#unordinary imagines
sad-squidz · 2 months
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I refuse to believe he isnt like, covered in scars from injuries that did and didnt receive proper treatment.
Like he was constantly fighting people throughout the entirety of his life and you want me to believe that he always managed to make it to the infirmary? or that he didnt deem anything to be too minor and it left a bit more than a scab? Bro has took a lot of damage!!!
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crazydaymycrazyway · 4 months
While arguing
John: You're right
Arlo: That's an...unusual phrase. Did you just learn it?
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heliianth · 4 months
media where a truck load of insane fuckshit happens for what feels like the longest time ever and then u get an in-universe timeline and its been like. a few months. is always so funny to me
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monowritestoomuch · 2 months
How UnOrdinary Characters would react if you told them that you wanted to become a vigilante:
(Hi guys, my first post like this exploded! Thanks for all the support!)
TW: swearing
-He would freeze up, reminiscing what had happened to other vigilantes and wishing that you would change your mind
-He would try to tel you to reconsider but you stood firm.
-You two would argue about it ending up in him leaving to cool off and the two of you reconnecting later
-He says it’s ok but begs you to be careful, telling you that he’s going to train you in hand-to-hand combat first
-You tell him you will be and the two of you end up playing video games the rest of the day
-would be open to it
-tells you not to be a dumbass and get yourself banged up or killed
-helps you make your costume
-teaches you pointers she learned from John about how to beat ass
-When you say you want to be a vigilante shes not surprised.
-she tells you she’s also one and that so are Blyke and Isen.
-she helps you with your costume, your fighting style (not your vigilante name tho)
-you end up going on a patrol with her, Iswn and Blyke to see how it’s done
(cue epic fight scene)
-he’s surprised that you want to become one but ends up helping you train first
-you have your costume put together but he helps u come up with a name that you won’t have to come up with on the spot
-he takes you on patrol with him and it goes smooth-ish (save for beating up a few assholes)
-bro is shooketh
-he did not originally want anyone else getting involved but like, now you are
-he help you come up with a name and a costume, keeping an eye out for you
-half tries to teach you how to fight, stating that Remi and Blyke, who are also vigilantes would help you with that part
-get you a mask that covers your whole face
-he tries to talk you out of it at first but you tell him that you’re becoming one and he accepts it eventually with a long sigh
-bro is shook
-he doesn’t want you to get caught by the government too, not wishing to lose ALL of his friends
-he’s tired asf
-he heavily tries to convince you out of it but you tell him that this decision is final
-he tel you he doesn’t want you getting caught or being seen like that because that’ll put a target on your back
-you reassure him but he’s still a skeptic
-he says a reluctant “fine” and lets you start to become one
-checks on you frequently and gets Elaine to heal you if shit hits the fan(oh it will)
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mashiee · 1 year
i made ssome memes
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sinvulkt · 4 months
Different Circumstances by magey88
Headmaster Vaughn finds out that Blyke has been living in Isen’s room, and forces Blyke to move back in with John. With Blyke having no choice but to share his living space with John, he's constantly walking on eggshells to avoid angering Wellston's most troubled student.But, what if there's more to John than the merciless tyrant he's known for? Late-night confrontations and conversations can reveal a lot about a person. Will John and Blyke ever be able to see eye to eye? Completed, 40k words.
Chap 7:
But perhaps his actions from the other night boiled down to one fundamental fact: he was so fucking tired. To some people, hatred was second nature; it took no effort for them to remain in that state, to perpetually hold a disdain for the world.  But for John, hating was not passive. It was not something that was inherent to him. For him to hate as deeply and strongly as he did these days, it was a conscious effort, a constant struggle to deny himself any pleasures that he didn’t deserve, or couldn’t risk having. It was this kind of hatred however, that was arguably the strongest and most dangerous. It was not hating for the sake of hating. But rather, it originated from a place that once held not love, but something within that realm. An expectation, a hope —no, faith — that people were capable of being good. That if he were the one who got better — whether it was to become stronger or weaker, be more assertive or more passive — then maybe then he would finally be allowed to see what was so good about this society, and what people had to offer. But with every failure, every betrayal, all he realized was that it wasn’t just his fault that nothing was changing, but rather everyone was working together to poison any potential goodwill society could have. His disdain crept up on him, black eye bags gradually etching themselves onto his skin. And so, slowly but surely, John learned to hate. [...] Just because Blyke read one book that said everyone should be treated with dignity, and actually agreed with the message, John was supposed to now have faith in him? Be his friend? The thought made him want to laugh and scream at the same time. 
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uno-writing · 7 months
Best Arlo is the Beaten Up Arlo after he tried to infiltrate the Spectre base with his ability being weakened and Rain (the spider lady from the earlier chapters he choked during Turf Wars) found him.
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little-apple-7 · 2 years
aren’t you thinking abt how much Arlo and Blyke could learn ability-wise from eachother ??? !!
Blyke suggesting Arlo uses the lower level barriers he’s used while having his ability dampened before in the same way that Lennon, the guy Blyke fought as a vigilante, did with them disc things. It could be a way to physically hit opponents, or by climbing on them he can basically fly, because them barriers don’t seem to be affected by gravity. !?!
Arlo suggesting that Blyke’s newer forcefield sort of energy discharge could be used not only to move people away, but to redirect attacks back to sender, just like Arlo’s own barrier ability. ?!?!
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zirian · 2 years
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serlinesstuff · 2 years
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Here's me headcanoning that Arlo can't swim 🤡🤡
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i don't typically write a lot but jschlatt has been occupying my head rent free and i have Thoughts i must share.
imagine you're a streamer who's really close with schlatt, ted nivison, mikasacus, the general sdmp crew, etc. ESPECIALLY schlatt. you guys have streamed together one on one before and have amazing chemistry on and off camera, but you both harbor secret crushes on the other.
so imagine you're doing a chill minecraft stream one night just on your own and schlatt decides to dm you on discord.
yo. call?
this isn't unordinary, so of course you let him join.
the rest of the stream primarily consists of the both of you listening to music from his playlists while he watches you play minecraft. the beginning of your call with him is very high energy, with lots of stupid jokes, bits, and poking fun at chat. but the more the night goes on, the more things calm down. schlatt switches the music to his jazz oldies playlist, and the vibe is just the two of you having a casual conversation now. it's almost like chat isn't there. it's very tranquil, domestic, and cozy.
soon enough, it's time for the stream to end and you to turn in for the night. just as you say your goodbyes to schlatt and chat and exit the stream, a new dm pops up.
had fun with you tn, let's do it again soon. sleep well :)
you can't help but feel your heart flutter inside your chest. and unbeknownst to you, schlatt is feeling the same thing behind his own pc screen <3
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cupids-chamber · 1 year
IMAGINE: Yandere!Twst cast, dreaming of the MC, before they ended up Twst, and even though they searched for them, they couldn't quite find them... now that they've found them.. they can't seem to let you go.. how would they feel when they've learned that there are more competitors for your love.
A/N: I'm gonna call this the dreaming of you au! I have some plans for it.. I had to split this in part, because of tumblr's fucking word limit.
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He couldn’t recall when the dreams had first started, it was quite suffocating.. Looking back, he was tired of the same dream over and over again, yet it changed.. Slowly, he watched you growing up along with him, it was as if his dreams mirrored your own life.. And at one point, he believed that these vivid dreams held some meaning, there had to be a reason why he’d keep seeing the same person over and over again… At one point, he even started to believe that you were his.. Someone meant for him.. And as he grew older, he couldn’t help but search for you, wanting to validate his thoughts and imagination, which has gotten rather out of hand over the past few years. 
He didn’t even consider that others would have taken interest in you as well, ‘did they see you in their dreams as well?’.. The thought would have driven him wild, had he not been patient thus far, he might have truly lost himself then and there.. However, if he had waited this long, then it wouldn’t have been difficult to wait a bit longer.. After all.. He knew you a lot better than you know yourself.. He just needs you to realize.. That you’re his.. and he is yours…
YANDERE!AZUL, From his very first dream and then on, he was infatuated with you.. You were a positive change from his own dreadful school life, he’d take naps somewhere in class time, avoiding his schoolmates, where you’d haunt his dreams.. But he didn’t mind, you were so lovely.. So sweet.. Surely, you wouldn’t treat him like others did… would you? No! Of course you wouldn’t! You were better than those lowlifes, you weren’t stupid nor despicable, your thoughts were lovely and he loved seeing you in his dreams, your happiness was but his own.. And the thought of you by his side cheered him on.. However, when he had first seen you.. he knew immediately, that others viewed you in the same way as he did.. Something he couldn’t help but despise..  Maybe he should bind you to a deal.. One in his favor of course.. However, he knows better than that.. his dreams of you were so serene, you were far too angelic in his eyes for him to taint and bind, he'd love to see you as free as a bird, all the while having your love and eyes, look only towards his own.. it may be quite difficult to have it that way, however he wasn't new to playing dirty.. and if that was the price he needed to pay, to have his way, then so be it.. After all, he couldn't last a moment without you any longer, you were his from the beginning, and you will continue to be his, no matter what.. However, he does wish you’ll accept him before all else.. and forgive him for any crime he may commit..
YANDERE!JADE, Jade found it rather interesting, he used to never have dreams.. really.. It was just a blur in his memories in the morning, he remembers his mother asking him at the breakfast table, about his dreams.. Floyd almost had something, rather concerning to say to his mother, which they’d laugh off as something playful.. But when it came around to him, he couldn’t answer, he remained quiet until the topic changed, simply flashing a smile towards his mother, who probably was dissatisfied with her child's lack in enthusiasm about typical things, every child they had met was interested in trivial things, truly they had such out of the box, and unordinary children.. Not that they cared for it, Floyd filled in for jade’s lack of enthusiasm anyways. Where Floyd lacked, Jade could fill in the gaps, truly a pair of perfect, close knitted siblings… That night when he slept, he had a dream.. However it was odd.. For someone who barely dreamt, or couldn’t remember anything as if it was a blur in his memories, he remembered this one well, a weeping child, around his age, sitting in front of the TV, watching a rather unfamiliar horror show, that they obviously shouldn’t have, way beyond their bed time. That’s where it started, where he became so obviously drawn to you, and your presence, an amazing person and sweet person you were, you were very enthusiastic.. well at least in a more typical way, compared to his brother, he was drawn to you instantaneously… maybe he fell for you early on as well, he was contempt with watching you, and letting his childish love flourish, into something rather twisted and resentful, for as he grew, he began growing rather angry.. At the fact that you weren’t here, and that even in his dreams he couldn’t quite interact with you.. That was until he had finally met and saw you… at that moment the man felt an explainable amount of joy, his crooked smile, seemed much more genuine, and rather frightening.. As he watched you playfully prance around.. Oh if you knew just how twisted your life was about to become, you would have ran and hid… 
YANDERE!FLOYD, Floyd had dreams ever so often, they were quite obscene however, and rather creative.. They were very vivid as well.. And he was proud of them, he told his brother and mother in heavy detail about his dreams, and would love any surprised looks and glances he’d get from them, Jade’s smile would shake up a bit, while his brows would perk up, and eyes widen every so softly, he knew that expression way too well, Jade always seemed to be concerned for his safety and mental health while he expressed his stories and dreams with great excitement.. He loved and adored getting a reaction out of people, especially when it was one of fear.. Though that was something he gave up expecting from his family.. And then he had a dream.. A dream of someone rather unfamiliar, a person.. They seemed soft, and kind…. Well he’d rather not go into detail.. At first Floyd would simply view you from afar, not that he couldn’t interact, he just didn’t mind watching you from a distance.. Until he finally did interact with you.. He scared you.. He put on his best act, and boy.. was your reaction scrumptious.. your unsolicited fear drove him wild.. He couldn’t help but crave more… so every now and then.. He’d disturb your peaceful self, in his dreams.. by scarring you.. It drove him really, to see you quiver in fear as you lost your composure.. And then suddenly you didn’t appear in his dreams anymore.. Something that greatly agitated the eel… and then he saw you on campus.. and as the two of you met eyes, he could see the color drain from your face, and Floyd grinned.. “Heya shrimpy”.. Floyd, wouldn’t take well, when he found out his little’ shrimpy' had others, who have taken quite the interest towards them as well.. After all, you were his, long before you came here..
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© cupids-chamber, do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work without prior and or confirmation.
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to-mah-to27 · 5 months
headcanon that Kurimi and Kuniharu having two extremely unordinary children despite being a very ordinary couple is because of the impossible strength of their love
Cause everything about them is average (except maybe Kuniharu being so pathetic) and then they had not one but two children with exceptional abilities??
It's like because their love is so strong for each other to even an annoying degree, that a love that strong could only create strong offspring.
And it shows that their love grew even stronger over the years because even though their firstborn Kusuke was a super genius, it wasn't to such a degree that anyone could argue he was no longer a human
But then by the time they had Kusuo their love had grown exponentially and created the most powerful being in the universe.
Imagine if they had a third child! Or if they had one during that year they were fighting and then unleashed an unstoppable force of hatred and malice upon the world??
It's no wonder Kusuo is such a mother hen, no matter how tsundere he is about it. He was born from the power of love
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What if some beautiful day post BD Belka lost her gift? Honestly I would love to know what would happen at any point of the story should she do, but I won't burden you with a mile-long answer, so just the most interesting to me. Feel free to drop some other ideas if you feel like it!
Depends how early on.
Very Early in Twilight? Edward eats her. He assumes her silent thoughts were a fluke/he must have missed it that few times and finds himself face to face with a girl he'd label as vapid and far too interested in Edward's appearance in the manner Jessica Stanley is. The mystery of Bella is lessened, he can't project what he wishes onto her, which leaves him with only one door.
Later? He finds himself unwilling to admit that he's frustrated and disenchanted with Bella's thoughts now that he can hear them. Edward hates this about himself, as Bella's perfectly fine, and he can tell himself everything he believes is true, it's just--God, sometimes she thinks such petty things, or it turns out when she's staring out at the room nothing interesting is going on in her head, and she like everyone else thinks mundane unordinary thoughts. Bella, for her own part, becomes hyperaware and terrified that Edward now hears her every thought (even in moments like sleep when she can't control it) and is desperately trying to hide what she's thinking even from herself (which backfires as it only makes Edward more aware how uncomfortable she is with this). They end up doubling down, though, both believing they can only find happiness in one another, and ignoring the red signs.
Post Breaking Dawn? There's some concern that Bella won't be able to shield them from the Volturi if that ever comes up again but Edward isn't worried because it was never about Bella anyway. (Jasper is terrified as is Alice, but they can't get through to Bella and Edward that this is bad and may be the Volturi taking action against them/preparing to kill them all by shutting off Bella's gift). Indeed, I imagine Bella with her gift shut off is uh killed by a hit squad with Demetri in the very near future. However, before that point, Bella and Edward slowly realize that Bella having her shield down all the time, permanently, is actually a problem and neither like it. Bella doesn't like Edward hearing what she thinks all the time and Edward's not liking Bella's mounting frustration or the various thougths he doesn't like from her.
I imagine they start arguing without admitting what the problem is (as it can't actually be that Edward just doesn't like what Bella's thinking/Bella doesn't want her husband in her head all the time) and the family watches with wide eyes as Bella and Edward completely implode. An intervention is held which does not go well.
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beehiveofblorbos · 2 months
I am so ravingly abnormal about John unordinary
What a guy. Truly. The recent eps where he’s working w Remi Isen Blyke and Arlo warm my heart beyond imagination
Guhh watching Blyke + John interact just warms my heart so much. Like ofc ofc I wish John hadn’t been forcibly moved to the dorms but if he’d been moved in w Blyke earlier they could’ve been friends first
Like imagine what would’ve happened if he managed to befriend Blyke before Arlo approached him? Imagine if he went on a Royal collecting spree, starting w Sera and then working his way up Blyke to Remi to Arlo? Imagine. Arlo wouldn’t have even bothered getting anyone suspended. Isen would still be able to find info but they’d be familiar at LEAST it wouldn’t be some rando guy.
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[2K Followers 'Clue' Special]
Imagine Dream and Desire having a competition over who can make you part of their kingdom. - Part 2
[Part 1]
1100 words left.
You're about to read through the 'method' part of the article, when someone sits across from you. A rosy, sweet and spicy aroma hits your nostrils. Surprised and slightly annoyed at the disturbance, you look up.
It's strange. They're strange but not in the wrong way. Blond hair, red suit, heavy jewellery - they look out of place in a small cafe filled with university students drinking vegan chai lattes while swearing at engineering software. The stranger smiles and you doubt you’ve ever seen a more show-stopping person. There’s something unordinary about their features: they’re neither male nor female and yet both of them at the same time; the person across from you has the potential to be whatever you want to be.
"Do I know you?" you ask in a meek voice. Something about attractive people makes others lose their general certainty; their glamour is imposing.
"Most unfortunately, no," the stranger answers in a honeyed, alluring voice.
"Then, uhm, can I help you with something?" You’re nervous, although you’re not exactly sure why. Is it excitement? Fear? A strange, yet delicious concoction of these two?
"Yes, there is something you could help me with, dear.” The stranger leans towards you. “See, I'm not entirely sure I understand why someone like you sits alone in a dull place like this. Don't you think you deserve more, better?"
The suggestion flusters you. Unaware, you nervously rub your hands together. Feeling your cheeks flush, you can’t help but lower your gaze, which glazes over your laptop’s screen.
Then, another thing catches your attention. Your hands are nowhere near the keyboard and yet a sentence is being typed under your work-in-progress essay:
Is this truly what you’re dreaming of?
But then you blink and the message disappears, forever making you unsure whether you did see it. Perhaps it was only your imagination?
You look back up at your conversationalist. Suddenly, you have a gnawing sensation that something about them has changed as though their charm, a magical spell of glamour, has somehow dissipated in the recent seconds. They’re still unimaginably beautiful but not as alluring and charming as you had previously thought.
"Maybe we can get out of here?” they ask.  “I'll buy you a drink and you'll tell me what you desire."
A second ago you would have agreed immediately but now… Now there’s a sense of scepticism inside you like a voice in the back of your head making you question your judgment.
"Actually, I'm a little busy today but tomorrow's alright."
1100 words left. Dream - 1, Desire - 0
Tagging interested people: @emarich7 @snowsatsu
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