#weight loss journey men
Weight Loss: Avoid These 7 Common Mistakes When Trying to Lose Weight
It can be difficult to lose weight, and many people make simple errors that might impede their success. These are seven pitfalls you should steer clear of when trying to reduce weight:
Meal skipping: Skipping meals can lead to binge eating later in the day and weight gain. To maintain a constant metabolism and control your appetite, it's crucial to consume regular, well-balanced meals throughout the day.
not getting enough water: Water consumption is crucial for weight loss. It aids in the removal of toxins and keeps you feeling full so that you have less hunger. Make an effort to consume eight glasses of water a day or more.
Depending on fad diets: While appealing, fad diets frequently promise immediate effects that are rarely long-lasting. Instead, concentrate on implementing long-lasting adjustments to your healthy lifestyle.
Ignoring portion sizes: Portion control is key to weight loss. Even healthy foods can contribute to weight gain if you eat too much of them. Use measuring cups and a food scale to ensure that you are eating the appropriate portion sizes.
Not getting enough sleep: Lack of sleep can disrupt your hormones, leading to weight gain. Aim to get seven to eight hours of sleep per night to keep your body functioning properly.
Over-reliance on exercise: Exercise is important for weight loss, but it's not the only factor. Diet and lifestyle changes are just as important, so make sure to focus on all aspects of weight loss.
Lack of patience: Losing weight takes time and effort, and it's important to be patient with yourself. Don't expect immediate results, and don't get discouraged if you hit a plateau. Keep working at it, and you will see results over time
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2016 - 2021 (maintaining to 2022)
Sw: 100kg+ (potentially 115kg)
Cw: 121lbs
Height: 5'1
I met my now husband and he taught me how to cook. I began walking every day just for fun and lost 15kg in like 3 months without realising. I began lifting small weights and doing yoga, learning about my food allergies which I had been ignoring, seeing a dietician to help my disordered eating (over and under eating) and in 2020 I finally managed to get to a stable weight and keep it after years of yoyoing and struggling with multiple eating disorders.
Just find a type of exercise you enjoy, cook home cooked meals and check your portions, eat veggies and drink water. You don't have to starve/eat gross food to lose weight.
Let's chat: JOIN my free weekly 📬 newsletter! I share my most effective exercises, strategies, and filter new research for you so that you can finally shed the weight.
Have you submitted your photos previously? Send an update! There's over 100,000 of us here that would love to know where you are now with your health journey.
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Check out other 5'1" / 155cm tall people on this blog.
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mrfoox · 1 year
Ok I've touched on this before but like.... Ive noticed since losing weight... Ive gotten more positive attention from men especially and im like 🙃
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gertlouw · 10 months
Inspiring "dad bods" transformations
Get inspired for your own fitness journey by these 5 "dad bods" that went on a 5 month accountability mission...
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bigmike779 · 1 year
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Summer ready 💪🏽😎
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Get rid of your man boobs quickly, naturally and permanently!
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Easy to follow system reduces chest fat and improves the appearance of your chest
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When you've been with somebody as long as my ugly ass has, you get to see more versions of them than Frieza, but it's still difficult to get used to. We all gain weight as we get older and comfortable, niggas get $ and eat too good sometimes lol usually couple picks up together and one day somebody be like "we fat, shit gotta stop". If it's her, all good, lose weight fat boy! If it's him, bro's a demon who should never be allowed to touch another woman again🤣 that's wild (but not my point).
Point is, you ever gain or lose like 80+lbs? Everything about you changes! You feel different, but you'll also *FEEL* different to your S/O. You won't feel like yourself to them physically and that could be good or bad, depending on your situation prior. In my case,it's incredibly hard getting used to and being attracted to a woman that doesn't feel like the person I've been hugging for almost two decades. The naked body looks and feels like a completely different woman. Don't take it personally, sisters, we love y'all still...it's just...everything feels different and being the simple computers we are, sometimes shit does not compute!
Don't feel like he don't want YOU because your weight is higher or lower, he's just trying to adjust to the new you because realistically you ARE a different person and it may take some time to get used to. Don't be offended if he isn't trying to jump your bones every day like you expected. Your idea of the perfect you is not the same as his, it's unreasonable to expect people to take whatever you give them and love it immediately. 5'7 185lbs is a brick house of a black woman! 5'7 110 is not at all the same person. Give ya man's a little grace. He still love you, he just tryna get used to your latest transformation and it could take time my nigga
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zakibrave · 27 days
Best Workouts To Lose Weight And Gain Muscle
A definitive Manual for the Best Exercises to Get more fit and Gain Muscle
 Embracing an Extraordinary Wellness Excursion
Leaving on a wellness excursion to shed overabundance weight while chiseling fit muscle is an objective common by a larger number of people. In 2024, the journey for the best exercises to shed pounds and gain muscle keeps on developing, consolidating state of the art methods and tried and true activities. Whether you're a carefully prepared exercise center participant or a fledgling anxious to launch your wellness normal, this exhaustive aide will explore you through the best exercises custom-made to accomplish your objectives.
Ready to take your fitness journey to the next level? Let's get started today
Understanding the Elements of Weight reduction and Muscle Gain
Prior to plunging into explicit exercise routine schedules, it's vital for handle the basics of weight reduction and muscle gain. Shedding undesirable pounds includes making a calorie shortfall through a blend of diet and exercise, while developing muscle requires designated fortitude preparation to invigorate development. The best exercises to get thinner and gain muscle figure out some kind of harmony between cardiovascular activity for fat consuming and obstruction preparing to advance muscle improvement.
Cardiovascular Exercises
 Igniting a Fat-Burning Furnace Cardiovascular exercise is essential for any weight loss plan because it increases heart rate, burns calories, and improves cardiovascular health in general. Stop and go aerobic exercise (HIIT) stands apart as one of the most proficient types of cardio, switching back and forth between eruptions of extraordinary action and brief recuperation periods. Running, cycling, and swimming are additionally astounding choices to burn calories and improve perseverance. Incorporating 30-an hour of cardiovascular activity into your schedule a few times each week can speed up fat misfortune and prepare for a more streamlined physical make-up.
Strength Preparing Chiseling Muscle and Firing up Digestion
Strength preparing structures the foundation of any muscle-building routine, empowering you to shape a characterized constitution while firing up your digestion for long haul fat misfortune. Compound activities like squats, deadlifts, and seat presses draw in various muscle bunches all the while, augmenting productivity and results. A workout routine that is adaptable and well-rounded can be created by incorporating both resistance machines and free weights. Expect to prepare each significant muscle bunch 2-3 times each week, progressively expanding weight and force to invigorate nonstop development.
Bodyweight Activities
Unleashing Functional Strength Building strength and muscle mass without expensive equipment is easy and accessible with bodyweight exercises. Push-ups, pull-ups, jumps, and boards are instances of powerful bodyweight developments that focus on different muscle gatherings and work on practical strength. Integrating these activities into your routine upgrades muscle definition as well as further develops equilibrium, adaptability, and coordination. Whether at home or in a hurry, bodyweight exercises give a flexible and time-proficient answer for accomplishing your wellness objectives.
Ready to take your fitness journey to the next level? Let's get started today
Adaptability and Versatility
Upgrading Execution and Forestalling Injury Chasing after weight reduction and muscle gain, it's urgent not to ignore the significance of adaptability and portability preparing. Extending activities like yoga, Pilates, and dynamic extending schedules assist with working on joint scope of movement, diminish muscle solidness, and forestall wounds. Upgraded adaptability improves practice execution as well as advances better stance and in general prosperity. Integrating 10-15 minutes of extending practices when your exercises can fundamentally improve the adequacy and security of your preparation routine.
Nutrition Fuelling Your Wellness Process
While practice assumes an essential part in weight reduction and muscle gain, nourishment fills in as the establishment whereupon achievement is constructed. Ideal sustenance upholds muscle fix and development, helps energy levels, and works with fat misfortune. Center around consuming a fair eating regimen wealthy in lean protein, complex starches, sound fats, and a lot of foods grown from the ground. Remain hydrated by drinking a satisfactory measure of water over the course of the day, particularly previously, during, and after exercises. Moreover, consider consolidating protein supplements and pre-exercise snacks to fuel your exercises and enhance recuperation.
Rest and Recuperation
The Overlooked Yet truly great individuals of Progress In the midst of the energy of chasing after wellness objectives, it's fundamental to focus on rest and recuperation to forestall burnout and advance muscle development. Satisfactory rest is principal for muscle fix and chemical guideline, going for the gold long stretches of value rest every evening. Integrate rest days into your week by week schedule to permit muscles to recuperate and fix, diminishing the gamble of overtraining and injury. Consolidating unwinding strategies, for example, reflection, froth rolling, and back rub can likewise help with pressure decrease and muscle recuperation.
High level Preparation Procedures Lifting Your Wellness Game
As you progress on your wellness process, consolidating progressed preparing methodologies can take your exercises to a higher level and speed up your outcomes. Progressive overload, drop sets, supersets, and pyramid sets all present new challenges to your muscles, fostering ongoing development and strength gains. Moderate over-burden includes slowly expanding the weight or opposition utilized during activities to animate muscle transformation and development ceaselessly. Drop sets and supersets include playing out numerous arrangements of activities consecutive with negligible rest, expanding muscle weariness and hypertrophy. Pyramid sets include continuously expanding or diminishing the weight utilized in each set, focusing on various muscle filaments and upgrading generally speaking muscle advancement.
Streamlining Training Cycles for Maximum Performance
so you know how sometimes it feels like you're just doing the same old workouts and not seeing much progress? Well, that's where periodization comes in! It's basically a fancy term for breaking your gym routine into different stages, each with its own goals and intensity levels. So, instead of going full-on beast mode all the time, you switch between periods of high energy and lower intensity. This helps you avoid getting stuck at a plateau and reduces the risk of burning out or overdoing it. There are different types of periodization, like one where you gradually increase the intensity over time, or another where you mix things up more often. Adding periodization to your workouts means you keep improving and stay safe from injuries, helping you reach your peak performance in the long run.
Setting Clear Goals and Working on Different Muscles
When you're trying to get in shape, it's important to have clear goals and know which muscles you want to work on. Instead of just doing random exercises, think about what you want to achieve and which areas of your body you want to improve. Maybe you want to build stronger arms, tone your abs, or improve your overall strength. By setting specific goals and targeting different muscle groups, you can create a workout plan that helps you get the results you want. It's like having a game plan for getting fit – knowing exactly what you need to do to reach your goals and make progress along the way.
 Diversifying Your Workout Routine Cross-training is the practice of incorporating a variety of different workouts and activities into your routine to avoid boredom and burnout and to improve overall fitness. Diversifying your workouts lets you work different muscle groups, push your cardiovascular system in new ways, and lower your risk of getting hurt from overtraining. Cycling, swimming, hiking, yoga, and dance classes are all examples of cross-training activities. Not in the least crosses preparing improve actual wellness, yet it likewise adds a component of tomfoolery and fervor to your exercises, keeping you roused and propelled to keep stretching your boundaries.
Following Advancement:
 Checking Results and Changing Your Methodology To guarantee that you're gaining consistent headway towards your wellness objectives, it's crucial for track your exercises, estimations, and execution measurements over the long run. Keep an exercise diary or utilize a wellness following application to record subtleties, for example, practices performed, sets and reps finished, loads lifted, and saw effort levels. Furthermore, take standard advancement photographs and estimations of key regions, for example, midriff circuit, muscle size, and muscle versus fat ratio. By checking your advancement reliably, you can recognize patterns, praise accomplishments, and make informed acclimations to your preparation and sustenance plans depending on the situation.
Local area and Backing Tracking down Strength in Numbers
Leaving on a wellness excursion can in some cases feel overwhelming or overpowering, yet you don't need to act like a lone ranger. Search out help from companions, relatives, or online networks who share comparable objectives and values. Joining a nearby exercise center or wellness class can likewise give a feeling of fellowship and responsibility, as you interface with similar people who are on their own excursion to wellbeing and health. Encircling yourself with a strong local area can motivate you to remain committed, conquer hindrances, and celebrate triumphs together, making the excursion towards your wellness objectives all the really fulfilling.
Ready to take your fitness journey to the next level? Let's get started today
Conclusion: Enabling Your Wellness Process
In 2024, the mission for the best exercises to get in shape and gain muscle keeps on developing, mixing imaginative methodologies with dependable standards. You can unlock your body's full potential and achieve long-lasting results by incorporating cardiovascular exercise, strength training, bodyweight workouts, flexibility training, and optimal nutrition into your routine. Recall that consistency, devotion, and tolerance are key as you set out on this extraordinary wellness venture. With the right outlook and approach, you have the ability to shape a more grounded, less fatty, and better rendition of yourself.
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pdfebooks4all · 1 month
📚 Weight Loss that Lasts: Break Through the 10 Big Diet Myths 📚
Are you tired of chasing fad diets that promise quick results but leave you feeling frustrated and defeated? Do you want to discover a proven approach to weight loss that will help you achieve lasting results? Look no further! Introducing the groundbreaking eBook: Weight Loss that Lasts: Break Through the 10 Big Diet Myths.
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promtad · 2 months
Smart Weight Loss Strategies for Lasting Results
Are you tired of jumping from one weight loss fad to another, only to regain the weight shortly after? Are you looking for effective strategies that will finally give you lasting results? In this article, we will delve into the world of weight loss and explore smart tactics that prioritize long-term success. We’ll guide you through a comprehensive approach that goes beyond quick fixes and crash…
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Submitted by: banana157 I started to lose weight on March of 2019 weighing in at my heights recorded weight of 218 lbs for my then 5’4 frame. Currently at 163 and 5’5 and have a goal weight of 127-130. Looking at these pictures I don’t really see a difference but I know it’s there. I use to be a size 16 sometimes 18 and am now a size 10 sometimes 12. Hopefully I’ll get to 130 by the end of the year or before.
 JOIN  my free weekly newsletter to gain access to exclusive insights, practical home workout routines and tips to stop sabotaging your goals. 
Follow on Tumblr to continue getting inspired or  SUBMIT  your own progress pictures.
Have you been featured on this blog? Send an update! Over 100,000 of us are desperate to hear from you: have you kept it off, re-starting, new & improved ✨🦋 or done with this 😡 $hit? 🤣🥹 No but seriously, don’t leave us hanging! :-)
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someguyfromflint · 2 months
Started working out, doing yoga and running a month ago. Also drastically changed my diet. Yesterday was the first time I saw results and I couldn't be happier. I have a six month long term goal and I can't wait to see where I am in November.
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healthy-liiviing · 2 months
Conquering the Couch: Home Workouts That Really Work
Let's be honest, the gym isn't always an option. But that doesn't mean you have to ditch your fitness goals! This post will share some killer home workouts that require minimal equipment (or none at all) and will leave you feeling strong and sweaty. No excuses, let's get fitfam motivated!
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bigmike779 · 1 year
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caesarandthecity · 4 months
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I left jail with no place to go, and nothing in my pocket besides the $100.00 that I saved from work in jail. Oh yes. The jail paid me $1.00 per day of work. So, I managed to save some from my one-year and two-month stay. I had a hoodie and sweatpants that were given to me as a birthday gift and my last Bunky (the Venezuelan guy that I give a head) gave me an Air Jordans. Awesome! All set to live in that place. I made a friend in jail and his family rented me a room for a price that was so cheap and incredible. I didn’t have any other option so, yeah! I got it. Well, now I know why the price is so cheap. They have 3 kids that can’t stop screaming and play around, the youngest one removes her diaper and shit on the floor. The middle one is overweight, eats sugar the whole day and she is behind in her class. The old one was brutally traumatized, while infant her mom abandoned her and went to live with her new husband. They have a dog, that pee and shits everywhere and sometimes bites the kids (I don’t blame the dog, I would do the same if I could). The house has a rat infestation, on my second day here I had to buy some mouse traps and I ended up killing 3 rats (Forgive me, father, I have sin.) and more 3 after. Two times I woke up in the middle of the night with the noise of the rats. We had an infestation of cockroaches, we had to throw away our microwave because they had made a nest there. One of the rooms has a bedbug. We are 4 ex-prisoners who meet each other in jail for the first time, living in the same house, plus a woman, a dog, and 3 kids. Life after prison is not easy.
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Please check out the latest podcast episode. "The Dos & Don’ts of Fasting: Combating Obesity & Weight Management"
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