#I love Drake
oatmatchalover · 6 months
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ahfrickenfrick · 6 months
nightwing being hurt in the field, and over comms he can’t get out what was wrong, nearly in shock, and jason puts on his best batman™️ voice and says “robin, report.”
and it snaps dick out of it enough to say concussion, possible broken ribs, and a gash in his side.
no one talks about it, and then a year later, damian does the same thing to tim
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everwalldigan · 1 month
To anyone who thinks Bruce has a clear and consistent favourite child I raise you this: it is infinitely funnier for Bruce to have a complicated and elaborate “ranking” system of his kids that only he’s privy to.
Picture this: Batman, dosed with truth serum, gets asked as a gag from one of the goons holding him captive who his favourite bat-vigilante is and instead of giving a straight answer, he launches into this whole explanation about the ranking system and who’s in the current lead, who’s hanging behind, etc. At some point (this is a mystery to everyone involved) a whiteboard appears and he starts explaining his system like he’s a football coach before an important match. Out of nowhere he starts pulling out little cardboard cutouts of his kids and pins them to the board. At some point the red string comes out.
Jason hasn’t killed someone in a week? Automatically promoted to favourite. Tim hasn’t caused an international incident in the past month? Puts him a few points ahead that keep decreasing the longer he refuses real sleep (20 minute power naps don’t count Tim! Says powernap inventor Bruce Wayne). Cass gave him a hug this morning and wished him a good day? Favourite until he gets a call from dick telling him (without shouting!!!!) that he’ll be there for this week’s Sunday dinner. Duke accidentally scratches the Batmobile? Demoted to the “in trouble” zone (which, honestly, that’s where his kids spend most of the time in😭). Damian did not attempt to free all the animals in the zoo they visited? Favourite. Until Bruce found out he was just trying to conceal the cat hidden in his room that Bruce explicitly forbade him from keeping.
Dick arrives at the family dinner with a busted shoulder and a bruise the size of Texas on his face? Gets demoted so far down that even azraeil scores higher than him. He’s in the “in trouble” zone for a constant month after that. Oh one of them survived an almost death? Favourite for at least the next week. At least. Multiple people survive an almost death? EVERYONES the favourite. The least favourite is the growing grey hairs on his head.
The end of day results are decided by who bothers to wish him goodnight and if all of them have fucked up in some way the past week then Jon (Kent) becomes the automatic favourite until someone cracks a joke that Bruce actually finds funny.
The favourite child changes daily, hourly even, and his kids are aware this system exists and keep trying to crack the code but he always Knows and just smirks smugly.
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bruciemilf · 5 days
Bruce: I know it’s hard, but you must remain forgiving and merciful, Jason.
Tim, who had to watch Bruce skin a man alive like a piece of salmon with a batarang for saying something rude about his then deceased son, throw him in the back of the Batmobile, and drive him to the hospital just to beat him up again:
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notholaenas · 2 months
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another gotham gazette exclusive 🤭
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crowkip · 13 days
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yeehaw, baby!
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oncillabrigade · 5 months
Finally read Robins!
I have a lot of thoughts, but I just want to say this panel is the funniest thing I've ever seen:
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demonicsuffrage · 2 months
It's so wild when you think about how much of a shift the batkids had after they were adopted by Bruce, because NONE had a sibling and were like-
Dick, who accidentally walked into Tim's room, spotting the robin shrine he has there:
Tim: ...I can explain
Dick, walking out: Nevermind! It's my fault for wishing for siblings when I was a kid
Jason: Who the hell tweeted 'skibidi toilet rizz' 56 times from my twitter?!
Tim, salty about the titans tower incident, laptop in hand still open to Jason's twitter account:
Jason: I wish Bruce had adopted a puppy instead of you.
Damian, fuming after Bruce got them a shared hotel room on a vacation: I miss the days when I was an only child
Tim: Didn't your mom make like two thousand clones of you?
Damian: I would've preferred sharing my inheritances with all 2000 of them instead of you
Dick, entering his room at the manor after a patrol and spotting Duke on his bed and immediately shrieking: BRUCE, THERE'S A RANDOM KID IN MY ROOM
Bruce: Dick, this is your newest brother, Duke
Dick: And you gave him my room?!
Duke: Wow, the colour scheme in here is so 80s
Dick: Consider me and you estranged from now on
Bruce: Jason, unblock your brother, he is currently crying in the living room because of it.
Jason, had blocked Dick after the thirst trap Dick posted got over 100k views on tiktok and now everyone and their sibling was asking for Dick's number: What brother? I identify as an only child.
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sourkreem · 1 month
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birthday hangout!! they went to jasons favourite shitty diner afterwards :)
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not him eating a very sugary burger fondant cake
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damian is surprisingly good at playing a non traumatised ten year old. at first he doesn’t understand why he would need to ever play the part until he watches his family act at a gala. he now understands the mission to protect their identities.
he slips into the role easily. he acts shy around strangers and soft around his siblings. even going so far as to let them carry him around. if he notices someone is uncomfortable or not overwhelmed he will walk up to his father with puppy dog eyes taught to him by grayson and say “father i’m tired” the other members of gotham high society will coo at his formal words and father will scoop him up before collecting his other siblings.
he’s also unsurprisingly good at fake crying. (i mean look at the poor kid and all his trauma)
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pechaghtlecha · 2 months
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Wiii Timkoooonnn 💖💖💖💖✨✨
Someone please shoot me in the head
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soasinsoasin · 4 months
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theaceofarrows · 4 months
Bruce: Has anyone seen Jason and Damian?
Tim: That went out
Bruce: For what?
Dick: Something about Jason breaking a whetstone- don't ask- and Damian demanding he replace that
Bruce: We already have a whetstone for the batarang
Tim: Yeah, but Damian said and I quote "My katana was forged by greatest bladesmiths the League of Assassins has to offer, that cheap rock will not go anywhere near it"
Bruce: ...That does sound like Damian
Dick: Yep. So now we're just waiting on them
[5 minutes later]
Tim: [looks at his phone and starts laughing]
Tim: You guys are not gonna believe this
Dick: What?
[Shows a trending video of Jason walking across a parking lot with a bag in one hand and a screaming Damian under his arm, before noticing the camera and saying, "don't worry, he's mine I'm not stealing him." *pause* "if I was gonna take one, it definitely wouldn't be this asshole"]
Bruce: [tired sigh] Sadly, I can believe it...
Dick: Well, at least he got the whetstone
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redsray · 4 months
my favourite part of the Wayne Kids being, you know, the Waynes, and popular celebrities is the fact that these are teenagers and young adults who are given ... celebrity powers. and i know they're stupidly petty with them. every time you log onto twitter you'd see 3 of them engaged in a sibling argument, completely uncaring that it's being broadcasted to thousands of people
Dick, tweeting: Tim stole my sandwich today, hey siri how do i un-adopt a sibling?
Tim: ??? I didn't steal your sandwich??
Dick: Then who did??? It was there this morning and you were the only one in the manor the entire morning??
Tim: Dick, my unfortunately kind of favourite brother, I was not in the manor today
Dick: YOU WEREN'T?!?!?
Tim: no, I've been in my apartment all week. did you hallucinate me?? LMFAO
Cass: I was there this morning.
Dick: Oh. No wonder then??? You 2 look too similar, one of you needs to cut your hair
Tim: Not it
Cass: . . .
Tim: on second thought, maybe it's time for a haircut
Cass: :D <3
Tim: Love you too, Cass
Random Twitter User, quote tweeting the last tweet: So did you ever find out who took Dick's sandwich????
Cass: Jay did.
Dick: JAY DID?!?!?
Cass: Oh. Did you not know?
Dick: NO?!????
Cass: Oh. @/jason start running. Sorry.
Steph: Guys Jason might deadass die again Dick is ONTO him
Random Twitter User: ... Again?
Steph: hardly the point rn, jared
Babs: Why did Jason just climb in my window asking me to hide him
Tim: he's running from Dick, lol
Babs: Oh, why?
Tim: he ate his sandwich
Babs: Got it, he's hiding behind my couch now, screeching about Cass betraying him.
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lemonsbesour · 2 months
I think it’s hilarious how Tim Drake sounds like someone’s self insert but he’s not.
This kid met Dick when he was super young, remembered it so vividly that he recognized his acrobatics in Robin (while he was stalking both Robin and Batman without them knowing), and realized Dick is Robin and Bruce is Batman. Then he keeps it a secret for years until Jason dies and he goes up to Bruce and convinces him that he should let Tim be Robin. AND IT WORKS. Then when he’s sent to go train he catches the eyes of freaking Lady Shiva and she trains him because she thinks he might be able to kill her eventually. Then he’s sent back to Batman and he is a fantastic Robin for a long time.
That literally sounds like fanfiction, but he is very real and very loved. Just shows no matter how self indulgent a story might sound, you should still write it anyways because it CAN be good.
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haveihitanerve · 4 months
I love how people are like Jason Todd was a demon child and all the other robins were angels compared to him like lmao robin!Jason was a fucking delight what do you mean
Dick showed up at the manor with a blue stuffed animal elephant and the rage of 100 men and the only thing thats changed is that the elephant is grey now
Tim showed up with blackmail on the fucking Batman and bullied him into accepting him as robin
Damian popped up on the doorstep holding a fucking katanna
Meanwhile robin!jason was jumping from building to building squealing robin magic! and would spontaneously hug Batman. he loved reading shakepeare knowledge and literally screamed golly jee willickers as the highest curse word in his vocabulary.
Robin!Jason was a goddamned fucking delight and all the other ones were the little demon children lmaooo
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