#wayne x y/n
kaicubus · 11 months
Carnage | Wayne M.
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₊˚⊹♡ ∘₊ ───────────── ₊˚⊹♡ ∘₊ ─────────────── ₊˚⊹♡
warnings ✩° : angst, fluff, reader has a crush on wayne, wayne has a crush on reader, miscommunication, misunderstandings, eventual hidden confession, crying, cursing, implied depressed reader.
pairing ✩° : wayne mccullough x fem!reader
premise ✩° : it's been a few months since you've last seen wayne. no one was there to see the state he was in when he was taken from you, no one was there to see him show up on your doorstep and see the way he looked at you.
word count ✩° : 2.8k
authors note ✩° : thank you all wayne succubabies for being so patient with me!! this was a request and i wanted to write this for so long but arugghhh!! at least it's finally out, and i hope you all enjoy!! hopefully this helps soothe the wayne shaped hole in all of your hearts...
There was no way you could've stopped it. It wasn't your fault. It all happened so fast. You couldn't save him.
How long had it been since you saw Wayne McCullough? Wayne McCullough, even his name pained you every time you thought of him. Every time you closed your eyes, all you seemed to see was his hair, the scars on his face, and his eyes full of sadness and desperation.
When was the last time you saw him? It had been months since traveling with Wayne had been cut short. You knew you had been followed and tracked down by two officers, but every time you had found a way around them and escaped. That was, until your last encounter with them, and the last time you'd ever see him.
For weeks, you had been traveling with Wayne on a wild goose chase to find his late father's last parting gift to him. Every day with him became the norm, and for a while, you liked the thrill hopping place to place brought you. Hell, you never would've pictured yourself sleeping in a motel without paying or running from cops if it weren't for Wayne. Wayne brought you excitement.
He didn't even have to say anything to spark a sort of electrifying feeling inside of you, being beside him was enough. Before long, Wayne consumed you in the best way possible. You never wanted to admit your feeling to him, as you felt talking to him about anything other than his motivation to get what he wanted would somehow disrupt him in any way. You had a crush on him, plain and simple. Was it possible to be in love with someone this much?
You didn't have the answer before he was taken away from you.
Harsh. That’s all that could be said about the situation. The timing was unexpected and the execution was worse, you couldn’t even predict it, that was the worst part. Before then, you hadn’t known the names of the people following close behind you and Wayne, but ever since then their names have become ingrained in your memory.
With the lasting image of the person you’ve grown to love being ripped out of your arms with cuts and bruises littering his face, you watched Wayne being tackled to the ground, face pressed into the asphalt road. Red and blue lights flickered furiously as the two police officers breathed a sigh of relief while you held yours.
Just like that, Wayne was gone. The cops that had taken Wayne took you away as well, but you weren’t the one they were after. Sergeant Stephen Geller did most of the talking, his face remained calm throughout it all, but questioned you as Wayne’s accomplice, when in his eyes you were the victim being strung along with him and his antics. He couldn’t be more wrong with that. Officer Jay Ganetti held a lighthearted attitude and a wide smile, cracking in bits of comedy to get you to smile or receive any positive reaction out of you, but of course you never budged.
“Look, Y/n, we’re going to break it to you easy. With all the mess Wayne’s created, we don’t want to hold you here any longer than you’re meant to be.” Geller went on to say, “We can’t disclose where he’s being held, but he won’t ever hurt you again. So you don't have to worry about a thing.”
“You’re wrong.” You made that clear, “Wayne would never hurt me, I went with him willingly.”
“Looks like he didn’t hurt her physically, serge, but emotionally…look at her. I think we're looking at a classic case of a broken heart.” Ganetti held a finger towards you but Geller pulled it down with ease, “Something was bound to happen between them, two sad kids traveling across the states, who knows? Maybe they connected in a way neither one of us could connect with someone. Now, he's gone and there's really nothing we can do about it now. We gave him plenty of chances. Serge, have you ever been in love so much that it breaks you and changes you and makes you feel things you haven't felt in a long time? A love worth fighting for. I know I haven’t.”
From what you understood, Wayne was locked in prison—juvenile prison—but no one told you where. No matter how hard you’d tried to get an answer out of them on where and when Wayne would be released, they would only respond with a saddened expression, which only made you feel worse. Wayne was all you had, they knew that, and they still took him away from you. Losing him was like losing yourself, and for a while, things never went back to normal.
It was only a few months ago when Wayne was taken from you. Since then there hasn’t been a moments of peace in your life. Getting up in the morning seemed next to pointless. Food became unappetizing, your hair had become tangled after refusing to brush it, and your room swarmed with heaps of trash you couldn’t be bothered to throw away, all because of this indescribable feeling of loneliness had consumed you and refused to and refused to release you from its suffocating jaws.
You had lost the motivation to keep living.
Every time you closed your eyes, memories of the times you spent with Wayne would flash like pictures in your mind, reminding you that Wayne was no longer there with you or waking up beside you. He would never hold your hands in the soft way he always would, look at you with a glint of hopefulness in his dull, grey eyes. You would never see the way his the skin around eyes crinkled whenever he smiled too widely at a joke you made. All because you two had been careless and had gotten caught.
You knew that your way of living was slowly getting worse, but a part of you didn’t even want to change to get better. Hell, the only clothing on your back that hadn’t been washed was the same jacket you had worn when he was taken from you. His jacket. At some times, the dark green fabric still smelt of him. That was all you had and you held onto that for as long as you could.
Until one day, as normal as the rest, you were scrolling through your phone mindlessly with the intent of filling the hours of the day with snippets of other people’s happy lives. Sure, your heart would ache when you saw couples together and living the life you’d only ever dream of having with Wayne, but the others were simply filler to you. That was until the soft thumping of your door brings you back to reality. You perk your head up and rest your phone down on the couch cushion next to you, sitting up. No one texted you or asked to come over, so you really had no idea who it could be at the door.
In fact, this might be the first visitor you've received in a while, even before your time with Wayne, no one really came over let alone knocked on your door. It seemed out of the ordinary to do that. Maybe it was a care package sent by someone.
With your expectations already low, you wander to the door and gently twisting the knob until you hear a 'click!' that allowed you to cautiously swing the door open.
Mere seconds start to turn into minutes as time stops, only allowing sunlight to stream into your poorly lit home. Little by little, the outside world becomes more visible until finally, you catch a glimpse of the person whose hand is still bent in the shape of a closed fist, ready to knock again. But it stops when it sees you.
"No way." You stop yourself from saying anything further. With the door fully open now, it was clear who was in front of you. Only, you didn't want to believe it at first. How could he be back, how could he even be here when he has no way of coming to you?
Wayne McCullough.
In his eyes, you were always the person to keep him level-headed and his mind as clear as possible, even when nothing seemed to go right. You were there for him as best as you could, always with a smile on your face. He hadn't seen you in so long, yet he knew that this wasn't the Y/n he knew, and that this version of yourself must have only been caused by something horrible. For a few seconds, Wayne stares at your eyes, how they no longer had the familiar shine reflecting like spotlights in them, and how dark and cloudy they've become. He looks down at the redness adorning your under eyes and how tired you looked. Exhausted, even.
You both were at a loss for words. Not knowing what to say or even think, Wayne silently opens his arms and waits for you to process that he's here, in the flesh, and he's standing in front of you. Your heart skips a beat and suddenly, everything comes rushing back as soon as you jump into his arms.
"Wayne?!" Your arms quickly loop around his body and you're hit with that familiar, rough scent of his. Wayne squeezes you tighter, still not wanting to say anything. You ignore it and continue to hold him, feeling your entire body tense up with shock as you're hit with a sudden wave of guilt and remorse. A knot ties itself deep inside your once empty chest, feeling nothing but a thousand weights being tugged off your shoulders the moment you feel his calloused thumbs rub circles into your back.
You've yearned for his touch for so long, and you wanted nothing more than to be swallowed in his embrace, not even daring to move in fear of him stopping. But Wayne had no intention other than to just be there with you. This was more than he could ever ask for.
"What are you doing here?" You ask softly, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck when you feel your weight gradually lifting off from the ground. The familiarity of his coarse hair sweeps past your now tear-soaked cheek and tickles your skin in a way that you've never thought you'd missed. "You were in juvie, but how are you, did you escape?" Your mind raced with questions but Wayne keeps his hands tenderly placed around you.
What kills you most is just how gentle Wayne is with you. You knew Wayne to be strong enough to hurt people badly, to break things unexpectedly and when he didn't mean to, hell he could withstand torture for hours and even stab his own hand without remorse. But when it came to you? Wayne held you like you were brittle, broken and only put together by a thin layer of glue, like you could break at any second if he held onto you just a little tighter. In a way, you felt as though that was true.
Wayne notices when you start to tremble, eventually sobbing directly onto his shoulder. He could feel your hands shake and the way you grip onto him periodically before letting your limbs fall limp, as if crying itself was too tiring to bear. On the third attempt to hold onto him, Wayne exhales, letting a cool breeze flow past your hair and sopping wet face.
"I got released." Is all he says. It's enough for you to rip away from him and stare at him with big eyes. "Cops said they didn't want to lock me up in the first place. That I was some broken kid without any guidance. Almost like they pitied me, you know?"
You nod and start to palm away your tears, but Wayne stops you with the back of a curled finger rubbing under your eyes instead.
"Hey now, why're you crying?" Wayne asks softly, "I didn't go missin' or nothin'. I'm right here, Y/n. I'm right here." Shaking you a bit, Wayne raises his brows, "Alright?"
For a moment, he lets silence fall between you, just soaking up each other's presence. You can tell something's on his mind, but you don't bother to pry if he won't say it first.
"You know, being in that place made me realize a lot of things. Things I didn't want to think about, but those things just kept coming back no matter how hard I pushed them down."
"What's that?"
He hesitates for a moment, grazing just past your hips. "I ain't got no house no more, no family, I'm already expelled from school. I got no place here no more Y/n, I might as well just start over somewhere else." Wayne rolls hip lip under his teeth but keeps talking despite your look of pure devastation, "I figured that with everything that happened with us...you wouldn't wanna see me again. I don't want to hurt you no more, Y/n."
"Cops told me you'd be better off without someone like me."
"And I want what's best for you, you know?" Even he looks like he's on the verge of tears. You've never even seen him cry before. How could he be crying now?
"NO!" You shake your head, "I don't want to lose you again, Wayne. You can't do this to me again. Ever since you were taken I couldn't think of anything else, what I could've done differently. It kills me that I couldn't save you or at least be there with you!" Your start to choke on your own tears, "So don't tell me that you think it's best that you leave me! It's not! How could you say that?"
You watch Wayne's expression go blank as he stares at you, not even blinking. He watches as tears glide down your face now more than ever. His heart aches at the sight of it all.
Your eyes swell with tears leaving your eyes the moment they brim your lashes with every second you look at him. No matter how much you'd look at him, it felt as though it'd never be enough, like at any moment he could slip away from you again. You wanted anything but that. So you keep looking, keep staring, keep holding on until Wayne's lips part, wanting to say something to fill the silence.
"You...really don't want me to leave?" He asks breathlessly, letting his shoulders fall.
"Why would I ever want that?" You sink back into him, squeezing your eyes shut, "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, Wayne."
He looks at the top of your head as if he doesn't believe you, but then again, the evidence is undeniable. No matter if he tried to stretch it in any other way, Wayne knew he couldn't be anywhere without you. He couldn't, and he didn't want to. Thinking about leaving you always made him feel a sort of indescribable loneliness, which could only be fixed by thinking back to a time where he was with you.
Chewing the inside of his cheek, Wayne sighs and closes his eyes too, fading into a darkness where only he can touch you and feel the warmth he's longed for.
"I never, ever stopped thinking about you, Y/n. I never wanted to hurt you but I thought about coming back to you every day. I never got to say what I wanted to either."
You step away from him and hold his hands in yours, running your fingers over all the lines and creases on his palms, remembering how it was one of the ways you were able to calm down. Wayne closes his hands, though, and shakes yours just enough for you to look at him.
"I'm not going no where. I'm staying put. With you. If you'll let me, Y/n."
That's all you've ever wanted to hear.
"Please, don't ever leave again."
Wayne shakes his head silently and lets go of your hand, only for him to be able to hold the side of your face. You lean into his palm and look up at him, the shine returning just as he'd remembered you to have.
"I don't plan on going anywhere where you're not." He says quietly and lowers himself down to your height. Without another word, a simple tug was all Wayne needed to inch closer to your face and eventually meet your lips with a delicate kiss.
It was more than you could ever ask for.
All of a sudden, you hear the shuttering of a camera behind you as well as a high pitched sob. Naturally, you pull away. Behind Wayne, you realize how he got to your house in the first place, which was never clarified before and what you quickly came to understand why.
"No! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, continue!" Officer Genetti says, waving a hand at you two while looking back at his screen.
"Christ, Jay, are you taking pictures?" Sergent Geller sighs.
"It is a beautiful moment and I'm not letting this go undocumented!"
"Use your damn eyes, Jay."
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kimjun · 7 months
girls are like “I want a boyfriend” but reject everyone because none of them are their comfort characters
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arkhamslvts · 23 days
size kinks and jason todd laying you flat on your stomach, your bed faces the mirror and one of his hands keeps your hands pressed flat against your back while the other is pressed against the back of your neck. the position doesn't help considering jason was already huge, it felt like he was bruising every part of you and he knew it "c'mon baby.. take it all" " 's too big sir.. slower" "nuh uh, you like mouthing off so much, you're so big and strong right baby? stay still and fucking take it"
with bruce wayne i feel like it's a little different, it's more subtle. he doesn't mock you the way that jason does, its simply something that's in the air. it's on display whenever he holds you up with one arm firmly wrapped around your neck and the other wrapped around your torso. your back pressed against his chest and he completely dwarfs you, and he knows you like it "that's it... such a pretty girl, taking me so well. fuck, fits like a glove."
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 months
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How’d they react to you calling them bro or dude whilst in a pre-established relationship…(platonic/romantic)
Dick: he’s insulted.
He will try to give you the silent treatment for such a shameful thing but ultimately fails as he ends up being the one pawing at you for attention.
‘Do you still like me? Or did you just run out of cute nicknames to call me?’ He’d say one night as your both cuddling in bed together. ‘If it’s the later then I can help you find something, just please spare me and don’t call me dude or bro anymore.’
He’d rather you call him Richard-wait, no he hates that even more because to him you’re not meant to use his fully name, only cutesy nicknames that’d make a grown man sick to his stomach. Nothing else would suffice other than Dickie bird, handsome, babe, hunk, honeybun or anything that wasn’t his name.
He’s go mad or would act delusional and say that everything was fine when everyone could tell that it wasn’t. People who know him have personally came to you and begged you to stop calling him dude/bro because he kept talking their ears off about how his beloved partner is torturing him, which ends up torturing them even more upon hearing about his relationship issues.
Dick would even consult Hayley on what he did wrong, only for Hayley to look at him with those big, big eyes of hers. This was not her level of expertise unfortunately. (Head empty, no thoughts. She can’t do her abc’s guys it’s a real tragedy.)
Jason: ‘I just had my tongue down your throat just now and you had to go and ruin the mood by calling me bro. What the fuck.’ - Jason at some point.
It’s a whole mood killer for him to be honest.
He’s calling you things like chipmunk or sweetheart but here you were calling him dude and bro. He knows for a fact that he’s well and truly out of the friend zone because the shit you’ve done together isn’t platonic in any sort of way.
Thinks Roy had set you up to call him dude or bro behind his back. (He hasn’t)
Jason is petty and will get his own back by referring you as ‘just a really good friend’, ‘buddy o’ mine’ or even worse than both of those; ‘chum.’ 💀
When you go low, Jason was more then willing to go to the depths of fucking hell to the point it had become a game to see who’d call out just how stupid this all was, and at the both of you for ever thinking that this was an excellent idea in the first place.
You’ll probs get punished…I’m just going to leave it there and let your minds guess what that ‘punishment’ was exactly.
As much as Damian hates it when you call him Dami, he hates it when you call him dude or bro even more, if that’s even possible.
Damian hates it when you call him dude or bro. He’s not your dude or bro, he’s your partner and he expects no less then darling, my heart or my beloved.
So you calling him dude or bro is more than enough reason for him to give you the silent treatment.
‘Until you learn that I am your partner, I won’t want to be anywhere near you if you’re going to keep calling me your bro or dude. It is a disservice to who I actually am to you.’ He says with a huff and beckons Titus to follow, only for the Great Dane to be left confused as to why his human parents were at a disagreement over something silly.
Also Titus, Ace, Jerry, Alfred the cat, Goliath and BatCow are children of divorce because I said so.
So it’s bests that you apologise while you still can because Damian can hold a grudge unlike any other. Even if you didn’t, you’d still crack first before Damian and quickly put an end to calling him dude/bro.
He just thinks being called a dude/bro when in a pre-established relationship is an insult.
He can take a joke but not when it’s aimed at his relationship. He’s well and truly devoted to his relationship -if we’re to completely ignore the whole being Robin thing- that it might as well be an insult towards him too at this point.
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superhero--imagines · 8 months
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He’s literally obsessed with you - With the Bat Boys
A/N: trying out these fucking ugly banners again because y’all seem to like them and I need the internet-good-writer validation points.
Dick Grayson
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* He’s a simp bro
* Just because he’s hot doesn’t mean he isn’t hiding a whole horde of daddy and mommy issues isn’t into you
* He trails after you like a lost puppy and he would kiss the ground you walk on if it didn’t make you a little concerned
His breath brushes against your calf, a tender kiss placed on your knee.
He’s done this enough for you to know it’s not sexual.
“I can do it myself Dick,” you murmur, cheeks hot as you watch him kneel on the ground, his nimble fingers working to untie your shoes.
“I know you can.” His eyes sparkle when he looks up at you with a smile. “But I want to do this for you.” He grins when you hide your shy smile behind your hand, setting your shoes to the side and placing a soft kiss on your ankle.
Jason Todd
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* He’s in between terror and bliss
* Jason doesn’t understand how you meant so much to him so fast
* It’s simultaneously thrilling and terrifying how much you occupy his thoughts and time
* But for better or worse, he can’t seem to let you go
He can’t tell what’s warmer, the heat from your body or the heat radiating off from his face.
Here he is, face bright pink with the heart of a sixteen year old boy in a man’s body, falling in love for the first time.
And you’re asleep.
You’ve turned his whole world upside down, and made a mess of his mind—and now you’re getting the best sleep of your life using his chest as your personal pillow.
And he has no room to complain since he’s enabling you, wrapping his arms around you rto keep you pressed securely against his chest.
Because the only thing scarier than holding you close, is having you somewhere he can't reach.
“I can't believe you made me fall in love like this,” he murmurs, pressing a sweet kiss to your hair.
Damian Wayne
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* He really embodies “hard to the world, but soft for my girl” vibes
* This man has never done a chore in his life, but if you’re feeling out of it or overwhelmed, watch him at your doorstep with a broom and apron
“Damian I support you in anything you choose to do,” you start, “but do you know how to use a washing machine?”
“Of course I do my love, I’m not a savage.” But the fact that he’s putting dish soap in tells you otherwise.
He’s a little confused, but he’s got the spirit.
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y/n: is that your hand on my ass?
jason: sorry, it was an accident.
y/n: your hand is still on my ass
jason: accidentally
requests are open!
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visionsofmagic · 8 months
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day 10: bruce wayne [car sex]
࿓ synopsis • bats fucks you in his batmobile to teach you a lesson after you disobey his order.
―❦ nsfw, autonomous driving, one has clothes on one hasn’t, suited!bats, batmobile, markings, car riding, possessiveness, jeaolusy, pet names, swearing, master kink, rude!bats, identity dilemma, inner toughts, spanking, begging, brat taming, clothes full on/off, kissing, ‘is all I guess. • 1.9k • thought comic bats while writing but you can imagine this with any version of batman as you like of course. enjoy the beginning of the second week of kinktober event, hope you will like this week too! [kinktober m.]
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“bats – please –“ as the gotham’s city’s night lights pass behind the black windows of the batmobile you’re in, your own voice gets silent by the loud sound of the road, yet, they reach to his ears that are covered with his black batman mask. “it’s too much –“ 
the man under you stays still even when his actions don’t stop – fingering your clit, he seems like he doesn’t care about how you’re sitting on his lap, soaking onto his black bat suit, getting wetter each passing time – having no dress on you makes the situation more sinful, especially when he has his own armored suit on, even the mask is still covering his face and ears – his bat ears is a source of balance for you to hold onto while taking his fingers as if it’s the first time he does this.
you have no idea how this man makes you feel stranger to being fucked by him whenever he has you like this – weak yet so powerful because of the whole situation.
it should’ve been a peaceful night, a simple mission – yet, it turned into something more, and you were the one to blame the moment you began to flirt with one of the guests to distract him. you were doing what he told you to from the other line of the call, giving instructions one by one with the help of the device on your ear. it was going all right until the man got interested in you, buying you drinks, joking around, and asking if you would like to follow him to do upstairs. 
you didn’t yet you had to act close to the man to get rid of him because bats told you to leave his side immediately. your mistake was taking that decision; putting one of your hands on the man’s shoulder, raising on your feet, and whispering something into his ear before leaving. apparently, this made bruce go mad – causing him to give you a lesson that you had to learn right away.
the moment you entered the batmobile, he took you onto his lap, taking all your clothes from one to another, looking darker than ever – hands fast, lips kissing yours so passionately that you believe your lips begin to bleed, the suit remains on as he begins to finger you – he just opens the zipper of his armored pants, leaving his hardened cock visible to your eyes.
wanting to touch him, your hand goes to his cock, yet, it is stopped in mid-air. he doesn’t waste any more seconds, slapping your clit, he adds, “you had to earn it. you will not get it until you beg for it.”
now here you are; already cum for one time, its hints still on your thighs and his pants, however, he doesn’t stop – you know he waits for you to beg – you try not to beg, stubborn, believing you did nothing wrong, but, it’s too much – he knows every point to make you beg – the vigilante know your own body more than you do.
when he hits your g-spot with only his gloved fingers, again and again, you cry out loud, “bruuuce – aggh – please -!” the words go out of your parted lips on their own as your hands grip his bat ears strongly, bouncing on his fingers when he doesn’t move them. the knowledge of making a mess out of you doesn’t reach into your brain, so, you continue fucking his fingers – his dark-colored eyes look up, a smirk position on his attractive masked face, mocking you. “please! I need youu – aggh!”
“pathetic,” he remarks, “bouncing on my fingers as if they’re my dick,” a chuckle breaks the lewd sounds – the outworld out of the batmobile is long forgotten. “want it so much? want me to bend you over, fuck you in this car?”
without thinking, you nod rapidly, eyes half-closed, your second cum drips onto his fingers, high hits the body, feeling a bit exhausted yet ready to take his thick cock now. 
your mind can’t comprehend what he’s doing but in a moment you find him lowering his seat, opening enough gap between your bodies and the batmobile’s front. 
afraid of falling into the surface, you try to hold his shoulders – still can’t believe you fucked yourself on his fingers and cum onto them when he talked dirty. the power – the effect he has on you is incredible! the mind is so dizzy because of him that you realize what he has done after a moment, your widening eyes look at the front mirrors of the car, seeing the road in front of you – the scene changes faster than you think – you swear the car moves like a lightning. 
the reality hits your face similar to the feeling of cold water washing your body over on a hot day. however, you can’t focus on it when bruce’s gloved and wet hands position on your waist, highering your ass up, pulling your body closer to his face.
when you hold onto the wheel to stay still, excitement and shock blurring the last cramps of your mind, fear of going in an extremely fast batmobile makes your blood boil – yet the trust you have for bruce is there, strongly holding you. his low voice reaches your ears after a while, and his hot breaths wash your pussy and ass holes that clench around nothing, making you jump in pure pleasure. “you disappointed me,” he says, “you disobeyed a direct order from me. that man meant nothin’ to me but disobeying – oh – what a bad choice y/n.”
you couldn’t wait any longer, knowing his one step away from licking you, lust takes control of you, and you begin to say how sorry you’re – how you didn’t mean to – both you and bruce know you did mean to, to get his attention, to get this side of him, because you’re a brat of him who he will tame.
“keep your begs for forgiveness for later. you have to prove to me that you’re capable of obeying me, you pretty brat.”
“anything, I will do anything for you bru -!” a slap to the ass, a slap to the pussy – scream escapes from your lips. “bats! just give me an order, will do it – just please – please fuck me already!”
“in that case,” he says, not licking you, making you pout in disappointment but when he lowers down your body, his cock’s tip meets with your aching pussy’s folds, he clicks a button, the engine slows down a little bit, the wheel of the car gets closer to you. “hold the wheel.”
you try to understand what’s going on, “what are you doin – aggh!”
his left-hand grips your neck, holding it tightly, closing the gap between your face and his, he points to the wheel that stands right in front of you. “hold the fucking wheel if you want to be fucked, y/n.”
swearing lowly, your shaking hand finds the wheel, holding it strongly, waiting for bruce to push a button – when he does, the engine starts moving faster than before. unlike the previous situation, this time, it’s you who drives the batmobile.
“bruce – how – “ your words are cut off by his deep voice.
“don’t take your eyes off the road. you will take us to the home without an accident. if you turn even a little bit, I will stop fucking you my love.” the difference in his words and voice make you go crazy, and that craziness doubles up when he lowers your body down enough to make him thrust his thick cock into your pussy, filling you up.
screaming with sudden pain and pleasure, your eyes roll over for a second before looking right at the road in front of you – gotham city still stays under the darkness of the night, the only voice that world excepts is the powerful sound of the batmobile riding on the endless looking road, the moans coming from you and swears from bats mixing with the flesh hitting the flesh can be heard by only you and bruce – the sin you commit cannot be known by another.
the focus you put on the road gets distracted whenever bruce shoves his dick into your wet clit. back of your thighs hitting his clothed thighs sends pain through your body, leaving red marks on your flesh – the balls that meet with your ass cheeks increase the sensitivity you have, making you cry as you clean them rapidly to see the road.
his name comes out of you over and over again, the brain is too occupied to drive, the mind is too crazy to function, and the body is too full of him, the man who wants to devour you, and doing it right now – using your body as he pleases, not moving his hips greatly, instead, he makes use of your body by lifting it up, then, pulling it down until his dick fills your walls deeper, harder and rougher.
“fucking brat,” he says, a poison that his voice holds captures you – you feel so pathetic as if you’re his fucktoy now. then why do you feel so high like the most powerful drug in the whole world gets into your veins with the maximum level, you ask yourself, then the answer travels to your mind after he adds, “can’t obey her master? what a pretty yet mindless girl you are, don’t you think?” oh, right, he’s the most powerful drug on the whole world, and now, you’re at his mercy.
“u-huh – agghh – oh myy – bats! please, please, please –“ you have no idea what you’re pleasing for, but he knows – he chuckles lowly, having fuck great entertainment thanks to you that you feel a kind of pride in an instant.
“u-huh?” he mocks, fucks you still, close to the edge, just waiting for the right moment. “too cockdumbed to even understand what I’m saying. but you do good my good girl, keep going, we’re close to the cave.”
the new information makes you happy, smiling widely, and looking outside clearly, seeing the cave’s entering. with the relief, you begin to drive the car more carefully than before, hands getting stronger, losing yourself in the pleasure of being fucked by bruce in his damn batmobile.
finally reaching your destination, you slow down the engine, the cave’s front door opens, and pushing a button, bruce hugs you from behind, making you sit down on his cock with an instantaneous speed, earning the loudest moan out of you.
the mouth standing beside your ear says, “cum. cum on my cock.” and you who doesn’t know she’s waiting for him to allow her – to order, do what he tells, cum on his cock as his hot semen hit the deep inside of you in sync.
kissing your shoulder, he holds your shaking body because of both the coldness of the cave you have entered and the opposite sense of warmness that bruce gives – the smell of highness on the air, chests getting up and down, breaths rapid and low, lust ends – its place gets completed with the affection of love.
“did so good,” the car’s door opens, bruce takes your body in bridal style after wrapping it with his cape. his gentle lips put kisses on your face as he walks into the bathroom of his room, watching your soft features, eyes closed to sleep. he smiles fondly, proud of you. “let me take care of my pretty girl now.”
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❦ tagging: @lilvampirina & @snowprincesa1 & @dookiemeshibear *lots of kisses!*
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dutifulfemininity · 9 months
Bat-Boys in Bed
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I couldn’t find a good gif, sue me
Dick Grayson’s mouth is filthy. And he gets enough praise, so I think he’d be into praising you instead.” You’re so pretty, all fucked-out and dumb…just for me” as he pounds into you, panting in between words.
He’d also be into touchy sex positions, like missionary where he can hook his nose into your neck and wrap his arms around you. Dick would be into you giving him hickies.
I think Dick has an insane stamina—round after round. His hips would meet yours at a punishing pace as he muttered out praise,” this cunt is so warm and wet for me. My beautiful girl.” And he place wet kisses to your neck and cheeks.
Dick isn’t above moaning, but he’s not pornographic about it.i see him whimpering and begging if he’s getting a blow job or if you’re on top and teasing him, but I don’t see him moaning as much or more than you.
Jason Todd isn’t much of a talker during sex, but I do believe he moans. He’d be a lot more gentle with you than popular belief thinks. Especially if we’re talking older, mature Jason who’s passed his “fresh from the pit madness.”
I do believe Jason has a choking kink and I’ll die on this hill. And it doesn’t have to be his hand around your throat or vice versa. It can be him shoving his cock to the back of your throat and feeling you pulse and throb around him.
He enjoys, mature Jason too, seeing your eyes go wide and glassy. Jason loves to pull his cock from your mouth after you’ve had enough and seeing your lips plump and pink. He loves the slight flush of your tits.
Jason is a lot more eager to switch roles and be on the bottom than Dick. If you’re feeling top-ish and want to ride. Jason wouldn’t argue as you ground down on him, rolling your hips and leaving a trail of slick on his pelvis.
He’d beg through covered lips as you shushed him and picked up your pace, driving your hips forward and giving Jason the release he’d been craving.
I don’t know enough about Tim or Duke, sorry.
Bruce is harder to read because there’s decades of lore, canon, and stuff that’s not in the main continuity. Many writers have different versions of him that some favorite—however, here goes.
Bruce is a control freak. Whether you planned it or not, you’d end up in a dom/sub dynamic. He’d be choosing your clothes, picking which jewelry he buys, telling you when to cum before you even realize it.
I also think he has a power imbalance kink, just a little bit. Nothing extreme or megalomaniacal. So I truly believe you wouldn’t be rich (sorry lol); you’d maybe be a lesser known vigilante, and that’s if Bruce is healthily interested in you. I believe you’d be a civilian, but a smart and compassionate one. We know Bruce isn’t one to dumb himself down for company; we know Bruce is attracted to smart women, but none of his past relationships worked because they didn’t have a heart ( I love Talia, but he real; she wasn’t Mother Teresa).
This one may lose people, but I believe Bruce has a breeding kink. It would be a chance for him to restart. His only blood child is an arrogant, cold assassin and the rest of his children are masked vigilantes who dance with death nightly. But with you, his love, he could have a child not born in pain and anger. He’s older and wiser; he’s not as vengeful and mission oriented as he was when he adopted Dick and Jason; Tim sought him out, and Damian came with a chip on his shoulder.
Bruce is unyielding in his refusal to switch places. He’s too paranoid and enjoys control too much to bottom. The closest you’ll get to topping is bossing him around from the bottom.” faster, pretty boy.” You reached up and caressed his face as his pace stuttered and he spilled into you, gasping and groaning as he did.
You wouldn’t be fucked in the suit or the Batmobile. And he hates being called Batman in bed. The closest you’d get to mixing sex with his vigilante life is getting fucked in the Batcomputer seat.
Damian Wayne is the kinkiest Batfam member. I see Damian, who didn’t undergo such a beautiful arc, having a blood and bondage kink.
Damian preferred to tie you down rather than tie you up. He cares for you, and tying you up puts you in an uncomfortable position (he doesn’t want that) and it screws with your circulation. And if he ties you down, he can see your face as he places the vibrator right on your clit. He can see you try to knock your knees—to no avail.
Damian loved to take a small knife and inflict a wound, if you can even call it that. It was feather soft, and you loved when he would wrap his mouth around the wound and suck the blood. Then he’d kiss you, letting the saliva and metallic taste mingle.
I believe Damian would be into hickies and spanking too, but not the for the violence like I see from the kinkier side of the fandom. He would be into hickies, spanking, bandage, and blood play for the markings. It all boiled down to markings. And that’s not to claim that those activities didn’t get you both off, but Damian’s true enjoyment stemmed from the possessiveness of it all.
That’s why he likes to untie you and massage the rope imprints, then walk you to the mirror and spin you around, letting you see all the prints and marks. He could feel himself harden again, but he knew he’d break you if he ever tried to impose his libido and stamina on you.
Don’t kill me, but Damian isn’t into cunnilingus. He also wouldn’t bottom, not like you’d want him to. If, and that’s a huge “if” ( it’s months into the relationship too), he does bottom, it’s not traditional bottoming. Damian would top from the bottom,” go slower, grind harder, beloved.” And he’d grip your hips hard enough to leave prints, because marks, duh!
Damian likes sloppy blow jobs. I know he’s proper and clean, but trust me. Spit, moans, and whimpers; that’s what gets him off. And seeing your cheeks flush and your breathing quicken, but you keep going lower and taking more of him in. He appreciates the determination, and it makes him feel in control, huge, and dominant which strokes his ego.
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 months
Damian stared at you and then your new pet.
You looked at him innocently. Eyes wide in anticipation of his following words.
“I enjoy your competitive spirit. I truly do.” He pinched the bridge of his nose.
How did you even get this thing? He had been keeping track of all your heists recently but never heard of you going to the zoo or anything.
Sometimes he wishes he agreed on Tim’s offer of 24/7 surveillance. Damn it. If only that didn’t mean his older brother got to see you in your bed/bathroom too.
“Get to the point, Wayne.”
“Maybe a panther is a bit too much?”
“You’re just jealous cause I’m spending more time with the better Damian.”
“That’s besides the point.”
“So you are jelly!”
“Yes. Yes I am.”
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midnight-pluto · 3 months
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damian wayne doesn’t necessarily wear jewelry that often — only a few necklaces and rings could be seen on him, of the highest quality as well; him wearing a friendship bracelet is quite a surprise.
they were made by you of course, since you’re quite literally the only person he associates himself with at school willingly. you’ve known each other for quite some time now, so why not get matching bracelets to symbolize that?
“That’s a stupid idea.”
“You’re a stupid idea,” you retort.
he merely rolls his eyes, “I don’t need a silly bracelet to show that I’m friends with you, we don’t need something like that for people’s approval.”
“It’s not for other people,” you explain, “It’s for my own entertainment and for you — a gift.”
“Fine, you can make us one.”
in all honesty, he was expecting something simple for the bracelets. something just like each others names on them, not—
“Pissbaby?” his eye twitches.
“Don’t worry, mine says ‘Bitch,’” you reply nonchalantly.
“This has to be against dress-code.”
“We have long sleeves for a reason.”
he sighs, “My siblings are gonna drag me through the mud for this.” despite his words spitting venom, he still lets the elastic wrap around his wrist fitting comfortably and snugly.
“Hah, Pissbaby.”
“Your dad’s a whore.”
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thesuperiorrobin · 5 months
“in a world of boys, he's a gentleman~”
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Pairing: Damian Wayne x Fem!Reader
synopsis: Gentleman like things he does with you.
Warning: none
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Door holding!
“Oh thank you!”
“You don’t have to thank be beloved”
It’s small, but the gesture is real. No matter where you are or where you two go he’ll be racing ahead to reach the door in a matter of seconds so you don’t have to move a single muscle to open the door that’s been touched by others. Car door, house door, even Bedroom door, he’ll always be the first to open it and move out of his way so you can enter first.
He gets mad when you open the door move out of the way and say “Ladies first” he hates it. He actually begs you to not do it again :/.
Buying you flowers!
“You didn’t have to”
“But I wanted to”
It could be a special occasion or not, he’ll get you flowers. Anniversary? Yes. Birthday? Duh. He sees that the previous ones are dying out? He’s going out of his way to buy you more! A random Wednesday night when he’s visiting you during his patrol? Absolutely!. You don’t go a day without a bundle of flowers being shoved in your face. with the amount of flowers he gets you, you can convince him to open up a flower shop dedicated to you. Or he can buy one just for you. But let’s just hope you have enough room for the future bundles of flowers.
Making sure you get home safely!
He always offers you a ride home. No matter what. Don’t try to deny his offer cause he won’t really take no for an answer. He doesn’t trust the takis/ubers in Gotham. So his best bet would be taking you home after a long night or having Alfred take you home if he’s unable to do so.
If he takes you home he waits until you are safely inside before he drives off.
Offers his jacket!
It can be 70 degrees. The minute he sees you shiver a bit he’s taking his jacket/coat and draping it over your shoulders. He’s trained to handle various weather situations, and the cold is one of them and he’ll be damned if you end up catching a cold due to the slight change in the weather.
He actually got sick one time and he made you promise to never talk about it.
Offers you his seat!
During special events that Bruce hosts, he always gives you his seat. If he sees you standing beside him he’ll get up and gesture you to sit down as she now stands beside you with his hand placed firmly on the back of the chair.
On days when you decide that you’d rather take public transportation, he’ll hold his tongue. He doesn’t like it. He doesn’t mind it because he gets to spend more time with you, but every time you get on a train or bus they seem to be full. If there’s an extra seat he spots he always insists that you take it.
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It feels like I haven’t posted in months 😞
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kimjun · 5 months
Jason: how do I make a date really romantic?
Dick: be mysterious
Jason: got it!
*later, while on a date with Y/n*
Y/n: where are we going?
Jason: none of your fucking business
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 months
Hello could I please request civilian!reader staring at the batboys for a long time and goes “why are you so perfect and handsome, I’m so lucky to have you and I will protect you with my tiny body and hands” 🌸
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Idk whether or not this is what you wanted anon but I hope you like it at least in some way 😂
Jason can’t help but let out a full belly laugh upon hearing your declaration after having stared at him for a full hour, as he walked over to you to cup your face in his hands and rest his head against yours.
‘How sweet you of chipmunk, I’ll make sure to keep that in mind whenever I’m in trouble.’ He murmurs as his thumbs stroked your cheeks.
He found it extremely endearing and sweet that you would ever go out of your way to protect someone like him but he preferred if you were to stay at home where it was relatively safe. Jason cared way too much about you to loose you, even if the comment was made in a lighthearted way.
Gotham was far too cruel for someone like you and you both knew it, the city was bound to swallow you whole before you even made it down the street.
The other thing that stuck in Jason’s mind how you thought he was perfect and handsome, to which he would always respond with;
‘I’m far from being either of those things chipmunk, but I’ll take the compliment.’
Jason didn’t view himself as an ugly dude but nor did he think of himself as handsome either, he grew up in Crime Alley and was taken in by a billionaire, he never had times to focus on the way he looked or acted in the eyes of others. Until you of course.
To Jason, Dick was someone many would consider a handsome and perfect man while those same many often regarded him as the complete opposite under the same breath. So whenever you held his face in your hands and called him handsome or perfect with a look of utter love and adoration in your eyes, Jason can’t help but find himself slowly starting to believe that he was in fact a handsome man.
If anything Jason views himself as the one who is lucky to have someone as good and as perfect as you and he reminds you of it day and night, whether he was Jason Todd, your perfect man or Red Hood, feared vigilante of Gotham.
Dick: found it really cute that you thought you could protect him, someone who had the insane flexibility and agility of a cat, but he wasn’t one to crush your dreams and aspirations.
‘My hero has finally come to save me?’ He’d gasp dramatically as he practically falls into your arms, causing you to buckle under his weight and collapse on the bed and giggle at his theatrics.
However he wouldn’t dare let you put yourself in danger in any way shape or form for the likes of him, he refused it as this life had nothing but take and take and take from him anything and everything he held dear.
He still remembered how he felt partially responsible for Jason’s death that he tries to make up for it by being in his corner when it seemed as though everyone thought ill of him.
So Dick really doesn’t want you going and pulling the heroic card on him as he wasn’t sure he’d be able to handle it, he’d act like he could when in reality he was doing far worse then anyone could imagine. So it be better if you let him do the saving.
Now Dick was aware of his own attractiveness and appeal but when you were the one calling him perfect and handsome, he’s smiling widely and internally kicking his feet and saying silly shit like;
‘You still have a crush on me? How embarrassing for you.’ To which you respond with ‘Dick we’ve been dating for 8 months-‘
When anyone else calls Dick handsome they are pointing out an already pre established fact, but when you’re the one saying he’s handsome it has more meaning as it felt as though he was being shown something that he never knew was there before. He lived for every time you called him handsome and it wasn’t because of an ego thing, he just like you calling him handsome and would never want to live in reality where he never heard you say it ever again.
‘I can protect us both without issue so there’s no need for that.’
He sometimes takes your word a little too literally, regardless whether you were joking or not.
He was the crime fighter out of you both, so just let him do all the fighting, he doesn’t want your eyes to be burdened with the violence and criminal activity that he was accustomed to.
Also when you called him perfect and handsome, Poor Damian didn’t know what to think as it wasn’t something he viewed himself as nor expected anyone outside of his family to either.
He could handle insults and such but soft words laced with love and care towards him was an entirely new feeling for him in general that it both scared and excited him simultaneously. Besides Damian wasn’t interested in tibial things such as being conventionally attractive or whatever troubles the average person, he never thought it of any importance when other things took presidency in his life.
However when you compliment him, Damian couldn’t help but feel as though he was a little boy again, he would feel himself stiffen for a moment before the appropriate response came to him as easy as breathing, because caring for you was as easy as breathing to Damian and he’d do anything to make sure you were safe and sound wherever you are; for without you he’d be deeply lost.
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dead-sane-stuff · 11 months
* Damian telling some story*
Jason: That is such bullshit
Damian: NO IT IS NOT
Y/n: Jason, if Damian says it's true then who are we to believe otherwise
Jason: Oh Okay, but no one believes me when I say I beat the last level of Mortal Kombat.
Y/n: Because that's just ridiculous Jason, no one beats Sub-Zero or Kronika
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batsis-reader · 2 months
Batsis, peeling a banana: May I take your jacket, sir? Hahahaha.
Damian: Do you think other people can’t hear you?
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hanasnx · 6 months
MINORS DNI 18+ WARNINGS: f!reader | age gap, reader is nineteen | mild exhibitionism | size difference | choking | objectification (f receiving)
BRUCE WAYNE was in the hot seat. Well, more appropriately, Batman was in the hot seat. Which meant it was time for the billionaire playboy to make a public appearance so controversial, any press worth their tacks would cover his televised blunder rather than some depressing masked vigilante’s dealings. People prefer gossip over politics, and Bruce knows how to work an angle.
You’re a fresh adult, but the people already know you. A perfect Gotham sweetheart: a little darling on the front cover of lingerie magazines, starring as a bombshell in motion pictures, named the honor of the Ice Princess last month. You wore your little feathery outfit, next to nothing in the freezing cold, and turned on the city's giant Christmas tree lights just as the Ice Princess does every year. Known for your youth and beauty, Bruce knew you were the perfect candidate to take all the attention away from where it shouldn't be. Tabloids couldn't decide whether to praise the seasoned billionaire for landing a nineteen-year-old catch, or condemn him for having a mid-life crisis.
"Bruce Wayne seen with Gotham's Ice Princess." was everywhere anyone looked. It seemed the city had taken quite a protective role over you, which is exactly what Bruce needed.
Now that he's got you, he flaunts you. He lets you lug him around town, any local events that could be televised are his priorities. There, he makes a big show of touching you in ways only a lover is allowed to. Things that make you pat his huge bicep scoldingly. "Brucie!" you chide with a gasp, "You're so shameless." you say, but you fucking love it. How he openly mouths at your neck, lapping and sucking on your pulse point enough for lewd pretty sounds to slew from your parted lips. Little whimpers that any onlookers eat up.
He'll grope you unabashedly, big hand grabbing at your ass or giving it a swat. He needs those cameras to see how gross he is, how crazy he is about his nineteen-year-old situationship. If you get kissed, it's fucking sloppy. Mostly tongue, tongue outside the mouth as much as he can appropriately get away with. His "dirty sense of humor" will bleed into the public scene as well, hugging you from behind only to jokingly engulf your neck with his hand to fake a choke.
Every single one of these things he does for attention, leaves you hot and bothered. Frustrated from his treatment of you that's so warm when there are prying eyes, but so cold when you're finally alone together. You want Bruce Wayne to fuck the ever-loving shit out of you, but when doors are closed suddenly it's: "Something's come up." or "The sushi hit me wrong." Or the worst one of all: the polite, civilized, but uninterested act. You're all over him, begging for him to finally fuck you after stringing you along and teasing you so ardently all day, and he treats you as if you are an acquainted business associate who has overstayed her welcome. You don't get it. An hour ago he was pulling your neckline towards him for a peek down your dress, and now he's showing you the door with a smile on his face.
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