#{ rant post }
i've been reading another view of stalin recently and even if i already had found out about a good amount of the contents of it through other means the things ludo martens tells you are absolutely baffling, like, unironically groundbreaking. i remember reading khruschev lied by furr and him saying how he can't just disprove the entire "stalin stigma" in one book (and he's right, it would be a gigantic task) but martens is able to shred light into SO MUCH of it. like i SWEAR after reading how the kulaks killed like almost 100 million animals in livestock to sabotage collectivization, and then how the ukrainian fascists all talked about how they were involved in burning crops and doing sabotage left and right in the 30s (the same fascists who later joined hitler and committed the most horrible pogroms), or how the bukharinists, the trotskyites and the military bonapartists had absolutely no issue in just collaborating with nazis, with japanese imperial officers, or how almost every single source for famous holodomor books are literal nazi collaborators using photographs from the tsarist times and from the 1922 famine (WHICH WAS CAUSED BY FOREIGNER INTERVENTION) to prove the "evils" of the USSR, it all just fucking made me want to scream on liberals going on and on about how "ukraine was a rebellious republic... stalin wanted to kill them all and he succeeded" or that "dekulakization was almost as bad as the holocaust". also like mate i don't require everyone to have intricate knowledge about stalin's period on names and dates but some of these people go on alledging stuff while they can't even, like, name who zinoviev was. or who bandera was. jesus christ
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dr-spectre · 2 days
Being autistic sucks because you could become obsessed with something out of your control but it makes your brain happy. And if you try and talk about your obsession in a general fandom sphere you get made fun of because it seems childish by other most likely autistic people as well. And so your passion is put into question and you start thinking "am I a man child? Why am I so obsessed with something so childish? I'm so stupid. This is stupid. I'm a baby. Why can't I just be obsessed with something adult and that has actual themes? Why do I get so laser focuses on people's word choices over CALLIE FUCKING CUTTLEFISH!!!!?!??!!?! SHES SO SILLY! NO ONE TAKES HER SERIOUSLY...."
(speaking from personal experience. As in I got made fun of in a tumblr comment section on a post that I replied to.)
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I read the Tim Drake pride comic and looked through the comments on the site... That was a fucking mistake. Okay gotta rant, one comment said that Tim being written as Bi is forced and that he never showed that ... This could be me, but wasn't he created and written in the 90s? What would they show?! Also if people had an issue with the break up with Steph, okay I get it, if people felt the comic "didn't convey him being bi correctly" okay cool, but it's not forced or pandering or woke to write him bisexual.
That is a new set of writers putting an interesting spin on an old character.
And you know what:
I fucking love it!
I never saw him as being with Stephanie, that is just my opinion.
And while I don't love it him and Konnor, him and Bernard, whatever it is works.
I hate that a change to a character is met with "Woke" or "Pandering" or "Forced" and then they don't even give it a chance. I should not have read those disquis comments lol. I should not have. I'm sorry ... I am so sorry.
I probably overreacted, maybe I'm wrong, but Tim Drake is a good character, the fact they made him bisexual and not just gay was a good twist because bisexual men are looked down on sadly. Heck, a bisexual man isn't even accepted but some people today! The fact that this is canon makes me happy and... I liked the story.
Sorry for ranting and rambling guys. Your regularly scheduled Batfamily fanfic will return after this lol
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fymo-blogs · 19 hours
Bro, why is it that the warriors community is so insistent on Mapleshade being an unreliable narrator, yet they believe everything Appledusk has ever said?
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Bellamy Blake and Clarke griffin are too normal about each other in a significant amount of content about them and I don't know why. These are not two well adjusted individuals, kind and well intentioned, yes, but they are both ready and willing to kill mass amounts of people just to keep who they care about safe. They will kill and maim if they have to, themselves, each other, nobody is safe and why am I not hearing about it!! Why is there no blood and teeth and rage!! They are Mind and Heart, they can't exist without the other and it's painful! it hurts them! it hurts the people around them!!. I mean in Josephine's Bellarke monologue, both her and Bellamy acknowledge that the relationship between them is weird and exhausting. And he still does everything in his power to bring her back. This was meandering and ranting but I'll end this with the general summary of: Let Bellarke be weird and co-dependent and angry and irrational about each other, it's their natural habitat.
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tiredtourettic · 1 day
Hot take:
I, as a person part of the LGBTQ+ community, don't feel safe in it.
I'm a (genderfluid) trans man, amongst other things. But in the community I get ostracized, because I'm a man. Yes, a lot of (cis) men have privilege. But I'm not a cis man. My community's oppression is being swiped under the rug because we're men, people are claiming we have privilege because of our gender. But being men doesn't take away our oppression.
It hurts me seeing other queer people, especially other trans people, claiming we don't face oppression unique to us. You're supposed to get it, you face the same kind of thing, and then you turn around and say we're exaggerating. That we have privilege over trans women and nonbinary folk. You're siding with the transphobes here.
We, as trans people, are supposed to stick together and fight for all of our rights. We're supposed to support each other.
Transmascs are no less oppressed just because we're men. This is not the oppression Olympics.
Let me repeat:
This is not the oppression Olympics.
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clayderogatory · 3 days
ok wait kinda realish talk rn like out of my own curiosity and wonder why is it that so many leon x readers...the readers are always without fail never male?? or at least like gender neutral....i wouldnt even mind like a trans y/n...if i ever feel like reading one just for funsies idk it feels very disconnecting and sometimes i wish there was more options to read
like genuinely asking is it harder to write?? is it an audience catering thing?? like i wish to know pls
hopefully this doesnt sound mean...i dont want it to..its just one thing i noticed throughout my time on tumblr thats all bai bai love you guys
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the-one-who-burned · 16 hours
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Apologies in advance for this tangent I’ll be going on.
It truly irks me when those who falsely claim to be obsessed or devoted appear before me. They make a mockery of those of us who truly wish to be at the altar of our beloved, to sit at their feet and devote ourselves to them regardless of what we get in return. How dare you spit such blasphemy under the name we share? Love? Devotion? Obsessed? Please don’t make me laugh. What you feel is nothing more than infatuation and desperation that's all you reek of. I pity the poor souls who are subjected to such watered-down, superficial, tasteless “love”. Do not trespass into our hallowed ground and pretend to be one of us.
You are not welcome here.
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valkayrieactual · 2 days
stupid fleshy biological body running on chemical energy. I need a body that runs on electrical energy so that I can plug my phone into myself
"just carry a battery with you"
no! my body stores energy let me use it!
this post was brought to you by a low battery notification impacting my ability to keep browsing Tumblr and being horny for other robotgirls
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my thoughts on chapter 270 and why it feels like a slap in the face to megumi's character
overall, i didn't HATE the chapter but there are so many elements in it that really had me jaded. i'm gonna yap and i can't guarantee that this will be a short post.
i've been saying ever since the series ending announcement came out that i would like to see a good, emotionally-driven conversation with the trio; specifically, between yuji and megumi. not because of itafushi or whatever, but because this final arc has been leading up to megumi's return and him and yuji being reunited. we get 266 and 268 and both of those are good for there relationship, but we should have gotten MORE.
opening up at tsumiki's grave was such a good opening for megumi. i've BEEN saying that his character deserves a good conclusion and a lot of people think that that's what 266 and 268 were, but i think that there should have been one more, final meg-centric focus for his story to really feel like it's ending. unfortunately, tsumiki's funeral is like one page and we immediately jump to CG side characters that i (frankly) do not care for.
we return to our trio characters with the megumi and hana scene which….. personal opinions and thoughts aside, i thought was fine???? like it just felt so out of place and like really a meghana joke… of all things?? i was never a fan of hana's character, which is sad bc i hesitate to say that she IS a character with the way that gege has written her to be a plot device. like what are her motivations? her ideas? her goals?? they are all megumi-centric and it just falls so flat. she likes the IDEA of megumi and she doesn't actually KNOW him, nor does she understand his life, his struggles, his beliefs, or his pain.
it's this very reason why i am SO GLAD that megumi rejects her and i am HOPING that gege doesn't shoehorn in a meghana or a itazawa relationship. not only does it feel cheap, but they don't actually KNOW each other. they've barely interacted, both girls just like yuji and megumi on a superficial level. if there was more time to develop them, have them together and interact, then i would be much less opposed, but at this point having them get together would just be throwing in a relationship for the sake of throwing in a relationship.
on a personal level though, i wrote a separate post on megumi's and yuji's parallels and i fully believe for that reason that they ARE soulmates, whether or not it's romantic, and they deserve a romantic interest that understands them on that kind of level.
anyway, back to it. the rest of the chapter is more setup for what's to come. it feels like there may be a jjk 2, or a spin off, or like an epilogue short series to come after the series ends. honestly, i'm not sure how i feel about that, and i will hold off until the last chapter before i state my final peace.
but overall, i think that this all could have been done sooner, i think that this chapter could have been 269, and i think that the characters should have been the focuse. the MAIN characters, not the random CG side cast that we haven't seen in like a year. this chapter was fine, just fine. was it bad? no. was it good? absolutely not. if i had to rate it, i would say it's like a 4… maybe a 5 out of 10. i think that this all COULD have been great, but with the time that we have left and with the way that series is going, i'm hesitant to say that this will be a good ending.
i really, really do not want any canon relationships in here for the sake of giving our main cast a love interest. please, gege, if you're going to do it, make it fucking meaningful.
yap over.
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colduncrustable · 4 hours
the martin antis working so hard to make waves is so funny. like, you are very much allowed to like/dislike any character you please! but making it your whole personality or acting like you’re cooler for it is a little bit silly. you are not morally or intellectually superior for hating on a fiction character.
not to mention all of the characters in tma are very nuanced and complicated, just like real people (!), and erasing all of that to serve a certain narrative is a complete disservice to the entire body of work. jon and martin’s relationship was never meant to be easy, they first and foremost worked closely together as boss/employee, and in a workplace that was actively putting them in dangerous and horrible situations. the whole point is that they’re both super fucked up but they have each other anyway. they both have flaws, they both have gone through a great deal both with and without each other, but they found love anyway. the idea that the dynamic change in s5 is due to martin just being this villain is so wild? like he’s not a doormat anymore but he also loves jon so fiercely and stands by him over and over again?
jon hated him, jon ignored him, was verbally horrible to him again and again, literally sent him on a dangerous investigation and said if anyone had to die might as well be him, jon accused him of murder, screamed at him, jon was on the run, jon died. martin was his number one defender through everything, even when honestly? he didn’t do a lot to prove he deserved it. but martin was strong in his loyalty and did his best to be a supporter anyway. he picked up extra work, he thought of him kindly when no one else did, he mourned him, and he put himself directly in the line of fire for jon. for everyone, yes, but especially for jon, he says that. because after everything, protecting jon is still his number one priority.
it’s so important to his character that he isn’t s1 martin anymore—that he learns to be a real person who has thoughts and feelings and a backbone. jon wanted that, and does it not say something that they don’t work out until martin learns to have a little bite? there’s a difference between being a real complicated traumatized human person, and just straight up being evil, or an asshole. jon had to learn how to be a lot of softer things but martin had to learn how to square his shoulders and stick out his chin. they had different arcs, and that doesn’t make either of them inherently evil or bad. it makes them real and not perfect and very multilayered, yeah.
martin didn’t handle every choice or action perfectly, he made a lot of mistakes, and he never claims to be the best person ever. but jon also fucked up, a lot. it isn’t a competition or a comparison, that’s really not how that works. but they work because of their flaws. that’s a big part of them fitting together. martin represented the humanity they were saving, with all his good and bad. jon was well beyond that, and while that doesn’t inherently compromise his character, it does mean he’s viewed in a much different light.
(meaning i think jon’s sins are seen very very different to martin’s.) (to be clear i think both deserve to be looked at critically, but hating either of them devoutly seems sort of silly.)
i’m not sure how you can listen to tma and all the ways it dissects and reflects on humanity and turn around and run blogs or make posts in the fandom about how you hate one of the main characters for being all of that.
jon never would’ve made it through without martin, even if martin wasn’t the key to everything, he was the reason to push through and not give up. martin is why jon didn’t go full monster mode, why he held onto who he was and his humanity, even with the whole ‘kill bill’ thing. martin gave him a reason to keep going, to try, to care so deeply. obviously there were other factors but jon says it himself, martin you are my reason.
if you can’t handle the fact that martin isn’t a grade a soft boy by the end of the show that’s a lot more about you than it is about him. he grew and maybe not always for the better but he could be a real person for jon instead of some kind of mirror or blank slate to be reflected on. i genuinely don’t understand how he can be misunderstood so deeply.
they’re both fucked up ! and if they are alive Somewhere Else you bet your ass they’re having long talks and going to therapy and fighting and making up and pacing the floors and figuring it all out together. it isn’t clean or easy or necessarily enjoyable all the time, but humanity isn’t either, love isn’t either. they went through unimaginable trauma, and expecting either of them to be holding it together any better than they already are is wild. context, it’s important. but let’s not turn multi-dimensional characters into flat one word answers.
it’s very human to like and dislike, love and hate based off of bias and experiences and perspective. but also opinion does not make fact. everything is relative, everything is subjective, everything everything everything. it’s an open discussion yada yada idk i’m just screaming into the wall about all the nonsense.
and beyond all of that, discourse is so useless. criticism and constructive conversations are really really important but discourse is pointless! oh you ship these people? well that inherently threatens my ship! oh you like this character that i hate? well that makes me feel invalid for hating them. like what you like, hate what you hate, have your feelings. but if you post shit on the internet you will get people who disagree, sorry, that’s how it is. partaking in little arguments over who is right or wrong when it doesn’t actually have to do with anything harmful or unhealthy makes no sense though. posting on the internet about all the hate you have in your heart when the world is already so full of it doesn’t actually do anything but add more bad to an already very large pile of bad.
things can be discussions not arguments sometimes, i promise. it’s not always tooth and nail, and let’s not forget, most of it is over things that never need to be fought over.
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dr-spectre · 3 days
your most recent post reminds me how much I don't enjoy overtly negative octavio depictions and callie being treated as a "brainwashed hapless victim) due to how it feels like an oversimplification of the lore as well as translation cherry picking
(it's also why i can't get behind "morally good" cuttlefish like hi he canonically recruits children too consider he enlisted his own grandchildren into his literal secret operation + if we count the English translation as the all holy translation is behaviour towards marina is genuinely vile "I don't see species" DUDE???l
It gives a sense that when we see callie still caring about Dj Octavio, it comes from a sense that she gets him, as well as a more fanon interpretation on my end, that she feels like at least he reached out to her, he could've easily kicked her out of octo canyon but he let her stay
And that probably meant a lot to her, even if quite a bit of it was maybe manipulation, it was still more than what she got on the surface, because on the surface, all she was was an idol people could see and bombard with photos, a brand. And not a person.
It's like hell on nuanced earth 😭
Woopsies this is very long 💀💀💀💀
I don't have much to say about this. I've ranted about Callie and DJ Octavio for so fucking long man. And i ain't gonna stop until i can go on Inkipedia without groaning, or watch a YouTube video where some random guy doesn't just reads off a wiki page and nothing else. I'm getting really really tired.
Sometimes the Splatoon community really makes me upset and it's lack of giving a shit on what words they use. Brainwashing and Hypnosis are on opposite sides definition wise. STOP USING THEM INTERCHANGEABLY!!!!! I HAD ENOUGH!!!!! THIS APPLIES TO OTHER MEDIA TOO!!!!!!!!! ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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God. I would rather the Splatoon community push a "Callie and her second octopus grandpa" dynamic over the malicious takes people have said for over 7 years. Why do we want that shit for Callie and Octavio? Ugh... Oh well. I'll keep ranting over and over again, i don't care anymore. I don't care if i seem mean or pissed off. I am angry. (Plus i didn't get much sleep last night so i'm a bit bleh rn...)
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jeabsblog · 1 day
TW: low key trama dumping srry, Svi<id3 mention, abv53, 3d, kinda long
I wish I could be but I’m accepting that I am not a cute/organized/structured Ana.
I’m a gross Ana, laxatives washed down with a flat Diet Pepsi from the night before. Room disgusting and dirty broken windows bugs crawling in on the daily, no curtains either everyone can see and hear into my room, no door knob just a door with a hole in it. Punch holes in my closet door, knats, flys, and even maggots residing in my room during certain times of the year, other times of the year stink bugs, lady bugs, and possums. Never rats or mice, thanks to the 4cats living with us, always smelling like feces and urine, thanks to the cats ( and the 2 dogs) my room is full of trash. Black mold is growing on my walls, walls still stained from years of my pawpaw smoking Marbolo reds in here. Paint ripped off here and there, my ceiling hangs so low I’ve hit my head on my ceiling fan multiple times, my ceiling is being held together by a half assed roof patch done years ago. Cigarettes and ash EVERYWHERE, it wreaks of cigarettes on top of the feces and urine stench. Dirty cloths clumped together with feces on the ground. I’ve cleaned this room hundreds of times, now it just stays this way. I barley live in this room either way, I live on islands. Chair, bed, living room chair, toilet, never touching the ground. The hallway in our trailer filled to the brim with dirty cloths, feces and urine stains, baskets with cloths covered in feces in them, cramped. The bathroom is no different. The living room was recently cleaned by our new house mates a while ago so it’s better there but moms there so I never stay. I perfer wearing shoes in the house cuz the carpet floor is sticky and you never know when you could step in something. Having to walk >1mile to stores in 90-80degree heat for basic necessities since moms car is broken. Mom often makes us stay in my room ( we can’t leave to use the bathroom or anything ) so she can smoke Cr4<k. We have no food in the house, only having a small plate of a pork chop for dinner every other night when moms not on a b3nd3r. having to have my gfs family take me to the dr when I’m sick, aswell as to the gyno for birth control. They also give us food, toilet paper, and other necessities often. I’m not going into detail abt mom…Before my little brother threatened to k1||h1ms3lf cuz I wasn’t spending enough time with him I never really stayed here. I hate it here. It’s not fair to leave my little brother here with my mom in this place. It’s not fair so I stay and starve. Starving makes me feel better.
Thankfully, I’m almost 18 and if things go well dad will get let out of jail Nov 2027 when I’m 20 and my little brother 18. By that age we can all 3 ditch mom like we’ve always wanted.
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fascinating-lives · 2 days
FUCK the FIA. Literally I assure you nobody FUCKING cares. These mfs are the one preaching about FUCKING free speech. FUCK you guys honestly. I FUCKING guarantee you guys that they wouldn't bat an eye if their pretty media princes said anything. These hypocritical dumbasses need to shove it.
If anything kids shouldn't fucking watch Formula 1 in that case then. It's literally a sport where people crash and get seriously injured regularly, with multiple fatal accidents. That's way fucking worse than swearing.
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tseliius · 2 days
this a public service announcement
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ok ok. since we got the devil may cry netflix trailer today i’ve seen my close friends getting worried over what’s gonna happen to the fanbase after it releases and if viewership increases.
buckle in because this is a sorta long post
for those of you who don’t know, the devil may cry anime is apparently in the same extended universe (of sorts) as netflix’s castlevania.
in the past, when castlevania got big, new fans began to flock to the fandoms and get to posting, as fans do. all was well.
except it kinda wasn’t.
some newer fans were not as kind to fans of the castlevania video games, and instead of- i dunno, playing the games themselves and experiencing the reason why we have a castlevania show in the first place, they decided to completely disregard and ignore them and the fans, and essentially substitute the games’ canon with the show’s canon.
these fans, sometimes, were very disrespectful towards the older fans and the love they held for the original video games. my friends were there to see it happen (on this very site, no less) and it was incredibly disheartening for them to see.
i would also be hurt if someone, who is a fan of a newer installment in my favorite franchise that has a new continuity, completely disregard the previous canon and the love that older fans like me have for it and just substitute it with the new one without once acknowledging or engaging with us in the first place.
if this sounds nitpicky, it’s just because i’m bad at words — if you understand what i’m getting at so far, then great!! now let me get to the main point.
there is a good possibility of new fans coming in when the anime comes out next spring, and if you originally knew nothing about devil may cry and you will be watching the anime for yourself, then:
1. welcome to the crew. we have pizza!
2. this message is for you!!!
i will also be watching the new anime! i’m always excited to have new people to talk about something i love with. however, i am also a fan of the original video games. i may not be good at them, but i love them.
if you decide to engage with us in any way, we welcome you, but we humbly ask this of you:
be kind.
it is okay if you like the show’s canon more than the games’ canon! if you haven’t given the games a try and you want to, then please do!!! don’t let the difficulty spike fool you — there’s good shit in there, we promise.
however, we ask that you don’t completely disregard or ignore the original games, or be disrespectful to older fans in any way. that can be disheartening to a lot of people, and a little exhausting considering how i’ve detailed that this has happened before.
tl;dr, be kind and civil to your fellow devil hunters, people. we love this just as much as you do, and we want to share that love with all of you as a community.
but y’know, i’m just a strange gal on the internet. i’m not your mom.
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hope this reaches the right people. don’t forget: i love you! 🩷
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pennysucks · 2 days
I mean, I know why but
COME ONE, THERE ARE 12 OLYMPIANS FOR GODS SHAKE AND THEY'RE ALL FAMILY, WHY ISN'T ANYONE WRITING A FAMILY FIC????(not with good parents, cuz Zeus sucks objectively, but with the sibling gods bonding like come on)
I was planing on writing one myself but it's not exactly based on that, I have a whole ass story in mind that I want to develop 💀
E well I might put sibling shenanigans as a B plot 👻
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Btw I have a very scrappy draft of that fic, if anyone wants to see it lemme know cuz I don't have the courage to post it on my own😜
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