What are the trans ladies thoughts on getting a titjob, especially lady dimitrescu cuzzz y know
I mean.. do you mean like getting their boobs done, or Reader letting the ladies titty fuck them? 👀👀👀 If it's the latter, I honestly have no idea who'd be able to handle Alcina's, tbh 👀🤣 Like, ma'am 😳 Tho, now I am having some ✨thoughts ✨ ahem 👀 I feel like all in all most of them would enjoy that, tho. I mean.. how could you not? 👀 Bela might be too on the reserved side, actually, and Donna a bit too shy, but I feel the rest would be like:
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mywitchcultblr · 5 months
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This is what happen when people take the 'your brain doesn't mature till 25' pop-sci too literally and just ran with it, also transphobia
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the-woke-left · 5 months
"They shouldn't socially transition until after 25"
So trans people magically aren't adults at 18 like cis people!?!?!????
[sarcasm] Wow yeah that sounds good and like something a normal government would say. Hope this isn't a dangerous precedent that will be used to repeal rights from other minority groups
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floral-ashes · 5 months
My favourite part of the Cass Report is where she goes: “Florence Ashley and others have shown that gatekeeping doesn’t work and should be abandoned. We disagree, not based on any evidence but because it’s incompatible with the way we’ve already decided we wanted to do things.”
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useless-englandfacts · 6 months
the cass review into gender care on the NHS is depressing in many ways, but one of the most nonsensical aspects of it is how they’ve chosen to define a child as anyone under 25:
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so you can vote, join the military, pay taxes, get married, have children, attend - and finish - university but you’re still not a mature adult capable of making life-changing decisions
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queerautism · 5 months
If you are a trans person in the UK either under the care of a gender clinic, or even on the wait list for one, please do send them an email or letter opting out of your patient records and data being used for 'research', like the clearly transphobic review that's coming for adult services next.
This is especially important if you are under 30 years old.
There's a great template letter you can use here, it took me less than five minutes to copy stuff and send off an email.
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notagayman · 5 months
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Yeah so fuck the cass report
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itsawritblr · 5 months
J.K. Rowling has been proven right!
"The Cass Review is a damning indictment of what the NHS has been doing to children.
"Dr Hilary Cass has submitted her final report and recommendations to NHS England in her role as Chair of the Independent Review of gender identity services for children and young people.
"Hilary Cass’s report demolishes the entire basis for the current model of treating gender-distressed children. Its publication is a shameful day for NHS England, which for too long gave vulnerable children harmful treatments for which there was no evidence base. It’s now clear to all that this was quack medicine from the start. 
"Dr Cass delivers stinging criticisms of NHS gender clinics, both adult and child, and her description of the Gender Identity Development Service is absolutely damning. It is disgraceful that GIDS, alongside the adult clinics, did not cooperate with her attempt to survey its practice, or to carry out a high-quality, long-term follow-up study on the treatment of children as part of the review, which would have been a global first."
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You can read the entire review here. (pdf)
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"Glinner" is Graham Linehan, a writer, screenwriter, and comedian who's been fighting against transitioning minors for years, losing friends, his job, and his agent along the way. But he's kept on fighting.
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The tide has turned in the UK and in Europe. When will American media finally begin reporting on the closing of "gender clinics" and the bans on puberty blockers for children? I figure nothing will happen here in the U.S. until the lawsuits start flooding in. It's already begun. And with proof like the Cass Review and the WPATH files, it's going to be very, very difficult for clinics, doctors, and therapists to continue lying about how transitioning does no permanent and irreversible physical and psychological harm.
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mxactivist · 5 months
UK petition: Sandyford Clinic [Scotland] to immediately continue to prescribe trans kids hormone blockers
[ Sign here ]
Following the Cass Review, trans kids are no longer able to receive puberty blocker prescriptions from Sandyford, Scotland's only gender identity clinic for under 18s. This is devastating news for trans kids who will now see their bodies change in ways that will trigger dysphoria. It will ultimately cost lives as trans kids are driven to suicide. All this will happen because of some despicable, manufactured "trans debate", where trans kids, and adults, are being used as a scapegoat for society's problems. Trans charities and advocate groups are condemning the awful Cass Review all over the country. The only groups celebrating this dreadful document are anti-trans ones. Hormone blockers have been used for decades safely, and the vast majority of trans kids that go on to transition are happy. A common argument against blockers is that trans kids are not old enough to make such decisions. This is exactly what puberty blockers are for; to hit the pause button on any irreversible changes; to give trans kids time to make these decisions. We urge Sandyford clinic to immediately resume providing trans kids with their life-saving puberty blockers.
[ Sign here ]
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bisexualseraphim · 5 months
The whole “your brain doesn’t finish developing until 25” spiel has fucking ruined society I swear. It’s such a gross misunderstanding of the original study it’s laughable, and yet people use it as scientific evidence that infantilising young adults (usually women or people perceived to be women lbr) is ethical actually.
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Erin Reed at Erin In The Morning:
On May 31, NHS England sent a letter to every patient on the waiting list for puberty blockers, stating that possession of such blockers will be considered a crime. The letter follows an edict issued by Conservative Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Victoria Mary Atkins and also mandates that transgender youth who obtained their puberty blockers through private doctors must discontinue their medication. This letter and edict mean that the United Kingdom now has some of the harshest policies targeting transgender youth of any liberal democracy in the world. On May 29th, Atkins announced on twitter, “Today I have taken bold action to protect children following the Cass Review, using emergency powers to ban puberty blockers for new treatments of gender dysphoria from private clinics and for all purposes from overseas prescribers into Great Britain.” Following the announcement, she linked to an edict declaring an “emergency prohibition” on puberty blockers in England, Wales, and Scotland.
The prohibition relies on a decades-old law that allows for the emergency prohibition of medications without the need for a full legislative process; no vote was taken on the edict, and the order was issued just before parliament dissolved for the general election, meaning it could not be overturned. According to UK-based advocate Trans Safety Now, the last and only time such powers were used was in response to deaths among users of an herb found in some Chinese medicine in 1999. Jo Maugham, who leads the Good Law Project, stated about the use of these powers, “It is breathtaking that thousands or tens of thousands of loving families are going to be criminalized by a law made by a Minister, never approved by Parliament, subject to no consultation and the media is not reporting it." On Friday, following the announcement, Lee Hurley of Trans Writes released a copy of a letter sent to families on the NHS waiting list for puberty blockers. The letter indicates that those receiving puberty blockers from the NHS can continue taking them. However, given the enormous wait lists, a substantial number of families opted to get their puberty blockers through private practitioners registered in the European Economic Area or Switzerland—a fully legal practice in the United Kingdom. For those receiving their care through those systems, the letter states, “You will need to stop taking GnRH analogues unless you are newly prescribed them by a UK-registered doctor, nurse, or pharmacist. These medications can be safely stopped and you do not need to be weaned off.”
Critically, the edict does not only target providers; it also targets patients and their families. The letter states, “It will also be a criminal offence to possess these medicines, where the individual had reasonable cause to know that the medicine had been sold or supplied in breach of the ban.” When asked about this provision, Jo Maugham stated, “It basically says puberty blockers are being treated like other illegal drugs like cocaine and heroin.” He then followed up with the applicable law, which indicates that those who violate the ban could be imprisoned for two years. The decision comes following the publication of the Cass Review, a highly politicized document developed with a secretive list of advisors, some of whom were later found to be meeting regularly with political operatives of Republican Governor Ron DeSantis in Florida. 
The UK's hateful anti-trans crusade against gender-affirming care for trans youths continue, as Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Victoria Mary Atkins (Con) issues a reckless edict ordering trans youth who obtained their puberty blockers through private doctors that they must stop using them.
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floral-ashes · 1 month
Um, holy shit?
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From this critique of the Cass Review by NHS clinicians.
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leoleolovesdc · 8 months
Picture that:
Transfem Tim AU where before she realized she was a girl Cass kind of already knew it, and after Tim and her were both adopted they talk about it and the following interaction ensues:
Cass: You are little sister now?
Tim: I- Yeah, that makes us siblings, but— Uh. Cass, you know I’m a guy, right?
Cass: No.
And she just fucking leaves.
Three years later Tim hits the dinner table with a “I gotta tell you something” and Cass just replies with “Called it” and takes five bucks from Jason
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cosmossystem · 1 month
"this event will only let in cis women and afab people!!! obviously this is the transmascs fault" And why the hell do you want to go to the event that doesn't acknowledge trans people as their gender? why do you want to be around terfs and radical feminists and transphobic cis women? why do you think WE want to go to those? do you think that's really going to be a safe space for anyone other than cis women? do you think we'll be able to relate to most of the experiences of cis women, without discussing how it intersects with a trans identity, and do you expect cis women to understand that intersectionality? Ok exactly
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knifknightkorner · 3 months
Cassandra Cain once had a little sister, raised the same way she was. One day her sister disappeared. Many years later Cass found her sister—now a brother—in some rinky dink town that has paranormal problems.
Or Danny and Cass are siblings because I say so <3
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fsheryy · 3 months
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its all fun and games until sibling comes over and plays tangled like it's nothing and won't bring back insane thoughts about my dead aus
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