#Kalim x Jamil
kanroji-san · 4 months
Obanai!Yuu AU
Obanai!Yuu and their eating habits
Obanai!Yuu: *Has forgotten to eat... Again*
Obanai!Yuu: ...
Kalim: *About to snap*
Some minutes later
Jamil: *Puts a soup in front them* How do you keep forgetting to eat?
Obanai!Yuu: My body is trained like this. I can go without food for three days or maybe more.
Jamil: ...
Jamil: Are you sure you want to go home?-
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Twisted wonderland incorrect Quotes #36
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Mc: Hey, jamil you fainted hun, you feel ok? Remember anything?
Jamil: only the ambulance ride
Mc: huh? There wasn't an ambulance ride tho
jamil: What? but i heard a siren
Mc: baby, that was kalim
Kalim: I'm Sorry i got nervous
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kapane-luyeshu · 8 months
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matching twisted wonderland stickers i did for my dear @maryeverything thank u so much for your support as always I loved working on these even tho they gave me a good old back pain (so worth it)
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tswhiisftteedr · 8 months
Memories ☆ One Shot
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☆Merchant Husband!Jamil Viper x Fem!Yuu!Reader x Merchant Husband!Kalim Al-Asim:
After your student career at NCR, Crowley had yet to find you a way to bring you back to your world. But that didn’t matter anymore, you had by now found yourself a new home in Twisted Wonderland. A family of your own, two wonderful husbands and children. But despite always moving forward, it is sometimes nice to look back to sweet moments of the past..
Warnings: Mature Content, Swearing/Explicit Language, Reader gets called slutty one time but the rest is loving and fluffy. Not Proofread. READER & THE GUYS ARE ABOVE AGE AND MARRIED KEEP THAT IN MIND BEFORE ENGAGING.
Based on this ask:
So could you do a One-Short of Jamil x F!Reader x Kalim? In which the three, now adults and married, both rulers of Scalding Sands, after a day of work and putting the children to bed (Aisha the eldest, daughter of Jamil and Y/n, and Omar, son of Kalim and Y/n), Y/n was organizing the things when he finds a photo album from the time when the three of them studied at NRC, so the three of them start to remember from the time they met, to the moment they got married (while having flashbacks of those moments), remembering all the good and bad times they had, and at the end they have an intimate moment, let's say... 👉🏻👌🏻, if you know what I mean😏
I kept imagining Kalim and Y/n laughing at Jamil, when they went to Scalding Sands for the fireworks festival, where they heard several embarrassing stories from him, including one (I made this one up) where when Jamil and Kalim met, Jamil mistook Kalim for a girl and was all in love about him
Notes: Since the al asim are a long line of wealthy merchans but not royals, I didn’t make them rulers(as in sultans) but high in the the contries hierarchy. Also I don’t know if I actually like that one, I’m not sure this fic is that good, sorry if you don’t like it.
Author Note: I have 15+ other request to work on after this one but I also have to study. About 5 are twst and rest are Hazbin hotel. I have gotten sub!vox x Succubus reader, zestmilla and a Velvette x autistic reader request, but those don’t follow my rules. Though I think I might do the Velvette one, because I hadn’t put in my rules that: I don’t think I have the writing abilities to fulfill a request like that one, when it was sent out. But I’m still not sure, it’s a maybe type of situation, anyways that’s me and my life. Lol anyways enjoy!
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☆ more under the cut. ☆
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It had been a long, tiring day, so much to do, and you swore to yourself more than once that you were surrounded by incompetent idiots. Being the wife of an old money merchant and a brilliant new money one was a difficult task, you were constantly on your feet, ordering around, signing off on shipments, formulating contracts and making phone calls.
Despite the discomfort and exhaustion that hard work brought you, it was inevitable that you would grow accustomed to it. Reminiscing no more about the world you had left behind, the scalding sands were your home, with your two husbands and your children.
Aisha and Omar, the light of your day. The sunshine they brought into any room they entered, that always made you smile.
Aisha resembled Jamil so much that no one could question where she had gotten her traits from, always calculating and good at keeping her emotions in check, she was truly the responsible elder daughter. Though, same could be said for Omar and Kalim. The two of them were like pees in a pot, the times they would fall to their endeavours you couldn’t help but wondered if one of them was really an adult.
But at last it was time for your little sunshines to go to bed, they had school tomorrow and you didn't want them to be sleepy in class. So after saying goodbye to their Nanny, Mrs.Miriam, you tucked them in. Sweet fairy tales and gentle lullabies to hold their hands on their journey to dreamland.
As you step out of the children’s bedroom you could help but notice the door to the storage room was croaked open, ‘must have been the kids’ you assume. After all, Aisha loved to wear your old dresses, even if they didn't fit. And have a tea party in them with her brother, Omar probably wore one of Jamil's many business suits, he loved to look professional during these play dates, even though the big fabric made him look somewhat ridiculous.
You stepped in to make sure everything was tidy, but much to your expectation and disappointment, the children had left the room a mess.
At that moment, you sincerely asked yourself why you didn't have a maid, ‘you were rich, so why were you the one who had to clean up?’ But no reason to lament on it for too long, being pissy wouldn’t clean the room.
So you reluctantly began to reorganize the chamber, despite your tired state. While doing so, you coincidentally happen to stumble onto a fancy-looking box, a rather large one at that. It had an inscription carved into it, 'Memories'. And upon opening it, you had discovered about 5 or so photo albums. Three of them belonged exclusively to Kalim and Jamil, one was dedicated to the three of you and the last one was just NRC memories in general.
Opening the album filled with shared emotions brought a delightful wave of nostalgia to your heart. Swiftly completing the room cleaning, you carried the box to the living room, eager to reminisce about high school days and enjoy glimpses of your husband's past.
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After about 30 minutes of reviewing the photo albums, you had only reached halfway through the NCR one when you heard the sound of keys opening the front door.
Focusing on the voices, you recognized your husbands, you had been eagerly anticipated their return. Myriam had only prepared food for the children, so you had patiently waited for Jamil to arrive and treat you to his delicious cooking.
As the two men entered, shedding coats and shoes, you overheard Kalim sharing a laugh about his workday. At least one of you three found joy in the challenges of being successful merchants.
“Well hello there, what's a lovely lady like yourself doing all alone tonight?” Jamil greeted, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and planting a kiss on the crook of your neck.
‘Such a flirt,’ you mused to yourself, even after years of marriage, he still seized every opportunity to hit on you—an aspect not everyone would expect given his usual demeanor. “Nothing too special, my good sir. Just indulging in the pleasure of walking down memory lane,” you replied, gesturing to the open photo album on your lap.
"Mhm, I see," he responds, while your other husband explores the elegant box. Pulling out one of the albums that you didn't contribute to, he opens it and flips to the first page. Sporting a broad grin, he exclaims, "Man, this brings me back!"
After giving a glance at which album Kalim had chosen, Jamil nods in agreement. "Sure does, though I did hate you when those pictures were taken."
"That's so mean, Jamil!" Kalim protests.
"What can I say? You were quite the annoying and demanding kid. I'm glad Omar didn't completely take after you with that one." He sneakers and Kalim whines as a responds. Though it ends with both of them lightly laughing.
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It's true that Jamil and Kalim once had a conflicting relationship, but after working through their dynamics, they became good friends and, subsequently, lovers.
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It all began as a sort of love triangle after the winter break of your first and their second year. Kalim confessed to Jamil that he had fallen for you, not realizing that Jamil had been harboring feelings for you for quite some time. But instead of brushing off his emotions for the sake of the Al-Asim family as he had previously done, Jamil candidly admitted to Kalim that he also liked you and wouldn't back down just because Kalim felt the same.
A friendly competition ensued, as they vied for your attention by outdoing each other whenever you were present. ‘You had trouble with a certain topic in class? Jamil would help you out.’ (1 point for Jamil). ‘You wanted new stationary because the ones Crowley had provided were on their last lives, Kalim would get them for you, gold or silver encrusted? Your pick.’ (1 point for Kalim). And so on.
However, it did happen that the ever-clumsy Kalim would unintentionally disrupted Jamil's plans, such as on the before Halloween night. Jamil had prepared meticulously to ask you to the Halloween dance, crafting a special gift.
With the assisted by the ‘unexpectedly benevolent at that moment’ Professor Crewel, he concocted a bouquet of everlasting sparkling flowers. Perfecting the potion applied to the plants, creating a handcrafted card, and embroidering a sweet message on the ribbon that would tie it all up, took considerable time. Considering his responsibilities as vice housewarden, club duties, and student work, he may or may not have sacrificed a significant amount of sleep for those flowers, but despite the sleepless nights that took some toll on his health, he believed it was worth it for the girl he loved. Because ‘Hey, what’s a couple hours of missed beauty sleep when we’re taking about making happy the future love of you life!’
Everything was set to be flawless – he was impeccably dressed in his uniform, almost done with his hair, just a bouquet delivery away from asking you out. ‘Simple, right?’
However, what Jamil hadn't anticipated was that, despite Kalim growing up surrounded by gold and precious gems, he still acted like a magpie drawn to anything shiny. Walking through the scarabia hallways, Kalim noticed the slightly ajar door to Jamil's room and, feeling the urge to close it, approached. ‘He didn’t want people going in to his friend jamil’s room with his consent!’ after all.
Though, his concern for people entering Jamil's room without his agreement didn't seem to extend to himself. After seeing light reflect on something through the door’s opening, he entered, consequently spotting the beautiful sparkling bouquet on the vice housewarden's desk and couldn't resist getting a closer look.
As Jamil returned to the room, Kalim, in a reflex, hid the flowers behind himself to cover the fact that he had touched something he shouldn't have.
Obviously, Jamil immediately noticed the bouquet behind the white-haired boy; with around 100 flowers, it couldn't be easily concealed. As he was about to ask for the flowers, Jamil took a noticed to something in peculiar – Kalim was remarkably close to the desk, espagnol with the flowers behind his back. That's when it dawned on him: Kalim was currently crushing the flowers.
Seizing Kalim by the shoulder and reclaiming the flowers, Jamil couldn't help but observe the crushed petals that now marred the majority of the bouquet. As Kalim acknowledged the dire state of the plants, he looked at Jamil with a face full of guilt.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I just wanted to get a better look, and then you surprised me-" Kalim began.
"Oh, so now it's my fault? My fault you came into my room without asking, and it's my fault you touched something that didn't belong to you? Do you even know what these were for? I worked so hard to make them look that way! But now they're ruined!" Jamil emphasized, throwing the bouquet on the ground.
Now grabbing Kalim by his collar, Jamil continued, "They were for me to ask Y/N to the dance. I spent so much time trying to make them look perfect, something you wouldn't understand since you probably would've just bought something instead of taking the time to make it. You just ruin everything. Shit, you make me so fucking angry!"
The sudden yank on Kalim's collar caused him to stumble backward, landing on the edge of the desk, his legs still firmly planted on the ground. He yelped softly in surprise as he felt Jamil's breath hot against his neck, and a shiver ran down his spine at the combination of anger and... something else? Maybe it was just the closeness that made him tremble.
"L-Look I’m sorry," he managed to choke out between ragged breaths. "Please forgive Jamil, I-I didn’t mean too."
However, Jamil's grip tightened further, pulling him closer until their bodies were flush against each other. Their faces were mere centimeters apart now, and Jamil's eyes bore into Kalim's like daggers. Despite his rage, there was an underlying heat burning brightly in his eyes, threatening to consume both of them.
Without warning, Jamil leaned forward, crushing their lips together full of madness. His tongue forced its way past Kalim's surprised lips, seeking entry into his mouth. His hands moved up to cup Kalim's face, holding him in place as he deepened the kiss.
Finally breaking the kiss, “What the hell,”Tsk, “Shit! I don’t know what came over me, I was just so mad and-“ Jamil began rambling but is cut off when an audibles “fuck” came out of Kamil’s lips.
“Did you just say fuck?” Jamil question,
“You just kissed me and that’s what you’re worried about!” Kalim retorts.
“You’re right, sorry, I’m sorry. Let’s just forget about this and never speak of it a-“ Jamil starts again,
“Wanna do it again?” Kalim cuts off once more.
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Meanwhile you patiently waited at the location Jamil had texted you, but after 45 minutes of silence and Jamil not responding to your texts, you decided to take matters into your own hands.
You weren't about to get stood up, no matter how pretty the motherfucker was. Heading straight to Scarabia ready for any excuse or so you thought. What you didn't anticipate was walking into both of your crushes making out on Jamil's bed.
They were so absorbed in each other that they hadn't noticed your presence in the room. To break their entrancement, you casually remarked, "Hot." Seeing the two guys you admire in appearance and personality, kissing and grabbing at each other was an undeniably attractive sight.
However, that your words did break their moment. Pulling away, Jamil spoke from under Kalim, "Um, hey, how's it going, Y/N?"
"Don't 'Y/N' me, Jamil. You texted me to meet you in front of the Seven's statues because you had something important to tell me. Then you don't show up and ignore all my texts. Now, if you want to continue your make-out session with Kalim, I'd suggest you promptly spit out what you wanted to tell me," you sternly replied, perhaps a bit too harsh. Despite your initial reaction, you quickly faced the reality that if they liked each other, you couldn't be with either of them and that hurt you. Or so you thought until their next words.
"Oh, well, the thing was that I wanted to ask you to the dance, but the bouquet I made for you kinda went south," he said, looking at the smushed gift on the floor. Following his gaze, you discovered the beautifully sparkling yet crushed flowers at your feet.
"So wait—why are you making out with Kalim if you were going to ask me out? I get the idea of going as friends, but the bouquet is a bit over the top for situations like that." You point out.
"No, it's not. Shit, it's hard to explain," he paused and collected himself, with Kalim now seated beside him.
"So, what happened is that I was going to ask you out as my date, in a romantic type of way. But Kalim accidentally ruined my gift, and that got me so angry, then we kind of just started making out. So I guess I also like Kalim in addition to you," Jamil explained.
"I'm confused as fuck... so let me get this clear, you like me, but you also like Kalim, and he's okay with it," you remarked.
"Yeah, I mean, I also like you. So it's kinda better if he also does," Kalim replied.
"Wait— You also like me?" you questioned.
"I'm sorry, Y/N, I know this is sort of really weird, and it's totally fine if you don't reciprocate our feelings. I totally get it. You are in no obligation to do so," Jamil says to you.
"You're right, I'm not obligated to do so," you paused, making their hearts stop. The rollercoaster of emotions from anger and anxiety to hot and bother to finally feeling rejected was a bit too much to handle in such a short amount of time. But your next words brought peace to their hearts and minds. "But, would it be weird if I were to admit that I also liked the two of you?"
"At this point, not at all," Jamil replied.
"So is it okay if I join your make-out sesh?" you asked.
"Of course!" Kalim exclaimed, grabbing your wrist and, consequently, throwing you onto the bed with the two of them.
And that's how the three of you began your relationship.
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Now back to the present,
The three of you had migrated to your Shaftland(Alaskan) king-sized bed, with you positioned between the two. You were all in pyjamas by now, you in shorts and a t-shirt. Currently, you were flipping through the album Kalim had picked up.
"Oh, and this was the first picture we took after I realized you were a guy," Kalim said, pointing at a photo of the two of them studying as children.
"Wait, you thought Jamil was a girl?" you questioned.
"Well, I did at first. He was really pretty as a kid and had nice long hair, though, I guess he still is," he said with a giggle. You looked at your other husband for confirmation, half-expecting Kalim to be playfully trying to confuse you. However, Jamil nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, apparently he did for the longest time. We got introduced at four, and during the span of 6 years, he thought I was a chick," he explained.
“So how did he find out you weren't?" you asked.
"One day, he dragged me out in the rain to play a game of ball. I tried to tell him that we couldn't, but he wouldn't budge. After about half an hour, I finally convinced him to come back in to avoid both of us getting a cold. I had prepared a bath for both of us to use, but, of course, it had to be kept a secret. I couldn't let anyone know I might have let Kalim get sick. So once the bath was ready, I began to strip. My shirt was halfway off when he started rambling about taking responsibility as the honorable son of the Al-Asim family and marrying me after seeing me indecently. I just stared at him for a couple of minutes, in shock, and then corrected him about my gender. The looks he gave me were like I had just turned his whole world upside down," Jamil explained.
"Well, it felt like you did back then," Kalim commented with a huff.
"I guess props to Kalim for wanting to do the 'decent thing' and marry you," you said with a snicker.
"Ha, ha, really funny," Jamil replied sarcastically.
"In the end, it did happen, though," Kalim said, somewhat of a marvel in his eyes.
"True, maybe 10-year-old Kalim had fortune-telling abilities. You never know," you said.
"For some reason, I strongly doubt that," Jamil retorted.
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You soon turned to the album filled with pictures of the three of you. As you examined the images, a hint of insecurity crept in.
"I wish I still looked like that, being 16 and beautiful," you expressed, but that didn't sit well with your husbands, not at all.
"Babes, what are you talking about! You're literally so beautiful, like really beautiful. I mean it," Kalim reassured.
"Yes, he's right. You’ll always be gorgeous," agreed Jamil, wrapping his arm around your frame.
"And besides, nobody could ever compare to you," added Kalim with a wink.
Your face gets warmer at their compliments, feeling a little better but still you couldn't shake off the nagging doubt in your mind. You knew they meant well, but sometimes it was hard not to compare yourself to your younger self or to other woman in general.
"Thanks you two, really, I appreciate it," you managed to say softly, trying to sound more confident than you actually were.
Kalim leaned in closer, nuzzling his nose into your neck and whispering hot breath against your sensitive skin. "I love how you smell so sweet," he muttered before trailing kisses down your neckline, leaving marks along the way.
Jamil followed suit, nipping at your earlobes and sucking lightly on them before moving downwards towards your cleavage. His hands traced slow circles around your waist, teasingly brushing against your sensitive flesh.
You gasp softly, arching your back into their touch, unable to resist their advances. Your heart raced faster than usual, thumping wildly against your chest as anticipation built up inside of you.
You felt your shorts being unfastened one by one, exposing your body to your husband’s hungry gazes. You closed your eyes, savoring the anticipation building up inside. Your breath hitched as you felt Kalim's warm fingertips teasingly tracing along your thighs, brushing against against sensitive flesh before dipping slightly lower towards your wet panties.
Lifting your shirt, his tongue traced circles around your nipples, sucking and licking each one until they stood erect and hardened.
Jamil's hands moved higher up your body, cupping your breasts in his large palms, massaging them roughly yet tenderly. His thumb played with your nipples, teasing them mercilessly while his lips found yours, claiming their own passionate kiss. Their tongues tangled together, exploring every crevice of each other's mouths as he continued to fondle your chest.
As things escalated further, both men began to undress themselves, revealing their cocks straining against their boxers. You could feel your pussy growing increasingly hotter and more lubricated at the sight of their hardened members, yearning for the moment they would finally fuck you. You moaned, your voice trembling with desire and need.
Kalim moved between your legs, spreading them wider apart before leaning down to nibble on your sensitive inner thighs. His hot breath fanned across your wet pussy lips, making goosebumps rise on your sensitive skin. "I want to taste you," he croaked against your panties, his hands gripping tightly onto your thighs. He did become ‘pushy’ then his usual self when it came to sex.
Before you could respond, he yanked down your underwear, exposing your pussy to his hungry mouth. He groaned deeply, savoring the scent of your arousal filling his nose. His tongue darted out, tracing slow circles around your entrance before exploring your hole, lapping up every drop of your dripping arousal. You cried out in pleasure, your body trembling as waves of pleasure washed over your.
Jamil stop you momentarily to change the position, now under you, with your back against his chest, hands spreading your thighs, his member now pressing against your entrance. With one swift motion, he thrust himself inside her tight hole, stretching her walls wide open. You gasped at the feeling, meanwhile Kalim returned to devouring your pretty pussy.
"You taste so fucking good, baby," Kalim muttered hoarsely between licks and sucks, his tongue darting in and out of your wet entrance. His fingers continued to tease your sensitive spots, finding just the right rhythm to send shockwaves of pleasure coursing through your body.
Jamil grunted deeply, thrusting faster now, his cock stretching your tight channel even further, filling you up completely. He reached down to play with one of your nipples, pinching it gently before twisting it roughly. "That's it, take all of me, my slutty little wife"
Your moans turned into high-pitched whimpers as they both relentlessly attacked every inch of your body. Your walls clamped tightly around Jamil's cock, milking him for more while you ended up squirting onto Kalim's face. The mixed flavors of their combined arousal only served to fuel their lustful hunger.
“Oh god, yes," you moaned, your voice breaking with pleasure. You felt so full, yet so empty at the same time. Your pussy clenched tightly around his thick shaft, milking him as he began to move faster and harder, slamming into your core repeatedly. Meanwhile Kalim had broke away to focus on his own erection, soon placing himself in your mouth and facefucking you. You didn’t protest, he had been so good to you, ‘so why not let him have his fun?’
"Shit, you’re so beautiful Y/N," stated Jamil, his hips moving in sync with Kalim's thrusting rhythm. You could feel yourself nearing orgasm once more, your body trembling in anticipation of release.
"Fuck, ‘it’s to much!" you cried out against your husband’s cock, though it came out as a mumble, in addition your voice was already hoarse from their passionate lovemaking. Your pleasing noises only served to fuel their lust even more, pushing them closer to climax together. You and Jamil being the first to finish, he slightly thrusted into to ride out your high.
Kalim was watching the two of you like a hawk, throwing his head back in ecstasy as he relished in the sounds you made. He soon reached his own breaking point, moving back to his original position to finish on your pussy and stomach.
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After a couple minutes of heavy breathing,
"This was fantastic," Kalim remarks between breaths.
"Yeah, it was. By the way, are you still taking the pill?" Jamil asks, turning to face you.
"Oh, no. I forgot I was on a break from it," you say, a bit alarmed.
"Well, looks like Aisha and Omar might have some potential siblings on the way," Kalim says with a giggle.
"Ha ha, real funny," you respond sarcastically.
"I mean, it's not that bad of an idea," Jamil suggests.
"Okay, less thinking about more kids, and more thinking of showering now. I am beat and sweaty," you say.
"Yes, ma'am," the two of them say in unison.
And that’s how your night ended.
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Thanks @Selena_Twisted_Wonderland on AO3 for requesting!
©tswhiisfttedr. dn translate, or plagiarize.
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Reblogs help!!! (Request Are Open)
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phantomstatistician · 3 months
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Fandom: Twisted-Wonderland
Sample Size: 5,725 stories
Source: AO3
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My favorite type of Jamikali angst or Hurt/Comfort is when Kalim decides to slowly back off on complimenting and being around Jamil.... So Jamil gets that "shit. Oh fuck. Oh God oh Fuck." thought process while he realizes how much he misses it.
And then he has to overcome his pride and emotional constipation to start going out of his way to interact first. Just having to deal with the consequences of his actions and the absolute despair of not being the most important person in someone's life anymore and having to consciously pine over what was. The misunderstandings. Sifting through all the misplaced feelings while laying in bed staring at the ceiling. KNOWING that something had to change, but maybe you went too far and now everything's broken. You fucked everything up and the most precious person in your world is no longer the same.
But, ofc, Kalim is thinking THE EXACT SAME THING but he's slowly opening up to his support group (the Pop Music Club, the other 2nd years etc). Everyone's just watching this trash fire of a complicated relationship and how these completely down bad idiots are circling each other but too stuck in their own issues to do anything about it. It's painful and raw and it'd be perfect of they were JUST HONEST WITH EACH OTHER!!!!
Cue one of them is having a nightmare about the Overblot. Or Kalim takes Jamil's servitude in his own hands just for Jamil to suddenly feel tossed aside. Maybe Kalim gets sick or poisoned and has to go through the motions of that shared trauma but the status quo has shifted. A badly timed visit back home. The Al-Asim family sends a different servant to take care of Kalim and Jamil is not fucking having it.
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thelamentknight · 4 months
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AzuJami and KaliJami Chonks
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frie-ice · 3 months
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I know that I have already done a collage of Kalim Al-Asim and Jami Viper at the start of Pride Month, before I started to upload many other collages like this as part of my Pride Month collage series on TWST ships, but my first one was made out of screengrabs of the two from the game's anime trailers. So when I was making the other collages for this series I found myself making a second JamiKali collage, that is made out of cards like the others were.
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JamiKali got that Friends-to-One sided rivals-to-One sided enemies-to-Enemies-to-Rivals-to-Friends-to-Lovers
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minamewii · 1 year
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kalim stickers for an event
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vanilla-poisons · 1 year
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Gay people? Disgusting…makes me sick/j
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kanroji-san · 6 months
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Obanai!Yuu's life in Twisted Wonderlad be like:
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kellodrawsalot · 1 year
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Jamil and Kalim
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pinkskytwst · 2 years
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One-sided Kalim/Jamil. Hints of Kalim/Jamil/Prefect
Since he was old enough to comprehend what the words meant, Kalim knew he was replaceable.
He was the eldest of his siblings but he had more than thirty to take his place should something ever happen to him. The Scalding Sands’ prince might have been his cousin – and therefore technically placed him in the line of succession – but Yasmeen had eleven siblings of his own and even if the worst happened, one of his little brothers or sisters would have easily been able to take the throne with little fuss.
Kalim knew he was replaceable, and he was okay with that.
His parents loved him and his father was always smiling even when he rarely got to spend much time with him outside of training to take over the family business and name. His siblings cared for him – or at least he hoped they did – and he had decided long ago that he didn’t want to live his life in constant fear and suspicion of those around him.
If he got sick often while at home when he wasn’t able to eat Jamil’s food, well he simply had a delicate constitution.
If the times that he was successfully kidnapped happened on the watch of the guards he trusted and grew up with, well no one could be aware and perfect at all times. It was simply a coincidence that one of the guards, Rishid, happened to have been the one watching him that day and Rishid had recently been spending more time around his father’s fifth wife, Muneera, who’s daughter was the eldest of his siblings. Rishid, had known him since he was a boy and had taught him how to swim. Rishid would never hurt him.
Kalim was replaceable and that was okay…but the thought of just who might want to harm him hurt.
So, he didn’t think about it.
If he didn’t think about it and continued to trust and do his best for the family and business then even when someone succeeded at killing him, it might not hurt as much.
Because Kalim was alright with being replaceable.
What Kalim was not alright with, was others thinking JAMIL was replaceable.
Kalim had never known a world where Jamil wasn’t at his side. Where the dark haired boy wouldn’t be there to hold his hand when he felt alone in large crowds, or catch him when he would stumble over awkward feet. He was the singular anchor in the sandstorm that sometimes felt like his life.
When studies that were too far above his level made him want to cry – because would even his parents see him as replaceable if he didn’t measure up? – Jamil would help him through it. He would sit at his side with more patience than even his highly paid tutors and used explanations that actually made sense to him. Jamil would read to him aloud so he wouldn’t be forced to read more of the endless legal texts and tiny print that made his head hurt after long hours pouring over them. Jamil would give him soft words of encouragement when it felt like too much.
Jamil was trained to fight men three times their size but Kalim was more in awe in the way he moved when he danced. So fluid and confident, free and with an energy that filled Kalim’s chest and made his heart ache with the need to express just how much he admired his best friend. How he could so easily learn subjects after a single explanation. How he could see hidden threads in the world around them, knew how to skillfully walk them like a tightrope as he balanced the precarious position he lived in.
And it was precarious.
Kalim might not have understood when they were little. Didn’t know that Jamil wasn’t always at his side because he chose to be but because he was chosen to be.
He learned.
He learned the first time Jamil’s newly appointed task of ‘taste tester’ had sent his friend to the floor in convulsions, lips blue and eyes clouded over in pain and fear.
He learned that ‘taste tester’ didn’t mean that he was checking for the quality of the dish.
‘Taste tester’ meant Jamil was a last defense. A sacrifice to take the dangers against Kalim for himself.
Because, to the rest of the world, Jamil was an acceptable loss if it meant keeping Kalim alive.
If Kalim was replaceable, Jamil was even more so.
It wouldn’t even be that drastic of a change, after all, since Jamil had a little sister Najma. Surely Kalim could enjoy her company as much. She was a Viper too. She had promise and could be trained like Jamil.
No one would care if the change had to be made. It wouldn’t even register as more than an annoying change in schedule.
But Jamil wasn't replaceable.
Not to Kalim.
He didn’t understand how anyone could look at Jamil, look at how talented and amazing he was, at all he could do and all he could become with his own abilities alone and not because of his family, and not understand the tragedy that would be his death.
Kalim didn’t want to live in a world where Jamil wasn’t there.
Kalim’s world would end if Jamil wasn’t there.
Because Jamil wasn't replaceable.
Not like Kalim.
But Kalim was powerless.
For those two weeks as he refused to move from Jamil’s bedside and cling to his still hand, he had never realized just how powerless he truly was.
He could have anything he wanted but what he wanted more than anything was for Jamil to be safe and happy.
But he had no control over that. Not yet at least. Not until he was the head of the family. Not until he took over for his father and was able to make changes.
He had to wait because, unlike Jamil, everything impressive about him came from his name. His station.
He swore to the Seven, that if they would help save Jamil, help him wake up from a coma that had been meant for HIM, that he would use every ounce of that power to change things. He would use it all to free Jamil, to ensure he would never have to be forced into anything he didn’t want to be, ever again. He would give Jamil everything he had if he would just wake up.
When Jamil’s eyes finally, weakly, fluttered open, Kalim sobbed so hard in relief he almost threw up and it was only Jamil letting him curl up in the bed beside him that soothed him enough to calm down.
From then on Kalim did everything he could to show Jamil how much he appreciated him. How much he loved him.
He complimented him anytime that Jamil did something that amazed him – which was always – and he made sure that told his parents as often as possible just how good Jamil was at protecting him, at making food, at everything that could possibly want him to do. He never wanted them to question if Jamil was good enough, if he could be thrown away or replaced. If he made sure his parents knew that Jamil was the best then maybe they would do what they could to keep him safe too.
If they knew how happy Jamil made Kalim, they wouldn’t risk losing him.
It was just a coincidence that Muneera admitted suddenly to having used the poison that had nearly killed Jamil, leading to her being jailed and divorced. It was a coincidence that Rishid came clean about his affair with the woman and was fired. Kalim’s sister and brothers by the fifth wife weren’t blamed, but they made sure to avoid them anytime Jamil was with him.
It was a coincidence that, only a couple months before, Jamil had secretly learned his Unique Magic Snake Whisper, having murmured the fact to Kalim one night in a moment of rare eagerness and pride.
It was a coincidence and even if it wasn’t Kalim would never blame Jamil for anything.
There wasn’t anything that Jamil could do that Kalim wouldn’t forgive him for.
Because Kalim was replaceable, but Jamil wasn’t.
When Jamil was accepted into Night Raven College, Kalim was relieved and excited for his friend.
It would mean that the other teen wouldn’t be constantly in danger. Wouldn’t have to hold himself back like Kalim knew he did. Kalim knew Jamil better than anyone, it was impossible to miss what all his dearest person did to keep himself in the shadows. To be as innocuous as possible and ignored.
All he did to survive.
Maybe at Night Raven College he would be safe.
Kalim was sad, of course, to be away from the other. It was like a hole had been carved into his heart. Like he was missing a part of him, and for the first two weeks it was near impossible to sleep.
He texted his friend daily and he tried to ignore the hurt that came when they were never even read let alone returned.
It was alright, Jamil was safe and probably busy. Kalim was happy for him. He hoped that Jamil enjoyed school. Hoped he would tell him all about it when he came home for holidays. What it was like to be around other kids their age that weren’t warned by their parents to be nice to them. To not live in a home where ‘taste testers’ were needed.
It was almost a month and a half after Jamil had gone off to school that an assassin got past Kalim’s guards.
Kalim managed to be healed without a scar, but it was the closest anyone had gotten in years, and his father decided he had to try and do something about them.
In the meantime Kalim would be sent to Night Raven College to be with Jamil.
The news made the attack and injuries absolutely worth it in Kalim’s eyes, and his eagerness left him in a flurry of energy while he planned and helped his father set up the funding for a rebuild of the Scarabia dorm that he would be joining.
It was Jamil’s dorm, after all, where else would he go?
When he finally saw Jamil again when they arrived at the school he didn’t even attempt to hold himself back as he all but flew at the taller teen, throwing his arms around him and feeling the poisonous anxiety in his lungs finally start to seep away.
He was with Jamil again, where he belonged, and things would be okay.
If Jamil was perhaps just the slightest bit colder than he used to be, Kalim chocked it up to the separation and having settled in with new friends. Friends that Kalim was excited to meet! Anyone that could appreciate Jamil was a good person in his book!
He didn’t really get why he was placed as Housewarden, but if it meant one less thing for Jamil to have to worry about he would do his best. He wasn’t as good at organization as his father but he tried. He wanted Jamil and his new friends to be happy. To be able to enjoy their school life.
The dorm was not really what he would have chosen for himself – they were all very focused and diligent and more serious than what he though was good for them – but he did his best to get along with everyone. He threw parties to help them destress from studying, tried to make sure that everyone was cared for or if they needed anything.
He knew Jamil liked cooking – even though the teen didn’t really like to admit to liking anything – so when Jamil started making all the food for the parties he thought it was just what the other boy wanted. If Jamil was cooking, then there wasn’t a risk of him being poisoned, after all. He would hardly blame him for not wanting to risk it.
It wasn’t like Jamil couldn’t have just made food for the two of them, though, and have others make the rest. Ghosts took care of a lot of the running of the school after all, and he knew they must help out the other dorms in similar ways too, so it never occurred to him that Jamil would take on all the responsibilities himself.
He just assumed that Jamil would delegate like Kalim’s father always taught him to.
He also didn’t understand why Jamil was holding back his grades.
If anyone knew how intelligent Jamil was, it was Kalim, but any time he brought it up Jamil would shrug it off or make an excuse.
Kalim praised him more, wanting to make sure his friend understood just how highly he thought about him. How much Jamil meant to him. How much he wanted to make a happy future for them. He would make sure Jamil never had to worry about anything ever again.
Jamil didn’t stop hiding his grades, but Kalim tried his best not to push him, just made to assure everyone that Jamil really was the smartest. He was the best and he didn’t want them to misunderstand his friend with how he was having to present himself.
As the second year began, however, Kalim was distracted by the appearance of the new Ramshackle Prefect.
Jamil seemed wary of them, but Kalim thought they were nice. Friendly and kind in a way that few people he knew were. They were like a balm and Kalim was grateful to become friends with them.
They didn’t know anything about his family after all, didn’t know anything about Jamil’s ‘position’ and therefore wouldn’t misjudge him. They seemed to like the both of them too! Which was nice!
Jamil, of course, didn’t show anything but a polite mask, but Kalim could tell that his friend didn’t mind the Prefect being around as much as some of the others.
It was great! Kalim could have more parties and invite the Prefect and Grim to join them and Jamil might even smile more. His real smiles, not the fake ones. He tried making sure Jamil knew that he liked the Prefect too and wanted them to be around more. He wanted Jamil to feel comfortable inviting them over himself if he wanted. He wanted Jamil to know he approved and liked the Prefect.
Coincidentally Kalim started losing track of time.
He would be somewhere, or doing something, usually talking or trying to find Jamil, and then he would be somewhere else. He didn’t understand and thought, perhaps he was studying too much.
The other Scarabia students started trying to stay away from him.
Kalim tried not to let it hurt, he had thought they were friends after all, but he was used to people playing nice because they had to and he wasn’t going to make them if they didn’t want to be around him.
Instead he hung around Jamil as much as possible and the Prefect whenever he could manage to pull them away from whatever the Headmage had them doing.
It wasn’t so bad, after all. He used to only have Jamil as his friend and now he had two. The Prefect never treated Jamil like he was less than Kalim.
Never saw him as replaceable.
For that alone Kalim would have done anything for the Prefect.
He began to lose more time, though.
A strange haze over his mind made it all feel a bit off but he couldn’t quite figure why and any time he tried to voice his thoughts it was as if his tongue had glued itself to the roof of his mouth.
Jamil stopped smiling at him.
Something in Kalim’s chest was hurting and he didn’t know why. His heart was aching for something to do something but he didn’t know what. His thoughts slipped away from him and many times there was a hint of a memory, of Jamil holding his chin.
Of glowing red eyes.
Kalim would forgive Jamil anything.
Kalim would give Jamil anything.
It never occurred to him that Jamil didn’t want anything from him.
That to Jamil, Kalim was no better than the rest of his family, than the rest of the world that saw him as nothing but a breathing shield.
Kalim didn’t understand how Jamil could possibly not see just how much Kalim loved him. How much he was willing to give for him.
Maybe he did.
Maybe Jamil didn’t care.
Kalim was replaceable, after all.
It only made sense that he would be replaceable to Jamil, too.
But Kalim would do anything for Jamil and even though Jamil didn’t want to admit it, Jamil cared for the Prefect. He wouldn’t want the Prefect to be hurt. Kalim didn’t want the Prefect hurt.
So, when Jamil, in the blinding rage of Overblot, turned on the one person that couldn’t be replaced in his heart, Kalim threw himself between them.
Kalim didn’t mind the pain. It was worth it if he could protect the Prefect. Protect who Jamil cared for.
He wondered if the fire in his veins was the same feeling that Jamil had suffered through for him in their youth. He hoped not.
It would be fitting if it was, though.
Kalim didn’t mind the poison if it would make up for how he had hurt Jamil.
He didn’t even notice when he had collapsed or when Jamil and the Prefect were at his side. He should have noticed, though, as being held so close and so gently by Jamil was the only thing he had ever truly wanted. He didn’t notice what had happened in between, though something obviously had.
Jamil was roughed up and bruised but no longer insane with blot and the Prefect was thankfully uninjured.
He was glad, he had finally done something right.
Jamil’s voice sounded wrong, though. He couldn’t understand it. Couldn’t understand any of the voices or yelling going on around him.
But Jamil’s voice sounded wrong in a way that tore at his heart and the expression on his face was one that Kalim had never seen before. He couldn’t comprehend what it meant for such a desperate and horrified expression to be worn by Jamil.
Had he failed? Had he managed to screw up again and cause Jamil even more pain after trying so hard to prevent it?
That’s not what Kalim had wanted!
Things really would have been better for Jamil if he never existed.
At least now, whatever it was that had upset Jamil, could be solved by the Prefect. The Prefect could take care of Jamil and make him happy. Could do what Kalim couldn’t.
Because in the end, Kalim had only ever been replaceable.
I wanted to do an introspective on Kalim and this happened. :( I love my little sunshine. I want to give him all the cuddles. It's kind of an open ending? You can decide what happens on if Kalim survives or not and if anything develops between him, Jamil, and the Prefect.
Hope you like it! Tell me what you think. <3
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amberitedragon · 1 year
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Silly Genderbend Jamikali thingy
I love them sm did you know I love them they are my sillies and this took 12 hours
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Twst au where everyone of the nrc student bois are dating kalim
All of them. The whole (named) nrc cast
Headcanons?? 👀
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Boo this was originally meant to be posted FOREVER AGO but this took me so long to finally find the words, find fanart, fics were discovered, prompts were randomly generated, and at long last the Kalim Harem Ship is here~!
First off, theme songs:
I can most defiantly picture him singing any of these to his partners, especially extra flirty or if he senses they're insecure.
I see him singing Perfect and Just the Way you Are to basically Jamil, Riddle, Azul, and Idia while he sings If I Had You in all his concerts or just goofy and flirty in the living room
Spoils his lover A LOT
Ruggie and Azul and Vil are loving it a bit too much lol
Nothing happened for a while and EVERYONE was collectively equally flustered and shy about the fact they love the same guy, some where holding back and giving up for others while others just didn't know how to act with these feelings
Meanwhile Kalim knew he liked them all just didn't see a issue of it until his family pressured him to think about the line of brides they picked out for him
He kept thinking back on everything and decided he was just gonna date someone from NRC to get them off his back
Ace's freckles were so cute
Deuce's sweetness and loyal soul melts his heart
Jack's muscles are a bonus but he adores his fluffy tail
Epel's attitude on rules and how you should act inspire him
He finds Sebek's eyes the prettiest gems in the world
Riddle's red hair is a beautiful red and his brave soul is a plus
Ruggie's humor is magic to his soul and his big heart doesn't help!
Azul's confidence and singing are a peaceful spell
Floyd's energy is amazing and his food is amazing
Jade's honesty is refreshing and his hobbies, though weird, are cute
And Jamil, what can he not name what he loves about Jamil???
Silver's eyes and quirky sleep habits drew that boy like a moth to a flame
Trey's baking and kind eyes and his loyalty wins his heart instantly
Cater's personality equals his own and his eyes and smile are the brightest star in the galaxy
Leona's chill attitude on royal stuff makes him calm and his purrs and loyalty to those who are "lesser" than him makes it better
Vil's beauty was a win sure but he was drawn first with those beautiful colors and singing voice but stayed due to his mind
Rook's view of beauty and his strong loyalty was impressive and hot lets be honest for him and the laughter they share is treasure
Idia's unique beauty and speech makes him curious, even more with how much he cares for his brother dearly
Malleus' curiously and fascination of everything and everyone was a selling point alongside his kind soft nature
And Lilia's humor, his style, his loyalty and bravery saves him from a sad day when no one else could help him
It finally came to light when Kalim finally broke during school and hid in Scarabia for almost a week, not even Jamil could convince him to come out which was when alarms starting going off for the servant boy
Jamil finally informed the other dorm leaders and those who ask Kalim seems to not be feeling well and now everyone's worried for Kalim and all go to see him in Scarabia.
Kalim's denying hard of the reason until Jamil, through push and shove, made him confess by ordering the truth with Ruggie's power's help keeping him still
Kalim tearfully confessed, crying harder as he vent outside Snake's Whisper and sobbed about his feelings for them all soon after
Everyone was like "You like him..? Wait me? Wait what-" at first until Jamil wiped Kalim's face with a tissue and soothed him and then Silver piped up he liked Kalim back
This soon started a string after Sebek got jealous and confessed too which made Ace jealous and yeah you get the picture everyone said they liked Kalim back and Kalim was growing more and more red
Everyone basically left alone for the rest of the week to decide what he wants to do
No one slept that week not even Silver as they contemplated what'll happen and fearing the friendship of Kalim and the others will be ruined
Riddle held a secret late night meeting, first time he broke a rule in a while, with Trey, Cater, Ace, and Deuce and they chatted a bit before Riddle confessed saying he's willing to abandoned his feelings if that means they are happy
Leona, Ruggie, and Jack were a bit tense but Jack sat them down and talked in which Leona said he wouldn't be shocked if Kalim preferred someone else
Ocavinelle were shocked to see the Leech Twins and Azul argue one night about the other being selfish and soon all exclaimed "Kalim wouldn't want a ugly octopus/crazy eel/forgotten one like me!" which shuts them up and even Floyd apologizes for fighting with them
Jamil did so much to not let the idea of Kalim loving others hurt him. He accepted since his first realization of his feelings won't be good but he can't help but be angry and sad about the idea Kalim was hurting
Epel was very open about voicing how he feels about the situation. Him, Rook, and Vil were really showing their ugly flaws during some nights when they fought over A) I deserve him more and B) You're a coward to give up
Idia just locked down most. He accepted he was no where near the top three picks for perfect boyfriend for Kalim but as those hours ticked he slowly felt sick as he couldn't stop seeing Kalim smiling at him
Draconia, similar to Savanaclaw, was tense for a while. But like Heartslabyul, they hosted a secret meeting to discuss the options before them when they kind of got emotional with jealous emotions than sadness about what they were being like and huddling close like they used to back in the days
Then one day Kalim returned to physical classes. He started helping with Jamil's chores to make it easier for him, and everyone else was very easing back and just being good friends and not pushing him to give a verdict yet
This soon led to Kalim asking them to meet in Scarabia for a party which once everyone else hit the hay/left he confessed properly to them all including the things I mentioned above and in the end mentioned he likes them all the same and can't decide so he requested they all date each other to see what happens
There was some objections (mostly Jamil 'cuz "what would your family think'') but pretty much everyone soon agreed to try it out and will accept Kalim's choice if he decides differently (please send me a ask on their dates PLEASE DAMN THE LIMIT!)
This happened with Riddle one karaoke date ay Scarabia for all with Kalim recording (I like to hc he had a great voice)
Kalim was heart broken when he was still forced to find a bride despite loving so many, he fell deep into depression and the next concert sang this
Neige and Chenya didn't join until MUCH later due to them finding Kalim pretty and Kalim in turn asked them out, things got used for them right away
Vil and Neige sang this after catching one of this girls sent by his family (Vil being Jade and Neige being Cat)
Jamil was the hardest to accept this change but soon grew as he saw how much the others mattered to them, since they also helped him in so many ways
Kalim uses Oasis Maker a lot for his partners, especially Floyd and Jade
Chenya gets so much pets from Kalim and food for Jamil lol
I want to do a part 2 and art! I'm sorry it's not much there's a word limit apparently so PLEASE ASK THIS AGAIN SO I CAN WRITE MORE OR HAVE A EXCUSE TO MAKE THIS MORE FUN!!
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