#Foster kids are part of your community
ex-foster · 1 month
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kairologia · 2 months
Your 12th house gifts and areas you struggle with most, according to your rising sign.
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The 12th House is traditionally a desolate, dark, and isolating place. But what insights might you gain, were you to confront and explore that which you've been avoiding? Not unlike how every chart has a “natal promise”, every 12H has positive potential and negative burdens to show for itself. Here, we shall dive into that. Use Whole Sign Houses.
P.S: one configuration cannot explain everything about you as a person with a full-chart and a bunch of unique personal experiences, so if you do not relate to everything, that’s fine. ♥
— Aries Rising with Pisces in the 12H:
· Gift: Aries risings are profoundly intuitive & empathetic and this fact is oft understated. These people tend to be blessed with creativity & plenty of artistic gifts, and are incredibly inspirational to those around them. The teacher that inspires their students so profoundly they remain unforgotten even decades later, the hype man that supports their friend group’s endeavors most — these archetypes are found across the zodiac spectrum, but at an unusually high concentration among Aries risings.
· Struggle: they tend to feel overwhelmed by their unspoken emotions and have a hard time asserting personal boundaries. Aries rising natives tend to wear their hearts on their sleeves, and have a hard time keeping things in. If they *feel* something, they will make it known.
— Taurus Rising with Aries in the 12H:
· Gift: Taurus risings are blessed with incredible resiliency, & can overcome anything if they so desire. They tend to enjoy most & even be skilled at artistic pursuits that revolve around the erotic &/or grotesque. They are rarely put off by things, and are the type of people that can listen to you vent about all sorts of topics, no matter how ‘gross’ or taboo.
· Struggle: ironically, Taurus rising natives tend to simultaneously be very impatient while also being inclined to repressing and internalizing all sorts of emotions, not unlike a dormant volcano, leading to inner and outer conflict. They tend to be hot-headed and struggle letting go of matters they found hurtful.
— Gemini Rising with Taurus in the 12H:
· Gift: These people are incredibly grounded intellectually and it shines through their mental clarity and ability to communicate with precision. Though they may appear scatterbrained to others, their mind palace is incredibly well-compartmentalized. They tend to be great at artistic pursuits that call upon multiple senses at once and provide strong sensorial experiences.
· Struggle: Gemini rising natives tend to overanalyze emotions, which hinders the spontaneity and adaptative quality associated with other Gemini placements. They also tend to repress their desire for relational pleasure and connection, and have a hard time accepting that even they desire to connect with others.
— Cancer Rising with Gemini in the 12H:
· Gift: Cancer risings are capable of understanding the perspective of others with incredible ease, which grants them a versatile penmanship & communication skillset. They tend to excel at communication, writing, teaching, getting things across, as no matter how complex the topic at hand they will manage to break it down to others in a manner that is simple enough to be understood by anyone — in part explaining why they tend to be so great with kids.
· Struggle: Cancer rising natives often have a hard time reconciling rational thought with emotional intuition, leading to indecision — growing up, possibly as a defense mechanism, most Cancer risings tend to pick one end of the emotion vs reason spectrum and sticking to it, leading to unavoidable inner tension in adulthood.
— Leo Rising with Cancer in the 12H:
· Gift: not unlike Aries risings, their intuitive senses & understanding of other people’s hidden emotions are widely underestimated. Their ability to foster deep emotional connections with others & nurture those around them is second to none. They also tend to have the very rich & versatile emotional inner world that is often associated with water moons – in part explaining why they’re known for their creativity & dramatic flair.
· Struggle: Leo risings have a tendency to retreat into isolation upon feeling vulnerable. They tend to repress their feelings from the outside world, and hardly feel comfortable enough to let anyone in. In more extreme cases, there might even be a propensity towards denying certain emotions and repressing them altogether. They have a very polished facade & a strong sense of self, and consequently will hardly appreciate breaking out of character.
— Virgo Rising with Leo in the 12H:
· Gift: Virgo risings are known for telling it like it is — their authentic manner of self-expression and courage to confront anything that gets in their way is their signature brand. Though many Virgo risings tend to prefer blending in and going unnoticed, they’re in actuality extremely creative, and will hardly let other people’s narrative steer them at will.
- Struggle: a Virgo rising’s biggest critic is themselves, and oftentimes they tend to forget that their own desire to be perfect may not be shared by others, as most people value authenticity over perfection — leading to Virgo rising natives feeling rejected by those around them, as their desire to advise and help is inextricably linked to their sense of self. They tend not to realize that said advice is often unwarranted and unsought for, consequently taking everything to heart, which may result in them struggling with self-acceptance and vulnerability.
— Libra Rising with Virgo in the 12H:
· Gift: Libra risings have mastered the art of knowing that multiple things can be true at once, & their analytical minds are loaded with insight into hidden dynamics & truths. They tend to favor a practical approach to resolving emotional conflicts, which makes them seem as though they fear & avoid conflict, when in truth they had already assessed the situation and figured out the best path to returning to center.
· Struggle: Libra risings repress thought & opinion to keep the peace, & consequently feel as though their opinions matter less or not at all to those around them — which, once brought up, might come across as a point of confusion to those around them who generally value their insights immensely. They also tend to overanalyze emotions, be it their own or those of others, and thus struggle with expressing deeper feelings, or believing others to begin with, leading to inner conflict.
— Scorpio Rising with Libra in the 12H:
· Gift: Scorpio risings posess the ability to understand subconscious patterns no matter how convoluted they may be. Even at times where they struggle with understanding themselves, their emotions, desires and behavioural patterns, those of others are hardly a secret to them.
· Struggle: the 12th house is a lesson on balance & compromise for Scorpio risings. Their desire for harmony in inner conflicts is often at odds with their own subjectivity & inclination towards taking extremes in their daily lives, so they tend to struggle immensely with balance. They simultaneously obsess over & repress their hidden desires & preferences, leading to power struggles within the self. They also tend to struggle with forming connections with others, whether it’s due to failed past connections or an inherent fear of commitment or merely an extreme sense of detachment.
— Sagittarius Rising with Scorpio in the 12H:
· Gift: Sagittarius risings are known for their fearlessness and inclination towards spiritual & occult pursuits. A Sagittarius rising is never one to say no to or back down from new experiences, and have a sense of freedom that is defining to their personhood. Everyday is a potential new lesson to these people.
· Struggle: the same sense of freedom may lead to their tendency towards escapism. They tend to struggle with confronting their less superficial, deeper emotions, & may repress their anger a lot in their youth — leading to their being a lot more explosive and thrill-seeking in adulthood. Sagittarius risings are the type to prefer trying anything – even things many would advise against, just to prove a point, whether to themselves or others – as they believe they have no teacher other than life itself.
— Capricorn Rising with Sagittarius in the 12H:
· Gift: Capricorn risings are known for their philosophical perspective & optimistic outlook on challenges, which often translates to an ability to grow wiser at a faster rate than their peers. Their beliefs & values play a crucial role in their selfhood, so they tend to invest a lot of time into spiritual pursuits.
· Struggle: the flip side of their beliefs and values shaping their inner world in a way that is hard to get across to others is that they may be the type to struggle with forming connections with people who do not share the same beliefs & philosophies. They also tend to fear failure more than anything, & struggle to surrender to their own place in the grander scheme of things — these two points are inextricably linked and in order to grow past either, you as a Capricorn rising ought to address both simultaneously.
— Aquarius Rising with Capricorn in the 12H :
· Gift: Incredibly disciplined and persevering in confronting their inner fears. Overtime, they tend to develop a sense of stability and self-mastery that is second to none. While not intuitive in the stereotypical sense, they tend to have inexplicable hunches about things that hardly ever turn out to be incorrect. They tend to live well with & within chaos, sometimes at the expense of their well-being.
· Struggle: they tend to repress emotions and have a strong fear of vulnerability, which hinders their ability to form intimate connections and grow emotionally — they feel as though they have a built-in indestructible wall blocking them out & holding them back from everyone else. They may struggle with becoming responsible, or feel as though they matured too soon. Sometimes, it’s a bit of both.
— Pisces Rising with Aquarius in the 12H:
· Gift: Pisces risings are infinitely more rational than they are believed to be. They have an uncanny approach to understanding subconscious patterns, & tend to reason their way through any situation before reaching a judgement. Very insightful people who tend to be incredibly inquisitive as well, and would prod answers out of anyone if they so desire.
· Struggle: Pisces risings tend to isolate often, whether as a way to recalibrate or just out of preference. Natives of this rising sign, especially those with Air moons, often struggle with detachment and may find it hard to relate to statements implying they are inclined towards emotionality. These people often have or had a “weird kid” reputation ascribed to them by their peers that often stuck well into adulthood.
If you’d like a reading, more details can be found here!
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evangelinesbible · 1 year
What was meant for you and your partner based on this asteroid (6583)
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1H - You two where meant to experience new beginnings together. You two are destined to outwardly express yourselves to each other which can spawn passion between you two. Either aggressive passion, sexual passion, and/or just simple ambitious passion for each other. both of you put your appearances on a pedal and your destined to learn what that can do to a relationship in the long run. You two are destined look good together and to have a physical confidence when together. You two might discover something new in each others identity and personality when you build a connection. You two can either build each others confidence up or bring it down. You two might be destined to be extremely bold and upfront with each other.
2H - You two are destined to feel very secure and comfortable with each other. You two might tend to spend money on each other a lot. You two might want to find material comfort together which might lead to over indulgence. This connection was destined to give and take. The more you give to each other the more you gain comfort but there a chance of it becoming superficial or lazy in this connection. You two might be destined to mange finances together and will have to learn now to manage it wisely.
3H- Can indicate it being a short term romance wise. But it's great for friendships. This connection was, well, destined to connect lol. the theme of communication are very apparent. Whether that means you two naturally communicate well or you'll have to learn the importance of communication in relationships. You two might be destined to share an important connection between each others siblings or you two have a sibling vibe. You two probably went to the same school together or at the very least the same district area. You two were probably destined to gossip and talk about everything together. Non stop talking in person and non stop talking online. You both are destined to connect over opinions and thoughts. There a chance you two might fight or find each other annoying because of a difference in opinion. You two might be destined to get annoyed with each other a lot too, mostly because of talking too much or not enough.
4H- Can indicate living together at some point in the connection or building some sort of home/family together. The connection is destined to help connect to each others inner child. There might be some childhood healing involved in this connection as well. Both people might have a connection to each others mothers. You two were destined to take care of each other and foster each others emotions. You two might be destined to own something together, most likely a house/ real estate or simple property.
5H- Can also indicate it being short term/fling but it can also indicate having kids together. If not kids then you two are probably destined to share the same hobbies and to do those hobbies together. This connection can be very dramatic and you two might tend to exaggerate certain situations together but for the most part it's probably entertaining for you both. Very lovey dovey and pleasureful relationship. Even if shot term the connection will be very eventful and will probably bring you both great joy. Pride and (again) drama may come into play a lot and if the other persons isn't up for it can get quite annoying/boring real quick.
6H- Can indicate being together for a long time just simply because of the daily routine aspect. You were probably destined to do a lot of daily life actives together. For example you two are probably gym buddies. This connection was destined for you two to improve and evolve together. You two probably keep each other accountable and try to stay connected everyday to get up routine. This is a very pure connection and you two might be of service to each other. You might work together (co -workers) and probably are destined to bond over health and animals (pets). There a chance of being to analytical with each other and to nit picking everything you do. If there's a change in routine one of you if not both of you will have a problem with it. You two might to learn together that a changing routine is sometimes just as good as having a set one.
7H- Can indicate being together for a long time/marriage. You two are very attracted to each other and you see qualities that convinces you to be together for a long time. You guys might be destined do everything together. This connection can be very romantic, harmonious and civil but this connection can also indicate cheating or openly betraying another. If you guys aren't attracted to each other from the get go then you probably find each others presence annoying. In a business setting this is pretty great. You two are destined to have some sort of business partnership or contract. You might negotiate business well with the person or you just negotiate well in general.
8H- Can also being together for a long time. this can ideate the connection to be very passionate and karmic. Possibly very easy for you two to delve into your darkness together. There might be a very sexual and spiritual understanding between you two and you both may be destined to know each other intimately as well as emotionally. Especially when it comes to your darkness/trauma. There a chance you might use this understanding against each other. Both of you come out as new people because of this connection. You might be destined to share a joint bank account or inheritance. You might be destined to do occult practices together or one of you will use occult practices on the other.
9H- You two probably went to the same collage or university together. Or you two probably teach at the same school or area. Or maybe you two were destined to share the same beliefs, ideals and practices. You two probably are destined to connect over different cultures and love for traveling. If you two were to get married you'd probably have an important relationship with your in laws. throughout the connection your beliefs and ideals will be tested or you find new viewpoint in life because of this connection. You two might be destined to travel someplace very far some day. This connection might be destined to learn what it means to be open minded and will show one of you, if not both of you hope important optimism is in a relationship.
10H- Destined to gain some sort of attention because of this connection. When you two get together everyone knows about it. Could potently mean that you two were destined to be a famous couple or connection. Your connection is associated with your image (vise versa) and you two where destined to intertwine your career goals with the goal you have with this connection. You two are destined to be put in a place of power/ authority together and will have to deal with that responsibility, if you can deal with it that is. If not a place of authority than you two will take on the reasonability of maturity. One of you or both of you are destined to mature because of this connection. This connection also means that one of, or both or your father figures are involved in the relationship dynamic.
11H- Great for long term friendships. destined to be friends or to first have a friendly connection together. Destined to embrace each others uniqueness and individuality. Destined to be very social with each other or very social with others when together. You two probably chat a lot online or are online friends. You two might love to go to parties and events together. You two might be a connection a lot of people know of especially online. You two were probably destined to be in the same organizations or groups
12H- This connection is probably a karmic debt from a past life. You two were destined to meet again. This connection can also be very spiritual and sexual. This connection has a lot of potential to show your insecurities and fears to each other. This relationship was destined to expose your past actions/mistakes, your subconscious thoughts/secrets, and your true intentions. This connection isn't necessarily doomed from the start but can indicate some sort of undoing. You both are portably destined to connect over the same fears and your methods of escapism and your mental health will be affected. (Good or Bad) You both might try to manipulate each other. It is most likely quite common for this connection to just end or a bad habit that both you have in relationships is exposed here and hopefully you learn to stop that habit to have better connections with others.
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soleminisanction · 8 months
I've always really liked DC's in-house choice of referring to their various superhero groupings as "families," but it has gotten a little frustrating recently with people both in canon and in fandom seeming to forget that families aren't just a parental-unit-and-kids formation. They're complicated, and a lot of the DC families are too messy to fit into that neat little nuclear family mode.
Which is to say... here's some scattered thoughts/summaries about how these families are actually structured in canon, because I think it's interesting:
Supers -- The smaller, more traditional Superfamily (Clark, Lois, Kara, Kon, etc.) is a pretty traditional Midwestern nuclear family, with Jimmy Olsen filling the role of close family friend/goofy neighbor sidekick (in the Silver Age, he was Kara's would-be suitor) and Steel feeling more like part of Clark's personal circle of friends. The recent line up, though, with Jon, the twins, Kong and Nat? Starts to feel more like some old dynasty or noble house, complete with fostered foundlings and the Steels acting almost like knights under a noble's banner, possibly reflective of what the House of El would have been on Krypton.
Arrows -- Might currently be the closet to a traditional nuclear family structure. You've got Ollie and Dinah, their younger sisters, Ollie's adopted and biological children, and Ollie's granddaughter through Roy, plus by some counts Roy's co-parent and her sister as "in-laws." Bonnie and Cissie King-Jones are adjacent to but not technically "part" of the family, though I believe it's implied at one point that Ollie might also be Cissie's bio-dad. Pretty straightforward, these guys are actually family and they act like it, for good and ill.
Shazam Family -- Also a literal, actual family. Not originally, the original golden age "Marvel Family" was considerably more complicated and only Billy and Mary were full siblings, but nowadays the whole point of the modern Shazam family is that they're foster siblings united by familial love and that's fantastic. Meanwhile your average Black Adam story is 75% angsty family drama, 25% Egyptian mythology references.
Flashes -- Technically closer to three nuclear families (the Allens, the Wests and the Garricks; four if you include the Quicks), two of whom are united by marriage and all of whom are bound by the Speedforce, which, given its semi-spiritual connections to things like Speedster afterlives, can act almost like a religious force that connects them to the additional members like Avery, Circuit Breaker and Max as Bart's foster-dad. They're a big, sprawling tree with more cousins than siblings, the kind of family that functionally has a reunion every Christmas and Thanksgiving.
Lanterns -- Now these guys are the exception that proves my point about the whole 'family' thing not being straightforward. The lanterns aren't a family, they're a corps. Soldiers. Space cops. Comrades-in-arms. They respect each other, have each other's backs, might even like or care about each other, but those last two are optional, and they don't have the same kind of assumed obligations towards each other that a family would have. They're friends and co-workers, not family, but that doesn't mean their relationships are less significant, they're just different.
Wonders -- Roughly half of them are either one of Hippolyta's daughters (Diana, Donna, Nubia pre-Crisis) or related to them through the gods (Cassie), and the other half (Artemis, Yara, modern-age Nubia) use sister as a term of endearment more in a utopian lesbian commune kind of way. I think they brought Steve Trevor back recently? He's basically the Ken in this equation and perfectly fine with that role. None of which should be surprising if you've seen Professor Marston and the Wonder Women.
Bats -- This is the one that people get really wrong when they try to force it into a traditional family structure. Don't let WFA fool you, the Bats are and have always been way more a snarled mess of tangled interpersonal relationships than they've ever been a cohesive family. Whether Dick is Bruce's son or his brother depends on what era you're talking about, and the former reading is much more recent than you think -- as in "started cropping up in the early 2000s" recent. Barbara is both Cassandra's sister and her mother. Duke and Steph both have living parents and neither of them want or would ever dream of treating Bruce like their dad; Tim was the same way until his dad died. None of the Robins ever lived in the mansion together, nor did Cass. Babs considered Jean-Paul Valley her brother and Huntress is so close to Tim she once hallucinated him calling her Big Sister. They're a beautiful mess of people finding places where their broken edges fit together into something that works for them and trying to reduce it down to a cozy nuclear family is just so goddamn reductive and lazy.
Blue Beetles -- Are only tangentially related to each other. Seriously, they never even get direct mentoring, each one just takes over when the previous one dies and works on completely different rules from the other two. They're complete strangers bound by a legacy and that's honestly pretty fun.
Zataras -- There's only three of them and they're literally a father, daughter and cousin.
Martians -- Not really a family because there's only the two of them, but an interesting case where the two survivors of what was functionally a war of mutually assured destruction came together in an attempt to find some peace in the aftermath of what they'd lost.
Titans -- The JLA and JSA aren't really in the "family" category, but the Titans lean into it hard, mostly because they're a textbook found family. They don't mirror a nuclear family structure, they're simply a group of people who came together to form a mutual support network. They're the idealized college friends you grew into your own with, some of them childhood companions and others you only met once you leave home for the first time, but all of them friends that you manage to maintain contact with for life, with everyone coming back together even as you scatter and do your own things.
Young Justice -- Meanwhile, this team is the chaotic group of misfits you hung out with when you were a teenager, especially when you were just starting to be allowed to act without adult supervision. You drive each other crazy, none of you know you're all queer as fuck, and you'd fight a bear for any of them even if they asked you not to. They'd probably be insulted if you tried to call them a family. They come out here to get away from their families, thank you very much.
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pansear-doodles · 11 months
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The Gourmand's New Apprentices
originally meaning to post this on father's day but ah well
Extras and transcript below cut!
Remember Jelly and Bean? My first ever slugpups?
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They're now part of the Anthro AU :)
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Jelly and Bean (The Gelatinist and The Beanbag) are two of Gourm's top students in their occasional teaching sessions of the pups in the Outer Expanse, learning basic survival skills and the world around them.
They are eager to learn and create new things to contribute to this new age of slugcat civilization and always drone around their teacher for advice and new studies. Gourmand certainly doesn't mind them, and is happy to know that their teachings entice these impressionate pups.
They appoint them as their little assistants and expedition rookies, staying closely by their side. The pups do not have parents and are being fostered by the orphanage, but they look up to Gourmand as a parental figure of sorts.
Jelly is extremely bouncy and secretes sweet-smelling slime on their skin when prompted.
Bean has large amounts of fur that makes them as soft as a pillow.
Like the third sibling, they're a mix of oc and canon. Gourmand's end screen has pups of similar color and I would like to indicate that this is them.
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Gourmand: See you next cycle kids! Remember to stay close to each other on your way home!
Gourmand: Jelly. Bean? Class is over. You can leave now. … Unless you have questions?
Jelly: We can't help but feel that there's an inaccuracy in our mini model of an iterator superstructure.
Bean: I think it's because we made it have four legs instead of six.
Gourmand: Oh but it looks impressive nonetheless! You even nailed down their communication arrays!
Gourmand: Moreover, iterator superstructures can have various degrees of appearance based on the surrounding environment and secondary function, though most of their blueprints' essential elements are commonly shared, as they are a necessity for the iterator's maintenance and their common usage of iterating-
Gourmand: … Oh I forgot. I should put my words down in a simpler manner for you kids to understand since you're learning. Sorry!
Jelly: No! We do understand you!
Bean: Perfectly! Thank you teacher.
Gourmand: Hmm! Where did you learn to understand such advanced wordings?
Jelly: We like to go to the library!
Bean: Yup! All the stuff you talk about is interesting! Didn't know there's a bigger world outside of here.
Jelly: I wanna look at Five Pebbles' can up close in real life!
Bean: I wanna visit the fabled underground lake of the albino leviathan!
Jelly: But… The other grown ups wouldn't let us go out alone because we need a mumdaddy to protect us.
Bean: That's what we're told. I think.
Gourmand: I can accompany you if you want, as your mentor guardian! I can even teach you the more advanced things on our studies. Your inputs throughout the class are excellent and you seem to have bright potential. I'd like to expand your minds a bit. Free up a bit of those limitations. And maybe you can be my apprentices? There's so many projects I want to do but some little helpers who I can teach the ropes to would be great!
Jelly: Do you really mean it?
Bean: Yes! Yes!
Both pups: Thank you teacher!
Gourmand: We can start right now! Instead of going to your shelter, let's go to mine. I have a lab in there and cookies I saved up in the fridge.
Bean: Yummy!
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hello, I hope this isn't rude or anything but you've been posting a lot about how just voting isn't enough to get change in America, in addition to voting how can I do more to foster the change I want in the government?
Remind them you dont need them.
Nothing scares them like thinking they're losing control.
Fix your own potholes
fund community medical/housing expenses
start up a food pantry or community fridge to make sure everyone is getting their needs met
Build a mutual aid/bartering network and offer things like a 30 day gym memberships so someone can shower and clean up for an interview, a suit, maybe a haircut, or offer driving lessons, tampons, etc in exchange for some company, babysitting, a etc
Look into ways you can support you local activist groups
On a more Directly activist end you can
participate in helping people escape Florida
you can protest
be there with a big group of allies to help de-arrest people being harmed for made up crimes or crimes you disagree with
That's how Stonewall started. Now we have gay rights. If you won't protect us, we will, that's what that said.
And you can build those concepts into anything. The Black Panthers gathered enough support and mutual aid to have the resources to offer free school breakfasts to starving kids. Which is why a majority of schools today offer a free breakfast. It was because of them.
They had free medical clinics of volunteers working with donated supplies and rent paid by donation/bargains, too. Guess when we got Medicaid.
And then COINTELPRO had the Black Panthers systematically disbanded because they were proving that people can and will take care of each other, that they don't need to be reliant on a (racist) system (of money) not built for them if they rely on each other. That if you needed help or you could offer it then do. Don't sit around waiting for a biased bureaucracy to help. Directly act yourself. Dont even let money stop you.
The government really did not want that sentiment catching on.
It was terrified that everyone would find out that better systems to take care of people exist and that those systems didn't include them.
So besides voting:
go back to Community. Go to to Council meetings, LGBT meet ups, drag shows, BIPOC poetry slam night, community movie nights, the fair, protests, join a union, etc.
Start making friends and networking and building the community you need. Maybe discuss a few of the ideas I mentioned and see how people respond. I think you'd be surprised at how eager people are to help and feel like they're a part of something bigger.
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agendabymooner · 9 months
sebastian and sons (& soufflés) || sv5 fic
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sebastian vettel x ofc (filipino!ofc)
(recommended read for context: sweet spoiled schatzi and “besties”)
Summary: Somewhere in Switzerland, the Vettel family were living the sweet life they’ve always wanted. OR have you ever wondered what fatherhood was like for Sebastian?
Content warning: dad!Seb centric content, Seb x adoptive daughter!OFC (Barbie), beekeeper Seb, Seb and Mick content, Mick Schumacher x OFC appearance, Multi-21 joke, mentions of adversities in childhood, fostering/adoption, infertility, pregnancy. 
Note: Dad Seb, Dad Seb, Dad Seb content. Enjoy xx
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Life couldn’t get any better than this. Sebastian Vettel didn’t know how perfect his life could get when he first met Belinda Ong until they reached the second month of their situationship. Fifteen years later, they were still thick as thieves; with the exception of the fact that they’ve a two year old son and a 25 year old daughter. 
Well… many could argue that Barbie Elisandra Blanco wasn’t their daughter because they’d be way too young to have her at 1999 — but the couple knew how much she meant to their unconventional family. She was still their daughter.
Life was extremely good, indeed. Sebastian was an optimist and he liked to think positively about everything in life. He was happy about anything (his smile got him the title ‘Babygirl’ in twitter but it wasn’t anything that any of them knew). His optimism alongside Bel’s faith were the things that got them through the difficulties of their life. 
After all, you can lose your faith trying to build a family that you both sought for the longest time. At least, that was what Sebastian realized when he witnessed Bel’s doctor break the news that she’d need to get treatments to increase her chances of conceiving. They've begun trying since 2014 and Bel became unhappy by 2015 — believing that she ruined Sebastian’s hopes of becoming a father to their little ones. 
Sebastian said otherwise. When she first cried in front of him about their dire situation, he almost cried himself. To see your wife be miserable because she was unhappy with the situation she assumed she’d brought you to? It was hard to see her blame herself for the lack of kids at home. It was as if she grieved for the loss of happiness at home. No amount of money could make up for the unhappiness she felt. 
But then Sebastian navigated her back to a 15 year old Barbie, telling her that while she’d gotten those treatments as she wanted — they’ve a girl to care for. Barbie was a sweet girl and she looked up to Bel and Seb as if they were her parents, and the driver merely wanted Bel to see herself as a mother to the girl instead of putting her whole heart into the sadness that infertility had caused her. After all, they had the money that could make up for Barbie’s adverse childhood experiences.
Sebastian thought that his life was great even before he moved to Switzerland with Bel. His routine changed when he lived in a gated community in the Philippines, all thanks to the girl that they began to foster. The girl remained a part of Seb's pride.
Much like the street kids, Barbie came from poverty and a family of toxic relatives. She was only fortunate enough to be put to the system when her father passed away and she was an only child. She didn’t have any extended family that would be more than capable to care for her, as far as everyone knew. 
They thought that becoming foster parents was the best decision they made. Because they couldn’t imagine their life without Barbie in it. She was a girl of many talents and ambitions.
So while Bel had gotten her treatment, Barbie was nurtured by the couple even if she became an adult in the eyes of the government. They had given her everything anyone could ask for. She was even handed a contract to model and become an artist because of her ability to do everything— but she chose to leave her contract to expire two years after as she decided to come along with the Vettels to Switzerland. She didn’t ask for much; all she wanted was to be with the two. 
Sebastian certainly thought that while he lived a good life, Barbie should too. So somewhere in Switzerland, he, his fostered daughter and his wife were living well. 
Alongside the three of them would be the cutest 2 year old to have existed in the world. His name was Kimuel Sebastian Michael Vettel. Everyone called him Kimi, and much like Sebastian’s former Ferrari teammate, he was entertaining and lovable in his own ways.
Kimi was brought home to Switzerland a few months ago, back in 2023. If there was anything that Sebastian had learned from the moment he came home, it was that he was dearly loved by all. By that, they meant everyone — even the neighbours that they have in Switzerland. His cheeky smile could get him places, Britta told the couple once, especially when he got the Vettel special. Apparently, that cheeky grin enthralled everyone. 
Their home in Switzerland offered a lot of things, which included a flower garden and an apiary that Sebastian often checked whenever he and Kimi would go out for their morning walk.
Speaking of morning walks… The Vettel family’s day would often go like this… 
“Shoot, shoot, shoot—“ Sebastian leaned against the kitchen island as he was shaken out of his thoughts by the heavy footsteps that descended from the second floor of the house, with them being followed by mutters of expression as a frazzled, yet somehow well dressed Barbie stepped inside the dining/kitchen room. 
He looked up in surprise before glancing down at his watch. Now this was unusual, he chuckled to himself before greeting the girl with a joke, “Good morning, Dornröschen.” Sleeping beauty. 
Barbie paused from her steps and gave Sebastian a look of annoyance, leaving the older man to snicker. Barbie rarely slept in but when she did, it was hard to get her to get up. Sebastian didn’t often call her Sleeping Beauty. 
His laughter immediately died down when she continued to run around the kitchen to fill up a thermos with coffee and milk. He only continued to watch her as she took a first sip and grabbed a slice of fruit from Sebastian’s plate. “Hey,” he scolded her playfully, “you ask first before you can start grabbing.”
“Sorry, Seb, I’m starving,” Barbie rushed out of her mouth before she made her way towards Kimi, who sat on the dining table with his cut up blueberry waffles and sliced bananas plated in front of him. She leaned down to press a loud kiss on his head before she said, “Morning Kimi— and I’m late.” 
“It’s only 7:45, schatzi,” Sebastian told Barbie. “You should eat.”
Barbie deadpanned, “My school is forty minutes away. I don’t want to be too confident that I’d drive there in time.”
“You’re a law-abiding driver,” Sebastian let out a noise, “you’ll get there in time as long as you’re not slow or getting arrested for being slow… or for speeding, either.” 
“This is rich, coming from someone who didn’t listen to Red Bull’s order all those years ago,” Barbie joked, reaching out to kiss Sebastian on the cheek only to be stopped by the German at a distance. 
Sebastian gave Barbie an unamused look, to which Barbie grinned as she laughed, “Are we not joking about that? Even Webber had a good laugh when I said it.”
“Kimi, Dada can’t take a joke or something and he’s making me even more late because of it,” Barbie remained smiling as she mischievously pulled a face at Seb, making the man laugh as he rolled his eyes and pulled her to a tight hug. 
And when he pressed a kiss on her hair and pulled away, she immediately took her hand out with a raised brow. “You took Roman’s key. Can I have it? Or should I start taking a train that’ll make me half an hour late and risk getting scolded by Bel for being late?”
Sebastian groaned in annoyance, still not knowing how she knew he’d hidden it away as a prank. He took the keys of her pink G-Wagon from the island cupboard and tossed it to her, leaving her to grin. 
“I still don’t understand why you named your car Roman,” his voice rang out as Barbie made her way out of the house with her bag and thermos. He knew that it had something to do with her name Barbie and some rapper who called her fans Barbz. Nicki Minaj, or whatever the name was. He knew why. He just didn’t understand it fully.
“I’ll see you later. Bye Seb! Bye Kimi!” She exclaimed from the other side of the house.
“Drive safe, Barbie! No phones out while driving, okay?” Sebastian replied from the entrance of the dining room, earning a yell of ‘okay’ from the girl as he said, “Have a good day, schatzi!” 
It wasn’t even ten minutes after when Sebastian’s wife, Bel, made her awakened presence known to her boys as she greeted them with a good morning and a kiss on the cheek of Kimi — and a loving kiss for Seb. She certainly looked better than the morning before— with her looking extremely exhausted, sick and all of that.
“Why was it loud, Seb? Something happened?” The Filipino woman asked while she allowed her tea to steep, approaching Kimi to clean up his plate and his empty sippy cup. The boy toddled after his mother, his silent request of watching her by the sink was fulfilled as Sebastian lifted Kimi up to the counter next to where Bel did the dishes. 
Then he leaned on the other side of Bel, answering his wife with a, “She slept in.” 
Bel gave him a look, “That’s unusual.”
“Tell me about it,” Sebastian shook his head. They’ve known about Barbie’s routine ever since she started attending an international high school in the Philippines. Now that she was continuing her culinary education, her routine remained the same. 
“But I suppose that’s what happens when you’re dating a driver who travels for more than you can count,” Bel shrugged nonchalantly, “the closest thing you have to a date is a Skype call.” 
Sebastian chuckled, “Don’t tell me it all didn’t work out in the end for you? It would be quite a shame if the man didn’t marry you.”
Bel snorted before swinging her foot in his direction, with him avoiding the kick with a laugh. His hearty laugh left Kimi confused for a second until he saw his father grinning, leaving him to giggle loudly. Bel turned to give her son a playful look, “Oh? You find Dada funny? Is that funny Kimi?” 
“Dada is funny,” Kimi said cheekily. Bel wiped her hands dry with a towel before attacking Kimi with kisses on the face, the boy giggling endlessly as he squirmed in her hold. “Mama! Tickles!” 
“Oh is that right? Does that tickle?” Bel laughed, turning to look at Sebastian who remained grinning at the sight of his little family.
Yeah their day was going to be as good as any other day. 
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Sebastian then decided that today was going to be productive as well. It was only 9 AM and so far, with his son Kimi in tow, had checked on the apiary during their morning walk. 
Of course it took Sebastian five minutes to dress Kimi in his beekeeper suit (to avoid getting a scolding from Bel about their son getting stung) and for the next fifteen minutes the boy sat there as Sebastian explained to him the state of the apiary and the bees. (“No,” he told Kimi when the boy uttered the words ‘Honey for Dada?’ “I don’t think they’ve some just yet, Kimi.”) 
Then Kimi asked about the sizely text at the side of the apiary, to which Sebastian responded with, “Your Ate Barbie made that for Dada, Kimi.” While he gestured towards the logo “Sebastian & Sons” at the side of the bee farm. Barbie, when she first found the empty apiary, immediately took it in her own hands to customize it and had dragged Gina Schumacher along to a hardware store and purchased some paint to mess around with. Sebastian & Sons, according to Barbie, referred to the mentioned driver, Kimi and Mick. The youngest Schumacher was often roped into the Vettel boys’ morning walks and apiary trips whenever he decided that 8 AM was a good time to visit the household during his week off from the races. 
Then Bel departed from their home to head to work after insisting that she was feeling more well than she did the day before. Sebastian came along at the office, a place that both he and Bel had established in Switzerland for their philanthropic ventures, but he often stayed home with Kimi. He did say that he retired from working to care for his family, after all. He preferred spending his time around his bee farm and Kimi while showing appreciation for Bel’s staff for handling certain aspects of their group that brought Bel home early at times.
Sebastian, who glanced at the clock — which screamed that it was merely 9:16 AM, had already gotten ready for the day and made sure that his son did too. Kimi was dressed in a jumper and jeans, his hair naturally flattened. Dressing Kimi tended to be stressful at times — not everyday Sebastian got to grimace at the tag of the clothes that his son wore. Sure the space cat print of his navy jumper was cute, but his sanity went down to zero when he realized that it was another Gucci jumper that Kimi wouldn’t be able to wear in the next year. 
He loved his boy to bits, but his mother tended to spoil him a little bit too much. It wasn’t anything that he wouldn’t do — he just thought that Bel could find him a cuter piece at a cheaper price. 
The stress was short lived thanks to the doorbell that went off just as Sebastian helped Kimi slip on both his shoes. He stood up and told Kimi, “Stay here, schatzi.” The boy only nodded before he continued to watch his Handy Manny episode on the television.
Sebastian wasn’t a fan of surprises, but when Mick Schumacher stood in front of the door at 9 AM on a Tuesday morning after a long doubleheader, he wasn’t sure if he should be pleased or confused at the sight. 
“Oh, good morning, Mick,” the older man greeted the young Schumacher. He then glanced around to see— yup, none of the vehicles he’d been expecting weren’t there. “How are you? Congratulations on your P2 in Imola, by the way.”
“Thanks Seb,” Mick offered him a sheepish smile before he glanced down at Seb’s clothes, “I’m not interrupting your trip to someplace, am I?”
“No, I was just getting ready to leave to get some groceries with Kimi,” Sebastian replied, gesturing towards the direction of the family room where Kimi was. The mention of his name must’ve been what summoned him, with the toddler peering from the room as his eyes brightened at the sight of the younger German.
Mick saw the boy and grinned, hoisting the boy in his arms when Kimi ran towards him with an exclaim of, “Mackie!”
Sebastian paused for a moment to chuckle at the sight before he returned to the subject, “And we’re just heading to Michael and Corinna’s after.” 
“Oh about that,” Mick paused as he playfully chomped down on Kimi’s puffy cheek and deadpanned, “Don’t.”
“What?” “Like don’t go there just yet.” 
Mick then explained, “I just got there for breakfast and they’re both driving me insane. Gina isn’t any better.” 
“Oh? Why?” Sebastian didn’t know Gina was also home. 
Mick whispered heatedly, “I just got back from a doubleheader and they’re already asking about the date I’m gonna go to with Barbie. I haven’t even gone yet!”
Sebastian stared at the blond, a laugh escaping his throat as he shook his head in amusement. If this was what Mick had running away from his own parents, then Sebastian couldn’t wait to show the younger boy how insufferable he could get about Mick’s relationship with Seb’s daughter. 
The smirk on his face left Mick recoiling as he shook his head, “Please don’t tell me you’re in on the whole conversation, too.” 
Sebastian laughed heartily before patting the boy on the shoulder. “Are you going to come with us for the grocery?” 
“If I did, will you stop discussing my date with Barbie because you guys are scaring me away.” 
“Depends,” Sebastian replied with a shrug, “she’s had her jokes this morning. It’s only fair I take it back, no?” 
“I’ll take a joke, but don’t scare me off.”
“I’m not scaring you off, Mick,” Seb scoffed. “If anything I’ll most likely scare you into going on the date. Can you take Kimi to the car? I’ll just shut off the TV then we’ll head out.”
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Their trip to the grocery store was eventful that they’ve chosen to have an early lunch at a nearby restaurant. The Vettels always found themselves in the said restaurant almost every Saturday — reserving the Sundays to watch Mick race on the television  — and it was safe to say that walking in on a Tuesday wasn’t a surprise for the staff either. They all knew that whenever Bel couldn’t go and Barbie would be off to her culinary school, Seb and Kimi would come in for Kimi’s favourite spinach and egg soufflé — that and maybe some chocolate soufflé for dessert. 
Mick was a different story, though. He knew the local restaurants in Lausanne but he’s never been at the restaurant where he sat now. But it was a comforting place, his hot chocolate being sipped on as he continued to talk about Barbie with Seb.
Mick wanted his own mind to drift away from the constant questioning of his parents about the date but Seb knew better. Mick would talk his ears off about Barbie and right now, wanting to not discuss the girl wasn’t an option. 
Seb had to sit through the entire lunch with Mick looking like a kicked puppy with lost hopes and he just wanted to rip Mick’s hair out for even doubting that his date would go badly. 
“No seriously, Seb,” Mick insisted, his knife cutting up his country fried steak as he ate, “Dad literally made up these scenarios and Gina goaded him into thinking I’m gonna fu—“ 
Sebastian gestured at Kimi and stared at Mick with wide eyes as the younger German man paused from his words and corrected himself, “I’m gonna do so badly.” 
Sebastian rolled his eyes, occasionally glancing at his son while Kimi devoured his savoury soufflé. “She slept in today because you asked to go on a date with her just as she was sleeping, Mick.” 
Mick Schumacher has always had a crush on Sebastian’s daughter Barbie ever since she was brought to a Grand Prix in Malaysia back in 2014. She was two months into Bel and Seb’s care and with her unhappy experiences of making friends at her school (with her ultimately ending up with practically no one but a sense of isolation), they did everything to make her as happy as they could — that included taking her to races while her schooling took place on the road. Her first trip to Malaysia was an eventful one, with a fifteen year old Mick Schumacher touring her around the paddock while they talked about the most superficial things. 
Or rather, Mick Schumacher talked while Barbie listened and tried to learn the language. Barbie couldn’t speak English back then and the only thing she could offer him and Gina were shy smiles. That smile made Mick fall real hard. Nine years after, nearing a decade in a couple months by now, Michael Schumacher’s carbon copy finally— FINALLY asked her out. It took Mick almost ten years to even make her his girlfriend. So Sebastian didn’t understand why he’d act like he’ll mess up on the first try of their official date. 
“She slept in? But she answered when it was like 10 in LA.” 
“And what time is it in Switzerland by then?” “I— right.” 
“Why are you so worried about Barbie anyway?” Sebastian gave Mick a baffled look. “She said yes for a reason.”
“To see me go through this terribly?” 
“Oi,” Seb nearly reached across the table to smack the boy at the back of his head as he pointed, “You and her went to that Valentine’s Day trip in Disney doing perfectly fine. You didn’t even get scared about it being a date until Bel said something so don’t get too scared now.”
“I didn’t even know it was a date,” Mick groaned. 
“And I did not chase those boys off back when you two were what— fifteen? Sixteen? Yeah I did not get hated by a teenage Barbie for a couple weeks - even months - just so you can chicken out of the date that you could have had years ago,” Sebastian told Mick with a scowl, leaving the younger man to look away from him down to Kimi — only to recoil after he saw the similar frown on the toddler’s face. 
“I’m not gonna not chicken out, Seb,” Mick rolled his eyes. “You’re just not making it easier for me. You and Dad, man! You two always got something to scare me with.” 
Sebastian, no longer scowling, merely chuckled at Mick’s anxiousness. Mick was scared for a good reason, but in between making it official with his childhood crush and losing her to a certain Monegasque (Arthur Leclerc)? Yeah, Mick would choose the former. So for him to spew out everything to Seb — who made sure that Mick got the girl even at a young age — was something of an honour.
The retired driver was humble but he couldn’t help but be egotistical about the situation that unfolded before him. He had his manipulative tendencies apparently, but he had been rooting for Mick and Barbie and he knew how well the two got along ever since they met.
Yeah, Mick’s life was doing good as far as Sebastian could tell. 
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Seb: My lunch just consisted of soufflés and Mick’s constant whining about their date. What about you, darling? 
Bel: I got the same from Barbie except from the soufflé part. Jealous of you and Kimi though— I’ve been craving for some lately xx
Bel: I am quite certain that Barbie's a few steps away from backing out but I made sure she doesn’t. 
Seb: Please make sure she doesn’t. Mick was just the same and it took a lot of my energy to get him to stop worrying too much.
Seb: You can have as much soufflé as you want, liebe, just make sure your daughter’s not going as equally insane as Michael’s son.
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Sebastian watched Kimi as the toddler tidied up in the playroom, putting away his toys with Sebastian’s guidance and his Woody bear in hand. 
“Wood,” Kimi pointed at his pile of wooden blocks. 
Sebastian nodded before crouching down and picking it up, “Where do I put it?” Kimi pointed at the storage bin that laid on the playmat as Sebastian nodded in agreement, “It is empty. Yeah this is where we put it. Thank you, schatzi.” 
It was only 3 PM and Kimi recently woke up from a nap, with him dragging Sebastian (who certainly wasn’t on his burner Twitter account for the entire hour) to his playroom just as quickly as he pulled the sucker off his mouth. Seb had asked Kimi if he could help tidy his playroom before he went to nap, and the boy clearly knew what his agenda was even after napping. 
Now here he was, asking Sebastian where to put things while his best friend, the Woody bear, was being dragged around just as Kimi cleaned up his stackable and pretend play toys.
“How about your kitchen? Do any of the pans need cleaning?” Seb asked, watching as Kimi walked up to his little kitchenette and pulled out the rack out of the bottom counter, showing his mini steel pans.
“‘s clean, Dada,” Kimi answered, pointing towards his little cooking materials.
Seb smiled and nodded, “Good! At least I’m gonna eat healthily thanks to you.”
“Seb~ I need your opinion,” Sebastian looked up towards the entrance of the playroom, watching Barbie stand there in some flared jeans and her cream cashmere jumper — the name Christian Dior knitted across her jumper yet there was no sign of flashiness in her choice of clothing. The typical Dior print didn’t taunt anyone. 
“Nothing too flashy, it’s just your regular going out clothes if you ask me,” Sebastian replied with a nod, “I like it.”
“Do you?” The German man nodded again as she said, “It’s nothing fancy then?” 
“Barbara, I’ve seen your mother get dressed to the nines whenever she gets invited to haute couture shows,” Sebastian huffed, “You’re in Switzerland— you can dress as fancy as you’d like.” 
“What do you think I should wear for jewelry?” 
“Remember that one thing you got from Dior when you attended the show with Bel?” 
“There’s a lot of them,” Barbie continued.
“The one you went to recently,” Seb said. He may not know much about fashion before, but retiring from driving had its perks. One of them was that he was able to keep up with what his wife and daughter had gotten from their fashion week trips. He even knew the fashion week schedules because Bel often attended. She was still a socialite, regardless of her status as a mother. Everyone invited Bel Vettel to their shows.
“Ah, okay,” Barbie nodded. “What about bag?” 
“What do I know about your bags?” Seb huffed out before Barbie raised a brow in amusement. He knew what her bags were— he was one of the culprits who’d sit down across from an associate whenever Bel attended an appointment to purchase a new bag for herself or for Barbie. Hell, he purchased nearly half of Barbie’s collection of bags. He then sighed, “That small blue Hermes one.” 
“Danke, Seb!” Barbie grinned before looking down at Kimi, “Kim, what do you think about Ate’s clothes?” 
“Pretty!” Kimi answered.
“I agree,” Sebastian nodded as he shooed her off in the process, “now go. Don’t let us get in the way of your night out with Mick.” 
“Thanks Seb! Thank you Kimi-boy! Happy cleaning!” 
Sebastian sighed happily as he looked at his son, “Your Ate Barbie is very much something. Now, where were we?” 
“Cleaning Dada! Remember?” 
“Ahh yes, we were just talking about the kitchen. Now, how about your grocery store? Have we stocked up on the carrots?” 
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Life couldn’t get any more perfect than this. That was what Sebastian Vettel told himself when Bel Vettel came home that night with an envelope in hand, her other hand shaking as she gripped her phone. 
“What’s this, liebling?” He wasn’t really trying to get his hopes up. But the grin on Bel’s face showed a lot of emotion as much as her tears did. She continued to record on her phone. 
His hands shook as he ripped the envelope open, accidentally spilling out its contents as a black and white photograph fell out. He stared at the photo for a moment, a gasp escaping his mouth as he peered down at it. 
Picking it up, he continued to stare at the growing body in the picture. It said on the photograph “Belinda O. Vettel, Week 15.” 
“You surpassed your,” Sebastian stammered, not even caring about the phone in her hand as she sobbed behind the camera. He looked up at her, “Oh— you’re 15 weeks.” 
Bel nodded eagerly, dropping her phone on the bed as she guided his hand over to her stomach. He smiled in surprise and joy, his tears finally flowing as he cried. “Oh my god, there’s a baby in there.” 
“I didn’t know why I was really sick and I went to the doctors today,” Bel explained, “they’ve managed to squeeze me in for a test and screening.” 
“And you— you’re pregnant,” Sebastian sniffled quietly, pulling her to his arms as he cried. “Kimi’s gonna be a big brother and— Barbie’s gonna be a sister again.”
“Yes! You’re gonna be a dad to another baby, Seb.” 
“God, I fucking love you so much,” he planted kisses all over her face as they both laughed happily. “Thank you, thank you—“
“No Seb,” Bel sobbed, “thank you.”
The front door clicked open as Barbie and Mick arrived. 9 PM, as Seb told Mick. They got home at exactly 9 PM. 
“Good evening— what’s up with the tear train?” 
Both Bel and Seb turned to look at the younger duo, whose faces were showing equal confusion. 
“Uh, I was just coming in to say good night and we want to say something but uh,” Mick gestured at the picture in Sebastian’s hand, “I think… that beats our announcement.”
Barbie’s grin faltered for a moment before offering Mick a confused look. Then she looked at the picture, then back to Mick, then looked at the couple with a gaping mouth. Her eyes began to get teary as she asked, “No- really?”
Bel nodded eagerly as Barbie let out a strangled noise as she swore, “Holy fucking shit?!” 
“Oi, watch your words,” Mick scolded, a grin remained on his face as Barbie grabbed onto the closest figure to her and hugged Mick tightly. 
“Did you not see the picture in Seb’s hand?!” Barbie squealed as she cried out, “Pregnant! Mick! Bel’s pregnant! I have a new baby to care for! Are you fucking kidding me!” 
Mick laughed lightheartedly, offering Seb a grin as he couldn’t move in his spot. He was too busy getting suffocated by Barbie’s happy hug. 
Somewhere in Switzerland, the Vettel family (including Mick Schumacher) were joyful at the news and they’d continue to feel that way as their family expanded by a pair of two feet. Sebastian was glad he retired and met Kimi along the process. God was he ever this thankful for his foster daughter because his household wouldn’t be as loud and as happy if it wasn’t for her joyful and enthusiastic nature. He knew that he loved his wife, but he never expected to love her harder than this. 
Yeah. Life was so good. It was nice to know that Sebastian had already gotten used to it beforehand because his girls were crying in joy at the good things handed to them and he was able to keep them from feeling overwhelmed.
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paraliveimaginesblog · 3 months
Hello, can I request hcs of Allen, Kanata, and Hokusai that dreaming or hoping of having family with reader after seeing them look after the children?
Allen Sugasano:
Allen tended to just be struck with sudden inspiration, and it was the same with his visions for the future. He had never previously thought about having a family yet the second he sees you sitting with little ones, teaching them the joys of music, helping them express themselves, how could he think about anything else? He doesn’t know how to bring the topic up, and perhaps he’s being hasty about confessing he wanted a child after one interaction, but he found it hard to hold back when it came to you. If anything, he wanted to make sure to bring a child into the world who will feel like they can truly be themselves, and even if it meant adoption rather than physically having a baby, he just wanted to foster an environment where he can protect a child’s vision of the future.
Hokusai Masaki:
Hokusai had first observed the way you were with his brothers, sympathetic to Satsuki getting clowned on, affectionate to Reo who loved you like you were part of the family too. You fit like a perfect puzzle piece, and he would be lying if he said that wasn’t the beginning of his thoughts of having your own family. Watching you cradle cats in your arms, cooing at them, rubbing their bellies and occasionally lounging with them in the son was the second thing. The third was when you helped AKYR with school kids doing a community project, perfectly comfortable talking to each little one and darting around as you were needed. It filled him with thoughts of the future, of having your own little ones clinging to your side, and Hokusai whispered his thoughts in your ear when you were alone with such fondness you couldn’t help but envision it yourself.
Kanata Yatonokami:
Kanata had been doomed by a dream. He wasn’t one to think about having a family like that in the future, all he ever needed was you and Nayuta and that left him content. But his dream is plagued after seeing you play with other street kids, kids who didn’t have parents and who rarely got to have fun having a moment where they could forget their worries and just be kids. You had expressed your worries about them, wanting to consistently find a way to deliver them hot meals, and Kanata had agreed to help due to how compassionate you were about it. He wondered if he and Nayuta would have accepted your kindness or seen it as pity, but adoption floats through his mind as he thinks about sheltering some of those kids from the hardships he once went through.
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livwritesstuff · 3 months
Angsty question- feel free to ignore if you want.
Historically, dads yelling has always been a very not-good sound. Especially to girls.
What happened the first time Steve or Eddie (or both) yelled? Not even at the girls; it could’ve been a heated argument they were having.
How old were the girls? What did they do? How did Steve and Eddie feel? What did they do?
oooh okay i definitely took my time mulling over this one bc i wanna make sure i’m getting my wording right
(and reading this back i’m realizing i kind of don’t really answer your actual question hope that’s okay lol)
I think a really important facet of this is that (in this ‘verse) Steve is a licensed and practicing trauma counselor. Not only does he know how harmful (and counter-productive) yelling can be, he also knows all sorts of other methods for communication that are just better.
It’s not that the girls don’t ever piss him off or do stupid shit and get in trouble – he just knows way more effective ways to get them to realize oh shit, I fucked up than by yelling at them.
(I think if anything, he could be a stress-yeller, but by the time he and Eddie start fostering kids, he’s been through so much shit that he doesn’t really ever hit that stress threshold anymore).
And then, I think with Eddie, he’s still as dramatic as ever even in middle-aged adulthood, and I think he gets loud about things pretty much regardless of the emotion behind it, so the girls aren’t super phased by it if/when he does get loud from a place of anger or frustration. I also feel like Eddie tends to defer to Steve when it comes to the heavier parts of parenthood, precisely because he knows that Steve is coming at it from a place of clinical expertise in a way that he himself isn’t. Steve isn’t a yeller, so neither is Eddie. Maybe if Steve had been more inclined to yell, Eddie would be too.
Same thing applies with Steve and Eddie’s communication with each other – they don’t really get into screaming matches over shit, but when they do argue or have disagreements or conflict or whatever, they get mean, and I think this is where there could be some problems. 
Like, they can throw some serious barbs at each other when they want to (and they’ve known each other for a long time so they’ve got plenty of ammo), and when the girls are little, it’s easy to forget in the heat of the moment that they actually can understand what their dads are saying.
Hence why, a few hours after an argument (about nothing – they were just both in pissy moods at the same time, and with Hazel not even five months old yet they’re not really getting much sleep which doesn’t help things at all), Steve finds three-year-old Robbie crying in her room, and when he asks her what’s wrong, she whimpers, “Moe said you and Daddy are gonna get a divorce.”
And, fuck, Moe is only six, and Steve didn’t know that she even knew what divorce was (though it’s possible he and Eddie had gossiped a little too close to the sun about one of their neighbors’ divorce earlier that same week, so maybe that one's on them), and the notion that her brain had been able to make that connection from the things she'd heard earlier had Steve feeling like the worst guy on the planet.
Then, when they sat down with the older two girls to make sure they knew that everything was fine and no one was getting divorced, it only got worse because Moe started repeating back to them the shitty things they had said to each other, and there’s a special kind of shame in hearing word-for-word the vitriol he’d directed at Eddie – who he loves; no argument could ever change that – coming out of his kindergartener’s mouth.
Yeah, so anyways, I don’t really think yelling would necessarily be an issue with them, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t some real flaws in their communication that stick with the girls.
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chrollohearttags · 11 months
can you pls make a part 2 for containment IM BEGGING I READ IT AND NOW IM DAYDREAM EVERY HOUR
YOOOO! I have been looking for an excuse to revisit this story and I’m so glad you gave me one. 🥹 so thank you so much for reading it.
content warning: time skip, lots of angst, sexual content, engagement and marriage talk, bits of his canonical personality and situation, mentions of violence, s*xual assault and murder, religion, mentions of alcohol abuse :(, happy ending though because I couldn’t write the alternative w/o crying :)))))
📝: also gonna preface and say you aren’t going to agree with all of (y/n)’s decisions and that’s okay. No need to be mad or rude. Let’s keep it cute 🫶🏾 also, minors do not interact! This is really long for this format so I apologize but I got emotional writing it and got carried away. Sorry! 😭
(Y/N) continued working as a guard for Greenville and on the containment unit for another year. In that time, maturing and learning a lot about yourself. As well as your inmates..mainly #104330, Eren Jaeger.
the illustrious affair between you and the convict continued for a while. Sneaking around the prison and hiding in unknown places just to get a taste of one another. Your lust growing stronger as time passed. “I can’t get enough of you, Ms. (L/N)..I know it’s wrong, I know I can get you in a lot of trouble but I can’t help myself.” “You’re the criminal here, not me. If anything, I’m the one that knows better..but I’m not sorry. Not sorry for the way I feel about you.”
that insatiable lust eventually grew into something deeper but even so, neither of you were in the position to confess or put that love on display. It would bring great shame if you did so you had to find a way to conceal those feelings..including some pretty bad habits. Downing a bottle every night to keep from thinking about your actions.
Eren had been sitting behind bars for six years now, only a small dent in his fifty year sentence. And not once had he spoken about trying to get out. Nor did he have any desire to confess his crimes to you or anyone. However, under his sentence, he was granted an automatic appeal that he had no choice but to take.
It was during an audit of prisoner paperwork that you discovered what he was behind bars for and the truth shocked you. He was convicted of second degree murder after the owner of the foster home he was raised in was found dead. Stabbed over ten times. The community was devastated and with the victim being a prominent member in the church, they threw the book at him. There was still a missing piece of the puzzle that didn’t make sense though and he had no interest in clearing it up..
“There’s my dirty little secret, CO. Still wanna keep defending me? I’m just like every other piece of shit here..another monster with a fucked up past. Nothing special. I’m even worse because I killed a pastor.”
(Y/N) was still convinced that there was more to the story and you were right when you just so happened to hear one of his phone calls with his best friend.
“I don’t understand, Eren. If you told the truth, it could change everything. That man was no saint, he abused us for years. If they knew you did it to protect us, they might let you go. This could be your shot at freedom.” “I’ve been free for six years. Free from all of it..I’m finally out of that hellhole, nothing here could ever be worse than that fucking place and you guys are able to live happily without having to worry anymore. You’re in college, doing big things. You’re about to graduate. Mika’s married and having a kid, like she always wanted. She doesn’t have to worry about some creepy old bastard touching her at night. Is that not enough? It is for me..”
your heart was breaking, knowing that his actions were completely selfless and he refused to fight for himself. Missing out on important accolades and milestones that he shouldn’t have to. Meanwhile, he continued his same routine of holing up in his cell..reading, studying and staying to himself. But things were about to take a drastic turn when one of your coworkers confronted you about him.
“He’s being transferred out next week..they’re sending him to Liberio.” “There’s no way!…that place is a hundred times worse.” But your supervisor and warden’s hands were tied and quite frankly, he was one less person to deal with.
“My hands are tied, (L/N). You’ll have to find a new pet..” mocking the fact that the two of you were so close.
you were devastated hearing the news, knowing he’d end up in trouble or dead in a facility like that. Now more than ever, you wanted to fight for him to be free! He was the last person who deserved such a cruel fate. But being relocated was the least of his worries. He was only upset about one thing…
“…I don’t give a damn where they send me. Truthfully, it’s just another cell for me to rot away in…but I don’t wanna lose you, CO. I think you may be the only thing keeping me from checking out. This is the happiest I’ve ever been. Here with you..”
full blown tears coming down the both of your faces, right after another passionate quickie as you holed up in your normal spot. You were hysterical, as was he and it was the first time he’d ever shown emotion, at least from what you’d seen..
“Eren, you have to file that appeal. You shouldn’t be here..you don’t belong with these fucked up animals. Please, you have to fight. Let me testify at that hearing.” “So they can put your pretty ass in a jumpsuit too? It’s fine, miss (L/N). I’ll just take whatever they give me. I’ve been doing that my entire life, it’s nothing new.”
he refused to put you in that situation though..knowing that someone must’ve noticed your little rendezvous by now and would surely use it against the both of you. You’d end up fired or worse and he’d have his sentence lengthened. So you’d have to trust that he’d be okay. That they wouldn’t tear him apart.
some months passed and Eren had been longed transferred to Liberio. Nicknamed ‘the underworld’..known for its seedy dealings, organized fight clubs with the prisoners and countless inmate deaths. It was awful and all you could do was hope that he’d be alright. While at work, you’d even visit the prison chapel and pray for him. His safety, well being and all..meanwhile, you were falling apart. Laying up with a man you knew nothing about nor did you love just to fill the void but it wasn’t the same. He wasn’t him…
It was one day when you were sitting at home after getting some much needed time off; as they had made that job much worse..that you received a letter in the mail and it was from a name that you’d heard quite often..Armin Artlert. After a while, Eren began to loosen up and tell you all about the two people on the outside that made his life tolerable and he was one. His very best and only friend for a long time.
upon reading it, he’d proceed to introduce himself; saying that you’d never want but Eren wrote about you constantly. He said that you had helped him so much. He then went on to tell you how Eren was adjusting at the new facility. Told you that he had been in a pretty bad attack that left him with a stab wound but he was fine now. “He’s so brave, I wish I had half of his courage. I owe him everything. It’s because of him, we got to live.” He wrote that not only had Eren gotten saved but that he was finally letting him and their other friend Mikasa have visits, even bringing his ‘nephew’ to see him. With a picture of all of them together.
But that wasn’t even the best part..not only had Eren passed his exam for the law certificate but he put it to use and went through with the parole hearing and you couldn’t believe what was said next.
“He’s being released…he’s coming home.”
collapsing to your knees right there in the living room, you’d sob and clutch the letter. Overcome with joy that he’d be out of there. And of course, there was one more thing that Armin needed you to know: “he still loves you..very much. I believe he fought this hard for you.”
Eren, who’s released a month later on parole, calls you from outside the bus station, telling you that he’s finally free and that he wants to see his beloved CO. And you don’t hesitate to come running..
Eren, who makes love to you better than any man is overcome with emotion as he’s inside of you. Going deeper and deeper as if he never wants to pull out. Doing all the nasty things he’d written about prior. Fucking you all over the entirety of your house for all the time that you two had been apart. From the kitchen counter that he placed you on top of to the shower, where he pulled your hair and fed you back shots. Even eating you out as he hoisted you against the wall; those days of lifting weights on the rec yard coming in handy. Losing his mind when you called him ‘daddy.’
“I missed you so much..so tight for me..feels so fucking good. I swear, I thought about you every night, baby..” Making you come more times in one night than your ex ever could…
Eren, who left his cock buried deep inside of you, long after you were finished, laid on top and stared at your pretty face. Confessing how much he loved you and you’d do the same. Knowing that this would change everything with him being here but neither of you cared.
Eren, who wanted a second chance at life, so as long as you were by his side.
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blueepink07 · 7 months
I decided to look at the calendars and the timetable in Muu's MVs and I think I found some interesting things!
Taking in chronological order, the first calendar should be this one, which has the cherry blossoms. In Japan, usually, the flowering cherry trees come into full bloom around the beginning of April. It is the month when the new year of school starts for students.
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So it seems that the friend group started the bullying, since the beginning of the school year, Rei's clothes being wet and her items being splattered on the floor. (the calendar in this scene also shows the cherry blossoms)
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Remember this is the moment when Rei decides to turn "upside down" Muu's reputation at school, when she considers that enough is enough.
So then it raises the question... How much time Muu was bullied at school?
Well to find out we have again to look at the calendar.
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This one should be a month from autumn, more exactly early September.
To understand better my line of thoughts, I will explain how did I reached this conclusion!
Beginning with the timetable!
Considering that the murder takes place during sunset, I thought that it was important to find when Muu finishes her classes.
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"In a typical high school in Japan, teachers gather each morning at 8:30 a.m. for a brief meeting. Students meet at 8:35 a.m. for a 5-minute homeroom period. Regular classes begin at 8:45 a.m. and there are four 50-minute classes before lunch. High school students eat in their homeroom. "
With this information, I figured out that the empty space between hours is for lunch, because there are already four classes before it.
"Two afternoon periods are followed by school clean-up and a 5-minute homeroom meeting, after which students are dismissed at 3:30 p.m."
Muu has, after lunch, one or two afternoon periods.
Also, interesting she also has four classes on Saturday, something that is pretty common in Japan. "On Saturday the day ends after four periods, at 1 p.m."
Getting back to the topic, the classes usually end at 3:30 pm or 4 pm most of the time. However, it's pretty clear that it's not the hour when Rei goes home and the murder happens. Not only the sunset will not start so early, but also Muu's phone gives us a hint of the time.
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But why are they at such a late hour at school, if the classes should end at around 3:30 pm? Simple, club activities after classes, at which most students in Japan attend to!
"Club activities are held after school and run until 5 or 6 p.m. One hour per week is devoted to mandatory club activity. Other club activity is voluntary."
They last around 2 hours, so, if we take into consideration Muu's timetable, the clubs should end at around 5:30 - 6 pm. (might depend on the club)
Now, I want to point out this specific interrogation question:
"What kind of kid where you?"
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The past tense it's very interesting to me: "I did many extracurricular activities". Yes, it might refer to her younger self, but, considering that, even in high school, clubs are heavily encouraged in Japan, it's rather odd that she doesn't say that she still attends them.
That's because, in reality, she probably stopped going to those once she started to be bullied, which explains why she is the only one in the classroom, waiting for the club activities to be finished, so she can go home.
"School club activities, commonly known as “bukatsu” in Japan, play a significant role in the lives of students. These extracurricular activities are an integral part of the Japanese school experience, providing a platform for personal growth, skill development, and fostering a sense of community."
Club activities are a good way to spend your time with your friends, while doing something that you like. Because Muu started to be bullied, she had no reason to attend to these anymore. Not only she would spend her time alone, but also risk being picked on again, preferring to stay in the classroom.
With the idea that the clubs from Muu's school should end around 5:30 pm, we can decide the month based on when the sun fully sets.
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I will admit that it took me a while to notice the yellow dots, which should resemble the leaves, so, because of the warm colours, I thought that the calendar showed July. Not August, because, in most schools in Japan, there is a summer vacation which starts from July 20 to August 31.
However, considering that Muu lives in Minato Ward, Tokyo, as seen in this post, the sun should fully set at around 7 pm, during July. Which doesn't really makes sense, because Rei should be outside of school, after club activities and some time spent preparing her herself to go, at around 5:40 - 5:45 pm, when there is not a sunset.
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What made me, at first, not consider autumn as an option, where the green leaves from this scenery. So I researched a little and found put that in Tokyo, the leaves don't start to fall until late November.
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Which left me with two options: September and October.
October was easily out of the question, because, in the first day of October the sun fully sets at 5:26 pm, which is too early.
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Which leaves us with September, when the sun sets at around 6 pm. Taking into account the minutes before Muu reaches Rei in that day, I think it's safe to assume that early September, should be the time when the murder took place.
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I hope I gave a good explanation and found some interesting things about Muu! Thank you for reading!
Sources if anyone is interested!
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
Never Thought
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader
Author’s note: IM A GODDAMN MACHINE also fic named after this song :D
Summary: You meet the Millers [3.5k]
Warnings: questionable Hollywood motives, Joel being vulnerable, the cutest goddamn found family, probably incorrect foster case/adoption timeline, talks of the foster care system, Tommy being a little shit, yearning idiots
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Trouble in Paradise? Everything We Know About the Fight Between Everyone's Favorite Couple
Joel Miller Spotted Landing in LAX ALONE
Lucky Guitarist in Central Park Saw Joel Miller and Girlfriend Before Leaving Her in NYC: "They looked pretty in love when I saw them."
"Do you realize how bad this looks?!" Melanie asks as she paces behind her desk. You sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose, fighting a headache, as she spirals. "Rumors are flying around that you guys had a massive argument backstage at the Tonight Show, and he left because he was pissed at you." 
"That's not even close to what happened." You say, and she throws her arms up.
"Please, tell me what happened then because I've been fielding calls from major news outlets wanting to know what we have to say." 
"His kid had an emergency. He went home early to take care of her. We didn't argue or have a falling out or anything like that. We actually had a really nice time."
"What kind of emergency?" She asks with a hawk-like determination in her eyes. Times like this make you realize that you never want to get on Melanie's bad side. When she's like this, she's absolutely lethal.
"I don't know." You shrug.
"You don't know?"
"It's not like we had a chance to talk about it! I did the interview, and by the time I was done, he was already on the way to the airport. He texted me that night to apologize and let me know that something was happening with his youngest."
"And it couldn't have been handled without him? If she needed her dad to come all the way home, she better have a fucking good reason."
"She's fourteen, Mel!" You snap, tired of hearing how much his leaving early affected her when something happened with his family. "Jesus Christ, she's a baby, and you're talking about her like she's an adult, which, even if she was, she has a right to call her dad for help," you say. She crosses her arms over her chest as she thinks, and you grab your bag from your chair. "I know these aren't the best circumstances, but I'm not gonna sit here and listen to you blame a child for a decision her father made." You wait for her to say more or argue with you, but she doesn't. You take a deep breath and reach for the door, more than ready to leave her and this conversation here.
"Why do you suddenly care so much about his kid?" She asks suddenly, and you turn to face her, your hand lingering on the doorknob. It feels like she's looking through you. Like she knows exactly what happened in New York but is waiting to see if you'll voluntarily come forward with it. "Wasn't a part of the contract to get involved with families." You shake your head and open the door.
"Then you shouldn't have paired me up with him." You say and leave her office. You're breathless by the time you get to your car. You've never left a conversation with Melanie like that, but you've also never heard her talk about a kid like that. It made your skin crawl to listen to her blame Ellie for just needing her dad. When the fuck did Hollywood get so ruthless that they have to use a fourteen-year-old as their scapegoat for something that's really not that big of a deal? 
You're fuming the whole way back to your house, and the LA traffic doesn't do anything to settle the anger in your chest. It's been three days since you got home from New York, and communication with Joel has been sparse. He let you know that he and the girls were okay and apologized again for leaving so abruptly, but that's been the extent of your conversation. Which is fine. You have laundry to do and scripts to read through. You're fine to keep busy, but sleep is a little harder to manage. 
You didn't realize that a couple nights sleeping in his arms would affect you so much. Now, every time you crawl into bed, the only thing you can think of is how big it is. Your dreams constantly replay your shared moments in New York, laughing together in the shower, walking hand-in-hand in Central Park, and the creases in the corners of his eyes. You didn't even realize that you were leaving space for a body that wasn't there until last night when you rolled into the cold space reserved for Joel and waited to hit his sleeping figure. For half a second, you considered getting a dog just so the house doesn't feel so empty.
You're folding laundry in your living room when your phone pings, interrupting the podcast you were listening to. You reach for it without a second thought, which you probably should've, considering you're still mad at Melanie, and see a text from Joel.
What are you doing tonight?
Joel Miller, you type. Are you trying to booty-call me?
Do you want me to booty-call you?
Well, I hate to disappoint, but I was gonna ask you to come visit the studio. I've got something I think you'll really like.
What's in it for me?
You leave your phone on the couch as you run upstairs to put your clean laundry away. You rush around your bedroom, stripping off the oversized, stained t-shirt you were wearing and putting on a vintage Talking Heads shirt with a pair of ripped jeans. You take a second to look at yourself in the mirror, smoothing down stray flyaways and swiping a layer of mascara on before running back downstairs. You feel like a teenager getting ready to see the boy she likes, and something in the back of your head wants to be annoyed, but nothing can bat away the butterflies in your stomach. As you grab your purse and shoes, your phone lights up on the couch.
I've got a couple surprises up my sleeve.
Attachment: Location
You smile and tell him you're leaving now. His studio is in the heart of West Hollywood, and you have to stop at a security gate before you're allowed to park in the back next to Joel's car. Somewhere beyond the gates, a camera flashes as you enter the building and follow the studio numbers until you get to the one Joel told you he'd be in. You knock lightly on the door, trying to be polite, but someone on the other side rips the door open abruptly. A big laugh sounds from the other side, and suddenly you're face-to-face with a young man with long dark curls and big brown eyes. 
"Oh, hi. I'm sorry, I'm looking for..." you trail off, glancing inside the studio until you make eye contact with Joel. He smiles and waves you in. "Him."
"Oh, you must be the girl Joel's been hidin' from us!" The man in front of you sends Joel a look as he opens the door wider to let you in, a similar twang peeking through his voice. When you fully step into the room, two girls are sitting on the couch across from Joel's chair at the soundboard, and you immediately recognize them as Sarah and Ellie. Sarah looks up and sends you a soft smile while Ellie stays focused on the rubber band she's wrapping around her fingers.
"Don't you go scarin' her! We wanna keep this one," Joel says as he stands and walks over to you. "This is my brother, Tommy. Don't pay him any mind." He says, and Tommy takes one of your hands in both of his and shakes it. 
"Pleasure to meet you," Tommy says, and you smile, your brain finally catching you with the fact that you're meeting Joel's family.
"It's nice to meet you, too," you recover. "I didn't know all the Miller men were so handsome!"
"Oh, I like her,"
"Alright, that's enough," Joel scolds and you and Tommy laugh. Sarah stands and jostles Ellie as she does, making her misfire the rubber band at the soundboard, and Joel shoots her a look. She groans and stands beside Sarah, putting on a half-hearted smile. "And these are my daughters, Sarah and Ellie." 
"It's really nice to meet you. I've heard so much about you guys." 
"I wish we could say the same. This one," Sarah jerks her thumb in Joel's direction. "Is a master at dodging questions."
"Well, I love questions." You say. 
You all settle once introductions are done, and you find yourself in awe of the dynamic the four of them have. Tommy and Joel are so at ease with each other, messing around and teasing one another, but still able to have conversations about the album art or release dates. Sarah and Ellie bombard you with questions, occasionally butting into their father and uncle's conversation to give their own opinions. And their questions are not the run-of-the-mill interview questions. No, their questions are deep, thought-provoking, unique questions that you enjoy teasing out with them. Joel was right about Sarah being a little bit more extroverted because she dominates a lot of the conversation, which you love and tell her as much.
"So many people are afraid to ask about things they're really passionate about, so it's cool to see you be so curious." You say, and a little blush takes over her cheeks. 
"Thanks," she says. "I'm glad you don't think I talk too much."
"Not at all. I like hearing what you have to say." You say and watch as she fights a smile. You catch Joel's eyes watching over you and the girls, something flashing behind his irises, and you nod to let him know you're okay.
Ellie is a little quieter but really likes hearing about the more technical part of filming something. You tell her all you know about cameras and sound equipment, even promising to take her to set with you one day to show her everything because Lord knows the industry could use more women in production. Eventually, she feels comfortable enough to slump next to you in all her teenage posture, still fiddling with the rubber band.
"Want me to show you something?" You ask quietly, and she furrows her brows before nodding. You reach for the rubber band, which she reluctantly passes to you, and you slide down to copy her position on the couch. "So, the key to this is aim. Power isn't super important, but it's always a little bit more fun," you instruct as you slide the rubber band over your index finger and thumb. "So, what you want to do is lock onto your target, pull this back, and then let it go. Like this," You go over the steps slowly before aiming the rubber band at Joel's head and snapping back, sending it flying through the air until it hits him.
"Ow! The hell?" Joel screeches, and you and Ellie laugh. 
"That was amazing!" Sarah giggles beside you, and you three dissolve into stupid, silly laughter. Tommy shakes his head and looks at Joel with a smile.
"You gonna let them do that to you?" He asks, and Joel takes a deep breath, taking in the sight of the three of you having the time of your life on the couch.
"'M outnumbered now."
"Sure are."
As the night progresses and you and the girls further slip into delirious giggles, you feel more and more comfortable with them. You're not sure what you thought would happen if and when you met them, but this is so easy and fun. Sarah tells you about the colleges she's applying to, and Ellie complains about her fingers hurting from trying to learn to play guitar. You advise Sarah about applications and even offer to read over some of her admissions essays, citing your BFA as your sole qualification. You're about to ask Ellie to play for you when Joel checks the time on his watch and slaps his hand over the watch's face. 
"Alright, 's gettin' late, and you guys have school in the morning."
"But Dad!" Ellie protests, and he shakes his head.
"No buts. You gotta get some sleep. Uncle Tommy'll take you home."
"Dad doesn't like when I drive. Like at all," Sarah says, and you laugh.
"No, Dad doesn't like when you drive, and it's ten o'clock in the city with the world's worst drivers." He corrects, and she rolls her eyes. Despite their little arguing, both girls walk over to Joel and give him hugs and kisses before following Tommy out the door.
"Hey," He gets Joel's attention as he stands in the threshold of the door, and Joel raises his eyebrows at him. "You bring her round more often, you hear?"
"I'll make sure he does." You say, and Tommy smiles at you, winking before he finally leaves. The second the door closes, Joel gets up from his chair and walks over to where you're sitting.
"Hi," he says quietly as he leans over you and kisses you sweetly. You hum against his lips, and he collapses next to you, grabbing your legs and resting them on his lap.
"Thanks for the heads up, by the way. Are your parents here too, or is it just them?"
"Why? You wanna meet 'em?" He asks, and you slap his arm. "They really liked you."
"You think so?" You ask, and he nods, gently squeezing your ankle.
"I know so. I haven't heard Ellie laugh like that in a good while." He says, and you take a deep breath. His warm hands massage your skin, and the studio is completely still, and it feels just like it did in New York. The thought comforts something deep within you, and you reach out to play with the hair at the nape of his neck. He still needs a haircut, you think to yourself.
"Is she okay?" 
"She will be, yeah."
"What happened?" The question leaves you before you can stop, but he doesn't tense up or look panicky. He leans into your touch and focuses on the fraying hem of your jeans.
"She got in trouble at school. I still don't know the whole story 'cause she won't tell me, but she came home and took off on her bike. Tommy and Sarah drove around lookin' for her for bout an hour before they called me. They found her pretty soon after at a gas station, but it scared the shit outta me." 
"Oh, my God. That's so scary."
"Yeah," he says. "I... didn't handle it in the best way. I grounded her for a month and took away her bike. We got into a big fight about it, and I hate fightin' with her," he sighs. Even though this was days ago, you can see how much it weighs on him still. You wonder if anyone ever panicked that much about how they treated you as a child. "I thought goin' back to Texas would've helped her, but it didn't."
"They were in Texas with you?" You ask, and he nods. Suddenly, the voices in the background of your phone calls and the spottiness of your conversations make sense.
"They went a week earlier and left a week after me to keep the press off them. They also just really missed their grandparents. Figured it'd be a good idea to get 'em outta LA for a while." 
"Do their moms live in Texas too?" You get quiet as you ask about the women who brought Sarah and Ellie into the world. You may not know the whole story, but it also doesn't take a geneticist to figure out that Sarah and Ellie have different moms.
"No," he scoffs a laugh. "No, my parents are still in Texas, and Tommy lives there part-time, but that's really it."
"Where are their moms?"
"Sarah's mom left when she was a few months old. Divorced me and signed away her parental rights with the same pen. We haven't seen her since. I reach out to her folks every couple of years, but they never respond. They want nothing to do with either of us." He says, and your heart breaks for both of them. Sarah deserved to grow up with her mom, and Joel deserved to have a partner to help raise her, especially since he was so young.
"And Ellie's?"
"Never met her. Her name was Anna. The adoption agency told me she died a few hours after she gave birth. Left her a note but didn't have much else. No family, no husband, nothin'."
"Oh, I didn't know Ellie was adopted."
"It became official when she was twelve, but she's been with us since she was ten."
"Wow," you breathe, and he nods.
"Yeah," he says. "Sarah met her at school, and her foster home was just a shit hole, and she really just needed someone to take a chance on her. I still don't know why, but I got the paperwork filled out, and she was placed with us two months later. She's been with us ever since. That's also why I knew I had to come home when I heard she ran away. She used to do that to get away from her foster parents so they'd have an excuse to send her back."
"Did they?" You ask.
"Yeah. Six foster homes in two years."
"Jesus Christ."
"It's a lot. I know it is. That's why I didn't tell you bout them earlier. I didn't want to scare you off," he shrugs. "Plus, they're why I punched that photographer." He says like it's common knowledge, and you sit up. You remember Joel and Paul arguing about something when you walked into the room months ago, but you never asked about what. You also never asked him why he punched the pap because it didn't feel like your place. 
"The guy showed up at Ellie's school. He was tryin' to get pictures of her when the only thing she's done wrong is have my last name. He was yellin' things at me and asking me about her, and I just… snapped," he explains, shaking his head. "It's not right. I shouldn't have done it, but they're my girls. If I can't protect them, then I've got nothin'." You watch tears glisten in his eyes, and you push onto your knees to cup his face.
"You're a good dad, Joel. Possibly one of the best ones out there, okay? And you're not a criminal for losing your temper with your fourteen-year-old," you say. "Ellie's a teenager, and she's been through a lot. You all have. But those beautiful, intelligent, funny, amazing girls love you with everything that they are. I can see that, and I only spent a few hours with them today. They are good people because you're a good person," You stare into his eyes, hoping that the words will imprint in his brain, and he believes it as much as you do. You think Joel Miller could use someone believing in how good he can be. You think he needs it. You think he deserves it. "You are a good person." You whisper, and he takes a deep breath. 
He rests his hands on your hips, and you move closer to him, resting your knees on either side of his hips and sitting in his lap. You kiss away the stray tears from his cheeks and feel him relax under your touch. You're sure that you'll need to tell him over and over again how good of a dad he is after so many years of just barely surviving, and you're okay with that. You'll tell him as many times as it takes him to believe it. 
He catches your lips before you can get far and kisses you firmly like he's trying to show you everything he wants to say instead of speaking. He tastes like salt and cigarettes as he fiddles with the hem of your shirt, his fingers brushing against your stomach. There's nothing sexual about it. He just wants to be close to you, and you want the same. He traces patterns into your lower back, his hands splaying across your sides, and you bury your face in his neck. It's quiet and soft and almost domestic the way you two are cuddled into each other. As if you've been together for years, and this is how you greet each other after being away for so long. You inhale his scent and try to make out the shapes he's pressing into your skin. 
"I wish I'd met you sooner." He says quietly, the words halfway lost in your hair. You kiss his jaw and squeeze him a little tighter.
"Me too," you mumble. "'M here now. I'm not going anywhere." And for once, instead of arguing or coming up with a reason to refuse to absorb what you're saying, he just nods.
"I know." 
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starsjulia · 1 year
honey, i'll always be here, holding your hand
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summary ~ y/n has been struggling, and leah's always here to help.
warning ~ disordered eating, angst (do not read if you feel it will trigger you)
a/n ~ i kinda wrote this as a vent and so i could get the end message out, and i'm always here if your struggling just msg me xx
also this is my first lw imagine soooo sorry if it's shit (it's also quite short)
distance. that's what y/n was doing, distancing herself from her wife. y/n and leah had been married for 3 years and one quite large question was bound to come up soon, and the only plan y/n can find to get herself out of it was to distance herself for the moment.
she sees the way leah acts with children, she looks at them with so much love, and so much longing. she's expressed her love for children in the past but the topic of their own hasn't brushed the surface yet. leah wasn't aware of a large part of her wife's life that would impact her want for her own children.
y/n had, and still slightly has an eating disorder, it caused her period to fade, she hadn't got her period in months, and she was sure that she wouldn't be fertile.
of course leah had some idea of y/n's struggle with eating, because she's always sort of had it. y/n was an actress, a oscar winning actress. so the public eye and constant criticism wasn't good for anyone's self esteem, but the constant comments got to y/n's head early on, and no matter what they stayed.
she got very good at hiding it though, she never looked 'anorexic' though no body 'looks anorexic' she was naturally thin, but at times how thin she was exactly scared leah. y/n hid her scale, basically memorised the amount of calories in almost all food, became a borderline mathematician when it came to adding, and she also had a tendency to binge when she was alone. so without being extremely observant you wouldn't of guessed she had disordered eating.
but it did catch up to her slightly, especially the side effects, her hair was thinning, she barley had a period, her nails where brittle, and she was often tired, but she always told her wife it was 'just a cold i've caught' or 'it must be an anemia flare up' and leah believed it, mostly because she communicated almost every other issue but this.
so she distanced.
and then the distance became too much.
"y/n wafts happened, and don't say nothing because i k know it's not, you barley talk to me, barley touch me, we barley have sex and if we do you never let me do anything to you, you're never like that and you know it, and you never eat with me, i can't stand it anymore, just talk to me. is there someone else? because of there is i'd rather know now than later"
leah finally broke the silence.
"no, no there's no one else, swear on nachos life"
nach was their shared dogs name, leah relaxed slight knowing that she weren't ever going to lie on his life.
"okay then what is it? i'm staying here until you tell me. i deserve to know"
leah did deserve to know
y/n just stared at leah for a few seconds to ground herself.
"okay... i will tell you, but you need to understand i didn't know how to tell you until it was too late"
y/n just said blankly, deciding she needed to come clean.
leah replied confused
"i can't have kids leah, well i don't think i can, and i know you can't because of your endo, and i know how badly you want them, but i can't give it to you, so i understand if you want to find someone who can and..."
y/n looked down, eyes welling with tears, but leah used her hand to hold y/n's chin to make her look at her.
"honey, i don't care if you can't have kids, we can always adopt, or foster, you never know! i love you because of who you are, not if you can have kids or not silly! ... but if you don't mind me asking, did something happen so you can't have children or how come it hasn't come up earlier?"
leah asked sympathetically.
"um... leah, i'm still not sure how to say this... but you deserve to know... i um... think i may of maybe, well i'm pretty sure i've got some sort of eating problem lee... and i don't know, i just like can't stop? i've tried everything on my own but, i can't eat without all the numbers and it won't go away, it's consuming me, it's all a think about, and i don't want to think about it, i really really don't, but it won't go away, and it's gotten to the point where i haven't had a period in months, the last one i had was 6 months ago and it barley lasted a day lee... i don't think i can have kids anymore, and i don't even know how to live normally anymore."
y/n vented, but as soon as she stop she tried to take a deep breath in, but she couldn't, her air was stuck, it was like she was so scared and her body was rejecting air, her chest tightened and her vision and hearing faded very quickly.
she was having a panic attack.
"oh shit, honey, please look at me"
leah tried to calm the girl down, still in shock herself, but y/n always came first.
"baby i'm gonna hold you alright, tap me if you don't like it, okay? and just listen to my heart beat and follow my breathing"
it took a while but eventually y/n's breathing steadied and became more normal again, tears still falling, she wasn't sure why, maybe the hunger took over, she didn't even know her self.
"okay it's fine if you don't want to talk today, but i'm so so proud of you for telling me alright? you are so unbelievably strong for being able to tell me, and i'm so sorry for not noticing, and not being able to help you earlier, but i'm going to help you now okay? but can you kinda explain little more how exactly you're struggling with food?"
"well... umm... i guess i've always kinda had struggles with eating? like... you remember when we first stared dating i was like constantly on one diet or another, and then i stoped, and then i gained a bit of weight, and i lost control, like the part of my brain that tells me when i was hungry, or like what j was in the mood for was controlled by someone else, and i think part of it was the media, and i began counting calories, and it's not something i can stop because my brain has too know how many calories are in a meal, or how many grams of carbs or i'll go nuts, i will spiral, and the amount of food i eat like kinda got smaller by the day, and now i can barley eat a meal without wanting to through up. but then other days i eat to much that i'm throwing up so... i don't even know leah... i have no idea what to do anymore"
and the tears came back
"shhh im here baby. right here, and i'm not giving up, ever. im gonna be right by you holding your hand until your where you desire to be, i'll be holding your hand no matter what, because i love you soo incredibly much. i vowed in sickness and health, and your a bit ill now, but i'll help you until your better"
and y/n did get better. in fact she got her life back over the next year. she got freedom, and even got her period back, and was actually able to carry hers and leah's baby together. it got better. and i gets better
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Author Spotlight - Ob_Liv_Ious_Writer
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In the run-up to the 2024 Awards we’ve asked some previous winners if they would be interviewed by us. We’re kicking off with @ob-liv-ious-writer author of No Ulterior Motive, which won Best Homeless Fic in 2023
Summary: When Peter saw a spelling mistake on the Stark Industries website, he decided that he had to fix it, no matter what the consequences could be.
When Tony saw that the hacker that managed to evade him was a reckless, too-skinny foster kid, he decided that he was going to offer him an internship.
No ulterior motives.
Not at all.
Excerpt: Ned was still too over the moon to properly fanboy. It felt like a miracle to see Peter happy again. Ned was glad. If anyone deserved a miracle, it was Peter Parker.
Hey, Ob_Liv_Ious, Thank you for answering our questions...
How did you get into Irondad? Honestly? I first found the fandom through a crossover fic from my marauders days. I don't remember what fic it was, but it kickstarted my spider-man obsession, and from there I found Irondad.
What's your favourite Irondad scene? My favourite scene has still gotta be the rooftop one. Hits different.
When did you start writing? For writing in general, I have been doing it my entire life. For fanfic, I think I remember reading everything I could find and then writing my own so that I had more to read.
What do you like about writing most? My favourite thing about writing is the way that it draws me in and lets me lose myself in the life of a character. It's always been a form of escapism, plus it's nice to have a product at the end.
Which of your stories is your favourite and why? No Ulterior Motive, it has to be. It's a story that I wrote at a very pivotal time in my life, plus it's one of the rare stories that I can look back on and still be proud of.
What's your favourite trope to write? Anything hurt/comfort honestly.
What inspired the story? It was long enough ago that I don't really remember, but I think the idea of Peter hacking SI just randomly came to me and I immediately had to write it lol.
Can you tell us a little about the experience of writing it -- did anything stand out or was there a particular person that helped more than others? Again, this was quite a while ago now (I wrote this fic when I was in my senior year of High School and now I'm in my second year of Uni lmao), but I remember writing most of this on the hallway floors between classes. The particular person who helped more than others was absolutely my girlfriend at the time, who motivated me and beta read. Additional points go to all of my old friends who had to put up with me talking about it 24/7 haha.
How did you feel to be a winner of the Awards last year? Epic!! I think this is a really cool project, even though I'm not very active in the community anymore since I don't have enough free time lol. It was nostalgic to look back on my fic, and it makes me really happy that something that helped me so much during my formative years is still being enjoyed by people.
Thank you again Ob_Liv_Ious_Writer for answering our questions and being part of the Irondad Creator Awards.
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msfcatlover · 8 months
The Public Personas I think each Wayne Kid would get in the Reverse Robins verse
Duke: The easy-going, down-to-earth, reasonable one. Or, perhaps more accurately, the straightman to Bruce’s comedian. Duke’s fond exasperation & surprisingly grown-up attitude as a child made for an excellent counter to Brucie’s bombastic antics, and had plenty of people joking that Duke was the actual parent between the two of them. Seeing the two of them at work is seeing a decade-perfected comedy tag-team in action, and it is a beautiful thing. As Duke grew up, his reputation shifted to being the Chillest Dude (gender neutral) in any given room, and he mastered the sort of subtle, charismatic warmth that makes everyone feel like they’re your best friend. Duke’s one of those celebrities you just want to crack a beer open with and chat about your day, because they seem like they’d be fun to hang out with, y’know? (Which also helps separate him from his hero identities. Duke Thomas? Dress up like a cross between a motorcycle racer & medieval knight in order to speed around downtown, jump off bridges & skyscrapers, and kick the Joker in the face on a biweekly basis? Are you fucking high?)
Damian: Starts out as the acerbic, hotheaded brat. Grows up into Gotham’s favorite Bad Boy With A Heart Of Gold, thanks to both his maintained public attitude & work with helping animals around the world, even after he mostly moves to Bludhaven. (Yes, he rides a motorcycle, wears mostly leather, and has just so many piercings. Most of the piercings are fake, so that they can’t be grabbed in fights; the real ones he almost exclusively wears small studs in. They all come out in preparation for patrol.)
Cassandra: The Ice Queen, so cool & confident that some people genuinely think the family is lying about her selective mutism and it’s just a front so she has an excuse to ignore people. (She is deeply offended by this.) Zero tolerance for bullshit, cutting edge fashionista, single handedly got ASL added as a language course to every school in Gotham, and got plenty of rich jerks to learn if only to know what she was gossiping about with her siblings when they kept glancing over and laughing at everyone else. Universally assumed to be the one who'll take over WE when Bruce retires, despite her complete lack of interest.
Steph: The Wild Child, the only one to follow in Brucie’s footsteps. This was not the persona she wanted but in her society debut gala, something came up and Duke needed a distraction so he could go deal with it. Steph set her shoulders, grabbed a bottle off the snack table behind them, and said, “You got it.” First impressions are everything, and she never could shake that one… not helped by the fact that sometimes, an empty-headed party girl was exactly what they needed to gather information, and Steph had both the reputation to play the part & clout to get wherever she wanted once Bruce fostered her. (After her death, people call it a “downward spiral.” Others counter this with a clip from an interview she gave earlier that year, where Stephanie Brown talked about her hard work in school & the community, and her frustration over her reputation. “Of course it bothers me,” she said, “It bothers me that what I’m wearing matters more than the causes I promote. It bothers me that a few sips of wine outweigh organizing an entire event. It bothers me that flirting with people my own age upsets people more than a fucking shooting in downtown Gotham!” She laughed bitterly. “Is it the hair? Should I dye it? Would that make people take me more seriously?” She turned to look directly into the camera, tears shining in her eyes. “I’m—I’m sixteen. What do you want from me?”)
Tim: Tim starts out as the resident Cool Nerd. He’s friendly, he’s chill, he likes skateboarding & computer games—and also, he GMs on the weekends, he likes to solve math puzzles & write his own algorithms, he knows more about the history of sci-fi than any human has right to. Tim’s the kind of nerd who makes his nerdy hobbies seem cool by association. (Still figuring the rest out, honestly. Since he’s Oracle in this verse, part of me feels like he’d stay out of the public eye more? But another part of me says Tim would make his public persona as loud as possible, so that people think of him beyond his injury. “Bruce Wayne’s Paraplegic Son” is not an identity Tim would ever be okay letting people define him by, I think. I know he does a lot of charity work, and is more open to talking about his challenges than Cass is, in a very “if I tell you upfront, you can’t use it against me (also, maybe someone else needs to hear this)” kinda way. I know he’s still involved in the business world to some degree. I’m just having trouble pinning down how Tim would characterize Timothy Drake-Wayne [post-injury] to the public.)
Jason: Jason is kinda the inverse of Damian, being soft-spoken & seemingly shy until you bring up a cause he cares passionately about. He's very protective of his siblings, and is responsible for about 80% of the "Wayne Kids Spotted! You Won't Believe These Adorable Pictures!" tabloid headlines (Cass & Damian dote on Jason, those candids being one of the only times people get pictures of their "soft sides." Jason also volunteers to help Duke & Tim out a lot, and is often seen trailing after them trying to look professional.) Every woman over 30 in Gotham just wants to pinch his pudgy little cheeks, at least until Jason hits his last growth spurt and comes back from a year abroad looking like an absolute hunk. But still just as humble, just as polite, and just as passionate about helping others. Isn't he just a Big Ol' Marshmallow? (Jason maintains this reputation mainly by biting his tongue & constantly reminding himself if he can't think of anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. After every single interview or public event, you can find him down in the cave, ranting to himself about everything that pissed him off and taking it out on the poor training dummies.)
Dick: Started out very surly & private, but all his siblings defended that the poor boy had gone through so much trauma in under a year (losing his parents, being taken from the family he grew up with, and then losing Bruce just a few months later,) that it was only to be expected. They worked hard to keep him protected from the public eye while he was grieving. When little Richie finally made his public debut, Gotham was delighted to discover an energetic Sunshine Child, who wasn't exactly a great listener & was more than a bit of a showoff, but gosh darn if he wasn't the cutest thing anyone had seen in years. (Dick keeps up the shallow-but-cheerful Sunshine act all the way into his adult life, coming the closest out of any of them to having a true Brucie persona as an adult.)
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bullet-prooflove · 3 months
LA!Series Part One: Relax - Manny x Reader
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Tagging: @crazy4chickennuggets @kmc1989 @withakindheartx @darqchilddaydreamz @theesirenteller @wnbweasley @bonni-98 @skyesthebomb @delightfulbelieverwerewolf @redpool @trublu2u @fleureeee @yezzyyae @jeybae @thiashazzywriting @lauraaan182 @hatersaremymotivators @fanfic-n-tabulous @ravennaortiz @just-a-throw-away @yousigned-upforthis
Part One: Black Bear Lodge - Your life changes when you meet Manny at Black Bear Lodge.
Part Two: Something Special (NSFW) - Manny gives you a night like no other.
Part Three: Goodbye - You and Manny say goodbye after spending the weekend together.
Postcards: Manny recieves a surprise in the mail.
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It’s over a four-hour ride to L.A. Manny’s arranged to stay a couple of days with you before he needs to be in Santo Padre to discuss the pipeline deal with Bishop. It’s become clearer over the past few weeks that Canche has been subsidising his income with club funds. They’re missing a massive portion of cash and that means they can’t buy into the pipeline.
On the drive up he starts to think of it as a blessing in disguise because it allows him to think outside the box, to consider other options. He wants more for Yuma, he wants better, safer options for his brothers, ones that won’t result in prison or a bullet. Santo Padre has been heading that way for a while, they have links to the community, they work with legitimate businesses, their income is clean and constant. Manny wants to emulate that.
He’s exhausted by the time he makes it to your suite; he uses the key you’ve left for him down at reception. It’s a little past ten pm and the day has taken its toll on him. He’s been up since six getting Melina ready for school and dealing with club business, all he wants is to sooth his aching muscles in a red-hot bath.
The lights are dimmed when he steps inside. He removes his boots by the door before padding quietly into the bedroom. They’ve gone all out this time; he thinks as he pauses for a second surveying the view from the window. In the distance he can see the San Gabriel Mountains silhouetted against the night sky.
Everything about this room screams indulgence, the well-made luxury furniture, the dark wood floors, the gourmet snacks in the minibar. It piques his curiosity because he knows you’re getting by on a freelancer’s wage, and he can’t imagine that any magazine would put you up in a place like this, no matter how good your work is.
He finds you in the bathroom, soaking in a tub that large enough to fit another two people inside. You have a glass of whiskey in your hand, classical music serenading you from the Bluetooth speaker in the mirror. You watch as he undresses, his dark eyes fastening on yours as his clothes fall into an untidy pile at his feet. You shift forward and he slips in behind you, the water raising over his weary bones. He exhales at the sensation, sinking low. You lean back against this chest, placing the whisky glass in his hand and he sighs because as relaxed as he is right now, he can’t shake that niggling feeling that this is all to good to be true. He lips brush over your temple, his cheek coming to rest upon your hair as he says.
“I need you to tell me why we’re here tonight because I know that neither of us can afford a suite with a mountain view.”
“It’s comped.” You tell him, tilting your head up so you can meet his gaze.
“Not by your magazine.” He murmurs, his thumb ghosting along the line of your jaw. “These rooms cost nearly two grand a night.”
“No.” You whisper as his lips brush over yours. “A private collector wants to buy my photographs, they’re exhibiting at the Hive Gallery tomorrow, this trip is his way of wooing me.”
“Will you sell?” Manny asks and he feels you smile against his mouth.
“I’m donating them to Arts+Practice, they have a lot of great art programmes for kids in the foster system.” You tell him as he graces your skin with a featherlight kiss. “He thinks he has four days to chance my mind.”
He grins because you, you are just full of surprises.
“I’m sleeping with a hustler.” He murmurs before he kisses you properly.
There’s a softness in it, a tenderness that he reserves only for you. You sigh at the sensation and it’s a noise of contentment, one that he feels in the very depths of his soul because now he knows the truth he can actually relax. He tips his head back and closes his eyes, the water washing over him as the fatigue overtakes him.
“I’m tired tonight.” He tells you, his voice drowsy as your head comes to rest in the crook of his neck.
“Me too.” You mumble. “All that travelling is starting to catch up with me.”
It changes things. If this was supposed to be about sex you would have kicked him out by now or at least made a move, but you haven’t. It means you’re as comfortable with this shift as he is. This thing between you it was always more, this is just your way of acknowledging it. He knows guys who would drive almost three hundred miles for pussy but there’s not many who would do it just to spend the night sleeping next to their lover.  
That’s how the evening ends, you and him curled up in a bed that costs more than your annual salary, his face buried in the curve of your throat as he holds you close.
It’s the best night’s sleep he’s had in a long time.
Love Manny? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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