#you can see me losing braincells as i write this
dolldefiler · 12 days
God, your writing is amazing. I’m here at 5am and can’t stop reading. 🫣🫠 I have a request, please, can you write about breath play and choking?
God, that is pathetic, isn't it? Edging your needy fucking cunt at 5am, staying up far past your bedtime. And even then, your pussy's been twitching at the thought of being choked? At having your every breath controlled by a man? By me?
I'd choose whether you can breathe. I'd slam my cock inside you, burying myself in your perfect ass, my arm wrapped around your neck, placing you in a chokehold while I jerk off inside you. God, I bet your cunt would fucking spasm and twitch and tighten around my savage cock every passing second. The lust and fear all growing in your air-deprived mind, your legs trembling at the thought of passing out because of me.
Because I wanted it to happen.
You'd never be able to choose when to breathe, even when you're away. I'd always make you pack a pretty little belt to wear around your waist during the day and to wear around your neck at night. I'd make you choke yourself on camera for me. I'd watch the belt tighten around your neck and you'd see my balls tightening and threatening to burst sticky ropes of cum. Watching you lose yourself as your face turns purple. God, I'd use a wifi-controlled vibrator and flick it up the darker your face became. If you ever needed permission to cum, I'd make you thank me for letting you choke yourself on camera. I'd crank it all the way up if I heard you splutter those words out, your eyes rolling back.
God, I'd cum so fucking hard.
[By the by, I would highly recommend you DON'T use this as a guide for breathplay. Shit's dangerous, man. Air-deprived brains can lead to permanent brain damage and idk about you but I'm semi-permanently running on one braincell by default.]
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wzrd-wheezes · 2 months
Game On - Sirius Black x Reader Smut
Request: what do you think of established relationship sirius black x fem!reader edging + desperate banging (maybe overstimulation done by who u choose to be the one that snaps first as a sort of “punishment” even tho they’re both in this together 💀)
sirius and reader share the same braincells and are in a very lovey-dovey relationship but one day they feel bored and want to try adding a little ✨spice✨ into their relationship, so they come up with this plan to shake things up a bit: they get dressed up to look their best and go to a club/pub/etc where they flirt with other people while looking at each other till one of them snaps and drags the other to a bathroom or another secluded place and desperately go at it with each other
AN - one thing i love about you guys is that when i ask for smut requests, i know that you'll deliver!! Also, if you guys would like, i can write a part 2/ alternat ending where sirius loses the competition and ends up in the same situation as reader…?
Warnings: this starts off fine but by the end gets pretty filthy. Nothing too weird but -contains: light bondage, edging, slight overstimulation. 3.3k words
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Sirius asked as her zipped up his girlfriend’s dress. They were stood in front of the full-length mirror in their bedroom, and he gazed at her reflection as he pressed a soft kiss to her shoulder. 
“I’m sure. It was my idea after all.” 
“I know. I’m just making sure.”  
They had been inseparable since their school days, the two of them practically joined at the hip. Yet, within the comfort of their connection, a desire for something new lingered. It was something that they had mulled over countless times, the idea of injecting some excitement into their relationship. When Y/N mentioned the idea, Sirius readily agreed.  
The agenda for the evening was a competition of sorts. They were going to head to one of the local bars, each of them going their separate ways upon arrival. It was a test of wills to see who would crack with jealously as they both flirted and danced with strangers.  
“You’re going down, Black.” Y/N smiled cheekily, pecking him on the lips as she grabbed her bag and headed to the door. 
“Game on.” he grinned.  
The bar that they had chosen was heaving. From the moment they entered, they were enveloped in a kaleidoscope of colours. Neon lights danced across the walls, casting vibrant hues of pink, purple and blue onto the mass of people dancing. The room itself wasn’t very big, a bar lined one wall, and a large dancefloor took centre stage, tall tables filled the space in between. It was large enough so that Y/N and Sirius could distance themselves, but small enough that they could constantly keep an eye on each other.  
They both headed towards the bar, eager to get a drink. Sirius went to one end, Y/N to the other. Y/N slipped onto one of the tall bar stools, resting her chin in her hand as she waited for the bartender to come and take her order. 
“What can I get for you, gorgeous?” the bartender asked, leaning forward slightly. Caught off guard, Y/N felt a faint flush creep onto her cheeks. 
“Surprise me.” she replied playfully. 
His grin widened at her response as he accepted the challenge. With practiced ease, he made her a cocktail, his hands moving gracefully as he poured and mixed with precision. As he slid the drink across the bar towards her, their fingers brushed briefly, sending a jolt of electricity coursing through her veins.  
Sirius was at the other end of the bar lounged against the polished surface; whisky glass perched in his ring clad fingers. His gaze swept across the crowded room planning his next move. As he sipped his drink, his attention was momentarily diverted to his girlfriend at the other side of the bar, engaged in animated conversation with the bartender. ‘Damn, she’s quick,’ he thought as a flicker of emotion crossed his features before he masked it with a playful grin, catching her eye and raising his glass in a silent toast. He quickly downed the rest of his drink before ordering another.  
It didn’t take long for him to find someone to flirt with, as he scanned the room he locked eyes with a girl sat alone at one of the tall tables towards the dance floor. Grabbing his drink, he made his way over. Sirius flashed a charming smile as he approached the girl, his eyes sparkling with mischief. 
“Mind if I join you?” he had already pulled out the chair before giving her time to answer. 
“Depends,” the girl looked up, her eyes sparkling with amusement, “Are you planning on buying me a drink?”  
“Of course.” Sirius replied with a mock-indignant tone, “What’s your poison?”  
By the time Sirius headed back to the bar to buy their drinks, Y/N had already left. He glanced around for her, expecting her to be still chatting to the bartender, but she wasn’t there. Sirius frowned a little, scouring the bar for sight of his girlfriend as he waiting for their drinks to be made. He found her as he headed back to the table, she was sat directly opposite from him on the other side of the room. Her head was thrown back as she laughed at whatever it was that whoever she was talking to said. 
As Sirius approached the bar to order their drinks, he realised that Y/N was no longer there. Confusion flickered across his features as he had half-expected her to still be engaged in conversation with the bartender.  
Frowning slightly, Sirius cast a searching gaze around the bar, his eyes darting from one corner to the next in a bid to locate his girlfriend. It wasn’t until he got back to the table that he spotted her, seated across the room from him, her laugher ringing out amidst the lively atmosphere. A pang of jealously stirred within him as he watched Y/N interact with the man she was sat with. He took a sip of his drink, determined not to let her win their little competition. 
As Sirius sat back down, the girl’s eyes lit up with amusement, her lips curling into a playful smile as she took in his arrival. 
“Well, well, look who’s back,” she teased, “I was starting to think you’d abandoned me for good.” 
Sirius chuckled, sliding into the chair opposite her with a grin, “Sorry about that. Had to navigate through the crowd of admirers just to get our drinks.” 
“Well, I’m flattered you braved the crowds for me.” 
Sirius let out an amused laugh, but he couldn’t keep his attention off of Y/N. Although the conversation between Sirius and the girl flowed effortlessly, each sentence punctuated with flirtatious banter, he spent every spare second eyeing up his girlfriend. 
As soon as Y/N saw that Sirius had gone to sit with another girl, she knew that she had to take it up a level. There was absolutely no way that she was giving him the satisfaction of winning. After her short conversation with the bartender, another man had approached her and offered to buy her a drink which she politely accepted. He led her over to the table that he was sat on, and much to Y/N’s amusement, it was directly opposite from Sirius.  
“You have a gorgeous smile, by the way.” the man said, reaching a hand out to touch her arm. 
“Flattery will get you everywhere, won’t it?” Y/N smirked. 
“I certainly hope so.” 
As Y/N and Sirius found themselves engrossed in conversations across the crowded club, a subtle game of jealousy unfolded between them, each vying to capture the other’s attention. Y/N had really upped the flirtatiousness, laughing slightly louder than usual, leaving lingering touches on the man’s arm. She couldn’t help but look over at Sirius, her heart racing with anticipation at the thought of his reaction.  
It was only when Y/N saw Sirius lean in a little too closely to the girl that she knew she needed to up her game.  
“Wanna dance?” she asked.  
He had introduced himself, but the name slipped from her mind almost as soon as he said it. Adam? Alex? Aaron. It didn’t matter much to her, to be honest. She wasn’t particularly invested in him, merely seeing him as a means to an end in her quest to provoke Sirius. She couldn’t help but feel a twinge of guilt for his unwitting role in her scheme. Nevertheless, Adam/Alex/Aaron seemed eager enough to accept her invitation to dance.  
As they moved to the music, Y/N couldn’t help but notice the way that Sirius’s gaze lingered on them from across the room. With each movement, she could feel his eyes burning into her, a silent testament to the effect that she was having on him.  
Feeling a surge of exhilaration, Y/N leaned in closer to her dance partner, her movements growing more playful with each passing moment. She glanced over his shoulder and locked eyes with Sirius, a mischievous smile tugging at the corner of her lips.  
Sirius, quite frankly, had had enough. Still locking eyes with his girlfriend, he picked up his glass and drained the contents before turning to the girl (who he had now found out was called Jess) and asked her to dance. 
“Fancy a dance then?”  
“You don’t strike me as much of a dancer.” she narrowed her eyes at him skeptically. 
“Guess you’ll have to find out then, won’t you?” he replied, extending his hand towards her.  
Y/N and Sirius were now only a few meters apart, both dancing with their respective partners. With each playful twirl and flirtatious touch, Y/N felt a pang of jealously gnaw at her insides. Her jaw clenched slightly as she fought to keep her composure. As the music pounded, Y/N’s movements became more deliberate, each step calculated to catch Sirius’s attention. Just as she was sure that Sirius was near to reaching breaking point, she saw red. A fleeting look over at Sirius had revealed the girl’s hands tangled in his hair as she reached up on her tiptoes to whisper something in his ear. Sirius had laughed, his hand resting on her waist. With her heart pounding in her chest, she approached Sirius, tugging sharply on his arm. 
“You win.”  
“Well, I hate to say I told you so.” Sirius teased, his tone laced with playful arrogance, “But I did warn you that you wouldn’t stand a chance against me.” 
Y/N rolled her eyes at him as she grabbed a hold of his hand and led him out of the bar. 
“You’re awfully eager to get home for someone that has quite a hefty forfeit waiting for them.” he mused, “you did remember that part of the game, right?” 
“As if I could forget.” Y/N fumbled with her keys, trying to unlock their front door, “It’s all I’ve been thinking about all night.” 
“Yeah? Did you get jealous, baby?” Sirius kicked the front door shut behind him, swiftly pressing Y/N against the wall, “You were trying so hard to get me to bite, weren’t you?” 
Sirius had suddenly switched, his eyes darkening as he pressed himself against her. Y/N’s head was tipped back against the wall as he pressed sloppy, desperate kisses up the collum of her neck. 
“You better head upstairs, you’ve got a long night ahead of you, gorgeous.” 
Within minutes of being in their bedroom, Sirius had her naked, and spread out on the bed, her hand expertly tied to the headboard. He on the other hand, was fully clothed, save for his white dress shirt that was unbuttoned halfway down his chest revealing the tattoos that adorned his skin. He stood at the edge of their bed, staring down at her cockily. 
“Poor girl.” he tutted, “You wanted to win so bad, didn’t you? Didn’t want to be the one tied up and teased when we got home, did you? Was a silly idea from you, really, because you were never going to win.” 
“I was close.” Y/N argued, “You nearly snapped first. ‘Saw it in your eyes when I was dancing.” 
“Mhm. I didn’t like that he had his hands all over you. That’s my job.” Sirius said, “I almost feel bad for him –s pending his night talking to you when all you could think about all night was how good I was going to fuck you when we got home.” 
Y/N whined, tugging against her restraints. Sirius just chuckled, kneeling down on the edge of the bed, nudging her legs open.  
“That’s right, isn’t it? I bet every time he touched you, all you could think about was me. How I’d be making you beg for me as soon as we got home.” 
“Sirius, please.”  
“This wet already?” he slid a finger through her folds, “Were you soaked all night just thinking about me?” 
Y/N groaned and nodded. She knew Sirius would get like this if he won and she would be lying if she said that she wasn’t enjoying every single second of it.  
“Y-yes, Sirius, been thinking about you all night.” 
He smirked as he pushed one of his fingers inside of her, eliciting a soft moan from her lips. He pumped it inside a few times before slowly adding another one. 
“So eager for me.” he murmured, “It’s going to be a little while before I let you come though.” 
“I know...” Y/N whispered, “Just, don’t stop. Please.” 
Sirius didn’t need to be told twice. He had no intentions of stopping any time soon. Dipping his head down to meet the sensitive flesh, he licked a slow deliberate stripe over her clit. Y/N struggled, yanking against her restraints, desperate to weave her hands through his hair. When Sirius pulled away, her hips bucked up instinctively, eager to have his touch. 
“How many times do you think I need to edge you before you go completely dumb for me?” Sirius asked, sickly sweet smile on his face, “Usually five does the trick doesn’t it? But tonight, you seem so desperate already. I don’t think it’ll take that many at all.” 
“Please. Not five.” she whimpered, looking down at him pleadingly. 
Sirius sat up, raking a hand through his dark hair as he reached down into the box that they kept tucked under their bed. Y/N’s eyes widened, knowing exactly what he was searching for. She heard it before she saw it, the soft buzzing sound that filled the room. Sirius pressed the vibrator gently against her clit, resuming his previous position and sliding two fingers back inside of her. 
“Good girl.” he cooed, “Feel good, baby?”  
Y/N nodded, her head tipped back against the pillows, mouth slightly open. Sirius turned the vibrator up notch, causing a soft moan to fall from her lips. The girl’s hips rocked forward onto Sirius’s fingers, earning a smirk from him.  
“Tell me when you get close.” 
A few moments passed, the motion of her hips becoming quicker, trying to meet the rhythm of Sirius’s thrusts.  
“C-close.” she gasped, her eyes screwing shut, “Can I come?” 
Sirius turned the vibrator off and removed his fingers. Y/N whimpered at the loss of stimulation, frowning down at her boyfriend. 
“Don’t look so disappointed. You knew this was going to happen when we decide to do our little competition,” Sirius nipped at the skin of her inner thigh, making her flinch, “You picked the punishments, baby. You really thought you were going to win, didn’t you? Wanted to have me all tied up and desperate?” 
“I’ll win next time. Just hated how she was touching you.”  
“Next time?” Sirius cocked his head at her, “You’re very confident for someone who’s all tied up right now.”  
“Shut u-” 
Y/N didn’t get chance to finish her sentence as Sirius switched the vibrator on and pressed it firmly back against her clit.  
“Remember your manners.” 
Sirius continued his routine of playing around with the settings out the vibrator while simultaneously fucking his girlfriend with his fingers. He knew exactly what got her going so it was no surprise that a few minutes later she was thrashing around on the bed begging him to keep going. 
“Please, Sirius.” 
“I said no.”  
He pressed his fingers upwards, hitting her just right, getting her just teetering on the edge of orgasm before quickly switching the vibrator off and leaving her empty once more.  
“Getting so wet for me, darling.” He held his fingers up so that she could see. Her wetness had coated his fingers and Sirius smiled proudly as he showed them to her, “Wanna taste?” 
Before she could reply, he pushed his fingers passed her lips, now slightly swollen from her biting down on them. She groaned, taking them into her mouth and swirling her tongue around his digits. 
“Dirty girl.” he said, taking his fingers out and guiding them back inside of her pussy. Just as he did before, her brought her to the edge again. And again.  
By the fourth time she was denied orgasm, her skin was glistening with sweat, her hips bucking up erratically each time he threated to remove his fingers. Her lips were read and bitten, her breath coming out in short bursts. 
“Sirius, please, please just let me come.”  
He ignored her, lazily drawing circles over her sensitive clit with his thumb. 
“Fuck. Sirius, please. God, I need it.” 
“But you sound so pretty when you beg, baby. Would be such a shame if I stopped now...” he let his voice trail off, taking in her frustrated expression for a moment before continuing, “But, seen as you asked so nicely...” 
He stood up and unbuttoned the rest of his shirt, sliding it over his toned arms and removing it. Not quite being done with the teasing, he decided to take his time getting undressed, leaving his girlfriend laying tied up and needy on the bed as she watched. He neatly folded his shirt and placed it on the chair in the corner of the room. Smirking, he stood at the foot of the bed, deft fingers removing his belt and dropping it to the floor with a clatter, he shoved his trousers and boxers down and took his cock into his hand, pumping it a few times.  
“God, you look fucking gorgeous.” he all but pounced on top of her, nuzzling his face into her neck.  
It was as it something had switched in his brain, the teasing and tormenting now long forgotten as some primal urge took over. He needed to be inside her. His lips collided with hers, the kiss hungry and urgent. He undid her restraints with one hand, not even breaking contact with her lips.  
He lined himself up with her entrance, urging her to wrap her legs around his waist as he pushed his way inside. Their moans mixed together as he entered. Having use of her hands back, Y/N couldn’t wait to touch him. Her hands moving rapidly up to tangle in his hair. Sirius rested his forehead against hers as he thrust his hips, the chain that hung from his neck dangling in her face, the cool metal cold against her flushed skin. 
“You getting close, love?” Sirius asked, feeling his girlfriend tense up around him. 
“Y-yeah. So close.” she let out a ragged breath, burying her face in the crook of his neck. 
“Come for me, baby.”  
Sirius increased his pace, driving her once more to the edge of orgasm, however, this time, he didn’t stop as she reached her peak, maintaining the steady rhythm of his thrusts as her orgasm came crashing down. She dragged her nails down his back causing him to let out a gruff moan as she convulsed around him.  
“That’s my girl.”  
“S-sensitive, Sirius. Fuck.” Y/N wriggled around on the bed, her body burning with the aftermath of her orgasm.  
“Keep going, baby. You wanted this, yeah? Spent all that time begging me to let you come.” he taunted, “Want you to come again f’me. Want you to come at the same time as me. You can do that, can’t you?” 
Y/N nodded quickly, grabbing the back of Sirius’s neck and pulling him down to kiss her. He smiled into the kiss, his hips snapping against hers as he chased his own high. His moans grew louder as she clenched around him, her hips rocking in time with his.  
“Fuck, you feel so good. Always feel so good f’me.” he growled, “Gonna come inside you, baby. Gonna fill you up.” 
Y/N’s chest heaved as she rapidly approached her peak once again. She could feel Sirius growing closer and close with each movement. The roll of his hips started to stutter and he sunk his teeth into the flesh between her shoulder and neck and he climaxed. Y/N followed suit, once again wrapping her legs around him, drawing him as close as she possibly could.  
They both collapsed in a sweaty heap on the bed. Sirius reached over to brush her hair out of her face, propping himself up on one elbow as he gazed lovingly at her.  
“Good game?” he reached down to catch her lips sweetly with his. 
“Good game.”  
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primrosebow · 4 months
An open letter to bigfatbimbo.🪽
Reasons why you should write for Adam.
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1 -> He is a misogynist (not for long)
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Look at his face. He is so weird. I swear. He has been favoritized for far too long, leaving him with the most mind-numbing god complex. Don't you want to stab him to death like niffty? Don't you want to put him where he deserves to be (either underground or under me)? I do. You should too! Because his way of thinking meets it's end where my heels begin.
2 -> He is stupid
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He has the emotional maturity of a boiled lobster. He fits into heaven like an orca in the amazon river. He is so unbelievably incompetent it is actually kind of mind boggling. Don't you want to crush him like he's a little bug (either with your fists or your thighs)? Didn't he literally say one of the "biggest issues evet" was math or something? He probably couldn't tell you where Africa is in the world map even if you paid him. Even the fruit of knowledge couldn't give him enough braincells to function as a proper member of society.
3 -> he deserves humiliation
He deserves to have his entire worldview rocked and destroyed, something we can surely provide. His shallow thinking should be promptly obliterated. He has only ever gotten away from beautiful tall strong women because he always had the option of just asking for a different woman. They didn't have the mental fortitude to put him in his place. We are the bearers of the curse (liking repulsive men), and, since there is no "mental fortitude" to begin with, there is nothing for him to break down. We (as a collective) should end him.
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4 -> I know what he is
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His entire persona is a gigantic act to make up for the fact he cannot appropriatelly cope with losing in general, much less losing the, like, 2 wives he ever had (to THE SAME GUY!! MIND YOU!!!) and if he had more people they were one night stands. Not because he left them, but because people know he is worthless scum and he is good for nothing other than his "original dick" ( eugh. I usually refrain from cursing >:// ). It is the reason for his pride and also the only thing that makes him even remotely worth the hastle of talking to. He is the equivalent of a carnival prize to the people in heaven, scoring him is more of a show of your own endurance rather than how coveted he is. He has been objectified through his own hubris. He should be made aware of that. He should fear the knowledge we posses. It should be used against him.
5 -> he sounds.. like.. . He sounds good.
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I watched the series while skipping most of the songs but I genuinelly could not do it when he was singing. No wonder he's in a band or something, I didn't actually pay attention to what he was saying I was paying more attention to the sound of his voice so I don't remember clearly what's up with that. Like he sounds REALLY good. If only he knew how to just use his voice without saying the most repulsive atrocities to be ever uttered by anyone ever. Oh yeah! We can make him incoherent enough for that to happen.
6 -> Lute deserves better
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Lute deserves, like, a woman. Not him. She's too gorgeous for him, and, the difference between us and her is that while SHE is dealing with HIM, in our case, HE has to deal with US. Really, we're just saving a beautiful, amazing, stunning, showstopping woman a lot of trouble, and getting an ENTIRE PATHETIC MAN AS A TRADE! WIN WIN! Literally no downsides, I swear.
7 -> he is girl dinner
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Don't you just love looking into your fridge and seeing the worthless scraps that built up overtime but somehow taste better now than they usually would have, which is particularly shocking considering it has 0 nutritional value? That would be what girl dinner is, and also an appropriate analogy for what Adam is like! Just roughly ok looking enough for you to not downright call it a biohazard. You will go to bed satisfied after fighting tooth and nail for your dinner (getting him to behave properly) and, it'll be easier the next times maybe! Operant conditioning is a heavy hitter with this repulsive individual, so it might actually get easier! Who knows!
8 -> Pretty please? (´。・д人)゙
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I really. Uh . I really want him if you couldn't tell? Maybe the cannibalism and the fear I want to instill into him got in the way of you seeing my point, but, like, that's just how I love. The highest honor I could bestow on him is wanting to eat him, so, maybe that'll assist in your judgement? I also just really like your writing and would love to hear your thoughts on his idiotic self. AND! AND! Other people also want you to write about him if I well remember the 1 ask you received about him!
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I await your response when you are available @bigfatbimbo
If you need more convincing; I can, like, draw him? I'm going to draw him no matter what but like I can cook something up for you in particular who knows.
You did say you were already considering writing for him, so, maybe this can be a final push in that direction for you!
- sincerely, Bow
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buthowboutno · 7 months
Oh what I would pay to by a fly on the wall when Mikey gets that call.
you've caught me in a writing mood
"Hey, Mikey? Could you shed some light on what the fuck is happening?"
"You're really gonna have to be more specific," Mikey said. He ducked away into a street corner to take your call, hopefully avoiding the attention of the goon he was tailing tonight.
"Donnie just up and left me in the middle of downtown with his bike," you said, huffing out an exasperated breath, "He said something about an attack, but I haven't gotten any alerts yet."
"An attack?" Mikey said questioningly. He put them on speaker so he could talk while going through the family group chat, "I'm not seeing-- oh."
BootyShaker9000: This is an automated message. The /season/ has began. Consider the southwest corner of the Lair to be off limits under threat of dismemberment. Allow no non-Hamato's into the Lair. Follow Protocol 68.
BabyBlue: ha, loser
Mikey sighed and put a palm to his forehead. If Donnie's season had already started, his was due in just a few weeks.
Mikey hated springtime.
"Yep, Dontron was right. There's an attack."
"Where? Is he going to be okay?" you interrogated, "He started acting all suspicious and ran away from me like his shell was on fire."
"He left me with the motorcycle, Mikey. Donnie barely lets me hold the drill when we're changing the tank's tires."
Huh. Interesting.
"He's not in New York right now," Mikey lied smoothly, "Leo had to portal him out to April, he's needed for some mission-critical tech failure that no one else can fix."
"...Numbers on him coming back alright?" you said after a short pause.
"Almost a hundred percent," Mikey said with a soft smile. He caught sight of his goon leaving the convenience store Mikey had trailed him to, "Get home safe, I gotta go help with the mission, too."
"You, too," you said before Mikey ended the call.
If Mikey had a spare braincell in that moment, he would have contemplated how crestfallen you sounded. You were distraught, clearly, but how you described how Donnie acted...
What happened in their season stayed in their season, Hamato house rules. There was so much inevitable awkwardness that would occur otherwise.
Mikey just never saw Donnie lose control like that before.
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hollandorks · 9 months
battinson! bruce wayne x f! reader
chapter five
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Summary: After the sudden deaths of your mother and grandmother, you’re forced to return home to Gotham…and to the man who broke your heart three years ago. Back in Bruce Wayne’s inescapable orbit, you vow to get to the bottom of your former best friend’s new cold personality. But Bruce’s secrets aren’t what you’re expecting. a
a/n: I won't lie, I love this chapter, especially because it shows one of my favorite things about this reader very clearly--the fact that she only has one braincell. She's been surprisingly fun to write, even with all of the angst!
Series Masterlist
word count: 2.6k
The doors opened with a noise so loud she winced. 
When she looked up, she was face to face with a gun.
Y/n was afraid in a distant sort of way. It was, sadly, not the first time she’d been held at gunpoint pursuing a story. But the first time had been with a wire under her shirt and a whole bunch of cops around the corner. 
This time, she was alone. 
And the man on the other end of the gun was a cop. 
“Shit,” Lieutenant Gordon said and, mercy of all mercies, put away his weapon. “What are you doing here?” 
For some reason, the disappearance of the gun kicked the fear up a notch. Her heart suddenly tried to take flight. She took a deep breath, dizzy now, and managed to say, “Got a second for that interview?” Her voice was too high. Probably not the best time to crack a joke, but she obviously wasn’t thinking clearly. 
Behind Gordon was a shadow. 
No, a man. 
The Batman. 
His mouth was slightly parted, what she could see of his face…almost shocked. 
“You two look awfully surprised to see that someone followed you. The blindingly bright light wasn’t very hard to find.” She should shut up, she thought distantly. She still wasn’t sure if they could be trusted. But the fear was ebbing away, slowly but surely. 
Gordon pinched between his eyes, the movement pushing his glasses up to his forehead. 
“There’s a locked gate that requires a code. There’s barbed wire.” He sounded like Alfred when she and Bruce had gotten into something they were told not to touch or do as kids. Tired dad voice, they called it, snickering behind his back. 
She hooked her thumb in Batman’s direction. He still stood absolutely still, cape blowing in the breeze, his mouth closed now. “Followed this guy in.” 
Gordon looked over at the vigilante. “This is the girl you–” 
“I remember,” Batman said in that voice of gravel and smoke. It sent a thrill of fear through her. Actually, his voice was kind of sexy, now that she was thinking about it. 
She was losing her mind. She had barely slept in a week and she was losing her mind. She was with two men she wasn’t sure if she could trust, on top of an abandoned building where it would be very easy to kill her, and she was thinking of sexy voices. Well, one sexy voice in particular. No offense to Gordon, she thought wryly. 
“I’m also, um…a journalist.” This was directed at the vigilante. In her experience, honesty opened up more doors than it shut. She was usually pretty good at figuring out when to lie, particularly about her profession, and when to tell the truth. Or when to split the difference. She trusted her gut more often than not, and right now, she was relatively at ease. “Couldn’t help it, sorry.” 
“So you just…” Gordon waved a hand vaguely. 
“Followed the light? Yeah. I just hope it doesn’t lead to death like it usually does.” God, she needed to stop cracking jokes. She wasn’t out of the woods yet. “So if you’re going to murder me, can I please at least get a good quote first?” 
“This concerns her anyway,” Batman said, shocking her so much that she nearly toppled over the edge of the tower. And–oh shit, the tower was really tall and had absolutely no walls or rails or anything to protect her from the drop. She took a shaky step back towards the elevator, but it had returned down below. Heights had never been her friend. An irony, Bruce liked to point out, because she lived in a tower. Then that would almost always start an argument about what “irony” meant. 
“Are you sure?” Gordon said. The wind whistling in her ears made it hard to hear. She hoped the question wasn’t Are you sure we shouldn’t kill her? and was instead simply Are you sure we’re going to trust her? 
“We can always throw her over,” he said. There was something almost familiar about his voice, she realized, but then the words caught up to her. 
She gulped, dizzy again, but Gordon did a double take. “Did you just make a joke, man?” 
The Batman gave no indication that it had been a joke. She gripped the pepper spray tighter. Not that it would help her if she got tossed over the side, but it made her feel a little better. 
“He’s kidding, don’t worry. Tell her you’re kidding, she looks ready to puke.” Gordon crossed his arms, clearly not intimidated in the least by the hulking figure of the vigilante. 
“I’m kidding,” the Batman said with a cutting glance towards Gordon. “I don’t kill people.” 
She squinted at him, unable to clearly see him in the darkness. She really couldn’t tell if he was serious or not. She guessed he had to have at least some sense of humor about all of this. He was dressed as a fucking bat, after all. 
She decided to trust them. “Okay, which means I’ll be really upset if you make an exception for me. I’ll haunt your ass. Yours too, Gordon, because supposedly you’re the only cop who isn’t corrupt in this city.” She crossed her arms and shivered. As long as she ignored the sheer drop surrounding her on three sides, she’d be fine. “Though I’m not convinced yet. I’ve been gone from Gotham for too long.” 
“The force has changed a lot in a year.” Another look exchanged with the vigilante. “But I understand the sentiment.” 
Y/n glanced around, keeping her eyes on the view instead of the drop. “So no one else has ever followed you up here?” she asked curiously. She saw what she was pretty sure was a spotlight on the far side of the platform. “Because seriously, the light is a dead giveaway.” 
“His girlfriend did once,” Gordon said, and he smiled. “But no one else.” 
“Wasn’t my girlfriend,” the Batman mumbled. Mumbled. He was suddenly less scary when he sounded like any surly man denying any attachment to a woman. 
Her ears perked up. “Oh? She got a name?” 
They both gave her looks that said they knew exactly what she was up to. She shrugged, the perfect picture of innocence. It was worth a shot. 
She changed tactics. “You said this concerns me. What does?” 
“The murders you witnessed,” Gordon said. “We found ties to the Gallo family. I was coming to fill him in.” 
“The Gallo family,” she repeated. She knew this already, but better to play at ignorance in case they gave her more information. That and it hadn’t been confirmed by someone who was on the investigation team. “The mobsters in New York?” 
“The very same.” 
“Was the one who got away one of them?” she asked. Because that would be bad. Very bad. 
“We didn’t get any information out of the other three. One…committed suicide not too long ago, actually. Part of why I’m here.” Gordon sighed. “Getting rid of Falcone created a vacuum. The Gallos are just the first ones powerful enough to fill the space.” 
Falcone. She knew the name. Knew the story. Knew he’d been responsible for the deaths of Bruce’s parents. That was one death she hadn’t begrudged the Riddler–at least Thomas and Martha had gotten justice, in the end. 
The Batman turned and looked over the city. His figure cut a dark shadow across the city skyline. “Any ideas where to start looking?” 
“So you can bust some heads?” Gordon said. He was smiling. Y/n looked between them. It was fascinating. They were obviously close but this only confirmed it. She itched to take notes but she didn’t want either of them to snatch her phone. Damn, she should have set it to record when she was in the elevator. Gordon continued, “But no. We’re coming up empty so far. None of the typical informants have heard anything about the Gallo family. As far as we know, none of them are actually in the city. If they are, they’re laying low.” 
“Could you identify them again?” Batman asked. His eyes glinted in the darkness as he faced her again. She noticed he hadn’t come any closer to her, unlike Gordon who was only a couple of feet away. Instead he was near the edge, about as far away from them as he could get. Was it to make her feel better, safer? 
“Maybe, with the help of the video.” She knew eyewitness testimonies were shaky at best. And the more traumatic the event, the more unreliable the testimony could be. But a video helped and would do wonders in court. “What does this mean for me?” she asked. “Am I supposed to stay locked up forever, afraid to go out in case there’s a mob hit on me? Or even just a regular murderer trying to take out a witness? Because both of those are kind of shitty.” 
“Yes,” Batman said at the exact same time Gordon said, “Probably.” 
Her heart sank. 
“We’ve been protecting your identity as best we can,” Gordon said in a sure tone that again made her think of Alfred. She wondered if Gordon had kids. “But we can’t be sure there isn’t a leak in the department. We’re still plugging all the holes left behind from Falcone.” 
She winced. “Okay, I’ve done two bad things so far.” The Batman crossed his arms. Gordon motioned for her to continue. “First, I may or may not have been loaned out to the Tribune on special assignment to report on my own case. So the editor definitely knows my identity. And I also may or may not have reached out to a GCPD officer to be a source.” 
She heard the Batman sigh even over the noise of the wind. Gordon was pinching the bridge of his nose again. Their response made her feel like a little kid getting in trouble and it made her bristle. She bit her tongue to keep from immediately defending herself. 
“Which officer?” Gordon asked and his tone told her all she needed to know. He didn’t trust some of his fellow cops, if any. 
“He hasn’t even agreed to be a source yet, and besides I have the right to protect–” 
“Which officer?” Batman cut in, the sharp growl of his voice startling her. 
The sound of it made her spit it out. “Martinez.” 
Both men visibly relaxed. “Martinez is solid. There’s a reason I brought him with me to get your statement,” Gordon said. “We can trust him.”
“Okay, good. That’s good. See? I’m not a total idiot.” She relaxed marginally. 
“Maybe you’re just lucky,” Batman said. 
She laughed humorlessly. “Lucky? Well, buddy, you know what I was doing the same day I witnessed a fucking mob hit? Burying my mother and grandmother. And don’t even get me started on the rest of my personal life right now.” 
“He didn’t mean it,” Gordon said with a sharp look. “His humor takes some getting used to.” 
Batman mumbled something under his breath again that sounded a lot like I can talk for myself. But he didn’t actually butt in. 
“Okay, whatever. What can I do? I don’t want to be killed, obviously, and I don’t particularly like the idea of being locked in an ivory tower either, nice as it is.” What she didn’t say was that she wasn’t sure she could handle being locked in Wayne Tower with Bruce Wayne. She just couldn’t. She couldn’t be reminded of how close they used to be and the distance between them now. And all of that on top of the immense grief she experienced at unpredictable times. She never knew when she’d be reminded of her grandmother and subsequently that she was gone. Around every corner, through every doorway, was the potential for a punch to the gut when she remembered her grandmother was dead. 
“What can you do? Stop sneaking into construction sites at night, for one,” Gordon said with a soft snort. “But any information, anything, you come up with while working on this story, send it to me, too. And we’ll work with you on identifying that fourth suspect.” 
“You aren’t going to tell me to stop investigating?” 
It was the Batman who answered. “Would you actually stop?” His voice was rough on her skin, giving her goosebumps that had nothing to do with the cold or the fear of heights. 
She shrugged. “Probably not. But I don’t want to die, either.” 
“I’ll keep an eye out for you,” he said. He took a step forward. She noticed how broad his shoulders were, how sharp his jaw was, how his gloved hands were clenched into fists at his side. She really, really should have found a way to sneakily record everything. She was probably closer to the Batman than most people had ever been. 
She swallowed. “Don’t worry, Wayne Tower’s plenty secure.” 
“Still. I’ll be around.”
“That sounds a lot like stalking.” She raised an eyebrow. 
“I promise I won’t peek in your windows.” A twitch at the corner of his lips. 
“That sounded a lot like another bad joke,” she said. But she smiled.  
“Let me drive you home,” Gordon interrupted. He was glancing back and forth between them, eyebrows raised. She wanted to protest, but she doubted her luck had held long enough for her to be able to get a taxi back home. 
“What, that’s it? Two whole pieces of information and you go home? You guys don’t text or anything?” She crossed her arm. She really hadn’t gotten any more information that she didn’t have–except for the suicide of one of the suspects. If it even was a suicide. “This meeting could have been an email.” 
“Never know who’s listening,” Gordon said. He tilted his head towards the vigilante. “Besides, he’s paranoid. Only calls if he needs something. Hates texting.” 
She eyed the man in question. If he hated texting, maybe he wasn’t as young as she thought. Then again, Bruce hated texting too, old man at heart that he was. But he was the exception, not the rule. 
“I’d really appreciate it if you two kept me in the loop too. Quid pro quo,” she said. 
“For your article?” Batman asked. There was a certain edge to his words that made her think he didn’t like reporters. And really, it made sense. If she was trying to keep her identity a secret, she wouldn’t like reporters either. They were a chronically nosy bunch even when they weren’t working on a story. 
“For my life. If I survive this, yeah I’m going to write a hell of an article. But I kind of have to be alive to write it, don’t I?” She crossed her arms again and stared him down. 
“Quid pro quo,” Gordon said. “As long as you two agree to play nice.” He chuckled, like it was part of a joke. 
“Keeping her alive is nice,” Batman said. Another joke? Every interaction between him and Gordon solidified the fact that they got along well and were around each other often. No way Gordon didn’t know the guy’s real identity. But if they were as close as she suspected and if Gordon was as honorable as everyone said…no way was he going to let any hints slip. 
Her mind spun as the two men talked quietly about off the clock watches of Wayne Manor. She now had two very reliable sources for her article–if they really did keep her in the loop–and a new certainty that an op-ed for the Batman was in her future. She doubted any reporters in Gotham had spent as much time with the vigilante as she already had. Her veins thrummed with that inner fire. 
She might be able to expose a mob conspiracy and the Batman’s identity in one fell swoop. 
It was all she could think of as Gordon drove her home.
Next Chapter
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moonssalad · 10 months
Am I the only one who is disgusted by seeing how many people actually seriously excuse Rhysands fucked up actions?
I have seen so, SO many people talking about how he hid the truth about Feyres pregnancy from her and always excuse it by saying how he didnt want to stress her out 💀. Or that he was looking for a way to save them before he told her, like he shouldve told her right away. And how he told the IC about it before he even told Feyre and told them to keep their mouths shut too and even worse is that they fucking listened to him, like what the fuck?? And how always in discussions about only Rhysand keeping it from Feyre people always start talking about how Madja didnt tell her either, like dude this is a conversation about what an asshole Rhysand is and not about Madja, keep to the topic! And how people hate on Nesta for telling her, like fucking hell. Ive even seen people say that Rhysand not telling her is AS BAD as Nesta telling her to hurt her or whatever. Its just insane, I think I lose braincells every single time I see posts like those 🤯. Feyre literally says throughout the books multiple times how she hates when people choose for her or dont tell her something because they think it would be too much for her and Rhysand literally keeps one of the most important things from Feyre.
Also what the hell was that bullshit about Amren saying how Rhysand should be High King? Hes literally one of the worst options for it. Bro cant even handle 2/3 of his court 💀. And lets so many people suffer in Illyria and Hewn City even though he has had CENTURIES to change something. Honestly none of the IC even try to change something about the Hewn City, like are you seriously telling me that Mor was the only person who was good in that shithole? Whats even more insane is how Mor doesnt change anything about it when she had LIVED THERE for years and now has the power to do it! And Illyria, Cassian seems to be the only one who is actually trying to make it better even though its not really working. Why the hell cant healers heal wings but can heal someone whos guts are basically spilling out?? Hell why the hell doesnt anyone know about c-section? Just insane. What the hell does Rhysand even do for his court? Just sits on his ass and thinks only about Velaris? Because it seems like that.
And am I the only one who was mad how Rhysand chose to show off Feyre as if she was his plaything in the Hewn City. Like yeah yeah keeping up appearances or whatever but how the hell will they see Feyre seriously after that? I think Feyre was in the Hewn City two times and the second was when she was High Lady and Rhysand got her to sit on the throne after the first time he showed her off as his toy. You cannot convince me that the Hewn City residents take Feyre seriously and its all Rhysands fault.
Talking about keeping appearances, the whole 'mask' thing is so stupid. When someone doubts the IC intentions they have the fucking audacity to be mad about it as if they arent the ones who made sure eveyone thought they were all incredibly evil.
I dont even want to start talking about UTM and how fucked up it was.
People always say that he does things like these because he is 'morally grey' but to me hes just a toxic asshole. You dont write a 'morally grey' character and then excuse every fucked up thing he has done, its just not how it works.
Rhysand is literally the worst MMC ever and its insane how so many people say how wonderful he is, how he is the man of their dreams 💀, fucking worried about yall if you seriously think that.
Feyre should take Nesta, Elain and Nyx and get the fuck out of there because they all deserve so much better than this.
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lazybutsmexy · 1 year
Writing blog for One Piece and Haikyuu: x
Archive of Our Own: x
Rules: x
All x reader writings are gender neutral unless specified.
If you ever make art inspired on my works, @ me so I can see it and reblog it!! 🫶♥️
Edit 04/26: if you have trouble accessing any links, you should be able to find each individual work by searching for the name in the search bar in my blog. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Call of duty
König (my beloved)
Smoke break - x reader | light angst, fluff, comfort, protective König | you are a bartender and your stalker creeps you out. König catches on and fixes the problem.
A glimpse - x reader | light angst, fluff, comfort, injured reader, a bit of pining on both sides | you get injured in a mission, and König feels he could've done better.
The sound of your voice - x reader | light angst, fluff, comfort | Konig feels self-conscious when telling you about his current obsession, but his voice is like a balm to your tired mind.
Jealous König drabble - x reader
König comforts you - x reader
Cheater - x reader (platonic)
Alejandro Vargas
Choices have consequences - x reader | light angst, culinary crimes, mention of food insecurity | Alejandro made a passing comment about your food that you didn't like one bit, so you humble him.
"V" - x reader | pure tooth rotting fluff, pillow talk, marriage talk, you're both so smitten ugh | Alejandro and you discuss the idea of getting a matching tattoo instead of rings.
Are you looking for a wife? - fem!reader | fluff, injured reader, medical drug use, stoner talk | Whenever you get ketamine as pain relief, you lose all thought-to-speech filter.
Heart-Stopping - fem!reader | tiny angst, fluff, medical innacuracies. mention of violence/injuries, pregnancy announcement, crack-ish | Only Alejandro can kill Alejandro. You may easily give him a heart attack, though.
Infused Masterlist - fem!reader | graphic depictions of violence, drug use, minor character death(s), angst, fluff, hurt/comfort | A love story told through mate.
Simon "Ghost" Riley
No better than a Victorian man - x reader | suggestive, Simon being a tease | You like to look at your lieutenant, especially when there's barely anything to look at
A bedtime story - GN!reader | platonic | you have no choice but to keep LT's secret for a relaxed, soothing sleep to you grave.
Ghost x chubby!reader headcanons - x m!reader
Tea - GN!reader | angst, hurt no comfort, character deaths | Last minute confessions.
Ghost x reader x Soap
Bird Hunting - x fem!reader | angst, hurt, kidnapping, drugging, sexual harassment, violence (warnings will update as series progresses)
Rotten Apple - x fem!reader | hurt/comfort, referenced past child neglect, abusive/narcissistic parents | Set after the events in BH | Sweetened apples turn sour when rotten apples are around.
Emotional Support Bird - x fem!reader | fluff, domestic, Soap and Ghost share a braincell | Canary rambles about a ln emotional support dog she saw at the market. Ghost and Soap have an idea.
Emotional Support Bird Pt.2 - x fem!reader | fluff, hurt/comfort, Ghost x Canary centric - Soap is only mentioned here | Ghost has a nightmare, and Canary an idea.
Emotionally Supported Bird (Pt. 3)- x fem!reader | fluff, hurt/comfort | Canary knows exactly where to seek solace in the middle of the night.
Ghost x Soap x K9handler!reader
The Mission - x K9 handler!reader | fluff, K9 Dolly's POV mostly | K9 Dolly is sent on her first solo mission.
John Price
Salt and pepper - x gn!reader | fluff | The realization of age hung heavily on his shoulders. Luckily for him, you're more than ready to share it with him.
141 x reader
Lucy - x fem!reader (platonic) | crack | an interesting story behind the origin of Y/n's callsign.
Affectionate reader - x GN!reader (platonic) | fluff | headcanons and a little drabble on the Task Force receiving and enjoying your affection.
Affectionate reader Pt. 2 - x GN!reader (platonic) | angst | The team loses it's spark (you)
Affectionate reader Pt. 3 - x GN!reader (platonic) | hurt/comfort | it's the team's turn to show you affection
Incorrect Quotes
Father Figure
Gummy worms
Farmers' market
Couples' advice
Valentine's Day blurbs
WIPS ← check here for your request!
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culxiaa-fn · 1 year
[To the place I cannot reach you]
First years Trio thought on Ramshackle prefect returning to her home world.
--- masterlist ---
(GN! Reader)
Note: I want to write for all first years, but I don't have any idea for Jack,Epel and Sebek... Maybe i will do part 2 if anything comes to my head. For now please enjoy Ace,Deuce and Grim' parts.
Ace Trappola
When the idea of Kantokusei returns home, at first Ace is... Indifferent. I mean that's the whole point isn't it??? To search a way for this mysterious individual to return to where they belong?
But as the thought lingered in his head it makes Ace a bit unsettled. For Kantokusei to return means Ace will lose one of his safe places.
The more Ace thinks about the possibility the future without this person at least sending him grim's weird sleeping position at least once a day the more it makes Ace annoyed and restless.
Ace is many things, but he is absolutely not selfless, in fact he will gladly be called selfish if that means he can avoid Riddle's wrath or extra duty.
But Ace will never say or voice his desire for Kantokusei to stay on Twisted Wonderland. Because Ace, for some reason managed to forge a strange kind of bond with this particular individual.
Ace also is there when Kantokusei rants the woe of their hearts. Another ridiculous request from Crowley, that one student that keeps bothering them, how magic class is hard without being able to use magic.
About how they miss their home.
It's not unusual for him or other members of their tiny little friend group to be found in the Ramshackle dorm in the morning. That's why Ace saw it.
The bloodshot eyes, the runny nose, the hoarse voice, Ace is not dumb he just dense and decides to not care. But for this person that always pretends that everything is okay. Ace will go along with it.
Ace is selfish, he is stupidly and annoyingly honest, if he doesn't like it, just voice it out loud, that's exactly why he ended up fighting with his dormleader to begin with.
But this time only he will shut his mouth.
This time only he will not declare what is in his heart
After all, he doesn't want to make this inevitable parting more painful than it already is.
"come on, just cry it all out. It's just both of us here."
"huh??? I'm not telling anyone, can't you at least trust me a little??”
"idiot, how long have you been bottling this in?? I will help you pull a prank on Crowley tomorrow if that helps you feel better"
Deuce Spade
When someone asks Deuce since when did him and the prefect become friends, Deuce himself doesn't know.
Is it when the chandelier fell?
Is it when Crowley threatens to dispel them?
Is it when four of them work together to defeat the phantom in the mine?
Or is it on the egg accident ?
Deuce himself doesn't know, but he does know that for some reason they are all suddenly so closed.
But Deuce is aware that the presence of this person has become so normal that the thought of them suddenly parting somewhere that he can't follow makes him suddenly feel lonely.
Deuce is conflicted, on one hand, he wants to help Kantokusei to find a way home. On the other hand, he wants them to stay, somewhere he can reach somewhere he can see them.
Deuce and Ace are somehow well connected. Many of their friends have told him that they are sharing their braincell, so that's why when Ace is giving that look, he knows, he will never ever allow himself to voice this feeling out loud.
Deuce knows if he said it, it will make Kantokusei start to hesitate.
Deuce doesn't want this person that is always confident in their choice, to charge immediately if they think that course of action is right to start hesitating on their choice.
So he will keep this feeling inside, as a return for helping him avoid getting expelled, as a return for helping him free from Azul's contract, as a return for helping him studying.
After all this is what an honour student should do right?
"Kantokusei, I may not be strong and smart in magic like our seniors, but please remember this, i will help you to find your way to return home"
Absolutely NO!
If his henchman is not here then who will serve the great Grim???
If his henchman is not here then who will love Grim?
If his henchman is not here then who will keep him warm??
If his henchman goes home does that mean he too has to return to those cold and lonely lives?
Grim doesn't remember much of his life before he met us, the few things he remembers is it's cold, lonely and hungry.
And to be honest he doesn't want to remember it too, after all why would he want to when he is comfortable right now? Who wants to remember sad stuff anyway.
So if they return to their home does that mean he has to return to that life?? Does that mean he will be alone again ?
But Grim is weirdly in sync with Kantokusei's feelings. He knows how anxious they get when Crowley dismisses them when they ask about an update. How restless they become every time Crowley said he didn't find anything yet.
Of course Grim knew how sometimes they cry when it's too much. They sleep on the same bed after all.
Grim felt when they tightened their hugs, how they try to silence their cry, Grim can hear it, he has amazing ears after all.
He will become the most powerful mage so his henchman doesn't want to leave.
Grim: "Kobun i know you can't stay still, so if you want to take a walk just wake me up! You are not allowed to leave on your own!"
[name]: Eh?? Where did this come from??
Grim: JUST LISTEN TO ME! This is an order from your boss!! You are gonna get in trouble if I leave you alone!
[name]: ehhhh~~ but you are the one who always causes trouble.
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chakkll · 10 months
Like a Fish Out of Water
Mattheo Riddle x gender neutral!reader
Synopsis: Dragged to a party against your will by your only two friends, they leave you alone to sulk in a corner. Though, unbeknownst to you, a certain Slytherin has taken an interest in you.
Word count: 1.1k
*This is my first time posting a story here, so I hope you enjoy it! I have to admit, Mattheo is a bit OOC in this since it’s kind of hard to write a non-canonical character. On that note, feedback is encouraged and welcomed! I hope you have an amazing day. <3
Tumblr media
How did I get here again?
You sigh to yourself, running a hand down your face as you lean against the drinks table in the Slytherin common room filled with too many dancing, sweaty bodies.
As you take in your surroundings, your lips purse as you remember the earlier conversation you had with your friends. Even just thinking about it makes you lose braincells.
“And you want me to go to this party why exactly?” You frown at one of your two best friends, Minnie, who only gives you a mischievous smile as she drags you to her dorm.
“To form lasting connections, of course. Me and Owen can’t be your only friends, you know.” Minnie pushes you into her dorm room, followed by your other best friend, Owen.
“Yeah, you can’t expect to gain friends by only worrying about exams due at the end of the year.” Owen shrugs, much to your dismay.
“What happened to always backing me up, Owen?” You grumble as Minnie plops you down at the end of her bed, a couple of Minnie’s dorm mates watching the scene with amused faces.
Owen just smiles apologetically as Minnie shushes you with an overdramatic display of her and Owen’s outfits. “Oh, shush. So, (Y/N), what’ll it be? This—“ she raises one of her brightly colored outfits. “—or that?” she raises one of Owen’s simple yet stylish outfits, and the clothes next to each other display how different Minnie and Owen really are.
You sigh.
In the end, you ended up with something mixed of the two’s styles, but it leans more to Owen’s, since the color scheme is just the mellowed down version of your House’s colors.
As you silently come up with a detailed plan of how exactly to kill the two for abandoning you for their other friends, a monotone voice cuts you from your thoughts.
“Can I get a drink, or are you just gonna stand there all day?”
You immediately look up, slightly startled, only to see a rather tall boy with curly brown hair and dark brown—almost black—eyes staring at you with a rather bored expression.
“Ah—right, sorry.” You mutter, bashfully stepping to the side to let the boy do as he wishes.
He doesn’t reply and you can only assume that he pours himself a drink. As you anxiously fiddle with your fingers, a cup of punch is suddenly in front of you. You look up, only to be met with the same bored expression of the boy from before.
You glance down to the drink in his outstretched hand, and you hesitantly take the cup from him. “…Thank you.”
He ignores your thanks, instead taking a sip from his own cup.
You quietly stare at the drink. “This doesn’t have any alcohol in it, does it?”
“No, you want any?” You look up, slightly taken aback by his question.
“Ah… no, thank you.” You politely decline, and you swear you can see a small smirk appear on his face, but it’s quickly covered by his cup as he takes a drink from it.
You quietly take a sip from the cup, deciding to put your trust in him. Sure, many people would ridicule you for taking a random Slytherin’s word, but you’d rather believe Slytherins are better than doing something so low as to spike your drink.
“So, you got a name?” The curly-haired boy’s voice snaps you out of your thoughts, and you look up to meet his gaze.
“(Y/N),” You reply, though you kind of have to scream in order for him to hear you over the loud music. “You?”
“Mattheo,” He takes another sip from his drink. “You seem out of place, (Y/N).”
You smile lightly at his observation. “I guess you could say that—like a fish out of water,” You laugh lightly as you gesture around the room with your drink in hand. “Parties… not really my thing.”
“I could tell,” It kind of feels like he’s teasing you, but you brush it off. “What is your thing, then?”
You shrug. “Not talking to strangers?” You can tell he has to bite back an amused laugh, but he manages to keep his calm and collected exterior.
“I get that,” He muses quietly, glancing around the room. “Socializing isn’t really a hobby of mine, either.” He, once again, takes a sip from his drink.
“Oh?” You quirk a brow, intrigued. “Then how come you approached me?”
He shrugs. “Nothing better to do than speak to a sixth-year who’s clearly out of their element.
You snort quietly, feeling a little offended at his comment. “I’m actually a seventh-year,” He only shrugs with an amused expression. “…Am I really that awkward-looking?”
“Yeah, actually.” You swear you see him crack a smile as he takes another sip.
You’re about to make a snarky reply until a hand grabs your arm. Instinctively, you rip your arm out of the hand’s grasp and whirl around, only to see an anxious Minnie and Owen, something quite out of character for the two of them.
“Peeves showed up just now, he’s going to tell Filch about the alcohol and kids from other Houses; we have to go unless we want detention.” Minnie quickly informs you, an anxious Owen nodding his head from behind her.
“Oh… alright,” You nod, slightly disappointed that your conversation with Mattheo has to be cut short. You turn to glance back at Mattheo, but he’s already waving you off.
“You heard her. If you don’t want detention, you should get outta here,” He chuckles lightly—a surprisingly pleasant sound. He notices your disappointment and smirks quietly. “We can talk later, sweetheart.”
You hear Minnie gasp quietly in delight from behind you, and you can only imagine her grabbing an equally shocked Owen’s arm in surprise.
Your eyes widen at the pet name, but you only return his smirk with one of your own. “Alright. See you later, baby.” The words easily roll off your tongue, and you don’t even have time to cringe at your choice of words before Owen is pulling both you and Minnie away.
“We gotta go, we can’t get detention—specifically you, Minnie, you can’t afford another.” Owen’s voice cuts through your thoughts and you can feel your cheeks heating up in embarrassment as the three of you rush away from the party.
Little do you know, Mattheo has a similar reaction to you, though more surprised and—impressed?—than anything as he watches the three of you disappear into the crowd with wide eyes. “…Baby, huh?”
He can feel himself smiling as two of his friends, Theodore Nott and Lorenzo Berkshire, approach him for the same reason your friends approached you.
Mattheo snorts and mutters to himself as he and his friends retreat from the party.
“Fish out of water, my ass.”
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tigertale · 2 years
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A/N: Oh no! You, the magicless student, suddenly appeared in the all girl magical school, the Night Raven College!
A/N 2: At first I was like "let's write something good!" then I remembered that I don't care if it's well-written or not, I just want to get things off my system. Fuck my sexual orientation or whatsoever, no matter what gender Leona is, I can't resist him
A/N 3: (06/12/2022) I edited it a bit, but it's still a bit clumsy
•F! Reader; F! Leona
•〔 ! 〕 Smut; Badly written you'll lose braincells reading it; Grammatical errors; not proofread
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"Ah! Leona, can you help me with my glasses? I can't properly see so it's difficult to look for them." The woman only answered with a click of her tongue before walking past the kneeling student. The magicless student helplessly tried to follow Leona's movements, scared that she had just ignored her and went about her day. Thankfully the beastwoman didn't go far. She bent over something, and straightened her back soon after.
"Is that…" Her upper eyelids were lowered and she frowned as she tried to see who was approaching her. Despite her blurry eyesight, she almost immediately recognised the pair of long legs and the half opened shirt under the bright golden waistcoat. "Leona?"
Said woman stopped before the one that was squinting under her. A tired sigh left the lioness as she looked at the magicless student on her knees. And the pair of glasses a few meters away from them deepened her frown.
"Oi herbivore, what are you doing on the floor?" She pushed her hands into her skirt's pockets with a teasing smile as she cocked her head to the side. The savanaclaw student leaned her hips forward in a mocking manner, and yet, the other one was not impressed by the power the one above displayed. Instead she moved to be in a more comfortable position as to fully watch her potential saviour.
"Eh, you mean those broken glasses?" The girl was suddenly up, stumbling on her way to Leona as her blood had yet to properly flow to her legs. She picked the glasses from the other's hand and when she tried to touch the lense, her fingers passed through.
The silence in the corridor was all too suffocating. The frown on Leona's face only but deepend at the awkwardness. Well? When is she going to announce her gratitude? But the other was still trying to assess the new information.
Broken. It was broken. In all her entire life, she had never broken a pair of glasses, and she knew that without them her school life would only go downhill. And not just her school life, she could barely walk without them, she was terrified just by the idea of it! Come on! She couldn't see past her hands, how was she supposed to live a normal life without them?
"Uh?" Leona recoiled at the sight of the tears that were threatening to fall. The prefect was on the verge of crying as she mindlessly passed her thumbs inside the hole of her glasses again and again, as if to prove herself that she was hallucinating. "Shit, are you going to cry?" The pitiful show successfully played with the strings of her damn heart. How could she not be when the ramshackle student was being… well, her. Her usual vulnerable and honest self.
"Stop this already, I'll repair them." She shot her head up. Leona would help her? The stars in her eyes almost made the lioness regret. Almost. But the fact that her personality switched so quickly did, in fact, impress her. "Continue to look at me that way and I won't. Oh Great Seven, you herbivores are so helpless and annoying." She removed the tears with the sleeves of her blouse and excitedly nodded all the while.
"Move already." When she looked up, Leona was standing by an opened door. Her whole body pressed against the doorframe and in her gloved hand, she was playing with the shards of her broken glasses. During the small span of time, she had already picked all the small transparent crystals of her prescribed lenses, much to her surprise
"Isn't that a classroom?"
"No shit. Come on, enter." She jogged towards the lioness who sent her a snide look, one that she couldn't catch now that she didn't have her glasses. She was relieved to see that the classroom was empty, not a single person in sight that would bother them by asking why they were together.
"Were you aware that it would be empty?" But before she could turn around, a hand grabbed the back of her head. As Leona walked forward, she was forced to follow without much chance of freeing herself as the dormhead was much stronger than her.
"What? Did'ja think I was passing by uh? This place's barely used, and no classes are ever held on this day. And Ruggie won't bother me here." She walked past the magicless student as they came to stop and plopped herself down on the bench on the first row.
The girl sighed before trying to pass over Leona's legs. She had made herself comfortable on the edge of the bench, as if to further prove how annoyed she was with the situation, and if she wanted to sit next to her she had to cross over the lioness somehow.
Halfway through, and under the grunts of the dorm leader and the string of excuses that followed them, the prefect was suddenly pulled on the lion's lap. She fell onto one of Leona's leg and her knee was quick to find its place in between her thighs.
"I'll help you and you won't talk about this place to anyone, 'k?" If it was the only thing she wanted in exchange for helping her, even if she was curious about it, she might as well just let it go. "Same goes for whatever happens here."
"Just that?" She looked behind her, but the look the savanaclaw student sent her was enough for her to reiterate her question in a way that would please the leader. "I- I mean…! Don't worry, of course I won't!" She then turned back to face the table, a tight grip on the hem of her skirt as she tried not to think about the warmth between her legs.
"Then it's a deal." And so, the shards were all carelessly thrown on the table.
Leona made quick work putting some of them together, placing them so that it would make the shape of her broken lenses. The magicless student tried to follow her movements, trying hard to understand what she was doing, but her thoughts were slowly changing and focused on something else. Her poor previous attempts to forget about the knee rubbing against her were for naught as the hand caressing her thigh quickly replaced the fixation she may have had.
Or so she thought. Subtle movements of the knee pressed at the apex of her thighs had started before she could have fully adjusted to the fingers that had slipped under her skirt. They were dipping closer to her underwear with each stroke and it was becoming all too mind numbing. What was Leona doing?
Still, she kept, or more like she thought that she was keeping, a straight face and continued to watch the hand of the dorm leader that was playing around with the crystal shards.
The lioness was well aware that the woman by her side was slowly drifting somewhere else. And oh how much she liked that. The herbivore was trying so hard that she was still focused on the empty table when both her hands were gingerly placed on both hips.
"Eh, you're enjoying yourself, aren't you?" She was brought out of her reverie at the rhetorical question. But she couldn't even question what she meant by that (and she was so embarrassed that she had been caught red-handed, what if it was all a misunderstanding?) as the woman jolted her knee harder.
She let out a squeak, the first of a long string of whines that followed.
The crowned princess was working her up to the bone. Using the opportunity of having two hands on her hips, she grinded her against her leg to add to the friction. She even took the time to properly angled her so that her clitoris would feel the direct drag of her underwear against her skin.
"Awwn, look at you. You're so cute like that ♥" The prefect could barely see around her. Without any glasses and with the tears hanging on her lower eyelashes, her surroundings were blurry. A blurry mess that heightened the confusing feeling assaulting her lower stomach.
The kisses Leona pressed against her skin went almost unnoticed with how hot she felt inside. But when she felt the lips closing around her collarbone, she couldn't just go back to forgetting it. No, not when her tongue was creating a humid mess on her cheek as it lapped her tears away.
A finger blissfully slid under the black cloth covering her cunt before she could properly comprehend it. She, who had been focused not a moment ago on the appendage tasting her, couldn't have predicted it. The shock that courses through her when a nail merely brushed against her erected clitoris was almost too much. And the lioness made sure to mess with her even more as she was pleased with the reaction.
Well you know what? She would've loved to continue toying around with the twitching and breathless herbivore on her leg, but there was something she had wanted to taste for a while.
And said herbivore was completely at loss when she was suddenly laid against the cushioned bench and her skirt flipped over her stomach. And the confusion came back when the tongue, that had been previously marking her neck, licked a long strip along her inner lips.
Leona was but on cloud nine when she had finally tasted the prefect. Couldn't she not be perfect? Her tearstained face and those puffy lips were the most beautiful thing she had seen in a while, and she would enjoy it as much as she could.
The magicless student was unable to stay put, despite her legs closing around the lioness in-between them, she couldn't help but writhe and buckled against the hot muscle that was deep into her cunt. And with the added fingers that touched and twisted her clit, she feared how long it would take for her to come undone.
She pressed her tongue inside her and a long pause followed suit as she tried to overcome the overflowing taste that numbed her mind. But it wasn't long before she eagerly started eating her out with a vigor that had never been seen from her. She was a princess, and she was to please those under her for them to desire more.
And rightfully so, because it didn't take minutes for the knot, the one that painfully throbbed with the need to come undone, to explode.
It didn't stop Leona who switched to lapping her up. She was pleased to have been able to drink her juice so fast, a treat that she wouldn't let go of so soon. And the beautiful sounds of the overstimulated prefect was a nice little gift that she took pride in receiving.
"Hey herbivore." The concerned person looked down as the woman pressed her cheek against her stomach. The half lidded eyes and the smirk reignited the fire that was slowly dying.
The lion moved to lean her body against the one under her signature mocking smile. She kissed each tear of the prefect away while her wet fingers roamed along her shapes. And the magicless didn't resist when Leona slipped her tongue inside her mouth. It felt good. She felt complete even. To emphasize it, and now that she was free of the pleasure that was previously assaulting her both inside and outside, she wrapped too shaky arms around the neck of the dormleader.
Leona was far from being displeased by the contact, but still broke the kiss. She instead moved to bite her ear with a chuckle that reverberated in the room. It was followed by the sound of buttons hitting the wood of the row of desks behind them.
The prefect may not be aware, but she was oh so cute. Her cheeks heating up when her fingers caressed the open skin under her bra as if she wasn't just fucked until cumming not even two minutes ago.
Another chuckle was breathed into her ear.
"You won't be able to talk about how much I've fucked you dumb. Remember that."
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slocumjoe · 1 year
A ramble about Preston Garvey and a self-indulgent revision of the entire Minuteman questline
TDLR: The Minutemen faction sacrifices writing and Preston’s character as a means of shoveling errands and busywork at the player.
Preston’s issues as a character are entirely Doylist, meaning the fault of outside forces. His writing, his concept, his themes, those are solid. This is not a racehorse that broke its leg and was still sent down the track, like some characters. This is a horse that was hale and hearty, but they made it run in circles around cars in the parking lot instead of putting it in the race. 
This essay is not going to be my most coherent one. Preston’s issues are so apparent, so in your face, it kinda feels like a waste of time explaining it. Just look at him and anyone with two braincells to rub together can see. But a lot of things in Fallout 4 sticks with me, even when I’m not in a Fallout 4 mood. Preston is one of those things. So neglected, so misused in the game, I couldn’t stop thinking about the bastard. 
Before we get into what Preston is, in-game...what was he meant to be?
And you know what? 
He’s close to Danse, post Blind Betrayal.
Preston Garvey started his military career as a fresh-faced, bright-eyed young man, who wanted to be another gun protecting the Commonwealth against whatever would harm it. He always had his faction’s best interests and ideals in mind. The first to wave the flag, the first to say the motto, the first to pick up a gun for it. He didn’t want heroism, or glory. He wanted to make the world a better place. It sounds cookie cutter, cliche, so sugary-saccharine. But this is the wasteland. This is in a world where everyone else seems content to succumb to futilism, to pretend there is no Better for the world. 
Preston Garvey is, inherently, part of a rebel army. The Minutemen were a militia, a guerilla army of farmers and their children, banding together against the oppressive totality of raiders, mercenaries, anyone who would rather gnaw on bones than build to ensure everyone was taken care of. The Minutemen are the fuck you, we want to recover and heal faction, to the raiders’ fuck you, I have a right to wallow in the ruins.
The legend herself, the icon, the Queen, Ursula K. LeGuin once said;  “The trouble is that we have a bad habit, encouraged by pedants and sophisticates, of considering happiness as something rather stupid. Only pain is intellectual, only evil interesting. This is the treason of the artist; a refusal to admit the banality of evil and the terrible boredom of pain.” The MInutemen might look like your average, boring heroes (we’ll get into why), but it is inherently badass to look at the literal End of the World and decide, no, actually, we don’t want to lie down and die.
Preston Garvey is not a boy scout, the Minutemen are not mall cops. They are furious, determined, and most dangerously, optimistic. 
A young Preston Garvey joined under a blue banner, served under it for years...and watched as people who saw money, power, glory, took that banner and tied it into a noose.
Joe Becker died, and having not chosen someone to take over as General, all of the colonels squabbled for the position, wanting the fame, the cushy office. These people weren’t Minutemen, not at heart. The faction had grown so large, there was bound to be people looking only at the resources, what was in it for them. Preston, still a young man, but quickly losing his naivety and faith in his fellow Minutemen, watched as these colonels dropped their altruistic acts and demanded they get theirs.
And then Quincy happened.
The Minutemen were in disarray, following the Mirelurk invasion of the Castle, lacking a home base and their radio communications. But Colonel Ezra Hollis, potentially the last Colonel who gave a shit, heard that Quincy was under siege by Gunner forces, and he led his small, out-gunned squad to do whatever the fuck they could, until another Colonel came to provide the needed fire support. Hollis’ Minutemen succeeded in driving the Gunners back, and holding them off, but their help from Colonel Marbury never came. Preston watched as his Colonel refused to give up and let Quincy fall...and he watched as Clint, a ten-year veteran, betrayed everyone, chose money and a winning team over what was right. 
Quincy fell. Preston Garvey watched as the refugees fell in a line, running for safety. Watched his comrades, who he had been fighting against impossible odds with for days, dropped with them. 
Preston Garvey died, and I can tell you where. At one house, to the right, down the street from the museum, where the last other Minuteman lay dead in a yard. Where he became the Last Minuteman. Even if there were others who would call themselves such...they weren’t Minuteman, not really. The real Minutemen tried to save Quincy. Everyone else, who gave up, never believed at all.
Preston was still fucking furious at the hedonistic cruelty people indulged in and called inevitable. But he was alone, a failure, and had lost any reason to believe that there was a possibility of continuing. A point, a reason, yes. But the optimism...without that, there was no Minuteman army. 
Preston is Danse Post BB, because he’s freshly disillusioned from his faction, horrified at the truth and betrayal. He has lost his identity, his values, unsure of where to go, if there’s anywhere to go. And then...salvation walks down the street of Concord, and walks him and his group back up the road to Sanctuary. Sanctuary.
And then comes in the fucking dialogue system (FDS) and the fucking radiant system (FRS), armed with folding chairs, to beat Preston Garvey’s rich character into a bloody, twitching pulp. We cannot talk about Preston without talking about how his faction questline plays. We simply have to, because it’s like a shotgun wedding from hell.
Let’s start with the very first quest in the Minutemen. Preston, while running for his fucking life from gunners, then ferals, then raiders, has somehow heard through the grapevine/radio he doesn’t have that Tenpines has a Corvega raiders issue. He asks you to do it because he’s busy guarding Sanctuary. Okay.
You go to Tenpines, Corvega, and back, and whoop, you are now Minuteman general. 
You START THE MINUTEMEN as THE LEADER. Even fucking MAXSON waits for you to at least bump Danse off before making you a Paladin, but nope! Starting at the top, ending at the top. This kills progression in all senses. There is no sense of gaining ground, the Minutemen start with a General. Skyrim gets mocked for making you the leader of all factions, but good god, at least you had to earn it by sticking with them. 
So, bad start. 
Then you do some settlement stuff...which is handed to you in the worst fucking way. The FRS. 
Where is Preston getting this information? How are people sending it out? Ignoring the logistics...it’s just boring. You talk to Preston sometimes, and he always says Go Here, Do This, Come back. Do this enough times, Preston wants to retake the Castle. At this point, you don’t have any men, it’s just you and Preston- wait, who the fuck are these people?! We’ve had soldiers this whole time?! Who hired them?! You take the Castle and it’s admittedly cool, if not a pain to restore for all your- okay, wait, I can only bring settlers? Where are all the men I supposedly have, there’s three soldiers here! Three soldiers, this is just a Clearing the Way radiant quest, but the moving in folks helped me kill the mirelurks! 
Ugh, fine. You keep traveling, Preston gives you more- Preston?! I killed a Mirelurk Queen specifically for the radio tower, so I could get quests from the radio! Why is Preston still dispensing quests? It discourages you from talking to him, because you’ll get busywork cluttering your quest log. You can’t talk to Preston Garvey. You can’t fucking talk to him without doing him a favor first. 
Y’know what makes this even more abominable? You are said to have soldiers, who could be doing this instead! Why am I going after kidnapped settlers when we have soldiers?! The General still has a kid to find and the Institute to explode! SPEAKING OF...
The Commonwealth Provisional Government was started by the Minutemen, and ended by the Institute. This is never brought up again. And it’s not even Preston who talks about it, it’s Nick. The Minutemen have very real reason to want the Institute gone, and a good excuse to get the player to want to destroy the Institute beyond “grrr synths/they took my baby.”
Anyway, you go get artillery from Ronnie Shaw at some point, build it in your settlements, and...make your farmers man them. Not soldiers. I know you can deck out your settlers with armor and weapons, but the fact that you have maybe 5 constant, non-random encounter soldiers, all at the Castle, is...it makes it feel hollow. Where is my army, Preston? Who am I leading?
So, you do the Main Quest, blow up the Institute. Blah blah. Blow up the Brotherhood, too. Blaaaaah.
Either way, let’s get into fixes. And by fixes, I mean, complete rehaul.
First thing’s first. The entire questline is bad. It’s radiant quests and then boom boom Institute. It starts and ends the exact same way, you being the general. Second thing, we need to go back to the old dialogue system; no more YES, NO, WHAT, SARCASTIC. Actual dialogue. Back to Fallout New Vegas’s system, that relied on all stats and perks. Actual conversations with branching paths.
Saving Preston at Concord is fine. Works. It’s the first radiant quest that sucks ass. Throw that system out entirely, and I do mean entirely. Don’t save it for anything, it needs to go. It cannot remain. No being sent to Tenpines because Preston heard from a little birdie.
Instead, you work with Preston and the survivors to fortify and set up Sanctuary.
First, you work with Preston to shore up Sanctuary’s defenses. As you work with him, he’s polite, but curt. Professional, but not warm, open. He expresses gratitude, but definitely not trust. He doesn’t know you, he doesn’t know what your motives or wants are. You can tell him about Shaun, but he’s still not sure about you. He can’t afford to be and will tell you that outright, but...he needs someone to go see if anyone survived Lexington or Concord. He knows his other Minutemen split up with other survivors, he doesn’t know if they made it out. You can offer to go find them, or stay and protect Sanctuary. If you go, the other survivors will set up Sanctuary on their own without your help.
If you stay and Preston leaves, you plant crops with Marcy, getting to know her and potentially, she cracks and shows some vulnerability. She doesn’t soften right away, she’s still traumatized, but you get to see why she’s the way she is now. She just lost her baby, her home, all of her friends and family. Was just failed by the people who swore they’d protect them all. Betrayed by them. 
Then, you work with Sturges to get a water pump/purifier running. Sturges will tell you about Quincy in some detail, explain how it went to shit. He talks about how the Minutemen were needed more than ever, but crapped the bed at the last minute. Sturges says he thinks there’s a place in the world for the group, but with the last living soldier clearly reeling from everything that’s happened, he thinks it’s safe to say the Commonwealth is on it’s own. 
Next, it’s the bed situation with Jun. He barely says a word, only quietly thanking you for your help. If you choose the right dialogue options, he’ll say you remind him of Colonel Hollis, very brave and kind, even when it was a bad idea to help. Hollis didn’t survive, but you did. Maybe it’s not all bad, maybe Hollis wasn’t wrong, just of bad luck.
After, no matter who goes to find the bodies of the other Minutemen and Quincy locals, some Corvega raiders attack Sanctuary when they come back. It’s only a small scouting party, looking for Mama Murphy. You kill them, and Preston is freaking out and about to pack up and keep everyone moving farther. It’s up to you to calm him down and offer to go kill them. If you’ve picked certain dialogue choices before and Sanctuary has a high defense score, Preston will join you on the trip to Corvega. It’s on this journey + throughout it you can tell him about the fate of his comrades, or he tells you. If he doesn’t accompany you, you two talk about it when you get back to Sanctuary after killing Jared. 
Either way, It’s here that Mama Murphy tells you about Diamond City, not in the museum.
You do the main quest now, and when you get to Diamond City, you overhear people talking about the Quincy massacre, and what a shame that the Minutemen are gone. Someone talks about how McDonough forced all the ghouls out, and they moved up to the Slog, but now the Slog is having mutant troubles. From there, you can go decide for yourself if you want to do the Minuteman questline. The first few quests were just to organically show you the settlement system, dialogue system (the old, good one), and dungeon crawling, the explore-loot-return loop. It’s here that the Minutemen branch off from the main quest.
If you choose to save the Slog, you have the option of saying you’re there on Minuteman business, even if you’re not a Minuteman. Choosing this is what gets you in the faction proper. 
You can keep finding settlements and offering help. Doing this, Preston eventually catches word through Diamond City Radio and demands to know what the fuck you’re doing. You have a lot of options to choose from, but only the altruistic, optimistic ones will earn Preston’s trust. Anything else, he might just try to kill you, if you, like, say you’re doing it for money. But if you’re doing this for good reasons, he’s on board. Surprised, unsure this will end well, but...hey, if you want to try, he won’t stop you. If Sanctuary has enough settlers, defense, and you’ve turned enough settlers into guards (which have a different character tag, when assigned to defense posts), Preston will offer to accompany you, and that’s how you get him as a companion.
So, you and Preston wander around, doing quests, and helping out settlements. Help enough settlements, they’ll realize hey, we’re all on good terms with this Minuteman, and this person who’s basically a Minuteman...let’s just get the Minutemen back, yeah? People band together, settlements you’ve provided for will get settlers on their own. Eventually, people at settlements approach you and offer to help, what needs doing? If you have a settlement quest/errand, you can assign them to it, and they’ll complete it for you. This snow-balls until you’re taking over the Castle, for all these guns-for-hope to gather around and manage trade routes and work. You get the radio tower. You get an army. You get artillery, automatically built at every settlement in a designated spawnpoint.
It’s here that, by popular vote, you’re offered the position as General...but you can turn it down. You can hand it to Ronnie, or Preston. Both of of them agree, no, the people and the new Minutemen want you, but they’ll take it if you pass enough dialogue checks. Ronnie will run the Minutemen like a hardass, fierce and cynical to deter a second collapse, but Preston runs it like a community. He believes that cynicism was what killed the first Minutemen, and that constant reminder of who and what they do this for will keep motives pure. No matter the general, the Minutemen are now a solid force in the Commonwealth, stronger than ever, making everyone piss their pants. And it got this way because you wanted to help. 
It’s at this point that Preston’s conversation about his depression unlocks, and his romance. 
But the fun begins when the Gunners take a modicum of offense to all this.
Sanctuary is put to the sword, the Castle is attacked, and best of all, the old Colonels show their face, either on the side of the Gunners as bosses, or trying to weasel their way into the Minutemen again. Preston loves killing all of them, hates sparing or talking them down. These fuckers left him, Quincy, the Commonwealth to die, they are traitors, they are pure scum. 
The Minutemen, they fight back. You take squads into Gunner camps and clear house, take it over. People stop working with or hiring the Gunners because they don’t want to piss off the General, whoever that is. The Gunners aren’t on the ropes yet, but they’re staring down Minutemen barrels and it’s only a matter of time before this explodes into someone getting wiped off the face of the earth. 
Somewhere in-between looking for the Institute, you get kidnapped by Gunners and taken to Quincy. They’re using you as either a hostage, intending to kill you to prove a point, or torturing you for fun, taking the piss out of the idea that the puny militia could ever stand up to- hey, why am I hearing gunfire?
Preston and the Minutemen storm Quincy, putting it under a siege not even the Gunners could ever have hoped to accomplish. If the Minutemen were dog food, the Gunners are kitty treats. It’s a swift, brutal execution of every green-wearing bastard. They don’t even have time to prepare before Preston himself kicks the door down and frees you, then runs back out to continue bashing people’s heads in with his rifle. You meet up with Ronnie, and she points you down Preston’s warpath, gently asking if you can go stop before he gets himself killed trying to throttle Clint. As you chase him down, you see Clint up on the highway, looking down, before he walks away, presumably to meet Preston. 
You can go find Preston, kill Clint before he gets to him, or go kill Baker first. If Preston gets to Clint, you’ll hear him screaming bloody murder before they start the fight. They’ll fight until you go finish Clint off. Once Clint drops, Preston has something of a nervous breakdown. Ronnie and other Minutemen show up, she takes over and tells you to finish clearing Quincy with the other soldiers while she gets Preston out of the fight. You can listen to her, or insist you stay with Preston. If you stay, you clear the way for Ronnie’s group to get back behind Minutemen lines just outside of Quincy. Baker can be killed by NPC Minutemen, so you don’t have to worry about it too much.
The Minutemen have Quincy again, Preston is recovering from his panic attack, and Ronnie is foaming at the mouth at the idea of going at Gunner HQ. You can agree or disagree. If you’ve been killing the Colonels, Preston will think that the Gunners are in such bad shape, it’s only a matter of time before they kill themselves with infighting, just as the Minutemen did. If you’ve spared the Colonels, he’ll want to finish off the Gunners, as they’re still too organized and armed to leave alive. If Ronnie is General, the Minutemen attack Gunner HQ anyway, no matter what, but if not, the player can influence Preston or make the decision themselves.
Laying siege to Gunner HQ cements the Minutemen’s place as the strongest army in the Commonwealth. With this ending for the Minutemen, non-important/notable raider hideouts will be cleared automatically, either because soldiers killed them, or the Minutemen were so oppressive, they couldn't find anyone to raid. Other factions will speak more carefully to you, be gentler when describing their intentions. Maxson and other BOS soldiers, if you join them, will mention that being so close to the Castle was unintentional, and they’re nervous about the Minutemen turning their artillery on the Airport. You’ll have a harder time getting the Brotherhood to go to war with Minutemen in this ending. Everyone in game will acknowledge what the Minutemen become, through your efforts.
If you let the Gunners dissolve, you’ll see Gunners having left for raider groups, groups of them killing each other, Gunners trying to get in with the Minutemen. Those Gunners, if you’re general, you can take them on, kill them, or turn them away. General Ronnie will kill them, General Preston’s choice depends on if you have been more merciful, or grudge-holding. People will comment on the Gunners wasting away into little more than scavengers, and with enough time, if you go to Gunner HQ, you find it empty and abandoned. People are less scared of the Minutemen this ending, as they didn’t obliterate the most dangerous local  army in a show of total force and revenge. The Brotherhood is more likely to go to war with you, less intimidated, but the Railroad will offer their spy network if you agree to help them rehabilitate and save synths, provided you’ve spoken positively of synths.
Either ending, the Institute will try to destroy the Minutemen, as they destroyed the Commonwealth Provisional Government in the past. But now, the Minutemen have the firepower and intel to destroy the Institute, or take it over, if you so choose. Even if you don’t follow Shaun, if you choose to or convince General Ronnie/Preston to spare the Institute and use it for the Commonwealth’s benefit, you are left with it under your control, enforced by the Minutemen. 
So. What does this revision do?
I dislike when people portray him as an innocent, gentle little sunshine boy, and not as an army vet who survived where none of his fellow soldiers could. This man has an edge to him. He isn’t a small sad puppy, he has something of a mean streak in canon. In this revision, Preston has opportunities to demonstrate layers of his character, showing how his trauma and guilt has effected him. You get to see it for yourself, rather than hear about it. You can see him break down in Quincy, you can see him resist the idea that strangers can have good intentions, you can see him rebuild his hope for the Minutemen and himself. And you can also see him lose patience for people who have wronged him, want to cut down anyone who would threaten his people, be kind of irrational and lashing out.
I also dislike that the Minutemen have no visible effect on the wasteland, nothing you can actually see. No one else sees it, either. Here, people will acknowledge the Minutemen’s power. And, c’mon, in game, you are the only one doing anything. In this rehaul, you get things started, but people will be active participants in restoring the Minutemen, will build settlements for you. You can go decorate and fiddle around, but you won’t have to worry about water, food, beds, and defense, they’ll get it sorted themselves. The busywork is also passed off to soldiers, who you could potentially catch in the action as they clear out mutants or save kidnapped settlers.
And the finale of facing off against the Gunners, and either destroying them, or brushing them off as a decaying tantrum with guns, gives the Minutemen something to do for themselves, beyond the Institute. You’d have to lock off Quincy and Gunner HQ, so the player can’t clear them without going through the questline, but that’s fine, other quests do that. But the Gunners are never brought up, not really. It also lets Preston confront his greatest trauma and come up victorious, even if it hurt, and when deciding on the fate of Gunner HQ, lets him evolve as a person and take influence from the player, depending on their relationship. 
I think, as the de facto companion for his faction, Preston’s arc needs to be directly tied to it. The other companions don’t really have this either, but Preston got the short straw in that he was his faction. Everything came from him and was turned in to him. He became a dispenser for quests instead of one person in this group, with his own ideas about how to run it, his own fears and guilt about how it failed the first time. He doesn’t reflect the Minutemen, their ideals. Who they are as a collective.
Deacon, Danse, and X6 have their own massive writing issues, but it’s clear that they are representations of their factions. Deacon is an all-over-the-place trickster type trying to keep shit together, the Railroad is a clown car trying to smuggle slaves to safety. X6 is a cold, ruthless, logical Terminator, the Institute are cold, sterile, ends-justify-the-means scientists. Danse is a stern, no-nonsense soldier with a good heart under the Power Armor, the Brotherhood is a tight-knit brotherhood, an army with good intentions that often forgets who those good intentions are meant to serve. 
Preston...he’s a good guy, a traumatized one. The Minutemen...you have 5 nameless “Minuteman Soldier” NPCs, and Ronnie. So...the Minutemen is Preston, Preston is the Minutemen. He isn’t allowed to be Preston, who is a Minuteman. He’s Preston the Minuteman. 
That’s a damn shame.
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7hrsh · 2 months
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Hallooooo! My name is Sevy or you can also call me Sev. This blog will mostly be for hazbin hotel with a bit of a helluva boss content ^^ I shall be sharing my written works and ideas here as I would love to interact more with other fans and get to see all your creative works as well!
- will be adding more rules in the future if needed.
✧ I will not be writing smut as I have not yet tried to do so and i am not yet comfortable writing content like that.
✧ This blog may contain dark content from time to time. It will be stated in the post if it has any included.
✧ As of now, the main characters in my story will be females as I am more comfortable writing with female characters as the MC. I will try to do gender neutral and male reader ones soon. Please understand as I want to practice and learn more of this type of writing.
✧ Requests will be closed unless stated otherwise since I have yet to write for other people, I want to share and write your ideas as good as I can and I feel as if i'm not yet near that stage.
✧ Please do not pressure me for story updates as I also have a life outside of this blog and I do not do well with people pressuring me as it makes me overthink and lose my will to write.
#sevy writings ☆
#sevy asks ☆
#sevy requests ☆
#sevy oc rambles ☆
#sevy delulu hours ☆
#random sevy appears ☆
#sevy's only braincell ☆
#sevy oomfies ☆
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jade-kyo · 24 days
Season 17 post restoration thoughts
Casually skipping 16 and going straight to 17 because lord knows I can’t afford to lose anymore braincells. I genuinely enjoy this season so I’m looking forward to the rewatch!
Ngl jumping straight from 15 to 17 really highlights how absurd this is like bro why is there gods and shit omg 😂
The fates are racist- that explains a lot
Donut my sweet baby boy
You know as much as I hate time travel stories this works way better for a “lets reference and call back to as many previous arcs and seasons as possible” nostalgia trip than Restoration did
Okay while I personally prefer the take that Donut is fully aware of all the innuendos he makes and is doing it to be a little shit I do think it being unintentional is really funny considering the ace Donut thing
“You have me all wrong” “I doubt it.” Donut the master at not getting gaslit
Donut knows Wash’s name is David- meaning Wash must have told all the reds and blues his real name
Felix is afraid of knives
Man I love it when Dr. Grey sounds like herself
We love insurance fraud
Wash just silently shooting Donut again has me wheezing holy shit
The Wash and Carolina conflict is so freaking good man I love them
Man this season is just genuinely entertaining to watch despite everything- the way I wish we could’ve gotten this character writing with a better story
Oh what’s that a way to reference back to all the freelancers that includes Wyoming and the triplets. The concepts are wild again.
Also it’s just genuinely hilarious
I need to find the ost for when Wash and Carolina reunite and she’s saying how she trusts him and doesn’t know why bro this music is so pretty
Seriously I’m enjoying this as a nostalgia trip so much more than restoration
Oh I can feel my inner 15 year old desperately trying to take control of my body and send me down the carwash pipeline again holy shit- platonic or romantic. They’re good either way 🙂
Kai I love you with all my heart and soul but you do not disrespect Junior like that
Yes Caboose IS a genius and also my son
Kai messing with Tucker is glorious holy shit is that bit funny I love them
“Time is made of circles” what a nice, funny and succinct callback. Look at those concepts being wild.
Not Tucker dropping the “your mom” bit on Doc AGSKHAKS
Wash might be a competitor with Church for number one Donut Stan
Or simulation headcanon: Church is projecting his liking of Donut onto Wash
Okay but Donut should be in the caves not under the pelican FR PEOPLE STOP FORGETTING ABOUT THE CAVES!!!
Laughs in Spanish
I love competent Caboose and Donut
“My testicles send their regards” has no right being as badass as it is
Love a good Tucker moment- sure wish it wasn’t just redoing his character development that never should’ve been undone to begin with
OKAY BUT TUCKER AND DONUT MOMENT THO???? So good- can’t believe Donut is the “angsty bitch”
Love them talking about the AI like they’re Carolina’s siblings
Holy shit the voice acting between these two is so good
“If he’s single there’s no hope for any of us” sargington nation rise
Sarcastic Donut my beloved
I said this last time but seeing Church impaled by a golf club, even if it is actually Genkins, is entirely unnecessary bro I don’t wanna see that
Sarges vision is further proof that the correct ending for him is retirement
“Don’t say toodles” LOVE sassy Donut so much
Grif enlisted reveal you will always be famous to me
I never actually thought about it too deeply before but now that I am holy shit do I love that detail it’s so good and actually reminds me of my own brother who enlisted for similar reasons and regrets it now- seriously Grif enlisting is so realistic, a lot of kids sadly think the military is the only thing that can give them structure and purpose. It’s a great addition to the anti military themes of RvB
TUCKER CANONICALLY HAS PANIC ATTACKS- the fact they kept his visions so vague is truly a CRIME
AND WE DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO CABOOSE- honestly I know they probably didn’t have this arc planned back then but they should’ve used the labyrinth for Caboose to find closure in Church’s death rather than the Time Machine nonsense in s15. I feel like that would’ve been infinitely more interesting.
Caboose gets it!!
Man what nice fairly satisfying conclusions to everyone’s arc- don’t we love wild concepts.
Sure maybe it’s not anything super poetic or perfect like 13 but at least it makes sense
Hell I’ve even warmed up to Donut leaving! Bro deserves some him time and it’s not like he said it was permanent or anything… doesn’t that just really hit you in the wild concept 🙂
You know what- this season is genuinely such a delight at times. Im thinking about adding it to my regular rewatch list along with 1-13 as just like a little bonus I can have at the end cause it’s just such fun. Glorified fanfiction! We love to see it- maybe Restoration sucking was a blessing in disguise cause it really gave me a new appreciation for 15 and 17 (but 17 especially). I probably won’t rewatch 15 as much cause being honest I don’t really enjoy it in its entirety as much as 17 but it’s got good moments I love.
Now- I know the logical thing for me to do is go back and watch 16 and then Restoration but here’s the thing… I don’t want to.
I genuinely do not enjoy those seasons. I don’t want to put myself through something that’s just gonna make me angry and bitter just for the sake of giving commentary on them- not right now anyway. Maybe one day I’ll feel like being a bit salty and do it but that’s just really not how I want to spend my time with my favorite show. I’ve already rewatched any clips from restoration that I cared to rewatch and I don’t think any of my feelings on it are gonna change. And I’ve seen 16 enough times to know my feelings won’t change.
Now what I am considering doing is rewatching 1-13 for the 20th time (<- accurate number, I’ve kept count over the years) and continuing to do these thought posts cause they’re good fun to do! So who knows whenever the time comes you’ll probably have to deal with more of my insane ramblings 😂
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11queensupreme11 · 6 months
Just wanted to ask (not sure if this got sent properly) but how could a loser!girlflop!MC NOT set back feminism?
Especially in the premise of your fic, where, if the tags are anything to go by, the female girlflop mc will lose everything she holds dear including her mental stability and bodily autonomy to five or more overpowered MEN (granted they are gods, but still men.)
The main difference between her and OG!Percy, who got both the love of his life Annabeth and a pretty set future at New Rome College? Their gender.
Just to explain, I for one fully, or at least mostly understood what I was getting into when I began reading Arsenic Blues. I saw the Dead Dove tag, and know how to differentiate reality from fiction.
However, there’s a possibility that some loud mouthed single braincelled men out there (or women with internalized misogyny) that considers a fem!Percy with practically the same strength, abilities, and personality, too pretentious or something, began reading your fic after seeing the tags to get off on fem!Percy being non con fucked out of her mind, traumatized, and knocked down a peg or billion, reduced to a mere common victim of the gods, because they don’t like the concept of a strong fem!Percy. Cuz surely a loser coded girl saving Olympus is just a fluke and she needs to be put in her place by capable men😒
(This possibility is of course not your problem nor responsibility of course, but it still does not negate the fact that it sets back feminism, as some may use it as “proof” that women are inferior idiots that can’t be trusted with power.
“Look at OG!Male!Percy! He saved Olympus and the world twice with little to no major losses, got the girl, and has a bright future! Look at fem!Percy. This idiot managed to destroy her world in her stupid attempt to do what only a male version of her could! I knew that first time was a fluke!)
An example of this would be Zenitsu from Demon Slayer, ( a loser coded cringey but cute badass, first character that came to mind), who has a pretty large fan base despite his loser personality. Make Zenitsu a girl, and all of a sudden everyone is bashing her for being the weak link, dead weight, pick me bitch.
Or using TBOSAS, some people truly blame Lucy Gray for leaving a clearly psychotic person and says that the Hunger Games were her fault for leaving. It’s her fault that Snow turned evil, blaming the woman for the man’s actions.
(you sent this twice, but the only difference is the last paragraph, so im just gonna answer to this one instead of repeating both, hope you don't mind!)
i truly don't believe my fanfic is gonna set feminism back because, as you said, it's not my responsibility if some incel or girl with internalized misogyny sees it and uses it as a "gotcha" that "hahaha girls are weak cuz look what happened to fem!percy".
no normal person is gonna read my fic (or any book like this in general tbh) and suddenly think "omg.... girls are inferior to men! this book told me so and i'm gonna take it as fact!". if someone does think that, then they already had issues to begin with way before they started reading. my fic did not give them those issues.
normal ppl don't let themselves get influenced by a book in such a way because they've already gotten a solidified sense of right or wrong and they should already know "yeah the stuff happening to this MC is bad and not at all their fault. anyway! time to enjoy more of their suffering 🤪".
UNLESS ofc, they don't have a fully solidified sense of right or wrong, meaning they're just way too young to be reading my fic (or books like it). even then, not really my fault because i already gave out the warnings and even ao3 gives an additional "are you sure you wanna read this?" page. people can't control who reads the fics/books, they can just give out warnings
also, about the og male!percy vs my fem!percy thing, i can easily just write fanfic about og!percy going through the same thing. then what are they gonna say? in fact, there already ARE some juicy dark fics about poor og percy, savior of olympus, being reduced to just another victim of the gods (there's actually a lot more dark fics of og!percy going through traumatizing shit then there are fem!percy ones hehe 😍)
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bookdaddysworld · 7 months
Reader x Ryan Ross(protective)
*writing for a friend enjoy*
"Alright cut! That's lunch!" called the director.
The music in the background stopped and the lights went down as everyone stopped what they were doing to go and eat.
You walked away from your fellow performers to see your boyfriend Ryan waiting off to the side with a smile.
"Hey babe" He said.
"Hey!" You said as you greeted him with a hug.
You two walked and talked as you headed to the makeshift cafeteria that had been built on set. The music video for "I write sins not tragedies" was being filmed and you were lucky enough to not only be a dancer on the set but the girlfriend of one of the members, Ryan Ross.
"What do you wanna eat?" he asked.
"I trust your opinion."
"You sure about that?" he replied quirking his brow.
You laughed "Yes I'm sure".
"Okay, I'll be right back" he chirped as he walked away to the line.
While you waited you kicked your feet up on to a bench and put in your earbuds to listen to some music on your iPod. You weren't paying much attention so when you felt a tap on your solider you didn't expect to see someone other than Ryan. Instead it was a fellow performer who you had briefly been introduced to when filming started. You remembered his name was Tom.
"Hey Y/n" he said tapping your shoulder to get your attention.
"Oh um hey Tom, what's up?"
"Ya know just tryna find someone cool to hang out with".
"oh okay" you laughed.
You tried to go back to listening to your music but he persisted with his attempt to converse with you. Seeing as Ryan was taking forever you humored him and had a casual conversation. But you kept looking around wondering where Ryan was and Tom noticed.
"Who are you looking for" he questioned.
"Oh no one there's just so many people it's crazy."
"Oh yeah there really is but you're pretty easy to pick out"
You laughed awkwardly but grew a little uncomfortable as you tried to figure out if he was trying to hit on you. You continued to carry on the light conversation but it was hard when he kept getting bolder.
"So what are you doing after this?"He asked.
"um probably hanging out with some friends" you say trying to be vague on purpose.
"Anything set or.."
"um kinda"
"Well maybe you should ditch your friends and come hang out with me" he said getting closer to you on the bench.
"I have a boyfriend you know"
"I don't see him" he said putting his hand on your knee.
Okay so he was a creep, great. You went to push him away and tell him to get lost when somebody from behind pulled him away. It was Ryan.
"Excuse me why are you touching my girlfriend?" Ryan said with a hard stare.
Tom eyes practically bugged out of his head as he stuttered out a response that required one braincell.
"Oh this is you're girlfriend?! I'm sorry I had no id-"
"No" Ryan cut him off "She told you she did and you still tried to come on to her.
Tom stumbled as he got off the bench I was sitting on. Attempting and failing to look cool as he bullshitted a response to my very angry boyfriend.
"listen dude you gotta understand man to man, you gotta shoot your shot when you can."
What a piece of work.
"Well dude you gotta understand that when someone tells you they have a boyfriend that you need to fuck off."
"why so serious it's not like she a 10 out 10 why are you so angry."
"The fuck did you just say." Ryan said quietly.
Ryan looked like he was about to lose his shit, which as hot as he looked was not what needed to happen right now. So you tried to interject.
"Alright that's enough, Tom you need to leave you're making a fool out of yourself"
People had started to notice the scene that was unfolding and you could see a security guard a ways away starting to notice the situation. Tom failing to hide his embarrassment turned on you.
"You need to learn when to shut up bitch!" Tom pushed you away and you hit the ground.
Before you knew it Tom was on the ground too and Ryan was seemingly hell bent on beating his face in.
You wanted to tell him to stop but was torn between that and letting that asshole get what he deserved.
Before you could make up your mine the security guard you had seen was tearing a slightly disheveled Ryan off of a bloodied Tom.
Ryan was breathing heavily and his hair was ruffled. He had a slight bloody nose and his knuckles were bruised but was otherwise unharmed.
The same could not be said for Tom
I looked at the security guard and saw a name tag that said "Mike".
He looked at me and asked "I saw what happened are you okay?"
I could only nod because my attention was on Ryan who was now in front of me helping off the ground.
"Are you okay" he asked.
"Yeah I'm fine, you're bleeding"
"I'm fine and you're lying your hands are all scraped up"
"I honestly think that's the least of my worries right now"
He chuckled and rolled his eyes
" Come on let's get you cleaned up" I said grabbing his hand and leading him away from the screaming shitbag flopping around on the ground as Mike tried to restrain him.
I managed to find a first aid kit and lead him to a family restroom. I washed my hands off while Ryan waited patiently. He went and sat on the counter while I opened the kit and stood between his legs to begin cleaning and wrapping up his hands.
"You know" he said in a quiet tone "I should be cleaning your hands".
I scoffed "I washed them I'm fine, you are the one who needs first-aid".
"Well still you shouldn't have to do thi-"
"Oh my god", I stopped cleaning to look at him in the eye, "enough just let me help you".
"Okay" he said dropping the subject as I finished wrapping his hands and went to wipe the blood off his face.
"I'm sorry you had to deal with that asshole" he said breaking the silence again.
"You have nothing to be sorry about". I paused then laughed before saying "plus you did one hell of a job at getting him to leave me alone".
We both laughed as I finished wiping his face and put down the wipe. When we stopped we just stared at each other in a silence that was steadily filling the room with tension.
He really did look good. His hair was still ruffled and he was so pretty you couldn't stand it.
"You know I'll always try my best to be there for you right?" he said grabbing my waist and pulling me closer to him.
I smiled as my stomach filled with butterflies "yeah".
He looked at my lips then back at my eyes then smiled.
"Good" he said leaning in a closing the gap between our lips.
A warmth starting at my lips radiated throughout my body as our lips slowly moved to together. I slowly brought my hands up his back and tangled them in his hair as he deepened the kiss, thoroughly taking my breath away. My mind became hazy as he became more passionate pulling me flush against him and running his hand up and down my body. I had forgotten where I was and was well on my way to forgetting who I was when there was a knock on the door.
I pulled away quickly, breathing heavily, as I said "occupied" while signaling to Ryan to be quiet.
He just looked amused. Well actually he looked far more than amused, he looked hot as hell with his hair messy and lips swollen, but I was too distracted by whoever was currently banging on the door.
After I was sure they walked away I turned back to Ryan.
"We should probably go."
"Already?" he said with a sad and stupid pout that made me laugh.
"Yea but" I said pulling him close to me again by the collar of his shirt "we can finish this later".
He smiled and looked me up and down
"Can't wait."
The End
*Did y'all get the five nights at freddies reference with mike the security guard or are you lame. Anyways y'all like it?*
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rovimrtheduck · 2 months
Stuff I've heard at school: Part 15
He didn't lose a braincell he lost the entire brain
So throughout the game he kept going 'you don't want my chunky dick?'
I do not care about your bowl movements
No one cares about your asshole
Strawberry twink
He would taste like strawberry mochi
It would look like someone exploded
P1: Those tasted like my gandmas house
P2: why are you eating your grandmas house
P1: "My grandpas not dead. The other one is, but this one isn't"
P2: "Give him time"
Teacher: yeah that's right! lower your head in shame! lower! lower!
Student, doing a walk of shame for overdue work: any lower than this and I'll be crawling!
Quebec French just, SOUNDS like they're cursing you out
This guy's hiding the fact that he, like, ties a kite to his phone
I was just going to say he has really child bearing hips
P1: "Debrah (a rifle gun) would be happy"
P2: "What's debrahs beef with me"
P1: "She doesn't like you because you've used her one too many times lol"
P2: "…is that a terrorist joke?"
P1: "yeah"
P2: "haha okay cool just checking hahaha"
Please lets refrain from calling teachers twinks
P1: "Guatamala"
P2: "That says Gujrat"
P1: "Guatamalaaa"
P2: "I guess I'm guatamalan now? lol"
P1: "Yeah you're guava"
P1, to P3: Yeah, well, I'm not Indian P2, distracted by his phone: You mean Indigenous P1, gesturing to P3, who is Indian: No I mean Indian P2, not looking up: Yeah, the proper term is Indigenous P1, aggressively gesturing to P3, who is waving awkwardly: No, I mean INDIAN P2, finally looking up: OHH! I thought you were talking about Indigenous 'Indian'! My bad, my bad.
what the hap just fuckened
P1: "Drank perfumes?"
P2: "What?"
P1: "All I heard was you went to bath and body works to drink perfume"
Do you know how balls deep I need to be in a story to be effectively begging my screen to kill off a character?
That is the sauciest look I've ever seen someone give me
Because when they're going out to no-mans land that what they're thinking, 'I want a really nice tank, very visually pleasing tank, I don't want that Mark One'
"Yo, FUCK him I'd smash his mom"
+ "Yeah and after we're done I'm going to look him dead in the eye and say 'I fucked your mom'"
P1: "Thank you for violating my (oc) characters"
P2, in an uncomfortably eager voice: "I can violate them even more if you want"
"It's the cummie water from school" sips "oh yeah, that is cum"
"Where did you get these genes from"
*looks down at his jeans* "Old Navy?"
"and he goes 'My body is my resume!' and takes his shirt off, and I showed it to my manager because I had no idea what to say"
They literally pickled a baby! (in reference to Ares mythology)
You can either be gay or funny, choose one
I identify as out of this-world
The G in LGBT stands for God
OoOoh, I don't know what I did, but I am learning SO MUCH.
Dionysus is his tumor then!
This is my tumor, he's a drunken little shit who we decided to banish to earth for a while
Blowjobs, for anyone who isn't a sex worker, should be called blowhobbies
What do you call two Jewish stoner in a car? A gas chamber
It's not because you're a rabbit, it's bc you're black!
I inhaled a piece of cheese and it won't get UNINHAILED *coughing*
Who needs their liver anyway
We're the testicles
Why did you give me that look? You look like a child seeing their father for the first time after getting the milk
UM NO. I think that's YOU little miss toe-socks
Even your writing looks dyslexic
Lycan we're both failing math, I don't need this right now.
Reverse racism, but not like, in a racist way
Wow, you even SOUND dyslexic
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