#they're a family!
hotcinnamonsunset · 2 months
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911 7.07 the Buckley-Han family❣️
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vengerbabe · 6 months
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flowerflamestars · 2 years
Timeloop au snippet
There was a heartbeat, in Elain Archeron’s ears.   Her hands were full and warm. Her hands were dripping blood, not red but black, not dark but shining, sickly slick and stinking. Her hands were pale and human, properly dead white after three months in gloves, before her wedding ceremony.   Her hands were-  Squeezed, much more gentle on the right than the left, a calloused grip that seemed to think she was made of glass.   “Elain,” Whispered, low urgent by-   Hiding under storeroom tables. Hiding together Feyre’s disastrous embroidery from their governess, restitching the work to save her punishment. A laugh too loud, a smile too quiet, sharp and knowing, knowing, known, the same blue eyes as their mother and a better, truer bond than anything, anything-   Her sister.   With wings. With bleeding eyes. With silver, dripping from her hands.   Walking out until lily pads float around her, waist deep in moonlit water, falling out of the Cauldron in a sick smash of bone on wet marble her sister-   “Ellie,” A man murmured, a question. So soft and warm, “You can come back, Elain. You’re not alone, it’s okay.”   Light.   Silver light, golden light, star shine and fire and- a puppy grown to a beast running through a field of flowers. A black-eyed man. Grating questions and uncomfortable breakfasts and- light, like the sun, asking for nothing.   A heartbeat steady, and Elain could follow it.   Blinked, and didn’t know where she was. In some faery palace. They’d carried her here, and Nesta had stayed. Never left her, even when Elain was not here, not-  “Nesta?”
Her sister, always her sister, in everything Elain could see, smiled, dazzling with the new face the Cauldron had given her.  Familiar. What they were now- almost as fantastically, fondly foreign as the man sprawled holding Elain’s other hand, slumped in concern. 
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lazylittledragon · 3 months
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if i had a nickel for every au spawned from twitter that i SWORE i was going to be normal about
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cakeanon · 3 months
Help me prove my family wrong!
I don't know if this post will break containment, but will you like/reblog if you are or know a man who is asexual? All of the people in my life seem convinced that being Ace is a 'girl thing' and that Ace men don't exist!
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uncanny-tranny · 10 months
Fat people deserve mobility aids, too. No matter if it's connected to their fatness or not, because having a mobility issue that is connected to one's fatness won't change that they're still fat and still have the issue at hand. Fat people don't deserve to "tough it out" because fatness should be this divine punishment doled out to those who "deserve" it. Fat disabled people deserve to have the peace of mind that they can exist in whatever way is most comfortable and accessible to them
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1alchemistart · 2 months
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i thought i posted this but i think i didn't ??? so i'm doing that now HAJWLSDFKL this is a bit older but turns out it's been rotting in my folders JKDSFKLSDKL
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wearenotjustnumbers2 · 5 months
I'm sorry for the cruelty of this picture, but I couldn't see Amina and not share her story. Trigger warning: eye injury (bloody eyes).
Amina Ghanem, 13 years old, says: We were sleeping and we heard the sound of tanks when they came and walked over the caravan in which I, my father and my siblings lived. The tank squeezed us inside the tin all night, and we were ran over, until the morning. And when they finally let us out, I found that my father and my little sister have been killed. Now we've been brought here.
She tells her story in this video with her little brother beside her. They're all on their own. Their mother is outside of Gaza and cannot get in or get them out. They have no way of communication, their father and sister are killed.
The eyewitness of Genocide.
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purplesound · 26 days
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wanted to humanize helluva's weird dramatic family
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metanarrates · 11 months
I genuinely feel like an alien compared to my coworkers when they try to chat with me about things like dating and weight loss. like what are you SAYING about "oh you know it's just so hard to make your man understand the instructions you give him?" why are you trying to connect with me by complaining that you gained 15 pounds? is this how most people form connections in the workplace? i for real do not get it
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sunny-boooo · 2 months
I simply loved this episode and this little step up Pomni had in her character development, she starts having nightmares about fearing getting abstracted and being left to die alone and be forgotten.
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But then, she finds someone that also fears his reality, she finds someone that she can relate too and talk about how she really feels, how their worlds are similar as she tries to cheer him up.
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To finally, at the end of the episode, realize that, no, she's not going to be forgotten, she's doesn't have to go through this alone, because there are people there that will fight with her to keep her sane and show how loved she will be, even if she abstracts, they will not stop caring for her.
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I'm sorry for the long rant, but I just loved this episode and it's message, here's a last picture of Pomni smiling at her new found family when she's realized she's loved:
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reebmiester · 10 months
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apparently “and yet you're bi yourself” is not an appropriate response
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littlelightfish · 3 months
Them <3
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polmin · 4 months
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they're going to slay. literally
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Why'd they have to drop him fifteen times 😭
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appleswan · 8 months
The glory of the batfamily is not that they fit into a neat little box of family dynamics, it's that their family is messy. It's because Damian thinks of both Dick and Bruce as his dad, and Tim is technically emancipated but still buys Bruce a card on fathers day. They all chip in together to buy something for Alfred on fathers day too because he's a butler but he's part of their family.
Jason is both their brother, and the uncle with a criminal record in the same breath. Kate is a wine aunt but also a mom for some of the kids. Steph is their neighbor friend but also sometimes their sister.
They'll try to kill each other, they try to hurt each other, but at the end of the day they're down to get something from batburger. They're vigilantes in one of the worst cities in America, they are not a perfect family but that's the joy of it
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