#transgender Naruto headcanon
kakashi-posting · 9 months
Thinking about the concept of trans Kakashi being given a newly out Naruto and how they help each other learn and grow. Think kind of like those 5 things + 1 thing tropes, that type of vibe.
Kakashi having came out at a young age was able to get to a point where no one really knows. He'd always just gotten on with it and no one questioned that he ever could have been born female. It was all a quiet thing, they made sure he was sure about it but were willing to assist him with transitioning and not making a big fuss over it. Medical files had a note in case it was needed but it was mostly just his choice if he wanted to tell people.
Naruto however, was a loud and proud newly out trans kid. Takes it a lot harder when people slip up on names and pronouns. Willing to talk openly about how he realised and what his goals are with transitioning.
At first Kakashi struggles with having this kid around because it's never been something he felt the need to be proud about, it was another thing that just made him different after all. Who wanted to publicly share something like that?
But things start to shift the closer Naruto gets to being allowed to start hrt. Kakashi recalling his own anxieties when he was told how they'd have to do an interview with him beforehand just to make sure it was a choice he really wanted. He thought it was dumb that a bunch of cis people got the final say on him being "trans enough" to have access to medicine so he ended up offering to go with Naruto as moral support.
Whilst he wasn't allowed in the room during the interview, he'd spent the morning helping Naruto go over what the questions might be like and explaining to him that he shouldn't need their approval for something like this but that he'd support him regardless of the outcome.
He'd still never explicitly said to Naruto that he was trans too, maybe he didn't need to anymore but something in him was nagging him that he should just say something. Being the "different" kid was never an easy thing but being the trans kid came with a whole set of other issues.
Like the time he'd been genuinely taken aback by Naruto telling him how half the village didn't care what name he went by because they'd portray him as evil anyways. Kakashi had always been glad to come out so young because it saved him a lot of the social transition stress with his peers but Narutos story was just another layer of pain ontop of an already difficult situation. That was probably the first time he'd truly related to the kid.
Which made it no surprise that when Naruto reappeared with a huge smile on his face that Kakashi couldn't help but offer a sincere one back.
Kakashi is ultimately the one to teach Naruto various things from how he can cut his hair in masc ways to how to figure out his clothing sizes. He was even there to help with his first T shot, playing it off as a worry that Naruto could hurt himself if done wrong so he'd supervise to be sure nothing happened.
Navigating some topics were admittedly harder though like binding, how to do it safely, how long you can do it for, stretches that can help.
When Kakashi finally did outright confirm himself being trans he hadn't expected for Naruto to be shocked. After all how else would he know about all this stuff when most of the village hardly got even the concept of being trans?
But in typical Naruto fashion he had to listen to the excited, over exaggerated response as it finally dawned on him that there was someone else like him. When Naruto did calm down about it, Kakashi noticed that he did feel better about finally saying it, getting the words "I'm transgender" to the other person in the village who could get his experiences was just refreshing. Especially as Naruto eased the tension by explaining how he just assumed that Kakashi was a good ally like how Gai is always aggressively supportive of him. Only for Kakashi to sigh and nod. He remembered his coming out to Gai, it was the biggest most dramatic response that Kakashi would have normally hated. But it was so incredibly Gai that he just didn't mind.
Some of his old friends from his ANBU days knew too, not that they'd ever say anything without his permission.
And when Iruka had found out that Kakashi would be teaching Naruto it had sparked them to become closer so they could discuss their student. Eventually leading to him comforting Iruka that it would be strange for him to be transphobic towards another trans person. Iruka seemed to process it in waves, comfort that his student was safe, confusion in his phrasing, understanding what he meant, acceptance.
But after all this time with Naruto and seeing how the village seemed to warm up to him slowly and accept him wholly for who he is, it made him wish he had more of that acceptance rather than just keeping it something he pushed down.
So deciding it was about time to change things, he followed in Naruto's footsteps for once and started to casually bring up his gender in some conversations. Mostly just little jokes here and there. If Naruto could so bravely be open and proud, then maybe he could do.
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vegepol · 9 months
I really wanna just talk about my trans headcannons lmaooooooooooooooooaaaaaa
Also me and my friend both think naruto should be chubbier than he if he only lives of ramen HELLO
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I really enjoyed drawing choji I’ve been lacking drawing chubby folks 🤓 they make me want to explode
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They are all so cutie patootie also no I can’t draw feet and never will
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vampillaarts · 8 days
I need more content about transmasc Hidan.
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geikurre · 2 years
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He is trans your honour. IDK why I drew that-
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wranrihallon · 10 months
Naruto Sexuality + Gender Headcanons
(Pseudo) Jinchuriki and Similar People Part 1/2
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Blue B is a gay cisman who goes by he/they pronouns
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Bunpuku is a straight cisman who goes by he/him pronouns
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Fu is a bisexual transwoman who goes by she/they pronouns
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Ginkaku is a straight cisman who goes by he/him pronouns
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Han is a pansexual cisman who goes by he/him pronouns
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Hoichi is an aroace cisman who goes by no pronouns but wouldn't mind he/him
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Killer B is a straight cisman who goes by he/they pronouns but wouldn't mind others
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Kinkaku is a straight cisman who goes by he/him pronouns
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Kushina Uzumaki is a pansexual ciswoman who goes by she/they pronouns
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Mito Uzumaki is a straight ciswoman who goes by she/her pronouns
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mogai-headcanons · 1 year
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Naruto Uzumaki from Naruto is an acespec transmasculine turigirl who uses he/him and it/its pronouns, and he has an unrequited crush on Sasuke!
Sasuke Uchiha is a sex-repulsed romance-neutral loveless demiaplatonic demiqueerplatonic aroace trans person who uses mirrored pronouns, and he's in a queerplatonic relationship with Sakura!
Sakura Haruno is a heteroromantic bisexual demisexual transfeminine person who uses she/her, he/him, ne/nem, xe/xem, and other neopronouns that rhyme with 'he' and 'she', and she's in a queerplatonic relationship with Sasuke!
Kakashi Hatake is a transmasculine aroflux mspec gaybian lesbian who uses it/its pronouns!
It's dating Might Guy, an mspec binary trans man who uses he/him pronouns!
Tenten is a polyamorous transhet binary girl who uses she/her pronouns!
Rock Lee is a lovequeer aromantic heteroromantic bisexual transneutral genderqueer lesboy turigirl who uses mirrored pronouns, and he has a crush on Neji!
Neji Hyuga is a demiaplatonic demiromantic demisexual gaybian genderqueer trans man who uses she/him pronouns, and she has a crush on Rock Lee!
dni link
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lolrentz · 11 months
you think haku yuki from naruto is a trans girl....i think haku is a trans boy. we are not the same
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manicpixie-edits · 5 months
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Free to use Hinata Hyuga icons with the transgender pride flag
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sehtoast · 3 months
How are you able to like Homelander and not condone his actions at the same time, without feeling crappy? This sounds accusing but I’m asking bc I’m struggling with it. I know ppl who do the same with characters, but I’ve had an unwelcome fixation on him come out of nowhere and I feel sick and guilty bc I feel like everyone will think I’m some kind of freak or something. I’m very much anti-sa and other gross stuff esp as a victim but I still feel like I’m being hypocritical or something. I’m sorry for the weird message but I feel like I’m losing my mind
The short answer is that he’s fictional.  Think of… I dunno, an antagonist in media of a different form (let’s go with anime).  I was a naruto kid growing up, so let’s use Orochimaru for an example.  My guy was on some fuck shit through the entire show. Snatching bodies, murkin’ Hokages, wild experiments, all that shit with Sasuke, and so on.  People still liked him regardless because he was a cool character despite the bad things he’s done.  Some people may have even found him relatable in certain ways.  I feel like it’s the same concept here.
You don’t have to feel bad about enjoying fictional characters, no matter how awful they may be.  At the end of the day, they’re fictional and their actions have harmed nobody in real life.  Their actions may mirror that which does harm real people, but they themselves have not dealt real harm to real people.  Enjoying them does not mean you condone their actions.
I’m also extremely anti-SA, and am a victim of it myself, but I still find a lot of love and appreciation for Homelander’s character– but this isn’t hypocritical.  My love for him doesn’t come from the fact he has perpetrated that act, nor should it come from that.  I love him as a character with the bottom line that he is… extremely complex.  
I’ve said it for years now, but I think Homelander is a compelling tale of the dangers of commodifying the human soul.  He is an example of how awful someone can turn out if you deprive them of humanity with the goal of creating a product.  People are not products, we are not a means to an end, and we certainly should never be treated that way. He was, and this is how he turned out.  He’s a take on the cyclical nature of trauma in a lot of really interesting ways as well.
I find him relatable from a standpoint of my own traumas and being transgender.  Episode four of s4 revealed that I have a jarring amount of trauma that mirrors his own to some capacity.  I’ve always suspected these things, and I’ve had headcanons since the first season, and having them confirmed reminded me just how much I’ve latched onto this character because of it.  Homelander experienced some degree of sexual abuse in the labs– and I wager there may have been worse than simply being called ‘squirt.’ Homelander was subjected to physical torture and locked in a room where his mind slowly fractured, all while being conditioned to never seek escape otherwise he’d be too devastated from disappointing the scientists or losing their ‘love.’ 
I have experienced SA, I was locked in my room with nothing as punishment (my 'bad room'), had very little privacy and next to no access to boundaries as a kid, I was put through physical pain very often by a sibling (my furnace), I was reared and conditioned to have a fear of disappointing others so severe it made my blood pressure drop into the danger zone a couple times as a kid– and still has similar effects as an adult.  I’d literally pass out, have panic/anxiety attacks, vomit, etc.  I also know what it’s like, as a trans man, to have been raised and reared for a life that was designed for me, but was not me.  I was lucky enough to find my way to the person I needed to be; Homelander has not and likely will not ever be able to do so.  In all of the aforementioned, I have a lot of empathy and compassion for him that combines with my fascination with his complexity.  There were a lot of things in my life that should have pushed me down the road to be an awful person, much like the things in his life did. But I had a handful of people to guide me toward better things.  He didn’t.
But I see myself in there nonetheless. Homelander was the first time I ever saw so much of my own trauma on display in a single character.  I’d love to hug the man and tell him he’s enough, show him the humanity he was and continues to be denied, and so on.  When I realized that means that I would, in turn, do that for myself if I only viewed myself through a lens that wasn’t my own, my life changed.  This character changed my life.  I know I thirst-post about him a lot, but my love for Homie runs a lot deeper than just finding him attractive, you feel?
A fictional character doesn’t have to be one of moral high ground or superiority for it to be okay for you to enjoy them.  You can enjoy characters who commit horrible acts. This does not make you someone who condones horrible acts.  I was initially pretty embarrassed to admit I like Homelander as much as I do, but I slowly realized that it does not make me a bad person and it should never be used as a gauge to find out how ‘moral’ someone is or not.  People like Hannibal Lecter, people like Thomas Hewitt, Joffrey, Albert Wesker, Cletus Kasady– any number of fictional characters who have an ugly record or have done horrific things.  We do not assume someone is evil because they like Hannibal, nor should we do the same for people who like Homelander.
At the end of the day, do what makes you happy. If exploring Homie is something you would have fun with, do it! Engage in media, learn tales of caution and tragedy– stories make us human.  You are not inhuman for enjoying Homelander and his tale.  In fact, I would argue you are very human because of it.
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urheadcanongirl · 2 months
Rules and Q&A
I'm very strict about no minors - if you are underage or "ageless", I likely won't answer your ask at all and if I do, it will be strictly SFW.
If you are 18+ I'm more than happy to write NSFW content, however if your ask isn't clearly NSFW themed, please indicate that you're looking for it!
I do write sensitive subject matter at times, so please block the tag(s) UHCGtw and/or UHCGexplicit if you do not wish to see this content. These are for possible trigger topics and more hardcore topics/definite triggers respectively.
I prefer headcanons, but feel free to request drabble or send an ask/message from your OC to be answered! ❤️
I will not answer NSFW asks sent on anon.
What fandoms/characters can I request? Are there any you absolutely WILL NOT write?
Obey Me!
Love & Deep Space (LaDS)
Final Fantasy
Cloud Strife
Aerith Gainsborough
Naruto Shippuden
Naruto Uzumaki
Sakura Haruno
Kiba Inuzuka
Sasuke Uchiha
Kakashi Hatake
Menma (OOC take)
Madara Uchiha
Ino Yamanaka (Shippuden or RTN)
Rock Lee
Itachi Uchiha
Obito Uchiha (AU take)
Hinata Hyuuga
Sailor Moon
Usagi/Sailor Moon
Rei/Sailor Mars
Kagome Higurashi
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
X Files
Dana Scully
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Buffy Summers
Please feel free to ask if you don't see a fandom/character you're interested in! This list is incomplete at this time!
Do you have OCs that you write?
You bet I do! If you're interested in writing with me in this regard, please let me know. You can DM me for this. 😊 As most people won't be looking for this, I won't list them here.
Are there "taboo" topics for you?
Mostly the obvious - I will not write inappropriate content that involves minors in any way. I don't typically write gore either, but this is not "taboo" per se. I'm pretty open about sensitive topics so... As in my header, anything that might be sensitive or a trigger will be tagged as such. Please block my UHCGtw and/or UHCGexplicit tag if you do not wish to see this content.
You haven't answered my ask! What's up with that?
I'm a human (unfortunately). Sometimes a prompt will be difficult for me to brainstorm or I will be uncomfortable answering it. Sometimes I'm just lazy or living life. If you do not receive a reply, please do not DM me, but feel free to resend the ask in case it was missed.
Can I request specific genders/identities for my asks?
Absolutely you can!
Please note however that there may be inaccuracies or variances as I, myself, am a cisgender, bisexual female with male preferences. I'm happy to write something outside of this (i.e. homosexual, transgender specific, male!MC etc.) but I lack these experiences in my personal life—so please be kind. I will do my best! 😊
*** This post is a WIP and will be updated accordingly! ***
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achilleslyre · 8 months
sasuke :p
hehe i already answered this here too but i’ll do it again with diff answers just cause it’s sasuke LOLOL
favourite thing about them?
sorry but his relationship with itachi… it’s so sickening and i’m obsessed with it. they cause visceral emotions within me. also his transgender swagger.
least favourite thing about them?
hmm i don’t like that his blank period/boruto outfit covers up his missing arm.
favourite line?
there’s once again prolly something much more significant to me that i’m passing over but this scene always sticks heavily in my head….
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wait or when he yells at naruto “what the fuck is wrong with you?!” when naruto is saying his insane we’ll die together shit lmfaooooo
now i’m regretting writing two last time i coulda used that here 💀💀 hmm…… idk perhaps i’ll just say sasuke and itachi… worst sibling ever but i love when they
this answer isn’t changing. there’s no way i’m watching the sasuke and naruto show and not shipping sasuke and naruto
uh ig my second one is sasuke/sakura. ofc i’m just automatically excluding fucked up ships
random headcanon?
oh i’m so bad at this question always i literally just don’t do headcanons. can i just say omega? you all agree. IM JK LOLOL uhm oh there was a hc my partner told me i really liked that when he loses his arm he starts playing the panflute instead of just a regular flute….. and i like that…
unpopular opinion?
i genuinely dk what’s a popular or unpopular opinion… oh ik this isn’t really unpopular opinion with any of you (or it better not be) but he’s literally not a misogynist… he’s just not interested in the women that constantly stalk and harass him….. he’s not even mean to them..
song i associate with them?
opheliac by emilie autumn but again i do have a whole playlist for sasuke here lol
favourite picture of them?
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i can’t decide between these….. sasuke loses it! always makes me giggle… but pouty sasuke w itachi is so cute……
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jesseevelann · 2 years
Naruto Character Headcanons that no one will Agree With
Sakura smokes cigarettes. At first to calm her nerves as a teenager, and later on just to relax a little. Smokes much stronger stuff than Shikamaru, but they still share when they're with each other.
Kakashi stress eats. Not often, but he does.
Gai only has actual chill when he and Kakashi are alone. Over the years, he has gained some of Kakashi's sarcasm and meanness
Lee gets overstimulated by Gai and Tenten, which results in anger, but he keeps it bottled up... which causes more anger
Neji, after facing many years of abuse from Hiashi and other main branch members, found his comfort in Sakura, who faced similar treatment from her parents
Naruto, Lee and Neji all have a sibling bond with Sakura. Refering to Sakura as "Nii-san" or "older brother"
The Hyuuga clan, stuck in an older time and very front about their old traditions, are majorly homophobic and transphobic.
Neji is the only one to truly break out of that, thanks to Konoha 11.
Gai is Aroace
On the inside, Hashirama is a very dark and sinister man. Tobirama is his only concern, and swore to protect him at all costs. And until Madara comes into his life, Tobirama is the only thing that keeps him going
Tobirama is Aroace too, but is pressured to marrying by Butsuma
Temari is intersex. Male on the lower half, female up top
Hidan likes to scribble random things in notebooks when he's stressed and needs to calm down, and listens to music very loudly
He hugs a body pillow when he sleeps and can't sleep well without it
Itachi is Asexual
Sakura is mtf trans
Ino is lowkey disgusted by Temari and Shikamaru's relationship not being "normal". Same thing with Sakura and Sasuke
Hidan's oddly supportive of Deidara, despite being an asshole to him all the time
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toxtricity-v · 2 years
sakura haruno is literally so gender and trans. she’s transfem. she’s transmasc. she’s a gender of her own and also every other gender.
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there are no cis guys i know of that are named rock
(this post is about rock lee)
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rios-mozzasticks · 2 years
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Shika is trans, demisexual, and bi. They use he/they/shade pronouns.
(Ship: Temari, Choji (P), Naruto (P))
Ino is a demigirl, a xenogirl and bi. She uses she/they/flora/spring/bloom pronouns.
(Ship: Sakura, Sai, Choji)
Choji is butterflygender, gastrogender, and pan. He uses he/she/flutter/moth/honey/sweet/cream/chip pronouns.
(Ship: Shika (P), Ino)
Asuma is pan and demiromantic. He uses he/him pronouns.
(Ship: Kurenai, Kakashi)
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wranrihallon · 9 months
Naruto Sexuality + Gender Headcanons
Kusa and Yuki Ninja
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Burami is a straight cisman who goes by he/him pronouns
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Fubuki Kakuyoku is a bisexual ciswoman who goes by she/he pronouns
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Kazami is a gay cisman who goes by he/him pronouns
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Midori is a bisexual cisman who goes by he/they pronouns
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Mizore Fuyukuma is a straight cisman who goes by he/him pronouns
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Mui is a straight cisman who goes by he/him pronouns
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Muyami is a pansexual cisman who goes by he/him pronouns
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Nadare Roga is a gay cisman who goes by he/him pronouns
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Ryuzetsu is a panromantic, asexual ciswoman who goes by she/her pronouns
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Zosui is a straight cisman who goes by he/him pronouns
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