#which is why i'm flooding tumblr with shit
ohkate · 8 months
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"Don't tell me what's impossible."
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escapistpainter · 1 month
So since batman has flooded my Tumblr, I'm making fics based off of scenarios I've seen. Thanks to @everwalldigan for the idea, I hope I do you justice🙏🏻
The air of the warehouse was thick and muggy in the late summer evening. The sound of muffled conversations, grunts, and the sound of rope rubbing against metal filled the area. "You really got connections, huh boss?" A gruff voice boomed through the empty building, belonging to a large man with a cocky grin plastered on his lips, a syringe in hand. The man a bit further away responds, albeit, quite unintelligibly. Squatting down in front of the man they had tied to a pole who's looking at them with with a deadpanned, almost annoyed expression. "Y'know, since we got you here, why don't we have some fun, eh bats?" A snarky chuckle rang through the room before he takes the syringe and stabs it into Batman's arm. The man let's out a groan through gritted teeth while it sinks deeper into his flesh before the man before him injects the unknown substance into his body.
"Let's start it simple...are you and red hood connected?" It was a random question for sure, though it would clear some things up. Before he can stop himself, Batman speaks. "Yes." Shit, truth serum, of course it is. He shouldn't be surprised at this, so many others have done this before. It's just a nuisance. The tall man's smirk only grows. "This is gonna be fun. I could get you to reveal yourself, but what fun is that?" He flashes a cocky smirk, "Well, since you have SOOOOO many of these 'sidekicks', who's your favorite bat-vigilante?" The man was just acting childish now and Batman couldn't help but roll his eyes but he still couldn't control his words. "I don't have a favorite. At least not currently."
The man readjusts his position, staring at the hero bound in front of him with a raised brow. "And what does that mean?" "Well, it depends on the circumstances. So if red hood doesn't kill someone this week, he gets placed higher on the list, he steals the batmobile and crashes it, least favorite until he makes up for it. Usually Orphan is in the lead, she doesn't talk back, she finished her duties in a timely manner and sometimes makes me origami cranes that I arrange on a shelf to display." The man looks at him, confused and surprised at his response. "That's a lot more indepth than I thou-" His sentence is cut short by Batman beginning to speak again. "Nightwing gets off pretty easy with just coming over to visit every now and then to have dinner, but those points get lost when he has a sling." The man found it hard to look away or cut him off as he was explaining, only motioning for the others to come closer, as if wanting to show them something.
"Red Robin gets the silent treatment if hacks into the county servers and decides to Rick roll everyone and only starts being spoken to if he helps me wrangle Robin and stop him from strangling Super boy. That gets Robin to need to go on longer patrols and doesn't get to go on missions with me as a punishment but I take that back if he prepares dinner, which he almost never does. I can't do anything to control spoiler, she just does what she does and I can only hope it's not a war crime, the less awful it is, the less she gets punished, though if she decides to spray pepper spray all over the inside of my mask one more time, I'm taking her girlfriend privileges away." *No one knows when but he's now holding a white board to display the charts of his favorites and everyone just assumes he has it just in case? It's Batman, who knows.
A voice blares over his comm system and into his ear. "B, we've tracked your location, we're almost there, do you copy?" Several minutes of silence went by as he shouts again, "B, do you copy?!" And a groan ring out before his comms beeped off. "The signal," Batman continued, "is similar to orphan in the sense, he doesn't get into trouble so he's always very high, but it hurts when he ignores me so I put him just a tad lower for hurting my feelings. And Oracle, well, she's not good, but she's not bad, she kinda just... Exists outside of missions, sometimes she sends me cat videos and I like that so she gets a few points ahead. And if all of my kids suck, then super boy gets the title of favorite, he's so much better than what I have to put up with. But if he runs away and has Superman start riding my ass more than normal, straight to the bottom and either bathound or batcow take that title."
Once he finishes speaking, the room is filled with eery silence while the criminals look at each other like he just gave birth. No one had expected that to be the outcome of the simple question but they're all brought out of their contemplations when a loud crash echoes through the warehouse, causing the men to spring to their feet. "What was that!?" One of the men shouts as the other see a dark figure appear behind him. "Me bitch." As soon as the man turns around, hard knuckles crash against his face and he falls to the ground. It didn't take long for the others to start getting picked off as well until the last guy is collapsed on the floor unconscious.
"You could've taken them down yourself B." Jason remarks, hauling the men into a pile. "They asked a question." Bruce exhales, feeling slightly disappointed in himself for just staying there. "And you know I don't like when you swear, further down you go." "What?! Not fair!"
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petitprincess1 · 2 months
the hateboners that the antis have for hazbin and everything related to viv is INSANE. can't scroll through any kind of social media (especially on twitter!) without accidentally stumbling upon the dumbest, most braindead takes. can't make silly little posts about hh or hb without antis flooding in. it's like their entire personality is to hate on viv and her works for some fucking reason
That's why I had to leave Twitter. It's just impossible to say even the slightest thing positive about HB and/or HH without the swarms of hate. Like I posted the small clip from the first ep of Hazbin with Adam wanting to be called "Dickmaster" bc I found Charlie's blunt af reply funny, especially since she's usually so perky. That's it. So many fucking QRTs of people either saying how bad or unfunny, commenting about Verbalase, and [insert stupid ass drama here]
And it's not even like I could block them. The moment I blocked 5 accounts there would be, no exaggeration, hundreds of others popping out of nowhere. It got to a point where it was bad for my mental health. If it weren't for HB and HH posting on Twitter, I would have no problem deactivating my account. It's so bad.
Don't even get me started on TikTok, even some of the fans there can be a bit much 😮‍💨
While Tumblr has hateful shit, it's not nearly as bogged down as Twitter is. Plus, I find so much more love here than I ever have on Twitter. (Not to say no one was nice to me. It just was a lot of hate that it was hard to separate the good from the bad.)
I'm not saying that they can't dislike Vivzie or anyone. It's just mind-boggling how antis/crits will literally HARASS ppl for watching a cartoon, even if that person also has misgivings for Viv. Which some fans do and that's perfectly fine. It's almost like separating art from the artist isn't hard.
I think it's even stranger when fans often echo the SAME CRITICISMS that they're saying, and yet....we dick ride Viv?? Um...sure....why not....
At this point, I just mainly say positive shit out of spite (and genuine love for the shows ofc). I'm just so done.
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yujeong · 1 month
Okk. I don't want to compare or anything but I don't get the people who's getting mad on Korn Tonkla scenes saying they had more screen time? Or shit. I mean tbh, I am understanding the plot of the series better because of the two of them because they are somehow related to all of the events. And Tonkla's situation is...... he somehow senses the other timeline which I think is an important role. And also, Korn! Like what you've said he knows Dome is dead, and at the same time he's with his brother who ’saved’ Dome. Both of the characters are pivotal in the series.
Also, I think that they are more talked about because a Bas and Fuaiz couple was not expected in the series, and at the same time their plot line is really good as well as the build up of their characters. And I've seen more & more people are falling in love with Fuaiz & Bas (as an actor) in this series.
But somehow, I get them because the main couple is GreatTyme but why does it feel like they are becoming more of a side couple. Also saw people saying that their ’plot line’ or how they were introduced to eo /wasn't it./
Thank you for giving me the incentive to speak about this issue, anon. I'm going to do it now because the new episode will come out in a few hours and hopefully I won't have to do this ever again - which I honestly doubt but anyway. Since I haven't seen this type of discourse pop up on Tumblr (thank GOD), I'd like to inform everyone that over on Twitter, there have been massive complaints about Tonkla, aka Fuaiz, getting more screentime than the main characters, aka JesBible, to the point of people tagging BOC in posts and demanding they give them more scenes with TymeGreat - as if BOC can just pull footage they haven't filmed out of their ass or something. It got so bad that Sammon herself saw them and AGREED with these people, further explaining how it was important for some plot elements to be explored now, in order for the rest of the series to make sense. Now, with all due respect to her position as a screenwriter: she's factually wrong here. Someone on Twitter actually sat down and counted the minutes each character is on screen and came out with these results:
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It's not in English, but I believe the results are clear: Tonkla doesn't even come close to Great's screentime. He's a little closer to Tyme's, but the main character is Great, so he's the one we should be looking at. Also, in case it hasn't been fucking obvious, Tonkla is an essential character in 4 Minutes, which is why we're getting many scenes with him. The reason I mentioned the actors is pretty self-explanatory - people are mad their favourite actors are shown a specific amount of time, giving space to other plot lines and characters, instead of being there for the whole episode, as if the point of 4 Minutes is the romance between Tyme and Great and nothing else. Meanwhile, Bible himself was laughing and clapping and enjoying the flashback scene between Korn and Tonkla when they had their first time, because Bible wanted to be part of a good production, which he is and he recognizes it. But no, God forbid we get more context over KornTonkla, which is one of the most important relationships in the show, which guides Tonkla's actions, which moves the fucking PLOT of the SHOW. I could give the benefit of the doubt to people being upset Tonkla was shown for not even half of episode 4, but I won't, and the reason for that is because I'm sick and fucking tired of people getting their panties in a twist because a character who loves getting fucked is actually getting fucked in almost every episode. Good for him honestly, even if it's making him worse. (I've already ranted about this whole thing here, I'm not going to repeat myself) I don't know how your social media feeds are like anon, but mine are flooded with BibleJes + GreatTyme content and I rarely see anything about KornTonkla or Bas and Fuaiz or anything of the sort, so I can't agree with you that they're more talked about than the main actors/characters. (That's not the case on Tumblr though: I have a very varied feed + my lovely anon asks which give me the chance to talk about my boys and I'm thankful for that.) And I'm sorry, anon, but I'm going to have to disagree with you in the end: Great and Tyme do NOT feel like the side couple at all. They are and they feel very much like the main couple and they've had multiple scenes together in every single episode so far (at the hospital, in Great's garage, at the park, at the university, at the arcade, inside Great's car, at the rooftop of the hospital, at the warehouse, inside the tent etc). We've gotten plenty of fucking content for them AND also BOC has made sure to give Bible and Jes the chance to do a million interviews together + magazine photoshoots, with only half of the show being done, so fans have zero fucking reason to complain about anything. That's all. Rant over.
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tarnussy · 3 months
This whole situation of my posts getting stolen left and right is really making me sad and is extremely disheartening to create anything in the future. Not only that but it is making me not even want to play the DLC at all because I know I'd get excited about something, make either photos or gifs (anything really), god forbid a bigger multi-picture post and it would be stolen again immediately. And these accounts then, if it is a smaller one, keep yapping about how grateful they are for the new followers they gained via stealing, and big accounts just don't give a shit since they are getting sponsorships for stolen content because all that matters is follower count. It is infuriating that I spend a shit ton of time on posts, get nowhere, not even in the sense of having minimal amount of people interacting with my posts outside of tumblr, and then one of these absolute dipshits get all of the positive aspects of being a creator while they are not. The amount of time I spent on everything I posted in the last year and a half is wild and for what?
Small deroute about another thing that I don't understand: Even if I get new followers here, none of them actually check out what I made in the past. They follow then disappear forever, except for a very small amount of people. Why is that? I'm not sure where this mindset came from that you can't go and raid someones blog to reblog a bunch of shit, that is why tumblr was made. Whenever we followed someone in early tumblr days, we combed through the blog via the archive page (or even just the regular blog page) and drafted a ton of posts for later reblogs so we don't flood the dash all at once. What is this culture of never touching anything the person posts you just followed, why follow then? It's been getting gradually worse as time goes on. It must be this fucking instagram brainrot that over there if you like an older post, people will throw virtual tomatoes at you for it but I can assure you that is not a thing on tumblr. People will love if you follow someone then check out their posts they made in the past. Posts on here don't have an expiration date, I could literally go and pull up posts from 2011 to rotate them.
Back to the OG topic: so really what this teaches you is that creative work and ideas are punished, and if you are a thief, you get rewarded both with interactions and monetary compensations FOR FUCKING STEALING.
My recent Morgott reference post that could be useful for artists got a measly fucking 30 upvotes on reddit, vs when someone stole and removed my watermark on a different post got 23 000. You know how that feels? It's like getting constantly punished for wanting to connect with people who share the same interest with you.
So I absolutely have no idea what to do. Commenting on these stolen posts does nothing. They won't even bother with any reaction and keep stealing.
I've been having headaches because of this which is ridiculous because there are way more pressing issues. "Kim, there's people that are dying", as I usually say. And yet, I'm mentally fucking done. All of that combined with whatever the hell is going on in my real life, I just want to bash my head into a wall until my skull cracks.
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formulapookie · 2 months
under the cut to read on tumblr, here to read on Ao3
I need you like air bezzetti 2.5k words
Bez is known for being clingy and affectionate with people he likes.
And his friends are all ok with that, even when he's drunk and gets clingier than usual.
At least, that's what Bez thought, until two seconds ago when he went to hug Cele for the like hundredth time that night and Cele told him to leave him some space, that he was suffocating tonight, that he could stop acting like a child and stay alone for three minutes.
And Cele was drunk, he didn't mean it in a bad way, but Bez is a soft hearted person, and takes everything too harshly.
So he stops clinging all together.
The day after Cele wakes up to an empty bed and no usual sticky note with a wobbly "buongiorno" written on it Bez always leaves if he gets up earlier than him. Which is already strange, but Cele marks it as Bez being hungover and forgetting about it.
They're at Bez's, and they're completely alone for a few days, which gives Cele more than one idea to not get bored while enjoyng each other company.
He gets to the kitchen, his breakfast is ready, but Bez is not sat at the table, he's over at the kitchen sink, already cleaning up his mug.
"Amore you already ate?" Bez nods, he isn't even watching Cele directly, who makes a strange expression.
"Amore are you ok? You seem off today" Bez sniffles, but it's so quiet Cele doesn't hear it. "Yes I was just really hungry after drinking last night, we can have lunch together I have to go to the store now"
This is not like Bez at all, even when he's hungry he would still sit at the table with Cele if he already ate, wait for him to finish and then shower him with kisses, and then order their groceries from an app, too lazy to go out and actually buy them himself.
"Bez cut the shit what's wrong? Why are you so distant? Is there something you want to tell me?"
Bez looks guilty, he's got watery eyes, he's picking at the skin around his nails, biting the inside of his cheeks.
"I am just doing what you asked me Cele" the boy doesn't understand, what does he mean he's doing what he asked him?
"What are you talking about? When would I have asked you to not even kiss me good morning? Or to just randomly go to a store you never set foot in unless we're already out because we're both lazy and order food from home?"
And Bez doesn't understand, because just some hours ago he was asked to leave some space and that's what he's doing, so he doesn't understand why Cele would now tell him not to. His brain is flooding with nonsense, Cele can see him getting lost.
"You asked me to leave you some space because I was suffocating and that I have to stop acting like a child"
Cele frowns, he didn't think Bez would've taken it so personally.
"Bez I meant in that moment, it was hot and I just needed a few minutes alone to recharge, I didn't mean to completely stop being near me, no no amore I would never say that I'm sorry if you got that wrong"
Cele gets closer, pulling Bez into a tight hug and he can feel the older relaxing, the tension that so obviously was built in his body going away.
“I’m sorry I was overwhelming yesterday I just- I wanted to hug you I didn’t want to be annoying I know I am sometimes but-”
Cele stops the nonsense with a kiss, mouth pressing lightly on Bez’s having him shut up.
“You’re not” kiss “annoying” kiss “at all amore, you’re like a super cuddly teddy bear and I love it” another kiss, deeper than the first ones, hands cupping his face and pulling the older closer.
“I am not?” Bez is someone who internalises everything, and Cele knows an efficient way to shut his mind up.
“I promise you’re not” Cele smiles, and Bez can feel he’s being honest with his answer, smiling back.
“Now, if you still don’t believe my words maybe my actions will convince you more” and Bez’s brain starts working, it takes him a few seconds to understand, still a bit foggy from the night’s drinks
“Wh- ah” as he gets what Cele is hinting to he’s nodding furiously, taking his boyfriend’s hips in his hands and pulling him closer.
They make out slowly at first, Bez still needing a bit of reassurance and Cele being more than happy to give it to him.
Once he’s sure of it Bez begins moving Cele closer and closer against the kitchen counter.
“Marco Marco wait let’s go to the bedroom”
He nods, pressing another kiss to the boy’s lips and taking him by the hand guiding him to their room.
As they’re inside Bez drags Cele to bed, having him sit on his lap in a matter of seconds, the younger rolling his hips brushing their dicks together, making them both moan.
“You’re beautiful, perfect Marco absolutely perfect” and it gets Bez flushed, Cele knows that, knows that even the slightest praise gets him aroused, the boy had found out a few months in they’re relationship, when he’d told Bez how good he was at sucking his dick and Bez came in his briefs, going completely red and extremely embarrassed, while Cele had found it extremely fucking hot, and he never stopped praising him whenever he got the chance.
When he felt more bratty he would straight up do it when they were out in public or together with their friends, Bez needing to mentally restrain himself from dropping to his knees for his boyfriend.
“Cele can I suck you off?” Cele smiles stroking the older’s hair and moving a string behind his ear “of course amore, you’re too good at it for me to say no”
And Cele can feel Bez’s dick twitch in his pants at the praise, a barely audible whimper leaving his mouth.
The younger moved to sit on the bed, while Bez shifts on the floor, knees agains the cold tiles, a bit uncomfortable yeah, but he doesn’t care right now.
since they both sleep in just a t-shirt and boxers he doesn’t even go through the trouble of unbuttoning pants, Cele simple lifts his hips and lets the other take his briefs off, as his hands have already made their way to Bez’s curls.
The older doesn’t waste anytime teasing, and just wraps his mouth around the boy’s dick, making him whine immediately.
Cele didn’t lie before when he said Bez was too good at it, he truly is, Cele still remembers the first time they hooked up and Bez got his mouth on him, he had lasted embarrassingly little, the other was simply a magician with his tongue, and he was mesmerised.
“Mh Marco you feel so good, you’re so beautiful like this” he keeps on stroking Bez’s hair, which gets the other fuelled almost as much as the praise falling from his lips.
Bez likes sucking him off, but he also desperately needs to be inside him, and wants the moment to come as soon as possible, so when he reaches the base of Cele’s cock again he takes out his tongue a little, pressing it on the base and dragging it up until the head, still applying pressure which made Cele’s head spin.
“Marco God you’re made to do this fuck- so good”
Bez obviously can tell that Cele is close, the hand gripping his hair is tighter, the little moans he makes when he’s sucking him off becoming erratic, the unconscious bucking of the hips, and the precum leaking becoming increasingly more and more.
“Marco Marco Marco I’m close I fuck you feel amazing I need to come all over your face amore”
Bez moans around his dick and he knows Cele’s second away from his release, so he lets go of him and has him take control of the situation.
Hand tilting his head slightly back, telling him to take out his tongue and closing his eyes, and then coming all over his boyfriend’s face, some ending up on his tongue and lips, some over his cheeks, which cele rapidly cleans up, kissing Bez with hunger and making him taste more of him, moans of pleasure increasing every passing second.
“Marco I want you to fuck me please i’m going to be good for you I promise”
Bez comes up from the floor he was kneeling on, kissing Cele again, moving him more to the centre of the bed, moving his mouth to kiss his jaw and neck, drawing more moans from the boy, who's getting needier by the second.
He breaks away to get the lube in the bedside drawer, and he's quick to flick the cap open and coat his fingers with it.
"Quick come on" "You just came amore, eager today?"
Cele smiles softly, but the smile rapidly switches to an expression of pleasure when Bez unceremoniously pushes one finger inside, quickly adding a second one, scissoring them to have Cele moan already at the stretch.
"Marco more please, need more" "You're so cute when you ask me that you know?"
Cele blushes, Bez kisses him again, open mouth on his neck, sucking slightly on it. Cele's hands go to tug at his curls, making him moan, Bez has many weak points other than getting praised, and having his hair played with or pulled like that is one of those.
He quickens the pace of his fingers, making space for a third one and pushing it in, and Cele already feels so good around him like that, so easy.
"Can I-" "Yes fuck Marco yes you can just do it I'm going to go crazy if you don't fuck me soon"
Bez is quick to replace his fingers with his dick, slowly pushing inside Cele who moans as he can feel every inch of Bez sliding inside him.
“Marco please” Bez has stars in his eyes, almost completely pulling out, just the tip still inside, just to slam back in, groaning at the blissful sensation of Cele tight around him.
“Cele fuck you’re so perfect” the boy whines, a long dragged out moan leaving his chest and echoing in the room.
Bez needs to fuck him, needs to see him come all over himself, drooling like he’s just been fucked stupid.
He moves his hand to tangle itself with cele's, who squeezes it as he keeps moaning Bez's name in loop, his other hand reaching for the older's back, nails scratching it lightly.
Bez wants to ruin him, have him beg, seeing him being so responsive has him think about how beautiful he looks when he's not thinking anymore and just moaning moaning moaning.
It almost makes Bez laugh, the fact he thought Cele wanted him distant, when right now the boy is trying with all his strength to pull him closer and closer.
Without any warning Bez picks up his pace, making Cele's nails dig more into his shoulder, and the older leans down to kiss him hungrily, as if Cele was a precious meal to be eaten and tasted.
" 's so good fuck you are so good I'm so close already" and Bez could've told he was from the way his back was already arching slightly, his legs shaking and the blush covering his face already reaching his ears as well.
The temperature in the room is rising quickly, neither can think straight, both of them hyper sensitive, wanting more.
Bez's hand placed beside Cele for support moves to the boy's dick, and he whines again, he needs his release so much he's practically crying.
"Marco don't stop oh fuck" Bez is now completely gone, he wants to absolutely fuck him dumb, leave him uncapable to speak, which is not something they do like yeah they may fuck a bit harder on days where one or both had a particularly bad race, but the need to fuck him so good Cele will never think of anyone but him is new, and it's hot.
"Mine, all mine fuck, I love you Cele so much" it's all said in a rough voice close to the boy's ear, making him moan louder than before, back arching off the bed and the nails on his shoulder practically drawing blood, and he's coming, a lot, all over his own stomach and Bez's hand, squeezing the one still holding his hand.
And Bez can't last long with the way Cele clenches around him, seconds later he's coming inside him with a grunt, biting at Cele's shoulder to quiet himself down.
They both stay still for a moment, catching their breaths and trying to regain composure, both a mess of sweat and curls. If they could, they'd probably stay like this for hours, pressed so close there's not even space for air between them.
But realistically they know they have to shower and break away, so Bez slowly pulls out, a moan of discomfort coming from Cele, who's let go of the other's shoulder, letting him move to his side before laying next to him.
"Amore" "Mh?" Cele's tired and hungry, he just wants to eat what BEz made for breakfast and sleep. "Gotta shower, come on get up" "Nooo, I want to stay here" "I get it Cele I truly do but you have to clean yourself or it's gonna be uncomfortable later you know that, I'll help you up"
Bez nuzzles at his neck, leaving a soft kiss on the juncture between neck and shoulder, receiving a whine from Cele, who slowly gets up.
"Can you wash my hair Bez?" "Yeah of course, but you have to get in the shower if you want me to" They manage to walk to the bathroom and when Cele sees Bez's back in the mirror he covers his mouth and lets out a little yelp.
"Oh god sorry I - I didn't mean to scratch you like that sorry does it hurt?" His shoulder is red and looks like a wild cat attacked him, but it's fine to Bez, hot even, to have those marks on his body, just as hot as it is to see little hickeys on Cele's collarbone and neck.
"It's not a problem amore, it doesn't hurt, and it's hot to see how much you liked that" Cele is blushing again, looking anywhere but Bez, hearing a chuckle coming from his boyfriend.
"Get in the shower it's getting late come on, I still have to wash your hair"
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I’d ask for more stuff for the reader with the employers (other than Audi) but rrrrrfgg. So little content of them
I feel you Anon, but that's cuz there's jack shit info on them. This got longer than intended and tumblr wont let me save anymore to this post, so I'll make another post with Conductor and Deliberator! :]
Stygian x reader
CW: Talks of death/decay
Arguably the oldest of the four widely known employers, for as long as life has existed, so too has death. Black wisps of smoke curled around his skeletal form, flowing down without pattern or consistency. His few visible features deep set in his face, from his dull pink eyes, to his cheekbones protruding prominently.
His paper thin skin seemed to barely sit on the pink toned bones, looking as if any movement would tear it away, it was something you'd wondered about often when thinking of him.
"Worm." His voice was hollow, a soulless husky rasp with a hint of airiness to it. That was how he referred to everyone he deemed below him, which was everything but his kin.
Being called upon to aid in his work was exciting, yet a heavy burden. Plenty of dead souls passed this realm, and you were part of an exclusive team of judges, dictating where each S-3LF should go. To be reborn, to be banished to purgatory, sentenced to hell, or perhaps the worst fate you'd come to learn of, to be torn asunder into nothing, scattered across the cosmic void.
Sure, purgatory and hell weren't pleasant places, but arguably seemed kinder fates that simply becoming completely undone, as though one had never existed at all...
He snapped his fingers, and you were alone in his office. "Sit." His voice was cold and commanding, yet it always had that tone. Reading him was difficult, always a frigid reception, emotionless to the fullest extent. You obeyed without a word, the chair uncomfortable and worn, unlike the one behind his desk, which was new, plush, and looked a whole lot more comfortable.
His gaunt figure passed by, and a hint of ash mixed with embalming fluids flooded your nose, still incredibly potent despite how often the smell filled your office space.
Narrow hip bones lay neath the skirt of his black floor length toga, a belt of tiny animal skulls rested around his waist. "You are being far too kind to these pathetic bugs. You have yet to submit souls to be cast into The Nothing. Weakness like this shall not be taken lightly."
"I'm sorry, sir." His eyes narrowed.
"These are unworthy beings deserving of erasure, if you can't comply, you'll find yourself joining them into obscurity."
"I'll do better, sir. I vow it."
"As is expected. You are meant to make my job easier. Remember, you are replaceable."
"Understood, sir."
You were suddenly back in your office, leaving Stygian alone in his. He sat at his desk, gritting his teeth. Yes, this little worm was weak, below him, so why couldn't he get you off his mind?
Too kind for their own good, even when he insulted them, berated and tore them apart, they were ever-so polite and always replied formally. His smoke curled around his head, growing thicker as his annoyance grew, filling the room with a black and pink haze.
He was the beast of death, reeling in souls and fixing the afterlife for all, and love and romance weren't really his deal. He was utterly blind to this, doubly so because it was mere mortal that caught his fancy.
He snapped his fingers, and at once a younger fellow Employer appeared in the chair ahead of him. "You really need to stop doing that. I was busy." Dreamer sighed and looked at Stygian. "Why did you call on me, brother?"
Stygian sighed, like a wind blowing through bones. "A mortal being plagues my mind. You deal with these things regularly, what do you propose is wrong with me?"
Dreamer twirled her star earring. "Depends, what thoughts are you thinking?"
"They infest my mind like maggots, writhing in my skin and burrowing deeper. Their face haunts my mind, a ghost trapped in my skull. Tell me Dreamer, tell me, what is wrong?"
Summoning a tea cup, Dreamer sipped thoughtfully. "You're in love."
She giggled and rolled her eyes. "This mortal, whoever they are, you're in love with them. Indulge in it, or don't. Do what thou will, tis what thy's best at. But if you do intent to pursue them, do change out of your deathly rags, okay Steeg?" She clapped her hands, and was gone.
In love? HIM? Bullshit, Dreamer was in her own world again. No. He wasn't in love. He needed to kill you, to break you from his mind entirely, to make you cease to exist, to-
A stack of documents landed in his tray, and he groaned, taking the top one off. His eyes instantly went to the bottom, your signature freshly inked. "Perhaps the purple one has a point." He slumped in his chair slightly, casting the paper aside. Auditor could file them himself, he enjoyed that stuff anyway.
Stygian got up, melting into the floor, appearing back in his private quarters. Heading to his wardrobe, he cracked it open, seeing nothing more than old suits, funeral attire, and worn out reaper robes. He groaned and rubbed his eyes, of course his clothing was useless, he rarely took care of his physical form.
He's living death for Maker's sake, why is he fussing about this?!
"Your thoughts are disrupting my flow." Connie was sitting in a chair in Stygian's bedroom.
"Tis a shame we cannot all have coherent thoughts, Conductor." Stygian scowled angrily. "Precisely what are you intending to achieve here?"
Conductor let out a melodic chuckle, his voice smooth like a fine tuned instrument. "You're not yourself. You're... Bothered. And I don't mean your usual gloom filled irritated self." He rested his head on a fist. "And since when do you change your attire but once a century?"
Stygian gritted his sharp teeth. "Well. Fine. Dreamer may have placed..... Strange thoughts in my mind, about... 'Love.' With some mortal of all things." He threw an old suit on the floor. "And that my clothes are RAGS!"
Connie straightened his tie. "She.. Has a point on that second thing." He pulled his baton, twirling it around in his hands, a blue light shooting out and wrapping itself around Stygian, and instantly tall, dark, and depressing was in a new, freshly pressed three piece suit with a pink tie to match his eyes. "Much better."
Stygian tapped his tie, and a skull lapel pin appeared on it.
Again Conductor swirled his baton, and a fat bouquet of white lilies mixed with blood red roses appeared in Stygian's arms. "Mortals are finicky, they enjoy things like that. Now go and demand they accept your offer."
You were seated at your desk still, condemning another old soul to the void. This one had lived so many lives, so many wicked lived. Dissolving them would be a blessing to the world... That was rather cruel, unlike your usual thoughts. Strange...
"Ahem." You spun in your chair, seeing Stygian in a full suit, his misty 'hair' flowing down, streaks of pink inside inky black. "You will attend a restaurant with me tonight. We need to discuss what happened earlier in greater depth."
Stygian wasn't asking, he was commanding. "Y-yes sir." You found yourself questioning his motives, he never spent time with anyone besides his brothers and sister.
His eyes narrowed, reading you back. "Here." He grunted, thrusting his arm out, shoving the bouquet into your face. "I've been informed that your kind... enjoys such gestures."
"What.. is this?" You looked up from your roses and lilies, and spotted soft pink flushing his cheeks, his eyes averted. "Sir?"
"Just get ready." Stygian snapped his fingers, a body hugging lacy black dress, with rhinestones and intricate little patterns embroidered on, and a classy all black suit, equally bejewelled with lace gloves both appeared on your desk. "Hopefully either of those should be to your liking."
You picked out one of the garments and rushed off to the staff toilets, heart racing and hands shaking. This wasn't happening, right? In a second, Stygian's hand would slam on your desk, and he'd bark at you to wake up. Surely he hadn't picked up on your slight attraction to him, right?
It was cringe-worthy, the living embodiment of death making your stomach butterflies flutter wildly. His cold demeanour, his harsh attitude, the puppy-love feeling of him softening these traits for you, it was all a fantasy, right?
Dressing up, you stepped out, and nearly collided with Stygian, who was lingering outside. "You... look nice." He grumbled, covering his mouth. "I figured you could perhaps enhance your appearance further with this."
He held out a box, opening it to show off a beautiful necklace with pink gemstones encrusted in rose gold metal. "A-are you sure about this sir? This doesn't seem like you."
Stygian looked at you finally, smoke swirling around his skull, twirling around your face as he stepped closer. "Don't think I haven't picked up on your signals, mortal. I can hear the way your heart races when you're close to me, I feel the lingering stares that could almost imprint in my form. I've ignored it and pushed it down for as long as I could, mistaking my own affections for resentment.
You wish to entangle yourself with death? Then prove to me you're worthy of it." Your hands grasped his cheeks, passing through his misty form and grabbing a hold of the black bone beneath, pulling it towards your face, feeling his teeth against your lips.
His flames were cool, but his bones were warm, pleasantly heating your hands as you held him, one of his skeletal hands covered yours, the other pulling you closer by your hips.
A lightheaded feeling washed over you, you started to collapse in his arms, but he was quick to support you. As he pulled back, you noticed a white mist flowing from between his teeth.
"Quite literally stealing your breath away." Resting in his arms a moment, his hand rubbed your back to comfort you, the other cradling your head against his chest. "To be in love with a mortal... To my kin it's unheard of. But you're different. You always have been. You vex me, but I crave it."
He slipped the necklace around your neck, and you looked up from the comfort of his skeletal form to his pink eyes. "Does this mean you're not firing me at dinner tonight?" You joked and he closed his eyes and sighed.
"Of course not. How dare you expect me to let such a good thing go."
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aprillikesthings · 6 months
New pinned post time!
I've recently lost my mind over the 2018 She-Ra which is probably painfully obvious lol
If I flooded your notifications with likes on all your spop content, please know my queue is ridiculously long and at some point you will also get a slo-mo flood of reblog notifications as my queue catches up
My "about" page is here
The tag for my fic writing is #april writes
And my ao3 account is here
And you can read all the posts where I rewatched She-Ra starting with the first episode here (if you're on mobile that link won't really work but you can read them starting from the end here)
And you can see progress on my Catra cosplay (and photos of the whole thing once it’s done) here
I know I have a few posts that have gone semi-viral and/or have tens of thousands of notes, and I talk about them in the readmore:
for the love of god if you screenshot one of my tumblr posts to put it on facebook (looking at you vellum and vinyl you have done this twice lol) or twitter or whatever, please for gods sake mark out my username
I really do not want to change my tumblr name because I've had it since 2012, but also I do not need people finding my tumblr, yes I know it's my own fault for having a name/icon/account that is painfully obviously me but like, c'mon
If you got to my blog via my post about rayon: it's just a minor hyperfixation of mine, I rarely blog about that kind of thing. I'm actually not real fussed about "sustainable fashion," I own plenty of polyester and WAY too many clothes--but I do try to take good care of those clothes and make them last. I just get pissed off when people try to pass off "bamboo" or "eucalyptus" as anything other than rayon. (I like rayon. I shouldn't have to use fifty search terms to find soft socks.)
"Why is your queer love post not rebloggable" hahhhhhh well. Browse the notes sometime. But also I explain a bit more here.
Landlord discourse: Hi, I'm not an expert on affordable housing or anything, I just know that The Rent is Too Damn High, and housing is a human right. I got pissed off, I ranted, it blew up.
"The first link on your boobs post leads to a super problematic website" yeah I didn't realize that until it was too late and there's jack shit I can do about it now, sorry.
If you found my blog via a screenshot of a post about no-fault divorce or that bonsai apple: where the fuck are people still finding those lolol
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bylertruther · 2 years
byler tumblr's obsession with taking other people's differing opinions as a personal attack, airing their petty grievances to the tag, and insisting that we all behave like a hivemind are only a few of the reasons why the byler tag sucks sometimes.
someone having a different opinion is a good thing. there's always something to learn from someone else's perspective, and it could either open your mind to new things or help you solidify your beliefs. either way, it stokes conversation and critical thought, both of which are good things.
"there's so much drama in the tag." and here you are, adding to it and making it an even bigger spectacle. admit that you like it in plain language, or prove your distaste by ceasing all the encouragement of that behavior when you give it attention. A LOT of people will make the drama they caused a byler tag-wide event, because it's encouraged by many. other people engage with it and make them feel better about whatever they did or believe. stop doing that, and maybe the tag won't have at least one person venting about their latest skirmish every day. you don't need to weigh in on someone else's drama, the same way that they don't need to air that stuff out to thousands of people to begin with. you can't pick a "side" and throw shade in your post and think you got away with "not adding to the drama" because you added something towards the end about how we all need to chill or whatever. actions speak way louder than words, and you're failing to lead by example by not being able to take your own advice.
piggybacking off of that, a majority of the time, the drama in question is just two people disagreeing about something and one of them taking it personally, which isn't even drama to begin with. not everyone is going to agree with you. even if they do, their life history is likely to make them see things differently anyway, regardless of whether they reach the same conclusion or not. groupthink is dangerous. if you can't handle speaking to people that don't agree with you, or fail to understand that someone not falling in line with you isn't some failing of your own or an attack on your person, then i simply don't think you're mature enough yet to engage in healthy debate or discussion with others at large. unless someone is being mean and cruel, their opinion on fiction isn't ever about you as a person. banish that narcissistic thinking, and i promise you you'll feel a million times freer and more confident in your beliefs. also, freedom of speech is a wonderful thing. no one should be made to feel afraid to share their opinion because others will take it personally and attack them if they do.
this is preachy as fuck, but idc. sometimes i scroll through this tag and come to the harrowing realization that i've managed elementary school classrooms (grades k-3, specifically) with better sportsmanship and communication skills. we all like byler and want to see more byler content. that's why we come to #byler! stop flooding this tag with so much unnecessary shit and then complaining about it. i'm here to read about my blorbos, not your routinely scheduled squabbling that could've been easily avoided!!!
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chiyoso · 1 year
(vent) you know, my series, the mara's will?
i truly, truly did not expect the positive outcome when i wrote and published it, i didn't plan to make a part two, i didn't plan to make it a series
it was just a fic heavily inspired by the song tot musica by ado
hence, the nordic runes i implemented
yes, absolutely, i adore the support for it i truly do, i'm happy people love it, my idea, my fic, my writing for that piece
but i honestly, genuinely i have no idea where it leads, i have no idea how it'll end, i have no idea what to do with it, i've come to terms that everyone will have different opinions, different views and different expectations on how it'll end
and that scares me. it resurfaces my people pleasing problem immensely.
i'm not not that skilled in writing yet, at least in my perspective
my imaginations heavily contrast to my current skill in writing, i want to express DETAILED fight scenes, but my brain circuits on what words to use for it, because in my mind, the movements are way, way too complex.
the dialogue, the actions, the powers, the usage of weaponry, they're all too complex in my mind, and my vocabulary, my choice of words, my lack of knowledge when it comes to other words, it frustrates me greatly.
more undercut
so i fucking mean when i say this
the writers i have encountered throughout tumblr? fuck. you are all so fucking amazing. i have known some to several of you who continue to write, even in a state of burnout, even in a state of... i dont know, anything that's bothering you, but you still continue to write? FUCK. i dont understand how you do it, but you're so STRONG. you absolutely, absolutely are.
because here i type away, heavily frustrated, plagued with immense, constant burnout, mental exhaustion, writers block, me healing from depression, with multiple projects, drafts, edits to do, pending requests, and i'm just... ugh. — fuck i dont know how you all do it, but you are all so strong. so, so, strong.
i dont want to discontinue the mara's will, but i cant... muster up any ideas for it either.
it was an impulse fic, heavily inspired by a song. a song from one piece.
i purposely left chapter 1 on a cliffhanger, i intended it to be that way because it was fitting to the plot.
and now... with part two out, it- i feel it was rushed, and it was getting too long, too long to the point where tumblr doesn't allow me to edit it anymore, so its stuck that way. rushed, full of mistakes, etc
shit i dont know what to do with it. fuck my people pleasing problem man. so many requests flooded me for a next part, and i did, i delivered. but why do i feel so... dejected? fuck.
i think i'm being too harsh on myself, but that's most likely because of the eerie, sudden silence — in which i'm still continuing to distract myself from (thank god for games and anime)
and if i had a drawing tablet again, things would be so much easier, i wanna draw fanart again, i wanna draw scara, lyney, nnngh i wanna draw hsr men too !!!! im so!!! nnh!!!
gahhh fuck i need lyney, neuvi, scara or geto to hug me tightly
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teaveetamer · 1 year
I am curious, I've been watching the discourse going on for a bit without getting involved and at this point I feel like I have to ask.
What is the desired result here? Why are you engaging in the discourse at all? Clearly this is not a discussion, so what do you gain from interacting at all?
(I will send this to several people, just out of curiosity)
Alright anon allow me to explain what's been going on with me on my end.
The year is 2019 (yes, we're doing this). FE3H has just come out. I play it and rather enjoy it actually. I've got a couple of ships that I'm into, some fanfic I want to write, etc.
I go onto Reddit to chat with people about the game. Now I don't really like Edelgard, but I'm chill, I'm open to discussing the game and getting alternate viewpoints. Initially it's more or less fine.
Then some posts start coming up. People start getting really aggressive about this. I'm trying to have a conversation, but it feels like their goal is just to shout me down. I get in arguments, I get in fights, I get misgendered, I get called a bigot, I get frustrated, I get ablest rhetoric spewed at me, and I waste my life.
Stop. Take a look at myself. I'm literally sitting here arguing about Edelgard von fucking Hresvelg for hours of my day. I'm annoyed, I'm irritated, I'm always in a bad mood. Ugh.
Now it's 2020, early times I think. I resolve to stop looking at Reddit so much with regard to this game. It's not worth the hassle and the frustration. I should be, like, out doing things and having fun not wasting my time arguing with a bunch of weirdos on the internet. I want to have fun again, not be angry. I delete the Reddit app from my phone and install a blocker on my web browsers, even.
Start using Tumblr for more than just shippy stuff, and find people who agree with me, who are saying the things I've been saying. I stop feeling crazy for liking the game the way I like it. I make a few posts on my main blog but you know what, I don't really want my main blog embroiled in this shit, though I want to add my voice to the conversation. So I make this side blog.
Make some posts. I get flooded with asks from other people about the game, saying they agree with me and they're thankful that they aren't the only ones who think the way I do. I think within like a month of existing this blog had double the posts of my main blog (which has existed since 2016, so for four years at that point), most of them from asks.
The blog was initially for me to vent and throw in my two cents here and there, but I figure I'll keep it around in regular use because people seem to be benefiting from it.
Early on I tried to establish a rule for myself that 1) I wasn't going to go looking in any main tags (e.g. the Edelgard or Edelgard Positive tags) for stuff to reblog or talk about, and 2) I wasn't going to go into any Edelgard specific spaces looking for stuff to talk about (e.g. r/Edelgard or even Dimitri-critical tags). However, anything maintagged that was looking for a fight (e.g. a Dimitri-critical post in the main Dimitri tag) was fair game.
I'm not perfect, but I did try to stick to that rule. I talked about things that happened on the main FE Sub or FEH sub. I did my best to encourage my anons to not go seeking out stuff to bring back to me from Edelgard spaces. After all, this blog was meant for venting and having my own personal space where I could talk about my views without getting accosted. I thought it would be petty for me to go bring back stuff from other places.
Moving into 2021, I was kind of done with 3H. I was still getting like dozens of asks a day about 3H discourse. I'd answer one and five more would pop up in their place. By now we're like, well beyond 3x or 4x the amount of posts I have on my main blog. I'm getting kind of tired of it. It's a lot of the same points over and over and over. We're in pandemic times, so I can't even walk away from it and do something else IRL for a while before coming back to it. I feel like I'm wasting my life again. I feel like I've said anything and everything I could have possibly said about the subject. I ask people to stop talking to me about Edelgard. Eventually, everyone mostly obliges.
I still chat about it here and there, but I'm chatting about other stuff too. This blog is still about venting just about venting about more than 3H. A lot more petty fandom shit in general.
Now we're in, like, 2022. I don't remember exactly, Pandemic Time makes some of this a bit of a blur. I notice a new kid on the block, doing basically what I'd noticed happening on Reddit. Going into the wrong tags. Picking fights. Posting things in the wrong tags. Picking fights.
I'm over it, I'm done, I don't want to deal with this shit anymore. I block the dude. Most people I know block the dude or ignore him. We figure he's new here, he just hasn't learned the etiquette.
He gets increasingly hostile. I'm not really paying that much attention, just getting info about it from the fringes. Again, we figure eventually he'll just go away if we ignore him.
Then Nilsh gets harassed off the platform.
My mutuals are getting increasingly hostile anons and combative reblogs.
At this point I'm relatively unaffected. I guess because I don't tag anything, so he didn't find it.
And you know what? I'm still like "he'll get bored. He'll leave eventually." We were all like "just ignore him, he'll leave eventually."
People try to explain tags to him. Try to help him curate his experience so he quits arguing with people who don't want to talk to him all the time.
Then Moonlitboar gets harassed off of the platform. They take the URL. He's bragging about having done it. He's spreading this vitriol to other platforms and convincing others to join in on the harassment.
And I'm like. Okay. This dude isn't leaving. This is what he wants. His goal isn't to talk about this game—his goal is to hurt us.
I unblock him and respond. We go back and forth. He stops... for a time.
Here's the thing. I didn't re-block him after that, and I didn't do that for a couple of reasons. First, because at this point I'm still hopeful that he's just unaware of what he's doing, and that he'll acknowledge how messed up it was and apologize. I'm all for second chances. The second, because he's dangerous and I'm worried that if I don't keep tabs on him, he's going to try to hurt me.
It's not long until he's doing the same shit again. He tries harassing BWIIDT, he tries harassing FantasyInvader, he tries harassing Ezra, he tries harassing RandomNameless, he tries harassing Emblemxeno, he tries harassing Gascon, he tries harassing people I've literally never even heard of. I keep calling him out, and he tries harassing me. He calls me hysterical, accuses me of acting like a victim. Tries to make me feel stupid and small by saying I don't have anything worth his attention to respond to.
(By the way dude, my point about that was that you were being misogynistic but treating discourse like it was only worth responding to if it came from a man. See, I noticed that you only liked to attack people you thought were cishet white men like yourself, even if we were saying basically the same things at times. The fact that you continue not "debunking" any of my posts doesn't upset me; it proves my point)
He blocks me. I can't say for certain why, but my bet is that he realized people were actually listening to what I had to say, and having a queer woman question the actions he purported to be for the benefit of queer women wasn't a great look for him.
He's still trying to harass me. He's taking screenshots, he's using my name, he's @ ing me. He's casually lying about me. He's using sexist rhetoric implying that I shouldn't be listened to because I'm just too ~in my feelings~ and he's the true victim of my hysterical victimized martyr complex (geez, you sure a a feminist ally for that one, aren't you?)
You know, I did actual research when one of my anons accused him of being a trump supporter and tried to lie about him? I burned an entire evening on that, because I didn't want to be spreading lies about people. Meanwhile he lets his anons casually and repeatedly misgender me without so much as a passing correction, and he hangs out with people who spread lies and slander accusing others of heinous crimes.
And you know what? If I knew it was going to be like this? I'd still waste that evening and correct that anon. It's not about getting a petty win or convincing people he's a bad person for me. It's about being respected.
So to get back to your question. Why am I doing this? Because I have to. Because I know that if I don't he's going to hurt someone else, just like how he hurt Nilsh and Moonlitboar. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior, after all. We ignored him and he didn't leave, so now we have to say something.
What's the desired result? I want to be respected, like I've tried to respect them for almost the entirety of this blog's existence. I want my boundaries acknowledged. I want him to stop hurting people for no other reason than to hurt them, because they don't agree with him.
When will I stop? When he stops.
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shatterthefragments · 2 months
Ok friend, I am assigning you Dispose and also Swan Song from The Plot in You. I need to know which are your favorites. (Or if you end up hating everything else lmao)
Ok I might have to just not mention all the perfect lyrics because holy fuck DISPOSE is so fucking perfect in every way. (Will mostclkkely be repeated for swan song too) edit: absolutely repeating/ adding this for Swan Song as well!!!
The heartbeat drums. The fucking VOICE HE HAS 😭
“How many times do I have to fight”
…is that a fucking theremin?
“What’s left in me?”
“What’s left in me / guess we’ll see” FUCK RIGHT OFF THIS IS MY WHOLE FUCKING ESSENCE. (“What happens when your best is not enough? Guess I’ll find out” fun fact I’ve written snippets of lyrics based on that recurring thought fixation. And I’ll continue to do so.)
Fuck,, the emotions. This is the perfect opener fucking shit.
Not just breathing
(Do I even mention the perfect lyrics when it seems they just always hit??)
“I’m just trying I’m just fighting to say I’m alive I’m alive and not just breathing”
One last time
“But I lay here awake too afraid to dream / cause if I might have to face myself / I’ll buckle at my knees / tell me one last time how I never tried”
“Pushed my pain aside / cause I could never give it to those” and that entire whole ending verse are so perfect aaaah
Also I adore hearing all the different instruments??? I probably wouldn’t have noticed as much all the different parts but I listened with headphones one night.
Also like??? The way he sings “as I lay here Awake /too afraid to dream/“ just feels so familiar and I want to crawl inside the AWAKE growl. And the way the music is behind it and licks up for the chorus?? Ugh 😍
I always wanted to leave
“I always wanted to leave / i guess it’s a shame / I’m so damn destructive /(and you’re so reluctant to mean what you say)”
This one hurts a lot 💖 (I have always wanted to leave. I was so close to moving across the country for school. but money. And now I feel trapped because this place is the only place where I can usually stand the weather. So I can’t leave. But I do love now beautiful it is here too.)
Like I listen to a lot of cathartic music. But I actually sometimes have to skip this one bc I’m not fucking ready. (Keeps singing the single line”I always wanted to leave” over and over regardless 😅)
Feel nothing
This is fucking everything to me.
Beautiful. Haunting. Perfect.
“I hate it but I long to feel what I felt before”
“What’s here for me? Why hide the truth?”
The sounds do something to me.
“I think I’m happy / knowing you arent” fuck me Up!!
The one you loved
First TPIY song in my likes and omg. I just. I love it so much.
“I try to hold on ‘cause I know I hate to lose” “Was the change in me not strong enough?” “Time with you is what I dread”
“Was there something else? ‘Cause I tried my best” but truly every lyric.
Paid in Full
I can’t tell what the sound is reminiscent of to me but it’s tickling some sort of nostalgia.
“I blame myself for this” is probably the hardest hitting to me (I’m working on that)
The sound
Absolutely beautiful. I remember seeing you post this to tumblr and I was. A little hesitant to listen to it tbh. But I am glad I did I really love it. It went into my likes (but I shan’t elaborate on which ones exactly are in my likes bc sometimes I’m bad about that they just end up in my on repeats instead)
First verse my beloved. (Says the exact same about the rest of the song) (sometimes I have to skip this song too but it truly is so beautiful and I love it)
Plus sax??
Disposable fix
I have a LOT of fucking feelings about the title alone. And how the album title is DISPOSE ending with a longer version dispose-> disposable fix and. It’s.
“It’s just a show and I’m the one that takes the blame”
And ending on “ I'm done contemplating with it //
You're not a victim of shit
I put myself on the back burner
Held myself back for you I'm a disposable fix
I'm only stating the facts And now I've got nothing to lose, no” is absolute insanity (or the best thing ever)
This is a song I absolutely love. (Even though I can’t relate to the fucking) this is another song I sometimes have to skip.
Other times. I absolutely looped this on my lunch break until I swapped to one of the songs I hadn’t written for yet so I could hopefully post this for you before I go!!!
Swan song
Is so fucking perfect and a tad uncomfortable at times in the way the feelings writhe inside of me (similar to the DISPOSE songs I sometimes to often have to skip but it also feels a little different with this album too)
Letters to a Dead Friend
The shifting tone through the song…
“We probably fucked each other's lives but now we're makin' do
It's so sad, it's so sad, the way they look at me Like I've got, like I've got, answers to anything You know me, you know me, l've got a lot to say But it's in vain, it's insane and you won't feel the same”
“I don't wanna face the things that I've done wrong
Done wrong, or did right It should be me in the ground a thousand fucking times
And my voice, how I'm heard
When you were triple the man and now you fill the dirt”
This one hurts, but I also have to admit that I haven’t literally buried a friend that I was super super close to. (Just. Huh. I guess more kids have died than I thought actually…) …anyway.
Fall again
I love it. I’m not sure what else to say.
“Was a way to escape the life that you chose
If you fall again, you're on your own
Untied my wrists, I won't sink with them
No tears fell down my face
I was loved in a crooked way
And my fears weren't aimed at you”
Face me
The layering of the vocals here is just!!!!!!!!!! Adding it into the music behind it is. sending me into orbit.
I am refusing to analyze the lyrics and pick a favourite here ✌️✨
Mmm. Maybe. “I don't feel like catching prey
But I don't feel like anything
I sit in my head, stray from the truth
Pick at the scabs, don't look at the past, got something to lose
But I feel the tension from every direction”
Too far gone
Every single part. It feels familiar in such a Way. It’s such a part of me.
I really like the sounds in this.
There’s a lot I could say about the lyrics. But. I don’t think I will. It’s jsut really perfect too. ✌️✨ sometimes I hum a little bit to myself but I don’t always recognize it as Paradigm.
Both to blame
Going from looping disposable fix to the opening of both to blame has a similar sound and I am just PARALLELS and OBSESSED.
“Who do you wanna be?
It never made much sense
I never gave you what you need
Grew a separate way most every day
But I'm happy that you left And oh it hurt so good I found solace in regret And like half the time I'd weigh the crime like you left me your debt” is so good 🥺
“We’re both to blame / I left you alone with no one / I’m ashamed / it’s killing me the things I said” anyway this is a very good very Close song.
Too heavy
Not only is this really pretty. It’s. Fuck. FUCK. I often feel like I’m begging for love. For a chance to prove I’m worth something or anything.
“And you got me begging for your love
And you got me begging for a chance to prove
So maybe someday we'll be something
Maybe it'll be alone
So for as long as I'm alive I'm giving everything to you
It's all too heavy for my heart to lose”
Prettier than it has any right to be.
I sure fucking am the enemy, as much as I try to rewrite this.
“could pause life there
I don't need a thing, don't need a voice on me I just need this to stay Will you (tell me if you feel)
I can feel your skin
Nothing beneath it (how do you think I feel?)
Empty, full of spite
Let impulse decide (tell me if you feel)”
Whole without Me
“It’s all much easier alone / and I’ll lose everything for you”
“As I was self-destructing
And I just need you to know I tried letting go but nothing would let me”
“my arms, slowly starts to slip away
I'd gone too far, I'd fed into an aching soul
Believed the lies I told myself, and they took control
This image burned into my sight”
“my arms, slowly starts to slip away
I'd gone too far, I'd fed into an aching soul
Believed the lies I told myself, and they took control
This image burned into my sight” these are the ones that stood out the most to me in the first few listens without looking at the lyrics yet. (But should I repeat perfect lyrics again orrrrrrrrr)
Also I really really love the music behind it too.
The last lines. FUCK.
Oh fuck. Well. Freed. Freed my beloved.
“You’re tearing out the pages of me”
I love the sounds in this so much!!
Anyway 100/10 song
Thank you so much for recommending The Plot In You!!
these two albums and Crows are VERY GOOD and I love them!!! (Who knows when I ll be able to listen to more. Maybe if I download some more but idk if I’ll get to it before I go tbh 😔)
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manicpixiemidgirl · 1 year
Jesus Christ I'm never going on Reddit again, or at least I'm going as little as possible now.
The first post I clicked on today was a video of someone making coffee with their home roastery/espresso machine, which I personally thought was really cool. Maybe a little frivolous and has a vague smell of rich people, but still cool nonetheless.
The comments were FLOODED with people whining about how it was sooooooo unnecessary and how they were doing it wrong and how they must be sooooooo SPOILED and POMPOUS to have to do all of that for just one cup of coffee and "this is too much work just use a Keurig or go to Starbucks like the rest of us."
Like jesus fucking christ. This person was showing all the neat gadgets they had and were clearly super passionate about coffee and did this as a hobby, but virtually EVERYONE in the comments were shitting all over it. Why????????? Why do they feel the need to do that????? Is it because they're jealous???? Are they just angry that people do things that they don't do????????
I never see shit like that on Tumblr. I NEVER see people saying "Jesus Christ the fetishization of this drink" I NEVER see cynicism at every corner. I'm so much happier here. Everyone is so positive and supportive and understanding of each other.
Fuck reddit and it's holier than thou attitude with everyone.
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valyrfia · 3 months
honestly going to sound bitchy when I say this, and while I don’t think OP should be getting hate for their takes, I also think it’s unrealistic to expect something that’s posting on a public forum to never break containment. Especially when their takes either make them sound like a hypocrite or like they honestly believe that any ships are happening IRL and not just a bit of fun within the fandom.
I personally don’t give a shit if someone finds my takes on Lestappen delusional, because let’s be real-it is. The same way all RPF is, no matter the ship. Because we don’t know these people. So I find it hard to judge others for their shipping because at the end of the day you’ve got to take a step back and realize this is all for fun, if we’re reading too much into an interaction, so what? If we’re pook-afing a grown man, what’s the hard? There’s a difference between RPF/shipping and the actual person going out to race every weekend. And personally, I’m more concerned with people that have trouble understanding and distinguishing between the two.
There is probably a less than 1% chance that Charles and Max are interested in each other in a romantic way, which is why all of my “theories” are simply for fun. And I can understand not wanting to interact with some of the more die hard fans, for any ship/fandom because they do tend to get a little too defensive of their favs. But I’m not okay with the suggestion that, Lestappen is somehow less morally okay than Carlando or Galex or whatever other ship because we’re Ken-afing a man. As if we any of the other ships are somehow more realistic.
Eh idk. I think we're all on tumblr to escape something and enjoy, and people have different boundaries to keep their peace that deserve to be respected. Just because someone criticises a certain ship and then requests that their opinion not be spread because they just don't have the mood nor the energy to discuss it doesn't make them a hypocrite, it just means they want to log on and enjoy what they enjoy without having to engage too critically with it. I don't think OP was saying that Lestappen is less morally okay (let's get one thing straight: all RPF is morally grey as hell but that's a different discussion), rather sharing their opinion of the ship as formed by their experiences–as I think they're entitled to do. OP didn't post it in any tags, and it only reached us because people sent it in.
Yeah I disagreed with their take, and expressed that and I stand by my points–but I have deleted and will delete my takes if it means sending discourse anons to a person who doesn't want it. I explicitly asked at the beginning of my reblog of thearchercore's original anon not to go send anons to OP because they set a boundary in their meta that they didn't want them, so it's just a bit annoying that then anons flood this person's inbox anyway and I get contacted and my username gets attached to all this disrespect and boundary breaking and I'm the one who has to apologise and I feel a little mortified. Just please respect people's boundaries, it makes everyone's lives much simpler.
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alarrytale · 7 months
I really admire Gina’s presence here since her blog was my first one to follow after I became larrie and most of the larry knowledge including HL’s sexualities, industry and pr tactics and closeting I learned from her blog. And as much I appreciate and respect all her opinions and povs, I also noticed how she suddenly switched to “I don’t know if they are still together, sometimes I think they are and sometimes I think they don’t” opinion + sometimes holds her opinion back on H’s sexuality as well saying that he’s just queer (like if there’s a possibility in her believe that he might be bi/pan) and however he label himself, the most important is that he’s happy. And tbh reading this opinion switches as a still quite new larrie is just making me anxious as long as my opinions and believes are based on what old-days larries, who witnessed it all, say. But I also noticed she just started to hold her back with such a bold opinions like you, Marte, have that they never broke up/hooked up with someone else if they had some breaks and that they are both gays. So she might be bold in her believes but she doesn’t write it anymore because it became an opening a can of worms for her since she’s popular and her asks are the most flooded with antis/gf harries/trolls opinions. So imo she just decided to step on brakes, not because she’s not firm in her believes anymore but because she’s just that popular. But that’s just what I observed in the past year, there were days when she had word larrie in her bio which she also changed.
Anyway I’m still happy she’s there just like you and have a patience and kindness to answers asks because I couldn’t imagine being larrie who believe they are still together and witness their stunt shenanigans and their gaslighting on us on my own.
P.S.: I really hope we’ll get Nouis reunion since they both play the same festival in Berlin and Louis even liked Niall’s post recently and we know how much excited Louis got in Nov that he might see “my Niall” for that RS event. I’m manifesting!
Hi, anon 💜
I think it's very important to make up your own mind and do your own research on all these topics, and not rely on different blogs to tell you what you should believe and not believe. That includes me. I think it can be difficult when you haven't experienced things in person and in the context of which it happened, and the source material is gone or the bloggers that sat on the info have left the fandom. It can be hard to know where to look and who to ask for guidance. However, there are still blogs with plenty of info, blog archives and timelines that can help you make up your own mind and help you put things in context. They're just not active anymore. So the blogs that are still active gets a lot of attention and asks. That doesn’t mean their word is gospel. I see many younger blogs here giving out wrong info, because they weren't here to experience it. There are also hardly veteran blogs who are still here to contest the info being wrong. That means the veteran blogs who're active gets a lot of attention and their opinions are more valued than others. That's both a good and a bad thing.
I'm very confident in my opinions because i have been here almost every single day since 2012. Both on twitter and tumblr. I was here during all the highs and lows. I'm also very clear about what i don't know or feel like i can't confidently make a decision on because of lack of info. I also very much believe in diversity of opinon and hearing different points of view. It's fine to have different opinions or different beliefs. Us larries aren’t a homogenous group of people. So we need to respect each others differences of opinons. We don’t need to reach a consensus. We also need to respect people having a change of heart or not wanting to take a stance on a subject because they don't have enough info to be confident enough in their opinions.
We larries take a breath and we get a ton of shit from antis. So i do understand why people are not always so bold and confident about their opinions. Some anons won't take "i don't know/i'm not sure/i have no opinion" as an answer. They need to know for sure and they need that assurance from the blogger. That's hard to deal with sometimes and a lot of responsibilty when you know the asker will take your word as truth. I wouldn't worry as much about what this or this blogger believes about this and that. Build confidence in your own opinions. You might know more about a subject than i do or what another blogged does. If a blogger succumbed to all the gaslighting, changed their opinons and left the fandom you wouldn't be as lost if you've made up your mind independently of them. You wouldn't be alone in your opinion either, there are loads of people still here who shares them. You just need to find them.
No one knows the full and whole truth here. We're all bound to be wrong about some things. So don't rely too much on others, find what makes the most sense to you and what your gut tells you and stick to it regardless of others opinions.
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fuckin nanowrimo progress (i'm strugglin') (day 6)
oh WOOWOWWWWWWW was today a day lemme tell u and it wasnt even related to this but it AFFECTED it. letting u know now. ourgh im tired
words written: 1774
percentage of manuscript completed: 14%
writing sessions had: 2
scenes/chapters worked on: 3. the first a beelzebub and aziraphale flashback, where we learn about why hell attacked crowley and aziraphale earlier. beelzebub drinks coffee and loves gabriel PLEASE. the second was a bit of direct aftermath, with everything quiet and shit. the third was just some dialogue for the first "minisode" we're gonna have, which is the Flood pt 2 :)
interactions written: 5. hastur and crowley, beelzebub and gabriel, aziraphale and gabriel, beelzebub and aziraphale, and aziraphale and crowley. orurh
curse words/nicknames (in-world and otherwise) used: too many to count. sooooo many deragatory angels im gonna have to cut some later. one 'wank-wings' beelzebub @ gabriel. three 'oh shit's from a demon named Mole. also a Lot of crowley cursing. like not cuss out likr actual CURSING. its funny :)
amount of breaks had in between: 3. first i got distracted by tumblr, second someone brought conchas from the store and i NEEDED to eat one b4 they ate them, and third i got a sudden urge to put away the dishes. its hard asfuck to do those if i wanna do it i DO IT
random thought of the day: howwww the fuck do i write scary crowley. how does he work. how do i write without using sight. actually ive done that multiple times i can do it. oh my fuckin god crowley scares me he us so bbygrl 🥰
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