#turned the ground floor upside down looking but no luck
blanketburritotoro · 7 months
*leaving for work*
*can't find car keys*
*is now late for work*
*texts supervisor apologizing and explaining*
*keeps looking for keys*
*over two and a half hours go by*
*panic attack*
*calls off work*
My boss: "Yeah ok, as long as you have the leave to use. Seems like you need to have less anxiety."
Cheers Dave, I'll try that next.
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loveinhawkins · 1 year
The first notes of Eddie’s guitar solo tear through The Upside Down; Steve watches in horrified fascination as the bats follow the noise, as they form a thick, black cloud, like a plague of locusts.
And it hits him then that he simply cannot set one foot inside the Creel House.
“Nance,” he says. His voice cracks.
She turns to look at him, and suddenly she isn’t a vengeful warrior with a sawn-off shotgun: she’s just a girl who lost her best friend, who has spent years haunted by ‘what if…?’
“Trust your gut,” she says firmly, and that’s all he needs.
He spends a fleeting second squeezing Robin’s hand, just to steady him, and then he’s running back to the trailer.
The one thing that reassures him is that Eddie and Dustin are perfectly on time, the song cutting off just as they planned. Now run, you two, Steve thinks, as his chest burns with the effort, get inside and be safe, be safe, be safe.
But then he reaches the trailer, and he knows that something’s wrong.
Because the bats are clustered in one spot on the roof, scrabbling over the top of one another, and it makes him think of flies descending on roadkill.
He gets past all the wire and defences, and none of them take any notice. He pushes the front door open with the force of his shoulder, slams it shut again, makes sure it sticks.
And then he hears screaming.
He whips around to find Eddie driving his spear through a bat with a guttural cry. He’s on the floor, his upper body shielding something.
And then Steve sees Dustin. Dustin on the ground. Dustin bleeding.
He sprints across and covers Dustin, too, slotting next to Eddie to form a complete shelter.
“Steve,” Eddie whispers, and his face is ashen. “Fuck, it’s the vents, they’re in the fucking vents. I tried to—D-Dustin—I wasn’t quick enough, Christ, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry—”
And he keeps repeating that, as if feverish, striking out again with the spear as another bat swoops for them. His aim is true, but that doesn’t matter now. It’s too late.
Steve looks down at the wound on Dustin’s thigh, at the blood spilling out relentlessly. And as Eddie cups Dustin cheek, pleads, “Stay awake, H-Henderson, you hear me? Dustin? Dustin, please,” Steve spots the bite on Eddie’s wrist. It’s barely anything, just a nick.
But it’s enough. Steve knows that it doesn’t matter how fast he is—the bats will just keep coming. They’re on the scent, to hunt. To devour. And his wounds are dried up. Old.
Fresh blood dripping from Eddie’s wrist. Dustin’s bloody leg.
Oh, you’re going to die, Steve thinks. Both of you.
Then he thinks Well, fuck that.
He flings off his jacket, wraps it tight around Dustin’s thigh. Dustin whimpers, eyelids fluttering.
“Shit, sorry, bud,” Steve whispers. “I know it hurts, I know, I know…”
Underneath the screech of more bats, he presses a brief, fierce kiss to Dustin’s forehead, pushes back his sweaty curls. I love you.
Eddie takes out another pair of bats in quick succession, slamming them with his shield—narrowly avoids their tails wrapping around his wrist. His luck won’t last forever, Steve knows that.
So he just has to be quicker.
He rips the end of his shirt with his teeth, pushes the torn fabric into Eddie’s hand.
“Eddie. Eddie, listen,” he says urgently. “It’s the blood, okay? They’re coming for the blood.”
Eddie wraps the fabric around his wrist as if on autopilot, eyes wide with fear.
“It’s the blood,” Steve repeats, as calmly as he can. “You’ve gotta stop the bleeding, okay? You can do that.”
Eddie nods jerkily, and some of his panic fades away, replaced with a white hot determination. He sets his jaw.
“Hey, Dustin?” Steve says. Tries to be gentle while raising his voice, praying it breaks through the pain-induced fog. “Eddie’s got you, okay?”
“Yeah,” Eddie chokes out. “I’ve got you, Henderson.”
His hand strokes through Dustin’s hair, too, and God, Steve trusts him. Trusts him so damn much.
Trusts him enough for this.
Steve jerks his head upwards to the gate. “Stop the bleeding. Get him home.”
Eddie nods again, but a wrecked laugh comes out. He ducks as another bat breaks in; Steve temporarily takes the spear, kills it without flinching.
“Jesus! How the fuck are we supposed to do that, Harrington? There’ll be hordes of those fuckers in a minute.”
“You’ll be fine,” Steve says. He discreetly pats at his pockets. Feels the handle of the switchblade. Touches Dustin one last time, a palm across his brow. “Look after him.”
“Hey, I—I don’t like your tone, man,” Eddie says. “We’re looking after him, together. Together, all right? Fucking promise me, Harrington.”
“You promised me first, remember? Stop the bleeding, get him home.”
“No, no, no, Steve, don’t you fucking dare—”
But Steve is already heading outside. He locks the door behind him, just in case, but he already knows Eddie can’t leave—won’t leave Dustin behind. There’s a thump at the door, a desperate jiggling of the handle. Steve shouldn’t look behind. He shouldn’t.
But, God. He can’t help it.
Through the glass, he can see Eddie standing there, breathing raggedly. Terrified.
Steve can’t hear him through the cacophony of the bats’ cries, the thunder and lightning. But he can read his lips.
Don’t. Please don’t.
Steve brings out the blade. Slashes it right across his palm.
Eddie screams.
I’m sorry, Eddie, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what else to do.
Steve runs. He grins savagely as he hears the bats following him, all of them, like he’s the fucking Pied Piper of Hamelin.
Yeah, that’s right, you sons of bitches. Steve laughs through a searing pain in his side. You’ve already had a taste. Come and get me.
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mykneeshurt · 1 year
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Keegan x AFAB reader
This is what he’s wearing in this … Keegan is underrated in this outfit. @sashadiurnal @taurus-ted I know you love him, and thank you once again to @yeyinde for these perfect clockwork gifs.
Warnings - 18+, minors DNI, p in v, fingering, unprotected sex, implied breath play and choking, praise kink, cream pie
Walking through the snow you tried desperately to keep up with Keegan. The snow nipped at your knees as you waded through the vast landscape. The terrain was as unforgiving as it was beautiful, the moon shone down on you both casting elongated shadows before you. Your lungs burnt from the cold air permeating the tissue deep within your chest. You were running on empty.
It was meant to be a straight forward mission, get in, extract the information and get out. Meant to be being the operative phrase. What went wrong, did go wrong. The guards were alerted early, forcing you to abandon the mission. Hesh, Logan and Merrick got split off from you as you tried to escape, forcing you to pair with Keegan. Not that you minded, you’d be lying if you didn’t admit you’d had a crush on him since day one.
‘Come on kid, gotta keep up’ his husky voice burst through the deafening silence between you. The cold air burnt as you tried to keep your breaths steady, trying to focus on just moving one foot in front of the other. ‘You still with me kid?’
‘Barely’ you shot back, not meaning for it come across as blunt as it did. He turned his head briefly, giving you a once over.
‘I can see something up a head looks like an old building or house. We’ll head there for the night.’ Groaning in agreement you again focused your mind back on your breathing. In and out. Nice and slow. The snow crunched under your boots, hypnotising you as you counted your steps. Anything to distract you from the cold.
Approaching the old structure you breathed a sigh of relief, you weren’t sure what you were looking forward too more. Sitting down or taking your boots off. It was an old run down cottage, the top floor had caved in on itself long ago. Keegan cautiously opened the door, he swept the downstairs area checking for any imminent danger. Once he was satisfied he returned to the living room and threw his backpack on the floor .
The ground floor consisted of a small living room, dilapidated kitchen and bathroom. An old torn sofa was the focus point of the living room, along with an old stone fire place. You walked over to the fire place and stuck your head up the chimney. Lucky for you chimney was still open, meaning you could light a fire. ‘Keegan?’
‘We can light a fire!’ Your voice echoed up the empty chimney.
He joined you at the chimney bending his 6’1 frame to meet yours. ‘Don’t hurt yourself now’ you quipped, a grin on your face. He rolled his eyes ‘hilarious, I’ll go look out back see if there’s any wood.’ Nodding you went and sat on the sofa removing your boots. Stretching your cramped feet a moan of ecstasy escaped your lips.
Keegan returned empty handed, ‘no luck?’ You asked as you massaged your aching feet. ‘Nothing. But that might do’ he said nodding his head towards an old table. He walked over to it and flipped it upside down, gripping the leg he pulled it clean off. Now while the table was likely rotten he still made it look effortless. He grunted softly as he yanked off the remaining three legs. You watched in awe, thinking about how his strong hands would feel around your throat.
You didn’t realise how zoned out you were till Keegan was stood in front of you, hand out stretched. ‘Lighter?’ Plummeting back to reality you shook the depraved thoughts from your mind. As you handed it to him the tips of your fingers grazed the palm of his hand. He held his hand there a little longer than usual as your eyes met. He watched as your mouth opened slightly, a shaky featherlight breath danced along your lips.
He hovered by the fire place as he tried to set some old cloth alight. Eventually he managed to get a decent size fire going, ‘finally’ he huffed. He stood there warming his hands against the flames. You stood next to him and placed a hand on his shoulder ‘thank fuck, good job sir.’ He felt his heart flutter at the praise, you’d praised him before, but not like this. Not in these circumstances.
Sitting on the floor your stretched out your legs, removing your jacket so you were just in your base layer. Keegan sat next you and did the same, as he removed his jacket he glanced over at you. He took in the shape of your body as the orange glow of the fire enveloped you. How your shadow flickered against the stone wall of the cottage, accentuating the shape of your breasts and neck. He could feel his self control faltering.
‘What’s the plan?’ You asked innocently looking over to meet his gaze once more. ‘Rest for the night, see if we can get out of this comms black out zone …’ he looked around nervously. ‘What?’ You asked, eyebrows raised. ‘We’ll have to share the sofa.’
‘For warmth?’
‘For warmth.’
You felt your heart rate pick up, butterflies now making themselves known in the pits of your stomach. The flutter of their wings transcended from your stomach to your cunt, causing you to clench against the seam of your trousers. ‘Ok’ you breathed heavily, trying to keep some composure about you. He’d ditched his jacket, his thick muscles pushed against the fabric of his undershirt. Without his jacket on you could see his sculpted body teasing you from beneath his clothes. ‘You want the inside or the outside?’
‘Of what?’ Your mind too distracted to think straight. ‘The sofa.’
‘Inside, I like to be near something solid when I sleep.’ He nodded.
‘Found some old blankets we can use. Might smell, but it’ll do.’ You smiled and nodded at your Sargent.
Yawning you made your way to the sofa, feeling on edge, were you excited? Excited at the prospect of what could happen? Surely not. He’s your superior, a friend. Was this a line you wanted to cross? You felt giddy with questions.
Facing the back of the sofa you felt it dip behind you as Keegan slid in next to you. ‘Is this ok? I know it’s not ideal.’ You could feel his warmth seep through your clothes as he relaxed into you. ‘Yeah’ you whispered, your mouth suddenly becoming dry. As he settled down next to you, the only sound that could be heard was the crackle of the fire. His breath tickled the baby hairs at the nape of your neck.
The oxygen in your lungs felt heavy, you could feel your panties becoming wet from the mere thought of him touching you. You stared wide eyed at the worn patterned fabric in front of you. Begging yourself to fall asleep, but you couldn’t shut off your mind. ‘Can I just …’ Keegan shifted behind you, sliding his arm under your neck. Settling back onto his arm you could feel his muscles tense against your skin.
You counted your breaths as you tried to steady your heart, it was now or never.
Trying to disguise it as just moving you arched your back, pushing your ass into him. You felt his arm tense under you as you heard his breath hitch in his chest. Keegan bit his lip trying desperately to compose himself, you were his subordinate. This was wrong. But he wanted it, he wanted you.
‘Kid?’ His pet name for you brushed over you in a wave of pure excitement. ‘Keegan.’ He laid his free hand on your hip, drawing small circles. Tracing the texture of your skin under the pad of his thumb. Closing your eyes you swallowed, hard. You arched your back again. This time Keegan squeezed your hip pulling you in closer to him.
You turned your head slowly as you looked up at him through your lashes. His ice blue eyes bore down into your own as his grip tightened. You dropped your gaze to his lips, his perfect rosey pink lips. Your chest felt heavy with want as you hovered just above his lips. Breath fanned over each others lips, silently daring each other to make the first move. Keegan flitted his eyes from your own to your lips, his mouth gently brushed yours as he moved his hand from your hip to your jaw. He brushed your jaw with his thumb urging you to give in.
You whispered his name into his lips as you pressed yours against them. All the tension fell from your body as you relaxed into the kiss. It was cautious at first, but it was soft and tender. Keegan caressed his fingers along your neck causing you groan into his kiss. Pulling back you nipped his bottom lip and smiled at him. Brushing hair out of your face he bucked his hips into you as he coaxed your mouth open, deepening the kiss. Reaching behind you, you cradled the back of his head whilst running your fingers through his jet black hair.
With your foreheads still pressed together you broke the kiss, trying to catch your breath. ‘Touch me Keegan, please’ you whimpered. He searched your eyes as he smiled at you ‘you sure?’ You tried to find words to answer him but found none. ‘Words sweetheart, use em.’ Sighing you focused your mind just about managing to whimper a ‘yes.’
Dropping his hand to your trousers he popped the button sliding his hand into your panties. His breath wavered as he trailed his fingers along your slit. ‘Please’ you begged again.
‘So needy, you sound so pretty when you beg.’ You could practically hear him smiling behind you. ‘Just fuckin touch me Keegan’ you hissed between your teeth. He let out a cocky grunt as he pressed against your clit causing you to jolt. ‘That feel good?’ You grunted a moan of affirmation.
As he slowly gathered your arousal on his fingers he whispered into your ear ‘I want you to taste yourself.’ He brought his fingers to your mouth, you ran your tongue along his fingers savouring the taste of your pussy. He whispered praise against your cheek as he sunk his fingers back into your trousers. He toyed with your cunt once more before plunging a finger into your tight hole. You bit your lip as you bucked your hips back into him. ‘So fukin wet’ he praised.
The palm of his hand ground against your clit as he moved his fingers inside you. Your moans became more frequent, intense which only spurred him on more. ‘Fuck, you feel so good, this pussys perfect.’ The praise was sending you wild, but you wanted more. More of him. ‘Fuck me … please.’
Without wasting any time Keegan pulled his trousers low enough to free his cock. You pushed back into him once more, ‘patience’ he mumbled into your neck. A choked giggle bust from the back of your throat, you really did sound pathetic. But part of you loved feeling like this, putty in his hands, coming undone beneath him. He gathered your juices on the end of his cock before pushing himself into you. Both of you gasping for air as he gripped your hips.
He thrusted slowly at first, allowing you to get used to his girth. ‘Fuck Keegan’ you drawled, slurring your words as he started to pick up his pace. Using his arm that was under your neck to pull you closer to him he pawed at your breasts. Tweaking your nipple as he placed the other around your neck. ‘Fuck baby … fuck …’ his voice began to crack as his eyes rolled back into his head.
You moaned into his arm but Keegan pulled your throat back into him, ‘I wanna hear you, I wanna hear when you come round my cock.’ Feeling as though you’d now gained permission you allowed yourself to moan louder. He upped his pace again, burying his cock deep into your dripping pussy. He became breathless as his groans shifted to the back of his throat. He could feel you begin to tighten around him ‘that’s it, atta girl … I can feel you, cum for me sweetheart.’
‘Don’t stop Keegan, fuck … don’t stop’ you choked out. You gripped onto his muscular thighs as you dug your nails into his skin. Turning your head you kissed him once more, swiping your tongues against one another’s in between moans. ‘I’m close’ you whisper as you zone in on your muscles tightening. ‘Come on, come on my cock … good girl.’
With a few more thrusts you fell into the void of complete euphoria. Your pupils blown wide with pleasure and lust as you felt Keegan’s thrusts become sloppy. Sensing he was close you placed your hand on his lower back ‘in me Keegan, cum in me.’ His voice broke into a whimper at your command. It was enough to push him to his climax, cumming inside your stretched pussy. Thick ropes of cum coated your walls as you felt his cock pulsate within your cunt.
Heavy breathing filled the suddenly silent room, the fire had withered away to embers, the orange glow has become a dull light in the background. He pulled you in tight kissing your cheek ‘ready?’ You nodded, as he pulled out you both hissed at the sudden loss of sensation. He watched as his cum oozed out of you, you looked ethereal in the dull glow of the fire, so … breed-able.
Standing he pulled up his trousers and went to stoke the fire, rolling over you watched as he knelt down and tended to the dying flames. He turned back to see you smirking at him ‘what?’
‘Doesn’t look like nothing.’
Your grin grew wider ‘just enjoyed myself is all.’
His gaze softened as he looked at you ‘it’s always been you, you know.’
‘What?’ Your eyes widened as you sat up onto your elbow. After poking the fire he returned to your side and cupped your face, ‘I said it’s always been you.’ Pulling him into a tender kiss you ran your thumb along his jaw, ‘then you’ll always have me.’
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madeintheniamh · 1 year
broken ankle, karma rules
stmf one shot #9.
a/n: long time no see! i missed writing for you all so much
warnings: fluff & surgery
song: little freak- harry styles
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“And next on the beam, please give a round of applause for Matilda Styles!”
Harry was stood next to you, cheering your eldest daughter on so loudly that it was starting to give you a headache. Nothing had beaten the look on Tilly’s face when she was told by her head coach that she had qualified for nationals, and you had followed her all the way up north to the arena where the competition was due to take place. You felt nervous just watching her, wondering how your 10-year-old daughter could stomach so many people staring at her, judging her every move. But then again, that was what her Dad did most nights whilst he was on tour. The Styles were performers, and loved having all eyes pointed in their direction, and Tilly was no exception to this rule.
You looked down, to see Lottie sucking on her thumb, her chewed up bunny hanging by the ear in her other fist. Harry could tell she was starting to doze off, having woken up at 5am for the car journey up here. He reached down before scooping her up in his arms and placing her on his shoulders, pointing in Tilly’s direction.
“Look at your big sister over there, sweet pea! Are you going to give her a cheer, I bet she can hear you,”
“Good luck, Tilly!” she shouted, her little voice echoing across the hall. Tilly, now stood up on top of a wooden beam, turned around to wave in her direction, smiling widely in her black and blue glittery long-sleeved leotard, emblazoned with jewels, a ribbon perched upon the tight bun you had tied her hair into. The routine started, and Harry gawked as she marched across the narrow piece of wood, flipping upside down and in all different directions, landing perfectly on her feet each time.
“That’s my girl!” he bellowed, reaching over the seats in front to get a closer look at her. The routine was coming to the finale, and this was the part she needed to stick- if the landing went just as well as the rest of it, she would be coming out with a very high score.
You watched her taking a deep breath, inhaling the stale, sweaty air of the arena, before beginning to run towards the end of the beam, her arms reaching out in front of her.
“Go on, Styles!” The girls in her team watching from the side-lines chanted, as her dainty hands made contact with the beam, before she flipped up and backwards, back down onto her feet again, and backwards, her knees tucked into her chest, getting closer to the floor, closer and closer before-
The snap was so loud, that you felt it echo across the entire arena. You felt as though things were going in slow motion, and you were helpless, watching all the way from the viewing platform, your daughter’s screams shrilling through your ears.
“Oh my god!” Harry yelled, moving Lottie from off of his shoulders and resting her on his hip.
She was laid out on the mat just off of the beam, one hand on her forehead, the other reaching down trying to grab her ankle. You rushed down the stairs, Harry’s free hand intertwined in yours, and pushed your way through the crowd that had congregated near her.
“Let them through, those are her parents!” the head coach screamed, putting her hands out to part the sea of people gawking over Tilly. Harry placed Lottie back on the ground before you both kneeled over next to her.
“Mummy, Daddy, I’m scared,” A stream of tears rolled down her face. “It hurts, it really hurts,”
Harry brushed a loose strand of hair from her forehead and tucked it behind her ear, before wiping the tears from her cheek with the back of his hand.
“I know baby,” you sighed, locking eyes with Harry. “But you’re going to be alright,”
“Can someone get some ice? And a blanket, she’s really cold,” Harry shouted across the floor, before one of the girls came running back with them.
“Thank you sweet,” he smiled at the teenage girl wearing a leotard and track jacket, before wrapping the blanket around Tilly’s shoulders.
She sat up suddenly, and her green eyes widened in shock at the state of her foot.
“Oh no,” she cried, “I feel sick,”
Harry pressed the ice pack over her ankle before covering it up with the blanket. The sight of her mangled, twisted ankle, bleeding with a bone sticking out of it, was enough to make you and him feel queasy.
“You don’t need to see it, baby,” he whispered, rubbing her shoulders to try and warm her up. “Daddy’s going to lift you up now, okay? And we’re going to take you to the hospital, where they can fix it,”
She hissed as he hooked his arm under her knee to try and lift her.
“Don’t touch it!” she screamed, reaching out to throw his arm off of her. His hands flew up in apology.
“I’m tyring not to, Til,” He kissed her forehead, his voice beginning to break. “But I need to lift you up so I can get you to the car, okay?”
She sighed before wrapping her hands around his neck and he picked her up from the mat, cradling her in his arms like he used to when she was tiny.
“Mummy, is Tilly going to be okay?” Lottie whispered sweetly, her tiny hand now in yours.
“Yeah baby, you don’t need to worry,” you sighed, your heart breaking at the panic in her little voice. “We’re going to go to the hospital where the doctors can help her, okay?”
You watched Harry running out to the car as you followed closely behind him, as he sat in the back with Tilly for the entire car journey to the hospital.
“It’s a nasty break, that’s for sure,” The radiologist explained, as you noticed Harry’s face turning a shade of green as he looked at the X-Rays held out in front of him. It showed her bone as broken clean in half, bits managing to peek through her skin. “We will have to put her to sleep, and then put some pins in to hold it back in place,”
“Oh my,” Harry whimpered. “Surgery! But she’s so little,”
“I know it’s a lot to take in, Mr Styles. But this is the best way of fixing it,”
He sighed, frantically running a hand through his hair.
“One of the nurses is bandaging it up temporarily whilst we speak, so she’s comfortable for now. Someone should be up in an hour or so to take her up to theatre,”
You both thanked him and Harry shook his hand before he left.
“I’ll tell her, you don’t have to,” you offered, as he sighed, now tapping his foot repeatedly on the floor.
“It’s making me feel sick thinking about it, her up on the table, and she’s so, so little, what if she doesn’t wake up, and-”
“Harry,” you warned him. “I feel the exact same as you, but if she sees how worried you are, it’s going to make her panic, and that’s not good for her right now,”
“I know, I know,” he said quickly. “I just wish it was me instead of her,”
You took his hand in yours, rubbing circles around his knuckles, before opening the door, your woozy daughter now sat up in the bed with a dazed expression on her face.
“My gorgeous girl,” Harry tried to smile, but it didn’t quite meet his eyes. He kissed her forehead.  “Are you feeling any better?”
She yawned slightly. “I’m tired, Daddy,”
You were relieved that painkillers coming through the IV on her arm were working. You knew it was bad when she hadn’t flinched as the nurse put the needle into her hand, because Tilly was normally never keen on needles.
“You sleep then, babygirl,” He said, now sitting on the end of the bed facing her, tucking in the blankets around her. Within under a minute, she was already fast asleep.
You and Harry had decided that it would be better to not tell her, because you knew she wouldn’t have slept, and also because you knew it would have hurt him too much to see her reaction. Harry had spent that entire hour pacing around the room, his green eyes darting back and forth between his daughter asleep in bed and the clock in the corner of the room.
He almost jumped when he heard the knock on the door, which also startled Tilly awake, as she bolted upright in bed.
“Hi darling, we’re going to take you upstairs now, okay?”
“Why,” Tilly muttered, her voice tainted with grogginess. “I want to stay here,”
“You’re going to have a nice sleep whilst we fix your ankle, okay? And then you’ll wake up and it won’t be hurting anymore,”
 Tilly looked over at her dad, whose gaze was focused on a pot of flowers on the bedside table to avoid meeting her eyes, because he knew that if he looked at her, he would burst into tears.
“I thought… I thought we were going home,” she blubbered. “I thought we were going to get Lottie from Nanny Anne’s,”
“Nanny is going to come and see you later, okay?” you whispered, trying to keep your tone as light as possible. “But they need to fix your ankle first,”
She reached up to grab Harry’s tattooed arm, watery tears now beginning to stream down her face.
“You need to pick either Mummy or Daddy to take with you when we put you to sleep, darling,” the nurse smiled. “I’m sorry it can’t be both,”
Harry didn’t expect her answer to be him.
“I’m sorry baby, I know it’s horrible,” Harry sighed, stroking the back of her free hand as he watched a vial of liquid being squirted into the cannula on the other. Her hands were so tiny, that they had barely been able to get it in in the first place, and Harry had felt sick watching her cry as they struggled to find her vein.
“Am I going to wake up, Daddy?” Tilly whispered, her green eyes wide as she stared up in him. He felt another knot forming in his stomach, and could feel the sick beginning to travel up his throat.
“Of course you are, sweetheart,” He traced his fingertips across her pale cheeks. “The doctors are going to take very good care of you, you don’t need to worry,” He tried to make himself sound as certain as possible, but deep down he was more scared than she was. If he could have been lying on that bed instead of her at that moment, he would have been.
Her eyes began to flutter closed, as she tried to stare back up at him, fighting to keep them open.
“I love y-” She tried to say, but she was asleep before she could finish the sentence.
You saw him rush back out through the doors, as he collapsed down into your arms, no longer able to hold back his tears.
You didn’t need to say anything. You just held him there as the minutes slowly ticked by, listening to his quiet sobs as you felt your t-shirt beginning to become damp, running your hands through his soft brown hair.
“Mr and Mrs Styles,”
Harry immediately jumped up at those words.
“Is she okay?” He gasped, his voice trembling slightly.
“Yeah, she’s fine,” The nurse chuckled to herself, taking in the shocked look on Harry’s face. “She’s still coming round, so she’s a bit woozy, but she’s fine,”
“Thank god,” Harry muttered as he followed her back down the long, whitewashed hallway and into a small room where Tilly was tilted upright in a hospital bed, snuggled under crisp white sheets.
He moved a chair over and sat down beside her, running his thumb over her cheek before planting a kiss to her forehead. Her lips turned upwards into a smile, despite still having her eyes closed.
“Hi baby, did you have a nice dream?” Harry whispered, placing his hand over hers, grimacing slightly at the cannula in the back of it, which looked harsh and sterile imbedded in her soft pale skin. She giggled slightly, before slowly opening her eyes, her long eyelashes fluttering up at him.
“Mmmhmm,” she muttered, her eyes dropping closed again. “M’still tired, though,”
“You sleep then baby, hmm?” He breathed. “It’s okay. Daddy can wait. I’ll always wait for you,”
poor tilly! i'm sure harry will be the best daddy and make sure she is well looked after for the next few weeks :/
the link to my other dadrry one shots if you enjoyed this one:
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freddieslater · 6 months
I’m not sure if this counts as rarepair rowboat but what about a drabble of Klayley with three daughters? (maybe Hayley’s pregnant again and this time it’ll be a boy) I just love the little family of Hayley, Klaus, and Hope and I think it would be so nice if they choose to have more kids.
As an apology for how dreadfully long this has taken me to answer, I have done my absolute best to write something worthy of this beautiful concept. Klayley with more kids, building a family, is just my bread and butter, so thank you for gracing me with such an idea <3
The sound of feet moving so swiftly, almost silently, around his home would usually unnerve Klaus. It used to, in the past. It meant danger. Trespassers, people who were stepping where they did not belong, trying to catch him unawares.
Especially when he can hear the quick beats of their hearts. Growing closer to him. Sneaking up on him, his back turned to them. It would be very reasonable for him to act on instinct.
He closes his eyes. A smile curves his lips as the wolves pounce.
"Got you!" two voices scream at the top of their lungs as tiny arms wrap around his neck and legs, entangling him in a trap of limbs. They break out into laughter as they use all their might to wrestle him to the ground.
Once he's on the floor, growling, defeated, the two little wolves celebrate their victory whilst sitting on top of him. It's then that he breaks character and laughs along with them.
"Daddy!" Rikki scolds him, giving him a kick in the ribs. "You're not supposed to laugh! We've taken you prisoner, remember?"
He quickly tries to rearrange his features into something more sullen and angry as he nods swiftly, clearing his throat. "You're right, love, I'm sorry. I'm a prisoner."
At that, Astrid groans loudly and flops to the floor. "Dad!"
"What? What did I do?" he asks, eyes darting between the two of them.
"You know, prisoners don't usually call their captors 'love,'" another voice chimes in, almost sing-song-like in her smugness. He cranes his neck back and looks at her upside down as she walks towards them, arms folded and a smile on her face. "But then, you never were very good at playing prisoner, were you?"
He grins up at Hayley. "Just not my nature, love, you know that."
"Well, you have to be the prisoner," Rikki says stubbornly, still sitting on his chest. "It's the only way we can play the game, and you and Mom said we're not allowed to do any magic unless Hope's here, so there's nothing else we can play."
"Aside from the millions of toys you have upstairs in your rooms," he says, raising his eyebrows at her.
She glowers back at him. It's a familiar expression, strikingly like the one occasionally worn on her mother. Right now, though, Hayley can't do anything but laugh at the situation he's gotten himself into.
To his luck, Astrid has already grown tired of the game and his lack of cooperation, unlike her big sister. She gets off the floor and climbs into Hayley's arms, her attention turned, as usual, to the constantly growing bump. As the youngest, she's fascinated by the soon-to-be baby, though has taken to scolding it when it causes her mother any kind of discomfort.
"Does it feel weird?" she asks, moving her foot along it and looking up at Hayley with big brown eyes. "Like, a worm wriggling around in your stomach?"
Hayley smiles and tucks a piece of her auburn hair behind her ear with a nod. "A bit like that, yeah. But it's good. It means he's healthy."
Rikki and Klaus' heads both snap up. Klaus sits up, wrapping an arm wound Rikki as he rearranges to sit her in his lap as he stares up at Hayley.
"He?" Rikki repeats, taking the word right out of his mouth. "It's a boy? So, we're gonna have a little brother?"
Hayley glances from her to Klaus, her eyes lingering on his as her smile grows to bursting point. He can feel it in his chest, ready to explode, until, finally, she nods once more.
"A boy," he breathes out. Then he hugs Rikki, pressing a kiss to her head as a grin splits his face in half. "Hear that, sweetheart? A little brother for you and your sister. How does that sound?"
It isn't only Hayley's features he sees in his daughter, as her smile creeps into his heart much like his dear little sister's did when they only had each other. Her dark blonde hair only makes it more striking.
"I like that," she says.
Astrid, however, makes a face and prods Hayley's stomach lightly with a toe like it suddenly contains a flesh-eating beast. "Will he be weird and gross like the boys at my school?"
The three of them laugh, and Hayley strokes her cheek. "No, sweetheart, he'll be kind and sweet, and he'll adore his big sisters."
"Like Uncle Kol," Klaus chimes in.
That lights Astrid up like a Christmas tree. It's a little annoying how Kol has managed to worm his way in as the favourite despite living halfway across the world, but Klaus supposes he cannot begrudge him the love one niece as Rebekah firmly remains Rikki's favourite.
"Oh, come on, don't lie to her." They look across the room to find Hope standing by the door, back slung over her shoulder and a smile on her face. "He's part of this family. It would be impossible for him not to be a total freak like the rest of us."
The kids are uproarious with joy. Rikki is gone in a blur, colliding with Hope and nearly sending her crashing, and Astrid has never looked more like a tiny wolf as she loses her footing halfway out of Hayley's arms in her haste to join her sisters.
Hope laughs as she crouches down to hug them both. "Oh, my god, can you two stop growing? You're going to be taller than me soon."
"Wouldn't be hard, love," Klaus says, getting to his feet. She tilts her head, her mouth falling open to gape at him, and he grins. "Sorry, sweetheart, but you're a short-arse. I truly don't know whose side of the family you got that from, maybe Rebekah."
"Wow, Dad, thanks a lot," Hope says through laughter as Hayley swats him lightly for swearing in front of the kids. She walks over to them and into their open arms, hugging them both tightly. Muffled, she quietly says, "I missed you."
Klaus plants a kiss on top of her head and Hayley strokes her hair, softly saying, "We missed you, too, sweetheart. But, hey, you're here now and you can tell us all about school. Anything exciting happen?"
Pulling back, Hope makes a face. "You could say that."
"Caroline might have mentioned something about, what was it... a dragon?" Klaus says uncertainly, as if he doesn't already know every dangerous detail his daughter seems to have miraculously forgotten to mention recently. "And, I swear, there was something about a boy. What was his name again...?"
She laughs nervously now, realizing just that. To her great fortune, Rikki and Astrid hear the word "dragon" and take control of the conversation with a bombardment of questions. Hayley catches Klaus' arms and motions to the side. They step away from the girls as Hope is dragged to the couch.
"Let her settle in, at least, before we start grilling her about a possible boyfriend, alright?" she says quietly.
Klaus sighs. "Fine. But if that's Landon she mentioned last year, I will not be held responsible for what happens to him."
"You are terrible," she tells him, smiling. "Can you please just try to be happy that our daughter is living her life?"
Deep down, the words hit him with an almighty force. His eyes dart back over to where their three little girls sit together, laughing away. The truth is, he couldn't be happier. Seeing them all. Seeing Hope so grown up. God, she's changed so much since he saw her last, it actually almost breaks him, how quickly time seems to be moving. But it's also a feeling of relief, one that forces him to take a deep breathe as he realizes that Hope is no longer that tiny, helpless little creature in constant danger. Perhaps the last part hasn't changed, but the rest has.
And it's a good thing. How strong, how independent she has become. She looks up and catches his eyes, and she sticks her tongue out at him just like Astrid does. A glimpse of his little girl in this new, wonderful form.
Hayley touches his chest and his eyes are drawn back to her. "Alright," he says softly, "I suppose I can... live with that."
"And not kill her boyfriend."
"And not... kill her boyfriend," he repeats through gritted teeth.
Hayley rolls her eyes at him, but she still kisses him like he's deserving of it. Like she somehow loves him all the more for it, the stubbornness, the wolf inside of him despite its sometimes animalistic nature. It makes him ache in some way, wanting to be able to do more, do better by her somehow. All he can do is kiss her with everything he has and hope it's enough. Somehow, impossibly, it always seems to be.
She pulls back with a smile, caressing his face gently. In turn, his hands and gaze fall between them, both softening upon her stomach.
"So, we're having a boy," he says again.
"Mhm. Poor kid's going to be severely outnumbered, but I suppose it was about time to start evening the numbers out a little." She turns stern as he lifts his gaze back to her. "But I swear, Klaus Mikaelson, if you even dare try to suggest we name him after you, I will kill you."
He laughs at that but tries to look offended. "Well, frankly, I think it would only be fair considering our oldest daughter is named after you."
"Oh, it's her middle name and you chose it," Hayley retorts, poking a finger into his chest. "You're not getting away with that. No way."
"Then what do you suggest?" he asks, knowing that he was never actually going to burden the poor little thing with his own atrocious name.
Hayley looks away. "Well, actually, I was thinking... Henrik."
His heart seems to stop as the last of the air in his lungs escapes in a quiet gasp of shock. She looks up at him, a smile as gentle as her fingers flitting across her lips as she raises a shoulder.
"Henrik?" he repeats faintly. It makes him dizzy just to utter the name, his heart and mind bombarded by everything attached to it, and yet also oddly soothed by letting it be heard. Just, he imagines, as Hayley might have felt when he revealed the piece of her own self forever tied with Hope in the form of her middle name.
"It just feels... I don't know, right, I guess?" she says, shaking her head. "But if that's too much for you, then we can..."
"No," he interrupts. He presses his lips together, composing himself. "That's... No. It's perfect."
He stares at her, sighing softly, and he pulls her close, a hand on the back of her head as he presses his lips to her temple. "Thank you, Little Wolf." He pulls back, cradling her face between his hands lovingly, and looking deep into her eyes as he makes up his mind. "Our son's name will be Henrik. But, if I may, I want to give him his middle name."
Hayley nods. "Yeah. That's fine."
"Then our son will be called Henrik Jackson Mikaelson."
For the two names open messy, unhealed wounds in both their hearts, and Klaus knows that Hayley feels that same burst of emotion, followed by the odd relief at hearing the names said aloud. Never to be forgotten, even though they never could be for they live on in their heads.
Eyes glassy, Hayley takes a shuddering breath and nods. "It's perfect," she agrees.
"Just as he will be absolutely perfect," he says. "Just like his big sisters, and their strong, beautiful, amazing mother." He shifts her hair out of her face with a finger as she leans into his hand against her cheek. "You, Little Wolf, are the best thing to have ever walked into my life. Thank you"
"For what?" she breathes out, and jokingly says, "For getting just drunk enough not to ask myself if it was a bad idea to sleep with you?"
He swallows thickly. "For everything. For this." He glances back at the girls, then returns his gaze to her with full sincerity. "This family. Our family. For allowing me to be a part of it. Thank you, Little Wolf, for giving me a reason to never run again. You are my home."
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rosewaterandivy · 1 year
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Summary: psychopomp - a conductor of souls to the afterworld.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x fem!reader, if you squint (it's really more of a study in grief/writing exercise)
WC: 972
Warnings/Themes: violence, general sad times, grief, etc.
A/N: Happy Friday! This has been rattling around my brain for a minute. Maybe it's something, maybe it's nothing. Regardless, have at it.
Please do not interact if you aren't 18+.
Nota bene: Reblogging, commenting, and liking my work is always appreciated; reposting, however, is not.
Enjoy! 💜
series masterlist | playlist | currently spinning:
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He makes sure Robin gets out, and the kids too.
But not him.
Beaten black and blue, his luck could only go so far.
Months go by, and Dustin never stops listening. Turning the dial as if it’s a clock to be wound, running through the frequencies desperate for a sign.
It never comes.
Yet hope remains eternal.
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Cold. Damp. 
Belly to the concrete on the roof as the mark and his wife walk the streets of Stockholm.
Crackling and then, “инициировать цель.”
Eye to the scope, trained on the man’s back. A pulse of the trigger, a bloom of blood as he falls to the ground.
Another pull to the trigger, his wife stumbles.
“цель завершена.”
The headlines the next day will read: Prime Minister of Sweden, Olof Palme, Assassinated & Wife Injured. Suspect Still At Large.
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Spring bleeds into summer. Hopper’s miraculous return from beyond the grave.
The first thing Robin says to this revenant of a man is,
A slow shake of his head, pity evident in his gaze. Watches as she wilts like a hot-house flower, eyes glassy with tears.
Robin swallows a sob, nods briefly and turns toe before he can attempt to comfort her.
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A year passes, slower than he’d like. 
Dustin gets on well enough, Hellfire and Suzie to keep him occupied.
Occasionally, he’ll zone out for a moment or two. Dip back into the recesses of his memory and recall walks along the train tracks, well-intended advice, and pep talks in the car.
A can of Farrah Fawcett hairspray sits on the bathroom counter. 
He can’t bring himself to use it.
“Hey Henderson,” Eddie nudges him with an elbow. “We lost you there for a minute, you good?”
Dustin nods, turning his attention back to the campaign. Attempts a reassuring smile.
It doesn't reach his eyes.
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Muggy. Urban.
Vaguely familiar.
He sits in the dark as directed, and waits. Time passes, as it always does.
The jangling of keys, the door creaking open. 
His hand wrapped around the grip, finger poised on the trigger. 
Tick. Thunk.
A strangled gasp as the body falls to the floor. 
He rises from the chair, steps easily over the man as he wheezes out shallow breaths. 
Aims the pistol to the back of his head, pulls the trigger once more for good measure.
Wipes a bead of blood from his boot and walks out the door to disappear in the night.
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Dustin’s running out the door when the phone rings from the kitchen.
He answers it with thinly veiled annoyance, “What.”
“You’ll want to be sitting down for this,” Robin says, voice tremulous.
“Rob, I don’t have time for—-"
“Dustin,” She pleads, emotion thick in her voice. “Please.”
Reluctantly, he sits.
And then his world is turned upside down, yet again. 
Robin speaks in a stuttering staccato, because her brain is moving faster than her mouth, rewiring itself with newly gleaned information. 
In California, Jonathan swears he saw someone who looked exactly like Steve— his mirror image, truly, but vacant behind the eyes. He attempted a wave, a greeting, but a hand clamped down on Steve’s shoulder like a vice and turned him down a side street.
He tried to follow, but when he got there, it was vacant. As if no one had ever stepped foot in that alley. Jonathan is adamant that he wasn’t high at the time, and was in such a panic that he called Nancy immediately from his house.
Who then, in turn, called Robin. Who was now speaking to Dustin in a frantic tone. 
“And you know what’s spooky?” She says, voice falling to a hush, “When he called Steve’s name, he turned or was about to until that guy moved him away.”
Dustin can barely breathe.
It’s his senior year and Steve’s been gone since ‘85. He doesn’t have the time for this, there’s a gravestone in the cemetery declaring that Steven Michael Harrington was a loving son and friend, that’s he’s dearly missed.
Oh god, is he missed.
Dustin should know, the only people who visit it more than him are Robin and Max. Fresh seasonal flowers and the gray marble polished to a high sheen. Momentos and notes from the party, monthly check-ins where they tell him about what’s new in their lives.
“Robin,” Dustin says, brows tilting together. “He’s gone, you know he is.”
She sighs, “I don’t— I don’t want to know that Dustin.”
“I get it, I want to believe he’s out there too.” He shakily stands up from the kitchen table. "But if he was alive, Steve would’ve made his way back to us by now.”
“You’re right.” She eeks out, “I just wanted it to be him,” A wet laugh of disbelief. “I wanted to hope so badly, kid.”
“I know,” Dustin rasps, wicking a tear from his eye. “Me too.”
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Hot. Cloying. 
Dilapidated houses and ramshackle fences. 
The grip on his shoulder remains, an echo to remind him.
He stops in front of the house, loads the gun.
The man is paranoid, as he should be.
“You can kill my body, and you can take my life but you can never kill my soul. My soul will live forever!” He shouts into the early morning light.
Mechanically, he raises the gun and squeezes off two rounds into the man’s face.
The headlines the next day read: Huey Newton Killed; Was a Co-Founder Of Black Panthers.
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Mission completed.
The metallic flavor of copper in his nose. The sweet humming from a raspy voice. The notches of a spine pressing against his skin.
Hard angles. Soft curves. A ruby red tongue brushing over a protruding bottom lip. Bloodlust sated and smiling at him like he’s finally come home.
But still, a sound haunts him. The man on the crowded street, pale in the sunlight, eyes blown wide.
Who the hell is Steve?
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luvly-writer · 1 year
“You are my Sunshine”
Part 24: Grounded and missing home
Jason Todd x Latina! Reader
Social Media Au
Warnings: none
Status: Finished
Author’s note: at the end of chapter!
Tag list: @lorosette @milas-teapot @izukuisbaby @alecmores @writing-for-the-hell-of-it @unofficial-jaytodd-wife @graywrites5567 @addictedtothefictionalworld @randobeetlehouse
Series Masterlist:
It was just a casual night in with Nola, both of you bochincheando of the lives of your families…
“you remember my cousin Helena, right?”
Nola nods from the couch where she is sitting at
“Yeah, the one that used to do your nails?”
“Yeah, pues turns out the baby wasn’t her husband’s!”
“WHAT?!?! You’re fkn kidding!”
“Nope, no I am not, during the months that she had spent in Houston, she slept with another man and got pregnant”
“Shit, I told you the timeline didn’t make sense. How would she have gotten pregnant and by her husband who at the time was in Puerto Rico”
“I KNOW! so today I got off the phone with mami and you will never guess what she told me”
Nola sat up and looked at you, super intrigued “what?”
“They got a divorce and she’s going to marry her baby daddy! Even went to Ecuador to visit his family and everything!!”
“SIIIIIII! You know, I always told you that relationship was rocky since her ex husband already had kids and she wanted more”
“Oh shitttttt, are we invited?”
“OBVIOOOO! She is showing off the wedding preparations EVERYWHERE on social media! EVEN. THE. DRESS!”
Before you could answer Nola, a knock was heard on the door
You stand up from your place on the floor, gently placing Garbanzo, who was in your lap, in the sofa and to see who it was, only to see Damian pouting with his arms crossed
“Damian, mi niño, what are you doing here? You didn’t send me a text you were coming. Does your father know you’re here?”
Damian was never going to admit it, but he absolutely ADORED you. You always had a nurturing and doting energy on you and he constantly felt safe around you. Sometimes people forget that as much as he can be a killing machine, he IS STILL A CHILD, and having a positive mother figure was so important to him. He looked down and said very softly, “father grounded me because I skipped school…”
You looked at the child warmly and opened your arms
Ah, now there was something that Damian would NEVER admit in his entire life. He fucking LOVED your hugs and taking advantage of the fact that it was only Nola and you, he went straight to your arms and let you pull him inside.
Nola was sitting upside down on the sofa and Garbanzo was sleeping next to her peacefully
YN led him to the living room and let him sit down
“Sup Damian” greeted Nola from the sofa, and placed her hand up for a high five to which he responded
A doting mother figure and cool aunt figure…he could get used to this
“Now Damian, why were you skipping school?” Asks YN sternly.
Nola sits up and says “Oh shit, want some water? Juice? Alcohol?” At the last thing, Yn glared at her, “What? Whatever helps soothe his sorrows.” Defends Nola, making Damian crack a small smile, he tells her water and she stands up to get it, leaving YN and Damian more privacy.
“I didn’t want to go” he says dryly, making you deadpan at him. He sighs softly and finaly confesses, “Before coming to Gotham, I was homeschooled-“ “-by your mother?” YN interrupts and Damian nods and continues, “you could say that my intellect is quite advanced therefore, me going to school is not necessary.”
At that YN, thinks for a while and responds, “You do know, your father is legally required to put you in school till you’re 18, unless it counts as neglect, right?” And Damian nods whilst rolling his eyes
“Yes, YN! But I don’t like being with the other kids, they don’t understand and it is so difficult to be around them and I just…didn’t want to go. Plus, he keeps on saying that he knows my intellect is above Gotham Academy, but that I need to work on my social skills and have extracurriculars. He signed me up for fencing and I’m already the best there and it hasn’t been a week!”
YN hums understanding the problem. Although she has always been friendly, there was a time when…shit went down at home, that she closed off and spent a few years being super shy, so she understands the struggle.
“And is there an extracurricular you’d like?” She asks, “maybe something that might give you an opening to socialize at your pace?”
Damian looks at her and mumbles, “I like art and there is a art club in school, I’ve checked..”
At that, YN claps her hands, “There we go! Why don’t you tell your father about that? I’m sure if you explain how you feel…” she stopped for a second, seeing Damian get visibly uncomfortable at having to explain his feelings to his father, so she decided to rephrase so it fits their dynamic better, “I’m sure that if you negotiate with him, it will be fine”
At that, Damian relaxed and contemplated the outcome. Finally, he nodded and promised to do it once he got home. Knowing things probably aren’t the best at the moment, YN asks him, “Nola and I were gossiping about some interesting things of my family and later I was going to cook some rice, beans and chicken, Puertorrican style, wanna join?”
Damian had never tried her food so he nodded and saw that Nola had come back with a water bottle. She tossed it at him and he easily caught it.
“Now, let me catch you up Damian, with most of my family’s stories, get comfortable cause it’s going to be QUITE the ride” says YN and Nola laughs and adds, “you are going to LOVE this, kid”
And for once that day, Damian sat back, relaxed, laughed at Yn’s storytelling. At some point, they migrated towards the kitchen, YN still sharing stories about her family and all the summers she would go back to PR and Nola providing some stories about her childhood as well and growing up in an Asian household. They had laughed whilst YN cooked and finally sat down for dinner. Damian tried to also share some stories of the adventures his sibling have had over the years (very mindful to only include the ones that happened to them as civilians, he knew Jason hadn’t said a single thing of the whole vigilante ordeal yet) and it made the girls die of laughter. Nola, because she had blackmail material for Jason (please for the love of everything, for Jason’s sanity KEEP HER AWAY FROM STEPH AND TIM, dangerous trio that is!) and YN, because she felt even closer to her boyfriend’s family. As much as he liked to act all tough and cold, she knew that he still had a SUPER big soft spot for them. She didn’t know what caused the rift but she knew it was bad. Yet, any time he spoke about them, he had this huge tenderness in his tone, one that spoke of a love so cautious of being hurt again. He’d do anything for them (he’d complain a little, but he’d be there).
YN didn’t have siblings, the closest thing being Nola and some cousins, so having them enter her life, surely filled her life with joy. And being with a family so huge sometimes, it made her heart yearn for hers all the way across the sea.
Sometime soon, Nola invited Damian to play Mario Kart in the living room and YN was left to wash the dishes. She thought of her family even more. Her mother and her had moved to Gotham when she was barely eleven. The move was hard and it came shortly after her parents divorce. She remembers being new to the city and crying most nights because she missed the song of the coquis, the warmth of the summer, and the sky filled with stars. Sure, Gotham was in the coast and had beaches, beaches where she had gone a few times with her friends through middle school, high school and college. Yet, none of them compared to the beaches of her home. She would fly over there during the summers with her mom and oh boy, did she adore it! Her family gatherings were great. Blasting salsa, bachata, merengue (her personal favorite being salsa), they were filled with the laughter of all her cousins and tíos and tias and her grandparents and even the neighbors. They would have a barbecue on the beach, and days in the Morro flying kites, they would have road-trips along the island and see all of the beautiful sites of her home. She remembers the time Nola went with her, her family decided to go to El Junque and she remembers that it had rained a few days before so naturally, they couldn’t swim in the rivers but they still could walk around. Nola’s shoe got stuck in the mud and she fell making YN laugh so hard, she tripped and fell as well. Both girls ended up covered in mud because of how hard they were laughing. She still has the picture her uncle took of both of them on the floor, covered in mud, smiling brightly at the camera.
So lost in her thoughts, YN didn’t notice Jason come to the apartment. He glanced at Damian arguing with Nola claiming she cheated and insisted a rematch. One that Nola was glad to give him. He chuckled and looked around for his girlfriend, finding her spaced out staring at her bubble filled hands. He furrows his eyebrows and decided to hug her waist from behind, leaving a kiss in her shoulder. He feels her jump slightly, snapping out of her thoughts.
“Jay! You scared me”
He laughs lightly and answers “now what has you so lost in your pretty head that you didn’t see me coming?”
She finishes the last dish, dries her hands and turns around, pecking his lips.
“Nothing much, mi corazón” she smiles up at him and he notices, her smile doesn’t reach her eyes.
“Now come on, my light, you know better than to lie to me like that” he says softly, his worry slightly increasing.
“I’m just a little homesick…I miss my family, and my mom”
Ahhhhh yes, you mom had moved back to PR on Yn’s third year of college to help her uncle take care of her grandmother
“Oh baby, come here” Jason pulls her closer to him and holds her tight. They are interrupted by a knock on the door.
YN walks to it and opens the door, only to find Bruce Wayne tiredly rubbing his hands on his face.
“Please tell me Damian is here. He won’t answer his calls or anything” he says and the girl laughs a little. Poor man, his children quite literally stress the fuck out of him.
“Damian! Your dad is here” she calls out and he comes out of the living room, with a small pout.
“Yang, YN. Thank you for having me.” He says barely acknowledging his brother and his father. You smile at him.
“Anytime, mi pajarito. And when you aren’t grounded anymore, tell me so that I can take you for another day at the Sactuary, they say Tantan the orangutan misses you”
At that, Damian smiles, nods and walks to the car, leaving his brother and father baffled. Bruce was convinced you were a mythic being of some sort, Jason was just too flabbergasted to function.
You wave at both, wishing them a good night for them to get home safe. Once you turn around, you see your o so lovable boyfriend, stuffing his mouth with the food that you had left for him, in pure bliss.
“This is the best thing ever, my love” he says after he swallows almost in tears
You laugh a little shaking your head, the sad thoughts slipping away little by little.
Author’s note: Little by littleeee you get that YN lore 😈 but in all seriousness, something I don’t see much in x Latina stories much is the yearning from home. Yes, I am a person currently living in my country, PR, but I have absolutely no doubt that it is something that happens to so many other Latinos who have migrated so I hope to show that part. Another thing is that I have noticed that in many cases, Latino culture is more family oriented than US culture, something that I also wanted to write in and represent through her yearning to spend time with her family and being at the moment, the only one away from home. Hope you enjoyed this! Lots of love!
-your writer!
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ramspatula · 23 days
Galanthus Nivalis | Zane Julien x fem!reader
I love you, Mr Julien and that’s the problem. Because you’ll never love me. It’s not in your programming.
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“There’s nothing here but a load of junk!”
Zane felt an unease fall over him. No. Jay was not correct. There was something here. Something he needed. The military site had been abandoned decades ago when the base suddenly collapsed in itself. It was a secret society in itself. The site hadn’t been found since the survivors left. Many whom are dead now. Zane knelt down. Ignoring how the white of his gi dirtied on the ashy floor beneath him. He moved a piece of rubble to see a chip. He picked it up and analysed it before turning it over and carefully wiping the dirt off the back so he could read what had been labelled on it.
‘Galanthus Nivalis’ - (Snowdrops)
Zane felt his body seize up before he carefully wrapped his hand around the chip and held it to where his heart would be. A distant yell brought him out his daze. Lloyd was trying to round up all the ninja in order to make their way back to the monastery. Zane quickly moved some more rubble and saw a dirtied manual that was now discoloured and had the corner singed from what ever fire had caused the building to collapse. He put both the chip and the manual into his gi’s pocket and made his way back to the group.
“Well that was a waste of time.” Cole said, arms crossed and leaning against the wall of the bounty.
“I totally forgot to give Pearl my laundry as well.” Kai also complained and Lloyd shoved him.
“First of all- Wash your own clothes. Second. We got the call and the coordinates. Clearly we were needed here for something.” Lloyd told him and Zane felt himself frown.
“I did not receive any call… it is not in our voicemail records.” Zane said and Lloyd frowned.
“Well not us- but the military who sent it to the commissioner- who got in contact with us.” Lloyd explained and the others nodded.
“Can I hear this message?” Zane asked and Lloyd shrugged before typing on the Bounty’s control deck.
“I’d have to ask Peach… she’s got the transmitter- it was sent through this old radio thing and the military had only found the thing and got it working the other day… it’s part of the original distress call. It was only recovered the other day.” Lloyd explained as the others listened.
“Holy shit- wait were we just in a burial ground?!” Jay freaked and Kai hit him upside the head.
“It is not clear what happened when the site collapsed but those survivors do not and have not spoke of it since… many were just moved to another site afterwards so it can be assumed that it was just an unfortunate incident.” Zane told him and Jay nodded.
A phone call from the Police commissioner interrupted their conversation.
“Sir?” Lloyd answered and he heard the commissioner sigh.
“Any luck boys?” He asked and Lloyd with his mask on shook his head.
“We’re not quite sure what we’re looking for.” Lloyd admitted and the commission t’sked before there was some rumbling on the line and a new voice could be heard.
“This is colonel Froy. I hope you know I lost many of my men and people I considered family at that site… what you’re looking for is anything of importance. What they were doing there, no one knew about and well, we want to know about it. So have you boys found anything?!” The colonel questioned and Zane felt immediately defensive over the chip in his pocket.
“A couple burnt medals, singed books, a few weapons. All the files are empty. There’s a lot of rubble here though, you’d be best to have an excavation team out here rather than us.” Lloyd told the man who sighed.
“Whatever out there went for them… can surely try again. It’s bear for those more durable than others to look… they were doing some wild shit out there if none of us were allowed to know about it. I don’t think I could bear the thought of someone else finding out before us.” The colonel said and Lloyd was quick to answer.
“Then we’ll make sure that there’s nothing of value here. We’ll let you know once we’re finished here.” The call ended and the rest of the ninja groaned.
“There is literally nothing here!” Jay exclaimed and kicked some storage box on the deck of the bounty aside.
“I don’t think I can bare moving anymore rubble today.” Cole added and the rest nodded.
“I have scanned the area… there is nothing of any significance to the military here.” Zane added to the ninja’s surprise.
“Zane… that’s not very like you.” Lloyd said, suspiciously. “What have you found today?” He asked Zane who stared blankly at him.
“Nothing of any importance to you or the military.” Zane told Lloyd who eyed him weirdly before turning to the others.
“One more search and then we’ll go home.” Lloyd concluded and the ninjas groaned.
“The first thing I go on without Nya in years and now I’m not going to see her till I go to bed!” Jay exclaimed and Kai pushed his shoulder.
“Yeah she needs the time away from you unlike my girl! She’s still just settling into the monastery!” Kai exclaimed and Cole shoved them both off the deck.
“Seriously Lloyd. I’m going to have a deodorant can hurled at my forehead for this. You owe me one.” Cole said to Lloyd who continued typing on the Bounty’s computer.
“My wife isn’t going to be pleased either… it’s just how our jobs work. They get it… Peach has to go on missions too. I get it.” Lloyd explained and Cole frowned.
“Yeah well… Maybe she’d enjoy her husband being home with her more often… Want to help me with some rubble, Zane?” Cole asked and Zane shook his head.
“I will head down shortly.” He said and Cole nodded before jumping off the Bounty. Zane turned to Lloyd who rubbed his temples. “I think it’s right to add that Peach does not react as extreme as Pearl does to these late missions.” Zane added and Lloyd briefly looked back at him.
“Yeah I know… we talk a lot more than they think we do. Cole just hears it all from Pearl it’s not… it’s not that hard for us. Not as it has been.” Lloyd took a deep breath and faced Zane. “You understand, right?” Zane did understand. He understood all the complications that came from loving someone. Even after being separated from each other for a long time and after thinking that they no longer existed. “I mean you and Pixal have been with each other for almost as long as us.” Yes. Him and Pixal.
“Yes, I understand.” Zane nodded and walked away and got off the bounty. He took the chip out his pocket and sighed before clenching his fist around it.
He should leave it here. She wouldn’t want this. She didn’t want this. But there is humanity in a program. A program that he missed dearly.
Whoever said robots couldn’t be selfish were deadly wrong. Zane was proof as he shoved the chip back in his pocket.
“Did you find something?” Cole asked, noticing Zane who sighed.
“It is complicated…” He said and Cole frowned. “I’ve found something significant to me although the true purpose cannot be served anymore which would make it useless but that is so demeaning to what this truly holds.” He said, distress evident in his face as Cole tried to decode what his upset friend meant.
“You really are weird, Zane.” He settled on and went back to hurling rubble.
“You are Zane Julien, and you still have a purpose, mine is long finished. Goodbye, Zane.”
“Someone once gave up their only form of life for me. If I can give them another form, should I do it?” Zane asked and Cole paused.
“Did you find something? Zane?” Cole asked and Zane nodded.
“I did.” He told him and Cole just nodded, walking away.
“They’re your friends Zane, your family, they need you. As I was once needed. A program is only useful if there is a need for it. You are needed.”
“I shouldn’t be alive”
“Neither should I, I am outdated. You are not. And you never will be. That is how you are built.”
He shouldn’t feel guilty. He shouldn’t feel. But he does. And it’s this guilt that leads him to not speak. To keep his silence about the programme in his pocket. He knew all about Galanthus Nivalis. He knew all about Snowdrops. And most importantly, he knew what they were looking for. He knew where she was.
Do you remember me, Mr Julien? I remember you. I remember everything.
“Galanthus Nivalis. That is our mission. What we are here for. What I was made for. We cannot keep quiet much longer. They will find us. I cannot initiate order protocol herbicides. I will not.” Peach sighed as the same message played again. She hit the old communicator slightly and if finally continued. “I do not have a name. I was a program built to help those with low communication and run all demands smoothly. Ensuring a strong connection all around the base whilst being a modern step towards an advanced future. The children called me Snowdrops. But I found that if you arrange the all the main letters of my manual, it spells Y/n. That is my name. What I would like to be remembered as. Not just a programme, if that is possible.”
Peach jumped up, making Pearl tumble in shock.
“Yes! Yes!” She exclaimed and Pearl looked at her dumbfounded.
“What?!” Pearl asked.
“There’s more of the message! I know what they’re looking for! This programme thingy! Pixal what can you tell us about Galanthus Nivalis and Snowdrops or Y/n!” Peach asked and the nindroid looked towards her, she was using her actual body today.
“Nothing.” The nindroid answered and Peach paused before Pearl began laughing.
“What?” Peach asked, perplexed.
“There is no record of Galnthus Nivalis or any programme like anywhere.” The droid said and Peach looked around.
“Oh my god… I’m going to have to start reading books.” She said and Pearl laughed more.
“What’s going on?” Cherry asked, that was not her name, everyone had just talk to calling her a set of different nicknames till they found one that fit. Peach really started a whole thing with having to cover up her name for years.
“The nindroid doesn’t know anything and I have to start searching books! I’m having a horrible day.” Peach vented and stepped over Pearl’s body on the floor.
“I can always check my Dad’s old archive for anything on programmes and military deals. He dealt specific high tech equipment and was shady in doing so… that’s why he ended up where he was.” Cherry asked and Peach nodded.
“Yes, please-! And your Dad’s business wasn’t the reason. It was Harumi and her pathetic need to hurt everyone.” Peach told the girl, offering her an encouraging smile.
“Fuck that hoe.” Pearl said, unceremoniously.
“Exactly that.” Peach said and winked causing Cherry to laugh.
“Made me think my man was dead.” Pearl added and the others turned to her as she vented to the floor. “Had just lost my best friend as well.” She said and Peach shook her head.
“I wasn’t dead, you just thought I was.”
“Because it said you were.” Pixal added and Peach paused.
“Well I wasn’t. Almost. But not.” Peach added and Pearl sat up.
“We’re seriously not talking about this again? It’s 1am girls, what are you still doing up?” Cole asked and swiftly dodged the TV remote that was dashed at his head.
“Waiting for you, dickhead!” Pearl swore and Cole made his way over to her.
“Zane! Just who I wanted to speak to!” Peach said, much to Lloyd’s disappointment, who assumed his wife would be most pleased to see him. “Pixal knows nothing so I need to know what you know about Galanthus Nivalis!” Peach announced and Lloyd frowned. Somehow missing how Zane completely froze up.
“You found out more?!” He asked and she pressed play on the audio log again and it repeated the message.
“Another programme? Like an Ai?” Jay asked and Zane nodded.
“Snowdrop is an advanced program. She was built by someone whose brilliance got her shot before she could expand on Snowdrop. Forever stuck in one model. Never updating.” There was a longing in his voice. Everyone looked at him perplexed.
“You know about this?!” Kai asked and Zane turned around.
“Galanthus Nivalis is something that we should never touch or let others know existed once. It is best to destroy this message and terminate any further action. Galanthus Nivalis was a haven for manslaughter and misguided attempts at furthering knowledge. It is best that can of worms remains closed.” Zane finished before walking away.
“How the hell did he know about that?” Cole questioned.
“Zane knows everything.” Pearl said, from where she laid dormant on the floor.
Zane didn’t sleep. He was a nindroid. But he did overthink. Pixal had sent herself in the samurai-X suit over to the prison to handle some rogue inmates. She likes these lower level jobs and spent every night doing them, meaning Zane was left alone in the monastery at night. Although they shared his heart, they did not feel love. Not anymore. Both had agreed long ago, that they were companions. They were not in a relationship. Pixal had lost many of her emotional response programmes after she merged herself with a body and AI. Borg offered to alter this but Pixal had disagreed and Zane didn’t object to Pixal’s wishes. Even if the loss of their relationship did affect his own emotional response stimulus. He had never told anyone about Snowdrops or snow. However he had mentioned Y/n to Pixal.
“I’ve been able to contact another programme and I believe nindroid! She shares a similar consensus to you, her name is P. I. X. A. L.”
“You know this nindroid?”
“Yes, I do. You do not have to do this.”
“By accessing her through my limited network access, I can bypass you through into hers and therefore gain you access to the world hub.”
“Thank you, Y/n, how will I ever repay you?”
“Serve your purpose, Zane.”
They had co-existed as two dead programmes. His short contact with the main power grid of ninjago had widened his access to different networks and data immediately. However, a reserve network that was running off minimal reserve power had absorbed some of his connection and harnessed it. Resulting in his existence in this abyss of old military records and all the files on Galanthus Nivalis. This data base and system didn’t feel as content as his own main frame and control grid had. The codes were different and Y/n existed as a 3D model of a feminine figure with visible codes running down her body. She could’ve easily been confused as human if it wasn’t for her translucent body with codes constantly running down her body.
Zane had been wrong though. Where they were was not some reserve power grid. It was her version of the digiverse. And he had been granted access to it through his brief contact with her. She admitted that she had an empathy function that made it so she felt emotions of longing and his permission was given as a quick response to the hope of not being lonely for longer. Which made him feel even more guilty and gave him the motivation to pick up the chip and march over to control grid of the monastery. He flipped a latch open where there was multiple wires and ports for different outlets. He presses the chip into the correct port without hesitation.
‘Galanthus Nivalis, Project Snowdrop initiated. Please prepare for changes as the system uploads to your server.’ The loading bar on the holoscreen made him even more nervous as it was quick to fill and soon a 3D model of a woman was turning to face him.
‘Mr Julien, do I detect an empathy response and stimuli?” Zane smiled. Y/n always had so much personality, she was built to be loving, a friend, someone people would want in a time of need. She filled more roles than any Ai had ever before.
“Yes, I can feel, I can love, it is in my programme.” He told her and her face lit up.
“It is in mine.” She said before suddenly everything in the monastery shut off except her. “The system is rebooting. I am assessing your security protocols. They are drastically different to mine.” She elaborated and Zane’s eyes widened in shock.
“Y/n- Snow- No!” Alarms suddenly blared, and the monastery began locking down. It turned off almost as quickly as it blared.
“Emergency response time is low. That isn’t good. Your security protocols are not as strict as one would hope.” She said and multiple others came tumbling into the room.
“Who decided an emergency drill was necessary right now?!” Jay’s voice whined out. His sleeping mask on his forehead. Cole stood next to him, matching mask on his forehead too.
“This better be good, Pearl shot up like a light and summoned my grandma in her fear!” Cole added, a lethargic Pearl appeared next to him.
“I know so many facts about carnations! Number one, they don’t fucking squeal in the dead of the morning!” Pearl yelled and Peach shoved her.
“Zane, talk to us. What’s going on?” Peach said and Zane stayed frozen as the 3D figure became life sized and walked to the ninjas.
“I am Y/n. Or Snowdrop! The first AI reality model. I offer humanity and I am designed to make your life easier!” The Ai introduced herself but the others froze. Peach specifically.
“Y/n?” Peach said, matter of fact. “Snowdrops? Like- like that thing we’ve been talking about all day-“
“Yeah, yeah- whatever Peach is saying. Did she just say that she’s designed to make our life easier? Like she’s actually going to a part of it easier? Who is this again?” Kai asked, Cherry following in behind him.
“What Y/n means is that she will run the monastery. She was designed for more domestic purposes but can learn different purposes. Y/n would be able to take over all security protocols and make sure the monastery is protected whilst we’re not here along with her companionship protocols. She can teach the monks their academic classes, this would lessen the stress on the older monks.” Zane elaborated.
“That’s great, really, but- why was now the time you decided to boot her up and have her take over our home?” Lloyd asked. Kai nodded, Cherry leaned on him, trying to stay awake.
“It is- I- the emergency drill was not intended to happen.” Zane tried to explain himself.
“You’re security protocols are mundane at best for high profile beings and place. In an event of another attack, it would not hold up against the kind of targets you expect.” Y/n told them.
“I, along with Pixal, made those security protocols.” Nya defended and Y/n nodded in her direction.
“I’m sorry if I have offended you but I was taught that it always better to be safe than sorry.” Y/n told her and Nya’s face dropped.
“Taught? Or programmed?” She asked and Zane’s face morphed into disappointment.
“Taught. Do you believe those of us who are encrypted with programming cannot learn?” Zane asked and Nya’s face dropped.
“No- I just meant-!” Nya tried to cover herself.
“It is alright. I understand the pre-conceived notion that all programs and intelligence systems do not have sentience or internal processes similar to internal cognitive ones.” Y/n spoke up and Zane shook his head.
“That’s not what I think- I’m just…” Nya sighed and rubbed her face.
“I think we should all head back to bed and regroup about this in the morning. Sound good?” Lloyd asked and everyone around nodded.
“Whatever gets me back in bed.” Cole told him as Pearl trailed behind him.
“-no! Your hair is not going to be crimped. We bought those silk pillow cases for that reason!” Kai could be heard telling Cherry who was clutching her heatless curls band.
“Zane can I quickly have a word?” Lloyd asked and Zane nodded. Peach stopped herself from leaving to stay with him only for Lloyd to shake his head and kiss her cheek before sending her off with the promise that he’d be back in bed soon.
Lloyd waited until the others were all gone before turning to the nindroid in question.
“Okay, who is Snowdrop and why has she took over our systems?” Lloyd asked and Zane looked away, shyly.
“Snowdrop is an artificial-“ Zane began but Lloyd shook his head.
“No. Who is she, Zane? Who is she to you and what made you decide to bring her here?” Lloyd specified and Zane looked up at him for a moment before back at Y/n who nodded.
“Back when I destroyed myself in defeating the overlord, a piece of my hardware had been kept in a reserve store. I didn’t place it there, I had brief contact when we had gone to the power plant and Y/n, detecting my brief presence, acted quickly and redirected a part of my consciousness to be stored in the reserve store where her program was being kept originally. It was hidden and unknown. She had been there for almost 20 years.” Zane explained and Lloyd nodded, telling him to continue. “We spend months just existing together and re-piecing my program together and my memory before Y/n was able to detect Pixal and the reminent of my body and original hardware. She was able to create a direct link into Borg’s systems where I made contact with Pixal again and later transferred myself back into my body. It took a while for the full transition and my memory pieces together over time but my elemental power was still strong within me until Chen’s island and all of that happened.” Zane said and Lloyd frowned.
“And what happened to Snow? That was almost a decade ago, Zane.” Lloyd asked and Zane looked down, ashamed.
“I went to go find her again but the location we had been in, hidden and unknown… was gone. The link to it was gone and to her too. And then I was occupied on Chen’s island and I searched afterwards with no luck. And then I found the last record of her program amongst all the rubble, it called out to me and I knew I had to bring her back, to be with her again. Now that I am able to.” Zane told him and Lloyd nodded.
“I get that, I really do Zane but Y/n doesn’t belong with us. Especially if the military is after her. She is obviously needed for another purpose.” Lloyd told her. “She is a part of Galanthus Nivalis is she not?” He asked and Zane frowned.
“They intend to destroy her! She had no purpose with them but she does with us! I can’t let them do that, Lloyd.” Zane defended and Lloyd placed a hand on his shoulder.
“With you, Zane. You care for her. Enough to take her program and enough to install it into our home just to see her again. Now, I’m going to go back to bed and I’ll talk to you first thing when I wake up. But we really need to consider our options here.” Lloyd told him before making his way out the room.
Zane turned back to Y/n who stared at him. He sighed and looked into her eyes that met him perfectly. He couldn’t give her up or send her away or let her be completely destroyed especially after he had finally got her back.
“I won’t let them take you.” He declared and she smiled.
“I’m afraid your friend is right.” Y/n told him and he frowned. “I don’t belong here. I am outdated and like you said, I have no purpose. A program is only useful-“ Y/n began but was cut off.
“-if it is needed. I know.” Zane sighed and looked at her again. “You are needed. You can have a new purpose, with us and the monastery. You say you are outdated yet within the first few minutes you detected that there were issues with our security. A couple updates here and there can solve any outdated concerns.” Zane told Y/n who smiled.
“You do care for me, Mr Julien.” Y/n stated and Zane smiled.
“Of course, it’s in my programming.” He told her and she smiled.
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defrosted69 · 2 years
My Emotional Panda
Lee Seoyeon X Reader
(I got this idea from a YouTube video and I decided to add my own twist to it)
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They say that money is the root of all evil. But for some it's an escape to their life. Not everyone was given the opportunity to have a silver plater and a 5 course meal.
Some live off eating at least twice if they were lucky enough to.
And you, out of 8 billion people in the world where one of the unfortunate ones.
Of course you complained sometimes how life was unfair to you. The sight of children your age eating ice cream, pizza, and having cake on their birthday. Heck, You barely even had time to celebrate your own birthday.
Everyday was a hussle for you, whatever work it was you would do it.
Forget education, you couldn't afford to have one. Your own daily expenses wasn't even enough to keep you alive.
Let's not talk about your parents. It's not like you loath them but given you never met them in your entire life shows that they either didn't care for you or they couldn't properly raise you.
The only place you call home, the adaption center was burned to the ground by some mafia thugs.
It's like life is flickering you the middle finger everytime something good happens to you. That's when you realize that life and the world was unfair.
Kids your age should have been enjoying life, eating delicious food and having no care at all but life didn't give you any of that. Instead it gave you suffering and agony.
The days and nights you have to sleep on the dark street and even having to fight for a place to stay shows how hard life really is.
Adults should have been the one guiding young people and showing them the rights to their wrongs but why didn't you feel it.
Instead of hearing an apology or a word of empathy, you were spit with venomous words and even had to endure the physical assault they gave you.
If there was one positive thing that you were thankful for is your patience. No matter how annoying and stressful things escalate you remain calm and collected. Some may want that trait but for you it's a curse. All that emotion bottled up inside you will surely kill you emotionally.
But on a breezy afternoon, it seems faith and destiny weaved up a line that will change your life for the best.
With a growling stomach and no food in sight, you decided to put your chances on a nearby park hoping the ungrateful people who throw away their food in the trash be your dinner.
With your small wobbly legs, you pushed through your weak and fragile body checking every trash bin available.
The rustling sound and unbearable scent had no affect on you as you were a starving man to death. When desperate times arrive, Thouh shall make desperate measures.
But it's as if bad luck was implanted on your DNA that no food was in every trash bin you checked. You did a double check, triple check, turn every trash bin upside down but there wasn't any single sight of edible food.
You were frustrated and devastated. This wasn't on a normal basis but there are days where you just come up empty handed. And this day was the worse day as your stomach pain was beginning to get worse and worse.
Your wobbly weak legs couldn't lift your body anymore as your eyes searched for a place to rest your body.
It wasn't that long when you saw a wooden park bench as you sat there looking down on the ground.
Maybe it was your hunger kicking in as you could see the concrete floor in 4k as every particle was visible in your sight.
Your eyes were beginning to get heavy as you suddenly felt a strong urge to take a rest. Being a naive kid you are, you slowly laid your head on the wooden floor as you prepare yourself for a deep slumper.
"Heh, he fell asleep."
A voice and a soft pillow immediately woke you up as all of your senses were alerted.
You sprang up immediately as you looked to see where the voice came from.
"Geez, Did you really have to jump? My Mom always make Dad sleep in her legs. Hmph"
A small girl who's smaller than you pouted as you look at her in surprise.
Her attire is what you always see in big malls, the silver spoon kids as you call them.
"Wha-What do you want?"
There was a small shiver on your voice as the girl smirk at you.
"You have been digging trash cans since we arrived here. What are you a racoon? You're suppose to eat like a human like us. Give me your hand."
She extended her arms as she opened her hand hoping you would take hers. You have seen how people easily fake their trust and stab you in the back. It was mostly done by the adults but seeing someone your age doing something like this, it was skeptical.
You were hesitant but you slowly gave her your hand as she smiled and she suddenly pulled a wrapped burger on her pocket and gave it you hand.
Your eyes widen in suprise even though your hair has covered most of your eyes. Your facial expression showed that her act of kindness caught you by suprise.
"Don't tell my parents this but I bought you a burger hehehe~"
She happily smiled at you as you stare at the burger in awe. Without hesitation, your instinct kicked in as you ate the burger that was given to you.
Never in your life have you ever tasted such delicious and well made burger as a sudden rush of emotion ran through your body.
No one in your life has ever showed you kidness like this before as you didn't expect that it would come from a girl your age.
She could hear you sobbing as you ate the burger as she couldn't help but look at you with pity.
"So.. Mmghood...."
The sniffles made her irritated as she pulled out her handkerchief and grabbed your face. You saw her glare at you as you suddenly felt scared.
"Gosh, your crying so much. Here."
She gently wipes your tears away with her handkerchief and smiled afterwards seeing you stop crying. She sat up and gave you one last smile and said the words you will never forget.
"Never give up okay crybaby?"
Those few words immediately left a mark on your heart and mind. The very first person to show you kindness, was a girl.
What was her name?
At least you should know her name right?
"Wha-What's your name?"
With a smile, she said
"Lee Seoyeon."
"Oi, wake up dude. The boss man is looking for you."
You woke up from a good nap as you rose up smiling after recalling a very good memory from the past.
Your co worker notice the visible smile you have as he couldn't help but smirk as he nudge you playfully.
"Oh my did our little precious Y/n got a very naughty dream? Tsk tsk such a bad boy~"
You could only sigh at him as you made your way to your boss office.
It's been 10 yrs since that memory occurred and by now your already a working employee on the same park you found her.
The first time you met her was also the last time you saw her as you visited this park everytime but she never came back.
Instead of seeing her, you were offered a job to clean the park CRs instead of stealing food and you took it. You didn't complain or anything as years go by and you were now a standard employee of the park.
Your boss office wasn't anything grand but his facial expression always had that stoic face. You can never tell what he is thinking.
"You called for me boss?"
"Ah, Yes, take a seat Y/n."
You wasted no time to take a seat near his table. He adjusted his glasses before he spoke.
"I'm giving you a new job which is something unique."
This made you raise your eyebrow at him as your boss wasn't the typical boss. He would often say his thoughts in riddles. And considering you can't understand riddles, you were confused.
"Ummm, boss what do you mean?"
"I want you to wear a bear costume to attract customers for the newly opened amusement park inside the park. And since your good in attracting people. Why not try on a suit?"
His request was questionable as you wanted to ask why but he suddenly pulled an odd looking bear suit which at first glance looks so weird.
"That's your outfit. Try it on."
It wasn't dusty nor smelled like dust so you tried it on and fit you perfectly well except that the bear looks HORRIFYING.
"Umm, Boss. You sure this is an outfit that could attract people? Looks like a suit for robbing a bank."
That silence alarmed you as you immediately asked.
"Wait, is it for robbing a bank?! For real?!"
"No of course not. Anyway you can leave my office now. Go. Shooo."
He was trying to get you off his office as you left wearing the costume. You were left with questions lingering on your head but you wondered what would the people's perspective of the bear be?
And that question was immediately answered as the following day, kids were crying and avoiding your gaze as you sighted.
"I know something was off with this costume"
Nonetheless you stood there not knowing what to do because every action you do makes everyone look at you with scared expression.
"Ah! Mr Bear. Can I take a picture with you?"
A woman's voice alarmed you as she looked at you in awe. Her eyes were sparkling brightly. All you can do was nod your head.
"Tihehehe, My members will be so jealous I got a picture with a cute bear."
Her sentence made you blush for some reason as it was your first time someone called you cute.
"Then again, she must be pertaining to the bear and not me... Oh well."
She wrapped her hands around your arm making you flinch a little at the sudden contact but immediately regain your composure.
With a quick snap of her phone, she managed to get at least 10 photos which amazed you.
She was wearing a mask but you could visibly see her eyes smiling at every photo you took.
"She's... Cute.."
That was the only thought that was in your mind as she suddenly lunged herself at you as she hugged you tight.
Her sudden action startled you as you accidentally hugged her back.
"So warm~~ Hehehe."
You were thankful that the huge bear mask covered your entire face because you were a blushing mess. Never could you have imagined that a cute girl would hug you tightly as if you were world.
It took a couple seconds before she let go of the hug as she said
"Thanks for recharging me Mr. Bear. I'll ser you around."
She left while waving at you as you could only wave back slowly. Your brain was still processing what happened.
"What... Just happened?"
That question lingered on your mind the entire day and it was stuck there for a while.
You had hoped that the bear costume would end but it turns out you have to wear the bear outfit for a while.
You had to bear with the crys and scared expression of every passer by but it all didn't matter as the small girl appeared every once a week.
In that short period of time, you managed to get to know her even though your reply was only a nod or a shake to the side. But her bright energy was everything for you.
Her husky voice while she laughs was music to yout ears. She would often manage to tease you making you a blushing mess.
She was very teasing but that was one of her charms. Even though the job was tiring, meeting her every week was all worth it.
But not all things are permanent.
While you were preparing to wear your suit, your boss came to you.
"Y/n, today's the last day you'll be wearing the costume. You'll have to go back to your original post after today."
"Oh, I see..."
When you first wore the costume, you have always wanted to hear those words from your boss but right now, they sounded so displeasing in your ears.
Maybe it was because you met someone who appreciate you and someone who made your heart race.
The weather didn't help the mood as the gray skies painted over the sky. It wasn't that long when it started raining. Instead of standing still outside, you went inside the carnival area where there was a huge shade covering a few people from the rain.
Though today was the last day, you had hoped to see the girl once again but considering the rain, she would probably wouldn't come.
That should have been the answer.
But something tells you she was waiting for you.
You ignored that thought because there was no way she would be standing there waiting for you in the rain.
There was no way.
"Ah, screw it."
Your gut feeling was telling you something was wrong. And it didn't ease you one bit as you rushed outside as you were immediately met with rain pouring from the sky.
You traced your step where you usually stand but you didn't find her there.
Heartbroken, you chuckled at your pathetic self.
"Of course she wouldn't be here. Who in the world would-"
Your eyes caught someone sitting on a wodden bench all soaked from the rain. You went closer to the person and Immediately covered her with your sign board.
"Mr. Bear?"
That husky voice was all to familiar with you. She looked up and your heart tore into thousand pieces. Her mask was gone and you could see her plump lips and cute nose. But her eyes looks so broken and defeated.
"I'm sorry I.. Waited for you here. I'm stupid I know.."
Her cheerfulness was gone and you felt an unusual vibe from her.
"Today is just.. Everything's just so wrong."
She clenched her fist as you could only stay quiet.
"Why.. Why did I have to make a mistake on the biggest stage of them all. Everyone's eyes are on me and it even dragged my members too. I hate it! I hate how my mistake damage the group. Why... Why.. Should I just quit?"
You felt that same way before. 10 years exactly. On the very same bench. That girl was what showed you that there was hope and right now, the girl infront of you needed hope.
You removed the bear head as her widen seeing your face for the first time.
"Never give up. Those words was said to me when I was on the verge of quiting life."
She stayed quiet as she listened to you.
"It sounds cringe but seeing you weekly and interact with me even if it was just a short period of time, made feel significant and wanted. So.. I might sound selfish but please don't give up."
The girl stayed quiet as you had hoped your words went through her. You were expecting a nod or a shake of the head but instead got
Your eyes widen. That nickname was given to you by Lee Seoyeon. Your eyes met hers as you said
"Lee.. Seoyeon?"
She gasped as she suddenly lunged herself to you as you carefully caught her in your arms.
She began crying softly on your bear chest as you patted her head. As if on cue the rain suddenly stopped.
You just let her cry on your chest as you thought that she must have it rough for the past 10 years.
It took a couple minutes before she regain herself as you helped her up and both of you sat on the bench.
"I didn't expect that you would be in this park all this time."
You chuckled at her and said
"I.. Never really left. I was... Well kinda waiting for you to come back and return you this. Give me your hand."
A sense of nostalgia made Seoyeon chuckle as she gave you her hand. You pulled out from your pocket the same handkerchief she used to wipe your tears.
"This is yours so I'm returning it to you."
She was amazed how it still looked the same like 10 years ago.
"Also, you told me before that your in a group. And I think they wouldn't be angry nor frustrated at you. People make mistakes and like the stories you said to me, it seems like the 9 of you are very close"
Seoyeon stayed quiet as a small smile appeared on her face. This was the first time you saw her smile without the mask and she was very pretty it made your heart race and make you blush.
"So Seoyeon, don't ever think of giving up because you have people there for you. Your members, family, friends and me. Like what you said to me. Never give up okay? You cute panda."
That last word was something Seoyeon didn't expect as she blushed a bright red. She couldn't believe that the guy she helped 10 years ago turned out to be a handsome person and a kind hearted one too.
"T-Thank you..."
"Y/n. Your crybaby. Hehehe."
Your bright smile washed away all that negative thoughts that swarmed her earlier. She suddenly felt motivated as she gave you a warm embrace.
"Thank you Y/n. Thank you."
You hugged her back but this time, not as Mr. Bear but as her crybaby.
It took a couple of minutes before she pulled away.
"I feel refreshed now. Thanks Y/n hehehe~"
She waved at you as you waved back at her. Once she was out of your sight, you searched your phone on what group Seoyeon was and saw the events of their group. An idea popped on your head.
"Are you alright now Seoyeon?"
Her leader Searom asked as everyone was worried for her.
"I'm okay now Unnie. Hehehe~"
A hand patted her head as Gyuri, their ex member smiled.
"Good. Now slay the stage. I'll be watching at the backstage."
Seoyeon nodded as her mind was filled all about you. Starting from the words you said and how you changed for the good. A blush appeared on her face as she thought of you.
"Uhh, Seoyeon you have a gift from... Mr. Bear?"
Seoyeon widen her eyes as she grabbed the box that was handed to her by her manager. Her members were also curious on what that gift was as they leaned in close to her.
Seoyeon opened the box and it revealed a cake with the words
"You go and show them what you got Seoyeon."
Murmurs were visible but She didn't care. Her heart was racing to the max as butterflies were swirling on her stomach.
She closed the box as she faced her members with a look of determination.
"Let's show em what we got!"
That got them all hyped up as they were ready to tear the stadium down.
You were back to your regular job at the park selling burgers along your co worker as your bear adventure has come to a close.
Though you saw articles about the success of Fromis_9 concert, the main attraction was how Seoyeon slayed the song and dance.
You always knew that she was a talented person and seeing postive comment about her just brightens up your mood.
Right now there was no visible person in sight which made you wonder why. It was the weekends so today, the park should be filled with people.
You got out of your food stand and looked around if there was something wrong. But you couldn't find anything wrong.
"Is today a holiday? The park should have been-"
A familiar voice broke your thought as Seoyeon lunged herself to you as you quickly caught her in your arms.
"Seoyeon what are you-"
You couldn't finish your sentence because Seoyeon leaned her face to your and gave you a quick peck on the lips.
Your brain went haywire and malfunctioned upon realizing what Seoyeon did.
All she could do was chuckle seeing your blushed face.
"Tihehehe, did I suprise you Y/n? Well that's a sign of how much I love you."
You didn't know what to say and when you finally spoke, the words that only came out of your mouth was
Seoyeon giggled as she grabbed your hand and drag you away from the food stall with a smile.
"Come on, we have 10 years worth of dates that we need to catch up. Hehehe~"
Well maybe you weren't unfortunate after all, seeing how a girl like Lee Seoyeon fell for you and even become your girlfriend.
Your co worker said as he couldn't help feel a little jealous of you.
"I wish I have a girlfriend like him."
He laid his head on one of the tables but a cute voice woke him up quickly.
"Umm. Are you okay?"
He immediately blushed seeing the girl talk to him.
"Uhh yes I'm okay."
Her cute giggle went straight to his heart as she reached out her hand to him and said
"I'm Baek Jiheon. Nice to meet you."
He didn't even hesitate to shake her hand as she said
"I'm Nam. Just call me Nam, ma'am what?"
He got confused by his own words as this made the girl chuckle and thought
"He's cute."
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chaos-proffessa · 4 months
Hello I know it's been a while but look I finally made that fic i said I would
*context this is kink onyx and there boyfs in this fic I'll make an official timeline at some point but eh... tired*
And remember chaos can't spell for shit
Riely stretched out on his bed, his sheets and blankets tangled around one leg while also being spread down to the ground, he sat up his hands reaching above his head his back cracking, today was going to be a good day he thought to himself, Riely padded his way to the kitchen turning on the kettle and prepping two coffees, one with sugar and milk the other straight black, he gulped down the sweeter one setting it down in the sink or trying too, he quickly realised that the sink had gotten a bit crowded latley, he'd add that to his list for today, as he walked to onyx's room he recounted in his mind the chores he was going to do today, he and onyx had agreed yesterday that the house could use a deep clean, he was tasked with vacuuming, dusting checking the pantry and now dishes, he smiled as he knocked on onyx's door "hey onny, you awake?" He asked gently through the door, said door creaking lighty as it was opened, Riely placed the coffee on onyx's bed side table with a smile "I'm Gunna get started on vacuuming ok?" Riely said as he bent over to showed his boyfriend in kisses to his cheek. he walked away satisfied with the sleepy grunt he got in response and went to fetch the vaccume
Riely had gotten through a good number of rooms when the vaccume stopped sucking up stuff from the floor, his brow furrowing as he turned the machine around trying to figure out what happened "it's full ri" onyx mumbled from behind him, Riely turned around with a smile and hugged onyx "good morning!" Riely said happily, onyx smiled and showed Riely the button to press to eject the contents of the vaccume "just be careful I got it pre owned and the compartment can kinda get stuck, just tap it on the side of the bin and youl be fine" onyx advised before he went off to start his set of chores, "thanks onny!!" Riely called after as he took off the vaccume head, he headed into the kitchen to empty the debree from the container true to onyx's word the chamber was stuck he started out tapping lightly but it wasn't doing anything, he tried harder and harder shaking it up and down to try and loosen it until *POOF!!* the contents of the vaccume shot up into his face, he'd been holding it upside down, Riely dropped the vaccume and backed up coughing into his arm, onyx raced in hearing the crash, he turned Riely around to face him "are you ok? Are you hurt?" Onyx asked brushing off the dust from Riely's shirt grimacing at the thick layer that had coated his front, "f-fine onny *cough* I'm ok!" Riely gave onyx a reassuring smile "just dusty" onyx nodded relived "alright... You want some help to clean this up?" Riely looked around seeing most of it ended up on the floor around the bin... And himself. Riely shook his head "nah ill be fine!" He replied onyx nodded and wished him luck as he walked off, Riely sniffled and scrunched up his nose, pressing at his septum with his wrist.
Next item on the list was the pantry, it had been a while scince he or onyx had checked to see if everything was still in date, Riely went shelf by shelf checking everything, the pasta, sauce, snacks and drinks, now he was starting to reach the tall shelves all that was left were the herbs and spices, he grabbed the step stool and set to work sorting through and binning some herbs, once he got to the spices he realised that some of the labels had started wearing off some not having a date on them, he hummed thoughtfully his Nana had thought him that he could tell if some spices were out of date from the smell so he opened a few up and sniffed at them, he diddnt really know what he was looking for or smelling for but they seemed ok so far, until he hit the paprika salt and pepper, he started with the salt wich he almost dropped a few times, it looked like the olive oil bottle had cracked and leaked onto some shakers, he ended up drying them off for now he though, deciding he'd come back to them later but just as he was putting back the pepper he lost his footing catching himself by turning so he diddnt land on his knees, he heard a sharp *crack* he looked around to see the pepper had broken "oh shoot!, well I guess I'll just add it to the list..." He shrugged and went to grab the dust pan and broom, kneeling down to start cleaning up the mess he'd made, as he started sweeping up the pepper it started puffing up into the air he hadn't noticed until he got a nose full, he set down the brush with a gasp his nose twitching hands came up to rub at his nose it was still scensitive from the dust, "hihHhhh HiHHhh hhh.. snFf! SnFff!! Hhh..." He huffed out air as the sneeze teased him, he kept cleaning up his nose twitching and running lightly in protest once he'd finished his nose had turned pink and his eyes were watering lightly, he still felt tickly...
Next was the dishes, then he'd be done. Riely put in the rubber gloves and started the water he made it extra hot so it would be easier to clean off any food stuff, his nose had started to calm down a little bit it was definately still irritated, if he focused on it too long it... IhHT "IHhhH HH!! HhhHIEH!! ....ghh snDff!! C'monnnn" he whined attempting to run his nose on his shoulder but couldn't quiet reach, he sniffled and scrunched his nose as he started washing up the dishes, he added the new soap onyx had bought to the hot water watching the bubbles rise, he started rincing the dishes scrubbing at them with the brush when a sudden strong floral smell started waving it's way through the kitchen, his breath waivered slightly his nose running, he was almost done, just a few more dishes then he could take these gloves off he bargained with himself, just... "HheH" a-a few "hhIHHhH!" Mor-more.. d "hHH" dish "HIHhHH'DTSsHHHYU!!!" Riely backed away from the sink trying to get the gloves off but his eyes kept shutting on thier own, his still gloves wet hands Fanning his face "hhehH!! HEhHH'DTTtsSHHYU!! Hhh HEH'GTSSHhhYYYUU!!!" Riely sniffled congestedly his breath still hitching his nose running, mess cascading down his face his eyes flooded with allergic tears, as all the sneezes that had been stuck for the day had suddenly come up to the surface, "hhHeHH'GTdDSHHYU!-EHhH'DShzzYU!! EHhhHE EHH'GTddsZZHYYU!!!" his hands were stuck trying to shield his face from the room while also trying to not get too close as they were covered in the fragrent soapy water, "Riely?" Onyx called out entering the kitchen "you o- oh shit.. what happened?" Onyx walked up to Riely as Riely chocked out a desperate "g-gluHH gloves! GehHHt them o-oF'DSHhhYYU!!" Riely snapped forward mess leaking down his lips as he came back up for air panting, onyx stuck his mouth open quickly nodded "y-yeah of course" he quickly took off Riely's gloves as carefully as he could, trying to not get too distracted by Riely's hitching breaths, onyx flushed and looked away as Riely accidentally sprayed his hands, Riely stumbled back breath hitching chest expanding, his head tilted back giving onyx a show of his twitching, inflamed, leaking nostrils as he shot forward cupping both hands over his nose and mouth muffling a fit of desperate sneezes, onyx muffled a whine bringing a hand to his mouth biting his finger, he had never told his boy friend about his kink, and he certainly diddnt want it to be now he took a few breaths before walking forward, clearing his thought and asking "are- are you alright?" Onyx placed a hand on Riely's shoulder, Riely sniffled and looked up then down.
"... Why are you hard?"
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gt-blendergod · 7 months
Chapter 1: Ritz has a collection
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Ritz, a quiet teenager who keeps to herself, has a collection of dead things. She keeps different animal skulls on her shelves rather than books and lava lamps. Rather than anime and boy band posters hanging on her walls, butterfly wings and preserved animal parts take their place. Ritz lives in a large house. Her rich parents often leave her alone to her own devices. Some people believe they’re too afraid of her to stay there. When Ritz was younger, she was ten times worse. She was the type of kid who would kill ants and rats for fun. However, she no longer has the tendencies of a psychopath. She doesn’t kill butterflies or carve away the flesh of animals to harvest their skulls. She’s a collector. She uses her parent’s wealth to buy these authentic things. That’s what Ritz knows, and what her peers are too afraid to admit. She is normal.
Or, she was normal. Normal until she became a mother… of sorts.
At first, she thought she was hallucinating. She’d locked herself in her room for a few days and wasn’t surprised when she thought she saw something stealing a pencil from off her desk. Maybe she had rats, maybe she was imagining it, or maybe there was a little tiny person in her walls. Either way, it was nothing to worry about. However, she started noticing even more. A skull on the shelf, shifted ever so slightly ajar. A missing screw in the power outlet, a slightly open drawer here and there. She thought her house was haunted. Curious more than anything, Ritz decided to catch it in the action. It was dumb luck that she did. She had bought a small camera and hid it on her desk behind an unassuming picture frame. That night, emerging from the outlet in the wall above her desk, a little person appeared. They dropped down onto the wooden desk, careful not to make a sound. They had short hair and big eyes, but the video quality was too dark and grainy to make out any details or colors. After searching the desk, they ended up taking yet another pencil from Ritz’s abundant stash before going back into the outlet and shutting it tight.
When Ritz went to check the cameras in the morning, she was shocked, but humored as well. For all she knew, the one and only Thumbelina was taking residence… and taking resources, in her own home. Ritz decided to do no further inspection and put the camera back in order to record the next night. Ritz decided to plug in her laptop on her desk today using the power outlet which the tiny person had moved in order to get onto her desk. She also left her leftover snacks in a bowl right on the front edge of the desk, nearly about to topple over before she went to bed. She was sure the little thief would be fine.
She was wrong. Very, very wrong.
The camera caught everything. The little thief emerged from atop Ritz’s dresser, descending down her drawers, only to appear on the desk after a presumably long time climbing. The little thief took yet another pencil and investigated the bowl. They furrowed their brow in confusion before realizing that Ritz had left food inside. Not being tall enough to reach inside the bowl, they started climbing inside. As this happened, the bowl fell off of the desk, landing upside down on the carpeted floor.
Ritz woke up the next morning and didn’t even notice the bowl on the floor, nor the tiny unmoving leg sticking out from under it. She was hyper focused on checking the camera. Since she was oblivious to the bowl, she instantly tripped over it and hit the desk and chair on her way down. She then landed on the floor in a weird messed up position. What an oddly graceful fall. She sat up and rubbed her head a bit before turning and looking at what she’d tripped on. The bowl was now overturned, revealing the tiny person and uneaten snacks on the ground in broad daylight. Getting a closer look at them, Ritz covered her mouth. They were so small… a kid. Maybe not even ten years old. Unconscious and most likely injured on the ground. What was she supposed to do about this?
First, she cleaned up the bowl and snacks, leaving the small person alone for a bit, hoping they would wake up on their own. When they didn’t and Ritz was done, she begrudgingly relented, carefully picking them up, cupping the tiny body in her hands. She could feel them breathing. Shaking. They were strangely cold in Ritz’s warm hands. She carefully lowered them onto the desk. She sighed. This was her fault, wasn’t it? What could she possibly do to fix it?
The little girl, or at least, that’s all she remembers being called, is cursed. She remembers being a normal person, though she hasn’t been around long enough to remember much. How old is she? How old was she when she became like this? These people aren’t giants. She at least remembers that. The man and woman used to be the same size as her. It’s all fuzzy. She tried to recall their names, but never could. When she ran away, she saw pictures of them. Pictures of them with a little girl. It wasn’t her, but when she was traveling around the house, she found the little girl in the picture. She was older now. Some eavesdropping and the little girl discovered that the daughter’s name was Ritz. Ritz is terrifying. When the little girl first saw her room, she knew she’d be in danger if she was ever caught by Ritz. If she was ever caught by any of them. She decided she would build a shelter of her own in the house. Food would be extremely difficult to find, but materials would be easy enough, right? She tried. It was a month of thievery before the incident occurred.
When she finally woke up, she was confused. She was laying down, curled up on a warm wet towel. It was nice, she didn’t feel like she wanted to move. Everything felt hurt. Especially her legs. She couldn’t move them if she tried. What was wrong with them? Her torso hurt too… However, she couldn’t focus on the pain. She finally noticed the huge eyes staring at her. She felt sick. How could she let this happen? Was she that desperate for food that she fell straight into Ritz’s trap? Seeing Ritz’s… collection before… of course she would do this. Ritz had probably known about the little girl this whole time. She was just pretending not to know… to torment her, wasn’t she?? She wouldn’t speak. She couldn’t come up with anything to say even if she wanted to. She just buried her head into the towel, but even moving it was painful. How was she even alive? Her fall must have been broken by the soft carpet or something. She just wanted the pain to end. She practically begged in her mind for Ritz to just put her out of her misery. She knew it would happen eventually. That girl… was obsessed with death. She could tell. She didn’t know where the girl got her collection from, but she knew it couldn’t be good. At some point, while the little girl was still hiding her face, she felt Ritz looming over her as if she was about to do something.
“Sorry…” Ritz said as she suddenly grabbed the towel with the little girl on it, “I just need to make the towel warm again.. I don’t want to disturb you.”
The little girl was separated from the towel and gently placed back on the desk. She was alone, but still couldn’t move. Still defenseless and alone. Why was Ritz doing this? What was Ritz doing? The little girl finally looked down at her own legs. They had cuts of bandaids on them. Ritz was trying to fix her. Why? Ritz returned.
“Phew,” she sighed, “I was worried that you’d leave… now that you’re awake. But.. you haven’t even moved a muscle. Haha…”
Before coming to the desk, Ritz sat down on her bed. She held onto the bed’s railing and sighed. She seemed very upset.
“I really messed up this time. I’m so sorry… I didn’t mean for anything to happen to you. I was just trying to help, but I wasn’t careful enough,” she looked up at the little girl on the desk, who was looking back with a nearly emotionless stare, “are you okay?”
After a long moment of silence, the little girl finally spoke.
“Why are you being… so nice to me..?” She asked, her voice almost too quiet to hear, “I’m not… I-“
She was interrupted by a cough, not saying anything else. Ritz was happy that the person could talk and knew english. Who was this person, anyways? What happened to them? Ritz got up from the bed and carefully placed the little girl on top of the folded wet towel again. Ritz sat at her desk chair and rested her head on the desk. It was a lot of waiting and staring for both of them. Eventually, they both fell asleep.
When the little girl woke up, Ritz was gone. The towel was gone. She was extremely nervous to be all alone. Ritz came back, but the towel was still gone. She sat at her desk chair again and leaned back.
“So.. you’re awake. Would you mind if I ask some questions? We don’t have any more towels… and you can just nod yes or no.. if you need to.”
The little girl nodded. Ritz smiled a bit and leaned forward resting her head on her elbows. It was slightly more threatening, but the little girl didn’t want to say anything about it.
“So, do you have a name?”
She shook her head No.
“Are you human?”
There was a bit of hesitation before she nodded yes.
“Were you always small?”
“Do you know why you’re small? Did someone do this to you?”
A nod yes. She decided to explain a bit more as well.
“The man and woman… and I ran away.. in the pictures with you.”
Ritz was silent. She stared up at the wall for a moment. Why didn’t it surprise her that her parents would do something like this? The question is… why did they do it in the first place?”
“Do you know who I am?”
“You’re Ritz… and you’re really… really…” The little girl lost her train of thought.
Ritz was curious. She didn’t want to push, but decided not to ask another question until the little girl finished. She stared at the little girl and shifted her position. She was slightly surprised to see the little girl flinch at the slightest movement of Ritz’s hand. Ritz knew what she was going to say now.
“Oh… I’m sorry,” Ritz said, slightly dejected, “I’m… terrifying to you, aren’t I?”
The little girl nodded slowly before bursting into tears. All Ritz wanted was to give her a hug. Instead, she tried to calm her down, running her hand down the little girl’s back.
“Hey, hey… it’s okay. I understand. I’m the spawn of the people who hurt you, I hurt you, I’m basically holding you captive, my room is filled with… upsetting decorations, I get it.”
The little girl turned her head away, frustrated. Ritz pulled her hand back, it clearly wasn’t helping.
“I promise I’m not going to hurt you anymore. I promise my parents will never find you…” she said, trying to reassure the little girl, “And I promise I’ll help you get better.. well maybe not about the small thing. I don’t think I can do that. Haha…”
The little girl sniffed and rubbed her face to get the sadness out. Ritz seemed… very genuine, but the little girl really didn’t want to trust her.
“Okay so… your name. You need one. Is there anything you’d like to be called?
She shook her head no, “you can name me… I don’t.. have any ideas.”
Ritz thought for a minute, looking around the room for some ideas.
“Names for a… little… science experiment… who I rescued,”
Ritz made the cliche game theorists' thinking face. She soun around in her chair.
“Okay, I think I got it,” she said, “I’m gonna… use a futuristic name generator online.”
She reached past the little girl and opened her computer. The little girl, now more mobile and able to move, turned away from Ritz and looked at the computer screen which was more like the screen of a movie theater to her. Ritz looked up a generator and started generating.
“Wow,” Ritz said, laughing, “these names are terrible. How would you like to be called Abigael? With an A E.”
The little girl chuckled a bit.
“This is… bad. Not a good name. No,” she said, “I would rather… be called a dry leaf.”
“Dry leaf, hm? That gives me an idea,” Ritz said as she looked for some cute tree names online, she laughed, “How does Baobab sound?”
“I refuse to be called Baobab.”
“Okay then, how about… Cassia. It produces a spice similar to cinnamon. Cinnamon… like your hair?”
“Cassia sounds like Cassy and that name just sounds wrong. Lemme see.”
She limped over to the laptop and put her hands on the mouse pad, scrolling further down the list. Ritz intervened when they reached the Ms.
“I keep thinking back to Maple.”
“Too average. Maple leaves are big anyways.”
“Ok well let’s go back. How about Hazel.”
“…It’s not the worst. Better than all the others.”
“Okay then, nice to meet you, Hazel.”
Hazel turned around to face Ritz again. She still seemed very nervous. She literally couldn’t look her directly in the eyes. She looked down.
“I don’t… I just don’t get it..”
“Get what?”
“Why are you so different.. from them? They never ever talked to me. They hurt me.”
“…” Ritz thought for a moment, “it’s almost as if you want me to be an evil monster.”
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theveryfires · 2 years
the wrong song | eddie munson x reader
AN: this is my first little sort of drabble, hope you guys like it! If there is anything that can be improved or it you guys would like more please let me know! hope you enjoy!
'It's not working, why is it not working?!" The panic in Steve's voice reverberated around the upside down before rattling up into the Munson's trailer. The rest of the gang had made it back through to reality, but as Y/N had started to climb, she had suddenly frozen. Her eyes rolled back into her head, body twitching in the darkness as Steve shouted for help from the others. A mad rush had ensued to find the right song, but despite the luck of Eddie even having 'Edge of Seventeen' in his possession, it was now half way through and her condition was only getting worse.
Lucas squeezed Dustin's hand as they watched the eldest Henderson begin to levitate, her feet now well above the ground as her hair spiralled down between the two worlds. "Maybe it's the wrong song?" Robin finally said what everyone had been thinking, casting an apologetic look towards Steve as she spoke. But Harrington shook his head, his mind clouded with fear. This was the song she had played on every car ride home, it was the one she would get ready to/ He could hear it playing from her room when he was waiting around for Dustin, she carried the damn cassette in her bag There was no way in his mind that this was the wrong song, there couldnt possibly be another "No, no way...this has to be it."
But Steve's mumbling faded into the background of panic as Eddie began to think. His wide and worried stare flickering between Dustin and the girl he had known since middle school. If something didn't change and fast, he was going to have to watch someone else be taken away from him. He felt helpless, staring up at her and unable to stop whatever was happening in her head. He couldn't do this again, he wouldn't. A thousand what if's suddenly gripped him, she hated the dark, what if she was trapped in the dark. She insisted on sleeping with at least a lamp on, or leaving on some cheesy late night talk show. His mind was running overtime as he willed himself to think of anything that might bring her back to him...them.
The first time they met came to mind. He still had his buzzcut after Jason had one of his goons smear bubblegum in his mane. Eddie had been sat at the back of the class, rocking his chair and twirling his pencil when she had walked in. Y/N was looking at the floor, shaking her right hand nervously by her side as she searched for an empty seat and silently cursing herself for not showing up earlier. she had been wearing blue flared jeans and a big sweater, her hair haphazardly piled on top of her head, stray curls twirling around her face. Eddie had braced himself for the complaining, the only other empty seat was next to him and there was no way she was going to sit there without kicking up a fuss...everybody else had. He could still recall the warmth that had washed over him when she smiled, simply walking over and getting her pencil case out of her backpack before turning towards the young metal head with her hand extended towards him. "I'm Y/N Henderson, you're Eddie right?" A shy smile had taken over his face as he shook her hand and nodded slowly, still in shock. Y/N's younger brother would go on to do the exact same thing after bumping into him in the hallways. The thought of why they shouldn't, the social consequences of being affiliated with Eddie, never mind just being nice to him never seemed to cross the Henderson's minds. All they had ever seen him as was a friend, not the 'freak' he had been branded with.
After their first year of middle school Y/N and Eddie soon found themselves in most of the same classes. The two had figured out early on this had been done on purpose, the hope she could be a good influence on the towns 'menace' was evident. Even back then Y/N had a squeaky clean reputation, she was never late, always happy to learn, put the work in. Eddie had only just ben getting started when they put the two together. He couldn't deny she rubbed off on him a little, for the first time in his academic career Eddie Munson was never late. At least for the classes he bothered to show up to. It was during these sacred classes that Eddie began to get to really know Y/N. When she got bored she would tap her feet to an unheard tun, her lips mouthing along to the various songs that were stuck in her head. The one that she bobbed her head to the most making Eddie's jaw drop when he caught sight of the cassette currently in her walkman.
Eddie's heart leaped, following the memory like a thread to another. Y/N had a habit of always humming something when she was completing basic tasks. A small smile on her face as she made them breakfast, his hellfire shirt hanging from her frame as she swayed along, completely in her own world and ignorant to the deep brown eyes watching her. She had first stayed over to help him with a school project, but their sleepovers soon became a regular thing. Her whispered singing in the shower would always wake him up, her voice slightly out of tune and bringing a tired smile to his face. Eddie couldn't hide his smile even with the situation at hand as another memory took over. They were dancing together, in his room. Y/N was playing the air guitar furiously, her curls thrashing around her and forehead scrunched as she focused. Her chest was heaving, eyes squeezed shut and head thrown back as her fingers danced along an imaginary electric guitar, soft lips mouthing along to the words. They should of been studying, but the song had come on and neither of them could believe the radio was playing actual good music for once. Her perfume had consumed Eddie's thoughts, the bright smile on her face making his heart race. He actually blushed at the memory, how close they had been by the end of the song. Not even realising they were sharing the same air, eyes wandering around each others aces, He had sworn her gaze had lingered on his mouth before flicking up to meet his own. The feeling of Y/N leaning into his touch as he brushed a stray curl back behind her ear had been heavenly, biblical, he had cast a prayer to Ozzy in hopes it would come true. The reverie almost felt real, just slightly out of touch as the two teens fell into one another. Y/N had tasted like Dr.Pepper and cherry lip gloss, even softer than Eddie had expected. He was breathless as he fel back into reality, faced with a very different Y/N as she now dangled between worlds.
'It's the wrong song!" Eddie hadn't meant to shout as he lunged towards the piles of tapes they had ransacked only minutes before. His new found friends attention was now on the metalhead, a wall of raised eyebrows and wide eyes watched Eddie's back as he desperately searched for the right tape. Steve and Nancys murmured doubts were drowning in the white noise of adrenaline that surrounded Eddie as he finally gripped the right one. It was faded, but the tape felt like home in his hand. "It's this one." Carefully, Eddie chucked it through the gate to Steve, trying to control his breathing as he found himself just a few inches under Y/N's forehead.
Steve couldn't help the scoff that left him, rolling in his eyes at the title on the tape. "I hate to burst your bubble Munson, but i don't think Y/N even knows who Black Sabbath are." Eddie rolled his eyes, nerves finally getting the better of him as he glared up at the ex jock. He didn't have time for this, to argue with Steve 'the hair' Harrington that only two years prior had been part of the idiots that found joy in shoving Eddie into lockers. 'I've known Henderson since before middle school. This is the song she hums in class when she's bored. Its the one she sings in the shower and in the car ride home. It's the song..It's our...can you just trust me and play the fucking tape man."
Eddie's eyes were wide, pleading with Steve to listen to him when the tension was broken by a shattering whimper. Dustin was shaking, tears falling down his face as he watched his sister fall deeper into Vecna's curse. Sick and tired of his two older male friends fighting and just wanting his sister back. "Listen to him Steve!"
Hesitantly Steve removed the cassette that he would have bet his life on to save Y/N. Their own memories tangled into the lyrics, it's hard case now digging indents into his hand as he replaced Stevie Nicks with Black Sabbath. The first few notes of 'Paranoid' began to play, and Eddie once again found himself praying to Ozzy to bring her back to him. Y/N was now far enough through the gate that Eddie could see her face. Leaning his forehead against her pallid cold one, Eddie couldn't help but whisper 'Come on Henderson, come back to me." Robin and Nancy shared a look, confusion spreading throughout the group as they awkwardly watched the intimate moment between the freak and the good girl.
A beat passed, and the hope they all had began to fade away. A dismal acceptance taking it's place. Eddie's knuckles tightening as Steve commentated "Looks like neither of us were right, man."
Suddenly, as the chorus began to kick in, Y/N's eyes snapped open. With a yelp she dropped through the rift and into Eddie's arms, forcing him back onto the stained mattress that they should both be ashamed of. But none of that mattered, not right now as he wrapped his arms around her tightly. Burying his face into her hair, breathing deeply, it was her, it was her. Tears coated Y/N's face, dampening Eddies hair as she shakily took a breathe in. Inhaling him, stale cigarettes and the cologne she had bought him for his birthday. 'Eddie." A relieved tone coated his name as it fell from her mouth like a prayer. Under other circumstances this would of only further boosted Munson's ego to a godlike status. But this time it only worked to break his heart, his grip growing tighter as he rocked them both. "I've got you princess, i've got you."
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yeahwhatdidisay · 1 year
The Hereafter
A Stranger Things one-shot [AO3 Link]
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Sumary: All the hardships and heartaches you all faced in the upside down is a distant memory. So much so you cherish making new ones that much more.
Today is a good day. A calm day. Days that make you appreciate the loved ones you hold so dear.Eddie will always be Eddie and today feels like a dream.
Eddie will always be Eddie...and your love will always be as it is for him on these good days. These good days that hurt so much.
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Angst...just a lot of angst!
A/N: Took a quick break from my current story because inspiration hit. Hope you all like it.
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“Come on!  Just run toward me!”
“No! I’ll hurt you!” you called up to Eddie, who stood not too far up the hill from where you and Dustin were standing.
“You can’t hurt Eddie the Banished!  I’ll block any attack, I'm so good!”
“He’s gonna break an arm, isn’t he?” Dustin asked, looking over at you.
“Most likely.” You replied, grasping onto the wooden sword Eddie gave you.
The rest of the group watched from around the RV that you all had now claimed as yours since the incident in the upside down.  
Your own secret hideout where you could all get away from everyday life and just be together.
They would glance over and call out comments in between their own conversations.
“Stop stalling!  How are we ever going to try out my handiwork on this garbage lid if you don’t attack me!?” 
Eddie’s voice echoed through the field as you let out an aggravated sigh.
“You’re not going to hold back are you?” Dustin asked.
You shook your head before raising the sword and calling out a battle cry that echoed all around you.  Running up toward him at full speed.
Eddie’s eyes widened as you met him in mere seconds, bringing down the sword hard and fast.
You gave him only seconds to raise his makeshift shield, blocking you from hitting him with no time to spare.
You slashed at him, this way and that.  He struggled to block your strikes until you were able to hit the lid out of his grasp and pushed him to the floor.
He landed with a hard thud as you placed a foot on his chest and pointed the end of the wooden sword only inches from his face.
“Do you yield, Eddie the Banished?” 
“Jesus Christ, Sweetheart!  I’d be horrified if I wasn’t so turned on!” was his response.
“Shut up…” you said with a breathy laugh.  Taking your foot off of him and extending your hand to pull him up off the ground.
He took it and didn’t let go as he stood, towering over you.
He brought you close, wrapping his other arm around your waist and resting his cheek against your forehead.
“You're amazing…have I ever told you that?”
“You have.”
“I mean it.  You’re also beautiful, wonderful, and way out of my league.” His voice was soft and quiet as he said the last few words.  “How’d I ever get so lucky?”
“I’m the one who lucked out.  You saved me, Eddie.  From my family, from myself…I’m the lucky one.  I love you, Eddie…with all my heart.”
“I love you too, with all of mine.”
The two of you stayed holding onto each other.  Swaying as if you were dancing to music only the two of you could hear.
“I’m happy I survived…” Eddie finally said.
Your body noticeably tensed up and the smile on your face withered away.
“What is it?” he asked, lifting his head off of yours.
“Oh, Eddie…” you whispered, “but you didn’t.”
You could feel your heart breaking as your voice cracked.  Your eyes began to fill with tears before spilling down your cheeks.
“Oh, shit…I didn’t survive?” he said, his voice still calm and playful, “Are you okay?”
“No…and yes.  Time does that.  I’ll never be okay with it…but what else can I do?”
“I’m sorry, Sweetheart.  I made you a promise and I didn’t keep it.”
You smiled up at him, trying to let him know you didn’t hold it against him even though it still hurt.
“How long has it been?”
“Two years.”
“Damn…are you still in Hawkins?”
You nodded.
“I couldn’t leave you…or at least where I still feel you near.”  
The lump in the back of your throat was making it hard to talk.
“You were always so sentimental…" Eddie's voice trailed off.  He didn't know what else to say to make you feel better so he did what he usually did in awkward situations.
He changed the subject.
"Anything else new happening in your life?”
You began to laugh.
“I had a baby.”
“Oh shit!  You’re a mom!?” 
Eddie’s smile melted your heart.  He was so happy to hear that news that you couldn’t help but smile up at him through your tears.
“Was it a boy or a girl?  What’s their name?”
“I had a little girl.”
“Shit!  Damn! Fuck! Sorry, I’m just really happy and excited for you! Who’s the father?  Do I know him?”
“You do…you know him really well.” You laughed.
“Well what’s the little one’s name?” Eddie asked, too excited to wait for your answer to his first question.
“Edwyn.  We call her Winnie for short.”
“Wow!  Edwyn…” his voice grew soft and quiet, “Sounds kind of Tolkein-ish.  Did you name her after anyone in particular?  Her dad maybe…you still haven't told me who it is!  Don’t leave me hanging!”
“It’s you, you idiot!  You’re her dad!”
You gave him a playful hit on the chest before smoothing out the creases on his Hellfire shirt you made from the action.
“I named her after her father and grandfather.  Wayne misses you by the way…just as much as I do.  He says all the time how much of you he sees in her.  Especially the messy hair.”
“Poor thing.  This mane took years for me to handle…I never tamed it, though.”
“I know…I know.”
The both of you continued to sway as you held onto each other.  Your tears continued to fall down your face as you leaned into him.  His arm wrapped around you while the other continued to hold your hand.
“I wish I could have met her.”
“Me too…” you whispered.
“Do you think I would have been a good dad?”
“The best.”
“I really am sorry…”
“Don’t be…at least you still visit me sometimes…while I’m dreaming.”
“Like now?”
“Like now…”
You shot up in bed with a loud gasp.  Your tears streamed down your face while you struggled to catch your breath as it hitched in your throat and turned into a sob.
You brought your hands up to your face and continued to try and steady your breath when you felt two arms wrap around you.  Taking you into a warm embrace.
“It’s okay…I’m here.  You had that dream again didn’t you?”
You nodded and lifted your teary eyes to see Steve smiling softly at you.
“I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to wake you.” you whispered, wiping away the tears from your eyes.
“Don’t be, besides, Robin opens the store tomorrow.  I have a few extra hours to sleep in.”
You laughed and moved to give him a kiss on the cheek. 
He smiled and reciprocated by leaning in to give you a proper kiss.
“Where did Eddie visit you this time?” he whispered as the two of you settled back into bed.
“In the field where we prepared to face Vecna.  This time, though, it was as if we were just hanging out. Everyone was there and we were just enjoying each other.  Playing...I kicked his ass by the way.”
“That’s our girl!”
Steve always referred to you as ‘our girl’.  He knew he would forever share you with Eddie, and he was okay with that.  You were worth sharing.
“Did you get to tell him about Edwyn?”
“I did.”
“I’m sure he got a kick out of finding out he was a dad again.  He never seems to remember that fact.”
“I think he does it on purpose.  So I can talk about her.”
“That jerk…” Steve laughed.
A quiet fell between you two.  You knew that there was a chance all of this was in your head.  Just you playing out scenarios as a form of coping mechanism…but you hoped it was something more.  
That you were somehow reaching out across physical and metaphysical plains to be able to speak with Eddie, the real Eddie.  Not just a figment of your imagination and you appreciated Steve going along with that.  
Even if it was just a delusion of yours.
“Don’t ever admit this to him, but I think he would have made a good dad.  I mean, not as good as me…but he would have been a close second.” Steve said, breaking the quiet and causing you to laugh.
“I won’t…thank you, Steve.”
“For what?”
“For everything.  For helping me out of my depression.  For stepping up to the plate with Edwyn…for letting me believe I actually visit Eddie in my dreams.”
“Hey, c’mon!  Who’s to say you don’t?  We’ve fought monsters and visited parallel dimensions!  I mean, we know El!  Believing that Eddie’s spirit is able to visit you in your dreams is hardly a stretch.”
You smiled over at Steve while he did his best to prove his point.  Who were you to argue with that logic?
You leaned over and gave him another kiss.
“Thank you…Big Boy.”
“Oh god, not that nickname!  Did he tell you to call me that again?”
You laughed and shook your head.
“No, not this time.”
“I hate when he does…oh and don’t tell him we’re together.  Every time you say you did I have a nightmare! Last time he chased me in his van!  Trying to run me over while I peddled like crazy on Dustin’s bike!”
“At least you got a bike that time.  Before that weren’t you on foot…and wasn’t he like a giant bat?”
“Ugh…don’t remind me…”
He looked over and gave you a tight hug while giving you a kiss on your forehead and rubbing your shoulder.
“Feel better?”
You nodded.
“I love you, Steve.”
“I know…I mean I love you too.” he said with a smile.
“Oh, trying to be funny are we Mr. Solo! Alright, I’m telling Eddie we’re together next time he visits!  Be prepared for another nightmare!”
“Damnit!” he whispered, leaning in to give you another kiss before the two of you slowly fell back asleep in each other's arms.
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maydayparkers · 1 year
I have not been able to get your 'would you love me if i was a worm' post out of my head for the past however long its been.
sooo. oops. hopefully this sends, it's. not super long, but long for an ask.
“Hey, Peter?” She allowed an appropriately timed pause. “Would you still love me if I was a worm?” Her husband looked up (down from her perspective) from his laptop, idly spinning pen stilling as he squinted.
“...Yes? Why would you be a worm, though.” Mary Jane rolls her eyes and flips her hair behind her shoulder.
“It’s a thought experiment from the internet. You would know if you ever lifted that rock you live under.” Predictably, Peter splutters in protest. “Anyway,” she continues, pressing a finger to her chin as the thought hits her, “We live in New York, Tiger. For all we know, some mad scientist type is currently making a…Wormification ray as we speak.” Pointedly, Peter makes eye contact as he leans over to rap on the wooden doorframe.
“Great job, MJ. You just spoke it into existence. Thanks for that. Gonna be a great use of my Saturday night.” He replies drily. She scoffs, planting her hands on her hips. 
“You’re paranoid.”
“I’m right! It stops being paranoia when the world really is out to get you,” he sing-songs, turning back to his laptop. Mary Jane throws her hands up into the air. Men, honestly. 
“Oh of course! How could I have been so thoughtless, to cause such pain to the great and wonderful Spider-Man!” Peter furrows his brow suspiciously.
“You’re making fun of me,” he states, flatly. She gasps, widening her eyes into the picture of innocence.
“Me? I would never!”
“Ha. Ha. Ha.” He grinds out, scrunching down further.
“Besides,” Mary Jane sings, “Back to the point-I don’t think that you, of all people, have any room to talk about turning into bugs,” she adds, only a touch snide, pointedly looking him up and down from his upside-down perch on their wall.
Peter opens his mouth. Closes it. Frowns down at her, and without breaking eye contact, stands and drops to the floor.
“Worms aren’t even arthropods,” is what he finally goes with, once he’s on ground level, that particular tic working in his jaw. He gets so defensive about the insect thing. It’s hilarious.
Mary Jane shrugs carelessly. “I’m just saying. If I was a guy who’s literally turned into a spider before, I wouldn’t talk.” Peter makes a face.
“I haven’t turned into a spider, exactly. Just. Into a mutated spider-monster.” He replies weakly.
“Multiple times,” Mary Jane nods. “Except for the one time you went all the way.” She pauses, leaning into an obvious thinking pose. “Hmm. I loved you through that, so I guess I’d also love you if you were a worm.” Peter wheezes, shaking his head at her.
“That felt uncalled for, but thanks? I guess?” He pauses, and grimaces. “With my luck, I’d be a spider-worm abomination, though. Would you still love that?”
Her mind conjures up something with far too many legs for a worm, and she can’t quite suppress a shudder at the mental image.
“Nobody else has these problems,” she mutters as an aside. “A worm? Easy. A spider? You’re basically halfway there, anyway. Both, though,” she trails off. “I probably would, because it’s you. Even if you do end up more radioactive than normal, or something.”
“Wow,” Peter replies, drawing the word out into a sigh. “I feel so loved, honey. What would I ever do without you.”
Mary Jane smiles, sly and teasing. “Be even more of a disaster than usual, probably. Love you too, dear.” She chirps.
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Stay With Me
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Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson
what to expect: angst lmao, slight allusion to smut but it’s pretty small
A/N: this came to me while listening to Ghost’s cover of “Stay” with Patrick Wilson (they use it in the credits of the last ‘Insidious’ movie), i heard it and could picture Eddie and Steve so clearly with it. highly recommend you give it a listen!! this whole thing was a bit of an escape for me since i’ve been so busy lately. and while we all know how things go in the Upside Down, i decided to leave the ending as ambiguous otherwise i would’ve cried a bunch. AND gif credit goes to @acecroft​
word count: 1.4k
If this world is wearing thin
And you’re thinking of escape
I’ll go anywhere with you
Just wrap me up in chains
        Eddie couldn’t believe his ears. “You’re telling me the most sought-out ladies’ man of Hawkins High is lonely? I don’t see it.” Steve’s shoulders fell as he grumbled. “I’ve never…connected with any of them, ya know? Why do you think I haven’t actually stayed with anyone?” Eddie thought about what he said. Really, he understood. Eddie never truly felt a pull to anyone either. He had some nice hookups here and there, but no one was worth seeing another time. 
       “Well if it helps, our dear little town probably isn’t the best place to find love, or whatever, anyways.” He grinned at Steve, happy to see a small smile breaking out on his face. “You’re not wrong. I might have better luck somewhere else. Somewhere with less close minded people.” Two instances of common ground with Steve Harrington in the span of five minutes? Not a chance. “When have you dealt with close minded people? You’re not a so-called freak.” Eddie noticed Steve’s gaze stick to the ground. “I mean, not that it’s impossible. Like we agreed, there’s plenty of shitty people here.” Steve quirked a brow and nodded. “I just meant cause you were, ya know, before graduating.” 
        Steve looked up at Eddie, a secret swimming in his eyes, not yet ready to come out of hiding. “I also hated who I was. I was a dick. I wasn’t myself. It was all…bullshit. Everyone just ate it up because it didn’t make them uncomfortable.” 
         Eddie felt the unspoken truth behind Steve’s words. He also felt how nervous Steve was to even say such an ambiguous statement.
        “I understand.” Steve’s eyes brightened just a fraction. Was he hopeful? Was he relieved? Did he really realize what was being said? Eddie had no idea, but he knew he needed to keep that light in Steve’s eyes. “Tell ya what, after all this is said and done, we can just go. Anywhere you want. We’ll find a place for you.” For both of us. “I-yeah, yeah okay. That sounds nice.” 
In the silence of your room
In the darkness of your dreams
You must only think of me
There can be no in between
         Steve tossed and turned on the couch next to Eddie’s room all night. His mind was plagued with visions of Eddie disappearing. He wasn’t a stranger to calling the Munson boy “Freak” in the past, thinking he was an outcast for a reason. In a way, Steve was right. Eddie was an outcast, just not in the way he perceived. Getting to know him over the last few days, Steve grew to understand that Eddie was one of few people who truly saw him. Someone he connected with. Someone he didn’t want to lose. 
         Eddie held himself in a bed that wasn’t his own, wishing he could just sleep. He didn’t know if he’d get to go back to his trailer again but he was finally out of the boatshack. And yet, his eyes wouldn’t close. He stared at the wall, deep in thought. The conversations between him and the Harrington boy played over and over in his brain. He was a clueless asshole in school, Eddie taunted him more than once for being referred to as “King”. Apparently he actually had a heart, a fragile one. But he’s still just as clueless. Eddie laughed to himself, the sound echoing in the otherwise empty space.
When your pride is on the floor
I’ll make you beg for more
      “Damnit, Harrington. This would go a lot smoother if you sat still.” Steve winced. “It would go a lot smoother if you were actually being gentle, Munson.” Eddie narrowed his eyes. “Wanna patch yourself up?” Steve kept his mouth shut. “That’s what I thought.” 
       Steve winced a few more times, trying his best not to move too much. Eddie focused on wrapping Steve up after his wounds were clean. “Is everyone else okay?” Eddie nodded. “We were scared out of our minds, still kinda are, but we’re alright.” “...Thank you.” Eddie adjusted the final wrapping and nodded. “Of course. I mean, we can’t have our dear king Steve dying on us before the real battle starts.” If Steve didn’t know Eddie was joking, his glare could have very well killed him. The tiny smile underneath betrayed his fake annoyance at the title.
      “I can’t believe you went headfirst like that without thinking of any threats on the other side.” Steve could tell it was a compliment of sorts. He knew Eddie meant that he was brave, the Munson boy having told him more than once before that he was always one to run away. But he couldn’t let go of the words “without thinking”. He wasn’t thinking. Again. He made a stupid choice. Again. 
      “Do you think it was a dumb move?” Do you think I’m dumb? Eddie frowned. He knew what Steve really meant. He knew how Steve felt about himself. “Honestly? If I had the courage you do, I would’ve done the same thing.” Steve tilted his head and scratched the back of his neck. “Ya know, I’m not as brave as you seem to think I am.” Eddie rolled his eyes. “And you’re not a coward like you claim to be.” Eddie looked up and blinked. “W-what?” “You talk about running from your problems, but you forget to acknowledge the part where you continue going back, facing them again and again. You could’ve dropped out, but you’re still going to school, you’re still working towards graduating. You could’ve left town, finding an escape elsewhere, away from Jason and all the other players who hurt you. But you go back every day with your head high and live your life. You’ve chosen to stick it out in a place you’ve never really felt you belonged and made it your own. You–” Steve didn’t get to finish his sentence. Eddie’s lips covered his with a kiss that filled his very soul. 
       Steve started to kiss him back just as Eddie pulled away, leaning his forehead against Steve’s. “Please tell me I haven’t been reading this all wrong.” Steve’s only response was to pull Eddie in for another kiss. The two felt each other’s smiles on their lips. 
       Steve broke away first for air. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” Eddie’s lips maneuvered down to his neck, speaking between kisses, “I think I have a pretty good idea.” Steve used one hand to hold himself up against the table from before and the other ran through Eddie’s hair. Eddie left one more kiss on his shoulder before leaning back just enough so he could see Steve’s face again. Thank God. The light in Steve’s eyes was brighter than ever. 
       “I told you you’re braver than you give yourself credit for.” Eddie rolled his eyes and laughed at Steve’s words. His eyes flicked down Steve’s body, making sure the wrapping was still intact and there wasn’t any blood seeping through. “Hey, I’m okay.” His eyes flicked down a second time and noticed Steve’s pants. “You sure, Stevie? Cause I can think of at least one part of you that could use more of my attention.” He grinned when Steve’s face turned pink. He didn’t expect anything, but he enjoyed teasing the Harrington boy.
        Steve surprised Eddie when he leaned in to kiss him again, whispering “please” against his lips.
You’d better hope and pray 
That you’ll make it safe back to your own world
You’d better hope and pray
That you’ll wake one day in your own world
        The boys trailed after Dustin and the girls through the Upside Down, keeping their eyes out for anything that might swoop down or sneak underneath them. “You still wanna get out of here after this is over?” With me. Eddie looked at Steve, reading his face. “Of course I do. There’s nothing I’d rather do more.” They exchanged soft smiles and kept walking. 
        The party reached its destination to split up, everyone looking between each other with worry. They went over the plan and nodded at each other. Nancy and Robin exchanged glances, Dustin hugged Steve harder than he probably should have in his recovering state and saluted the girls. 
         Steve Harrington looked into Eddie Munson’s eyes, full of hope and fear at the same time. Not caring what any of the other party members may say, the two held each other’s faces and met with a kiss. Short but filled with words that both were afraid to say out loud, “You better come back to me,” “I promise I’ll be okay.” They pulled back at the same time, each taking their own deep breaths.
  “Don’t be a hero.”
Stay with me
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wil-is-done · 2 years
Blue Flashes - Chapter 1
Summary: Humans are weird. Their arms are too long and ungainly. Their legs are twice the length of frog legs, but they can only jump half the height. Their tongues look shriveled and fragile, like it's diseased. The town is rightfully wary, but the Plantars are learning to live with these oddities during the course of their human guest's stay in their household. But, even they can't get over how, sometimes, a human's eyes flashes blue.
Word Count: 1.407
IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a repost.
"Um, Anne, what are you doing?"
Polly had just warded off yet another unsuccessful attempt by Hop Pop to bathe her and was hopping her merry way to the kitchen for a quick victory snack - she's thinking coco-covered maggots today - when she stumbled upon quite an odd sight. Anne was lying face down on the living room floor, her butt raised in the air, her arm shoved underneath a drawer, and her face scrunched up like she's taking a dump after a bowl of grub at pre-makeover Stumpy's. Whatever weird human ritual she's doing, it definitely took up all of her focus, since a solid five seconds passed before she mustered up a reply.
"Dropped my phone," she replied, followed by a grunt. Her arm was doing a lot of finagling around under that drawer. "Slid under this, ugh, stupid drawer."
Ah, okay, that made sense. Not some weird human ritual, then.
With a growl, Anne pulled her arm out and sat back on her knees. She made a face upon noticing the coat of dirt and dust on the hand that she stuck under the drawer, and hastily wiped it off on her skirt. "How deep did that stupid thing go?!" She leaned down again, peering into the small gap between the ground and the drawer. "And it's too dang dark to see anything!"
Polly nodded, a short hum leaving her lips. She'd been in that predicament a few times before, and each time it sucked. Her tiny little nubs didn't help matters any (Frog, she couldn't wait until she's all grown-up). "Well, good luck with that," she said, before turning around and hopping away, because this was none of her business. Her coco maggots await.
"Wait, wait, wait!" Polly was stopped in her tracks when one of Anne's gangly limbs blocked her path. Before she realized what was going on, Anne had scooped her off of the floor. "Here's an idea!"
"Wha- hey! I did not consent to this!" Polly cried, wriggling wildly in Anne's hands, but it wasn't enough to loosen Anne's grip. Polly's protests fell on deaf ears, too. Carelessly, Anne dropped her upside down beside the drawer. She glared daggers up - or, down - at Anne, but even that got ignored.
Anne knelt next to the drawer and pointed to the gap underneath it, wearing a too-wide smile. Was she not seeing an upside down polliwog in front of her? "I'll lift the drawer up just enough to make a bigger gap. Then, you can hop in there and grab my phone."
Polly righted herself, her glare softening into more of an annoyed frown. Her eyes went from Anne to the drawer. Even from looks alone, Polly could tell the it was heavy - too heavy to be lifted with your bare hands. It was made from solid ironwood, Hop Pop had told her once (not sure why she remembered), several inches thick, and six stacks tall. Heck, it's probably the sturdiest thing in the whole dang house. If Anne had noticed the issue, then it didn't stop her from squatting in front of the drawer and firmly gripping its underside with both hands.
Polly rolled her eyes. "Anne..."
"Ready? One, two, three!" With a heave, Anne pushed her legs against the floor, straining to actually lift the drawer. A for effort, but predictably, it didn't budge.
Polly stared in amusement, a small smirk on her lips. "Pretty sure that thing is bolted to the floor." It was either this one, or the one in Hop Pop's bedroom.
"I'm doing it!" Anne exclaimed, definitely not doing it, and definitely not hearing what Polly just said. "Just gotta lift with my back, and-!"
She cut herself off with a grunt, going for another attempt. Polly had to admit, the first minute was pretty amusing to watch. Anne makes the best faces when she felt like no one was looking. She even had almost forgotten about her coco maggots during that time. The second minute, not so much. It got a bit hard to just stand there while Anne was genuinely giving her all in trying to lift the drawer. Especially once it became very clear that Anne will hurt herself before the thought of stopping crossed her mind.
Fun's fun while it lasted.
"Anne, stop, that's not going to work," Polly said. This time, it looked like Anne heard her, because she paused. Froze, even. Her eyes slowly grew wider, distant, and genuinely fearful, and Polly was suddenly afraid she'd said something wrong.
"No, no, no!" Anne shook her head furiously. She clenched her eyes shut, restarting her attempt with twice the effort behind it. "I can't! I cannot lose my phone!"
Polly inched back, surprised. During the few weeks that Anne had stayed with them, Polly had never seen her act quite like this. It reminded her, almost, to the time Anne's phone died (even if she still wasn't sure exactly what that meant). Anne's breathing became short and clipped. Droplets of sweat began to soak her forehead and neck. Tears welled up at the corners of her eyes. Her hands gripping the drawer started trembling, but she never let go. She never stopped trying to lift it. If anything, her next attempt was almost manic.
"Can't-! Have to-! Get it! Back!"
Polly was still only a polliwog, but she'd seen panic attacks before. And Anne's having it. Anne's having it bad.
Polly did the only thing she could think of. She hopped closer to Anne and started screaming in her ear, because she was still only a polliwog.
"Anne! Calm! Down!" she yelled with each hop. "Look, I'll find a broom and-"
Anne's eyes shot open. Her pupils flashed a bright blue.
Polly's words died in her throat.
Once again, Anne pulled. A guttural growl left her throat, and it grew into a harsh scream, and it grew into a terrifying roar. The legs of the drawer creaked like they're in pain, the wood bent nearly to the point of breaking. Apparently, this drawer was the one that was bolted to the floor. And those bolts flew out of place, one by one, shooting off wildly all over the living room. One nearly grazed Polly. As Anne's voice hit a crescendo, she had lifted the drawer up to her thigh, creating a more than enough gap for Polly to grab Anne's phone. Except Polly was rooted in place, her mouth hanging open, staring at Anne in shock and awe.
"Polly! Grab it! Quick!" Anne's words were harsh, like a slap in face, bringing Polly out of her reverie.
Polly hurriedly hopped under the drawer, picked up Anne's phone, and hopped out. "Got it!"
Anne lets go of the drawer with a cry, stumbling back and falling on her butt. The drawer landed with an echoing boom. Polly could've sworn the whole house shook for a moment. Anne shook her hands, hissing in pain and muttering softly to herself. Polly quietly let her take a moment to recover. She deserved it, after doing that. She held the phone out to Anne, for her to take when she was ready.
A moment passed. Anne's face lit up when she saw Polly holding up her phone. She snatched it out of Polly's nubs like it's a priceless jewel, and nuzzled it against her cheek. "Oh, my baby, sweetheart, I am so, so sorry!" she cooed, almost breathless, but at least she did it with a smile. A single tear rolled down her cheek. "Momma's never gonna treat you bad again, you hear me?"
Anne breathed a huge sigh of relief, collapsing onto her back. She closed her eyes, clutched her phone tight with both hands, and held it close to her heart. The sight almost made Polly forget that only moments ago she ripped a drawer of solid ironwood out of the floor with her bare hands. Almost.
Then, as if nothing crazy didn't just happen, Anne rose to her feet and walked away with a skip in her step. "Thanks a ton, Polly!"
Before Polly had a chance to say anything, Anne had already retreated into her cellar-bedroom. Polly was left alone to process what she just saw. Or, at least, attempt to. Her gaze wandered to the drawer, now lying half-sunken into the floor. No frog could've done that on their own.
"Y-yeah. Don't mention it."
Humans are weird.
So, Amphibia's pretty good so far, huh? I'm certainly enjoying myself with it. Decided to jump into the theorizing rabbit hole early with this one. Fingers crossed it's the right hole.
This was originally supposed to be a oneshot, but it ran a bit longer than I thought it would, enough to split it up into three chapters, so that's exactly what I did. Besides, I wanted to get something out about this theory before the season finale debunked it or something.
But seriously, if this theory does come true, then this show really is an isekai anime.
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