#Leona Kingscholar Twisted Wonderland
3cremepie3 · 5 months
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Synopsis - You’re grades are horrible and you can’t grasp basic concepts. But you’re so cute! You take advantage of that bouncing around as a bimbo for help with your homework from the twst house wardens!
Warnings - sexual themes 18+, fem reader, cussing, seducing, etc!
A/n - Normally I write for a snarky smart y/n. I need to diversify my palette so accept this series. (I will finish my other ones no worries 💋!)
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tempvstas · 7 months
Good Things Come To Those Who Wait
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Content Warning(s): some angst, leona being emo lol
Character(s): GN!Reader(no pronouns mentioned), Leona Kingscholar
Authors Notes: Hello all, I am not dead, just busy :] Life update, started uni so I've been busy with that, also, bit off more than I could chew so I burned out HARD. Genuinely lost motivation to write. But I do want to get back into the flow of writing. I'll try and fulfill requests(esp the ones sitting in my inbox, sorry to everyone who sent me requests before im not ignoring you i swear 💀) when I can but theres no guarantee. I wanna write what I can and what I want to and atm its Leona :]]. Please enjoy LMAO
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Leona couldn't remember the last time he had felt the warmth of another.
Moonlight filters through the open balcony of his room, a gentle breeze causing the curtains to sway slightly. He can feel your hands curled around his waist, his tail wrapped around your leg respectively. He stares at you, watching your chest rise and fall slowly, your soft snores seemingly filling up the room.
Silly Herbivore. He muses, brushing a stray strand of hair out of your face, tucking it behind your ear. You're so vulnerable, nestled against his chest. Wholeheartedly clinging onto him as if you were afraid he'd disappear. As he stares at you, he can't help the slight bitterness that wells up in his throat.
Why did you choose him out of everyone? Out of pity? He's never been good enough. The elders and servants back home made that quite obvious enough. He almost laughs out loud at the thought. He would never be good enough, would never be anyone's first choice, and would never put in enough effort because he was just too damn lazy.
A worthless, selfish, arrogant, too prideful for his own good, lazy, a good-for-nothing second prince who will never amount to anything.
Does he even deserve you?
Your slight movements startle him out of his thoughts as he stares down at you, blinking up at him with bleary eyes.
"Leona?" You mumble, rubbing your eyes. "Can't sleep? That's unusual," you tease him, shooting him a sleepy grin. Unwittingly, Leona feels the edges of his lips quirk up, "I was planning on it, until you started squirming around," he huffed. You study his face, a frown marring your features. Leona pokes your brow where it's creased, chuckling slightly, "Don't do that, your face will get stuck like that." You scowl at him, "I'm not a kid," you grumble, "Besides you have that look on your face and I'm worried about you."
Leona stares at you, an eyebrow raised, "Mind elaborating on what 'that look' means." You sit up so that you're face to face with him. "You know, that look! When you get all broody and emo, and all 'oh my sevens im so angsty grr'. That look." Leona wrinkles his nose at your wording, "Very funny Herbivore." You continue to stare at him, concern causes your brow to crease even more.
"Leona, what's wrong? I can tell something's up with you. I know you don't like opening up, and that's fine, but you know I'm here for you, right?" You reach over, taking his hand in yours and giving it a gentle squeeze. Leona's breath hitches in his throat for a second, he finds himself shutting his eyes for a moment. When he opens them again, he finds your gaze trained on his.
Not looking away from him, holding his gaze unwaveringly. Genuine sincerity in your eyes.
"Leona." His ears twitch at the sound of his name being called. Your voice is firm, to get his attention, but soft enough that he doesn't feel the urge to flinch away. He sighs, feeling that you wouldn't let this matter go easily.
"I know you are. If you want the truth, no I'm not fine." Leona grimaces, this feeling of opening himself up was foreign to him. "I'm far from fine. I'm just.....what did I do to deserve you?" His voice breaks a little at the last part, but he continues. "I'm worthless, selfish, arrogant, too prideful for my own good, lazy, a good-for-nothing second prince who will never amount to anything. Compared to Farena or that damned lizard Malleus, I'm nothing. I have nothing. I will never be anything more because I will always be overshadowed by people like them." He takes a second to collect his thoughts before continuing. "I've always had to work hard to earn my keep only for everything to crumble like sand. All my hard work amounting to nothing because someone just so happens to be lucky enough to just be better." His ears flatten against his head out of irritation.
You listen to his words, staying silent. You give him a moment to catch his breath before hesitantly reaching over, pressing a hand to his cheek. Leona flinches, but then leans into your touch after a brief second. "Hey...look at me," you nudge his face so that he's staring at you.
"Look, I will admit you can be selfish, hell sometimes kind of a dick. You irritate me and sometimes I want to strangle you cause you won't let me get to class on time because you won't get off me." You pause, before continuing, "But you are not worthless. And you're not a good-for-nothing second prince. I love you, faults and all. You, Leona Kingscholar, are the best damn thing that has ever happened to me okay? I would go to hell and back for your stinky ass." Leona laughs softly at your nickname for him, leaning more into your hand. "You are worthy. I didn't choose to love you because I felt pity for you, I love you because of who you are. You say that all your hard work crumbles to sand? I've seen you pick yourself back up again. You're passionate about what you're interested in, and even if you won't outwardly say it, I know you care. You're not a saint by any means, far from it. But that's what I love about you. You're flawed and imperfect, and I say that's better than some perfect curated image of who you're supposed to be." You poke his chest to emphasize your point.
"So don't you ever question why I love you okay?" Your thumb brushes over the scar over his left eye, pressing a soft kiss to his eyelid. His eyelashes tickle your face as you do so. "I love you, scars and all. And I'll say it as many times as I need to."
Leona stares at you, a mix of emotions in his gaze. He clears his throat, his tail tugging you closer to him. "Fuck...that was hot," he smirks, leaning in, his nose brushing against yours. "Seriously? I give you this long speech and thats what you have to say?" You roll your eyes playfully, smacking his shoulder lightly. Leona's laughter rumbles in his throat as a hand gently holds onto the back of your neck, pulling you in for a kiss. Despite his rough exterior, his kisses are gentle, his lips molding against yours. His other hand finds its way to your waist, holding you in place as you straddle his hips.
The two of you part for air, small gasps can be heard between you. You wrap your arms around his neck as you settle next to him, head nestled in his neck. Leona adjusts his position into a more comfortable one, his chin resting against the top of your head. The two of you lay in silence, the only audible sound being the occasional breeze that ruffles the curtains. Slowly you find yourself falling into the embrace of sleep.
"Herbivore?" You hear his voice above you. "Mhmm?" you mumble sleepily, feeling your eyes drooping.
"....I love you." You smile, hearing his words, before drifting off.
Ensuring that you're asleep, Leona leans over, kissing your forehead, watching your sleeping face. "....Thank you for being in my life.....and for not giving up on me," he whispers, before settling against you and drifting off himself.
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saikira999 · 11 days
For TWST Minecraft, do you think you could do Lilia, Riddle, Leona and the tweels next. It doesn’t have to all be in one post.
~ Headcannons for TWST characters playing Minecraft
Hi! I was away for a long time because of exams and because I was writing headcanons with these characters. however, I want to warn you right away that I will only do two characters per post, for the sake of beauty. But don't worry! All headcannons have already been written and translated and I will exhibit them in the near future.
(By the way, I have already added Lilia to my old post with Azul. I'll keep all the links here)
Another parts about:
Azul and Lilia!
Idia and Malleus!
Jade and Floyd!
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Riddle definitely heard about this game, but was never interested... However:
1) "What? No, Ace, I won't play this game... How do you imagine Me playing with blocks? I'm not a child, and besides, according to the law of the Queen of Hearts, the number...."
2) Trey convinced Him by saying that the players of Heartslabyul needed Their leader, and playing together would strengthen Their camaraderie... And carefully hinted that not all of Them adhere to the rules of the game (Ace is a damn griefer).
3) First, studied all the information about the game, including the history of its creation, instructions, guides, and even memes, which He didn’t really understand.
4) “Why is the cake not cooked in the oven???”
5) Competes with Azul and Vil in meticulousness and pickiness. He always has perfect order in his chests, each labeled with its own type and number. If you put something in the wrong place, you are must be prepared to get hit in the neck with this object.
6) His house is a perfect symmetrical monster, built not far from the nearest village, next to a birch grove, on the border of which giant mushrooms grow. The house itself is small, with a rose garden around it, and a small lake in the shape of a heart. The house is predominantly made of birch and mangrove, maintaining a red and white palette. Inside there are many vases with roses, paintings and one iconic red bed.
7) The village that He occupied took under His wing, Riddle also rebuilt, planting flowers around it, making a statue of the Queen of Reds from carved stone, and in some places he rebuilt houses, or made new ones, to suit His style. He has good taste, however, this place often comes under the threat of griefing.
8) “I will not punish a freshman for breaking My building in a game about blocks. I will not punish a freshman for breaking My building in a game about blocks..... I will not.... "
Sees Ace surrounding TNT His village and setting it on fire*
Gets up from the computer and aggressively quickly stomps towards the freshmen's living rooms*
9) A peaceful player who only draws his sword if someone breaks some rules or behaves inappropriately. His blacklist: Ace, Grim, Floyd, Epel, and sometimes Lilia.
10) He prefers the construction and development of his own village (In no case because He likes power over anyone... And no! Not because He competes with Azul in whose village is better... No, no, no. Nope).
11) He runs the largest stable on the server and is very proud of it.
12) His favorite horse is Vorpal. A fast and healthy horse, dark brown in color with white spots, wearing iron armor.
13) Loves to prance around His village, appreciating it from all sides and receiving guests while sitting on a horse.
14) ...In no case because He looks taller like that...
15) Plays Minecraft in secret from his mother.
16) Tries to follow the laws of the Queen of Hearts even in the game and makes sure that players break away from the game in time and drink tea, or do not eat cakes or pumpkin pies within a certain period of time.
17) Despite His strictness, Riddle loves to help other players with buildings or resources.
18) Entry into His village is officially prohibited for Floyd.
20) .....Cakes....The chest is completely filled with cakes...... Completely.
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How lazy... Headcanons for a lion and pixel cubes:
1) “What do you want from Me, herbivore? Ahh... yawn*... Do you want to play games for the little lion cubs again, hmm...?”
2) Didn’t want to play for a long time, because considered the game stupid and not worthy of His attention. And He started playing by accident, when he ordered Ruggy to bring Him a sandwich from the kitchen, but he suddenly refused, because “He’s fighting with some dragon and He doesn’t have time to serve on him now... OUCH! OUCH! ENDERMAN IS HITTING HIM!!!”...
3) Had to go get the sandwich myself...?
Nope. He sent someone else, and he himself started downloading this stupid game...
4) Definitely the laziest player. Leona only comes into the game when He gets SO bored that even sleep seems too energy-intensive for Him.
5) As a rule, Leona wanders from side to side, sometimes getting into fights with other players and monsters. He's not much of a builder, but he's quite a good fighter.
6) Loves to cause trouble and often pits other players against each other. It especially hits the villages of Riddle and Azul.
7) At first, He didn’t even try to work on His house, and simply dug a hole for Himself in a beautiful rock... But as he immersed himself in the game, he began to improve His lair more and more, adding some bulky stone structures to the rock and cobblestones, reminiscent of turrets growing from rock walls. Inside, everything is hung with vines, the palette has warm shades. Lots of carpets and flags. The inside of the "royal palace with one single ruler" is a little empty, as Leona only knew that His house must look great from the outside.
8) Perhaps He will plant a couple of acacia trees at the foot, since during construction he often fell down the cliff, and the foliage softens the fall... However, Ruggi, who lives right below Him, seems not very happy with this idea.
9) “Lightning rod, Ruggy. Make Me a lightning rod. You don’t want lightning to set fire to the dry grass near My rock?”
10) Exploits Ruggi, Yuu and other players as best he can, forcing Them to carry resources and food to Him.
11) In Savanna, where He settled, Leona found a huge village, which he captured and declared as His kingdom... Which He would quickly abandon, since he had already killed all the local livestock and accidentally beat up a couple of residents... And then the robbers came, and that village no longer exists... Boredom...
11) Definitely a good ruler (Nope).
12) Afk 24/7. Often, His character simply freezes in place, ignoring any attacks from mobs or players for the simple reason that the lion fell asleep right at the computer...
13) A couple of times he tried to use cunning to take power over other people’s villages and even the server itself, which is why he earned the title of “Local Villain,” but every time, He was either driven back to His rock or banned.
14) One day, as punishment for the fact that Leona had quarreled with the entire server, He was sent to the mine...... And He fell asleep there.
15) And when he woke up, he quickly persuaded Ruggy (I already feel sorry for Him. Seriously. Stop torturing the hyena) to give Him coal, iron and other amenities from the mine, so as not to dig in the dirt on His own.
16) Sometimes He teases Jack, taming wolves in front of Him.... Now, He has a whole army of dogs, ready to tear anyone in His path.
17) Besides Savanna, Leona loves to walk in the desert and jungle, but hates going into water.
18) All creepers are afraid of him.
19) Initially, the lion had poor preparation for the final battle with the dragon, but after visiting other players (DO NOT TOUCH RUGGY), Leona entered the portal, armed to the teeth, and was especially ferocious in battle.
20) Along with Idia and Yuu, he killed the dragon (Insert the sound of an angry cat fighting a huge lizard here), and was the one who picked up the egg.
Initially he wanted to burn it, but in the end he decided to voluntarily give the egg to Malleus “out of pity”... Well, and maybe a little because he wanted to exalt Himself and show who is cool and noble here.
...Needless to say, Malleus did not understand His evil mockery and accepted this ambiguous gift with a little funereal honor.
Give Me ten minutes and I'll post the twins. Also, if you find errors in the text, please report it in the comments (English is not my native language).
Reblog Me, please! :D
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princessasmosprincess · 10 months
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Came to me in a dream
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eepy boi
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bedheadnoodle · 1 year
you've bewitched me body and soul that's what im not telling you.
"...Huh?" The beastman stands there for a few seconds, frozen in shock.
"Tch..Don't go saying that to anybody else, got that?" Leona said, huffing as he gently gripped their face in his hold.
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dummy-impact · 11 months
Happy birthday Leona wooo! My first birthday art yayyyy
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Alt vers utc
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Also the normal looking line art
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shortnessangel · 1 year
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Sharing a little commission I had done by Aruru on Instagram 💜🤍✨
Still not over how cute it is 🥹 🧚🏻‍♀️
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favficbirthdays · 11 months
Happy Birthday
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Leona Kingscholar (27th July)
Twisted Wonderland
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twisted-lies · 2 years
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༊·˚ Circle Tropical Leona Kingscholar Icons :: Requested by Anonymous
♡ / ⇆ if saving | credit if using
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3cremepie3 · 1 year
Be honest
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Synopsis - Black female y/n! X Leona smut!
He convinces you to braid his hair but you can’t help but get distracted.
A/n - Yeah I black coded Leona and no one better have a problem with that.
Warnings - bribing, cussing, blood, financial hardships, objectification, violence, dominance loss, saliva, humilation
“Is this Y/n’s magical doo’s?” Leona laughed at your magicam handle over the phone. “Stop laughing unless you have a better name suggestion for me!” But yes this is her what do you want Leona?” You grumbled with sass. “That’s no way to talk to a future customer L/n.”
“Oop never mind what would you like done?” Even though he infuriated your spirit you needed money. Maybe you could finally fix your window which had a harsh draft blowing over you at night. Because of it, you were always sick. “How about you decide for me? I just need something with my hair out the way since we have a tournament coming up.”
“Oh shit you’re letting me freestyle,” you gleamed. “Don’t worry I won’t have you looking crazy.” Now about payment, I only take cash so have it prepared.” How much do you need?” Hmm since it’s you I’ll charge extra how about 120 thumarks.”
“Since it’s me?” He sounded offended over the line. “Wow I see how it is but I have no problem with your price.” Well then I’ll see you at 3 Leona in the Savannaclaw lobby.” Kay,” he agreed hanging up the phone.
“Grim after school do you wanna come with me to Savannaclaw?” Nope Leona’s still mad at me from last time.” Aww looks like I’m gonna have to do everything myself this time,” you sighed. Usually grim would hand you all your products and tools while you were braiding.
He worked diligently in return for tuna. “Someone’s gonna go hungry tonight then Grim.” I won’t be home to cook.” I’ll just go beg Kalim for food. I’m not going over end of story.” Grim walked further ahead of you not wanting to hear any more of your pleads.
The school day rolled around fast enough and your first appointment was up. “Your lucky I’m letting you touch me,” Vil added. “Thank you for lending me your head your highness,” you mocked him. “Just get it done already I have to be at set in an hour.”
You were in Pomifore one of your favorite dorms. The students there taught you plenty of hair tips which you were thankful for. But most importantly they were polite, clean, and well-paying customers. Unlike the beast in Savannaclaw whose hair was usually stinky and matted.
“All done!” You smiled at your creation. “Not a stray hair in sight well done Y/n.” Here is your pay and I hope this tip flows well for you.” A 50 thumark tip could have dinner covered for a couple of days. “Thank you so much, Vil this’ll help me and grim out for a while!”
Vil felt kinda bad for you. He had no idea y’all where that broke next time he’ll be sure to buy you a lunch pass instead of offering you a tip. As soon as his appointment was over you left heading directly to Savannaclaw.
The predators there didn’t treat you lightly ever since you called their whole dorm musty. One even tried to trip you as you walked through the lobby. “Do that stupid shit again nigga and you won’t have a foot to trip me with,” you warned.
“Nobody’s scared of your puny ass,” he spat. “Oh really,” you challenged. From his point of view, it looked like you were about to punch the daylights out of him. But you stopped just in time. “It looks like you flinched maybe someone is scared.”
“Whatever!” The beast-man stomped away from you. Others watched laughing at your boldness. A couple walked up to you amused with the whole ordeal. “Why was that hot,” one of them asked you. “I can’t see why how you’re finding this funny.”
“I think you need to relax lil mama,” they commented. “Yeah maybe you're right I was thinking of getting my pocket knife out and making him into a fur coat for a minute,” you remarked.
“And they call us beast,” they whispered. “Your funny wanna come to hang out in the game room with us?” Sure I have some time before my appointment.” How bout you skip that appointment and have some fun with us,” they smirked. “I made a promise and… I don’t like the way y’all are smiling.” You back away from their proximity.
You took a minute to use context clues. “Damn,” you hissed. “I’m not that kind of girl.” Yeah, that’s what they all say come on we won’t bite too hard. Unless you want us to you look like you like it rough.” Before he could say another word you slapped him. “I try to be civil and kind with y’all are all disrespectful lil boys.”
“Clearly your mama didn’t raise you right if you think it’s okay to talk about women like that.” Aye, don’t talk about my mama fool.” I’m gonna talk about her all I want!” How are you already beefing with my housemates you just got here,” Leona complained.
“Tell them to stop trying me please or it’s about to get active in here.” Let’s just go to the room,” he suggested. “Fine,” you huffed. “So that’s why you won’t fuck with us your already hopping on his dick,” one of them yelled. You could tell Leona was about to say something but you stepped in before him.
“Yup hoping, riding, and sucking.” I'd rather do any of that than ride that double dicking stick.” You realized what you had just said as a come back completely humiliated. “Let’s go, Leona,” you whimpered.
He tried his best to change the subject but you couldn’t stop thinking. “I look like I like it rough,” you repeated. “What does that even mean?” I don’t look like that right Leona,” you pondered. “I don’t wanna answer that.” Answer it please I’m begging you!
“No, you don’t look like that they judged you completely wrong.”They thought since you acted all tough that you could handle them all. But you probably couldn’t even take the tip of a real man.” He chuckled darkly to himself thinking he was the shit.
“I can so!” How’d you even know that you fucking Virgin,” he teased. “I- I… how did you even I was one!” It’s obvious the way you tense up with any slight touch.” You probably can’t even handle something as simple as this without getting wet.” Something as simple as what?” You asked before getting pushed against a wall. Leona looked down at you his eyes hungry while your knees buckled together.
“Not so tough now huh?” Fuck,” you cussed before pulling him in for a kiss. You heard shuffling nearby and broke apart from him. He pulled you into his room which you didn’t even notice you were next to. “We could’ve stayed in the halls I don’t mind PDA Y/n.”
“No that would mean that I’m fucking the enemy. Which I am… but I don’t want people to know that it would make me look hypocritical.” I promise you no one cares that much and they're probably gonna hear us anyways.” Cause there’s no way I’m gonna keep quiet in my territory.”
“You have no shame, Leona,” you huffed. “Yup none,” he smirked fondling your ass you spoke. “Especially when I have the chance of a lifetime.” Now tell me Y/n can I fuck you it’ll be worth your while I’ll even pay you extra.” But I can’t promise that I won’t be rough we carnivores naturally are.”
He proved what he was saying hosting you over his shoulder. He hurriedly took your pants and panties off throwing them wherever. You instantly regretted saying all that stuff about how you could handle it. Even now when he wasn’t touching you your legs were quivering together.
He didn’t spare you any pity pulling them apart to reveal your cunt. He spits a fat globe on it before moving to rub your clit. His hands were rough one squeezed your thigh while the other worked on warming you up. By now you should’ve been ready to take his fingers but you were too tense.
“Y/n you need to relax.” Why are you so shaky all of a sudden my claws aren’t out I won’t hurt you.” It’s not that Leona.” It’s just I imagined my first time to be different more romantic.”
“What do you want me to do for you,” he sighed. “Kiss me,” you begged. “This is the only time I’ll ask you for something after this I’ll take charge.” He agreed rising from in between your legs to capture your lips. “Thank you.” You muffled barely able to get out a word. Your lips sunk onto his and the rest of your body followed your hands flowed into his hair running through the soft locks.
You didn’t realize you had touched his ears until he hissed biting your lip out of reflex. “That’s the worse place to touch me doll. Unless you wanna get eaten.” You touched his ears again this time a full pat. “I wouldn't mind if you devour me.”
Once again he was in between your thighs this time nipping and sucking at them. You noticed his fangs leaking through every time he unlatched himself. You became fascinated with the way they just barely grazed you.
How would they feel deep into your skin? How would your skin look afterward? How primal could Leona get? Even though this wasn’t your mission you had to know. “Bite me, Leona.” Did I hear that correctly?” Yes, you did now please bite me I don’t care how bad it hurts I need to feel it at least once.”
“Okay then.” He licked a stripe up your thigh before biting down at your thigh his teeth were sharp and strong to the point where you bled a bit. He didn’t care just licking up the blood and continuing. Soon enough every corner of your thigh was covered in bite marks. A sight that was sexy to him since it showed possession. “Let’s see how you taste herbivore.”
His tongue dove into you feasting like the hungry man he was. He groaned satisfied with the juices spilling into his mouth. “So good,” he hummed flicking your clit before sucking on the bud. You gasped having something like this done to you for the first time.
“Your tongue- feels amazing,” you hissed. “How the hell are you so sensitive.” He pulled his tongue off of you and spat another glob onto your folds. This time it dropped to your fluttering hole which was begging for his fingers.
“Something you wanna ask doll?” Fuck… I hate you so much,” you sneered. “Just finger me already!” It was the first time something was so deep inside you. So it was only your instinct to squirm. Leona didn’t let up gripping you tighter and attacking your g spot. You began to see stars forming in your eyes.
“Leona… Leona, Leona,” you practically chanted. “That’s right baby girl keep calling my name.” You were growing increasingly wetter as he whispered in your ear. “Wanted this all along huh you couldn’t wait to show up and get fucked by me that’s why you looked so good today.”
“Not true!” You tried to say but your words couldn’t get out much. “Say what you want but this pussy tells me another story.” Look how it's gushing all over my fingers.” You looked down humiliated by how much of a mess you were making.
Your excess was dripping down Leona’s fingers and on the sheets below. “Just wait till you hop on my dick you’ll probably explode.” But you gotta cum first for that wanna cum Y/n?” Yes, wanna… need to!” His pace kept stalling. “Please let me Leona stop slowing down your pace.”
“Fine but only if you let me be in control the whole time.” Fine, I don’t care just hurry,” you whimpered. “Damn I guess you don’t care about volume anymore cause your loud as hell.”Just shut up!” You were about to cum he could tell by the way you gripped his arms your nails scratching like prey that was trying to fight him off. You looked so desperate like this tears pooling out of your eyes and drool falling out of your mouth.
But all good things come to an end. He had to stop before he overstimulated you. That he almost did as he fingered you through your high elongating your orgasm. You were quiet afterward your legs still shaking as he pulled his fingers out of your cunt.
“That was cute now remember what you promised me Y/n.” I remember just get to it.” You rushed him spreading your legs so he could get in between them. He pulled down his sweats revealing his heavy dick. “Damn,” you gasped. “Like what you see?” No… I don’t think it’ll fit,” you quivered.
“I’ll make it fit.” He lined up at your entrance collecting your essence before gliding himself in. Your body tensed with the stretch not used to something so thick entering you. “You’re bleeding.” He pointed out the small amount of blood dripping out of you.
“Just hurry up and put it in,” you cried. He pushed himself in further grunting at your tightness. “Fuck you’re gonna milk me dry.” For a minute he was only focused on the way he felt. You were so warm gripping down in him like a vice. “You’re the best hole I’ve ever had.”
“Damn Im gonna buss soon.” What about you Y/n?” He looked down to see a pillow over your face. He pulled it away from you and you turned your head to the side. His free hand that wasn’t griping at your waist turned your tear-filled face towards his.
“Yeah, you definitely couldn’t handle it.” He laughed in your face.” Fuck you- mmph,” you tried to protest. But his lips smothered over you in a reassuring kiss. His hips stilled as he only focused on your mouth. The kiss was long knocking the air out of your lungs.
He wouldn’t let up even when your hands tangled through his mane. “Can’t breathe!” Finally, he untangled his tongue with yours. You blanked away the black dots still feeling light-headed. “Don’t hide how you feel it only leads to more problems down the line.”
He kissed down your neck before thrusting into you. Only this time you were able to take him. “You okay,” he checked. “Yeah,” you moaned. “I’m gonna move.” Your hand wrapped in his encasing his body even more with yours. You could feel his abs rub against your stomach. Fuck he was fine especially when his eyes were glazing into yours.
You watched his every move. His ears twitched his tail swayed before wrapping around one of your legs. His smirk fell now he looked deadly serious as he tried not to already cum all inside you. As much as he tried to hide his claws they still marked your waist. You couldn’t get enough your legs wrapped around his tone torso. He thrusted faster trying to get you to finish before him. “Damn how are you so wet?” Fuck I’m gonna cum. Come on let me do it inside it’s too late to pull out right now.”
“Fine!” You felt amazing to his thick cock opening new pleasure you’d never thought you’d ever see. Your toes curled as he hurled inside you faster. His pace was rough you could feel his heavy balls slap against you. Now he was drawing blood from you again with his harsh bites.
“Hurts so good,” you cried. “You’re a goddamn Masochist you’ll probably like this then.” He wrapped his hand around your throat choking you until you creamed all around him. With another thrust, he followed flooding your hole while you shook around him.
He pulled out collapsing next to you. You were the little spoon. “I’ll clean us up later for now sleep that was probably a lot for you.” Betraying my morals felt really good,” you chimed.
“But promise me one thing before I drift off Leona.” Huh, Y/n?” That you won’t go around saying I can’t handle it cause you couldn’t even handle 3 minutes of my pussy.” I can’t disagree with you on that.” But I recalled you crying and I wasn’t even inside you all the way.”
“It’s different you were my first time!” Let’s just not count it this time it was just a warm-up.” I’ll agree with you next week we’re on for round two.” I’ll beat that pussy up.” Not before I milk you dry!
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tfshouldidohere · 1 year
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saikira999 · 4 months
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- Your future Majesty...
- Explain why you are so small.
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klause28 · 1 year
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pawnyao · 6 months
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Always an angel never a God
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bedheadnoodle · 1 year
So i know that you really like to play chess so i have to ask; whos given you the biggest run for your money while playing the game?? Like out of everyone youve played against, who actually was hard for you to beat?
Growin' up my biggest competition was against Kifaji. The old guys been my family's chief chamberlain for while now, and would frequently play matches against me as a cub.
I got pissed when I lost, yeah, but I got better over time and would have my winning moments here and there.
Next to him, I'd say my brother Falena. We both seem to butt heads everytime we play, but we haven't gone up against each other since I left sunset savana. He's always too busy when I visit him anyway.
-Leona K.
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