#they probably don't interact much with the whole trying to kill your father thing in canon but i like to think that this all happened after
saintsarefake · 2 years
Young Rahula: I need someone to be my friend... Maybe you could send me an angel, the nicest angel you have...
Devadatta, maniacally laughing in the middle of a raging forest fire:
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bloodyshadow1 · 3 months
i really love Batfamily stuff, it's so much more interesting than Mary Sue Batman, but I feel like people don't get how the batfam actually interacts with other heroes. Specifically Clark and Diana.
I see so many posts about how the Justice league knows nothing about the batkids and I'm sorry, to me that's the most boring way to do things and completely against characterization and history if it's just the whole league. If you think Clark and Diana don't love those kids as family it's not really my cup of tea (to a lesser extent Barry and J'onn).
I get that there are a lot of batkids and a lot of different comics with different minds behind them so I can only reference what I know and from what I've experienced. Still, I read comics for a while and I feel like my personal headcanons are:
Nightwing should absolutely adore his aunt and uncle, he's nightwing because of a conversation he had with Superman. He was the first Robin and adored in the superhero community. He led the titans, was best friends with Donna.
Red Hood, I think Jason might be a bit more chilly towards Clark, Like everything, after he came back things went to shit, especially after he found out Clark stopped Bruce from killing the Joker to avenge him. but has a lot of fond memories towards Clark when he was Robin. He still has a real love for Aunt Diana, probably avoids her though because she is a reminder of the good times he had as Robin.
Red Robin, things are complicated with him as he was on the Outsiders with Connor and Cassie, and later on the Titans with them. When they were the outsiders, the Justice League probably felt more like the man trying to control them. Later on during the titans, things get angsty so I think that might color Tim's perception of them and favor the way his friends describe them more than what he's seen of them. I think he has good memories, but not nearly as much as Jason or Dick
I don't think I've read any comics about Spoiler, Black Bat, or Signal's interactions with them so I would leave that to those who know more. That being said, I think their interactions would be fun, I think Cass would respect Diana as probably the world's best warrior and I think Duke would really look up to Clark, partially because he's superman, but also he's fun and light, not to mention they both have light powers even if they manifest differently. I don't really know much about Stephanie and her interactions with other heroes tbh
Damian, I think is interesting because I think he actually respects Clark more as a journalist and as Jon's father than he does as Superman. At least at first. Superman has all these powers but doesn't really do a lot of what he sees as big changes so I think at first he considers his powers a waste on small potatoes stuff. He does come to respect him though. Diana, I think Damian adores pretty quickly even if he says otherwise, I think they bond over their love of animals. I also think that Damian respects that Diana will kill if necessary, he was trained by the league of assassins, I understand that as a member of the batfamily he doesn't kill, but I don't think it's right for him to be as antikilling as the rest. I think out of respect for Dick and his father he doesn't kill but he understands that some people need killing.
I'm not trying to yuck anyone's um, your headcanons are your own, but I see so many posts that just don't get how fun interactions with characters are with their canon personalities.
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xxghost-zombie-jesus · 3 months
I would love to hear your opinions on Beej and Charles' relationship... Its always so fun to explore
dont mind me answering this two years later. i don't have an excuse im just a lil slow. it got long so it's under a readmore!
i like to think things are super rocky right off the bat. charles distrusts been the most in the beginning, after all, when he looks at the demon all he can remember is how he tried to marry his daughter, drove her and subsequently him to the netherworld, tried to kill delia, adam, and barbara, and made a mess of the house and their lives. so he isn't exactly please when beej is unceremoniously dumped onto his literal front steps. he is... cordial to the demon, not wanting to accidentally set Beetlejuice off and cause another Incident.
beej avoids charles a lot in the beginning. he has Mommy and Daddy issues, mainly from juno being, well, herself and his father not being around. (and honestly beej isn't sure if his father left him or was eaten by his mother, but he still holds out hope.) so another parent, especially someone who is genuinely angry and distrustful of him, and not in a 'god you're so annoying' way but in a 'you are a threat to my family way'. like, delia gets spooked by him easily, but she was probably the least affected by his outburst, and he helped her realize otho was a scam artist. the maitlands aren't exactly threatened by him, and quickly come to realize he's kind of... harmless. and lydia still considers him her best friend, even after the whole sham wedding/trying to kill everyone/killing him ordeal. but Charles? he's the only one who is not willing to deal with beej and his antics, nor does the man seem willing to move past the, well, past.
so, yeah, things are tense between them in the beginning. both of them feel threatened, and while beej is prone to lashing out when he feels threatened, charles is the quiet, calculating, take no shit. unstoppable force, immovable object. the few times they interact one-on-one doesn't go well, usually ends up in an argument, or worse, and the threat of sending beej back to the netherworld hangs heavy.
but, charles sees how beetlejuice acts around lydia, how he acts around the maitlands, hell, how he acts around delia. he's completely different than when charles originally met the demon. he's actually... more like a person than the mindless killing machine that charles thinks he is, and while he loaths to change his mind about the being who caused so much havoc and pain for his family, charles starts to doubt that he may have been wrong about beetlejuice. and then when delia implores that he just try and bond with beej, he really isn't so bad, they have a lot more in common that charles would think, he finally gives in and tries.
likewise, beetlejuice sees how charles acts around the rest of the household, the easy coparenting routines that he and the maitlands have developed regarding lydia. the calm discussions in the morning and the shared tv times in the evenings. he sees how charles is with delia, the gentleness and the love that's visible even to beetlejuice, eugh. the willingless to play along with her ideas and life coaching. he sees how charles is with lydia, the near desperation in his actions to make his daughter feel seen, feel loved, feel like he will always be there for her. how he begrudgingly builds her a dark room and allows her to paint her bedroom walls black. and he'd never say he was jealous, not if his undead life depended on it, but, honestly, he is. he wants so badly for charles to like him, hasn't what he's done to atone enough? hasn't he changed enough? but, fine, if charles won't like him, he can play along and make the man's life a living hell with pranks and comments and toeing the line of what is and isn't allowed.
and then charles finds out that despite being over 1000 years old, his age roughly correlates with that of a young adult, college-aged, even. charles, honestly, isn't sure that beej would even be of age for drinking, if he were human. he realizes that the demon's lashing out and acting up around him wasn't because he hates charles, its because he's a shitty young adult who has no idea who he is other than how others perceive him, who obviously got little to no parental love and guidance, who is fiercely protective of lydia, has taken her under his wing and would do just about anything in his power to make her happy. charles notices him eagerly playing along with delia's beliefs, never shutting her down or making her feel like she's crazy, but instead encouraging her to life her life how she wants to. he sees how beetlejuice had toned down the sexual jokes and innuendos at their behest, how he's done a complete 180 when he realized that they didn't enjoy his advances. he wants to be included but has stopped pushing and prodding for their attention.
and its when charles realizes that beej is basically just a hurt, scard, kind of angry yet doubtlessly kind kid that beetlejuice gets himself into some deep shit, and charles has to go save his ass. and its not for lydia's sake, well, at first it was, he'd hate to disappoint his daughter by letting something happen to the demon she's basically adopted as an older brother, but when he sees how genuinely hurt and upset beej is, something changes in their dynamic.
charles stops being so closed off to beej, starts including him in things, talking to him of his own accord, trying to be there for the demon like he is lydia. after all, he's no longer a freeloader, a dangerous demon on a hair trigger to charles anymore. he's just a troubled 20-something who just happens to be a demon. this doesn't exactly go well, beej isn't quick to judge, and the sudden change is so offputting to him that he thinks that charles is Up To Something.
because whenever juno started being nice to him, well, she either wanted something from him, or was about to make his life a living hell and fuck him over one hundred and one ways. so charles, someone he's lowkey started to think as a surrogate father even if he won't even admit it to himself let alone anyone else, suddenly acting like he wanted beej around, like he likes the demon? no he doesn't trust that. so he ups his antics tenfold, trying to piss charles off, trying to make things go back to how they were before.
and then this fic happens and, well, beej has to admit that charles does like him, and is trying to show it, and isn't out to get him, or kick him out, or kill him. its hard for both of them, but its a lot more positive than it had been before.
all this to say, i think they have a kind of father-son relationship, though not at first, and not for a hot second. both of them are resistant of getting along until both internal and external forces make them change, and even from there charles trying to kind of mother hen beej doesn't go well at first. but they figure things out
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sketch-guardian · 22 days
I managed to finish her so here's Zury's little girl Aurelia! :
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She's nine and the oldest of the bunch
Her first meeting with Zury was probably one of the most quiet ones, being mostly silent trying to process the whole mess that just happened and also she understood better than the others in what position she was and didn't want to make her newly discovered mother mad at her. The night she lost her father was... Something to say the least, her demon form activated by accident in public and that was how the witches found her.
Not me realizing at this point after the forth kid that I haven't explained why the witches want them-. It's because of their hearts, their hearts have more magic than normal ones and can be used in rituals, potions, sacrifices and to gain more power, also they're targeted when younger because it's easier to capture them and kill them
She was born with black hair, but when she became five it started to turn white like her mother's, which isn't normal for this type of kids as things like hair and eye colors remain the same unless it has to do with their powers like Azure who changes colors with her emotions, Aurelia it's not one of those. Solomon thinks that maybe she has more magic than expected for her age and the way her body decided to get rid of the excess was trough her hair since her body could not tolerate any other way. On another note, the demon's forms are more painful than the angel's because of the horns, because it's practically bone ripping from your head and possibly skull so it causes headaches until it fully grows (except in cases where it's made of something else, like Azul's), Zury has the biggest and thickest horns from the friend group and so does Aurelia and it would take the longest for it to be done, which gives her very bad migraines all the time. She's learning to fly but her wings can't lift her up too much yet
Aurelia is way too smart, but also too straightforward and honest, she has no filter and will say what she thinks, like her father who didn't care that much of being polite and said things as they were and was basically, a troublemaker at school, (he stopped getting in trouble after she was born, but he never lost his silver tongue) the difference is, she does it unconsciously and she thinks she is doing it right, but it makes her seem rude and mean, she has made Nikolai cry more than once because of that and also got in fights with Azure and Kabir
This made her have a phase where she wouldn't say anything in fear of doing something wrong until Zury made her understand what was wrong and how to fix it, it took a while but she managed to get better and be able to interact with the other hybrid kids who also started to understand how was her way of thinking and now they don't take it at heart right away if she slips (they totally make her go wild when someone is annoying them, kids outside of their friend group are scared of her), however she is sassy and would nagg at them like the oldest she is when they want to go crazy
She's always well dressed thanks to her mother, she doesn't have an only style but she likes dark academia and fantasy, is self aware of her hair being weird even among others like her so if Zury doesn't stile it she won't, she would even try to hide it because it attracts to much attention, but lets her friends and family play with it or stile it because they say is pretty (Azure loves it because she's not the only one with white hair and gives her accessories in different colors depending in Aurelia's emotions, to match with her). Between her friends there's Zarala (Lucifer's kid) who she admires, and strangely enough, Lionel, who is the only one who would also be direct with her and the only half angel with who she managed to befriend (they're also both the same age)
Aw Aurelia🎉it's nice to finally meet her☺she has style just like Zuri, after all they are mother and daughter✨
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Thanks for adding the detail of why hybrids are hunted by witches, it makes things clearer😌even the little explanation about horns was very informative☺I'm also happy Aurelia managed to make some friends despite her bluntness, I imagine it must be stressful being the eldest of the fankids though😂🙈
Zarala (Lucifer's child) is new yet intriguing🤔while Lionel's part made me chuckle because, even if I didn't mention it, the relationship between Zuri and Uriel is...a work in progress so to speak😅because Uriel admired Zuri when she was an angel, she wanted to be as strong and efficient as her, however Uriel felt betrayed when she fell from the Celestial Realm, her trust shattered, not understanding that Zuri could no longer bear such hollow existence, while Zuri would consider Uriel's prospects unfounded and that it was none of her business if she was the pure being she once was admired, she was busy saving her friends who had fallen alongside her in the Celestual War, unlike Uriel (can you feel the tension? Mostly from the warrior angel-)😖So I imagined Aurelia and Lionel playing, while Zuri and Uriel would stay in a awkward silence, trying to chat for the sake of their children, for example Uriel muttering about whether Zuri is still skilled with her lance (Zuri's weapon), while Zuri would look at Uriel with a raised eyebrow as if to say:"Is that seriously the only topic you can think of?"🤣
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In any case, thanks so much again for the wonderful fanart! I'm saving all the drawings in a dedicated gallery☺💜
(Obey Me Prophecy AU and the fankids belong to @shainaloveuwu )
(RAD classmates and the New exchange students belong to me)
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deerabigailhobbs · 4 months
Hi!!!!!! It's me, back with more Adamgail-siblings!!!!!!!!!
So, in the version of events where Adam gets Abigail back with him in Saw-city (or wherever saw takes place I don't think it's ever confirmed) for them to try and live somewhat normally, would Hannibal figure out a series of events to follow them?
I don't think persuading Will would be difficult, all he would have to say is 'there's a messed up serial killer killing people, don't you think that's a dangerous place for Abigail to be?' and Will would probably think yeah that's bad and then he and Hannibal would try and convince Jack to let them go and solve the Jigsaw killings.
Jack would probably want to solve the jigsaw killings and this could also help him maybe get more opportunities to find out if Abigail did help Hobbs kill those girls. He'd probably get worried about leaving Bella behind though. Alana would probably go to make sure Jack doesn't try anything related to Abigail even though it isn't her job. (I just like her and want her there). And Beverly, Jimmy, and Brian would go because it's their job.
Do they read up on what happened and learn Abigail's older brother is a victim of Jigsaw beforehand? Or do they get there and be like 'yeah lets go speak to all survivors' and then start freaking out when Adam walks through the door?
And when they get to the station, they're going to get bad vibes from about half of the detectives there, due to the whole 'most of the department is corrupt' thing.
Then because of story purposes, most of them would get put in a trap.
Will is probably there because he's 'reluctant to use his gifts to help others' or something. Jack is there because he's to focused on work and not on other people's feelings. Hannibal ????????? Bumped into Hoffman and didn't say sorry????????? Everyone else is probably fine.
And, uh, yeah! I had more thoughts but I've forgotten them.
Hope you're doing well!
Hello friend! I hope you're doing well too!
First of all, so real of you to want Alana to be there because you like her, I'm the same haha.
The interactions between all the Saw and Hannibal characters would be so cool!! Particularly Hannibal and John's. They're both artists in their own way, Hannibal more classical, while John more industrial (if that makes sense?). Hannibal views most humans below him while John thinks everyone can be redeemed if they value their life enough, would those ideas clash? Would they hate or respect each other's work? I can definitely imagine John putting Hannibal in a trap, purely out of a personal interest because Hannibal isn't like any other man he's come across. Maybe to show him that he's just like everyone else deep down, no matter what he thinks. If you cut hard enough you'll bleed, if you cut deep enough, you die. Hannibal isn't an exception. You can't take a human life for your own personal gain (of course, this is coming from the mind of John Kramer so his ideology is all over the place and hypocritical).
Hannibal would probably find out who Adam was through family records, find out about his test, and assume Abigail has gone to him. He'll tell Will they're going to New Jersey (which is where Saw takes places apparently, but icl Saw-City is so much funnier haha!) and, well, off they go. They'll find Adam at a survivor meeting, where he's adamant that he hasn't seen his sister in years, knowing that she's currently hiding away at his house, that other agents and detectives from out of state have asked about her whereabouts, and Adam has to take caution in getting home, knowing anyone of these people could be following him.
Adam would probably feel bad about keeping Abigail hidden, wondering if he's turning into his father, concealing her from the rest of the world, but he tries not to look too deep into that. And having Abigail insist that he's not, that she's thankful, that she missed him and hugs him like it'll be their last embrace, takes the weight of his shoulders.
Now, if we want to get really angsty, what if Adam were an apprentice? What if he also took part, not in killing people, but finding out their locations... Maybe being friendly with them so he can find out where they live... Doing it not necessarily because he believes in Jigsaw's methods, but because the man he loves does, and he doesn't want to lose that affection so he goes along with it... Seem familiar?
And oh, the absolute guilt that would wreck him. Finally having Abigail back, knowing that where she is now isn't any better. That he's putting her in danger again, surrounded by more crazy people, and suddenly he can't stop seeing his father's face when he looks in the mirror. All he wants is to shield her from pain but it's near impossible, it's like tragedy simply follows her wherever she goes and Adam can't do anything about it. Besides, well, killing her. And he can't do that. He thinks.
Semi related but I think Hoffman and Will would absolutely DESPISE each other, he would put Will in a trap for breathing too loudly lol. I'm not sure why I think this but I do. Suddenly Bedelia is number 2 on Will's hit list lol
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pascaloverx · 9 months
As It Was (S2)
Chapter Twelve
previous chapter next chapter
Summary: You have a bold idea that obviously leads you and Bucky into an argument. Who doesn't like a wedding?
Author's note: Dear readers, I will be writing this fanfic again. This second season will have shorter chapters and it will probably take me a little longer to update the fanfic but I hope you like it!
MINORS DO NOT INTERACT WITH THIS STORY, there may be adult content and verbal and physical violence.
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"That's the craziest invention you've ever had, Melisa. Did your ex-husband agree to this whole strategy?" Sam asks after you tell him your plan to capture Steve and Killian.
"What makes you believe I told him before I told the four of you?" I speak confidently that they will see things as I do.
"To recap, do you want to be bait in a fake wedding; making two dangerous men come after you?" Yelena seems to have understood the premise of my genius plan.
"Yes, this marriage will make them want to burn the archives. Despite my father's evidence, the fact that they tried to kill me makes everything worse." The reality is that I can't run away forever. Not knowing when something might happen to you or someone you love.
"What if they don't show up? Are you going to marry Barnes again?" Sam says it like it's the most unlikely thing in the world, considering I was married to Barnes once.
"Whatever, it's better to take a risk and not work out, than to do nothing and live in fear." I say, determined to make this weak team help me capture the man who killed my father and the man who almost killed me.
"I agree with Melisa, living in fear doesn't do any good. Not to mention that her marrying Bucky isn't the end of times. We'll be there to protect the engaged couple after all." Wanda speaks, trying to seek support in her wife's eyes, but Yelena seems unsatisfied.
"This could go very wrong, you could die, we could die too because Barnes won't accept this and we will have to do it without his cooperation. So if everything goes wrong he will take it out on us." Sam's right, Barnes will probably be pissed at them and if I survive at most I'll get two weeks without sex as punishment.
"But if we don't do anything to help Melisa, these two cowards will haunt her life. My friend spent months in a hospital bed and wants her peace back. I think we should give her that." Dave he says with authority, trying to show himself as a supporter of this plan. I hug him gently.
"Give what, to whom?" James Barnes came out of his eternal bath wearing a robe. Look, I didn't tell him about the plan but I know he's going to hate it.
"His ex-wife had an unusual idea to solve a problem. We're trying to figure out if it's worth trying." Yelena responds to Barnes, who looks confused.
"Funny, my ex-wife hasn't said anything to me in the days we've been together. At least nothing about this plan." You know that weird feeling like you're going to get fucked? I'm feeling it now.
"That's because she didn't feel you were ready to accept that plan." I say quietly as if I wished I didn't have to say anything.
"On a scale of one to ten, how much does Melisa put herself in danger in her plan?" He asks, clearly speaking to the rest of the group.
"Nine." Exactly everyone says it together, as if they were synchronized. Barnes looked at me as if to say, now you know why I don't like his plan.
"Baby, there's no way I'm going to agree to this plan. You at least suggested being bait to catch the two mother fuckers that almost killed you and I." It's funny how he says this minutes before grabbing me by the waist and kissing me on the cheek. 
"I'm not going to give up on the plan, Barnes. I love you and I respect you. I would like you to respect my plan and follow it. But if you don't, I'll go through with it without you." I said looking into the eyes my ex. I know he wants the best for me but I can't live in this way forever. 
"Do you want to end up like your father?" He responds sharply and I move away from him. I think we went back to the beginning of our relationship again. He wants to have the last word and I want to do what's best for me.
"Better to end up like him, than to live a life of fear and cowardice. If you don't understand me, that's your problem. But if you love me that much, you should support me and protect me. It was exactly for this reaction that I didn't tell you the plan." I say this hoping he will say something, say he will accept the plan or that I can't count on him. But I get silence. In fact, he left the house that was once ours and left without saying a word. 
"I changed my mind, I'll support you in this. If you need a new fiancé, I'm available. Now I'm going to go and see where your husband went." Sam says kissing my cheek and going after Barnes.
"I still think this plan is crazy but if you're willing to fight Barnes over this, it must be important to you. Count on me, for any plan you have." Yelena says giving me a look of support. I am grateful for her decision to help me.
"These idiots and I are going to help you. Either way we're going to get Steve and Killian. One way or another." Wanda says hugging me and then saying goodbye. Just me and Daven left.
"Wine and ice cream?" Dave says, throwing himself on the couch and turning on my TV. You nod your head, hoping that some movie will take your argument with Barnes out of your mind. To think he was so angry that he came out in a bathrobe. It's even funny. 
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satancopilotsmytardis · 8 months
Moth God Shigaraki! Yes!
Oooh, the hinted backstory is nice so far! I like magic AUs :)
A bit different from your usual writing style, probably because it's a God AU. God AUs are always a bit different. But I like it a lot! It still has your characteristics, but the general vibe is a bit more fairytale like? Dark fairytale, but still. More mythical than your usual fics.
I like the nicknames Shigaraki gives Dabi. The little spark that starts the fire. The kindling that sets the forest ablaze.
I want to wrap Dabi up in blankets and keep him safe. I think Shigaraki might agree with that idea.
Dabi, you are such a simp. Not that Shigaraki is any better.
"Will you feed me to the roses?" "Would you like to be roses?" I love the conversations in this one.
Shigaraki has such a sad existence. I mean, yeah, he wants to kill everyone who lives on his land and destroy their homes, but they locked him up for so long. I feel like his story might be a selffulfilling prophecy. They anger him, so he wants to take revenge, so the keep him locked up. A, to Shigaraki, neverending cycle.
And even still Dabi manages to find a way to cook. Nice.
For once Shigaraki can handle the cold better than Dabi.
They are both lonely and desperate for good connections :(
Oh Dabi. Shigaraki doesn't want him to die. I think the other sacrifices made their choice quicker. I don't think he interacted with another person for as long as he did Dabi in all the time he was trapped. He doesn't want Dabi to die, so he gives him the chance to save who he wants to protect.
"I can't just let you kill everyone." "Yeah, but what if we were boyfriends, would that change things?"
Ugh, this whole fic is a tragedy. They are both so, so desperate to protect who they love. Shigaraki would become a monster a hundred times over to help Dabi. Dabi would give up his life, his choice, to the ambition of others if he believes that to help his siblings. He is still so caught up in "his purpose".
Oh, stabbed by his own father. Ouch.
And Shigaraki gave up his destruction for the person he loves. That's a theme in your fics, him willing to give that up for the League, even when they would never ask that of him. Just like it's always Shigaraki accepting Dabi's plan, trying to give him options that allow him to survive but ultimately accepting his choice.
Honestly, it's impressive how this stays the same even in an AU so different from what you usually write.
They are so in loveeeee. And now they can spend eternity together ;-;
"I will give up my weapon to save you. I will give up revenge as long as I can have you." "Then let me be your weapon, let me destroy what harms you."
The last time Fuyumi sees her brother is next to her mother's bed, with golden blood on his face and hiding in the shadows after he was supposed to be gone forever. Then she's away and her mother wakes up and her father is dead and her brother is gone (and who knows what happened to her village). How is she supposed to explain that to her brothers? (What happens when mortals spot Dabi, one of the two monsterous Gods of the forest? Will his siblings look at him and realize what happened?)
(the comment is so long because that was my prompt request and I love fantasy AUs. Amazing work! I love this one.)
Thank you so so much! I'm so glad that so much of this story resonated with you!
I'm glad that the change of tone came across! I definitely wanted this one to read like a poem/fairytale, so I'm glad that the writing achieved that!
Shigaraki's situation was absolutely supposed to showcase that self-fulfilling prophecy, and it was inspired by the imprisonment of Morpheus in Neil Gaiman's The Sandman!
Dabi was definitely the sacrifice Shigaraki spent the most time around, but not the only one who took the full week to make their decision. But Dabi is among a very small handful who ever entered his prison and stayed with him during that time.
I like to play on the theme of love and sacrifice in my works, I think it's romantic for a character so devoted to a specific goal, to choose the person (or people) they love over that goal when it comes down to it. It often shows most with Shigaraki because I usually really want to avoid any final confrontation with Endeavor, but in my writing, Dabi would do the exact same thing for Shigaraki and the League. In fact, in this fic, the final thought he has before killing Endeavor is not about him getting his revenge, it's about protecting Shigaraki and all of the innocent people who would have been used as kindling to fuel the stone in his father's plan. He was killing to save people, not for his own revenge, they just happened to coincide in this instance!
Poor Fuyumi had a NIGHT. While Rei was being seen to by healers, and reeling herself from the fact her young daughter is now a full-grown woman, Fuyumi would be sending arcane messages back to the house through a magic mirror. Of course these would get no replies, she would try the guard station next and be informed that the house had burned down and that her father was dead. She would jump to the right conclusion that Dabi killed him and burned down the house, but she would have no idea why because, like Dabi guessed, she was not told he was sent to be the sacrifice that year. She would try to reach out to him, but of course he's not home either. From there she would call Natsuo and Shoto to get them to come see their mom and the three of them would try and figure out what to do next from there. Ultimately, I don't think they could be stopped from going back to their village when Rei is well enough to travel, but it wouldn't probably be until the following spring!
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daylander1000 · 2 years
I know a lot of people like Rhaenrya and Daemon but I don’t for many reasons, the biggest reason is that daemon groomed rhaenrya and ruined her reputation, but people think he loves her which is so funny to me. Rhaenrya has shown signs of being a spoiled brat many times she’s the time that doesn’t like the rules and doesn’t follow them but expect everyone else to do so, being the queen doesn’t give you freedom you carry the burden of responsibility of the seven kingdoms and Visersys told her that and how daemon isn’t a person who can handle that, but what does she do? Fucks him at his wife’s funeral and then marries him, and people are surprised that he choked her?? BFFR! I’m not the biggest fan of alicent but I understand her way more, she didn’t want to be queen she just followed her father’s choice and truly did believe rhaenyra would have been a great queen but rhaenyra then lied to alicent which gets her father fired (but he kinda deserved it) and even when Rhaenyra gave birth to her sons, she’s putting her self on a ship of thin ice. If ONE of Alicent’s kids came out with Brown hair even if that’s alicent’s hair color y’all know they would’ve killed her. I don’t like the double standard that Rhaenyra and Daemon and Visersys have, I’m not a team green or a black but I have more respect for the greens, not saying aegon would be a great king because he’s not but Rhaenyra isn’t the best option either. Another thing is if Viserys never was going to name aegon as king, why did he remarry and have more children if he was always going to up hold Rhaenyra?? I love Rhaena and Aemond I feel like if they were betrothed then this whole greens and blacks would end, but of course Daemon can only think of himself and a way to make his way to the throne. He doesn’t care for his family the way people think he does, he wants the throne. Wish more people would wake up and realize that. Sorry for the rant but I had to let that out.
Lol, no problem.
I didn't read F&B so I don't get the fandom war. I'm not on any team myself. If I had to pick one though, it would be the greens. Mostly because I nearly always root for the underdogs, but also because you sort of just have to go with the lesser evil if forced to choose?
I liked Rhaenyra well enough until she called for Aemond to be interrogated and fussed about her arm being scratched while Aemond was sitting there maimed for life with eye stitches.
Viserys... I think he just wanted a young girl in his bed immediately and didn't want to wait the two years for Laena to turn 14. Better the child you watched grow up alongside your daughter than some random 12 year old your cousin is trying to set you up with.
I don't have much thoughts about Daemon other than that he reminds me too much of Damon from vampire diaries. Lol. He killed his wife, got exiled for being creepy with his young niece, and then ran off to Pentos with an actual child who was 3 years younger than Rhaenyra. Like, I just imagine Laena as this girl who probably saw him as her father's cool friend from their whole Crabfeeder war, so yeah, he's just some pedo groomer wife-killer imo.
I get the need to rant. After they killed Vaemond, I was livid, but it helps to just avoid interacting with the parts of the fandom you don't enjoy. There's something about GRRM books that just brings out the worst in some people. I'm not into the whole "Targ nation"/ "Valyrian supremacy"/ "racial purity" thing, so I just stick to my little corner of AO3 and block the tags and the weirdos. 😅
Life is too short and precious to spend time being upset with shippers. HotD is not a show worth losing your peace over.
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villain-in-love · 1 year
Ohh I see that you're crushing on Mr Charles Gray? 👀 He's quite an interesting character, I'm looking forward to getting more info of him and Charles Phipps later on in the manga! I personally feel like there's much more to them than simply being the Queen's guards.
If you do create some lore about their relationship and how they met sometime, I would love to know. He seems like a very smug guy, so I can imagine them having some funny interactions. Especially while your S/I is working with Undertaker. Considering his opinions on the queen, and the fact that Charles is her guard... I think that can be a very interesting dynamic.
He's arrogant, has (kinda) long hair and propensity for violence, so obviously I couldn’t resist him.
And yes, I really wish queen's butlers (I'm pretty sure that they were more than just guards, but also secretaries and someone who executes her will) would get more attention. Queen Victoria and her servants are really one of the most mysterious characters at this point. And while I don’t think I’ve noticed any details that would hint at some other hidden but important information about Grey specifically, there’s still more than enough room to elaborate on his character.
When it comes to my ship... Charles might be smug, but don't think that I’m any better. For now I think their dynamic could involve them trying to one up each other, each in their own way, and truly making a contest out of being the most obnoxious person in the room. Both equally annoyed and amused by each other. My s/i would definitely dial up her creepiness to the max for the sake of messing with Grey. (And I can see Undertaker enabling her at that.)
Though the part that is the most fun starts a few years later down the timeline (my s/i needs time to graduate the Reaper’s Academy). Considering the fact that Charles is scared of ghosts, I can only imagine his reaction to meeting a legit dead person. They would most likely meet again when he kills someone (and I’m 100% sure that this guy will kill someone again, and not once) with my s/i coming to collect the soul… and scare Charles half to death just because she can.
There might also be an opportunity to explore both characters' psychology through their relationship with death and, by extension, life… But I really need more canon information on Grey.
Speaking of death, when it comes to Undertaker, I don’t think that he will have, like, any serious problems with his apprentice taking a liking to a queen’s butler. He would be wary of Charles, but I wouldn’t expect him to express this in anything more than a few passing comments about the earl in question not being the best person to trust.
And off the top of my head, there are at least two possible situations where my s/i and Charles could meet:
1. Charles somehow gets involved in one of Ciel’s investigations and end up going to the Undertaker with him. And then hilarity ensues…
2. The Book of Murder arc. Since Undertaker is an old family friend of Phantomhives, he could get invited, but perhaps Undertaker himself had some immediate business to attend (maybe tied to his resurrection experiments, maybe not) so my s/i goes instead as his representative. She probably didn't really have to go but this unhinged duo of father and daughter decided that this party still needs someone spooky and eccentric, so she went purely to make it funny and freak out the nobles.
I’m currently thinking about the ways in which the presence of a mortician on the scene could influence the murder investigation they had going on in this arc. Some things are bound to be different if she went there. And I can also use this as an opportunity to foreshadow my s/i’s suicide by showing how little she cared whether she lives or dies in that whole situation…
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kazimortem · 1 year
1, 4, 6, and 9 for Takizawa because you know what, why not. If this is too many feel free to only do a couple of your choice!
1. (Hands you a free card to ramble about whatever for your favorite character/ship)
I don't care if SeiAki is, at its core, extremely toxic and could never realistically be canon, but I will take interesting, toxic chemistry any day over healthy, boring/nonexistent chemistry. Sometimes toxic ships are just more fun with the absurd amounts of angst
I just feel like Akira and Amon's relationship is just… a whole lot of nothing. I feel like Amon only got with her because he felt guilty over her dad and because it was what she wanted at the time—and the closeness she feels to Amon kind of comes off as her clinging to the closest thing she has to her dad.
It also rubs me wrong that Akira's personality and plot relevance just kind of fizzles out once she and Amon officially get together. I hate when that happens to female characters :(
There's this infinitely compelling and beautiful tragedy to Akira and Seidou's relationship that maintains both of their personalities and desires and dynamic. I would have loved to see them continue interacting and talking about what they've been through so Akira's brain could be picked a little more concerning her feelings about not being good enough and why she felt so strongly about losing Seidou that she threw her entire life away and nearly died just to tell him she wished she'd saved him.
Another thing I like about Seidou as a love interest is that it bothers me how clear it is Amon doesn't see Akira as her own person but as her father's daughter—which could be due in part to him feeling some intense survivors guilt over his death. Be compares her to him and thinks of him and brings him up when she's around.
But Seidou? Even if he holds a grudge and sees her as a rival, he sees her as Akira. Just Akira. Not Kureo Mado's daughter. He never even once brings her father up in conversation (iirc), but he most certainly knew who he was.
Obviously he's blinded a lot by his inferiority complex and projects his feelings of inadequacy on her, but I think that also makes his dynamic and relationship with her SO much more compelling than Akira's relationship with Amon. Her sacrifice was his first time not viewing her as this flawless, cold rival to him. His entire perspective on her changed in an instant. He risked his life for someone he swore he hated for years. He was so genuinely worried about her and didn't want her to die.
And that makes me want to see him Akira more than anyone.
4. What character do you (the asker) remind me of?
This one probably won’t work very well for anons but no matter.
6. What’s your favorite piece of TG fan content you’ve made? (If you haven’t made any just treat this as 7)
I will be honest I'm obsessed with my Blinding Lights fic but have long periods of writers block. I get self conscious sometimes about my characterization bc I don't want it to be too fanonized but I also want to have fun.
I have a lot of plans for it that I just…cannot get to yet. But hopefully one day I can
9. You switch places with (character) for a day, what’s the first thing you’re doing with your newfound abilities/associations and do you survive.
Most definitely survive because I feel like trying to kill Seidou is like trying to kill a very stubborn roach. I'm not really sure what I'd do, though !
Maybe test out his ghoul abilities and have some fun doing like… parkour or something.
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burningtacozombie · 1 year
Hi there. I really like reading your posts on Miguel and was curious, what do you think Miguel & Felipe's dynamic and/or interactions will be in season 5 now that Miguel knows Felipe is his father? Is there anything you could like to see happen?
hey, thank you for saying you like what I write, I appreciate it 🥰
what I would like to see is Miguel and Felipe finishing their conversation in the butchershop. knowing now that Felipe gets out of it alive, I hope he did the right thing this time and told Miguel everything. the whole truth about his mother and what she did, about the "Galindo bastard" his grandmother took in when Felipe was a child (I'm refering to THIS), all of it. the truth has to come out. but given they're doing another time jump of about a year, we probably won't see any of that. the aftermath maybe, and I think it's going to be very difficult for Miguel to wrap his head around it. but hopefully he can make enough peace with the situation to let Cristobal meet his grandfather. Felipe and Cristobal interacting as family is something I'd LOVE to see, as well as Cristobal and Maverick playing together.
but oh well, it's Mayans MC and not some soap opera so this might be wishful thinking, lol.
I don't think Miguel will kill Felipe at any point, but I do think Felipe will die. last year I had this theory, that I never elaborated on but now it's back on the table, that Felipe might have some terminal illness, cancer or something like it, and knowing he might not have much time left he wants to clean up his family mess to try and bring his children closer together. between EZ, Angel and Miguel there is a lot to clean up. initially the terminal illness theory came from him closing his butcher shop for no obvious reason because he might know there is no one who would take over once he's gone. I was ready to scrap this theory but this moment from the trailer brought it back because I do think, Felipe would do something along the lines of "before the illness takes me out, I'm going to take myself out".
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also, there were some discussions about Miguel saying "YOUR brother" to Angel in the trailer instead of "OUR brother" in a way that Angel and EZ might not even know yet but I think it means Miguel simply doesn't see or even accept EZ as his brother. I'm sure they all know the truth at this point and while I can see Miguel and Angel get along eventually, Miguel and EZ is a whole other story. they might never accept each other as brothers, or in any other way for that matter. I also think it's going to be Felipe who tells Angel first and then Angel will be the one who has to tell EZ.
this is all I have for them for now and it'll be exciting to see how things play out once the season starts.
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beowlet-spam · 2 years
Heloo, Eli!!! How're you doing today? I'm doing good; I'm trying to do this event for Enstars so I can get a free 10pull.
Why don't you tell me about your favorite Genshin characters and/or story quests/archon quest's. Or things about Genshin that you like in general.
I'd love to hear about any Genshin oc you have! I remember that picrew we did where you talked about them, but I'd like to hear more!
If you don't want to talk about Genshin, I'd love to hear about any of your ocs in general. I really like your art, and it's led me to wonder about your characters.
ARIESS!! HI HELLO I dont play Enstars but i am however gonna get into it soon probably- AND THANK YOU I ALSO LOVE YOUR ART💖🙌😭
My favorite genshin character? Hm.. Scaramouche and Tartaglia share the 1st place on my list🙌‼️ Honestly for me to like fictional characters I need to feel like some sort of kinship with them. It's like getting to know someone and slowly growing fond of them. Is that weird idk😭 Scaramouche I feel VERY comnected to him, like staring at him is staring at a mirror. I love his lore and how much potential he has. His story was AMAZING in every way. The redemption arc wasn't really a redemption arc, he just chose to be free and do whatever he wanted to after getting his memories back. His backstory I can understand and relate to A LOT but we dont have to go too deep into it. Childe/Tartaglia/Ajax (mf has so many fucking names) I think the reason I love him is because of his relationship with his siblings and how he is still more caring compared to other harbingers. He has a heart shortly. He loves his family and thats what I love about him.
I have a lot but their lores are still wip
You might've noticed how her story was short! THAT WAS ON PURPOSE!! You see Nami doesn't remember anything before she joined the fatui. Her oldest memory is waking up in her tent in a camp and having the feeling to need to go on patrol. She is a very succesful agent in the Fatui. Having worked under 2 harbingers. Ajax and Capitano. She never questioned it. She felt like it was her whole purpose. But if WE dig into her story she was taken by the fatui as a child. Nami is an Elf, having powerful magic and a long life. Her family was indebt to the Fatui. They said they were willing to do anything as they wanted to protect their precious child. Well, they in Nami's mother. Her father didn't care about her as much. The Fatui suggested they gave up Nami as they could train her at an early age and make her into a killing machine. Her parents would fight every night and day, arguing about the situation. Nami felt horrible. She hated how she was the reason her parents didn't get along. So one night she ran away from home to join the fatui herself. She started strict training at the age of 9. Was involved in Dottore's many experiments. And when the harbinger decided she was strong enough. He brainwashed her. She was turned into some kind of puppet. Following orders left and right without complaint.
Another oc of mine is Aasha. Not genshin. Sadly😭
A lil baby goat fae in diasomnia. Or more formally Aasha Kurayami. Aasha comes from a rich family. They grew up as a very stoic child surronded with narcissists. Basically a family who expected a pretty perfect girl. They got the pretty perfect part but the girl part? Nah we are going QUEER. Straight hair, straight A's, straight forward. Straight girl. LITTLE MISS PERFECTTT THAAAAATSSSS AASHAAAA‼️ ehem but ye! They were originally supposed to go to RSA but they admired NRC so much even as a child that they begged their parents to go. When Aasha joined NRC, they werent expecting to make any friends. A few students were interested in their apperance as goat fae's are very rare. One of them being Cater. Aasha was still very stoic and distant with anyone and everyone so their first interactions with people were awkward and stiff. But as time went by they got more comfortable with others. They felt weird. Sometimes a smile would creep its way up to their lips! Or a little giggle. They were getting shyer by day. They felt weird and insecure aswell. Did they look normal while smiling? Or do their teeth look weird? But with more time they were fully comfortable with everyone. They felt at peace. They felt loved. And then they lived happily ever after-
what about your oc's? I am also very curious about yours!
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
Okay so - my request is basically the reader is a child whose family was murdered and I just want the slayers to adopt the child, human pet
NO pedophilia if anyone's wondering that's gross and you should leave 😍😍😍
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Rz! Michael Myers - Jason Voorhees - Bo, Lester and Vincent Sinclair - Asa Emory -
Tw: canon violence, mentions of cannibalism, murder,blood, probably mention of child abuse or neglecting (not from the slashers), reader is a kid so obviously this is a strictly father figure relationship,
A/N: hiya!! As always thank you for leaving a request^^. This is such a cute idea♡♡ I actually think most of the slasher could've been super nice fathers if they didn't you know, chose crime as a lifestyle. Baby reader is going to grow up unhinged as them but at least it will be fun. AS THIS LOVELY PERSON SAID, THIS IS STRICTLY PLATONIC. IF YOU TRY TO BE GROSS AND/OR REQUEST ME ANYTHING THAT INVOLVES A MATURE RELATIONSHIP WITH AN UNDERAGE READER I WILL FUCKING BLOCK YOU.
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Funnily enough he wasn't the one who killed your parents. Haddonfield is that wild even when it's not Michael making it wild 
Now, you're like literally a child so obviously all you were able to do was just hiding while the intruder in your house killed your parents 
You're going to grow so messed up I'm so so sorry-
Your family wasn't like super liked by other people in haddonfield and your parents tended to piss off everyone that interacted with them 
Your neighbours are used to your parents arguing ecc so they don't really think something bad has happened 
So no one realise you're alone in the house with your dead parents bodies
And you're, again, just a child so you don't really know what the fuck are you supposed to do
Yeah you have a pretty shitty childhood, I'm sorry. 
But fear not cause the boogeyman has come to save you
He broke into the house thinking he was going to find someone to kill and the disappointment was real and intense when he saw someone has already done the job
He decided to just go to the kitchen and try to find something to eat since no one was there to stop him
To be fucking honest the whole house reminded him a lot of his own and that was starting to creep him out
When he saw you in the kitchen he went stiff 
Connecting the dots he assumed you were the couple's child 
Michael Myers doesn't kill kids and we all know that. 
I headcanon it's because kids haven't done anything to anyone yet, they're too young to be bad. He takes his anger on adults and teenagers cause that's the age group of people who has let him down most of the time
You remind him of Boo so much and you kind of remind him of himself too 
When you saw him you told him that you're parents were sleeping so if he was a friend of them he needed to wait
That if he wanted to you could keep him company while he waited
You obviously didn't know what happen or you were just coping with death as your child brain was able to 
He should've guess that cause he did saw a blanket on the bodies 
That, the fact that you remind him of boo, the house remind him of his childhood and overall all of the shitty things were enough for him to want to keep you
Congrats, now the shape of haddonfield is your dad 
He's gonna get rid of the bodies of your parents without you noticing so you both can live there 
One could think he's going to be distant at first or either way it would be hard for him to like get used to you
He feels like he just went back in time to when he still was able to hold his little sister. 
He knows that you probably feel really scared and confused right now so he tries to reassure you and make you feel safe as much as possible 
You're the only person to who he will show so much affection 
He never loses sight of you and if you go outside he's always watching you and keeping an eye on anything or anyone that could hurt you
The Boo title has been passed to you now. 
Even if you remind him of laurie, the boo nickname has a special place for him and it's give only to the ones he loves 
You're hid boo now but for a different kind of reason laurie was 
It's the kind of dad that says you have to sleep alone but then lets you sleep next to him anyways 
He absolutely loves playing with you and spending time doing things like drawings and masks ecc
Speaking of, he doesn't wear a mask when he's around you
Allows you to play with his hair 
He makes sure you're getting all your meals so he either steals food from the grocery store or steals from the victims
He really tries so hard to earn your love and to be a somewhat good parent figure 
He doesn't want you to stay just because you're scared, he wants you to feel like you're not alone and you have someone to protect you
He has instructed you to say his your uncle so you can keep going to school and everything without people being suspicious about a giant man following you around
Again, people believes the lie cause your parents weren't that great so they all think they just have left you or some shit 
Anything you bring him from school he's keeping it like it's the most important thing ever
He eventually learns how to cook dw
He loves any nickname you give him. His favourite being Mike but if call him uncle mickey he's gonna melt on the floor
You're such a positive presence in his life. He tries to take more care of himself because he knows you need him 
He hopes that when you'll be older you won't hate him when you find out who he really is
That would break his heart like literally 
And he tries his best to not let you become like him. He could never forgive himself if you 
I want jason to be my dad
He would be the best dad in the world
As soon as he saw you he was like "OH NO YOU SHOULDN'T BE HERE" 
the fact that you were not scared of him? 10/10
The moment you looked at him smiling and asking him if he wanted to play with you because you didn't know where your parents were he knew he was taking you home with him
He made you wait somewhere safe where you wouldn't be able to see what was going to happen 
Awkward moment for the future when he will have to tell you he killed your parents
He had to, besides in his head he justifies the whole thing by saying that if they were really good parents they wouldn't have brought you here and left you alone
Jason would be absolutely adores you and Pamela does to
His whole attention is always on you. Like he could never get tired of spending time together or listen to anything you want to tell him
He is going to childproof the cabin and will make sure that you never go outside without him next to you
you can't even like trip over something that he's already fussing over you as if you're about to die
And when he sees you giggling at his concern he just shakes his head as if he was scolding you "Don't laugh y/n!! This is a serious matter right here!! You could've lost your leg!" 
Him doing that only makes you laugh more and he can't really get mad at you so he just tickles you as a punishment for making him worry
Someone said cuddles? Cause Jason is sure someone has said it
Seriously, you don't even have to give him a reason to get a hug from him. As soon as you reach your tiny arms to him he's already picking you up and holding you close 
Jason doesn't really need to be strict or serious to make you listen. Like he has such a gentle and effective parenting style 
He treats you like Pam used to treat him
The first time you called him dad he could've sworn he was about to die. 
You woke up from a nightmare and went straight to Jason's room crying
He was immediately awake and going towards you thinking you were hurt of something 
You weren't calling him Jason but papa and if he hadn't been so worried he would've cry from happiness 
The next day he thought you called him papa by accident so he didn't really expect for you to keep calling him that all the time
Every time you do he just picks you up and gives you lots of smooches all over the face 
He knows you're eventually going to find the truth about what he has done and he still does but he hopes that maybe by then he had convinced you how much he actually cares for you and how important you are for him
As I stated on one of my last post I like the idea of Bo having the temper of an unhinged gremlin but I do not find it actually makes sense 
That being said 
Bo has never NEVER had a doubt that he was going to save you when you and your parents ended up in ambrose 
truth be told, if he knew you were there he would've let your parents go. Not even Lester noticed you
He didn't notice you were there until it was too late.
Your parents told you to stay in the car while they looked for Bo. You fell asleep waiting and when you woke up you were bore out of your mind so you decided to just take a walk around since it was a fairly small town
You got distracted looking around the house of wax
Vincent was the one that found you
When you saw him you just waved at him smiling brightly as you introduced yourself and promising that you didn't touch anything and you were just waiting for your parents to be back
"Mum and dad were looking for someone to help them with the fun..fen.. mmmh uh! Yes, the fan belt!!" 
Achievement unlocked: obliterate Vinny's will to live 
God if he felt like a monster now 
He kept you company and played with you while thinking how the fuck he was going to fix this mess
He sure wasn't going to kill you. At cost of making Bo mad he was not going to turn you into wax
You were the sweetest kid ever. Complimenting him for his hair, his masks and once you figured out for his art
When it started to get late in picked you up and went to look out for Bo with you
When Bo saw you he immediately knew what was going on
Both brothers agreed to not harm you in anyway and that meant not telling you about your parents too
Bo had to tell muster the courage and put on use his ability to lie to make up the most believable excuse he could find
He told you that he found out your parents were distant family they didn't knew about, that they had received a urgent call for something really important and had asked him and Vincent to take care of you until they come back
fortunately for him, as soon as he said he was family, you gave him your blind trust and believed everything he had said
So now you stayed with them
When victims are coming into town you stay with your "uncle" Lester out of ambrose. You spend those days playing board games with him, playing with jonesy and eating way too many sweets for vinny and bo's liking
Those are your favourite days and obv Lester is kind of your fav uncle 
Bo never said it openly but he was just over the moon with you. 
He doesn't like to play board games but loves to spend his free time playing hide and seek, tag and other games like this
He always lets you win but without making it too obvious 
He loves cooking with you and you're the only one he allows to listen him sing (see my post about bo singing) only because it makes you super happy 
He would be the one giving you rules and making sure you follow them cause he knows that if he doesn't his brothers are going to basically ruin you
That's the only reason he's not your fav uncle 
He's nothing like his parents and when he has to correct your behaviour his surprisingly patient 
He knows that sometimes you can be overwhelmed by big emotions and that is hard to behave even when you really want to so he's gonna do the best he can to tell call you out when you're not being good in a nice a respectful way
Even though at the end of the day he's going to spoil you rotten too cause he still feels guilty about knowing the truth of what he has done. Your parents weren't even that bad 
Vinny is going to encourage your creative side in any way possible. He genuinely has so much fun doing crafts with you 
Everything you do is going to be put where everyone can see it in the house of wax, that's how proud he is of your work
He makes sure you don't go down his workshop when there's someone that needs to be turned into wax. And when there's no one he childproof everything so you can spend time with him doing anything you together 
I'm sorry but Bo would put you in a child leash- 
All of them are super protective of you and do the best to give you education and cover all your basic needs
Everytime you mention your parents all of them avoid your gaze and just straight up change the subject of conversation 
When you'll eventually find out it's gonna be heartbreaking so they just enjoy spending time with you while they can 
I feel the need to remind you to never, under any circumstances, give this man a child. Please, just- don't. 
Now let's give him the responsibility of raising us, shall we? ♡
I know I KNOW that he was about to kill the kid in the first movie but I CAN FIX HIM. I CAN MAKE A FATHER OUT OF HIM
Initially I wanted to do Thomas but I just like to make my life harder than what it should be 
So Asa as a dad (you see what I did there right?) 
You were probably the kid of one of the families he targeted. 
Listen, I'm going to self insert here cause I want to have a father that is actually there too 
He first saw you while doing his fake "disinfestation" job at your parents house 
Your parents were that type of parents who wouldn't even notice if their kid was there or not because they were always too busy with so many things. 
You know they loved you it was just that they had to work and stuff 
So you ended up being that type of kid who's always alone, has to always find a way to entertain themselves and overall grows up really fast and by themselves because no one is there to help them
While Asa was working you kept looking at him, curious about what he was doing but too shy to actually go and talk to him cause you didn't want to bother him
Admittedly you were kinda sad that he had to kill all the bugs. Not because you liked having them around but because you kinda felt bad for them plus they were fun to draw sometimes
He noticed you were there, not too close for the chemicals to harm you but not too far to not be able to see what was going on
He had this weird feeling looking at you. 
You were sporting glasses too big for your face, your hair was tied but not as good as it should, your clothes were clean but they had wrinkles
He's really good at reading people and the only thing he needed to confirm his suspicions of you being possibly spending too much time alone was your expresion 
You didn't seem angry but your big eyes didn't had the childish light kid's eyes should have, and your whole face was relaxed but at the same time it hold a stern look
He had the overwhelming feeling of looking at something familiar and he didn't like it one bit. 
At soon as you noticed he was looking at you, you just waved shyly at him before running away
You came back a few minutes later with some juice for him and used it as an excuse to talk to him about the bugs
"Does it hurt them?? I…I mean the spray, does it hurt? I'm…I'm kinda afraid of bugs but they're cool..I wouldn't like it if it hurt them.." 
You left the bug man speechless 
He had to paid close attention because of how fast you were talking 
You just wanted to have someone to talk with and since you didn't really had any friends you tended to talk a lot with the adults that were around you
He looked at you with confusion and surprise all over his face
"It doesn't…it's like going to sleep. I promise I would never hurt them" he didn't even knew why he was talking to you but he felt like he couldn't just straight up ignore you
You spent the whole day with him. You didn't really bother him that much cause you were actually pretty quiet and the only time you speak to him was to ask questions about bugs or to ask him if he wanted something else to drink
He did had to admit you were a really nice kid and he actually liked talking with you about bugs ecc
He even asked you to show him your drawings 
When he finds out that later that day you were going to stay with some relatives because your parents had to work he was actually relieved 
He really didn't want to kill you
That relief didn't last long because your parents decided the last minute to spend, for once, some time with you at home
He find out too late though 
He saw you on your bed sleeping when he was placing the traps 
So one thing leads to another and long story short; he has fucked up
You woke up, he didn't notice it once again (Asa you're being a fucking idiot omg), and he saw just in time before you triggered one the traps in the kitchen
Your parents are long gone and honestly he doesn't even know what to do with you
You looked at him with your eyes wide in surprise
He expected you to scream and be afraid but surprisingly you recognised him even with the mask 
You just thought that maybe he forgot something at your house, came back to get it only to find every single part of the house full with traps. That maybe, seeing that, he was trying to help your parents
You didn't question the mask too much cause you were worried about other things 
"Mr emory??? I..I heard mum scream, are you going to help her??" 
is the first time Asa feels so fucking bad and he's having none of it
Almost tempted to just kill you to make it stop but he does not 
He just takes you outside and tells you to wait there. Goes back inside and finishes the job faster than what he would normally and then comes back to you
He's going to be really straightforward about it and tell you that your parents are dead. He's not gonna tell you he killed them but still
Okay now onto what we all want to know. 
He has to take you with him obv. Making everyone believe you have died with your parents
When I tell you he's gonna be so mad about it cause he hates the idea of being soft
And you're kind of remind him how careless he has been with his last victims
The first few days He's going to avoid you. Being around you only when necessary like to cook you meals ecc
You're kind used to it and since he's the only person who has decided to take care of you (since you don't know that everyone thinks you're dead) you're not about to complain
He could've perfectly leave you in a foster home and you know that 
Man can't catch a fucking break cause he tries so hard to not get attached to you but seeing how you naturally adapt to being so alone, the fact that you don't don't for anything and you haven't cried or talked about your parents in front of him but hold it until you knew you were alone is killing him 
He hates it because he did the same thing as a kid, the only difference is that he didn't have anyone. No one wanted him 
When he comes to terms with the fact that he actually feels bad and he cares for you he's going to change completely 
It start with small things like eating breakfast together, asking you if you want to come with him to buy groceries ecc
He slowly starts to approach you more and more until it's comfortable for both of you
You're going to be homeschooling by him 
He starts to like play with you, talking with you more, read you books you like
He's never going to be too busy for you. If you need him he's going to drop everything to do whatever you want 
Helps you to overcome your fear of bugs 
Take you out for ice cream and a walk to the park once a week. Is like a tradition for both of you, eating ice cream and try to identify the bugs you find around the park 
He may not be the most affectionate person ever, you may never see him as a father and he is not trying to take that title but he will do everything to make you feel safe and seen
He truly shows how much he cares about you and makes an effort everyday to be the good example and healthy presence you need to grow up right 
He eventually tells you the truth when you're old enough but until then he's your best friend Asa and nothing could ever ruin that 
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
So the other day, @atagotiak and I were discussing Mandalorian child-rearing. She'd brought up how Mandalorians as a whole display a massive tendency towards cycles of violence/trauma, how that trauma and abuse is displayed across generations, and how it works its way into Satine's rearing of Korkie and her manner of handling policy in Mandalorian space.
(Warning: child abuse/neglect in spades, discussion of war trauma, discussion of environmental trauma, references to current events, namely covid-19 and US school shootings)
(I'll indent Tia's things.)
Vau's father beat him growing up, Vau became a Mandalorian as an adult. He believed that one had to know true pain in order to withstand it. He sparred with a clone once, and the clone ended up in a bacta tank for a month. He set what was essentially a space!dog on another clone. Falin Mattran, at 6 years old, was verbally abused and had food withheld and worked to exhaustion until he became exactly who Munin Skirata wanted him to be. Later, Kal's wife left him for bringing 8 year olds into battle. Jaster Merreel brought a 7-8 year old into battle, and Jango had to face his parents' killer. Had to kill his parents' killer. Later, when Jango was only 14 years old, his new father died too. Jango brought a, what, ten year old? On missions? When Boba was being held hostage Jango refused to react, making Boba kill the person himself. Maybe maybe it was a better tactical decision in that moment, the option that gave Boba a better chance but. I don't know. And he died when Boba was twelve.
So many people caught in cycles like this.
But then was complete avoidance the better path? Korkie got a better childhood but then how prepared was he when Mandalore descended into civil war once more? He seemed shockingly naive in the episodes that focused on him. After the empire collapsed Bo believed herself the last of her family. And it's unclear if she was right
And at this point, we know how I get about Satine. So. Let's dive in?
The Korkie example is an interesting one to approach, because when we're fair, it's really hard to blame people for not seeing Sidious's bullshit coming, on account of how nobody does (and Satine isn't exactly interacting with Palpatine as often as the Jedi are).
Korkie is, what, sixteen when we see him? Sixteen is a normal age to be stupidly naive about things. I sure was.
And also, of course, while he might've had a better chance with a harsher upbringing who even knows if he would've survived. It's not like warriors had a good survival rate either I think my emotions can be summed up as "I would punch Kal Skirata in the face but also I really want to hug Falin Mattran" The other fun thing is I’m pretty sure Jaster, Jango, Kal and proooobably Munin and Vau thought they were doing what was best for their kids.
Also "Sure the Jedi have intergenerational trauma but if you really want to sink your teeth into something..." The Satine bits also fit under there. I do kinda wonder what it was like growing up for Korkie. In that she certainly tried her best to not fall into patterns of those before her, but hmmm. Growing up with a traumatized parent has interesting affects on you, no matter how good they are. Like, traumatized people can raise kids well but there's still things that happen.
I think Satine was probably very much trying and was like... she was making that effort to be better and to not let it affect them both, but even if we go with Legends canon that the New Mandos have been around as a movement for 800 years, she spent a significant amount of time on the run, being literally hunted.
So even if most of the New Mandalorians don't have longform trauma (c-ptsd, complex ptsd: trauma formed over a period of time where the behaviors and triggers are a learned survival skill that no longer applies, as opposed to a singular incident that has long-term effects), Satine herself does, and while therapy might have helped, the whole "she had to rebuild her entire government alone" can't have given her the time or safety to really have it apply in full.
Yeah. And even for smaller traumas. I wonder what effects that would have. My dad grew up poor and he kinda sorta hoards food. This doesn’t harm anyone, but it’s a thing and it’s there. Like. There’s pretty much always at least three months worth in the pantry. Even as someone who never has to make her own meals again, I wonder if she does that
I can imagine Satine being almost frantic in making sure Korkie takes both deescalation courses and self-defense classes as seriously as possible, because she wants to make sure he never has to resort to violence, but if anyone ever tries to hunt him like they did her--
Realistically, Korkie develops a certain degree of paranoia regarding "even if Death Watch is gone, people may try to kidnap you for a ransom or something" because Satine is that degree of worried about him and what could happen to him, and she builds that into her attempts to make sure he wasn't at risk of being hurt. Given that Death Watch was not actually gone, this was actually sensible of her, but I can easily see a kind of paranoid anxiety manifesting in Korkie about these things.
That conversation petered out a few days ago, but I kicked it back open today because wow do I have feelings after writing that rant in Buir Shaak, and specifically about this:
While Satine's c-ptsd definitely influenced her policies, her traumas are actually very common for her culture.
The New Mandalorians have definitely been around for centuries, in Legends. So surely there are some that have successfully managed to avoid most battle/violence, but definitely not all of them, right?
You could make an argument that growing up in the shadows of destruction like the deserts of Mandalore--which aren't NATURAL, but caused by large-scale bombing centuries ago that the planet never recovered from--is it's own form of environmental trauma.
There's that paranoia regarding the remaining warriors, which lasts at least up until Satine takes over fully and has them all either demilitarize or move to Concordia.
So even if we say that idk 30% of New Mandalorians actually lived through wars and were directly affected by Death Watch or other factions (especially if Concordia is representative of more recent widespread destruction), the remaining 70% probably grew up knowing that there was a risk of battle coming to them, and that causes its own kind of stress and PTSD, even if it never happens.
You end up with a culture where enough people, including the leader, have direct and intense trauma relating to war, that "her traumas influenced her policies" may need to be viewed in the direct light of "this is everyone's trauma, not just hers."
Even with the people who’ve avoided the most of it. You know a lot of the psychological effects of being raised by traumatized people. It’s different but not to be underestimated, as a motivation
I'm trying not to say "imagine the long-term policy effects that people who went to high school 2020-2022 will have once they're old enough to run for office" but that's where my mind is at.
Because covid-19 is a large-scale cultural trauma that directly, fatally impacts basically everyone (if to differing degrees because of wealth disparity etc) and that's going to have the biggest effects psychologically on people twenty and under, especially those old enough to understand what's going on but helpless to truly impact how it's handled... and that's pretty much the age Satine was at when her biggest interactions with Death Watch and related bullshit was.
Oh I thought you were getting school-shooting political, not plague political
(Both apply, plague was just the one on my mind because it's way more wide scale.)
And we just. How can I say 'her traumas' when it's not just her traumas, but a very, very large portion of her community's?
IDK how to wrap this thought train up beyond "Satine is both a driving force of change and a product of her culture, and her ability to change her culture is a direct result of people sharing her traumas, either personally or socially."
One thing I’m thinking about, now that you’ve started this trend, is how petrified I am when someone is angry in my presence, sometimes. Even if it’s not directed at me. It’s weird, I can take a punch, in a sporting context, but even a relatively non threatening raised voice can be… That’s probably not that uncommon, eh? And my traumas, while def a thing, aren’t that sustained
Like how do I explain that she is what happens when you push a culture to the brink and get masses of people snapping back in the opposite direction.
How do I explain that she is representative of activism, not a rich girl with no experience doing her best to quash what's interesting about culture.
How do I explain that Satine, as sanctimonious and petty and condescending as she can be, is politically the leader of a cultural movement that stemmed by necessity from the majority joining her call to action.
You cannot enact pacifism through force. That's only achievable on a large scale if you convince people that enough is enough, and it's... it can't be Just The Rich that were arguing for it, like I've seen some people say, because the rich were mostly the ones with armor.
Like. That one post that goes on about how a medieval knight needed hundreds of people to support their career because of what went into it? Obviously that doesn't apply to nearly the same scale in star wars because tech and droids etc, but Mandalore was 'might makes right' for so long that we can reasonably assume wealth and power traveled to the warrior class, not merchants or crafters unless the crafter was a blacksmith.
Beskar is canonically expensive as hell. In this metaphor, the people wearing armor and arguing to 'keep to tradition' are by and large the feudal lords, not the people.
Obviously, the feudal thing doesn't directly apply; space has entirely different economies of scale, the changes and philosophical drama have been occurring over centuries if not millennia, warriors tended to move in cells, etc. but it's here for a metaphor to explain how "Satine was rich and that's why she thought it was good to erase culture" doesn't really play out when looking at the complexities of Mandalorian history, economic realities, cultural/generational traumas, and canonically-defined policy decisions.
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
Genshin Boys would be Horrible as Disney Princes
Headcanon and Reader Perspective, Drabble
Sojourner Special (Followers Event)
Despite being the gentleman and sweethearts that they are, in the wrong hands, of badly aligned context and universal rules these boys can barely function as princes given their own ideals.
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Diluc in Cinderella
Shortest one, oops.
Our Diluc would honestly be too busy for balls if we're doing this canonically, night time of all times. He's not your prince tonight, he's off somewhere doing Knight stuff...
If by chance you did catch him in the ball and he did indulge you with your dance until you escapaded at midnight, he's not gonna question it.
And since he didn't even REMEMBER your face, the next day just goes on as usual. No decree for searching the whole land for your foot or anything, it's just a normal day after a party.
"They left without a word, no name or promise, who am I to say no when they clearly don't want to stay?"
He's a gentleman. Too gentlemanly...
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Childe in Sleeping Beauty
In this scenario, Childe embraces his knight-ness more than the princely aspect. I mean sure, he danced with you in the forest all so lovingly, sang along to your pretty lil voice. But when the prophecy came, his focus changed—
To the thrill of fighting a big ass green fire breathing dragon! Big woah, Childe had soooo much fun fighting it that he didn't even cheese it.
He lived for every hour of the fight and made it as slow as possible. Taunting, playing with his PREY- mid-fight the dragon would realize just how strong and horrifying Prince Childe is, but the entertainment had started, and the dance won't end until Childe wills it.
When he DID finally slay the damned thing, he'll come up to your quarters and stare at your sleeping body, and then think "Hey, if them being put under this spell gave me the fight of the century? What if ANOTHER dragon comes? That would be amazing!" No waking up for you, or the whole city for that matter.
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Albedo in Frog Princess
You... You don't even get the chance to be the frog princess in here... simply because he himself REFUSES to change back to normal. You have never met a man so intelligent, much more a frog.
"I know of which you are not, I won't be fooled by cardboard crowns and secondhand dresses," you choke as he berates every fiber of your being, "It matters not, I still have much to learn about the life of an amphibian."
He disappears after that and you've never heard from him ever again, although at the back of your mind you're pretty sure he's a live and well, that bastard is too smart to end up as roadkill.
And well, you're right, he's out there in the world of frogs doing frog things. Triumphant over frog science and the other talking creatures he may meet.
He'll also find a way to revert himself back to normal, either making his own cure or just enlisting the help of a princess to bargain.
He might come to you upon the logic of marriage counting you as princess, but don't get too hyped, you won't be treated as his wife. He'd be too busy putting his frog research into paper...
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Zhongli in Beauty and the Beast
A beast he may be, he's still dignified and elegant, upholding his end of the bargain so long as the other does the same.
Your father may have trespassed and have taken some flowers in his domain but well, really it's such a petty crime that can easily be solvable. And even if there needs to be punishment incured...
When you stumble to the mansion in search of your father, ready to take his place from his jail cell, you find him and the beast (ohh half-dragon Zhongles) by an elegant table drinking cups of tea with light conversation. Huh?
"There is no need to fret, your father and I are just discussing the terms of our contract. He spoke of his woodworks that I wish to commission in exchange, such good potential should not be wasted."
You can also, well, pay off things within contract? But either way, it would be hella awakward, he won't impose on your life and most certainly not about the curse when you had so much to live for.
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Kaeya in Rapunzel
Little bitch, thru and thru. If Eugene is such a criminal, he's taking it TENFOLD.
He's not even gonna be the slightest bit trustworthy for you, little Rapunzel, because he raises so many red flags your frying pan wouldn't even be enough to threaten him. He probably has a really thick skull, and your resolve won't be able to smack that pretty face.
Bargaining won't work, he'd sleight of hand his way out and get the crown knowing you'd hid it in the pot immediately, and then just backflip outta there.
If you manage to get him to get you out, he's not gonna be of help either. Kaeya would be amused with toying with you, leaving you in the dark as you get scared shitless/dance around with some tavern criminals. Otherwise, ehh...
One way or another, he's gonna find a way to get you off his case. Either forcing you to travel with companions that's headed to the city anyways or forcefully knocking you out and heaving you back to your tower.
"You have a mother that never ages lock you up in this tower? Nu uh, sweetie, I'm not dealing with the dark forces of witchery when I'm already well off with the crown."
He got the crown.
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Venti in Snow White
I'm sorry what? Free apples? Eternal sleep in a beautiful bed? He's gonna be glad to just take your place. (Spoilers, he would)
He'd be most definitely entertained with your dwarves, playing his tunes. You life would be filled with his lyre as he plays around, not even caring about the other implications of yours or his status in this woodland forest.
You ran away from home? Cool, freedom, man. Wish he could the same without jeopardizing the kingdom and his family. He'd probably take the apple too just for you~
During your rest, he'll come up with the most eloquent song to play for your seven dwarves as he watches your fate sadly. How peaceful you looked, away from the world and from the grips of death.
The dwarves would force him to please try and break the spell, and he'll shrug and indulge- except it didn't break the spell, as he expected it to be. And they are clueless on who else you had encountered in your life to even spare a true love's kiss.
"How saddening, the princess lays. Maddening to those around as they'd say, if only my kiss was enough for the curse to sway." You died, ouch.
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Xiao in Mulan
Brutal. Brutal. Brutal. His voicelines would come in sooooo handy here, oh my goodness.
If you miraculously bypassed his analytical gaze enough to hide your sexuality, you're going to die in his training program. He's not gonna go easy on you, not when the fate of the nation lies upon your capability to keep up. You're gonna go through far worse than what true Mulan went through, and you may or may not just die in the process.
If by chance you survived, this would warrant enough respect to not kill you (oh, you lived) but you better not show up again.
He's never gonna be delighted to see your traitorous face again, he can save China on his own, thank you very much. And you know he can. Try and approach him, and a sword would be at your neck once again.
"Foolish gremlin, you think you had the right to present yourself after the treason you willfully committed? We won't crumble at the loss of one person, your job here is done." How sad.
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Cyno in Little Mermaid
First of all, wack, mermaids exist! Sadly, that's nothing new for him. He knows a lot with that intelligent mind of his, so it would be no surprise that the existence of such mythical creatures doesn't make him bat an eyelash. He's been living near water, he's not that stupid.
With that in mind, your presence in your first meeting is going to be bad. Very bad. Cyno knows about sirens and he's not at all gonna fall for it, and if by chance he had known you before the ship was wrecked, he's probably gonna be veryyy keen in capturing you instead.
So if by chance you're stupid enough to interact with him and DESIRE to be on land with him, you're gonna deal with a lot of problems.
You're not getting that kiss easily. No, it's a huge challenge. He'd be repulsed in your naivety and will most likely be more concerned on your voice than ever. He'd be so kind to try and give a shot in helping with the cure but it's not the cure you needed.
He'll drown himself in every literature in full concentration just to see if there's any text he can find about curses and muteness. His curiousity would get the best of him, and you'll barely see him after you managed to explain your predicament without the need for words. Octopus woman doesn't even need to show up to intervene.
"A kiss? Surely not, such ailment won't be cured by fairytale methods." And then he goes back to his library once again. And you will be seafoam the next sunrise. Or was it sunset?
"So now that we've established these grounds," Exiled turns to the other two in the area, "Maybe, these boys would be better off as princesses."
And so the trio concocts a new type of fairytale, collaborated to masterpieces soon after.
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@moaa @dandelion-dreams @witchsungie @zelos-simp @legionqueensav @snackgod @rxsalinee @cala-ran @wind-wheel @struggljng @ellitx @kookieyachi @dandelion-dreams
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King's Tide - and now we wait
MAN this was a LOT huh? can't wait til next week's e- oh.
this whole ep had me so tense my back hurts so that's nice
King scoffing at Philip saying "you can trust me" and that giving him away was funny to me ngl
Willow really is the best, she managed to keep a level head
I like how she and Gus kept looking after King through the whole episode. he is everyone's little brother <3
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"there's always a way to help, you just gotta look for the right opportunity" and he did
"Paradise awaits" he tells them, all these people he will kill with no hesitation
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"with this spell declared, promise I'll be back" I'M FINE
we can see then that all other coven heads were on Belos/Philip's side, but I suspect no one will be after all this
the way they foreshadowed the arm thing tho
a lil smooch for Hooty :'(
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back when things were simpler. you realize they've all known each other for super long huh
yes I DO find it hilarious that Adrien Graye looks like he hasn't slept since Gus messed him up
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I think it's neat how for the Draining Spell Philip drew on the ground like back when he used glyphs to warp
something truly nightmarish about seeing people cheering at first, then be scared and collapse as the spell slowly advances
and he really just. leaves. throws the collector out and is planning to leave all these dying witches behind
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hilarious that he's wearing that Colonizer Fit™ but even funnier that Luz called him out on it, I could stare at this expression all day
he's like wait do people not wear these anymore???
Kiki is quite pitiful, always seeking the approval of this guy who just wants her gone
"have you as my right hand? I'd sooner cut off my whole arm"
so when Luz gave him the sigil I really thought he'd do that. turns out it was someone else's sigil arm that would be yanked off
damn he really said go die in a hole and Kiki was like sure why not
Philip feared the Collector so much he betrayed and discarded him, and now he's against him. if he had freed them maybe they'd still be somewhat on the same side
then again, idk if this man knows how to interact with anyone without lying and manipulating so there's that
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I love them very much
Darius stopped attacking when Healing Coven Witch threatened Eber !! they are besties !!!! how dare they
yes I noticed everyone is shown captured but Steve is NOWHERE in this entire episode
"you too have a strange intuition with these, it took me years to figure that out" his brother, who also loved magic and the Isles, could probably use glyphs a lot easier than Philip, who hated everything about it. the Titan can tell
Witch Hunter General, people are gonna bully him super hard on twitter I can already see it
can we imagine some sitcom of a teenage bi latina girl trying to introduce an egomaniac witch hunter from the 1600s to the Year of Our Lord 2022
Goop Belos design is horrifying I love it
that whole sequence from King's pov. the muffled sound, the chaos as the adults collapse and you can see Hunter's arm all glowy, everything destroyed. oof
"WE don't belong here" "I'M NOT LIKE YOU" yessss
"you guys are LITERALLY the coolest" YEA THEY ARE
the Collector is SO scary and chaotic. Neither witch nor demon, a child from the stars, seemingly has powers that affect reality like no one else's, and yet behaves like a child. How do we stop someone like this
Gus saw Philip's memories too right? seems like it
still trying to manipulate mansplain manslaughter your way to Hunter's loyalty huh, you horrible old man
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"where the failures end up" this messed me up there were so many of them. so so many
the Collector couldn't see King while he was wearing the collar with the symbol
he found the symbol where he hatched. his father was keeping him invisible
"a game called the Owl House" I am so normal about this
King saved everyone but we have no idea at what cost
yeah the Raine and Eda scene? uncalled for. amazing. painful
the Round Boi broke. I repeat, the Round Boi broke!!
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god these are children
*SPLAT* goes the witch hunter
did you see Hunter's face tho? how many conflicting emotions from seeing THAT just happen
"King! :D" me too Collector
all of them joining in King's whole "game" with their nervous smiles and poor Hunter's in too much pain so he just *whimpers in agreement*
I love the little jester design
also he really just looked at Philip's centuries long evil plan and went "okay! :) boop!"
this whole part had me so stressed I was like who's gonna cross the door and who isn't AHH
both King and Luz made difficult choices, and once again they're separated from those they care about :( DANA
it's raining. for some reason that hurts me
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ANNE BOONCHUY? sorry I had to
Vee! will she join the Mentally Scarred Kids Squad
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god these are children (x2)
they are hurt and cold. Hunter holding Gus he is Older Brother now
Camila: *pulls out adoption papers*
and those credits MAN season 3 is gonna be wild
I imagine our group of kids will have to investigate Philip and his brother, so we'll go visit the museum dude to get info.
also what Gus saw in Belos' head might not only help there, but also lead to Hunter having to reveal the whole grimwalker thing
sad season 3 is short bc having shenanigans on Earth with these 5 could be delightful
idk if I want human disguises or Luz can just tell everyone they're really enthusiastic cosplayers or something
maybe seeing the human realm might lift Gus' spirit a lil bit
We didn't get to meet Luz's palisman, but hopefully they're ready to hatch soon
Camila will slap Goop Belos with her chancla with such force he'll never come back
also I do hope we get to see King, the Collector, and all the adults that were left behind who are all safe and sound of course ha ha ha, dealing with everything that happened and probably looking for a way to get the kids back
in conclusion, I will not stop thinking about this episode ever. my kids and I are traumatized
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