#trans neptune
ultrainfinitepit · 4 months
Pride Angels 2024 - Part II
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Here are the second half of my new Pride Angels designs! Featuring the following flags:
Lesbian, Lesbian (Alternate), Lithosexual, Neptunic, Nonbinary, Nonbinary (Alternate), Omnisexual, Pangender, Pansexual, Polyamorous, Polysexual, Queer, Queerplatonic, Queerplatonic (Alternate), Questioning, Rainbow/Progress Pride, Sapphic, Toric, Transgender, Transgender (Alternate), Trixic, Unlabeled, Uranic, and Voidpunk.
Additional flags in Part I and Part III. You can go to each flag's post for transparent images, flat colors, and lineart. Read the FAQ and follow the campaign here: Pride Angels🌈
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teaktty · 7 months
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I think these are my main flags, although I def want an Agender flag too
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thefrogginbullfish · 2 years
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lesbianpolls · 2 months
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sarafangirlart · 20 days
So I’ve been doing some research on Caeneus (as one does) and looked into the reasoning for why he wanted to be transformed into man, according to Acusilâus of Argos it’s so he wouldn’t have a child, which makes sense since turning into a man would definitely terminate a pregnancy. But he technically didn’t ask to be turned into a man (at least in this translation) only that he didn’t want to have a child. But why would Poseidon want to transform Canaeus into a man? And why invulnerable skin? It’s not like having impenetrable skin would stop him from getting assaulted again.
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Then in Ovid’s Metamorphosis Caeneus asked to be a man so he wouldn’t get violated again, which doesn’t really make sense bc the ancient Greeks and Romans understood that men can be raped (just look at Ganymede and Chrysippus) and Poseidon is attracted to men so this is a little confusing, the story is narrated by Nestor to Achilles (bc of course since that old man can’t stfu) and the wording is weird, this translation has it as “reports declare” and in another translation “so rumour has it” obviously it’s just bc Nestor wasn’t there and heard of this story from others but it could also be that since he got the story second hand, he might have heard an exaggerated or tweaked version of the story, make of that how you will.
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Once more, Caeneus didn’t technically ask for impenetrable skin, he only asked to never be harmed again. Yet Poseidon chose to interpret this as asking for superpowers, weird.
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But it’s not all doom and gloom we later see Caeneus happy being a man, this story is interesting bc unlike Iphis or Leucippus (who’s mothers or themselves asked the gods to transform them in order for them to marry) Caeneus asked to be a man for himself.
I’ve seen some trans men talk about how Caeneus’s violation then transition is an interesting metaphor for trans men’s complicated relationship with manhood and misogyny, which could also be interesting to explore.
Now I’m cisgender but I have this idea and I want to know what you guys think: what if instead of being raped, it’s a lot more dubious, Poseidon whisks away Caeneus and then tells him he can ask for any wish (Sinope style) Caeneus not wanting to be there but seeing the opportunity to transition and have a sea god doing him favors (Pelops style) agrees to have sex with Poseidon but only if he makes him an invulnerable man, maybe just being a man isn’t enough and he wanted to be a powerful warrior. I imagine this could give Caeneus more agency while not watering down that Poseidon is an asshole, as well as give these two a more nuanced relationship.
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divinatorydoll · 19 days
planets in the twelfth house:
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by popular demand, i'll be talking about each of the planets and what they mean when placed in the twelfth house !! the house of mystery, isolation, foresight, miracles, and self improvement
planets in the 12H will give the individual intuitive gifts, many 12H placements end up being psychic or have visions in their dreams. they are very introspective and need lots of alone time, but can think too much on their past mistakes or struggles
the sun in the 12H: highly intelligent but do not like to express their smarts in a constrained environment. they tend to have controlling families, but will usually inherit familial wealth later in life. makes for good models, designers, artists, or creative directors
the moon in the 12H: very sympathetic to the needs of others, but can often forget their own. can be sensitive to comments about their lifestyle or interests. likes to spend a lot of time in the water because it emotionally renews them
mercury in the 12H: can have a bit of a 'speak when spoken to' demeanor in public. remarkable creativity but it can be hard for them to translate their ideas into reality. very resourceful because of their grand imagination, good to brainstorm with
venus in the 12H: incredibly musical. unique senses of style and taste that separates them from those around. exceptionally generous and nurturing to their loved ones. very beautiful, but can deal with insecurity in their appearance. the romantic life can be a bit difficult for them
mars in the 12H: makes for a great writer and musician !! fears conflict or displeasing people because of their own needs; mars struggles here because anger and energy is held in, rather than released through daily activities. finds relief in loud, aggressive fun
jupiter in the 12H: wonderful actors and playwrights, theatre and impersonation are great outlets for them. jupiter tends to bless the native "at the last moment" whenever they're in trouble. often remembered favorably by many people
saturn in the 12H: an excellent businessman position, very reliable and they're great at handling stress without it spilling onto others. usually carry a lot of spiritual and emotional responsibility for the people around them. their family values are very important to them
uranus in the 12H: often end up having influence over a lot of people like 12H saturn; very impactful on others because of their ideals and talents. can be quite defiant, likes to challenge the status quo regularly and involve themselves in social activism
neptune in the 12H: powerfully imaginative but are prone to escapism and daydreaming. deeply compassionate people, but can prioritize the feelings of others over theirs. have a strong allure and presence to them; usually have charming, enjoyable voices
pluto in the 12H: metamorphic, creative, and progressive. will go through a lot of different "eras" in their life, it brings them happiness to be able to change themselves dramatically and see what those changes bring. their talent, for whatever reason, brings them judgement from others
book a reading !!
my linktree
reader's note: the 12H and 8H both have a lot to with dreams, so for those who want to know more, here's my blog post about it !!
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ghostsandfools · 3 months
Pride month is officially over everyone, and I just wanted to say...
YOU'RE STILL AWESOME! And you still deserve to be proud and loved and honored even if it isn't pride month anymore.
There's A LOT under the cut, be warned.
All you gay guys out there are AMAZING! I hope you're doing okay. I hope you're having fun. I hope life is well. Don't ever let anyone make fun of you for being gay, don't be ashamed, OWN IT! You're amazing and you should be proud.
Lesbians, that goes for you too! I how your doing woman loving WODERFULLY! You're so cool. Doesn't matter what kind of lesbian you are, femme, masc, non-binary, you're all valid and awesome!
Bisexuals, you exist and you're cool as hell. I hope you're doing good. Don't ever feel like you have to pick a side or you're just confused, I know there's been a lot of biphobia going around even within the queer community but don't let it get to you! You're valid! And we love you <3
Pansexuals, I hope you're doing PANTASITIC (I hate myself). I hope everything is going good and I hope you all have had a wonderful pride. You're all super cool and I'm so sorry for the amount of frying pan jokes you've probably heard over the past month.
Omnisexual, you too! Just the word omnisexual sounds cool as hell. I hope you've been okay, I know omnisexuals and pansexuals get confused for each other quite a bit, but you're unique and you're valid, don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
Asexuals, hi! I hope you're doing well. Be proud, don't let the aphobia get to you! Because you are ALL valid. This one is for everyone on the ace spectrum. You're sex-repulsed? VALID! I hope you're doing well. You're sex neutral? Cool! You're awesome. You have sex regularly and enjoy it? Awesome! You can still be a valid asexual, don't let ANYONE tell you otherwise. You're demisexual, graysexual, or another sexuality on the ace spectrum? That's wonderful! I love you all.
Aromantic people, no matter what part of the spectrum you're on, you're valid too! Even if you're in a romantic relationship, you're still valid! It's a spectrum for a reason. I hope you're all doing amazing, no matter what.
Non-Binary folks, hello! I hope you're doing well and you've had lots of good luck. I know, at least where i live, it can be difficult to find places that affirm your identity. There are barely any gender neutral bathrooms, most job resumes/surveys only add male and female options, people assume gender ALL THE TIME. It sucks. But I hope you've been staying strong despite all that, and I hope the world can get better. Remember you're all valid! Even if you don't "look non-binary", even if you choose to dress traditionally masculine or feminine, even if you use neopronouns or pronouns other than they/them, even if you don't have an androgynous name, you're all still non-binary, be proud!
Trans boys, we love you. You're awesome, you're strong, you're amazing, and I hope everything's alright! Never let anyone tell you how you have to present. If you don't wanna bind your chest, you don't have to. If you can't afford medicine or surgeries, that's okay. If you still wanna dress femininely, you can! You're a real man and the queer community wouldn't be the same without you.
Trans girls, the same to you! You don't have to present super femininely if you don't wanna, you're a real woman no matter what. I hope you're staying safe. I know trans women are often a scapegoat (aka. "Trans women will assault 'real women' in restrooms!"), but we know the truth. You're awesome, and please stay safe out there <3
Polyamorous people, I see you! I might be one of you but idk yet I'm still figuring stuff out- ANYWAYS! You are real. You don't have to choose one person, I promise. I grew up with parents that were really against polyamory for some reason, and I just don't get it. You can love multiple people, you are valid, and I hope you can find a partner/partners who accept you and love you for who you are.
Unlabeled people, happy pride! Be proud of yourself, you're super cool. You don't have to be anything, you can just be you. You belong here, and the queer community accepts you and loves you for who you are.
OKAY. That was a lot, but we still have more to go! I'm not gonna say as much about the next ones for the sake of my own sanity, I've already been writing this for a while. So, LIGHTNING ROUND!
Genderfluid people, I love you. You're awesome and I see you, don't let anybody tell you you've gotta pick a side.
Demi boys/Demi girls, HI! I remember you, and I love you. I hope you had a good pride month!
Agender people, hell yeah for you!
Intersex people, don't think I'd forget you! You're part of pride too and anyone who says otherwise is dumb. You're awesome.
Abrosexual and abromantic people, you're wonderful <3
Polysexual people, you're cool!
Trixic and toric people y'all are awesome!
Enbian people, you're amazing and also your flag is really goddamn cool, I don't see enough people bringing up the enbian flag istg-
Uranic people, you're marvelous.
Neptunic people I'M ONE OF YOU, I SEE YOU! HI! HELLO! If there are any other neptunic people here hi omg I've never met another one-
ANYWAYs. That was a lot. There were a lot of orientations I didn't mention, but there are so many ways to describe your unique sexual orientation, and you can express gender in so many different ways, and my hands really hurt. So if I didn't mention you, I'm sorry, but it doesn't mean you aren't valid or that i forgot you!
I love all of you. Just because pride month is over doesn't mean you're forgotten or loved any less. I hope you all have a wonderful, WONDERFUL rest of your year, and I wish you all good luck <3
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wyrmway · 23 days
forever obsessed with venus' devil form being the most inhuman out of the three wktd girls. jupiter and neptune still retain human silhouettes but venus literally just looks like a wing with eyes and maybe long hair. which then gets me thinking about the "whatever neith became, only venus knows" line from hwbm but that's a whooole other thing
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chiaralbart · 4 months
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LGBTQ+ heart gradient aesthetic wallpapers are no available on my etsy 🌈
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angel-and-the-serpent · 4 months
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mochatea-bunny · 4 months
took a small brake from request and did one for me and for pride month tho dew know that ill be making one for me instead of my oc but for now yall get my pretty boi Neptune
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he is trans and hes my pretty mistake (context i was drawing NM bm poppy and it some how turned into neptune cuz i got carried away)
i love him so much even tho hes a pain to draw but also vary fun to draw and he now has loreeeeeee i wont say it here cuz well i want ppl to ask about him but i will say he is a eclipse model
anywho hope yall like him as much as i do
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neptune-knows · 10 months
one of the funniest things that has happened in my games is multiple times playing an ftm pc (aka crossdressing trait bc I don't have trans mod) while whitneys dominance stat is about max is that he will do the "don't use x gender bathroom" but since he "knows the players real gender" it basically ends up like "I better not see you entering the girls bathroom"
which accidently makes whitney one of the biggest trans allies in the game
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thenamessparkplug · 3 months
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ANYWAYS ITS ME 'N MY FLAGS:33 (neptunic, queerplatonic, aegosexual, pangender)
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mrdaddydyke · 2 months
For all of the man-aligned nonbinary people (Demiboys, boyflux, boygirl/girlboy, genderfaun, etc) who think the only label that describes their attraction is Lesbian, let me introduce you to the term Neptunic. Because you cannot be a Lesbian and identify as man-aligned.
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Neptunic: A Nonbinary person who is exclusively attracted to women and sapphic-aligned nonbinary people.
✅Includes man-aligned genders.
Lesbian: A woman or sapphic nonbinary person exclusively attracted to women and sapphic-aligned nonbinary people.
❌ Excludes man-aligned genders.
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yunokirstein · 3 months
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Just a funny lil guy. Anyone still use these memes? I do so I made my Main Character as one
Insta & Cara: YunoKirstein
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bugwolfsstuff · 1 month
I feel like the people who write Trans Percy fics would do good with this info
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Rare W for Ovid and Percy's Roman dad just said trans rights and can get you free top and bottom surgery
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