#🌙: restless night
Idk if I've asked this or not (if so feel free to ignore this) but I'd love to see a snippet of a villain finding a wounded hero and taking them to their home to tend to their wounds and give them reassurance. Make it very fluffy, cuddles and everything pls 🙏
Even though the villain wasn’t particularly good at stitching wounds, they made sure to work carefully. The hero didn’t look much better than yesterday. Swollen flesh around their eye, bruises colouring them, enough cuts and broken fingers for a lifetime — the villain couldn’t stop staring, couldn’t stop worrying.
The hero had been too exhausted to ask the typical “why.”
Why did you save me? Why didn’t you kill me? Why are you helping me? And the villain was thankful for that because, to be honest, they didn’t know the answer either.
The hero’s skin turned cold outside of the bathtub’s scorching water and the villain was sitting there, looking at the hero’s low hanging head, their muscular back, their hair nearly dipping into the water. Although marked by battle, the hero was beautiful.
It was true, the villain had been beet-red when the hero had undressed in front of them quietly. They hadn’t known where to look nor what to say. At least the medication had worked. The hero wasn’t in pain anymore and the villain’s stitches were improving.
“Can you raise your head?” the villain asked softly. The hero did so and the other started to wash their hair. Sometimes the villain would wake up in the middle of the night. Restless nightmares had been bothering them for years and they hadn’t found a way to deal with that until very recently.
They would never admit this but they typed news into the search bar of their phone, searching for articles that featured photos of the hero. They felt like a creep, like a stalker but seeing the hero on these pictures, seeing them save people and smile into the cameras gave them security. As if the hero was going to save them from those nocturnal nights.
And now, the villain was the one who sat on the guest bed, holding the hero’s hand until they were asleep. More than once, their eyes had gotten heavy and the wish to lay down next to the hero had overwhelmed them, dragging them down into the mattress. But every time, the villain had snapped out of it and gone into their own room.
“I haven’t seen you this wounded in months,” the villain said. They looked down at the hero’s exposed back. The cuts, the bruises.
“Yeah, I haven’t been very lucky lately.” The hero’s voice was rough.
“Maybe you should take a break.” The villain grabbed the shower head to rinse out the other’s hair.
“Don’t really have time for that. I promised you I’d be gone in two days.”
“Stay as long as you need to,” the villain answered.
The hero was quiet for a moment, letting the villain work on their hair until the villain was done.
“Have you ever had trouble sleeping?” they asked and the villain started blushing immediately.
“…yes, I have nightmares.” They let go of the hero’s hair but the hero grabbed their wrist and pressed their flat hand against their own cheek.
“Me too,” they mumbled and the villain’s embarrassment grew and grew. “But when you’re with me I feel okay. I feel at peace and I can actually fall asleep.”
The villain wondered if they would feel the same if they actually stayed in that bed.
“We could try…” The villain couldn’t form any words.
“Yes,” the hero said. “I’d love to try.”
“If you stay for a little longer.” The hero smiled lazily at that. They kissed the villain’s hand.
“I think I will. I really need a break.”
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startistdoodles ¡ 6 months
For Prisma:
🌙 (Moon) - Is your OC a particularly light or heavy sleeper? Somewhere in-between? Do they take naps?
🎶 (Music Notes) - Do they play any instruments? What kind of leitmotif and/or battle theme would they have? Are there any songs you associate with them?
💌 (Love Letter) - How easy are they to befriend? Are they more of a social butterfly or a lone wolf?
⚖️ (Scales) - On the subject of a certain someone’s lengthy rant; is your OC moreso on the side of magic or science? Somewhere in-between? Do they incorporate the two together in some way?
💜 (Purple Heart) - If they were corrupted by the Jamba Heart, which negative traits of theirs would be amplified?
🌙 (Moon) - Prisma is a relatively good sleeper! She never really has trouble going to bed, but sometimes she can be a bit more restless and finds herself waking up at random times in the middle of the night.
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🎶 (Music Notes) - She doesn't play any instruments, but I imagine her battle theme would be somewhat whimsical and playful sounding, as a fight with her would be more a friendly test of strength rather than a serious confrontation.
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💌 (Love Letter) - Prisma is very much a social butterfly and enjoys making friends, especially when she was little. Nowadays while she is still friendly, she remains slightly cautious about new people. But she's still quick to befriend others if they show themselves to be kind.
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⚖️ (Scales) - Definitely a magic user! She doesn't know a whole lot about science, but is very familiar with her powers being very magic-based.
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💜 (Purple Heart) - Will be answered in another ask!
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chlobliviate ¡ 1 month
Wolfstar Microfic - Faster
Words: 839
Remus would forever be grateful to Sirius for spotting the moon, dragging him back into the shrieking shack, kissing his temple and locking the door before he could transform. Even with the wolfsbane, he wouldn’t wish it on Harry and his friends to witness the transformation.
Even with Remus' mind, the wolf was restless. He could smell Sirius and Peter. Peter. He knew Hermione had hit him with incarcerous, but worried all night about whether they’d finally got him.
After he turned back, groggy and exhausted, but uninjured, the door swung open. He swallowed the disappointment at not Sirius standing there, but Dumbledore.
“Good Morning!” He said jovially as if the events of last night were a regular occurrence. “How are you feeling?”
Remus frowned, “Albus, tell me—”
“I’ll get to that, Remus. How are you feeling? Was the potion adequate?”
“Yes, thank you.” He muttered, “I didn’t sleep much, but I’m fine.”
“Glad to hear it!” Dumbledore’s eyes twinkled. “Mr Potter, Mr Weasley and Miss Granger are all safe and unharmed, other than Mr Weasley’s leg which is already on the mend. Severus is… his usual self.” Remus snorted, “He has made a point to inform the ministry of your condition, which will no doubt filter down to parents and students in due course. I want to make myself absolutely clear, Remus, that you belong here. No complaints from parents or questions from the wizengamot will change that. I hope that you will stay.”
Remus stared at the wall, everyone would know. Surely parents would withdraw their children, and send them to Beauxbatons where they weren’t being taught by a monster. Of course, he couldn’t stay.
Dumbledore interrupted his train of thought, “The students respond to you and they enjoy your lessons. You would be doing yourself and them a disservice if you let this change things. Just, think about it.” He nodded, “Onto more serious matters.”
“Is he…”
“Aurors came to collect Mr Pettigrew in the early hours of the morning. He is awaiting trial now.”
“So he gets a trial? Not just thrown in Azkaban, no questions asked?” Remus snarled. “He spent twelve years in there, Albus.”
“I’m well aware,” Dumbledore Held up a hand, “He will be given a full pardon. He’s in the hospital wing currently being fussed over by Poppy.”
“He’s not… they didn’t take him back?” Remus blinked at him.
“No, Remus. He’s a free man.”
Remus didn’t care if he was being rude. All he could think of was Sirius, and he ran from the shack, through the tunnel and out of the Whomping Willow, not caring if anyone saw him exit. He ran faster than he ever had and when he came skidding to a halt in the hospital wing, a small sea of curious faces greeted him.
Harry, Ron and Hermione were gathered around Sirius’ bed while Madam Pomfrey hovered. Sirius sat cross-legged on top of the sheets, chatting animatedly to Harry, wearing clean robes, with his hair tied back and, wow, he didn’t know that Poppy could work miracles, but apparently she could.
Sirius instantly leapt from the bed to the protests of Harry and Hermione and threw his arms around Remus.
“You’re alright.” Remus whispered, “I’ve got you.”
“I am pleased to introduce you to our new Astronomy professor, Professor Sirius Black.” Dumbledore smiled over at him.
Sirius got to his feet and bowed slightly, smiling at the cheers coming from the Gryffindor table. As he sat back down, Remus’ hand returned to his thigh and he linked their little fingers together.
Remus, after much debate with Sirius and Harry, had agreed to stay on at Hogwarts. When Dumbledore offered Sirius the Astronomy position he’d pinched himself several times because being back at Hogwarts with Sirius seemed too good to be true. Dumbledore had written to them a week after term had ended to ask if they’d like separate quarters, or to share, and that had shattered the levy that had been holding back everything they hadn’t said since they were teenagers. Choked ‘I love you’s, angry ‘I missed you’s and serene promises. Forevers.
Travelling on the Hogwarts Express with Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Neville was delightful. Much better than it had been for Remus the previous year, not a dementor in sight. Sirius slung his arm across the back of the seats and Remus leaned into his shoulder. He noticed Hermione shoot Ron an ‘I told you so’ look, but that was all. They’d told Harry over the summer when he’d finally come to live with them at Grimmauld Place and he was thrilled for them, Lily and James’ son through and through. They’d absolutely gutted the house, slashing the portrait of Walburga until the ribbons of canvas were finally silent. All the silver adornments changed to gold, and heavy, dusty curtains were thrown away to let the light in.
It would only be their home for a few months a year for the foreseeable future, but it was their home. Better late than never.
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dreamerawaken ¡ 2 months
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ArtFight attack for @sketchy-tour !!! 💕💕💕
Just Dreamy visiting Dandy who's having a bit of a restless night~ 🌙
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doll-wings ¡ 2 years
🤍 how to have a dreamy night routine 🤍
Requested by @rubyredwinter !! Thank you again, Angel!
🤍 When returning home from the day, visualize yourself stepping into a haven of comfort
🤍Remove your clothes neatly and run a warm shower or bath, with lots of dreamy scents such as eucalyptus or lavender bubbles
🤍Whilst bathing, focus on letting the water rinse away the stress of your daily activities and meditate on a feeling of calm
🤍 Gently clean yourself with exfoliating sponges or gloves from head to toe, your skin will thank you for it!
🤍 Follow your typical hair routine and give yourself a scalp massage
🤍 When you dry off, choose a favorite lotion that you’ve been saving for a special occasion. Every day you’re kind to yourself is a special occasion
🤍 Practice your skincare routine with a bedtime moisturizer and wrap your hair in a scarf or bonnet to keep it looking royally perfect
🤍 Slip into your comfiest pajamas, preferably a gown or a matching set (my favorite is my Victoria’s Secret set! It makes me feel like an angel 🦢)
🤍 Brew a cup of lavender tea to ensure good dreams and deep sleep
🤍 Spray a bit of perfume on your bed, you’ll feel like a fairy tucking into a flower for the night!
🤍 Turn of your electronics an hour before getting into bed, try to read a bit of a book if you’re still restless
🤍 Finally, dim the lights and drift into sleep, ready to face the day ahead 🌙
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fallstaticexit ¡ 6 months
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restless nights 🌙
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rascosmicwisdom ¡ 1 year
🌑 New Moon - Cosmic Beginnings 🌑
Ah, the mysterious new moon, when the sky is cloaked in darkness. This phase symbolizes new beginnings and fresh starts. Just as the moon begins its waxing journey, we too can embark on new ventures, set intentions, and manifest our dreams. Use this time to reflect, meditate, and set clear intentions for the lunar cycle ahead. Allow the energy of the new moon to ignite your inner potential and guide you towards cosmic beginnings.
🌓 Waxing Moon - Growth and Progress 🌓
As the moon transitions from new to full, it begins its waxing phase, symbolizing growth and progress. This is the time to take action, pursue your goals, and make strides towards personal development. Harness the energy of the waxing moon to fuel your ambitions and watch your dreams blossom. Let its gentle glow inspire you to step out of your comfort zone and embrace the exciting journey of self-growth.
🌕 Full Moon - Illuminating Intensity 🌕
When the moon reaches its full glory, it illuminates the night sky and stirs our emotions. Full moons are known to heighten our sensitivity, magnify our desires, and intensify our energy levels. This is the time when our emotions can reach their peak, leading to vivid dreams, restlessness, and a sense of heightened intuition. Embrace the illuminating intensity of the full moon and let it guide you through your innermost desires.
🌗 Waning Moon - Release and Let Go 🌗
As the moon transitions from full to new, it enters its waning phase, which encourages us to release and let go. Just as the moon diminishes in size, we too can shed what no longer serves us. Use this phase to declutter your mind, body, and soul. Release negative emotions, bad habits, and any stagnant energy holding you back. Allow the waning moon to guide you towards healing, rejuvenation, and the freedom to start anew.
🌙 Lunar Eclipses - Cosmic Transformations 🌙
Lunar eclipses are powerful celestial events that bring about profound transformations in our lives. They act as portals of change, encouraging us to release old patterns and embrace new possibilities. The energy during a lunar eclipse can be intense, bringing buried emotions to the surface. Embrace this cosmic energy and let it guide you towards self-discovery, empowerment, and profound personal growth.
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masterjedilenawrites ¡ 10 months
Helloooo!! :)
I was wondering how the bois would help their S/O with trouble sleeping. And maybe their S/O is scared to sleep...
I know it can be really difficult to fall asleep, sleep a good night and wake up feeling rested.
Thanks in for hand!❤️
Cody, Kix, and Dogma: Are, of course, going to want to dive into the root cause of your sleep issues. They'll do whatever you'd like in the moment of a difficult night, whether it's snuggles, distractions, or other tricks. But their real support will shine through with research and lifestyle changes. They'll make sure you eat well and exercise during the day, limit your blue light exposure at night, or even get therapy or medications from professionals if needed. They know sleep is important and don't want you to suffer in the long term.
Wolffe, Fox, and Howzer: Bet you didn't think these guys would be into tea? Well, be prepared, because they have a tea for every occasion. Restlessness, insomnia, or night terrors... they have just the thing. They'll keep the lights dimmed in the bedroom while they rush off to brew you a pot of their special nighttime blend. They'll return with a steaming cup on a tray and will cuddle with you while you sip. Maybe it doesn't cure anything, but at least it'll bring you comfort, if not actual slumber.
Jesse, Hardcase, and Blackout: First, you'll have to wake them up if you want any comfort on a sleepless night. They're fast sleepers and won't notice even the most intense tossing and turning. But once you wake them, they're more than happy to keep you company. It's all lights on as they insist that you don't fight it, and instead embrace your alertness. Putting off some homework or bill payments? They'll do it with you in bed. Have a craft project you've been wanting to start? They'll scrounge up supplies and spread out with you on the floor.
Rex, Fives, and Tup: I've probably said this in other posts already, but these boys are soft, tender kings. Whatever struggle you have in life, they're holding you and helping you in any way possible. For struggles with sleep, they'll quickly rearrange your room so it's more comfortable - cooler temperatures, softer blankets, whatever you need. Then they're saddling up next to you and giving you some TLC in the form of back rubs and quietly hummed tunes. Even if you don't fully fall asleep, at least you'll be relaxed and not as crabby come morning time.
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Every Character Tag: @dangerousstrawberrypie, @justanothersadperson93, @arctrooper69, @sleepycreativewriter, @techie-bear, @theroguesully
Clone Bois and Other Clones Tags: @kaijusplotch, @rebel-finn, @lucyysthings, @marvel-starwars-nerd, @nekotaetae, @severalseashellsbytheseashore, @lackofhonor, @flowered-bicycles, @foodmoneyandcats, @nahoney22
✨Join A Tag List Here!✨
The Bad Batch with an S/O who can't sleep
☕️ Clone Comfort Hour Master List | 🌙 Master List of Master Lists
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laninasinamor ¡ 2 years
The Girl
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(original 🎨 by my friend @commanderbunny, specifically made for me on my bday 💕 love you boo) (YOU CAN SHARE BUT DO NOT REPOST WITHOUT CREDIT!)
Born on the fifteenth day, otherwise known as the day of the Eagle (Men)…
Birth Name(s):
🌎 Men Iik (meaning “spirit of the wind”, her true name)
🌍Princess Nyanga, Daughter of Shuri (given name by the Golden tribe of the sovereign nation of Wakanda)
🌙 Ix Ahuil (“Moon Goddess”), Daughter of K’uk’ulkan (royal name as addressed by the Kingdom of Talokan)
Aliases/Nicknames :
“Daughter of land and sea”
usisi (“sister” in Xhosa)
Íits'in (“little sister” in Yucatec Maya)
In lool (“my flower” in Yucatec Maya)
In ujo' (“my moon” in Yucatec Maya)
intombazana yakho (“my daughter” in Xhosa)
“Warrior princess”
“Bringer of Death”
“Youngest Black Panther”
Ek b’alam also known as “The Black Jaguar” - It comes to no surprise the princess goes against her father’s wishes, especially when it comes to Wakanda. With her twin brother and cousin Toussaint as her accomplices, they would travel to and from Wakanda, where they learned so much about the other half of themselves, of who their mother truly was. This meant everything to the princess whose anger and stubbornness rose each day in her mother’s absence. She was the youngest to receive the title of Black Panther at 15. Although it was not for purest of intentions, rather a way of getting Shuri to come back… and stay. Her mother’s grief and anger robbed them of time. In the future to come, the princess would renounce the title of Black Panther only to take on a new mantle, The Black Jaguar — protector of Talokan & Wakanda respectively.
Chac Chel (“Red Rainbow” or “Great Rainbow”) - Attuma gave the princess this title when he saw her merciless nature on the training fields as a young girl. Born a non-mutant, she had an affinity for proving people wrong and showing her natural abilities in the art of war and strategy. She showed strength, courage and honor. Others thought her dangerous for her constant disregard for the rules, not to mention she had trouble thinking things through. The princess drew arms with Namora and Attuma by the time she was 13.
Weapons master
Gifted martial artist
Expert hand-to-hand combatant
Genius-Level Intellect (i.e. made improvements on water suits for non-mutants, masks on Talokanil, etc.)
after consuming Heart-shaped herb…
Gained ability to breathe underwater
Superhuman strength, speed, durability, healing
Shape shifting - Much like Steven Grant as Moon Knight, the princess formed a special connection with an Ennead (most thought it limited to only the 9 Egyptian gods). Ixchel takes possession of her body when in absolute catastrophic circumstances. It maximizes all her jaguar powers. She does not know if it can be controlled and does not remember when she wakes.
Born under the moon near the Golden City
Non-mutant, but carries physical features resembling that of her father
She loves and fights fiercely
Known for her recklessness
For the Talokanil, the jaguar was representative of power, ferocity, and valor; it was the embodiment of aggressiveness. It represented the power to face one’s fears, to confront one’s enemies.  They are also associated with vision, the ability to see during the night and to look into the dark parts of the human heart. 
The princess remains very hurt by her mother’s comings and goings. Their father K’uk’ulkan promised Shuri he would do everything possible to take care of their children as best he could before she left the first time. This only meant raising them where he knew he could keep them safest, Talokan.
But the girl grew restless, she could not breathe in water like the modern Talokanil. She would sneak away to where she felt most at home, Wakanda. However their father did not frequent nor visited much after Shuri left so he forbade them of going without him. But it never stopped the princess. Sneaking out with Toussaint and taking her twin brother along, formed an unshakable bond between them all.
Her updated Black Jaguar suit does share similarities to Black Panther. However her helmet outlines, details, claws and teeth are embedded with jade, giving the suit a green glow instead of purple.
She loves her brother deeply. The twin heroes they’d call themselves after the Mayan myth. He is her confidant. She couldn’t live with herself if anything happened to him.
Strong, confrontational, assertive, independent, protective, stubborn, loyal, passionate, charismatic, practical, sometimes pushed people too far
(Thanks to my Nashuri fam! Love you guys <3 feel free to tell me what yall think 💭)
Click here to read the short story on ao3
Part 1
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litchiteany ¡ 5 months
Sleepless Nights 🌙
In restless nights, without you near,
Sleep eludes, my love sincere.
Dreams, though brief, hold you tight,
Yet waking hours echo your absence, my plight.
I yearn to hold you close, my dear,
To feel your breath, your heartbeat near.
To cradle you, your head on my chest,
In our embrace, finding sweetest rest.
Hand in hand, we're intertwined,
Completing each other, hearts aligned.
You are my other half, my soul's delight,
In your absence, longing fills the night.
So come, my love, and ease my pain,
Let's be together, whole again.
For in your arms, I find my peace,
In your love, my fears release.
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edsbug ¡ 2 months
🌙fic authors self rec game🌙
tagged by: @melodymunson and @strangersmunsons ty my loves<3
when you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers.
soaked: (eddie munson x fem!reader, smut). you shower with eddie. things turn steamy.
moonlight: (eddie munson x gn!reader, fluff, hurt/comfort). eddie helps you find comfort on a restless night.
thunderstruck: (eddie munson x gn!reader, fluff). eddie and reader prepares for a storm.
sweet thing: (eddie munson x inexperienced!fem!reader, smut). you don't have much sexual experience. eddie shows you what you've been missing out on.
adrenalin: (eddie munson x gn!reader, enemies to lovers, smut). you and eddie are rivals in the street racing underworld. as you navigate the world of street racing, sparks fly not just on the track but between you both.
tagging: @bookshelf-dust @babybluebex @strangerstilinski @onegirlmanytales @eddiesxangel @hotluncheddie (no pressure🤍)
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ladyxskywalker ¡ 1 year
A Beautiful Pleasure
Klaus Mikaelson x Werewolf OFC
falling in love happens when least expected, even faster when your dreams seem to have plans of their own
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rating: T | word count: 1.5k
a soulmate au for the moon in may challenge 🌙 hosted by @lavenderursa 🌸
prompt - perfume (week one - new moon)
Just before nightfall, when the Summer air is calm, all else seems to fall away. The sky becomes a softened shade of blue, fading with a certain kindness beneath all the clouds. It makes it so that a rose colored glow marries all of the water when the sail boats pass by. Their sounds, as vivid as the ones in your dreams, awakening your mind to something – or rather, someone you’d once seen before.
When your eyes finally close after having been so restless from your days spent running or hiding from yourself, there’s always that certain distance to be found there, throughout every shadow covered corner. There is only a small inkling of light in your slumber, fanning past – waning. Like an overcast morning where your sight tends to squint throughout a mask of fog.
And so, you wander. Slowly, and the slightest bit unsure. Set out upon a path toward nowhere beneath what soon will be a universe of stars. A darkened sort of magic that reveals a silhouette waiting for you amongst the forest shore line – the bayou’s river passing right through where that mysterious figure tends to stand amidst your mind’s eye above it all.
There’s a man forlorn in his stillness, his back turned away from you, so pensive and brooding. An enigma who from what you’ve been sensing, has been holding onto centuries worth of demons made all his own. His hands, all the while, wound tight inside his jacket’s pockets, as if he couldn’t make sense of what to do with them there at all.
should I call out to him?
You wonder.
But you don’t – silently hoping for this vision to become more clear so that perhaps you might not have to.
Is he someone I know?
and why does this endless stream of water glisten here so peacefully? despite all that I sense here that he might feel?
how is it then, that this gentleman always seems so lost, when it is me who has longed forever to be found?
For a single moment, you had wished that he’d been real.
And in those vivid dreams, amongst every uncertain eclipse he had been.
That’s what you’d like to believe...
Every night when looking up towards all the cloud cover, hoping for the rising of a new moon to come, you had yearned for him. Even through the pain and struggle of when you turned. Your emotions felt completely heightened and deepened by an immortal heart unseen. An unexplained, possible manifestation that you hadn’t realized you’d been conjuring up for yourself for far too long.
And maybe that’s all that it was – a pure and senseless bit of imagining.
Hanging onto each cycle of the moon, until it was time to transform yet again, and you’d wake up shrouded by your tattered clothes in a mess of dirt and brush, entirely unable to forget all about whoever this person was...
That is until you’d gone to the cobblestone square one evening just to paint – to look upon the fountain at the city’s center as though it had been the only thing to fill your heart’s most precious cup.
The one thing that spoke to you – the falling water, and how it traced every stitch of your memory with the trickling of its sound; a song left adrift just as much as you’d been meandering all alone in your thoughts...
A quiet artist who’d sought emotional release in a blank canvas, finding it easiest just to settle on one color in particular. Cool and steady strokes evoking all hope to be found inside a visual story of depth and shadow, forever told by way of sight and fingertips.
Depictions of possibilities perhaps you had been missing in the time you’d be focusing on the thoughts entwined by strangers.
“Ah, prussian blue, one of my favorites…”
Beside you there is an elegant whisper to be felt – a gentleman, sharply dressed, yet somehow casually timeless, who sits down with his own work to fold into, interpreting all of his surroundings in ways that speak to having intricately spent time with all of them there once before.
He’s gleaming with a sense of arrogance and an overall insufferable kind of certainty. A prominent, modern day renaissance man who knows exactly what he’s doing. Incredibly handsome with a subtle grin to be shared only in the quiet to be had amongst yourselves. Waves of light hair to accentuate the features you secretly wish for in those seconds to spend an irrational amount of time with. And now you’ve begun to fully understand what your confusing dreams had been about…
The act of stumbling upon someone in the daylight who just might have taken all your breath away…
An accent and capable lilt to his speech that has you hanging onto every word, no matter how simply put the sentiment…
And you wonder then whether or not you should keep talking to him.
He notices how you’ve been looking – far too strange, and excited; curious even, as if you’d been caught up all the while in your staring. Smiling lovingly as if you’d known him in many passing lifetimes there before. A slip of amused laughter, and a shake of your head in disbelief, sifting through secrets you only wish to tell, had you been yourself.
But it’s those deep shades of alizarin crimson that have you all but forgetting who and where you are, watching him as he begins dampening the tips of all his brushes once he’s started on a picture just waiting to unfold. A handsome grin written across his face, as though he just couldn’t quite keep it all to himself.
If his eyes hadn’t been so startling and breathtaking in those passing moments, you probably would have let something slip by now.
And so he breaks the weightlessness of which you feel with the trailing off of something else.
A good kind of different to make up for the wordless shift you’d been taking on all by yourself...
But not anymore.
“...a remarkable pigment used by…”
“Van Gogh. Starry Night – I know.”
You smile, playfully, hoping that there’s the slightest chance he’s caught on to your hint of flirting. That when he gives it to you right back, you aren’t worried anymore about the possibility of ever having been rude.
“Apologies. Perhaps I’ve forgotten that there are other people in this city that do in fact appreciate fine art.”
Looking down upon his palette, your stranger for the time being begins to swirl his brush around in a mason glass jar of water, grinning once more – relaxed, and revealing nothing; intrigued.
“Mm. What is that?”
"I'm sorry?”
“Something truly divine…that scent. Can you place it?”
Honing in on the softened breeze that passes by so freely, your senses seem to cloud what’s left of all your better judgment. Sensing the inner lady wolf inside yourself, and letting her take over.
“Hm. Citrus, Spice…an intense hint of Lavender?”
He shakes his head, setting down his brushes. Shifting against the small table in front of him that’s been housing all of his pleasantries and wildly drawn marks.
“Magnolia. Jasmine, then…Lotus flower.”
Looking toward him then, it feels as though there is a powerful pull between you; his eyes, alight all at once with a mysterious and youthful sense of wonder, changing incredibly from a piercing tint of blue toward a brightened, honeyed gold.
A glimpse of something you’d only ever heard about in tales told along the river when you were little…
Woven stories kept safest with many generations of your elders.
soul bonds.
twin flames.
wolves meant for one another who’d been separated by ages of anguish and millennia…
had your sight just done the very same? had he known?
“I am wearing perfume, but usually it’s very subtle. I’m surprised you’ve picked up on all of its underlying notes…I’m rarely one to be seen as something other than invisible.”
“You are far from that, sweetheart.”
And then, there’s a pause to be had where you’d both left your forgotten artwork.
darling, bashful girl…
“You’re kind…”
“Doubtful. Some might even say otherwise…”
“Care to find out?”
The gentleman stands, offering his hand to you – cheeky, though welcome and completely old fashioned. A sudden glimmer of blind faith to set you both free from the torment of small talk. Discussing fragrances as if all of that had been normal.
he can’t be human.
another wolf, perhaps?
an ancient alpha?
or something else?
Nodding in the closing space between you, your hand settles down into a perfect fit inside his own, smooth to the touch, and somehow entirely unbreakable.
You want to know what it feels like to breathe again, but this impenetrable feeling bearing down upon your chest right now seems so overwhelming – both too much, and not enough at the same time.
It’s him.
the man by the glistening dream river.
“Forgive me for not introducing myself…”
It’s her.
the young woman I somehow could not bring myself to turn around for…
“Klaus. Perhaps you’ve heard of me, Little Wolf …”
he knows…
“Such a beautiful pleasure.”
a/n – thanks so much for reading 💫 this is my first piece of writing that i’m posting since nov. been on hiatus for a while. felt the spark ! hope you do too. all the love always xo
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Take the moon baby to work🌙
plot: with no babysitter or Layla to babysit Isaac, the Moonknight system are unfortunately going to take their baby son to work as the fist of vengeance much to Khonsu distaste for the situation
Warning: blood, swearing, death, grammar errors, google translate, references to the city of the dead issues, (don’t do what the Moonknight system is doing in this fic)
A/N: the third one of the single dad au series, this took almost a lot of my insanity and creativity when typing this. Ps this the longest one I’ve done which means lots of months when writing this.
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As the sounds of a baby giggles echo around the apartment as Isaac was reaching to reach the fish tank while crawling onto the floor as Marc was trying to call for a babysitter this week for Isaac but none of them are available to do so , and now he’s calling his ex wife for help “what do you mean you can’t babysit Isaac, Layla?” He asked while trying to hold his frustration at his ex-wife now friend first time denying to babysit his son knowing how she adores the baby Isaac Curiousity among The world around him. “Marc, we been over this” Layla spoke through the phone “there’s a lot happening in Duat the city of the dead that need protecting now and I dont think is a time for me to drop everything just to help you with Isaac” Hearing this Marc looks at Isaac and swiftly grabbing him just to get him away from falling into or from the edge of the fish tank “I understand Layla, but I can’t just leave the kid alone when I’m out all night this week, most of his usual babysitters are either busy with stuff or out of town” Isaac sneezes and giggles while Marc was finishing up his call with Layla “ you are the last person I have to call for this one whole week Layla” although she is in Egypt right now, he imagines her sighing at the other end “” I know but it’s life Marc and I know you guys will figure something out alright” Layla respond “I gotta go now Marc, let’s the others know that I miss working with ya” He nods “okay then..good bye Layla” with that he hung up the phone flopped onto the couch groan letting Isaac lay on the couch seat next to him. “What are we going to do with you Isaac?” Marc looked at the baby while asking for suggestions from Steven and Jake through the reflection of the table and a coffee/tea mug. Steven responded with an option “try have the baby monitor on us for the mission” Marc frowned “yeah until the batteries died out or the monitor gets destroyed mid fight” he told him as Isaac crawling around “oh come on Marc we both know that heck it not like we can take him to work”he was right about that it’s isn’t safe for him to be on missions “amigos as much as I can agree with you but I’m taking him to work tonight” he murmured in the headspace drinking a made up scotch while fixing much to dismay of the other two “we’re not going to put our baby son in danger” marc bluntly said to him when a gruntly look on his face to Jake. “Plus I don’t want Isaac to get a custom to killing and blood all over the place or on our clothes to scare the kiddo to become restless at night” Steven was about to point out that Isaac might not going to remember the violence since he since Isaac was a baby but didn’t want to add more fuel to the fire that was happening , well he and Marc don’t trust Khonsu with the baby since he cried at the sight in the night when that nightlight was kicked off by the moon god when he had to wake up Marc or Jake to get ready for their duties, they have to figure out something for this situation.”well I still suggest of bringing the baby monitor at our missions” Steven mumbles.
When nighttime came , Marc feed Isaac his dinner and as for Steven ..he read Isaac a censor version of Egyptian mythology giving Isaac a bit of a hissy fit because it wasn’t Peter Pan before putting him in his crib, then goes to bed and that when Jake took control of the body, picks up the car seat and puts it in his limo as he goes back up to the apartment to put half asleep Isaac in his seat much to Khonsu disappointment “I was not expected for you to bring your offspring to our mission tonight” Khonsu said when Jake was putting the seat belt on the baby mentally saying ‘gracias’ that Isaac is out cold sleep being adorable in the progress “well …the babysitters aren’t able to take care of him tonight and the other two are idiots to think poorly At what I’m doing” he replied as fixes his leather gloves and put his hat on him as he gets in the driver seat “besides I’m careful enough to know how to keep mijo safe” Jake looks at Isaac sleeping state “por favor quédate dormido hijo mío” gives him a kiss on the forehead and starts driving “your son will be a distraction for this Jake and should be in the care of someone you would be trusted ” Khonsu point out appearing in the backseat, Jake grunted putting his fake mustache before driving.
it didn’t take long to find the target and lure them into the cab where Jake was silently putting the silencer on his gun so he couldn’t wake up Isaac to start crying when he will kill his target: a leader of a small gang in London that were called stain class scarlets, which was weird considering the name “stain glass scarlet” sounded like a stripper name. “yo where ya heading sir?” Jake asked the passenger not noticing Isaac was waking up a little “hanging sword alley mate” the crook replied gruffly “hurry thou the stain glass scarlets aren’t very good about having their leader being late” Jake huff as he glares at the gang leader through the rear view mirror awhile side eying the baby was making small fists with his chubby little hands. As he drives to a different place where he dumped harrow’s body in, Jake heard the confession the leader and his gang did to innocent people from the past couple of months brutally torturing and beating innocent men and women who traveled at night “and to think that lady was begging not to be taken but to bad for that bitch, she got what coming when dressing like a-wait this isn’t the place I told you where to go” he smirked as Jake turns to the gang leader with a angry look on his face “Es hora de acabar contigo y tu pandilla bastarda.” with that shoots at the leader three times with the gun two at the chest and one in the head, Jake then about to go ditch the body in an alleyway “JAKE LOCKLEY WHAT THE HELL ?!?” Marc’s voice screams through the reflection of the window making him froze in place and groans “what does it look like Spector? I’m doing my job that what” Marc gives him a scolding look while steven was in the other side looking at the two “Jake I’m not happy about that fact you went behind our backs, bringing Isaac into a dangerous situation!” Marc told him “not to mention that Isaac just saw you kill that gang leader in front him!” Jake frown in confusion “what are you talking about? Isaac is asleep and had the silencer on the gun so he wouldn’t be wake-“ baby giggles stopped them as turn to see Isaac wide awake both clapping and smiling unconcerned about that he saw his dad murder a man “oh..” that was Jake answered “well mates he doesn’t seem bothered by it” Steven pointed at the obvious, which Marc stays silent wondering how would they could explain this. “Yea we can see that” Marc said with a interesting looking on his face as Jake took off his gloves and bring Isaac toward his face “you seem unbothered by the fact I brutally shot a very bad man to death don’t you?” Isaac just laughs and reaches for the fake mustache “huh so not only the child friendly things we have in our home bring to joy but also the fact you like us beating up the bad guys huh?” Jake smiles and looks at the two “well Isaac isn’t harm or traumatized by what should be illegal but he seem to act like-“ Steven gets cut off by Marc “no this is a one time thing and we’ll find someone to take care of Isaac and that’s final!” With that everything went silent knowing that the next night they would have to find a way to take down the gang without endangering the baby until Jake yelps in pain from the fake mustache being harshly pulled off by Isaac.
The next night despite agreeing with marc orders, Steven has to be Mr knight and fallow Marc rules about not bringing the baby to a scary situation, but they can’t leave him alone so he also decides to take Isaac to work again and hopefully it’s just patrolling (which isn’t sadly) because one he still doesn’t want Isaac to get hurt very badly and two he thinks Marc could handle the gang even though he did help beat a cult in the past . He grunts “how in bloody hell do you even put this on anyway?” Steven said as he tried to put on a baby carrier on him so he can put Isaac in as Isaac starts to whimper hinting that he is awake and is ready to go out to do some work, “you up and ready lad?” He asked him and Isaac reaches for him as he gets strapped on to his chest with the carrier when he notices Isaac onesie “oh wow you really are ready”Steven said a bit dumbfounded that his onesie isn’t his suit. As they walk out and summon the suit as Mr.knight and son go out to stop some mad men.
“Steven Grant I was not expecting you Tonight” Khonsu said looking at him and if Khonsu had a normal face there would be a deep frown “and you brought the young one here too I see” Steven looks up at the moon god as he let Isaac get distracted by his glove fingers so he wouldn’t be crying in fear or something from Khonsu doing. “Well like we said there’s no one available to babysit, and if I don’t know any better you starting to sound like a grumpy yet concerned grandpa” he pointed out as he smiles underneath the Mr.Knight mask , “I DO NOT SOUND LIKE A MORTAL GRANDPA!” Khonsu shouted, Isaac whimpers and tries hiding in the baby carrier as Steven pats him to calm him down “denial there but anyway where’s the trouble at old bird?”
After getting what information that he got from Khonsu and remembering about Jake’s intel from last night events about the gang and where they are meeting up at, he now mask off looks at Isaac who is starting to get sleepy eye from the boring waiting but most importantly how keep him from getting hurt when he has to fight with the said gang tonight “ I know what we’re doing is bad parenting” Steven said he muttered “but we can’t leave you alone in the flat, I mean what if you’re hungry or need your nappy change while we are gone fighting?” Sighing knowing how Isaac was being calm despite this dilemma he is in, “well it’s a good thing you little mate are so cute that it’s nice to have you so calm down” Isaac sneezes and Steven chuckles when he hear the gangs car coming out “well kiddo it’s time for us to do the work” Steven says as his mask reappears on his face as he prepares for the fight and trying not to get Isaac hurt in the process.
They were all right there the stain glass scarlets in the alley, talking about where the leader is and what is taking him so long “where’s the boss anyway?” One said grumpily tapping his foot, “what if he got snatched by that moon knight bloke fellas” another one said with a hint of fear in his voice “I heard that the guy is bonkers and he brutally attacks very wicked people and some say he wore white” the third one scoffs at the statement “why would he wear white?he must been insane to think that would have sneaked attack anyone around these parts” the gang nodded unware they were being watched by the hero and his son “it’s because we let criminals know we’re is coming” a voice said the gang turn to see Mr.knight walked in to the group looking menacing …well trying to be menacing as Isaac was kinda making hard to, “Ello stained glass scarlets, my name is Mr.knight and I suggest that you turn yourself in so nobody gets hurt” Steven said as the gang look shocked a yet confuse on why theres a baby with him, “is that…is that a baby?” One asked while some draw out there weapons getting ready to fight which Isaac responded to the member blowing a raspberry at him as Steven putting Isaac’s little beanie on and takes out his batons “why yes , yes he is you wankers.”
hit.dodge, attack, hit dodge attack as Steven repeats those words when using the batons on the gangs asses while keeping a laughing Isaac safe from getting hurt by the gang and the weapons they are using. “You are all gonna be sorry for disturbing my yard mates” Steven growls and even fixes his suit while realizing that he needs back up from ether Jake or Marc. “You worm let the others take control and you get your son out of the way!” Khonsu shouted at him and for once the moon god was right as Steven just got stabbed by one of the gang members causing Isaac scream “Marc take the body !” Steven panicking says as he and Isaac about to slam into the wall hard Steven holds Isaac close to shield him from the on coming impact.
As if the gang was about to celebrate their winning by beating Moonknight a moon dart flies through the air and embedding it self in a members eyes causing them to stop as Marc Spector took over the body just in time to keep him and Isaac safe and alive “you fucking almost killed the baby!” Marc shouted as he fights off with the remaining gang members while Also scolding Steven for going behind his back to Isaac safety. “Sorry Marc I am really I’m” Steven professor apologing to Marc in the head space while Marc continues fighting “but you know well we can’t leave him alone at the flat-“ “it doesn’t matter right now Steven!” Marc grunts but does accept his reasoning to that as he slice one guys face and kick one straight into his face. “As along as the baby is safe and these idiots are not going to harm anyone else” Isaac smiles and mimics his father’s actions as if he’s was kicking the bad guys ass too even though he is strapped into the carrier laughing and yawning, as Marc K. O the last remaining man of the gang as he fellow up to the night sky before the cops arrive at the scene
Once everything was quiet as Marc pats a sleeping Isaac back as he walk through the window of the flat also exhausted as the suit disappears from his body while putting his son in his crib stroking isaac’s black hair as he sleeps “we’re sorry amigo” Marc looks up at Jake and Steven in the reflection of the fish tank and a glass cup of water they have both sorry faces on their faces “I know guys” “we thought we taking the baby to work he won’t be home alone having hissy fits or he had a accident in his diaper and…” Steven gets cut off by Marc “ not gonna lie guys.. I hated that you guys brought him to dangerous missions that Khonsu have us do” he said as Steven nodded as Jake just leans there quitely and eventually nods “but not gonna lie..I seem to enjoyed spending time with the kiddo at our night missions.” Jake smirks “finally Spector finalmente está de acuerdo con nosotros“ Steven blinks in confusion still not understanding what Jake just said “but…this isn’t a good example of parenting especially Isaac isn’t even one yet” Marc stated which the others two nodded in agreement with that fact as Marc closes his eyes “I think it’s bed time since the mission was a success because we all have work tomorrow anyways”
It took only 20 minute later on the third night that all of them were knock out asleep when Isaac got out of his crib waking Marc up and pointing to the chair in the flat were khonsu was sitting at “Marc Spector I need you to go on stop A very evil man that just robbed and harm the innocent family” Khonsu said as Marc nods and looks at Isaac then whispers “let’s not tell Layla about this” with that Isaac looks at the half moon, smiles and pulls down his knitted hood and cape.
tagged: @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @reallyrallyauthor @guruan @ominoose @angel-of-the-moons
A/N: thank you for the long wait. Remember please comment,like, reblog and fallow
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readyforthegarden ¡ 1 year
Ever After - A Bubblegum Short
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A/N: Eden and Jake have been on my mind for quite a while, and I've missed them so much. So I've put together a few blurbs for them about their lives post-Bubblegum, and how their little family in the epilogue came to be.
WC: 3600
It had been a whirlwind of a month in Michigan, Jake carting Eden everywhere, taking her to his family's cabin after a quick visit home, then to a few different places he had been dreaming of taking her since they had become official.
He planned everything perfectly, the cool autumn air rustling the bright yellow and orange leaves in the trees around them. Today was going to be gorgeous, their roadtrip would be long, but definitely worth it. Currently he was enjoying the heat of Eden's body tucked into his side, sleeping away peacefully in the chilly morning. He held her close, letting his callused thumb graze the soft, tanned skin of her upper arm. Her hair still smelled vaguely of her shampoo and campfire, the two of them having spent most of the night out at the fire pit, quietly enjoying each others company before coming inside and recreating their first night together, just as passionately as it was a few years prior.
Eventually, his awakened body became restless, and he untangled himself and gently left his love in the bed, smiling to himself as Eden burrowed into his pillow, inhaling deeply and humming in her sleep. He pulled on his boxer-briefs and his old white t-shirt, running a hand through his hair as he left the bedroom quietly.
Padding into the kitchen, he began brewing a pot of coffee. Checking the time on the oven clock, he realized they'd slept in a little later than he wanted, and started preparing breakfast for them.
"I smell bacon." Jake looked up a while later, seeing a frumpled Eden shuffling into the room. She rubbed her eyes with one hand, reaching down to scratch a mosquito bite on her calf with the other. She was wearing an oversized shirt, the logo faded from washing a few moth holes were worn into it.
"Good morning, darlin'." Jake greeted her, feeling her arms circle his waist. She mumbled a soft 'guh mornin' back into his shoulder. "Coffee's ready, go grab a cup, we've got to get moving."
"Where are we going today?" Eden asked through a yawn, grabbing the mug Jake had set out for her and pouring the coffee in. She moved to the fridge to grab the bottle of creamer.
"I've got a little trip to Mackinaw City planned for us." Jake smiled. "Super touristy, but we're gonna have fun."
"That's like, up here, right?" Eden set her mug down, holding up her palm, making Jake proud as she used her hand as a map.
"Yeah, thereabouts." Jake laughed, moving away from the stove and giving her lips a sweet kiss. "It's about a four hour drive."
"Oh that's all?" Eden sniffed, sipping her coffee. "Do I have time to shower after breakfast? Or is this a hit the road as soon as the plates are washed kind of deal?"
"Oh, we have time for a shower." Jake gave her a little wink. "There's always time for that."
“Who said you were invited?” Eden smirked at Jake from over the rim of her mug. “I’m still tired from last night.”
“Yeah? That just means I’ve done my job well.” Jake waggled his eyebrows, making Eden laugh.
“Alright lover boy, give me some of that bacon and we’ll see about that shower later.”
The ride up north was long, but worth it. Eden’s gasps at the foliage that zipped by as they drove up the interstate was worth every minute. It was a bright, beautiful Michigan day, the air crisp and the smell of fall weaving through the branches of the trees themselves.
They’d arrived in Mackinaw City in the mid-afternoon, and Jake took Eden around the town, in and out of touristy shops, buying fudge and silly airbrushed t-shirts with their names on them for fun. The afternoon wore on into the evening, and they found a small diner to have dinner in.
“Are we driving back to the cabin tonight?” Eden asked, dunking her french fry in the honey mustard on her plate.
“No, I got us a room at one of the hotels here in town for the night.”
“Good, it’s not a bad drive, but I know I’ll fall asleep and I don’t want to leave you driving by yourself.” Eden smiled.
“I have one more place I want to take us before we turn in for the night.” Jake told her, piquing her interest. “Ah, it’s a surprise.”
Eden slumped back against the diner booth, squinting at Jake though a cheeky smirk tugged at her lips. Once the bill was paid, Jake ushered Eden into the car, and they started their drive. The sun began to set as Jake drove out of the city, and Eden curiously looked at every sign along the way, seeing if she could figure out where exactly he was taking her.
“Ooh, are we going to see the giant Paul Bunyon statue?!” Eden glanced over to Jake. He shook his head.
“No, that’s across the bridge.” he replied. “But maybe tomorrow.” Eden pursed her lips and kept thinking. The sun had completely set when they pulled down a gravel road, Eden could barely see the sign.
“A state park? Don’t they close at night? What are we doing here?”
“You’ll see.” Jake parked his car near a few others, getting out. Eden confusedly followed suit, taking the hand he offered her when they met at the front of his car.
They walked a little ways into the park, coming to a lakeshore. Before Jake could say anything, Eden gasped, looking up at the sky.
"Jake, that's the aurora borealis!" Eden turned to him wide-eyed. "Oh my god! We're seeing it!"
"I know!" Jake grinned, watching as Eden walked forward a few steps, staring up at the sky, the vibrant colors reflecting upon her face. "This is a dark sky park, there's no light pollution for miles. You can see everything so clearly." Eden felt a pricking at her eyes, a few tears escaped down her cheek as she watched the waves of colored lights. Jake wanted to look up at the lights, but he couldn't take his eyes off Eden.
"I almost wish Sam was here to tell us all the science-y crap about how this happens." Eden airly chuckled.
"About that," Jake caught Eden's attention. When she turned around again, Eden looked behind him, seeing the aforementioned brother standing a few feet away, grinning, one of his fancy cameras in hand.
"Sam!" Eden grinned. "I didn't know you were going to be here!"
"I asked him to come, so we could have some photos." Jake cut in before Sam could answer, his nerves starting to set in.
"Photos?" Eden's forehead wrinkled in confusion as Jake stepped towards her. He reached into his pocket, wrapping his hand around the velvet box. "For what?"
"Eden, since that first date we were set up on, I knew that you were going to change my life." Jake smiled crookedly at the memory of feeling less than enthused, sitting across the table from Eden, who then looked like a disco ball shattered over her dress. "Through our journey together, I've only fallen more madly, deeply in love with you, and I want you to know that I'm undeniably yours. Forever." Jake knelt down on one knee as Eden raised her hands to her mouth, covering them in surprise. They had talked many, many times about the next step, but always left the conversation at 'when it feels right' and never put any expectations on it.
Jake finally pulled the velvet box from his pocket, it weighing heavy in his hand as he propped the lid open, showing Eden one of the most gorgeous rings she'd ever seen. A deep green, hexagon shaped emerald rested between two small diamonds glimmered under the lights. Small flashes from Sam's camera were going off out of the corner of their eyes, but they paid it no mind. "Eden, will you please make me the most exuberantly happy man, and marry me?"
"Yes!" Eden nearly shrieked, pulling her hands away from her face. "Oh my god, yes!" the wide grin on her face made Jake match it, a few tears welling up in his own eyes as he plucked the ring from it's cushion, taking Eden's shaking hand in his and sliding it upon her finger. Within seconds, he was on his back, Eden wrapped around him, crying into his neck. Jake wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly to him.
"This is going in the scrapbook," Sam murmured under his breath, snapping away still, his own heart swelling for his older brother and best friend. After a few moments of Eden and Jake peppering each other with kisses, they got up, and embraced more, Sam getting a few more shots of them under the lights before departing.
"Jake, this is so...." Eden looked up at him, to the lights and back to him. "Did you plan this whole trip around this?"
"I've had the ring for six months but I knew I was going to do this for a long time." Jake smiled, pecking her lips. "I wanted to make sure everything was perfect, and when the lights aligned with our trip, I knew it was the right time."
"I love you, so much." Eden sniffled. "Jake I've been yours since the moment you gave me those potatoes." Jake couldn't help but toss his head back and laugh.
"Oh, those potatoes are what did it, huh?"
"When a man shares his potatoes, that's love." Eden giggled. She couldn't keep her hands off of him, hugging him, cupping his face, fisting his shirt like he would disappear in a puff of smoke if she let go. "I'm so lucky."
"I'm the lucky one," Jake hummed, rubbing his hand up and down her back. "So damn lucky."
Eden stood in the bridal suite of the large, rustic cabin, staring at her reflection in the mirror. The photos were all done, the photographers getting ready at the ceremony space to capture those images. Her hair was loosely curled, cascading over her shoulders. The veil that adorned her, fastened by a comb at the crown of her head, was embroidered along the edges with colorful flowers and a special nod to her soon-to-be husband. A few flowers hid small taurus symbols, the same, beautiful blue that matched his suit and her award show outfit all those years ago.
"It's almost time, are you ready?" Eden looked up, seeing Sam standing in the doorway. He had only checked in on her a few times, but seemed taken back by her completed look. "God, Eden...you look breathtaking."
"Really?" Eden felt a few tears stinging her eyes as Sam stepped towards her, pulling a small pack of tissues from his pocket and immediately dabbing at her eyes.
"You're an absolute vision." Sam assured her. "I don't think there will ever be a bride that looks half as beautiful as you."
"You're such a flatterer, Sam." Eden laughed. "Is my makeup okay?" Sam dabbed at her eyes a little bit more, nodding. Music began playing outside, and Eden felt a flutter in her stomach, fidgeting a bit in front of the tall man.
"Not at all." Eden shook her head. "I'm excited. I just wanna see him already." Eden had spent the night in the cabin with Jake's mom, sister, and a few female friends. It took his brothers dragging him through the front door to get Jake to leave for the hotel a few miles away, him stopping and kissing Eden every few steps, holding onto her hand and nearly dragging her with him outside. If it hadn't been for his sister tugging Eden back, she was sure she would have woken up in the hotel bed next to Jake, risking the bad luck of him seeing her before the wedding.
A knock on the door sounded through the room, and they both turned to see the wedding planner smiling at them.
"Jake is already down the aisle, it's time to take your place." Sam turned, offering Eden his arm. Sam had been Eden’s choice to walk her down the aisle, her own father having passed, and no siblings of her own. Sam had been her first true friend in so long, it only felt right to give him the role. He was playing double duty, being your man of honor as well, another job he swelled with pride at getting.
Sam led Eden to the patio doors. Through the gauzy curtains, she could see the smoky mountains, surrounded by the beautiful fall foliage. The sun was just beginning to lower in the sky, a perfect dusk wedding.
“Hey,” Eden turned to look at Sam, who was grinning down at her. “I love you. I’m so happy that you’re gonna be my sister.”
“I love you too, Sam.” Eden let go of her bouquet, squeezing Sam’s hand. The wedding planner’s walkie went off, and the music changed, a lilting piano rendition of Fleetwood Mac’s ‘Songbird’ echoed as the doors swung open, revealing Sam and Eden to the guests. They all stood, beaming up at her but as soon as she they found him, her eyes were trained on Jake. He had glanced back to Josh, saying something to his brother and best man, before turning back. As Sam carefully led her down the steps, Jake brought a hand up, he eyes already brimming with tears, seeing Eden moving toward him and the rest of their lives together.
Sam chuckled under his breath, feeling Eden tugging on his arm in her haste to get to the altar and to Jake.
“Don’t worry, we’ll get there.” Sam whispered to her. “You gotta have some nice photos of your walk down though, so pull back a little.” Eden giggled, her grin wide as she nodded, evening out her pace with the taller man.
After what felt like an eternity, Sam handed her off to Jake, who helped her up onto the small platform, kissing her one hand as she used the other to hand her bouquet to Sam.
“You look…there are no words for how beautiful you are.” Jake murmured, taking in her bridal form. Jake also wore white, a suit custom made for the big day.
As Eden stood before him, her eyes scanned him, bouncing around and taking him in, from the low bun his hair was tied back in under his white, wide-brimmed hat, to the one delicate chain he wore against his chest under the open dress shirt under his suit jacket. Her eyes were sparkling, and her smile grew wider when she noticed the subtle markings of his taurus suit done in a matching white thread so as not to be completely obvious. She grabbed her veil, tugging it slightly to show him the matching blue detail on the train of it. Jake grinned, feeling a swelling in his chest at her excitement for their surprises for each other.
“My something blue,” Eden whispered. Jake’s eyes danced with a proud laugh as Danny stood before them a journal in hand.
“Friends and family, we are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Eden Beckett and Jacob Kiszka. A love that started out unconventionally, but has become one of the great love stories of our time.” Danny spoke into the microphone after everyone was seated again. “As someone who has the honor of being their friend, I got a front row seat to watching their relationship go from set-up, to friendship, and blossom into a beautiful love.” Eden was already sniffling, a tear running down her cheek. Jake reached into his pocket, taking out a tissue and reaching across the small space, dabbing at the trail, earning a small chorus of 'aww's'. Danny continued with his speech before giving way to Jake and Eden, letting them recite their vows.
Jake took a piece of paper from a pocket inside his suit jacket, unfolding it, his hands shaking a bit as one of them reached for the microphone Danny held out. Eden turned away for a second, grabbing more tissues from Sam before Jake started speaking.
"Eden, I've written and re-written these words so many times over the last year, because there are simply no words that can perfectly describe how I feel about you. All words fail in comparison to the actual feelings I get when I see you. I fall asleep excited that I get to wake up next to you, and I spend all day feeling lucky I get to come home and fall asleep next to you. You challenge me every day, in art, music, random facts and trivia. My family loves you, you're the sister Ronnie always wanted, for sure." a small 'woo!' echoed out from Ronnie in the seats, making everyone laugh and Eden shoot her a wide smile. "I love you in every way imaginable, and I will love you for the rest of my life, and in the hereafter."
"Eden, you may recite your vows." Danny nodded to her. In true Eden fashion, she had memorized her vows, clearing her throat as she took the mic.
"Jake, I also struggled with writing my vows, because it's nearly impossible to put into words how deeply I love and care for you. You are my home and adventure, all at once. You push me to try new things and are there to catch me when I fall, and I am forever grateful for the mishaps that led to our meeting. I used to look back on all the things I'd done wrong before I met you, but they've led me to you, and I don't think they were ever mistakes. They were meant to happen so we could come together. I wish I could more eloquently say my vows, but all I have to say is that I'm so in love with you, and I can't imagine any other future than one with you."
Eden handed back the microphone to Danny, who continued in the ceremony, having them recite the typical vows so they could say 'I Do'.
"With the power vested in me by the state of Tennessee, I now pronounce you husband and wife." Danny grinned. "Jake, you may now kiss your bride." Jake turned to Eden, stepping forward and sliding his hands around her waist, tugging her into him. She placed her hands on his shoulders, thumbs grazing his neck softly. Jake gazed down at Eden, memorizing her face before leaning down, planting a kiss on her mauvey-pink lips. "I present to you for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Kiskza!" Eden and Jake parted briefly to giddily laugh before exchanging a few more kisses as their friends and family cheered.
Jake watched across the room as Danny twirled Eden around the dance floor of their reception, the fairy lights hung up in the trees picking up every sparkle in her eyes, glinting off the rings that adorned her left hand. It was well into the night, her hair was starting to frizz from the heat of dancing, but she just couldn't stop. She told Jake she was so happy her body just couldn't stop moving. He would slide in for a few slower paced songs, his hair falling from it's bun, wisps framing his face until he took it out altogether.
"Who would've thought one of the worlds best rock guitarists would've ended up married to a princess of pop?" Jake glanced to his left, seeing Josh leaning against the bar next to him. The older twin smiled at the younger, his cheeks red from dancing and drinking.
"I went soft, huh?" Jake chuckled.
"You've always been soft." Josh rolled his eyes. "Just took meeting the right person to let you show it." they both turned to watch their friends and family dance around, Sam having cut in Eden's dance with Danny, making her laugh. Even above the music, Jake could hear the peels of her laughter. "I'm really happy for you, Jake."
"Thanks, Josh." Jake smiled at Josh, sharing a sincere moment of silence. Josh took a sip of his drink, and the music changed, a funky disco beat thumping through the soundsystem.
"That's my cue." Josh sniffed, rolling his neck before dancing his way through the small crowd to the floor. Jake laughed and grabbed his own drink, taking a swig as Eden approached.
"Hi baby!" she grinned. Jake smiled, wrapping an arm around her as she took the glass in his hand, downing the drink. "Ooh, that was not water."
"Noo it wasn't." Jake laughed at his tipsy bride, turning and asking the bartender for two bottles of water. "Are you having fun, Mrs. Kiszka?"
"I'm having the time of my life, Mr. Kiszka." Eden leaned her body against his, smiling up at him dreamily.
"Good," Jake leaned down and kissed her for the millionth time that night, knowing he would never get his true fill of her for as long as he lived. He would always be hungry for another kiss, another touch from her. "We're going to have to head out soon, it's already nearly two."
"Ugh, I don't want to leave yet." Eden frowned. "I wanna stay and dance with our friends!" Jake brushed her hair back, now placing a kiss to her forehead.
"I know, but we have to get some sleep and make sure we finish packing." Jake reminded her. "Tomorrow night, we leave for Europe."
@joshsindigostreak @lvnterninthenight @allieisacrybaby @xserenax-13 @sarakay-gvf @shutupdevvie @myownparadise96 @watchingovergvf2 @gretavanfleetposts @sacredthefran @josiee-gvf @highdefkiszka @ascendingtostardust @joshkiszkatoothgap @andeejoness @gardensgatedaisy @kkdarling @demonrat444 @teddiie @writingcold @dannyandthekiszkas @gretavanbestie @lightmylove-gvf @tearsofbri @paleshadow-ofadragon @gretavanslut @streamsofstardust @joshkiszkas @jakewhorecore @fictional-duchess @like-a-woman-in-a-dream @starshine-wagner @objectsinspvce @josh-iamyour-mama @mountain-in-springtime @cal-a-bungaa @capturethechaos @sunfl0wer-power @jankandjonch @gvfpal @allybjt @hippievanfleet @weightofbrokenbells @joshkiszkasbadussy @malany-gvf @ruby0antlers @samofthedawn @sacredjake @aim4thedoublee @diditallforyouu @gvfmarge @malany-gvf @highladyofasgard
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causenessus ¡ 1 month
does your f/o like sweets? if so, what’s their favorite dessert?
what is your f/o doing late at night when they can’t sleep?
ask games (1 + 2 <3)
🧁- does your f/o like sweets? if so, what’s their favorite dessert?
does he EVER bro i KNOW that man eats way more sweets than he's probably supposed to as a professional vball player but man does not gaf he's just like "i've made it this far just fine. do they know what happiness is? fuck meal plans." and ofc he loves his chuupets and suna's also very much an ice cream type guy and either gets the most childish flavors ever like birthday cake or the most extravagant thing like triple chocolate and i cannot understand why bc i hate chocolate. please just give me vanilla and i'm good <3 (i am also partial to chocolate chip cookie dough and he always wants the cookie dough parts and i just pick out the chocolate chips and give them to him. and maybe give him one piece. maybe.) i sometimes bake and he always eats that up too <3
🌙- what is your f/o doing late at night when they can’t sleep?
probably doomscrolling in bed. he doesn't want to wake me up but he's also super comfortable bc i'm def like attached to him in my sleep and neither of us can fall asleep without music playing so it's a cozy environment he doesn't want to leave, it's just that he can't fall asleep. i might wake up bc he'll accidentally watch a really funny reel and burst out laughing and wake me up which is totally okay and i'll keep him company and help him fall asleep <3 or if he's feeling really restless and can escape my grip he might get out of bed and eat something or take a walk despite it being like 2am (man knows no fear). what usually happens if he accidentally wakes me up and because he can't fall asleep we might both go on a walk together and talk and that usually helps him get out some of his energy and feel a little more sleepy <3
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thetinyblossom ¡ 1 year
ੈ✩‧₊˚ All is well ੈ✩‧₊˚
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-Hurt/comfort + reassurance
-Vox Machina (Crit Role campaign 1)
-Regressor Scanlan Shorthalt/Caregiver Pike Trickfoot
🌙AO3 Link🌙
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Scanlan is a bit… bad at dealing with his emotions, this is a known fact to his group, he is the “funny guy”, the “flirty bard”, that’s his personality, well… at least part of it.
He is also caring and emotional, a father, a husband and a good friend. All those facades of Scanlan are loved by his group of friends, by his love, Pike, but, everybody has their secrets, including the bard.
Growing up, he found a little side of him that he felt ashamed, his age regression (gods he didn’t even know that it had a name!) is a topic he avoids talking about as much as possible, it does feel lonely, but when Pike brought it up, as she was explaining to the group about Grog's own regression, it dawned on him… He himself regresses
“No, no, no, it’s just some stupid feelings”
He thought to himself, but the more time went by harder was to ignore those feelings. Everybody has so supportive of Grog, would they be also supportive with him? Would Pike still love him?
“That’s silly Scanlan, grow up”
“Grow up” and he pushed those thoughts way, he accepts being a caregiver, he enjoys being able to take care of his friends but, when it comes to him, he just ignores as much as possible.
That’s his secret… well… it was a secret, until today.
He had an awful day and he can’t shake off the feeling of being a little boy, wanting comfort and to have a pacifier in his mouth, of warm hugs and being held, being the one getting comfort instead of always comforting….but he felt so ashamed, so vulnerable… but he has no energy to fight those feelings of shame for long, he toss and turns on his and Pike’s bed.
He feels useless, he can’t help but hug a pillow and suck his thumb, looking for some comfort as he softly cries.
Pike softly wakes up at wearing his soft sobs
-Scanlan? Dear? Is something wrong?
She asks a bit sleepily, not sure if he is awake or having a nightmare. Her sweet voice brings some comfort to Scanlan, who looks at his lover, his face tear-stained, and can only mumble a bit as he wipes away some tears that keep pouring
-Pike… you know that… that thing? That regression that happens to Grog? Yeah… that’s it and I just… can’t help it
-Oh Scanlan dear
Pike coos him, her tone so soft and caring
-It’s ok, I understand, come here, my love
She pats her lap for him to rest his head on it, the bard does so and clings onto the cleric’s soft and motherly touch
-It’s ok, shhh, you’re alright, mama is here ok? Let me take care of you my sweetheart
Pikes words are exactly what he needed to hear, he hugs her and she embraces him, holding him close to her…
…So comforting, so soothing, like heaven…
Pike cradles her little boy, softly humming and singing a lullaby, making sure Scanlan is comfortable and feeling safe
His tears cease, he feels at ease, suckling on his thumb as he hears Pike’s comforting words and sweet melodies, he feels like baby…. Her baby
And all it’s safe
All it’s well
The night is like a mantle, safely holding him and his dearest love, his dearest cleric, his dearest mama
Soon they fall asleep, cuddling
And all is safe
All is well
All is perfect…
-Goodnight, little one
-Goodnight, mama
…So perfect
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