silveragelovechild · 7 months
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THE KILLER (spoilers galore)
I watched “The Killer” on Netflix. It’s directed by David Fincher and stars Michael Fassbender in the title role.
It was good seen Fassbender again. He’s an actor I enjoy. His last movie credit was in 2019 for “Dark Phoenix”. I believe he took time off to focus on his private life (marrying actress Alicia Vikander and having a child with her.) He also participated in race car driving.
But back to “The Killer”. The first 20 minutes focused on Fassbender as his unnamed assassin prepares to kill someone who will be staying in a hotel room across the street. As he he assembles his weapons, naps, and does yoga, Fassbender narrates his mantra, and the precise method of his kills. He also explains his indifference about why he does what he does. We’re led to believe he is an expert assassin who never misses… until minute 21 - when he missed his intended target, and shoots a dominatrix instead. (WTF - so much for building our expectations then blowing them!)
Rather take another shot to kill his true target, he bails, collecting his paraphernalia and wiping up his finger prints, then leaves.
For the next 10 minutes or so, we follow Fassbender as he makes his way from Paris to the Dominican Republic (flying through the UK & US). Several times he stops to wash and shave, wiping down the sinks and spraying them (I assume to defeat possible DNA tests).
In one scene, an airline agents comments on how many frequent flyer miles he has accumulated. (HUH? He is so fastidious about not leaving a trail yet he doesn’t want to miss out on frequent flyer miles?!?)
When he finally arrives at his secret compound in the Dominican Republic he notices something suspicious and realizes someone cased the place to kill him. You see, this second assassin left distinct footprints and a bunch of cigarette butts at the gate. (If you’re going to hire an assassin to kill another assassin, he should be as good or better than the intended victim!)
Fassbender learns his girlfriend has been tortured and rushes to the hospital to see her. If I was an assassin hired to kill another assassin I’d stake out the hospital to see if the target shows up… nope! Instead Fassbender has touching reunion with his girlfriend and plots his own revenge. (BTW, why did the second assassins let the girlfriend live? It would have been much more clean to kill her.)
Fassbender discovers the thugs who tortured his girlfriend arrived at the compound by taxi. He decides to get revenge on the taxi driver. The poor driver had delivered the thugs to the compound and had to wait while they entered the house, 30 minute later, he drove them back to the airport. Technically this taxi drive was a witness - why did the thugs let him live. But they didn’t have to worry, because Fassbender kills the poor guy!
Next Fassbender heads to New Orleans to see his handler, to learn who were the thugs who tortured his girlfriend. The handler refuses so Fassbender kills him with a nail gun. He about to kill Dolores, the secretary, but she makes a bargain. She will tell him the names of the thugs, if he will make her death look like an accident (she has children and wants them to have closure). They both honor their ends of the bargain. (Kerry O'Malley who plays Dolores is very good in a small role.)
Next he heads to Florida to kill one of the hired thugs. But Fassbender isn’t as stealthy as he thinks he is. The thug is ready for him and the two have a knock down drag out fight. Thank Gawd Fassbender has experience in superhero movies because even tho the thug out weigh him by 100 pounds, Fassbender survives dozens of punches and at least a half dozen body blows. (In addition to magnetic powers he must be invulnerable.)
For those of you interested in this kind of thing, Fassbender has a full body nude scene at minute 81. Unfortunately it’s obscured by a steamed up shower glass.
Next Fassbender heads to New York to to kill the second assassin responsible for torturing his girlfriend. This second hired killer is played by Tilda Swinton (who is only refereed to as Q-Tip because of her white hair). Apparently she’s not as good at her job because even tho Fassbender is pretty obvious following her in a car, she doesn’t notice.
Fassbender confronts Swinton in a posh restaurant. She seems to accept her fate and delivers an interesting speech… one assassin to another. Except she included an anal sex joke - weird.
BTW - what was the Handler’s purpose of sending the second killer and the thug to Fassbender’s secret compound? They tried to get the girlfriend to reveal a secret, but according to her, she didn’t talk. Then they returned to their respective homes in Florida and New York having failed. Apparently this Handler has a very incompetent team of hired assasins.
I think the Killer’s kill-count is now 6 which would have been unnecessary if he hadn’t missed his target at the beginning.
If you’re curious, Fassbender took 8 flights to kill 6 people, so he earned approximately 11,090 more frequently flyer miles.
Next stop Chicago. Fassbender tracks down the billionaire who paid for the original kill job (you know, the one that Fassbender missed). The billionaire doesn’t know who Fassbender is, and says he didn’t ask that Fassbender is punished (killed) for missing his target. And in the biggest WTF of the movie - Fassbender believes him and lets him live, then leaves.
So in the fucked up Topsy-Turvy world of The Killer - the billionaire gets to live while the innocent poor taxi driver is killed. That’s a big fuck-you to the little guy.
In the end, Fassbender returns to his girlfriend back in the Dominican Republic, where they relax in the sun. (Remember how easy was the first time the thugs found his girlfriend?!?)
The Killer is based on a French graphic novel series with 14 volumes, so undoubtably there will be sequels.
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Throughout the movie Fassbender’s unnamed assassin has access to dozens of passports and credit cards, each with a different alias. We learn nine of them… all characters from old sitcoms from the 1960s to early 1990s. Were these in-jokes by Fincher and Andrew Kevin Walker, the screenwriter (both children of the 1970s).
Felix Unger - on his flight to Miami
Archie Bunker - on his flight to the Dominican Republic
Oscar Madison - was when he ships a package via FedEx
Howard Cunningham - on his flight to New Orleans
Reuben Kincard - car rental in Florida
Lou Grant - flight to New York
Sam Malone - car rental in New York
George Jefferson - at bank
Robert Hartley - gym membership
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elgaberino-mcoc · 1 year
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FRENZY (JOANNA CARGILL) has been added to the MCOC Wishlist
Literarily a long-strong mutant who was a villain with the Acolytes and Marauders and is now in the #XMenVote, Frenzy is overdue for upvotes from @MarvelChampions Summoners. #BHM #BlackHistoryMonth #MCOC
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tenth-sentence · 1 month
They spell out annihilation when they roll without feeling into the shell holes and then climb out again, inexorably, a fleet of roaring, fire-spitting ironclads, invulnerable steel beasts that crush the dead and the wounded.
"All Quiet on the Western Front" - Erich Maria Remarque
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oh-dear-so-queer · 3 months
Jex-Blake saw herself as invulnerable to male attraction, saying of herself: 'I believe I love women too much ever to love a man.'
"Normal Women: 900 Years of Making History" - Philippa Gregory
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sisaloofafump · 1 month
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anthyies · 11 months
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cowboysorceror · 1 year
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let him be fashionable and photosynthesize <3 ID in alt text!
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jeeaark · 2 months
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FInal Showdown Pt. 1
Final showdown Pt. 3
So. Orpheus is Greygold's best friend forever no take-backsies.
That prince can never undo the bond that he has wrought upon himself that day because Orph ol' buddy ol' pal has proven that-
✨Anything is possible✨
Not just githyanki and Mindflayer working together, but Orpheus and Emps, the two that fate has tried stubbornly to prevent, co-operated.
Like Minsc said at some point, everyone is capable of great good and great evil.... and proving Emps and Orph wrong that they CAN work together, suck it you two.
in that moment, no regrets saving the prince. Greygold is indeed gonna hold this over Orph and Emps head until the end of days.
(Can't believe combat mode gave me such a hollywood moment of having the only one who could save emps be orpheus with his last ki points, haaaa, IT WAS WILD GUYS- Sometimes if the story can't supply you with the ultimate pina colada alliance, combat mode's got your back \o/)
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nelkcats · 1 year
Amity Candy Store
It turns out that having a portal to the Infinite Realms gives you resources to materials you've never seen before. Due to the recent peace treaty between Amity Parkers and ghosts they had begun to exchange products.
Some ghosts felt very nostalgic and wanted to try the food of the living again, or have access to objects not available on the dimension. Others simply wanted to show their shiny items to the liminals, after all there were so many portals on the dimension and they had a lot to trade!
One of those items was Kryptonite, ghosts were sure it was candy of some kind and told the liminals that and since ghosts and liminals could eat it without any consequences (Frostbite approved) the liminals assumed it was some kind of special candy. Like shiny rock candy.
So it is not surprising that when they opened a candy store they began to sell Kryptonite there. When the Justice League began to investigate the town's sudden silence from the outside world Clark didn't expect to feel extremely weak walking past the local candy store. Or that being around the local children would make him sick.
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generic-sonic-fan · 8 months
I think it'd be interesting for Sonic to like hanging out with Rouge more than Shadow, but for Tails to like hanging out with Shadow more than Rouge.
Rouge and Sonic love going on adventures to do goofy, slightly illicit things- wanna go steal a celeb from the wax museum and then sneak into a movie theater with it? fuck yeah let's go! -to satisfy both their urges for mischief. They're both introverts who appreciate a good time, but they know when the other's had enough. Neither of them have very many buttons to push in the first place, unlike with Shadow, who Sonic feels like he's navigating a minefield whenever they chat.
Tails and Shadow, meanwhile, enjoy hanging out at home. Shadow brings his motorcycle and they work together in the workshop. They trade technical advice and opinions on firearms. Sometimes, they'll talk about their friends. Tails says things he'd never say to anyone else- sometimes I worry about Sonic - and Shadow replies with things no one ever listens to him about- I do too -and they take comfort together. Spending time with Shadow gives Tails a chance to be real, unlike with Rouge, with whom everything feels dishonest.
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
Okay so there's this idea for a fic I've been thinking of.
The jl are combating something that can only be touched with magic, jl dark is unresponsive (they got stuck in another dimension again), and cap - their only other magic user - is too injured.
But when they start stressing cap just slams a sheaf of papers of the table like 'pick between yourselves what powers you want, it's one each. Ig I'll sponsor you for today'.
Everyone: what?
Cap, spreading the papers to show each has a letter... Spelling out a magic word?: I'm serious. Do you want a cool new power? Consequence free? For as long as you need?
Batman:... Are you saying... You can... Give out powers?
Cap: my powers, yes. Flash, put Mercury back. That's pointless.
It'd be a great chance to have him explain his powers as a sort of reveal, including why he doesn't do it (it divides his power equally and thus severely weakens him). Also it would be very funny, I think, to see the jl in colour coded marvel suits being basically patroned by Billy. Batman has a blindingly white cowl. Flash has a cape. There's so much 'wait this chill childlike guy from some random city is actually insanely powerful' potential.
But also:
Batman, slowly pinwheeling through the air: how do I steer.
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peaceandgentletragedy · 10 months
What if Leo needed more time as a sprite to recover? What if he was invulnerable in the little orb made of his family’s love? What if your hands are full of tools? A Casey Junior? Welcome to the many ways one might carry the (Currently) Littlest BrotherTM in @somerandomdudelmao ‘s comic.
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kebriones · 25 days
Both Achilles' invulnerability and his heel issue are not iliad canon.
Okay bye.
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violent138 · 2 months
The Batkids compete with each other to do Batman imitations.
Steph makes him too dark and overbearing, and Jason simultaneously makes him emotionally constipated and gruffly mushy. Dick does a decent impression of Batman dealing with Hal, which sets off Tim enough that he can't stop laughing long enough to get through his. Duke's take is wildly off, bordering on a caricature, and Dick makes them all howl by doing a starry-eyed Robin accompaniment. Cass channels his exact angry dad body language, and is considered to be the best until they all get floored by Damian's perfect imitation of Bruce's voice.
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anonymouspuzzler · 2 months
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A Very Special @heartbreakgulch x @villain-coded-comic : Bulkhead & Black-Eyes Origins
(separating this out from my other crossover comics cause I kinda wanna keep adding to it over time i got Ideas please enjoy Part One for now)
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sorrelpaws · 4 months
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>be me >make a friend >hang out with him >he gets hurts due to hanging out with me >mfw my only friend might die because of me
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