#whenever i get through another show i just HAVE to throw myself into their world
sofijaeger · 4 months
well now that i’m back in my mha phase, i have to make an oc…
it’s just a standard at this point 🫡
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insidemyrottenbrain · 18 days
Henry gets jealous because you spend time with Richard
The risk of jealousy - TSH
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Henry Marchbanks Winter x GN!Reader
Dearest anonymous, I hope you can forgive him and his denial of jealousy.
The sharp claw of jealousy finally scratches the untouchable Henry.
I’ve always been incredibly particular about whom I associate with. The people around me need to be worthy. Now, I am well aware that my choice of words may make me sound arrogant, so allow me to explain: I want them to have shared interests, to be able to hold late-night debates on esoteric topics, while giving me a sense of belonging and consequently not tiring me out socially. I do not ask for much, really. Alas, one cannot always get what one desires.
The little group of which I’m currently a part of is… pleasant. The twins regularly host dinners which are, of course, the birthplace of many fights and arguments regarding the most trivial subjects that usually end up with Henry winning. Francis unhesitatingly puts his aunt’s house at our disposal whenever desiderium naturae strikes us and amusingly complains about some disease or other the whole way there. I even consider some of Bunny’s jokes witty on the rare occasions when he stops being insufferable. Unfortunately, they all give me a shallow sense of belonging that only manages to make itself felt in transit moments. However, Henry is different. With him, I feel content reading in silence after a long day, waking up in the same bed, legs intertwined under the soft cotton sheets he insists on buying with Apolon tugging at our lazy eyelids or simply challenging one another’s knowledge on whatever topic interests us at a given moment. A continuous childlike rendez-vous.
I do not know why I have been so platonically attracted to Richard of late. When he first joined our Greek class, he did not strike me as someone who would manage to integrate his lowly self into our complexly layered group, or even more, someone who would enjoy my presence. He was and still is flawed and ordinary. However, this normality flowing through every habit, every movement, or expression is a strange refresh in an intangible web of meticulously tangled appearances and facades. Richard is not some ancient scholar buried in paradoxical ideals, Gods-praising rituals, and glorious beliefs, but a modern human. He is aware of the current world, unisolated, present, an active participant. Not only does he attend parties but he also drinks, kisses, and loves strangers. Though an exaggeration to the unknowing eye, he seems to me quite the Epicurean in a cult of Stoics (excluding Bunny).
Despite my writings above which one might foolishly mistake as praise on my part, I must now dive into Richard’s own tendency to fictitiousness. He throws, here and there, long, lavish fabrications (with the aid of which he becomes unconsciously arrogant) and slight inexactitudes he considers too small to pass unnoticed by the attentive ear. And according to my fate and against my trusted intuition, I found myself unable to stop listening whenever he started talking about his (fake) childhood in California filled with swimming pools and orange groves and dissolute, charming show-biz parents, teenage years with a new girlfriend every night, the newest dramas (if they truly do exist and are not yet other fictions) circling Hampden.
There is a quirk. I notice it now, when we’re all standing in the day room of Francis’, or rather his aunt’s, manor. Charles is playing the piano filling the room with gifts for ears, showing off as he always does, while Bunny comments on one rhythm or another, challenging him, fueling him further. Everything is normal, except for one detail that does not escape me. Henry grows more agitated with every single one of Richard’s grant histoires. Albeit, the so-called agitations are rather minuscule, but I pride myself in being able to distinguish them. A small frown, creasing his pale forehead just the right amount for it to disappear just as quickly and nonchalantly as it came, a constant rub of his hand against his limped leg, and a novel proneness to small physical gestures: touching knees, pressing shoulders, his hand on the small of my back or idly playing with my fingers. I settle on questioning him later since I know he will not show any truths of his mind in such large company. 
We share a room, since we stopped bothering to hide our relationship long ago from the others. Henry’s already in bed, his nose buried in a book, dressed in his pyjamas, his initials embroidered upon the left side of his chest; H.M.W. If I had been told years ago that I was to be sharing a bed or be in a relationship with the person I suffered the least, the one that I had to compete with in Julian’s classes, the one that knew how to push my buttons I would have died of agony. But now I’m content. I know of the infatuation rendering me blind. My life has become a continuous torture, knowing that I wouldn’t be able to live without him. Just like Zeus who vows to fulfil his promise with a single sacred nod of his head, so am I unable to change the basis of my passion. He is in all my plans. In all the joys the future holds. In the dead of night, in Julian’s lessons, in the summer by the lake, instead of my mind’s eye being fully focused on one specific task, it always switches without fail to him.
I lower myself onto the bed next to him. “You seemed troubled earlier, in the day room.” I ask casually an indirect question.
“You’ve been spending an awful time with Richard.” He responds swiftly, tonelessly, simply pointing out a fact. 
I consider my answer for a moment. “I suppose so.” I hum, just as my head hits the pillow. “Don’t you find him intriguing? He watches the news on television.”
“Intriguing?” He blurts out, closing his book and putting it on the bedside table. Clearly, I have his attention. He turns on his side to fully face me, his hair falling over his forehead and slightly over his glasses. “His intriguing part eludes me. You are wasting your time with him, listening to his rambles.” He says clearly irritated, not bothering to keep up his stoic facade. “I assure you, you would be much better spending your time wisely.”
I frown. This is unusual of him. “He is in our class, is he not? I cannot avoid him.”
“Of course not, that’s not what I am suggesting.” His eyebrows remain furrowed. “What I do mean is that he does not bring you any benefit.” He continues in a monotone. “Why must you listen to him with the same attention and interest as you listen to me?”
Ah, I see. Henry is jealous.
“Is this jealousy?” I ask attempting desperately to restrain the slight smile forming on my face. 
“You are mistaken.” He ‘corrects’ me sharply, raising his eyebrows.  “I am merely stating that I see no point in your interactions with Richard when you could gain much more from being in my presence.”
I raise a sceptical eyebrow. He acts as if I wouldn’t mourn his death in the same way Achilles mourned Patroclus’, with rage and violence.
Words are imperfect communication devices, so I pull him down by the back of his neck and press my lips against his in a pleasant normality. I feel him slightly relax against me, his hand resting on my neck.
“Henry,” I mumble as we part, forcefully stretching our souls apart. I remove his glasses and place them down next to us and his forehead naturally falls against mine “you know better than to have such doubts.”
“I do.” He mumbles back, not bothering to deny his feelings anymore. “However, it proves to be quite difficult to not have them when-” He stops considering his words. “When you plague me so. There is no day or night in which your existence takes mercy on me and does not destroy the little rationality I have left.” He lowers himself down on the bed next to me. “You inexplicably and absurdly manage to be and eradicate my sanity.” He sighs. “And it certainly does not help when you look at Richard with the same eyes you look at me.” Henry mutters.
My hand finds his and I chuckle. “I’d argue I look at him with entirely different eyes.” At my comment, Henry raises an amused eyebrow. “Perhaps you’ll stop seeing shadows where there are none.”
That is all he needs to defeat his insomnia in my arms once again and to fall prey to sleep’s vicious grasp his body indistinguishable from mine under the sheets, sharing one breath.
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jae-bummer · 1 year
You Found Me
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Request: Hey can I get Han or Bang Chan for soulmate AU? Thanks
14) Soulmate AU
Whenever your soulmate sings, you can hear their voice singing in your head.
Pairing: Stray Kids Han x Reader
Genre: Fluff
"All the problems and lot of things," you sang quietly to yourself. Plopping another t-shirt onto the clean laundry pile, you picked up a pair of socks. "Make me fool nal geopjaengiro mandeureotji."
"Dude," your roommate, Sam coughed, looking up from her own laundry. "Did you just switch languages mid-sentence?"
Blinking up at her, you paused for a moment, trying to block the lyrics scrolling through your mind. "Uh yeah, I think so."
"You think so?" she asked, quirking a brow.
Shaking your head in an attempt to clear the brain fog, you dropped the remaining laundry you were holding. "I'm pretty sure they're Korean?"
"The words? The singer?"
"The soulmate," you nodded.
It had been nearly a month since you had first heard the voice. Normally when a young adult reported that they were hearing voices that weren't their own, it was cause for concern. In this instance, it had been seen as completely normal.
You had finally synced with your soulmate. And man, he was intent on singing.
"Is it always in Korean?" Sam asked.
"Not always," you hummed. "Sometimes it's in English. Occasionally it's babbling nonsense."
Your roommate could only lift her brows in response.
"Don't get me wrong!" you gasped. "It's a great voice. Just a lot of...eh...weird self-expression."
"Have you been trying to figure out who it is?"
"I've been keeping a journal," you nodded. "Songs I've heard and when I hear them."
"Excellent," she whispered, rubbing her hands together. "Get me the journal and my phone. Your girl got some googling to do."
"I can buy myself flowers," Han sang, pulling his bag over his shoulder. "Write my name in the saaaand."
"Didn't know what a big Miley fan you were, Hannie," Chan laughed, packing his own bag as the two of them were leaving the studio.
"My soulmate is," Han sighed. "And they've apparently really been going through it."
"Any idea who the lucky guy or gal is?"
"Well, it's not any of you," Han muttered. "So at least there's that."
"I know, Lee Know didn't talk for a week when he found out," Chan grinned.
Han rolled his eyes before laughing. "He sang loudly AT me for days. He just couldn't believe it."
"You guys are soulmates," Chan shrugged. "I guess it's just in a different way."
"Apparently," Han grumbled. "But I don't even know where to start. I've thought about buying a corkboard and red string."
"Conspiracies and detective work aside," Chan sighed. "I think it may be up to them to find you."
"But what if I'm being too discreet!" Han gasped.
"Not a word I would associate with you, mate."
"What makes you think I'm so easily found?" Han grumbled as they finally started to leave the building. "I'm mysterious!"
"Also not a word I would use, but we've literally been on tour for months."
"So maybe we're forced to sing a certain set of songs in a certain order every couple of days! That doesn't mean anything!" Han said, throwing his arms in the air.
"Do you even listen to yourself when you speak?" Chan laughed.
"How do I ever expect them to find me?" Han whined, completely disregarding his older member.
"Something tells me they will," Chan nodded. "And you'll likely be shocked and act like this conversation never happened."
"I've got him!" Sam gasped. "Well...kind of."
"What do you mean kind of?" you moaned, flopping on the couch beside them.
"Technically I've got eight options, but it's looking a lot better than almost 8 billion."
"How in the world did you narrow it down to eight options?" you muttered.
"Well," she began. "I took the list of songs you had been writing down, and I assume you noticed, there's a pattern."
"The same twenty or so songs showing up every day for like three months, yeah," you said, shaking your head. "They're going through something."
"Or they're performing concerts."
"I'm sorry, what?" you asked, lifting your brows.
"Stray Kids. Homie is a member of Stray Kids," Sam smiled matter-of-factly.
Of course, you knew who Stray Kids were. At this point they were 80% of the music that was floating around in your head. You had just assumed your soulmate was a superfan and had inadvertently made you one as well.
You narrowed your eyes, incapable of believing them. "How do you know it's not just a really dedicated person who's been following them to each tour date?"
"Across three continents?" your roommate lifted her brows. "Multiple cities that are hours and hours away from each other?"
"I meaaan," you hummed. "Wealthy people do exist in this world."
"Yeah," Sam nodded. "But the much more logical thought is-"
"That my soulmate is a Korean idol?" you coughed. "Do you realize how ridiculous you sound?"
"Well," she grinned again, tapping at their phone excitedly. "I guess there's only one way to find out."
Han leaned over the table, attempting to make eye contact with Chan for what had to have been the tenth time. Finally growing impatient with the older member, he started to smack the table.
All seven of his other members instantly turned in his direction, various expressions of curiosity and irritation on their faces.
"They're here," he nearly shrieked.
"Well, that sounded ominous," Felix muttered, turning back to the album he was signing.
"Who's where?" Chan asked, shaking his head. He looked apologetically up at the fan waiting to speak with him.
"My soulmate," Han whispered in a total non-whisper.
Chan furrowed his brows. "How do you know?"
"Every single song they've played during the signing," Han continued. "I've heard it."
"Uhhh..."Chan trailed, his face totally blank. "Yeah, we all have."
"No!" Han gasped, frustrated. "I mean, I've heard it with my own ears, but I've heard it without my ears too."
"Han, look-"
"I hear their voice," Han finally finished. "My own brain and then their voice. It's all very complicated."
Chan smirked. "Didn't I say they would find you?"
"I don't know how," Han muttered.
Rolling his eyes, Chan turned back to face the fan waiting for him.
You took a deep breath as you stepped onto the stage. You would be ushered into a seat directly across from every Stray Kids member momentarily, and this thought alone made you feel queasy.
When Sam had prepared a full trip to Korea with tickets for a fan sign event, you had hoped to go in with a better plan than what you two had agreed on. Awkwardly singing in front of every member was the only way she felt like you could narrow down the candidates. After five different heated discussions about it, you finally conceded to her points. Now was the time to suck it up and do the damn thing.
Taking a step forward, a staff member directed you to your first member, Bang Chan. You tried to keep your fluttering heart under control as you took your seat. It was difficult not to daydream about each boy when you had no idea which one would be yours. Smiling shyly at him, you prepared yourself for what you figured would be an inevitable let down.
"Hi, I'm Y/N," you smiled. "Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too!" Chan grinned easily. He began to sign your album before looking up again.
You felt your heart skip a beat as his eyes met yours, but there was nothing beyond that. No spark, no lights, no birds singing Ave Maria.
Swallowing loudly, you launched into what still sounded like a terrible plan.
"Why do I keep getting attracted...jaseok gachi kkeullyeoga," you sang. "I cannot explain this reaction."
"Case 143?" Chan grinned, flipping to the page you had marked in your album. "Stuck in your head today?"
"Yes," you said breathlessly. "Has it been stuck in yours?"
Furrowing his brows, Chan shook his head. "I've actually had a new song we've been working on in my head most of the morning."
"Right," you said, gracefully accepting defeat. "You guys are working on a new album, right?"
"You didn't hear it from me," he smiled.
Nodding politely through the rest of the conversation, you tried to enjoy it as much as you could. You now knew that Chan wasn't your soulmate and that was okay. He was still a wonderful person that was more than worth talking to.
Up next was Felix. Settling into your seat, you could feel your heart begin to soften all over again. Felix was gorgeous and the instant wink he gave you was enough to halt your breathing. This had to be the worst otome game ever.
"I'm Y/N," you nodded. "It's nice to meet you."
"And you!" Felix hummed, busy signing your album. "How are you today?"
"I'm doing very well, thank you," you answered, already prepared to rip off the band aid. "I've had one of your songs stuck in my head all morning."
"Oh yeah? Which one?"
"Why do I keep getting attracted...jaseok gachi kkeullyeoga," you sang a little more confidently. "I cannot explain this reaction."
Felix looked up. His expression was amused but held no sign of recognition. You took a deep sigh before nodding to yourself. At this point, it was almost a relief to get this part over with.
"One, four, three," a voice to the left of Felix sounded both in front of you and independently in your head. "I love you."
Looking over with wide eyes, you made instant eye contact with the singer. Han. You felt like the wind had been knocked out of you and judging by his expression, he had felt the same.
"Oh, come on," Felix joked. "You'll have them in front of you in a minute. Don't steal my time with Y/N."
Han, obviously not listening, stood for a moment before sitting back down again. His eyes remained on yours as he reached across the table and took your hands. Slowly pulling you toward the empty seat in front of him, you thought you would burst into tears. The stupid plan had really worked.
"Yah!" Felix gasped, directing a glare at Han. Out of your periphery, you could see Chan smack his arm and shake his head. The leader had easily picked up on what was happening.
"You found me," Han said slowly, lifting his hand to touch your cheek, but halted his fingers from actually making contact. His handsome face was full of a wonder that set your head spinning. He acted like you were a mirage in front of him, something that was too good to be true.
"It took me awhile to figure out where to look," you admitted. It was suddenly difficult to catch your breath. Glancing to Han's still extended hand, you chose to lift your own and lace your fingers together.
Han looked to your entwined hands as if it was a new and exciting discovery. What a novel idea, to hold hands so easily with someone you're meant to be with forever. "Because I'm so mysterious right? And discreet?"
You grinned, feeling a warmth flood your face. "I wouldn't say that, no."
Han grinned as well, completely entranced. "I've heard your voice for weeks, but it sounds so amazing in person."
"Sorry," you said with a wince. "I know I'm not the best singer."
"Neither am I," he laughed.
"Yeah right!"
"Seriously! I would take hearing your voice over mine any day."
"Well," you said quietly. "Now I guess you're stuck hearing it."
"Not stuck," he said, shaking his head vehemently. "Stuck means I don't want to be here. But right now? There is no place I would rather be."
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bangchansgirlsblog · 11 months
Warning: hurt/fluff, stutter, insecurity, bullying
Pairing: Chan x reader
Summary: You have a stutter and you’re getting better.
Enjoy! 😆
"I-I w-would like to-to say thank y-you to the s-stay that stuck w-with us t-through all t-the ups and downs when...when t-things we're hard. T-this is for all of us-of you," I manage to say into the mic. I was clearly nervous, this was the first time speaking in public and an award show was honestly very intimidating.
Everyone cheers and Chan gives his last speech before we all go backstage to prepare for our performance.
"You did so well out there Y/nie!" Changbin boasts. He wraps his hands around me in a hug while everyone else is talking or getting their makeup fixed.
"Y-you really think s-so?" I smile and look up at him. Happy that I was able to make him proud. They had been trying to get me to talk a lot more and be involved in interviews, radio stations or shoes in general and this was the first big step.
"Yes I do! I'm so proud of you!" He exclaims and carries me in a spin. I laugh and yelp trying to fidget out of his grip knowing he wouldn’t let go unless I wrestled him.
Chan walks over to the both of us. A big smile caused by me and Changbin. Once Changbin releases me and gets distracted by Han throwing a ball at him. Chan gives me a kiss before spinning me around like in the movies. I let out a small squeal and giggle at this.
"I'm happy with what you did out there and I’m so proud baby."
"W-well when you asked s-so nicely I had too. Did-did I s-stutter a lot?" I ask him tilting my head. Slightly nervous that no one understood what I was saying. He shakes his head no.
"Nope, you did amazing and do you know what you get?" I look at him confused. Wondering.
"A treat later tonight," he whispers in my ear causing me to turn red and flustered. Butterflies flattering in my stomach.
"O-oh I-I...umph...C-Chan!" I exclaim and smack him. He was towering over me and smirking. He lets out a small chuckle, amused Ofcourse.
“What? You know you-“
"We are on in 10!" A producer yells. I feel myself jump a little due to the loud voice. A normal thing that happens whenever loud sounds came out of no where.
"Hey…are the hiccups still really bad?" He frowns at me but I shake my head no.
“Stop calling them hiccups Chan?” I playfully shove him. "O-only when it's really loud and there's a lot of people b-but now it's n-not as bad." I explain to him while playing with the hand that was in mine.
"Okay my love, just remember whenever you feel overwhelmed tell me okay?" He slightly relaxes.
"Yes I-I will Channie," I smile and give him another kiss.
The venue was really packed and they were a lot of people around us but we seemed to always be in our own little world, drowning all the sounds.
His face smooth and shiny. His hair neatly put together, his ear peace dangling around his neck and eyeshadow put perfectly round his eyes. Looking at him and admiring his beauty.
I let out a gasp suddenly when I remember something that I had to tell him. I was excited and very much filled with so much joy, I had to tell him right there and then.
"C-Chan I-I got us t-tickets t-to a-a s-show a-at- ugh..." I sigh frustrated failing to speak a normal thing when I was extremely happy.
He frowns then rubs my knuckles,
"Hey it's okay take your time and breathe no rush, just breathe." His face turns into a worried look. Making me feel guilty but I nod and take a breath.
"I-I got us t-tickets for a s-how I-in new y-York when we-we got there!" He smile widens.
"You see there you go. Now this show you speak of…. Am I allowed to know what it is? Or is it a suprise? Hm pretty girl?"
"S-suprise! But y-you'll know soon." I smile and he kisses my forehead for the 100th time that day.
"I'm excited I can't wait!" He beams.
"Alright people! Let's go! Let's go!" The producer yells at all of us and we walk towards the stage.
"Good luck everyone!" Chan says,
"G-good luck Chan!" I say back before we make our way on stage hearing thousands of people screaming.
When we go on stage we perform a few songs. Ofcourse I didn't stutter because whenever I did sing it didn't come but it only happened when I was really upset or just talking in general.
The permformace was 15 minutes long until we could get offstage.
Ofcourse everyone said thank you to the dancers and crew then we made it backstage when we changed into more comfy clothes so we could go home.
"I think that today we should celebrate Y/n! For getting on stage and giving her speech!" Han yells excitedly in the car.
"O-oh n-no no n-no, we-we shouldn't!" I cover my face shyly and Chan chuckles.
"We should babe, come on! I'm so proud of you!"
"O-okay but n-no drinking," I wave at all of them and they laugh.
"Okay no drinking!" Seungmin says,
We go to a restaurant near by and the waiter comes over. The place was empty, thanks to Changbin, he was able to find a quiet place.
We all hated loud places after concerts or shows because our bodies are very much drained.
She was blonde and really pretty. Her eyes lit up when she saw everyone.
"Oh my God!" She squeals, "you guys are straykids!" She screams. Quite literally. I see Chan move uncomfortably. The boys too.
"Yeah we are, um can you do us a favor. Don't tell anyone we're here." He asks politely.
"Ofcourse! Ofcourse! Can I please have an autograph?"
"Maybe after we're done with dinner yeah?" Leeknow steps in.
"Thank you so much! And oh my God Y/n! I saw you on tv today! This is the first time we've seen you talking in public! We didn't know you stutter! That’s new…" She says almost in a mocky way.
I look up at her and give her a nervous smile. Trying to forget her tone.
"Y-yeah I-i have a stutter-"
"How come you sing so well tho? Aren't you like damaged good in the entertainment industry?"
"Excuse me?" Chan steps in obviously offended on my behalf.
"Can you do your job instead of making fun of her?" I.N also steps in looking pissed as well.
"I-it's o-okay g-guys. A-and n-no i-I'm...." I trail away frustrated and huffing at the fact that my body and brain can’t even defend myself without going all out of control.
"Can I speak to your manger?" Chan says harshly causing the girl to take a step back.
"O-oh um yes sure!" She leaves looking terrified while everyone looks at me.
"I-it's o-okay g-guys I-its n-normal!" I smile half heartedly and they give me a worried look. Chan’s hand wrapping around me, pulling me closer to his side.
"Ignore her please. She's a bitch for that." Felix says trying to comfort me.
I just nod my head and look down at my hands that were playing with Chan's.
"I love you," he whispers. "We'll talk about it later yeah?" I just nod. Refusing to Speak now.
The manager comes over and they all complain about the lady and Ofcourse since we were idols they fired her straightaway and gave us a new waiter plus our meal was free.
She took our orders one my one and when she came to me she was so nice.
"Hey ma'am, what would you like to eat?" She smiles.
I look over at Chan who just tells her my order and she walks away.
The night consisted everyone having fun and laughing but I couldn't help but feel insecure. So I kept quiet. Letting out a giggle here and there but refusing to speak more than 4 lines.
"Should we head home?" Chan asks everyone and we all agree and get into the cars that were parked outside.
When we get to the dorms we all say our good nights and I head to our room. I try and avoid Chan because I just knew he would want to talk about the restaurant incident.
I quickly get into the shower and when I’m out he’s laying on the bed scrolling through his phone. His black sweatpants on and no shirt.
I make my way to my vanity and sit down.
"Hey baby, you good?" Chan asks sitting up our bed.
I just nod and continue removing my makeup. I hear a sigh and instantly feel guilty again.
"Talk to me please, I know you're upset." His voice is low and slow.
"I-I...n-no," I quickly shut down when I see the stuttering getting worse.
"Baby, come here." He says softly. I walk over to him and sit by his side refusing to fight the fact that I need him. I need his touch.
His hands wrap around my waist and I sit between his legs.
"Remember what I told you? That if anyone mentions anything about your stuttering..?"
"T-that I s-should tell them I-it’s cause I-I'm s-special in m-my own way." I softly say looking up at him.
"They are many people looking up at you, many kids that have the same stutter that love you and look at you as a role model. Show them that you are. Show them that if you can do it they can do."
His touch is soft as he carreses my cheek.
"B-but I-I c-Chan I-it's...ugh!" I exclaim frustrated again.
"Take your time my love, breathe and concentrate,"
"I hate it," I softly say and he frowns wiping the tears that fell.
"You shouldn't because at the end of the day it's the way you react to the situation that matters right?"
"Yeah," I sigh,
"So if you decided not to go for that audition because you had a stutter or if you gave up halfway through because of it, would you be here right now?"
"Then a bunch of nobodies shouldn’t affect you okay?"
He was right, I shouldn’t allow a few people to bring me down. I was already learning to be confident.
"Y-yeah, t-thank you Channie. For l-loving me the way I am,"
"You don't need to thank me baby and remember whenever you struggle saying things,"
"Just breathe and concentrate,"
I smile when he kisses my cheek.
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mustainegf · 6 months
hi! I was wondering if you could do an angst/smut with mop Era james? Like reader and james are friends and she gets upset with him being with groupies and she finally tells him how she feels one night during an argument and then it leads to them having rough sex?
First of all, I love the non-anonymous confidence
And when I tell you I screamed when I read this, how do you come up with something this good…
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I was in a particularly bad mood today.
James was off being an asshole rockstar, yet I still came to his shows, showed him all the support in the world. It was getting on my nerves.
Why did I do it? Maybe because I was stubborn, told myself it would be fine. Or maybe it was the feeling I got deep in my stomach whenever he looked at me. It was all stupid, I mean, my best friend? Really?
And that's what happened when I arrived in his dressing room tonight. I walked in, and there he was, kissing some sleazy chick on the cheek and shooing her away and out the same door I had just walked through. I hated groupies.
James watched me with a dumb smile for a second, but mine was stone cold serious. "You're pathetic, James," I shook my head as I stared back.
He shrugged and kept smiling like he wasn't the one who had been kissing some random girl.
"What do you want me to do about it huh? I ain't gonna turn down sex," he grinned. How did he not fully understand that these ladies were crazy?
"This is what I mean, James," I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms.
"They are groupies, they don't care, their only mission is to get into your pants." He shook his head like this was some sort of game. "Whatever, I'm tired of you sleeping around," I snapped, a bit louder than before.
"Oh please, get the fuck over it. I don't see why it's your problem anyways." James' tone had switched to sharp and lethal, now stabbing back at me.
He stood up, looking more frustrated now. "It's my problem because you make it my problem! All I ever hear about is these sluts!" I retorted.
I knew it sounded ridiculous. It was him I didn't want in the hands of another woman, but the more he went around doing that, the more jealousy started to bubble up inside me. I hated it.
"Well, grow the fuck up, then," he snarled, throwing his hands in the air. "God, do you know how many women try to come after me?" He stopped pacing and turned to me. "And you expect me to just say no?"
His voice cracked and I could tell he was angry.
Angry at me. "All you ever do is fuck around with these whores! It's gross." I shot him a disgusted look.
"Why the fuck are you so pissed about this?" James shook his head, he had daggers for eyes and they were carving into my skull.
"That sex doesn't mean shit to me, it's meaningless. So I don't get why you have your panties in a knot," he added.
Without thinking about my words, they had already been thrown back at him. "Because I like you, James!" I shouted. And I did. "And all you do it fuck these groupies and toss me to the side!"
The veins on his neck popped out, and his jaw clenched. James was turning red. This was a mistake. "You what?" He asked, now taken aback.
I didn't respond, I was too embarrassed of what I had admitted. I'd sworn to never tell him.
"And you're jealous of the groupies?" He smirked down at me. Well shit, I hadn't made things much better.
My lack of an answer prompted his next movements. James reached past me, swiftly shutting the door and locking it.
"Ja-" before I could finish, he motioned to the opposite side of the room. "On the couch. Now." He demanded.
I was shocked, and slightly turned on by the tone of his voice. "What'd I tell you?" He said darkly.
I complied, stepping over to the couch. I looked back at him, waiting for his response. I had followed close behind, watching me like a hawk.
"Don't act stupid. Turn around," he smirked.
That word alone should have put me on edge, but it did the exact opposite. For whatever reason, it did something to me. I slowly turned around, planting my hands against the back of the couch.
"Jealous of the groupies huh? You think I give them good sex? No. I'll show you what I don't give 'em." His dominant words made the warmth between my legs flutter.
"Keep your hands there." He ordered. As if I would have moved them anyway. His heavy footsteps approached. My heart skipped a beat.
I knew he was going to touch me. I wanted him to.
The way he was standing there, his chest heaving, told me how wound up he was. A shudder ran through me. Before I knew it, his hand cupped my ass and he squeezed.
God, his large hand was so perfect. It felt amazing.
I let out a small moan. "So sensitive, huh?" He teased. "You think I didn't want to do this? Of course you've gotta tease me with these tight fuckin jeans all the time.."
He chuckled lowly, both his hands grazing down my waist. "You know I pretend to fuck you whenever I'm with a groupie?" He ran a hand down my back.
I shivered at his touch. "You think I haven't wanted to make you mine since I met you?" His words were only arousing me more.
James reached around my hips, unbuttoning my jeans.
He hastily pulled them down, exposing my white laced panties.
I wiggled when he got them off, kicking my feet free from them. "Fuck, you're sexy," James growled.
He wasted no time, pulling my shirt up my torso. I let him have his way. I couldn't help it. If he wanted to undress me, I wouldn't fight it. I needed this.
Hell, I needed everything from him.
He stood back up, taking in every inch of me. The look in his eyes... he wanted to devour me. He wasn't done yet either. Next came my bra. He easily peeled it off, letting it drop to the floor, along with my jeans.
I was completely bare, except for my sneakers and socks, which I was already kicking off. I Looked back at him as he took in the sight of my body. He had this look on his face. Like he was starving.
Before I knew it, his hand came down on my ass, leaving a red sting. "All for me," James snarled.
"James.." I let out a breathy moan.
I felt so exposed, James was still completely dressed.
I Loved that he was in control. At least for now.
When I heard the sound of the zipper, my breath caught. "I'll make you regret ever yelling at me. I bet you'd like that huh? Good you're such a dirty girl..." he scoffed.
But his words sent shivers down my spine. Just the thought of James doing all these things to me was enough to send me spiraling.
"Put that mouth to use, say something. Maybe then I'll think about giving you what you want," he panted. Just as he spoke I could feel him slap his cock over my ass. My legs were already a trembling mess.
"You want it, don't you? Admit it," he bit out. "Yes. Yes please," I blurted. "That's it, say it again." He demanded. "Please, I want it."
"Louder, who do you want?" he growled. "I want you!"
James laughed softly. "I bet you say that shit when you touch yourself yeah?" He teased my opening with his tip, running it through my soaking folds, making me flinch.
"You think I talk to those other sluts like this?" He pushed just the tip into me, forcing a throaty moan out of me. "No... because you're mine, my slut."
He growled. He pushed into me again, this time going deeper. I couldn't contain my cry anymore. I threw my head back, letting my emotions run wild.
I needed this. Needed him. I needed James to fill me.
"Deeper James.." I begged him softly, my face smushed into the back of the couch.
"Like this?" he murmured, as he started to thrust. "Yes! Please." I cried.
"God, you're tight," he groaned, bottoming out.
I whimpered. This was so much better than my fingers. So much better than anything. I never would have imagined I would enjoy being taken like this. "Holy fuck, you feel good," he moaned.
His fingers found my clit, and he began rubbing in small circles. "Oh, God yes!" He pounded mercilessly. It hurt, but it was a good kind of pain.
His Rough and calloused hands squeezed hard on the flesh of my ass. "That's it baby.."
he cooed. His voice alone sent shivers down my spine. "Come on, I can feel you getting wetter," he rasped.
"Let me hear those pretty noises. How about that, hmm?" he taunted me. "Scream for me. Make everyone in this building know you're mine."
I could hardly form a thought, all I could focus on was the feeling of his veiny length stretching me to my limit. "James!" I screamed. It almost sounded pornographic.
In that moment, I became someone else. Someone reckless, daring, and desperate for more. The only thing that mattered was how he made me feel. It was that simple.
"Fuck, you're so wet," he grunted. "Yeah, scream for me. Let go of all those pent-up feelings. Come on, show me what a good little slut you are." I let out a low guttural moan.
"Harder James... I'm gonna cum!" I pleaded, my mind fraying.
"That's it, cum for me, let go." He groaned. "Cum for me." I was at his mercy, he had me at his will.
"James!" I screamed, my entire body tensing.
I came undone at the seams. My walls pulsated around him, milking his shaft. "Fuck!" he yelled.
"Yes!" He shouted as he buried himself deep inside of me. I collapsed at the feeling, but James caught me, holding me to his bare chest as he finished.
I could feel him painting my insides, claiming every inch of me as his own. "James.." I whispered, laying my head back on his shoulder. I buried my hand in his long blonde hair, a few strands sticking to the sweat on his face.
We sat there breathing heavily, I could feel his seed drip out of me as he pulled out. "You know I love you right?" James smiled awkwardly at me.
"I do now," I said in a breathy tone. "And I love you too." A Dark pink crept to his cheeks as he looked at me.
"You promise not to sleep with groupies anymore?" I chuckled softly.
"Why would I fuck a groupie when I have you baby?"
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aroaceconfessions · 1 year
It's been well over a year since I started questioning what my feelings are towards a friend of mine.
We met two years ago and I had a feeling we'd be fast friends with how many interests we have, on top of being queer. It's like we were just meant to cross paths with each other. Last winter, we got closer as we were both going through a lot and it was almost rare for us to not be seen interacting with each other. We started giving each other platonic terms of endearment and everything - something which we still call each other today and I blush anytime she calls me by one of them. She even popped a question about whose last name we would take unless we'd do a hybrid, and proceeded to spend part of a call throwing ideas around.
I think about all of it and how important she is to me and I don't know what I'm completely feeling anymore. I don't know if my feelings are just very, very deeply platonic and it's not romantic at all or I crossed that line a long time ago and I might have fallen head over feet for her.
Even if I don't entirely know where my head is, what I do is that she brings out the best in me and I don't feel nearly as afraid to be vulnerable around her.
Whenever she tells me she's free and up to hang out, I drop everything and trip over myself to get set up because I don't want to waste a moment with how hectic her schedule can be. She could talk to me about paint swatches she got that day and I'd be just as delighted and engaged like it were any other day. She could sing and play music, and it would melt all my troubles away. Nothing she could talk about or show me wouldn't interest me. When I'm around her I feel safe beyond words and even if I'm going through it, her presence, even online, is so healing. We tell each other how much we love and appreciate one another, and are there to uplift the other and make them feel noticed and special. If she ever lost her health insurance, I'd marry her in an instant so she doesn't have to go without - no strings attached.
And it's not romantic at all... right? I.. I don't know.
I want to hold her hand. I want to rest my head on her shoulder. I want to fall asleep next to her on her couch after a long movie night marathon. I want to take her stargazing. I want to go on adventures with her. I want to make her feel like she's the most important and radiant person in the world, like the only one I can see or focus on is her. I want to make her feel safe the same way I feel undeniably safe with her. I want to feel this way all the time if I can. But I don't want really anything sexual out of it. I don't see or think about her like that and I'm not sure how I'd feel if she ever said something like that about me.
I feel like a part of me is missing when she's not around and it simultaneously makes me overly emotional thinking about it and also shit your pants scared that I'm one awkward conversation away from making her question if our friendship was ever real and not a front for me to come onto her if I try to have a heart to heart conversation about how much she truly means to me. We've always had deep, meaningful, heart to hear conversations before... but this one could break me. She's been one of the few good things to come into my life and losing that... I don't think my heart could handle it.
... but it's not romantic at all... right?
Submitted June 29, 2023
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viviennevermillion · 2 years
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Comforting him after a nightmare
notes: reposting bc I’m deleting my archived sideblogs. i no longer write fem!reader
contains: azul ashengrotto x fem!reader
warnings: mentions and descriptions of bullying, trauma
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Azul hated the fact that even after all this time, years after he had left that past behind, he still had occasional nightmares about the bullying in his childhood. After all, it’s been so long. He should be over it right? But they still throw him off and make him uncomfortable whenever they happen.
As he said after his overblot, he still remembers everything, the faces of those who had wronged him, the things they said to him, their grins when they made fun of him. It still sent a shiver down his spine whenever he thought of it.
Azul barely ever shows how much his past still affects him but there are days when it’s really bad. So whenever he wakes up from one of his nightmares, not only was he feeling restless and sad, but he knew it would most likely trigger another stressful workday full of toxic thoughts he had to push down constantly. Another day of getting spiteful whenever he encountered someone who didn’t have to go through pain like he did. Another day of that uncomfortable paranoia and anxiety nipping at the back of his mind whenever he heard customers in Mostro Lounge laugh together. Were they making fun of him? What if word got out about his true form?
Azuls nightmare was awful. In the dream he was back in his octopus pot, peaking out onto the merchildren who just wouldn’t leave despite him telling them to go away. He just wanted to “recharge” and calm down in his pot, he was at his limit, how did they not understand that? How could they be this cold?
He heard the words again that were ingrained in his mind: “stupid, clumsy octopus.”
He had the insults memorized so well, hearing any of those three words usually made images of the past pop up in his thoughts.
The worst part was that the nightmare was so vivid. Azul could remember every detail of it once he woke up. Those laughs and grins that sent a shiver down his spine. How his octomer body pressed against the back of his pot and his heart was thumping in his chest in fear that they would come closer and not just stand outside of the pot. He was crying heavily in the dream. They made fun of his tears. Azul had wondered if they were aware of the pain he was feeling. If they understood what they were doing to him. If they wanted to push him until he would break.
He remembered all of the insults. About his weight. About his tentacles. About his crying. About the sole fact that he existed. And sometimes those people had told him that the world would be better off without him. The first thing he had heard on his 11th birthday when he came to school was one of the kids saying they hoped he would be eaten by a sea monster.
Azul had felt so trapped in his past that he kept forgetting that he was now free to make his own choices without the threat of humiliation lurking around every corner.
He had hated the bullies with a passion. He didn’t identify with anything about them. All he had ever wanted was to prove that he was more than the role they had forced him into and to be free from the cage they had trapped him in for a big portion of his childhood.
So when the children in his nightmare morphed into his overblot form, Azul jerked awake in cold sweat, sobbing heavily. Had he become everything he never wanted to be?
He thought back to the contracts he had made and all he had taken from others. From so many people. Sure, some of them were the bullies from his childhood. But others of them he didn’t even know. They could have gone through similar things as he did and yet he chose to exploit their weaknesses and take what they valued from them when he should have used his power and status to protect them. To make sure something like this never happened to anyone else as long as Azul had anything to say about it. “I have failed myself”, he thought.
It was the first time after the overblot the realization really hit him. That he had this big amount of guilt washing over him. Had he become no better than the bullies of his past? “Am I-….am I a horrible person?”, he whispered between his sobs.
Y/n, who was still awake and had been watching Cater Diamonds new video upload “5 easy recipes for a perfect Unbirthday Party (feat. Trey)” on Magicame, immediately stopped everything as soon as Azul had woken up. She put a hand on his shoulder asked him what was wrong.
When Azul had finished telling her about the nightmare, she pulled him into her arms and Azul was sobbing into her shoulder.
It was rare seeing him this vulnerable. It wasn’t like he hadn’t warmed up to her over time and talked about what bothered him, however he usually did it with his poker face on and a good amount of well-acted emotional distance.
“I probably have no right to complain about what happened to me after all I’ve done…that would be hypocritical”, he said and sighed, still sniffing. Y/n gently grabbed his chin and made him look at her. She laid a hand on his cheek and wiped away his tears with her thumb. “Hey….wanting to be better than the people who hurt you despite the wrongs you have done not too long ago doesn’t make you a hypocrite. It makes you someone who can learn from his mistakes and strive to become better”, she said.
Azul wrapped his arms around her neck and rested his head on her shoulder. For a while they remained like this in silence. Y/n gently massaged the knuckles on his hands and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
After a while Azul stopped crying and his breaths became calmer. Y/n was running her fingers through his hair (also I’d like to note here that I headcanon Azuls hair looks extremely messy when he wakes up) and it helped him relax a lot.
They talked about Azuls worries for at least an hour and a half, in fact this was probably the most open Azul has ever been with y/n so far, and he thanked her for being there with him. Secretly he always doubted she was really that willing to put up with him and his issues. But right now he just gave her a weak smile.
“I just want to curl up in an octopus pot”, he sighed then. “Then do that”, y/n insisted, “if it makes you feel better. You have a busy day ahead of you. You need to get some sleep.”
But Azul didn’t want her to see his octopus form just yet. He didn’t feel ready for that. And even though she kept assuring him that he was beautiful no matter what form he took, she understood he needed time to heal and become comfortable with his true form.
So that’s how the two of them ended up cuddled up in Azuls octopus pot in complete darkness. Occasionally she could feel one of his tentacles strive her arm and she wondered what his true form looked like. Out of respect for Azul she didn’t even consider turning on the light of her phone.
She knew tomorrow morning he would go back to putting on his “Let’s make a deal” face and act like he hadn’t been a sobbing mess last night, but that was just how things were for him currently. Growth didn’t happen overnight and Azul had a long way ahead of him before he could truly leave the past behind and become more open around people. Moments like these were very rare with him and y/n knew he would probably have doubts and regrets about opening up like this plaguing him tomorrow. But for now he just needed someone to be there for him. Small steps, y/n thought, he’s going to get there.
For now she just smiled when she noticed Azul had fallen asleep on the pillow he had put in her lap.
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Scythe chapter 16-20!!
Ayy we’re backk!! Let’s just get started shall we?
Chapter 16!!
-oh god the elegy—
-“Could you imagine me as a teenager?” OH YES I CAN OHOHO
-This also shows how much power scythes and especially Goddard has
-And also shows how bad of a scythe Goddard is as well
-Scythe Curie makes a good point that also relates to the toll, in which it doesn’t matter if they kill Goddard or anyone like him because another with the same ideology will always come along without fail
-this chapter didn’t have much but it IS good so ykyk
Chapter 17!!
-Rowan instinctively trying to protect Citra!!!
-it makes sense for most disabilities to be nonexistent but that doesn’t mean I have to like it :/ like idk why the way it’s done is just :// especially as a disabled person myself
-The way the describe Faraday’d death is already suspicious if you already know he isn’t dead but when you’re first reading it, it does make sense!
-“If I ever take on an apprentice it will be for a different reason entirely.” OHOHO I KNOW I KNOWWWW
-Again not much to say BUT still rlly good!!
Chapter 18!!!
-Part 3 begins!!
-Again I always forget the names of these places, falling water is a very pretty name!!
-Citra being angry about Faraday’s death OUGH, she’s rlly going through 5 stages of grieve style
-Could you imagine ppl in the future calling our decor and shit old fashioned? Bizarre
-I love how they make Curie instantly charming and likable with only a few scenes, good writing man!!
-What hobbies would other scythes have? I wonder…
-Fun fact, i cannot drive, tried to learn and crashed the car, oh how I wish driving wasn’t necessary like in scythe
-Giving us little notes about the comfort scythes can give
-We hear a lot about being stagnant in the Scythe universe, and like, yeah, if you were in this utopia wouldn’t you grow stagnant even quicker than most? You have nothing to do literally
-You can really feel how observant Curie is, she noticed the small details
-Jesus even Curie’s yelling scared ME and I already knew what was gonna happen! She’s rlly intimidating—
-Gotta uphold your image!!
-“Another Scythe might have exacted a punishment far worse.” *COUGH COUGH GODDARD*
-Again shit names!! Barton Breen??? What??
-20 kids,, Jesus,,
-You can Curie’s own version of compassion, it’s different from Faradays yet still wonderful
-She did find her own way of gleaning!!
-Again FUCK Goddard!!
-I do wonder what would happen if Citra was trained by Goddard instead of Rowan…
-“Immortality has turned us all into cartoons.” GOD THAT LINEE
-Amazing chapter!! Told a LOT abt Curie!!!
CHAPTER 19!!!!
-Oo!! I thought this moment happened in Thunderhead but I misremembered!!
-Tho I THINK something similar happens??? Idk maybe my memory is fuckin with me ushejdj
-ALSO DAMN CITRA!! Pushin girls in front of TRUCKS holy fuck!!!
-Hate the eating descriptions!!
-Cindy lmaoo, whenever someone whitewashes Citra im gonna call it Cindy instead <3 spite
-“err on the side of respect.” LMAO love that line
-RONDA ROADKILL IM DYINGGGGGG and so did she! (Temporarily but yk)
-“Can i throw you under a truck some other time?” She’s a busy person! I’d totally throw Citra under a truck! Would be fun!
-Morals change when theres little consequences, Citra would never even CONSIDER pushing Ronda in the mortal age, but since people can just come back it doesn’t seem like such a bad thing, it also shows how the concept of empathy and morality has changed in this society
-“the cloud” like icloud! Guess apple won in this world!
-“The machine had a purer soul than any human” NO IT DOESNT IVE SEEN AI ART YOU CANT FOOL ME!!!
-OO TIME FOR CITRA TO INVESTIGATE!! I remember LOVING this plot so!!!!
Chapter 20!!
-Rowan finally!!! I missed you!!!!!
-He doesn’t wanna kill Citra!!! The beginning of his devotion to her UGHHH
-god hes only 17, I think we forgot how young these characters are, they really are just kids being pushed into this horrible situation god,,,
-“His was a life without substance, and now it would end.” God and here we see Rowan’s iconic self deprecating “emo” moments, people make fun of these scenes a lot but I fucking love em, it really contrasts Rowan and Citra. Citra has people who love and care about her, Rowan doesn’t, he knows that (in this moment) if he died no one would really care or remember him, so when he finds Citra, someone who does care about him and would care if he died, he clings to it. I mean when you’re that neglected and want SOMEONE to care even a little about you, wouldn’t you do the same thing?
-He already wants to change things!! And he will!! He will change a lot, though not as much as his girlfriend!!
-“So is there a reason why you choose your robes to be the color of piss?” HA one of my favorite lines!!
-“the Change” god their ideology—, the fact they’re all thinking that they’re changing things for the better really shows how convincing of a man Goddard is, GOD i hate him!!!
-Ans here we have Goddard’s MANY parties
-my sensory issues would hate this
-I accidentally spelled Goddard’s name as Goodard which…Isn’t that so Ironic?
-“Bimbotech” Neal I’m BEGGING you to stop
-“Rowan wondered if the man had a diamond-studded bathing suit in his waredrobe as well.” He would because he’s a vain prick!!
-HES UNDERAGE STOP GIVING HIM ALCOHOL!! *Looking at you RAND especially ya creep—*
-“He was lucky if they even remembered to get him a gift” rowans parents man,,, He was really fucking neglected man it’s so awful, and the fact he still cares about them despite that GODDD
-See how goddard bend the rules? See how he twists them to make them fit what HE wants? Yeah, he’s gonna do that a lot; again, fuck you Goddard
-ESME!!! Shes backk!! And he’s right! She’ll be important!!
-GOD this is a good chapter, rowan my beloved!!
And that’s it!!! Next time will be chapters 21-25!! We’re going so fast aren’t we?
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super 048
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What’s that?  The Zamasu Saga doesn’t suck enough?   Well, what if we throw in some Pilaf!
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In the future, Trunks flies into a rage and attacks Goku Black for killing (ha!) Mai.  But it doesn’t work.  Black is too strong, so all Trunks can do is throw his sword like a boomerang to spoil Black’s aim, then use a Masenko to cover his escape. 
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By the time Black locates Trunks, he’s already launched the time machine, and he disappears into the past before Black can figure out what’s happened.  All he knows for sure is that Trunks is gone.
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Meanwhile, in the present day main timeline, we find this world’s Trunks doing a math class in his home.  I guess Bulma hired a tutor or something.   Also, he’s got Pilaf, Mai, and Shu taking the classes with him. 
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This is another huge problem with this arc.  In a lot of episodes, time is pissed away by having the Pillaf gang uselessly comment on whatever is happening.  We’ll see this demonstrated later, but in this scene Pilaf does a whole bit when Trunks struggles to solve a math problem.  Everything just turns into this long, drawn out nonsense whenever Pilaf is nearby, because he doesn’t understand what’s going on with the plot, and no one ever explains it to him, and yet he feels compelled to babble endlessly about it.  And the people making this show thought you really wanted to see every second of this. 
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There is a scene here which I appreciate.  I must have missed it on the first viewing in 2016, but Mai thanks Trunks for letting them live in the Capsule Corp. building.  This happened off-screen, but according to Trunks, they seemed to be having a hard time, and the house has plenty of rooms, so why not invite them to live here?  The way the Pilaf Gang have been lurking around so many major characters lately, it’s probably not much of a stretch that they ran into Trunks recently. 
The point of this, of course, is that Trunks is sweet on Kid Mai, which is meant to reflect the apparent relationship between Future Trunks and Future Mai.  This saga keeps insisting that this somehow matters, but it never leads to any profound connection.  Pilaf and Shu keep talking about it anyway, though, so that’s another tedious thing to sit through.
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While they eat lunch on the balcony, they notice the time machine arriving in the backyard, and Trunks is astonished to find his future self inside.  Of course he doesn’t realize it’s his future self just yet.  Starting out, he’s just confused by the resemblance, and he doesn’t understand why Bulma keeps calling him “Trunks” too.  Pilaf speculates that Future Trunks is actually a secret love child Bulma had long before she married Vegeta. 
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Much of this episode is an obnoxious game of telephone.  Trunks gets Pilaf to get Shu to get Bulma, who then tells Whis to tell Vegeta to tell Goku to tell Korin to get a senzu bean for Future Trunks.  This is like watching someone dial a phone in a movie.  You don’t have to show this part, dammit!
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Also, everyone keeps freaking the fuck out in this episode, which is just really annoying. 
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Oh, Korin’s playing limbo.  But he admits he doesn’t enjoy it much. 
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So Trunks finally gets his senzu bean and wakes up to see his parents and Goku.  And he attacks Goku, mistaking him for his mysterious enemy in his own timeline.  And that’s the cliffhanger. 
Oh, and Beerus and Whis tagged along, because they have absolutely nothing to do with this nonsense, and shoehorning them into a story arc is just one more bad move to add to the pile. 
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That’s a nice gazebo, though.   Gohan and Videl probably made out in there once or twice, don’t you think?  Sorry, I’m just trying to distract myself from this.
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The Kwamis are carrying this goddamn show
Hi, hello, how y’all doing, new episode but it was Halloween so I got the day off for myself ok?
Anyways I’m already seeing red flags in Passion and I don’t like it✨
So let’s start this by saying that in general this season feels very fan-servicey. I feel like after the complete absurdity that was season four and people being absolutely infuriated with the writing, the writers of miraculous scrambled to basically bring out as much fanfic-y tropes as possible to please the fandom (reversenlove square, weird completely unrealistic gadgets that shouldn’t even work, etc.) in general, I feel like miraculous got really derailed from what the original show could have been, and that they’re trying to do what should have been done so long ago so fast, that no everything feels… well really fucking sloppy I won’t lie.
But I digress, let me tell you why this connects to the episode while I review it
Natalie is fucking iconic, I love that bitch so much
Literally girl fought her entire life, and honestly I have no clue why she ever loved Gabriel, but at least now she’s realizing her worth and also beat the shit out of Gabriel, we’re all here for it.
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(Also queen, love you, but you could’ve just stolen the butterfly miraculous and given it to ladybug to solve the problem, because this show be making her so OP that she would cure everything)
And speaking of Gabriel…
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Sorry had to get that out of my system, he will forever be a cunt and I’m afraid the show is trying to pretend he’s ok
Adrien actually had lots of screentime this episode, but… most of it is him being just in love with marinette or sad about Natalie (honestly his scenes with Natalie were worlds better then this love square mess)
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Which… brings me to the reverse love square. listen. I know everyone is happy about the love square reversal and honestly, good for them, but this episode… kinda ruined it?
You see Adrien is now in love with Marinette because apparently she was always there for him and helped him through rough times? (I think that she more stalked him a lot, and just gave him half decent advice in the one episode where everyone else is dumbed down because LiLa, and at this point he should have had a restraining order on her, but ok!) which despite my opinions, I can accept. It makes sense that Adrien would fall in love with someone who is giving him the bare minimum because no one ever gives him the bare fucking minimum.
Meanwhile Marinette… basically fucking confirmed that she’s using chat noir the way she used Luka.
Everyone around this girl are like “yeah you always do this thing where whenever shit doesn’t go well with Adrien you’ll throw yourself on another person, telling yourself you love them when in reality you love how they are constantly serving and pleasing you” and she’s like “nah it’s ok I love him”
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Like. Does this bitch have no sense of self awareness? After four seasons of constantly screaming, punching, mocking, humiliating and lying to chat (which btw I don’t think has ended, but that’s a story for another day), because now she has to kinda deal with the consequences of her actions (I say kinda because the entire thing with Gabe and the miraculouses has been minimized severely, with everyone always saying it’s fine and that she’ll fix it), she starts flirting and leading him on again, because she likes how now, after all the fighting, Chat Noir is just an assistant for her, that believes he’s completely worthless without her, and will constantly obey her whims.
And doesn’t she for a second realize how awful what she’s doing is? Like I don’t know about y’all but after what she did to chat Noir, the fact she’s using him like this is so messed up and she doesn’t even want to acknowledge it.
…THIS IS SO FUCKED UPPPP!!! Like this is literally confirming that she doesn’t love Chat Noir, she’s using him, AGAIN!!! And no offense girl, I don’t care how many times the show says shes in love with Adrien, she’s obsessed with him. Right now it’s just a temporary break from him like the one she had with Luka, before she goes back to him saying she’s in love with him.
…Luka and Chat should start a club at this fucking point.
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Also speaking of, I saw what the show tried to pull this episode, on one side saying “here fandom look at this chat saved the day he’s the hero and ladybug’s the sidekick there you go” but also at the same time further emphasizing how OP the ladybug miraculous is and how no matter what, the cat follows the the ladybug leads which means that the show doesn’t screw chat noir over, no no, it’s just that the ladybug is the only right miraculous for any situation possible. Thanks I hate it.
But hey at least the Kwamis called it! Honestly Tikki and Plagg god bless, Adrien listen to your Kwami and eat cheese instead. They were honestly gems this episode, and were spitting facts and SOMEONE PAY THOSE LITTLE CUNTS FOR PUTTING UP WITH THIS SHIT IN PERSON.
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But yeah that’s the episode!
(Also the goat miraculous is fucking stupid, couldn’t Natalie have just created the locating arrows to track the heroes outside of their transformation too? SHE CAN CREATE ANYTHING GOD I HATE THIS)
Also Natalie is gay for Emilie goodnight
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summertimemusician · 1 year
*downs four mugs of extra strong coffee with a sigh* So, that new trailer huh?
Too sleep deprived to go full theorist, so instead I'll compile all of the instances/triggers I can remember for each of the Link's journeys to distract myself from from Skyward Sword because boy having patience with the emulator controls is actually driving me batty. But if I lived through Minish Cap, Zelda I, OoT and Majora's Mask then I can probably do this.
Spoilers below I suppose?
Skyward Sword Link/Sky looking for Sun after she fell from the Cloud Barrier even though he had zero idea what was going on because she's his best friend and his main childhood friend and literally killing a god for her after he hurt her with lethal intent.
Minish Cap/Four Swords (Adventures) being fully intent on vibe checking Vaati for turning his best friend into stone, stealing the Light Force from her and then kidnapping and almost marrying her against her will and succeeding, came to care for Ezlo and the Minish later on as something of a happy incident, because they've basically been with Link through all of the journey and I feel like Link helped Ezlo heal from Vaati's betrayal as a result (my headcanon is that even if the doorway is closed, him and Ezlo still kept in contact and Ezlo taught him tricks of the Minish Trade in magical items)
OoT Link lost the Deku Tree, his father figure at the literal start of the darn game, and went to fulfill his last words by meeting the princess, who then asked him for help and Link being Link wouldn't refuse (that's a fairy for another day, I have so many thoughts on these boys), then Saria, his literal childhood friend and adopted sister, being taken by Ganon and to likely a lesser extent Ruto, who I feel he would come to see as friend even with the whole marriage thing. He also cares for Navi, the entire point of Majora's Mask is that he went looking for her at the end of the game, and he came to care for Sheik who is later revealed to be Zelda so of course he was going to kill Ganon and either succeed or die trying (well, did die trying in the Fallen Timeline Branch which was technically the 'True' one, before Majora's Mask, Wind Waker and Twilight Princess were a thing and no I will not let any of you forget that technically the Hero of Time was always meant to die but kicks it in different ways depending on the timeline, give this man a BREAK, he may as well be the Odysseus of The Legend of Zelda at this rate, the powers that be keep screwing him over yeesh).
Wind Waker Link wasn't even related to the Hero's Spirit, Ganon just fucked around and found out with the wrong kid's little sister that Wind Waker Link basically made the fates and gods bend with the force of his fury to get Aryll and later on Tetra back into making him the hero just so he could throw hands with Ganon, friendly reminder he's one of two Links that actually kill the guy, and the plot of Phantom Hourglass is also related to getting his new bestie Tetra back.
Spirit Tracks Link literally only became the Hero because his Zelda asked and they became close friends and likely remained close by the end of the game, plus his mentor and likely one of his main caretakers in his youth was basically mortally wounded during that whole deal, 'nough said.
A Link to the Past Link mainly helps Zelda because it's his uncle's final request, but then later on they actually are show to be close enough for him to invest himself on her safety even without that motivation, see A Link Between Worlds and also the Linked (hah) ending of OoA and OoS. He likely also was willing to help Zelda with the wish because, even with the awful prices and freeloading and lying, he came to care for Ravio as a friend and to a lesser extent Hilda too as she was his main guide through Lorule. Plus Marin, who really was an emotional gut punch for everybody I think (read: I played Link's Awakening as a kid and whenever I go visit a beach and a friendly seagull comes by I immediately get flashbacks, I don't know how they are in y'all's places but where I'm from they're shockingly chill).
The Original Zelda's Link aka Zelda one and Zelda II's main motivation was to find the princesses, though that one is slightly shakier because we have no idea if any of them knew each other before the world basically became an apocalyptic scenario or if it was just to vibe check Ganon again, find his vibes lacking and save the land again so it could start to heal.
Twilight Princess Link had the village children (one of them basically being like his surrogate little brother in Colin) and childhood friend taken by Ganon's minions, man had no idea what was going on or even WHO Ganon was before the game mind you, he was just a farmer herding goats in Ordon, he was just determined to get his family back no matter the cost, then he came to care for Midna and the plight of her people and what Zelda was going through and was specially close to Midna, the real thing that set him off against Ganon enough to go in with lethal intent was when he thought Ganon had killed Midna, so not only was he the source of the suffering of most of the people he cared about, but he also was under the assumption one of them DIED while he couldn't do anything about it, it's no wonder he snapped so hard and was just READY to obliterate Ganon.
Cadence of Hyrule is actually an interesting case, because not only does Link go looking for Zelda when she's trapped in an eternal slumber and then comes to care for Cadence, Zelda actually goes looking for Link too if he's the one trapped, that actually gives them away as pretty close be it as friends or something else.
Hyrule Warriors, boy is it also a complicated one. Warriors Link is a soldier willing to break rank to defend his country rather than to wait around with his fellow trainees, so him and his Zelda weren't close at all before, but I can see them becoming close when Zelda breaks out the Sheik identity as there's more chances for them to fight and interact side by side and then heal after the War of Ages is over, plus Lana and Linkle, though realistically speaking, Warriors Link would probably care about all of his comrades in battle on sheer virtue of not only their time spent on the battle field but also of the after, it's easy to relate to someone who knows what it's like to suffer through the same experience, though it's very likely he'd be the closest to Zelda, Linkle and Impa after all was said and done. They'd all have pretty similar nightmares I think.
And finally BOTW because I honestly cannot remember if Link in AoC actually lost someone close to him or if it's a Hyrule Warriors situation. Boy where do I even BEGIN with this dude (I say, as BOTW has been existing rent free in my head ever since the final TOTK Trailer dropped, honestly an achievement as usually that spot is reserved for Twilight Princess and Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask), okay. First he lost his childhood friend in Mipha when the Calamity first struck, and then the other Champions whom I feel he grew close to with time (yes even Revali), likely his family as we see concept art of a sister and a father, Zelda and finally Hyrule, his life and memories, his entire identity as a person though thankfully he was nudged into getting parts of it back. And is probably going to experience that same trauma all over again in TOTK.
Any other instances and I'll add here but Tl;Dr : All of the Links (except maybe the First Hero, Hero of Men and 10.000yrs Ago Hero, though that one is unlikely if you ask me) probably have a lot of separation/abandonment issues plus very big problems with failure (see Skyward Sword Link, no thanks to you, IMPA. And also BOTW Link who probably has the worst of the bunch) or just failing people in general, and as a result are extremely protective of whoever they consider their person and most likely always need to reassure themselves they're still there and are very dedicated to them as a result, in this essay I will-
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seafoamchild · 1 year
i can hear the crickets tonight. the air has cooled off a bit, finally. it's been so hot lately and we don't have air conditioning. i haven't spent that much time in the great outdoors this summer. and that is okay, because in previous summers i've been outside a lot and done a bunch of hiking. this summer i've just been working and going to shows and seeing friends and partying.
yesterday i went to another street festival in riverwest and it was so... riverwest. misfits, punk bands, tattoos, people with no shoes, reptiles, people with mismatched shoes on. i found a fabulous skin tight dress with a slit up the side and it was sparkly blue like the rainbow fish. i tried it on and it looked so good on me that a random lady came up to take a picture.
then i wore the dress out later that night to the wine bar where one glass of wine turned into three and then we went to the tiki bar which is always a terrible idea. as soon as we got there i saw so many men staring at me in my dress. i was drinking a lot and people kept buying me shots. this happens every time i go to that goddamn place. this one older dude (who was honestly kind of hot) was very into me and being very frank about wanting to have sex with me. drunk me of course loved the attention. i love to be a tease because it makes me feel powerful in that moment, i guess. i love flirting and making men want me and then disappearing. you can want me but you can't have me. it feels almost like playing a character. i see these men eyeing me up and thinking about sex. but they don't know anything about me. they don't know how funny i am or that my favorite color is yellow or that i can speak several languages or that i've traveled all around the world. and they don't get to know.
i was thinking about how much my relationship with luke sucked. he was so unkind to me. and i really think he resented me for being well-liked and fun to be around. he could not handle having a girlfriend who was funnier and far more magnetic than he could ever be. i truly think he was jealous and that he took it out on me by invalidating my feelings whenever i was down. like "oh everything is so easy for you and everyone likes you so you have no reason to be sad". but then he would show understanding to other people who were going through depression. so it was apparently just me who wasn't allowed to be depressed. and THEN after the infamous night at Chill on the Hill when i called him out for making the evening so fucking awkward and weird and it did NOT have to be that weird, he had the audacity to say to me "you don't get to tell me how to feel". bitch what? that boy has the emotional intelligence of a cinderblock. all in all he's a decent dude but fuck him for making me feel like i was too much. he just wasn't enough. not kind enough, not empathetic enough, not funny enough, and certainly not smart enough.
i have my shortcomings too. i think i have been really unnecessarily mean to men, especially since i broke up with luke. just leading them on and then disappearing. like i said, i relish the attention. but it's just so unnecessary to play with people's feelings like that. especially with austin. i really tormented that dude. or elliott. i straight up ghosted him.
and i need to address my issues with drinking and doing drugs. i have really poor impulse control. and i've been so messy. last night i was throwing up into trash bags next to my bed until 3am. it feels normal because a lot of my friends and coworkers are into partying really hard. but i'm starting to not really like how messy i become. i think alcohol is the main problem, actually. i think i can handle myself on drugs but when i mix them with alcohol that's when shit gets to be too much. i've even put off scheduling a therapy appointment because i don't want to talk about this but i know i need to.
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akisuniverse · 11 months
NMTBTS Entry No.01
not meant to be taken that seriously entry no.01
Our media is so hellbent on portraying Gen Z teens as proactive and so highly politically aware that they become so suffocating. It’s frankly annoying whenever I watch new movies and the teen always has to either be gay or just such a proactive “you know that X people die every second and you throwing that [random item] on the ground will kill X more”
NOT that having gay teens are annoying but sometimes they just randomly throw in an LGBTQ+ plot line that could easily be removed. I love the representation and I do think we need more of it BUT i do hope that they actually get to be someone who contributes to the actual show/movie and not just thrown in to show a diverse cast.
I know that most of this generation is aware of social issues— even political or global scales but come on in the end they are still teens. They have literal priorities like school and have more growing up to do than just joining a random rally each scene they’re in.
Teens aren’t hellbent on sex, drugs or changing the world— they’re mostly just focus on getting through the damn day, finishing each day of school, passing class & hanging out with their friends.
I miss actual movies and shows that’s about growing up. I miss the actual coming of age genre! I know drugs, sex and alcohol are the new reality for teens in most countries but goddamn I need a story about just regular ass group of friends growing up together without forming romantic relationships between each other. One that explores different realities and aren’t just “im a straight A student!” or “i’m an average student but now i am smart!” or another “im so depressed i want to sksksks myself but good thing my friends are here- yay power of friendship!”
I need regular ass people that grow together, learn together and go through their own life problems other than romance and being boy/girl crazy.
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colloquium-journal · 1 year
One preconception I had for this course was that there will be a lot of writing. I was nervous about how much writing there is because I have a lot of friends that had taken the class before and told me about the course structure. As we reach the end of the course, the writing was not nearly as much as I expected. The journal entries are very engaging and do not feel like work we have to do. I also wrote that I expected to learn practices that promote sustainability as well as learn more about our local ecosystem. Reflecting back on this, I was spot on. Essentially every class we talked about sustainability and how we can work towards it in every aspect of our lives. The Earth Charter comes to mind now when I think of sustainability. The Earth Charter is a booklet that teaches vision, ethics and promotes action for a just, sustainable, and peaceful world. The field trips taught me so much about our local ecosystem, specifically the CREW trip comes to mind. I learned countless things about how CREW preserves and protects our water resources and natural communities. One specific topic I got to present on that I found very important was symbiosis. We saw real world examples of this on the field trip with lichen. Symbiosis is an essential natural process that can be found virtually everywhere in the world from plants to animals to cells. Photosynthesis is actually only possible because of a symbiotic relationship. Another great example of sustainability practices we learned was pertaining to reduce, reuse, recycle. This point got talked about a lot throughout class discussions. We have been told to reduce, reuse, recycle since we were little kids but never really knew the importance of doing it the right way until we took a field trip to the Waste to Energy resource facility. We learned about the process this facility goes through using the waste we throw away everyday and turning it into energy that they can sell. This was a way for us to see sustainability in action, which is a great way to learn rather than just reading it from a book. When I talked about sense of place in the beginning of the year I explained how my sense of place is when I am with my friends or family. For me it was not a literal location and it still is not. When I reflect back on my sense of place It has not changed a bit. Whenever I am down or need help with something I look to my closest friends and family for answers and comfort. One of if not my favorite parts of this class is the diversity I got to experience. Our class is extremely diverse and I was able to talk with students that have a wide variety of majors, and come from complete different cultures. The differing viewpoints of all the students and the professor really opened my eyes when we had class discussions and presentations. Collaboration is and always will be the most effective way to get work done. Everyone brings a different skill set to the project at hand and I normally will hear of a point of view I would not have thought of by myself. This class is geared towards collaborating with fellow students and I had a great time doing so. Some of the pictures below are ones I loved from the field trips. I also included the original picture I had in Journal 1 that shows my sense of place which pertains to sports. My closest friends and I bond over sports all the time.
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italoniponic · 2 years
May i request the first year gang trying to confess to an super oblivious reader? As hcs if thats okay (^-^)
𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲'𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 - 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭
| Notes: Hi, anon! Lucky you, I was finishing reading this wholesome fluffy shoujo manga some weeks ago (obviously with this type of drama) and oh God, I really don’t know if I should throw hands at oblivious reader (I may be one myself irl) or cheer more on the boys to make the reader understand their feelings finally. Well, let’s see what happens! 
The colored 12th hc is an ending where the Oblivious Reader strikes again! So if you want to pretend everything got right, just pass through it~ Thanks for the request! |
Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Jack Howl, Epel Felmier, Sebek Zigvolt x g!n super oblivious reader 
fluff / overall comedy / crush shenanigans / double ending / use of “you” pronouns 
Warning!: no offense to the requester, but I made the reader seriously stupid so proceed with caution.
Cherry's Harvesting event 🍒 Masterlist
I Love You, Don't You Get It?
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“Okay, here we come. I love you!,” Ace said at once. You were at the door of the Ramshackle, it was late afternoon and Ace had said he wanted to do one last thing before the day was over. It was very important to him. After so many weeks corroding himself with this feelings, Ace wanted to confess himself to you;
And... you laughed. It was the first indication that you hadn't quite understood what he said. “I love you too, silly. I know you're not much of a feelings-guy but the others will be happy to know that you appreciate them too!,” you advised, thinking Ace was just meaning he liked you all more than he'd like to admit;
Which is kind of true but it's not the truth he was actually dealing with! Have you really not noticed all this time? The looks that Ace directs at you, the jokes and teasing that imply how much he wants to go out with you, the way he defends you from the bullies out there, the way Ace stays close to you at any opportunity;
But it's a lot harder than it sounds. You understood all this as Ace wanting to be more your friend and compensate for his past mistakes, no other intention. And that was kind of a reality before Ace started falling for you. Before it was more like he wanted to have your trust, but now the game has changed;
And you don't know the rules. It was frustrating like playing solitaire with someone who is used to chess. Ace knows you have just good intentions in interpreting him in another way — Heavens, it's one of the things he likes about you! But he dies a little inside every time you laugh and think he's not being serious;
Perhaps this is the karma of being “the group’s clown” that Deuce talked about so much. Ace’s fame had reached a point where you would need more than simple words to understand that he was not joking about any of this. His feelings are real, concrete... and you are looking at him as just your funny friend;
Given this, Ace tries to be a little clearer and more insistent. He gives you a red rose whenever he can, he tries to call you to go to the movies and watch a clearly romantic movie even if it makes his stomach turn a little, all the magic tricks he does end with you having an Ace of Hearts in your hands with your name in the Heart suit;
And you understand all of this just as well as Heartslabyul students understand their dorm rules. You think Ace is giving you flowers to adorn the Ramshackle. You’re loving to discover this world's most famous movies. And the card of Hearts corresponding to Ace at the end of each magical trick? Wow, he has a very interesting signature to end the show!;
Ace's pillow is almost featherless with how much he strangles it and throws around the poor thing to take out his own frustration. Deuce has already prepared the burial for the pillow and the geese’s feathers who have done their best to try to make Ace have better dreams. But he is getting desperate and impatient. It would be easier to throw a table in your face with both your initials carved on it;
Well, ridiculous situations require even more infamous solutions. If saying it clearly and directly makes you confused, maybe if Ace left the statement complicated you would understand better. That's the strangest logic he could come up with but it was worth a try. With Cater’s help, Ace puts together a whole journey of puzzles for you. You’ve walked the entire school until you reached the main street where it all began;
“The person who loves you the most in the world is the one who brings trouble with the wind,” you read to the statue of the Queen of Hearts. Said and done, a gust of wind came from nowhere and took the paper out of your hands. Ace appeared beside you, winking. “Woke up from your dream, love of my life?”
“Ace...! I don't get it. I'm already awake,” you replied, laughing then. You really want to give him a heart attack, huh?
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“I… I l-love you! I said it!,” Deuce confessed. It had been easier than he thought, but at the same time, it required more courage than planned. It was like guessing up a question in the history test... and as always happened, Deuce had got it wrong. You stared at him for a moment with a confused look, until you finally revealed what you felt;
“I love you too, Deuce. You are the best of the best friends I have ever had!,” you replied, smiling. It was Deuce's turn to not understand what you said. Your words were positive but what did they mean? Were you still friends? Were they already dating? Was everything still as before or did something move out of place? What a mess;
But since nothing out of the ordinary was announced, Deuce could only come to the conclusion that his love confession went in through one ear and out the other. You didn’t notice anything and understood everything wrong. He couldn't tell if that was better or worse than a rejection. At least you two are still best friends;
Since Deuce has never had many real friends, this statement was good for him but maybe it's more because he doesn't understand much about romance. Ace filled his ears about how he should do something before he was forever stuck in the Friendzoneland and things starts to really get worrisome;
At first, Deuce tried to carry on doing things normally — although the degree of his nervousness at your side hasn’t diminished a bit. He helped you the most in class, sat right next to you in the cafeteria and assured you that you can come to him at any time to ask for help with anything;
A short time later, he decides to help you with more things, especially after picking up some books and movies to consult and have as a basis. So when it rains, Deuce takes off his blazer for you to walk over the puddles and also offers for the two of you to take a walk with Grim and some flamingos from Heartslabyul. Old romance movies, you should imagine — but you didn't;
The new plan is to try to cook you something romantic and that makes Deuce's feelings very explicit, so he asked Trey for help in this situation. The plan was to bake several heart-shaped cookies but, Deuce didn't explained their purpose before you split them among the first-years; 
Love is a pain and loving definitely sucks at times, but Deuce doesn't want to let himself get easily knocked down by such a thing. Even if it's hard or takes years, he won't give up on making you understand how he feels;
You watched one of the romantic movies that Deuce rented at the Ramshackle — unfortunately with the whole group. Deuce tried to put his arm around your shoulder but your response to that was to surround him and Ace with your arms in the middle of that deep emotional scene. Luck isn't on his side yet but watching the finale gave him an idea;
Classes were over and Deuce asked you to wait near the statue hall on the main street. Sometime later, he showed up with a dark blue Magical Wheel to hang out with you — he had convinced (unknowingly using force) some Ignihyde students to let him be the test pilot the other day — and you two practically flew school out;
Wind in your hair, you couldn't help but remember the final scene of the movie you saw where the main couple rode off on a motorcycle into the sunset with romantic music playing in the background. And on the radio, he played the exact same song. You made a stop in a high part of the island, where you could see both the school and the sea. Deuce whispered in your ear, “I want to feel the love of those two with you, really.”
“Deuce, did you... take me to a hill just to ask to watch the movie again?,” you asked. Deuce didn't know what to answer so he just agreed.
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“I’m not the best with words but… the thing is: I love you,” Jack confessed. It was noon, lunchtime and Jack found a way to have a moment alone with you in the garden. It was a point very close to the trees that guaranteed privacy and quietness. He had prepared your favorite food to symbolize how much you mattered to him;
“Aw, Jack, I'm glad to see you taking the time to express how much you love your friends. Will you do the same for others?,” you asked, not really understanding that it was all a love confession. Jack made some excuse and let you eat the food, wondering where he went wrong;
He spent a good deal of time on the walk back to classes and on the return to the dorm in this numb state, a simple funeral mood. On the way, Ruggie tried to warn him of a book flying in his direction — the guys in the dorm were playing games — and Jack didn't even feel anything. Everyone decided to leave him quiet in his corner;
All his life Jack has heard that even if a person does some actions, words are a perfect complement to them. One is not mutually exclusive to the other and just as he did good things, he might also be able to say beautiful things. And declaring your love to someone is the greatest gesture in the world, the most powerful words too. And you understood absolutely nothing!;
Past the initial shock, Jack found himself thinking what would really make you understand that he likes you. Deeply and sincerely. He tried to be as clear as possible with you and even then, the meanings of the words flew through your head without you understanding the real meaning of them. Yes, we’re back again to express ourselves with concrete actions and gestures;
Talking about it with Ruggie, Jack found himself faced with an interesting idea — which, in fact, was a joke that he took more seriously than he should have. What if Jack acted like a husband to you? It was very characteristic behavior and would not fail to make you at least question the reasons of why he was acting this way;
At first, Jack felt kind of weird because it looked so much like he was trying to imitate his dad and failing miserably at it. Jack would hold your books, carry your groceries, help you fix Ramshackle’s problems, and even say “I'll see you later, I love you” when you go to class, which always scared the others;
Jack also wrote some letters to you, which are more like notes because he cutted out half the text before he’s convinced that’s good enough. It was made on a simple but clean paper, which you ended up collecting over the weeks. You don't understand why he's delivering them to you but you find it funny;
On a particularly exhausting day, Jack allowed you to stroke his fur. A permission that you knew was important but not exactly for what. He noticed your confusion but he didn't interrupt you at any point. When you came to scratch his ear, those insignificant worries were gone;
Since certain things need to be said one way or another, Jack has prepared to declare himself again to you. You agreed to eat something at the dinner Ramshackle and he prepared a special decoration of a siamese cactus — two small stems were together on the same base, like a couple — to stand on the table between you;
“I've said it before and I'll say it again as many times as I have to. I love you,” Jack said. It was out of nowhere but you didn't mind stopping to listen to him. You two were near the window and the reflection of the moon made Jack's eyes shine, although they always have that glow when he is staring at you.
“I love you too, buddy!,” you replied. Jack sighed. Not to act like a angsty sixteen year old but... oh, life sucks.
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“What I really want to say is I love you,” Epel concluded. Simple, passionate, his way. Night had come and alongside it, Epel with an apple carved with your initials. That apple was supposed to be his heart which he gave to you. And that’s because he said he wasn’t that much of a romantic guy;
You took this as a very cute and caring way for Epel to say that you both were great friends and he enjoyed your company. “You are very cute. Please, never change!,” you said, hugging him. Epel stared into the void, confused and frustrated. Such a perfect plan, a delicious apple and thoughtful words so that you don’t understand one darn of his intentions;
It was almost like you telling him to his face that he wasn't a man! You were saying that...? No, you weren't. Epel was just frustrated that nothing had worked out and that he still had some stupid obligatory evening skin cleanse to do after that. What a terrible night! But he wouldn't give up so easily;
So Epel rolled up his sleeves and prepared to really fight for you. Even though people often interpret Epel's manner as that of a shy boy, he just doesn't have much confidence in himself yet to act completely cool, like Leona for example. However, if you haven't noticed that he likes you, he needs to do whatever it takes to change your perception;
And being as direct as possible can be the solution! Meemaw Felmier said that the fastest way to cut down a tree is to throw the ax at the base with all your strength and have precise and direct movements. Epel applied this knowledge in the form of offering to carry all your things or even yourself when you are tired of walking;
Epel even sets out to fight some horde of students to get the lunch you want. He also delivers you various flowers that he finds in Pomefiore and apples carved with hearts, images of lovers and other figures that look like they came out of a Valentine's day store. Is it direct enough? Is it obvious enough?;
In your eyes, Epel seems to act like a Jack that speaks what comes to his mind — a compliment that has managed to motivate him to try harder. It got to the point where Epel started trying to flirt with you. Only the most creative countryside pick-up lines for his “sweet apple pie”, although using the nickname that his grandpa uses for his grandma makes him crawl on his insides;
Epel’s entire courtship is of a typical Harveston boy with good intentions and who wants to impress both his beloved and their parents — in this case, your friends who have begun to serve as a jury for these things. Epel also prepared meals that are normally served for two… only to see you split them with Grim;
As the situation wasn’t getting out of place, Epel was forced to seek help from Rook. He was so desperate that the idea of Rook launching an arrow at Ramshackle with a simple “Epel loves you” didn't seem so bad. It was only cut because Jack didn't think it was very safe;
Finally, the ultimate attempt. Again, it was night and Epel called you to Ramshackle’s entrance. To your infinite surprise, he was riding a white horse when he entered the garden. In his hands, a platter with a fragrant apple pie made with all the care in the world. Manly and princely to the extreme!;
With skill, Epel got off the horse without unbalancing the pie plate and stood in front of you. He had rehearsed with Rook several things to say to you but, in the end, being himself would be the best way out. Because you always liked him the way he is. “You don't have to dream of the day your prince will come. You already have a man who loves you right here.”
“Where?,” you asked, looking around. Good Heavens. You really want Epel to break this pie on your head, I'll tell you what! 
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“For all that is sacred, my love for you is eternal,” Sebek proclaimed. He had done everything according to the fae customs, especially of the Zigvolt family. He brought you a small bouquet of rosemary and dark red carnations, symbolizing love and affection between lovers, and knelt before you;
Perhaps because it was Sebek who called you at the breaking dawn, you were surprised to hear his voice making a proclamation in a normal tone. Still strong and imposing but that didn't make your ears bleed. He looked magnificent like a knight. The bouquet in his hands was adorable, just like the sparkle in his eyes;
“But why did you call me this hour just to give me flowers, Sebek? Ah...!,” Sebek fidgeted when it seemed that you had understood. “Is this your way of establishing our friendship? Wow! Awesome! I've never seen anything like it!” A terrible time for you to admire the customs of fairies;
A terrible, damned hour for the nerves of poor Sebek who returned to Diasomnia as if he had fallen off his horse. He had that sad, confused look of someone who hasn't fully processed the tumble he took. When Lilia offered him the jar of liquor sweets and he accepted, Silver knew immediately that many things went wrong;
It was with great cost and patience that Lilia made Sebek understand that you simply didn’t understand what he meant and it was no “human way” to disregard and make fun of the courtship between faes. Not that realizing your obliviousness cheered Sebek up. He had prepared everything with care and wanted it to work out… and it didn’t;
But a guard who serves the great Malleus Draconia does not cower at a failed attempt! So Sebek pulled himself together and prepared to try as many times as he had to. For days, Sebek did his best to declare his love to you. As you have never seen before, he was docile and attentive;
It was like keeping up with those moments after a storm, where the rain starts to get weak and the thunders calm down. Delicate and careful, as if dealing with Young Master himself, Sebek wrote letters and more letters detailing your qualities and achievements in his life, the joy you brought him and the dreams he planned for you two;
Sebek cleaned the entire Ramshackle and filled the building with flowers and lights, which you received as a big action of care among good friends. Favor. But it wasn't just a favor! Why didn't you notice?!; 
He then began to talk more about his parents and to Sebek’s own surprise, he understood his mother better at that moment. So that's what it was like to fall madly in love with someone? Even having an unparalleled patience for this loved one’s obliviousness? Mr. Zigvolt was just like you, according to Mrs. Zigvolt’s stories; 
He was annoyed by this for a while but slowly came to understand his mother’s reasons and forgave his father. If he got everything right with you, he would have a lot to apologize for on the next vacation. Hearing about the Zigvolt's story interested you a lot, and you were happy to see Sebek start talking better about his own father. But you couldn't come up with a better explanation of why you were listening to all that;
Since it passed a lot of time and Sebek thought he had tried everything, his patience began to falter — Silver wasn’t surprised by this. But everybody got surprised when Sebek took you by the shoulders in the middle of the hall and began to shake you, shouting: “With a thousand of spindles, nigen, I love you! I love everything about you! What part of it did you not understand, stupid?!”
334 notes · View notes
Father of Mine – 1/2
Character: Bruce Wayne x Daughter!Reader
Summary: With the tragic passing of her mother, Y/N learns to the truth of who her father is. 
Word Count: 4,000+
Warnings: Family death, cancer, absent father, cremation 
A/N: The reader is described as tall in this fic. Bruce Wayne is 6′2 and I’m tall, so I’m indulging myself with no apologies. Read it or don’t. 
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“Do you want to say anything before we…” the operator asked her.
“No,” Y/N answered quickly.
“Oh, my assistant forgot to give you this,” the operator gave her a shy smile as he handed her a small cardboard box.
She opened it to find all of her mother’s jewelry that had been on her body at the funeral.
“Thank you,” Y/N told him.
“Ready?” The operator asked.
He had been so kind throughout the whole process. It was obvious he was used to people breaking down and being extremely emotional. 
But Y/N had been stoic, almost concerningly so. 
Though he wasn’t one to judge. Everyone grieved differently.
With the pull of a handle, Y/N watched her mother’s body going into the chamber.
“It will be a few hours,” the operator told her.
He meant it will it will take a few hours for her mother’s body to burn to ash. Then they would hand her a tacky vase with her remains.
Y/N just nodded. “I’ll go for a walk.”
As soon as she was outside, Y/N called her mother’s executor.
“Ms. Y/L/N, I was just about to call you.”
“I’m at the crematory,” she told him. “I figured we should discuss the bills that still need to be paid for.”
“Yes, of course. As I mentioned to you before, your mother’s life insurance covers quite a lot of it…” his words died out.
“But it’s still not enough,” Y/N finished for him. “I’ll get the money.”
She wasn’t exactly rich, but she also wasn’t living paycheck to paycheck. But people never realized how much money it cost for loved ones to die. It was honestly ridiculous.
“You might want to consider taking out a loan,” he tried to suggest gently.
“I’ll think about it.”
“Another thing, Ms. Y/L/N. There was an envelope with a name on it. And your mother left instructions on delivering the envelope to them.”
She stopped her pacing. 
“What name is on the envelope?” Y/N asked.
There was a pause.
“Bruce Wayne.”
Y/N’s brow furrowed.
Of course she knew who Bruce Wayne was – everyone in Gotham did, as well as most of the country. He was a billionaire playboy, only making headlines when he was a mess. But every once in awhile his philanthropy would sneak in there. Y/N always assumed those were only to help recover his image and not because he was a good person.
“You still there?” The executor asked.
“Yeah. I’m just a bit confused. But please pass it along to him, if that’s what my mom wanted.”
“I can’t. The instructions specifically say for you to deliver the envelop to him in person.”
“In person?” Y/N groaned in annoyance as she pinched the bridge of her nose.
Why did all of this have to be so god damn complicated?
“Yes. Her instructions are…oddly specific."
“Fine,” she huffed. “I’ll pick up everything from your office before the work day ends.”
Y/N stared at the envelop that she’d tossed on her coffee table as she sipped a rather large glass of red wine.
She was wracking her brain trying to think of a time when her mom mentioned knowing Bruce Wayne. But Y/N would’ve remembered her mom saying his name – even in passing. It’s not a name that one can drop casually.
Y/N pulled up her phone and googled him. But she looked at his history. Yes, he was from Gotham, as was her mom, but so were 10 million other people.
But then Y/N’s scrolling paused when she realized they went to the same high school: Gotham Academy. Not only that, they graduated in the same year.
‘Were they friends?’ Y/N wondered.
But just classmates or friends still didn’t seem to warrant a handwritten letter to be delivered after one’s death.
Y/N didn’t open the envelope.
Her mother’s instructions specifically told her not to. And if she put in that much of an effort to get this done after her death, Y/N wasn’t going to ignore such a request.
That didn’t mean she wasn’t curious.
“Fuck,” Y/N sighed before throwing back the rest of her wine.
“I’m sorry, ma’am. I can’t grant you access to the building without your name being in the system by the company you’re visiting,” the building receptionist told her for the third time.
“I understand. But I called his office 30 fucking times and they refuse to put me through to him or get me an appointment,” Y/N practically growled.
“I’m sorry, ma’am. I already called their office to say you were here and they didn’t recognize your name. I can’t let you through to the elevators.”
Y/N’s gaze flickered to the security guard who stood a few feet away. He was eyeing her now that there was clearly an argument going on.
Y/N wanted to roll her eyes. She had a good foot on him – even without her heels on. And he looked like he couldn’t run a 50 yard dash without passing out or vomiting. If he thought he was going to physically stop her, he had another thing coming.
“Listen, I am not some crazy fucking stalker. My mom knew Bruce Wayne and in her will she asked me to deliver this to him,” Y/N’s voice lowered and became disturbingly calm. “I don’t want to be here just as much as you don’t want to have this conversation.”
“Ma’am, I’m going to need you to calm down,” the security guard finally stepped forward.
“Oh, fuck off,” Y/N rolled her eyes at the rent-a-cop.
“Ma’am, I’ll have to ask you to leave,” he continued.
“Call me ma’am one more fucking time…” Y/N growled.
But the security guard was taking a step to her.
“Excuse me. What seems to be the problem here?” A voice suddenly interrupted.
Everyone turned to see a young man – younger than Y/N – glaring at the security guard just as he was about to grab Y/N.
“M-Mr. Drake, we were just escorting this young woman from the premises,” the guard stuttered out.
Everyone at the building knew every member of the Wayne family. But unlike his siblings, Tim Drake was at the office almost every day. As one should be when they’re the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company.
“For what reason?” Tim Drake asked.
“She insists on seeing Mr. Wayne. But she doesn’t have an appointment. For security reasons, I cannot let her through, obviously, unless the company she is visiting has put her into their system and the building’s system,” the receptionist explained nervously.
Y/N frowned as if she was bored of the whole thing.
Tim stepped forward. “May I ask what your business with Bruce Wayne is?”
Now that he was closer, Y/N noticed how exhausted he looked. He was handsome still, of course. But she wondered when he last got a good night’s sleep. He was shorter than her, probably standing at 5’5. And she still believed he was younger than her, which was wild seeing as he was already the CEO and couldn’t be older than 24.
Y/N sighed before she grabbed the envelope from her black leather satchel, and showed that Bruce Wayne’s name was handwritten on it.
“My mother wished me to personally deliver this to him.”
Tim tilted his head slightly. “Why isn’t she doing it?”
“Because she’s dead,” she shot back without emotion.
But Tim’s face became sympathetic. “I’m sorry. I should’ve assumed…”
“It’s fine,” Y/N quickly cut him off before he could continue.
She was so tired of being on the receiving end of people’s sympathy. It didn’t help. And the words stopped holding any meaning to her.
“But I’m sorry. Bruce isn’t in today. And he probably won’t be coming to the office for the rest of the week.”
“Oh,” was all she responded with.
Of course Bruce Wayne didn’t come to work. Why would he?
This was a stupid idea. And now she had made a scene because of it.
“But if you give me your information, I will personally let him know that you are trying to reach him.”
“Really?” Y/N asked in shock.
Tim smiled at her surprise. “Of course.”
“Here’s my card,” she quickly grabbed one from her wallet and then a pen. “All my info is on that.” She wrote something on the back. “And that’s my mom’s name.”
He took it from her and nodded. “What was your mother’s relationship with Bruce?”
Y/N shrugged. “Honestly, I have no idea. I’ve been trying to figure it out. Apparently they graduated in the same high school class. But that’s all I was able to find.”
He nodded.
“Thank you…Mr. Drake. For your help. Really,” she urged.
“Please, it’s just Tim.” Then he glared at the receptionist and security guard. “For you it is, at least.”
“Thank you again,” Y/N felt like saying it 30 more times still wouldn’t be enough.
“You don’t have to thank me. Someone will be in touch. Have a good day, Ms. Y/L/N.”
“Y/N,” she corrected with a smile before she nodded and started backing away.
He smiled at her correction and gave a final nod.
Y/N didn’t expect to hear from anyone for at least a week.
If the Wayne family was one thing, it was busy.
They probably had parties to go to, meetings to attend, private jets taking them around the world whenever they wished.
Why would they ever prioritize a meeting with her, a stranger?
So imagine her surprise when she received a call from an unrecognized number the same day she gave Tim Drake her card.
“Hello?” She answered.
Usually she would let any unknown number go to voicemail.
“Hello,” a British voice answered. “Am I speaking with Ms. Y/F/N Y/L/N?”
“This is she,” Y/N sat up straighter on her couch.
“This is Alfred Pennyworth. I work for Master Wayne and manage all his personal appointments. I was told by Master Tim that you wished to meet with him?”
“Uhhh. Yes. Yes, I do. Is that…is that possible?”
“Would you be able to stop by Wayne Manor on Friday afternoon?”
Y/N already knew she had nothing going on that would stop her from getting this done. But she still paused to pretend to think about it.
“Yes, Friday afternoon should be fine. Are you sure he doesn’t just want me to stop by Wayne Enterprises?”
It felt oddly intimate to stop by Wayne Manor. Wouldn’t they want to meet her in a more secure location like a corporate building with security that already hated her?
“He is quite certain. Should I send a car for you Ms. Y/L/N?”
A car?
Y/N felt even more out of her depth now.
“Oh, no. That won’t be necessary. I’ll be there.”
“I look forward to meeting you, Ms. Y/L/N.”
“Thanks,” she answered before hanging up and realizing that probably wasn’t the proper response to such a polite goodbye.
“I haven’t heard that name since high school,” Bruce had muttered as he stared at the business card for what felt like the thousandth time.
“Yes, and the end of your relationship did not end on the best of terms,” Alfred commented.
Y/M’s/N Y/L/N had been Bruce’s high school sweetheart.
An she had seen the last moments of Bruce’s normal life. 
Upon graduation, Bruce decided to leave Gotham and that’s how his second life was founded. The two of them broke up before the summer after graduation had even ended.
Well, “Breakup” was a strong word.
Bruce stopped answering her calls.
She was his first love and he continued to love her.
But once Bruce realized where his life was going and who he wanted to be, he knew he couldn’t drag her into it. She deserved better.
And Bruce was a coward about relationships then. Maybe he still was.
“I am certain you did a thorough background check on her already,” Alfred commented with a smirk.
Bruce took in a breath before listing off all of her accomplishments. “Y/F/N Y/L/N. Graduated number one in her class at Gotham Academy. She was the star of the track team, breaking the regional record for fastest time in 100m, 200m, and 400m races. Also captain of her soccer team. Attended NYU’s photography program before dropping out after a year. Now she’s a professional photography. Her work’s been featured in Vogue, New York Times, National Geographic…amongst others.”
“Rather an impressive woman,” Alfred said.
Bruce nodded.
“I should get the tea and coffee ready for her arrival.” And with that, Alfred left Bruce in the drawing room.
30 minutes later, the doorbell rang.
Bruce glanced down at his watch: she was right on time.
He heard Alfred saying his pleasantries before he heard the clicking of her heels as she rounded the corner to enter the room he was waiting in.
For being a famous photographer, she could’ve been a runway model with her height and the way she walked into the room, completely owning it. She wore four-inch heels, only adding to her natural tallness. And her bright, red coat only added to her presence.
For a split second, Bruce was convinced that he was looking at an Amazon. Diana immediately flashed into his mind for a split second. Perhaps that was what Y/M’s/N needed help with: to get her daughter to her real people. But how would she have known Bruce Wayne had such connections? Unless she knew Batman’s true identity…
As soon as Y/N spotted him in the room, he rose from his seat.
“Ms. Y/L/N,” Bruce greeted.
He took a step forward and held out his hand.
“You guys really love the formalities.” She said it with a dark evenness, but it was clearly a joke. “Y/N is fine, Mr. Wayne,” she added as she shook his hand.
“In that case, it’s Bruce,” he countered with a soft smirk.
There was something so familiar about her. But Bruce knew they’d never met. 
“Thank you for seeing me. I don’t want to waste anymore of your time,” Y/N quickly got to it. She opened her purse to grab the envelope.
“My mom wanted you to have this. And she wanted to make sure I was the one to give it to you,” Y/N explained as she offered it to him.
Bruce took it carefully, but didn’t open it. “Yes, I heard about her passing. I’m very sorry for your loss.”
“Thank you,” she said hurriedly, making it obvious to Bruce that she did not want nor need his condolences.
Bruce nodded slowly.
There was a pause.
“Do you know what it says?” He asked her lightly.
She shook her head. “I wasn’t supposed to read it.”
“I see.”
“I should really be going. I have a flight to catch later tonight.” Most people that visited Wayne Manor wished to stay there forever. Or their curiosity got the best of them and their eyes took in every little detail.
But Y/N looked like she’d rather be anywhere else. And she wanted to get out as soon as she possibly could.
“Thank you again for seeing me,” she rushed out.
Without waiting for his answer, Y/N turned and started walking out of the room.
But she only got a few steps before she stopped.
Bruce watched her shoulders tense and her body move as she was clearly taking in deep breath.
Slowly, Y/N turned around to face him.
“Were you friends?”
Bruce gave her a watery smile. “She was my girlfriend in high school.”
Y/N seemed annoyed by that answer. “She never mentioned you. Not once.”
Bruce’s brow furrowed at that and his eyes zoned out as if he was revising the past in his mind. “I’m not entirely surprised. Things didn’t really end well between us.”
She nodded slowly. “Goodbye, Mr. Wayne.”
And Y/N turned and strutted out of the room without looking back.
As soon as Bruce heard her cab drive away, he ripped open the envelope and pulled out a letter.
He barely noticed that Dick had walked into the room. “May I ask…Who was the extremely attractive and tall woman that just walked out?”
But Bruce didn’t hear him as his eyes raced across the letter. His heart sped as he continued reading.
“Bruce?” Dick asked after being ignored. “Is she your next conquest or what?”
It wasn’t until Bruce was done reading the letter for the third time that he finally looked up and acknowledged Dick.
Alfred had also walked into the room, unbeknownst to Bruce.
“You OK?” Dick asked, now concerned with how silent Bruce had become.
“Master Wayne?” Alfred also urged.
“That was…my daughter,” Bruce finally muttered.
Dick blinked before his eyes grew wide in shock.
Alfred seemed less surprised, almost as if he had already put that together.
“Excuse me,” Bruce told them and exited the room.
Dick and Alfred must’ve warned the rest of the family not to bother Bruce in the cave. Usually he would’ve been disturbed by now.
Bruce had been at the computer for hours.
Alfred was the first person to come down, carrying a tray with dinner and tea.
The butler wasn’t surprised to find Y/N’s face all over the screens.
If Bruce had left any available information hidden before inviting Y/N to the manor, it was all out there now. Bruce knew everything about Y/F/N Y/L/N that was public knowledge – probably even some things that were not.
“You know, you did not seem all that surprised,” Bruce said to Alfred as he put the tray of food down next to him.
“Seemed rather obvious, didn’t it?”
Bruce quickly turned to look at him. “It did?”
Alfred smirked. “Her eyes,” was all he said.
“The color?”
Alfred shook his head. “As soon as she walked into the manor, they were reading me.” He tilted his head in Bruce’s direction. “Observation. Perception. Attention to detail...That is all you, Master Wayne.”
“The way she held herself,” Alfred continued, "Shoulders held back, head high, walking with purpose. No hesitation.”
“Also me?” Bruce asked.
Alfred simply nodded.  
“I don’t think she liked me very much,” Bruce sighed.
He didn’t know how he felt about that yet.
“A lot of people think you don’t like them when you first meet them,” Alfred countered. “Because I don’t trust them yet.”
Alfred raised his brows and silently ask him, ‘Don’t you see my point?’
Bruce rubbed his face and reached for the tea on the tray, ignoring all the food.
“I don’t know why you’re so entertained by this, Alfred.”
“Yes, I was entertained. I just saw a younger, female version of you, Master Wayne.”
“I abandoned her,” Bruce shot.
“You didn’t know she existed,” Alfred corrected.
“And why do you think that is?”
Alfred’s face dropped a little bit when he noticed the envelope discarded on the far end of Bruce’s desktop.
He looked down at the ground as he asked, “Might I ask what the letter said?”
Bruce glared at the letter as if touching it would burn him.
But after a moment, he grabbed it and quickly handed it to Alfred.
If this letter has finally reached you, it is because I have passed.
I must admit that I wrote this letter mostly in the event that I leave my daughter before she is an adult. But once Y/N turned 18, I decided to still pass this along to you.
There is no easy way to tell you this, so I will get to the point.
The young woman who delivered this letter to you is your daughter, Bruce.
Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N.
When I found out I was pregnant with her, I was only 18. We had just graduated high school. You had started traveling. You called less and less. And you grew more distant – physically and emotionally. Eventually, you stopped answering my calls altogether. I left you a voicemail, only saying that I so desperately needed to talk to you, that I needed you.
But you never called me back.
With no words at all, you made it very clear that you no longer wanted anything to do with me.
But there I was, a teenager who was pregnant with our child.
I would be lying if I said I never considered terminating my pregnancy. I was scared and you broke my heart. All I wanted to do was erase you from my life.
But I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.
Once I decided what my future was going to be, I also decided that I did not want you to have any part in it.
I knew even if you pretended to play the doting father and the committed partner, you would grow tired of us eventually. You would resent me and our child for bringing you down. And you would brush us aside for yourself.
I realized I would rather Y/N have no father at all than one who would only disappoint her over and over again.
To this day, I truly believe I did the right thing for all three of us.
There are not enough words to explain the complicated woman that Y/N grew up to be. But I will try my best. I think I owe you that at least. 
Or maybe you have no interest.
I don’t know how she became so much like you, even when I never so much as showed her a picture of you or uttered your name.
She enjoys being alone – almost to her own detriment. I constantly catch her repressing her feelings, always staying strong for everyone else. It reminds me of you. She’s assertive and confident, never letting anything stand in the way of what she wants. Sometimes I don’t think she’s scared of anything. It worries me, just like it worried me when I thought the same of you.
I truly don’t know what you will do with this information.
But…if you have any desire to form some sort of relationship with her, then you should know this: she will not make it easy for you. She will push you away. And she might even hate you. I raised her to never need a man in her life, and she’ll make sure you know that.
I don’t expect anything from you. I never did.
But I would just like to know there might be someone who will be there for her should she need them.
Goodbye, Bruce.
Alfred slowly handed the letter back to Bruce when he was finished.
“I pushed her away because I knew what I was about to become,” Bruce explained darkly. “And I didn’t want her anywhere near it. She would’ve been in danger.”
“Y/N, as well,” Alfred added.
“But had I known…if I just listened to her–”
“Master Wayne, I thought we had agreed to never linger on the ‘what ifs.’”
That sure silenced Bruce.
“Now, what do you plan on doing, Master Wayne?”
Y/N frowned when her phone started vibrating and she recognized the name of her mom’s executor on her phone screen.
“Ms. Y/L/N, how are you?”
“Fine. How are you?” She was quick, wanting to get this over with. Surely, he had bad news. Another medical bill came in or some other expense that slipped by them.
“Good, good. Just curious…have you placed any payments to our various claims?”
“Uhhh…no. But I’m working on it.”
Y/N hadn’t expected to get a call nagging about paying bills.
“No, no, no. You misunderstand. They’ve all been paid,” the executor explained.
Y/N sat up straighter in her chair. “What? That’s not possible.”
“An anonymous donor. They somehow got record of all your outstanding payments and covered all of them.”
Y/N was stunned to silence.
“Ms. Y/L/N…this is a good thing.”
She blinked and shook her head. “Right. Yes, of course. I just…thank you.”
“Don’t thank me. Thank this guardian angel of yours.”
Part 2
Let me know what you think!!!
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