#who and i quote
dokutah-exe · 1 year
decided to create a new department named "the bureau of divorced women" to aid the ever-growing amount of divorced operators that continue to join us
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Mythbusters have 3 categories of myths
the general public doesnt know how physics works
the general public doesnt know how lying works
oh crap this ones real
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midnight-coffee94 · 1 year
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No single line has ever wrecked me as hard as this one from the Good Place and I think about it constantly
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everwalldigan · 13 days
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Bruce being a toxic boy mom when it comes to nightwing will never not be funny as fuck he is literally the biggest nightwing defender one bad word against him and the next day he’ll show up at ur house
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alexxuun · 3 months
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To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love.
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lilislegacy · 2 months
random pre-school mom: you are such a good dad, picking your son up from school so often
percy: well, my wife and i switch off depending on our schedules. she’s here the other half of the time
random pre-school mom: that’s so generous of you!
percy, confused: uh, why? i’m his dad
random pre-school mom: it’s just so selfless! oh and your little boy is absolutely adorable. he’s the most precious thing i’ve ever seen!
percy: thanks, he looks a lot like his mom
random pre-school mom: but clearly those eyes come from you
percy: well, yeah. i mean, i am his dad
random pre-school mom, flustered: um, well, are you coming to parents night? i can show you around so you know where to go?
percy: my wife and i will be there, and we’ll figure it out. thanks though
random pre-school mom: *weird fake smiling*
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lilyflxwers · 5 months
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unknown//janet finch/white oleander//holyaches//unknown//sylvia plath/the bell jar// sue zhao//carol rifka brunt/tell the wolves i’m home//suzanne rivecca/death is not an option//ineloquent-creature
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fanaticalthings · 3 months
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it's tough being the oldest.
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shripscapi · 23 days
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The queen wore a high-collared black silk gown, with a hundred dark red rubies sewn into her bodice, covering her from neck to bosom. They were cut in the shape of teardrops, as if the queen were weeping blood.
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leo-artista · 19 hours
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Incorrect quotes ft. Stan twins
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soracities · 2 years
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e.e. cummings, from “in time of daffodils(who know” (in 95 Poems), Complete Poems: 1904-1962
[Text ID: “In time of daffodils(who know the goal of living is to grow)”]
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bumblebeebats · 2 years
Top 3 ways to pronounce "worms":
woims (old-timey New York gangster)
wurrums (Scottish)
weuhrms (bad French accent like the narrator from spongebob)
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communistkenobi · 4 months
"Sex" is commonly used to refer to a person's status as a man or woman based on biological factors. Although sex reflects a person's biology, as opposed to gender, which is generally considered to be socially constructed, the biological aspect of the body that determines a person's sex has not been legally or medically resolved. Traditionally, a person's legal sex is established by the sex that the birth attendant places on the birth certificate. Thus, for infants born with unambiguous external genitalia, the external genitalia typically control the sex determination. If the genitalia appear ambiguous, sex is assigned, in part, based on sex-role stereotypes. The presence of an "adequate" penis in an XY infant leads to the label male, while the absence of an "adequate" penis leads to the label female. A genetic (XY) male with an "inadequate" penis (one that physicians believe will be incapable of penetrating a female's vagina when the child reaches adulthood) is "turned into" a female even if it means destroying his reproductive capacity. A genetic (XX) female who may be capable of reproducing, however, is generally assigned the female sex to preserve her reproductive capability, regardless of the appearance of her external genitalia. If her phallus is considered to be too large to meet the guidelines for a typical clitoris, it is surgically reduced, even if it means that her capacity for satisfactory sex may be reduced or destroyed. In other words, men are defined based on their ability to penetrate females, and females are defined based on theis ability to procreate. Sex, therefore, can be viewed as a social construct rather than a biological fact.
— The Road Less Traveled: The Problem with Binary Sex Categories by Julie A Greenberg in Transgender Rights (2006)
interesting to note that 1) the introduction of chromosomal information doesn’t actually provide more “biologically accurate” precision in sex assignment, only a more complex set of administrative and medical instructions on the procedures of assignment, 2) the only concern in sex assignment is maintaining the distinction that “females make babies” and “males penetrate females to induce pregnancy.”
This is why the idea that “sex is biological” or that we can just drill down to find the sex atom of the human body, be that chromosomes or gametes or whatever else, is premised on the notion that sex assignment is simply a record of a self-evident reality, not the construction of the category of sex as the mythological foundation of cis-heterosexual reproduction
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ghoulinfuschia · 27 days
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"Rise and Shine Ms. Doorman"
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pagerunner-j · 2 months
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Said it before, will say it again: Sometimes Twitter is still good. (source)
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heavensghost · 1 year
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