#Arkham Au
artzychic27 · 2 months
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@msweebyness @imsparky2002
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imsparky2002 · 4 months
DC AU: More Updates
Barbara Keynes-Hill: Batman
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Olympia Keynes-Hill: Atom
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Wayhem Dana: Bat-Mite
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Beck King: Nightwing
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Jessica Keynes-Hill - Batgirl
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Aeon Hill-Keynes: Bumblebee
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Lemme know what you think in the comments. @artzychic27 @msweebyness
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msweebyness · 4 months
Question for Nightmare Weaver and Venom Bringer,
What's your favorite thing to do while escaping from the asylum? Any particular crimes?
Nightmare Weaver: Oh, we have so much fun when we’re able to get out for the day! Don’t we, love? (She and Venom Bringer nuzzle each other) There have been so many delightful dates when we’ve managed to sneak out some of my fear gas! Do you remember a couple weeks ago, darling? That waste management company?
Venom Bringer: They were dumping their filth into nearby bodies of water and killing the wildlife. So Mylene hit the workers with her fear gas before I did some cracking skulls with the higher-ups.
Nightmare Weaver: It was wonderful! And then we caught a movie before we ended up back at the school. It had been a full day and we needed some down time. It was one of my favorite dates!
@imsparky2002 @artzychic27
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linxrouge4life · 10 months
Heres a quick hi from Mathew (The coin but out of his suit):
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Dont mind the two in the background, they are just fighting :')
You may send asks about them now and I will surely answer them :]
Also, this is my first time animating so heres a gif for a start.
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goldfish-inhaler · 2 months
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i like to think that the Arkham rec room has little busy work activities for the patients. most of them you could find in an elementary school until Riddler was admitted, then they had to start providing calculus and trig worksheets lol
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tvobsessivefanatic · 4 months
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Arkham Guard Danny Phantom au fanart? Yessir
Man I've been obsessed with this au, I need more fanfics and fanart
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unhingedreblogging · 2 months
Danny was strange. Now this was nothing new to him, or even to the rest of Amity Park, but anywhere else it would be noticed.
Danny has taken a job at Arkham Asylum as a guard, following his sister and parents to the city. The ectoplasm in the air felt more hollow, tainted by something, than it did in Amity with its constant bathing in the ambient runoff from the portal.
In the year since he took the job, there has not been a single successful escape, not even Joker could manage it, and the Bats have grown suspicious, there were only two new employees at the Asylum, nothing of note apart from one was a new psychologist and one a guard, siblings.
Bruce sends Tim on a mission to find out every bit of information he can about the two, but annoyingly their past before moving into the city is hidden by a firewall so thick and so strange it almost seems like it's alive and actively trying to stop the snooping. Tim is exasperated and angry after a week of being nowhere.
Bruce decides to drop into the Asylum to check in person after two weeks of no headway being made, they need to find out what these two are up to, and why there haven't been any breakouts, what the rogues are plotting. What Batman finds is nothing short of a miracle; every single patient is being treated properly, he checks on Joker first of course, the most worrying theat but finds that the clown prince of crime seems to be catatonic.
This is worrying, but the man is still breathing, there's the possibility of reversing it. The new guard named Daniel James Janus Fenton somehow managed to appear from nowhere behind Batman, bringing with him a slice of cold splitting the comfortably warm hall of the Asylum, a low whispering of static whispering just beyond his range of hearing, a feeling of being watched from every angle, before simply shaking his head, as if knowing what Bruce was thinking with the Joker.
"It's no use, he's going to be that way for the rest of his natural life. His victims deserve their justice, and this is the best option." Is all he says, before simply turning and continuing his rounds, as if the Batman isn't there, isn't a cause for worry.
The temperature change leaves just as quickly at it arrives, the sound does not, and when Batman looks back at the Joker there are tears streaming down his unnaturally chalk white skin, lips moving in a silent plea. He resolves to get to the bottom of this, no matter what it takes, how long it will take.
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bet-on-me-13 · 7 months
Ghost Zone Breakout Au
So! Danny is missing. Maybe it's a Vivisection AU and he ran away, maybe he got trapped by one of his Rogues, either way, Danny is gone and his Rogues are free to spread across the planet.
Walker in particular has an interesting adventure.
After Danny trashed his Prison and broke Wulf out, people realized that it wasn't as impenetrable as he made it out to be. And what's an army of Immortal Criminals to do when given all the time in the world? They test each and every method they can to break in or to escape.
Danny's actions caused a Domino Effect that lead to Walkers Prison being torn apart from both the inside and the outside. He lost his Territory, his Power, and most of his Guards. So he decided to start again in the Mortal Realm.
And he found the perfect New Haunt.
He's never seen such a sorry Prison in his AfterLife (It's an asylum). Criminals breaking in and out every other week, no prisoner staying for longer than a month at most, and nobody is doing anything to fix it.
He needs to remedy this.
So one night, he and his Army of Ghostly Guards attack the Prison. They Overshadow whatever guards are on Duty, take control of the Prison Systems, and Initiate a Total Lockdown.
Walker then sends out a Message.
"People of the Mortal Realm. I an Warden Walker, the new Head of this here little Prison. We have seen how terrible this sorry excuse for a prison is, and decided to take it upon ourselves to fix it. From now on, we will be the Guards of this Arkham. Send your prisoners here, and they will stay here. Try to break in, and you will never leave. Try to force us out, and you will join our undead Ranks. This is not a Negotiation, this is not a Request, this is an Announcement. If you have a problem with this, then I will be happy for personally meet you. I am in need of new employees after all."
After this message, many tried to stop him, but none were successful. He didn't seem to understand that a Prison is meant to hold Prisoners for a determined amount of Time, not forever. Or that it wasn't a Prison in the first place, it was an Asylum to treat the mentally ill.
The Bats could do anything either. Any time they tried to take back the prison, they were beaten back by the Possessed Guards and Ghostly Guards patrolling the grounds. And they didn't want to hurt the Hostages.
They needed a solution, so they got to digging.
Apparently they weren't the only ones who were dealing with Ghost Related Issues. All across the world, powerful Ghosts were claiming large areas of land as their new Haunts, weaker Ghosts were running Rampant in the spaces in between, and JLD was being run ragged as they tried to help wherever they could.
It was a worldwide issue, and they needed to find the Cause.
After a lengthy investigation, they found that all the Ghosts originally came from one Place. A small town in Illinois where they had been trying to break into the Mortal Realm for years, but they had been stopped by another. A Ghost who protected the Mortal Realm from the powerful Spirits of the Dead.
If they had any hope of containing this threat, they needed his help. They needed to find Phantom.
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hqbits · 2 months
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basically their first (official) meeting in my au 😭
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artzychic27 · 6 months
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imsparky2002 · 6 months
Arkham AU: What's in a Name
Sea Enchantress: Hey, Max. I have to ask, why don't you use a code-
Croc King: Ondy, don't get him started!
Sea Enchantress: What? I was just asking why he just goes by Max instead of a codename.
(Max has the smuggest smile on his face.)
Max Luthor: I don't need to hide behind a silly stagename.
Jestress: Well, some of us want to add some flare to our crimes! Would Paris tremble in fear at the name "Marinette"? I don't think so.
Max Luthor: Yes, because I shake in my boots at the name "Jestress". Everyone knows ren-fare employees are the biggest terror in the city.
Jestress: Uh... I... you shut up!
Adri-Quin: You leave Miss J alone, egghead! I happen to find it charming!
Max Luthor: Adrien, your name doesn't even make sense. Adri-Quin?
Adri-Quin: Yeah! Like a harlequin! It fits with da aesthetic!
Jestress: *nuzzling him* That's exactly right, puddin'
Max Luthor: If your name was Harley, then I would understand. But it's not, it's Adrien.
(The Clown Princess of Crime and her Prince Harming stick their tongues out at Max and storm off.)
Enigma: Riddle me this, who's a giant prick whose name rhymes with tax?
Max Luthor: Not a riddle, Cesaire. You have a gimmick so stick with it.
Venom Bringer: *Snarling* Do I need to get Mylene to gas you again?
Max Luthor: (Looks sheepish) No! I'll be quiet now.
Based partly off of a convo between me and Artzy. Make sure to comment and reblog. @artzychic27 @msweebyness
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tomboy014 · 1 year
Damian: Move aside, Fenton. I need to speak with my nemesis.
Harley: For the last time, I. AM NOT. YOUR. NEMESIS!!!
Danny: Aw, c'mon, Harley. I think it's cute he has a little crush on you.
Cue Damian sputtering and incoherent as he's mercilessly teased out of the Asylum by his brothers. He can never face Harley again.
How did Danny do that?
Danny: I have siblings
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ky-landfill · 1 year
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mylifeingotham · 9 months
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brucewaynehater101 · 29 days
I’m absolutely obsessed with this prompt of Tim being older than Jason and/or only becoming Robin when he's an adult.
Never has someone seen him and cared about him so much. But he sees how much Bruce mourns. He isn't mourning his sidekick, he is mourning his son.
And Tim will never be his son, will never get the same affection because Batman only made him Robin BECAUSE it wouldn't hurt him as much if he'd lose Tim. Since he isn't a family member, like his parents or Jason or Dick.
And Tim HAS a place of his own, true. But it's empty. It doesn't have anything personal. No family pictures, nothing that shows him that someone cares about him or he cares about someone as much like Bruce cares about his family. Especially with Jason's memorial case in the Batacave
I need fanfics with this. I have to check ou the "Tim joins the Batfam late" tag again
Post in question: https://www.tumblr.com/goodoldfashionedengineer/758997334790225920/after-finishing-batman-arkham-knight-i-looked?source=share
Link here for others
Thank you so much for providing a link.
I have seen some stuff theorizing that Tim was older than Jason in the Arkham Knight game as well.
Which, with your take, makes the game that much more tragic for Tim. Robin literally says, "You haven't done that in a while," when Bruce calls him Jason. Painful as hell.
As far as AU, I'm not a fan of Tim becoming "Robin" as an adult because I see Robin as more of a teenager's role. It helps them to mature into adult vigilantes.
HOWEVER, I fuck so hard with Tim Joins the Batfam Late fics and I can kind of combine those with your idea.
So, Tim is older than Jason, and Jason dies. Let's make Tim seventeen when Jason dies.
Jason dies in April, so Tim is eighteen when he tries to reach out to Bruce to get him to stop beating himself and all of Gotham up.
He's an adult, so he has more power. Bruce can't tell Tim not to become a vigilante. Tim has blackmail and Bruce can't threaten to call Tim's parents (who, for the sake of it, are dead. He got emancipated at 16).
Since Tim isn't a child even though he's younger than Bruce's eldest son, Bruce doesn't need to parent him. Tim is a colleague. He's not family.
They grow to care about each other like good work friends, but Tim's death wouldn't be the same as losing a son (at least for a long while).
Jason, when he returns, is upset about being replaced. However, Tim is an adult (so none of that "child soldiers" spiel), and he never took up the Robin mantle. He became his own identity.
Tim's relationship with the Bats is also different than Jason's was. For comparison sake, it's mix between Huntress or Oracle where Bruce works with them, but they are also highly independent from him. It's also more apparent that Tim undergoes a caretaker role in this. He's the one to patch Bruce up, lug his tired ass to his bed, demand he eats, and assists him with WE work. Because Tim's an adult, Bruce allows himself to lean/rely on him more (even though eighteen is barely an adult at all).
Tim doesn't live at the Manor. Sometimes, when it's really late and he's exhausted from helping Bruce, he'll catch four or so hours in a guest bedroom. Otherwise, he's trekking back to his bare apartment that only has a few photos of his parents and/or friends.
As Bruce gets better, Tim spends less time with Bruce to pursue his own cases/work. Their relationship is mostly about what Bruce needs from Tim and not what Tim needs from Bruce.
Then Jason comes back. He's angry or whatnot, but he's got the vibes wrong. He thinks that Tim is another annoying older brother he has to deal with. Thus, Jason is the first one to admit, sarcastically, that Tim is family :)
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arkham-guard-dp-au · 3 months
Yo, just thinking how enraged the Joker would be hearing how this random guard in Arkham has the reputation of being the funniest and most unsettling. Well he, the Joker is right there.
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