek and descend into mad-like cackles. “And here I thought the underarms were Raphie’s death spot!” Mikey said teasingly, “You’re literally squirming like a fish out of water!” The orange banded turtle taunted as the older face only reddened more at the teases. 
“SHUHUT IHIHIT-! MIHIHIKEY GEHET OHOUT OHOFF THEHERE PLEHEASE!” Leo belly laughed as Mikey only chuckled at the older’s hysteric pleas. “Ihi can’t dude! My hands are completely stuck!” Mikey laughed. If Leo wasn’t laughing his shell off he would have rolled his eyes at that comment, but he can’t. “NAHAHAO THEHEY AHAHAREN’T!” Leo yelled.
“Yehes they are! It seems your amazing incredible strength is keeping my hands here~!” Mikey laughed brightly, completely loving this situation. If you know Mikey you know for a fact that he loves making his brothers laugh, especially Leo, who out of all the turtle brothers laughed the most. So this situation was like pure heaven for Mikey. 
Mikey then easily moved his hands out of Leo’s underarms, shaking his hands out before cracking them a bit for dramatic effect. Ugh! Leo knew Mikey could have gotten his hands out anytime he wanted! He just wanted to be an evil little gremlin! Amazing incredible strength my ass. Mikey then held up Leo’s left as he used his other hand to tickle the olders stomach.
And if Leo was yelling earlier, then he was completely screaming up a storm now. Leo hit his free hand at Mikey’s hand, trying to cease Mikey’s cruel attack but when he was close to removing his hand, the younger would suddenly move to a different spot on his stomach, tickling worse where he was in the other spot. 
“Awwww, Leo! I’ve never gotten to see you laugh like this, dude! Your laugh is so cute!” Mikey cooed, as Leo’s face turned a deep crimson at the compliment. The older shook his head back and forth, trying to stop the tickling sensation but decided to just give up and accept it as he falled limp on the bed and laughed to his hearts content. “AHAHA NAHAHO! NAHAT THE THEHERE!” Leo laughed louder, tears beginning to prick out of his eyes. “MIHIHIKE *snort* PLEHEHEHEHEASE!”
Mikey immediately stopped tickling Leo, putting his hands to his own chest in alarm at the noise. The blue cladded turtles’ face slowly began to turn a light crimson again, but now his face was a shade of dark red no one would be able to describe. 
Leo covered his face completely with his hands, groaning the completely embarrassing noise he just made. The youngest of the twos’ startled look soon morphed into an evil smile, crossing his arms over his plastron in amusement. 
There’s no freaking way…
“Oho my gohohod…did you just snort?” Mikey asked cheekily. “Noho ihi dihihidn’t…” Leo lied, almost regretting even asking for Mikey to tickle him…almost. “Dude you totally did! Do it again!” Mikey said as he suddenly dipped his head into Leo’s stomach, blowing a huge loud raspberry causing the older to completely lose his mind in snorts and squeals. “AHA! PLEHEHEASE! MIHIHIKE! *snort* IHIHI’M GOHOHONNA DIHIHIE!” Leo cried, still not fighting back but his legs kicking around all behind Mikey only causing the younger to giggle. 
“Raph and Don are gonna get a kick out of this~!” The orange banded turtle said into Leo’s tummy, blowing raspberry upon raspberry not even stopping to give the older one a breather. He wanted to make Leo have a fun time but this was also revenge in some way as well.
“Y’know, your upper body has been getting a lot of attention. Let’s see how ticklish your lower body is, big bro.” Mikey smiled, turning around to Leo’s lower body which caused him to start slapping the back of Mikey’s shell, trying to forcefully push him off. 
“EEEAHAHA! NAHAO *snort* DOHOHON’T!” Leo isn’t even sure why he’s screaming bloody murder right now, he doesn’t even know if his lower body is ticklish! But based on the past couple of minutes it wouldn’t be too high of an estimation to say his lower body was just as ticklish. 
Mikey poked the middle of Leo’s thigh, causing Leo to let out a glass shattering shriek as Mikey only smiled at the reaction. “Leheeo whahat was thahat?” Mikey amusingly asked. Leo, too embarrassed to even respond just groaned and waved his hand for Mikey to go on with it, knowing there was no stopping his little brother now. 
Mikey began to mercilessly squeeze, prod, and knead Leo’s thighs, even sneaking behind his knees and giving them a little pokes before going back to the thighs. Leo was in utter hysterics, not being able to stop Mikey and was forced to kick his legs and uselessly hit the back of his shell.
But obviously none of those tactics works as the younger happily tickles the sh*t out of his thighs. “NOOHOHO NAHAHAH! NAHA- *snort* MIHI- *snort* STAHAP!” Leo wasn’t even able to form a single sentence before going into loud cackles once again. 
“OKAHAHAY! OKAHA- *snort* MEHEHERCY *snort* MIHIKAHAHEEY!” Leo cried, finally having enough. The younger sighed but got off his anyways, letting the older take a breather as he sat next to him. “This isn’t over, dude. I still have to tickle some other spots y’know.” Mikey said as he poked Leo on the stomach causing him to let out a soft snort before he poked Mikey back on the side. “Whatehehever…” Leo breathlessly giggled, scared but…honestly excited this wouldn’t be the last time he’d be able to mess around with his brother like this. 
“Ahand thahanks, Mihihikey…I appreciate thihis” Leo smiled at Mikey. Now looking back, Leo doesn’t know why he was so afraid to tell his brother what was making him so upset. They’re brothers. They’re family. And like Mikey said before: Leo is a kid. He’s allowed to mess and play around with his brothers. So what if he's the leader? He’s a kid too. And it’s time Leo started realizing that. 
“Any time bro, literally anytime!” Mikey chirped. After a couple moments of silence a lightbulb went off in Mikey’s head as he slowly turned his head to the oldest grinning like a fool. “Y’know what I just realized?” Mikey said, leaning on a pillow on the board of the bed. “Whahat?”
“You can’t say Leo without the Lee, get it? Lee-o?” Mikey joked, nudging Leo in the side, his eyebrows raising up and down comically. Leo rolled his eyes wholeheartedly, playfully shoving Mikey’s face away giggling still; due to the aftermath tickles and Mikey’s funny joke. “Ihi gehehet ihit yohou dohork…” 
“Just something I thought I’d share.” Mikey shrugged, smiling. Leo rolled his eyes again, now adjusting his place on the bed so he sat next to Mikey. The younger rested his head on Leo’s shoulder as the older leaned in to the touch. “Well thanks for sharing…” Leo muttered. The two sat in comfortable silence for a while, Leo’s giggles now subsisted as the two just enjoyed each other company. 
“We heard screaming, are you two okay!?” Raph asked as he slammed Leo’s door completely open causing the oldest and youngest to fall flat on the floor due to the sudden noise and force. Raph gave out a tiny “oops” before getting out of the doorway to let Donnie in who was following him earlier.  
Mikey and Leo both exchanged glances before bursting out laughing. The two middle children looked at each other than back at the oldest and youngest complete confusion. “I’m gonna take those hysterics as a ‘yes we are completely fine”?” Donnie asked as him and Raph helped the both of them up so all the turtle brothers were standing. “Yeah, we’re okay.” Leo confirmed as Donnie and Raph relaxed at the olders confirmation.
“Oh! Which reminds me…” Mikey grinned, looking back at his older brother with a Cheshire grin before turning to his two other siblings. Raph and Donnie looked at each other again before looking at Mikey. The two middle children were so so confused as to what was happening as of right now but figured it would be best not to ask any questions. “Raph, Don, I have a little secret about our eldest brother-“
“And I’m sure this secret will…how should I put it? Tickle your funny bone...”
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the-sky-queen · 6 months
So I have a silly little Sonic AU idea for you
The Biolizard merges with Sonic as a last ditch effort to defeat the heroes and it starts to go in it's favor, at first only for Sonic's friends to pull Sonic back in control.
And Sonic is now a fusion of the Biolizard and a hedgehog and the man is H U G E now
OOOO!!! Okay, this is a really cool idea! If the Biolizard can merge with the arc, why not with living things? Oh man, it's like a possession story line almost and I LOVE those.
Sonic just getting forced out of control and instead he's got this angry lizard rage monster parading around with his face. And this means Shadow's gonna have to fight him all by himself until the others can find a way to get through to Sonic! AND ALL WHILE THE ARK IS STILL HURTLING TOWARDS EARTH OH MY GOODNESS.
The Biolizard was pulling the Ark towards Earth, right? Does that imply it can . . . fly? Kinda? Does that mean once Sonic's back in control, he can just push the Ark back to a stable orbit and we don't need to worry about Shadow falling? Eh, even if I'm wrong, we can just say the fusion mutations gave Soniclizard wings an call it good.
But also in the aftermath, being massive wouldn't be the only thing that Sonic would have to worry about. Biolizard is on life support which means Soniclizard has to deal with all of that too. :( Poor boy.
Imagine the Biolizard just becomes like Soniclizard's hulk form. If he gets too angry, the angry lizzard monster takes over and just starts wrecking things.
Thank you for the idea, anon, I shall have fun with this one. >:)
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meraki24601 · 2 months
Helloo! I wanted to say that I loved your writing of the "Indulge Me for a Moment" story so much!! It's likely one of my favorite things I've ever read on Tumblr and I have no idea if your requests are open, but I'd be really really happy to see it if you ever decide to make another part to that! ^u^
I'm not even sure how I could even describe all the things about your writing that I thought was incredible, but the hero felt so tragic in a way that just hit right, and caretaker was so good too!
Okay, so I almost cried at work when I read this. Thank you so much!!! I don't really have any ideas for continuing the first story, but I did want to explore how the scene might have changed if Caretaker didn't know who Hero was. I definitely feel like Caretaker was a bit of a Hero fan the first time around to recognize them immediately, so... here we are! Thanks again for your kind message, friend. I hope you enjoy!
Indulge Me for a Moment: Version 2
Caretaker knew what their new roommate was the first time they stepped into their apartment. They were a complete idiot. Although Caretaker had taken extra care to clean the entryway, they tripped and fell over the threshold. Caretaker managed to catch them before they hit the ground, but they still finished the tour with a limp. An idiot through and through.
Later, once Caretaker had lived with their new roommate long enough to be good friends, they would remind Friend of that first meeting just to watch them blush. Each time, they would deliberately ignore the flush on their cheeks as they remembered how Friend had looked up at them. The way they’d sighed in Caretaker’s arms, “My hero. Seems this is destiny, my dear.”
They would soon wish they could go back to thinking an idiot was all their friend was. One day, “Friend” brought work home in such a way Caretaker would either be cruel or just a fool to ignore it.
Caretaker was home later than usual. Villain had attacked the building next to their office, and a fight broke out between Villain and Hero. Even if the battle hadn’t blocked the roads, Caretaker wouldn’t have been able to pull themselves away from the window long enough to leave. The way Hero fought, unafraid to take a hit if it meant protecting innocent civilians, nearly brought a tear to Caretaker’s eye. They admired how Hero prioritized others even after the fight ended, directing emergency responders to others over receiving care themselves.
Footage of the fight wouldn’t be released until the next day, but Caretaker was nearly bouncing with excitement as they burst into the apartment, ready to recount the experience to Friend.
The mood dropped as the smell of bleach assaulted their nose instead of their cat, Pounce, attacking their feet. The faint remnants of the last of their scented spray only worsened the effect. Friend’s quiet voice in the kitchen was the cherry on top of the disturbing greeting, “‘M making ramen. W’nt some?”
“I think I’m alright.” Caretaker made their way to the kitchen, nearly tripping over Pounce, stationed just inside. Even the cat had wide eyes as they looked at what had happened to Friend.
Though Caretaker knew Friend’s job was occasionally dangerous, they had never come home that beat up before. Friend was prone to accidents and occasionally came back with new scars after one of their sudden work trips or family visits. This was far beyond normal clumsiness.
Caretaker cringed at the clumsy wrapping on Hero’s arm, the two large regular band-aids slapped on their forehead that had already bled through, and the steady growing stain on Friend’s side. They had no idea why Friend hadn’t gone to the hospital, but something about the order of the marks kept them from suggesting one. “Hey. You okay? What happened?”
“I’m fine, citizen. You don’t need to worry about me.” Friend whispered. They leaned forward to rest against the counter and stared down into the too-large pot of water on the stove. The burner hadn’t even been turned on.
Caretaker reached over to turn the burner on. They decided to ignore the way Friend pulled away from them. “Citizen, huh? Did you get mugged? You look like you’re going to pass out. Why don’t you have a seat and tell me what happened? You tell your story, and while I rewrap your injuries, I’ll tell you about the fight Villain started just outside my work.”
“Villain. Villain can’t hurt Caretaker.” One of Friend’s hands ripped at their hair while the other clutched the handle of the pot with a death grip.
Whatever this was, talking it out wasn’t going to help anything. Caretaker trusted Pounce to watch Friend as they ran to the bathroom to get the first-aid kit. The room reeked of bleach. Presumably, Friend had treated their own wounds in the small space and made a decent effort to clean up their mess despite their condition. There were still a few splatters of blood around and a full bloody handprint on the empty, bagless trashcan. Caretaker had noticed the bag sitting just outside the front door but hadn’t paid much attention to it. 
The bag consumed their thoughts now. Even the first-aid kit was left a mess, but Friend had taken out the trash. They needed to see what was in that bag. 
First aid tucked under their arm, Caretaker slipped silently past the kitchen and cracked open the front door. Blood was smeared across the inside of the clear garbage bag, and something sharp had poked a hole in the side. Caretaker only just managed to bring the bag back inside before the object broke through. 
Caretaker had to swallow back the vomit. The bloody knife on the floor was all too familiar. They had watched Villain jam it into Hero’s side less than an hour ago.
Suddenly, several things began to make sense.
“Hero!” Caretaker burst into the kitchen. Their Friend, no, their Hero was completely bent over the oven, arms bracing them on either side of the pot, too close to the now hot burner for Caretaker’s comfort. They seemed fixed on the small but steady drops of blood that leaked from their nose and disappeared into the water below. 
“It’s you. You’re Hero.” Caretaker swallowed their tears. They didn’t know if it was joy or worry that brought them to their eye, but they were certain that now was not the time. Not when Hero slowly turned to look up at them, and Caretaker saw Hero’s tears mixing with the thin lines of blood. 
“No. I’m not. You don’t…” Hero whined. Their voice seemed to be all Pounce needed to strike. The cat bounded over to Hero’s side and raised up on her hind legs to lovingly claw at the back of Hero’s leg. Her strangled meow was overwhelmed by the sound of Hero’s pot smashing against the opposite wall and crashing to the floor. It was too much for both cat and human, but Pounce was the only one composed enough to run out of the room. 
“You’re safe!” Caretaker cried as Hero collapsed on the floor in front of the oven. “Can you hear me? Breathe. You’re alright.”
Whining into the hand covering their mouth, Hero curled in on themselves. The low squelch the action caused made Caretaker sick. They had to move this along. Consequences be damned.
Caretaker whispered each move they made out loud. Scaring Hero again would be bad. Likely very violent, too. Unfortunately, the only way they could think of getting Hero’s attention might potentially turn out even worse. Even the sound of them setting the first-aid kit on the floor nearby made Hero flinch. 
Raising their voice only slightly, Caretaker decided to test their luck. “Hero.”
Hero’s reaction was more than enough proof that Caretaker had discovered the truth. The shock of hearing Caretaker use their hero name was enough to pull Hero out of the depths of whatever memory they had been drowning in. They didn’t react more than looking up dazedly with a soft frown. 
“Hero, It’s okay. You’re safe.” Caretaker didn’t dare move so much as an inch.
“No.” Hero’s voice was rough. Barely half of what it had been when they called out to Caretaker only moments ago. “I’m not…”
“May I touch you, Hero? You’re hurt.”
“I’m not—”
“I saw the knife. I was still at the office when you were fighting with Villain. I saw them stab you with it. It’s alright.”
Hero met Caretaker’s eyes. Caretaker wasn’t sure what their friend saw in them, but they were relatively sure it mirrored the fear Caretaker saw in Hero’s. Whatever they found seemed to be enough to convince them. For a moment, Hero shifted, their back straightened and Caretaker could see the hero in them. They saw the person Caretaker had spent hours talking about. Their idiot Friend became their true Hero. 
Their Hero fell forward on their hands and knees. Blood sprayed the floor below them as Hero’s groans turned to deep chest-rattling coughs. 
“Okay. It’s okay! Breathe, Hero.” Caretaker picked up the damp rag they had brought, lifted Hero’s head, and gently wiped away the blood and tears. Hero didn’t fight the touch, so they kept working. Removing the sloppily placed bandaids and cleaning the cuts was simple and quick. 
“I, indulge me… for a mom’nt.” Hero stuttered. “Tell me— what you, you thought. Like n- normal.”
Caretaker tried to move on and unwrap Hero’s arm, but Hero pulled back with a barely audible “Wait.” So Caretaker did. They sat back on their heels, supporting grip still on Hero’s arm, and rambled about Hero’s fight. They pretended they hadn’t learned about Hero’s identity and went off like a teenage fangirl talking about their favorite celebrity. They kept going, even when Hero nodded permission for them to care for their arm. Caretaker could give them this moment were everything was almost like it was before. They didn’t let the way Hero kept flinching away from even the softest touch drive them away.
Once Hero’s arm was bandaged correctly, Caretaker pulled Hero into their arms. “I know now, Hero. You don’t have to deal with this alone.” 
“It won’t be the same.”
Keeping their grip on Hero steady, Caretaker lowered Hero to lie on the floor. They were glad they’d mopped it earlier. They kept their face carefully neutral as they pulled Hero's shirt out of the untreated wound in their side. Hero's eyes drooped as the pain sapped the last of their strength, but their hand clung tight to Caretaker's shirt. “Don’t worry about that right now. For now, let me save my hero.”
Version 1
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imbecominggayer · 2 months
Writing Rant About OOC
I was never ever going to use Tumblr but that was before I became obsessed with AO3 and discovered I was an opinionated piece of shit. Basically, what is going to happen is I am going to say some controversial opinions about my "irrational" anger towards these cliche changes. Just remember this going forward:
If one of your favorite stories apply to this, just remember I am an insane person
I wouldn't hate these cliches as much if these "ooc" stories weren't all I have left to fuel my brain rot. I am a starving orphan.
There are two common subtypes of "distilling with tears". There is the villainous one and the angst one.
Villainous One: "I am the absolutely evil of *insert story*. But don't judwe mwe :(. Yeah, maybe I abuse my henchmen but I alswo :( have a secret cwush on one of them (///-3-///) which makes this towally fine. Sure, I have twied to kill da heroes but it's okey bcs the hero was evil actually. BTW, I also have a suber duper sad backstory I copied and pasted from someone else :(
My problems with this is two-fold:
First of all, obviously bad backstories, crushes, and revenge doesn't justify being a dick. If it did my dad would still live with us ;0
Secondly, you love this character. With all of their glorious competency, queer-codedness, and wittiness. Why would you want to change all of that? Especially, to something so redudant and uninteresting?
Angsty One: I am a perfectly sane individual with some internal conflict. *gets bwonged on the head by ANGST*. HUH! Woe is me. Here is a hugely traumatic backstory which will never be explained in depth or given any grace: (___). I'm so broken and small. Hey! Remember how sexy I am?! I am just on the brink of a mental breakdown but don't worry! All I need is a hug (^u^)
My problem with this was something I could never fully articulate. Well, obviously there is the fact that not all depressed people have this hugely traumatic backstory of abuse and death to "justify" their "irrational" behavior. I have so many issues that will never have a clear origin story. I also hate the random sexualization of characters while they're in distress. I definitely hate how a character's struggles can only be taken seriously when it's amplified to such extremes and these extremes are treated with a pep talk and a romantic cuddle.
However, I finally discovered my true issue. Thank you Lana Del Rey for the assistance! I'm not like this. When I read angsty stories I am searching for something at least vaguely related to me. Obviously, I know that not every story is like mine but all I can do is approach stories with my perspective.
When I was forced into going to the crisis center for suicidal planning, I didn't feel broken or pathetic.
When I was anxiously carving at my skin, I was still walking around and participating in my classes normally.
When I thought in bed about death, I never felt weak.
I felt whole. I feel perfectly whole.
Maybe it's because I can't distinguish between "new me" vs "old me" but I just feel like "me". My depression isn't sobbing in this melodramatic fashion ; it's quiet and calm. When I have mental breakdowns I'm not a wet tissue paper, i'm dangerously angry and have had to mentally restrain myself from not abusing my cat. When I see stories like this all I can think is how if I someone wrote my story they wouldn't call it realistic enough or sympathetic enough when, to me, these stories aren't realistic. Then again, that's too much baggage to put onto a random fanfic story. Sowwy.
THIS ISN'T THE END. I HAVE MORE RANT MATERIAL IN THE FUTURE. I know that's dissapointing news but it's the truth. No one in my family will listen to my rants.
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randomnameless · 1 year
The phrase “we have been aware of the high levels of competency from KT's writers, especially with their work for 3H” is worrying; i'm not going to shit-talk them just for thinking that 3H has a good story, especially when someone's standards for what makes a story good or not is subjective and could be different from ours, but KT's story-telling skills are never going to improve if people keep only telling them that Three Houses' deeply-flawed story was actually a narrative masterpiece, instead of a self-contradicting mess with plot points it introduces solely as gotchas and has no intention of ever following up on in any meaningful way, characters getting assassinated left and right to try and argue that female Ashnard might actually be right and not so different from them in terms of morality and goals (while they're in the middle of fighting for their lives and watching their friends die in battle because she decided to invade their home unprovoked and solely for a landgrab), and an over-powered villain group that should have ended the story long before it even started because the writers decided to give them a stockpile of magic nukes they can launch at anywhere in the world, which was also introduced solely for shock value and without them realizing how much of the story is ruined by making it so that the villains who want to kill everyone and take over the world can just nuke anyone they want (that isn't inside Garreg Mach when they launch it) with no consequences.
I just don't like what it means for the future of FE stories if the worst story in the series keeps getting praised as one of the best, even by separate developers, is all.
Wait and see anon!
For what it's worth, while Engage's sales are apparently not as stellar as Houses in the same timeframe (like House after month 1 and Engage after month 1?), Nopes totally crashed.
Amazon isn't the only market in the world, but in some places in the world (tfw not for amazon.fr) Nopes is now sold at around 15 bucks, which is ridiculous considering older games released on consoles still being in circulation are more expensive than this thing that is barely 1 year old(even the first FEW?).
Also, Engage was supposed to have been released earlier but Covid and Houses being released later than planned meant it was delayed, but Engage was supposed to be Fodlan's antithesis, at least writing wise - you'd think IS would have tried to retrofit more Fodlan themes (maybe more uwu maybe some villains aren't BaD and earl grey because they luf u) but they didn't.
Imo, fwiw, while KT apparently loved how Fodlan was received, IS is aghast and doesn't want to touch it within a 10 meters radius, only if it means selling units in FEH and even there, they sometimes retcon Fodlan units (hello F!Billy/Sothis) or challenge them in various FB (Brave!Supreme Leader, but also in the most recent one, Sylvain harping on his Crust being BaD...) clearly showing how they don't really want to follow KT's direction regarding those units - at times, it's almost as if the CoS receives more development in Heroes than in both Fodlan games!
So I'd like to see what IS has in store for the next FE games (or the next non remake FE game), even if in my opinion, given how Heroes has to retcon/finish the writing (Mercedes reveals more about her Adrestian family in FEH than in two of her games!) for characters just to sell them in the gacha game ffs, speaks volumes on what they think of Fodlan's writing.
On top of that, FE16 was the first game where people received surveys/mails from Nintendo/IS asking them if they understood the game... - so despite Fodlan selling well (better than expected?), imo it's clear the writing isn't to praise, at least for IS, and they don't want anything to do with it (Nopes' DLC was scrapped, when shiny!Rhea's sprite was datamined, so either they made an useless sprite, either this sprite might have been used in a future DLC?)
They can still butcher a future remake (plz no jugdral) by adding pointless supports between units and trying to uwu more than needed the red emperor - or add an OC waifu du jour who will sell merchs and try to uwu her if she is on the side of the red emperor - but I feel like we will see where they will go with a brand new game (since Heroes's writing is... as consistent as a fog and basically circles around "women sad'n'lonely*, men evyl", female playable OC simps after the avatar and is useless in the resolution of the plot because Alfonse will finally find a mc guffin way to defeat the villain of the year).
*i truly hope Vero isn't any indication to what the writing of the future games will be, like heavy retcons from her first apparition to "i was brainwashed and akshually everyone supports me from my home even if i send them to death against askr because the voice in my head told me to do it" because that'd suck, but vero is a young woman, thus she could be monetised for alts, figurines and even DLC content in a main game!
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artificial-sleep · 9 months
🎄🎅🎁 Xmas HCs ⛄🌡❄
Merry Christmas/happy holidays! Hope you're enjoying a restful day 😊💕
Here's a lil thread of some xmas-spirit fandom thoughts to read while drinking some coco 😌☕
EraserMic ❤️💚❤️
EraserMic where Hizashi is getting ready for xmas eve dinner, listening to "Merry Christmas Baby" as he styles his hair.
CW// xmas fluff, a couple smooches 💋 
He serenades the toothbrushes on the countertop, proudly belting out the lyrics "Gave me a diamond ring for Christmas, now I'm living in paradise!" even though they've been married for years.
Shouta watches fondly from the doorway, propped up with a small smile on his face as the whir of the blow dryer competes w the volume of the music.
Shouta decides to walk in and hook an arm around Hizashi to pull him in. 
Hizashi yelps in surprise, the noise dissolving into chuckles as he looks at Shouta sweetly and caresses his cheek. "Was just saying how bad I wanted to 'hug and kiss you, baby,'" Hizashi says teasingly, pecking Shouta on the lips.
"Still thankful for that ring, huh?" 
"Everyday," Hizashi replies sweetly, kissing him again.
"Merry Christmas Baby" (the `Sheryl Crow version reigns supreme in my book... it's my favorite Christmas song!!)
Dadzawa ft. Eri 💚❤️💚
I think that when Aizawa taught Eri about the holidays, he maybe left out a few key details about Santa. Because when he finds the letter she left for him, he can't help but chuckle.
CW// xmas fluff, Aizawa as Eri's caretaker 
She's left it laid out for Santa on the coffee table in the living room and has since gone to bed for the night. Aizawa skims it again and again, reading to himself:
Dere santa,
Hi my naym is eri. I lik yer bag red is pretey. Du u lik crismus or halowin mor? Thenk u for tawking to me. I no ther ar a lot of kids.
She drew little hearts and what looked like both candy canes and pumpkins around the margins, and Aizawa laughs that not even once did she mention a gift she would like. 
Mirio spends the next day explaining to her in grandeur terms that Santa will give her anything and that's he magic and all she has to do is ask him for it, and she stares in awe and then considers it deeply before responding, "I like candy apples!"
Aizawa is sure she'll like the gift he got her just fine: a new hero costume, something small she can wear around school when he's in his.
He also got her some plushies. She tends to enjoy cuddling up when she goes to sleep, and he often finds her holding a pillow when he has to wake her. 
Aizawa doesn't mind not explaining to Eri that Santa already knows her name because it saves him trouble in the future. Plus, the kid is too inquisitive and bright for her own good. He'll stick with Santa being her pinpal who leaves her a surprise gift or two every year.
KamiJirou ❤️💚❤️
I just think that the one year Kyouka leaves wrapping presents to Denki that he loses his whole entire mind.
CW// xmas hc, KamiJirou w kiddos, frustrated packaging, quirk use... 
Kyouka gets called in on xmas eve and Denki is like yeah yeah yeah I got everything. Don't worry babe. See you on xmas morning.
And he does have everything: the baking cookies for Santa, impromptu xmas music dance party while they're in the oven, watching a xmas movie, bedtime stories, and super fun red and green striped pajamas.
All is going great with the kids in bed by 9 until... packaging.
He's tearing the paper with his hands, misplacing the tape every 5 seconds, biting ribbon off the spool, and tearing his hair out to get it done. 
He feels like he's been doing this all night, staring at the clock to see an hour has gone by, but there's still a massive stack to wrap. He's already wrapped... 4... 4! 4?? He huffs in frustration, throwing a remote control car aside as he grabs the next gift. 
The doll is probably the worst one. It takes him 3 times as long to figure out the packaging than it does the other gifts, and when he sets it with the other stack of finished gifts, he's relieved. Until he finds later that the paper has torn???
He suppresses the urge to scream as he picks up the doll, electricity buzzing across his fingertips. He grabs more gift wrap, huffing exasperatedly, trying to patch it, but the doll's arm just pierces it again, and soon, before he can think about what he's doing, the paper crumples into ash as he zaps the toy with an electric current. The doll is fried, face a bit burnt and hair sticking straight up, and he grits his teeth in embarrassment, deciding maybe it's time to take a break.
He goes to "make sure" Santa has eaten his cookies with a glass of milk and then goes back to his room to reevaluate.
Just as soon as he's finished transferring wrapped gifts to underneath the tree, he hears a familiar voice behind him ask, "How's it going?"
He turns to see his wife smiling back at him, still wearing her hero gear and clearly just having walked in. 
Kyouka laughs when she sees the doll.
"I kind of figured honestly," she teases, and Denki feigns outrage.
"I can't believe you think so little of me," he pouts, and she chuckles as she pulls out another doll from the top of their closet.
"I just had a feeling..." she says, taking the wrapping paper and packaging it in a quick two minutes.
"You're magic," Denki says in awe, and she laughs.
"Whatever... You're the one that pulled off Christmas Eve all by yourself. I think you're magic."
"I love you," Denki mutters against her lips, and she gives him a peck.
"Love you." 
A/N: So basically "Toy Packaging" by Sara Groves
KamiSero 💚❤️💚
SeroKami but ice skating!! ⛸
CW// fluffy xmas morning thoughts, basically a 🏳️‍🌈 Hallmark movie 🎄
I think that Kaminari goes skating every year, and now that he and Sero are dating, he invites him to come with.
Sero agrees without a second thought but acts bashful when the night comes.
They get some hot cocoa when they arrive, and Kaminari notices that Sero seems to look nervous, holding onto the cup tightly and darting his eyes to the ground nervously.
"Hey, you okay?" Kami asks him, and he chuckles a little.
"Y-yeah. For sure. Uh-" 
He scratches the back of his neck, his face flushed, perhaps from the cold or otherwise, as he admits, "I just, uh- well, I don't actually know how to skate..." Kaminari smiles big at him, and Sero returns it as they both start to laugh.
"Oh! That's fine, babe. I mean, we definitely don't have to, but... I can teach you." Sero smiles big and nods at him, taking his hand as they go to rent skates.
He's unsteady when he steps on the ice, and the look of panic in his eyes when he steps onto the rink sends Kaminari into a giggling fit. 
He holds him tight, but his wobbling just encourages Kaminari's chuckles until Sero's feet are sliding up from under him and sending him and Kaminari into a heap on the ice.
Kaminari is inconsolable, and Sero can't help but smile, even with the ache from hitting the ice so hard.
Serroki ❤️💚❤️
Serroki where Hanta goes to The Todorokis' Christmas dinner
CW// Shouto getting overstimulated, cute boyfriends fluff
They haven't been dating for long, and this is their first Christmas being together, but Shouto asks him to come because Christmas dinner always proves to be difficult in his family, and he'd feel better having Hanta there with him.
Hanta knows how short Shouto's social battery is, particularly around his family, so he's prepared when midway through their meal, Natsuo starts to argue with their father and Shouto stands up abruptly and shuffles out of the room without a word.
He had been attuned to the way Shouto had been fidgeting with his fingers, drumming them against the top of his thigh before his eyes went vacant altogether for awhile, tuning it all out.
Then he was gone, and Hanta excused himself politely soon after to find him.
It didn't take long. Just down the hall was a coat closet beneath the stairs where he found Shouto nuzzled beside some boxes and totes, cradling his knees.
Hanta just smiled and sat down beside him, leaving a few inches of space between them as he pulled out his phone.
He sent him a request to play an iMessage game, and Shouto accepted it without looking up, playing a round of Connect 4 as Hanta listened for Shouto's breathing to level.
After a couple more games, Shouto had leaned into Hanta, allowing him to cradle him closely, placing kisses on his cheek.
They passed a chunk of the evening there in careful silence, and the family hardly noticed they had gone when they finally slipped back to the living room after Shouto had calmed down.
That's it! Hope you liked it!!
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