#vent energy
Wherever you are is where I wanna be
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lingrimmart · 10 months
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Especially nowadays, it's a struggle for some of us. Despite this, we are breathing, living creatures, just like everyone else. Love isn't a crime.
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necroticghost · 7 months
im so fucking useless
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y0ugiveth3flv · 4 months
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wdym i can’t live off of zero sugar energy drinks?!
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magicshop · 8 months
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his smile could cure the world ♡ [for @morshiberna ♡]
cr. 0613data
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gatoburr0 · 3 months
All my attempts on drawing mr grizz
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hai-nae · 7 months
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meant to post these sketches a few days ago? a week? but, well, life.
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vodid · 2 months
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zero's pressure
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sunlit-mess · 4 months
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stressed depressed but well-dressed
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agirlwithglam · 5 months
hard work? at least put in the work!
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as my mom once said to me:
"forget hard work! at least do work"
please, for some of us, talking about "hard work" is far away for us. so forget about working hard. what about just working? not working hard, just doing at least something for your future, yourself, your family. or are you okay with being a huge disappointment to others and yourself?
just doing the bare minimum at least for yourself! you don't have to go over the top or make it so hard for you. at least put in the bare minimum so you don't have to live the worst life. okay?
doing at least 5 pushups + 5 squats a day
studying a bit for exams
saying one affirmation of self-love a day
if someone talks to you, don't try to run away from the convo.
all this isn't hard. its just what every human being should be able to you (not talking about anyone with disabilities, thats a different case). okay?
the first step to this would be to reduce the amount of screentime everyday. i don't care if its "educational" or "self improvement", thats all bs. whats actually gonna make a difference is that instead of tricking your brain into thinking you're doing something or telling yourself "i'll work my hardest tomorrow", you don't work your hardest today but you work.
putting in little effort is still putting in effort.
i know that a lot of you are gonna be like "no but i believe in myself that i can put hard work into something i care about!" so okay. good job for believing in yourself, love that. but... are you actually gonna do it? or are you going to continue to sit and watch "educational" "self improvement" videos because it distracts and tricks you into thinking that this is hard work?*
*don't get me wrong, of course if you used to be a person who scrolled a bunch of nonsense, the first step would of course be to change what you consume into something better. but there comes a limit where you have to actually get up and put in the work. simply changing what you consume isn't all you need to do. theres more steps to improving your life. just like when you start with a new skill; in the beginning you may start with something very simple and easy for you to do. but once that becomes your "comfort zone" (as in very/ much easy to do), you need to move to something that challenges you more. otherwise, you never grow.
sure, believing that you are capable of doing it is certainly the first step of almost anything, but believing isn't just enough. you gotta actually do it. you don't earn my respect by "believing you can do it" (what are you, a toddler?) but by actually executing your plan. and for most of us, it turns out that our definition of "hard work" is actually just watching "self improvement" all day.
so what am i implying here? :
if you believe you can actually do the hard work, then do it. do not waste another second on self improvement videos (remember; those are just meant as a guide, a starter. a place for advice). if however, you find that you finally realise that hard work isnt just watching self improvement videos and having to actually do something, then shut up with the hard work. at least do work.
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xoxo, vanilla.
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chanelmonamour · 1 year
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me after 2 hrs of crying and a mental breakdown:
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My vibe depends on how you treat me
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agirlinagony · 10 months
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bpd core tbh
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canisalbus · 1 year
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I have sighthounds (greyhounds) at home and I just love your characters!! (hope you do not mind silly art) So.... what if Machete.... but borzoi >:D
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the-dread-quinn · 2 months
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inkly-heart · 4 months
please don’t be sad little sprout, you are loved 🌱 🖤
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