#ya boi is going on vacation so this is the last set for a week methinks.. take care have fun love u all <3
fandomnerd9602 · 5 months
Square Dance: Promenade
Part Three of Square Dance Series
Country!Wanda x Male Reader
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How could time be so cruel? You had fallen in love with your best friend's sister, shared your first kiss together, and all in the span of a couple days. You didn't think it was possible. But now that week vacation was coming to an end.
You almost dreaded it now. Soon the corporate cogs would swallow you back in its mechanical grip and you'd have to leave the Maximoff homestead for who knows how long.
It was the day before you had to leave when Wanda approached you in the early morning, "I wanna have a date with you, city boy"
"A date?"
"Yeah a day date" she smiled at you with that thousand watt smile.
You and Wanda spent the entire day on the town. Piet and Crystal joined you for lunch at the local diner. It felt lively, it felt energetic. It felt like home with the Maximoffs.
You and Wanda explored the downtown area, rode horses together. You listened to Dolly Parton records at the local record shop. You even filmed one of her strumming sessions and taught her how to post it online.
But the sun was like a harsh hourglass as the evening drew. You understood that your time on the Maximoff homestead was nearing its end. You sat out on the porch, just trying to take in the setting sun one last time.
“I gotta go” Piet exclaimed gruffly that evening, walking out to you, “crystal needs me at…umm…the thing”
He looked to Wanda and she looked to you, giving you a little wink. And with that Piet left in his pick up truck.
You sat down on the porch, your eyes looked up to the nighttime sky. Wanda sat next to you with her guitar.
“What you thinking, city boy?” She asked.
“The stars. They’re the same as the ones back in the city.”
“Tell ya what. As long as you’re looking up at them stars, so will I. And I’ll always think of you”
“Deal. I’ll always think of you too.” The two of you made that silent promise. Wanda gave you a sad smile and began to strum on her guitar.
(Bless the Broken Road [Acoustic] - Rascal Flatts)
I set out on a narrow way many years ago
Hoping I would find true love along the broken road
But I got lost a time or two
Wiped my brow and kept pushing through
I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you
The two of you just gazed out to the stars. The eternal midnight promise of your love for one another. As long as you could see the stars, you’d think of your country girl.
That every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart, they were like Northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
Wanda leaned her head against your shoulder. “We’ll find our way back to each other”
“I hope so” you said, your heart heavy with grief.
“Come on,” she got up from her spot on the porch. “Let’s get some viddles”
“Viddles?” You asked.
Turns out it’s just another word for food around the area. Wanda and you settled into having one last meal together before tomorrow. She insisted on cooking. “Alright darling” she said as she slid the plate across the table to you, “eat up!”
You noticed how she took a little bit of your meal on her thumb and then licked it clean off. How you wished you could kiss her and suck on those plump beautiful ruby red lips of hers. And then she sat down across from you with her own plate.
"Go on" she chuckled, "eat up"
You took a bite of the steak and eggs set before you. Wanda's whole demeanor was anticipation, just waiting for your reaction. The second the bit of steak hit your lips, it was like food nirvana. A tiny moan escaped your lips. A mischievous smile made its way across Wanda's eyes and lips like a cat who finally caught its mouse.
"You like it?" she asked with a hint of mischief.
"Love it. Best steak I've had in a long time" you smiled back.
"Good" she giggles, "I like the sound you made," she gives you a little wink. You couldn't help but blush.
"So what happens now?"
"No matter what" she whispered, "I'm glad I got to spend this week with you. I ain't ever gonna forget about you."
"You're gonna go far, Wanda" you took her hand, "you're gonna forget about me when you up there, on the stage, touring. With your millions of fans"
"Aw shoot," she giggled, "I don't think a million and one fans could ever make me forget about you"
The two of you just sat there in silence. You didn't want this night to end. If there was some way to stretch it on into infinity you wished you could. You just wanted to spend it with Wanda.
"I-I'm gonna go wash up." She offered a sad smile. And then got up.
It left you wondering. Was the corporate world really what you wanted? You had the most wonderful gal in your arms one moment and the next she would be gone.
You wandered the hallway. The sound of the shower had died out awhile back. You just walked right up to Wanda's bedroom door. She was probably asleep by then.
All you wanted to do was going into her room and hold her tight. But you understood it was better this way. You were of two separate worlds. Two ships that were passing in the harbor at the same time. You could never ask her to give up her tour just to stay with you in the city.
“I’m sorry Wanda” you whispered to her door before leaving.
You walked into your room to grab a towel for your own shower and came face to face with a sight that both surprised and delighted you.
There she was, a goddess among mortals, the bedsheet tucked under her arms. Your country girl was looking at you with those doe like eyes filled with love and desire for you. Her hair still damp with water. She was stark naked and beautiful as ever, only covered by that gossamer sheet.
“We only got tonight, city boy” she said softly. “And I wanna spend it with you”
You were left dumbfounded, but in the best possible way.
“So…” she asked with a smirk, “you just gonna admire the view or you wanna ride?”
You smiled and took off your shirt before joining her in your bed. If tonight was all you two had, then you make it last as long as possible.
You got under the covers. Wanda reached up and began kissing you once, twice. She giggled as she switched positions with you and straddled your waist, letting the bed sheet fall away.
"My city boy" she giggled before allowing you and her to become lost in the infinite moment, two hearts becoming one.
To Be Concluded…
Tags: @jacenradio7 @lifespectator @abimess @aloneodi @tokufighter @konstantin609 @scarletquake-n7 @supercorpdanbeau @family-house-of-m @holiday-house-of-m @deafeningsharkslimeempath
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redheadspark · 7 months
I can’t help but think that Barry Keoghan with prompt 4 would be perfect…
Can’t be the only one to notice that he does that all the time
A/N - EEEEE! I love this for Barry, thanks for requesting this, friend! I hope you like it!
Summary - Barry knew how to make you blush
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Warnings - just fluff :)
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“Barry, you’re going to have to quit it,”
“Quit what, luv?”
“You know what,”
Barry chuckled, leaning back in his chair a bit and watching you as you were sitting across from him in your small private table.  The only reason why it was private was of Barry, whom made the reservation himself for your 2 year anniversary.  Barry wanted it make it special, knowing your favorite place to eat and making sure you both were free that night.  You had no idea that he was planing all of this, which was surprising because you knew he couldn’t keep a secret if his life depended on it.  
It was always that way when you two were together, hiding any presents he got from you would only last a few seconds before he caved.  You thought it was rather cute since he was giddy like a little boy when you would open his gifts or accept his flowers.  Even simply holding your hand or hugging you close made him giddy and a hopeless romantic.
But the boy knew how to flirt and made you feel like a puddle.
He portrayed himself as a flirt plenty of times when he was doing interviews, making appearances on shows, or talking with journalists.  But deep down, you were the only one for him. Never once did you doubt his love for him or think he would stray, Barry was am amazing boyfriend to you and he knew who to make you feel so loved and adored.  You were no actress or someone to be in the spotlight, in fact your life was a bit dull compared to his.  That never stopped Barry from wanting to be with you and enjoy this life with you. 
One of his tactics he would use on you to make you blush was biting his lip.  Of course it would work on you every time, thinking of him as beyond handsome and a breath of fresh air in your life.  He was doing it now at your anniversary dinner, in a secluded little spot away from the rest of the patrons and eating your favorite pasta.
“I like makin’ ya blush,” he confessed as he reached over to lace your fingers together on top of the table, “It’s fun to see you all flushed from it too,”
You did blush, though there was no reason to hide it since you two were pretty much in your own private room.  The ambiance of the room made it feel all the more intimate and romantic for the two of you.  Barry’s genuine smile, not the smile that he would share in front of the camera or on the movie screen, ignited across the table from you with the bow of the singular candle that was flickering in the middle of the table.
“Thank you for this, Barry,” your thanked him, gesturing to the room you both were in, “This is beyond amazing, and I don’t know what string you had to pull—“
“I don’t mind at all, luv,” He interrupted you gently, tracing your hand with his thumb as he kept his beautiful eyes on you and with a shrug of his shoulders, “Makin’ you happy makes me happy.  Especially since ya’ve put up with all of my life and what I have to do in my line of work,”
“Barry, you love being an actor, and that’s all that matters to me,” You explained, though he shook his head.
“I like doing my job, but I love you,” he responded, making you grin widely, “There’s a big difference,”
Being with Barry meant being with his chaotic schedule.  He would be gone for weeks at a month when he was promoting a movie, constantly on the phone with his publicist or agent, or even being away on a movie set for months on end.  But he would make it work all the time with you, plenty of phone calls and FaceTime calls with him made it all worthwhile.  He would text you almost every other day, wishing you goodnight and good morning which filled your heart so much.  
When he was home, he would spend all of his free time with you when he wasn’t with family.  Even taking you on vacations when he was between jobs and roles.  The more recent one was in the Maldives, a week getaway that was a fairytale for you.  
“Actually, I wanted to ask ya to come with me on my next job,” Barry explained as you took a bite from your pasta, "You remember the one I told you about?”
“ ‘Masters Of The Air’? I remember, sounds like a great job for you.  But…you want me to come?” You asked tentatively, Barry nodding rapid.
“Of course I do, Luv,” He answered, “I thinkin’ you and I goin’ and then we go on that trip to the states you and I talked about, out on the West Coast in California to see the beaches there.  I wanna see you in the sun, right next to me,” 
You simply beamed, feeling a bit more excited about the upcoming trip and being with Barry.  It was the small things like this with Barry that made you truly love him.  He treated you right not just because he was an actor, but because he held you close as his friend and girlfriend.  Barry knew you hated the limelight and being in front of the camera, to which he protected you from that kind of life,  Even with a few snags here and there and some arguments between the pair of you.  But in the end, when all was said and done, you two loved each other.  
Barry bit his lip again at you, making you roll his eyes and lightly slap his hand as he chuckled, “I’m already saying yes to you, Barry.  Stop flirting with me!”
“Never,” Barry calmly replied, to which you giggled while he leaned over to kiss you over the small lit candle.
The End
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February Prompt Session
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theradicalscrivener · 3 months
Trevor: Check Up
A shorter and sillier chapter. Some slice of life with the bros. Noah takes Rex to his check up, and the duo meet one of the new researchers who are studying the phenomenon.
(P.S. Ya boi's got Linktree and Bluesky now)
[First Chapter] || [Previous Chapter] || [Next Chapter]
                “Why do I gotta go see this guy anyway?” Rex asked.
                “What do you mean, why? We’ve got to make sure everything is as it should be… or close enough,” Noah replied.
                “How boooring!” Rex replied.
                Noah had been making some upgrades to Rex’s enclosure over the past few weeks. The first thing he did was figure out how to hook up a microphone inside so that Rex could speak to him directly as opposed to having to text everything. The hard part wasn’t finding a mic that could pick up Rex’s voice. The hard part was fine tuning the software so that the mic didn’t pick up everything else. Rex was so tiny that his voice was drowned out by even the faintest whisper of a breeze. If Noah had just cranked a mic to the max setting and put it in Rex’s compact, all that would be heard was air and static.
                “I feel great! I’m in perfect health! If they haven’t found anything in the last twelve times they’ve examined me, why would they find something now!?” Rex whined.
                “They still don’t know what happened to you in the first place. If there are going to be any further complications, it’s best to catch it early. You don’t want to suddenly start getting smaller, do you?” Noah replied.
                There was a silence on the other end of the call. Noah stopped in his tracks and tapped the Bluetooth earpiece he had in. “Rex. Can you hear me?” He asked.
                “Yeah. I was just thinking,” Rex replied.
                “Why do you have to think about that?” Noah replied with an exasperated sigh.
                “Hey! It’s not so bad once you get used to it! Cocks are so huge at my size! Like, have you seen what Simon is working with!?” Rex retorted.
                “For the love of… please stop thinking about cocks for five seconds,” Noah sighed.
                Beside him on the bus an older lady gave a gasp of shock and disgust. Noah turned to her and gave her an apologetic look and a furtive nod before returning to his conversation.
                “Look what you did. You got a church lady mad at me,” Noah grumbled.
                Rex couldn’t reply because he was cackling at the image of it.
                “Yeah, yeah. Yuck it up. At least this is our stop,” Noah said.
                Noah stepped off the bus and made his way up the path to the modern-looking building in front of him. This was the new science annex of the university that he (and formerly Rex) attended. Noah gave a nod to the receptionist who pointed him towards one of the offices in the back.
                This wasn’t the first time he had been here. Rex had been brought here immediately after The Incident. This was actually where Noah had first seen Rex after Rex had been reduced down below a millimeter. At the time, Noah could not believe what he was seeing, and even months later, it was still hard to fathom. His big brother was now so tiny that he could get lost in the space underneath Noah’s fingernail like any other spec of grit…
                Noah stepped into the familiar lab where he had first found the sand-sized spec of his older brother and walked towards the familiar back room where the regular check-ups had all taken place. As Noah entered he was surprised to find a young man not much older than himself hunched over the microscope.
                “Where’s Dr. Bradbury?” Noah asked.
                “Oh! He’s on vacation this week. I’m taking care of the check-ups though,” The man said with a warm smile.
                “Oh. I see. So, Doctor…?” Noah said. His voice trailed at the end as if goading the scientist to introduce himself.
                “No. No doctor. Just Julio is fine. I’m not a doctor. Not yet anyway. I’m working on my doctorate. That’s part of why I’m here!” he said excitedly.
                “Internal medicine as well?” Noah asked.
                “Oh, no. Microbiology,” the man replied.
                Noah was momentarily taken aback, but after mulling it over for a second shrugged and gave a nod. That made sense, actually.
                “Anyway. I’m Noah. I’m here with my brother, Rex. We had an appointment,” Noah explained.
                “Oh, right! Well, send him in, and we can get started,” Julio replied.
                Noah was once again taken aback. Send him in? That wasn’t really possible.
               “How much of the case file have you read?” Noah asked.
                “The basics. Subject: Rex. Age: Twenty. Estimated height: one-third millimeter,” Julio said while reading the facts off of the clipboard beside him.
                “One-third?” Noah replied in shock.
                “Oh, yes. One of the smallest cases,” Julio replied.
                “It’s hard to imagine anyone smaller,” Noah replied.
                “I should introduce you to Mitch sometime,” Julio replied.
                “Who’s Mitch?” Noah asked, but it was Rex who replied.
                “He means Mitchel. The TA,” Rex replied.
                “Oh! The guy who was actually holding the… whatever?” Noah asked.
                “Indeed. If only we could figure out what it was he was mixing at the time, we may figure out what happened,” Julio replied. He seemed oblivious to the fact that Noah wasn’t speaking to him.
                “So, how small is he anyway?” Noah asked.
                “Hard to tell. Our equipment gets a bit dicey at that size,” Julio replied.
                “I could hold him like an action figure, if that means anything,” Rex replied.
                Noah stood there in stunned silence as he tried to run the numbers in his head. What was that? Maybe a tenth of Rex’s size? That would be…
                “Wait… A thirtieth of a millimeter!? What even is the next smaller unit of measure!?” Noah asked.
                “Fuck if I know,” Rex replied.
                “The next smaller unit is microns. And 30 microns would be… give or take the size of your run of the mill bacteria. There are some much larger and smaller, though,” Julio replied. He sounded very pleased with himself.
                “He’s bacteria-sized?” Noah yelped, but then his attention rapidly shifted to something else. “Wait! You’re small enough to hold bacteria!? Like. You can see them and everything!?” Noah asked.
                “Yeah? You get used to them quickly. They are literally everywhere,” Rex replied.
                At the same time, Julio also replied to Noah’s question. “Not without proper equipment. Mitch has been helping me with my research though. I must admit, it’s fascinating what he has managed to discover at his size. I almost wish our roles were reversed, but then… that would mean I would be studying chemistry and not microbiology…” Julio replied. He seemed noticeably baffled by the logistics of why he would want to study chemistry.
                “It sounds like you want to get shrunk too,” Noah commented.
                Julio shrugged. “I don’t know. The scientist in me says it would be fascinating. A whole new world to explore, but the realist in me says that there’s no way back if I do,” he said.
                “No way back?” the brothers said in unison, but Julio could only hear the one.
                “Well, yes. Assuming we isolate the compound that did this, that’s only the tip of the iceberg. We’d need to determine the physical process that the human body underwent in being reduced so small. Even if we understand the process, there’s very little chance of reversing it. Reducing matter has a completely separate set of rules compared to enlarging it,” Julio explained.
                Noah wasn’t sure how to react to this news. On some level, he had always sort of assumed that this was temporary. Rex on the other hand, didn’t seem fazed.
                “Them’s the breaks,” Rex said with a shrug.
                “How are you so calm about this?” Rex asked.
                Rex shrugged. This gesture was, of course, inaudible, but Noah knew his brother enough to know it was happening. Julio’s response on the other hand came through loud and clear.
                “I… I hadn’t thought about it. It’s only since the accident that I’ve been dealing directly with those affected. To me, they’ve always been like that,” Julio replied.
                “Right…” Noah replied.
                There was an awkward pause after that. Part of Noah was debating just skipping out of there right after that. Julio clearly had his own issues. Did Noah really want to entrust his spec-sized sibling to such a space-case? Still… Dr. Bradbury trusted this guy, so if nothing else, he knew what he was doing from a technical standpoint.
                “Look. My brother’s here for his check-up. Let’s just get this taken care of so we can get going,” Noah said after an uncomfortable pause.
                “Very well, send him in,” Julio replied.
                “Well… he’s right here,” Noah replied. Noah reached into his pocket and pulled out the small compact that had been converted into Rex’s bedroom. Noah clicked the latch which caused the compact to pop open revealing the contents and the occupant to the scientist’s curious eyes.
                “Oh. Isn’t that precious,” Julio replied.
                “Ok. Yeah. This guy is weird,” Rex replied.
                “Yeah. No kidding,” Noah replied under his breath.
                “At least he’s hot,” Rex added.
                “You think every guy is hot, though,” Noah replied.
                “Hmm?” Julio asked.
                “Not every guy. Just the hot ones,” Rex replied.
                “Look. This is getting silly. Here,” Noah said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a second earpiece.
                “What’s this?” Julio asked.
                “Just give me a second to pair it, and you’ll be able to hear Rex. It should make this… slightly less awkward,” Noah explained.
                After a few seconds and some beeping from the new earpiece, the equipment was in order, and Julio was able to put on the earpiece. It wasn’t long before Julio could hear the voice of the tiny man in his ear.
                “What’s up, doc!?” Rex said enthusiastically.
                “Not a doctor yet, no. Just an assistant,” Julio replied.
                “Do you know what a cartoon is?” Rex teased.
                “Of course. I was a fan of Dexter’s Lab growing up,” Julio replied.
                “Ok. So, you’re human. That’s a good first step,” Rex said.
                “I should think so,” Julio replied.
                Rex turned and looked up at his towering “little” brother and said, “I really, really, want to razz him, but I don’t think it’s physically possible!”
                “Just bear with it for now. He just needs to get some readings from you,” Noah replied.
                “Indeed, I do! Let’s get you on the slide,” Julio said excitedly.
                Julio reached over to a cup on the table and pulled out a Q-Tip. He dabbed it on the tip of his tongue, and then reached down and poked the dampened tip against the miniscule figure standing in the compact.
                Rex suddenly found himself stuck to the tip of the cotton swab. He was quickly lifted up into the air and then summarily deposited onto a glass slide underneath a microscope. The trek was only a handful of inches, but at Rex’s miniscule size, it felt like he was being propelled at warp speed. Everything was a blur and his stomach felt like it was launched into his mouth. 
                Rex rubbed his shoulder as he recovered from his landing. He liked being handled roughly as much as the next guy, but this sucked. He didn’t even get to play with a dude’s dick in the process!
                Rex tried to vocalize his annoyance, but he quickly realized that he was nowhere near the microphone in his enclosure. There was no way the two giants could hear him at his size, but that didn’t mean he was incapable of communication. Rex plopped down on the slide and crossed his arms in front of his chest to show his annoyance.
                “Well, he certainly looks healthy, but I wouldn’t say he’s in good spirits,” Julio said as he leaned over the microscope and peered down at the tiny figure.
                “Yeah, well. Your bedside manner could use some work, doc,” Noah replied.
                “You’re not the first person to tell me that…” Julio murmured.
                Noah glanced over at Julio and raised an eyebrow curiously but did not say anything. Eventually, Julio followed up on his prior comment.
                “Honestly, in my line of work, I never thought I would be working with people. I guess I got used to the idea of always being alone in a lab staring down a microscope,” Julio explained.
                “Would you want to go back to that?” Noah asked.
                “No. I actually like the company, and I’m too invested in this to quit even if I wanted to,” Julio said.
                “So, you just need to work on your people skills,” Noah said.
                “Easier said than done,” Julio replied.
                “Don’t I know it,” Noah replied.
                Julio gave a soft chuckle and shook his head. “It’s something to work on another day, I suppose. For now, my patient awaits,” he said.
                Julio once again leaned in and looked through the microscope down at the spec-sized student.
                “Could you lay back so I could get a better look at you?” Julio asked.
                Rex nodded and laid down on his back. He stared up at the lifeless eye of the microscope lens which was suspended seemingly hundreds of feet above him. Rex usually felt tiny, but he currently felt absolutely miniscule. It was like he was on a whole ‘nother plane of existence than the his brother and the new researcher. Rex couldn’t even see the titans standing over him. He could barely even hear them. Julio’s voice was so intense that it was more a physical sensation than a sound. Rex’s entire body resonated with the vibrations of the giant’s baritone voice.
                “Very good. Very good. You certainly look healthy. Nice tone but not emaciated. Getting plenty of exercise but not starving…” Julio commented. His voice trailed off as he noticed motion between Rex’s legs. It appeared Rex’s cock was starting to stand at attention.
                “You definitely appear healthy down there, too,” Julio said playfully. 
                “I bet you say that to all the boys, doc,” Rex teased back, but of course there was no way Julio could hear him.
                “No… Only to the cute ones,” Julio replied.
                “W-what!?” Noah and Rex replied in unison.
                “Hm?” Julio replied.
                “Can you hear me?” Rex asked.
                “No. Not hear you. I’ve gotten very good at reading lips, though. It’s the only way Mitch and I can communicate,” Julio replied.
                “Oh? So, doc. Like what you see?” Rex replied.
                “Again. Not a doctor, but yes. I do appreciate the view,” Julio replied.
                “Should I give you two some privacy?” Noah asked.
                “Just working on my bedside manner,” Julio replied with a smirk.
                “You can bed me side your manor,” Rex said.
                “I… don’t know how that would work,” Julio replied.
                “I don’t know what he said, but I don’t have to to know it was horny,” Noah said.
                “It was a bit blue, yes,” Julio replied.
                “Blue like my balls!” Rex replied.
                “They’re a perfectly normal shade of pink,” Julio replied.
                Noah shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. He let out a sigh, but this was probably the best he could have hoped for in this situation.
                “He’s always been a hornball, and getting shrunk didn’t change that. I swear, I think he likes being tiny,” Noah said with a sigh.
                “It’s better than the alternative, I suppose,” Julio commented.
                “How so?” Noah asked.
                “He’s happy, right? Some of the other victims aren’t so fortunate,” Julio replied.
                Noah shrugged and said, “Yeah. I guess so… He’s definitely perked up a lot since he started hanging out with Trevor again.”
                “Oh. You all know each other? He was my previous patient. They just left about… twenty minutes ago? Give or take,” Julio replied.
                “How are they doing?” Rex asked.
                “Patient confidentiality and all that, but Trevor seemed in good spirits…” Julio replied, but there was a faint hint of unease in what he was saying.
                “I feel like there is a but there…” Noah commented.
                “Well, I already told you that you’re not the first to comment on my bedside manner,” Julio said.
                Noah shuddered slightly in spite of himself. Simon was a great guy, but he had the uncanny ability to give someone such an intense stink-eye that they immediately rethought every mistake they had made in the past twelve years. Noah didn’t even want to think how Simon would react to someone who actually pissed him off – or worse, did something to upset Trevor.
                Julio redirected his attention back towards the tiny figure on the slide. “Well, you seem perfectly healthy. Unfortunately, we are limited on what tests we can do, but height seems the same and there’s no obvious sign of illness… I suppose it would be difficult for you to get an infection at your size…” Julio murmured mostly to himself.
“That mean we’re done here?” Rex asked.
“There’s just one more thing I’ll need from you,” Julio replied.
                “Need me to piss in a cup?” Rex asked.
                “Huh… that’s not normally part of this examination, but I suppose it couldn’t hurt,” Julio replied.
                “I was joking, but I do kinda need to piss. Can we hurry this up?” Rex asked.
                “Right. Well, prick your finger on this. I’ll need a droplet of blood,” Julio said. He then moved an almost imperceptibly skinny need down onto the slide where Rex could reach it.
                The needle was almost as thin as fishing wire, but at Rex’s size it was thicker than his thumb. This was going to hurt to prick himself on. On the plus side, he just needed a little prick. It wasn’t like he had to shove the entire needle in.
                Rex winced preemptively and pressed his thumb against the tip. He let out a yelp in spite of himself as it broke the surface and blood began to spill forth from the wound.
                “Fuck that hurt!” Rex muttered, but again, no one could hear him. He wasn’t even looking at Julio so it wasn’t like Julio could read his lips, but that was probably for the best.
                “Great. That’s all I need from you today. You’re free to go,” Julio said.
                Julio once more reached down with the Q-tip and plucked Rex up from the slide before depositing Rex back into his compact. As soon as Rex was set down, he scrambled towards the mic and said, “Thanks, doc. Maybe next time we can have a little more fun!”
                “What did you have in mind?” Julio asked.
                “Probably something horny,” Noah said with a sigh.
                “Of course it’s horny!” Rex replied.
                “How would that even work?” Julio asked.
                “You could honestly just drop him in your undies, and he’ll be happy as a clam,” Noah replied.
                “It’s fun for everyone!” Rex agreed.
                “Huh…” Julio muttered to himself. His dark complexion didn’t mask the redness in his cheeks.
                “He’s seriously considering it,” the brothers said in unison. Although their tones were nearly polar opposites.
                While Julio was still busy mulling over Rex’s last cheer, Rex hit him with another one that caught him equally off guard. “Hit me with your digits!” Rex shouted.
                Julio stared down at his hand in confusion, but Noah was quick to intervene.
                “Do. Not!” Noah shouted and then quickly clarified, “He’s just asking for your phone number.”
                “Oh? Is that all?” Julio asked. He then reached into a nearby drawer and pulled out a small piece of paper and a pen and scribbled his number down and passed it to Noah.
                Noah accepted the slip of paper while Rex shouted a cheerful, “Thanks, doc!”
                “Again… not a doctor…” Julio muttered, but he suddenly perked up and tapped the device in his ear.
                “You’ll need this back!” He said to Noah.
                “Oh, yeah. Although, with your line of work, it may help you to have one,” Noah replied.
                “That’s true. Do you think you could set it up to even pick up what Mitch is saying?” Julio asked.
                “I… honestly don’t know. Getting the sensitivity right for Rex was a lot of work. I don’t know what kind of vibrations a guy Mitch’s size would even make. There may not be equipment strong enough in existence for that… definitely nothing that I could throw together at home, anyway,” Noah said.
                “True…” Julio murmured as he stroked the stubble on his chin.
                There was a brief pause as Julio mulled it over, but then a uncharacteristic glint appeared in his eye, and he was suddenly grinning from ear to ear. “This equipment would be a huge boon for our research,” he said suddenly.
                “If I can get it to work, maybe,” Noah replied.
                “It will already work for all the larger patients. As I said before Rex is among the smallest. He’s second only to Mitch himself,” Julio explained.
                “How did that work? Wasn’t Mitch working with some students at the time? Shouldn’t that group have been closer to his size than Rex? I mean. Assuming size is based on proximity,” Noah said.
                “That’s right… I have looked at the map, but…” Julio mused.
                “I was out of my seat at the time. I was “throwing something away”,” Rex explained.
                “I can hear those air quotes. What the hell did you do?” Noah asked.
                “Nothing! It’s just Mitch was wearing these tight chinos that made his ass look amazing. I was done with my lab work, so I decided to take a leisurely stroll past him and admire the goods!” Rex protested.
                “How are you always so horny!” Noah sighed.
                “I know what I like!” Rex replied.
                “Well, that’s one mystery solved. Still, back to the topic of your equipment. I may be able to get you a job,” Julio said.
                “Say what?” Noah sputtered.
                “I can’t hire you myself, but Dr. Bradbury will be back in a few days. If I mention to him what you’ve created, I’m sure he’ll see the value of it. We might be able to use what you’ve created to help with our research,” Julio explained.
                “Wow… Well, I just made this stuff at home so I could talk to my brother, but if you think it will help, but to be honest, the actual mechanical stuff is the main hurdle, and that’s above my pay grade. I don’t even know how to get a microphone that can pick up sounds that soft, but if you guys have a solution, I think the software I wrote may help with isolating Mitch’s voice,” Noah said.
                “Fantastic. If all goes well, I look forward to working with you,” Julio said. He was grinning from ear to ear as he extended a hand for Noah to shake.
                Noah was momentarily taken aback. It wasn’t the gesture that caught him off guard, it was the smile. Julio was as awkward as they came, but in the few minutes they had known each other, he had begun to relax enough that other parts of his personality began to show through. His smile was so warm and inviting that Noah was suddenly excited by the prospect of working with him and not just for the money.
                "Ooooh. You’re blushing! So that’s your type!” Rex cheered.
                “What? No! Shut up,” Noah sputtered.
                “Don’t hide it. Go tap that nerd ass! I called dibs, but I’m sure there’s enough for both of us!” Rex said.
                “Shut. The Hell. Up,” Noah hissed down at his mite-sized older brother.
                Julio was trying to stifle a laugh, but he was also blushing bright red. “Should I… take this out?” Julio asked as he pointed to the earpiece he still wore.
                “PLEASE!” Noah croaked.
                All Julio could hear was Rex cackling as he pulled the earpiece out, and then it was silent. Julio shook his head and chuckled and then handed the device back to Noah.
                “Here. I do hope to work with you. I’ll let you know when I hear back from the professor,” Julio said and extended a hand once more for a shake.
                “Great. Thanks. Yeah. I’ve got your number. I can send a text later or something,” Noah stammered as he reached out and shook Julio’s hand.
                “Send a dick pick!” Rex cheered.
                “Please. Just shut up,” Noah hissed into his earpiece.
                “No!” Rex shouted.
                Noah flashed an apologetic grimace in Julio’s direction, gave an awkward wave goodbye, pocketed Rex’s compact. and hurried towards the door. Meanwhile, Rex was still having the time of his life inside his small enclosure.
                “Was that really necessary?” Noah hissed into the earpiece.
                “Yes! I’m your big bro!” Rex said.
                “Big! I’ve got belly button lint bigger than you!” Noah sassed back.
                “Irrelevant! It’s my job to make your life awkward and to see to it that you get trim on the reg!” Rex cackled.
                “Well mission one complete,” Noah grumbled.
                “Now to help you slob that nerd knob!” Rex laughed.
                “How the hell does Simon put up with you?” Noah sighed.
                “He just sticks me in his dick when he’s tired of listening to me,” Rex replied.
                “You must spend a lot of time there,” Noah replied.
                “As much as I can!” Rex laughed.
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coffeecat1983 · 4 months
Wreck-It Ralph & Mario Bros: Of Plungers and Hammers pt 1
What if during Wreck It Ralph, Felix didn't get together with Calhoun? What if our Fix-It fella had eyes for someone else? Someone who has eyes for him as well. But when that affection is acted on, Felix is reminded of something that leads to actions that could destroy not only the relationship he's longed for, but his dear friend's very life...
  Litwak waved to the last two customers as he locked the doors of the Arcade. Turning off the neon 'Open' sign, he took one last look around at the rows of games. Each beeped and blipped softly, as if they too were settling down for the night.    Entering his cluttered office and taking a seat, he muttered to himself as he looked over some papers. Adding things up in an old calculator, his eyes lit up at the results and he picked up the phone, dialing a number.      "Hi mom! Oh, good, real good. Was just checking and I got what I need for the trip... Yup! Right, two weeks. I figure about next Friday. Wanna announce it first so customers know. Great! See you then, tell dad I said 'hi'." he listened and laughed at her reply. "Yeah, yeah, tell him we gotta go fishin'."    Saying goodbye, he hung up and went back out to the main room where he looked over all the games.      "Gonna miss you all when I go on vacation next week." He waved a finger scoldingly. "I want all of you to behave while I'm gone! Two weeks no customers, you all won't know what to do with yourselves."    Once he left, the 'All Clear' call was sounded around the Arcade. At the Fix-It Felix, Jr cabinet, the Nicelanders filed their way back into the apartment building. Felix meanwhile leapt from window to window to take the fast route down where he met up with Wreck-It Ralph.      "Hoo boy, a whole two weeks? That's gonna be somethin'." Felix said.      "I'll have to wreck a few things just to keep you in shape," Ralph joked. "But a vacation might be nice. Any idea what you'll do with your time off?"    Thinking it over, Felix shook his head. "I don't really know. Bound to be something to keep me busy, I guess."      "You know, Eggman's been talkin' about setting up a dance floor and DJ booth in Game Central Station, he wants to give it a try. Might be a way to have some fun. Oh!" Ralph then remembered. "Speaking of it's almost time for my meeting. Catch you around, Felix!"    Now alone, Felix scuffed his foot, lost in thought. "A whole two weeks, golly gee." he muttered. Deciding on going to the station, he called for Ralph to wait up.
   Across Game Central Station, in the Mario Kart game...      "Two weeks?!" Daisy fumed. "Where's the fun in two weeks off?"      "We can still race," Luigi gently pointed out. She groaned, draping herself dramatically over the bench. She, Luigi, Mario, Peach, and Bowser had gathered at the castle gardens.      "I know that, green bean, but where's the fun without any gamers?" she whined. Bowser growled. "Whiny as a teenager." he snarled. "You guys deal with this, I got a meetin' to get to."    He left to a chorus of goodbyes and Daisy jumped up, grabbing Luigi's arm. "C'mon, we're going to Sugar Rush!"      "What?! But we just spent all day racing!" he protested. "Can we at least stop by BurgerTime first? I'm starving."      "And have you throw up from eating before a race? No way. Hey, Bowser! Hold the cars, will ya?!" Luigi groaned and followed, protesting that he had only thrown up once and she didn't need to keep reminding him of it. Mario chuckled as he shook his head. Peach came up beside him.      "Any plans tonight?"  He stretched, cracking his back. "A walk after being crammed in the kart all day. How 'bout you?"    Saying she had reading to catch up on, Peach wished him a good evening and returned to the castle.    Making his way to the little tram station, Mario climbed aboard and rode alone to Game Central Station. Exiting his game, he tipped his hat to Surge before starting a leasurly stroll. The station was buzzing with activity, game characters going to and from different areas or meeting in small groups. Passing by them Mario overheard most of the conversations were about the upcoming time off.    He couldn't help but wonder just what would happen in those two weeks.   
A week later...    Fix-It Felix Jr let out a low sigh, sitting back on the bench and pulling his cap off. Game Central Station was surprisingly quiet. Most of the arcade's denizens were now relaxing back in their own games as it was getting close to three in the morning.    Since the Arcade had announced it would be closed, they had been busy as people came in to wish Litwak a safe trip and play games while they had the chance, and today was extra packed with one game after another. By the time it was done, Felix was more than ready for a break. He closed his eyes, relishing the quiet.    He didn't open his eyes when soft footsteps shuffled over but they shot open as a voice was heard.      "Hey Felix." Felix jerked in surprise, dropping his hat. "M-Mario! H-Hey," he ran his gloved fingers through his hair, trying to sit up straight as he cleared his throat. "How um, w-what's got you out at this hour?"    The red-clad plumber picked up the dropped hat, handing it back to him with a faint smile.      "Wanted to relax. Can I...?" he glanced at the bench. Felix scooted over in a hurry.      "S-Sure! Have a seat." he felt a familiar heat rising to his cheeks. Swallowing hard he forced the blush away and put his hat back on as the other man sat beside him. "So, your game's been busy too, huh?" Felix winced slightly, hissing to himself it was a stupid question. A low laugh broke him out of self-scolding. Mario's bright sapphire eyes shone in the lights of the station.      "Yeah, I donno who had more gamers, my game or Sugar Rush!" he laughed again. "I gotta ask Vanellope if she kept track of how many came by."    He glanced at Felix. "How about you? You an' Ralph hangin' in there?"      "It's been busy but Ralph, oh man, he's a trooper! And Q-Bert and the others have been really helping out."      "I think it's great you helped give them new homes." Mario said. "I know we're called 'heroes' in our games but what you did? That's a real hero to me." Felix didn't catch it but Mario couldn't look him in the eyes while he spoke, he was hiding a blush of his own.
   A little ways away, Ralph bit into a cherry he had snuck from Pac-Man's and chewed slowly before swallowing.      "Those two have been spendin' a lot of time together lately after closing. A lot more than usual. You think they'll ever figure it out?" he asked around another mouthful. Vanellope scoffed from beside him.      "Oh please, they're both thicker than the bricks in your game!"    A snort that brought with it hot air was followed by thudding footsteps. Bowser joined them, folding his scaly arms. "Gloves over boots for each other and neither one can see it. Lovesick idiots." he rumbled.    Back at the bench the two continued talking, oblivious to the others in the station.      "You ever get any gamers that stick with you? That you don't forget?" Mario asked. Felix thought about it, a faint smile on his lips.      "Yeah, a few. My favorite has to be when my game had just turned twenty-five. Litwak came in one day and put up balloons and party stuff around the Arcade, with a lot of it around my game. This guy comes in later, he's in a wheelchair and he's wearing a party hat. Turns out it was his eightieth birthday and he wanted to share the party with everyone. He paid for everyone's games, and played mine. He was great, too! For his age his reflexes were  fantastic."    A wistful look came over him, entering his voice. "But the best part was when this little girl comes up and sits in his lap, and he showed her how to play. Turned out she was his granddaughter." Felix stopped, remembering it all. "Seeing that just felt incredible."    Felix grew curious. "What about you?" Mario smiled, his whole face lighting up. "It was recent, just before Litwak said he was goin' on vacation..."
   The bell over the Arcade door jingled and two boys hurried in, followed by two men. Litwak waved to them, calling a 'hello'. The men waved back as the kids eagerly looked at all the games.      "What do we play first?" the taller boy asked. The other gasped, his eyes widening.      "They have a deluxe Mario Kart! Can we play that one? Please?!" The man dressed in a yellow checkered shirt laughed. "Sure kid." Going over to the game, they divided into two teams. The man in the bright teal and red jacket and glasses paired up with the taller boy. Taking their seats at the double console they picked their characters, the boy picking Luigi, the man taking Yoshi. As the race began, the group talked together.
     "The two men were twins and those boys were, too. They were their nephews." Mario said. "The uncles nicknamed them Mario and Luigi when they were born because of the games. Even got them red and green shirts."    Mario's smiled widened. "Hearing that felt wonderful. I hope I never forget it." Before Felix could reply, both saw a blue streak flash past.      "Hey Sonic!" Mario called. The blue streak whipped around and back, coming to a stop in front of them.      "Hi guys!"    Mario noticed the pouch hanging around Sonic's neck. "You went to the internet again, didn't you?"    Sonic gave shrug. "What? There's a lot of cool stuff there! Look what I picked up." Opening the pouch, he pulled out thin cards stamped with musical notes. "New tunes, and a lot of em. And hey, if you wanna hear em, come back here day after tomorrow, you both gonna love it! Gotta run!" he called as he took off again. The two heard Surge Protector calling for him to stop so he could check his bag.    Felix shook his head. "Land sake, I think his mind goes as fast as his feet."      "I'd say faster," Mario cracked. "But I wanna see what he's talking about." Recalling what Ralph said, Felix hummed. "Ralph said Eggman's thinking about opening a dance floor here, some new hobby he wants to try. Who knows, maybe Sonic's helping him out?"      "Huh, maybe."    A thought occurred to Felix and swallowing his nervousness, he gave in.      "I was kinda thinkin', maaaybe we could check it out together? If you want, I mean..." he closed his eyes tight, waiting for a reply.      "I'd love that."    Felix's eyes went wide. "G-Great!" he cringed as his voice cracked. "I-I mean, great! That sounds really good."    The sound of Luigi calling Mario got their attention. His little brother was waving to him from across the station. Mario chuckled as he stood. "Looks like I'm needed. I'll see you tomorrow, Felix. Goodnight, see you at the dance!" he called, taking off to join his twin.    "N-Night." Felix mumbled. Getting up he returned to his game. Reaching the apartment building he found two of the Nicelanders outside, enjoying their drinks.
     "There's our hero," Don said. "Was just wondering where you got off to." Rubbing the back of his neck self-consciously, Felix let out a chuckle. "Oh, you know, around. Just talkin' with Mario for a bit."      "I'd almost get to thinkin' you really like this Mario fella." Roy commented. "Wish I had it in my code to have romance."    Don laughed. "Felix and Mario? C'mon Roy, everyone knows Peach is Mario's gal. They're made for each other."    Roy gave a consenting shrug. "Eh, you're right. They were literally programmed for one another. Ah well, come on, it's getting late. Night Felix!"    Neither Nicelander saw the look on Felix's face, his shoulders slumping as he wished them goodnight.      "Right... made for each other." he muttered. Lost in thought, he began to walk to try and clear his head.      "Whoa, buddy, what's with you?" Ralph said as Felix wandered past the revised dump.      "&*@?" Q*Bert added.      "Oh, hey Ralph, Q*Bert." Felix plopped down beside them with a heavy sigh. Ralph rested a hand on his knee and leaned forward, watching his friend. "Okay, what happened? I know somethin's up."    Felix pulled off his hat, nervously playing with the rim. "I was talking with Mario and I, I think I asked him on a date."      "%$#!!" Q*Bert blurted out, nearly falling over. Ralph ignored the comment, choosing to go the other way.      "Well, that's great! What did he say?"    Felix blinked as it dawned on him. "He said 'yes'." he cringed, pulling more on his hat to the point Ralph was afraid he'd rip it in two. "Oh sweet bumblin' bees what have I done?! I can't ask him out! Everyone knows he's Princess Peach's fella." He deflated, the energy leaving him. "But I can't cancel, I don't wanna hurt his feelings."      "&*(%#? @#!+."    Ralph had to agree. "Q*Bert's right, if he already said yes, then he wants to go out with you. Besides, when's the last time you ever saw him out on a date with Peach? Luigi and Daisy, sure, we see them out and around all the time. But Mario? He's always either with his brother, in a group, or alone." Ralph then smiled. "Or ya know, with you."    Considering this, Felix stopped pulling on his hat and put it back on. "So you think I should keep the date? See if he shows up?"    A shrug. "Can't hurt."      "Huh. Thanks fellas." He rubbed at his head. "I think I'm gonna get some shut eye. Goodnight."      "*&$%!" Q*Bert said once Felix was out of earshot. Ralph had to agree.      "Definitely in love." he replied.
To be continued...
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polyamorouspunk · 1 year
Hello friend you invited the chaos
So so so. Recap: friends for years, he dumped his toxic ex, started therapy, we start actually talking.
OKAY. So we were officially dating like *last week*. Monday I was over his house and things were good. Tuesday night/Wednesday morning I legit thought he died cause he wasn’t answering his phone (he did not die he just broke his phone, but the worry was there cause I know he deals with depression).
But while thinking he was possibly dead, I had a job interview at the really cool lab and Im gonna be calibrating gas detectors and doing titrations every monday!! (Spoiler I got the job).
And then I had a second one later in the day after he got his new phone but this one was in some sketchy basement lab with two other employees that are both grown men and Im honestly surprised I didnt die down there.
And then thursday I went to my first therapy session to help deal with anxiety and some other shit right. (It will be so fun showing up after my intake appointment with an entirely new set of issues). Oh also this entire week is happening while my autoimmune disorder is flaring too. Thats also a thing. But also. At this point, things are still fine with the guy. Like he was talking about introducing me to his friends and shit.
BUT OKAY THEN FRIDAY HAPPENS. AND THIS IS THE DAY THAT ALL THINGS WENT TO HELL. *He* invited me over his house during the day while most of his family was gone. And I went cause I was off work and also like. At that point why wouldnt I? But uuuhhhhh while I was there, some *things* happened that *he* initiated (fully consensual) but also that boy was fucking *rough* and I have bruises all over where he was grabbing and I’m sure more I cant see. But like. Genuinely kinda a fun time.
Until. Out of no where he like kinda rushed me out of his house. And I was very confused and concerned about that, because obviously I just put a hell of a lot of trust into someone I had considered a good friend. And so after I got home I asked him if I did something wrong, AND GOES ‘We’ve been very close friends for 5 years so dating just feels not right.’ Which like. Was a whiplash moment for me. So I responded with ‘So. You just want to be friends is what youre telling me?’. AND THIS ASSHOLE GOES ‘Yeah, for now at least’.
So yeah after that I was sad for a little bit but then ya know I started to be able to see the bruises and I just got so fucking pissed off from that, that I was no longer sad. The sad is gone. I was instead petty and went to the county fair with Mountain Boy and told him what was up and yeah. Thats what that insta post was about lol. I was just being petty because I could be.
OH BUT ALSO. I have to see him in early september for a chemistry meeting and I have every intention of looking hot as fuck when I show up just because I can and I refuse to let a boy get in my head about my own self confidence.
And really in the end he was evidently lacking in both braincells and inches, so it was no real loss on my part lmao
Anyways thats been my week, how are youuu??????
Daaaamn he really strung you along huh well man I feel that about people doing a complete 180 on you and showing their true colors out of literally nowhere. I’m sorry it all went down like that, yikes. Yeah, no, I don’t think I would want to be “friends” with someone like that either. Fuck that guy frrrr. Especially right after that.
Damn what a shitty week but I so hope a new job is exactly the kind of reset you need to take your mind off things.
My week has been alright. I’m feeling really burnt out and emotionally exhausted but I’m healing from the bullshit that I went through. I start school tomorrow which I’m not exactly looking forward to but not dreading either but next week I’m going on vacation (also to Myrtle Beach, finally) since I have 3 days in a row off and my birthday is coming up.
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alesyira-ffn · 4 years
well, done with the first draft of the last chapter set in Reikai (well, there are more chapters to be set in Reikai but they aren't written yet, and they're much later on).
These six chapters were originally one note file that briefly mentioned a short 'welcome back' in Koenma's office before he steals a kiss and gets a promised date out of Kagome (date time was still tbd) before she exits the office (looking extremely flustered) to have a brief spot of tea with Hisako. and then 'maybe ask questions? learn how to use the device?' before she finally gets to head home. a few hundred words just a few weeks ago.
After all the filling in of details and nudging things along until they made sense with where the rest of this story is going, it's now a series of scenes that's roughly ~14.7k words. o_o (LMAO I did the math on the chapter wordcounts in my writing app and the first 5 reikai chaps ended up at exactly 10,000 words. I love even results)
such is the process.
Also, kind of hilarious that when we last saw Shippo and Hiei, I finished that chapter with lamentations that the boys would be on vacation for the next six or so chapters, except here we are, sixteen chapters later, before either of them show up again.
Final readthrough on this last one tonight and I'll probably post sometime tonight. YAS Kagome is finally going home! Or is she? jk jk she's going home.
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thesundaycocktail · 2 years
The Christmas Lists
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It's beginning to look like Christmas...
Autumn is my least favourite time of year, and not because I don’t like the season, I really do but I don’t like what’s coming. As numerous Game of Thrones characters growled over the years, ‘Winter is Coming’, that is what I always feel. And on top of this, my least favourite two weeks of the year are the days after Halloween, when the shops change and Christmas is announced. The radio stations even teased us Mariah Carey as a joke but ended up playing it anyway, for reasons unknown to me. The local shop has its decorations up even before Halloween but probably won’t turn on its light til next week. My colleagues say I am a grinch, which I kinda am, but I look at Christmas as three weeks, two weeks before up until the new year. Bit of party, bit of overindulging, waiting for the big man to arrive (not the new neighbor) to deliver the gifts for the good girls and boys of the world (hopefully my kids reign in a few).
I really like Christmas. I like the Christmas mass, the office parties, the Christmas pints with the cocktails thrown in. I want it all, just within those three weeks or at a push after December. But November, no way. November is short days, but days to be filled with cycling, walking, running, shouting at your daughter not to over commit to the ball when the opposing winger is trying to get past her (ok.... you can do that all-year round). But I don’t dictate the world or have control over my colleagues and in-laws Christmas gift giving so when the two secret Santa lists were announced last week, I did my duty and sent on my wish list. And every year, and especially this year... I put in my requests for spirit sets. You can never have enough glasses and I love the packaging that it comes in. There is nothing like a wrapped box or a large cylinder tube in wrapping paper. You very well know what it is and everybody present knows what it is, but you leave it last and unless its a [‘get out of the house, whose every going to drink that... oh wait I’ll use it as a Secret Santa gift’] its opened with a smile and as I turn the box around to the back and hope there is a cocktail suggestion, I smile at the gift giver and congratulate them on a job well done.
So this year, before the end of the year, I will be highlighting a few of my favourite gift sets, ones to cherish and ones to look out for. My first one is the Malfy gin tasting set. I came across this in the shop recently and eyed it up. Malfy gin comes from Italy and the set comes with four flavours; Original (yum), Lemon (yum yum), Orange (yumish) and Grapefruit (yummy yum yum). And with the tasting set, you get a taste and once finished can buy a full bottle of your choosing. I even left you with a cocktail of choice with the Amalfy Sunset Spritz with the forementioned Gin Rosa. Honestly if I had one of these, you wouldn’t need a vacation, the vacation would come to you (well kinda..) And if you are a reader of this blog and for some chance or another you are my secret Santa... if you don’t get the hint, I don’t know what to tell ya. Ask my colleagues, I forwarded them and excel document.
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ivettel · 2 years
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➢ SEBASTIAN VETTEL x A-Z Tracks: Grill the Grid Finale!
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rebelliousstories · 2 years
Ode To Thee
Relationship: Robert “Bob” Floyd x Wife!Reader
Fandom: Top Gun: Maverick
Request: Yes by Anon
Warnings: Fluff, Minimal strong language
Word Count: 3,434
Main Masterlist: Here
Top Gun Masterlist: Here
Summary: It was a hot day in California, and the Dagger Team has met up for their monthly game of dogfight football. As everyone takes their shirts off, Bob lets the team in on a little secret.
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It was hot. Really, really hot. San Diego was experiencing a heat wave at the moment, but that didn’t stop the dagger team from getting together for their monthly game of dogfight football. After the uranium mission, everyone needed some time off. Rooster repaired his relationship with Maverick, and worked it out with Hangman. Everyone got to go see family for about a week before they were called back for some training. A month after the mission, the Dagger team mutually agreed to try and meet up once a month if they could, and play dogfight football. In the hot month of August, and the last few days of summer vacation, Bob just wanted to spend time with his family.
Bob had been granted a house for his family to stay in for his leave time so he waited at the airport until they got here. Dressed in his khaki uniform and holding a bouquet of red chrysanthemums, he waited till he knew their flight had touched down. Only a few minutes later that he was able to see her head poke out from the crowd and he heard his favorite sound in the world.
“Daddy!!” His son came barreling towards him as his wife was just a few paces behind him.
“Jimmy! Please don’t run off baby!” He heard her shout as Bob reached down and scooped his son up in his arms. He placed kisses all over his son’s face while his wife caught up. Jimmy was laughing hard at his father’s affection and Bob was smiling just as hard as his son. When his wife finally caught up to the two boys, Bob set his son down at his feet and embraced his wife passionately. He placed a kiss to her lips before he pulled back to give her the bouquet.
“Oh Bobby, these are so sweet sugar! Thank you!” She said gratefully before giving him another hug. The family made their way to the luggage carousel and kept an eye out for theirs. One they had acquired the luggage, the family went to the car that Bob had bought for his time out here in San Diego. While the Dagger team teased him for getting a mini van, Bob knew he was gonna have them come out soon so he needed the extra space. His son got tucked into his seat and Bob started to drive towards the government housing on base. It was a wonderful evening for the Floyd’s as they got to reconnect after spending several months apart. They played games, laughed, chatted, and when Jimmy had finally gone to bed, Bob sat up and enjoyed time with his wife. They slipped into bed together for the first time in a while and Bob got the best sleep he had gotten in months now that he had his wife with him.
When he awoke the next morning, his body was so used to waking up at a certain time that it couldn’t be unlearned. Just before the clock struck 5:00 A.M. Bob was up and out of bed. He had his shower, made his coffee and breakfast, all while his family slept peacefully. As he stirred around the cereal in the bowl and scrolled through his phone, he felt a pair of arms wrap around his shoulders. Bob leant down and pressed a kiss to the warm flesh around him and he felt her smile against his back.
“Morning dear. Did I wake you up?” He asked as she came to sit in the chair next to him and snuggle into his side, under his arm.
“No,” she mumbled, “it got cold without you there so I came t’ find ya.” She was snuggling into his neck and moved into his lap. He chuckled at her behavior this morning. Her accent also became a lot thicker while her voice was clouded with sleep. But Bob loved hearing her voice and accent in the morning.
“I wanted to let you sleep. I can’t imagine you’ve been gettin’ a whole lot of sleep watchin’ Jimmy by yourself.” His own accent was coming through from the early morning and hearing hers. She hummed into his neck while he went for another bite of his breakfast.
“Listen I’m goin’ down t’ the beach t’ play some football with the Dagger team if ya wanna join. You don’ have t’ if you don’ wanna. Or you can join later in the day. We’ll be there a while.” Bob said rubbing his hand up and down her back. He had set his phone down and pulled her back so he could look at her face. The sleep was just trace amounts in hr eyes now but she still looked gorgeous to him. She pressed herself into his shirt once again and nodded which made Bob laugh.
“Alright let’s get yo back t’ bed now darlin’. I’ve gotta leave soon but you need rest. I’ll check on Jimmy before I go.” He picked her up and carried her through the house while she clinged to him like a koala. It was so easy to fall back into his routine with her around. And very easy to slip back into his natural accent
“Hey! Baby on board!” None other than Hangman shouted as Bob came to the beach. He set the bag down under the umbrella that was set up for the team. Phoenix came over to Bob and pulled him into a hug. He returned it and soon made the rounds of saying hi to everyone. Everyone had showed up for the first time in about six months. Even Hangman, who had only gotten back from his most recent deployment a couple days ago. But he wasn’t going to let that stop him from getting together with his team and playing some football. Bob placed the cooler down before starting to lather himself up with sunscreen. He saw Maverick, Rooster and Penny show up and the entire team then got together to split everyone into teams. Bob sent a quick text to his wife just in case she wanted to come and join them for a day at the beach. It also included his exact location so she would not have any doubts about where to find him.
They started at 8:00 A.M.
Eight in the morning and it already was sweltering outside. Throughout the game, Bob would check his watch for the time. Also, to check and see if she was on her way with Jimmy. Everyone noticed Bob getting distracted but none chose to bring it up. They played a few rounds on those teams, before switching them around. There was a designated snack and water break around 10:00 A.M. that everyone used to go cool off in the nearby ocean. Bob stayed in his trunks, but took his shirt off before going to cool off in the water. He couldn’t tell what was sweat or water anymore. It felt amazing to have the water rush off of him. But when Phoenix splashed Rooster in the face, it went from a quick cool down to all out war. Soon, everyone had taken sides and the teams were engaged in a water war. Maverick stood with Penny near the chairs and shade watching the team play around like children. Rooster picked Fanboy up and threw him deeper into the water. Phoenix grappled Hangman while Coyote tried to free his buddy. Payback snuck up behind Bob who was idle in the water and threw him straight at Rooster. Both men went down in the water, and Rooster dragged Bob back up to get air. They started laughing and made their way out of the water. Bob went and got his water bottle that was thankfully still ice cold thanks to his cooler. Rooster grabbed his own drink but when he turned back to look at Bob, he choked on the water going down his throat.
“The hell do you have on you Bob?!” Rooster exclaimed loudly, catching the attention of all the other pilots. Maverick looked over to the men from his chair and pulled his aviators down just enough to see clearly what was going on. By now, the rest of the team had made their way out of the water and to the shady area. Bob was still looking all around him trying to figure out what Rooster was talking about.
“I’m really confused as to what you’re talking about.” Bob continued to look at himself in complete and utter confusion. But Phoenix decided to call it out.
“You have tattoos?” She questioned, raking her eyes over Bob’s chest. It was then that he understood, finally, what everyone was so curious about. He had gotten so caught up in enjoying himself that he completely forgot about the tattoos that took up space on his chest.
“Umm… yeah… I have a couple.” He explained, rubbing the back of his head. He suddenly felt very shy around the gang and he wanted to put his shirt back on. He just had a few that the Navy had documented, but they all meant a lot to him.
“So when were you going to tell us about these, Bob?” Phoenix couldn’t keep her eyes off the colorful lines that decorated Bob’s chest.
“Uh, well, I, um,” he was put on the spot.
“Come on guys. Let him up.” Maverick said finally getting up from his chair and walking over to where the team had started surrounding Bob. He looked nervous and placed his arms down, trying to cover the colorful ink that was permanently etched into his skin.
“It’s okay Maverick. I’m good.” Bob said as Maverick finally got a glimpse of his chest.
“Listen Bob,” Rooster started, “we’re not judging you. It’s just… Out of everyone here, you’re the least likely person I would think would have tattoos.” He placed his hand on Bob’s shoulder and he finally felt the stares shift. Everyone saw how Bob started curling back into himself, and backed off. It took the man a long time to be open and confident with the group and they didn’t want to ruin that hard work. He stood up straight and allowed everyone to look at the tattoos.
“Well, they all have a personal meaning to me. I didn’t wanna get something that was just to fill space or I was gonna regret.” He explained.
“Mind telling us what they mean? If that’s not too personal.” Fanboy asked, genuinely curious.
“Oh yeah…” he looked around and tried to decide on which one to start with.
“Well this is a red chrysanthemum,” he pointed to the tattoo right over his heart, “in Victorian flower language it means, ‘I love you,’ and that was the first flower I got for my wife on our first date.” The team looked shocked.
“I’m sorry, wife?” Hangman spoke up. The mere image that Bob had a wife was shocking to even him.
“Yeah. I’m married.” It was then that everyone, seemingly as a group noticed the second necklace behind Bob’s dog tags. It was a simple silver chain, with a golden hoop threaded through it.
“It’ll be our tenth anniversary in December.” He held a certain smile that was only for talking about loved ones. He pointed to a shaky plane tattoo next. It was on his pec, near the flower.
“That’s a drawing that my son did. Matter of fact the first one he ever did school. They asked him to draw something that meant a lot to him and he drew my F/A - 18. His mom and I were so proud of him that I decided I was gonna get it on me. His mom has an identical one on her.” Bob’s voice was soft. The Dagger team was just as shocked, if not more so, to hear he had a kid.
“Bob, you are full of surprises today.” Phoenix wrapped her left arm around his neck and pulled hm in close to her. He laughed and went with it. When she relaxed and allowed him to pull away, she noticed another drawing on his right upper arm. She looked at him with a questioning gaze and he followed her view down. He turned and showed the others.
“This is a hawthorn blossom and a cowboy hat. The hawthorn is the state tree of Mississippi and I wanted something to remind me of home that wasn’t super obvious.” Phoenix was more confused than the rest.
“Are you from Mississippi Bob? I thought you said you were from Tennessee?” She asked her WSO. Bob laughed at her questions.
“No. I’m from Mississippi. I lived in Tennessee for a while though. Special deployment. But my wife and I are both from Mississippi.” His smile plastered on his face, and a blush starting to take over.
“How come you don’t have an accent?” Payback asked bluntly.
“Oh my God Payback, you can’t just ask people why they don’t have accents.” Fanboy hit his pilot on the shoulder. The group bursted out laughing at Fanboy’s attempt of a valley girl accent. When Bob had finally recovered, he answered him.
“When I first joined the Navy, I got a lot of people who made fun of me for it. So I made myself learn how to do a neutral accent. It meant less teasing but it does come out every now and then.” By this point, half the team was sitting in the shady sand, including Bob.
“Okay,” Hangman started, “but why the cowboy hat?” It had been puzzling his mind ever since he saw the tattoo.
“Oh, I grew up on a ranch. That’s actually how I met my wife.” The look from the group practically begged for him to continue so he launched into the tale.
“Well my family was a ranching family. Cattle mostly, although we had goats, pigs, chickens. The whole nine. Well her daddy was the local supplier for different farming needs. Stuff for all different kinds of animals and crops. I was maybe fifteen years old at the time, and my pop needed somethin’ from the store so he sent me into town to get it.” As he talked more and more about his home, everyone picked up on the Mississippian accent slipping into his voice.
“When I got to the store though, the usual man wasn’t there. All I saw a pretty girl, around my age up at the counter readin’ a book on early twentieth century gangsters and mobsters. She was just so pretty to me that I completely forgot what it was that I had gone in there for. Luckily my pops wrote it down for me. But I was so shy that I couldn’t say nothin’ to her. So I got what I was there for and left.” Everyone had sat down by now, enjoying the little story time they were getting. It was nice to hear Bob talk about his home life, considering no one there knew practically anything about him other than what happened on base. The whole Dagger team was so enraptured with the story, that none of them noticed a woman and her son slowly approaching the group.
“I went to school the next Monday kickin’ myself for not talkin’ to her but figured that there was nothing I could do about it now. Until I was walkin’ down the hallway and to my first class when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Keep in mind, this is southern Mississippi so I always wore my cowboy hat everywhere and school was no exception. So when I turned around, I did it too fast and my hat hit the person behind me. To my horror, it was the pretty girl from the store. I was mortified but she just laughed it off an asked me for my name. She gave me hers an asked me to walk her to her first period which was the class across from mine. We ended up sittin’ together at lunch and she asked if I wanted to go see a movie in town together. I replied stupidly, ‘are we doin’ a friend date or a date date?’ And she said it was an actual date. So I picked her up that Friday night and brought her a red chrysanthemum. And we’ve dated ever since.” He finished his tale and everyone was speechless. Bob was nervous as to their reactions and felt like he had talked to much and now everyone was bored. Btu he felt a hand on his left shoulder and looked over at Maverick.
“That’s really sweet Bob. Thanks for telling us.” He spoke so sincerely and Bob smiled. It felt good to talk about home even when he was so far away. But home was never far away when he heard the familiar sound of, “daddy!”
Jimmy was barreling towards the group and Bob got up to meet him. He scooped his son up in his arms before he saw his wife coming straight for the pair. The Dagger team watched as the family interacted with each other. When his wife finally caught up to the boys she let out a sigh.
“I really wish he wouldn’t do that.” But her smile betrayed her exasperated tone. Bob smiled and switched his son to his left arm and pulled his wife in with the right one. He placed a kiss to her lips and pulled away. She was in a gorgeous two piece bathing suit that fit her body like a glove. The lace cover up she wore looked gorgeous against her skin. Her usual cowboy hat was on, as well as the pair of aviators she stole from Bob.
“He’s just excited to see daddy. I though y’all weren’t gonna come.” He started steering the family back towards the Dagger team that waited to meet the family with baited breath.
“Bobby, it’s only 10:00 A.M. The day is still young. But when Jimmy asked where daddy was, of course he wanted to go where you were.” They finally made their way to the team and Jimmy tucked himself further into Bob’s neck at the sight of all the other adults. His wife stood nearby, not really knowing who all these people were.
“Guys, this is my wife,” she waved and said hello to the team, “and this is my son Jimmy. Say hi Jimmy. This is daddy’s team that he tells you ‘bout.” The young boy pulled his face out of Bob’s neck and looked around at the people in front of him. While he couldn’t put names to faces on most of them, there was one he absolutely knew.
“Aunty Tasha!!” He exclaimed loudly, his hands reaching for the woman. Phoenix was taken aback by the sudden declaration. She looked at Bob curiously.
“I’ve shown him pictures of everybody. He can’t remember most of ‘em but he always remembers Aunt Tasha.” The woman was almost in tears. Bob set Jimmy down and he ran to Phoenix, who picked him up. Jimmy looked at her face and very plainly said, “hi.”
A round of introductions was made with Jimmy finally meeting all of his uncles and aunt. It seemed meeting them in person made him remember the names better. Everyone was excited to talk with Bob’s wife as they enjoyed their beach day. Rooster and Hangman would toss Jimmy around in the ocean causing the boy to laugh loudly. Fanboy and Payback were building sandcastles with him. Coyote played ball with him when the others weren’t playing football. Maverick and Penny sat down in the shade and told Jimmy stories about Bob when he was flying. Phoenix was almost always nearby joining everyone in their activities. Bob and his wife sat down in the shade and watched their son have the time of his life with his new extended family.
“We did good Bobby.” She said, leaning her head back onto his shoulder.
“Yeah we did.” He agreed putting his head in the crook of her neck.
“Whatcha say to another little Floyd runnin’ ‘round?” She pursed her lips as she waited for Bob’s reaction. He lifted his head as fast as possible off her shoulder and looked at his wife. He stared at her, with excitement and curiosity in his eyes as his hands moved down to her belly. She nodded and that was all he needed to place a passionate kiss to her lips.
"I say that I'm gonna need to plan where to put their first drawing on me."
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maizumis · 3 years
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ft. timeskip!miya atsumu, bokuto koutaro, oikawa tooru, kuroo tetsuro, iwaizumi hajime
note: female reader ‼️ watch me write about dad!haikyuu all the moments I didn't have with my own sperm donor
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MIYA ATSUMU after a long day at work, you were coming home a little more late than usual and as you were opening the door with a sigh, the first thing you listen is “PEASANT, DO NOT TOUCH THE QWEEN CWON”, yeah that’s definitely your daughter and your pretty sure that the “peasant” is your, oh so-called husband. Curiosity took the best of you, now you were behind your daughter’s door listen carefully what atsumu was saying to her, “WHATYA MEANT PEASANT? I WANNA WEAR A CROWN TOO YA KNOW!” your daughter gasps in disbelieve, “daddy, mom is da queen, I’m da princess and yer the peasant! And clearly, mommy isn’t here so don’t touch her cwon!” One thing you know is that you wouldn’t like to see and hear a screaming match between the peasant and the princess in question, thinking that stepping in is the best option, you said “what’s the matter in here?”, next thing you know, your daughter with his big brown eyes that she got from her father, comes running at you, screaming “momm- I mean queen! Yeah, queen! yer just on time for the tea party, this peasant needs to learn some manners” you picked her up, enjoying the way her little arms go around your neck, “yeah? What did dada do this time?” while her face is on your neck, she tells you with a whisper “psss mom, he is not dad now, remember is tea party time” and now with her voice a little more loud she announces to you what he did “he wanted to use ya cwon!  Literally had to scream at him cause of that! Peoples this time are onbelivabol” the las part coming with a sigh, “ugh I now right? Why don’t we teach him some manners then?” After a little thinking, your daughter tells you “uh-huh! Yer right my queen, now I will leave to the bathroom and come back to continue this celebration”. While she leaves, atsumu comes at you with a back hug asking if ya really taking her side? with a low tone, so you replied with “of course I’m taking her side, she’s a child, our child in fact” atsumu looks at you with big eyes and tells you “she is right, people these times are onbelivabol but I still love you my queen”, now facing him, noses and foreheads touching each other you whisper to him “I love you to my peasant” and after a little chuckle you continue “thank you so much for this”.
 BOKUTO KOUTAROU he always had tea parties with his daughter on Mondays after his volleyball practice with the MSBY. He couldn’t go to last week's party because of an away game, and he was devasted and promised her little princess that he would get her something. Now he is coming home from the airport with three Elsa dresses, one for his precious child, the other for his precious wife, and the last one for him, it was very difficult to find one of his size cause of his beefy body, but if he promises his little girl something, he is gonna make it without a doubt. “HEY HEY HEY! GUESS WHOS HOME” he screams while putting his suitcase down “HEY HEY HEY DADDY! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH! MOMMY IS MAKING DINNER WHILE I PREPARED OUR SUPER DUPER EXTRA TEA PARTY!!” he picks her up with one arm, making his way to the kitchen to involve you in a hug with the arm he had free “we missed you, kou” snuggling into his neck, and while his arm tightens around you he replies with a soft tone “missed my two girls too, so much” he puts her daughter on the floor again and tells her “missy I have a surprise for our tea party, why don’t you finish the preparations and then mom and I are gonna go there with dinner? Sounds good?” whit a little nod she answers with “yeah dada, that sounds good”. After hearing her enter her room you ask your husband what did he get for her, and when he tells you he didn’t get one, not two but three princess dresses you’re over the moon, the fuck you’re going to do with three dresses? you don’t question him and keep cooking as if you wouldn’t have to put on a frozen show in less than half an hour. “BABY IM COMING TO YOUR ROOM WITH HOT FOOD, BE CAREFULL” the little girl sees you in all your glory, with the most beautiful Elsa dress she ever saw “MAMA, WHY YOU DIDNT TOLD ME ELSA LET YOU BORROW HER DRESS? YOU'RE SO PWETTY!” laughing a little at her comment you decide that it was the best to tell her is a secret between adults, excited to see her reaction when her dad comes to her room with the same dress on him and a little one for her. “IM COMING IN!” your husband yells and your daughter’s eyes are the bigger you ever saw them, running like the flash to steal the dress that was in his dad's hands. “Daddy, that dress is so pwetty on you, and there's one for me! We are all matching! And now we are gonna have our four curse, ugh no, cruse, ump corse, mommy how do I say it?”, “course darling, four meal course. Now dada, why don’t you come to eat with us this fancy dinner?” after nodding and making his way to the both of you, bokuto thinks he is gonna ask for another kid one of these days.
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96percentdone · 2 years
The Key to Life Is—
Hello tumblr. Ya boi is partaking in @ryudateweek or is going to die trying. God bless. Anyway, here's the first chapter of a fic I hopefully finish in the two weeks, but might take longer than that.
Trigger Warnings: Alcoholism, Suicidal Ideation, Major Depression--it's set in the timeskip. Neither of them are doing great, especially not Ryuki.
Day One: Drinking Together/Getting Together
In the years following the explosion at Naix Cathedral, Ryuki Kuruto lives in a haze of beer, wine, more beer, hard liquor, wine again, and even more beer. It's not coping, but since when has he ever been good at coping? Since when has he deserved to cope? After his betrayal? Kizuna-chan's legs? Little Mizuki-chan's eye? Shooting the other one? And Date-san—he can't be forgiven. So he drowns. On a whim with nothing to do, Ryuki decides to take a vacation. To Atami.
Kaname Sei woke up in a sterile blue room one day with nothing to his name. Actually, not even his name. His name is just a guess based on a gut response and a single kanji barely remembered, and it doesn't fit right, but nothing does. There's absence where decades of memory should be, one that's impossible to fill, so why try? Why stay in a place that begs questions he can't answer? Might as well move to Atami!
There they meet. Again, and again, and again, as the years pass, unaware of just who is before them, haunted by ghosts just in reach.
Chapter 1: —Alcohol
April, 2020
The walls are spinning.
“Amame. You should leave him.”
Round, and round, and round—
Or is it him? What do you think, Ganesha-san?
“I’m watching over him.”
“Oi, Ryuki,” a voice says directly into Kuruto’s head. 
Who’s doing that? How are they doing that? Oh yeah. “Tamaaaa, have you tried the wine? It’s French.” No, wait. She can’t drink. Why didn’t Pewter-san give AI-balls taste receptors? That’s so unfair. How is Kuruto supposed to share this joy with his best and only friend if she can’t drink? 
“I’m already helping your liver. I think I understand more than enough.”
“Nnnnoooooooooooo, you don’t.” 
“You just don’t get it!” Stupid Tama. She’d never get it. It was all for her. The wine, the rope, the gunshot, the running away, the other rope, shooting Mizuki-chan, almost shooting Date-san, it’s all all for her, and she doesn’t get it. She doesn’t want to drink with him. Kuruto wouldn’t want to drink with him either. 
Something rumbles in his stomach. Is he hungry? He wants…something. I don’t know. “Gen-san, give me…the special!!” There’s a special, right?
“That’s not hunger. That’s nausea,” Tama says.
“I’m sorry, Ryuki-san. I closed the kitchen already.”
“It’s been closed for over an hour,” Tama says.
“Booooooo…I wanted fish,” Kuruto says. Then belches, loud and with the strong taste of stomach. Oh. No, he still wants fish. Where can he get fish? “Tama—”
“No restaurant is open at this hour. It’s late,” she answers.
“The fish special was last week…” another voice says, one he can’t place. Who else is here…? It’s him, Tama… Gen-san… Ganesha-san…Gen-san…Tama…Um…Oh yeah, Mame-chan! She’s so blue, and the walls are so yellow. That’s how you get green, right? A very…yellow green. Wait, no the lanterns have other colors. Like…purple…blue…red…green…did he already get purple? He lost track. The lanterns need to stop dancing. 
“Ryuki. Let’s go home,” Tama pleads. “It’s almost midnight.”
Ugh…does he have to? Back to that empty house? It’s not like Yukuto’s going to be there. He’s gone. Forever. That’s Kuruto’s fault too. Another tragedy he was supposed to stop. Another half body. He should be a half body. He should have given Yukuto half of himself. He should have told Tearer to half him. He should have shot Tearer. Or himself. If he still had his gun, he’d do that right now. Although it would be a shame to get his disgusting blood all over the spinning walls in Gen-san’s restaurant. Ganesha-san doesn’t deserve that. 
Tama didn’t wait for his okay. All she says is, “I’ve called the limo. It’s outside.”
“I don’t—” he hiccups—“wanna.”
“At least let Gen close his restaurant.”
“Fiiineeeee.” Just for Gen-san. Gen-san was there during his betrayal; Kuruto won’t make him be there for that much longer. 
Kuruto stands, or more accurately, slides off the stool and almost crashes onto the floor, if not for Gen-san catching him. He’s too nice, so he even leads Kuruto out of Brahman and into the limo. “Goodnight, Ryuki-san.”
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jasonsthots · 3 years
Almost hiding the darkness within
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I have no clue how to post this properly but here we go-
Big thanks to @jaybirdsdarling like without her I definitely couldn't have made this or even posted it so thanks babes 😘
Warnings- smut- lots of it, yandere peoples, slight noncon to dubcon? Violence, slight gun play, voyeurism, cuckolding--- basically bring your holy water (there might be more but not sure 😚)
It all started with the landing. Ya' know the one. That superhero landing. The one that looks like it really hurts the knees. When that, a brown leather jacket, red helmet wearing man landed like that in front of her like a human shield. Those that had been trying to mug her, knew it was over before it had started. Before they had a chance to run, he was on them. Limps, noses, all broken when he was done.
When he was done, he just simply stood up and turned to her. She was smiling dumbly, she knew that. Her cheeks hurt, dried tears stained her cheeks, nose stuffed from running and she was sure her hair was a mess from the tugging the men had done. But she didn't care, her savor was right there-
"Miss, always put your money away inside when it's given, not when you're outside. Honestly. I thought this was common knowledge." His mechanical voice rang through the alley as he passed by, his back now to her as he looked over one last time. "And especially not in an alleyway with 100 different kinds of graffiti." And with that, he grappled away.
Y/n's pout was deep as she looked on. Giving a swift kick to one of the robbers that laid on the pavement. "Maybe next time..."
It was like she had planned it. He had to start watching her. He had to. She was like a magnet for trouble. It was almost a nightly thing. Like she would purposely find the most dangerous part in Gotham to go and act like a ditz. She wasn't though. She knew better. He'd seen it. The simple smacks she gave to guys at the diner who got too handsy. She wasn't defenseless. Yeah those were small slaps to the hands, but they were a sign that she definitely could handle herself enough to know not to go into that damn alley. And there she went. In the damn alley. So like he had for the past few weeks, he swung down.
He should know better. He has bigger problems. Like that big fuckin' mafia guy who's selling drugs, weapons and people for gods sake. But there he was. Once again, kicking ass for the same girl, night after night. The simple finger point doing nothing as this time, she walked up- and grabbed it. Bringing his hand close to her face and resting it on her cheek. An unfamiliar touch that had his heart swelling and any bit of anger he held to her disappear in an instant.
She looked up to where his white covered eyes were and smiled, the grime on her face and wrecked hair not taking from the beauty she possessed. Her eyes twinkled under the dim Gotham lights, her smile twisted, breathtaking. "You always seem to be here just in time huh?"
A groan was heard from the men at their feet, earning a kick from her.
Jason's eyebrow tweaked at her action, a small smile creeping to his lips.
"Seems like it, you should be more careful, doll."
A nickname that came so easily. Her heart accepted it with open arms as she pushed her body closer to his, craning her neck back to look at him properly. "But then, how else would I see you Red?"
The man smirked under his helmet, a low chuckle coming out almost like static from the voice changer. Him too taking a step forward. "So, you admit you do this on purpose?"
A low groan erupted from the men again, this time Red kicking them to silence. Y/n hummed and rested her other hand on his waist, their chest pressed gently to each other. "Is that bad? I didn't really know how to work a signal in the sky, so I settled."
"On getting mugged?" The black haired man asked amused, the girl shrugging in response with a small giggle. Jason couldn't hold the smile that spread across his cheeks as he finally snapped the helmet off, the domino mask coming as a disappointment to the shorter girl. Still, she appreciated having something more than an off putting helmet to get off to from now on.
"It worked didn't it?" She spoke softly as she caressed his now exposed cheek.
"There were safer ways." He spoke back, barely above a whisper as their faces neared. Jason felt like his heart would pound out of his chest. Did she really do that for just a chance to see him? She... put her life on the line- for the possibility to see him? That-
That was the nicest thing anyone had done for him.
"Worth it."
Just like that, those last few inches were gone, their lips finally meeting in a soft, heart warming kiss.
Cough. Cough. "Fuckin'-- psychopaths- uggh-" Kick.
Weekly visits became nightly, nightly became daily, and before they knew it, they lived together. Suddenly it became as easy as breathing, being together. Y/n's dumb plans didn't need to happen to get his attention, he was already there. She had his number. She had him in her bed. She had him. Jason knew this. And he was thrilled. He was worried at first. Was he moving too fast? Slow? No. She reassured him. It was just the right pace. She felt the same. They felt like all the pieces to each other's puzzles were finally falling into place.
Until the day happened.
Y/n, was, to put it lightly, odd. The girl had intentionally gotten robbed multiple times just to talk to the guy for god's sake. This, of course, led to her developing a certain set of.....skills.
See, to the common eye it would have looked like she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But she always knew when to go. She knew when he was watching her and when there was something....more important than her that needed help. So when she felt a new set of eyes on her. She knew something was up. It wasn't the other Batfamily members. They honestly....had a hard time wrapping their heads around her and deemed her tolerable at best. No. These were prying eyes.
These eyes didn't leave her. No, no. They stayed. For weeks. She felt them. They were learning. Listening to everything she said, everything she did, seeing everywhere she went. They picked it all up. They were picking up any information from when she got off work to how long she took showers.
And she liked it.
She felt guilty. She felt dirty. She didn't know why she didn't tell Jason. He was her everything after all, and boy would he be furious if he were to learn such things were taking place.....yes....furious.
Boy would she not want that.
So there she was, her wrist tied to a cold metal chair. Her struggles are no longer a problem, her shit talking too due to the gag they placed after the hundredth "when my boyfriend finds out" shtick. Her blindfold long removed as the man responsible sat in front of her, his elbows resting on his knees as he looked at every detail of her exposed skin. Her dress shredded into pieces from the whole ordeal. Y/n held back the smile that tried to spread as she saw him shuffling uncomfortably as his eyes raked over her lower half, her thighs that were spread wider from being tied to opposite legs. Her lower region on display.
The man cleared his throat as he scooted closer, his legs wedging in between her spread ones. The light shone perfectly to every curve of his dark covered face. The only seen color being his eyes and the tips of his cheeks. "So. Shackin' up with Red huh? It must be fun. I imagine you play his therapist a lot? Heard he has alotta daddy issues."
The tied girl let out a huff as she turned her head. How dare he speak like that. He has no idea what Jason has been through. To put it so lightly.
The man tilted to the side to meet her gaze that had turned cold. He laughed. "Oh what? Did I hurt your feelings? Suddenly you feelin' tough or somethin'?" He leaned forward. And that's when she finally gasped. The gag of course muffled it, adding to the already hard to breathe problem she was having. "Yeah. Don't be. Ain't in any position to be acting all high and mighty."
When his hand raised on to her shoulder, his thumb brushing against her pluses before wrapping his hand around her neck to face him, her mind couldn't care less about the man getting physical. The only thing she could think of was what she was looking at. How....she knew how. There was a man who looked like a human but was actually an alien flying around, anything was possible.
So this was the man. She had of course heard of him. Not only from her significant other, but she did use to live in a not so friendly neighborhood. Even then, if you didn't know who this was, well, welcome to Gotham, where there's a Bat running around and a man whose face is literally a black skull. Yes. Black mask.
She mumbled.
The man sighed heavily and took the gag out. "If you say one more thing about the fuckin' Redhood- I will say fuck this whole plan and just send your head instead."
"Just wanted to say I didn't know death took vacations."
The nicely suited man barked a laugh as he stood and straightened his jacket. Y/n's smirk fell as he lowered his face to level with her, his hand resting next to her head dangerously close. "It's going to be fun breaking you."
Jason was losing it. He had pretty much torn the house brick by brick searching for her. His love. His doll. His darling. She wasn't here. She hadn't been for days. Weeks? God what was he kidding. He knew exactly how long. He felt it. When she was taken. Like a sixth sense. He knew something was up. And sure enough, when he got home- she was gone.
He should have put the tracker in. He had talked to her about it, and she agreed to do it. It was safer. But he just...never got around to actually doing it. He had thought about performing some light surgery on her arm, nothing major, just putting it in her arm. That was a bit much. He had thought about putting it into a needle and doing it that way. Decided he didn't want to hurt her. Wanted to put it in her food. Didn't want her to choke. Thought about in a small box! Didn't want her to freak out and think he was proposing. So- here he was. Panicking because he had no idea where she was, if she was alive, and why she was even gone in the first place.
Jason tried to keep his mind from going to a dark place. The place that wondered if it was on purpose. She'd done it before. Stressed him out by putting her life on the line. He thought it was cute almost. "It's not cute anymore." He spoke to no one. The house was in ruins. His fists were bloodied and bruised from all the ass he'd been beating. There were no leads for weeks. Every stone was turned but nothing made sense. Friends couldn't get a word in, Jason created this whole new world where it was just him. "It's not fuckin'- cute- any- more-!" Each scream coming with a new hit, objects and people blending together. He was getting to that place.
What if she actually left? Not a game she played. Not some weird attention seeking act. She.....left.
It wasn't looking good, and it just kept getting worse.
Her h/c sweat covered hair was swooped to the side, her fight dying down. There was no use, it was going to happen either way. "C'mon, don't pretend you don't like it, doll."
She winched. "What? Isn't that what he called you? Doll? Nothing special about it, you are a fucktoy after all." A laugh ripped from Roman's bare chest at his own twisted joke.
Yeah. There he was. Proud of the almost broken woman in front of him, naked and in charge of the situation. The blinking light at the end of the bed was a reminder of how fucked she really was. Both figuratively and literally. His fingers were gilding through her folds with an ease she was ashamed of. The sounds made making her stomach turn. She didn't like this. She wasn't turned on. She didn't want him......
These were the things she used to tell herself.
She was ashamed at how quickly she had felt herself give in. Was that what she always wanted? To be used as some fucktoy for some scumbag that hurt and used her and others however he wanted?
God no. She couldn't have.
She wanted Jason.
Then why....
Why did she spread her legs wider?
They spread as far as she could get them, her soaked core on full display for the camera to see, the man behind it zooming in as they themselves got closer. Getting a quiet growl like warning from Roman not to get too close.
The moans that followed were nothing short of pornographic. Her back was arched off the bed as her legs shook, those wrist restraints keeping her from getting a hold on the man who was putting her through euphoric torture. "Roman..." Her whimper sent a shock straight to the man's cock.
On full attention it stood, bobbing up and down as he moved to unhook her, repositioning her to face the camera on all fours. Her face was.....sinful. Her cheeks were flushed, her mouth gaping opening, her hair tousled. Her body was even still shaking from her previous orgasms leading to her almost falling as Roman began his painfully fast and hard thrust. Her moans rippled straight from her chest out of her throat. His hand wrapped around her hair and yanked it back, her chest heaving and back painfully arched. Sweat dripped off their bodies from what seemed like hours long of pure fucking. His other hand came to her front to rub at her clit in fast motions that had her hips bucky in an unruly way as they couldn't find out to get away or push back. Opting for the latter.
She met his thrust hungrily every time as best she could, the room filled with moans and the sound of skin slapping together at harsh speeds. Roman's pace was unforgiving, it didn't let up after the next orgasms hit her.
"Where should I do it now, huh? You want me to cum in your tight hole again? You can't waste it like you did last time though. If you do, you won't be getting my cock for a long time. And a whore needs their masters cock now don't they?"
Y/n's mouth formed wide Os as she tried to form some words to satisfy him. "Fuck- yes Roman- fuck I promise-" Her moans ripped through. "T-to no-not waste any-of- ohh~"
This seemed to be enough because the next thing she knew, she felt it. His cock twitched violently as his hips lost rhythm, his cum spilling inside of her, filling her once more. His grip on her scalp burned, but she didn't stop from that twisted and sinister smile to spread on her face as she grinded her hips back. A sharp slap being delivered to her ass cheeks as Roman barked out at her, "Stop being such a cock whore." This threatening tone dropped almost immediately as he soon laughed, grappling her chin and tilting her back to kissing her, a sloppy wet heat filled kiss. "Now that video's a keeper."
Jason finally lost it. Be felt dumb. He felt hurt. He felt utterly betrayed. His sweet, poor darling- the actual fucking cumslut. For Roman. Sionis. He had been hunting her down for months. And there she was. Accepting- no asking- no- begging for Black masks cock. For his cum. The things she did for Jason, she was now doing for that scum. He was pissed. How fucking dare she? After all he's done for her? No- he couldn't think that way. There was no way. It was his darling. His doll. She loved him too much for that. No. It was all an act. It had to be. She would never do that to him.
This is what he wanted to believe as he watched the hour long videos that kept making their way to him. Her lips wrapped hungerly around another man's cock. Being pulled away just for her to stick her tongue out to get another taste, receiving a slap to her cheek. "Don't be such a greedy slut." Was Romans words.
Videos on videos of Roman fucking Jason's girl. Cum filling up every hole the scum could want, all eagerly accepted from the girl he swore would be crying to be saved, instead relishing in the fuck fest she was dealt.
His fist clenched around his cock, furiously stroking away. God he missed her.
Her face was covered in the white ropes, her mouth taking in as much as it could as Roman pumped himself in her face. Jason fucking hated it. But god did she look fucking hot. He hated it. He hated him. He hated her. But that didn't stop him from unloading on his computer screen. His brow furrowed as pure rage coursed through his blood. He was getting her back. And she would see who she fuckin' really belonged too.
Y/n knew it wouldn't be long. She played with herself, her fingers dancing across her wet slit showing just how wet she was. Her moans gentle as she spread her legs wider for the camera. "C'mon closer, get nice and in there." Her voice coaxed, of course Roman shouting orders for the camera man not to move. Her pout aimed towards the angered man. "Well if you won't let him touch me will you at least? You know I can't do it myself, you ruined me Roman~" She cooed.
The man in question groaned out and walked over, his cock next to her face as he claimed to a kneeling position on the bed. "Well, warm me up first, doll."
"Yes sir~" Her free hand came up to stroke the semi next to her. Her smile was anything but sweet and innocent like she feigned. Her tongue poking out to taste the precum that had been building up from the show. "But it looks like you're already good to go." The wink that came after did something different to Roman. God. When had he become so fuckin' turned on by watching her? When did he get so hard by her just existing? When did he want to see her asking- begging for him and it not being about fuckin' with the hood?
He wasn't sure. But he didn't hate the feeling. Especially when he buried his cock deep inside her. Her legs were spread and the angle was perfect, her back to him and front to the camera. Was this guy a director or what? Surely this would make the hood pissed off. Even if not- damn was she a good fucktoy.
It wasn't the middle of the night. No. It was broad daylight when he broke in. It had taken him way too long for his liking. He had gotten a dozen more videos before he had finally found Black masks place. It's not like he could have asked for backup, they wouldn't understand. Not like they cared for her anyway. No, he had to do it on his own. And damn was that a good idea.
'Cause there he was. Bullets flying everywhere. It didn't matter who, how many. Each one had a special bullet for them in his head. Each one of these fuckers responsible for her kidnapping. Her torture. Torture. That's what it was. She didn't like it. She hated- she hated it. Yeah. She hated it. Was ridiculous how many times he had to remind himself of that. Yeah the videos were convincing. But he knew her better than those videos. He knew she wouldn't actually be begging for scum like that.
"You ruined me, Roman~"
Kept replaying in his head. That same line.
"I'll fucking show you ruined."
There they were. Two guns. One trained on a man in a designer italian suit. The other trained to an all to calm on the inside girl. "Now now. You wouldn't want to waste your time just by having me kill her would you?" Roman threatened, the gun he held pushing further into the girls head, the same gun Jason had seen her sucking on in multiple videos.
The Y/n's head was throbbing. Not just from the gun in her head but because she was- so excited.
She really played the long game, huh?
Jason clenched the gun tighter. His mask was doing a great job of keeping it together, because he certainly wasn't. "How 'bout you just make this easier for both of us and. Let. Her. Go. Like you said- I don't want to waste my time." Whether you were on the receiving end or not- it sent chills down their spines and a certain tingle down below for the h/c haired girl.
Roman clenched his jaw tight. His arm that's as wrapped around her tighter as he backed up. And backed up. And backed up. "Now now Sionis. I've never taken you for someone who'd rather kill themselves then hand someone over. Must have really gotten desperate." His last words a growl as his eyes flicked to the girl in his arms.
Roman looked down, his arms more....slack as they fell more into a hug from behind. His eyes softened. "You have no idea..." The girl met his eyes with the same fondness.
Red. No not Jason's helmet. The color he saw. Pure rage rippled through him as he pulled the trigger. Not once. Not twice. Over and over and over again, unloading a clip that not only undoubtedly killed Roman ten times over, but regrettably, knocking both out of the large window that laid behind them. As fast as the rage was there it disappeared, leaving only panic as Jason launched out of the window without a thought other than, "God- no!"
Was it?
Worth it? That's what she was thinking. Y/n. As the smirk crept to her face, placing one last kiss on her now corpse kidnapper and lover, she pushed him further, a subtle pay back for his words and treatment to her for the last months she had spent with him. Her arms wide open as he hit the ground first. Her eyes slowly closing, the wind whipping by.
"Worth it."
She was an odd one. The Batfamily deemed her actually crazy. Jason never listened. Why would he? She had such a good heart. She supported him in his vigilante ways. She had even said she might join him. She understood what it took to get what you want. Maybe that's why he wasn't so pissed at her. Because he finally understood as he watched her naked sleeping form on their bed. Right where it belonged. She wanted all of this. He should have seen it. The very first smile that almost hid the darkness within. Twisted, yet so sweet. Like cyanide in candy. He knew from the beginning she wasn't a normal girl.
But then again, he wasn't a normal guy.
But there was still punishment to be dealt.
Y/n awoke with a harsh yank to her ankle, her ass suddenly on the edge of the bed. Forcibly sat up, her eyes level with the stomach of the man she had been missing. Her eyes met the storm that raged through Jason's eyes and he grabbed her chin to look at him. Even out of her peripheral vision she could see he was fully nude, her bottom lip finding a place in between her teeth as a smile took over. "Hey Jay." She cooed.
He was ashamed at how eager his cock was the moment his name left her mouth. His eyes glared daggers at her as his grip tightened. "Don't act like that." She opened her mouth, spewing bullshit like always. But he wouldn't let her. Not this time. "Like you're this innocent sweet heart. No. You're not that are you? You haven't been for a long time, if ever."
She let out a mock offended gasp. "Jay....he did bad things, that has to count for something. He made me do so many bad things to him." She pouted, her puppy dog eyes that would normally get him having no effect- at least not the kind she was hoping for.
His palm slipped from her chin to her neck, lifting her slightly with the force as he bent at the waist. "Baby, I got all the videos. The only forcing I saw was him trying to fit his cock into your tight pussy. But you still begged him for it. Because you wanted it."
He was shocked to see her eyes hood at the memory, her lust filled look deepening. His stomach turning from it. "It did feel pretty good to be stretched out again. It had been so long." Fire burned through him as he practically threw her on the ground to her knees. He didn't let her settle before he had her by the hair, forcing her mouth to open as he shoved his fully ready to go dick down her throat. The action making her gag and fling her hands to his thighs. He caught her hands and held them with one hand while the other dragged her head back and further on his length.
"How fucking dare you?" He spat with venom. "Do you know how fucking worried I was? Huh? Just to find out you're just being a whore----- to that fucking low life!?" Y/n couldn't answer, her throat being abused by his unpleasantly harsh thrust that was gonna make it hard to talk later. Her breathing was already none existent.
"So many fucking weeks." He groaned out, his eyes finally looking down. Her eyes already meeting his stormy blue ones, tears spilling down her cheeks. Her mouth stretched painfully full. But she never made a move to leave. No. She was taking this punishment like a champ. "So many months of me searching for you. Then I see uggh--" Her tongue ran along the under part of his shaft, clearly he wasn't deep enough. So he pushed further. Her breathing became hard with each thrust. "Then he sends those fucking videos. You begged for his cum princess. You fuckin' cried for it. You wanted it all. Inside you. On you. You wanted to taste it mixed with yours. Well don't worry doll." Her lips moved, unable to smile properly around him, her heart swelling. She missed him.
His grip tightened as he leaned down slightly, his cock going impossibly further down, her lips touching the base, breathing no longer an option as he smirked down. "You'll finally get daddy's cum, the cum you really needed. And maybe if you're good, I'll let you cum too, so you can suck it off me again." And with that, he stood up straight, let her catch some of her breath, then fucked her mouth until he felt that much needed relief spill down her throat. Coating the back in white liquid with a loud throaty groan.
He released her head which she immediately swung back, hand to her chest as she greedily gulped down air. But not for a moment longer than needed. She was back in front of him stroking him, her eyes leaking tears as her legs became soaked with the flood that was her arousal. "Thank you sir." She smiled.
Why was he so pissed off at her smile? Because. It was the same smile- the same mouth Roman had used. He needed to make her his all over again. She was his. He picked her up by her arm and tossed her to the bed. "You're not done yet." He gruffed out as he pushed her chest to the bed and pulled her ass up. "How many times?" He asked running his two fingers along her slit collecting all the juices that poured out.
She poked her head around. "I'm....not sure?"
He scoffed. "You let him cum so much in you, you don't even remember?" Her head nodded slowly. He whistled lowly. "Well. I cause that just means we have a long night don't we?"
The excitement- genuine excitement that she radiated was almost enough to make him no longer pissed off. Almost. "But remember." He leaned forward, his hands going to her hips as he massaged them. Placing gentle kisses down her spine and along her shoulder. The more than welcomed touch considering the past few months spent with pure hate fucking and all around rough sex. "You still get punishment for being such a cock whore." Too soon.
His soft touches left almost immediately followed by harsh smacks to the ass. Before she knew it her ass was almost the same red as his helmet, only occasionally palming it to slightly sooth the pain. But this wasn't a pleasant punishment ment to make you more turned on. No. It was harsh and real. She knew she did wrong. She knew she needed to be punished. But boy did it fucking hurt. By the time he was done, she was a sobbing mess. Her ass would be sore for sure. But it was all worth it as the tip of his cock pushed past her puffy folds into her tight heat. A long vulgar moan was realized from both parties as he sat for a moment, relishing in the feeling he missed so much.
His hands gripped her tightly as he pumped every last inch of himself he could. The movement so painfully slow but so necessary. They needed each other. She didn't realize how hard it was being without him. But she was so fuckin' happy when he came to her. She held out and here they were. One again. She loved him, and he loved her. It was fucked up. But- they did.
His veins dragged deliciously inside her tight walls, the tip of his dick hitting that one spot just right. "I- ohhh- missed you Jay-" She moaned out softly.
Jason's pace was slow and gentle, just enjoying the feeling of being inside her. Fuck did he miss her too. "You better have." But it wasn't anymore. The speed picked up along with the force and before she knew it, she was a sobbing blubbering mess. Her only thought- Jason's cock ruining her. "Now. I'm going to ask a question." He reached down and wrapped a hand around her throat, bringing her back up to his chest. The angle made her cry out. "And you better answer the right way." His speed picked up as he guided her back into his thrusts. Each word emphasized with a harsh thrust. "Who do you belong to?"
It was a simple question. One they both knew. One she should have never made him question. One that from day one, they both knew the answer. There was never an option. There would never be an option.
"You." She breathed out, her stomach making a familiar feeling. Her walls clenching and unclenching with every harsh thrust of Jason's ruthless hips.
His grip tightened before flipping her over to her back, her legs immediately being upped to his shoulders, the new position making her scream out in pure pleasure. "Not good enough, doll." He growled, his lips latching onto her neck and shoulder. Marking the answer down...
She gripped the bedsheets as her back arched into him. "I'm yours Jason! Only yours I fuckin' swear it!" And with that, Jason smiled. His hand reached between to rub her clit and a matching pace.
"Good girl. You're mine." He leans down to her ear, pecking behind it. "and I'm yours." One final kiss to her lips and she melted. Her walls squeezed and her eyes rolled back. Her orgasm washed over her like no other as her legs threatened to capture and never let go of Jason. His high soon followed and he let himself go freely in her. Every last drop would stay there. Because she was his. And he was hers.
"We're not done yet princess."
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ithehellisbucky · 3 years
forget me not
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spencer reid x reader
Request: No
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: Kidnapping, torture, drowning, murder, drug mention, etc
Summary: You and Spencer don't realize you love each other until it's almost too late
Author's Note: First thing in like fucking forever, so yeah. This was originally a request and then I was at school and I couldn't look at my request so it was way off script, so I just did my own shit, this also takes place in the 5th season, in the middle just after hayley dies.
"The unsub is a white male between the ages of 35-45. His modus operandi is drowning in the great lakes, he's already struck Superior, Michigan, Ontario, and Huron, so we expect Lake Erie to be next." Hotch says, glancing at his phone every minute or so. It's his third case back since Hayley died, and he's picked up a habit of waiting to hear bad news.
"This unsub has recently developed a hallucinative disorder where every face he sees has an emotional connection. There were no discernable connections between his victims which leads us to believe that his mind is filling in the gaps at random." Reid says, gesturing abstractly at nothing at all in particular.
"This disorder was likely triggered by a recent brain injury connected to the Great Lakes so keep a lookout for any recent accident victims. He was very social until the accident, and after it he immediately became anti-social. He was probably in a relationship recently, but then broke it off, he is not married, but possibly has children, which he will not shy away from using in a hostage situation." Morgan exclaims as he leans against a desk.
"His victims are all over the place, so we advise everyone to be on high alert. There is no pattern to the murders, from a 51-year-old single mother of two to a 14-year-old on vacation." You pause and take a breath, looking back down at your notes. "Someone out there knows this man, so we implore you to tell as many people as possible, our Media Liaison Jennifer Jareau will be setting up a press conference, and it is very important to get this out to as many people as possible."
"Won't that just spook him more?" One of the sheriff's deputy says, with a concerned look on his face.
"Yes, but at this point, he will kill again no matter what, it's better to have the public be informed because he will take another victim, whether we find him during or after is up to us."
He nods, and looks down at his notepad, badly masking his disturbed grimace.
"Thank you and let us know if you have any leads," Hotch exclaims, closing the meeting.
You walk up to Spencer "I bet we're their favorite people right about now." You say, sipping on your coffee.
Reid avoids your eyes and continues to fidget with the chess piece that he probably stole from one of the officer's desks. "What's wrong Reid?"
"I dunno, I just have a really bad feeling about this one," He picks up his cane and walks away. When Spencer has enough he needs to walk away, and as long as he wasn't hurt that was fine with you.
"Reid, y/l/n, Garcia's got something." Morgan raps his knuckles on the doorway and calls you into a conference room. "Hey babygirl, what do ya got for us?" He exclaims, shifting the call to speakerphone.
"A luscious blonde mane and an intense yearning to hold you." Emily giggles a little bit and Garcia can probably feel Hotch's glare "oh come on Derek."
"Sorry baby, keep goin'."
"I have a name. One Larry Todd. 3 weeks ago he was in a boat accident in which he had a severe concussion and was unconscious for 3 days. He immediately broke up with his girlfriend Shelby, which she was very angry about, adieu to her Facebook page. His ex-wife reported that he missed his last two visitations with his daughter Amelia." She takes a pause "he owned a bait shop that's been closed since his boat was destroyed in the accident, and it's listed as his last residency.
"Fits our profile to a tee," Emily exclaims.
"Thanks, Garcia," Hotch says, hanging up the phone call. "Emily, JJ is in the conference so run out and let her know. Morgan and Rossi, go to the bait shop with SWAT, and Reid and y/l/n go to the ex-wife's house; Emily and I will stay here and see what else we can dig up."
Everyone goes their separate ways. The sheriff takes the driver's seat, with you in the shotgun seat and Spencer in the back. You can hear the clang his leg makes against his cane and his foot bouncing.
"I'll take the daughter, and you can have the ex-wife."
"Okay," responds Spencer.
The ex-wife Miranda opens the door sobbing when you knock on it. "Excuse me, ma'am, my name is Agent y/n y/l/n and this is my partner Dr. Spencer Reid, do you mind if we ask you and your daughter a few questions about your ex-husband?"
She continues to sob but lets you in. You look back to see the sheriff playing video games on his phone and you scoff.
Spencer sits down with the crying woman and you politely ask if you can speak to her daughter. She tells you yes and that Amelia is around back.
"Bye, Reid." You blow a kiss to Spencer and walk out the door, shaking a sinister nagging feeling itching at the back of your neck.
You walk across the pavement and open the gate to enter your unsub's former backyard. "Hi Amelia, my name is y/n, I'm a friend of your mommies."
Beginning to grow more suspicious, you pull out your gun and triple-check to make sure it's on safety. If Todd is there you know that he would be fine with sacrificing his daughter for his own goals and you wouldn't let that happen "Amelia? Is your daddy here."
"Boo!" A little girl with pigtails holding a stuffed rabbit jumps from behind the recycling bin and you chuckle, putting your gun away in your holster. "Did I scare you?"
"You sure did!" You laugh. "Wow, that's such a pretty bunny, where did you get it?"
"My daddy got it for me." She said, showing off her gap tooth.
"That's so cool! Do you remember what it was like when he gave it to you?" You kneel to be at eye level with the child.
"Yeah, he was super cuddly, now he's a little more pokey, but that's okay." She says, playing with the bunny ears.
"When did he get pokey, Amelia?" You hesitated, something was off "I just want your daddy to be cuddly again."
"A little bit ago. He used to tell me stories till I fell asleep eeeeeverynight, but then he stopped for a week and when he came back he was like a big lion."
You had a growing sense of paranoia budding in your spine, why was she telling you all this so fast? "What type of stories?"
"He used to tell me princess stories, but after he stopped for a week he talked all about ones about the scary lady who tried to take me away, but then he stopped her! And the boy who was being dangerous so he had to make sure that she didn't hurt me." She exclaimed absentmindedly.
You start to pull your phone out of your pocket until Amelia starts talking again "and just now, he was talking about the bad knight who tried to take me away."
Your jaw dropped and you tried to find the best course of action, but by the time your brain started working it was too late. He walked up behind you and whispered into your ear "Nighty-night."
And then everything was black
"Hey, mommy."
"Yes, sweetheart?" She quickly wiped the tears off of her face to turn to her daughter.
"Can I have ice cream?"
"Of course sweetheart" she gives me a small smile and gets up towards the kitchen. "Where's that nice agent that came here with Dr. Reid?"
"They weren't a nice agent, they were a bad, bad, bad knight, and they were trying to take me away, so daddy took them instead."
Oh no.
No no no no no no no no.
Where were they? Where was y/n?
I pulled out my gun without a second thought and left my cane behind, I ran as fast as I could without it, and by the time I was in the backyard my knee was burning and they were gone.
You woke up halfway through the drive. The road switched from smooth the bumpy a million times over, and it smelled like bees. Not like honey, not like pollen, like bees. Just bees. It smelled nice, but you don't want to die smelling bees.
You wanted to move. Move your body, move your head, move your eyes, move anything, but you couldn't move. Nothing could move. There was a sweaty tv shirt shoved between your teeth. Your hands were bound with bristled rope and there was metal all around you and you were certain that this was the back of a van. At first, you thought there must be a blindfold over your eyes, and then you realized that they were just too tired to open.
There was an old country song playing over the radio, a love song about a family in a house. The truck stopped shaking and he pulled the ignition. A growing sense of dread filled your stomach as he walked around towards the back of the truck. He opened the door and you saw his face.
That could only mean one thing- you weren't leaving here alive.
Within minutes crime scene techs were on the scene, but I knew they wouldn't find anything useful. The only thing that was there was the absence of y/n and our distraught profile.
"They were right here, right here, they were- they were right here, right here." Hotch looked at me somberly, and Morgan rubbed my shoulder with sympathy.
"We need to update our profile," Emily said, there was no time to waste, "we know what this guy does to people, and if he would risk abducting an armed federal agent in front of his daughter there's no doubt they in danger."
"We know Emily," Everyone looks at me kind of funny like I've said something wrong, but at this point, I don't care what anyone thinks of me, "His reason for doing this was for his daughter, he took out anyone he saw as a threat, a motherly figure, someone who could be her older brother, anyone who was a threat and wanted to take Amelia away from him.
"His disorder is fairly undocumented, being exactly the opposite of prosopagnosia, where patients disassociate faces from their loved ones, causes him to feel emotions about people he's never seen before, and his subconscious is assigning meaning to them at random, picking up anyone shows the slightest twinge of distaste.
"y/n picked up more than a twinge, they were there to take his daughter away, so he likely believes they're the mastermind." Everyone looks at me and waits for me to say the thing we all know is coming "he's not going to kill them before they suffer."
As we hitched a ride back to the station my leg was bouncing like crazy and my fingers were tapping the numbers of pi into the leather of the car door. Emily put her hand on my shoulder but I couldn't feel her, y/n missing was the only thing I could feel.
"Garcia I need you to check if Larry Todd owns any vehicles large enough to hold a person, trunks, vans, trucks anything," Morgan says into his speakerphone once we get back to the station.
"Oh god it's true, he really has them?" I can hear the distraught coated thick on her voice "do you think they're in pain, do you think he-"
"Garcia we don't have time for this, does he or does he not have any vehicles in his name." I snapped, I could apologize later when y/n was in a hospital bed.
"No, but you know I'm never one to go to bed early, and it turns out his great uncle died a year and a half ago, but his van was pulled over and given a speeding ticket a few months ago, how much do you wanna bet that's our guy and not a psychopath's uncle."
"Thanks, Garcia," Rossi hangs up the phone and turns to one of the sheriff's deputies in the room, "put out an ATB on that van."
"Okay, I'm gonna go through the medical files again, see if there's anything I missed," Hotch catches my arm.
"There isn't, right now all we can do is wait and look." He pauses "we've sent out patrol cars to look for the van, go out with Morgan, and circle around Lake Erie."
"Hotch, what if- what if we don't find them, or we find them and it's too late, or we find-"
"Right now she's alive, you said it yourself, he's not gonna let her die so easy."
As disturbing as it is hearing that someone you love more than anything is being tortured, I found it strangely comforting. They're alive. They are alive. They are prepared. After Tobias took me they brought me to a CIA torture seminar, just on the off chance that anything happened, I wouldn't break again.
I stared out the window of the passenger side of the SUV. Morgan wasn't talking, he knew what I was feeling, because he felt it before, when it happened to me.
"We've got a report of the vehicle going down sunmist lane" the scanner jumps to life.
I had memorized the map the second we landed; "we're five minutes away" and then, quietly under my breath, I whispered, "I'm coming y/n."
He held your head underwater for the 7th or the fiftieth time. You can't remember. You can't remember. You can't remember anything other than the water under the dock filling my lungs.
"What do you want with my daughter?!" He screamed at you as he pulled you out again, You vomited up all the water that my body could muster. You didn't know he had a daughter.
You forgot everything you learned to do. You forgot to pretend it was affecting me, You forgot how to hold my breath, You forgot. You forgot everything.
Except for Spencer, Spencer's smile, Spencer holding you, Spencer missing you until that was gone too.
Everything went away but the water.
He kicked you back off the dock again, and for a second you gasped for air, and then you sank, nothing even mattered anyways.
The man pulled you out again and kicked you in the ribs; you felt something rip inside of you and you screamed as loud as you could, which was more like a whimper.
"Larry Todd put your hands up!" Two men came behind the man who drowned you, you couldn't remember them, but you could remember the rip in your ribs filling with water.
He shoved you back into the water and you didn't even try to fight this time, you just sank, feet after feet after feet of water. You didn't hold your breath, you didn't care.
A figure appeared above you, and you saw the angel. He had a shimmering brown halo and a beautiful bright face that looked terrified, just like an angel.
And then he pulled you up.
This might be heaven, but it might be hell. You can tell the room is white without opening your eyes. There's a steady beeping sound to your left and it smells like chlorine.
When you finally manage to open your eyes you wished you hadn't. All you see is lethargy around you.
JJ is drooling in her sleep while Emily is asleep on her shoulder, Garcia is snoring in the corner with her knitting in a pile next to her. Morgan and Rossi are nowhere to be seen, but you can't blame them, seeing people they love getting beat up over and over again never gets easier. You can hear the faint sounds of Hotch arguing with someone over the phone in the hallway.
But worst of all is Spencer. He's wide awake and his foot is tapping like crazy on the ground. There are deep and dark eye bags surrounding his eyes and hints at a beard forming on his face. His cane is tossed uncharacteristically on the ground, and he pays it no attention whatever.
You open your mouth to speak, but when you do a stabbing pain shoots through your diaphragm and you gasp. The second Spencer hears you he shoots up and kneels next to the bed, which must be no easy feat.
"Hey, how are you?" He strokes your hair as gently as he can.
You try to speak but no words come out.
"Do you want some water?" You nod, trying to not feel pathetic. The second the glass of water comes into your eye line you knock it out of his hand and it goes shattering onto the floor, waking everyone else in the room up.
You start to cry, feeling guilty and scared about why a glass of water could've terrified you so much. "Hey, hey, it's okay, it's okay, it's just a bunch of sand made into something you can drink out of, it's not a big deal, don't worry." That calms you down a little bit.
You look around to see the rest of the team cradled around you. "How are you feeling honey?" Garcia whispers as if speaking too loudly would mortally wound you.
You reach up and touch your throat, and it burns. There's more confusion, and then JJ is getting her hand cut on the glass she was cleaning, Garcia was whispering too loudly and Emily was touching your arm, and Hotch and Morgan and Rossi were walking in the room and Spencer was pushing a button on your bed and the monitor was beeping and then you were screaming.
Screaming so loudly, screaming in pain, screaming in fear, screaming in confusion, screaming because you were overwhelmed and sad and scared. "Everyone gets out," Spencer says, and everyone quickly does, he knows you best, and right now, everything was too much.
"Wh-what happened" you whisper, throat and lungs still hurting but since you had screamed the worst part was over.
"The unsub kidnapped you, and tried to drown you, your heart stopped in the ambulance, but they brought you back." You remembered "You had been dunked in the water and brought back up at least 15 times, not including when I brought you out.
"You needed 53 stitches and had a punctured lung when we found you." He pauses "You're safe now, we have him in custody and he can never hurt anyone ever again." You let out a breath that you didn't know you had been holding.
"I'm so sorry," You were crying "I forgot you, I'm so sorry. He made everything go away but the water I'm sorry that I forgot you."
"It's okay, it's okay, you didn't do anything wrong, you were trying to stay alive." He stroked your hair and held your hands gently "He tortured you, when Hankel tortured me all I could think about were the drugs and the pain, you didn't do anything wrong, you survived."
"I survived?"
"Can I tell you something?" You chuckled, your tears had stopped but it was still wet on your face.
"I thought you were an angel when you saved, and now I realize that you weren't my angel, it wasn't magic, and it wasn't godly." Spencer looks puzzled, and you paused to take a deep and painful breath "It was the fact that I am so deeply in love with you, that seeing you love me back felt like heaven.
Spencer stares at you, his mouth closed and his mouth on the floor "You don't have to say anything, just know that-"
His lips are on yours before you can finish your sentence. For a moment you forget about the pain in your throat, the burn in your lungs, and the agony all over your body; it was just Spencer.
You pulled away for breath, your breaths dancing with each other.
"I was so scared" he whimpered in fear.
You stroked his hair gently "I was more terrified than I had ever been. I was so horrified that I would wake up tomorrow and my reason for living would be dead. I was more scared than I had been when I thought my dad killed a kid, I was more scared than when Hankel tortured me, I was more scared when I realized that I loved drugs more than my own life.
"You were the person that held my hand when I was hurting so bad I would forget to breathe, and then you weren't here because you were the person in pain and I realized that I loved you because nothing hurt me more than the fear that I could lose the one thing in the world that made me feel okay."
He takes a deep breath and looks at you as deeply in your eyes as you thought could ever be possible. "I love you too, and I promise you I'll never let you go."
His lips meet yours, and through a kiss, you whisper "I'll never forget you again"
And you knew that you had Spencer and everything is going to be okay.
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Criminal Minds:
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Birthday Twins
tony stark x reader
Word Count: 2,400ish
Summary: Tony realizes that he doesn’t know your birthday.
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“Hey, honey,” you called, walking into the lab. “I need you to finalize the guest list for your birthday before I send out the invitations.”
“Okay,” Tony answered, still busy when the Iron Man boot his was fixing up.
You walked up to him, pressing a kiss to his cheek and setting the list on his table.
“Please get this back to me by tonight,” you said.
“Of course,” Tony replied. You went to leave when he quickly grabbed your wrist and pulled you in for a kiss. “What would I do without you?”
“Plan the party yourself.” You pecked his lips before moving away. “I’ll be out all day getting things together for the party, call if you need anything. Hi, Bruce.” You greeted the man while you were on your way out of the lab and he was on his way in.
“Hey, Y/N,” Bruce replied.
“I’ll see you boys later! Don’t do anything too stupid.” And you left the room.
“What was Y/N doing here?” Bruce asked, getting his station ready for the day.
“She was just asking me to finalize the guest list for my party in a few weeks.”
“Oh…” Bruce nodded. He began to get working when a thought crossed his mind. “Tony, how long has Y/N been a part of the team?”
“About four years, I think.”
“How long have you two been together?”
“Two years. Why?”
“In the time that you’ve known Y/N and that you two have been dating, have we ever celebrated her birthday?”
“Well, of course!” Tony sat up straight and turned to face his lab partner. “It’s was when… There was that time…” He put his hand on his chin as his eyes seemed to replay the last few years. “There was that party— no, that was just for fun… I-I don’t know. We’ve—she’s… I don’t know my girlfriends birthday. JARVIS?”
“At your service, sir,” the AI responded.
“Pull up everything there is on Y/N L/N. Specifically, look for her birthday.”
“Pulling up everything there is on Ms. L/N.”
The screens around Tony’s work station turned on. Soon, there were filled with images and information on you. Both JARVIS and Tony scanned through each of the images. Bruce even came over to help, curious as well. They each scanned and rescanned every piece of information, coming up with nothing.
“It seems that all traces of Ms. L/N’s date of birth has been erased from all records,” JARVIS stated.
“There’s got to be something out there,” Tony muttered. “But there’s even no trace of her birth certificate. How’s that possible?”
“Someone obviously went through great lengths to hide it. Even from your systems.”
“It’s so frustrating!”
“Why don’t you just call her and ask her? I’m sure she’d have an explanation for why her birth date can’t be found.”
“I can’t ask her, that makes me seem like the worst boyfriend ever. I’m going to ask around on the team, see if any of them know.”
And that’s just what Tony did. He started with Steve, who was in his office doing paperwork.
“Rogers,” Tony waltzed into the office, “you busy?”
“Well, kind of,” Steve answered. “I’m in the middle of—“
“This won’t take long. Just a quick question. Um… do you know Y/N’s birthday?”
Steve’s full attention was now on the man in front of him. “What? You don’t know Y/N’s birthday?”
“That wasn’t what I said. I asked if you knew when her birthday is.”
“No, I don’t. Why?”
“Well, Bruce and I realized that we didn’t know it. So then we asked JARVIS for help, but nothing is in the system. Like someone deleted any trace of the day she was born.”
“And why can’t you just ask her?”
Tony groaned. “Because she’ll see what an awful boyfriend I am and that she can do better. She’ll leave me because I don’t know her date of birth!”
“Tony, if she hasn’t left you yet, I don’t think she’s going anywhere.”
“You don’t know that.” Tony shook his head, heading for the door.
Tony went to Clint next, then Thor. Both of them questioned him not knowing his girlfriend’s birthday as well. Next he asked Pepper, Rhodey, and Happy, they were better people than him. They had to know. But sadly, they didn’t have a clue either when your birthday was either. Tony was frustrated and running out of time to find out before you got home. He was sulking in the kitchen, cup of coffee in hand, when Natasha walked in.
“What’s wrong with you?” She asked, moving around the kitchen to make herself some tea.
“I’m pretty sure Y/N’s going to break up with me.”
“And why do you think that?”
Tony sighed. “Because I don’t know her birthday.”
“Oh?” Tony looked at Nat, confused. “You’re not going to harass me about— you know. Red, you’ve got to tell me what you know.”
“Oh, no.” Nat shook her head. “If Y/N hasn’t told you, then she doesn’t want you to know.”
“Please, Red. I’ll do anything to know. I’ve… it’s taken me so long to even question it, I can’t even imagine what she thinks of me.”
“She doesn’t think anything but amazing things about you, Tony. I know that.”
“Then just tell me. So that I can surprise her, even just a little.”
“I don’t know—“
“I’ll upgrade your suit with whatever you want. And your room. I’ll even send you on vacation while it’s happening. I’ll do anything, just tell me what you know.”
Natasha thought about it for a minute before giving in. “Fine. You can’t tell her I told you though.”
“When Y/N was little, instead of celebrating her birthday, her parents would mourn the loss of their freedom. Her parents would fight each other all day and tell her that they wished she’d never been born. And no one else cared to ever celebrate it with her either. So, when she agreed to began working for SHIELD, she made Fury promise to erase all evidence of her birth and the date.”
“And do you know when it is?”
“Yes… but you’ve got to be careful Tony. She won’t know how to handle it if you go overboard. No one’s ever celebrated it with her.”
“When is it?”
“May 29th.”
Tony was taken back. Your birthday was the same as his, and he’d had no clue. Every year, he threw a party and, ever since you arrived in his life, you always helped plan. Never complaining or giving any thing away about how the day was your special day too.
“I…” Tony leaned back against the counter, hiding his face in his hands. “I’m an awful person…”
Before Natasha could comfort the man, the elevator dinged and you stepped out with a bunch of shopping bags.
“Hey, guys!” You greeted them happily.
Tony immediately plastered a smile on his face and came over to help you with the bags. “Hey, honey,” he replied, placing a kiss to your temple.
“Hi, Y/N,” Nat responded. “I’ve got to go, but I’ll see you guys later.”
“See ya,” you said. You and Tony set the bags on the counter before you came up and wrapped your arms around his waist. You placed a soft kiss on his lips. “How was your day? Do anything fun?”
“Oh, you know… just stayed in the lab with Bruce all day until I needed a cup of coffee.”
“Yes,” you chuckled. “I do know.” You moved to begin putting everything away.
“How was shopping?”
“Found everything I needed. Did you finish finalizing the guest list?”
“I didn’t… but that was because I was thinking that we might do something just you and me.” Tony moved to your side. “What’d ya think?”
“But I’ve done all the planning and you love hosting big parties, especially if they’re celebrating you.”
“I usually do. But I kind of just want to celebrate alone with you this year.”
“We could have the party and then escape for a week. How about that?”
Tony sighed. “That sounds good… Um… Y/N, can I ask you something?”
“Alway.” You were too busy putting things away to notice Tony’s nervousness.
“When’s your birthday?”
You froze, back facing Tony. Why would he want to know that? After all these years? You assumed he would have just forgotten about your birthday. You basically had until you met Tony. But then you made sure that day became all about him. Your childhood wasn’t what many considered normal. Your parents weren’t totally sold on having you and, once your were born, that only got worse. They told you every day that they didn’t want you. And every year on your birthday, instead of happily celebrating your birth, they mourned the freedom they once had before you.
“W-why do you want to k-know?” You quietly stuttered, not moving to face him.
“Because I realized that I’ve been a horrible boyfriend. And I’ve known you for a few years know and we’ve never celebrated your birthday.”
“You aren’t a horrible boyfriend, Tony. You’re the best.” You continued putting things away. “And I don’t have a birthday.”
“Everyone has a birthday, Y/N/N. Why won’t you tell me yours?” Tony went to grab onto your hand but you pulled it away from him.
“Because I don’t have one,” you snapped, finally facing him. You let the few stray tears that wanted to escape, fall to your cheeks. “And I’m pretty sure that’s why you’re asking me. Cause you tried to look it up but couldn’t find anything. Don’t go searching for something that’s not there, Tony.”
“Why can’t you just tell me what’s going on?”
“Because I don’t have to!” Your tears were heavier now. “J-just… leave it, Tony. There’s somethings you don’t need to know.”
And then you rushed away. You didn’t go to your shared bedroom, you ran to the bedroom you had before you moved in with Tony. You needed to be alone, to calm down. You blamed your family for you hating your birthday, but that didn’t give you permission to get mad at Tony.
Still in the kitchen, Tony ran his hands over his face. Frustrated as himself for pushing you. He knew you needed time to calm down, so he decided to head back to the lab. Bruce wasn’t there when he entered, but the guest list was. That’s when it hit him, he would give you a surprise birthday party. But he’d let you think that you were planning his party. Tony instantly got to work, finalizing the guest list and even sending messages to them so that they would be let in on the secret. He was determined to help you feel better about your birthday.
You slept in your own room, even up to the day of Tony’s party. You and him were on better terms, but you still wanted your space. After the penthouse was all decked out and ready for the party, you went to your room to get yourself ready. When you arrived, there was a gorgeous dress lying on the bed with a note on top of it. You walked over and slowly picked up the note.
You deserve to look stunning tonight. Thank for all you do for me. Love, T
You smiled at the note before you continued to get ready. Upon arriving at the penthouse, you were immediately put on guard. The whole place was dark, which wasn’t how you’d left it, and there seemed to be no one there.
“Hello?” You called into the darkness as you entered the grand room further. “Where is everyone? Hello?”
Suddenly, the lights came on and people came jumping out, yelling, “Surprise! Happy birthday!”
You jumped, holding your hand over your heart. You looked around, everyone that had been on the guest list was there and the decorations that you had put up earlier where still there as well. The only difference being that the banners now had both yours and Tony’s names on them. How did he figure it out? Tony was the first one to you, carefully coming up due to the fact you had yet to say anything or move.
“Honey,” he called gently. “You okay?”
“H-how? W-hy? You…” You struggled to form a complete thought. “Did you… what?”
“I know that I wasn’t suppose to know, for whatever reason. But, Y/N, I love you. And I want to celebrate you like you have me, so many times.” He came forward, wrapping an arm around your waist to hold you close, while his free hand moved to cup your cheek. “You deserve to be celebrated.” You broke into tears, head falling into Tony’s chest. “Oh… sweetheart… please don’t cry. Not on our birthday.”
“I’m sorry… it’s just… no one’s ever wanted to c-celebrate me…”
“I always want to celebrate you, Y/N/N. I just wish I had known sooner.”
You looked up at him, teary eyed. “Is that why you were trying to convince me to go away with you, instead of having this party?”
“Yes. I just thought you’d like that better. But then I made you upset and I knew I needed to surprise you somehow.”
“How’d you figure it out?”
“Red told me after I had tried everyone else. But please don’t get mad at her. She was only trying to help.”
“I won’t. At least not today.” You looked around the room. “I can’t believe you hijacked your own birthday party for me,” you chuckled. “I think it makes me love you a little more.”
“Then my planned work.” He pressed a long kiss to your lips.
“Thank you Tony. And I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you sooner.”
“It’s okay. As long as you leave with me tonight for our week long vacation and let me spoil you rotten to make up for lost time.”
You grinned, looking at him lovingly. “That sounds perfect.” You pulled him in for a kiss. “Happy birthday, Tony,” you whispered.
“Happy birthday, sweetheart."
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sleeping-lilies · 4 years
robin era jason, dick, and babs headcanons because there’s too much comedic potential to ignore
- dick and babs were the ultimate gossip buddies. whenever dick was with the titans for long periods of time, babs always filled him in on everything
babs: dick you’ll never believe what hal said to bruce last night, i even have videos. dick, the look on his face please—
dick, immediately locking doors so his teammates don’t hear the mad shit about to be dropped on main: tell me everything
- vice versa too, dick filled babs in on everything going on with the titans and all they can say is thank god those lines are bat secured with no villains being able to listen in, imagine deathstroke hearing through bat gossip that joey’s dating who?!?! 😳
- batkids have been and always will be the holder of superhero gossip. it’s a business, you see, but we’re getting off topic 😡
- lmfao anyways this is literally how dick finds out about jason
babs: anyways, jason—
dick: who the fuck is jason
babs: ....
dick: barbara?!?!
babs: ok promise you won’t freak out
- babs and dick’s first reaction upon meeting jason being “why is he so small i wasnt that small” “dick you were literally nine when you were robin—“ “he’s tiny” it’s like those two share the same braincell
- i’m making it so that dick gave jason his number earlier because i feel like it 😡😡😡 (not that it changes much other than the fact that i want more gossip dropped in dm’s)
- when dick gave jason his number, he went to babs like “give me jason’s number” “didn’t you literally just give him your’s?” “ya but i’m gonna make sure he texts me” “ya ok that’s fair”
- whenever jason didn’t want to be in the manor (fight with bruce, boredom, etc) he went to wherever the fuck babs lived and they would facetime dick and talk mad shit. it was a thing.
- despite them all being able to drive, babs was the only one during this time with an actual, legitimate, legal license (jason was too young to have a license and dick is too lazy/busy/whatever-excuse-he-wants-to-use to take the permit and driving test) so babs drove them around everywhere and it was a mess™ consisting of a bunch of backseat drivers
- “dick omg look at this video i found from the batcave” “omg he said robin gives him magic” “robin gives him magic” they both cry about it for years to come
- babs sometimes kidnapped jason after school after telling the head of wayne manor (alfred) and took him to get ice cream, then to the library while she worked. jason was the greatest kid in the library, he even had his own throne special chair just for him whenever he came provided by library staff who adored this absolute angel.
- jason 🤝 babs 🤝 dick -> i believe in annoying yet endearing nicknames supremacy
- nicknames include (some used by some more than others or just one, or by both equally because they’re annoying pick and choose my good people)
little wing (iconic, we all know this one fellas and who uses it)
red (used for babs, absolutely fantastic, but in the future it gets confusing because some people with their goddamn hero names 😡)
boy wonder (classic, babs calls them both that)
barbie (for babs, jason uses this one and he’s the only one able to get away with it)
dickie (jason just really gets away with everything huh)
dickhead (jason’s lucky he’s cute)
baba black sheep (jeez i’m on a roll with babs’ nicknames she’s so nickname-able and that’s very cool and sexy of her)
jay z
jay allen
jay jay jay (shut up, dickhead—)
big bird
and a bunch more i’m too tired to look for them in canon or make new ones up, but you get the idea
- dick can totally bake, and babs and jason keep bugging him when he’s baking and add more chocolate chips while pretending to not notice that he can see them 😡😡😡
- headcanon that jason had hero worship for babs and dick because they’re so cool in and out of costume and it never really went away when he got older listen his older brother and pseudo sister are so cool and that’s not his fault but he’ll never admit it
- barbie movie marathons because barbie is an iconic legend and they all recognize it. they have the fucking “she’s the queen of the WA-A-A-AVES” song memorized along with all other barbie movie songs, they sing it on patrol.
- dick and jason’s sibling dynamic was and is basically “ur a little shit and i hate you but i will literally kill for you”
- dick had tension with bruce while jason was just a little shit who would totally cause drama for the sake of it, and people never take advantage of this absolute power duo for destroying bruce
- dick sending cryptid texts to jason through a burner phone because he’s dramatic jason totally knew it was him about things that drive bruce mad, like leaving the shower turned to the coldest setting before bruce got there, leaving the lights in the batcave on, etc. jason, a wise little child, totally took advantage of this. bruce came to accept his fate
- the gc names, guys the group chat names
- jason crashing into titans tower whenever he wants and dick doesn’t bat (hAH) an eye, occasionally he very sweetly asks babs to come with him and she agrees but only sometimes because some people have jobs, jason—wait dick is being flirted with by who?!?! i’ll leave it up to your imagination ;) and they totally crashed titans missions too
- one time bruce was busy with the league while alfred was on vacation and bruce absolutely could not dip (i’m imagining bruce getting a call from the headmaster during an honest to god fight and bruce just picking up while punching the daylights out of some asshole) (“mr wayne, what is that noise in the background?” “sorry, headmaster, the cat is having a seizure”), so when jason got into a “fight” (read: some jackass picking on jason before he snapped and yelled at him and the bitchass kid tried to punch him and jason’s no quitter) bruce called dick who was an adult and legally family (yes dick is adopted sometime after jason was, stay mad) like “son... son please” and dick was like “oh no need to plead with me, this is too good” but of course this bitchass doesn’t have an actual lisence yet and he was hanging out with babs anyways so he and babs rolled up to gotham academy and the kids stared at them like “holy shit they’re so cool” ya dick and babs are those power couple, whether romantic or not, that turn heads, they’re just that powerful strolled into the office, bailed jason out while intimidating the headmaster because the altercation was the result of school staff negligence of actual bullying like those cliche tropes, said “ayyy you got that brat good” and get him chili dogs or whatever the fandom made robin jason’s favorite food. omg i just made an entire fanfic in rough draft form someone please steal it and write it in full form and send me the link
- jason is very very tiny, you see. babs and dick pick him up and move him for any reason, whether because they want to sit on that chair or to just throw him out of harm’s way and take the bullet for themselves.
- jason and dick both get adorable blushes on their faces it’s genetic yes that’s how genetics work shut up meanwhile babs’ ears turn red when she’s embarrassed and all three of them clown each other for it
- i yelled about this to my mutual (cough cough @littlespaceboii) who also added to this absolute dogshit headcanon and then in the discord full of mutuals, but the basement of wayne manor is haunted. dick found it when he was a little gremlin (i stand by that dick was the original demon child) (“you see damian, before there was you there was me” the real reason he was good with damian lmfao) and was like “omg this is so cool” @littlespaceboii came up with that it was just alfred fucking with bruce and so when jason first came and dick was comfy around him he was like “so have you been in the basement” and jason was like “im literally robin i’ve been in the batcave?!?!” and dick goes “no the basement, the haunted one” and jason’s like “hAUNTED?!?!” cuz jason has at least some self preservations and knows not to fuck with the spookies until he too became a spooky and bruce was like “there’s no ghost it’s not haunted” because he’s a skeptic and a party pooper and babs is like “no go on let him finish” even though she knows full well there are no ghosts or does she? and uhhhh basically they becomes ghostbusters 2.0 but cooler and funnier
- this trio is basically baby pan/bisexual jason and two resident expert pan/bisexuals solidarity but that’s literally canon. they go to pride every year that jason’s alive what who said that?
- they all tease each other for their crushes like all siblings/family friends do, i don’t need to say it but it’s important that’s emphasized for my well being
- yelled about this in the discord to the mutuals who added onto this absolute train wreck too, but jason used to play baseball during his robin days, and dick never showed up to those games with being busy as an excuse, but babs always showed up with bruce and alfred and took pictures for dick so dick could be like “mlb players are jobless now that little wing is on the scene” babs (and sometimes bruce) always shouted loudest for jason whether he was in the field or in the dugout and jason would get this extremely adorable blush on his face (jason finds out in the future why dick never showed up (cough cough ptsd from two face’s massive baseball bat which led to everything that came after including being fired and veangance academy and nearly killing two face and omg that’s a ride) and is like oh my god my childhood is even more ruined—)
- remember when i said dick got adopted after jason did in this new absolutely fabulous canon i just created? bruce did that because “ahhh fuck that’s my kid and i want him to know i love him through every means possible since i have the ability to do so” i believe in good dad bruce supremacy and made a whole thing where he invited dick to dinner for like a week to work up the courage and bonding to ask him and show him the adoption papers and then everyone cried :) bruce decided to finally adopt dick after jason referred to dick as his brother and bruce was like “...oh” and alfred was like 👀
- dick, as the first child hero and one of the first heroes period like at least a year or two before babs, holds the “back in my day” card over literally everyone in the hero community in general and pulls it out to annoy babs and jason even tho babs literally joined the scene only a year or two after dick
jason, shaking in his panties: it’s so fucking cold
dick, standing strong in his tits out outfit, who had to wear the panties on his own decision: oh, you’re cold? back in my day—
babs, throwing her boot at his face: god shut the fuck up—
and then dick doesn’t give back her boot and it becomes a whole thing with lots of tackling and play fighting and someone nearly gets thrown off they rooftop for funsies but anyways
also on a side note, babs would take off her cape and wrap it around jason whenever she noticed his discomfort with the weather, or use the weather as an excuse whenever she saw him uneasy for whatever reason and they never mention it to each other
- yelled about this in the discord to the mutuals at some point too holy shit i have friends, but those three are team rocket. they went out as team rocket for halloween one year after bullying bruce to let jason out only jason because he can’t tell dick and babs what to do and jason is under his care and when they do convince him, dick and babs bully jason into being meowth. manifesting jason in a meowth onesie ARTISTS PLEASE—
- dick finally took his license seriously and took his driver’s test after babs became paralyzed.
- those were a rough few months for those three. and then another rough few months for those two
- yikes, sorry to throw angst at you (sorry (unfeeling)) anyways, in the future alfred finds those old photos and shows the rest of the fam, so dick and babs bully jason, 6’2 jason that towers way above both of them, and once again bullies him into being meowth “for tradition, little wing!” “shut up, dickhead” the rest of the batkids lose their shit over this, naturally. bruce and alfred stand in the back teary eyed reminiscing the old days when things were a little more simple.
- discowing walked so terrifying handsome squidward red hood helmet could run (even tho the ugly helmet tripped and fell and missed the mark because discowing wasn’t ugly and will always remain superior, i feel i have committed a terrible crime comparing the two)
dick: jason what the fuck is that
jason: it’s fashion
dick: it’s terrifying
jason: i’m only following in my older brother’s footsteps 😔
dick: listen here, you little shit strangles him haha just kidding that illegal wait theyre vigilantes they don’t follow the law—
- these three and cass refer to the rest of the batkids as “the kids” (if she’s older than jason, sometimes she is and sometimes she isn’t and i’m really confused but whatever)
- babs and dick’s relationship with jason pre death literally shaped how jason treats his siblings post pit madness like he literally goes “what would red and big bird do?!??” when he needs to go into big brother mode over the “little ones” (“little” because tim and steph are adults and duke is nearly an adult himself oh my god he’ll graduate from high school soon and jason never got to do that himself he’s totally going to the ceremony legally dead or not) 🥺
- holy trinity continue hanging out with each other, whether lunch or games or whatever, and just enjoy each other’s company after long, rough years
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mrs-gucci · 3 years
A Beach Day to Remember {Clyde Logan x Reader}
author’s notes: made it just under the wire for this week’s writer wednesday :) it’s a bit different from my usual writing MO, but I honestly had a blast with it and I’m decently pleased with how it turned out, actually. I wrote this late at night while I was half-asleep lol so sorry if it’s a little all over the place! thanks, as always, to @autumnleaves1991-blog for hosting & @clydesducktape​ for helping out! it’s such a great and fun weekly tradition!
warnings: fluff. humor. romance. beach fun. chair wrestling. a quick lil makeout session (nothing explicit). 
no tw’s :)
word count: 2.2k
clyde’s taglist peeps! @goddessofsprings​ my general taglist peeps!  @frank-and-honey @shygirl268 @icarusinthesea​  @gildedstarlight​ @mrs-zimmerman @soldmysoulagain @roseepossee @pascalisfairyy​ @I-can’t-draw-faces @ahsoka1 @safarigirlsp​ @babbushka
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By some miracle, you’d convinced born-and-raised country boy Clyde Logan to accompany you to Miami Beach for a week. A whole week, you couldn’t believe it. 
And...he actually bought a pair of swim trunks. Sure, they were a West Virginia Walmart buy, but hey, he bought a pair; you’ll take what you can get.
Who was this man and what has he done with Clyde Logan?
He’s never really been to the beach before, Mamma Logan didn’t like bein’ in the sun too long and Pappa wasn’t about to cross her, so this was his first time. 
Your family used to vacation here every year, so you were relatively familiar with the notoriously rowdy town. The first evening and night consisted of you showing a wide-eyed Clyde around Miami’s bustling night life. But, when the sun came up the next morning, he was revving to get down to the beach.
You had to talk him down a bit there at first, convincing him to eat somethin’ for breakfast before spending a whole entire day in the sun ‘cause if he passes out, he’s on his own getting back to the condo.
“I’m gon’ go get changed fer the beach!” He says excitedly, clapping his hands together and doing a little jog over to the dresser the second you two get back from your sidewalk cafe breakfast.
You smile at his enthusiasm, trying to remember the last time you saw him so openly excited and smiley. After only a few moments of thought, you realize that you’ve never seen him quite like this before. But, you’re certainly taking a liking to vacation Clyde.
Both Mellie and Jimmy requested plenty of photos of, and this is a direct quote, “Clyde’s long, pasty-ass legs in swim shorts”, and you’re nothing if not accommodating...
As soon as he steps out of the bathroom, you quickly say “Smile!” and snap a picture of him in his leaf-pattern hunter green trunks. He frowns, striding over to where you’re standing.
“Hey now pumpkin, who’re ya sendin’ that off to?”
You giggle, typing out his sibling’s contacts into your messages. “Nobody...”
His eyes widen when he sees Jimmy and Mellie’s names. He tries to grab the phone away from you, but as he takes it, his palm accidentally nudges the little ‘send’ icon. 
“G’damnit! I fuckin’ sent it to ‘em!”
You’re cracking up as he frantically tries to somehow un-send the message, despite you trying to repeatedly convince him that there’s literally nothing that can be done at this point; the message is permanent.
Almost immediately, the replies begin to pile in and Clyde quickly puts a hand over his face as your phone chimes continuously.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
“‘m never gonna hear the end ‘a this when we get back home.” He groans. “Now they got that picture forever and they’re never gonna stop showin’ it...Oh ma god, they’re gonna put it in our weddin’ slideshow, a-and our future kids ‘re gonna see it, and it’s gonna be shown at ma funeral...”
You laugh, shaking your head as you put your hands on his bare, freckle-painted chest. “Hon, I really wouldn’t worry that much about it. It’ll all blow over in a little bit, I promise. Plus, I now have evidence that you actually came to the beach with me. I have a feeling our future kids won’t believe me when I tell them this story someday.”
Clyde starts laughing, running his hands down the curve of your body before landing on your hips. He pulls you in for a kiss, moving his lips gently against yours.
Your face scrunches when he starts licking into your mouth and the bitter taste of zinc overwhelms your taste buds.
“Mmmm, mmm, Clyde?”
He pulls away, brows furrowed.
“Did you put some zinc on your lips?”
His cheeks turn pink and he looks away bashfully. “Oh, yeah, I did. ‘m sorry, I forgot ‘bout that.”
“It’s alright, no need to apologize.” You chuckle, shaking your head. “I love you.”
He smiles, placing a kiss on your forehead this time, rather than your lips.
“Love ya too, pumpkin.”
Clyde’s like a kid at a candy store when he gets down to the beach, quickly putting the cooler down on the sand and dropping his chair down next to it. The sunglasses sit just above the bridge of his zinc-whitened nose as his head moves around to drink in the sights unfolding before him.
You giggle to yourself as you watch him, setting your beach bag down with the cooler before beginning to set up your chair. But your man quickly jumps in and insists on unfolding the chair for you even though, as you’ll soon find out, he has zero idea how to operate a folding beach chair. To be fair, it was one of those older-fashioned ones that had sustained quite a bit of rust.
“Now, how in the world...?” He grumbles, trying to unfold the stubborn thing. He tries just about every method he could think up, at one point he was trying to use his flip-flop equipped foot to aid in the unfolding process, but he still cannot get the damn chair open.
Eventually, a curious (and very entertained) bystander comes over and helps the two of you out with your chairs, and both of you thank them profusely before finally beginning your day at the beach. Clyde remains standing, continuing to look around at all the things happening on the beach while you lay back and open your book to begin reading.
After a bit of sunning time, you and Clyde head down to the water. You keep your feet in the cool water while he stands further in, little waves crashing mid-calf. He finds a nice shell and runs up to put it back at your little setup while you stay and watch as the natural push and pull of the ocean slowly buries your feet in the sand.
Suddenly, a flesh arm comes on your back and a metallic arm scoops behind your knees, lifting you up as you squeal. 
He laughs, rushing into the water while holding you bridal-style, water splashing up all over both you and him with each of his massive strides. As soon as he knows he’s deep enough, he starts swinging you back and forth.
You’re in a fit of laughter, playfully hitting his chest. “Noooooo! Stooopppp!”
“Three!” Clyde tosses you into the blue-green water of the Atlantic as you screech, a big splash accompanying your collision with the surface.
You emerge a moment later, quickly rushing up and jumping into his arms, causing him to fall backwards into the water. He laughs when he resurfaces and splashes you in the face teasingly, to which you respond by doing the exact same thing.
“No more splashin’!” He says, chuckling to himself at the irony of his exclamation.
You laugh, splashing him one more time. “You’re the one that started it, you goof!”
“Now, let’s not play the blame game, pumpkin.” He smiles jokingly, then wraps his arms around your torso, head nuzzling into the crook of your neck.
Both of you spend a bit more time in the water before heading back up to your chairs to dry off in the sun and re-apply sunscreen. Clyde ends up falling asleep, a few shells he found in the water spread out on the top of his thighs as he snoozes.
Only about fifteen minutes later, you look over and put a hand over your mouth to cover the giggles that come when you see that one of the shells has sprouted some legs in preparation for an escape attempt. The creature begins crawling and he starts squirming a bit at the ticklish sensation, clearly beginning to re-awaken from his early afternoon slumber. 
When his eyes blink open and he looks down, he gasps, launching backwards in his chair. Unfortunately, the old-school beach chair already struggles to hold his massive form, so when he jumps back, the chair gives out and breaks clean in half, sending Clyde back into the sand. 
The poor crab is thrust into the sand, but it’s alright, quickly crawling back towards the ocean. You immediately stand up, trying not to laugh too hard until you know he’s completely alright. 
“Oh my fuck...Clyde! Are you okay, hon?”
He nods, chuckling softly. “’m alright, though I can’t say the same for this here chair, though.”
You giggle, helping him sit back up in the sand. When he’s fully sat up, he’s still smiling and laughing, shaking his head.
“Well, I suppose I owe the condo owners a new beach chair.”
A full, active day at the beach has you pretty fucking exhausted when you two finally head back up to the condo around four in the afternoon. You take a quick cat nap while Clyde showers, then you hop in and wash off the day’s sunscreen and sand.
While you’re in the shower, Clyde rifles through his duffle and pulls out a little velvet box, popping it open to expose the glittering diamond ring that sits on a little pillow. He smiles at the sight, knowing that tonight’s the night he’s finally gonna ask you to be his forever.
He’s been waiting for the right moment for a short while now, and after the fun y’all had at the beach today and the sunset beach walk he’s planning to take you on before your fancy dinner reservations later this evening...he can’t think of a more perfect time to do it.
You step out of the bathroom and Clyde scrambles to quickly tuck the ring box into his khaki pants pocket. He smooths his hands over the fabric before standing up, face breaking out into a wide smile when he sees the beautiful sundress you’ve got on.
“You’re so beautiful, pumpkin.” He says, smiling as he walks up to you, hands on your hips. “Always so, so beautiful.”
Your expression stretches into a bright, genuine smile as you get up on your tiptoes for a kiss. “Thank you, Clyde. You look awfully handsome yourself this evening.”
“Oh, well, thank ya, darlin’.” His cheeks grow red as he looks down for a moment, shoving his hands down in his pockets. “So, do ya wanna go on a sunset walk ‘fore our reservations?”
You agree, and the two of you head back down to the beach. His fingers fiddle with the little box in his pocket as you walk along the beach. Soon, you reach an old lifeguards stand, painted in brilliant mint green and flamingo pink colors. The ‘No Lifeguard on Duty’ paint is still visible, even after some seeming wear and tear to the outside of the building. 
The sun’s touching down on the horizon line as he guides you up onto the old structure’s small front deck, and you lean over the railing together as the sun sinks down. 
Your head turns to look over at your beloved boyfriend, admiring the way the sherbet sky reflects off of and compliments his alabaster skin. God he’s beautiful, you think to yourself for what has to be the millionth time in your three years of dating Clyde. He’ll forever be the most beautiful man in your eyes.
He turns to you then, standing up with a shaky hand reaching out to take yours. “Uh, Y/N, there’s somethin’...somethin’ I wanna do ‘fore we head off to dinner.”
You nod, eyebrows furrowing.
“Sure, hon. Are you alright, though? You’re shaking a bit.”
“’m alright, pumpkin.”
Clyde nods and then, he sinks down onto one knee, wobbling a bit as he adjusts to the new position. He steadies shortly after and then, he pulls the box out of his pocket and opens it up, exposing the ring he spent hours picking out for you.
You’re in shock, hands over your mouth as he smiles up at you, tears already forming in his eyes.
“Y/N, I-I knew when I first met ya that you were gon’ be the woman I wanted to s...spend the rest of ma life with. Y-Yer so funny ‘n kind ‘n so, so beautiful; yer just...yer perfect, p-pumpkin.”
You feel the tears beginning to spill out of the corners of your eyes as he continues, tears now running down his cheeks as well.
“I love y-ya more than life itself, Y/N, an’ I...I wanna spend the rest of ma livin’ days on this planet by yer side. Will ya...will ya marry me?”
Time seems to stand still for Clyde, then, his nerves overwhelming and overtaking his entire being. The seconds between his final word and your response are some of the longest and most anxious seconds of his life, but damnit, they were well worth it.
“Yes, Clyde, yes. O-Of course I’ll marry you.” You say, smiling as he stands to pull you in for a passionate kiss.
He’s overjoyed, really, heart racing but in the best possible way. You said yes. You’re gonna be his wife, his Mrs. Logan.
“God, I love ya.” Clyde whispers against your lips, pulling the ring from its place on the delicate pillow. “I love ya so, so much, Y/N.”
“I love you t-too, Clyde.” You smile, holding your left hand out for him to slip the ring onto your finger. It’s a perfect fit, and you immediately pull him in for a hug. “I can’t wait to marry you, hon, can’t wait to become Mrs. Logan.”
He grins widely, pressing another few kisses onto your lips.
“Mrs. Y/N Logan, ma beautiful wife, ma forever partner.”
You nod, sniffling softly.
“Your forever partner.”
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