#they can't never make me hate you kitty
bbrooklynbabe · 5 months
i just love katniss SO MUCH
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whumptober · 29 days
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Welcome to Whumptober 2024 — Seventh Time's a Charm!
Please make sure to read the Event Info and FAQ below carefully, as most of your questions will be answered there already. For everything else, you are welcome to come to our ask box or ask questions in our Discord server here.
This year’s AO3 Collection can be found here.
This year's playlist can be found here.
And the Anatomy of a Whumptober Prompt post can be found here.
We’re very excited to see the community come together for another year of Whumptober! Go wild with the prompts, and support your fellow creators - we wish you all the fun!
Best of luck and happy whumping,
Mods Vanne, Yenn, Kitty and Surro
(Text versions of the prompts, as well as event information, rules and FAQ are posted below the cut!)
Whumptober 2024 Prompt List
Search Party | Panic Attack | "If only we could hold on.” (Icysami x Renegaderr, Strangers.)
Amusement Park | Role Reversal | “You got away with the crime while the knife's in my back.” (Charlotte Sands, Rollercoaster)
Fingerprints | Wrongfully Arrested | "I warned you."
Hypnosis | Sensory Deprivation | “You're still alive in my head.” (Billy Lockett, More)
Healing Salve | Heatstroke | "If my pain will stretch that far." (Lottery Winners, Burning House)
Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms | Healed Wrong | "It's not my blood."
Unconventional Weapon | Magic with a Cost | "It's us or them."
Isolation Chamber | Forced to Stay Awake | "Leave the lights on." (Coldplay, Midnight)
Broken Window | Bruises | “Frame me up on the wall, just to keep me out of trouble.” (Fall Out Boy, Irresistible)
Slurred Words | Passing Out from Pain | "I can't think straight."
Convenience Store | Loneliness | “Leave no trace behind, like you don't even exist.” (Taylor Swift, Illicit Affairs)
Underground Caverns | Cannibalism | "Just a little more."
Familial Curse | Multiple Whumpees | "Death will do us part." (Set It Off, Partner's In Crime)
Hunting Gear | Blackmail | “Because I want you to know what it feels like to be haunted” (tiLLie, kooL aiD mAn)
Painful Hug | Moment of Clarity | "I did good, right?"
Swamp | Wound Cleaning | "No, I can't feel anything."
Ruined Map | Shipwrecked | "We had a good run."
Unreliable Narrator | Loss of Identity | “I see what's mine and take it.” (Panic! at the Disco, Emperor's New Clothes)
Abandoned Cabin | One Way Out | "Is there anybody alive out there?" (Bruce Springsteen, Radio Nowhere)
Shoulder to Cry On | Giving Permission to Die | "It's not your fault."
Body Horror | Tattoo Gun | Spirit Possession | “Let the bedsheet soak up the tears.” (Apparat feat. Soap & Skin, Goodbye)
Tourniquet | Reopening Wounds | "Oh that's not good."
Public Display | Broken Pedestal | "I'm doing this for you."
Collapsed Building | Equipment Failure | “I never knew daylight could be so violent.” (Florence + The Machine, No Light, No Light)
Stitches | Being Monitored | "It's for your own good."
Breakfast Table | Parting Words of Regret | “I'm haunted by the lies that I have loved, the actions I have hated.” (Poe, Haunted)
Laboratory | Muzzled | “I have no mouth and I must scream.”
No. 28: DENIAL
CCTV | Exposure | "They caught me red handed."
Labyrinth | Burnout | "Who said you could rest?"
Hospital Bed | Holding Back Tears | "What have I done?"
Therapy | Making Amends | "I'm alive, I'm just not well." (Elliot Lee, Alive, Not Well.)
Alternatives List:
Body Swap
Communication Barrier
Finding Old Messages
Friendly Fire
Motion Sickness
No-Holds-Barred Beatdown
Secrets Revealed
Survivor's Guilt
Time Loop
Used As Bait
Event Info & Rules
WHUMPTOBER is a month-long, prompt-based creation challenge (think: Inktober, but whumpier). There are 31 official themes this year - one for each day of the month - which can be used, skipped, or combined in any way you’d like. They are meant to serve as inspiration without being taken literally (e.g. you don’t have to include the exact wording of prompts into your work). Feel free to run rampant on interpretation. For example, if the prompt is “flame", you could create something with reference to a candle/campfire, your character could have suffered a burn, or the flame could be a reference to an ‘old flame’ - an old relationship. It’s truly down to you!
In total, there are 4 prompts for each day. These are optional suggestions and can be used in conjunction with the theme, or as options/alternatives.  We want to give everyone as much creative freedom as possible, as well as increase event accessibility for folks with triggers and squicks. There is also a list of 15 alternative prompts that can be subbed in for any day, again to give participants as much creative freedom as possible.
Creators can PRODUCE work in any media they choose, including but not limited to: writing, visual artwork, photo/video/audio edits, paper crafts and elaborate recommendation lists (not just a list of links). Creators can PARTICIPATE as much or as little as they want (i.e. you don’t have to do ALL the prompts if you don’t want to) and prompts can be used in any order. They are also free to use even after the event ends.
When uploading Whumptober content to your blog, be sure to tag it with:
#whumptober2024 …..(the event tag)
#no.1, #no.2, #no.3, …..(theme number)
#bruises, #stabbing, …..(the theme or specific prompt you chose)
#altprompt …..(if you use an altprompt, tag the post with the number of the prompt you replace)
#fandom or #OC, …..(ironman, original content, oc, etc.)
#medium …..(gifs, fic, podcast, art, etc.)
#teeth, #etc …..(trigger warnings & any additional tags. Keep in mind not to add “tw” in front but only use the word/trigger itself)
#nsfwhump …..(only for nsfw content)
#your own tags go here
PLEASE BE DILIGENT WITH YOUR TAGGING. Only properly tagged posts are considered for archiving on the official @whumptober-archive blog. They must be tagged in the order above. An elaborate post about our tagging system can be found [here]
Unfortunately, due to the sheer number of participants in recent years, we cannot guarantee your work will be archived. A random selection of properly tagged posts from all genres will be reblogged each day.
Whumpers who produce content for 31 total theme days are considered event completionists and will be tagged in a masterpost at the end of the month. A form will be published at the beginning of November asking you to tell us if you completed. This is based on trust and we will not check this.
Frequently Asked Questions
Please read this before you send an ask!
July: Trope voting form released. Late August: Prompt list is released for at least four weeks of preparation time. Tropes cannot be posted earlier than August 25th because of Moderator obligations in real life. (But, you know, go ahead and start writing/drawing, and add the themes in later, if you want!) September: Do as much or as little on your works as you want. You can prepare everything in advance or let September go by with vibes and start working in October. It’s up to you. October 1st: Challenge begins! A storm of whump breaks upon us all! During this time, some posts will be reblogged to the whumptober archive blog. We open the yearly AO3 collection for posting (optional). November 1st: The challenge is officially over! Completionist form opens for those who want to be included in the hall-of-fame. Early November: We release completionist and participant badges, solicit feedback, and post a hall-of-fame list of completionists by the 10th.
Q: What counts as participation? Create or continue at least one work inspired by one of this year’s prompts. Q: What counts as completion? Creating work(s) inspired by at least one prompt from each day (or alts), for a total of 31 unique prompts. Q: Do I need to create 31 works? No. You can, if you want. Or you can create one work that you add to every day with a new prompt. Or several works that combine prompts. You can also update an existing work by adding new material with the current prompts. Q: Do I need to post my works somewhere to be a completionist or a participant? No. Q: How do you know I actually completed the challenge? We’ll take your word for it! Q: Do I have to finish my work(s) to be a completionist? No, you can post WIPs. And you’re not obligated to finish them in October, but if you want it to count towards being a completionist, you must have completed 31 prompts by the end of the month. So for example, if you’re writing a long fic and you fit 31 different prompts into the writing you did in October, it’s okay if that fic isn’t finished by the time October ends, you’ll still be a completionist. Q: Is co-writing/illustrating allowed? Yes, absolutely, and it would count towards being a completionist for both/all of you. Q: Is there a min/max limit on word count for written works? No. Q: Is there a min/max limit of quality for art? No. Q: Do I have to do something each day to be a completionist? No. You can skip days whenever you want, and as long as 31 daily prompts (or alts) are in your works done in October, you can be a completionist. For example, if you wrote a 1000-word ficlet that covers prompts in days 2, 3, and 17, you can check all three days off your list even though it’s only one work. Q: Is this challenge just for fics? No! Artworks, GIFsets, headcannons, rec lists, poetry, moodboards, or any other creative work is encouraged. Q: Can I combine Whumptober with other creation challenges? Absolutely, as long as the other challenges allow it too.
Q: How do the prompts work? There are FOUR prompts per day: a theme and three ideas. You can use one, two, three, or all four prompts for each day. If you don’t like any of the daily prompts, you can substitute one of the ALT prompts instead. Q: How strictly/literally should we interpret the prompts? As literally or as figuratively as you want. For example, if the theme is WATER, that could mean drowning, waterboarding, raining, swimming, take place underwater, be lost at sea, construct a metaphor about a character’s mood that changes like a flowing river, crying, or whatever else you can think of that fits that theme. Q: Can I combine prompts? Is there a limit on how many? No limit and combine as many as you’d like. If you create a work that checks off multiple prompts, that work will count for a fill of multiple prompts. You need to address 31 different prompts to be an official completionist, but you don’t have to produce 31 separate works.
Q: What’s whump? Hurting a character, whether that’s physically, emotionally, intellectually, psychologically, or any other way you can think of. Comfort afterwards is optional. Angst is emotional whump, so it counts. Q: How do I know if it’s whumpy enough? If your character is just mildly inconvenienced, it probably needs more whump. However, no participant has to prove whumpiness to the mods. Whatever you write is up to you. Q: What kind of characters can I create for? Anything. Generic “whumpee,” OC, PC, NPC, major characters, minor characters, or whatever you want. There are no limits. Q: Does it have to take place in a specific fandom? No, you can create works for your own worlds or for fandoms or for both. You can also create more generic or pan-fandom works. You can do cross-overs or use OCs, whatever you want. Q: Can I create AI-created works? We will not reblog or promote any works we know to be generative AI-created. Q: Is there anything we’re not allowed to write? As long as it contains whump and is based on our prompts, it’s fine. Please courtesy tag your works if you post them so people who follow the #whumptober2024 tag can filter according to their preferences. Q: What about sex, minor characters, and potentially disturbing content? You can create whatever works are legal in your country and post them accordingly. Please courtesy tag anything you think might be objectionable if you post to Tumblr so people who follow the #whumptober2024 tag can filter according to their preferences.
Q: Where can I post my work? Post where and how you want. You don’t even have to (cross)post it to Tumblr. Just keep in mind if it’s not on Tumblr we will not be able to add it to the blog archive. There is an AO3 archive for Whumptober 2024, as well as the parent collection for works completed outside of the event. Q: Can I start posting early? You can, but this is an October event and wouldn’t it be more fun with everyone doing it at the same time? We won’t be reblogging any work predating October 1st. Q: Can I post late? Yes. For the sake of our hardworking Post Fairies, only a day’s themes will be reblogged to @whumptober-archive each day of October. But you can post whenever. Some of us are still working on and posting Whumptober fics from years ago. Q: Do I have to use your tags? Only on Tumblr and only if you want us to reblog your work on @whumptober-archive. Q: How do I have my works reblogged to the archive? Properly tagged posts will be reblogged to @whumptober-archive. If you want the official archive blog to reblog you, post on Tumblr and tag correctly (see this FAQ link for more info on tagging). Please note not all posts will be reblogged each day. Q: Can we @ you? For questions and comments, of course. We’ll be getting a flood of notifications, so if you really want us to see something send an ask. Q: Can I cross post on other blogs? Yes, multiple platforms and blogs are perfectly acceptable, as long as they allow cross-posting (to us). You can also post different works to different accounts under different names, without posting them everywhere at once. If you post some works under your main and others under an alt blog, that’s fine for completionist purposes. Q: Can I upload/repost my Whumptober content to other social media platforms? Of course! We’ve created an AO3 Collection to archive any fics posted there, which can be found here. The blog is the official archive, so please respect the personal boundaries of any whumpers in your social circle (don’t out anyone as a participant who would prefer not to be outed).
Most importantly, have fun, create, and enjoy all the whump posted this October!
6K notes · View notes
bambi-slxt · 4 months
easily overstimulated gf:
✨a very long concept✨
at first, matt thought you didn't like to be touched.
he would brush his knuckles against your cheek and you would flinch away, he would hold your hand and you could only hold his back for so long before you had to let go, he would try to comb his fingers through your hair and your skin would shiver.
so it came as a complete and total surprise when, one night, he came home late to find you in his bed, rubbing yourself, struggling to orgasm.
the door opened and your face was bathed in leftover light from the kitchen down the hall, and the hum of the washer became a half-tick louder. your hand stilled underneath his covers and your cheeks turned beet red.
before he could speak, you said, "matty...can you close the door?"
his face unreadable, he did as you asked. it snicked shut behind him, leaving the room only dimly lit by his monitor's screensaver.
you knew he'd seen. there was no getting out of this one. looking at his face, you gulped and realized you were going to explain yourself, so help him god.
"i c-...i can't..."
"can't what," he lilted. motherfucker was teasing you.
"...don't make me say itttt..."
matt's lips quirked up into a small smile. "say what? you're not making any sense, sweetheart."
"i-i need y-you to-"
he stepped closer to you, his head slightly tilted as his brain put all the pieces together. "you're gonna have to tell me, darlin'..."
unable to stand the mounting pressure in your tummy anymore, you finally find your voice out of pure desperation. "matt...please touch me."
he's on you in an instant, and all of matt's questions about your inconsistencies are suddenly answered. you didn't hate his touch - quite the opposite.
as his fingertips ghosted over your sides, your back arched with the overwashing feeling. when his lips whispered over yours, a moan rolled from the back of your throat and coated his tongue. it tasted delicious, in matt's humble opinion.
he steadied himself by bracing his forearm on the bed next to your face, his grin self-satisfied and smug as matt stroked the lines of your body all the way down to your heat, paying special attention to the stripe of skin right below your stomach.
your oh-so-sensitive nerves lit with fire under his touch and he barely gave you a moment to breathe before his index finger swiped slowly up your slit, gathering all the pleasure that he'd caused and the leftover juices you'd created from earlier.
your chest clenched as matt's ministrations sent tingles sparking all through your body, and your mouth dropped open into a lust-filled whimper.
matt's head cocked to the side as he continued to move his finger up and down the center of your folds, almost mirroring your expressions. "mhm...there we go...oh, i know, baby, i'm just the worst...awww..."
he hadn't even touched your clit yet, and you could already feel the knots pulling taut in your core. his lips brushed over your cheek as he nibbled your skin, blowing warm air over your ear as his arm stretched and flexed above your chest and down your torso.
you felt his hair, soft and slightly curled at the tips, feathering over your forehead as matt spoke gently into your brain. "give it to me," he murmured, finally dragging his soaked fingers up to your clit.
matt's eyes held yours in a vice-grip-gaze, his fingertips pressing deliciously on your bud of nerves. "i want it," he said, "cum for me, pretty girl. cum all over my hand, make a mess on my bed."
the knot snapped and with a gasp, your chest arched into him and your eyes flew shut, hips bucking into his palm. he held your kitty firmly in his hand, fingers never ceasing, hovering over your body while you rode your high, a whimpering, sensitive wreck.
"good girl...good girl, there she is...easy...come back to earth, there you go..."
his palm had flattened over your pussy and matt thought that the feeling of your heart beat, the twitching aftershocks, and the creaming wetness of your orgasm was the best thing he had ever felt.
"you okay?"
"promise?" he asked, settling up onto his side and flattening the fly-aways back to your head.
your eyes blinked slowly, blissed-out and still in the clouds. "promise. thank you matty...oh my god, thank you."
"don't thank me just yet."
matt rested his forehead against yours, and the next words out of his mouth made your toes curl.
"wanna feel you, sweetheart..." he mumbled, sinking his hips down to graze against yours, his hard-on painfully pressed on your folds. "wanna feel you around me 'til you milk me dry."
and if that wasn't the most heavenly thing you'd ever heard, you didn't know what was. your legs shot up to meet across his back, heels digging into his skin to bring him closer to you as he rutted his pelvis into you.
"fuck, baby...oh shit..."
you whined for him, your voice high and close to his ear. matt groaned and shoved his nose to your neck, taking hold of your skin between his teeth and sucking - hard.
you reached up with your arms and tugged at his sweats, yanking them down over the slight curve of his ass, pawing at the hem of his boxers. he continued his marking of your flesh, almost growling at your body's responses to him.
your universe had shrunken to this moment, this person, this room, this bed. your world was no bigger then the man above you.
matt kicked his way out of his sweats just enough to yank his underwear down and pull his cock out. "'m sorry, baby, i can't wait," he panted, running his cock-head along your slit. "jesus fuck."
"you want this?" matt's voice lay softly in the air above you, punctured by your continued begging.
with a half-smile and a slow roll of his hips, matt pressed the tip of his cock through your folds, the pressure warm and wet and wonderful for both of you.
his slit practically wept pre-cum, and matt, trembling above you, dipped his head and kissed you. in the same moment, he slid himself into you full hilt, slow, steady, unrelenting.
you finished the second he bottomed out inside of you, whimpering your apologies while his eyes rolled back into his head because god you clenched around him so good-
"it's okay baby, seriously, i love it," he murmured, keeping his hips still while you quivered down from your high, brushing hair from your face. "it's how you are. and i love you."
your face scrunched into a pout as your thighs, still shaking, settled somewhat around his waist.
"hey baby?"
"can i start moving now?"
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request to be on the taglist under this post right here
tags: @pinksturniolo @malirosee @st7rnioioss @nonat-111 @cindylcuwho @evie-sturns @h3arts4harry @fanficsbymia @dazednmatthews @sturniolo-rat @mattsmad @sturniolo04 @bellasturn @blahbel668 @yomamaslays4lyfe @stasiesturn @pleasantlycrazyworld @ariqolyx @wh0resstuff @krissy4gov @coochiedestroyer1 @madisturn @mattspolitank @sturnsxplr-25 @xtravrgnoliveoil @raysmayhem-72 @sturnpooks @certifiedstarrr @melanch0lybby @freshloveforthefit @xoxo4chrisss @stunza @meerkatzthings  @zivall @sturniolopepsi @that1fangirll @wh0schl0 @sharksworldd @mattscoquette @chrisslutx @sturnzsblog @sturniologals @quaxkingshs @certifiedstarrr @solarsturniolo
816 notes · View notes
cheezeybread · 3 months
Hello! i do have a request headcannons with the housewardens with g/n reader who is very physical affection, yet they are also very smart on academics. They also loves to take a notes during a lessons so imagine they saw reader who writes a lot that definitely until a whole paragraf (even worse if they ran out of the paper or books, they can be write until the table)
I hope you like the idea if you can't you can ignore it, and i'm sorry for the bad grammar, have a good day! (⌒∇⌒)ノ"
Will do! You have a good day, too! :D
𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙣𝙚𝙪𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙡 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙬𝙝𝙤 𝙞𝙨 𝙥𝙝𝙮𝙨𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙖𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖 𝙨𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙮-𝙥𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙨 𝙬𝙝𝙤 𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚𝙨
𝐅𝐭: 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞, 𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐚, 𝐀𝐳𝐮𝐥, 𝐊𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐦, 𝐕𝐢𝐥, 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐮𝐬, 𝐈𝐝𝐢𝐚
No, this is not proof-read, I'm lazy, sorry TwT
Oh my goodness, you show him physical affection AND you're studious despite not having any magic to practice on in class? He's so in love it's crazy
He finds it very admirable how you pour your heart and soul into the technical aspects of class...which only serves to make Grim look worse in his eyes (I mean, the little Direbeast is your magic-half and he doesn't even pull his own weight! Grim is single-handedly dropping your grades down with every magical assignment)
Anytime there's a group assignment, you bet your bottom dollar that Riddle's going to convince the teacher to make the two of you partners! You both pull your own weight in the task and always manage to get the highest grades on projects! Plus, he enjoys spending class with you
Although he's not exactly the best with physical affection (words of affirmation are more his own love language because of his STUPID MOM-), he does his best to reciprocate, albeit somewhat awkwardly.
Expect some hand-holding from him in public, because that's all he can work himself up to do, PDA-wise. In class, though, he's more prone to absentmindedly touching you. Hand-holding, for sure, or maybe just resting a hand on your side, nudging you with his elbow to see what sort of notes you're writing down. His attention in class is split between the teacher and you, a fair 50/50
But sometimes it leans more towards 40/60 when you squeeze his hand affectionately.
A big cat at heart (and physically, lol), Leona's a bit iffy with the physical affection. It mainly depends on the mood you catch him in.
If he's in a particularly gracious mood, he'll allow the physical contact and even give some back, preferring to wrap an arm around you or rest his head on your shoulder
If he's in one of his leave-me-alone kitty phases, he'll allow the touch, of course, but he might be a little less prone to give you any in return. But he'll never say no to you if you want to show him your own way of love
Because of Ruggie, you're now his un-official tutor! I mean, you are his partner, so you might as well help him learn some stuff with all the time you spend around each other, right?
Pretty much how the tutoring sessions go: *y/n, opening their notebook for a class, preparing to read to Leona since he missed that day's lesson* Leona: Wtf y/n: What? Leona: Why do you have so many notes for just one lesson? y/n: Oh, this isn't all of them, actually. Leona:....Why does it say 'Page 1 out of 32'.
Whether he likes it or not, he's gonna learn something from those notes of yours!
Of course, when he does come to class, his attention is always on you throughout the entire lesson.
You're actually his soulmate, he's convinced.
Physical affection? Poor little guy needs all he can get! It helps assure him that 1) You don't find him absolutely repulsive, and 2) That you like him! He's the sort where if you don't give him a kiss upon first seeing him, he'll spiral into a "omg they hate my guts and want me to die now" mindset. Poor fella.
During any lessons the two of you have together, he's found that since you have the better notes out of the two of them, he can look over yours and add to his notes. So expect him to ask to borrow your notebooks after every single class. Or maybe he'll just forgo writing his own notes and copy yours entirely, hm? Nah, he couldn't bring himself to do such a thing-
This man is clingy af
He's always got a hand on you in some way, shape, or form, and always, always finds a way to touch you in passing. Your hanging out with him in the Mostro Lounge? He's leaning up against you, legs crossed. You two are out walking? Arm around your waist. In class? He's got his ankle hooked around yours.
Expect him to constantly ask you if what he's doing is alright or not. He's not well-versed in the relationship-styles of humans, and he knows that merfolk can come off a bit...too much. So he figures that it's better safe than sorry!
He's also totally going to ask you to read over any contracts that he drafts up, asking if you can find any loopholes written in the fine print or not. A second pair of eyes helps out more often than he'd like to admit!
FINALLY, someone on his level of affection!
PDA? Hell yeah!
Always touching, always hugging, and he gives zero regards to who might be looking when he gives you a lil smooch!
"Oh, yn, you took notes today? You always do, you're such a good student! Can you come back to Scarabia with me and help me out with my classwork? Jamil is busy, and I really want to get better so I can beat him fair and square!" :D
Of course, whenever you go over to help him study, or just to review notes, it ends up in a cuddle-fest.
Are you complaining? You better not!
Every time there's an option to pick partners, you'd best believe he's picking you! Even if somehow he doesn't end up being your partner, he'll congratulate the person who is, telling them how nice and kind you are, and how smart, too!
The world doesn't deserve Kalim, fr fr
But you sure do!
And he'll make sure that you know how much you mean to him, whether it's by an ungodly amount of gifts, compliments to make you all flustered, or even just insisting on hanging around you 24/7!
Due to his own preoccupation with his looks and such, Vil unfortunately misses some parts of lessons. He'll pull out a small mirror to double-check if his eyeliner is smudged, and bam! Suddenly the teacher is onto the next subject.
Not to worry, though, because he has you!
With a bat of his eyelashes and a few small kisses on the back of your hands, he can convince you to show him your prized notes (of course, you'd be more than willing to give them to him with just a please, but you quite like the effort he puts into it)
In return for you re-reading your notes to him out loud, he'll fidget with your appearance, or simply caress the back of your hands
You two are working in the courtyard? He's running a hand through your hair, braiding it if it's long enough. You're in his dorm reading? He's painting your nails. You're in the library? He's running a hand up and down your arm.
He's more into the low-key physical affection out in public, but who's to say he won't openly kiss you if someone starts trying to hit on you? Or maybe he just feels like a bit of PDA is deserved after all your hard works! Who can tell with that guy!
Definitely one to gift you with custom-made notebooks.
It started with him watching as you tried to make your handwriting smaller, attempting to fit your last notes onto the veeeeery last page in your journal.
When he got back to his room, Idia found some basic journals that he never got around to using, and he puts stickers on them, quotes, any and everything he thinks that you'd like. It's a sloppy mess, since arts and crafts isn't his strong suit, but it's handmade!
Eventually, though, he'll get frustrated with making the notebooks, and he'll just make some piece of technology that prints spoken words onto a notebook for you, so you don't have to have an aching wrist from writing so much.
God love him, he's trying, A for effort.
On the side of affection, though...he's still getting used to it. If you do ANYTHING in public, he's going to turn into an absolute mess and get all flustered. It's especially bad in class. You accidentally brush your hand up against his and he gives a shriek in response, slamming his head on the table in embarrassment and asking to leave
In private, he's still liable to get flustered, but if you assure him constantly that he's fine, he'll eventually settle down...eventually.
He's determined to get better at physical affection for you, so he's definitely trying...just give him a little bit, and he'll come around.
This is just normal human behavior, is it not?
Most definitely, though, he finds it refreshing to have someone at the school who doesn't fear him and treats him like an equal (although who's to say that there isn't a mutual worshiping going on between the two of you?)
Since you are the Prefect of the Ramshackle Dorm, you are required to attend the Housewarden meetings! On the occasions that Malleus is unreachable and unfindable, you take it upon yourself to write down the notes of the meeting, nearly word-for-word of what transpired. Later on, you'll hunt down Malleus and give him the notes, which in turn you'll receive a kiss as a thank-you.
He truly does appreciate you, in every way, shape, and form. Just so ya know ;)
He'll find old journals around the Diasomnia dorm (either journals that Lilia has and never used, or just ones that were bought for dorm use), and he'll give them to you, seeing as how you make the most use out of them!
And by gosh, these journals are gorgeous! They're rugged and antique-looking, leatherbound, and some of them even have an ancient design burned into the cover. It almost makes you sad to use them, but Malleus is overjoyed when he sees you writing down notes or anything in one of them
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sebastiansluts · 1 year
How about reverse cowgirl with Bucky but you are completely on top of him, and him hooking his arm under your leg and thrusting into your kitty so hard yet he decides to be a little mean by putting 2 of his vibranium fingers inside you while his cock still inside and hooking it so they hit your g-spot perfectly that it makes you squirt everytime he hits it
I believe you'll be the perfect writer to write that kind of sfuff, Rosie!
Bucky Barnes x Reader; vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, squirting,
You and Bucky were on the bed, and you were sitting on top of him, backwards, facing his legs, slowly sinking down on his dick. You breathed heavily, your hands planted on his calves, your legs tucked under you and still you felt shaky and off-balance.
"B-Bucky, I'm gonna fall," you whimpered, his big cock stretching you and it was only halfway in. His hands were firm on your hips, and he squeezed them, the vibranium shifting in his arm and making you squeak.
"Doll, you're not goin' anywhere," Bucky muttered, and pulled you down farther on his dick, making you take the stretch and pain until you were gasping with pleasure, his tip hitting that special spot inside you.
You panted as you adjusted, slowly walking your hands up his firm, thick thighs, until you pushed yourself upright, sat on top of him. Bucky kneaded your hips again, before sliding his mismatched hands up your sides, smoothing over your arms, until he had a firm grip on your upper arms.
"C'mon baby, I told ya, you're not goin' anywhere," Bucky said, pulling you down until you started falling, then he stopped you, controlling your descent, getting you resting on top of him completely.
"Fuck...Bucky don't slip out," you whined as he shifted, propping his feet on the mattress, yours still folded at his sides. He reached down, vibranium and flesh grabbing your calves and lifting you as you squeaked until your legs were folded up by your head.
"You still worried 'bout me slippin' out?" Bucky chuckled, draping your legs over his arms, the vibranium shifting beneath you making you shiver.
Bucky started thrusting, gently at first, teasing you with it before he suddenly started putting more power behind his thrusts, grunts and whimpers leaving you as his big cock stretched you again and again.
"How 'bout now doll, think 'm still gonna 'let you fall' or 'slip out' or some other silly nonsense?" Bucky was relentless with both his words and his thrusts, fucking you so hard you knew you were going to be bruised and swollen.
"No Bucky! I trust you!" you cried out, and his hips stuttered for a moment before regaining their steady, almost too much, powerful rhythm.
"Yeah? You trust me baby? So fuckin' sweet of ya, can't stand it doll. You're too good to me, so I'm gonna be too good to you."
Your eyes widened, staring up at the ceiling in shock as Bucky reached his vibranium hand over and slid a finger in beside his cock. You clenched hard, breath punched out of you, the sting back and intense, nearly bringing tears to your eyes, but Bucky kept moving, sliding his cock in and out of your hole while he kept his finger still.
You groaned, forced to take him like he wanted, literally held into position. "Bucky...fuck, it's s'much," you panted, moaning as he rubbed a second finger against where his cock was pressing deep inside your cunt.
"Aww, havin' trouble doll? S'it too much? No, never too much for my baby," Bucky praised as he pressed his second finger in beside the other, his cock pushing back deep into you.
Your mouth dropped open, your head fallen back on Bucky's shoulder as his vibranium fingers flexed inside you before hooking on your spot, pressing hard just as his dick plunged deep.
You gasped as pressure built inside you and released, liquid squirting out of you above Bucky's dick even as he pulled back partway. "Bucky!" you cried, and he groaned loudly, fucking you hard again, fingers pressing that spot and you felt that release again. You squirted again, to Bucky's absolute delight.
"Jesus Christ doll, that's fuckin' it, soak me baby, drench me, c'mon you can do it," he goaded, every other word punctuated with a thrust and a push of his fingers which set you off, squirting all over Bucky and the bed.
Your mouth was hanging open, your eyes rolled back in your head and still you were coming, body and thighs shaking as you tried to hold on to yourself.
Bucky wouldn't stop making you squirt, but his thrusts were getting sloppier the closer he came to coming. There was a puddle forming on the bed beneath you two, as Bucky lifted his hips repeatedly, forcing you to take everything.
Your back arched as you came dry, spasming around Bucky's dick and clenching tight enough to trigger his orgasm. He came inside you with a pulse and a groan. He pulled his fingers free and buried his cock deep inside you, holding you down against him.
"Take it all baby, everything I give ya," Bucky groaned, and you just whimpered, overstimulated and exhausted, body twitching as he emptied himself inside you, then let your legs drop to the bed.
"Good fuckin' girl," he praised, stroking your still trembling thighs, smoothing over your sensitive cunt and making you jump. "I think this might be a new go-to position, hmm?"
You moaned, already imagining how much he'd make you come and squirt and ruin the bed further. "Yeah doll, get ready for round two."
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copperbadge · 3 months
TBH it was surprising when you mentioned you have difficulty knowing how others feel about you. You strike me as an incredibly likeable guy with an interesting life and viewpoint, and it seems your readers feel the same :) . If I lived anywhere near I'd love to hang out (or at least exchange cat pictures), but alas. Anyway, I hope you're having a good day and please give the kits a kiss for me!
Ah, thank you! That's a lovely thing to say :)
That's the curse of rejection-sensitive dysphoria though -- you're just never goddamn sure. Your brain wants to read everything other people say and do in a negative light, but you also know that's not correct. So it's one more axis along which you can't trust yourself.
Being unable to trust yourself is actually a really big part of ADHD. Specialists talk a lot about how people with ADHD can't trust their memory, they can't trust knowledge they've worked to acquire will be there when it's needed, they can't trust their reactions in a crisis, they can't trust their perceptions of others. I know, intellectually, that the people in my life don't remember 99% of the dumb shit I pull, but I remember it all in visceral emotional detail, which makes it difficult to believe in my soul that they don't. Do I remember the dumb shit they pull? No. Does that matter? Not to my stupid dinged-up corpus striatum, which is where the ADHD lives.
Even before my diagnosis I was dimly aware of this issue and so I did a lot of work on myself to make sure that I took a healthy attitude towards this, that I didn't try to manipulate people into reassuring me or lash out if I thought they secretly hated me. I remind myself not everyone will like me and that's okay, I remind myself that people who don't want to spend time with you don't proactively seek out your company.
But what that means is that while I for the most part don't suspect people of baselessly hating me, or at least don't act on suspicion when I do, I also just kinda...never know what anyone thinks. All I can really do is continue to assume the positive, and if that starts to fail, communicate openly about it. Which as coping mechanisms go is pretty healthy, like short of a drastic personality rewiring I'm not sure how I could handle it better, but the struggle is pretty real.
All of which is to say that I do appreciate the ask -- and all evidence in this post to the contrary I am having a pretty great day. It's Friday, the house is clean, I got paid today and I'm going on vacation starting Sunday. And I did just spend half an hour cuddling the kitties. :D
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chamomiletealeaf · 6 months
Okay soooo while we’re talking about 141’s reactions to our insecurities… what about stretch marks and scars? 👉👈
teeheehee this has me kicking and giggling 🤭
(Also, I have a few asks to get to so don't worry if I haven't responded to yours yet! I see them and will respond soon I promise!)
warnings: insecurity, suggestive themes
Johnny would call your stretch marks lightning bolts. He thinks you look badass with them. He'd trace them whether they be on your stomach, thighs, arms, chest, wherever they are he loves to trace them with his fingers and tongue.
His hands are never off you, so infatuated with what you saw as imperfections, that it made it hard for you to hate them sometimes.
Simon would call them your tiger stripes. He thinks they look so sexy on you. Calls you his tigress or kitty. Even when you complain that you don't want to bring attention to them, Simon always feels sad because you look so pretty with them? All he wants to do is look at them and touch them.
"Fuck lovie, look at those tiger stripes." He says into your ear with a smirk as he wraps his arms around you, placing his hands on your lower tummy where your stretch marks are while you do your makeup in the bathroom mirror with just a bra and your pajama shorts on.
"Stop. Not now Simon." You say trying to push him away but he resists and hugs you tighter. He looks at you in the mirror while pressing a kiss to your temple.
"Aw sweets, I can't admire you?" He teases.
"No. You know I hate them." You say with a frown trying to go back to putting your mascara on.
"Well honey, you may hate them, but to me they're fuckin' sexy. As if you weren't sexy enough. C'mon kitty, lemme show you how much I love your stripes yeah?"
And you end up crying off that mascara you worked so hard on that night if you know what I mean ;)
Gaz loves your stretch marks and scars since they make you so unique. He would love tracing them like he's looking at stars in the sky to group them into constellations.
He's always touching or kissing your stretch marks and scars, letting you know you don't have to be ashamed of them. He loves that your stretch marks are a sign that you're thicker, and he loves his girls soft. They just make the best pillow for him.
Bonus if he's laying between your thighs while you scratch his head and he turns to playfully bite at your marks on your inner thighs, making you blush and giggle at the tickling sensation.
Price didn't even notice them at first. He first saw them when you two first had sex and he made a mental note of how the marks adorned your skin and how they made you look so pretty, giving your skin a certain type of depth to it. They were a sign you were human, that you were alive, a real person that he is having a connection with and he melts. You were so perfect to him and he would spend his whole life making sure you knew it.
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multi-kpop-fanfics · 9 months
ok so, I just had a brain rot about black cat wonwoo with a ginger cat reader and it’s driving me insane-it could be fluffy or smut or both even
I love your posts btw! I always get so excited when I see you on my feed 🥹🫶
tysm for your love🥺
tw: black cat hybrid!wonwoo, ginger cat hybrid!fem!reader, mean dom!wonwoo, bratty reader, manhandling, unprotected sex (pls stay safe), mentions of breeding kink, mentions of house damages - minors dni.
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"Y/N, for the love of the Christmas spirit, please stay away from the damn tree."
"But I can't! It's impossible!" You shake the garland in your hands. "Everything is so shiny and glittery and UGH!"
"I swear, ginger cats are everyone's worst nightmare during Christmas." Wonwoo sighs audibly.
"You're a cat as well! Aren't you even a little bit tempted to play around?"
"Yeah, but I prefer to listen to the rational part of my brain."
"And what does it say?"
"It says to stop my rare ginger cat girlfriend from destroying the Christmas tree." He snatches the garland from your hands.
"You're mean! A big black mean cat!" Your words come out with a light growl and your tail smacks against your legs rapidly.
"I'm sorry, darling. But cleaning up after tons of glitter and tree remnants will be hell for the both of us."
"But it will be fun if we both participate!"
"Y/N, you literally hate cleaning up."
"At least I tried." You shrug and sit down next to the base of the tree.
You look at the decorations hanging from the branches and your cat urges, mixing with your impish attitude get the better of you and you start toying with the golden balls.
"Y/N, you better not be playing with the decorations."
"I am not! I just fixed a crooked branch." You feign innocence.
You take a peek from your point of view and notice Wonwoo's shirt riding up just enough to see a part of his abdomen and the faint veins over them, while he's stretched to his full height and decorate the upper parts of the tree.
With one rough tug on the bottom branches, you bring down the entire tree and it falls with a loud sound on the floor, a few decorations cracking.
You are sat on the floor when you look up to Wonwoo, whose ears are flattened on his hair and his tail is flapping
"Oopsie." You grin and you spring on your feet to run away from him.
"Get the fuck back here!" He chases you down all the way to the bedroom and jumps on you to pin you down on the mattress.
"I told you to not mess around with the fucking Christmas tree, kitty." He hisses in your ear.
"And I never listen to you." You giggle underneath him and swish your tail over his crotch.
"Ever the bratty ginger kitty, are you?" He sinks his nails in the fabric of your leggings and tears a large hole in them, exposing your bare cunt.
"Of course you weren't wearing panties - no wonder I could smell your damn cunt from a mile."
"What happened to listening to the rational part of your brain, Wonu?" You tease him by pushing your ass on his clothed bulge.
"It flew out of the window the moment I started dating you." He kicks your legs apart and takes out his half hardened cock, climbing on top of you to mount you.
"Do I have to fuck you senseless in order to make you listen? Hm?"
"Maybe?" Wonwoo pushes his dick in your hole until he's balls deep inside you. "So you say that maybe I should fuck your bratty cunt full of my cum until you're with pretty little kittens?"
You purr softly and arch your lower half upwards in satisfaction, slowly fucking yourself on your boyfriend's cock.
"I'll take that as a yes."
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devotedfem · 2 months
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→ Kitty Gang
Synopsis: Kitty gang Jimin thought you were the cutest detective to ever exist. You really think you can caught him? He was just playing mind games with you, after all, you're his little mouse, the prey who's being played before being swallowed whole.
Park Jimin x f. reader
Genre: criminal au | yander-ish
Tags: criminal Jimin, detective reader, chasing, violence, yandere Jimin, fierce reader, slutty Jimin, power play, running from the law.
From the series masterlist; The chasing.
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You groaned tired of the chase, the government doesn't pay you good enough to deal with this headache named Park Jimin, or kitty gang for the people of the streets.
At first it was thrilling, this sick game of cat and mouse. You were craving the feeling of putting that criminal behind the bars, that narcissistic cunt that think he's better than everyone else, and you almost fell by his angelic and "innocent" appearance when you met him for the first time, alone in a warehouse where he had hostage your coworker, but when you saw his sadistic smile and glinted eyes while torturing your friend, you knew he was a psycho who hides behind a pretty face.
It's been six months since the first time you met him, and since he killed your coworker, thence you swear to catch that sicko and put him in his place. You never failed a target, until him.
He always led you to fake clues, and you always took the bait, to your annoyance. And you were getting tired of him, of his baits and his arrogant smirks as if he was so above you. You hate him.
"..Y/n.." Jimin singsong somewhere in the dark. You couldn't find him, and you felt his piercing gaze on you.
"Why are you hiding Jimin-ssi? Are you afraid of me?" You mocked him, squinting your eyes to try to see better in the dark.
An airy chuckle sound very close to you, so close to your back.
You freeze in your place, your hand on your pistol. You won't turn back, yet.
"My dear y/n, you're the one who should be afraid." A hot whisper in your ear made you jump, ready to point your weapon at him, but he stopped you by grabbing your arms with one of his hands, while the other wrapped tightly around your neck.
This was the first time he got so close to you, and you can't help but feel a little afraid. This was unpredictable, this was new. And you didn't like it at all.
"Are you finally going to kill me?" Your voice sounded strangled by his grip, but you won't let him know that you're afraid. And if this is your last night alive, then so it be, but you won't go without a fight.
The grip around your neck tighten a little making you whimper, and Jimin's hot breath brushed your cheek, the front of his body is now all over your back.
"Watch your mouth detective, you're in no place to talk back to me. It's time you know your place," he warned lowly, with his lips brushing your jaw and cheek.
Your heart beat was wild against your ribcage, the adrenaline running hot in your veins. You didn't know what was happening, or what will happen to you, but you were feeling scared, trapped, angry and aroused, all at the same time.
"What do you want from me? Are you enjoying this? I bet you are sicko," you spat the last word. And you knew you hit a nerve.
The next thing you know, is that your back was crashed roughly against the wall, with Jimin's body pinning yours to it. You can feel his fury bursting from his body, wrapping you both. His breath was agitated and hot against your face, and you were drinking in it, dizzy from everything.
But then cold fear freeze your body when you felt both of your wrists being handcuffed, widening your eyes with anxiety.
Jimin grabbed your jaw roughly to make you look up at him, and that sadistic smile showed in his face.
"I think it's time for your punishment detective, I've been too soft on you," your breath hitch with fear at his words, "you know how good i'm with torturing people, you could ask your friend if he were still alive," he mocked cruelly, and your gaze blurred by your tears.
"Oh, don't cry my y/n, i promise to be nice to you. After all, your punishment will be special," he whispered the last word, like a mischievous oath.
You were so fucked up.
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heartfullofleeches · 5 months
How would Lynas react to reader who really cares for them and is really sweet and gentle towards them????
My baby (gn) needs a kith
Lynlas is unfamiliar with affection both in this life and when they were fully human. When it was given to them it was often a trick so Lynlas is cautious when it comes to "nice" people. They bond so well with Witch Reader's cold nature because they've seen Reader's kinder side they present when no one's looking like when they patched up Lynlas' doll.
If Reader is genuine in their intentions and love towards them, Lynlas will do anything for more. It becomes an addiction they can't shake- Pet them more, compliment its fur, hold them close at night. It's confusing, it makes them feel alive again - They don't understand why you'd be so gentle with a creature like itself, but they want more. Lynlas.... doesn't really know how to do much besides kill things so it's all they can offer in return-
"Who's a good kitty?"
A strange rumbling tugs at the feline's chest as you pet behind their ears. What's this feeling- The only time they purred this loud was after a good meal. What are you doing to them?... What can they do to make sure you'll never stop?
"Master.... Can I kill someone for you?"
"Er- That won't be necessary, Lynlas."
"But I wanna make you happy so you'll love me more- There's gotta be someone you hate! Please let me kill for you, Master! It's the only thing I'm good at!"
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lunicho · 9 months
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wandering thoughts - han taesan
- synopsis: taesan can't help but get distracted while on holiday with your family. all he wants is to be under your gaze. (2.1k words)
- warnings: subby taesan, gn reader, brief nipple play, y/n and taesan almost get caught, handjob, reader calls taesan kitty like twice (lmk if i missed anything)
a/n: first fic omgg, i'm rlly rusty with writing so pls be nice 💔. i don't normally call taesan by his real name but my mind works weird so i have to write fics with his real name idk why, anyways hope you enjoy!!
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“dongmin you have to let go!” your voice was muffled because your boyfriend had his arm around you, pushing your face into him. he'd been holding you in place for so long, not wanting to be left behind. “i need to shower!!” after a little bit of a struggle, you somehow managed to twist out of his grasp. 
your eyes were squinted as you adjusted to being in the light again, but you moved to your drawer to grab your clothes. “i'll just go with you then.” he sat up as well, moving himself to the end of your bed. 
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“no, you already know that you can't. i won't be that long, you big baby.” you laughed when you saw his expression, a slight pout placed on his lips. he continued to watch your every move, eyes following you as you moved around your room. 
you turned your body towards him, a deadpan expression coming across your face. “baby, seriously im not gonna disappear the second your eyes leave me, relax.” dongmin threw his body back on the bed, sighing at how badly he wanted your attention. 
“i'll be back, i promise.” you grabbed the remote from behind him, placing a kiss on his pouty lips simultaneously, “find a movie or something while im gone.” you dropped the remote in his lap, quickly leaving the room before he could protest any further. 
this was the first time dongmin was visiting with your family for an extended period of time. you've brought him to get togethers and other family events but he's never stayed at your parents house or any of your family's house for that matter. the day was awesome, everyone was getting along well and you had a lot of fun, especially since you hadn't been to your parents house in a little while. he hated that his mind strayed like it did all day, the only thing he was able to focus on was you. 
his mind wandered again as he tried to pick a movie, all he could think about was you in the shower. how the water would run down your body, the way your sweet scented shower gel would lather on your chest, and how you'd stand wordlessly in the warmth, enjoying the way the water heated up your joints. he bit his lip at the thought, trying to snap himself out of it by scrolling through more movies. he could feel himself getting hard already, just the thought of your naked body could drive him to insanity. dongmin eventually landed on one, sighing as his pants suddenly felt way too tight. 
he got up to change into pajamas, hurriedly removing his pants. he palmed himself over his underwear once his jeans were off, eyebrows furrowed with frustration. a small pool of precum leaked through his black boxers, the sight making him harder. he thought about quickly getting himself off but ultimately decided against it, not wanting to disobey you. 
you caught his attention a little bit later by opening your bedroom door, entering the room in your cozy pajamas. you threw your dirty clothes into the basket by the door, smiling at your boyfriend lovingly, “do you wanna go take a shower?” you grabbed your lotion and sat on the bed, rubbing down your arms and legs. dongmin shook his head, “no, i took one right before i came.” he lifted the blanket off of himself a little to show that he had already changed into pajamas. 
you nodded and turned your back to dongmin, looking at the tv, “ooh you picked a good movie, you can start it.” he pressed play, the tv faintly playing sound. you normally keep the volume fairly since you usually watch tv late into the night. 
you could hear dongmin moving around behind you, the way the bed slightly shook also giving it away. the bed dipped below you a bit when he got closer, you could almost feel heat radiating off of him. his hands rested on your shoulders and he brought his face down to yours, placing kisses on your face and shoulders. he briefly smelled the nape of your neck, the freshly sprayed perfume and body oil made a heavenly mixture on your skin. you tilted your head, allowing him more access, “seriously what has gotten into you today?” you put the lotion down with a smile on your face, moving onto the bed and cuddling into your boyfriend. 
“don't know, just love you.” you now had your back to the tv, the two of you facing each other as you cuddled up. “well, love me from over there.” you said jokingly, trying to move out of his grasp again, hands pushing him away. you both laughed but dongmin's grasp on you remained firm. he lowered you onto your back, placing his lips on yours. a quiet whimper fell from his lips, showing how desperate he was for your touch. 
“you know,” you pulled away from the kiss, sitting up on your elbow, your free hand moving down his torso, “you could just tell me when you're needy like this..” you brush your hand along his hardened length, confirming your suspicions. 
he sucked in a breath, reacting to the way you grasped him gently, fingers gripping the bed sheets. his big eyes gazed into yours, his lip caught between his teeth. he breathed out a whimper when your hand moved away from him. “keep quiet, don't want my family hearing you..” 
you sat up on your knees, the long forgotten movie still playing behind you two. you moved the blanket down his body, allowing yourself to fully see. “why should i help you right now? maybe i should just leave you like this as a punishment for being so dirty.” you were only teasing but the desperate head shaking that came from the boy below you made you smile. 
“please.. i need you so bad..” his volume was low, desperation leaking from every word. he ran his hand through his hair, his thighs pressing together slightly. 
“i can't believe you right now..” you genuinely were a little shocked, dongmin isn't usually the type that's not able to control himself but he'd just been extra needy today. he'd been keeping a hushed but flirty tone with you all day, leaning down to your ear each time. when you'd be alone with him he'd kiss you quickly, pressing his lips against you as much as he could. 
“please y/n..” he shut his eyes tight, a slight wave of embarrassment washing over him. he brought his hands up to his face, slightly covering it. he's always so shy during sex but he was so so cute. 
“aww it's okay baby, i'm sorry for teasing you so much.” with one hand you pulled his hands away from his face, your thumb brushing over his bottom lip. he pushed his lips against the pad of your finger, his lips parting slightly. with your other hand you gently palmed him over his pants. your voice was hushed as you spoke, not wanting anyone to hear, “gonna take care of you okay?” he nodded, eyes desperate. 
you pulled the tied drawstring of his pajama pants, quietly asking him to pull them down. you ran a finger up the length of his shaft, watching as he shivered under you. his precum made his tip slick as you thumbed his throbbing slit. 
you reached for the lotion you used earlier, squeezing some into your hand, finally slowly pumping his length. small needy noises spilled from the boys lips. you caressed his cheek gently, heart melting when he unconsciously leaned into your touch, just like a little kitten. “you've gotta keep quiet kitty.” with that you swiftly stuck two fingers into his mouth and he immediately started sucking on them. 
he breathed out heavily, one of his hands holding onto your arm as a way to brace himself. you adored this boy, continuing to pump his length at a steady pace. 
dongmin couldn't sit still, his thighs tensed and released repeatedly as a tight ball for formed in his stomach. his hips rolled in small circles, eyes staring up at you once again. he moaned around your fingers, one of his hands moving to go around your waist. 
you couldn't help but whisper, “such a pretty kitty..” your voice sounding slightly awestruck. times like this just swole your heart up, filling you with warmth. you pulled your fingers out of his mouth, moving your hand under his shirt to toy with his nipples. 
his nipples weren't that sensitive but they still got him reacting a bit. they hardened as soon as you touched them, hands brushing across them playfully. 
you focused your hand on the tip of his cock, repeatedly brushing over it. his hips slightly stuttered, pushing away from your grasp out of sensitivity. this got his orgasm building up even faster than before. 
he was so close to finishing, so so close but there was a knock at your door. dongmin's hips stilled, a mortified expression crossing his face. “y/n?” your hand slowed down on his length, his body tense in your grasp. you continued to play with the head of his cock as you answered, knowing your mom wouldn't open the door, “yes mom?” dongmin accidentally whimpered at the feeling of your hand slightly tightening on his length, his noise almost being too loud.
without second thought you slapped a hand over his mouth. he breathed out heavily from his nose, the air blowing against the back if your hand. the adrenaline of the situation caused his cock to twitch. he shut his eyes tightly, suddenly getting the urge to fuck your fist and make himself cum. 
“are you guys hungry? do you want a snack or anything?” you nodded although she couldn't see you through the door, “yeah, thanks, we'll be out in a second, we're finishing up part of this movie.” she responded to you after that, the sound of her footsteps getting farther from your door. 
you waited to be sure she was gone before speaking, leaning closer to the boy, “oh you liked that, hm? almost getting caught made your cock harder didn't it? so dirty..”
you uncovered his mouth and watched his mouth move as if he was going to say something, but nothing came out. “next time we're at your place i'm gonna fuck you up for this, you know that right? gonna ride you until you're begging me to let you cum.” he nods eagerly at this with furrowed eyebrows, desperate to cum now. 
the way you're talking is enough to get him going even more. his hips moved on their own causing you to stop your movements on his cock. he fucked himself into your fist, head thrown back and mouth falling open. 
several moans come from him, your fingers returning to his mouth. his moans are muffled but still quite audible as he gets himself off in your fist. 
ropes of cum eventually shoot from his cock, landing on his stomach. you begin stroking him through his orgasm, his hips stuttering once again. he breathes heavily, pressing his lips shut against your fingers as he comes down from his high. he keeps his eyes closed as his chest rises and falls, his hips jolting every once in a while. 
you pull your fingers out of his mouth once again, leaning down to kiss his slightly sweaty forehead. you brush his hair out of his face, kissing down to his cheek, “you okay my love?” to that he nods, finally opening his eyes and smiling shyly. 
“thank you y/n.” he was feeling slightly embarrassed again as he sat up on his elbows looking at his stomach. he was covered in his own cum, unable to move from his spot. he shook his head before looking to you for help, hands returning to his hair to fluff it up, a habit he has. you turned to him and nodded with a smile as you looked for something to clean him up with. 
you grabbed a towel out of your laundry basket, wiping your hands before taking it over to dongmin. you helped him clean himself up, returning the towel to the basket shortly after. you stood by the door, watching the boy on your bed. 
“hurry honey, i wanna get some snacks.” he smiled at you as he pulled his pants back up, tying the knot once again. his heart was still pumping quickly as he exited the room, the adrenaline of the situation still with him. 
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bbrooklynbabe · 5 months
happy birthday katniss everdeen you are the biggest taurus who ever lived (and i love you very much)
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peggingdemons · 4 months
Sub headcanons!
With the brothers!
(Ps... Sorry for making Lucifer AFAB I can't write a cis Lucifer for the live of me)
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He's not comfortable subbing until you prove you're not going to A. Make fun of him. And B. Let people know about it
The first time he subbed he was quite
Biting his lip, covering his mouth and shoving his face into the bed
His bottom growth is VERY sensitive so suck on it for him to let loose
He gets more vocal if you go down on him before fucking him
After the first few times of subbing he gets comfortable with it
After some time he'll pride himself in being a good sub and not fight back.. But sometimes he does want a nice spanking ;)
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So yes he subs like a dog :  ecstatically
He doesn't misbehave at all really he loves you too much
He'll do anything you ask
Eating you out, sucking on you, fucking you or being fucked by you
He loves a dick in his mouth (real or fake) (if you're AFAB then he will suck your strap on to lube it up)
Despite what his brothers say he's not that much of a masochist 
He... Doesn't MIND pain but he doesn't seek out it
He likes praise more so.... Call him a good boy now!!!!
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One of the most obedient subs you'll meet
He feels exposed while subbing so he might be uncomfortable...
Prefers positions where you can't see his face (like doggy or reverse cowgirl)
He actually likes bottoming more than topping
Levi.. Won't out right say what he's into.. You'll have to find out
He loves being degraded and being praised!
Call him a gross Otaku then say he looks wonderful drooling over your cock/strap!
He might just cum right then!!!
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He is so willing once you both are in a relationship!
He's thought about it but never felt safe enough to sub... Until he met you!
At first he won't be comfortable bottoming so he'll mainly top from the bottom
But he'll ask to bottom one day
Put him in his kitty outfit and prep him with some toys then you'll be good!
The moment your cock/strap goes in his mind kinda just.. Breaks
Just expect him to let out little 'nyas' after every thrust ;)
May also have just the tiniest breeding kink
Didn't think much of it.. But the thought of having YOUR litter excites him to no end
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Asmo asked to sub.. First time y'all did it too
He doesn't hate dominating but he loves you so much he's just gotta have you in control!
He's..open to a lot but he does have limits
Like 1 no marks that won't heal fast 2 nothing to where he can't hear you (he can't get off then!!!) 3 no rope that'll leave burns if he moves
Queen of dress up before! Asmo loves being gorgeous before you ruin him!
Dresses made to be throw off, sometimes he picks outfits that'll be the best to drag him off and easily take off so you can fuck him!
He likes gags to your surprise
After care is wonderful for both of you!
A nice bath, skin care and fluffy PJs with some "I love you" every minute!
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(Guys I don't know how to write him-)
Like Satan ease him into subbing
He likes it dw just not used to it
Beels head game be mean and he'll want to start with that every time (it'd be wonderful for him if you're willing to cum more than once)
Gotta have something in his mouth! Your fingers, your tongue or a gag
He tops most the time but he still likes bottoming!
Always worries that if he rides you he'll be too heavy ;(
Same goes with you eating him out (but do it anyway! He loves it!!!!)
Not that loud but his face is beautiful
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Lazy ass bitch-
Yeah.. Belphie isn't putting in work at all
He's loud, bratty and a tease
The type to whisper how he'd like you to fuck him while in RAD
He does it because he likes the way you look at him after (angry and a little horny)
The most work he'll do is suck/eat you out/off
No work otherwise
He'll fall asleep if you go on too long (but fuck him anyway (¬‿¬ ))
For such a spoiled brat he really likes to be put in his place
After care is on you tho (he'll give amazing cuddles so it's alright)
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Could umm… you happen to do another if creator had a child and its wanderer. The only odd/strange thing about the baby is that they have ball joints like a puppet?just wondering
The creator had a 
Doll like child
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Wc: ~700
“Wanderer?” You ask without fully expecting an answer, whenever you spend the night stargazing both of you get lost in your thoughts.
“What we did a few weeks ago was to spite Raiden?” your eyes look at him,m while he still lays down, the dark fibers of his hair brushing against the milky white of his skin “Hey, answer”
“You are incredible, you know” his brow furrows and softly sighs “asking such dumb questions”
“Just answer it”
“Do you truly need me to say it to your face?” he looks tired, as if the question seemed so unbelievably obvious to him. When your eyes meet he sighs again like an angsty teen “no, I didn't start intimacy with you just to bother the hag. I would never fall that low”
A soft hum leaves your lips, nodding to the comforting words you had to wrangle out of him.
“Why even the question? That was like four months ago” 
“I think I might be pregnant” his surprised jolt almost made him slide off the roof.
“How is that possible even?” He presses his elbow, feeling the ball and socket joint underneath the false skin. Two pieces of wood rotating around a small sphere rather than your own arm, where the bones were secured by ligaments and muscles had to contract for every movement.
“Honestly, I wonder the same”
“Aren't you supposed to know everything?”
“Last time I checked dolls weren't able to reproduce”
“Do you think it will be human or more like… me?” the last part of his question sounded almost heartbroken. Softly you grasp his fingers in your hand, encouraging him.
“I will love them regardless”
“How weird, at birth Ara seemed pretty hypotonic, but now she seems alright” one of the bimarstan nurses checks the baby, pulling her off the ground from her arms and laying her flat on her palm. But she felt like a ragdoll if it wasn't by her breathing and her annoyed expression by the handling
“At least there doesn't seem to be anything else”
“let's just keep an eye on it” she promptly returns her to you.
‘could that be because of wanderer? He said that part of what kept him together was elemental energy, it could be that as she grows she absorbs it’ 
“Ara, what are you doing?” You ask playfully to the toddler who sneaked in the kitchen and made a mess with the pots and lids.
“I see someone is quite active this morning, huh?” The father of said child pops from behind you, passes by your side and plops the year old on his hip. Her gummy smile is an adorable sight, her chubby hand pointing to his hat and the other grabbing the lid she put on her head.
“Are you trying to imitate someone?”
“What is that supposed to mean?” He looks at his child and back at you “we aren't even that similar” he says while holding his mini clone. At the same time they both lean their head sideways, the hats leaning towards that side.
“Isn't she so cute?” Nahida looks at your toddler daughter brushing her doll's hair, her dark hair framing her face and her big blue eyes reflecting the sunlight off them.
“She does remind me of a Hina doll” Raiden approaches a hand to pat her head but Ara slaps it away before poking out her tongue and rushes outside “did she just…”
Your hand cups your cheek, curious at what happened to your usual quiet baby “That is quite unexpected, she does tend to enjoy getting her hair played with” could hatred be inherited by genes? That was the only reason you could think of for a 3 year old to hate Raiden on sight.
“And if you see a woman wearing a kimono and a braid she is a witch that came to curse you, so make sure to kick her in the shin, understood?”
“Kitty!” the girl yells as she opens her presents
“Yes, that is a cat, Bu’er brought it to you for you birthday” as you look deeper into the black cat you can't help but feel its dark fur and purple eyes remind you of someone. Even more so when a small black kitten and a coloured cat are also in the box.
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6ix9inewiturmom · 4 months
I Guess Youre Not a Tough Guy After All.. - Matthew Sturniolo
Summary: You and Matt had been friends for a while but what happens when you catch him staring at you? could you tear down his tough guy persona?
Warnings: SMUTTYY!! P in V, Sub!Matt, very soft Dom!FemReader, Praising, Begging, Spit mentioned, handjob ish, Oral (male receiving)
A/N: GUYSSSS THIS IS MY FIRST ATTEMPT AT SUB MATT… i was scared of writing this at first but please let me know how this turned out, also i wrote this whole fic listening to Older by Isabel Larosa
Request: Yes by Anon
Ever since 10th grade, The triplets and I have been attached at the hip. Everything we did was with each other, though we were all friends, we had a little family. Matt and I were closer than the rest of them but he's anti feelings so it's not like I could ever figure out how he felt anyway. His tough guy persona would be the absolute death of me.
Matt and I were watching a movie in the house alone because the triplets each decided they wanted to ‘venture’ out of being up each other's asses all the time. In my peripheral view, I catch Matts's eyes gleaming at me in a way he normally doesn't look at me causing me to look over and make him quickly shoot his head back towards the television. “Staring is rude Matthew,” I say smirking towards him.
“I hate when you call me that and you know it,” he says adjusting his lap “I wasn't staring at you, I was looking out the window towards our neighbors I thought someone was outside”
“Nice cover” I chuckle softly “but the window is more behind us than right beside me” I playfully wink.
“S-shut up, you know what I mean” he stutters out.
“Awe someone nervous now” I giggle softly nudging his shoulder “But you got a little drool on ya chin” I point at his chin.
He quickly wiped his chin checking for drool. “Fuck” he mutters “You know what,” he smirks shifting his body over and beginning to tickle me
I start laughing uncontrollably “Stop Matthew”
“Fine fine” he surrenders moving back to his original position “C-can I tell you something” he nervously says fiddling with his fingers.
“You know you can tell me anything” i shift my body so its facing him.
“I uh- fuck” he struggles to get his words out. “I like you…like more than an uh a friend would, you don't have to say anything back but um I thought I'd tell you before-” I cut him off by crawling on top of his lip and pressing my lips against his passionately.
I softly pull away “I like you too” I smile down at him as his gaze softens. “And I have liked you for a while”
“You- you have?” he stutters.
“wasn’t it obvious” I smile placing my hands on his chest
“Fuck” he breathes out leaning in and kissing me again “You have no idea what you to do to me Y/N” he mutters through the kiss.
My lips make their way down his neck softly nibbling at his soft skin making his breathing become heavier “please” he whispers.
“Please what pretty boy? Use your words love” i whisper back into his neck leaving soft purplish marks on his neck.
“Touch me, something, I- I can't take it,” he says grinding his hips against me.
I lean up smiling at him “You're such a pretty boy, I wish I told you more” I get off his lap placing myself between his legs and balancing on my knees. his gaze on me stayed persistent as I toyed with the hem of his sweatpants he had been lounging around in all day. He lifted his hips up allowing me to free his pent-up cock. I had never seen it before but I could tell all the “small dick” jokes he makes in fact were just jokes. My eyes lit up at it as it sprung free from his boxers with a bit of precum leaking from the tip.
“You see something that you like baby?” a cocky smirk is placed on his face.
I placed my bottom lip in my teeth and nodded. My tongue poked out of my mouth and kitty licked the tip making him groan and throw his head back. “Fuck” he says with almost a whimper in his voice.
My lips wrap around his cock as my head bobs up and down his thick shaft batting my eyelashes up at him with his head resting on the back of the couch as his legs start twitching. “C-close” he chokes out.
I hum in response while I take my hand and jerk the rest of his cock that doesn't fit in my mouth up and down and swirl my tongue around his tip. His hips jerk up as he releases his pent-up orgasm down my throat. “Fuck” he drags out “I've never finished t-that f-fast before” he stutters “That's how much control you have over me”
I bit my lip again smiling at the mess I made of him, I crawled back onto him once again placing a passionate kiss on his lips. “I need you” he mutters.
“How do you need me?” I tilt my head to the side a bit. “You can tell me” I send him a reassuring smile
“I-i-i need to be in you” his voice shakes
I smiled pulling my tank top over my head and shimmying my shorts off my legs throwing them off the couch and leaving me bare on top of him. I guess I chose the right day to wear absolutely nothing under my clothes. “You're so beautiful” he smiles up at me as I place my hands on his shoulders to support myself aligning himself with my desperate hole and slowly sinking down as I feel him touch the deepest part of me. “Oh Matt” I whimper.
My hips begin to work up and down his cock as the room fills with the sounds of my thighs hitting him, and our sounds of pleasure. My hands grip his shoulders for more support as I begin to move faster up and down.
“You feel so fucking good wrapped around me” he whimpers in my ear.
“You feel so good IN me,” I say as my head falls back and my hips glide my wet pussy all over him making not only me but him as well see stars.
I begin to bounce my hips up and down on his cock as his hands grip my love handles for support leaving crescent shaped dents in my skin.
“I'm so fucking close,” he says burying his head in my neck and softly sucking marks on my neck to hide his whimpers as he becomes closer to his edge.
“Me too pretty boy, hold on a few more alright?” I reassure him grabbing the back of his head in a soft way where I'm hugging him as my pace gets faster and sloppier as I get close myself.
“W-w-where can I finish” he stutters as I feel his legs give out beneath me.
“In me, please?” I say as I grind my hips down to allow him to feel deeper in me.
His hips jerk upwards, and his head goes back as a moan almost a whimper escapes his lips as he coats my walls white releasing into me.
Feeling his release into me made me go faster and harder onto him “S-s-sensitive” he hisses and within a few seconds a white ring formed around the base of his cock as my cum dripped down along his cock and I slowly pulled off of him and plopped down next to him.
“You did so good” I smiled moving the loose hair from his eyes back so I could see him better.
“Thank you” he blushed pulling me to his side “you don't understand how many nights in my life I dreamed of this moment” he breathed out.
“I guess you're not a tough guy after all eh?” i giggled softly trying to catch my breath from my previous orgasm.
“Oh shush,” he says flustered trying to cover his face
“You pretty when you blush Matthew,” I say lifting my head up and kissing his cheek making him get flustered a little more.
“I think we might wanna restart the movie” he chuckles “and that's definitely not the last time we're doing this either” he looks down at me smiling.
“And we might wanna get changed so Nick and Chris don't walk in on us” I nervously laugh
"Great idea," He exclaimed with laughter as we helped each other get dressed.
A/N PT 2: SO this was supposed to be out earlier but the triplets went live on twitch and i spent the last 4 1/2 hours watching them and not finishing this LMFAO also i love writing sub matt.. LOWKEY WAS NOT A FAN OF SUB MATT BUT I LOVED IT 😫
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lovelywetdreamer · 10 months
💜🌸~Jason Todd~🌸💜
Anyone would think Jason Todd would be a rough lover, but actually he the sweetest and gentle lover of all time.
He loves doing foreplay like rubbing you through your panties and sucking on the sweet spot on your neck.
He loves seeing you marked up. The Mona Lisa doesn't hold a candle to you when your breasts to your the inside of your thighs are covered in love bites from him.
He secretly enjoys it when you leave hickeys all around his neck and throat. He just hates that he knows Dick will tease till the sun explodes about it.
"You takes...aah so fucking good like your kitty was made for me"
He is secretly a switch. He can be dominant and sub. He is surprisingly more sub than Dom.
You didn't know the human body could turn so red, but Jason did when you first wrapped your juicy lip around his angry red mushroom head.
He makes sure to eat lots of pineapple due to the fact he knows you have a sweet tooth. He wants his precious girlfriend to still have a sweet treat when you are swallowing his cum.
His thrust will be so tender as he holds your hands.
If you want him to be rough, he will be hesitant. He never wants to hurt you. You are one of the few people he feels like you should never pain in their life.
His eyes will roll back into his head and can't hold back his moans and whimpers when you are riding him.
He secretly has a breeding kink. Every time he cums inside you, he is coming up with baby names. Bruce Jr. if you guys have a son and for a girl her name would be Jasmine.
He will clean your body off and buy you guys Chinese food.
He loves doing cockwarming when he is stressed out and needs to relax.
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He will let you rest on his chest after you guys are done.
Fa did an amazing job on this fanart.
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