#twst vex
liviavanrouge · 11 months
Malleus: *Watches Lilia run from Livia* What's going on?
Sebek: No idea, Livia suddenly turned to her father and started trying to zap him with lightning..
Silver: Never seen him run so fast
Livia: *Summons another bolt of lightning, doing her best to smite her father* WORTH IT!!
Livia: Meleanor asked me to! Because she said you're an IMBECILE and an IDIOT!!!
Lilia: *Dodges lightning scrambling away* TORTURING ME THROUGH MY OWN CHILD! SHE'S NEVER SATISFIED IS SHE?!
Livia: *Runs at him, pointing at her father, sending lightning blasting down from the air at him* ACCEPT YOUR FATE, PAPA!
Lilia: *Dodges another lightning bolt* WHY DID SHE TEACH YOU THIS LIGHTNING SPELL!!!
Lilia: *Dodges another bolt of lightning, his eyes wide as he took off, Livia chasing him with a determined look*
Kuro: This is entertaining....
Vex and Nex: It is...
Briar: Poor Lilia...
Meleanor: *Laughs, watching through the Mirror Pool* GET HIM LIVIA!! SMITE THE IMBECILE!!
Arian: *Watches her nervously* She's enjoying this too much
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 2 years
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Funny French He-man :'3
And also blackmail! Rosè had no other choice. So they have a deal...
Music for the BG:
Creepy music go brrrr
Rook shared his motives, but this can only bring us more mistery...
And tea... very much tea... U-U
Until next time! Bye bye!
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rainbowsillz · 1 year
Featuring: Riddle, Leona, Azul, Jamil, Vil, Idia, and Malleus.
Note: They are going to be adults in here, let's say — 18+ for the sake of the scenario I made. So it makes sense, etc.
A/N : no warnings needed ! !
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➤ The Dorm Leader For Heartslabyul 🌹 𖥔 ͙ࣳ
Riddle tilted his head at your words, what did you say? He's a what..? The wine-haired housewarden, seemed truly in disbelief, on borderline sheepish. The concept of having a family was foreign for him. Will he be a middling example for them? He hopes so..
➤ The Dorm Leader For Savanaclaw 🦁 𖥔 ͙ࣳ
Leona doesn't like children, you'll have to convince him to hold them, his irksome morphed quickly though, because the kid's eyes were like yours. The surprise from his expression wasn't unnoticed by you. You nudged at him about it afterwards too.
➤ The Dorm Leader For Octavinelle 🐙 𖥔 ͙ࣳ
Azul was a bit emotional with this information. No, of course he won't cry here, you're imagining things! It's just that.. he's happy he get to have this, you know? His flashbacks about being bullied had him worried though, he will raise them well to be more confident.
➤ The Vice Leader For Scarabia 🐍 𖥔 ͙ࣳ
Jamil was nonchalant about it, he's grateful of it, yes, however he already had so much to manage with himself so he was going to not be on board with this. Not to mention the duties he have in his hands, he doesn't express his feelings on the matter outright.
➤ The Dorm Leader For Pomefiore 👑 𖥔 ͙ࣳ
Vil seemed eager then he sighed to himself much to your confusion at the vexing behaviors, so maybe he was worried with how it will impact your relationship together by it. You reassured him that it would turn out fine, he shouldn't stress himself about this.
➤ The Dorm Leader For Ignihyde 💀 𖥔 ͙ࣳ
Idia didn't make eye contact with you. Awkwardness preceded the entirety of the ambience as he curled his fingers on his hood. He wasn't okay, he wasn't. How can he be a suitable father anyway...?? He took a short breath, and mumbled that the kid looked tiny.
➤ The Dorm Leader For Diasomnia 🐉 𖥔 ͙ࣳ
Malleus was more than overjoyed, he wasn't bothered or anything. Why would he? He would like to celebrate this with you, the love of his life, his betrothed! Asked you with curiosity how you'd name them, and he would use magic to display wondrous enchantments so he could see a grin on your lips.
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bitethedustfools · 8 months
TWST Story Idea (4)
Actually, I have no idea what I'm doing. It was supposed to be a theory, and now it's a story idea with probably a bunch of plot holes and nonsense that I came up with at night. But do consider this idea though. It was said that there are 5 greatest mages in the world, with Malleus on the list, and Dire Crowley could probably be in it too. Who knows? How else did he become a headmaster for so long?
Fairy tales change every time they're written and told. Some parts are kept the same, some are not. Some are twisted enough to the point of being called disturbing, and others have their roles reversed, and so on.
It always changes. The words change from book to book and mouth to mouth. Sometimes because the story is a bore, or they wanted to justify the characters' actions, or maybe they simply have forgotten how it goes and made their own story up because they can never let it be forgotten.
Whatever it is, the story is made to fit one's own taste.
Dire Crowley is that kind of person who is unsatisfied with the ending of the stories he comes across. Being a curious bird, he finds it quite strange, vexing even. Why must the good guy win when they have almost nothing? The villains are cunning and stronger even, yet they are defeated by a goody-two-shoes who knows nothing of the world.
Curious, how curious. How could that happen? Logically, the villains should win. It's unfair, like the world is against them. Don't some of the villains come from the same root? So how come they are different?
Crowley wasn't having it. He wanted to know why, and he liked them enough to decide that villains should be heroes too.
And so, he made a story—a story with a certain ending in mind but a hole in between which pages will gradually be filled with time.
He made a world where 7 villains he carefully selected became the most prominent figures in Twisted Wonderland. He wrote the good things he saw in them, and gradually, people admired these figures.
He even made a place for their embodiments so he can watch over and figure out what made them lose. To do this, he made the Royal Sword Academy where the good guys are, the rivals to the villains.
Crowley intended to observe them. They are placed together in a school with 7 dorms. He wanted to see what made them different from the good guys.
It didn't take too long to figure out. Although they are thoroughly competent, they refuse to work together. Each came up with a different plan and proposed the others follow them. The others are of distinguished backgrounds and therefore are too prideful and stubborn to follow.
The story refused to move forward. It stays the same, and nothing changed. They refused to change.
Crowley is upset; this is not the kind of ending he wishes to see. Something must change to move forward, and so Crowley tweaks the story a little bit and begins another story with a twist.
The first Alice, Yuu, gets called over. Yuu is the anomaly in this story. The villains are characters that can't change too much, or else they lack their own identity—the "you are what makes you," if you will. They have to be the same yet different. So Yuu will be the catalyst to move the story forward, the wheels to the cart, and the cogs to the machine.
This Yuu was to be a middleman, smooth things over and let them work together. He was a person of low birth who somehow became a noble. He knew the hardship, and he knew how to connect with people.
The story ended too shortly, sadly. Yuu died. Someone with ill intention killed him, and the others are too indifferent to his death.
Crowley thought that yes, this must be it. This is what sets villains apart from the heroes. It's because they don't care about a single life, and if they do, it is because they lost a good person that benefited them a lot.
Was it because the heroes were kind and good that people would help them? Surely that must be the explanation; otherwise, Snow White wouldn't be able to escape and live due to the hunter and the dwarves, nor would Belle be spared by the beast. Princess Aurora wouldn't wake up if the fairies didn't seek help from Prince Charming.
Because the villains were selfish and indifferent, people don't like them and won't lend a hand. This wouldn't do. Crowley wanted them to be heroes; he wanted to paint the ugly black heart into pure white snow.
The ink dropped on a blank page, and a new story started once again.
Second Alice comes, and Yuu is her name. She is gentle, kind, and her heart is filled with empathy, and she is also willing to voice out her concern. This is good, Crowley thought. This will teach them how to feel, and they also have a rough childhood.
Surely if they are touched by her open heart and kindness, they are willing to change, be kind in return, willing to work together for the same goal.
He watched in interest; they appeared to be enamored with Yuu, who is like a little butterfly fluttering about, only for those wings to rip apart.
"Oh, why are they so cruel?" Crowley lamented. Instead of taking care of it, they'd rather have the wings torn apart. They could not stand the butterfly landing on someone's hands even for a moment.
Crowley called forth another Alice just as the story starts. Again and again and again. He will write the story as many times as he can until the story is to his satisfaction.
He exhausted his magic, and the villains are still doomed to fail by their own flaws and unlucky things. Yuu can only do so much before everything falls apart.
And then the ink splotches on the half-written story, and Overblot came to life. He could not erase their existence. The ink forever stained the pages. Crowley could only roll with it even as new anomalies dubbed Overblot began to pop up. The story hasn't ended yet, and he will only start anew if it stopped.
It was a rather unusual thing to say, but it is the farthest chapters that Crowley has been through. They were nearing the end in every new story with every Alice/Yuu changed.
He lost count of how many Alice/Yuu he has lost and how many villains that slowly changed their way lose their lives to these monsters. No doubt that the perfect story is about to be achieved. The greatest happy ending that the villains deserved is waiting just this close, with a monster blocking the way.
Ink began to drop from his face, dripping onto the already stained book. Crowley too is also nearing his end. His magic is already depleted from using his unique magic and fetching Yuu every time a story starts.
A new story is about to begin, and Crowley stood in front of the Dark Mirror with a white mask. The mask also had ink on it, telling him that the Dark Mirror too had used up their power to summon Yuu.
The next one has to be someone who could survive to the end. Someone who could befriend the villains and show them kindness and recognition they deserved. Someone that can change their ways and improve their perspective of the world no matter how little. Someone to be there by their side until everything.
He reached out to the person whose visage formed on the mirror, urging the person on the other side to take his hand.
"For thee, guided by the Mirror of Darkness,
Follow thy heart and take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror.
Flames that turn even stars into ashes,
Ice that imprisons even time,
Great tree that swallows even the sky,
Don't be afraid of the power of darkness,
Come now, show your power.
Mine, theirs, and yours,
There's only a little time left for us.
Do not let go of that hand, at all costs."
Who would have thought that the new Alice who will guide them all to the perfect ending will be a magicless human who is quite troublesome and reckless in nature?
Every Yuu is different. They are summoned from different world/dimension/time to help aid his story (to influence). All of them have magic. Crowley doubted the last Alice/Yuu (from the game. Depends.) will be the last key to open the final door since they are magicless.
Fits for yandere theme as well. This Yuu is very valuable and the key to happiness. Of course they want Yuu to stay here. Of course Crowley wouldn't let them go.
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creativecupcake · 12 days
Shani’s Magical Adventure in Twisted Wonderland
Hey guys. It’s my first time writing in a while, but I had so much fun with this. I wanted to say thank you to @sweetbunpura for letting me gush about my OC and giving me some confidence to get back to writing. Hope you guys enjoy! :D Any questions about my OC/this AU of Twst welcome. It’s so fun getting to talk with others.
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If there was one word to describe Divus Crewel at this moment, it was vexed. Crowley was usually a rather flighty headmage, but he had run off at the beginning of the orientation ceremony, leaving only the house wardens to do all the work. One of them had sent a student to gather him to take care of the gates while the house wardens led the students in the sorting. Crewel shook his head thinking of his students having to take over for their irresponsible headmage.
Crewel’s aggravated thoughts were cut short when he heard a soft knock come from behind some of the discarded gates. Had someone been forgotten? He began to shift the empty coffins he came across an odd site. A small gate, no higher than the top of his knee. Had a dwarf or some other smaller species joined them this year? Divus quickly unlocked the door, knowing some students may begin panicking after being trapped in their gates. As the door fell away Crewel’s eyes flew open in shock. Crowley had some explaining to do, and his explanation had better be good.
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The mirror hall was in utter chaos. Freshmen running around to avoid the fire spitting monster, two of the house wardens trying to catch the beast, and multiple items (and one Kalim) on fire. After finally catching the dire beast the headmage began shouting at the magicless boy at the center of the room. Everyone was so focused on the situation that they didn’t hear the large doors open, until the raven’s squawking was cut off by-
“Pom-Pom Plushie!” A small voice called out, and with a poof of smoke both the headmage and beast were replaced with marketable plushies. Silence took over the crowd.
“I believe that may have been overkill, pup.” Crewel’s voice cut through the silence, bringing all attention to the teacher and…was that a kid!?
”But you said the bird man is a mean dummy, and he was yelling at the others,” the little girl said, stepping out from behind Crewel’s legs. Not only had they gotten a magicless student, but her robes were a clear sign that the mirror had called a small child. 
“Crewel-sensei, what is the meaning of this?” Vil asked, stepping around the plushies that everyone seemed to be ignoring. 
Crewel let out an aggravated sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. “That is what I would like to know, Schoenheit.” Crewel glanced away hearing Kalim’s cheery voice thanking the ‘sweet girl’ for putting out the fire on his robes, at least she was being helpful. “Since the headmage abandoned his place of double checking all of the gates, I was called to step in. I found her gate hidden behind a pile. But what really interests me was the school’s seal decorating the lid of her coffin, something only the headmage should have.” Crewel’s gore returned to the plush of said man laying on the ground. “Pup?” He called out, looking for her to release her spell, though he was tempted to keep him this way-the silence was a blessing.
“You may want to keep a closer eye on your cub,” Leona grumbled, tail twitching and swishing through the air. Everyone glanced over to see the little girl trying to catch the poor beastman’s tail. Many were surprised with how silently she moved, her stance looking like a kitten with a toy.
“My, my, Leona, it seems you have a shadow,” Azul teased, watching the beastman scowl and try to avoid the little girl’s grasp. 
“So much energy,” a dreary voice droned over a floating tablet. 
“But she’s so nice,” Kalim chimed in, as he and Riddle joined the group. Crewel smirked as the girl seemed to be getting ready to chase Leona, she was a resilient little thing.
”Pup, would you come here and introduce yourself?” 
“Okay!” Leona was spared as the child bound over to stand by Crewel.
Settling a hand on her shoulder, he made her face the group. “Now, pup. Be kind and introduce yourself to the housewardens.”
Bouncing in place, the girl gave the group a polite bow. “Hiya! My name is Shani! I’m four and I’m a magical girl!” 
Que the sound of static from Idia’s screen. He has now met a real life magical girl, like from his anime! Fanboy mode activated. 
“Well, at least the little one has manners,” Vil muttered, the others nodding in agreement. 
“Introductions for the others will have to wait,” Crewel interjected, wanting to wrap up for the night. “I’d like you to return the headmage to his normal form so that we can wrap up and get everyone settled for the night.”  Crewel would like to deal with her situation immediately, but he knew Crowley would try to procrastinate as long as possible. At least with tomorrow he would have Trein, Vargas, and Sam as back up to make Crowley work.
“Well this is an interesting situation,” a new voice cut through the group, eyes shifting to meet the face of Lilia. “I came to see if Malleus had been invited but I find a little one instead.” Many of the housewardens looked away, coming up with some excuse. 
“Like we need to take care of that Lizard,” Leona huffed, only to feel a small hand smack his leg. 
”That’s rude! Don’ be mean!” Shani chastised the group, earning a large smile from Lillia. Malleus would be more than pleased to see such a tiny being defending his honor.
“Miss Shani, would you please turn the headmage back so that we can get everyone to bed?” Crewel cut in, trying to get things back on track. 
Shani looked at the plushie on the floor with a face that looked like she smelled something bad (oh the housewardens could relate to that). “Ok, but you haveta take care of him,” she sighed, pulling what looked like a small flower-shaped purse out from below her robes. “Pom-Pom Plushie!”
With another flash of light and puff of smoke Crowley laid on the floor, utterly startled and trying to gain his bearings.
“Why would you leave me on the floor!” He cried dramatically in Crewel’s face, going on about how he heard everything in his soft and squishy form and how offended he was, blah, blah, blah. 
Shani didn’t want to listen to the funny man go on and on. Toddling around she made her way over to the ‘magicless’ boy that Crowley had been yelling at before she had come. “Hi! I’m Shani, was your name?”
The boy seemed to be taken aback, looking down at the girl. “Um, I’m Yuuken Enma, nice to meet you?” 
“Oh! Nice to meetcha Yuu-yuu! Are you Japanese? My cousin’s boyfriend is Japanese and his name is Yuuta! He’s so cool-” Yuu tuned the girl out a little, nodding along with her ramble. He was starting to feel less and less like this was a dream, but at least this girl seemed to know some things about his home. It felt like he had a little tether to reality in all this magical insanity. The duo was interrupted as students began filing out of the room, housewardens calling for their dorms. Crowley, Crewel, and Lilia walked out to the two earthlings. 
“Miss Shani, Lilia has volunteered to house you in Diasomnia for the night. The staff and I will look into your situation in the morning!” Shani and Yuu both turned to Crewel, already knowing he was the more responsible of the two. He nodded and Shani skipped over to the fae.
“Bye bye Yuu-kun!” Shani waved, Lilia happily picking the girl up and walking out of the room. 
“Now, Yuuken, step in front of the mirror so we can send you home.”
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Lilia hummed as he escorted the freshmen back to the dorm, the familiar weight of a child in his arms seeming to lighten his mood. Shani was more than happy to be carried, pointing out items around the school and asking questions. Lilia was more than happy to give answers, especially since most of the first years seemed interested in the little girl’s questions. Lilia also couldn’t help but chuckle feeling the glare of a certain first year, more than likely aimed at the child in his arms. 
Upon entering the dorm he instructed the students to their rooms, asking some of the second and third years to aid if they had any questions. Placing Shani down, he grabbed her hand and made his way to the lounge, where he knew a very grumpy dragon would be. 
“I knew I would find you pouting here,” Lilia teased, releasing the child’s hand knowing that Sebek was behind him and Silver was asleep on one of the couches. “And to think I brought you a surprise.” 
“I’m not pouting, Lilia.” Malleus argued, turning to the shorter fae. “And what have you brought? I don’t see anything with you.” At that Lilia looked down at his side in shock, and Sebek called out that the small one had disappeared. Well, well, this little one was a sneaky one, Lilia thought with a smile.
The attention of the room shifted back to Malleus as he seemed to jump in his seat. Looking down at his lap he saw a small child, her hands placed on his knees as she glanced up at him with wide innocent eyes. (Que Sebek screaming about Waka-sama.)
”Pretty,” the girl cooed. Though her words were soft they seemed to cut through the tension that had been consuming the dorm.
Malleus blinked in shock, he had never been so openly approached, especially not by a child. Slowly he seemed to come back to himself as he blinked at the girl. Al he could get out in his shock was, “Do you mean me?” 
Shani seemed to get a large burst of energy, a bright smile illuminating his face. “Yeah! You are SO pretty! Are you a prince or something?” With child-like innocence she began rambling questions and observations about the dragon fae. Lilia chuckled, holding Sebek back from breaking the scene up. Even Silver was awakened but the sudden energy in the room.
Malleus was fighting to hold back the smile on his face. The innocence and excitement before him was something new. He felt so welcomed and warm in the girl’s presence. He couldn’t help a small laugh as she seemed to pause to catch her breath. “Well young one, I am Malleus Draconia, crown prince of Briar Valley.” Shani giggled at his princely tone and older manner of acting. 
Stepping back she pulled her robes up in a curtsy, meeting Malleus’s energy with a deep bow and a mess of giggles. “My name is Shani Fleur Alarie! Princess of Phoenix and Magical Girl and protector of humans! Do you want to be friends?” That caught the whole room off guard, a swift silence taking over them all as everyone’s attention turned to the prince. 
All he could do was stare back at the genuine smile, beaming before him. He had wanted a friend for so long, and while a child was not what he was expecting, he felt his heart set aflame with affection as he took one of her hands in his. Getting up from the couch he knelt down in front of her, matching her height, his grin meeting her own. “I would love to be your friend, Flower Child.” Lilia felt so proud while the others remained silence at their prince’s words. Malleus had needed a genuine friend for so long, and the elder fae could sense that Shani would be a great source of happiness. 
“Yay! New friend! Oh you have pretty horns! Are you a dragon?” Shani began rambling anew, her energy only seeming to have grown. Seeming to have come to a great realization she let out a loud gasp, “You can be the dragon to my princess! Every princess needs a big tough dragon! We can fight knights together and have tea parties! Oh! I can bake us cookies and other yummy treats!” Lilia couldn’t hold Sebek back anymore as he rushed to the young girl and scolding her for trying to poison Waka-sama with sugary treats. Lilia knew though, this would be a good year with their new child companion, and he was ready to see how the school would change around her.
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Shani looked around the corner as she snuck outside of the Diasomnia dorm. Lilia was preparing her a bath and night clothes so she needed to hurry and sneak her new friend ou of her robe. Placing a grey cat plush on the ground she released her plushie spell. 
“About time henchman! My poor cute flame ears disappear in that form!” Grim grumbled as he tried to fix his fur. 
“Sorry Grimmy,” she giggled, patting his head. “Lilia said that there’s a abandoned house on campus. If you hide there tonight we can sneak you into the school tomorrow!”
”Perfect plan, as expected of my henchmen.” Grim boasted, puffing out his chest. 
“All you have to do is go through the mirror to get back to the school. Then go to the main building, don’t go to the main exit, go to the exit to the east and there’s a spooky building not too far from the school.” 
“Nya-ha-ha! Perfectly done henchman! I expect food tomorrow. And we’ll show this school the power of Grim the Great!”
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the-banana-0verlord · 10 months
The Banana Chronicles
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Wee the first chapter(well, prologue) of my twst fanfic! Hope you enjoy! (This contains spoilers, so @simping-myjob go read the first 5 chapters of book 7 before reading 🔫🔫🔫🔫😠/j)
To Lilian, this had become normal.
Her surroundings were pitch black and she was stepping on a puddle of water that spread apparently to no end. Ever since she arrived to Twisted Wonderland, those kinds of dreams came up often.
As usual, she followed the creature that eerily ressembled Grim until the decor changed. This time, she was in what looked like a medieval castle made of monochrome chalk-like material.
It was decorated for a party, probably a baby shower since all the attention was on a tiny bed over which three old ladies hovered. Lilian tried to get closer, but she was stopped by a large green burst of fire erupting from the center of the large room.
It then faded to reveal a dignified horned lady cloaked in black with a face that was familiar to Lilian, though she couldn't put her finger on it yet. The woman stroked her scepter with a malicious glint in her eye.
"What a wonderful party... With everyone invited. Well, except one, I'm afraid." She spoke snarkily like a snake. She was barely hiding the fact she was hostile.
"It's because you're not wanted here! Spat the old lady dressed in blue, the youngest of the three. -Not...Wanted...? Oh dear, how vexing."
The horned woman stepped towards the craddle. The old ladies tried to stop her, but she easily pushed them away with magic. She put her finger near the baby's cheek, who grabbed it and started laughing.
"I too, shall bestow a gift upon this child."
She took her finger back and glared towards the couple sitting on the two thrones.
"She will grow with grace and kindness, adored by everyone around her... -That's a lovely gift, the Queen intervened to ease the atmosphere. -...I'm not finished. When the bells of her sixteenth birthday will ring across the kingdom, she will prick her finger on a fiddle and fall into a deep sleep of which she will never wake.
Sounds of horrified screams filled the room as the Queen fainted into the King's arms. With an angry shout, he ordered guards to go after the horned woman, who disappeared into the same green flames of which she came.
The scene then began to disintegrate into powder and the ground beneath Lilian's feet split open. As "Grim's" featureless figure watched over her from above, the girl fell with a scream.
It's time to wake up.
Now on to the taglist: @cheezy-moon @haruhar-u @keii-starz @ithseem @twistwonderlanddevotee @whspermy-name
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fairlyabookie · 2 years
Prince and Swan
Author's note: Happy October, everyone! This is my piece for Promptober Day 1: Dancing! If you'd like to participate in this event, please check out @/yumewithyou on Twitter! This may or may not be a piece dedicated to the very exciting masquerade event we'll be having in twst! Enjoy!
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Whispers of a masquerade floated around campus ground around the days when the leaves turn fiery orange and rusty brown. The students, albeit unfamiliar with masquerades, gather about in anticipation of future plans for this masquerade. They contemplate on bringing dates, woes on setting up, and their attires for the event. However, one who didn’t hear about this was Malleus Draconia. 
A pale sun rises in a background of gray skies, rays of sunlight piercing through fluffy gray clouds. Light footsteps crunches on leaves, leading to a towering figure admiring a decrepit column of gargoyles. 
Malleus spares a glance to the elder fae who greets him with a brief smile. 
“Is there something the matter?” 
“Glad you asked,” 
Lilia titters mischievously. 
“Headmaster Crowley announced that we’ll be having a masquerade event here in Night Raven College. He says that every student is welcome, including you, Malleus. I made sure to personally tell you about this, so you wouldn’t be carried away by your temper on the day of the masquerade.” 
Bitter resentment creeps up in Malleus’ chest, a sentiment he was too familiar with. Tendrils of magic coil about his fingertips, dangerous and relentless. Lilia watched, keeping a stern eye on the younger. Moments later, that magic vanished - Malleus’ internal turmoil quelled after a while of rumination. 
“Well, I thank you, Lilia, for the gesture. When will this masquerade be?” 
Emerald orbitals darken with intrigue. 
“By the end of this month!” 
Malleus returns his gaze over to the gargoyles, his demeanor more contemplative than vexed.  
“Have you thought of someone to bring in as your partner?” 
“I’ll think about it. Thank you, Lilia.” 
Before the elder fae makes his departure, he notes a presence nearby. Here, a mischievous snicker curls on his lips. Perhaps Malleus will ask [Reader] out for a dance. 
~ ~ ~ 
A few students approached Malleus regarding the dance, not on the pretense of dancing with him. They hoped to be on his good side by informing him, or at least, inviting him to such a prestigious event. He responds with grateful smiles, touched to have such kind classmates who thought of him. Yet, the only trouble he had in mind about this dance was finding someone to accompany him. Sure, he could go along with his guardsmen, but that wouldn’t do. 
Should I invite [Reader]?
To him, [Reader] was a close resemblance to a friend. He wouldn’t mind asking them out for this masquerade dance. 
What could be the best time to ask them out?
He ponders to himself. 
~ ~ ~ 
The day came quickly, twilight tinging the horizon of peachy hues and radiant orange. Malleus had yet formulated a proper question for [Reader], the words lost in the fog of his mind. However, a promise to walk together with them after classes did aid in mustering bits of courage for the big question. May the time come for me to ask them out, he muses to himself.
“Malleus, you looked a little preoccupied. Is there something wrong?” 
[Reader] had taken the fae’s silence as a sort of pent-up anger inside him, his eyes darkened from unfathomable emotion. They eye the fae in concern. 
“Nothing is the matter, [Reader]. Let’s proceed.” 
He quips lightly, any indication of his anger from before quickly vanishing with a pleasant smile by his lips. The two continue to walk down their usual route, one that winds around the perimeter of Ramshackle overlooking the campus. 
“Recently, a lot of people are excited about the masquerade. Have you asked anyone out yet, Malleus?” 
A question from [Reader] caught the fae off guard. Their silence was perhaps an indicative of a keen eye; they were perhaps observing his behavior ever since they started walking together. 
“No, I have not. On the contrary, I was going to ask a good friend if they’d be so willing to accompany me.” 
“Oh? You’re not going with Lilia, Sebek, and Silver?”
A frown creases the fae’s lips, irritation quite evident on his pale features. 
“No, going with my usual entourage would make this event too formal. I’d like to go with a friend.” 
His green eyes glint emerald as he gazes at [Reader], who in turn returns the gaze with curiosity. 
“Who would that be, then?” 
“Why, you.” 
[Reader] echoes, astonishment evident in their expression.
“Yes, you. I wouldn’t ask anyone else.” 
Their expression turns more of a bashful one, a nervous smile curling by their lips. 
“I.. Yes, I would love to, Malleus!” 
He underestimated the simplicity of asking - how foolish he was to be worrying in the first place. Is this how humans went about their affairs? 
“You’re smiling, Malleus.” 
[Reader] points out. 
“Indeed, I am.” 
Smiling he was, a job well done for a dance with [Reader]. 
“Well then, how did it go?” 
Malleus returned to his dormitory with a curious Lilia. The elder appeared to be genuinely curious, floating around the dorm leader in a carefree manner. Was this a supposed “rite of passage” Lilia was always talking about, inviting someone else other than his own retainers for a social outing? Malleus disregarded the nagging sense of annoyance and answered, 
“It went well, Lilia. Thank you,” 
“Fufu, look at you being all grown up~ Well then, I’ve told the others about your little ‘date’ with [Reader] and they plan to work on a special suit for you in time of the masquerade! Can’t believe that little Malleus is growing up!” 
“Lilia, please don’t call me ‘little’. I’m not that young.” 
“You are, compared to this old bat! Fufu!” 
Malleus heaved a sigh, a strange sensation bubbling by his chest. This wasn’t the bitter resentment he had often felt whenever he wasn’t invited to events, but rather, a warm gratitude and relief. Yet, if he truly wanted to proceed with this masquerade alone, he had to ask on one thing. 
“Do you have any more questions, Malleus?” 
Lilia inquires the fae once more, glimpsing a flash of doubt across his feature. 
“May I ask for a favor, Lilia?” 
Magenta eyes twinkle in delight as a smile graces the elder’s lips. 
“Why, of course, Malleus. What can I do for you?” 
~ ~ ~ 
He dreamt of [Reader] dressed in creamy whites, decked in precious pearls and glittering diamonds, skirts billowing as they waltz together in a wide pavilion. Their silhouette, as he had envisioned it, glowed in pale white light emanating from a chandelier. He could make notes of their voice, giggling cordially as a quartet plays a romantic piece. 
If this were real or a dream, a part of him yearned to preserve this memory - dancing with a good friend, void of social status, regalia, and formalities. A memory worth cherishing. 
~ ~ ~ 
The day of the masquerade arrived with fanfare, students dressed in splendid suits and attire, their masks a dainty touch to their attires. Malleus arrived alone, his entrance parting a sea of students who immediately saw him. Amidst the grandeur of golds and oranges, he stood out in his onyx studded midnight suit, emeralds and jade glint by his cuffs and his hair slicked back for a deadly charm. His mask, a majestic portrayal of a dragon with scales, partially covering half his visage. The Prince of Darkness, a Masked Dragon, had arrived to the masquerade. Awed and confused whispers flit across the room, some of them eyeing the Diasomnia students mingling amid themselves. What happened to Malleus and his guardsmen? Should he be with them all times? From across the room, Lilia meets Malleus’ gaze, a wink signalling his message. Good luck, young one. 
Sebek and Silver, who remained by Lilia’s side, anxiously watched their Master from a distance.
“Do not intervene, you two.” 
Lilia whispers sternly to them. Sebek looked visibly distraught. 
~ ~ ~ 
A breathtaking dream was standing right in front of him. Snow-white satin skirts billowed down to their ankles, iridescent pearls and diamonds decorate a bodice of off-white hue, and earrings of quartz decorate their ears. [Reader]’s mask, a gentle swan indicative with feathers accented by the corners, complete the look. Beautiful wouldn’t properly describe the aesthetic [Reader] had worn that night. Malleus was indeed in a loss of words. 
“May I have this dance, my good Swan?” 
Graciously accepting his hand with a gloved one, [Reader] grins, softly uttering: 
“Yes, my Dragon Prince.” 
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decayedhearts · 2 years
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@liliavanrouge : ¥ for everyone : D ( from twst muse list )
Put ¥ in my ask and my muse will rate your muse on. (No longer accepting.)
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Wtf, Roxy 😭 Okay, this is going under a cut because this will take a while. But let's go down the list.
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Looks: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 "He kind of reminds me of a girl sometimes. But then that voice-- his style is a bit odd, but I kind of like it.. I don't know, it's confusing." Personality: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 "He's fun but also really weird? Sometimes he gives off creepy vibes, but maybe I'm imagining that.." Attraction: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 "Not really my type. Although sometimes.. look, I don't know, I said it's confusing!!" Would they date them: yes | no | maybe | i don't know | can you repeat the question Favorite thing about them: "I actually really like some of the music they're making at the light music club." Least favorite thing about them: "Hate the way he just pops up out of nowhere! Almost makes my heart stop every time!"
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Looks: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 "That style! Manifique! Unique!" Personality: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 "Mysterious as only a man of his age and caliber could be! Never too much or too little, consistent and yet refreshing--" Attraction: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 "Even a man without any functioning senses could not deny the pull of attraction towards Monsieur Curiosité!" Would they date them: yes | no Favorite thing about them: "Everything about him is so intriguing and mysterious; I would delight in a chance to unravel all his secrets and past deeds.. I can't possibly pick just one thing." Least favorite thing about them: "How rarely our schedules overlap. I wish I could spend more time in his presence."
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Looks: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 "A handsome face, I suppose, but I'm not a fan of his hairstyle. Or clothing style. There's too much going on at the same time. And while I do like color, the green of his coat and the pink in his hair does not go well together." Personality: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 "I can't say I know him very well, so I'm going to pass on this round." Attraction: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 "The thought never crossed my mind." Would they date them: yes | no Favorite thing about them: "He looks after his own and he seems to know Malleus' whereabouts at least most of the time. I would trust him to take care of it if something happened. As carefree as he acts, there is a sense of responsibility behind all that." Least favorite thing about them: "The times when he encourages behavior in Malleus that he really should not encourage."
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Looks: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 "The most beautiful sight I have ever laid my eyes on, no matter what shape he takes. I will never tire of looking at him." Personality: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 "He has his vexing habits and attitudes, but who doesn't. There's no one I'd rather have by my side." Attraction: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 Would they date them: yes | no "I would give him the world if he asked for it." Favorite thing about them: "His loyalty and his warmth. I wouldn't know what love feels like if it weren't for him." Least favorite thing about them: "That thing he does where he suddenly doesn't seem to hear things he disagrees with. And his cooking."
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Looks: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 "Aerymouse, aerymouse, fly over me head, And you shall ha' a crust o' bread; And when I brew and when I bake, You shall ha' a piece of me wedding cake!" Personalitraction: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 "He seems fun to chase. Or run from. Or both at the same time?" Attraction: 1 | -2 | 3 | 4 | 58 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 29 | 100 (Did you expect a straight answer out of a cat?) Would they date them: yes | no | :) Favorite thing about them: "The way he disappears and appears out of nowhere! We need to play hide and seek!" Least favorite thing about them: "That.. soup."
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Looks: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 "Father is very handsome.. his style is unusual but it suits him very well, doesn't it? Oh.. you didn't mean his clothes? Hm.. he has flawless skin and very soft hair. It looks beautiful when it's longer. His eyes are like gemstones and his smile is soft like moonlight on your skin." Personality: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 "I would do him a great disservice if I spoke badly of him behind his back. But even if it weren't for that, I have nothing bad to say. Maybe he's a little stubborn sometimes, but he means well. I don't know how I can ever repay everything he's done for me." Attraction: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | ? "...I don't always know what to call the things I feel. Attraction doesn't really capture it." Would they date them: yes | no | ? "Dating sounds like something between strangers. I have known him all my life and I hope to spend the rest of it by his side as well. Everything is more fun in his company and every lesson he teaches me I treasure in my heart." Favorite thing about them: "His spirit.. and the way he loves and cares for me. For us, really. I have never known sorrow or loneliness because of him and Malleus-sama. The only sorrow I fear is losing them." Least favorite thing about them: "Please don't tell him I said that, but.. no, forgive me, but I won't speak badly of him."
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Looks: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 "I think I prefer less shrill colors and less accessories. I'm not really an expert on all that. He has a very pretty face; I remember my surprise when I heard his voice the first time. You wouldn't expect it." Personality: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 "I like being around him. He has a friendly spirit - and a way of putting people around him at ease." Attraction: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 "It's probably just the air of mystery and danger around him. Isn't everyone a little weak to that?" Would they date them: yes | no | maybe "I don't think we're actually compatible in that way. I'm not very exciting." Favorite thing about them: "His excitement and enthusiasm for things. It's endearing - and a little contagious." Least favorite thing about them: "His idea of cooking and mixing ingredients is frankly bizarre."
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Looks: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 "Looks like a little girl who never saw sunlight. Also what's up with that haircut? And maybe get a coat your own size, or better yet clothes from this century." Personality: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 "Anyone spending all day around Draconia can't be anything other than insufferable or insane. Or both. I'll give him a 2, though; still gotta have a lower category to put Malleus in, heh." Attraction: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 "Pass." Would they date them: yes | no "Pass again." Favorite thing about them: "That he's not in my dorm or most of my classes." Least favorite thing about them: "Everything else."
(Did you expect true answers from a cat?)
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Looks: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 "This goth punk rock lolita chic might be in style in Briar Valley, but I'm not impressed." Personality: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 "He's knowlededgable and polite. Also a very reliable vice to Mr. Draconia, who is generally notably absent from all dormleader meetings. However, he is a little.. loud for my taste." Attraction: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 Crewel clears his throat and looks away, not honoring this question with an answer. Would they date them: yes | no "I don't date students." Favorite thing about them: "He's always well-prepared in class and willing to help other students. I can appreciate that." Least favorite thing about them: "That Light Music Club is an affront to music and should be abolished. I thought my ears were bleeding after chaperoning that concert. The Headmage better pick someone else next time or be ready to pay me triple compensation."
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Cleared Riddles overblot with 28 hp left, woo!
I’m generally ok with elemental rock-paper-scissors, but twst system annoys me. It feels arbitrary or up to chance a lot of times, and some aspects like the buddy system weren’t well explained. Riddle in particular was just vexing to me because my first pulls were grass heavy vs his fire inclination.
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bimbee · 4 years
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She's flattered 💛
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liviavanrouge · 9 months
Pacify Her
Akasha: *Stares at Livia and the magic book then looks at Lilia* Father...
Lilia: I'm not your "Father"
Akasha: But the spell Malleus used confirmed that you are indeed my parent...so...I want the spell book Livia has...
Livia, Silver, Sebek and Kuro: *Looks at Akasha shocked*
Lilia: Excuse me..
Malleus: *Narrows his eyes* The sheer audacity you have...
Akasha: I am also Fathers daughter, Livia has inherited most of Fathers things! S-So, I want something, p-please Father!
Lilia: *Stares her down* Request....denied.
Akasha: But I am also Fathers daughter! I-I want something too
Nex and Vex: *Looks at each other annoyed*
Bakunawa: *Covers his ears irked*
Briar: *Sighs, shaking her head wishing she'd stop talking*
Akasha: I want the Magic Book!
???: Pacify her....
Akasha: *Turns stunned* what.....
Silver: *Narrows his eyes* You're getting on my nerves
Akasha: Big brother...
Silver: You're not worth it...so stop lying to yourself
Akasha: *Purses her lips together, keeping her fury under control* Sorry....
Silver: Liv, let's go see your friends
Akasha: *Grips her dress as everyone left, leaving her alone, rage showing on her face* I can't believe this...they love her more than me...
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thran-duils · 4 years
Am I On the Screen? (P.1)
Title: Am I On the Screen? (Part One) Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Fem!Reader Summary: Hugh is a prick and the reader gets herself into trouble with him with her attitude. Hugh has the perfect plan to keep her in line though. Words: 2,116 Warnings: S M U T, language, dub-con, blackmail, masturbation, online sex Author’s Notes: If something like this has been done already, welp, I suck.
Part Two || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
Are you, are you filming me? Am I, am I on the screen? 'Cause it feels like your watching me 'Cause it feels like they’re watching me Am I on the screen?
-- Are You Filming Me? // twst
Marta’s laugh faltered and she cleared her throat, her eyes averting from the doorway quickly. You turned your head to look over your shoulder and saw what had made her stop laughing. Hugh. He sure had a way of sucking the air out of a room, especially with that glower he was pointing in the two of your direction.
“Hugh,” you greeted him civilly, turning the shrimp over in the pan. “Are you hungry?”
“Not for anything that you are making,” Hugh responded rudely, walking past you towards the fridge.
You shot Marta a vexed look and she rose her eyebrows, shaking her head slightly.
“Well, there’s some take out on the second shelf in the fridge that I can assure you I had nothing to do with. I just picked it up for my lunch. If you want, I’ll trade you that for a plate of what I’m making,” you said, unable to help yourself.
Hugh stopped, his hand on the handle of the fridge. Unamused, he stared at you for a few moments before saying, “You should watch your mouth, Y/N.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” you quipped, turning the stove off, and moving to arrange Harlan’s plate.
You could feel Hugh’s glare burning into your back and you smirked to yourself at having gotten under his skin even just a little bit. The prick deserved to be knocked down a couple pegs.
Gym bag slung over your shoulder, you slammed your car door closed and locked it. On the way up to your townhouse door, you unlocked your mailbox and grabbed the papers inside. You were looking forward to your shower, thinking of the sweet relief you would get from the hot water.
Upon opening your front door, you almost stepped onto an envelope that had been slid underneath the door. You closed the door and turned around, placing your bag down along with the other mail on the entrance table. You swooped down and picked up the unmarked envelope, confused why it had not just been slipped into your mailbox.
“What…” you muttered, staring down at the photos.
Bile rose in your throat realizing what it was. They were screenshots of you from your OnlyFans account during one of your live events. And you quickly noticed it was not from just one; there were a handful of them, you in different lingerie, different toys. A note was with the pictures.
I want you to say my name when you’re riding that large, pretty, purple dildo tonight.
Who sent you this and why? There was no name attached to it. And how the hell did they know where you lived? A chill crept down your spine, thinking of all the true crime documentaries that you had binged and all the women who were kidnapped and murdered, their bodies never found.
Unnerved, you tore the photos and the note up, rushing towards the kitchen. You shoved the ruined remains in the trash, shoving them as far down as you could. Stepping back, your eyes were glued to the trashcan, anxiety creeping. What if you had a stalker?
You bit your lip, trying to think of all the ways you could protect yourself if you were approached on the street or god forbid, someone broke into your home.
The clock caught your attention, and you swore, realizing you had been standing there for fifteen minutes worrying and had cut into your shower time. You still needed to get to work. Trying to ignore the nagging anxiety, you rushed to get ready.
Throughout the day, your mind had continuously returned to the note and the pictures. You could not go to the police to file a report or anything, they would think you were being over dramatic. Plus, you were not keen on sharing your account and really, no one had done anything illegal. Still, you were frightened.
At the end of the day when dinner was finished and you had breakfast set up for the morning for Marta to get ready for Harlan when she got there in the morning, you stopped at the bathroom on the way out the door to relieve yourself before the drive home. When you opened the door, you jumped seeing Hugh standing there, just waiting, looking very much a predator.
Hugh rested his hand on the doorframe, leaning in and effectively blocking your way out of the bathroom.
“Do you need something?” you asked, your tone short. On top of the anxiety you already had, you did not want to deal with this dickhead. When had he shown up anyway?
His smile did not reach his eyes as his eyes wandered down, unabashedly soaking you in. Your mouth set into a thin line. If he was trying to unnerve you by being a pompous ass, he was going to have to try harder than throwing you a lewd look.
“Did you get my gift?” Hugh asked nonchalantly. Your brow stitched, confused. He leaned in closer, a malicious glint in his eyes. “I’d prefer it if you reverse cowgirl’d it while you’re saying my name.”
Your breath froze in your chest and he knew the moment that it clicked for you, an arrogant smile painted on his lips.
“You… bastard,” you got out, before trying to move past him.
He blocked your way again and you clenched your jaw, fury thrumming underneath your skin at the smug look on his face.
“Does my grandfather not pay you enough? I would imagine he does but maybe you’ve got more expensive tastes than you give off,” Hugh ridiculed you. He rose his brows and whispered, “Or maybe you just like knowing there are people getting off to that perfectly round ass.” You tried to get around him again and he chuckled, blocking your way once more. “Did I hit a nerve, babydoll?”
He gripped your jaw and you tried to jerk away but he clamped down harder, stopping you from doing so. “I’ve been watching you for a while. You put on quite the show. I just can’t seem to bring myself to actually bury myself inside you though. I’ve certainly thought about it… showing up at your place and making you wrap those beautiful lips around my cock. But I beat off to whores, not fuck them. Keeps me clean.”
You slapped his hand away, angry tears stinging at your eyes. “Get. Out. Of. My. Way.”
“Not until you tell me you’re gonna do like I asked.”
Scoffing, you told him as calmly as you could, “I don’t do it for free.”
“Oh, you aren’t,” Hugh assured you. “I already pay to subscribe, remember? But trust me, your job is on the line. What if I showed my grandfather what his cook is doing afterhours? Do you think he would want to keep a slut employed and tied to his name? That is a lot of money on the table and so you aren’t doing it for free. And don’t even think about quitting because I’ll find out where you work. And I have no problem sending the photos there too. So… you’re kind of stuck with me, pumpkin.”
He gripped your chin with his thumb and forefinger, forcing you to nod as he mimicked a higher pitched voice, “’Yes, Hugh, I’ll beg for you’.” In his regular voice, he practically purred, “C’mon, Y/N. Say it nice and clear for daddy.”
You had no choice. You knew he would make good on his threats; he was not one to mess around about people not following his orders.
Strained, you told him, “Yes, I’ll do it.”
He cupped his hand to his ear, “’I’ll do it…’”
You grated, “Daddy.”
“Perfect. You’re a peach,” Hugh told you grinning. He leaned back, dropping his arm. As soon as you saw the exit, you made to rush past him. At the last second, he reached out, grasping your arm and stopping your momentum. “Oh, and by the way… that purple heart plug too. Just to match.”
He gave you one last self-satisfied smirk before letting go of you and you took off, feeling his eyes burn into the back of your head.
Legs spread in front of the camera, you tweaked your nipple through your black lace bra. You had put your garter and thigh highs on to match but were panty less. You had already stripped and done some oral play, something the commenters could not seem to ever get enough of.
You uttered his name for the first time, “I want Hugh.”
Your finger running tantalizingly slow down your slit, staring into the camera. You hated how much it sounded like ‘you’, meaning anyone could be hearing it thinking nothing of it. But you knew Hugh was getting off on knowing you were saying his name.
Pressing your fingers in, you spread your lips, showing yourself off to the camera. A new slew of messages popped up, encouraging you to play with your clit.
“I’m sure you wish it was you,” you breathed, well versed on dirty talk during your live feeds. “I’m sure your fingers would be so much better…” You slipped a finger in. “Your fingers instead filling me up. Getting me ready for that big cock of yours.”
You were good and wet now, comments coming in lusting after the glisten on your lips. Remembering what he asked, your fingers left your sex and you got up, moving the camera to the ground and angled upwards. Grabbing the dildo, you wet the bottom of it, suctioning it to the hardwood floor. For good measure, you added a healthy amount of lube to the dildo, making sure the camera could see your hand massaging it, a sly smirk on your face.
None of this would be out of the ordinary if it was not for the fact you knew Hugh was watching. You could not get the image of him sitting behind his screen, his hand stroking himself watching you abide to his whims.
Spreading your cheeks, you showed off the plug and heard the chime of new messages being sent. You could not help but smile, knowing that was a treat for the viewers. The head of the dildo entered you and you moaned softly. You started slow, adjusting to the girth, moving inch by inch down the length. Gradually, you increased the depth and speed, encouraging whoever was watching to think about their own dicks fucking you like this.
“I want Hugh to fuck me,” you gasped, riding the dildo quickly, your fingers stroking your clit. You were getting close and you leaned completely into it, your mind a haze. “I want Hugh to fuck me so bad. Hugh can cum inside me, fill me up. I’ll take every inch, daddy. Please fuck me. I’m your dirty girl.” Your hand was moving erratically and a few more strokes sent you tumbling over the edge. You gasped, seeing stars, clenching around the dildo.
You sat there for a couple moments, relishing in your high.
As your mind cleared, your cheeks burned thinking about all the things you had said lost to your passion. The thought of Hugh’s hand covered in his cum, head thrown back at your complete submission to his request flashed through your mind. Thankfully, your face was away from the camera and you swallowed, trying to calm yourself down. And also thankfully, your red face could be attributed to that mind blowing orgasm you just gave yourself.
The dildo was wet when you came up off of it and you picked up the camera, taking it with you to sit it back down in front of your station.
Your eyes met the camera again and you gave it a sensual smile, your eyes flicking to all the new comments, positive encouragement ringing throughout them. Your hand slipped down to your cunt and you brought your fingers up to your lips, sucking on them gently.
“I think I’m gonna take a shower. I’ll think about your hands washing me down,” you told the camera before blowing it a kiss. “Good night.”
As soon as the camera was off, your hands shook as you brought them back to your lap.
That had been a great orgasm. And you hated it.
Your phone buzzed and you whipped your head around to look at it over on your bed. Standing up, you picked it up, staring down at the text. You did not have the number saved but you knew damn well who it was and how he had gotten it in the first place.
I’m gonna break my rule. Don’t shower. Keep that pussy glistening for me.
Tags: @coconutqueen21
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princessmaid · 2 years
@expboost asked: { ⋂ } —- describe a ship dynamic(s?) you really want. | maybe in the twst fandom, if you don't mind? :o
i dont mind at all!! ooo lemme think. i’ll give like a variety of ideas.
romantic ship idea: i really love the idea of enemies to lovers. this can fit any of the 18+ twst characters tbh. i think the idea that one of the boys finding snow really annoying with how kind/hopeful she is but slowly finding it charming and caring for her is sweet. i like tsundere characters but also the idea that snow ending up with a villain whod be like “i will do anything to protect you from any further harm to keep you smiling and happy” could be fun!
general dynamic i want: i lowkey really want snow to be accepted into the pomefiore dorm lol. like i can just imagine her wiggling herself into each of the members hearts. like she would totally baby epel. i would love a sort of brother-sister relationship between those two. i feel like theyd actually get along well - especially when he shows his more country boy side! i feel like rook and snow could have a fun mentee/mentor dynamic or even a guard/guarded vibes. i just feel like she’d want to learn more from him since hes so mysterious. i could see potential romance happening there as well. I also think Vil and Snow would be difficult but also fun to try to explore a romantic ship just because I know Snow will remind him of Neige lol. I think itd be a vexing relationship but I also feel like Snow could teach Vil more about himself. I just love the idea that these villains are supposed to despise Snow (because of the Fairest Queen) but ends up caring for her and protecting her.
friend ships: snow doesnt have powers and is arguably the weakest and “damsel in distress” of the school, but i like the idea of her strength being in bringing people together. she’d try to help the more introverted characters like idia to make friends! this can go amazing or not. either this could lead to unexpected friendships like “ray of sunshine and grump” dynamic or “the oblivious friend to someone who is clearly not their friend”. snow has a difficult time determining when she is being used/disliked unless they clearly act maliciously (ie the Evil Queen trying to harm her).
I definitely lean on the side of unlikely friends or unlikely lovers when thinking of Snow and the twst fandom BUT i am open to straight up enemies or bullies or people annoyed with snow lol. I just know snow will continue to be kind to them lolol.
this got way too long but it was fun thinking of ship dynamics!!
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Please Remember Me Forever (Twst oneshot; Kalim x Jamil)
Fictional Disease AU
I have rarely heard of these fictional diseases in English other than the Hanahaki disease, so I'll make one myself, starting with the most angst potential. The hardest part with this is probably translating the fictional disease to English.
Tags: Angst
TW: Character death
Love-Forgetting-Syndrome 忘愛症候群
Sometimes, Jamil has a feeling he has forgotten something.
"Geh! Who are you?!"
Jamil dodged immediately, causing Kalim to fall face first onto the floor.
"J-jamil? Do you not remember me?"
"I don't know who you are! Please stay away from me!" Without looking back, he immediately rushed to his next class, leaving Kalim on the floor shocked and dumbfounded.
That was the first time it happened, and it wasn't the last. Everyone was stunned at Jamil's sudden change.
"Jamil-san, do you really not recall who Kalim is?"
"Kalim Al-Asim, he was your friend since childhood, can you really not remember that?"
"I really don't know who he is! Stop asking me this question!"
Every time someone brings up Kalim's name to Jamil, his usually calm face would be plastered with irritation.
"Just hearing his name makes me irritated." Jamil glared at Azul and Jade. "Shouldn't you be listening to class?"
"Oh dear, this is really problematic..." Azul sighed.
Not only does he not remember Kalim, he has also avoided him for as much as he can. Whether its during class, lunch or even back at the dorm, he would keep his distance far from him.
"Kalim, do you have any idea what has caused this change?"
During flying lessons, Silver can't help but ask him, the person who was affected by the change the most.
"I have no idea... Did I perhaps made him mad?"
"If that's the case, then you should go apologize."
"Yeah, I should. But he keeps avoiding me... Ah! It's my turn!"
Kalim couldn't focus at all during lessons. Jamil's sudden avoidance weighed on his mind the whole day.
'Was it something I did? I should find a chance to properly talk to him.'
"Kalim! Watch out!"
He was not paying attention to what he was doing. Losing his balance, he slipped and fell from his broomstick in midair. It was as if time froze at that moment.
A person rushed under Kalim and caught him just in the nick of time. The person who called out his name, Jamil.
"What would happen if I didn't pass by by coincidence?! You should at least take care of yourself when I'm not around!"
Everyone rushed towards the duo. Seeing as both of them are fine, they all sighed in relief. Especially seeing how Jamil is acting his usual self, everyone thought he remembered Kalim.
"Hehe, sorry, Jamil."
Everyone thought that was the end.
"I'm telling you I don't know! Stop asking me who Kalim is!"
Not long after the incident, Jamil reverted back again. No matter how many times he is asked, he denied knowing Kalim again. This issue has brought up not only the concerns of the dorm leaders, but also the teachers and the headmaster.
"Viper-kun, can you really not remember Asim-kun?"
"...Headmaster, I apologize but I really have no memory of that person. However, it is true that whenever I hear that name I would feel annoyed. Even I am unaware of the reason."
"How vexing..."
Yet, after some time, he would be reminded of Kalim again, only to be forgotten not long later. This cycle has repeated for so long that majority of the students has gotten used to it. Jamil would not remember Kalim and avoid him, one day he would be reminded who he was, he would return to his side, and soon forget again.
He can't remember why he had so much antidote for various different poisons on him; he can't remember why he would have prepared everything for the dorm leader's meeting despite his position as a vice; he can't remember why he has been able to act so stealthily in any case of emergency; he can no longer remember any of the memories he had with Kalim, or all the reasons why he is the way he is now, why he did so much for him in spite of how much he hated him. Even if he did, they'll all be forgotten again.
Because of that, Kalim is already used to being without Jamil. With time, he had gotten used to having meals without him, he would go to classes with Silver and ask Riddle for help in his studies, he had even learnt how to do some things himself. Even so, he would still welcome Jamil back with open arms whenever he recalled him.
"Jamil! You're back!"
"Of course I'm back, I still need to prepare dinner for you."
"Ehehe, thanks again, Jamil."
'I feel like I'm forgetting something...'
As he thought about it, Kalim passed by in his field of sight, making him feel irked. He turned away as to not worsen his mood.
"Jamil-san, would you like to have a meal with me? Seeing as you are alone, would you like someone to accompany you?" Azul approached Jamil, with the Leech twins following behind.
"No thank you, I'm fine with eating alone."
"Is that so? But don't you-"
A scream drew everyone's attention towards its source. And everyone saw what he saw. Kalim. He was stabbed by someone.
At that moment, Jamil felt like something broke. A curse. Like a glass, something shattered. He felt like that glass was blocking something important, and was now gone, but at the same time, that glass was his sanity.
He couldn't hear anything outside of his mind. His head was filled with various memories, memories of him and Kalim, those long lost memories.
His name was resonating in his ears. Memories of them, happy ones, sad ones, everyone of them, calling his name.
"KALIM!!!!!!!" He rushed to his side. The attacker had left Kalim's wound open, and he was bleeding a lot. The cafeteria became very chaotic in the span of a few seconds.
No matter how many times Jamil has stained his hands with the blood of the assassins, he could not bear the fact that his hands are now covered in Kalim's blood. His heart trembled at the sight of it.
"Kalim, don't..."
"Heheh, you remembered me."
"Don't talk, I'll treat you immediately."
At this point, Jamil was already tearing up.
"It's no use. It is too deep."
"Shut up! The medical team will arrive soon, so stop talking and hang on."
"Jamil, I'm very happy that you remembered me..."
One day, Kalim was called to the headmaster's office after school in regards to Jamil's odd behaviour.
"That is what I suspect Viper-kun has. I never knew it was real."
"What is that?"
"It is a disease that affects ones memory of someone they love. They will not be able to remember anything about them. One of the main symptoms will be that the affected keeps rejecting their loved ones. Even if they recall it, they will lose it all over again."
"Then, is there a cure for it?"
"There is only one way to cure this, and that is..."
"the death of the loved one."
It was exactly because he loved him so much, that he forgot about him.
"Jamil, you now have your memories back, that's...good to hear. You remember the times we had with each other, the times...we spent together, all...of it, you recalled it back now..."
"Please...stop, shut up."
Kalim's breathing got fainter.
"...now that...the illness is gone...Jamil...please..."
"Please remember me forever..."
With that, Kalim died in Jamil's hands, curing his disease.
"I love you...so much..."
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twisted-nox-sidus · 3 years
out of curiosity, will the white rabbit oc in chapter 14 appear in the pomefiore arc?
Ah, but the only clue I included was the gold pocket watch. That doesn’t mean OC is necessarily the White Rabbit. Some predict it’s twst Alice or twst Mad Hatter (lots of other iterations in other media have those types of charas with that accessory), but TWST shows that some of the characters are inspired by more than one Disney character’s elements (like Silver being like Aurora and the sword that slayed dragon Maleficent).
Also I’d be a little vexed if twst White Rabbit gets revealed (Yana’s power is just gonna blow a lot of my fanfic ideas away) so I can confirm now that that OC is not THE White Rabbit. Yes I got inspired but that OC is not twst WR. Something else entirely that just happens to share that characteristic for mysterious reasons. It seems like a missed opportunity for Yana to not introduce a twst WR chara (yet), so I’m holding back on WR.
This OC is not going to make their debut in the Pomefiore Arc. Probably a cameo at best. It’s too much new characters jammed in one arc (makes it feel like I’m rushing to fit a lot of content), and this OC has a major role that’ll appear after all the dorms are introduced (like the potential Magift tournament between NRC and RSA). That won’t happen for a while, but tbh I haven’t made an official draft for that OC so it gives me time anyways.
Regardless, I hope this OC’s debut will still be interesting for you guys. Until then, the mysteries are still obscured for the sake of storytelling. Thank you for understanding.
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liviavanrouge · 1 year
Lilia: Livia, please open the door!
Silver: We can't help if we don't know what's wrong
Nex: Come on little cousin...
Vex: We wanna help....
???: Outta my way..
Leona: *Walks over, Malleus behind him* Let me try
Malleus: I went and got Kingscholar in hopes that he can get the truth out of Livia
Leona: *Knocks twice on the door* Star Hunter, it's me open the door...
Silver: *Perks up in surprise as the door cracked open*
Livia: O-Only Leona!!!
Leona: *Steps into the room and shuts the door behind him* Cub..?
Livia: *Lifts the blanket, blot spilling from the corners of her mouth*
Leona: *Stares in alarm, realizing this was what Crowley, the professors and Diasomnia was keeping secret* Star Hunter...
Livia: *Sniffles, tears falling down her cheeks, gripping her blanket* I don't wanna die..b-but I don't want Grim to get hurt either...
Leona: *Kneels down, staring at her* Livia, blot is serious this needs to be removed
Livia: I'm the only one capable of sorting lots of blot away! I-
Leona: You stole blot from all the others too, Jack, Epel, Ace...all your friends..
Livia: *Nods, tears falling down her cheeks* Now I'm having these awful nightmares!! They won't go away!!!!
Leona: *Stares, seeing the signs of trauma* ..You wanna sleep in my bed with me for this week, it might help...
Livia: I can...
Leona: *Nods* Grab stuff you need...we can go now
Livia: Okay...
Lilia: *Stares, his eyes wide in shock*
Malleus: She's-! Everyone...
Vex: What'd you both hear?
Nex: Oh, I forgot you guys have keen hearing, what're they talking about
Lilia: J-Just the usual Livia having nightmares and they're affecting her
Silver: *Frowns, looking suspicious* I see...
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