#transgender - society
tygerland · 1 year
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Marsha P. Johnson, co-founder of Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries, at a gay rights demonstration in Albany, New York, March 14, 1971. Photo by Diana Davies.
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
It's fine for your transition goals to be a man who wears dresses or a woman who wears tuxes or a person of indeterminate or queer gender wearing literally any combination thereof (or lack of combination, for that matter)
The point of transition is not to fit yourself into the cookie-cutter boxes. The point is for you to be able to exist as you. There is nothing wrong with being a "stereotype" or looking "queer". You are radiant and amazing <3
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I love Barbie of course but it’s so weird seeing the movie when I can’t see myself as a woman (Barbie) or as a man (Ken) but the undefinable secret third thing that is Allen speaks to me in my gut and is a bit character. Transmasc non-binary characters are like little pebbles I put into my pocket.
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r0semultiverse · 2 years
I know a lot of trans stuff is focused on trans kids, but to all my fellow trans adults
I love you
I see you
I cherish you
It’s not too late
You aren’t too old
You’re welcome with open arms regardless of what anyone wants to say about it! 💖
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maryjanedoex · 1 year
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Lorraine Hurdle (1922-2014) was a Black lesbian woman who served in the United States Women’s Army Corps (WAC) in Germany during World War II.
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pumpkinpawart · 5 months
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you know who you are inside and out, more than what anyone else claims otherwise.
no matter what stage you're at in your life; no matter what walk of life you come from; no matter what stage you are in transition, if you aren't transitioning, or stopped or paused, your transness is beautiful.
and that beauty can never be taken away from you.
every day you live is bravery, to love yourself is brave.
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don't know who needs to hear this but being queer isn't a competition. if you're a homosexual transgender woman that doesn't make you "more queer" than say a straight transgender man or a cis bisexual person or a heteroromantic asexual person. this is not a hierarchy, this is a community. these labels aren't stars on a uniform determining your rank; just because you have more doesn't mean you are somehow superior to the other queer identities, they belong in the community just as much as you do.
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vroomvroomwee · 1 year
Every time I come across a comment that's on the lines of "I don't like the queer/nonbinary representation in Good Omens because it depicts queer people as inhuman" and I'm always like dude SHUT UP. I don't CARE
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kitty0verl0rd · 25 days
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this art and post are dedicated to my mother, who says that i should be someone i will never be and i should do things i am never going to do, and that it's the "right way" in life.
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clowningcrows · 18 days
trying Very Hard to be normal about neil perry today
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gothynymph · 1 month
Baby, say no to the DL boys
They don’t know the curvature of your soul like you do,
They see something to be wrapped and to be eaten and to be played with and forgotten
Breath and words are wasted upon them,
Give them neither your time or attention
Ignore their mentions, their hearts, their eager dripping parts
They don’t value your skin like the manuscript it is
Bound and tucked so neatly in pink silk, ribbons blossoming the spine
They don’t know what they’re seeing is divine
Like coughing in a library book,
Merely flicked through and putting it back on the shelf with the pages still folded.
Their wants don’t overtake much more than extinguishing their lustful torches
With you as the bucket of cold water
Baby, you’re a river, you’re an ocean
I wish you’d know this
I’d wish you’d notice
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uncanny-tranny · 9 months
I think such a big reason my trans manhood feels almost... bigendered is simply because in the eyes of most people (specifically cis people with whom I interact with most), I straddle this weird line wherein I am a man and often am seen as one, but I am also clearly undefinable insofar as cis theory goes, clearly queer, clearly outside of manhood if one only accepts cishet, patriarchal manhood. This definitely used to be a source of dysphoria for me, but I think now that I've transitioned, it's been interesting to explore this more. Am I wholly a man? Yes. Am I a man of multitudes? Yes. Do these multitudes contradict? Well, that depends on your definition of "contradiction"
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coochiequeens · 1 month
The doctors were happy for the business and are now facing lawsuits.
By Seamus Othot August 13, 2024
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons has become the first major American medical association to express opposition to the controversial view that surgical interventions are appropriate for minors diagnosed with gender dysphoria.
The news emerged in a new report from Manhattan Institute fellow and pediatric gender medicine expert Leor Sapir.
Sapir revealed that ASPS, which represents the vast majority plastic surgeons in the U.S., has broken with the U.S. official medical consensus of support for transgender medicine for minors.
“The American Society of Plastic Surgeons, an organization representing 92% of all board-certified plastic surgeons in the U.S., becomes the first major medical association to break from the consensus over “gender-affirming care” for minors,” said Sapir on X.
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Sapir reached out to the ASPS for comment last month, soliciting their opinion on the leaked internal documents from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), which sets the guidelines for transgender care for minors in the U.S., showing that the organization consistently violated medical ethics and based its medical recommendations on a forged consensus.
Sapir found that the ASPS does not accept the guidelines from either WPATH or any other organization on transgender medicine for minors and recognized that there is no clear evidence that transgender surgeries provide any long-term benefits to minors.
The rebuke to the WPATH standards is significant because, in many states, including Maine, Medicaid reimbursement practices have been crafted according to WPATH recommendations.
The organization also acknowledged that the evidence provided in favor of transgender medicine for minors is “low evidence” and “low quality.”
ASPS stopped short of condemning transgender procedures and medication for minors, but its refusal to accept the existing, extremely permissive rules shows that the U.S. medical establishment is less united in support of child genital mutilation than WPATH or supporters of radical gender ideology wish to claim.
Sapir believes that the ASPS is likely working to provide its own guidelines for its members, some of whom have faced lawsuits from detransitioners who received surgeries as minors that they now regret.
One plastic surgeon at Kaiser Permanente faces a lawsuit from a girl on whom he performed a double mastectomy when she was only 13.
Despite ASPS’s dissent, the U.S. remains one of the most extremely permissive countries in the world for transgender medicine, where minors are routinely able to receive double mastectomies, puberty blockers, and cross-sex hormones, and in some cases, genital mutilating surgeries.
Recently, Europe has begun to step away from transgender medicine for minors.
Even the U.K., which is controlled by the far-left Labour Party, has decided to stop almost all use of puberty blockers for minors after studies revealed that the drugs cause permanent harm to bone development.
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mycological-mariner · 4 months
First day of Pride and I just want to shine a light on all the trans people who are unable to transition, especially those who aren’t fresh faced university grads. Those who don’t live in a supportive or even just accepting home or community. Those who aren’t well off, those who aren’t good at or popular enough to crowd fund. Those who can’t afford transitioning. Those who can’t even transition socially or need to stay in the closet for your safety. Those who rely on benefits or unforgiving jobs to just pay the bills. Having to hear day in and day out you’re just GNC, that your pre-transition body is “ugly” and the ways you can express your gender are “cringe.” Every trans person who’s been told they aren’t “trying hard enough”. Those trans people who won’t even get to imagine transitioning for years.
I see you. I love you. You’re so undervalued and under appreciated in a world where being a white, well off 20 year old on HRT and getting surgery is more common to see than people who work full time and just don’t have that privilege. It sucks, so much. But you are loved and you are seen.
Happy Pride Month to trans people who aren’t where they want to be. The world is better with you in it. We all need each other.
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usefuljesbian · 6 days
If you want a simple demonstration of transmisogyny as distinct from and worse than the transphobia trans men face, just remember that silence of the lambs was a horror movie about a crazed serial killer and Mulan was an inspiring story about a badass hero.
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deebrisbyfish · 4 months
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When I STARTED writing this strip, it was still early and I hadn't yet received the notification of my nomination for a REUBEN AWARD for best short-form online comic. (SQUEEING CONTINUES!) All I had was the negative experiences of the morning and a lot of irritation that the show refused to let me in early to set up because I only had a "Pro" badge, not an "Exhibitor" badge. It was going to be a MUCH more negative strip until that VERY bright silver lining happened as I came back from grabbing a slice of Pizza. Oh, and about the Pizza. I've had all 3 pizzas that claim to be "Chicago Style" and they were all... fine. Perfectly good pizza, all around. But yes, I am a born and raised New Yorker, and New York-style Pizza still rules hands down. I make no apologies. And remember, there's just ONE more day left to support the FINDING DEE COLOR COLLECTION Vol. 2 KICKSTARTER! kick.lagunastudios.net
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