#vil finally being a hero
mochawulfie · 1 year
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If anyone can wear the mask, Vil can too... and finally be a hero :)
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thevilqueen · 7 months
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Vil is one of the most well-written characters in Twisted Wonderland and I’m still baffled that people still manage to misinterpret him when nothing about him is that difficult to understand.
People always bash him for his obsession with beauty and reduce it to vanity when it was explained time and time again that Vil cares as much about internal beauty as external beauty. His search for growth was never centred around aesthetics only.
It’s also further explained that his pursuit of beauty is the path he believes would help him reach his goal of staying the longest on stage/being the hero. Vil’s book is about an actor who has been told ever since he was a child that he was meant to be the villain. Which was a role he didn’t wish to entertain so he worked his hardest to be worthy of the role he wanted, the role that would allow him to stay the longest on stage.
He learned all sorts of skills, pursued his studies, took care of his appearance, he did anything and everything in the name of improving himself, to be worthy of a role that keeps being denied to him and given to someone else, Neige. Then when he finally reached his limit after years of trying his hardest just to keep failing he lost it.
Even then why did he overblot? Because he couldn’t forgive himself. Because he couldn’t accept that he had become the villain, the exact thing that he had spent all his time and effort rejecting. Vil is terrified of being ugly inside and outside. He is terrified of being corrupted. He’s terrified of being bad.
People also love to bash him for being strict but he is one of the most caring housewarden. He does rule with an iron fist but even at his worst his motivation is always in his students’ best interest. Even Epel has to concede once he understands Vil’s true goal. On top of that Vil actually shows that he takes accountability for his actions, he knows how to apologise and he feels remorse for his wrongdoings.
Let’s not even talk about how he sacrificed himself for Idia and the world’s sake later on. As if this wouldn’t fully compromise his future.
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Hero and Villain Au! TWST Ideas
Bear with me I working on other's requests and fics I want to write. My neurodivergence has been kicking my ass, but I suddenly had an idea. If you want me to write any of these let me know.
Reader is a reporter from some big news company ordered to interview the two models Vil Schoenheit and Neige LeBlanche. Vil acts very cold towards you thinking you are trying to smear his pristine reputation, while Neige is desperate to talk to someone out of the business. You've got a hero and villain soon pinning after you in disguise and regular outfits.
Poor reader is being pulled around like a ragdoll as Vil kidnaps you to have some one-on-one time without that heroic twerp interrupting. He wants to be your hero not Neige. Neige swoops in to save the day but is Neige really as heroic and kind as the media makes him out to be?
Another idea is Malleus being the most powerful villain in the city, being third most terrifying in the world. You are a regular civilian who works as a nurse. Your long shifts prevent you from keeping up with the news, so you have no idea of the evil you let into your house. Malleus was severely wounded by a hero and was on death's doorstep but angelic little you saved him and now he's convinced you two are meant to be. He won't take no for an answer.
Final idea, a Dr. Doofenshmirtz vs Perry the Platypus style feud between hero you and Idia. Idia grows frustrated with always losing to you, making deadlier machines to defeat you. However, one of the machines turns on him and you save him before he becomes a blue grease spot. This gets his delusional little mind whirring with the ideas. Now he's trying to trap you in order to have cute little "dates" with you (no babe this is still kidnapping). It doesn't help that he has a cute little brobot that also thinks you and his "brother" are meant to be. Fitting song for this is My Freeze Ray from Dr. Horrible sing-along blog.
Tell me what you think?
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forcebewitht · 7 months
Hey, since book 6 has been out in English for a while, could we possibly see an Overblot!Idia x reader? I really love the idea of him dramatically taking off the mask he has on to kiss the reader.
A Dance With Death (Overblot!Idia Shroud x MC!Reader)
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(Artwork by: Trashochist on Deviantart, X (Twitter), and Instagram)
(Possible TW: Slight yandere implications, stalking, manipulation, branding)
…The time had finally come. All of the trials and tribulations that you had gone through. The pain and strife that had overtaken you in just a few short days. It had all led up to this. The kidnapping of your beloved companion, Grim. The destruction of the Ramshackle dorm. The kidnapping of those who had Overblotted that you had helped through their trauma and developed bonds with overtime. The kidnapping of even the Headmaster of Night Raven College himself. The entirety of these events had thrown Night Raven College into turmoil.
And that was just what excited Idia even more. He had been watching curiously since the very first moment you had arrived at the institution. I mean- a student that didn’t have any magic? Yet arrived within a coffin here to a school of magical students? It was unheard of- and just that alone excited him. This excitement only grew once the Overblots started. His family and organization, S.T.Y.X., had been all over the research of Overblotting for years. But now, after all of this time, someone so close to him (in the school, that is-) was at the forefront of a handful of Overblots? It was far too perfect of a chance to pass up with that new Ramshackle prefect. The plan was sprung, footage and data gathered. He knew that they were going to come for their beloved friends- they were just so cool like that. Literally a superhero in disguise, an underdog that soon had risen to be one of the top dogs within the school. There was a lot of promise with them- no. Not a promise. This was the work of the Fates themselves, he believed. The Fates themselves had led someone to him. Someone powerful. Someone strong. Someone capable of protection. Someone…that could get him back what he had lost all of those years ago.
There they were. Descending down to the depths of Hell that he himself had wrought. They looked horrible- worn for wear, really. To think, these oh so powerful figures from Pomefiore, Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, Scarabia, and Octavinelle, alongside the hero of the school themselves, would be bashed and broken already from mere secondary bosses? They wouldn’t stand a chance against this final boss. Idia grinned beneath the mask that he wore, his arms folding over themselves as the Blot around his figure billowed with every breath he took. He could feel the immeasurable power coursing through his veins- and the normally pessimistic male found himself growing rather cocky the more they walked forward. His golden gaze soon landed upon his hero- his knight in shining…well, uniform. He soon was speaking, his arms outstretched as the flames protruding from his figure began to blaze brighter- hotter.
“Bum bum buuummmm~! Our heroes have finally arrived to the final boss battle! But uh ohhhhhh~ looks like they didn’t level enough, now did they~?”
You found yourself gritting your teeth at Idia above. Already, Vil, Rook, and Epel were readying themselves at your side. The rest soon followed, the weapons they had gained during their prior fights with the Overblot Beasts being raised and ready to overwhelm Idia’s Blot. Idia began to cackle, raising his hands in mock surrender.
“Uh ooohh~! Eheheheheheheeeee~! They found the special gear~! But that’s really not gonna do much, you guys! Totally on top of my game, y’know~? These HP and attack stats are through. The. ROOF!”
With his words, Idia’s Overblot Beast, Ortho, began to unleash a flurry of attacks upon you and your party, forcing all of them to scatter across the area. The Beast seemed to know precisely what to do- orders most likely given before this entire fiasco began. You began to find yourself being slowly but surely separated from everyone else thanks to the Beast’s targeted attacks. This separation was key- this was what Idia wanted. He watched as you eventually were cornered entirely, exactly where he wanted you. Once more, a grin spread out under his mask. You looked so cool and tough despite all of this neverending pressure, still shouting out commands for the others to work together to defend themselves, each other, or deflect the attacks his Beast was allowing itself to barrage them all with. He soared downwards until he was finally just before you. You had jumped back slightly upon noticing him approaching, but there truly was nothing that you could use at this time to defend yourself with. He leaned forward, his clawed hands now pressing themselves to either side of the wall beside your head.
“There you are~! The hero themselves~! The shining star of the hour- no, the entirety of Night Raven College~! This is our final stage, (Y/N)! Isn’t it thrilling~?”
“Idia, this is absolutely crazy! You are going to wind up killing us all with thi-”
A clawed finger pressed itself against your lips as he shifted, shushing you gently as he rolled his glowing amber eyes.
“Okay, listen- babe. (Y/N). Baby. Babycakes. Sweetheart. Sweetie pie. Wonder Student. I’m gonna stop you riiigghhtt there, actually- because I know. I know about the whole thing. But you’re gonna be my hero, you know~? You are going to save a life- just like you’ve been doing! So, it’s all good, ‘kay~?”
You began to attempt to protest, but you soon found yourself being swept into Idia’s arms and pulled about. The crazed Overblotted Idia now began to waltz with you despite all of the destruction around the both of you. He sighed blissfully, his eyes burning ablaze with a fiery passion- it was unnerving. He leaned forward once more, now beginning to hush into your ear through that glowing mask he wore.
“You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this moment, (Y/N). The countless hours I have spent watching and studying your damn near every move…I know your exact schedule bit by bit, y’know, ehehehehee~ I mean, with you and your coolness, you never know when you’re gonna stop another Overblot, honestly. But that coolness that you have doesn’t matter down here- and y’know why~?”
Your eyes soon widened considerably as you felt Idia grab onto your arm. One of his clawed fingers now was set ablaze with a small, blue flame. His grip was tight- commanding in every sense of the word. The flame began to trace itself upon your flesh as he continued to speak- ignoring your cries and attempts to struggle away from him.
“I know everything about you. I have seen your struggles. Your pain. I mean, separated from your home, whatever friends and family you had before…and thrust into a world of magic without any magic yourself. You have been left in the cold by the Fates themselves to fend for yourself. You struggle simply to survive from day to day without any money here…you struggle to maintain your cool and calm composure and keep people like those Heartslabyul first years and the little guy in line…and you then have to deal with the rantings and ravings of spoiled brats like those that Overblotted and, despite wanting for it all to just end, have to buck yourself up instead and keep them from ending it all? It is just an endless cycle of pain, regret, and a loveless life that you have fallen into.”
The more Idia spoke and you felt that flame burning upon your arm, the more you found yourself getting lost into the swirling golden pools upon his sleek, pale, oddly handsome face that were his eyes. For the first time since you had arrived here…you actually genuinely felt seen. You felt heard. Oddly enough, from someone that you had truly rarely seen outside of his own room within the confines of the school itself. Your own gaze finally shifted down to your arm as his finger retracted. He had burned the insignia of his family’s company, S.T.Y.X., onto your flesh. He blew out the fire on his finger, now grinning once more wickedly beneath his mask as his clawed hands now seized you by the waist once more, pulling you into his deadly embrace.
“I know, I know. I know it hurts. All of that going on and absolutely nothing to ever truly be gained from it all…well, my Wonder Student…that’s gonna end for you right now. With what I just gave you…you are mine. And when you’re mine, you have a purpose. You will be protected, provided for. No longer shall you be within the confines of a cage and hidden away in the shadows- you shall be the bright and shining star in our tale- and properly get those monetary stats and all of that raised~!”
Idia’s hand whisked over his face- where that mask was nestled. The mask faded away, revealing his pearly white, razor sharp teeth. They glistened at you as it felt Death was grinning at you- which it essentially was. His royal blue lips curled upwards into a wicked grin as he tugged you even closer to himself, now leaning all of the way forward towards you.
He began to pull you with him once more, twisting and turning your body with himself. His clawed hands trailed up and down your figure within your shared dance of destruction, his thoughts split between what he would do with you now that you belonged to him…and that of his brother’s life that you soon would pull up from the depths of the Underworld for him. You all would be a family together- and that only seemed to excite him further as his motions grew swifter, yet sly. He soon had you dramatically dipped, and his lips captured yours in a warm, passionate kiss…thus beginning your true dance with death.
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dilatorywriting · 2 years
Heroes vs. Villains : Pomefiore
Gender Neutral Reader x Pomefiore vs. Neige Leblanche Word Count: 2.8k
Summary: Woe to the Ramshackle Prefect, being caught up in the drama between the Disney Villains and their respective heroes. Pomefiore Version ie. Wherein Vil tries his very best to correct your abominable wardrobe and you swoop in to kidnap save an unsuspecting gentleman in distress.
[PART 1] [PART 2] [PART 3]
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“Your wardrobe is atrocious. And I’m not going to be seen with someone who looks like they rolled around on the floor of their closet and put on whatever stuck to them first.”
Firstly, your closet wasn’t big enough to step inside, let alone roll around in. So take that, Mister Metaphor.
Secondly, you didn’t even own enough clothing for that to be an option. Dressing yourself like some kind of confetti monster? Yeah, no. You had three pairs of donated, grey, uniforms and a couple over-large sweatshirts that Jack had kindly donated to you once fall set in. Today it just so happened to be Uniform #2 that was the clean one of the set. So.
All of that being said, from the sounds of things, your Crimes Against Fashion had spurred an emergency shopping trip. A shopping trip spearheaded by the Vil Schoenheit, and very hopefully being funded by his seemingly never-emptying wallet. Also, to be perfectly honest, Ramshackle was cold. And you would very much like some new socks and at least one fuzzy pair of pajama pants to go with Jack’s old crewnecks. Maybe a nice throw blanket. That alone was worth the blow to your dignity.
“Will I survive?” you lamented, as Rook fussed with your sad excuse for an umbrella.
“No,” Epel drawled, entirely unsympathetic. Not that you could blame the guy. An afternoon that the House Warden spent with you was one less hovering over Epel—one less hour stuck in front of a mirror, one less etiquette class that was more punishment than lesson. Perhaps one more secret rack of barbecue ribs snuck in from the Savanaclaw Dorm.
“Mon Coeur, you are going to get soaked,” Rook tutted, finally conceding on trying to fix your shredded nightmare of a parasol. You’d found it in one of the many dusty closets Ramshackle had to offer. One of the ghosts said they recognized it from their time on campus two-hundred years ago.
“It is far from your fault!” Rook gasped, and Epel rolled his eyes.
“Why don’t you ask Vil to buy you one?” your purple-haired friend mocked, and you fought the urge to stick your tongue out at him.
“Maybe I will,” you sniffed, indignant.
“More likely he’ll just see it an’ get all upset, and be like, ‘ah! How ugly this darn thing is! Throw it away before my eyes bleed!’” he crooned, dramatic—so caught up in his theatrics that he nearly dropped the little apple carving he was working on.
“Yeah, right. Like Vil would ever be caught dead saying ‘darn,’” you jabbed, and Epel hurled the fruit at your head. Rook caught it gracefully and returned it to the grumpy farm boy with a gentle toss. “But otherwise, spot on.”
“‘Spot on’ about what, precisely? Your collective complete and utter lack of decorum? This is a public space, show some class please.”
And with that scathing remark, Vil Schoenheit had officially entered the scene.
The venomous beauty’s purple eyes traced over you in the way that they always seemed to—picking apart whatever things he deemed worthy of plucking. His gaze landed almost immediately on your near-disintegrated umbrella, and it narrowed with distaste.
“You’re not bringing that with us. In fact, you might as well just toss it with the garbage on the way out.”
You and Epel made painfully long eye contact.
Rook shoved a red-and-white checkered parasol into your hands with an indulgent smile.
The journey to the outlets from there was actually pretty pleasant. Vil’s private car was swanky and smelled like the fancy sort of air fresheners that didn’t prick at your nose with an oversaturation of chemical fruitiness. He rattled off list upon list of ‘essentials’ that was sounding longer and more expensive by the minute. But (as he immediately confirmed upon seeing your mounting horror) this was to be a Schoenheit Expenditure, so you decided to let him enjoy himself and tally up a ridiculous amount of brand name garbage.
The stores had private parking. And that was immediately intimidating.
Vil fixed his ‘normal people disguise’ more firmly in place before walking you through the building with a surprising level of enthusiasm.
“It works a bit differently—” he continued, piling item after item into a cart that was already close to overflowing. “—Most of these products are meant to be customized, but I suppose we can look into that later. Off-The-Rack is not usually my preferred method of browsing, but it will have to do until we’ve bulked out your general wardrobe into something passable.”
He was muttering to himself like a mad scientist—holding swatches to your face, tugging bits of various fabric against your fingers. His efficiency and complete competence in all things was endearing, if not a bit terrifying.
Then, Vil draped a soft, amethyst, scarf around your neck.
“Here,” he said, still mostly buried in the racks. “You can wear this now—for the cold. This color suits you.”
“Really?” you hummed, doing your absolute best not to let your eyes fall to the price tag dangling off the end of it. You failed. “It’d fit you better,” you rambled, trying to take your mind off the triple-goddamn-digits you’d just seen. “It actually matches your eyes kind of perfectly, don’t you think?”
There was a pause then, and for a moment you worried that you’d said something irritating—maybe unintentionally questioning his fashion judgements or blablabla. One thing that you knew for sure was that when the King of Poisons had to stop and ponder on a reply, you’d done fucked up. And were his ears red? Oh no you must have really pissed him off—
“I am trying to focus on turning you into an even marginally acceptable member of society,” he rushed out finally, sounding strained. “So if you wouldn’t mind.”
“Fine, fine,” you sighed. “I’ll go grab us some coffees or something.”
“Don’t wander too far,” he called, sounding distracted. “And no—”
“No caffeine, decaf only. Stimulants will ruin your skin, and digestive tract, and blablabla,” you droned. “I know your drill.”
“That goes for you too, potato,” he tutted, a pleasant warmth coasting over the reprimand.
You waved him off with a grumble and headed out into the main building. It was bright—nearly unpleasantly so—and every surface looked like it was made of a stone so expensive that you probably wouldn’t even be able to pronounce its name.
You wandered around aimlessly for a few minutes, wondering idly if a place this upscale would even have a café kiosk. Surely rich people still drank coffee, but you’d also heard something once upon a time about how ‘to-go cups’ and ‘not savoring the brew’ were some kind of gross social faux pas. You sighed, and as your shoulders slouched you felt a brush of sinfully soft fabric against the back of your arm.  
You froze and reached hesitantly up to your neck. You were still wearing the purple scarf. You pinched at the ridiculously expensive cashmere with wide eyes. Did this make you a thief? I mean, no one had bothered to stop you or anything. Did these sorts of stores have different rules? Like an honesty policy maybe? And you technically hadn’t even left the building yet! So maybe—
“Ah! I’m so sorry! I just—I have to—!”
You were ripped out of your morality spiral by a sound like a storm, and you looked up past your assailant to see a herd of people stampeding in your direction. Immediately, your I-was-shopping-with-an-internationally-recognizable-superstar instinct kicked in, and you bodily hauled yourself and whatever poor sap who had nearly mowed you down into the nearest store and then into one of the changing rooms beyond that.
The tempest that followed was a roar of cacophonous noise, but thankfully brief. Only a few people ducked into the store you’d taken refuge in, and none of those ventured very close to your hiding place. You breathed out a sigh of relief. It sounded weirdly muffled behind the changing room’s thick, velvety, curtains.
“Th-Thank you for that,” stuttered whoever you’d just kidnapped.
“Don’t worry about it,” you shrugged, and turned to get a better look at your new partner in crime. Immediately you froze, an odd sense of recognition working through you. “Uhm—Are you Neige? Neige Le Blanc?”
“Leblanche,” he corrected gently, and then winced. Like he’d only just realized that maybe outing himself after being nearly accosted by a mob was not the best idea.
“Oh. Alright,” you said, dazed.
This was Vil’s arch nemesis? He reminded you a little of a cocker spaniel—with big, wide, heavy-lashed eyes and soft, dark, curls framing his perfectly petite face. Sure, he was lovely. And maybe you were a little biased here, but this guy—this, this walking cherub—was standing in the way of Vil’s absolute, tyrannical, reign over all things sexy? Sure, he was adorable enough. But most beautiful of them all? Come on.
“U-Uhm…” Neige stuttered, nervously clasping his fingers. “Do you… Want an autograph or something? As a thank you?”
“What?” you blinked, allowing yourself to be pulled back into the very surreal situation unfolding around you. “Oh. No thanks. I don’t want to be massacred.”
He gasped. “I know that they may not have left the best first impression just now, but I promise that my fans would never do that!”
It wasn’t his fans you were worried about. Vil’s high heels looked sharp enough to gut a man, and you did not want to be the first test subject for that hypothesis.
“Don’t worry about it,” you shrugged.
“…I might have to camp out in here for a while,” he mumbled after a quiet moment, morose.
“Probably,” you sighed, sympathetic. “Sorry.”
“You, uhm, you don’t mind keeping this a secret, do you?” Neige smiled, wobbly.
“I’m not going to turn you over to your ravenous fangirls,” you reassured. Because sure, the mean-spiritedness of the residents of Night Raven College may have been rubbing off on you, but you had yet to become that heartless.  
“Thank you,” he relaxed, genuine appreciation warming his dark eyes. And then he aimed that kilowatt, darling-of-the-world, smile in your direction and fired. “You’re my hero.”
For a moment you were honestly, thoroughly, dazzled. It was like you could hear songbirds and heavenly choirs singing all around you—filling the dark space with sparkles and warmth that danced merrily across your skin like the soft fizz in a soda pop.
But then, like a sign from God, your phone buzzed angrily in your pocket and you glanced down quick enough to catch a bright V.S. flash across the screen.
Oh shit.
You turned, ready to make a bolt for it and leave your companion stranded, when something atrocious caught your eye.
“Is that a sweater vest,” you gaped, poking at the stitched material poking out from beneath Neige’s RSA blazer. “With squirrels on it.”
“U-Uhm. Yes?” he squeaked, cheeks dusted pink.
How in the fuck does Vil think he’s less fuckable than this guy, what the fuck.
“I-I’m sorry, but did you just say—"
You hurriedly pulled the (stolen?) scarf from your neck and shoved it pointedly over Neige’s mouth, before wrapping it securely around the rest of his head. Your phone was buzzing again—longer and sharper this time. Like a certain someone was spamming you with indignant, ‘how dare you abandon my magnificent ass,’ essays.
“So that hopefully no one will recognize you,” you (lied) explained cheerfully, and tightened the makeshift gag. Now he could be the accidental thief. Neige gurgled his thanks into the fabric, or at least, you assumed that’s what he was spluttered out. It was hard to tell past the, you know, gag.
You peaked out beyond the curtains and observed the empty storefront like a proper super spy. All clear. Thank God.
You swiveled back and thumped Neige Leblanche on the shoulder with what was perhaps a bit more force than necessary, seeing as his knees had started to shake. He swayed in place, an odd shade of pink creeping past the barrier of the scarf and nearly all the way to his hairline. Hopefully he wasn’t about to faint or something—you really didn’t have time for that.
“Good luck,” you told him emphatically, before darting out of your hiding space and back into the horrible fluorescent nightmare before you.
“Wait!” you heard him call. “I didn’t even get your name—"
But at this point, your phone had graduated from spurts of rage to outright howling in indignation, so you didn’t have much choice but to keep on running. You pressed down on the green ‘accept call’ button with all the enthusiasm of a soldier being sent off to the front lines.
“Don’t you take that tone of voice with me,” Vil hissed, doing an impressive job of keeping his voice low and level while simultaneously sounding ready to tear your ass to pieces. “Where are you?”
“I got lost looking for coffee with no caffeine. You know. The best part of the coffee,” you admitted. Sort of.
“You got lost?” he sounded incredulous. “In a single-story shopping center? With maps at every corner?”
“There were a lot of people,” you defended.
He sighed, clearly put upon, and you had the distinct impression that he was pinching the bridge of his nose. “Just meet me back at the side entrance. We should leave—it’s starting to get crowded and I don’t want to deal with the stampede when I’m inevitably recognized.”
“Of course,” you agreed easily, and made your way up to one of these supposed ‘maps at every corner.’ And oh. It was actually… very well drawn and very helpful. Fuck you, huh? “Did you get everything you needed?”
“I got everything you needed,” he corrected. “And we will be trying every single item on when we return to campus.”
You whined, and man, oh man. You didn’t think it was possible to smack someone upside the head through a phone, but somehow Vil made it work.
It didn’t take long from there to find the exits, and just in the nick of time too it would seem! As a steady stream of eager ‘shoppers’ began to flood into the building—most of them twittering about ‘did you catch a photo’ or ‘I heard someone saw him around that one store!’ Vil watched them through the tinted lenses of his glasses, lips pursed.
You were just about to step back into the car and out of the chilly rain when an eruption of screaming broke out somewhere in the near-distance. You immediately braced for impact, but when you were not immediately trampled into a pile of gelatinous goop beneath the thundering feet of hundreds of fanatics, you chanced a glance upwards.
Neige Leblanche was being herded out of the main entrance by a troupe of security guards, each one holding a different black umbrella over his head. It created a shadowed canopy that, despite the rain and gloom, somehow managed not to dull the radiance oozing off him and his perfect-perfectness. The fair beauty rubbed awkwardly at the back of his head, as if perplexed by the swarm of people ducking in and out like a pack of dogs circling a big, juicy, steak. Nevertheless, he waved to each and every fan—smiling demurely and sweetly as he went.
“We should go while they’re distracted,” you whispered, tugging at Vil’s arm. “And in case the swooning is contagious.”
He didn’t move. There was an odd sort of look on his face, one that usually preceded some of the most brutally cutting insults you’d ever heard.
You turned back to the growing mob, curious about what could have possibly snagged his attention—and ire—so completely.
Wrapped artfully around Neige’s neck, and flapping neatly alongside the chilly autumn breeze, was your purple scarf.
The dainty actor lifted the soft fabric to his lips, burrowing his chin into it not unlike how some adorable little round-cheeked bunny might photogenically cuddle into a—a cloud. Or a pillow of cotton candy. Or something else equally as cute and ridiculous. Neige’s cheeks bloomed a fetching shade of pink and his wide, brown, eyes glittered from over the folds of cashmere. His audience squealed.
“Well, at least it’s not you they’re mauling this time,” you hummed, shooting Vil another hesitant glance. That sour expression had twisted into a familiar and awful icy sneer that you hadn’t seen him dawn in a very long time. “Vil?” You called. “Are you alright?”
“Hmm?” he blinked, seeming to come back to himself. That frigid snarl was washed away by a mask of complete stoicism, and honestly, you weren’t sure which was worse. “Oh. Yes. Of course. Shall we?”
The hand he offered to help you climb over the many boxes of clothes and into the backseat was stiff, tight. It clapped around your wrist like a pair of manacles, and he didn’t let go until you were out of the parking lot, past the backroads, beyond the gates of Night Raven, and all the way back into the lavish halls of Pomefiore. 
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crystalrabbit246912 · 24 days
Twisted Soulmate AU
Imagine if the main cast (all 22 named characters plus Yuu not counting Grim) had a familial or platonic Soulbond relationship, where they can write on their bodies to communicate. It's a little harder for Riddle, whose mother disapproves of Soulmates, the Octatrio, who are underwater, and Jamil, whose parents want him to work all the time, but they make do.
Now imagine if they also share pain through the bond. Experiencing the pain of 22 other people constantly sounds difficult...
The incident that lead to Leona's scar along with past events that all of them have felt means that they all have rather good pain tolerance, some better than others, like Ace is whiny about the pain, but they can all make it through the pain.
Rest under the cut.
But the person who transfers the most physical pain through the bond is Yuu, who doesn't have the best home life and is bullied at school. Unlike Azul's bullies however, (I headcanon that Azul's bullies never physically hurt him, because blood in the water is just asking for predators to come for him, and the bullies don't want him dead) they aren't afraid to use physical force.
All of this means that the only people who aren't against Yuu are their Soulmates. At this point, they haven't told each other their names, they just have nicknames because some of them are pretty famous and don't want it out that they're soulmates with such a large group.
While the group is struggling to find good times for all of them, because they live all over the world, which means different time zones, they're fine because they have each other, right?
Even if Riddle was being locked up by his mother in his own house, and they had to do a lot of convincing to prove to him that doing so was wrong, he would be fine because they were there for him, right?
Even if Leona was being told constantly that he'll never amount to anything compared to his elder brother to the point where he doesn't want to try anymore, he would be fine because they were there for him, right?
Even if Azul was being bullied constantly, having his emotions toyed with for the entertainment of others so that they could laugh at the tears they pulled from the octomer, he would be fine because they were there for him, right?
Even if Jamil's parents forced more work onto him constantly and made him consistently place lower than Kalim on everything, he would be fine because they were there for him, right?
Even if Vil was scared that everyone would only ever see him as a villain and that he couldn't get a happy ending like the heroes in plays and movies did, he would be fine because they were there for him, right?
Even if Idia mentioned that it was just him and Ortho on their lonely, isolated island away from everyone else, he would be fine because they were there for him, right?
Even if Malleus was feared by everyone around him for his immense magical power, for fear that he would lash out and hurt them for offending him, he would be fine because they were here for them, right?
Even if Yuu was getting beat up worse and worse by the day and couldn't get to them because they were stuck in another world, they would be fine because they were here for them, right?
But they couldn't be there all the time. They had to place their writing carefully, so that Riddle's mother wouldn't notice, so that Jamil's parents wouldn't think that he was slacking off, so that Vil, Leona, and Malleus wouldn't be seen with writing on them.
But they could make it through the struggles, even if they were all apart. A few of them had met in person before, Trey and Riddle, Vil and Jack, Jade, Floyd, and Azul, Ace and Deuce, Kalim, Leona, and Jamil... but other than that, they were all scattered across the world.
But they could push through, make it to each other, research ways to bring Yuu to them... they would find a way to make it work, find a way to be together, no matter their status.
And then, they finally met. Cater, Trey, Leona, Vil, Rook, Idia, Malleus, and Lilia all met at NRC for the first time. And while they may not be what they expected to be, they were all together and that was enough, even if it wasn't all of them.
The next year, Riddle, Ruggie, Azul, Jade, Floyd, Jamil, Kalim, and Silver joined them. Now in person, they were closer than ever. Now, they could talk without having to find a good place and time where they could write on their chest and stomach without odd looks.
The last year at NRC, everyone except Yuu was there. And while they tried to enjoy it, the gaping absence of the calm magicless teen was greatly felt by everyone, no matter how they tried to deny it.
But then the Headmaster came bursting in, along with a small, gender-ambiguous teen who they all felt a draw to.
That night, they all slipped out and met at the Ramshackle Dorm.
That night, they were finally together.
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twstfanblog · 2 months
Honestly, I just love to hear you rant!!! My request is any au you choose, with Crewel, Rook, and Vil, together or separate, your choice!!! I think your rants are super sweet and sound so much like my own to my friends!!! It kinda makes me think of when I spent 30 minutes trying to find out how much a pint of ale cost in 1843 England for one sentence in something I was writing! 😅 Too bad I'm already following you, because I would totally follow you again! Can't send the Tumblr gift thingies though, because screw American capitalism.
(That price of ale thing is literally how deep I get into world building if Im not careful XD Most days I just go, IT'S FINE YOU DON'T KNOW JUST KEEP WRITING)
Hmmmm... I've written about them all a lot in most of my AU's, honestly. I dont have anything really rant worthy left to say about...I literally had a whole hour to think about it, so instead, I'm just gonna drop another AU so I can get you something new about them. My Manhwa AU is pretty self-serving, but it's got plenty of Vil, Rook, and Crewel sprinkled in.
Basic idea of the AU is that 'Villainess' type story. Yuu was seen as a villain in the original timeline, only to die and come back in time to when she was a child with her full memories. She vows to change her ways and not die in such a way again.
Crewel and Crowley are Yuu's birth parents (Because my AU's are just the same universes in different settings-oop) Crewel married Crowley 100% for the money and power since Crowley was an arch duke. You couldn't call it a marriage of convenience hard enough. But of course, Crewel had to have a puppy to fufill his duty. Crewel will openingly treat Crowley like the bumbling man he pretends to be, but he is an adoring yet stern father to his precious puppy. So you can imagine when she wakes up one day and doesn't act like herself at all. He's so concerned about her...
Vil isn't nobility, but he and his father are both rich and popular enough to buy a title. Both actors, Vil leaves for the performance to the point he was called a succubus by one of his cast stars (teenagers acting so good one falls in love but the other is like 'dude we were acting, calm down'). Vil holds onto his issues with always being casted as a villain but he holds it in much better because hes just happy that he's well liked enough to always perform. As he gets older in this AU he starts to really show his support for the arts and all who create it. He's even started looking for investors to help him fund an acting school.
Rook is a noble man, lover of the odd and offbeat art, no one but his family really accepted his art. But he tried and he shared it with everyone he could. Vil saw it during an artshow and kinda tore it apart publicly by going on and on about how disturbed it made him feel. The current brownnoser tried to 'agree' saying it was bad art.
Vil: There's no such thing as "bad art", you toad. I said it disturbed me, I find it grotesque is a very...eyecatching way. It's not bad because it made me feel something.
So Rook falls in love instantly and basically hunts this mean beauty.
They end up working well together because Vil has FINALLY found someone willing to write him in a hero role and PROPERLY CRITIQUE THINGS WITH. They discus art and what makes something 'moving' vs 'shock value'. They fall in love hard for each other to the point Vil accepted Rook's proposal and is already 60% planned through their wedding. Only to realize he never told anyone when his dad asked if he was open to seeing anyone because he's been told many a young man and lady would like to court him.
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yuri-is-online · 9 months
Happy Holidays! I’ve been on a bit of an angst fix lately, so if you don’t mind, I’m going to brainrot in your inbox about it.
I’ve been thinking about a scenario where Yuu just finally snaps. I mean, an entire school year of being trapped in a foreign world with no certain hope of seeing your family again, being forced to contend with (at least) 7 life-or-death scenarios, the massive egos these teenage boys have, and probably at least a little bullying from the NRC students for being magicless. I mean come on, I love our boys and all, but a lot of them are kind of awful people. There’s no way a regular person’s mental health survives that.
And maybe Yuu, tired of it all, packs up what little they have and leaves. Surely their prospects couldn’t get any worse than at NRC. Maybe Yuu tries their luck at RSA in finding someone to help them go home. Maybe Yuu just wanders until they find somewhere where they can be something. Would they even leave a letter behind explaining what happened to them, or would they just assume no one would care anyway?
I just want some more Yuu angst lol
Do you have any thoughts on this?
Happy Holidays to you too annon! Everyone is welcome to brainrot in my inbox, especially about Yuu. And I do have some 「(ーヘー;) but I might be a bit nicer to the NRC boys than they deserve.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, more fleshed out fic can be found on my masterlist here. SPOILERS FOR UNRELEASED CH 7 CONTENT. CW for abandonment issues, ptsd, bullying, and just general ignorance on the part of the OB boys. Heavy on the angst, this is a mega oof tm of a post.
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I want to start off by saying that, in my personal opinion based off of the in game voicelines and vignettes, that the various NRC boys do like Yuu and enjoy having them around. They think of them as the same of any other freshmen student at NRC, which is sort of the problem.
The average NRC freshmen has magic, a dormitory with a housewarden responsible for "guiding" them, and a family they can fall back on if things get rough. The average student has a basic understanding of the history of the world they live in, of it's pop culture, it's food, it's clothes, and a bunch of other things that they might not think about because of how ingrained it is in their very being. Yuu has none of those things. They don't even have a cannon club which I think is more meant to allow players to have head cannons, but since we are talking angst I have wondered if since Yuu and Grim are one student, any club Yuu wanted to join would have to take Grim as well and no one wanted to deal with that. So Grim started his own "club" and Yuu just takes pictures of birthday celebrations and events they aren't able to fully participate in for the school at Crowley's request.
Ace's first reaction to Yuu is to bully them for not having magic. Deuce admits to having done the same thing as when he was a child, and is very embarrassed by it. We don't really see Yuu getting outright bullied outside of this, but given how the faceless students reacted to Deuce being excited for Starsending, yeah I think Yuu has had to deal with some bullying. And while I do think Adeuce (and the rest of Heartslabyul really) would stick up for them, it wouldn't make it stop. If anything it just gets sneakier and Yuu, not wanting to cause any problems, does their best to cover it up. Something about keeping a stiff upper lip or a smile better suiting a hero and all that.
The overblots is a whole separate issue. We get two real apologies, one from Riddle and one from Vil, who again do not take Yuu being magicless in to much thought. They think of Yuu highly! They are a housewarden of their own little dorm! And they take such good care of Grim and the others, not to mention all those overblots you survived! Not many mages can claim that but you can! What could you possibly have to be stressed about?
As if that isn't the entire problem. As if anyone understands where Yuu is coming from. As if they even would care if they did.
They might be just as capable as any other freshmen, but when school ends, hell even when it goes on a break, they have no where to go. They were stripped from their friends, family, and especially their belongings, including money and autonomy! I have some thoughts about my own Yuu wanting to be nurse in her world, but given how much of even basic medical care seems to rely on magic in Twisted Wonderland I wonder if that would even be a career path any magicless person could take. We know a lot of them work at Styx because they don't risk blot accumulation, but even cooking is done with magic (if it can be) in Twisted Wonderland! How would you feel if you had your heart set on being a doctor, worked really hard to get good grades and took up a part time job to save for college/university only to be transported to a different world with different laws of physics completely against your will. A world where all that hard work is meaningless and you might not be able to accomplish those dreams of yours. And! AND AND! If you get upset about it, that will be seen as a weakness on your part and no one will care.
Because hey, they had to work for what they have. Why can't you? They didn't ask to be born with magic (even though they would have probably) so there is no use crying about things you can't change. Ruggie and Jamil do seem to feel a bit of sympathy to Yuu's plight, but neither of them think twice about exploiting Yuu for their own gain. Sure it might be unfair, but life is in general! It's not their fault, they aren't to blame. And that's really how all of NRC sees it, they aren't to blame for Yuu's circumstances, so they aren't owed any special treatment.
How Yuu snaps and what they do because of it would really come down to how you hc your Yuu to be. My own personal thoughts come back to personal autonomy a lot; I don't think Yuu has much of it and that would grate on me constantly. I could see Yuu hearing their friends talk about their plans for the future, and though Ace and especially Deuce try to include them in the conversation they can't add much. Ace applauds them, says "we need to take things easy! We're still freshmen..." and drones on about how he just wants to enjoy school life. And maybe Yuu does too, but they have no concrete answer about whether or not they can get home. They don't have the support system that their classmates do, so there really isn't anything waiting for them after the school year ends. Yuu feels so helpless, and they don't have the words to explain how they feel, because how could they?
If Malleus's overblot ends without any real repercussions (which I doubt it will but hey, I am like 65/35 on whether or not he apologizes to Yuu specifically for almost killing them I will be so pissed if he doesn't) I could see everyone else making fun of Malleus for loosing while Yuu just. Stares off into the distance, trying really hard not to cry in front of people they are convinced will make fun of them. This has all been scary, things like this just aren't possible in their world and they aren't mentally prepared to face death again.
And they are convinced they will. You can say overblots are rare all you like, but Yuu has practically seen one once a month ever since they arrived in this world. It is normal to them, and who should they trust? The lying headmaster or their lying eyes and ears?
If Yuu decides to run away, I think that the Ramshackle ghosts might try to stop them. Sure the headmaster sucks, but your ghost buddies really love you! And want to support you in anyway they can, so does Grim! He wants to be together for the next 100 years, and while he does really want to stay at NRC so he can be the world's greatest mage... I think he might love Yuu more. Just a tiny bit. He would play it off as him being too good for the school, or that he and Yuu are only one student after all so he will be expelled... but really he wants to come with because he will be worried about Yuu.
While going to RSA does sound nice on paper, Yuu doesn't really have a reason to go there. They aren't exactly on first name basis with any of the students we've met so far, and there is always the risk of Che'nya snitching to Riddle and Trey. Better to try and find a place where they can be something and maybe send letters to all the magical academies they can get contact information for to see if they can help. And also, to see if they will accept Grim as a full student, got to make sure he isn't sacrificing his dream for nothing!
The ghosts, realizing they can't convince Yuu not to leave decide to help. They already sell things at the markets downtown, so maybe they chat with some of their clients and convince them to let Yuu rent a room for a while. You have the option in Portfest to mention you have been to Craneport before, and I like the thought of Yuu having a part time job there. Maybe the ghosts explain that Yuu has no real family to go back to and Yuu's part time employer agrees to give them a full time job while Yuu figures out where they want to go.
Another thing related to personal autonomy, Yuu wouldn't have government documents if they just got isekaid out of the blue. I could see that being a huge issue for traveling to different countries and trying to establish a life. I also wonder if Crowley even did anything about that... but assuming he did since he (allegedly) talked to the school board about what to do with Yuu I think the ghosts would get them for Yuu on the condition they still come visit sometimes.
As for the note, I think Yuu would leave one simply because they feel like they didn't have the words to explain themselves out loud. And because they don't want to face the fight they know will come where everyone tells them to just suck it up and get on with it. These are teenage boys they are dealing with, their brains just can't fully comprehend the situation Yuu is in and they have given up expecting them to.
Just so we're clear, I think this would devastate Ace and Deuce, maybe to the point of destroying their friendship, at least for a while. Ace does think about Yuu not having magic, he wants to protect them. He says so when you level him to max, that protecting you will be easy, but clearly it wasn't. Clearly he failed you, and what does Ace do when he feels bad? He takes it out on everyone else and in this case especially Deuce. Deuce just feels stupid, which he already does a lot, but he really saw you as being around for the rest of his life. And now you aren't, and not for a happy reason like you got to go home. You aren't there because they failed you.
The others are a bit of a mixed bag I could do a separate post about but to hit the other big one...
I have no real idea how Malleus would react. I can see him thinking this means Yuu is afraid of him now, which I don't think he would react well to, but assuming this is post ob then he might be willing to take responsibility for it. It would certainly make him think, but how that thought would manifest? Outside of the obvious weather changes I do not know. I could see him being slightly resentful to his mother for cursing him to be hated by humans and loved only by fae when he so desperately wanted to be loved by one specific human. They were his first real friend, and he didn't treasure them in a way they found meaningful.
idk Yuu dropping off the grid isn't something I can see Crowley letting happen, but I can see why Yuu would want to try.
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Mama and Papa Shroud fully accepting robo!ortho as their third son (instead of just a replacement for their second son) is sooooo freaking adorable and sweet 🥹🥺! But I bet they took a very long time to accept robo!Ortho when they first met him. They were probably shocked and horrified when Idia first introduced them, coupled with the fact that they might have still been deeply grieving the loss of their second son. Dang, that would be a pretty cool idea to include in an island of woe hometown event where we get a lot of flashbacks of mama and papa Shroud learning to accept robo!ortho as one of their own.
(I’ve even seen a comic that focuses on the shroud parents first meeting with robo!ortho and it’s really cute, https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/109073381#1)
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Yes, it was nice to see the Mama and Papa Shroud present and supportive of their sons following a traumatic event. They technically have three sons now, one for each head of Cerberus ⭐ I just wish we got more information about the immediate emotional aftermath from the parents' perspective, since a lot of fans seem to take Idia's very negative and bitter descriptions of his parents as gospel (truth). This led to a lot of confusion when we actually met them in book 7 and they ended up being much kinder and more understanding than we anticipated them to be. I know that some fans still hold it against the Shroud parents or may outright blame them for Idia spiraling into the state that he's in now, so it's definitely contentious characterization in some circles. I myself am very interested in learning about how Mama and Papa Shroud dealt with the loss of Ortho and trying to reconnect with Idia in the wake of it, but I don't know if TWST will ever formally address that 💦 It would make for such good tear-wrenching material… (I know cuz I sniffled while browsing the comic you linked www)
I wonder if Idia and Ortho will ever get a "hometown" event? (I use the term "hometown", but technically we didn't visit Vil's hometown in the last one; Fairest City is a place he occasionally visits for work.) We've already visited STYX HQ and observed its inner workings. But hey, maybe we can have an Idia or Ortho SSR while we visit another place, maybe the Kingdom of Heroes or the Land of Dawning or something. In that hypothetical event, maybe we'd finally see Mama and Papa Shrouds' faces under the helmets. I would also like for them to get actual names!! Or maybe we'll meet Aidne, the previous Director of STYX and the Shroud Grandma on the father's side (if she's still alive).
Not related to the Shrouds at all, but I laughed at the little bonus comic at the end where Crewel saw Ortho in the Cerberus Gear and then approached (presumably to pat him on the head??) asdlhbvudevyqop BUT IDIA HIDES ORTHO FROM HIM............... .. . ....... . .. ... .. . . . .. . . .. . . . You go, king 😭 Protect your little brother, Idia nii-sama...
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( okay, I love playing resident evil 2 and 4 remake and enjoy the dynamic between Leon and Ada due to their complicated romantic history between them and thought of something)
Vil finally got a big break to be a hero, but he being a hero in a survival horror video game as main protagonist,what's more Crewle reader is there with him as acting as a partner as they both have to act and do some movement for the characters to function as the characters they are playing
And at the end product the video game became world wide as number one in best game and getting another contract to be the game protagonist again in the next game, how would Vil be even after the release of games he sees a lot of fanart of them together?
( and what is Neigen perspective when Vil get to act with Crewle reader in the video game after the release? )
I've never played or watched playthroughs of Resident Evil 2 But I guess the acting must have been really good 🖤🖤🖤🖤
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Big Break w/ Crewel Daughter | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
Its natural for all sorts of media to crave the chance to capture your essence and beauty. So no doubt only the biggest studio with motion capture technology finds themselves reaching out to you, especially after Vil Schoenheit and Idia’s Shroud’s proud suggestion. But just as any medium you participate with a friend or acquaintance there’s an opportunity to make something deeper: 
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Vil Schoenheit
“I’m so glad a improv’d that line.”
Totally feeds into it 
Giddy the whole time during filming and recording
So when the interviews come he loves using the opening to a flirty dialogue that prompts you naturally
“Why do you spoil them, so? I rather like seeing them gripe with what little content they create.”
“Ah but you often prefer that kind of starved creation, don’t you?”
“Oh Vil you know me too well.”
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Neige Leblanche
Is fuming Is so happy for you, two
He’ll no doubt be playing the game
And cringing at your chemistry in game+
He wishes his image wasn’t so pure
He wishes there was a character more like him
“I wanted to congratulate you on you’re performance!”
“Thank you, Neige.”
“I hope we can work together in the future!”
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raineandsky · 5 months
tw: implied violence
For the first three seconds, the villain is absolutely certain the hero is dead.
He’s just returning from a dart across the city and isn't even 100 metres from the little front door when he spots the hero. Who on god’s green earth has left a hero on the floor, out in the open? The villains are meant to be trained better than this. They’re practically begging for attention, and on their literal doorstep. Someone’s getting a good talking to about this.
The villain approaches tentatively, leaning down to hold a hand in front of the hero’s mouth. Okay, so they’re alive. He’s not sure if that makes the situation better or worse.
He pushes the hero over slightly to try and see what on earth got them here—and whether the villain needs to worry about any split-second, lifesaving decisions—and earn an incoherent groan in response. He almost drops the hero in surprise; alive, clearly, and somewhat conscious.
“[Hero]?” The villain can’t say why that’s his first port of call. The hero’s barely awake, let alone in any state to reply. He carefully brushes the hero’s hair out of their face; he’s not sure why. “I’m gonna try to get you inside, alright?”
Another halfhearted noise. The villain punches the code into the door, shoves it open, and, as gently as no strength and an ingrained sense of apathy will allow, drags the hero into the bright white of the villains’ hideout.
No one’s around, thankfully; he’s not about to take the flak for someone else’s mistake. He dumps the hero on the floor half-gently, abandoning them there momentarily to grab a first aid kit. Villains come back in pieces more often than not—they’ve learnt to keep ways to fix themselves within arm’s reach.
The villain hurries back, kit in his arms, dropping it and himself to the ground without a care next to the hero. He’s opened the bag and shoved his hand into it before he realises he didn’t hear the door shut behind them.
His gaze snaps up to the doorway. A figure is stood there, her foot holding the door open, her eyes roaming curiously. “Hm,” she says brightly, “nice little hideout you have here.”
The villain’s on his feet immediately. He has to be—it’s not like he can deal with the hero with a stranger wandering about. “Who the hell are you?”
The stranger’s gaze finally falls on him, part intrigued, part humoured. “Ah, I suppose you wouldn’t know me,” she says wistfully. “It’s been so long since I was in the field.”
The villain’s been in said field longer than most. He squints in an effort to place this random person acting like she belongs here, his hand against the sharp bump in his coat like a comfort. “That doesn’t answer the question.”
A bright smile, like the sun is invading this room and trying to blind everyone in it. “I’m [Superhero].”
The villain’s dagger is in his hand before he can even think about it. The superhero takes a half-step inside and lets the door shut behind her.
“Got your attention, didn’t it?” She nods her head to the hero on the ground. “I know you villains love your heroes… weak.”
The villain tightens his grip to stop the blade from shaking in his hand. The superhero looks mildly amused by his apprehension, as if she belongs here, as if she always has. She hums a laugh, turning her gaze onto the hero still laying on the floor. “Consider this my résumé.”
The villain’s gaze flits to the hero as well. They haven’t moved. Time is short. “You want in with us?”
The superhero positively beams like he’s solved an age-old puzzle. “I’m sure a bunch like you could find some use in an authority like me.”
The villain has to believe her. He tucks his knife back into his belt and kneels down to the hero. “Dramatic change in career path.”
“Who’s to say this wasn’t always the plan?” The superhero watches as the villain unravels bandages from a well-used roll. “You wouldn’t take me in as a novice, so I’ve made myself valuable. Wouldn’t you say so?”
A superhero genuinely being on their side is undeniably, colossally valuable. The villain carefully wraps the larger of the hero’s wounds in the dressing. Wounds the superhero has inflicted, for what? Personal gain? To prove something? Where’s the line in what she wants?
The hero makes some incoherent noise of discomfort from the floor. A smile teases at the corner of the superhero’s mouth, like this is right, like this is exactly what she wants.
The villain’s attention is so focused on keeping his hands gentle against the hero’s pain that he takes a second too long to realise the superhero is inviting herself further inside. 
“What—” is halfway through coming out.“Might as well meet my future coworkers, huh?” She laughs again, like this situation is highly amusing. Like she holds the cards and she knows it. The villain hates it, but she does. “I bet they’ll love me. Everyone always does.”
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thevilqueen · 3 months
A misconception I see a lot about Vil is that his overblot was triggered by jealousy towards Neige but that is extremely reductive of his character as well as his hardships on top of being untrue. So I am going to dissect his overblot and what truly led to it.
1- Vil was never jealous of Neige’s beauty or individuality.
A lot of people believe that Vil is envious of the notion of beauty that Neige embodies but that is canonically untrue. Vil has always pursued a notion of beauty that spoke to him and was true to him. Vil and Neige have always been opposites and Vil has absolutely no interest in ever mimicking Neige. Vil is extremely confident in his skills and appearance. Vil doesn’t wish to be like Neige. He wishes to reach the heights that Neige has. Vil wants to be acknowledged as the fairest one of all as himself, as Vil Schoenheit. Vil is always true to himself and he makes a point of being authentic.
2- Vil’s true goal is to stay on stage until the end of the show not just being the fairest one of all.
Vil’s obsession with beauty is only a means to an end when it comes to his true goal.
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Vil believes that if he becomes the fairest one of all it will grant him the opportunity to stay the longest on stage, allowing him to finally play the hero. Vil has been convinced that he lacks something and that is why he can’t be the hero.
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So he spent his life trying to make up for it until he reached his breaking point at the VDC and it finally struck him then that no matter how hard he tried he still couldn’t seem to reach his goal.
Furthermore, it has been made clear on multiple occasions throughout the game that Vil’s notion of beauty goes way beyond looks. Beauty is a lifestyle to Vil. Beauty embodies his body, his mind and even his soul which is specifically why he overblots. Vil cares about self-growth in every possible aspect of his life even if it seems to be driven by his looks. This also makes perfect sense when you think about these extracts:
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Vil was conditioned since he was young to believe that something about his appearance gave off a villainous vibe. It is therefore very unsurprising that he would fixate on becoming the most beautiful. If villains are associated with ugliness/badness and heroes are associated with beauty/goodness then logically if he aims to become the most beautiful in every way he should be able to earn the hero role.
3- Vil didn’t overblot because of envy, Vil overblot because he couldn’t forgive himself for being ugly.
Vil’s overblot has never been about envy only. In fact, he only overblots after he realises how ugly what he is about to do is.
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Vil has a strong moral compass and he hates cutting corners, it’s his pet peeve. Someone who would stoop as low as he did isn’t worthy of the fairest one of all title by his standards. Vil’s overblot is about him crumbling under the weight of his expectations and his downfall being witnessed by those around him. That is why at his lowest he believes that eradicating all competition will make him the most beautiful along with making sure that those who saw his ugliness can never tell the tale.
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Vil is tired of having spent a life trying his best to still not achieve his dream so he took drastic measures in his desperation.
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apompkwrites · 2 years
schoenheit upbringing || vil schoenheit
masterlist characters: vil (platonic) genre: angst contains: death during childbirth, online rumors, self-deprecating thoughts summary: how (name) schoenheit was raised in a media-centric world and how they were first exposed to stardom. notes: another short chapter for schoenheit I'm sorry i love them i promise!!! just wanted to give a bit more insight into their character ;-; also i went with the idea that vil's mom is dead? so uh yeah parts: [og post] | [previous] | [next]
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the day that the youngest schoenheit was born was the day that the schoenheit family grew to four, only to immediately shrink to three once more.
there wasn't much for you to remember that day, but it was permanently engraved in your father and brother's minds.
your father remembered holding you in his arms, cooing quietly as you whined and cried upon being brought into the world. and he remembered the doctors and nurses panicking, screaming at each other about the patient losing blood and slipping through their fingers into death.
your brother remembered being told to wait out in the hall, anxiously waiting to see the little sibling he promised to take care of and become a hero for them to look up to. and he remembered hearing muffled yells from the other side of the door and the sound of his father crying out in anguish and pain.
all you remembered was growing up without a mother.
it wasn't long until you were brought to a movie set, ready to make your first appearance on the big screen. you had been sought after when news broke out about the newest addition to the schoenheit family. hopes were high for this new child, most likely due to companies wanting to stake their claim on being the catalyst for your acting career.
because of course the next child in the schoenheit family was destined to be an actor.
you had just turned two when you were brought to set.
the casting director apparently had a vision, seeing as how your brother was also there alongside your father. the story was meant to follow the main character's life, from birth to death. and you had just been selected to play the role of the antagonist during the toddler section of the movie.
you didn't know any better. you didn't even know how to run properly without stumbling. and yet here you were, exposed to the bright set lights and harsh schedules and demanding expectations of stardom.
you could vaguely remember watching your brother act his part, letting the words flow out of his mouth as if he had truly been made for this role. you couldn't help but be in awe.
unbeknownst to vil, that was the moment you saw him as your hero. of course, you wouldn't be able to identify that thought, but it was there in the subconscious.
and soon, the time came for your part to be filmed.
the director was bold to assume that by reading out the script a single time that you would fully understand it. you were two and you were expected to be a prodigy like your brother.
it would be an understatement to say that the first take was horrible. once the cameras began to roll, you stumbled onto the floor and wailed as loud as you could. you didn't know why but that fall hurt. it hurt and all you could focus on was the pain and the lights and the cameras and the whispers and--
it was a miracle that the final take was achieved. it was beyond a miracle that all of the scenes were finished in a timely manner. but you couldn't care less. you just wanted to go home. you just wanted to cuddle up to your blanket and sleep the day away.
you were glad that your father agreed to it, scooping you up into his arms and carrying them off the set. vil was quick to follow, taking quick glances up at you as you buried your face in your father's shoulder.
when the film was released, it was met with stellar reviews. all of them praised your father and brother for their performances, raving about how well they played their parts. and you wholeheartedly agreed. with what little judgment you had, you had decided your brother and father were superheroes, ones that had the power to act a part so wonderfully and beautifully as if they had become an entirely different person.
you didn't even care that some reviews criticized your acting. it didn't matter, you couldn't comprehend any of it anyway.
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but it did matter the more you grew and the more you began to understand critic reviews.
you remembered that fateful day you remembered the first movie you were in. you remembered searching up the reviews and feeling tears well up in your eyes when you began to read the reviews. you were two, for gods' sake. you didn't know any better. and yet, there they were, grown adults criticizing a two-year-old for being lackluster in performance and being a "disgrace to the schoenheit name" as one critic wrote.
what fun, realizing at age seven that even at two you were already a disappointment--a leech that sucked at the schoenheit name's legacy like water.
although the more you grew--and the more you learned about your birth-- you realized that maybe, just maybe, you had been a leech to the schoenheits since the day you were born. after all, you were the reason your mother, vil's mother and eric venue's wife, was dead.
you were lucky that your father was such a doting man, coddling you the day you were born despite all the damage you had done. and he continued to coddle you day after day after day. even after you were a failure on the first movie set you performed on, he still wrapped your blanket around you and held you close.
you loved your father with all your heart. and, just like your brother, you wanted to be like him.
but above all else, you wanted to be like vil.
vil was, for lack of a better term, the greatest actor you had ever seen. he was not only a beloved actor but a highly sought after boy in any field he chose to put effort in. he was loved. he was cherished. he was wanted.
he made the schoenheit name proud.
he wasn't a leech who only served to ruin the legacy from the inside.
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the minute those tabloids were released, planting the seed of doubt of your legitimacy into the world, was the minute you realized just how bad you were for the schoenheit name. you knew you weren't an illegitimate child. you knew because you had murdered your mother.
in fact, if those tabloids were right, it would be a better reality.
if you were illegitimate, maybe you wouldn't have to live up to the impossible expectations of being a schoenheit. if you were illegitimate, maybe you wouldn't need to be an actor. if you were illegitimate...
maybe you wouldn't have killed vil's mother.
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twistedwriting · 19 days
LeoVil Dynamic Analysis
Their dynamic could be - in my opinion - classified as "enemies and lovers". Mutual annoyance with the tendency to insult the ever-living rainbow out of their asses. They're besties, they're exes, they hooked up at some point.
Vil can't stop calling Leona pretty, visibly annoyed by his beauty (relatable). But both of them are known to have the habit of keeping up a certain image of themselves: Leona as the rough, "not caring" guy who acts all high and mighty but in reality, he does care - He just doesn't/can't/won't express that he cares (for most likely multiple reasons but that's a different story). And Vil? Well, it's obvious he has to only show his perfect side, no? He cares about people but he expresses it in a way that can and is seen as him forcing everyone to be their perfect selves. Yes, his tips might be unwanted (depending on who it is) but he still looks out for the people he cares about - And it's not a secret that he's nagging Leona every breathing moment if given the opportunity.
But there's something about these specific two that tickles a special part of my brain: Their trauma. Its source is entirely different yet practically carbon copies. Leona, the second born prince who could work as hard as he could possibly do and he'd be still "just" the second born, the shunned, a royal nobody. It is carved in his nature that he will never be first, he'll be never be the best - He's the eternal second place and no work will ever change it. Much more, there is this little person who's practically sunshine as a person - this little person that was the final brick on the wall that would part Leona forever from the first place: Cheka. What's worse is the fact that Cheka is entirely oblivious that he is a problem in Leonas life and his mental health. Cheka wants to be around his Uncle, wants them to play and get along well, unaware of how bothersome he truly is (in Leonas eyes).
And it's the same with Vil. He is not bound by blood to his personal "final brick" but it's just as persistent. Ever since he was a kid, he wouldn't be the last one standing, the number one, the star. He was the Villain, the second one, he belonged in the shadow. A shadow that would cause the "hero" to shine even brighter: Neige. A ray of sunshine, the hero, the number one. It would not matter how much Vil would work on his acting, on himself, on everything - As long as Neige existed, he was nothing more than the shadow.
Having this deep understanding and relations - without having the same source of "bother" - they could support each other like no other could. Sure, people can listen to them (if they'd ever open up to begin with) but it's different, it's more intimate, if the person *knows* the pain. Talking and knowing that the person in front of you bleeds from the very same wounds, it's a special bond.
Now that I explained the base of my sight on this Duo/ship, I would like to introduce my headcanons to this lovely ship because I believe that it makes this ship even better.
When Leona first saw Vil, he mistook him for a girl and treated him with utmost respect (since he has a natural respect for women). It took him several weeks to realize that Vil is indeed a guy. He immediately dropped his manners and became the Leona we know - Much to Vils annoyance because in his eyes, Leona became suddenly an arrogant asshole and refused to elaborate why the sudden shift in attitude happened.
For my next headcanon, I first have to mention an HC I have for/about Vil: I genuinely believe that he has an issue with potions / is addicted to them. We know that he's extremely talented when it comes to brewing potions - Not to mention that his Unique Magic supports his abilities if needed. Being the prominent person he is, he has undoubtedly dealt with extreme stress, probably (extreme) pain, self-doubt and most likely self-hate as well. So if it becomes extremely bad, he would get himself a potion to calm the thoughts and stress, giving him similar experiences to taking drugs. Obviously, he wouldn't want to see others that he even remotely does such measures to get himself in a calmer state, so he genuinely keeps himself hidden in quiet places of the school. Unfortunately, he once thought hiding in the Botanical Garden was a great idea - It was not. A certain feline was - as usual - in the garden and immediately noticed something was off. Not only did he notice the messed up mental state of the "Oh so perfect" Vil Schoenheit but he also smelled the faint scent of some potion. He first wanted to be the usual cocky guy but decided differently. Even with the potion, Vil was in a bad shape and it was quite easy to tell. Sitting on the floor, leaning against the tree, completely fatigued. Leona decided to get him a bottle of water and placed it in silence next to him and leaned against the other side of the tree. They didn't talk, they just sat there. Neither of them would ever talk about this situation but it became a habit of the two of them for a while (until Vil has started to catch Rooks attention more and more).
-> After Vil overblotted, they met again on the tree. It was as if Vil was seeking comfort by the silence of the feline. If there was silence, there would be no judgment, there would not be Betrayal and what he needed most after the competition was a person who gave comfort that he could trust in.
They also have shared custody over Epel, trust me. I know, many see Rook and Vil as Epels "parents" but having Leona and Vil to be his "parents" would make more sense: The strict mom that wants Epel to make use of his potential (which are unfortunately his feminine charms) while Leona is his Sports dad, the "masculinity" Epel admires and wants so badly.
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inkblot22 · 4 months
it’s finally midnight so happy mother’s day to dearie epel’s darling who (unwillingly and unknowingly) is (about to become) the mother to his child <3
aaa can u imagine idol epel from can you keep a secret universe wishing mc a happy mother’s day but she’s confused as to why he’d wish her that when she’s not a mother, oblivious to the horrors awaiting her that very same night? <3
the whole time epel was fantasising about her crying face and leaking tits full of milk and swollen belly round with his baby as she waddles around from place to place, frustrated that she can’t do anything normal and adjusting to her new reality when she’s carrying a human inside her … but epel as usual, finds her absolutely adorable (and ravaging) as she looks like a precious penguin .. yes .. it’s obvious to the whole world who she belongs to now
- epel felmier anon 🍎💜
As I very casually draft the next chapter, your second sentiment here absolutely blasted an idea into my mind. I won't... say it here. I'd like it to be one of those sick surprises when the next chapter comes out.
That being said: Epel fetishizing his pregnant darling (because he likes them better when they aren't the person he knew, but more than that he likes them dependent on him becs he's a freak,) and capitalizing on their loss of mobility, the swollen ankles, the mood swings, etc., to play the hero who deserves some kind of accolade, even if it's just his honey's soft little hand down his pants... is a thought I very much welcome. I don't think he'd be the type to become a lump somewhere in the house later on in the "relationship." He's an overactive participant. He's lost enough control in his life. Let him have this.
Although Epel is not my favorite, he has a lot of nasty potential. Boundless nasty potential, if you will. Vil saw a potential tool in his plan, I see a potential future father, all too excited to play out his deranged domestic fantasies with an unwilling partner. Thank you so much for sharing this idea with me and trusting me to bring it to fruition!
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kneesheee · 9 months
50 Things to Know about the Disney-verse
1. Ursula and Maleficent are rivals so Uma and Mal being rivals also tracks.
2. The Evil Queen and Maleficent are rivals for Hades' affections and for the status of "The Evilest of Them All'.
3. The Evil Queen claims not to be Hades' girlfriend, but they just had "an interesting weekend" on Castaway Cay. And therefore, I headcanon that she is Hadie’s mom. Probably conceived sometime around Evie’s banishment.
4. In the Disney Villains: Top Secret Files, Maleficent is featured in her own section. According to the pieces of information provided, Maleficent's last name is Faery.
5. She was actually invited to Aurora's birth ceremony and that the invitation simply never got to her castle because she burnt the postman to death (believing him to be a trespasser) before he could deliver it.
6. Her dragon form also appeared in The Little Mermaid series episode "Heroes" as a sea dragon.
7. Captain Hook tried to charm her, only to be zapped away leaving behind his hook. Jafar also tried to woo her while they sat together, only to end up being literally burnt.
8. It was revealed in "A Christmas Cruella" that she did want a puppy before becoming her villainous self.
9. Cruella has a brother named Cecil and a niece named Ivy. However, Cecil is not Ivy's father, meaning that Cruella and Cecil must have another sibling (most likely a brother) who is Ivy's parent.
10. In 102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the Rescue, Cruella has set up a toy factory next to DeVil Manor. She seems to have tried online dating, where she has supposedly wed herself to Professor Farzboom, a meek professor who helps her make her toys. So there’s Carlos’ dad.
11. In "Max's Embarrassing Date", she went on a date with the Beast and asked if he came in a medium, which the Beast became annoyed of. After the Beast gets soaked with soup he was eating, Cruella is unhappy as she would have to get him dry-cleaned.
12. Walt Disney's early vision for The Rescuers revolved around the kidnapping of a polar bear from a city zoo; writers considered reusing Cruella as the main antagonist (presumably driven by her desire for the bear's fur).
13. The concept art of the film shows Cruella wearing an outfit made out of crocodile leather. Because The Rescuers was set more than a decade after 101 Dalmatians, Cruella was given a period-appropriate update. Aside from her '70s alligator-chic outfit, Cruella is accessorized with Sly and the Family Stone-style sunglasses. In other sketches, De Vil is depicted in bell-bottom pants and a pair of platforms. Other concept art showed Cruella driving a water vehicle similar to the one Medusa uses in the final film.
14. The Prince is usually known as Prince Charming, though some source material shows that his name is Henri, or Henry. However, he was never referred to by name anywhere in the film. Not even mentioned as "Prince Charming".
15. The story takes place roughly in June. In the movie, the sun rises slightly before 6:00 AM (in France), as it would within a few weeks of the summer solstice. Also, by this time, a pumpkin would have grown to 20–40 pounds.
16. The debate of the setting of Cinderella has always been a problem, but most people can agree it is French; however, there is a small amount of people who think it is Spanish because the female names end in "A" but that does not really cut it so deeper research shows that the thing on Anastasia's head is a peineta or headdress used in Spain along with formal attire also the French furnishings and the Spanish furnishings within the same time period are very similar in style.
17. Cinderella is the “oldest” princess in the official franchise being 19 while Snow White is the youngest being 14. Also, Snow White’s prince was suppose to be 18 according to Disney’s records.
18. In the third movie, Cinderella’s shoe size is mentioned to be a size 4½ in women's. According to Disney's Villains' Revenge, Snow White has smaller feet than Cinderella.
19. Cinderella was actually rich at the beginning, even before she married the prince. This was exempted, however, as she was forced to work as a servant.
20. In some stories, Cinderella's real name was Ella (short for Eleanor), and because she would always lie in cinders, her stepfamily would call her CinderElla. However, in the Disney film, "Cinderella" is truly her name by birth.
21. Cinderella's last name would likely have been Tremaine since her stepmother's name was Lady Tremaine unless Lady Tremaine kept her maiden name.
22. According to Disneystrology, Cinderella’s birthday is September 6.
23. According to the Disneystrology book, Snow White’s birthday would be on March 6.
24. Cinderella is magical. She has a special ability to empathize with animals, perceive what they say and communicate with them.
25. Melody is the very first human-merperson hybrid in history, making her birth a significant historic moment in both human and Atlantican history.
26.She is also not considered a canon descendant’s character and considered to be from an AU, but apparently, Beauty & The Beast, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and The Little Mermaid are considered to be happening roughly around the same time in the disney timeline.
26. Melody's bedroom is Ariel's guest room when she first took human form and stayed with Prince Eric, albeit recolored with brighter colors.
27. Contrary to popular belief, Jasmine's age has never been confirmed or even referenced in any of the Aladdin movies, television series, or other spinoff projects. In the original film, the Sultan declares that Jasmine must be married "by her next birthday", but never specifies how old she will become on said birthday.
28. An early story concept for the original film had the Sultan saying, "Jasmine, the law says you must be married by your sixteenth birthday.", which would have made her fifteen years old. This concept was scrapped when Jeffrey Katzenberg became worried about sending the wrong message regarding the idea that fifteen year old girls can get married. Thus, the line was changed to "married to a prince by your next birthday.", leaving Jasmine's canonical age unknown.
29. One of the Disney Princess magazines has a story about two of Jasmine's cousins named Farah and Nadine. Whether they are considered canon is unknown.
30. Although the exact date is not clear, Jasmine's birthday is in late January or early February. This is because when Aladdin and Jasmine fly on the magic carpet, Chinese New Year is being celebrated over in China. This holiday can fall anywhere from January 21 to February 20.
31. She also has another cousin named Sharma who teaches at The Royal Academy.
32. Nasira is the better sorcerer between her and her twin brother, Jafar.
33. According to Disneystrology, Tiana’s birthday would be on December 25, Christmas Day.
34. The trailer implies that Gaston may have been aware of the Beast's curse, and had ulterior motives besides wanting Belle as his wife for attempting to kill the Beast, as the trailer described him as being "one man who wants to keep the spell alive," although it is unconfirmed whether this was the case in the film itself.
35. Despite various concept materials, as listed above, give Gaston the surname of LeGume, the Bimbettes during the song of "Belle" refer to Gaston as "Monsieur Gaston" and Belle in the reprise twice sarcastically refers to herself as "Madame Gaston" suggesting that Gaston is his surname in the final version.
36. The Bimbettes (individual names Claudette, Laurette, and Paulette) are blonde identical triplets who fawn over Gaston. They are inspired by Belle's sisters from the original Beauty and the Beast fairy tale.
37. They are the first Disney characters to possess green eyes without being villains
38. These girls worked their asses off in the comics to get Gaston to notice them. 😩
39. Its implied in one comic that Belle and Gaston were friends when they were children.
40. Ironically, despite Belle being considered by the village to be the most beautiful woman in the village, Laurette once disguised herself as Belle flawlessly enough to fool Gaston initially, which conflicted with the claim that Belle's looks had no parallel.
41. Even though he is referred to as a prince in the opening, none of the characters directly refer to him by that title. In addition, the first draft for Woolverton's take of the film indicated that the Beast was intended to be a duke instead of a prince.
42. According to the first stained-glass window featured in the film's opening sequence, Adam’s family motto is "vincit qui se vincit" (meaning "The winner is who wins himself").
42. Though the Beast's official age is not mentioned in the movie, it is strongly indicated by the narrator's statement that the rose "would bloom until his 21st year." As the rose has already begun to wilt by the time Belle arrives at the castle, it is very likely that the Beast is 20 years (i.e. on their 21st year) of age by this point.
43. In authorized supplementary comics, most notably The New Adventures of Beauty and the Beast, the Prince is never shown as being older than a preteen when he's shown as a human; moreover, the palace staff all refer to his pre-curse self as "a young boy" or "child". Two individual comics show that the Prince was originally a few years older than Chip, who didn't age during the curse, and shows him as being a couple of years older than Belle herself. The comics also show that the Prince has had a few run-ins with the disguised Enchantress, meaning that he'd still be a preteen when he was cursed.
44. Despite her slim figure, Belle seems to have considerable strength. She may have lifted the Beast, as evidenced by the Beast being placed onto Philippe's back, although this was never shown on-screen. Later on, she was able to pull the Beast up onto a balcony.
45. Belle is currently the only official Disney Princess to have hazel eyes.
46. In the beginning of the original 1989 storyline, found on the Diamond Edition DVD, Belle's birthday is celebrated, and the cake reads "Happy 17th Birthday Belle", providing evidence that she is 17 in the movie, or at least that she was originally planned to be 17.
47. Contrary to popular belief, it's not made clear whether Belle was actually born a peasant, as she implies that she wasn't born in her home village in the opening song, but rather moved there. In addition, her owning books at her cottage implied that she is, or at least was, considerably wealthy (as back in the time period of the film, books were considerably expensive).
48. In the musical, specifically the song "No Matter What" one of the lyrics had Maurice stating "You are your mother's daughter; therefore you are class ... crème de la crème", implying that Belle was part of the social upper class. This was also supported by Belle having a portrait of her and her mom in the Enchanted Tales of Belle attraction.
49. In earlier drafts, Aladdin had three human friends named Babkak, Omar, and Kassim.
50. In the episode "Two to Tangle", it's revealed that Aladdin has unexplored magic powers hidden within his soul. This may possibly be a link to him being "The Diamond In The Rough".
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