#twst star wars
May the Forth Be With You - Star Wars in TWST
Mostly my world building ramblings lol Please remember these are just all funky little headcanons and some (many) are prone to change!!
For starters, the Academy for Force Adept Individuals (that name is a wip lmao) has a much smaller student pool than the other "magic" schools, and as a result is a school not restricted to only boys, especially seeing as some species that are among the student body do not have definitive male or female distinctions. There isn't a definitive "dark" or "light" side- Force is merely referred to as a tool or energy, and not a "power". We know that NRC has kind of murky morals as it is, and RSA would stand to have a very strong moral view in contrast. This is why in a smaller school, with beings from all over (the interstellar "neighbourhood") it's difficult to try and teach one "way" or another, so the students are taught from as unbiased a standpoint as possible, as for most subjects that do not require the use of the force, droids have been employed to teach.
NOT basing this on the Old Republic, otherwise they would have had to have been taken in before the age of 13 as a padawan. They are still about 16-19 years old- transferring in from another academy somewhere else. The academy in TWST is a melting pot, and provides a good opportunity for students to learn more about the customs of those from around the galaxy and make (hopefully) lifelong friends. Along with your typical school subjects (history, sciences, maths, and language study of some sort) there are classes for agriculture, medicine and "survival"- reflective of the Agricultural Corps, Medical Corps, and Exploration Corps- to establish the basics in each, in case students are not selected as a padawan or they choose to get a job in one of those areas rather than serving as a Knight. (Force Knight- no light/dark connotations.)
There are elective classes for those as well ^^ for anyone who needs/wants extra credit in the main class or who just want as much practice as they can get in before going into the field they hope to pursue.
Other than those three ^ the rest of the electives also have clubs, as many classes overlap that specialize in certain skills Force users are being taught, but still provide the opportunity for them to learn, as well for upperclassmen to have a chance to tutor the newbies a little bit and give them experience in a leadership position (while still being supervised to avoid conflict)
A lot of the time, the clubs aren't directly related to the elective For example if the elective class is about how to change probability or to increase luck, many of those students enter the board game club However, playing against students that have mind reading as an elective, makes the game a little more fair But then there are students who also have been learning to shroud their presence using the Force, and can do the same for their thoughts, adding yet another element of difficulty. Yes there are classes that utilize their lightsabers and reinforce/ teach them correct form, but then there are electives for specializing and studying multiple forms.
P.E is mostly about building the physical strength and stamina needed to serve as a Knight- and I'm thinking that Force Knights tend to be more of a sentry, I don't think trying to cram a whole ass war is going to work for this. However there are also duels that rely solely on the Force.
Force users tend to be feared in TWST as they 1. are a relatively new 'magic' to really be 'discovered'/explained by other species in Twisted Wonderland, and 2. don't accumulate blot. Some people don't believe they really exist, the idea of midi-chlorians and people being able to manipulate them beyond their scope of understanding.
The Academy is located on one of the other islands in the Land of Dawning, isolated for the safety of the students, but recently started participating in SDC and magift/spelldrive competitions.
That's all for now dslfkjhsdlkfj come back tomorrow for more SW posting for twst lmao
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zvezdacito · 10 months
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avalon-knightly · 4 months
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Book 6 felt like what happens when you combine the Andor prison arc with Kingdom Hearts 3.
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yandere-wishes · 10 months
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Which yandere character would pair nicely w/ a ballerina darling?? I'm thinking of writing some dark balletcore.Since my ballet dreams/regrets have re-risen from the grave.
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seishinnookami · 1 month
A little about me!
If you are reading this, ✨congratulations!✨ You have reached a small writer’s posts! English isn’t my first language, so please excuse my grammar errors and spelling mistakes.
This isn’t the first time i write, but only now I thought about actually publishing them to others. I write poems, love verses, fan-fictions and self written books.
i dabble in quite a few fandoms, like;
-Twisted wonderland
-Hypnosis Microphone
-Nu: Carnival - Bliss
-Obey me!
-Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation
-Star wars
-Call of Duty
-Bad batch
-EPIC; the musical
And many others. I hope i can make many things for you reader to enjoy! I promise not to disappoint. My iconic character is the ducky you see. Also, none of the arts are mine unless written so! I’ll try to credit as many times as i can.
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llondonfog · 7 months
diasomnia month // prompt 11 — au (star wars)
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His father lurks in the Force like a chirodactyl, ever watchful and patient. It's an act of preservation, to draw the leathery wings of his mind close and neat, to appear blind and passive in the vast darkness as if he were merely a forgotten relic to pass over instead of the lair of a great beast itself.
It used to be a game, when Silver was younger, a ruse his father came up with to both strengthen his burgeoning abilities and pass the grueling time spent in gritty freighters as they planet-hopped— hide and seek among immaterial galactic forests where nighttime reigned supreme. No one had ever been as successful at it as he, his father would tell him afterwards with an odd smile upon his face, looking at Silver as if seeing him for the first time, each time. Silver didn't quite understand his father's surprise— no matter how the man tried to hide, it was as if his presence created a gravitational pull, a bond snapped clear into Silver's heart, leading him straight to his father as a small moon seeks the comfort of the planet it orbits adoringly.
Now, however, his father's wings are opened, and they rip the fabric of the world to shreds.
Silver flinches as much as the binders slicing into his wrists and the dull pounding in his head allow, the howls of screams outside crackling through the air in tandem with the shockwaves of painagonydeath muddying the Force like a purpling bruise. It rankles and seethes with his father's maddening rage, a culmination of sleepless days spent tracking down the scum who would steal his son from him and sell him to the highest bidder. The chirodactyl in his mind's eye screeches with an ancient, predatory satisfaction as those who would deal in human life are cleaved in two by the Force itself, his father wielding its power as judge, jury, and eager executioner.
When the door slides open with a snap-hiss, he does not see the extent of his father's gory rampage, the dissection of limbs and blood-splattered, filth-lined walls. He does not see the dark tendrils crooning in well-fed contentment, fattened like milk-heavy loth-kittens, as they eddy around his father's feet.
All that his small moon needs kneels before him, cradling his cheeks in clawed fingertips as delicate as a feather, and peering down at him with crimson eyes of raw concern as his father murmurs assurances of safety with the same tongue that curses his swift retribution to the once-slavers outside when he notices the faded mark on Silver's temple.
"—m fine," he manages to whisper, pushing gratitudehappinessfather into the shrieking maelstrom that wraps around the frayed edges of his mind with wrathful protection, leaning heavily forward into his father's hands. "They only tried to intimidate me, that's all—"
mysonmychildhurt his father's presence slinks around him, ever watchful as Lilia makes short work of the binders around his limbs, slicing through them with a viciousness as if they had done him a great personal injury. Silver sways on his feet, unsteady from the lack of nutrition and uneasy sleep, and his father catches him with ease before he can tumble to the steel floor below. He can see it without focusing, the wing unfurling to drape over the aches in his mind, drawing him down into a creature comfort of childish innocence.
sleep, it whispers to him, and in the arms of the dark Jedi, the only man who he's ever known as father, Silver cannot resist.
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casp1an-sea · 6 months
this is a randomizer wheel of like every Disney movie including obscure ones, and sequels, I forget if it includes TV shows or not.
spin it, which ever movie it lands on you have to make a TWST OC of a character from that movie. Bonus points if you choose one of those characters at random as well! (If you re spin who cares nobody’s gonna know 😏)
Tag your character with #TWST character challenge and feel free to @ me :)
@xen-blank, @thehollowwriter, @l7k-a, @ferris-the-wheel, @fizzydreamz, @distant-velleity, @keii-starz
@krenenbaker @elenauaurs @the-banana-0verlord @edith-is-a-cat @dove-da-birb
(let me know if you want to be added :))
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sonorousabyss · 2 months
Matchup Rules
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✧ 𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗜 𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲:
Male Reader/Requester Matchups
Gender Neutral Reader/Requester Matchups
Platonic Matchups
Romantic Matchups
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✧ 𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗜 𝘄𝗼𝗻’𝘁 𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲:
Female Reader/Requester Matchups
Requester's OC x Character Matchups
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✧ 𝗙𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗼𝗺𝘀 𝗜 𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿:
Bnha (MHA)
Demon Slayer (KNY)
Jujutsu Kaisen (JJK)
Miraculous Ladybug
Star Wars
Hunter x Hunter (HxH)
Twisted Wonderland (TWST)
Genshin Impact
Rise of The Guardians (ROTG)
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✧ Information Needed for Matchup :
The following is what usually helps me with getting ideas for my matchups. After some trial and error, I've condensed them into the following:
⋆ This is based on what people have given me in the past, more or less. ⋆ Required Information will have a blue star (⋆) next to it. The rest is optional but preferred. ⋆ Conditions may be subject to change.
⋆ Fandom - So I know the fandom you're requesting for. If the fandom has multiple timelines/eras/shows, specify the part of the timeline/show it comes from (Ex: "Star Wars" would become "Star Wars, The Clone Wars" or "Star Wars: Bad Batch")
⋆ Gender Preference - This can be a preference or lack thereof, generally for Romantic matchups.
⋆ Platonic VS Romantic - Must be one or the other for the sake of tone easier. Anything that isn't romantic will fall under platonic for the sake of ease.
⋆ Gender Identity/Pronouns - helps me categorize the fics via tags and know whether to make any potential pet names/things more masc/fem/gender neutral in descriptions.
⋆ Star Sign/Personality Type/Enneagram - I'm not picky but having at least one of the three helps with matchups based more on personalities.
Physical Profile - Self-explanatory, but most people tend to give me a little blurb about what they look like/their build. Sometimes helps with cute stuff with matchups. Not required, but if I can find a way to clue it in, I will.
⋆ Love Language(s) - Helps me know what to focus on, and figure out matches based on whos. Listing Least and Most Favorites can help as well.
⋆ Perceived by Others - Also self-explanatory. I tend to separate how people come off to others from how they see themselves to help with setting them up with the character, and what they may have first thought of them.
⋆ Self-Image/Description - How you describe yourself as a person. Not to be confused with a physical profile, though in some situations there may be overlap.
Hobbies - Ironically one of the most repetitive in my inserts, and something I've come to not really need as much as other details. Can make for cute little blurbs, but I don't consider it necessary to match you up with another person.
Likes/Dislikes - Self-explanatory. Can be vague, or detailed. Minor things you (do/don't) appreciate, pet peeves, the like.
Clothing Preference - Like hobbies and other things, not wholly necessary. Sometimes I can see characters getting a kick out of style, sometimes not. It comes down to circumstance, really, and this is here simply because it doesn't quite fit in the physical profile, but people still like to share their style with me occasionally so I dignify it with its own category.
Type - This can be in personality or an inclination towards gender, age range, or certain appearance, I don't much mind. Added at a friend's recommendation.
Other - Any information you wish to provide that doesn't fit in the prior categories. This can even be scenario information, since I'll often hypothesize how I think people meet, you could even specify the context of the matchup. (Examples: A Jedi in "Star Wars the Clone Wars", a Miraculous Holder in "Miraculous Ladybug", or a Diasomnia Student in "Twisted Wonderland".
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✧ 𝗥𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝘁𝘂𝘀:
Open (Presently Working on Backlog)
⋆ Note: This is a blog, not a job. I do this in my free time, and I can promise that I’ll try to get to any and all requests (that don’t break the rules) as soon as possible, but I do things on the side so I can’t guarantee they’ll be finished immediately. I thank you all for your patience and hope your day is as pleasant as the ocean’s abyss is deep.  ❥ ⋆ Edit: Anonymous asks are acceptable.
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Looking for something other than matchups? Find my Request Rules here!
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ixcarus · 1 year
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an au idea i had...........
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au-yuukiemcee · 5 months
*Bonk bonk bonk bonk bonk*
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fictionalmenownmysoul · 3 months
✧・゚: ✧・゚: 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 :・゚✧:・゚✧
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Hello nerds! Here's a key for all of the fics listed here! Remember, if you don't see something, and you wanna see me write it, ask away!
♡ - Fluff ❤︎ - Smut ☁︎ - Angst ⟡ - HCs ★ - Personal Favorite
⋆⁺₊⋆ Twisted Wonderland ⋆⁺₊⋆
hmmm.... nothin here! send in a request and we can fix that in a jiffy!
⋆⁺₊⋆ Baldur's Gate III ⋆⁺₊⋆
hmmm.... nothin here! send in a request and we can fix that in a jiffy!
⋆⁺₊⋆ Obey Me ⋆⁺₊⋆
hmmm.... nothin here! send in a request and we can fix that in a jiffy!
⋆⁺₊⋆ Hazbin Hotel ⋆⁺₊⋆
hmmm.... nothin here! send in a request and we can fix that in a jiffy!
⋆⁺₊⋆ Star Wars ⋆⁺₊⋆
hmmm.... nothin here! send in a request and we can fix that in a jiffy!
⋆⁺₊⋆ LOTR / The Hobbit / Rings of Power ⋆⁺₊⋆
hmmm.... nothin here! send in a request and we can fix that in a jiffy!
⋆⁺₊⋆ Marvel ⋆⁺₊⋆
hmmm.... nothin here! send in a request and we can fix that in a jiffy!
⋆⁺₊⋆ Doctor Who ⋆⁺₊⋆
hmmm.... nothin here! send in a request and we can fix that in a jiffy!
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briry18 · 5 months
Yuuki: May the 4th be With You!🌌
Idia: And also with you. 👏
Both: *Clink lightsabers*
Yuuki: Proud of it, Nerf Herder!
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your-mom-gay25 · 2 years
One piece
One punch man
Mob psycho 100
Demon slayer
Jujitsu Kaiden
Ouran high school host club
Studio Ghibli 
Avatar (blue people or not 🤷)
Thing I would write:
Platonic (like child reader)
Male reader (I mainly like male reader but I can do female x female)
Oc x oc or oc x reader
Character x reader
Things I wouldn’t write:
 Characters x characters
Male x Female reader ( sorry not my cup of tea)
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avalon-knightly · 4 months
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Welcome to tumblr!
On a somewhat random note, I have stumbled upon a very weird grotesque.
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For reference, it's a character named Darth Vader from a science fantasy series called Star Wars. Apparently placed upon a cathedral located in Washington DC. Why is a fictional character on a cathedral of all places? I don't know! But it's there. Just thought I'd share this with ya.
(Oof: hope you're having a good week, and hope you have fun with your blog!)
Hmm, fascinating. I do wonder how that grotesque got there. Perhaps it was an act of vandalism? Odd. It doesn't seem all that malicious.
"May the force be with you, Malleus." "Hmm? What does that mean?" "It is a period of civil war. Rebel spaceships, striking from a hidden base, have won their first victory against the evil Galactic Empire. During the battle, Rebel spies managed to steal secret plans to the-" "Stop confusing wakasama, human!"
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riddlerosehearts · 1 year
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WHY DOES THE KNIGHT OF DAWN HAVE A LIGHTSABER LMAO. plot twist: silver is descended from the twisted version of luke skywalker.
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