#though I have to admit that I'm currently too tired to feel much of anything that fic will always have a special place in my heart
yadaisha · 2 years
What fic are you most proud to have written?
This is like asking a parent which one is their favourite child...
(Also it's Black Gigolo as anyone who has talked to me about fic longer than a few seconds will know.)
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jazjelspen · 1 year
leaving on wild charted waters [pt.4]
(what if our mc got tired of Night Raven College and all it's inhabitants?)
(what if our beloved mc has...(voluntarily) been helping with decorating for the ball that will be happening in the next few days!?)
(just a “filler” chapter but it's just pure fluff and our mc having a great time with their new RSA friends + fleshing out some RSA students that I may use in future chapters/will get back to angst but as many of you know: our mc needs to be happy!
p.s Neige is actually a nice person in this series, he just doesn’t mean to come off as fake. I just wanted to write a nice version of the character for this!)
(fluff/splash of angst but it's very short)
the ball: part 1
you couldn't be more relaxed. you are currently chilling with your new friends and Rielle on the same shore you stepped your shoes in on your first day here. you all decided that after a long day of studies, activities, and fun ballroom decorating that it'd be a great idea to just relax beside the waters with everyone having each of their favorite snacks and drinks.
you and your friends were quiet since all you could all do was take in the refreshing sea air and the feeling of the breeze kissing your faces, the sound of the water sloshing and splashing also added to the calm ambience of the scene, and of course it wouldn't be complete without the screech of a seagull or the cute chirps of birds. I just can't forget to mention the same beautiful sunset that came upon your first day here also appearing in this exact moment, it really did always take your breath away. 'god, nothing could beat this view' you thought.
you noted how this time when you volunteered to help out with ballroom decorating, that no one actually ever left you on your own or ditched you. everyone did their part, some mishaps here and there, but it wasn't anything none of you could fix. you actually felt as if the work was much less with everyone actively doing their job and not slacking off or disappearing when they have the chance... these guys actually sticked by you and didn't let you down in the slightest. it was as if a splash of the freshest water just hit your face and took off a lot of stains that you had from NRC.
you all reveled in the moment until someone finally spoke up, "today was no joke." your friend, Alex Underlan, spoke in an exasperating tone as he laid with his arms and legs spread as if he's about to make a snow angel in the sand. "it felt as if this day would never end."
the next to speak was Neige Leblanc "we did take awhile to set up the decorations for the ball. thankfully we managed to finish just in time before the setting sun left!" he spoke with a smile as he looked up to see his little blue bird friends sitting comfortably on his hat. "we have to admit we did do a pretty good job on the decorating."
Chenya, an acquaintance from NRC and now very good friends with in RSA, stretched his limbs out in the sand with a loud yawn "beats me, I'm just glad that the hard part is over and we can now nap like kittens!~..."
"I agree with Neige though, we did do a pretty great job with decorating! along with the help of our fellow animal friends too it made the whole thing a bit more hectic yet fun." Rielle chirped in "I do have to admit-- Raps and _____ did an amazing job painting the ceiling and walls for the occasion! it's like those really detailed murals from waaay back then!"
Raps then replied with a bit of a sheepish smile "aww thanks Red, but obviously I wouldn't have been able to get it done in time with my favorite assistant _____ here!--" Raps shook your shoulder gently with the entire group chuckling with each other.
"hey! I'm your only assistant!" you replied with a light giggle "Raps I seriously have no idea how you're not afraid of falling from such a height-- you have immense trust in your hair." you paused " but then again i was hanging onto your hair while painting-- so I actually can tell why you have immense trust in your hair." you all just fell into a fit of laughter together in harmony at the hilarious memory of you freaking out a bit while clinging onto your friend's hair over how high you were to then feeling confident and relaxed while painting the ballroom walls and ceiling with Raps.
after you all calmed down the excitement for the ball started rising in your chest once again "honestly... i'm so excited for the ball. mostly because it's the one ball where I most likely won't have to deal with any people that have underlying personal issues that I have to deal with." you let out an almost happy sigh.
Chenya snickered, knowing well what that referenced to "nahh, no overblots here. don't remember there ever being one since I first came to this rabbit hole." he then closed his eyes as to take a light cat nap.
"me either!" chirped in Neige "but no need to fret or fear, in case an issue does come up we won't ask you to have to take care of it for us. with what you've told us you have seemed to have gone through so much already--" he spoke this next part more lowly " I should've... noticed it back when the VDC event was happening..." Neige sulked a bit but then gave you a small smile "I'm just glad you still came all this way to give RSA a chance _____!.."
"thanks Neige, that's actually... very kind of you to say." you smiled back as one of Neige's little blue birds landed on one of your knees and chirped a small song for you.. how cute and charming. "actually back then at the VDC event I honestly thought you were probably hiding under some super cute and friendly facade but turns out that it's really just you being naturally kind and well... friendly!" almost everyone either choked on their drinks or giggled, basically all collectively agreeing that everyone else thought that too in the beginning of meeting Neige at some point.
Neige paused a bit and looked at you with wide eyes and a genuinely confused smile, processing what you just said as he let out a very confused "huh?--"
"Raps Belleflowe!"
a loud interrupting and snarly voice boomed from behind the group of six, so loud it caused the little birds that rested on you and Neige to fly away! you all simultaneously turned to look at the tall and dark figure with voluminous black curls awaiting for one of you.
Raps sighed in immense disappointment as he packed up any snacks he had out back in his satchel, now looking all gloomy. "well- I'll see you guys tomorrow!.."
Chenya then turned to look his long haired friend with an almost disappointed look too "leaving so soon blondie? not staying over to grab some full grub with us?"
Raps shook his head "ahh...not today guys! maybe next time--" he was about to walk out before he quickly faced the group who all groaned in disappointment together " hey how about to make up for it I treat you all to lunch at school!" everyone still seemed disappointed yet each still gave Raps a thumbs up at his idea.
you all watched him scurry to his father who seemed to be less than pleased, almost scolding him before they both walked seemingly back to the dorms.
"I don't like Raps's dad... always gave me the heebie jeebies, keeps Raps from us outside of school-related stuff, and always gives me low scores on my biochem tests!..." Alex grumbled as he looked up at the sky.
"he is an intimidating individual.. but he seems to be very attentive to Raps and always seems to help him with all the countless hobbies he has!.." Neige tried to seem a bit positive, but he does agree with Alex on the first two things.
"a bit too attentive, I know a helicopter dad when I see one." Rielle huffed before he yawned. "well let's get a meal before we all head our separate ways and sleep like sleeping beauty."
Chenya and Alex both seemed to agree very much with this idea with how quickly they both to stood up in a weirdly comedic way.
you chuckled at this "guess we don't have to tell you two twice."
Alex laughed at your comment "you really don't!"
while the other three got up Neige gently tapped on your shoulder before you got up as well. "hey _____! if you don't mind-- could we take a photo together for my Magicam? I've posted photos with everyone except you, and I wouldn't want to leave you out!" he gave you these puppy dog eyes as he asked, you couldn't help but chuckle at this and nod.
"of course Neige, I'd love to be in your Magicam." you spoke before a bright smile grew on his face and you both set up a pose together in front of his phone's camera.
"1...2..!" and right when he was about to say three he clicked on the camera button and now he has a memory of you two! he looked over the photo "look at us! we look great!"
you nodded in agreement, genuienly impressed with how good you two looked "huh!.. we really do don't we!"
you both giggled together before a loud and sharp 'ahem!' interrupted you both. both pairs of eyes looked up to see all three of your standing friends waiting for you.
Chenya groaned "let's get going slow pokes! Im starting to mistake Alex's stomach growls to that of a lion's roar." the cat tittered before Alex gasped and punched him on the arm, not hard enough to actually hurt him.
"no they do not! fleabag.." Alex sneered.
"awwe! that hurt, blondie #2..." whined the cat.
the rest of you three lightly laughed at the scene before you as Neige and yourself got up together. once the two wrapped up their play fight you all as a group started walking to the nearest shop for a quick meal.
guess you didn't realize that with Neige posting the picture of you two later on in the day that it'd rise hell onto the campus of Night Raven College-- unbeknownst to all of you.
(really short compared to other parts but next chapter will be when the actual ball will happen and all the silly funzies stuff too. as mentioned once again this chapter and the next are basically just fluff and "filler" and to flesh out most of mc's new friends +adding sprinkles and splashes of angst here and there to at least keep it interesting!)
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la-petite-lapin · 9 months
Double the Love | Part Two
Double the Love masterlist
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Johnny "Soap" MacTavish x female civilian!OC Word Count: 2.9k Series warnings (may change between chapters): 18+, Minors DNI, angst, mentions of death, mentions of violence, mentions of poor mental health, injury description, eventual explicit sexual content, polyamory, M/M/F, FMC is bad at feelings
They finally meet
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One year later...
The message comes out of the blue. The first time I've heard from John Price in a whole month, and it's a fucking text message.
I'm watching TV, curled up in a ball on the sofa next to my best friend and flatmate Winslow "Winnie" Sloane, when my phone pings. I think about ignoring it until I catch a glimpse of his name. It's an unspoken rule between the two of us - we never knowingly ignore one another. Obviously, he can't reply to my messages when he's on ops, but that's different - that's not wilful.
I pick it up without hesitation and take a look.
JOHN PRICE: Tali, I need a favour. It's urgent.
My heart drops.
TALIA KELLER: What's happened? JOHN PRICE: Call me. I'll explain.
So, I do. I tap Winnie on the shoulder and rise up to my feet, shuffling off to my bedroom so I don't disturb her episode of Slow Horses. When I'm safely shut behind my bedroom door, I tap on the call button, dreading what's awaiting me on the other end of the line.
"John?" my voice is full of nerves as the call connects, echoing slightly around the room.
"God am I glad to hear your voice, Tali." He sounds haggard, his own voice tired and hollow. It's not hard to tell that he's fresh off an op. I can already imagine how drained he looks; can picture the dark circles shading his eyes and his scruffy too-long beard.
Sometimes, when I'm feeling particularly brave, I try to talk him into leaving the service. I think about Alex and his death, and I hate that John still knowingly puts himself in harm's way day and night. He's the only serving soldier I know now - I never met any of the other members of their unit - and I desperately wish that he'll retire soon.
"How are you?" he follows up, voice puncturing through my thoughts.
"I'm okay. At home with Winnie. How's Marcella?"
A soft sigh leaves him at the mention of his long-suffering wife. I wonder if he's even had a chance to see her yet. "Last we spoke, she was perfectly fine. Misses you though. You need to come over for dinner soon."
An easy laugh leaves me. Winnie and John aren't the only ones who've been supporting me since Alex died. John's wife Marcie has been there every step of the way too, helping me through rough patches whenever John is away on deployments. And Winnie's never been anything but kind and understanding - it's not in her nature to be anything but.
"Soon," I mumble in agreement. There's a sound on the other end of the line in the background, a murmured snippet of conversation and a drawn-out groan followed by a soft shut up. "Not alone?"
"Got some company," John admits. "Speaking of... does Winslow still have that big trip coming up?"
My palms slick with sweat. Yes. Yes, she does.
Ever since her big promotion six months ago, Winnie's job now involves a lot more travelling than it used to. And - because of that - in three days' time, she'll be in France, starting a month-long assignment helping a struggling marketing firm in Paris.
And I'll be alone.
It doesn't bother me as much as it used to, but I've always had this thing about being alone. It's part of the reason why I live with Winnie; why I've been seeing a therapist since I was sixteen; why I struggle to have normalcy. My current therapist thinks that it's a form of abandonment issues from being orphaned at a young age, which has led to my inability to maintain stable relationships. The therapist before that thought it was something completely different; that I seek to form attachments but wilfully don't, self-sabotaging and creating my own permanent sense of loneliness. But, my point is, I don't react anywhere near as badly to it as I did when I was a kid.
I still remember when I was fifteen and Alex left for his first deployment. I was still living with our maternal grandmother at the time, and I completely shut down. I holed up in my room for almost a whole month, refusing to speak and barely eating or sleeping. I could hardly function for worrying about him...
I snap out of it. "Sorry. Yes."
"Could you... could I possibly bring some of my guys to your apartment? Just while Winslow is away. Our safehouse in the area has been taken out of action and we need somewhere to lay low for a little while."
My guys. The unit.
"What about your place?" My brow furrows. Surely Marcella wouldn't mind a few guests. She's calm and motherly and takes great pride in hosting. I'm sure she'd be in the element with them.
John clears his throat awkwardly. "Not an option. They don't know."
Ah. The brave, almighty Captain John Price still hasn't told his team that he's married. Typical.
I roll my eyes. "Okay. I hope you know that we're coming back to that later." A beat of silence passes. "How many people are we talking, John? Because it's a two-bedroom flat in London. It's spacious but it's hardly the Tardis."
He snorts out a dry laugh. "Only two. One of the lads is local so he's got family around here he can stay with. And there's some stuff I've got to get done, so I'll be hopping from base to base."
"Where are they going to sleep? Are they going to mind sharing a bed? Because the sofa is comfortable, but I know how you army guys are built..."
There's an awkward silence on Price's end as I hear him shifting around. It takes me a second to realise that he's covering his mouth against his phone's microphone. "Yeah... that's, um- that won't be an issue for them."
"Okay. Cool. I'll take them."
I wince. Why the fuck did I say cool? Of all the ways that I could respond and I choose that. Way to go, Tali.
"Are you sure that you're okay with this, Tali?" Price asks, his voice soft and encouraging. "If you aren’t, we can find something else-"
"Price, I'll take them in. Winnie leaves on Tuesday morning, so just have them swing by around then, okay?"
Favour asked and questions answered, we say our goodbyes and hang up. It takes me a second to gather my thoughts before padding back into the living room. The moment I step through the hallway, Winslow pauses the TV, angling her head up to look at me. A cloud of black curly hair frames her beautiful face, dark eyes wide and expectant. "Is John back home?"
I wince, getting ready to launch into an explanation. "Not quite."
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Tuesday morning rolls around all too soon. By 9 a.m. I'm sitting cross-legged on the foot of Winnie's bed as she packs up her stuff. I can't help but feel a pang of anxiety strike deep in my chest.
"Are you sure that you're gonna be okay?" Winnie asks, almost like she can read my mind.
I meet her dark, knowing gaze and offer her a smile. "Winnie, I'll be fine. You don't need to worry about me. If I need anything, I can call Marcella."
She smiles, running a hand through her freshly braided hair. The pearls attached to some strands clink together softly. "Okay. Good. But you've got to call me once a week at least, okay?" Before I can reassure her that I will, she adds, "And you've got to text me every day."
"Winslow, I will. Stop stressing, please."
A moment of easy silence passes before the laughter starts. Both of us crack up, her eyes finding mine and holding my gaze.
Once we've both calmed down, I take a closer look at her cases. She's packing almost everything she owns. It's a sight that worries me, so I look away, deciding to look out of the window instead.
A loud, firm knock on the front door saves me just as Winnie is packing up her last suitcase. We exchange a look before I'm up on my feet, scrambling to answer it. I can't lie, I'm curious to meet John's friends. But I'm also sad. Because there's a strong possibility that they knew Alex too. That they were with him when he died.
When I open the door, there's two men standing in the hallway, just like John said there would be. The first has short brown hair styled into a mohawk, the sides cropped close to his scalp but the top and back left longer. He's broad-chested, muscular too; built like a grizzly bear. And, even though his complexion has a slightly pallid hue under the overhead lights, it's not hard to imagine that he's usually quite tan.
And then there's his friend. Standing next to the grizzly bear and at least half-a-foot taller than him, he has the expression of a man who wants to break me apart with his bare hands just to see what's inside. I fight to meet his intense gaze, taking catalogue of the features visible under the dark hood of his black sweatshirt. His eyes are hazel - I think - skin tanned from what I'd assume are long hours spent out in the sun, and I can't quite make out his hair colour. He's equally if not more muscular than his friendlier-looking counterpart. My eyes trail down to his mouth, drawn to the scar bisecting his bottom lip. It doesn't draw away from his attractiveness though; just adds to the sense of rugged charm that I'm getting from him.
Not that it should matter. It doesn't. They're here because they need help; not because they want to be ogled by a complete stranger.
"Are you John's friends?" I ask stupidly, as if they could be anyone else.
The grizzly bear nods. "Aye. And you are?"
Scottish. Nice. I've always loved the accent, but his is even better. There's a humour there; something uniquely his. It makes me want to keep him talking just so I can hear it more.
"Tali." I step back so that they can come inside. They hesitate for a second before following me into the living room, the tall, silent one closing the door behind him with a soft click. "Also John's friend."
The grizzly bear plops straight down onto the couch, stretching out with no hesitation and making himself at home. His arms drape over the backrest, a lazy grin forming on his lips as he watches me take a seat on my armchair. The tall one gives him a reprimanding look, hovering beside the window behind him. His light eyes are always alert; darting around the room like something's going to jump out at any second.
"You army?" he asks, expression wary. His voice is all gravel with a Manchester accent.
I offer him a small smile. "Nope." I don't think anyone could mistake me for a soldier. I'm small - short and slender - and skittish at the best of times. "So... what should I call you?"
Hazel eyes narrow at me. "Ghost."
The grizzly bear rolls his eyes dramatically, offering me a wide, disarming grin. It's blatantly obvious that he's overcompensating for him. "Callsign is Soap, but a pretty lass like you can call me Johnny."
My heart flutters.
It takes a second to remember what John had said on the phone. Sharing a bed won't be an issue for them. The awkward, implying tone he'd said it in. In other words, neither of them are meant for me.
Ghost eases away from the window to stand just behind the sofa, drawing closer to Johnny. Johnny, on the other hand, moves so that he's leaning forward, elbows braced on his knees as he cocks his head at me. "A friend of Captain Price, are ye?"
I nod softly. "Yes."
"Funny that," Ghost barks, tilting his head to one side. "He's never mentioned you." Thinly veiled suspicion drifts off of him in waves, and it makes me feel endlessly uncomfortable. His harsh gaze melts through my skin and bones, boring deep into my soul.
I shift in my seat. "He never mentioned either of you to me, so I don't think that counts for much."
Johnny lets out a loud laugh. "I think I'm gonna like ye, Tali. Not many people talk back to 'im."
It's in that moment - as I'm silently praying for the floor to open up and swallow me whole - that Winnie steps out of her room, suitcases in tow. She walks into the living room, depositing them by the front door before coming over to introduce herself, a sceptical look on her face.
She levels Ghost with an icy glare, not looking away from him as she asks me, "Everything all okay here, Tali?"
"Yeah, it's alright Winnie." I gesture to each of John's friends in turn. "Winnie, this is Johnny." He raises his hand and waves, still grinning like the Cheshire Cat. "And that is Ghost." I point to looming, ominous figure behind him.
"Ghost?" she repeats slowly. I nod. "Okay, well I'm leaving now. Tali, I love you and I'll miss you. Remember to call me." She bends at the waist to hug me, wrapping me up in her warm, vanilla-scented embrace. As she straightens, she glares at each of the men in turn. "And you two - don't give her any shit. If I find out you've made her feel uncomfortable even once, not even John will be able to save you. Got it?"
Johnny stares up at my friend, mystified. His blue eyes are bright as he nods. "Don't worry. We won't be any trouble."
Winnie turns back to face me. "Right, I've got to go or I'll miss my ride to the airport. I'll be back before you even know I'm gone, okay?"
"I know," I say, my voice soft. "I love you. Be safe and text me when you land."
With a nod, Winnie presses a gentle kiss to the top of my head then gets her last few bits together. And then she leaves. Leaving me alone with two complete strangers. Yay.
"So," I grumble, struggling against the urge to shy away from their intense gazes in the safety of my room, "do you want to see where you'll be staying?"
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Later that night, the three of us gather in the living room to watch TV.
The guys didn't have much to unpack. They travelled light so I'm going to have to go shopping sometime soon to buy them some essentials; more clothes and toiletries. Definitely food too. If dinner tonight was any indication, they eat a lot.
I'm curled up in my armchair again, watching something that Johnny chose on Netflix. Every once and a while, I glance across at them. Ghost is sitting upright, legs stretched out in front of him. His legs are so long that his feet are tucked under the coffee table. And then there's Johnny. He's laying on his side on the sofa, his head resting on Ghost's muscular thighs. Every now and then, Ghost's hand runs down the length of Johnny's side, stroking him in soothing, rhythmic motions.
Looking at them, I can't help but feel a sense of longing. Jealousy that they're together and obviously quite happy. That they're comfortable enough around one another for these subconscious displays of affection.
I'll never have that. It's something that I've come to accept. I'm twenty-five now and I've never had a serious relationship. I don't even think I want one. For a period of time in my late teens, I thought that I might be aro-ace, but over time I've gathered that I do feel romantic and sexual attraction. It's just different.
The sad truth is that I don't trust anyone enough to believe that they'd stay with me. Love me. Make me feel safe enough for displays of casual affection. There would always be that looming sense of dread that they'd leave me sooner or later.
In my head, I've justified it. If I don't get into relationships, no one can leave me. Alex's death all but solidified that for me.
The rom-com Johnny picked out gets to a comedic scene - a naked beach fight - and he starts to chuckle. I join him and I swear even Ghost lets out a little snort. We're all laughing until...
"Fuck. Johnny, you're bleeding."
My heart crawls up into my throat. My eyes snap across to them, blatantly looking now. The white t-shirt Johnny is wearing is plastered to his side, a red patch seeping through the fabric, spreading across his ribs.
He sits upright, holding it with one large hand. "Ah fuck. Didn't get any on the sofa, did ah'?"
"Fuck the sofa," I splutter out in a panic. "Are you okay? Why are you bleeding? Should I call an ambulance?"
Johnny looks back at me with a quizzical expression while Ghost just sighs, standing up. He walks towards the bedrooms at an unhurried pace, stopping along the way to press a chaste kiss to Johnny's forehead, placing a loving hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, darling, I'll get the bag." Hazel eyes swing towards me, where I'm still panicking in my armchair. "His dressing just needs changing, and I'll check his stitches. He's fine, love."
I ease back into my seat, heat rushing to my cheeks. "Oh."
Ghost leaves the room, heading into my bedroom to get the aforementioned bag. I've decided to give them my room for the duration of their stay because it has an en-suite. It eliminates the risk of me accidentally stumbling in on them in the shared bathroom that doesn't have a working lock. Overall, it's safer for everyone that I'm staying in Winnie's room.
Feeling more than a little foolish for my outburst, I offer Johnny a weak smile. "I'm going to go to bed now. Goodnight, Johnny."
"Ye sure?" he asks, blue eyes tinted with a hint of... something. Maybe disappointment? I don't know. "The movie isn't over yet. You seemed like ye were enjoying it." His brow furrows. "We could watch something else."
"I'm sure. It's fine; I'm just tired. We can watch another movie tomorrow night if you want."
His eyes light up at that. "Yeah, sounds perfect."
I'm back in Winnie's room by the time Ghost leaves mine. I can hear his footsteps padding down the hallway. Hear their muffled conversation and muted laughter.
As I fall asleep, I can't help but feel a different kind of loneliness. And, as I drift off, my heart aches for what Ghost and Johnny have.
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a/n: guess who's back! so Tali has finally met the boys :) sorry if this part is a little short, just wanted to get something out in time for christmas for you guys - merry christmas and take care of yourselves, lapetitelapin
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pomplalamoose · 5 months
Ooohhh how about different eras of luke (ROTJ is my fav if doing one is easier) and maybe some modern dilf!luke 👀 reacting to you laying your head on his shoulder when you’re tired or have a headache pre-relationship?
Anonnn, you don't understand, I'm obsessed with this ask. I just HAD to do every single Luke era plus the Dilf AU as the cherry on top because it's been so long since I last wrote something wholesome😩
also it reminds me of the posts I used to do when I first started writing and ngl I'm feeling a little nostalgic
• sweet ANH Luke with his open smile and honest eyes is so easy to approach and befriend, resting your head on his shoulder comes almost naturally
• though unbeknownst to you he'd immediately be on the brink to loose his mind
• already he tends to be a little jittery with nerves whenever you randomly appear in the same room he is in
• even more so now that he's finally admitted his major crush on you to himself
• so just imagine his excitement the moment you decide to sit next to him
• as soon as your head touches his shoulder he goes bright red and doesn't dare to move in fear of accidentally shooing you away, his heart beating wildly in his chest
• for a slight moment he forgets how to breathe, though it's not like he minds
• this is the best day of his life
• not only does he finally get to feel the warmth of having you so close by his side, but also your soft hair aginst his cheek if he dares to tilt his head just a little bit
• when eventually he manages to somewhat normalize his breathing, his thoughts will start to wander
• he's SO proud you're clearly comfortable and feeling safe with him
• but should he strike up a conversation? Ask how you're doing? If everything's okay?
• maybe he could make you laugh
• your hands look so soft; what if he were to reach out and just take them in his?
• would you mind?
• he's not sure, his aren't as pretty and smooth as yours
• you smell very nice
• wouldn't your current position make you look like a couple to an outsider passing by?
• what if, and he feels very bold just considering, but, what if you...like him?
• quickly enough he has a very hard time remaining calm
• and how could he? He needs to tell someone about this RIGHT NOW
• good luck trying to catch ESB Luke sitting still for even once
• though should you be as lucky to catch him during a moment of rest and manage to lean on him, he'll feel similarly as ANH Luke; excited, a little nervous even, though not as much as his younger self would have been
• still he has to fight off the blush rising into his cheeks and will absolutely deny ever changing colors should someone (especially Leia, Han or even R2) point it out
• at the same time he wishes for as many as possible to witness this very monumental moment, hoping everyone will see that you're leaning on HIS shoulder
• HIS!
• yeah that's right! In your face, (add in name of random rebellion member that also takes an interest in you)!!!
• if he's feeling extra bold, he may use the chance to put an arm around your shoulder
• but very carefully so; he's afraid to overstep any of your boundaries
• after all he's not sure if you'd even like to be held
• there's only one problem: how is he supposed to do anything now?
• he has places to be, things to do, an Empire to fight!
• he's getting kind of warm too
• more than that actually
• Force, are you hiding a heater under all of your layers of clothing?
• also he just remembered; isn't there a meeting he has to attend?
• shouldn't he be working to improve his x-wing?
• he'll check on you out of the corner of his eye, trying to get a feeling for how long you plan to stay like this
• he needs to come up with a way to notify the others of his delay
• because there's no way he's moving even a single muscle
• he's not leaving you behind
• he simply can't!
• not when he was just chosen as your designated spot to rest your pretty but, admittedly, very heavy head
• but not to worry, of course he can handle it!
• he'll be here as long as you need him to be
• RotJ and post RotJ Luke is hard to keep tabs on and thus hard to find
• all you can hope for is to encounter him by pure chance, as he seems to simply have evaporated whenever you wander around searching for him
• though despite his withdrawn ways he's always welcoming and inviting should you happen upon him
• he, above anyone else, understands the importance of rest during a busy day
• he smiles mildly to himself as soon as you settle down and scoot close enough for your arms to touch
• the emotions you are unconsciously emitting, may it be nervousness, excitement or shyness, amuse him a great deal and he's keen to see whether you'll overcome them this time or not
• I don't think he'd tell you outright that he enjoys your presence, that it tends to calm him down and to ease his mind, until much later
• but despite what he is or isn't saying he can't help but feel a little warm inside whenever you come across him during the day
• despite that he can never not worry at least a little bit about your well-being and immediately feels the need to check in on you either with words or a gentle probe with the Force to make sure you're okay
• if he has the time to stay with you for a while he asks if you'd like to lay down
• see, he can shuffle to the side a little and then you could rest your head on his thigh instead of on his shoulder
• wouldn't that be more comfortable?
• he doesn't have a blanket in case you're cold, but maybe you could use his cloak?
• it's not the best, maybe a little rough and still a little dirty from his last trip as he didn't have the time to wash it yet, but it does a good job of keeping a person warm
• he doesn't show how happy he is should you follow his invite and agree to rest beside him, though maybe Leia would notice
• and possibly so would you by how he'd start to absentmindedly stroke your head and play with your hair whenever others are around to keep him properly distracted
• I think Dilf!Luke's reaction would really depend on the current situation/ on how far your relationship has already developed at that point
• here it's important to note though that he'd never tell you off or send you away for initiating contact, not even after just recently getting to know you
• yes he's standoffish and withdrawn, cold in demeanor, seemingly displeased with your presence in his house
• but when it comes down to it he is kind, always has been, even if he hides it away to protect himself
• his behavior towards you is nothing personal; the emotions you call forth are his to deal with
• he may try to at first but ultimately knows deep down that he can't hold you accountable for how his past still troubles him
• he's a father, deeply caring in nature
• no matter what, he could never bring himself to deny anyone his child's age comfort
• though he might be a little confused about why you chose him, of all people, to rest your head on
• after all it's not like he's been going out of his way to be peculiarly inviting or nice - quite the contrary actually
• he'll remain very still for the duration of your vicinity, involuntarily stiffening not only out of surprise but because it's been so long that anyone outside of his immediate family initiated intimacy
• he's so touch starved, so used to rarely feeling a person's warmth, that your simple act catches him off guard
• suddenly he has no idea what to do, how to continue on after
• for your own good and his child's sake he wants to keep you at an arm's length and yet...
• if he wasn't enamored with you before, he is so now
• he thinks back to those moments of doubt and insecurity frequently
• but where they once haunted him, they now serve as a reminder for how far he's come and what he was able to finally leave behind
• he's proud of himself too, yes, but most of all to call you his
• every little touch of yours, and may it be one as innocent as laying your head on his shoulder, fills him with joy
• never, in a thousand years, would he once have believed to be in a position to reciprocate your gentle displays of trust and affection
• but now that he can, now that everything feels a little less like a dream, it's all he wants to do
• (and he does)
• (forehead kisses are his favorite way to, he can't help it)
• (not when you placed yourself so conveniently)
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witchwrestler · 2 months
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part I
wc: 1.2k
warning(s): cursing, mention of rehab, jail
summary: The one person you thought would be across the country---turns out to be right there. Once buried feelings are found dug up, or maybe they were never buried, just hidden.
a/n: I am so proud of this series so far, and having a great time writing it. Get ready for this to be the slowest of slow build ups (sorry). if there's punctuation errors..shh i suck at checking for them. I really hope you enjoy this part, there's more to come. any interaction is greatly appreciated, thanks for reading!!!!!
"Your pride has built a wall
So strong that I can't get through "
● ● ●
"Hello?" Eddie's voice said, tired and raspy on the other line. You froze. Usually you didn't freeze, you always had something to say. But something about his voice made your muscles tense up. You took one last deep breathe and spoke.
"Hi." there was a long pause between the two of you before you broke the silence. "I'm in Boston. I got arrested. You were the only person I could think to call. I don't even know why, I just needed to call somebody." You explained, your eyes looking up at the ceiling, trying to pretend like this wasn't real.
"Who--...oh." He said, realizing who was on the other end of the phone. "Are you ok?" Eddie said, his voice sweet as honey, like nothing ever happened.
"I'm ok."
"Good. Just..uhm, hang tight. ok?" He said, sighing between words. Then before you knew it, the dial tone sounded once more.
● ● ●
The last time you spoke to eddie, you were couch surfing, selling diy cassettes at your bands tiny-venue concerts. Now you had a top floor apartment in the city. It wasn't huge, but you were finally stable. You self produced and released the bands breakthrough album, "dehuman" affectionately called by rolling stone, "yowling and moronic". Though rolling stone was quite opinionated, the album did well. It was well received in the punk scene, and at least 400 copies sold in record stores in the year it'd been out. People liked it enough that you had been consistently opening for bands. Currently, you had just finished a tour opening for sonic youth. The band had made a name for itself, no longer did people know you as "Corroded Coffin singers ex girlfriend".
● ● ●
He had tried to run after you that night. Not that it would've changed anything, your pride was too important to you to forgive him that easy. And he knew it. But he still tried.
After running two blocks and finding you standing on a corner, he caught his breathe and tried to mend what he'd broken. "please. please talk to me. It can't end like this. I didn't mean it like that" He pleaded. "Ok well then how did you mean it, eddie? because it sure as hell fucking sounded like you had just been waiting to tell me how bad I am at my job"
He paused, catching his breath. "No that's---shit. I was drunk, I wasn't thinking, I'm sorry!" You stopped walking for a moment and said, scowling "well then start fucking thinking eddie." You didn't care that he was drunk, you cared that he thoughtlessly told you nobody would ever want to sign your band. Your band was your life, it was your job. And in your mind he had just chucked your life and job into the trash bin.
You turned around and walked another block to your place. Unknowingly leaving eddie stood where you left him, feeling like a grade-A fucking loser.
You admit it now that you felt a little bit bad leaving it like that. But he was clearly much more focused on taking his band to the next level, and leaving him behind felt right in the moment.
● ● ●
It's all everybody ever wanted to talk about, "Eddie Munson's messy breakup with up and coming punk rocker" and "Corroded Coffin star in rehab----Punk rocker girlfriend breaks it off" Claiming "insider sources" told them all the details and painting you the villain because it was easy to blame you and your loudness.
The more articles you read speculating why the relationship ended, the more you wished they knew that the two of you just had to go your separate ways. It was messy, but his band was gaining rapid popularity. You were moving in place, you needed room to grow. Maybe it was a jab to your pride when it ended. But as time went on you had no ill feelings toward him. And if you knew anything about love, it was a complicated entity, and sometimes it found its way back to you in really fucking weird ways.
Eddie never spoke a bad word about you in interviews, when he heard your music he turned it up, and when your album came out he bought it. He was always your biggest supporter, but that night he was drunk and mean. And he wished every day that he could take it back, but all he could do was move forward. So he got sober, and he moved forward in the only way he knew how. With music.
The phone call shocked him awake at 2 in the morning, the last leg of tour coming to a close, coincidentally in Boston. He stretched and yawned before he answered, at first, he didn't recognize the voice. But your voice wasn't that easy to forget, it stuck in his brain like his favorite song. He wanted to be angry, that this is how you talk to him again. But he couldn't find it in him. If he was being honest with himself, even if he wasn't in Boston he would have found a way to get you. He wouldn't leave you like that, he couldn't.
● ● ●
The stations fluorescent lighting flickered and hummed as you lay on the bench in the holding cell. You still hadn't fully processed what "hang tight" meant. You weren't really expecting anything, you just needed to tell someone. Your mom would have answered with "What'd you do this time?". The band was probably too drunk to care. At least somebody knew that asshole didn't kill you.
You'd mostly convinced yourself that he hated you. Y'know with ignoring all his calls for two years, even when he was in rehab. You were never good with goodbyes, it always ended awkwardly. Most often, it ended in you avoiding them completely. Which is exactly what you did to eddie. And instead of regretting it you just attempted to forget, even when you knew you didn't want to. You called him once, but you couldn't seem to talk. The two of you just stood in silence for ten minutes until you finally put you both out of the respective misery and hung up. You tried writing notes, which you still had. Every time something exciting would happen you'd document it in a note to eddie, but you'd never send them. No, you were far too stubborn.
Your thighs stuck to the cold metal of the bench you laid on, peeling like a bandaid when you moved. You sat up and the officer was unlocking the holding cell, giving you a sour look. You didn't blame him. You socked him a mere two hours ago. His nose was crooked. "Someone posted your bail, you're free to go"
You gave the officer a nod and thanked him sarcastically as you slowly stepped out of the cell. And then there he was.
His hair seemed to be better kept. He looked exactly the same aside from the fact that in place of his ripped black jeans he was wearing gray sweats, but the band tee and battle vest remained. Like glue.
"Long time no see, munson."
He chuckled, shaking his head as if in doubt.
"Yeah, Long time no see."
He pauses, thinking to himself that even though after 2 years, the butterflies in his stomach still persisted.
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skeleton-mischief · 3 months
always have been a big fan when people write the reader as something else instead of a human, like an avian or a ghost.
can we get a siren reader? Like perhaps the skele’s house is near a huge lake or ocean and one day they hear a sirens song in the distance (Please add killer sans, he’s my bbg)
OOOOH I LOVE WHEN THEY DO THAT TOO!! I imagined Killer being with a Ghost reader because I'm honestly just a sucker for that vibe. However!!! Per request I shall indeed write a siren reader x killer just for you with the sweet treat of it being a pirate version 🫶
Please enjoy my awful attempt at it :-)
CW: a storm causes him to nearly drown, so I just wanted to give a heads up
It's terrible and quite embarrassing, honestly. He lives in the middle of the damn ocean yet he never learned how to swim? Killer knows how stupid it sounds, but acknowledging it while drowning makes him feel even worse.
A storm, quick and sudden ravaged the ship as waves crashed against the deck and licked at the edges like a hungry beast. The others had attempted to control the ship while others had gone inside to hide from the rain and sea, but he just had to go and attempt to save one of his fellow crew mates. He has always sworn up and down that he doesn't care for the others, too apathetic for their feelings and too careless for consideration. And yet, there he went, proving the others and even himself wrong.
He had just managed to haul them up from the side, pulling his weight in order to sloppily yank them back on board. Of course though, the sea demanded a meal, lapping it's cold and harsh tongue against the rim and pulling him backwards as the ship swayed to the side. He barely had time to take a breath, squeezing his eye sockets shut as his weight was yanked from beneath him.
If he managed to survive this, which was unlikely, of course, then he would never hear the end of it. Hah, he had to admit that sounded much better than this though...
His ability to hear anything up above was severed as soon as his body started to sink, black ink pooling from his eyes as his sockets burned with involuntary tears. He did his best to look up, the dark blue and green waves swishing his body like he was going to be nothing but backwash. He could feel his chest tightening with a desire to breathe, but he knew better than to gasp for air. He did, yes, but his body still caused him to almost involuntarily inhale sharply as salty and disgusting sea water filled his mouth.
He hacked back coughing, and only then did he start to struggle as he could see through the dark current that his eyelight was glowing as he was bombarded with panic. He thrashed and kicked, screaming as he didn't know what else to do other than exhaust his own body like a fool. That's what he was best known to be, after all, a fucking fool.
If he had bothered to look anywhere other than up, maybe down perhaps, then he would've seen the glowing eyes watching him with outstretched claws. But alas, the waves tired his body out twice as quickly since he had already swallowed down so much water, and his consciousness was climbing desperately to remain. Kick your legs forward, push your body beneath your hands, use the tides to your advantage to go up for air, do somethi-!
He wasn't conscious for long, a ragdoll tugged down by those clawed hands just as quickly as his consciousness was swept away and the ink from his eyes blurred his face like watercolor too wet until the paper tore from below.
You, of course, watched the ordeal and witnessed it without much thought. This happens often, you thought, but never before have you seen a living skeleton. How fascinating! His body worked similar to a human too, how peculiar. Sadly, he was about to flat out die from drowning by the time your arms pulled his body close.
You let out a low, clicking sound as one of your clawed fingers traced an outline along the corner of his socket and down his cheek. What a strange creature, oozing with ink that reminded you of a squid when he was a skeleton. Then again, seeing such odd things always piqued your curiosity. You didn't want him to die.
A small hum escaped you as you aggressively dug your hand into your satchel that you always carried with you. Pulling a small, blue pearl like orb between your fingers, you shoved it down unceremoniously down his jaw, thumb pressing it down to pop it inside and promptly shutting his mouth shut to keep the substance down. Sure this was less elegant than you would've preferred, but if you didn't act quickly he'd genuinely drown.
You heard the sounds of sparkling inside of him and with a satisfied coo, you wrapped your arms around his chest and pushed hard into his bones until you saw his eye sockets shoot open and cough out water. He seemed to still be disoriented, but now he had that water out of his system thankfully. You kept him wrapped up in your arms as you swam with ease, diving down low as you saw his consciousness blinking in and out with his eye lights.
They were pretty, bright....
Dismissing that, you decided that you like this strange skeleton enough to keep him, so you would wait until the waves calmed down before putting him back up. You only had a limited amount of pearls, after all. However, this was going to be a struggle by how his eyes happened to find yours before shrinking. Quick, maybe a smile will help?
What is the strange taste in his mouth? Why is he awake? What has a hold of him? Oh my stars it's fucking huge! Oh it's genuinely so big and long this isn't a shark or a fish??? And and and it has an upper body of a human-esque figure and oh they're kind of pretty and scary with such bright and glowing eyes despite the sharp teeth and wait actually it's still terrifying just fucking great. He's struggling and the creature won't let go and it's dragging him somewhere oh stars it just bared its teeth at him-! There goes his consciousness again.
By the time he woke up again, he felt something heavy laying on top of him. He felt sand beneath his bones as it irritably found its way into the cracks of his bones and he had to blink away the blue of his vision as he saw that the sun was just barely rising along the ocean waves. It must be dawn, he concluded dumbly, or maybe sunset? He can't tell.
What he can tell, however, is that the weight on his body has shifted and he's now face to face with....oh.
You were...scary. Kind of?
What lay on top of him was a curled up sea creature lazily draped over his body, large and strong. Tied to an upper body that resembled almost a humanoid figure was a long, thick tail as it flicked partially in the water as the tides rose and fell along the beach line.
Your flesh wasn't made of scales, per say, and by the coloring he could see how it blended right into your upper body. Dark hues of blue with a hint of green undertones blended together to a sort of tabby style of pattern down the center of your tail. Your hands looked to be dipped in the same gradient with their own webbing and fins along your elbows, and as he looked at you, those same hands seemed to be caressing his cheek as your eyes watched the glow of his soul that promptly seemed to be unsteady as it visibly trembled on his chest.
A siren.
He stared at you, saw your pupils dilating as you made a low, repetitive trill. You haven't eaten him yet, and you seemed happy to see that he was awake. Where was he?? Why haven't you killed him?? Where was his crew? Your jaw opened to show sharpened teeth, but what came out was what resembled a melodic chime of....delight?
He couldn't understand you, and as he sat up, your body slowly moved back along the water as you dipped down for what he assumed was some air before you rose back up, splashing some water over your tail and upper body. You pointed to him before chirping again, but he could only cock his head to the side.
"H-haaah-....I'm sorry, I can't understand you. Did you....save me?" It couldn't hurt for him to try and speak to you, sirens could understand the common language, right? You seemed to perk up at his words, a gambled sound of speech blurting out of you. He winced at the sound, which only made you falter. "Ah-...sorry, I didn't mean to offend you by that." He was quick to apologize, a smile plastered on his face as he tried to save face. He didn't want to offend his savior, especially if you were capable of eating him.
"Y-yEs." You tried again. Better. Okay! Okay he was getting somewhere! "Do you know what happened to my ship??" "F- F-...LoaT." "Float? So they're okay?" You nodded your head, grinning widely. He promptly fell back on the sand in relief, sighing as he grasped his chest. "Okay....oh thank the stars..."
He laughed, and he didn't particularly understand why. Maybe he was relieved to the point of laughter, even if he already wanted to know how he could get back to them. But right now, he felt exhausted. Maybe though, maybe you would help him get back? Unless you intended to keep him, which wasn't ideal. Killing him would just suck, and killing you would leave him stranded and alone. He could think about that later though. He was a guy that needed a break from too much stress, even now in such a serious situation.
Never the less, he felt your hand resting on his arm as you hesitantly cooed at him, tilting your head at him curiously. He looked at you again, then back down at his soaked and torn attire. His white blouse was torn, pulled out from his black silk pants and one of his leather boots missing. His sword was gone too, which sucked tremendously. Any jewels he wore must be gone somewhere deep in the blue sea, and all that really remained somehow was the ring he wore on his phalanges. Thank the stars for that.
It was a custom ring that glinted bright, a sigil decorated by the captain himself. If he were to lose that? Well...he doesn't want to think about that. He felt a tugging on his shirt, flinching slightly with a wavering smile when he turned his head to the side. You were staring at him, faces near inches away from his own. He tried not to freak out, but instead he just adjusted his head back a little with a small laugh.
You just stared, not saying anything, before you smiled. "...hAppy?" "Happy? Am I happy?" You nodded your head. "Well, I guess...I want to go back home to the others though; back to my crew, y'know?" He answered honestly, rolling his sleeves up as he rolled over on his side before rubbing his skull. You offered a reassuring pay on his back, running your fingers along his spine as you nodded your head. Maybe you would help him? "Let's not think about that now! Actually...let me check somethin'...."
Without looking at you, he patted himself down, trying to check if he had lost anything else. Maybe his sword was gone, but what about-.... "Ah- Hahaha-! Yes!" He cursed, cackling, before abruptly jerking his head towards you. He saw your confusion, but he simply grinned even wider, pulling the very small and intricate blade from his tucked in and hidden pocket. Hey, you never know when you need an extra blade, right?
"I found my knife," He promptly stated, proud of himself for keeping something he liked so much. You sort of just- blinked at him. However, you offered a confused, sort of disoriented sound of acknowledgement, so that was something.
He looked around his surroundings once more, and with great effort, he stood up finally. You stared up at him, your tail flicking once more. He, openly deciding to ignore his problems, finally clapped his hands together and spoke with confidence. "Why don't we get something to eat, hm? Does that sound good to you, pearl?"
Closing Notes: I've been busy with stuff and I kinda didn't know how to end things, so I apologize if it's kinda bland or at least notttt my best writing. I hope you enjoyed it @alexsorsis 🫶
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firstkanaphans · 3 months
Hi, I love your writing, so I'd be happy if you considered doing Nr. 5 and 17 for PhumPeem for the smut prompts. There not nearly enough fanfics about them...
I was late to the game with We Are, so I haven’t had a chance to fangirl about these two nearly as much as they deserve, but my god do I love them. I went into We Are expecting QToey to be my bias, but PhumPeem have my whole heart. I'm glad you gave me a chance to write them. Enjoy! Rating: Somewhere between mature and explicit (I don’t know how to rate BJs, but there is one, so…) Word Count: 1800ish. My first failure of this prompt challenge because why is this a whole ass fic??? The point was supposed to be to not write long things 😭
{calling} them late at night to come over + {laughing} midway through
Peem couldn’t sleep. He hadn’t been able to for almost a week. He was too distracted thinking about Phum. 
His thoughts were manageable during the day when Phum was busy teasing him—it was easy then for Peem to convince himself it was all just a game—but at night, when the line between dreams and reality became impossibly thin, Peem couldn’t help but lie awake and wonder whether it might actually be real because the sadness in Phum’s eyes any time they parted felt genuine. Peem was starting to feel it too. Knowing Phum was currently alone in an empty house with only his army of plushies to keep him company…It bothered him.
In a fit of what could only be called madness, Peem picked up his phone and dialed a number that had become more familiar to him than he was willing to admit. If it had rung more than once, he probably would have hung up, but Phum answered almost immediately.
“Is this a booty call?” he asked in lieu of a greeting.
Peem had never regretted anything faster. “I’m hanging up.”
“No, wait, I was only joking.” Phum laughed. “I’ll behave myself, I promise. Why are you calling me at one in the morning?”
Was it really that late? Peem pulled his phone away from the ear to check the time and sure enough 1:12 was flashing back at him from the screen. “Sorry,” he said. “I didn’t realize it was so late.”
“I don’t mind. I was already up.”
For some reason, that made Peem unimaginably sad. Was Phum lying awake thinking about Peem the same way Peem was thinking about him? Was he just as confused? Was it Peem’s fault?
“You can’t sleep either?” Peem asked.
“Not really,” Phum agreed. “It’s too quiet.”
Peem didn’t recall making any conscious decision to say what he said next. All he knew was that Phum was right—it was too quiet—and he didn’t want to be alone. “You could come over if you want,” he said. “We can be awake together.”
It took Phum so long to respond that Peem was seconds away from retracting the offer altogether. “You mean that?”
“Well, I…Yes. I mean, if you want, but there’s no—”
“So this is a booty call?”
“I’m hanging up now.”
“I’ll see you in twenty.”
It was easier to sneak Phum up to his room than Peem thought it would be, but once they were there, he wasn’t quite sure what to do with him. He felt more settled in his presence, though. He always did. It was hard to doubt Phum’s sincerity when he was staring at Peem as if he was just as beautiful as the stars in the night sky.
“Good drive?” Peem asked, looking everywhere but at Phum. 
Phum smirked and sat down on the foot of Peem’s bed. “It was fine. No traffic.”
“Good. That’s…good.” Unsure what else to do, Peem sat down as well. As soon as he did, Phum reached out and used a single finger to turn his face so that they were looking at each other. Peem could have sworn his heart stuttered in his chest. How had things changed between them so quickly? How had he gone from hating the very sight of Phum to drowning in his eyes?
Although Peem would deny it later, he was the one who leaned in first. The taste of Phum’s lips was familiar now, but he still hadn’t grown tired of it. He would have stayed there kissing him all night if Phum let him, but he didn’t want to impose—didn’t want to seem too desperate—so after only a few seconds, he pulled away. 
To his surprise, Phum chased his lips with his own until they were kissing again. This time, the kiss was not so innocent. Phum tangled his fingers in Peem’s hair, forcing him closer, and deepened it, pushing Peem down onto the bed.
“This isn’t why I called you,” Peem insisted when Phum broke away to draw breath.
Phum smirked down at him. “Do you want me to stop?”
Peem didn’t, but his pride wouldn’t let him say it out loud.
“Fine then,” Phum said with an unbothered shrug. He sat back up. “I’ll stop.”
“Wait, no,” Peem said. He grabbed Phum by the front of the shirt and pulled him back down to his lips so that he wouldn’t have to stare at the smug smile on his face. He could still feel it, though. He could taste it on his tongue.
They kissed for so long that it felt like Peem’s blood was boiling beneath his skin. He was hard and he could feel that Phum was too, but neither of them made any moves to go farther. Then, much too soon, Phum broke away and looked down at Peem sheepishly.
“Sorry,” he said, clearing his throat. “I, um, need to stop.”
“Oh,” Peem said, not quite following. “Okay.”
“Let me just go take care of this in the bathroom and then we can go to sleep.”
“You want to go to sleep?”
Phum, who was already halfway out of the bed, turned around with his brows furrowed. “Do you not want to go to sleep?”
“No—I mean, yes—I mean, sleep’s fine.”
“Are you sure? Because you’re acting like sleep’s not fine.”
“I just thought that maybe we could…” Peem trailed off, too shy to say the rest. He really hadn’t called Phum over for this, but he couldn’t deny that now that they had started, he didn’t want to stop.
“Maybe we could what?”
“Nothing. It’s…nothing.” Peem moved to roll over as if he was, in fact, going to sleep, but Phum grabbed him by the shoulder and rolled him onto his back once more. Peem tried to roll away again, knowing his cheeks were so red that merely a glance would give him away, but this time Phum straddled him, sitting back on his thighs to hold him still.
“Maybe we could what?” he repeated. His voice wasn’t teasing like it usually was. It was genuine. Earnest.
“I just thought we might do more, okay? But it’s fine. It’s not like I’m ready for that anyway.” It was a rare moment of vulnerability for him, but he felt safe in Phum’s arms. Despite their previous arrangement, Peem somehow knew that he was the one who held the power between them. “Go to the bathroom,” he said, pushing fruitlessly on Phum’s chest. “It’s fine.”
Phum didn’t move. Instead, he leaned in close until his lips were hovering right over Peem’s. “I’m not ready for that either, but there are other things we could do. If you want.” His hand drifted below the waistband of Peem’s pajama pants and although he didn’t touch him, the possibility that he could excited him. “It’ll help you sleep.”
“Oh yeah?” Peem laughed. “And what’ll it do for you?”
He didn’t expect an honest answer. “The only thing I need to fall asleep is you. What do you say?”
His hands drifted low enough to tangle in the hair of Peem’s groin and Peem's muscles twitched in eager anticipation. He couldn’t fathom saying no. “You’re not allowed to make fun of me,” he said instead.
Phum grinned. “I wouldn’t dare.” 
He leaned in and kissed Peem again. Peem hadn’t been expecting another kiss. For some reason, he thought the kissing portion of the evening was over and it was a relief to find that it wasn’t because kissing he knew how to do. As Phum kissed him, Peem calmed. He barely even registered that Phum was taking off his pants until cool air touched bare skin.
Peem felt compelled to cover himself, but before he could, Phum began kissing his way down Peem’s body, staring up at him the whole time. He paused right above Peem’s cock, sitting erect against his stomach.
“If you don’t like it, just tell me and I’ll stop,” Phum said, turning his attention to Peem’s dick. His eyes widened slightly at the sight and Peem could tell he was impressed, but the size didn’t seem to intimidate him. Without hesitation, he took Peem into his mouth.
Peem’s first instinct was to pull away because the sensation was so overwhelming, but it only took a few seconds for the pleasure to kick in.
“Oh,” he said, relaxing back onto the bed.
Peem had never asked Phum about his previous experiences with men, but he seemed to know what he was doing. He worked up a slow, steady rhythm, using his tongue to trace patterns on the underside of Peem’s cock, and as he did, he reached out, grabbed Peem’s hand in his, and tangled it in his hair himself. Even without words, Peem knew what he was asking for. He pulled Phum’s hair, causing him to moan around his cock, and although Peem would like to lie and say his stamina was impressive for a virgin, he knew it wasn’t. Phum was too good.
“I’m gonna—”
He came before he even got a chance to finish his sentence, but Phum didn’t seem to mind the lack of warning. He took half of Peem’s seed into his mouth before pulling off and letting him finish on his lips. Peem watched as he licked himself clean.
“That was—” Peem started as Phum settled into the space next to him, folding easily into his side.
“Yes?” Phum weedled.
Phum laughed, burying his face in Peem’s shoulder, and Peem wondered if he should be offering to return the favor, but Phum gave no indication that was necessary. He seemed content to just lie there and fall asleep in each other’s arms.
“Do you need to go to the bathroom?” Peem asked, remembering their conversation from earlier. “To…finish?”
Eyes still closed, Phum fished around until he found Peem’s hand and then pressed it to the front of his pants. His erection had flagged; his pants were damp. Peem tried not to laugh, but he couldn’t help it. Phum smiled into his shoulder.
“I told you I needed to stop like fifteen minutes ago,” Phum muttered sleepily. “You don’t listen.”
“Sorry,” Peem said, rubbing Phum’s back soothingly. “Go to sleep. You deserve it.”
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max-nico · 3 months
Read on AO3
Izuku's mind is an enigma, especially to Izuku himself, who is currently, quite literally, sitting in the middle of it. He's unsure of where the vestiges are, they tend to meet him at the metaphorical door, but this time he is completely alone. Not to say that's a bad thing of course, it's nice to have some privacy in his mind, and it's double nice to not have that heavy fog covering his mouth.
Experimentally, Izuku calls out a hello and it comes out much louder than intended. The shout echoes across the entire mind space, the sound seems to travel forever, even when Izuku can't hear it anymore he's almost positive it's still racing down the empty blackness. That should at least get someone's attention if he's lucky, but Izuku is not afraid to admit that is something he's never been.
He starts walking with a heavy sigh, hoping he wakes up soon. He was in the middle of a battle before this, and he clearly wasn't winning if he ended up here. The last thing he really remembers is searing hot pain to his back, or maybe his head, it's still kinda unclear. At least he can't feel the pain here. He'll take what he can get.
It's not long before Izuku is calling out into the dark again, this time with more intent. If being stuck in his mind like this is anything like lucid dreaming then that type of thing matters. His theory seems to have more merit than he was originally gonna give it, because All Might's vestige appears in front of him just a second later.
Izuku is thankful to not be alone anymore, and no offense to All Might, but this is the worst possible vestige that could've came. This one doesn't talk, move, emote, or anything. It just stands, bright and shimmering gold, which is super cool, but also super useless. Izuku can relate.
Izuku gives talking to him a shot anyway, not that he expects much. Or gets much.
"H-Hey All Might. Do you know what's going on?"
No answer, not verbally. The vestige just begins to walk, and Izuku follows, because what else would he do in this situation. He still continues to call out as well, Nana must be somewhere, and she could probably wake him up if nothing else.
As Izuku follows, echoes lessen, but his shouting does not. The space around him slowly goes from inky black to crystal white. There's still no walls or floors, and it somehow gets warmer here. Izuku would almost call it nice if the white wasn't so blindingly bright, he's going to develop bad eyesight at this rate.
All Might's vestige stops suddenly. Once the dark is completely gone from Izuku's vision and he can't tell where he came from anymore. Then the vestige begins to fade, slowly disappearing into thin air. Izuku doesn't even bother to fight it, having been through the vanishing act enough times to know it's a fruitless task.
"W-Was that just All Might?" A voice asks, and Izuku whirls around to find it coming from a little kid. "I didn't know he could disappear, that's so cool! Isn't he so cool, what's your name?"
The kid is small for his age. His hair is wild and undone, because his mother has not yet learned to tame his curls that he inherited from his father. His eyes are wide and such a bright green and so so hopeful it's crushing. Even his voice, high and squeaky, drowns in optimism.
Izuku tucks himself behind a smile. "I'm Izuku, what's your name?"
"I'm Deku, are you a hero?"
"No." Izuku says automatically. "But I would like to be."
"Me too, I-I don't have a quirk though, but I'm gonna be the best hero ever! Well, after Kaachan I mean! Oh, Kaachan is my best friend ever, he's gonna be number one and I'm gonna be number two!! Isn't that so cool?"
Izuku doesn't stop smiling as Deku talks and talks. Rambling about everything and nothing, all with an excitement Izuku doesn't remember possessing. It would be cute, if it weren't himself. Because all he does is make himself sick to his own stomach, so Izuku decides to sit down and listen. Kaachan has always said he needs to get better at that.
"Oh, are you tired?" Deku asks, sitting across from him.
"Just a little."
"That's okay, I get a little tired too sometimes. Momma always says that I should take a nap if I'm tired, but I might miss my favorite show if I take a nap. What's your momma like?"
"Uhm, she's very nice, but she's scared a lot, and makes the best katsudon."
"Ooh, mine too!! Momma's katsudon is really good, and sometimes she's scared of sending me to school, but I'm a big boy, I can handle it no problem!!"
It's easy to let Deku's chatter turn into background noise and just nod at the appropriate time, but it's hard to look at him.
"Do you miss your momma?"
Deku sniffles. "I miss her too. Can we go see her?"
Izuku just shrugs. He doesn't have time. He's not well enough. He hasn't become a hero yet. He hasn't become someone she can be proud of yet. She deserves someone like that to come to her.
"That's okay." Deku warbles. "Do you think she misses us?"
"Yeah, mom has a big heart like that."
There's a silence between them that Deku fills with little sniffles and barely audible sobs, not wanting to disturb his older version. In turn, Izuku just holds him close, and practically dwarfs the little kid because of his sheer muscle mass. He misses when his mom was taller than him.
"Izuku... Izuku I think I'm scared too. Is that okay?"
"Of course. It’s okay to be scared, fear is not the opposite of bravery, you just have to have the courage to soldier through it."
"Oh... But Izu, what if I don't want to? What do I do then?"
"Then I guess it's time to go back home."
"Then can we go see momma?"
Izuku pauses for a moment.
This is just a vent unfortunately, which means it's not really edited lol (not that anything I post is)
First time writing for MHA in like 3 years 🗣️🗣️ did I do a good job ?? 🗣️🗣️
Anyway, I am a Sonic centric blog, I just had this idea so don't come here expecting a lot of MHA stuff lol
Jump into my ask box if you would like ^^
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noellefan101 · 11 months
I´ll Keep You Warm-Albedo Oneshot
Characters: Albedo x gn Reader
Summary: you give Albedo an unexpected visit in Dragonspine, and he warms you up(+crushes on you).
"Warnings": established relationship, not proof-read
Note: im tired, i wanna sleep aahhhhhh
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He wasn't expecting you to visit him on Dragonspine today, although you told him you´d be visiting him, he just wasn't quite expecting it to be today. It doesn't bother him, but he was quite focused on the experiment he was currently working on, and you were already distracting. But he paid his experiment no mind when he saw the state you were in, though you had on a good few layers of clothes and some food for him in your hands(your man needs to eat, badly)but you were freezing. He was quick to take the food out of your hands, lay you down on his mattress he never uses, and give you a nice thick blanket to warm you up a little.
The experiment had long gone from his mind, now he all thought about was making sure you were warm enough. Even through all your protests that he shouldn´t worry about you, and go back to whatever he was working on. But how could he ever do that when your normally warm and soft skin was now freezing cold.
Making sure you were alright and well was much more important to him than working right now. He also didn't want to deal with you being sick, but he didn't tell you that.
He waited for you to fall asleep, brushing your hair with his fingers, doing his very best to make you feel safe and warm. It didn't take you long to fall asleep, your face peacefully lying on the pillow he brought for you.
He didnt actually do much while you were sleeping, to distracted by your face to go do something else. Looking at your mesmerizing face was enough to entertain him for longer than he thought and would like to admit.
Its not like what he was doing before wasnt interesting to him anymore, it definitely was, he just found something else to spend his time on. Though its not productive, he will admit that, he couldn´t take his eyes off of you for longer than a few seconds. he considered drawing you, sealing your beauty on a piece of paper, but decided not to. He would rather have this memory all on his own, only within him and him alone. He also didnt even think he could capture your beauty with even the prettiest of paints.
People always compliment him on his art, drawings, paintings, or whatever they´ll call it at the time. But he doesn't think he´ll be even close to doing your beauty justice, he knows you´ll disagree, you always do when he says he can´t.
Maybe he´ll do it someday, but not know, as he is too lost in your beauty to process anything else other than you.
He loves you more than you and him realises.
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thank u for reading, im very sorry for not posting, I'm trying to write but I just have no ideas and my mind is blank(also dealing with mental health issues), luv ya-Masterlist
You are welcome to reblog and like any of my posts, but you CAN NOT translate, copy or hate on anybody for liking my posts
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topherwrites · 10 months
pls pls elaborate singing in the shower & spy au im so curious!! <3
"Singing in the Shower" is the tentative title for a shower sex jake fic with too much plot added in.
here's a snippet from the rough draft under the cut, 18+ only:
His voice takes on a familiar tone, the same one from flight school when he’d be picking apart why a maneuver didn’t work, or more specifically why someone else had failed at it. Like your inability to orgasm tonight is just an engineering problem. A little math, a little grease, and he can fix this. “What isn't working?” “Well, every time I get close I remember whose dick is in me.” He rolls his eyes, his voice taking on a bored tone, “We’ve established that you do not hate me enough for that." You stay silent, refusing to admit that you do not, in fact, hate him enough to deny yourself an orgasm. He hasn't done anything genuinely hackles-raising in some time, having toned down at least twenty percent of his dickishness, so there's less active resentment being worked out while you're fucking.  It's easy and fun being with him. Oh god, you like seeing his texts light up your phone. You enjoy his purposively bad sexts, that you're sure he only sends so you'll come over and fuck him to get him to stop. You come to the horrifying, jarring conclusion that he may very well be your friend, sort of. Fuck. Biting your lip, you amend, “Fine, maybe it's not that.” “I gathered.” He nudges you, “I can tell something’s going on up there, wanna fill me in?” “No.” You admit with a little sigh, “I don't know.” “Well, I'm tired, so we’re just going to sit here.” “Sorry, my pussy is broken today.” Your phrasing draws a little stomach-tensing laugh out of him, eyes creasing as he looks at you. His perfectly calloused palms slide up and down your thighs. His lips are curved into a soft little smile. “It’s fine.” “You can just…” your eyes focus on a water droplet on his collarbone, eyebrows jumping in allusion, unable to really say it, “if you want to.” He catches the implication; he can just get off and be done with it if he wants. Annoyance twists his features, his brow furrowing, though it doesn't feel wholly directed at you. “Jesus, I can feel myself getting soft,” he scoffs, “You're not a fleshlight.” And you actually can feel him start to lose his erection under you.
The spy au I'm currently working on came about mostly cause I saw Greg Tarzan Davis in the newest Mission Impossible and simply couldn't help myself. I also love spy stuff, I've always been intrigued by media that had spies in it since I was a kid. I grew up watching the Bond movies and shows like Nikita, Covert Affairs, Burn Notice, and Chuck. Most of which have a decidedly more pg or pg-13 tone than my au.
I'm planning on it being a few different interconnected series (maybe?).
All of their call signs and the nicknames for the reader are codenames in this.
So, an agent who was previously presumed dead, Spectre, she and Jake, aka Hangman, were partners and after her death he was never really the same. He's been on desk duty for the past two years.
Bob, an analyst on the team, was asked by Jake to put an indefinite facial recognition alert for her. So it kicks off with him getting a hit for her in London. The Operations Manager, Mav, brings Bradley onto the case, ordering him not to tell Jake about the revelation until they know more, and sending him to London to track Spectre down.
There in London, to play nice with a foreign government and give the impression that they respect jurisdiction, he's teamed up with an MI5 agent, Rook.
Shit spirals from there.
here's a snippet:
A last wet little gurgle leaves his throat as he goes still, his eyes left staring toward nothing. His head hangs back limply, red clinging to the corners of his slack mouth, the viscera of his throat exposed. Blood rhythmically drips to the floor. The pool grows beneath him. This sort of thing used to shake you, now you just follow a well-run routine, not necessarily numb, but devoid of the emotions doing something as grotesque as this should provoke. Violence should stir, you know this, you used to be stirred by it.  The first time you killed someone it was sloppy and panicked, you cried afterward. Mav sealed it with the stamp of self-defense, a good kill, but it didn't rid you of the lingering feeling of being damned. Maybe, the last vestiges of growing up catholic. You used to be a mourner, silently giving them their last rights, knowing the weight of every life. A witness to people’s final drawn breaths. Now, you're a butcher. You don't leave the blood for long, scrubbing your hands in the sink before it settles and dries in the cracks.
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hchollym · 1 year
I saw your post about asoiaf character headcanons https://www.tumblr.com/hchollym/656295257177276416/who-are-some-of-your-head-cannons-for-characters and I’m begging for more Willas Tyrell headcanons! Anything you have! What is he into? You said he makes nerdy jokes. Whats his personality like?
How does he feel about the whole “potentially engaged to Sansa thing” and how did he feel when she was forced to marry Tyrion? (I cant imagine he would have been in love w her immediately if they married, bc she is 13 (3 years younger than Margery) and he is at least in his 24-27ish in current book canon)
It's been a while since I got an asoiaf ask, so this was fun! 😃
I'm sorry it took so long to respond though. 🙁
More Willas Tyrell Headcanons:
-He has brown curly hair and hazel eyes.
-He's definitely an introvert. He's very kind and genuine, and some people are drawn to that (like Oberyn), but he's not naturally charming or assertive, so he finds social situations a little more difficult to navigate.
-He enjoys astronomy (since he likes looking at the stars) and drawing/painting (since he drew pictures for Margaery when she was little).
-He's not great at expressing his feelings. He knows how to - he's very self-aware - but he has a tendency to hide his insecurities/sadness and keep things inside, because he already feels physically vulnerable due to his leg, and he's afraid to be emotionally vulnerable too.
-He loves all animals (including cats and dogs), and he always names them after historical figures.
-He can never admit it out loud (because he's a Tyrell), but he gets tired of the smell/sight of roses (they have far too strong of a floral scent). Because of this, he grows his own little garden of Iris Blue Rhythms (but he has it fenced off because they're toxic to dogs). These flowers are a pretty blue and lemon-scented (which is actually his favorite scent, because he loves how fresh it smells).
Headcanons About Willas' Thoughts on Sansa:
-I'm not sure he even knew about the plan until after it was ruined. Mace didn't know, and Olenna may very well have kept that secret close to her chest until after she arrived in King's Landing.
-Once he found out, he was definitely concerned by her age. Even by Westeros' standards, Sansa was still young for marriage, and since she was three years younger than Margaery (his baby sister), he saw her as a child.
-He protested an immediate wedding and argued for a long betrothal, and he only backed down when Margaery told him about the abuse Sansa suffered at Joffrey's hands. At that point, he realized that marrying her quickly was the only way to protect her, and he agreed because it was the chivalrous thing to do.
-He was horrified when he found out that she was married to Tyrion, because 1. Her age was still a factor, and he assumed that Tyrion would consummate the marriage; 2. Tyrion was a part of the family that killed Sansa's father, and he knew that would be traumatizing for her, especially because it meant that she would be stuck around the Lannisters for the rest of her life; and 3. He knew Sansa imagined a much "better" husband than a dwarf (and by Westeros' tradition, it was honestly an insult to marry her to Tyrion).
-He was also disappointed because he knew that Sansa was the best political match he could ever make, and even if she never loved him, he thought that she would at least enjoy Highgarden & he would keep her safe.
Thanks for the ask! 😊
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timelessxmemories · 3 months
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This may be long winded, so I apologize in advance for that, but I simply wanted to state this.
L, Ryuzaki, Lawliet, The man who I consider to be my father- Whatever you may wish for me to call you at this point in time, I apologize for the way that I had acted yesterday. As you know, I prefer to be in a state of "unfeeling", and when something disrupts that I begin to be agitated. I hate having to deal with unnecessary emotions. I have nothing against you, in fact I am overjoyed by your arrival; it was simply me feeling an overwhelming amount of emotion and I did not know how to act on such complex thoughts. As hard as it is to say it out loud, I missed you- as did Mello, but you know him. He would never admit that out of his mouth. It was sudden when your passing had sprung up. And although we had not talked for awhile even before the Kira investigation started, I was dually hoping for a time that I would be able to see you again. It had seemed as if I did not care about your death, but that is not true. I felt as much as I could have, but as I said, it is not easy for me. Mello feels so passionately, and so unabashedly himself, but I am and was never like that. I never want too, anyways. I know you understand, we think alike. We always have.
I am sure you know, but Kira (as well as the other Kira's) have been dealt with. Only a fool would trust a god of death, and it had been a fun but annoying game until the very end. I owe it all to Mello and you, however.
I still have the puzzle that you had gifted me. The large one in all white, that is still my favorite, even though I tire of it. It's all just the same thing over and over again. But it was from you, so I don't mind doing it over and over again. Watari gives me new ones sometimes though, I appreciate it very much. I know you where with Mello many a time aswell, but I remember how you'd always play chess, or puzzles, or anything else with me when I wished too. How you understood that I isolated myself from the others, how you had told me how much I reminded you of yourself, that you enjoyed whenever I ate chocolate or whatever other sweet with you, and many other things that I won't speak of to not make this drag on longer than it needs to be: Those were the times I enjoyed the very most. I admire and look up to you, L. You are the only person that me and Mello believe to be worthy of respect, other than Watari of course. You are a father to us, but especially to me, as funny as that may be. I can only wish that I have lived up to your expectations of a successor. May justice prevail.
Also, please do tell me how you dealt with Matsuda all day. I am currently stuck with him and he is touching my toys.
No need for any kind of apologies, Near. Seriously, it's all good. You reacted the same way anyone would react yesterday and I do not fault you for such. I am glad you still cherish the puzzle to this day. I really am. And I'm truly glad you think me so highly, as I hold you all so highly as well, I do not know what I would do without you, all of you.
As for how I dealt with Matsuda? That's a whole issue in of itself, he is.. troublesome to say the least but he means well. I'm sure of it. -L
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bloody-bee-tea · 1 year
BeeTober 2023 Day 1 - Electric Shock
The start of Beetober 2023!!! Like always, all the thanks goes to my friend @chilassa who made the prompt list for me and this is yet again another year where I'm too tired to come up with fic titles myself so the title is the prompt! I am aiming for all days again, so let's see how far we come <3
Albedo isn’t quite used to human touch. People tend to steer clear of him usually, finding him too uncanny to come closer and less alone wanting to touch. Klee, of course, with her childish excitement, is a very notable exception.
She doesn’t hesitate to run to him, to hug him, to throw herself into his arms and she’s never shy to do so, either.
For a while, Klee was the sole source of human touch for Albedo.
Until Kaeya stepped into his life more firmly.
Unlike the other residents of Mondstadt, Kaeya isn’t shy with his touch. He doesn’t hesitate to brush his fingers over Albedo’s back, nudge him into the right direction with a firm tap to his hip or let their fingers brush whenever he hands Albedo something.
Albedo should have long gotten used to his touch and yet—every time it happens it feels as if an electric shock runs down his spine and settles under his skin.
It’s not—unpleasant, Albedo has to admit that much, but it’s unsettling because he doesn’t understand why it happens. Kaeya is a cryo user; it can’t even be his vision acting up. And the few times Albedo did ask someone else about this, he only got knowing smiles and meaningless ‘you’ll figure it out in no time’s thrown his way.
All in all, incredibly unhelpful.
“Albedo, my favourite Chief Alchemist,” Kaeya announces when he steps into Albedo’s lab and Albedo only barely suppresses the urge to roll his eyes.
“I’m the only Chief Alchemist,” he counters and watches from the corner of his eyes how Kaeya makes his way over to him.
“You’d still be my favourite, even if there were ten,” Kaeya gives back and this—this is new. Now even his voice manages to make a shudder run down Albedo’s back and he can’t say he’s too pleased by that.
Not as long as he doesn’t understand what’s going on.
“What do you want today?” Albedo asks, keeping most of his attention on the experiment currently in his hands but a part of his brain can’t help but to puzzle over this.
“Always so rude to me,” Kaeya drawls out and then slumps over the table in a way that makes Albedo want to scold him, if he wasn’t so very clearly deliberately making sure not to actually touch anything.
Kaeya is strangely considerate like that and Albedo frowns at the warmth pooling in his gut when he notices it.
“I’m busy,” Albedo gives back, pouring the almost glowing liquid into another bottle.
“I can see that,” Kaeya says and lightly taps his finger against Albedo’s forehead. “Though it’s not this experiment that’s keeping you occupied. What’s going on?”
There it is again, that by now almost familiar electric shock, running down Albedo’s back and almost making him spill the liquid.
He gives Kaeya a glare for his troubles.
“Sorry?” Kaeya says, clearly unsure of what just happened but he keeps his hands to himself until Albedo is done with the transfer and that’s really all Albedo can ask for. “You okay?” he then asks and Albedo sighs.
He’s not going to find an answer to this puzzling question himself and asking other people has yielded no insight, either—maybe it is time for Albedo to bring this up with Kaeya directly.
“Not many people touch me,” he starts with, much to Kaeya’s apparent confusion.
“Klee does,” he immediately gives back and Albedo nods.
“And you.”
Kaeya opens his mouth as if he wants to say something—apologize, maybe?—before he closes it again without actually saying anything at first.
“Is that a problem?” Kaeya finally gets out and Albedo shrugs.
“I’m not sure. Your touch is strange.”
“Strange,” Kaeya repeats, clearly lost and Albedo sighs.
“There’s this—it’s tingling. In a pleasant way, I think.”
“You think,” Kaeya whispers and Albedo can see the gears turning in his head. “So, if I do this—” he doesn’t finish his sentence but instead reaches out and puts his fingertips to Albedo’s forearm.
“It tingles,” Albedo confirms. “All the way down my back.”
He sees it, the exact moment Kaeya comes to a realisation because there’s this shift in his whole demeanour and so Albedo isn’t quite surprised when Kaeya leans forward, his intention clear.
Kissing him would probably clear some things up, Albedo understands with a sudden start, but he can’t allow this.
“No,” he says and puts his hand to Kaeya’s shoulder, stopping him in his movement.
The shift in his expression was subtle, but Albedo has seen that look before. It’s the one Kaeya gets when he figures out what someone wants, what he has to give to make someone happy—oftentimes regardless of his own feelings—and Albedo is not going to allow this.
He is not going to let Kaeya kiss him just because Kaeya thinks it will make him happy, not when he doesn’t know if it’s something that would make Kaeya happy as well.
“No?” Kaeya repeats and a frown settles on his face when Albedo takes a step away from him. “This is what you want, isn’t it?” he then asks, and Albedo can tell that he’s getting worked up.
“And what do you want?” Albedo asks in return and sees how Kaeya flinches away from him.
His eyes are wide and panicked and Albedo doesn’t quite understand what’s going on anymore.
It only takes Kaeya a second to compose himself again and Albedo is also familiar with the sneer on his face.
Though it’s usually not directed at him.
“Don’t flatter yourself,” Kaeya almost spits out. “Don’t think you’re anything special. It’s actually kind of pathetic to fall for the first guy who shows you some decency, don’t you think? Makes you an easy target for everyone, just so you know. Now, if you’d excuse me, I have better places to be.”
Before Albedo can find his words Kaeya has already turned around on his heels and stormed off, leaving a bewildered Albedo behind.
He understands that he somehow hurt Kaeya, enough for him to lash out like that, but Albedo can’t quite understand just what he did wrong.
And it doesn’t change the fact that Kaeya’s words leave a nagging feeling behind in his head.
It was said in an attempt to hurt Albedo and to hide Kaeya’s own hurt but Albedo can’t deny that maybe Kaeya might be right. Maybe he does only have feelings for him because Kaeya was nice to him.
That Albedo does have feelings for Kaeya can be affirmed without a doubt now—that split second where he thought, hoped really, that Kaeya would kiss him enough to confirm it—but maybe it’s for shallow reasons.
Maybe Kaeya’s touch isn’t all that special after all; how would Albedo know without knowing any other touch?
It’s enough to get him thinking for the rest of the day, and by the time the sun rises next, Albedo is gone from Mondstadt.
It’s time he does some experimenting.
His plan is to travel to Liyue first, maybe head to Sumeru next depending on how long it takes him, and his first stop is Wangshu Inn. He has a very interesting run-in with the local Yaksha there, and that night he takes the time to get thoroughly acquainted with his own touch.
It doesn’t do much for him, beyond the physical pleasure one would expect and Albedo thinks that maybe a second person might be required after all.
He makes it to Liyue Harbor a day later and spends some very enjoyable days there. He meets Zhongli and knows him for who he really is though he tries to stick to cryo and electro wielders (he did not expect Lady Ninguang and Beidou to be so welcoming), that shudder down his back still so very prevalent in his mind but then he remembers the warmth that usually also curls in his gut when Kaeya is there, when Kaeya touches him, and he resolves to find at least one pyro user willing to tumble with him for a night.
That doesn’t happen until he makes his way to Sumeru though—and only then because Thoma is there with Ayato on official business—and there he also meets his most promising bed partner yet. Albedo sees the way Hermanubis curls around Cyno like a second skin and thinks that if anyone can make him shudder from pure touch alone it might be him.
He backtracks when he notices how the Acting Grand Sage looks at Cyno and he can’t quite hide his surprise when they come to find him that evening.
“He likes to fuck,” Alhaitham tells him in that horribly blunt way he has. “And I don’t, much.”
“We came to the agreement that I am allowed to indulge, sometimes,” Cyno adds with a sharp smile.
“As long as it is understood that it’s a one time thing,” Alhaitham almost boredly tells him but Albedo hears it for the threat it is.
Since that is not a problem for him he finds himself pinned under Cyno that night and while Hermanubis makes his nerves light up like nothing before, it’s still not the same as when Kaeya touches him.
Albedo makes his way back home a day later.
He doesn’t waste time to announce his return and instead makes his way straight to Kaeya’s apartment.
Kaeya doesn’t seem too pleased to see him when he opens the door.
“Can we talk?” Albedo still asks and he missed this, the comfortable warmth that curls in his gut just from being around Kaeya.
“I’m not the one who ran,” Kaeya derisively says but when he retreats into his apartment, he leaves the door open and Albedo takes it for the invitation it is.
“What do you want?” Kaeya asks once the door is closed behind Albedo and his entire posture screams at Albedo to get out.
He must really have struck a nerve back then.
“Kaeya, what is it that you want?” Albedo asks in return, and there it is again, that painfully surprised and confused look on Kaeya’s face as if he has never before been asked that.
“What does it matter?” Kaeya gives back. “Did you have a few good days?”
The way he asks it makes Albedo frown.
“What do you mean?”
“Thoma and I keep in touch,” is all Kaeya says to that and of course. Albedo should have known.
“I see.”
“I’m really that undesirable, huh? You’d rather make your way to Sumeru of all places than to look here.”
“That’s not what that was about,” Albedo immediately says. “I thought maybe you were right. Maybe it was just because yours was the only touch I’ve really known. I needed to verify.”
“Verify. As if all of that was nothing more than an experiment.”
“It wasn’t. Kaeya, I’m asking again: what is it that you want?”
Albedo knows what he wants; knows that it’s only Kaeya who makes him feel like that, who manages to light his nerves up like no one else can but he still remembers that look on Kaeya’s face.
He’s not going to take what he wants if Kaeya is only doing it because it would please Albedo.
“It clearly doesn’t matter,” Kaeya says, and he sounds resigned to it in a way that squeezes Albedo’s chest almost painfully.
“Tell me anyway,” Albedo says and then simply holds Kaeya’s gaze until he crumbles right in front of him.
“I want you to want me,” Kaeya almost yells out before he completely deflates. “I want you,” he adds, much more silent this time and Albedo doesn’t waste any more time. He steps forward and pulls Kaeya into a kiss, marvelling at the way even that contact makes him burn up like nothing else had.
“You have me,” Albedo says when they part and he was not quite prepared for the sad, almost resigned smile Kaeya gives him.
“Your exploits say otherwise.”
“I was trying to figure out what makes you so special,” Albedo explains and he isn’t quite sure how to make Kaeya understand.
“And what makes you special is the fact that I love you,” Albedo easily gives back, not quite rising to the challenge in Kaeya’s voice.
“Come on, Albedo,” Kaeya says, clearly not satisfied with that answer. “You only feel that way because I’ve been nice to you. Because I touched you when no one else would.”
“I thought about that, too, when you said it the first time,” Albedo admits and only notices Kaeya flinch because he’s so close. “But I’ve had people touch me now; I’ve had people be nice to me. One even offered to court me properly.”
He still remembered his surprise when Kaveh had offered it in the morning. It didn’t even bear consideration, but it had been nice nonetheless.
“Good for you,” Kaeya mutters but Albedo shakes his head.
“It’s neither of those things that made me fall in love with you, though.” That too, is something Albedo has given quite some thought to during his travels. And he thinks that there are too many reasons for him to name them all speaks for itself. Still, he tries. For Kaeya. “I fell in love with you because you’re kind to Klee no matter what, patient in a way not many are. Because you were the same with me, without making it feel as if you’re looking down on me, like many others did. Because you’re considerate and respect my work place. Because you treated me like a human even though it was so painfully obvious I wasn’t one. Because you expected me to learn and adapt and didn’t coddle me.”
“And because I’m hot,” Kaeya quips and Albedo loves that he knows Kaeya well enough to know that he’s uncomfortable with Albedo’s praise and needs to derail him for a moment. Not that Albedo is going to let him.
“That, too,” he still easily admits. “Though I would still rank the smile you give Klee higher. That one is only rivalled by the one you give me, sometimes. You know, the one that makes your face go all soft.”
 “I don’t have a smile like that,” Kaeya says, almost on reflex Albedo suspects but Albedo doesn’t bother to argue because the smile is right there, on Kaeya’s face.
“Sure,” Albedo agrees anyway. “So, if you truly want me, then you have me.”
“It didn’t seem like that when you pushed me away,” Kaeya says and it’s clear that it’s still eating away at him.
“Because I didn’t know it then,” Albedo explains. “Because you have a habit of doing things for the people you like to keep them happy, no matter what. And I couldn’t—I didn’t want you to do this only for me.”
“This would be something very selfish as well,” Kaeya admits and reaches out for Albedo’s hand.
Albedo doesn’t hesitate to thread their fingers together.
“Then you shall have it,” Albedo whispers as he leans back in.
And this time when they part, Albedo is met with the smile he loves so much.
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drdtships · 4 months
Sooo if you're familiar with MILGRAM, this is a DRDT version of it. If you're not familiar, just think of it as prison. And all the people have killed someone else :>
With that in mind, could I have some Terunika headcanons? If ur feeling up for it, maybe have Teruko severely injured?
Or..just normal Terukina.
(I'm too in love with this blog it's so fun)
Awh, so sorry dear. But I'm very unfamiliar with what Milgram is (っ- ‸ - ς) I can share some Terunika headcanons though!! ♡ One time when Teruko was severely attacked by one of her classmates, Veronika offered to stay with her in the infirmary room to watch over her. Totally not for psychoanalysis purposes! ^_^" Teruko and Veronika ended up really bonding overtime. And as much as Teruko refuses to admit it, she slowly began to open up to her. Here's a mini one-shot for you! ヾ( ˃ᴗ˂ )◞ Teruko was currently in the infirmary room after she was accidently stabbed by Levi. It was a long story as to how they even got to that point but that didn't really matter now. Her neck was covered in bandages similarly to Ace's. And it hurt a lot. Veronika didn't have much to do that day, so she decided to check up on the unlucky one. She brought by a sandwich just in case if she was hungry. "Good afternoon, Teruko! How are you feeling?" The horror fanatic said in an awfully cheerful tone. What was there to be so happy about right now? Teruko looked over at the red-haired girl with tired eyes. "It's already the afternoon? it feels like it's only been an hour or two." "Well, yes. Thats because it has been only an hour or two. Anyways I brought you some lunch. How's your boo-boo?" Did she just unironically say boo boo??.. Teruko sighed and brushed it off. Veronika handed her the plate that contained the Turkey sandwich on it. Eyeing it suspiciously. "Oh, I can assure you it's not poisoned or anything! Ace watched me make it; he would know." "Jeez, am I that easy to read?" Teruko chuckled. The sandwich seemed find and she doubted that Veronika would poison her after all this time they've spent together. She hoped she was making the right decision as she bit into the sandwich. It tasted fine too. "Uh, thank you Veronika. Sorry for inconveniencing you like this. I told you my bad luck was a real pain." "No don't worry about it! I'm perfectly fine staying here with you." Veronika smiled at the brown-haired girl as she sat on the edge of her bed. Teruko smiled back, her cheeks having a tiny tint of blush as she did so.
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can u do Grell Sutcliffe with a s/o who is always tired and works a lot (they can be a reaper if u want) and finally gets time to spend with grell??
it's me, I'm the tired works a lot bitch
and God I need to sleep all snuggled up with Grell, I'm pretty sure it would solve 99% of my problems <3 <3 <3
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Honestly, GRELL has been looking forward to the day that they and (Name) have some time off together.
Sometimes it seems like all the two of them do is work. Grell slacks off as much as possible, but sadly enough, (Name) is a hard worker and falls asleep shortly after getting home at night. Grell supposes they can’t blame their poor dear… it’s just frustrating, being wide awake for hours while their other half is fast asleep.
Today, though, they’re finally off for a day at the same time. Grell doesn’t work today, and thank God, neither does (Name). Grell really should have something bigger planned than they do; strangely enough for someone like them, a quiet day around the house sounds more perfect than anything else. Currently they’re cuddled up with (Name) on the sofa, reading the latest romance novel that Grell has decided is their favorite.
About the time their own eyes start to feel a bit heavy ― perhaps they’ve been working harder than they thought ― is when they notice their lover nuzzling against their neck. It seems like (Name) is starting to get sleepy despite the fact that it’s barely afternoon.
The morning was kind enough, lunch is done with, and now it feels as if all the work they’ve both been up to has caught up with them. Grell blinks a few times in a desperate attempt to keep themself from drifting off. It’s fruitless, though, as an insistent yawn interrupts them when they try to read the next line of the book.
“Let’s not fight it,” (Name) sighs, followed by a yawn of their own. “We’ll be sleeping together, at least… that’s something, isn’t it?”
Grell lets out a soft huff before they close the book and set it down on the side table. It’s followed in short order by their glasses, chain and all, then they gently guide (Name) down so that Grell is lying on top of them. They prefer it this way… it makes them feel delicate and cared for, when their lover loops an arm around their waist. “Yes, well… I suppose, technically, it is indeed something.”
They close their eyes, and they have to admit, they’re glad that they’re getting to fall asleep with (Name) instead of carrying them to bed and then slipping in once (Name)’s already been asleep for a while. There’s something rather romantic about using their treasured day off to laze around with the person they love.
“Mmh… a nap isn’t a bad idea, anyway. You and I need to stop working so much.” They nestle their face into that incredibly secure spot between (Name)’s neck and shoulder which always makes them feel safe. “We’ll still get up in time to do something else together, I’m sure. Love you, darling.”
(Name)’s other hand strokes affectionately through Grell’s hair, and it’s one of their favorite feelings in the world. “Love you too, sweetheart.”
Maybe it isn’t the way the two of them intended to spend their day off together, but neither of them is actually complaining about how it’s turned out.
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purposefully-lost · 1 year
Christine felt a nervous rush through her chest when the boy turned to look at her. She wasn't even sure if he'd noticed she was here until now; she'd spent most of the night at the edge of the room, taking photos for anyone who wanted to make use of the backdrop they'd hung up and idly watching the dance after most people had already stopped by. She'd only noticed him doing much the same in the last half hour or so. He didn't seem to be keeping to himself any less than usual, on the opposite wall in a suit that was ill-fitting enough to be sort of charming. She hadn't yet seen anyone with him, either. It wasn't until one of the chaperones had dismissed her to go enjoy the rest of the night that she found herself walking towards him.
Those stupid eyes of his were no less striking when he looked over at her, widened slightly in surprise. "Uh. Hi," he said, seeming to look her over.
She felt her face warm and fought the urge to cross her arms over her chest. Jack had never seen her dressed like this and she would've honestly had it stay that way. The dress was pretty when it was on a hanger, sure, a powdery blue that her mom said matched her eyes, but on her body she'd just found it awkward. Something about her shoulders-- like they were either too broad or too sloped for the fabric to hang correctly, even though her mom insisted it fit perfectly fine. "Hi," she replied, trying to smile. "I, um. I- I've been doing pictures," she continued, nodding back towards the booth and not sure why she'd even mentioned that at all. "I just thought, if you.. came with someone, or- or just wanted a picture, or something.."
"Oh. I saw." Jack offered a smile of his own, in the small, nervous way he tended to. She was finally admitting to herself that it was cute, though she didn't know what to do with that sort of thought. A boy's smile could be cute without her wanting anything more to do with it, anyway. "I'm fine, though."
"That's okay." Honestly, it was a little relieving. She was tired of taking couples' photos. "Did you.. come with anyone?" She continued, though she was almost sure he hadn't. It wasn't like he'd mentioned anyone when they'd last spoken in class. Then again, maybe he just hadn't mentioned anyone to her. "I- I didn't really think I'd see you here, honestly. Doesn't seem like your kind of thing."
Jack shrugged. "Might as well stop in," he answered. He glanced warily out towards the floor and she followed his gaze, landing on one of his brothers. Desmond seemed adequately distracted with a date, though, and she didn't really care what he thought of anything. She'd never quite figured out if Jack did. "Not.. with anyone, though. Just me. Uh..." He turned back to her, his gaze taking a moment to find her eyes, though she wasn't quite sure if he was looking elsewhere or if it was just a part of his normal shyness. Either way, it made her face feel warm again. "Did.. you? Have someone?"
"Just me," she replied. A small, more genuine smile tugged at her lips, and they held each other's gaze for a moment before breaking into something of a nervous giggle. She watched Jack reach up to brush a lock of hair from his face, then fall right back down, leaving her tempted to fix it herself. Pulling her eyes away instead, she looked at the small crowd that was still dancing. "This whole thing is.. kind of stupid," she said.
"Yeah. A little." Jack leaned back against the wall, letting out a breath. "I'm.. not even sure why I came."
The current song was starting to fade out. They were hitting the end of the night, the track list turning to slower, sappier numbers. Chris bit the inside of her cheek and listened to the first few notes of the next song before she glanced towards Jack. If he hadn't come with anyone, he probably hadn't danced. Not that it was necessary, but it also was sort of the whole point of these things, wasn't it? She hadn't danced with anyone either and she probably wouldn't have come at all if not for club duties, but then again, if both of them were without a partner... then she needed to just spit it out before the night ended.
"Do you--"
They both paused. Jack's lips were parted, then pressed shut, his eyes wide and mortified. Chris wasn't fairing much better, staring at him for a moment before she remembered how to breathe. Then she laughed a little, feeling like she was burning up as she picked at the top of her dress sleeve. There was no guarantee that they'd been about to ask to the same question, but she she continued anyway. "Um. Do you want to dance?"
Jack's eyes were no less wide whe she looked at him again. But he seemed to find himself, giving her something that wasn't quite a smile when he nodded. "Sure."
"Just to say we did."
"Y- yeah." Jack didn't exactly seem keen to lead the way and neither was she, but she finally held out her hand. There was a small jolt from her chest when his own settled in hers, warm and solid. Offering another nervous smile, she pulled him towards an empty space on the floor, then turned to face him. Neither moved to pull any closer.
An awkward beat, and Chris laughed a little. "Hands on my waist, Stone."
"Oh Yeah," he agreed. And then, finally, he smiled something more like a real smile, letting out a breath of a laugh as he moved to oblige. She let her arms settle over his shoulders, and suddenly they were closer than they'd ever been.
The thing about Jack Stone was that he was very pretty. He had a sweet, handsome face, and when she could get him to smile, it made him all the prettier. Others called him Rabbit because of the scar and his teeth, but those were traits she liked about him. It was never clear to her how others didn't find them charming. Especially when he was glancing at her like he was now, wearing a nervous smile.
Shit. Christine followed as he started to sway with the music, acutely aware of the weight of his hands on either side of her. It'd take little more than a single step to close the distance left between them. She didn't like him like that, except she sort of really did, and this wasn't helping matters. It only took them a few lines of the song to fall comfortably in time with it, but the nervous beat of her heart when she met Jack's eyes didn't slow. The fingers of his left hand seemed to follow the music, drumming nervously against her. "Uh," he started, his voice even softer here than it'd been next to the wall. "That- the dress looks good. On you."
Really, really wasn't helping. Her gaze fell to his chest instead of his eyes and she wondered just how obvious the color in her face was. "Thanks. ..I like the suit."
"It's fine," he replied. A glance up told her that he didn't really agree. She gave him a smile and a small shrug.
"Not as bad as Mister Anderson's," she said in a whisper. A glance around and he was letting out a small giggle with her.
They went through the last few songs of the night like that. Sharing their small space on the dance floor and trading whispers between them. She realized after a while that it was maybe the most she'd ever heard him speak. The opposite was probably true. It got easier as the music droned on to study his face without feeling unsure of it, to talk without second-guessing herself. Without realizing it, she'd stepped a little closer to him to better hear him, her arms wrapped around his neck rather than laying over his shoulders. Idly, Jack reached up to push a piece of hair out of her eyes. She did the same for him with a quiet laugh.
The last song was fading out much sooner than she'd like. She hadn't actually expected to want the night go on any longer-- but she did want to keep talking to Jack. They still lingered in each other's hold for a moment once the music ended, Jack biting his lip as he looked down at her. Finally, she laughed and took a step away from him, breaking the dizzying sort of spell he'd had her under.
"I.. guess we danced." Jack smiled. "We can say that now."
"I guess we can." Christine returned a small giggle. If she had her license, she thought she might invite him out with her. That was a normal thing, right? A late dinner with friends after the formal? Maybe they could walk, if he agreed. It wasn't far, and--
The voice of one of the teachers called her name. And she had to stay and help clean up. Club duties. Sighing, she looked up at him, lingering for just a moment more. "Uh.. thanks," she told him, searching his gaze. "You weren't half bad."
"Yeah. Um, you too." Jack scratched at his wrist, still smiling. "Thanks."
Biting her lip, Christine nodded and started to take a step back. The photo booth wasn't going to clean up itself. Except..
She stepped forwards, letting the impulse carry her as she pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. Pulling away, she flashed him a wide and nervous grin. "Thanks," she repeated, then turned and retreated before she could catch his reaction. She wasn't sure she wanted to know and her heart was racing hard enough already.
Behind her, Jack stood frozen, his face cherry-red as he watched the blue dress blend into what crowd remained.
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