#And they meet and immediately think the other is super special
sunflower-lilac42 · 3 days
𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗽𝘆 𝗱𝗮𝘆𝘀 | 𝘯𝘩13 ♔
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➪ summary: when y/n gets her brothers and her boyfriend to visit her class, word comes out that nico wants to marry her
➪ warnings: none
➪ word count: 2.9k
➪ file type: fic
➪ sunny's notes: repost
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It wasn’t the first time the kids had talked about hockey, in fact, it was probably like the millionth time they’ve talked about hockey. She didn’t even know this many kids were fans of the Devils, but low and behold, of course, she could get a class full of hockey fans. On ‘Meet the Teacher’ night, she was pretty sure every kid had asked her if she was related to the Hughes brothers.
On the first day of school, she introduced herself, “Hi everyone! My name is Miss. Hughes and I’m so excited to teach you guys this year!”
“Miss. Hughes?” A hand popped up immediately after the words and she looked over, “Yes?”
“Do you know Jack and Luke Hughes?”
She smiled, “I might, why?”
“Because they are so cool!” All the other kids agreed.
“Are you guys Devils fans?”
They all nodded excitedly, smiles plastered on their faces. She then looked at them seriously, “Do you guys think you can keep a secret?”
They all nodded again, “Jack and Luke are my brothers.”
“No way!” The kids all let out gasps, almost starstruck by her words.
She nodded, “Oh yeah. You guys want proof?”
She pulled up a photo of her, Jack, Quinn, and Luke, showing it to the kids, “This is us from this past summer.”
“Are they older than you?”
“Just Quinn, I’m older than Jack and Luke.”
“I have a younger brother too!”
“I have a sister!”
“My brother’s older than me!”
“That is so cool, you guys! How about at the end of the day you can ask me anything you want about hockey or my brothers, but for right now we need to learn about some classroom rules and other things. I might even have an activity for you to do.”
Ever since then, the kids loved to ask her questions about it no matter what. If they were supposed to be working on counting their numbers, they would ask her about them, if they were supposed to be learning about planets, they asked her about hockey, if they were supposed to be working on spelling, they asked her about the game last night.
She had adjusted some things to incorporate hockey and the Devils while learning. She would give them bonus spelling quizzes about hockey teams, she would use their numbers to help them add or subtract, and she would use the teams as help for colors. Sometimes she even gets them to start learning a bit of geography and memorizing where each team is from.
Then she was begged to keep track of every game they lost and won. So each month she would set out a little portion of the whiteboard and write out the schedule, writing a ‘w’ or a ‘l’ next to it the following day or on Monday.
Come, January, the kids were super excited when they found out Quinn and Jack were going to the all-star game. It was all they were able to talk about. And after that, she decided she wanted to do something special for them. They had never even thought of the idea and she was glad that they didn’t. It took a lot of sweet talk from her to get all of the boys to agree, and when they did she gave them hugs, practically squeezing them to death. She also was planning on a bonus surprise, knowing how much they would love it.
It was the week of the All-Star break, Quinn had flown to Jersey yesterday. She had decided to cut out the science portion of their day because the kids hated science, it was their least favorite thing ever. So she got the kids to sit in a circle on the carpet. The boys were standing outside the classroom listening to everything that she said, “Okay, you guys have been so good lately and I wanted to give you guys a surprise.”
Excited giggles and small screams echoed through the classroom and the boys outside started laughing a little. She shook her head and sat down on her chair, “You guys have to behave okay because no other class is getting a surprise. You promise?”
They all nodded, “Okay, so you guys know how it’s All-Star break this week?”
“And you know how on Thursday Quinn and Jack are drafting their team?”
The kids once again said yes, excitedly nodding their heads, “Miss. Hughes?”
“What’s the surprise?”
“I’m getting there! Well, they were talking about how much they didn’t get to see me and how much they missed me.” All the kids giggled and one girl popped up, “You’re being silly, Miss. Hughes.”
“You’re right, I am. They didn’t say that to me. But I asked them a little while ago if they wanted to hang out and if they wanted to ask me for a favor.”
“What’s a favor?”
“It’s where you ask someone to do something for you.”
“What did you ask them?”
“Do you guys really want to know?”
“Okay… I guess I can tell you.” She got up and walked out of the classroom, the kids looked at each other confused, and started to whisper.
When she walked back in, Quinn, Jack, and Luke followed her, the kids immediately letting out screams of excitement, “Hey, what did I say about being loud?”
The kids quieted down a little but still were bouncing with excitement, all of them repeatedly saying their names over and over again. Y/n got the kids to settle down and told the three of them to sit in their seats, “Okay you guys. Do you know who these people are?”
One boy raised his hand, practically begging her to call on him, “Yes Liam?”
“They’re your brothers!”
“That’s right. Do you know their names?”
“Luke, Quinn, and Jack!”
“Do you guys have any questions for them?”
For the next ten minutes, they answered questions until one of the kids softly called out her name. She got up and walked over to her, kneeling down to be at her height, “What’s up kiddo?”
“Why is there an extra chair?”
“Oh, that’s a good question. Should we let everyone else know the question because I might have an exciting answer?”
She nodded and y/n sat down next to her, having everyone stop speaking, “Okay guys. Belle has a question.”
“Why is there an extra chair?”
“Well, that’s because I have another surprise for you!”
“Another surprise?”
“Yeah, you guys wanna know?”
They all nodded, “Yes! Yes! Yes!”
“Alright. Neeks, come on in!”
Nico walked in at the sound of his name and y.n could’ve sworn that the kids were more excited to see him than her brothers. A lot of them ran up and hugged him, y/n laughing a little bit at the interaction. She watched in awe as she watched her boyfriend interact with the kids, her heartwarming a little bit. Belle, the girl who had asked her the question initially, turned around from where she stood and asked loudly, “Miss. Hughes, is he your boyfriend?”
All the kids looked at her expectantly and she blushed, “Yes. He is.”
All of them gasped in excitement, “No way! That’s soooo cool!”
She laughed at their comments and allowed them to continue asking questions to the four of them. When twenty more minutes had passed and it was time for them to go to lunch she had them sit back down on the carpet, “Now what do we say to Quinn, Luke, Nico, and Jack for coming?”
“Thank you!”
The four laughed and said ‘you're welcome’ in unison. As another surprise, they all gave them a puck with their signatures on them. The kids gushed about it on their way to lunch and until the rest of the day. She was able to have lunch with the four of them in her classroom, eating whatever food they had bought for her.
The joy on their faces was something she would never be able to reciprocate even if she tried, it made tears spring in her eyes, “Thank you guys for coming. It really means a lot.”
They all smiled at her, Quinn wrapping her in a hug, “It was really no problem, y/n/n.”
“Yeah, I know but it’s your guys’ all-star break and I know that you two have to be in Toronto soon. And Luke and Neeks probably want a day off.”
All four of them shook their heads, Nico coming to sit next to her, “If we wanted a day off, we would’ve said no schatzi.”
She nodded, still unable to control the few tears that formed in her eyes. She leaned her head on his shoulder and reached for his hand, “They literally never shut up about you guys.”
It was silent for a moment before a little voice startled them from the entryway, “Miss. Hughes?”
She jumped and wiped the tears from her eyes, “Hi, Victoria. What’s wrong, sweetheart?”
She got up and walked over to her, hearing her sniffle, “I’m not feeling good.”
“Did you go to the nurse, honey?”
She nodded back at her, “She told me that I was going home.”
“Okay, you want me to help you pack up your things?”
She nodded again, going to grab her folder from her cubby. Meanwhile, Nico was watching her with complete adoration in his eyes. Quinn noticed this and moved over to sit next to him, “You want kids with her don’t you?”
Nico looked at him with wide eyes, “What?”
“You want kids with her. It’s kind of obvious, dude.”
He nodded, “Yeah, I guess. I mean, we’re still kind of young.”
Quinn smiled, “Yeah, but when you know you know, man. She loves you, though. I know she does.”
Nico looked at him with a small grin, “You know, she didn’t even want me to come today. She said that the kids would be happy with just you guys and that she didn’t want to ruin my break.”
“That sounds like her.”
“When I told her I was coming no matter what she said I was pretty sure she was going to cry.”
“Trust me, Nico. Y/n could never go a day without you no matter how much she tries to deny it. One day when you guys had this little fight, it must’ve been when you guys just started dating, she called me crying and told me she wanted to marry you.”
“She did?”
“Yeah. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her this happy.”
Victoria was finishing up putting the last thing in her bag and she looked at her teacher, “Mr. Hischier is looking at you.”
“Oh, he is?” She looked over her shoulder and saw him looking directly at her. Both of them blushed when their eyes locked and looked away, “He was wasn’t he?”
She nodded and smiled, “Miss. Hughes?”
“I think he loves you.”
“You think?”
“Yes! And I think you two are going to get married.”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah. Okay, bye, Miss. Hughes!”
“Bye, honey. Feel better!”
❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜
Later that night, Nico laid in bed with y/n, arms wrapped around her tightly as they looked at each other. Y/n lightly traced his tattoo, sending shivers through him. It had been a quiet night, the two had eaten dinner and watched a movie. It was comfortable between them, no words had to be said. Both of them, however, were thinking the same thing, back to earlier. Quinn and Victoria’s words had an impact on the respective two, both of them coming to the same conclusion of wanting to marry the other. 
Nico looked up at her through his eyelashes, she was looking down at his arms as she ran her finger over the ink. He smiled and couldn’t help himself, “Do you wanna marry me?”
She paused, her finger stopping and her mouth opening just a little in shock. She looked up at him, “What?”
“Do you wanna get married?”
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah. 100 percent.” He got up and walked over to his bag that sat at the foot of the bed, reaching in and grabbing something out, “You always told me you hated the way my bag smelled and that you wouldn't even take a step near it.”
She giggled a little, sitting up so her back was against the headboard. He walked back to the bed, sitting down by her legs, “I bought this for you a couple of months ago. It was the beginning of the season and I had just gotten back from a game. You were telling me about your day and how the kids wouldn’t stop talking about the team's win the previous night. I saw the way your face lit up when you talked about them and the game. You were so excited that they were interested in hockey. I don’t know. There was just something about the moment that made me realize that I needed to buy a ring for you. I always knew I wanted to marry you but I guess that moment just solidified it for me.”
He took a deep breath and risked a glance at her, she had tears in her eyes again, “Don’t cry, schatzi.” He held her hand before continuing, “Jack and Luke came with me the next day while you were at school. They kept pointing out random rings but none of them seemed right. The three of us were just about to give up and then I saw this one and I thought it was perfect.”
He opened the box and showed her, causing her to gasp in awe, “Oh my god, Neeks.”
“I love you, y/n and I want to be with you forever. I want to grow old with you and I want to have kids with you. I want to do it all with you.”
She nodded her head, almost screaming as she said yes. She launched herself into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, “I love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
A couple of moments passed, both of them basking in the moment, “Victoria told me we were going to get married. When she came back in during lunch earlier.”
“Oh, she did?”
“That’s funny, Quinn was telling me about how much you wanted to marry me earlier too.”
“He did?” A blush rose to her cheeks, “Yeah. He said that you called him after one of our small fights one day and you cried to him, saying that you wanted to marry me.”
“Oh god, that’s so embarrassing.” Her head fell into his chest and he laughed, moving his hand to run through her hair.
“Don’t be embarrassed. I think it's adorable.”
She shook her head and looked up at him, “I love you, Nico Hischier.”
“And I love you, y/n Hughes.”
❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜
The next day, y/n showed up to work and immediately thought about how she was going to tell her kids. When Victoria walked in she knew what she had to do. They went through their whole routine, no one suspecting a thing. At the end of the day, she beckoned Victoria over and she skipped to her, “Yes, Miss. Hughes.”
“You know how you told me that Mr. Hishcier and I were going to get married?”
She nodded confidently, “Yep!”
“Well, can I tell you a secret?”
“He asked me to marry him last night.”
Victoria gasped excitedly, a smile gracing her lips, “Can I see the ring?”
Y/n nodded, grabbing the ring from her pocket, “It’s so pretty!”
“You wanna do me a big favor?”
“That’s when someone asks you to do something for them right?”
“Yep. You wanna tell everyone?”
She nodded excitedly, “Yeah!”
“Alright go on.”
“Hey guys! Mr. Hsichier and Miss. Hughes are getting married!”
All the kids ran around getting a huge rush of energy. They all came up to y/n and started asking her questions, “When are you getting married?”
“Sometime during the summer. Maybe next year?”
“But you hate the summer!”
“Yeah I know, but Mr. Hischier has to work during hockey season, remember? He plays from October to April every year. So I have to make a sacrifice.”
“What’s a sacrifice?”
“When you give up something for something else.”
“I’m so happy for you, Miss. Hughes.”
“Don’t you mean, Mrs. Hischier?!”
Y/n laughed and made them pack up to go home. When she got back to her and Nico’s apartment, she smiled when she saw him making a pre-dinner snack. She wrapped her arms around his torso from behind, “Hi Neeks.”
“Hi schatzi, how was your day?”
“Good. Told the kids what you asked me last night.” He turned around in her arms and smiled down at her, “Yeah?”
She rested her head on his chest, “Mhm. They were really excited.”
He wrapped his arms around her, “I’m not surprised.”
“I still can’t believe this is happening.”
“Me neither. But I’m so excited.”
“Me too. I love you.”
“I love you.”
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⬂ 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗝𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗲𝘆 𝗗𝗲𝘃𝗶𝗹𝘀 𝗧𝗮𝗴𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 ⬂
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181 notes · View notes
icefire149 · 1 year
The destiel vs huntlow poll is so funny since I'm an avid shipper of both. It's massive brain worms vs massive brain worms. I need my fellow spn fans to understand its a fun match up.
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cocklessboy · 11 months
The biggest male privilege I have so far encountered is going to the doctor.
I lived as a woman for 35 years. I have a lifetime of chronic health issues including chronic pain, chronic fatigue, respiratory issues, and neurodivergence (autistic + ADHD). There's so much wrong with my body and brain that I have never dared to make a single list of it to show a doctor because I was so sure I would be sent directly to a psychologist specializing in hypochondria (sorry, "anxiety") without getting a single test done.
And I was right. Anytime I ever tried to bring up even one of my health issues, every doctor's initial reaction was, at best, to look at me with doubt. A raised eyebrow. A seemingly casual, offhand question about whether I'd ever been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Even female doctors!
We're not talking about super rare symptoms here either. Joint pain. Chronic joint pain since I was about 19 years old. Back pain. Trouble breathing. Allergy-like reactions to things that aren't typically allergens. Headaches. Brain fog. Severe insomnia. Sensitivity to cold and heat.
There's a lot more going on than that, but those were the things I thought I might be able to at least get some acknowledgement of. Some tests, at least. But 90% of the time I was told to go home, rest, take a few days off work, take some benzos (which they'd throw at me without hesitation), just chill out a bit, you'll be fine. Anxiety can cause all kinds of odd symptoms.
Anyone female-presenting reading this is surely nodding along. Yup, that's just how doctors are.
I started transitioning about 2.5 years ago. At this point I have a beard, male pattern baldness, a deep voice, and a flat chest. All of my doctors know that I'm trans because I still haven't managed to get all the paperwork legally changed, but when they look at me, even if they knew me as female at first, they see a man.
I knew men didn't face the same hurdles when it came to health care, but I had no idea it was this different.
The last time I saw my GP (a man, fairly young, 30s or so), I mentioned chronic pain, and he was concerned to see that it wasn't represented in my file. Previous doctors hadn't even bothered to write it down. He pushed his next appointment back to spend nearly an hour with me going through my entire body while I described every type of chronic pain I had, how long I'd had it, what causes I was aware of. He asked me if I had any theories as to why I had so much pain and looked at me with concerned expectation, hoping I might have a starting point for him. He immediately drew up referrals for pain specialists (a profession I didn't even know existed till that moment) and physical therapy. He said depending on how it goes, he may need to help me get on some degree of disability assistance from the government, since I obviously shouldn't be trying to work full-time under these circumstances.
Never a glimmer of doubt in his eye. Never did he so much as mention the word "anxiety".
There's also my psychiatrist. He diagnosed me with ADHD last year (meeting me as a man from the start, though he knew I was trans). He never doubted my symptoms or medical history. He also took my pain and sleep issues seriously from the start and has been trying to help me find medications to help both those things while I go through the long process of seeing other specialists. I've had bad reactions to almost everything I've tried, because that's what always happens. Sometimes it seems like I'm allergic to the whole world.
And then, just a few days ago, the most shocking thing happened. I'd been wondering for a while if I might have a mast cell condition like MCAS, having read a lot of informative posts by @thebibliosphere which sounded a little too relatable. Another friend suggested it might explain some of my problems, so I decided to mention it to the psychiatrist, fully prepared to laugh it off. Yeah, a friend thinks I might have it, I'm not convinced though.
His response? That's an interesting theory. It would be difficult to test for especially in this country, but that's no reason not to try treatments and see if they are helpful. He adjusted his medication recommendations immediately based on this suggestion. He's researching an elimination diet to diagnose my food sensitivities.
I casually mentioned MCAS, something routinely dismissed by doctors with female patients, and he instantly took the possibility seriously.
That's it. I've reached peak male privilege. There is nothing else that could happen that could be more insane than that.
I literally keep having to hold myself back from apologizing or hedging or trying to frame my theories as someone else's idea lest I be dismissed as a hypochondriac. I told the doctor I'd like to make a big list of every health issue I have, diagnosed and undiagnosed, every theory I've been given or come up with myself, and every medication I've tried and my reactions to it - something I've never done because I knew for a fact no doctor would take me seriously if they saw such a list all at once. He said it was a good idea and could be very helpful.
Female-presenting people are of course not going to be surprised by any of this, but in my experience, male-presenting people often are. When you've never had a doctor scoff at you, laugh at you, literally say "I won't consider that possibility until you've been cleared by a psychologist" for the most mundane of health problems, it might be hard to imagine just how demoralizing it is. How scary it becomes going to the doctor. How you can internalize the idea that you're just imagining things, making a big deal out of nothing.
Now that I'm visibly a man, all of my doctors are suddenly very concerned about the fact that I've been simply living like this for nearly four decades with no help. And I know how many women will have to go their whole lives never getting that help simply because of sexism in the medical field.
If you know a doctor, show them this story. Even if they are female. Even if they consider themselves leftists and feminists and allies. Ask them to really, truly, deep down, consider whether they really treat their male and female patients the same. Suggest that the next time they hear a valid complaint from a male patient, imagine they were a woman and consider whether you'd take it seriously. The next time they hear a frivolous-sounding complaint from a female patient, imagine they were a man and consider whether it would sound more credible.
It's hard to unlearn these biases. But it simply has to be done. I've lived both sides of this issue. And every doctor insists they treat their male and female patients the same. But some of the doctors astonished that I didn't get better care in the past are the same doctors who dismissed me before.
I'm glad I'm getting the care I need, even if it is several decades late. And I'm angry that it took so long. And I'm furious that most female-presenting people will never have this chance.
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signedmio · 4 months
Can I please request a Lucifer, Vox and Adam x GN! Reader where Lucifer, Vox, Adam becomes a nervous wreck trying to propose to Reader and even at there wedding day as they get themselves ready to step out of there dressing room and do there bows and all :3
what the flip this actually had me getting giddy reading this OFC I WILL WRITE THIS FOR YOU !!
a/n: i’m just doing proposal and wedding hcs so i hope that’s okay!! but they will contain bits of them getting all nervous so dw :)
Warnings: Swearing, potential S1 spoilers(?), mentions of sex (no smut)
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Adam Proposal + Wedding Headcanons
Adam didn’t understand why he was so nervous to propose, he’s ADAM, he’s the fucking man, he’s the OG DICK. Who could say no to him?
Uh.. actually… you could, technically. And he is — believe it or not — sorta scared out of his fucking mind for that outcome, considering he spent all his time with you, he wasn’t sure what his life would turn to if it didn’t go smoothly, but bitch is a risk taker, so ya boi fuckin’ went for it
Adam, with little-no ideas, went super basic, it was the only way he really knew how, he took you out to a fancy restaurant with fancy ass clothes, as a ‘business meeting’
After waiting over and over for the right moment, he realized he was almost out of time, so he popped down onto one knee
“Look, I don’t really understand this whole… proposal bullshit.” Adam started, fidgeting with the ring box in his hand nervously — whilst trying to maintain his cool,
“But I’m gonna do it, cause I’m the fucking man!” He said as he began to regain his confidence, “So, babe, would you make me the happiest man in Heaven and become the fucking one?” He said, pushing out the ring box, with a nervous but genuine toothy grin.
You said yes! Pffft, he called it! He called it.. heh..
He’s actually a lot more invested in wedding planning then you might think!
Just the reception though, the ceremony is ‘boring as fuck’
He will get slightly emotional during the ceremony, not tears or anything, but for one of the first (and realistically last) times, he has a gentle but proud smile on his face as you walk down the isle and you two do your vows.
THEN, that completely changed at the reception, bro goes batshit crazy. He definitely planned to have some bomb ass music and he is either chugging a shot or dancing his fucking heart out to the music.
Whenever talking to people at the reception, he will sit there and shove his wedding band in their fucking face as if they didn’t just watch you get married.
And then you guys go to your honeymoon basically immediately, and once you two get your ass into your hotel, you’re fucking.
That aside though, Lute was Adam’s best man, no questions asked. 😛
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Lucifer Proposal + Wedding
Lucifer hasn’t had to do this since Lilith, which has its pros and cons.
He’s a little more experienced than the other two, due to the fact that he’s obviously proposed before.
He’s less nervous because of this, but that doesn’t mean he just doesn’t care, cause he really wants this to be special for you, he just doesn’t want you to regret it — whatever your response may be.
He bought a ring for you way before he actually proposed, and he always kept it with him, because he never knew when the right moment would strike
And it came when he least expected it…
It was around 3am, and there was hardly anyone out on the streets, surprisingly, you two were taking a nightly stroll, and you had laughed at something he said, and you just looked so beautiful in the Hellish night sky, he knew, right then and there, you were the one.
You continued to stroll down the street in the bloody red, before realizing Lucifer’s absence from your side, you turn around to see the blonde angel on one knee, with a soft smile and tears pricking in his eyes.
“Y’know, I wasn’t too sure about love after what happened with Lilith..” He started, letting out a small sigh to contain himself before continuing, “And, somehow, someway, you came into my life at the best possible time.” He said, taking a pause, trying to regulate his emotions.
“You found me at my worst, and turned me into my best, and my God, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me.” Lucifer said, combing over some of his blonde locks to the side, as tears continued to well up in his eyes.
“Sweetie, you make me so happy, and you love me, silliness and flaws and all, so my love, would you please do me the honor and allow me to be your husband?”
Yes, he got you duck themed wedding rings. Because why would he not?
He’s very insistent on helping with the wedding planning, you’ve done so much for him, so he wants you to be able to sit back and relax and just be able to enjoy the wedding.
And then he crashes and burns, as he realizes, he doesn’t fucking know how to plan a wedding… So you guys split it half-and-half.
He really wants a winter wedding. On Valentine’s Day. With Valentines colors. Please let him have it. He’s so baby, he really wants it.
During the ceremony, he definitely cries. Not too hard core though, a couple tears and sniffles with a proud, dopey smile across his face.
The reception is a more lowkey version of Adam’s, there’s music and shit, but it’s not like a madhouse in contrast lmao.
Luci does make a point to talk to almost every guest, especially if their your family, cause he wants to get to know them.
Also, if there are kids at your wedding, especially if their your relatives, he loves them. He will let them climb all over him, he’ll fly them around a bit, he’ll play with them. I love the idea of Luci playing with kids.
You guys don’t have a honeymoon, though, he’d rather stay at home and make ducks.
Oh yeah, next topic to tackle is… how does he tell you he wants kids…? And when…?
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Vox Proposal + Wedding
As much as Vox may say, it’s for business, it’s not. He loves you so much.
Vox wants a lowkey proposal, not a lot of people around, just done and out of the way.
He does it while at a VoxTech event, so the two of you are already dressed up incase some paparazzi come and sneak pictures.
Once he has a bit of spare time, he pulls you out into a private hallway or a balcony, and does his thing. And yes, he glitches
Halfway through your conversation with Velvette, you feel a jerk on your arm and as your being dragged off Velvette gives you two big thumbs up with a toothy grin, while mouthing ‘Goodluck!’ like bitch, the fuck? Good luck for what??
You’re pulled out into the hallway, and shoved into the outside balcony area, you turn after you get your focus back, which is immediately taken away after you see Vox on one knee.
“Dear, zzh— we’ve been through a lot together, ssz— and szzz!- Honestly, it’s not like I even care, szzzz- but, maybe, you’d consider, szz- marrying me?” Vox makes an attempt to proudly hold the ring box to you as he just embarrassed himself, he gives a nervous, toothy, talk show host grin.
Yeah.. Just for business. mhm.
A lot of people are invited to your wedding, it’s fucking Vox, he knows people.
Neither of you plan the wedding, per say, Vox just gets an employee to do all the tedious stuff for you guys and you two give your input when needed.
During the ceremony, Vox doesn’t get emotional, there’s people here who has business deals with, therefore, the show must go on!
But during the reception, when you both have your first dance as spouses, the world for him… goes quiet.
THAT’S when he gets slightly emotional, he leans into your touch and cannot stop whispering to you about how much he fucking loves you.
The reception is a bit more formal, you both go around and talk to guests as Vox does his little host shit, and makes a few business deals.
You guys have a honeymoon, and it’s expensive as FUCK, that was a little surprise for you, he takes you out to the biggest places in all of Hell, only the best for his newly-wedded spouse~
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burstinn · 8 months
brother, brother. since you wrote the one for the very tall male reader, up to do one about a short guy who’s built as a bulk? champ’ll be like 5’6 but able to lift a man Ghost’s size
the guys teasing him about it but then he just challenges them and BOOM super strength
slight nsfw if possible, please, it’s 03:42am and I don’t want blue balls :(
dk mate just a thought, sorry for bothering
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People mentioned: Price, Ghost, Soap, Gaz, Alex, Farah, Rudy, Alejandro.
Warning: slight nsfw that's it, I got lazy with Farah bbg Farah and Ale and Rudy.. AUGHH
Note:Readers height is not mentioned.. So just think of reader just shorter than the boys.
And this is only for the 141 team and associates hcs
No Kortac but will be adding the Mexican special forces I.e Alejandro, ++++
Hope you don't mind-
You have trained hard though you were shorter than most of your colleagues you were just as strong as them maybe even more.
Which caught the attention of the wild renowned John Price. When he saw you with your team during a mission and watched how you worked well, you could get into small spaces and could take out just as much men.
You were swift and efficient at your job and when he offered you to work for 141, you spent no time to think and immediately agreed.. I mean like YOU in the 141?!? With the high leagues?!? You wouldn't even pass up the chance!
-Already impressed when he first saw you, he swiftly went to speak too laswell about you.
-Not to say she wasn't impressed as well though
-So you got an offer on the spot after your mission. But Price did give you time to think about it
-When you said yes he simply nodded his head an said "Can't wait to have you be part of the team"
-He gave you time to change your mind, pack up, say goodbye to your former teammates and superiors before hopping on the heli and flying off to your new team. Excited and nervous.
-When you hopped off the Heli a hop in your step as you approach the highly revered team. Price immediately walks up beside you patting you in your back and pushing you forward.
-Happily letting you introduce yourself.
- He knows how strong you can be he's just waiting for you to finally show your potential so the team can see why he let you join the team
-He immediately frowned under his mask.. There's no way.. Well it's not that he's very judgy with recruits... But.. Goddamn you were short.. Hell shorter than Gaz.
-But he shook off those thoughts there must be a real good reason Price chose you.
-And he won't doubt his captains choice.
- Don't judge a book by its cover or something
- When you got around base, meeting everyone getting comfortable. He comfortable with you as well you're a neat guy.
- Though when it came to training. He saw how you worked.. Like shit you broke the punching bag for fucks sake. No one was expecting that not really, so now Ghost's got really interested in seeing you train.
- When people asked you and Ghost to spar with each other he is hesitant. I mean look at you and look at him. You breaking the punching was not expected yes, but people break shit all the time.
- Thinks he could easily beat you. Worst case he would probably break something of you
- You actually seem to encourage him to fight with you until he says yes.
- Eventually said yes and quickly tried to take you down before you roll under him and lift the fuck out him and throwing him.
- face under mask went like 😨😦😐🤨
- Yoo? Tried to tackle you fails miserably now your on top of him. Sitting down on his neck cuz 😏😏 Your holding his hands on top of his head too BECAUSE RAAAAAAA
- " You're going easy on me lieutenant.."
-He furrows his brow, eyes really wide when he saw you.
-Then as if there was no more other thought in his head.. He just walked up to you and picked you up.. Like a cat.
-Earning him a smack on his head from Price then Ghost. He puts you down after that. Saying a short sorry.
-He gave you a small smile. Though small doubts trickled in his thoughts. He brushed it off. You looked cute anyway not like he would pass up another cute guy that atleast won't hide their face 😒😒. Ehem ehem..
-So when you got comfortable around base he swiftly started chatting you up. Pleasantly having a nice conversation as always with you.
- He likes picking you up like a cat
- when you can't reach something, he'd pull you up to his shoulders so you can reach it
- Gets infatuated with you.. Thinks you're so cute.
- Height Jokes
- When you called him over to see how you pull up weights. Putting fucking 4 HEAVY ASS weights on each side. And you FUCKING LIFT IT
- He got so hard it's unbelievable.
- Oh.. Uh?
- 🤨
- He thinks you're cool.. Non chalant about your height.
- He would bully you sometimes.. But it's all no harm.
-Height Jokes
- Would keep stuff out of your reach he thinks its funny, except for the part where you kicked him straight in the balls.
- One day he did that again keeping something out of your reach dangling it over your head..
-You suddenly picked him up. It made him scream and he waddled in your arms and fell off.
- He opened his mouth to idk.. Scold you. Asked you how you carried him..
- Then he shut himself up when you carried him princess wedding style and moving him while looking down at your stuff finding wherever he fell your stuff.
- Blushing hee hee a little princess being carried
- You eventually set him down and he silently walked away
- Would do it again more frequently.. He just wants to be carried wedding style again.
- Huh? 🤨
- Confuckled
- Talked to Price about you.. Asking questions then finally confirmed that you are part of 141
- Thinks of you like a small lost child sometimes
- If he sees you walking around base has to do a double take then remembers it's you.
- You're short he sometimes forgets to look down too see you. It's not like you're that short.. It's just he keeps his head up since the team is yknow... Tall.. Well taller than you.
- one day he got mad because " you weren't there" when he was looking for you.. Even though you were literally near him.
- So you reached over and grabbed his collar to pull him down. He got shocked and tried to pull away..
- But goddamn you were holding his collar like a fuckin' champ.
- Blood immediately pumps to his face.. And pumps somewhere down there YK YKKKK! ! ! WAAHAHAHAHHA
-Bro is an inch taller than her
- Side eyes you for a moment before nodding her head to herself.. She knows you're strong but she still judging you tho
- Calls you gay.
- Plays with your cheeks.. Stress reliever face cheeks. You're the easiest to reach anyway
- She did nun wrong to you really.. She just saw how you beat everyones asses literally
- like?? Huuh?
- Wants to be like you too. Small but strong asfuck
- Not like she's not like that anyway
- Strong woman real real
- Slay
- Just gives you a small smile everytime she sees you.. Just impressed..
- Thinks you look like a child. Even asked about if you were a child.
- Also doesn't see you sometimes.. Especially when there are other taller people in the room probably covering you from his line of vision.
- Spanish word for small, tiny, mini, short, Gremlin... Yeah..
- If he's upset with you and you get the fucking balls to turn your body away from him. Hell if you even think to walk away
- He grabs you by the back of your shirt/ collar. And turns you to face him. Close so you can see how upset he is by you.
- You even dare to give him a scowl.. Oh my god.. He'd either want to slam you on the floor or wall. Maybe scream in Spanish on you.
- May or may not still be angry with you. Or he let's you run off because he doesn't want to deal with you.
- ..... (make up sex..)
- Treats you like a child even though he knows you aren't
- Asks you if you're okay if you even graze a shoulder, would put a hand on your head and ruffles it
- Also Spanish nickname for small... Bla bla bla
- Sometimes he picks you up and carries you around on his shoulder. Even with your protests, telling him how it's so damn embarrassing.
- it is but he don't care.. He thinks it's funny.
- Then if you turn the tables spinning him around with your legs. And flipping him over making him hit his head on the floor.
- Audible groan.. And looks at you like 😧🙁☹️
-Why'd you do that? ☹️☹️ kinda face
- Then Wait how'd you do that? 🤨🤨 face
- Now you show him your amazing ass Strength even though you're small asfuck
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
Wonze x Child!Reader
Summary: You meet a different Nala
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Your mummies had Narla longer than they had you. You think that's super cool because you're kind of like Narla's bigger little sister. You're very close.
She sleeps in your bed with you and never pulls on the lead when you go out for walks. She helps you adjust to Spain. It's very hot here and there's a lot more sunshine than in Manchester and you're not too sure if you like that.
You're leaning more on the side of not liking it but it's all okay because you have Mum and Mummy and Narla too.
The Barcelona girls are there as well but you're pretty wary of most of them. They talk in Spanish and they're very touchy, lots of head pats and cuddles. Some of them speak bits of English but mostly they just coo over you in a way that the Manchester girls never did.
Narla, though, is your bestest friend and you know Mummy has a picture of you and Narla napping as her homescreen. You would spend all your time with Narla if Mum and Mummy's boss let them bring her to work.
"They're adorable," Frido says as she leans against the doorway, spotting you sitting on the floor in front of the tv with Narla," Have they always been like that?"
"Yeah," Lucy replies fondly," Narla tried to sleep in her crib the first day we brought her home. They've been inseparable since."
"That's so cute," Frido says," She must love dogs."
Keira makes a face. "Not really. I think our Narla is just special."
Narla is definitely special. She squares up to the other dogs at the park when they come up to you and she barks like she's a husky instead of a terrier.
Narla's your hero and your very bestest friend in the whole wide world so you're happy to sit with her on the floor as Mum and Mummy's teammates mill about the new house.
You ignore the sound of the front door opening and closing in favour of pointing out something on the screen to Narla, who thumps her tail against the ground.
She sniffs the air for a moment before moving to stand protectively in front of you, snarling and barking.
You look where she's looking and shriek, immediately moving to stand on the sofa (stepping on Mapi and Ingrid in the process).
Narla barks at the other dog again (whose lead you follow up into the hand of Alexia). You move to make more space between you and this new dog and Ingrid has to catch you before you topple back off the arm of the seat.
The new dog wags its tail happily, uncowed by Narla's barks. Narla growls, low and deep in her throat, before moving to sit protectively in front of you.
"Sorry, Alexia," Mummy says apologetically," I don't know what's gotten into here. She's not usually like that with other dogs."
Alexia just shrugs. "Maybe it is different when it is at her house. Nala will be fine. She won't push." She unclips this new dog's leash and lets it loose.
Somehow, you lean even further back and Ingrid has to adjust her grip on you so you don't fall. She doesn't have to hold you for long though because Mum comes walking past and plucks you into her arms.
Narla whines a little, stomping her feet as she follows you both.
Mum takes you into the kitchen where Mummy, Frido and Alexia are.
"Hi," You chirp in greeting because it's polite and Mummy always reminds you about your manners.
"Hi," Alexia says back as Mummy takes you from Mum and sits you on the countertops.
You open your mouth to let her pop a slice of orange into it, taking another piece out of her hand to drop for Narla.
"She's not meant to eat human food," Mummy reminds you.
"Narla likes it!" You say.
Alexia and Frido laugh and Alexia moves closer to smile at you.
"I have a Nala too," She says and you frown a little.
"No. My Narla."
"Si, this one is your Narla. But I have my own dog and she's called Nala too."
That stumps you for a moment, little brow furrowed in confusion until the little dog from earlier appears.
You shriek again, standing up as if the dog could reach you.
"Sit down!" Mum yells, moving to catch you in case you fall.
"No!" You say, reaching to hide in her neck as the little dog (who you now know is also called Nala) sniffs around, tail wagging as it yips at you.
"Okay, okay," Mum says, bouncing you up and down as your Narla fronts up to Alexia's Nala," It's okay. Ale's Nala is like a little puppy. She can't hurt you."
Her words do little to soothe you so Mummy has to take over, holding you nice and close and coaching you through nice, deep breaths.
Alexia picks up her Nala and keeps a bit of distance.
You lean into Mummy, trying to hide away in her shoulder as you reach your arm down for your Narla, who moves to stand on her hind legs to lick at your fingers.
"Ale's Nala isn't bad," Mummy assures you," Do you want to say hello?"
You shake your head. "No," You whimper," No! Want-Want my Narla!"
"Okay. Okay, let's take a step back." Mummy takes you into the living room and sits you in the armchair.
You pat the space next to you for Narla. She jumps up easily and rests her head on your legs. You run your hands through her fur as you watch warily as the other Nala pads around.
All the adults are keeping a close eye on you just like you keep a close eye on Alexia's Nala.
She doesn't look scary but she's a small dog and you know that small dogs can be yappy sometimes. You don't like yappy dogs. Their barks are too loud and sometimes they scare your Narla when they start barking randomly.
Your Narla is also watching the new Nala but she doesn't growl again so you take this to mean that Alexia's Nala isn't as scary as other dogs.
Nala looks up at you, tail wagging. She doesn't attempt to get up on the chair though and you're happy at that.
Your Narla looks down at the other Nala and then back at you. She settles closer to your body and goes back to staring at the other dog.
"See?" Mum says softly as she sits on the arm of the chair," Alexia's Nala isn't scary."
"Is little," You reply," Is little and small. Don't like small dogs."
"Why don't you like small dogs?"
"Because the small dog at the park chases our Narla when she doesn't want to play."
"Alexia's Nala doesn't do that," Mum says," How about you meet her properly? Here, Alexia will hold her still for you."
Alexia does as Mum says she will and you cautiously approach this new dog.
Her little body is wiggling a lot and that scares you a little so you scamper back into Mummy's legs, who takes your hand and walks you closer again.
"Nice and gentle," Mummy reminds you," Like with our Narla."
She guides your hand over Alexia's Nala's head and you let the dog lick at your fingers.
"See?" Mummy says," She's not scary."
She's right but you don't want to tell her that.
"Your puppy is nice," Is what you say to Alexia instead of Mummy. You wiggle away and go straight to your Narla, who is dutifully waiting for you.
You pick her up. You're only little and Narla's all grown up for a dog so it's a little awkward but she's happy to be carried by you.
You take her all the way back to the armchair, placing her there. You detour briefly to snatch a blanket before returning. You curl up with your head on the arm of the seat and Narla on your chest, wrapping the blanket tight around you both.
"Are you having a little nap?" Mum asks and you nod.
"Naptime for me and Narla."
"Alright, have a good sleep."
You don't answer because you (and Narla) are already halfway to sleep.
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taesanrot · 2 months
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[love these days] eunseok x f!reader | 3.3k best friends to lovers, implied college au, making out, alc consumption, mutual pining, mls are both a lil dumb, cute n fluffy w a lil smut n angst syn. in which you drunkenly attempt to prove to your friends that you have absolutely no feelings towards your best friend (spoiler alert... you fail) note. storyline is based off of the manhwa these days love special! it's a super cute one shot and a comfort read for me so you guys should check it out. ++ thank u so so much for the support on the teaser, i honestly wrote it on a whim but i'm v proud of this fic so i hope u guys like it as welll <3
you winced at how loud your friends were yelling, sipping on your drink in a weak attempt to calm your nerves. you'd foolishly thought that coming out to drink with your friends would lift up your mood after your terrible week.
you were immediately proven wrong, chaewon and anton's loud arguing was making your head hurt and you just wanted to go home and snuggle into your blanket.
staring at the table top, you lost yourself in your own racing thoughts. you were pulled out of your trance as shotaro nudged you. you looked up at him drearily, and he gave you a sad smile, ruffling your hair.
"what's up? you seem downer than usual." you gave him a weak half smile, opening your mouth to answer his question. you were interrupted by a loud outburst from sohee.
"what do you guys think about guys and girls being best friends? do you think they can stay platonic?" the entire table erupted with noise, everyone drunkenly chiming in to answer his question.
"what on earth are you saying sohee? of course they can!"
"don't you know if you like someone the second you meet them? how can you catch feelings after being friends?"
"kissing my guy friends sounds fucking disgusting, yall stay safe."
you stayed silent, knowing better than to respond -- you already answered sohee's question with your own traitorous heart. you glanced at the table next to yours, eyes landing on the reason you were keeping your mouth shut.
your best friend, song eunseok.
who you were, unfortunately, in love with.
you and eunseok had met in during your college orientation, finding that your personalities clicked quite well as you discussed your respective majors and classes. the rest was history, you two bonded fast, and you quickly became one of his closest friends. it didn't help that the two of you lived in the same apartment complex, meaning that you basically ended up walking home together everyday.
it became a routine, even if the two of you had separate plans you'd meet up somewhere and walk back together
if you were being honest to yourself, you'd been attracted to eunseok from the day you'd met him.
sometimes, you'd think back to the early days of your and eunseok's friendship and wondered how you'd manage to not confess right then and there. chasing the high of the closeness of your friendship had satisfied you somehow.
these days, though, you started to think that you were losing your mind. your feelings for eunseok have only grown stronger as time has passed, and it was becoming increasingly difficult to maintain your usual subtlety.
you felt like you were at your wit's end, ready to confess and be over all of this. and a couple days ago, you had been planning to do just that.
you reread eunseok's text in confusion, hoping you were walking in the right direction.
you had just gotten out of your last class, and eunseok had texted you to meet him and some other friends on the building's rooftop. you walked around a corner, recognize the back of eunseok's head and his terrible posture.
he was sitting at some picnic tables with two underclassman. just as you were about to wave, you hear one of the other boys speak.
"y/n.... as in kim y/n? you two are pretty close huh, eunseok?" you immediately darting back around the corner, hoping they hadn't seen you yet.
you pulse thrummed under your skin. they were talking about you. you felt your breath hitch as you heard eunseok's tired voice.
"cmon, you know it's not like that, sohee" sohee's loud laugh rang through the air.
"you wish it was though, don't you seokie?" a third voice, hong seunghan, chimed in. you cupped a hand over your mouth to suppress your nervous laughter. you heard eunseok shift in his seat before he spoke the words that would ruin your week.
"y/n.... she's nice and i like her. she's not even close to my type, though."
your face twitched and you clenched your hands into fists, nails digging crescents into your palms. you had to get out of here, and get out of there you did.
turning in the direction you'd come from minutes ago, you disappeared down the stairs, bolting to the comfort of your apartment. you shot eunseok a text later and make up an excuse, saying something came up on the way there. he never questioned it, thankfully.
remembering it made your shoulders sag, and you sighed for what had to be the 30th time that night, taking another swig from your beer.
of course you of all people would get rejected before you even had the chance to confess. you finally tuned back into the conversation. to your dismay, sungchan had begun to gush over his girlfriend of five years.
"it doesn't matter what i think, i'm already locked in for good." everyone rolled their eyes as he turned his phone around to show you guys pictures of his girlfriend, jiwoo, pictures that everyone had already seen a million times.
"isn't she so cute? i miss her, she's so busy these days."
huffing slightly, you felt your eyes waver over to the table next to yours. to certain brown haired boy, more importantly.
normally, eunseok would be drinking with you and your friends, but he was supposed to be getting to know some of the people in his major department better.
one of the students in question was doe-eyed underclassman sullyoon. your stomach turned uncomfortably as you watched her prettily laugh at eunseok's quips, covering her mouth politely and crinkling her eyes ever so slightly. it was impossible for you to look away as she unabashedly flirted with your best friend; the sight was almost nauseating.
jealousy tore through you, an eerie sadness filling you up from bottom to top. she was just his type, you realized, the epiphany making your mood even worse than it already was. today was the worst.
sullyoon's advances and your completely-not-subtle staring didn't go unnoticed by shotaro either.
"guess she's laid her claim on eunseok, huh?" he joked, nudging your side playfully. you dreadfully gulped down the last of your beer.
"how would i know?" you spoke gloomily, and a frown slowly etched itself onto shotaro's face as he put together the pieces in front of him.
his gaze remained on your dull figure for a moment longer before he suddenly sat up and gasped, grabbing your attention.
"guys, we're forgetting about the closest guy and girl here! aren't you best friends with song eunseok, y/n?" your eyes widen as shotaro's words boom through the bar. after a short pause, your friends went into uproar.
"hey, you're right, taro"
"do you like eunseok, y/n?"
"oh my god do you think they've kissed"
the words coming out of shotaro's mouth reached your ears almost in slow motion. your posture stiffened and you coughed roughly in shock, looking over to make eye contact with an unamused eunseok. his table had fallen into silence as well, everyone listening and waiting for what you had to say.
oh god, does he think i told him to say that? he's gonna think i like him. fuck fuck fuck.
alcohol tainted thoughts ran through your head as you panicked, trying to think of ways to shut down the conversation as quick as possible.
"you guys are crazy. me and eunseok could shower together and i still wouldn't catch feelings" seriously? that was the best you could think of?
berating yourself internally, you tried your hardest to fake nonchalance and act like that blatant lie wasn't tearing you in two. you glanced over at your best friend again, his expression unreadable. there was no going back; you really had to get over eunseok now.
tearing your gaze away from him, you downed the rest of your beer and glared at osaki shotaro's back.
"it's too earlyyyy we can't go home" chaewon half spoke and half shrieked, arm wrapped around sohee's shoulder.
"let's go to karaoke!" seunghan chirped, his suggestion earning cheers. you and eunseok both stepped away from the group, saying quiet goodbyes and excusing yourselves to walk back home. your friends cheered seeing the two of you walk away together, and you wished a hole would open in the ground and swallow you whole.
"god i feel like shit" you groaned, rubbing your forehead drearily. eunseok chuckled at your frazzled state, tugging the sleeve of your jacket and pulling you closer to him.
you held your breath as he playfully tugged the hood of your zip up over your face, laughing at the way you sputtered curses at him. the two of you bantered like this almost all the way until your place. when the two of your finally fell into a peaceful silence, you spoke.
"sullyoon seemed pretty into you." you craned your neck and tilted your gaze to the dark sky, hoping the boy next to you wouldn't be able to notice the sadness in your eyes. eunseok rolled his eyes at your question and coughed.
"did she, now?" playing dumb, he smirked at the way your gaze whipped to his face, staring at him incredulously. he hadn't helped himself to nearly as many drinks as you, a slight buzz coursing through his veins.
"i mean i found it pretty obvious." this time, eunseok laughed loudly. you really couldn't hold yourself back at all when you were wasted. your eyebrows furrowed and a blush ran across your cheeks at his laughter and response.
usually, you were pretty careful with how much you drank around your best friend, not wanting to unintentionally expose the feelings your fought so hard to hide from him.
unfortunately, past you did not anticipate shotaro's quips or the events of the past few days, the frustration leading you to allow yourself more drinks than usual.
the front door of your apartment complex came into view before eunseok could answer you. looking at your flushed face and droopy eyes, he decided it'd be best for him to help you to your place. the two of you rode in the elevator in silence, opening to your floor. you're face contorted in confusion as eunseok stepped out as well, hand coming to rest on your back as he led you to your unit.
"what're you doing?" you slurred at him. the fresh air had done nothing to sober you up, and eunseok rolled his eyes with a smile.
"making sure you actually make it to your bed." he fished your keys out of your pocket for you and opened the door to your small apartment. slightly tripping over your feet, you walked in and kicked off your shoes.
before you could even think of slumping onto the floor or your kitchen, eunseok grabbed your shoulders and led you to your room, laughing as you swatted his hands and sat on your bed.
you groaned as you leaned back and laid on your bed, exhaustion catching up to you. you brought a hand up to shield your eyes from the dizzying ceiling light. feeling the bed dip slightly next to you, you turned your gaze to eunseok. he was sitting right next to your laying figure, hand coming up to rub your shoulder lightly.
"cmon, you gotta actually get ready for bed." eunseok sighed and shook his head, pinching your neck and earning another groan.
after a painfully long amount of time, eunseok had managed to get you off your bed and into the bathroom. he helped your wipe off your leftover makeup and made sure you took out your contacts and brushed your teeth.
routine complete and pajamas adorned, you stood and stared at your awaiting bed, something stopped your from getting in and slipping underneath the covers.
eunseok turned off the lights in your bathroom and the rest of your apartment before returning to your bedroom with a glass of water.
"here, have some water." after seeing your stilled figure still standing next to the head of the bed, his eyebrows furrowed.
"are you okay?" the boy inquired. he reached his hand out to rest on the small of your back, but you turned and sat down on the bed before he had the chance.
"seokie..." you mumbled softly. eunseok felt his cheeks burn at the nickname the rolled off your drunken tongue. you'd only used it a few times -- almost always when you were intoxicated. eunseok never found it in him to tell you he loved it.
"i lied earlier, i'm sorry." you stared at your socked toes and eunseok's brows furrowed in confusion. lied? what is she talking about?
"about what?" you looked up to meet eunseok's eyes. they bored into you, sending a shiver down your spine as your mouth suddenly dried up. clearing your throat slightly, the secret you had been keeping for so long slipped from your lips.
"i can't shower with you." well, not quite. eunseok chuckled lightly at your serious tone.
"what? why does that matter?" he pried further, chuckling at your pout. you didn't find this situation amusing, all of the memories of eunseok rejecting you flowing back into your mind. letting out a tearful sigh, your face fell into your hands with a loud smack.
"i can't because i already have feelings for you!" eunseok's lazy smile dropped immediately, not only at the fact that you just confessed to him, but also because you were now crying into your hands.
"i like you so much, i'm sorry seokie. sohee was right about me." you sniffled and cried even harder into your hands, not realizing eunseok kneeling in front of you. your crying subsided as eunseok's hands wrapped around yours, pulling them away from your teary face.
"you're seriously something else." your best friend smiled at your teary eyes and red nose. even while crying you looked so adorable to him. you opened your mouth to whine at him but he placed a finger over your lips, continuing.
"i can't shower with you either, y/n" your face crumpled even more.
"because i'm not even close to your type! i already know that, you asshole." it was your turn to stare in confusion as eunseok laughed and shook his head.
"no, don't you get it?" a thick silence hung in the air as you racked your brain for any possible explanation.
because he wants to keep things platonic? no, that can't be it. or maybe ...
does he... like me?
eunseok watched the gears turn in your head, seeing your face fill with realization before you spoke.
"do you l-" eunseok didn't give you a chance to finish your question, moving forward and swiftly capturing your lips in his own.
you made a noise of surprise before shutting your eyes, reaching for his shirt to pull him on top of you. eunseok was gentle as ever with you, laying you down on the bed slowly. hovering over you, he let his tongue run across your bottom lip, coaxing your mouth further open so he could taste more of you.
you sighed out in satisfaction as you felt his warm tongue explore your mouth. you don't know how long you'd been waiting for this moment. running your hands along the blades of his shoulders, you pressed them into his back, hugging him close as if he might disappear.
entangling his legs with yours, breathing the same air as you, eunseok wanted to capture this moment and lock it in his memory forever. he decided instead to let you know how he felt through his lips and hands, easing his fingers through your hair and sucking your bottom lip.
as he pulled away and the two of you watched the string of saliva connecting your lips, you wondered how you managed to bottle up your feelings for the boy above you for as long as you did.
twisting the hem of your shirt, eunseok looked into your eyes with a hooded gaze, drunk off of you.
"can i?"
opening your eyes slowly, you registered your surroundings. you were snuggled in bed, wrapped in your comforter.
as you mind flashed with the memories of the bar last night, you shot up in bed.
"morning." you screamed at the greeting, turning to see eunseok laying next to you in your bed, scrolling through his phone lazily.
"what are you-" you question was interrupted by a loud noise from the boy's stomach.
"ugh, i'm so hungry, lemme go pee and let's get something to eat, yeah?" eunseok fought to hide his laugh as he watched you scratch the back of neck in confusion.
you stared at eunseok intensely as he ate his burger and fries like a starved man. you and your best friend were seated in nearby diner. you wished you knew what eunseok was thinking; he hadn't brought up the events of the night before and you were starting to think they didn't even happen. not to mention your memory was pretty foggy following eunseok helping you to your room anyways.
you hoped nothing happened past the two of you making out; you'd really want to remember sleeping with eunseok if you did. looking up at eunseok nonchalantly sipping on his coke, your patience ran out.
"we didn't sleep together, right?" eunseok swallowed his drink slowly, letting your question hang in the air for the moment before answering.
"what do you remember?" he inquired and you exhaled shallowly.
"kissing. and you took off my shirt i think." the boy in front of you smiled. he was secretly very happy you remembered the night before. he'd be a little bothered if he was the only one who remembered your first kiss together.
"yeah, you passed out like right after that." he chuckled, watching your face turn bright red. chewing your bottom lip, you turned your focus back to your food. eunseok smiled softly at you. he thought you were too cute for your own good.
walking back to your apartment, you turned to eunseok.
"you never told me if you liked me." eunseok stopped in his tracks, turning to look at you in disbeilef.
"the making out wasn't enough of an answer for you?" he laughed as you smacked his arm, hoping no one passing by heard eunseok's crass answer.
"song eunseok!" smiling like you were the only person in the world, eunseok grabbed your hand and laced his fingers with yours.
"y/n, i like you too. will you go out with me?" swinging your arms, he pouted at you, waiting for answer.
"ugh, you're so corny." snatching your hand out of his grasp, you jokingly walked away from the boy, giggling.
"hey! you're the one with a crush on me!" he chased after you, laughing as he wrapped his arms around you and locked you in his grasp. turning in his arms to face him, you met his brown eyes and smiled prettily.
"i'd love to go out with you."
[bonus — the day eunseok "rejected" you]
"y/n.... she's nice and i like her. she's not even close to my type, though."
eunseok's words hung in the air as he searched for the right way to express his thoughts. just hearing your name made his cheeks flush pink. balancing his chin in his hand, he continued.
"somehow though, she seems prettier every time i see her." this earned a loud cheer from the two boys.
"eunseok hyung, you really surprised me." seunghan laughed at the eunseok's dopey smile.
"could you guys please keep it a secret for me?"
taglist: @shnnzsworld @beomgyusonlywife @pompompush @forrds @yoursyuno @snowyseungs @dreamiestay @taeraeverse
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comicaurora · 7 months
If YouTube shuts down in five years or if the channel stops doing well or if you just burn out or whatever, what’s your backup career? I feel like a lot of “content creators” become super specialized into doing content creation stuff
This question is interesting, because you've given voice to one of the anxieties it took me the longest to overcome.
My thesis on life is you can't live in any sort of healthy manner if you're constantly planning for the worst case scenario - what you would do if everything in your life suddenly changed. Like how you can't live comfortably anywhere if you've constantly planning for the next time you'll move out.
For me, that question takes the form "what if youtube suddenly exploded", but everyone has a scenario like that. In fact, everyone has an infinite number of scenarios like that.
What would I do for I living if I got sick or had an accident and could no longer meet the physical demands of my job?
What would I do if I had a breakdown and needed everything to stop?
What's my contingency plan for if my entire company exploded and I got laid off without warning?
What've I got lined up if a global pandemic shut down all in-person jobs?
What's my backup plan if I lost the sense I needed to create the art I specialize in?
What if my mind deteriorated and I could no longer engage with reality at all?
What if technological advancement replaced the need my job currently fills?
What'e my plan for if I lose someone I love and it breaks me?
What will I do if a natural disaster destroys my house?
Where will I live if a meteor hit the earth tomorrow?
The idea that "content creators" overspecialize ignores the fact that most people get very comfortable doing the thing they spend most of their time doing, and very rarely seriously plan for the scenario where their One Thing is ripped away from them and they have to find something else. The phenomenon of "person loses their job after years of work" is famous for being massively disruptive, and that isn't because everyone in the world is dumb or bad at planning ahead - it's because a disruption like that is a disruption, in the same way that an injury will always hurt. I don't think it's a failing for someone to live their life as it currently exists, just like it isn't a personal failing if someone experiences a catastrophic change and has to readjust. You can't solve a problem that doesn't exist yet, and if it does happen, it'll come with information and parameters that you'll need to actually deal with it rather than just worrying about it.
If youtube explodes, maybe I'd join our other youtube friends on another platform as we all worked to solve the same problem together. Maybe I'd be in a financial position where I wouldn't need an immediate fallback plan and could take uncomplicated time off. Maybe I'd pivot 100% to writing. Maybe I'd drop off the grid and live in the woods for a while. Maybe I'd get serious about pursuing voice acting or theater. Maybe a friend would recommend an opening at their normal person job. Since we're only pondering a hypothetical catastrophe, we can't predict any of the other factors that'd be in play that would actually determine how we'd handle it.
Most of us will experience many life-changing turning points, and in turn get to experience many different lives. I'm very much enjoying this one, but I'm not worried about what the next one might look like. Overplanning will spoil the adventure with needless anxiety - I'll just be excited to explore it whenever it comes.
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liliewrites · 1 month
Wouldn't mind requests she says.. hm then how about a soft smut for arlecchino ? I do love the way you wrote her and I'm a sucker for her being so in love with her s/o lol. Perhaps she saw you play with the children or help them with something and was overcome with the affection
Other than that I did mean to ask, are you excited for Wuthering Waves ? Some of these characters are kinda... 😳😳😳 Yinlin especially frfr
Oh and do you accept emoji anons ? Might be a bit easier lol, if you do could I have 🔥 ?
Have a lovely day :)
OMGGG HIII MY FIRST EMOJI ANON? HIIII 🔥 ANONN!!!:OO anyway, regarding WuWa, i have seen stuff about it but not really much updated about it since i've been busy but i do know that it's coming out tomorrow? iirc. but yea fear not for i WILL be playing it, BUT YEAAA yinlin omg and baizhi?? ughajshd who knows i might write about them too.. anyw enjoy anon!!!
-warning/s : NSFW, cunnilingus (r! receiving), tooth rotting fluff, super soft arlecchino, not proofread.
(men and minor dni utc!)
imo.. arlecchino is a person who genuinely loves and cares but prefers not to show emotion especially due to her profession and background (childhood too). she does not like being vulnerable at all and has trust issues with everyone, even the kids as they r still capable of betrayal, but she trusts you 100% with her vulnerability and what she sees as her "weaknesses" which is why she is more showy of her love and care towards you, hence why she is a lovesick fool for her s/o in my eyes hwjasdh sorry for yapping anyw here's ur fic that was supposed to be just a thirst.. haha.. this was also rushed and not proof-read so sorry for d mistakes.. HAHAHA (will elaborate about this behavior of hers in future fics..)
"f-father, may i have a moment?"
small hands tug on the harbinger's coat, and her deadpan eyes meet with those that belonged to a nervous toddler-- one of her children, to be specific. "what is it, my child?" she asked, tone devoid of any feeling, making it hard to guess what she was thinking, much to the child's anxiety of getting scolded by her.
"a-a.. a bouquet for you, father!"
frail little hands open up in front of her, a messy bundle of assorted wild flowers tied together with a sloppy ribbon had been presented to the knave. with a hum, the harbinger accepts the bouquet from the toddler's hands, gives her a pat on the head and the little darling scurries off.
her eyes follow the direction of where the child was headed to, the harbinger's curiosity was piqued and she wanted to know what had motivated the child to bring her flowers out of nowhere without any special occasion.
-- but as soon as she sees as to who the child runs to, she immediately has a clear answer to her question. of course, it was you, it was you who encouraged the child to give her flowers. with silent steps, she approached the slightly ajar of the bedroom's door, leaning on the wall next to it to hear your conversations with the child.
"ah, little love, have you given your father the bouquet you made?"
"y-yes mother! she even gave me a headpat.."
"hmm, now you see, my love? father is not scary at all, father can be strict with you, but it is only out of concern.. sharing is caring, little love, i am sure she'll appreciate a few flowers from time to time. now settle down, it is time for bed."
arlecchino stared at the "bouquet" in her hands, suddenly, it had more meaning to her than just a bunch of wild flowers. it was evidence of the child learning to give, and of course you were the one who taught them that. it was evidence of the child learning that they could be safe around her despite her outward appearance, and of course you were the one who assured them that. she was scary to most children, yes, for she had nurtured and raised them under the guise of a strict and unfeeling father just so she could raise them with proper discipline. although recently, even the younger kids, they have started to treat her more.. genuinely. ah, it must have been your doing. you must have been convincing them behind the scenes. she should hate you, for coaxing the kids in indulging with personal emotions that could cause them to have flaws as they grow up, but she doesn't. instead, she is thankful, because you've treated the kids with such gentleness and unconditional love-- she is thankful that you've treated her the same.
"oh! my beloved, have.. you been standing there all this time?"
a surprised gasp brings her back to her senses, the sound of the door closing behind her lover's back echoed through the hallway of the orphanage. "no, darling. i was simply checking up on you and the children, are they asleep?" arlecchino asks, choosing not to reveal to her wife that she had found out about your recent teachings. "yes, all tucked and away to dreamland." you smiled at her, walking up to her and pulling her in for a hug. the knave was not one for affection, that was made clear, but after a busy day- she cannot help but miss you too. "let's go to bed, my love. i wish to cradle you by my side tonight." you whisper to her ear, and arlecchino silently nods, her hand on your lower back.
as soon as you return to your bedroom with arlecchino, dressed in bed time clothes, the harbiner seemed to have other plans however as she immediately starts to pepper you with slow, soft and sensual kisses.
"my love, ah- you're.. strangely affectionate today, not that i don't like it, is there something on your mind?" you ask with that same gentle tone of yours, the same tone that reduces her to a lovesick fool whenever it's just you two, that lets her put down the wall she's built to let you in and show you what's inside her mind.
"nothing, my beloved.." she whispers, looking at you with adoration. it makes your heart skip a beat to see her like this. she leans in to kiss your forehead, a silent thank you for taking care of the kids.
".. i just simply wish to express my feelings. isn't that what you teach within this household?"
she adds, which confuses you a little. you were unsure about what she exactly meant, but you let her regardless. "okay, my beloved. express your feelings then." you mumbled with a silly smile, finding arlecchino's actions a bit adorable- quite similar to the children, even. arlecchino nods, a look of determination paints her face for a moment, then she leans in to kiss your cheek.
a silent thank you for loving her and seeing through her harsh demeanor. you can't help but feel flustered, feeling like a teenage girl and her first love.
she then moves on to kiss your neck in a ticklish manner, making you giggle, and it was music to her ears.
a silent thank you for introducing genuine warmth to the house of hearth. thanks to you, the orphanage burned with compassion and not with competitiveness. "beloved, aha- s-stop it!" you squirm with a chuckle, and arlecchino's face may not show it, but her heart is leaping at the sight of your gorgeous smile.
a kiss to your chest, making you gasp as her lips landed on your nipples. her tongue swirling gently around it, making you feel a subtle warmth from the intimacy of the moment.
a silent thank you for being a source of healing to her. before you, the word "mother" had brought chills up her spine, and she resented the word fiercely but after you? you had shown her what a real mother was like, and it's one of the many qualities you hold that she absolutely adores about you.
"mhm.. my beloved, is it gratitude that you wish to express?"
you asked, followed by a quiet moan as she releases your chest from her mouth with a pop. she was in awe of you, that you were able to read her mind without having to tell you. ".. yes, my beloved. how did you know?" she curiously asked, and you couldn't help but let out another chuckle. oh, this side of arlecchino was endearing, to see her openly express her thoughts. "you like to show your gratitude towards me in the form of kisses, arlecchino." you answered, bringing your hand to her head to pull her closer, then leaning in to kiss her forehead as well. "- but this is certainly the most intimate way you've shown it." you added, and she definitely felt a bit flustered. either way, arlecchino does not say a word, and chooses to continue expressing her emotions through actions.
her kisses go lower, and lower, and the sensitivity that you feel from increases.
silence rings throughout the room, except for your moans off the walls. her gratitude and devotion to you was as clear as day. her hands gently held you down by the hips as she pulled down your panties with her teeth. it was fucking hot, to see her hold you completely still with her strength alone-- and the eye contact that she kept as she stripped your pussy bare.
"my beloved, do i have permission?"
"of course, my love."
arlecchino knows that asking consent, despite it being already established beforehand, was a major turn on for you. she started by light kitten licks to your clit, making you gasp with each time her tongue made contact with the sensitive bud. the quick and light flicks were a tease, and made you tremble in anticipation.
"the mother of my children, what a pretty pussy you have.."
she mumbles in pure adoration, her breath lightly grazing against your exposed slit. you couldn't help but let out a shaky gasp of her name, "a-arlecchino.. please, do something.." you begged. "patience, my beloved." she answers, but dives right in between your legs to give your slit one, long, lick. it drove you crazy, but it felt so good. she slid her hands under your knees, bringing you closer to her, before holding onto your thighs to keep you spread apart.
"mm, you taste so splendid on my tongue, beloved.."
she moans, before finally indulging both you and her with the pleasure of her tongue roaming, exploring and pleasing your pussy. you started to squirm with the increasing intensity of her licks, and soon she was eating you out like a starved madman. thank god for strong hands, as you could barely keep yourself still, if it weren't for her holding you down you would have kept lifting yourself off the bed.
"a-arlecchino- arle-!"
you cried out her name, as her tounge darted inside you. you were close. so close. arlecchino however, was currently drunk on your moans and the taste of your slick, too busy savoring the raw taste of you, her lover. she hadn't noticed the way your cries were getting louder, or how tighter your grip on her head was becoming-- so she was surprised when you suddenly closed your thighs around her head, a bit of your fluids landing on her lips and tongue, accompanied with a loud cry of her name. she spread your legs apart once more and kept it open through the whole duration of your orgasm, wanting to see how your pussy throbbed and dripped, wanting to admire how pretty you were when you came undone because of her actions.
after you've settled down, she immediately joins you for a cuddle, she was not finished for the night- no, but she'd grant you a short moment of respite. she lays her head on your chest, closing her eyes as she listens to your heartbeat. "my love, i am still surprised how you've managed to notice my way of showing gratitude when i haven't realized it myself.", she mentions. you smiled at that, and looked at her. "to be known is to be loved. i love you, peruere."
she opens her mouth to speak, wanting to further inquire what you meant by that, but closes her mouth as she realizes what you meant once you call her peruere, the name that she hid away as it represents her past, her most fragile self, that only you've come to know instead of arlecchino, the name that spreads far and wide, which strikes fear and conquers respect from the hearts of many.
she nods in agreement, wrapping her arm around you tighter. her heart swelling from the feeling of loving and being loved, of knowing and being known. to be recognized. to be appreciated.
"i agree, my beloved. i am thankful that you've come to know me as who i really am, and stayed to love me despite what i've come to be. i love you too."
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romihearts · 8 months
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bf headcannons ! ┊second years , first years
synopsis. how they would be as your bf!
content. gn reader, intended lowercase, swearing
her notes. 3rd year ver might get delayed wrhshshshaah
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strict yet caring !
love is quite a foreign concept to him, but he'll try his best to make you feel special <33
tea party dates are a must! its more commonly held inbetween the maze, where it's secluded and leaves the two of you alone
will always help you with academics, while you, in return, help him with de stressing !!
just seeing you makes riddle melt, but if he sees you in heartslabyul uniforms he'd feel as if he fell inlove all over again
love language? words of affirmation, he'll write essays or poems just to describe the absolute masterpiece of you
would seriously give you the world!
even the small things matter, like him giving you his donut if he found out you haven't eaten yet.
its quite uncommon but he'd make you small flower crowns :3 he thinks you look so much better with them
would definitely be willing to escape leona's orders just to be with you!
love language? definitely an acts of service or quality time typa guy. he'd wipe any crumbs of food near your mouth unexpectedly and laught about how cute you are.
orders jade and floyd around to find you around campus when you aren't with him fr
when he's showing his #corporateceoboss side, he'll definitely wrap his hand around you waist and act cool but behind closed door he'd be very clingy!
asking not to go with a very very sweet smile. then immediately offering anything you want from the lounge just to stay, which you eventually do.
he'd love spoiling you, saying that you'd look spectacular in this or that, but in the end it doesn't matter to azul because you'll always be perfect for him in anyway !!
his love language? gift giving !! he'd give you so much that sometimes you don't know where to put anymore of his gifts because you have so much
he'd bite
or sometimes back hug you a bit too hard
but he definitely bites you randomly :3
but that doesn't take away from the fact he really loves you dearly <3 he'd geniunely do anything to protect you
he definitely shows that you're his favourite person, always showering you with love and flirting with you.
his love language? physical touch !! he loves squeezing hugging you, he can never get enough of you !!
definitely super courteous with you, a literal gentleman!
he'd fix astray strands of your hair, or crumpled parts of your uniform then tell you how nice you look.
unlike his brother, i find him to prefer leaving kisses on your hand or forehead.
oh he'd definitely gift you flowers too !! especially with a note saying that you're as perfect as said flowers
overall total gentleman, yet there are times where he gets a bit threatening to others, but he somehow keeps his composure ?? you truly question him on that.
his love language? words of affirmation, he'll always love to compliment you and make comments wondering how he even got you.
everyday with him is definitely very chaotic, from carpet rides or random adventures, campus life is definitely not dull.
he'd for sure spoil you with whatever you want! if he notices you looking a bit too long at a specific item, guaranteed that he'll get it for you almost immediately
like azul, he also loves giving you gifts, like big plushy bears for example. he'd get you one and say that it's as soft as you
he may be oblivious sometimes when you try some pick up lines on him yet whenever he does get some, it will never leave his mind. like you ?!?! thinking of that about him ?!?!
his love language? gift giving. self explanatory, he'll always give you anything in the world!
he'd be quite distant when you two first meet, buuttt after enough pushing from kalim he'll talk to you
but prior to that he definitely had a crush on you, pining for you yet he hasn't really gotten close to you yet hence, he had kalim to push him to talk to you
he'd be a very caring boyfriend, after looking over kalim for almost his entire life he's pretty used to it !
he would love cooking you meals, and would definitely supervision you when you're sick. like, constantly checking your temperature, telling you to just rest, etc.
his love language? acta of service, he'll always be there to help you when you need him !!
SILVER * ˚ ✦
cuddles with him are common! especially when both of you are sleepy and drift off to dreams in each others arms.
definitely very soft and understanding with you
he'd take you to secluded and tranquil places around the forests where both of you can talk about anything while slowly getting sleepy.
he'd take you to the equestrian club aswell and help you ride the horses
if you do learn and know how, he'd have some small competitions with you !!
his love language? qualiy time, just being with you already calms him down and brings him to peace <3
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frickingnerd · 2 months
being in a love triangle with chat noir and claw noir
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pairing: adrien agreste / chat noir x gn!reader x claw noir
tags: set during the paris special, romantic rivalry
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when ladybug and chat noir ended up in a universe different to their own, where they were villains called shadybug and claw noir, you ended up stumbling into that universe as well!
the first person you ran into there was claw noir, who was the obviously evil counterpart to chat noir
upon meeting you, claw noir seems to be head over heels for you! he might be a villain, but he has a bit of a soft side for you and immediately starts flirting!
and when chat noir sees the two of you together, with his evil doppelgänger being all over you, he HATES it!
chat noir feels super weird about seeing ‘himself’ flirt with you and he hates that the person he's jealous of is kind of himself…?
claw noir has an easier time to separate himself from chat noir! he doesn't think he has anything in common with chat, aside from his miraculous, their feelings for you and… well, their face! or whole body, really–
when flirting with you, claw noir is far more brash and suggestive, while chat noir stumbles over his words in comparison to claw!
but chat noir is always around you, to prevent claw noir to get the chance to flirt with you! he's very protective, as he doesn't trust claw noir at all, despite the two of them being the same person
claw noir and chat noir are both very jealous! that's another thing they have in common but hate to admit!
chat noir hates the idea that you could fall in love with a villain, while claw noir believes villains are more fun than those boring heroes!
they constantly try to find a moment alone with you, but are constantly crossing each other's plans!
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undercoverpena · 6 months
make me like the holidays
marcus pike x f!reader | marcus masterlist
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written for 12 Days of Pedro
summary: you're not the biggest fan of the holidays, so marcus makes it his mission to change that with a christmas market and a gift you have to wear.
wordcount: 3.6k warnings: smutty-themes, a teeny bit of orgasm denial, you consent to wear a vibrator controlled by marcus, vibrator worn in public, outdoor orgasm, christmas themes, marcus being a tease, his dimples, his smile, him.
an: huge thank you to @hellishjoel for asking me to be a part of this, and to @thetriumphantpanda for holding my hand, answering questions about warnings, and reading this as i shoved it at her face.
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“So, what? You just don’t like the holidays?”
Snorting, you slide your fork around your bowl, licking your lips.
Because you knew eventually this would come up.
"I didn't... say that," you reply, averting your eyes. Mouth opening, closing again, unsure where to begin.
How to start.
How to begin to explain the odd feeling you get around this festive time of year. How your eyes don’t light up at tall Christmas trees, and instead your heart sinks whenever you see one of those adverts where the family all meet excitedly for the holidays.
It doesn’t matter how you dress it up—whether you hang tinsel or baubles—it always seems like an odd time of year. And because of that, It makes people pity you, aww at you, feel compelled to leave candy canes on your desk and purposefully add you to their Christmas card list, as though it's going to fix the decades of memories.
Placing your fork down, and you sigh. “I guess. I-I just don’t get super excited for it.”
Marcus is already thinking—you can tell.
The faintest line begins to appear between his brows, deepening the more he stares, drowning you in a brown you’re forever grateful to get the chance to wake up to every, single, day.
Leaning across the breakfast bar, he smirks—all devil, no angel. “I think I could change that.”
“Oh. Is that so?”
Nodding, his breath dances over your skin—all tantalising—before he softly slants his lips over yours, biting carefully on the bottom of your lip.
“That how you’re going to convince me, Pike—using underhand tactics such as your mouth?”
Snorting, he leaves his fingers lingering under your chin. “That’s a last resort. I think I can convince you in other ways to see how magical it can be with me.”
“You sound very confident.”
He smiles, and it makes something twist inside of you—a worry growing there, planting itself, all ready to grow into something ugly that he’ll eventually see. Be the thing at the top of the list when he inevitably realises he can do better than you.
Stroking your skin, he sighs. Not heavy, nor soft. Something in the middle. “I’m still going to love you if you hate the holidays, baby.”
Smiling, you look down at the counter—the one the two of you eat at whenever you can now, taking what hours you can have together.
“I promise,” he whispers. “But, you think you can let me try and make it special for you? Show you that there’s nothing quite like a Pike Christmas?”
Biting the inside of your cheek, you let out a heavy sigh, meeting his eyes—somehow feeling yourself fall even deeper in love with him when you do.
“How can I say no to such an offer.”
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Bundled up, wrapped in layers—including his scarf—your gloved hand slides into his, fingers awkwardly trying to find the home between his, almost wanting to pout at the fact you couldn’t feel his palm against yours.
There’s a sparkle to his eye, made worse by the smirk that accompanies it. The one you imagine he’s been wearing since he’d handed you the bag stuffed with tissue, arms folding as he leans in the doorway.
It’s a little bit of fun, he had said.
Your fingers unfold it, unwrapping it free as your eyes immediately land on the box containing the little purple device and its remote.
“I know the season isn’t your favourite thing, but I thought this might make it more enjoyable.”
Narrowing your eyes, you stare at the box.
“Thought it could give you something to be excited about,” he adds, tone shifting—more silky than normal. “Now, whether you’re on the nice or naughty list today, is down to you.”
"Oh, Santa Pike. Please put me on the good girls list."
Grinning, his fingers slid over your jaw as he kissed you, "I think you'd prefer to be on my naughty list, baby."
Now, that same purple, unboxed gift is resting against you, flush. Stuffed and held in position by the underwear he helped you choose—the lace of it keeping it very much in place. And while it isn’t currently switched on, but you know he could change that at any moment—the remote buried in his pocket, all within his grasp.
A thought which makes heat lick up your spine and an ember of worry knot in your stomach—
At any point you change your mind, you tell me, baby. You hear me? Just say the word.
Clearing your throat, you curl into his arm, staring up at him—watching him take in the run of wooden huts, fairy lights and overt cheer.
“Let me guess, you have a to-do list for today?”
Smirking, his arm comes around you keeping you close, before he pinches your side. “No. We’re gonna see what we get up to.”
Squinting playfully, you brush the edge of his stubbly chin. “I’m not buying it. You have a plan.”
Shaking his head, his teeth tease his lip, nose almost flush with yours. “No plan—just want a lovely day with my girl…”
Hovering your lips over his. “But?”
His eyes slowly close, nose scrunching—lips spreading into the biggest, most foolish smile. “We have to start with a festive drink—”
“I fucking knew it, Pike. Fine, come on.”
But, he doesn’t let you budge, not even as you grumble, grasping your hips, yanking you close.
He gives you a look, a pointed one—all accompanied by a grin. It’s all shit-eating, spreading delightfully up into his cheeks. One you’d usually brush over with the pads of your index fingers.
"You don't sound like you're having a good time, baby."
You don’t move them this time—leave them on his waist. Feeling his hand slide into his pocket. And you brace.
It’s the only way you’re able to stifle the soft moan which attempts to slide through your teeth and burn the air as it buzzes. Light, but good. Your breath was suddenly a challenge to find, made worse by his watchful stare.
Lashes fluttering, gloved fingers gripping into the side of his jacket as you let your breath paint against his neck. It’s all building—layering itself on thickly atop the earlier ‘testing’ he had done earlier. When you had whined his name, been tempted to shed the many layers and keep warm in an entirely different way with him.
“That feel good?” he asks, low, breathy—only able to formulate a nod.
Then, it stops.
Blinking, your thoughts suddenly cleaner, more appropriate—things beginning to speckle back into your mind.
“Kiss?” he asks, the request falling from his tongue like silk.
“Depends how good the drink is.”
It turns out, it’s delicious.
Marcus had practically whispered the name of the drink he recommended into your ear—having likely noticed the overwhelmed expression slowly etching into your face.
Trust me his expression reads, as if you’d ever trust anyone else.
As soon as the taste of his recommendation met your tongue, your body almost welcomed the season with open arms. Your groan wasn't even buried as your eyes widened at the taste, at him for suggesting it—watching him smirk before he looped his arm around your waist.
Smiling, you almost reply that you like being close to him, preferably forever choosing to be pressed close to him. You find it calming, suddenly no problems ever seem that big when he’s next to you.
Swallowing that, you glance at him, knowing it would be easy to fight the smirk. To act placid, add a shrug, sell it. But, his eyes have widened a fraction, pupils a mere dot in a sky of brown, with the reflection of the lights acting like stars.
The hope etched into his expression is what puts the final nail in your attempt at nonchalance.
“It’s good.”
Brows rising, he grins. “Yeah?”
Nodding, you take another sip. The flavours of the hot chocolate coating your mouth as you slide your arm around his waist. The feel of his lips against your forehead spreading an additional warmth through you, that the drink would never have available.
You’re almost sad when it ends.
Not that he lets you sit in that. Quickly, he takes your cup from you, placing both in a nearby trash can, before he’s pulling you back to him. For the briefest of moments, you just stare, admiring the way you see the outline of yourself in the pool of his eyes, the way you get to witness the way his adoration spreads across his face—all lit up by swinging fairy lights in the gentle, winter breeze.
“Got cream on your lip, baby,” he whispers, tongue swiping across your bottom lip—nowhere close to the site he pointed out.
And then you feel it again.
The thrum which spreads through you, is pressed against your bundle of nerves, making your thighs quake on fixed and solid ground. With the addition of his mouth on yours, the waves lap more feverishly, it all building, all desperate to crash.
Your fingers grasp onto him, teeth piercing into his bottom lip as he kisses you, letting you bury a moan into his mouth—and Marcus is happy to swallow it. Gleefully getting to feel and taste the way he makes you feel as your walls flutter, tightening—wishing for more. Needing more. Almost begging for it when you catch his gaze.
“You know how good you look right now?”
And then it stops. Your breath hitching. Skin prickling with warmth as you let a gasp escape—it weaving into the air, encased in vapour as you blink.
“W-what’s next?”
He grins, it rising up until his dimple appears. His palm flattening to the back of your coat, fingers sliding in pulses.
“Thought we could pick decorations for our tree.”
Brows raising, you turn your head, looking at him, finding him already watching you. Something is spreading in you, a symbolic bandage extending out from his touch to around the places warped and scarred from years of bad memories.
Kissing your head again, you hear him repeat that one word: our.
Just like he had done when he’d moved the last box of yours, you asking whether his place would get your favourite burgers delivered—ours, baby. Ours. It felt it, too. He’d made sure of that. Created space on shelves, and moved ornaments from their homes to allow yours to have a place.
So, it wasn’t out of reach he’d do the same with his holiday, his tradition.
“What if you hate my taste?”
Snorting, he brushes your cheek. “You know I love the way you taste.”
Rolling your eyes, he laughs.
“I could never hate your taste, baby. I love everything about you.” His hand drops, and he takes a sip of his drink as you do the same. “Plus, you chose me. Can’t be all bad.”
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He’s kind to you when you’re handling the baubles, even more, when the two of you wander hand-in-hand through tightly packed huts.
Your hands point out things, not just for the two of you, but for others—his parents, a friend. It allows your guard to drop, and your brain to temporarily forget the device resting snugly against the swollen nerves desperate for him—even if you’re aware of how soaked your underwear is. How it clings, how it brushes nicely against you when the two of you walk from place to place.
Marcus becomes less kind when you’re in the queue for a sugary snack, your mouth busy explaining to him where you best think the tree can go in his place—a thing he corrects to ours at every chance he can.
“You almost sound like you’re getting into all of this.”
Smiling, you rest your head against his shoulder in the line. “Maybe it’s the company.”
“Yeah,” he whispers, voice low, the corner of your eye-catching his other hand sliding into his pocket. “Could be that.”
He just raises his brow, a sly smirk passing over him, before you feel him flick it on. “How else are you going to remember that it’s our place, baby?”
Every nerve, the ones previously all frayed, now lit up—just like the tree in the centre of the market. Your mind empties with a press of a button, fingers sliding inside his open coat, grasping for him—for grip.
“You excited about the holidays now?”
Fuck, you hate him, because yes—if it’s like this you’ll forever adore Pike holidays. You’ll wish for them, count down to them on your calendar. Ticking off in red pen, making a point to excitedly cross each one of them off.
Because the two of you haven’t even put the tree up yet.
There’s still so much prep, so much you suspect he wants to replace with good, better—more excitable—memories.
“Bet you’re wet,” he whispers.
And you glare at him, unsure if it’s with adoration or anger. Both merging, swirling—concocting into something you can’t stifle as your cheeks warm and your ears burn. Because there are people around—families, small children.
“Take me home,” you plead. “Please?”
Pressing your thighs together you find only makes it worse. The pulses are far more forceful, and better aimed directly at the already needy parts of you.
The ones which he’s usually so attentive with, barely keeping you like this, all wanting and not satisfied. Marcus barely lets the knot in your stomach tighten usually, but now, you think he’s having fun with it. Likely admiring the way your pupils are swallowing colour and a sheen is crossing over the skin on show. Because you’re warm, too hot— there are too many fucking layers and not enough of him pressed against you—
“Need you, Marcus.”
His fingers brush against your chin, aiding you to take a step forward as the queue moves. “I know, but be good for me.” His mouth close to your ear, hand impossibly tight on your hip—keeping you pressed against him, able to lean, let him take your weight as your legs shake. “You deserve this—”
Your lips part, and all attempts at levelling your breathing fail, falling away from your grip. Feeling the focus on the surroundings fading, black spots appearing—this game of taunt and tease having made you so impossibly shaky on your legs.
And he turns it up.
Moves it to the next one up, an up-and-down kind of vibration. It feels good, but then it lessens—a momentary break, a chance to mumble his name less in a whine—before it returns like a second wave.
It pulsing. Something akin to a rollercoaster, a high and a low—it comes around in slow circles that makes it hard to know whether you’re close to coming or growing more frustrated.
“You want something with chocolate or prefer just sugar?”
You try to speak, mouth moving close to his ear, but only a moan escapes. Low, coming from somewhere deep in your soul as his grip tightens on your hip. The speed slowed for a moment, likely settling itself up to do another build-up.
It doesn’t matter. Nothing matters.
Your legs are unstable, more jelly than muscle and bone. It’s all too much, but not quite enough either—just needing that fraction more to stop teetering on the edge and fall over, filling with bliss, and pleasure.
Each time he slides his hand over your hip or back, you have to swallow a whimper of his name. Dangling against the edge, dangerously so—only one little push and you’d be falling, freely, willingly, likely moaning and making an embarrassment of yourself so close to Santa’s fucking grotto.
“If,” you begin, hand to his chest, fingers trying to find skin, something, anything, his still around your waist, practically bruisingly, clutching the many paper bags against you, “we go home now, we might have time to put the tree up.”
You watch him smirk, how it hits his eyes—making the twinkling lights pale under the brightness of his expression.
“Then,” you continue, lips sliding close to his ear, “you can—shit—do something no one has ever done.”
He swallows, loudly—not even swallowed by the choir. “What’s that?”
Smiling, licking your lips. “Fuck me under it.”
Pinching your side, you swear you hear him grunt.
You barely register that you’re being dragged, hip to his, being led—the little device working its magic against your drenched cunt as you pass by choir singers and a person dressed like an elf until it’s suddenly quieter.
Bags dropped to the side of you, back pressed against the side of a hut—the roof casts a shadow over his face, but his eyes still shine. They’re bright and alert. Drinking you in like you’re the only thing that he can see, ever wants to see.
"No one can see us, I promise."
You believe him. It's the only reason you allow yourself to release a pathetic moan before your fingers dig into his pocket. Searching through receipts and his phone, finding it. The thing which weighs more than gold to you, the remote that has the chance to make or break you right now.
It clicks with such ease.
Every muscle in your tightens, your eyes clench shut, all but vanishing winter wonderland from sight and painting a new picture on the back of your lids. Him—naked. Stood all soft muscles and his signature smirk. His room—ours, you hear it in your head, ours baby, ours—surrounding you.
You’re on fire.
Cracking an eye open, finding him watching—in awe, captivated like you’re a sight to behold. And maybe, clutching the remote in your hand, you were. Maybe you were illuminated in a heavenly glow and looking as though you could melt the fake snow around the two of you—you feel you could, anyway, just from the look he wears.
The fact the two of you are just focused, lost in only the other as he keeps you against the side of the empty hut—thankful, happy, that at least one of the stalls hadn’t opened so you couldn’t be heard being held against it, mind being lost to the buzzing in your underwear.
“Who knew you were so dirty?”
“You love it,” you moan, ghosting your lips over his.
Needing a little more, craving a little more.
Please, please, please you think over and over.
He takes it from your shaking fingers, sliding his knee between your thighs—pressing it more defiantly against you, flush, likely feeling the vibrations through his bones as you moan his name. Sketch it into the air, write it there, never wishing it would fade—
More, Marcus. Please, baby. Please.
You’re aching. Your ears flood with buzzing as liquid heat spreads through you when he clicks once, twice—thrice. Landing on a setting he must have seen in the instructions.
And it’s bliss.
It’s mind-melting, muscle surrendering. Your hand cupping the side of his neck, nails digging in, needing to feel him, know he’s there—wishing it was his fingers, wishing he was heavy against you. That weight you crave, that sensation of just him.
Close, so close—
You say it like he wouldn’t know. Like you can’t feel the way he’s looking for signs across your face, likely knowing more about how close you are than you even do. He spends enough time making you feel good. Too good to you, always has been, ever since the moment the two of you met, and you’re grateful, happy, content, fucking over the moon, sun and stars—
“What do you need, baby?”
“You,” you whine.
Just you, only you. Only ever you.
The coil in your stomach tightens, the knot having formed something which can shatter with far too much ease, and it does shatter.
You snap. Break. Fall apart.
He drags your face against his neck, letting you curse, and moan. His name crying out from your lips, until it falls in softer waves from your tongue, splaying across his skin, tattooing him. Squirming close to him, suddenly at ease, shoulders sliding from your ears.
“Marcus,” you whine, differently.
And you’re grateful it stops, him switching it off—a grin breaking out in its wake. Your breath slowly comes back to you, your chest unloosening from trying to bury all your pants.
That’s when you’re finally able to take him in and see the way he’s still staring, so lost in you. His mouth parted, the softest smile trying to stitch into his cheeks, eyes moving around the features of your face.
You just let him stare, and he lets you gaze. Only blinking, letting the rest of the world in when you hear a bunch of kids walk past the end of the hut, loudly laughing.
“I think I could like a Christmas with you.”
Grinning, he pockets the remote, his hand coming to your cheek. “Yeah? I told you I’d make it special for you.”
Nodding, you kiss him. Soft at first, before it deepens, nipping at his bottom lip—finding yourself meeting the hut again, his palm beside your head, able to taste the sweetness of his drink from earlier, the cream, chocolate and ginger—
“I was serious…” you mumble, “earlier.”
Pausing, he lifts his head.
“About the tree, what we could do under it.” Sliding your hand down his front, you cup him, feeling how hard he is, fingers sliding either side of him. “Think you deserve a special day too.”
Biting your lip, you nod, slowly at first—then more purposefully.
“Fuck, I love you, baby.”
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an: merry pike christmas ;)
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devine-fem · 9 months
i am BEGGING you to make that jondami ship guide. not because i need anything to make me ship them more than i already do but because they deserve to have their good moments highlighted
Jondami/Damijon shipping guide.
A collective guide to any cute moment between Jon and Damian in DC comics or motion pictures. Any moment that could make a reader like them more as a ship will be put all here in one Tumblr post.
• Superman (2016) Issues #10-#11
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This is the first time they meet each other and they immediately knock heads. Jon’s lighter than life personality clashes with Damian’s cold personality and they don’t seem to get along but you can tell there’s something growing behind the eye rolling and tongue clicking… a friendship?
• Super Sons (2017)
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This is the first of the Super Sons series, the series is really short but gold nonetheless. No Super Sons comic that I don’t like but this one is my favorite. They still are knocking heads and refuse to call each other partners but they grow and learn to be heroes together.
• Adventures of the Super Sons (2018)
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They slowly start to get used to each other and this comic shows that Damian isn’t just straight up mean but is starting to somewhat ‘like’ Jon.
• Challenge of the Super Sons (2020)
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The last main Super Sons comics. This one is fine but I love the others so much. These comics are essential to know Jon and Damian period, it’s the main comics of each others story and in a way they are important to each others development.
• Batman and Superman: Battle of the Super Sons (2022)
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Now after all that reading treat yourself to a movie because Jon and Damian got their own movie. This is what started Jon and Damian for a lot of people and this is probably where a lot of you are from. This movie is great and fun. They made Damian wayyy nicer than in the comics and their friendship easier.
• DC Rebirth Holiday Special (2016)
Please find and read this. It’s so cute. I love it so much.
• Dark Nights: Metal issue #3 (2017 -2018)
They make a rock band in the beginning, its so cute.
• DCeased (2019)
• DCeased: The Unkillables (2020)
• DCeased: Hope at World’s End (2020)
• DCeased: Dead Planet (2020)
• DCeased: War of the Undead Gods (2022)
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This is such a good series, and story in general please read it. DC peaked with this one and its so angsty. I don’t care what comphet was happening, Jon was there for Damian like no one else. I think Damian ends up with Cassie which is weird to me because Damian has never shown interest in anyone before but I excuse it since it’s not really gonna happen again since they were in a relationship just for the story to be more high stakes and sad. Jon and Damian’s relationship was at the forefront and for comic book readers DCeased made people see the potential in Jondami.
• DC’s Terror Through Time (2022)
This is so cute, please read this. It’s a halloween special and they switch uniforms <3!!
• DC Saved by the Belle Reve (2022)
They help a nonbinary person navigate school and it’s so damn cute.
• The age up incident.
(Disclaimer: You can pretend this never happens and I wouldn’t blame you for doing that.) A writer named Brain Micheal Bendis comes into the writers room for DC and ages up Jon in short. The story is that Superman goes missing (He travels to War World and gets stuck there) and Jor-El comes back to meet Jon and he takes him on a trip to explore space, then they get trapped in a wormhole, Jon gets stuck on Earth-3 and has to fight Ultraman. He’s stuck in a volcano for five or six years and becomes seventeen (we think) when he comes back. This was sad to me because it took away all the potential interactions for Jon and our ability to see him grow up, it was rushed and purposely so. Jon takes up the title of Superman somehow and starts to date some guy named “Jay Nakamura.”
• Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021) Issues: #1, #3, #6, #13, and #14.
He does get a boyfriend here and I think it’s amazing the fact he simply gets a boyfriend but no one really likes his bf so… and the are real reasons why Jay as a character is problematic BUT if you just don't want to see him with someone else than every time you see a pink haired twink, quickly skip.
• Super Sons (2017) Special
This is them reuniting after the age up and it shows how Damian reacts to it. I can’t actually find this and if anyone can please let me know where it is. I can only find bits and pieces of it scattered across the internet. All you need to know is that he doesn’t like the age up anymore than us since he says “I miss my friend.” which is really sad to me because the age up ultimately really hurts what people like about their dynamic as well as tarnish Jon’s character almost completely.
UPDATE: found it, it got attached to
• Dark Crisis (2022) till Issue #5
This is fine, after issue four Jon and Damian are not there anymore and if you read half the story just for jon and damian you might as well finish it.
• Green Lantern: Blackstars (2019) issue #2
They hug here. You’re welcome.
• Action Comics (2016) issue #1030
This is the best thing to come from the age up. This is so cute of them.
• Teen Titans (2016) Issue #45
i didnt really like this, im not gonna lie but it has some damian and jon interaction worth noting with jon being protective over damian.
• Flash (2016) Issue #797
jon defending damian. this is such a cute moment for them. jon talks damian up and says how hes the strongest person he knows and how hes misunderstood.
• Superman (2016) Issue #21
iconic damian and jon sleepover, so cute. so flipping cute. damians outfit is adorable.
• Legion of Super Heroes (2019) Issue #3, ?, ?
dont read this. its rlly bad but this is full of jon being the number one damian apologist, quality jondsmi moments over quantity. worth mentioning • Wonder Woman (2023) #3, #4, #5, #6, ? literally them raising a child together but their ages are a bit wonkey, i still dont personally know what age either of them are supposed to be there...
DC MEETS HANNA-BARBERA - Super Sons x Dynomutt
I’d say they aren’t exactly written right, well over all they are but their personalities are more relaxed and they care about each other a lot and will go out of their way to make sure the other is okay and protect them from danger, make them laugh etc, theres nothing wrong with this, its really cute but you can tell its not the typical jon and damian writers is all. I like it.
- Fandom
Artist that draw Jon and Damian:
(I don’t know any of these accounts intimately so if they’re problematic in any way than I am sorry in advance)
Sheiya Vlad
Justice Lords Animation
Japanese Animation
Super Sons Meme Animation
- Fanfics
Trust fall by Ididloveyou_once
Those Who Wait by InsaneTrollLogic
moving in stereo by TheResurrectionist
Reasons to Not Fall in Love by nanami
Growing Pains
These are fics I read and liked, I don’t have much. I don’t read a lot of Jondami fan fiction so I insist that you recommend your own fanfiction in the comments. (Don’t hate me for the self promo)
- Music (A silly lil playlist I made for them)
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wwinterwitch · 6 months
buy me presents — joel miller
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summary: you and your ex situationship reunite at a christmas party
pairing: joel miller x fem!reader
word count: 3.1K
tags: age gap (mid 40s and mid 20s), no outbreak, you fell hard and didn't know he fell harder bc he's an idiot!, miscommunication, angst, awkward reunion, everything gets fixed at the end tho don't worry, tommy is featured
note: i've been listening to fruitcake non-stop and i had this little idea that turned into an entire fic. it was kinda shitty at first but i decided to give it a try anyway
reblog or comment if you enjoy please!
all masterlists | pedro pascal masterlist
You always thought that going after older guys meant having absolutely no problems when it came to maturity and commitment. Guys your age are so good at playing games, keeping you guessing, too afraid to make it official.
So, evidently, when you met Joel at his workshop you were over the moon. He was charming, incredibly handsome and single. You still remember his attractive smile and the way he'd lean way too close to you, offering to fix the piece of furniture that you showed up with that day in exchange for a nice dinner and your phone number.
Everything looked good in the beginning. He was a true gentleman, so sincere and attentive, and you were foolish enough to believe he actually considered you special enough to pursue a relationship with you.
In your defense, he really tricked you. Showing you pictures of his daughter, taking you out on countless dates, interested to know as much of you as possible, texting non-stop...it was like a dream come true. After many terrible relationships with pathetic and insecure little boys, you found a wonderful man willing to give you exactly what you were craving.
But then everything changed after seeing each other for almost four months. Because he'd always get super defensive whenever you asked him why you always had to meet at your apartment and never at his house. Or why he refused to introduce you to his family. Or why he kept introducing you to people that happened to see the two of you together as 'a friend of his'.
Tired of this uncertainty, you decided to confront him. It was a very messy conversation. You asked what you were, he said he didn't know. You asked if he had any intentions of asking you to officially be his girlfriend, he said he probably wouldn't. You cried, he didn't know what to do about it.
You kicked him out of your apartment that day and that was the last time you ever heard of him. No texts, no calls, no one waiting outside your apartment or showing up at your work with a well-deserved apology.
Were you just stupid for thinking he was into you the way you were into him? Did you get your hopes too high a little too soon? Was there something wrong with you? Were you overreacting?
Yes, no, whatever– you wanted someone to go all the way with you, thought it was Joel, and he turned out to be like every other guy you've met. It sucks, but you gotta move on. You've dealt with a lot of shitty men to know better than to suffer for one.
The heartbreak Joel caused soon turned into a mixture of disappointment and annoyance before it turned into nothing but an unpleasant memory. Soon enough, Joel Miller was out of your mind, and you were more than ready to jump right in into the dating world again. Maybe it was pathetic, but you still refused to lose hope that the right guy will show up in your life and change things for the better.
You kept your options open for a while, not wanting to immediately rush into something like you did with Joel. If any of these guys you're seeing want to keep you to themselves, they'll have to put that extra effort. You're just tired of always chasing after them.
A whole month went by and you never heard from Joel again, which was completely fine by you. He doesn't even cross your mind at this point. He's probably spending all his hours at his workshop, keeping his nights free for his no-commitment dates. And probably getting ready for the holiday season too.
Christmas has always been your favorite holiday. There's something about it that cheers you up like no other festivity. Maybe it's the decor, the food, the fact that it's everywhere you look...it's always been a magical time.
You also love the parties and gatherings around this time of year, so you immediately agreed to be someone's date to one of them. You met this guy a few weeks ago– three years older than you, tall, dreamy eyes and great in bed. There was no reason as to why the two of you couldn't have a good time at this little party...or so you thought.
He casually mentions who's hosting on the way there. A friend from work, he said while offering you a hand to help you out of his car. His good ol' buddy Tommy Miller.
Your smile practically drops at the mention of that name, immediately going back to that date at the bowling alley. Joel bought a large portion of nachos to share after you completely beat his ass at bowling (he totally let you win, he said), remembering the way he talked about a brother named Tommy.
But...surely this is all a coincidence. The universe couldn't possibly hate you that much, right? At one point you almost thought you were crazy for even thinking of the possibility of this friend being the brother. There has to be a million Tommy Millers out there. It's such a common name!
What are the odds of this actually happening? That you're really going to Joel Miller's brother's Christmas party? And even if you are, that doesn't guarantee that you'll see Joel there.
And why should you care? You haven't spoken in so long, he probably doesn't even think about you when he hears something that could potentially relate to you. He doesn't think about the chances of reuniting with you for longer than a second. He surely doesn't think about you at all! You should give him the same treatment.
Holding onto your date's arm, you walked inside the impeccably decorated apartment. Red and white everywhere you look, with a large table filled with various snacks, a lit fireplace that gives the room a much cozier look, and a Christmas tree standing tall on one of the corners of the living room.
Tommy Miller was at the entrance greeting the two of you and enthusiastically introducing himself to you. Nerves were starting to overtake you because shit, there's definitely some resemblance.
Still, you tried to ignore your racing mind, wanting to have a good time with this great guy who's glad to keep you close to him, introducing you to all his friends in a manner someone should introduce their date. You feel important next to him, like he's really trying to show you off. Something Joel failed to do.
Eventually, you were able to relax when you got to meet everyone at the apartment and realized Joel wasn't there. With a beer in hand and a polite smile on your face, you joined a conversation by the fireplace, talking amicably and genuinely thinking the night was safe.
That is, until you heard the doorbell.
You watched Tommy walking towards the door, immediately opening his arms wide to receive whoever just arrived. When the stranger leans forward for the hug Tommy was offering, your smile completely fades when you notice it was none other than Joel.
He walks inside the apartment and leaves his jacket hanging by the door, taking a quick look around. You immediately turn around, not wanting him to recognize you– yes, it was stupid because he'll sooner or later notice your presence, but maybe you can avoid the awkward encounter for a few more seconds.
It takes everything in you not to turn around again, putting your hand on your date's back as you lean closer to him, trying to seek any kind of comfort you possibly could. He immediately wraps his arm around your waist, inevitably making you smile. God, this guy really knows how to treat you exactly the way you want it.
Unfortunately, Joel reaches the group of people you were talking to. He starts greeting everyone until his eyes land on you, standing there completely speechless for a few seconds before a smile appears on his face.
He leans forward for a quick kiss on the cheek as a way to greet you, and you barely move away from your date to return the greeting, moving back immediately to refugee on the guy's side.
"You two know each other?" your date asks. You almost wanted to kill him.
You stay quiet, deciding to leave Joel the responsibility to answer. It's genuinely intriguing to see what he has to say.
"Uh, yeah..." he starts, clearing his throat. "I think...you took a coffee table to my workshop for a repair?"
Wow. Glad to see things haven't changed in the slightest! Of course you two just met each other for a little repair. Of-fucking-course! It's not like he woke up completely naked next to you on your bed more times than you'd like to admit out loud.
"Yes. Exactly," you faked a smile, agreeing with his statement.
That was pretty much the only thing you said to each other. After greeting everyone he quickly joined a completely different group to talk to (because it's obvious he couldn't handle being close to you for much longer). You actually appreciated that, making the task of ignoring him until you left that apartment just that much easier.
Things went downhill when your date had to go to the bathroom and you decided to get another beer from the kitchen. You didn't notice Joel following you, and by the time you did realize, he was standing in front of the exit, blocking it entirely.
"Oh, hey, workshop guy!" you greeted with fake enthusiasm, sarcasm dripping from your words.
You hear Joel sigh, and as if that didn't piss you off enough he decided to open his mouth. "Yeah, I figured you'd get upset."
"Then why did you say it?"
He raised a brow. "What, you wanted me to tell everyone– your date included, that we were seeing each other like a month ago?"
The kitchen was completely silent after that. Perhaps he had a point there, but it was impossible to deny you were still hurt by the way things ended and how poorly he treated you, so that last thing you'd ever do is admit he's right.
"I thought perhaps now that it's done, you wouldn't care about keeping it a secret anymore," you shrugged defensively.
He smiles softly, seeing right through you. "Perhaps I've just never been the type to kiss and tell."
Again, you didn't have much to say, so you just scoffed. "Whatever."
Much to your irritation, he laughs. A low, deep chuckle escapes him before he's looking at you up and down. "You look good."
"I know."
Another chuckle. "Of course you do," he sighs, the smirk on his face fading. "You always look fucking incredible."
You stand there like a complete fool, taken by surprise when you hear him say that. It sounds so...defeated? Is that even a thing? As you try to come up with an answer to that, you just look back at him with a lost expression.
"Is there a point to this conversation?" you eventually ask.
Now it's him who's looking back at you in complete silence. Unfortunately, you know him enough to know there's something in his mind and he's not telling you anything about it. He's hesitating, doubting, the engines in his brain moving faster than ever.
For a moment, you thought he'd say whatever random bullshit he can come up with in that very moment and be done with it. And you'd roll your eyes because you know that's not what he wanted to say, right before moving him away from the door so you can go back to the party.
But in a surprising turn of events, he doesn't do that. He looks at you with nothing but honesty, and you even catch the smallest glimpses of hope when he speaks. "Yeah," he answers your question. "I've missed you like crazy."
If you were speechless before, it's almost impossible to even remember how words work right now. Never in a million years would you've expected Joel Miller to confess he misses you. Not when it was you who was always trying to arrange dates. Not when it was always you the one remaining him you really liked him and him barely saying anything back.
Maybe he just needed a wake up call? Had to live that 'you don't know what you've got until it's gone' type of situation to realize how he feels?
Your heart beats faster as you process his words. He's missed you like crazy.
Still, despite feeling so fuzzy inside, you show none of it on the outside. "No," you promptly warn him. "No, no. We're not doing that."
"That, Joel!" you exclaim, frustrated. "You can't break my heart and then say shit like that when we happen to meet by accident."
"Is it an accident?" he asks shortly after.
You chuckle sarcastically. "Oh, so is this some Christmas miracle? The festive season brought us together because of some nonsensical fate-thingy that's written up there in the stars?"
Joel looks slightly embarrassed, letting out another frustrated sigh. Before he can answer, you hear footsteps down the hall that leads to the kitchen so the two of you stay completely silent and turn around to see who it was. 
"Hey...oh," Tommy says, his initial smile fading when he notices the tension between the two of you. He quickly raises both of his hands in the air as he walks towards the fridge to grab two beers. "Don't mind me, I just wanted to grab these," he quickly explains.
When he turns back around, he immediately focuses on his brother. At first he looked very confused, like silently trying to ask him what the hell is going on, a small smirk appearing on his face just seconds later. Without another word, he quickly makes his way outside the kitchen to give the two of you much needed privacy. You could feel your cheeks heating up after witnessing that little exchange.
Focusing back on you, Joel decides to continue the conversation. "Okay, if you put it like that of course it sounds silly..." he mutters, scratching the back of his neck. "But, I don't know, I’d like to think something out there wanted us to meet again so I could make it right."
"No," you repeat. "You had a chance to make it right as soon as I kicked you out of my apartment. There was a chance to pick up your phone and give me a call or send me a text or...anything, Joel– fucking anything!"
There's a brief pause, and you're so glad to see he has nothing to say because boy, oh boy did you have things to say.
"You don't get to come back a month later and claim to miss me when you didn't even try to get me back. And you were a real piece of shit with me, by the way. You really made me think we had something special, just to treat me like it was nothing," you continue, visibly upset by the incredibly uncomfortable and difficult situation he's putting you in. "You made me feel...you made me feel like I was some stupid little girl you only wanted to get into bed with."
He looks absolutely horrified by your last statement, taking a few steps forward until he's standing right in front of you. The proximity makes it so much worse, forcing you to look down at your shoes. He gently grabs your chin to force you to look into his eyes, and for some reason you allow it. Maybe you were vulnerable, maybe you wanted to feel his touch. Maybe both.
"I promise you, that was not my intention at all," he immediately assures you in the most serious voice you've ever heard coming from him. "It was never just that. I was really falling for you."
You frowned, feeling so incredibly confused and frustrated. "Then why did you never show it?"
"Because I was dumb and I was scared," he reveals simply. It surprises you how honest he's being, how you don't have to ask more to get information out of him. "You were the first woman I started developing actual feelings for after my divorce, and at the time I thought things were moving too fast between us and...I didn't know how to handle it."
Joel can tell you're still not having none of it, so he decides to continue. "I really wanted to be with you officially, but I guess my insecurities got the best of me. I'm just an old man and you're gorgeous, and young, and...Jesus Christ, darling, you're the most amazing person I've ever met," he sighs again, hoping you'd understand what was going on in his head when he made the terrible decision of letting you go. "I didn't want to fuck it up or get my heart broken again...but I totally did fuck it up, and the worse thing is that I broke your heart in the process. I'll forever be sorry for that."
You were speechless yet again, and Joel didn't know how to take that. Are you going to say something nice or are you going to yell at him and tell him to go fuck himself? The uncertainty was eating him alive at this point.
Eventually, you speak up. "You did fuck it up," you agree. "Like, big time."
He sighs yet again, nodding. "Yes, I did. And I know I don't deserve it, but I'd like to have a second chance to prove to you just how much I care about you," he continues, not giving up this time. He couldn't live with himself if he managed to lose you twice. "To give you all that you deserve, to be there for you, to show the world how happy I am that you're my girl...I'd make it right."
Letting go of your chin, he moves his hand to the side of your face, anxiously waiting for an answer. The fact that you're not pushing him away is already a good sign, because he knows you're capable of throwing a beer bottle at him for saying what he just said.
You considered your options. There's a guy outside in the living room waiting for you. There's a bunch of other guys on your phone that'd run to your doorstep if you give them the chance. All of them have behaved better than Joel...but you can't fool yourself.
Even if you combine all of them, there's no way that everything you've shared with them can come close to what you experienced with Joel. You've never liked anyone so much before, and holy shit how badly you've missed him.
If he thought your proximity was a good sign, the soft smile that appears on your face makes him relax considerably, almost wanting to pull you in for a hug and start thanking you already.
"I guess you can take me out to dinner or something to prove you're sorry," you eventually reply, making him grin from ear to ear. You notice he's leaning even closer with the intention of kissing you, but you quickly stop him. "Don't even think about it. You'll have to earn the right to do that."
Joel silently agrees to that arrangement, immediately taking a step back from you, the smile on his face never disappearing. He doesn't care that you're not kissing him right now, not when you agreed to give him a chance. That's more than enough for him. The best Christmas gift he could've ever received.
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wonwoonlight · 5 months
finding love / kim mingyu
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a/n: mingyu brain rot bc i dreamt of him last night and ive never felt so loved 😭😭😭😭 first fic of the year! not proofread bc im too lazy. Enjoy🤍 do tell me if u enjoy this??? Hello???
wc: 1.1k // just some musings about love // fluff // super very soft // i dont think theres any warning except that i want him NOW.
[ ♤♤♤ ]
You don't know love until Kim Mingyu.
It's not anything as dramatic as you not believing in it. You just really haven't found the right person, nor have you been trying to look for one. Which is why it's a wonder that you end up with someone as wonderful as Kim Mingyu.
Your meeting with him wasn't anything special either. It's nothing out of a fiction; it's not exciting and it's not magical. It's just you, being Chan's friend and introduced to the members when he invited you to their concert and you visited the backstage once it finished.
It wasn't an instant click either, you just ended up talking individually somehow and the relationship progressed as time passed by.
You don't know love until Kim Mingyu.
He holds your hand when you're afraid even if you don't say anything.
He holds your hand when you're afraid even if he's afraid.
You both hate horror movies with passion, but once in a blue moon you two would challenge yourself just to see if it has changed. Every single time Mingyu would brace it and watch through everything just so he can tell you when to close your eyes and when it's okay to open them again.
You don't know love until Kim Mingyu.
He would listen to everything you talk about. From your complain about your coworkers, to your random ramble about some stuff you see on Instagram reels.
He listens.
He always does.
Because one day you're talking about how it's been quite some time since you've eaten lasagna and the next dinner Mingyu bakes lasagna for you himself.
He listens.
Because when you mention once in passing to your friend, to which Mingyu only listens partly to because you're on the phone and doesn't realize he's already awoken from his nap, that you've always wanted to try snorkeling, Mingyu arranges for it immediately once he finds a suitable date for you both.
You don't know love until Kim Mingyu.
He finds time to contact you in midst of busy schedules, and always tells you beforehand if he's going to be too busy to reach out in any way. You've told him plenty of times that you understand and that he doesn't need to reassure you everytime, but you've also told him once long before you started dating that you're the type to welcome words of assurance more than anything.
So he continues to reassure you everytime he can.
“What do you think about this?” Mingyu asks, yet again in another set of outfits.
You don't know shit about fashion, and you think Mingyu looks good in everything because he knows how to dress himself well. This is something that he's aware of, but he also likes your validation so you always try your best to say anything other that “You look good” and “I like this better than the previous one”.
“I think… you know I like it best when you're in black so I'm not sure if your current outfit is actually better than the black one or not.” You say sheepishly, to which Mingyu laughs at.
Your heart skips a beat at the sound of his laughter, something that hasn't changed despite having dated him for almost a year now. He makes his way to you and engulf you in a hug, whispers something that sounds suspiciously like “you're so cute” though he doesn't admit it because you don't like being called cute.
“Hmm.. Maybe I should go for the black one.” He says as he looks at himself in the mirror once again.
“What? No! Wear what you think is best. You know I have zero sense of fashion.”
“You like it, though.”
“I like you. You know you can wear the ugliest shirt out there and I'll still like it.”
Mingyu freezes and you see the tips of his ears turning red. You don't always say your feelings out loud, and when you do, it always hits a soft spot within him. And for all the cheesy comments Mingyu always parades to his fans, he's actually bad at receiving them himself.
You would usually jump at this opportunity to tease him, but you're feeling especially soft today, so you walk up next to him and tiptoes to kiss his cheek.
“I appreciate your sentiment, but don't trust me this time around, okay?” You chuckle and cup his warm face before dropping a peck on his lips.
“Alright…” He presses his lips together and goes for another kiss. “You'll really like everything…?”
And as much as Mingyu reassures you, you reassure him back.
“I like you. So you can wear anything, and I'll like it as long as it's not something weird like a dragon costume or something.”
Mingyu succumbs with a shy smile and hides his face in your neck.
You don't know love until Kim Mingyu.
He's brought you happiness that you didn't know existed. He always makes your bad days good and your good days even better.
You automatically look for him when something makes you laugh, a part of you always wishes to share your happiness with him no matter where he is. You also look for him when you're not feeling your best, because one look and Mingyu knows you need him beside you, his arms enveloping you to ground yourself to him, and his deep voice reminds you that things are going to be okay.
“Does it bother you?” Seungkwan asks one day. You, him, Mingyu, and Seungcheol are chilling in Mingyu's dorm.
“What?” You return his question, getting more comfortable on the sofa. You're leaning against Seungcheol's shoulder, as Mingyu is too busy playing something on his phone and you don't want to restrict his movement by leaning into him.
“The… you know. Whispers. What people say?”
“About me and Mingyu?” You make sure. Your relationship isn't public, but you know some people in his company doesn't exactly approve of his choice of a girlfriend even though their opinions don't matter.
You hum as you look at Mingyu, sitting comfortably on the floor near Seungkwan. He comments on how random the younger guy's question is, but doesn't seem too bothered by it.
Something pleasant settles in your chest as you continue looking at him, your smile growing when the answer to Seungkwan's question pops in your mind.
“Not really, no.” You turn to him with a smile, your voice firm with security. “I know Mingyu loves me and that's enough.”
You don't know love until Kim Mingyu.
Because he loves you with everything he has to offer and beyond, never once failing to let you know his feelings haven't wavered.
Because you want to do everything for him even if you're not able to, your heart always finding a way to be with him even when he's not next to you.
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bloodyselfshipping · 1 year
(Hetalia Main 8 x Reader) How they talk about you!
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~
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Most people around Alfred would probably not realize you two are romantically involved. The way he talks about you is less like a partner and more like a best friend.
But that said, everyone would know who you are. It’s immediately obvious how close your relationship is. He seems to know everything about you.
He won’t bring you up constantly, but your presence is around him in some way.
“Who are you texting during the meeting?!” “Oh, Y/N! Right now they’re-”
“Who are you inviting?” “Y/N! I really think they’d have fun coming along-”
“Are you free tonight?” “Mm, sorry dude. I’m with Y/N tonight, just like last night, and the night before we-”
But if anyone asks, he loves talking about you. You make everything more fun, so even thinking about you makes him feel so much better!
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He doesn’t bring you up much, but when he does it’s so obvious how much he loves you. Always looking in the distance longingly…
Doesn’t share a lot of personal details, probably doesn’t even mention your name. He always calls you nicknames or just “my lover.”
Arthur prefers to keep you his little secret.
“Ah, I have to go. I have an engagement with… someone special.”
So it's usually very stilted and formal, but not because of a lack of affection. He thinks that PDA and gushing about romance in public is tactless, so he refrains.
You’re like royalty to him so he always makes sure to make his respect more apparent than anything. No one is more special to him than you <3
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The second most normal out of any of them. Although he always refers to you very romantically, that isn’t very out of line for how he normally is.
It seems as if he sees you as perfect, above others in every way. He always praises you and everything you do, to an absolutely absurd degree.
Always has very specific things he calls you in front of others.
“Ah, this reminds me of my S/O. They are like poetry in motion…”
“Every day I am inspired by Y/N, even the most impressive works of art are nothing compared to them.”
“My eternal love, they are calling to me… I must go!”  “Just say you wanna get outta here!”
He can’t help but gush about how perfect you are. He would say you are nothing less than soulmates.
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Yao is a very traditional man. From the start of your relationship, he’s always referred to you as if you were married.
Sometimes he’ll refer to you like those old men who hate their wives, but only because he doesn’t realize the full implications.
“”Aiyaa! Have to go tend to the ball and chain, see you later!”
Except when he says that, he means it affectionately. By “tending to the old ball and chain” he means laying his head in your lap for two hours and telling you about how stupid his friends are.
He’d love nothing more than to just talk to you and you alone, he doesn’t care what anyone else thinks of you two.
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Ivan CANNOT stop talking about you! Seriously, everyone is very annoyed by it. But he just can’t hold himself back, he needs everyone to know about how much he loves you.
Anytime anyone brings up something that reminds him of you, he has to go on a whole tangent. God forbid someone brings up an interest of yours, then it goes on forever.
They probably won’t even know your name because he just always uses some adorable pet name for you (:
When he misses you, it’s even worse. Anything just immediately results in,
“My darling used to call me that…” “Because it’s your name!”
If he could, he would bring you everywhere with him. So, he’ll do so in his own way (: (telling everyone who breathes in his direction about you)
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Everyone is immediately aware of your existence. He LOVES bringing you up at every opportunity. All his friends need to know about his lovely S/O right now!!!
Definitely tries to show you off.
“You know whose really attractive? My S/O! Look, see!!!”
“I just thought of something funny, one time Y/N did that! But like, they were super hot!”
“Cuore mio, everyone should see how wonderful you are. Don’t be embarrassed!”
When he gets drunk, he can’t help but talk anyone’s ear off about you. About how much you mean to him, about how proud he is of you, a lot of other stuff that seems way too sentimental for an easy-going guy like him.
Often ends up bursting into rooms just to bring news of you. He gets so emotional it can become unbearable for those around him.
He can’t imagine his life without you, and everything is just a reminder of that fact. Feliciano loves you more than anything!
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Ludwig wouldn’t not talk about you… but he wouldn’t go out of his way to do so. Not because he’s embarrassed of you, but because he’s embarrassed of how much he’s in love with you!
You make him so soft… and the thoughts of you are constantly distracting him! His darling (you) lives in his head rent-free, damn you!
“Oi Germany, is that a person on your lock-screen?” “N-No! Well… it’s my S/O… don’t make it into a situation!”
He thinks very highly of you, and trusts your judgment completely. Talking to you helps him think out his problems. That fact is so obvious that a lot of times, his friends will call you up for him when he’s panicking.
Not a fan of pet names, and can seem cold about your relationship in public. But don’t let that fool you, he doesn’t want to go a day without you!
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Very casual about you. You’re his partner, you matter a lot to him, and he’s not embarrassed about it. 
But he does use his experiences with you to help him relate to others, so you get brought up quite a lot with his friends. When he’s having trouble socially, he tries to remember everything you’ve ever told him and repeat it.
“My S/O had something similar happen to them. May I consult them on this?”
“This reminds me of something that Y/N said to me last week. Shouldn’t we just put the past behind us? They said it’s no good to dwell on these things.”
“Hm… maybe we should just go home and rest before making a decision. Besides, I want to talk to Y/N about this.” “Are you sure you don’t just miss them?” “That is a possibility.”
He acts as if you two are married, but just because you have become so important to him so quickly. You make his life so much better and easier, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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