#Like I'm just so angry because I bet these people would say I deserved the abuse I got because I wasn't a picture perfect uwu victim
gutz-radio · 1 year
Anytime I see a post about how Izzy hands deserved what happened to him or how it was totally justified for Ed to be a horrible person to him I get so damn angry. I get so angry and I need to just speak my mind at how angry it makes me.
To me, Ed in season two has shown abusive behaviours. Plain and simple. He has shown a pattern to physically assaulting Izzy. One toe is a single instance, but two more is a pattern. He tells Izzy if he doesn't do what he wants he is easily replaceable. And it isn't just abuse to Izzy. It's the whole crew. He's horrible to all of them. They're all scared of him. The scene where Ed is talking about the vibe on the ship shows me no one at all is comfortable around him.
I love Ed as a character don't get me wrong. I relate to him in parts, mostly how he can't handle his feelings and how messy it is and his self hatred. And also the abuse he faced. I love Ed. But to just close your eyes and slap hands over your ears and go lalalalala at all the shit he's done but then put all the blame on Izzy angers me. Yes, I'm not gonna deny Izzy fucked up. He is toxic as hell to Ed as well, and I never justify the stuff he did because it was bad. But never, ever, does that justify being abused. The only person responsible for how Ed has treated everyone is Ed himself. Ed isn't a fucking toddler who doesn't comprehend what he's doing. He's a grown adult man. Izzy cannot force him to do shit. At the end of the day, the only person who has a choice to what to do is Ed himself. Yes, Izzy was horrible to Ed when he was the most vulnerable. He said vile stuff, and kicked him down when he was weak. And that is shitty and the blame for Izzy's own actions is on Izzy. But the same goes for Ed. Ed chose to hurt the crew, and he chose to hurt Izzy. This was all his choice. No one forced him to do anything. Outside factors all contribute to it, yes, and it all worsened his mental state. But it is still his fault. And as far as I'm concerned, Ed owes the crew and izzy a MASSIVE fucking apology and a hell of a lot of change. Izzy realised what he said to Ed was wrong. He knows he fucked up. He tells Stede as much. But Ed is also at fault and I'm pissed how people keep just acting like he had no say in it whatsoever and he was purely at the mercy of his fucking subordinate.
Personally? I hate how serious discourse is in this fandom and this is a fictional show and I don't treat fictional characters like real people. But the victim blaming, and the blatant hypocrisy of how people treat Izzy compared to Ed angers me. Either they all suck and we should hate them both, or we stop giving a damn and stop blaming characters and harassing people over a fucking FICTIONAL CHARACTER.
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2minutesnotice · 4 months
Why People With Mental Illness And Trauma Deserve Love
(and why Blitzø Buckso is one of them)
Grab yourself some snacks and a drink, I'll have a talk with you people who go all for the
"If you can't love yourself, you can't love anybody else"
mantra, which is toxic as fuck.
And sorry for the typos 😬🥲
tw:mental illness / coping mechanism / self harm self worth / shitty parenting /abusive and toxic relationships
First of all, I'm autistic, so a lot of scenarios I'll give you will come from my experiences because it's easier for me to feel empathy that way and explain a situation.
People come into my DMs and want to rant with me about him. I get it. It seems he's an asshole.
And he IS.
Blitzø has multiple character traits which are trauma coded and boy what a can of worms that is. Most of them are really hard in your face, like the fact that he can't stand his own face in pictures.
Which comes from a deep rooted self hate, which comes up in self worth issues. Blitzø had his fair experience with drugs and alcohol , even drowned himself in last to get over his shitty experience with Stolas at Ozzie's.
I'm not saying he's suicidal, but Blitzø's biggest fear is, to die alone.
Because he KNOWS how he is. That makes him really self reflected. He knows how he behaves, he knows his own coping mechanisms.
That's why it's so easy to make him mad. He's mostly angry at himself in most situations, so it also happened in Full Moon. Blitzø uses anger to get things out of people, because most people react to anger, but he's not doing it to HURT people, it's the only way he knows how to get an reaction out of people.
The reaction HE wants. Since Blitzø has no self worth he has no clue WHY people should love him. So he shoves them away and keeps them at distance.
At the same time he CRAVES intimacy. And here's the conflict. Blitzø's love language is sex.
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He feels the closest to people if he can be intimate with them. And yes, even in a weird "I fuck Chaz to be close to M&M" kind of way. He is krass with his talking about sex, he over shares, he LOVES to talk about sex.
Because he's good at it. And because it gets him close to people. If the show had more time I bet we would've seen Blitzø having multiple one night stands over the time. Yes, even with his arrangement with Stolas. Because there was sex before there were feelings. Definitely.
Shitty Parenting x Self Worth
Blitzø got sold by his own father as a play buddy for a rich kid. Yes the rich kid was Stolas and it was cute, but still, rich kid.
And we all have seen, that he wasn't good at what his father made him do in the circus but what Blitzø always had, was his pride. Also, he's very good at making things up as they go. Doing that damn horse balloon and making a joke about it, shows how he is capable of selling himself still as the best, even if it isn't so.
We don't know much about Tilla, but we know Blitzø definitely had a closer relationship to her then to his father.
I know we only have two concrete scenes which show what kind of an relationship Cash and his son had, but the "I wish you were my son" card for Fizz kinda draws us the picture here.
As a child who always had to compete with a sister which was highly gifted, this does something to you.
You try to be better, at any cost. Sounds familiar?
"I'll try to be better".
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But what? In what will he try to be better? I think Blitzø doesn't even know at what he will try to be better, he just does not want to lose this. But what is this?
IF Blitzø would have just cared about his business, he would've walked away with the crystal. Just like that. He would've said
"Thank Satan, I thought I would lose my business,thanks Stolas, it was nice as it lasted" and he would've been gone.
But he didn't. He listened to what Stolas said but he didn't LISTEN. Because it was confusing as fuck, even as The Audience just watching it was a LOT what was said and going from
"I'll let you go" to "I have feelings for you, please stay" in a second.
And of course Blitzø would not understand that. Because Stolas could not MEAN it. Because Stolas has servants who are Imps and he called him names, a plaything and if Blitzø is anything for Stolas, at first, he's a whore.
Blitzø sold his body for a service. For his business.
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They could have made that arrangement about ANYTHING. Money, another hitman service, bodyguarding.
STOLAS made it about sex. The thing Blitzø knows, the one he CRAVES, the thing he is good at, besides killing people.
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But the one thing Blitzø is not good at, are words and feelings. And Stolas had a lot of them, at once. And it felt not fair for Blitzø to be cornered like that, because he had no idea what was expected from him. And then he used the ONLY thing he knows, which always gets something out of people: Anger.
That's the words and feelings he knows.
And he got an reaction, but also had to deal with the consequences.
I love Stolas. But he he's living in a romance novel world and there's also, trauma.
Stolas first words I had imprinted in my mind were "I always thought love could be fun". He wished for a happy family his whole life and all he got was an abusive wife and a loveless marriage.
He is a dreamer. Someone who loves the small things and he is caring. He loves to indulge in fiction, he loves telenovelas because even if there's drama, there are relationships. Something he never had experienced.
Stolas is a soft soul. But he's repressed and depressed as fuck. And that's not only because of Stella, but his upbringing and the knowledge to live in a Golden Cage. But he never voices that he has problems with THAT.
See, Stolas is a prince, he grew up with servants, Imps mostly. In a palace. Even if he despises Stella's parties, I bet if he wouldn't be an outsider in his own race, he would be the one doing the parties himself. It would do him some good because Stolas is also, lonely.
While Blitzø lived in Circus tents and tried to proof himself, Stolas had to proof that he's worthy his title as a prince. Being married, the whole heir thing, his duties.
And then Blitzø appears out of fucking nowhere, seducing him (like in his novels!), staying with him the whole night (showing him he's obviously gay), showing him he can choose, that he HAS A CHANCE to be happy.
With Blitzø.
And then we see the duet and the second Stolas sings about how he wants this to go, I knew they will fuck up. Because Stolas had played out this scenario SO OFTEN in his head, that he has so many images of Blitzø in his head that he knows this will not work out good. He has hopes and dreams but in the end, the decision falls on Blitzø.
So we go to Full Moon and Blitzø reacts... poorly. He even mocks him. And then he starts screaming and shouting and guess who else was always shouting and screaming? Guess who told Stolas his whole marriage that he's not worth anything. That he's not worth of love, that he's a failure, that his head is in the clouds and mocked him about everything he loves.
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Blitzøs only way to cope with too many feelings is anger, Stolas trauma is based on anger and rejection.
But Stolas reacted so FAST. He gave Blitzø the crystal and he told him that he gives him the offer to stay, because he has feelings for him (like in his novels!) and his hopes are so high and the second he does not get what he wants, what he needs, he snaps. He's disappointed. He's hurt.
Because he wants this so bad to work.
But it can't, because they're for now reading the same book, but they're so not on the same page.
Because, and now we're getting there, they have to deal with what was said.
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I'm married for ten years now. My wife and I met each other 20 years ago.
I was suicidal back then, I cut myself regularly, I was depressed and had an eating disorder.
But I had friends. And I had relationships. And I loved so so deeply.
And then I got together with my wife 11 years ago. I was freshly diagnosed with being autistic, my wife has ADHD.
She also has several PTSD triggers, I have childhood trauma from living with my Mom who's an alcoholic.
And yes, I am able to have an relationship. We love each other dearly, we care about each other. We learn from each other, daily.
We have bad days, but we are GOOD for each other.
Because you DESERVE TO BE LOVED, no matter what.
In the first place is always that you're responsible for yourself. You can't trauma dump on your partner in excessive ways because that's not healthy. BUT learning to share your experiences but still being responsible for yourself and your actions, is a whole different thing.
You can love and be loved, even at your lowest.
But you have to be aware that your partner is not your therapist and that communication in a relationship, in which both parties are mentally ill, is KEY.
You have to go to the same ground, you have to explain what are your boundaries, what are your triggers but you have also to accept that the other one is sometimes not able to deal with your package.
My wife and I, we communicate DAILY. We have totally different needs. We have totally different views and patterns to deal with things. But we love each other.
Because we respect each other's differences.
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And that's the homework for Stolas and Blitzø. They don't have to TO GET BETTER, they have to grow and they have to listen, communicate instead of just dumping expectations at each other.
You can't expect someone to break a pattern that is carved by trauma, just because you tell them you love them. And you can't expect that someone's listening when you push all their triggers at once.
I'm really excited how this will go. It's heartbreaking but I guess now that everything is said, they can finally be honest, without all the trauma dumping and pushing buttons.
And as I said:
You're worth of love. You're worth to be loved and you can give love, even at your lowest. Your deserve love, even at your lowest. You ARE loved.
Thank you for reading! ✨ Gold Star for you!
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poppy-metal · 1 month
ahh that pretty woman au:((( would she be shy when she’s sober and avoid talking about what happened or would she just blurt everything like she did when she was drunk
shes definitely mortified when she sobers up - guilty too, for throwing herself at him and saying the things she said. she's embarrassed but her good conscious makes her want to apologize - she ends up making him food. she likes cooking, she makes him steak and side greens and even a pie - like patricks her husband - but she doesn't think about that. when patrick eventually comes back she has it all ready and waiting for him - her eyes hopeful. if she can feed patrick and take care of him and make him feel good then she'll be happy - she doesn't want anything else from him. she doesn't.
it's not the first time she's cooked a big meal for patrick, she does it alot - but it's the first time he's not eager to just dig in. he's still thinking about the other night. and he knows this is as much about avoidance as it is about apologizing. he bets she wants him to let her sweep it under the rug. pamper him and and be his friend -
but friends don't get on their knees and ask to suck your cock.
he approaches her - says. "you look better."
she does. obviously flushed - but less miserable and pathetic.
she brushes her hands down her little modest dress. it flutters just under her knees and he likes how it teases his imagination. makes him want to drag the fabric up - with his teeth.
"I- I feel better. I'm sorry about last night. I was - I wasn't in a good headspace, obviously. but -" she shakes her head. "- that wasn't a reason to snap at you and say the things I did."
he'd assumed she'd brush over it - and he could let her if he was a nicer person. but he's not.
he raises an eyebrow. "you mean when you slutshamed me?" his voice doesn't let on that the comment had stung when she'd said it. he shrugged. "you weren't wrong."
her lips tug down in a frown.
"I was." she insists. "whatever you.... whatever you do with your body, it doesn't define you. I of all people should know that. I guess I was just feeling - I was feeling small and undesirable and took it out on you. I'm sorry, patrick."
patrick swallows. he doesn't think anyone's seriously apologized to him in his life. either he's the one that fucked up - or they just can't bring themselves to admit that patricks a person worth apologizing too. he thinks briefly of art and tashi. how they'd probably both rather eat glass than mumble those very words.
it hits his chest - he's quiet for longer than he means to be, thinking. you look more and more guilty and he finally says, "thank you."
you sigh and your shoulders droop with the tension you'd been holding in your body. you start to turn around, probably to get to fixing the table - but patricks not done.
you're at the stove, in the middle of popping it open to check on the roast when he says from behind you -
"and what about the part where you wanted to suck my cock so bad you got on your knees for it? are you sorry for that?"
your hand freezes. your whole body freezes. you don't turn around. staring at your hand curled around the handle of the oven.
your instinct is to hide. to say it was just a drunken rambling, but you think about his fingers digging into your arms. his angry eyes and the words he'd said. they could have meant nothing. said in the heat of the moment, to make a point.
but what was an apology if you lied? probably patrick just saw you as a friend. probably he pitied you. but after what you'd done, he deserved the truth.
"that part.... I shouldn't have come onto you how I did. like that."
he says your name. something about it ignites a visceral reaction within you - your whole body heating up right to the tips of your ears. you turn around, because it was the unspoken ask. order. even though you keep your eyes down, wringing your hands nervously in front of you.
"how would you come onto me sober?"
you feel like lava is under your skin. your hands, palms sweating with nerves - you brush your hair away from your face. swallow. the room feels hot and stuffy.
"i..... I don't know." you admit honestly. "I've never.... I'm not.... I've never done something like that...."
you've never tried to seduce someone before. or been bold. you've dreamed about being the kind of woman who could go after what she wants, but you have no idea how to be that person.
patrick drags his bottom lip between his teeth - watching you squirm. he enjoys it way too fucking much. you have no idea how fucking sexy you are and it drives him crazy.
"do you want to?" he asks. and when you look up at him, confused - he elaborates. "do you want to suck my cock."
you gasp. he doesn't stop there though, he walks forward, backing you up until your hips hit the kitchen counter behind you. he looks down at you - at your fat bottom lip he's thought about doing disgusting things too.
"because if it was just a drunk fluke, you need to tell me now. but I don't think it was -" you're looking at his mouth, almost in a trance. your chest heaves up and down. "- I think you've been dying to wrap that sweet mouth of yours around a long hard cock for awhile." he dips his head a little closer, nose almost bumping against yours. "I think you want me to put you on your knees and use your mouth like a dirty fuckin' whore. I think -" a hairs breath away from your lips now. "you want me to make a proper woman out of you. hm? you wanna feel what it's like to be wanted so bad - to be the kind of pussy that drives a man fucking insane."
fuck. fuck fuck fuck fuck.
"you do." he adds, forehead touching yours. "you drive me fucking crazy."
you let out something that sounds like a sob - and then you close the distance between your lips.
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hatakemrs · 1 year
"You Belong With Me"
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Gojo x Fem!reader: Based on the song "You Belong with me by Taylor Swift. Got this idea when I read an oneshot based on Taylor Swift songs.
Idea credit: @seeingivy
Warnings: None ig but some cuss words.
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"Atleast try to hear me out", you hear a frustrated voice coming from Gojo's dorm room.
You didn't mean to eavesdrop but your curiosity got the better out of you when you saw his door slightly open and you could see Gojo sitting on his bed and talking to someone on call.
" I didn't mean it like that-", you see Gojo running his hand through his hair in frustation.
He sighs as the person on the other end abruptly cut his call.
Trying not to be suspicious you knock on his door "Gojo..?", he looks up at you through his black sunglasses.
" Y/n", he answers clearly tired due to his previous conversation.
"Yaga sensei is going to take extra class today us he told me to inform you", he just hums in response.
" Be ready in 5 minutes" , you state before leaving.
Judging by his expression you already knew who was on the other side of the call and you didn't wanted to think about it.
"Y/n!", Shoko exclaimed as she hugged you.
" Where's that stupid blue-eyed bastard?" , you laughed at her remark.
Shoko knew about your crush on Gojo and since he started dating someone from Kyoto School, Shoko has been giving him cold treatment.
"He said he was coming, well he was too busy to-", you paused , saying it aloud hurts more than you thought.
Shoko raised an eyebrow indicating you to go on. You sighed and continued "-to fight with his new girlfriend"
Shoko gave you a sympathetic look, everyone knew that you had a crush on that boy, everyone but him. How could someone be the strongest and yet so dumb?
Few minutes later Geto and Gojo came into the class. Geto sat beside Shoko while Gojo took the seat beside you.
"Y/n can I ask you something?", he whispered and you just nodded while paying attention to the lecture.
" What kind of music do girls like?", Gojo should just kill you right now, it would hurt less.
"People have different taste in music, Gojo. But I like to think that everyone loves Taylor Swift", You answered still not looking at him.
" No but my girlfriend doesn't like Taylor Swift, do you have any other recomm-", a chalk was thrown by Yaga sensei towards Gojo's head.
"Pay attention Satoru!"
After the class you and Shoko decided to hang out without the boys. You were walking down the street when you spot Gojo's favorite bakery.
"Wait Shoko. I want to buy something from there", you went there and bought Gojo's favorite cake and other cakes for everyone.
" Y/n, you should really stop that", Shoko sounded worried which was unusual for her.
"Stop what?", Shoko sighed at your response.
She pointed at the bag of cakes " You bought Gojo's favorite cake didn't you? That idiot doesn't even know you like him since our first year. Even Nanami could see it- heck even Suguru lost a bet to Yaga sensei because he said it would take Gojo six months to notice-"
"They did what?!"
"Oh never mind the last part", Shoko giggled "But Y/n, I mean it . You deserve someone who will care for you"
"I'm trying Shoko. I really am", you gave her a half hearted smile.
After reaching campus you both go to Suguru's dorm and eat the desert together.
" Satoru, what happened today with your girlfriend?", Suguru asked while taking a bite of his cake.
"I made a joke and she got angry", the white-haired boy sighed.
"Only Y/n likes your stupid jokes", you hit Shoko on her knee.
For the first time today Gojo's face lit up with a smile which you light up this whole town.
" You really do don't you? You even brought my favorite cake.", You playfully hit Gojo on his arm.
"Oh don't falter yourself, I only like some of your jokes", everyone broke into a laugh.
"But seriously Satoru don't you get tired of fighting all the time? Isn't this the 5th time you guys are fighting and it's only been a month", Suguru stated and the room grew silent.
Gojo didn't know how to respond to that, he didn't know what to respond ?That he's just dating her because he can't get over his feelings for his classmate.
"Oh I'm sure they can handle their own relationship Suguru", You said as you tried to break the tension. Gojo gave you a smile and you returned it.
" Okkkkkkk as this has got awkward so me and Y/n will be going ", Shoko hooked her arm around yours and got out of the room.
"Whatever you are doing is not right Satoru", Suguru also left the room and his friend sat their not knowing what to do.
At night you couldn't sleep and went outside to take a walk when you saw Gojo sitting on a bench. You were just trying to walk off in other direction ,trying to avoid him when he called you out.
Guess you couldn't escape his his six-eyes after all.
"What are you doing here this late?", Gojo asked , his voiced showed concern.
" You shouldn't be the one talking.", you rolled your eyes at him.
He laughed at your response. This side of you always attracted him.
He made place for you to sit on the bench and you obeyed his command like he had you under some kind of spell.
"You remember how you came to my dorm at a night like this because I watched 'The Notebook' and couldn't stop crying?", Satoru asked looking at the stars.
" Yes yes and how I googled up cheesy jokes to make you laugh ", you both giggle at the fond memory.
" You always have a way to make me laugh ", he said looking at you.
" And you still didn't choose me", you thought sadly.
"Want to listen to some music?", you asked and he nodded so you took out your phone and your earphones.
You played " The 1" by Taylor Swift.
"Hey that's my favorite song of her", Gojo stated like a excited puppy.
" I thought you didn't listen to her?", you were surprised that he even knew this song.
"Well you always play her songs in your dorm and I love this one and the other one 'You Belong With Me'"
"Oh the Irony!", you thought. He didn't know that you played those songs with him in mind.
" You know Y/n, If I hadn't been a sorcerer I would have opened a bakery. I actually want to try it sometime", He stated out of nowhere.
"You're so random."
"Oh I don't know whenever I'm with you it feels like I can talk about anything. You are my safe place Y/n.", and that was your last straw.
He says all these things , seeks comfort in you, laughs with you, cry on your shoulder but can't he see that you're the one who understands him?That you're the one who has been here all along with him?
" You belong with me", the words in your mind didn't match the words on your lips.
You stood up quickly, "I'm feeling sleepy. I think I'm gonna go", you didn't want to stay there one more minute , everything hurts even the cold air hitting your face feels like knifes stabbing.
Gojo sat there dumbfounded , you rushed out from the scene so quickly that he didn't even get to bid you good night.
The next morning you avoided Gojo like a plague. You paired up with Suguru instead of Gojo today and he seemed to notice this change in your behaviour.
Later Gojo went on to seek advice from his best friend. " Do you think Y/n is angry with me?"
"Did you do something?", Suguru yawned not interested in his friends question because he knows Gojo is really dense.
" No we were sitting on the bench last night and then she hurried to her room and this morning she has been avoiding me"
"You definitely did something", Suguru nodded philosophically at his own response.
" You're not being much of a help Suguru ",
" Alright Alright, tell me everything what happened last night "
"YOU FUCKING DUMBASS", the raven haired shouted at his friend.
"DO WHAT?", Gojo matched his friend's energy.
Suguru rubbed his temple, annoyed at Gojo's behaviour.
" You give Y/n mixed signals and you get yourself a girlfriend when you clearly like Y/n!"
"But she doesn't like me back", Suguru looked like he could kill his best friend any moment now.
" I was not going to say it because it wasn't my place to do so but since you are so dense I'm gonna break it to you", Suguru spoke with frustration
"Y/n. Likes. You."
"HUH?", the strongest sorcerer was left speechless.
" There you go. Even Yaga sensei knew it! I lost a bet to him that you would notice it in six months but it's been a year now.
"You did what?!"
"Just make sure to give me the money I lost because of you being an Idiot", Suguru patted his friend's back.
" But Suguru... What will I do now?", Gojo trailed off thinking about ways to make it up to you.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
A/n: Not proof read. Should I make a part 2?
Also I'm sorry for not working on the requests my writer's block lasted way longer than I expected but I will try to finish those.
Hope you liked it and Take care <3
Part 2: Enchanted
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cactus-cuddler · 3 months
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Peter Quill
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◇ When he is angry with you he find to don't let it be noticed, he thinks is him the problem and he doesn't want to lose you. So when you try to apologise to him it would go like this:
"Babe I am sorry... I didn't mean to criticize your favorite song. I was wrong." you say with a slowly voice.
"No, you don't. I buy you some chocolate from Earth... human girls usually love it!" he says handing you a box of chocolates.
"It wasn't necessary... I know I made you angry. When Rocket criticized a song you loved, you said that you will remove him from your friends list if he hadn't apologized!" You tell him trying to get him to accept your apology.
"But Rocket is Rocket. You're my whole life." He says putting the box of chocolates down to take your hands.
"Do you think I should thank you after this?" says Rocket who was watching the whole scene. He had bet Drax that after your criticism he would leave you while Drax claimed that Peter would close his eyes.
"I deserve these!" Rocket says taking the box of chocolates. Peter tries to stop him but you hold him back and kiss him: "what have I done to deserve a boy like you?".
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◇ he LOVES when you call him Star-lord. No one call him like this so when you use that nickname you remind him of his mom. The first time you call him Star-lord it probably went like this:
It was your first official date. Peter organized a romantic dinner for you (unsuccessfully, I mean... it is Peter in the end): he asked Groot to grow bright flowers in your favorite color, he made your favorite dish and he kidnapped your favorite singer from Earth to have a concert just for you (it was his sister's idea) and he lit some candles. He has never been more proud of himself when he saw your smile. But your smile turns into an angry face:
"Peter Quill you kidnapped a human!" and his answer made you less angry:
"Yeah, just for you my little one".
You had a quiet dinner while talking calmly when you were attacked by a monster.
"Where is our teammate?" you ask terrified and looking for your weapons.
"There is a little problem..."
"I am Groot"
"Yeah Groot, We really needed this holiday away from Peter"
"Where we are?"
"On Earth, idiot! You don't listen the plan? We must not make it clear that a human has been kidnapped"
"Are you saying that it's just us two here!?"
"It's an exaggeration to say that there's only us... there's the spaceship, the ground, the sky, a singer fainted from fear under the makeshift stage..."
You hid under the table because Peter is convinced that if you don't see the monster the monster won't see you. And that was it (you weren't expecting it actually) and he went away. You decided to go for a walk holding hands and while you watch the sunset you rest your head on his shoulder.
"I think I love you"
"I think I love too..."
"What do people say on these occasions?" he asks, looking you in the eyes.
"I love you my Star-lord" and then he kisses your lips.
"I love that name on your lips"
"Why do you love that name?" you ask with a smile and your lips are still close
"My mother used to call me with it" he says soflty and a tear falls on his cheek and you wipe it away.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to remind you..."
"I'm not crying from sadness, I'm happy because I found a beautiful and sweet girl just like her" after he kisses you again. This time for longer.
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◇ He would almost never call you by your name (not that he has forgotten it of course... but just to be safe don't ask him). He uses cute nicknames for every occasion like:
Honey bun
Cutie pie
Pumpkin: only for Halloween
Little one
At first it embarrassed you but as time went on you started to love them and maybe you could start using them for him too... who knows how he would react.
"My sweetheart can you please give me my shirt?"
"Yeah bu- how did you call me?" he says and his cheeks turn red with embarrassment and he starts to stutter.
"Sweetheart... you don't like it?"
"I love it but I'm the one with the nicknames!"
"I can't use it?"
"Of course you can,” he says chuckling "repeat it"
"Sweetheart?" his smile gets even bigger and he walks over to you and hugs you tightly.
"You'll make me die from too much sweetness one day."
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Thanks to @aidansloth for correcting the bad mistakes I make! I'm not good at English so excuse me. I hope you enjoy them!♡
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cressthebest · 5 months
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 21
chapter 36:
1. “It's been so long. Oh, there you are, here you are, hi,” *deep breath* AHHHHHHHHH
2. 😭😭😭 “Remus keeps a firm grip on him and turns around to promptly leave, which is probably a little rude, considering that the others are here and may wish to greet him, but he honestly can't bring himself to care about that right now” i would expect nothing less
4. “On the way, James glances back with a grin, internally wishing Sirius all the good things, because no one deserves them more.”
oh. wow. that’s such a soft line. it’s literally making me melt
5. “Remus could not be more in love if he tried.” shit shit shit shit sobbing. wolfstar deserves the world
6. “He does love Sirius, though. Loves him dearly, with every defiant bone in his body. This man, who doesn't even realize the importance of what he's just done by giving Remus an unopened envelope. Remus, who owns nothing. Remus, who has nothing. Remus, who is not granted privacy or freedom for anything like this, for anything at all.”
i am on PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION and i am BAWLING my eyes out as silently as i possibly can. y’all don’t understand the restraint i have right now to not loudly sob
7. the LETTER has me CRYING
9. oh, okay. remus killed an auror/greyback. it’s honestly not as bad as i thought it would be. also, i love the lily and remus duo. they’re so iconic
10. i LOVE LOVE LOVE that zar made a point for sirius to have the discussion that his demisexuality is NOT because of trauma and he’s always been that way. it’s beautiful <3
11. “”You can ask Regulus and James; I walked around for a solid month making everyone call me Mr. Sirius Macdonald."” STOP PLSS THATS SO FUNNY
12. SIRIUS JUST TOLD REMUS HE LOVED HIM!!! this is literally so sweet
13. andjskjdksksjsms the authors note:
“sirius, internally: a guillotine could not sever the head im about to give this man. good for them 😌”
chapter 37:
1. i’m starting a gofundme to get regulus a balcony
2. "”Sirius doesn't let me drink," James replies flatly.
"Well, don't say it like that, James. You make it sound like I'm a strict parent, or a controlling spouse," Sirius grumbles. "And I do let you drink, in moderation, when you're in a safe environment and in a good mental state. Don't forget to mention that you only let me drink within those same rules."”
i bet james is upset with the rules he made for sirius so long ago. came back to bite him in the ass
3. describing sirius as “ruffled like an offended bird” has done wonders for my mental health
4. james, remus, and sirius are all hanging out and i am beyond angry that peter doesn’t get to share this moment
5. pandora is such an angel and doesn’t deserve this pain
6. pandora and reg friendship >>>>>>>>>
7. their outfits for the night!! every last one of them is slaying so hard
8. “There's a tense moment where a group of murderers all stare around at each other, not opposed to adding a few more names to their lists. Oh, and Pandora is there, too, startlingly calm despite this.”
yaxley needs to shut his fucking mouth and stop implying that sirius will fuck his way through issues
9. “"You know what they'll assume we're doing."
"Running away," Regulus mutters.
James sighs in exasperation and fond amusement. "No, Reg. Fucking. They'll assume we've snuck off to find a corner to go fuck in."”
😭😭😭😭😭 i love reg. he’s so ready to leave
10. jegulus is getting their shit together and improving. i’m so glad
11. “James swallows. "They're—they destroy things now, when they never did before. They're rough sometimes. Bloody."
"Warm," Regulus counters, pressing another kiss to James' shaking fingers. "Steady. Strong. These hands hold the people you love. These hands care for them. They're gentle. Tender."”
this is love. what they have is love. it’s messy and broken and so difficult, but they’re trying and it’s love
12. and once again we have wolfstar my true loves ☺️☺️
i feel like nows a good time to add to respect bizzarestars’ wishes to not have the fic reposted or reuploaded a different site. i can’t remember his wishes about bookbinding, but respect those as well.
thank you, lovely people
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baconpncakes · 1 year
Okay in Son of a Coma Guy (3.07), Wilson asks House "Why my pad? Foreman, Cameron and Chase's pads are just as convenient. But their association with you is involuntary. They're employees. I associate with you through choice and any relationship that involves choice, you have to see how far you can push before it breaks." House initially deflects but later ends up confessing that Wilson is right when he says "Maybe I don't wanna push this until it breaks."
This is a pattern with House, he's terrified of being abandoned. He did it with Stacy. He did it with his first team. And he's terrified that Wilson specifically is going to leave him. In Baggage (6.21) House tells Nolan "I can say whatever I want to him, and he'll never leave." And when Nolan replies that he's kind of leaving now, he's putting Sam first, prioritizing his girlfriend over you, House just says "For now." After they get married and divorced again, House can move back in.
It takes until season six for House to be this secure in his relationship with Wilson, over fifteen years, and even then he's lashing out and heartbroken because Wilson is choosing Sam over him. And in Son of a Coma guy, when Wilson says that House is trying to fast forward through what he sees as the inevitable– Wilson leaving– Wilson knows he's right because he's seen this before, he watched House do it with Stacy twice.
And my POINT is- I bet Wilson has also been on the other side of this before. After the infarction, when House is (up to this point in his life) at his lowest, he is angry and he is in pain and the person he loved the most is the person who did this to him, she went against his wishes and violated his trust and crippled him and then left. He's mad at Cuddy for letting it happen and he doesn't have a relationship with his parents and Stacy is gone, so now it's just Wilson. And House, in all of his misery and pain and self-destruction, would be cruel and try to push Wilson away too.
And I think it'd all come to a moment where House is telling Wilson that he doesn't need pity, or that Wilson has a wife to go home to and real patients to treat, and doesn't he have a nurse to flirt with, don't you have anything better to do than feed off my neediness- and Wilson finally interrupts and says "House. Just stop. We both know I'm not going anywhere. Can you please give it a rest? Just for now." And House just nods. And they don't bring it up again.
And later when Wilson has cancer, he is dying in House's living room and tells House leave him alone. He's pathetic and he spent his whole life being good and trying to offer empty platitudes to dying people going through exactly what he is now and "I should have spent my life being more like you. Should have been a manipulative, self-centered, narcissistic ass, who brought misery to everything and everyone in his life." Because then he'd feel like he deserved it.
And House just gives him the last of his Vicodin and accepts that. Because Wilson is angry and scared and in pain and House has been there. And the next morning after the treatment, Wilson doesn't remember exactly what he said but he tries to apologize and House won't take it because Wilson was dying he can't be blamed for it. And then Wilson lets House help him down the hall.
House and Wilson knock each other's hands away when they try to offer support (literally and figuratively), but in the end they always accept that help. And no matter what they throw at each other, they know that it's the pain talking. They understand. And they keep helping and keep loving each other anyway.
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scoobydoodean · 1 year
SAM Seriously? Atlantic City? DEAN Hell yeah! Play some roulette. Always bet on black. (pause) Hey listen, I've been doing some thinking. Um ... I want you to know I understand why you did it. I understand why you went after the crossroads demon. SAM sighs. DEAN You know, situation was reversed, I guess I'd've done the same thing. (pause) I mean I'm not blind, I see what you're going through with this whole deal, me going away and all that. But you're gonna be okay. SAM (looks up at that, exhales, says tonelessly) You think so. DEAN Yeah, you'll keep hunting, y'know, you live your life. You’re stronger than me. You are! (SAM clears his throat) you are... you'll get over it. But I want you to know I'm sorry, I’m sorry for... putting you through all this, I am. SAM You know what, Dean? Go screw yourself. DEAN What? SAM I don't want an apology from you! And by the way, I'm a big boy now, I can take care of myself. DEAN Oh, well, excuse me. SAM (voice raising) So would you please quit worrying about me? I mean that's the whole problem in the first place. I don't want you to worry about me, Dean, I want you to worry about you! I want you to give a crap that you’re dying! (DEAN says nothing but smirks) So, that's it? Nothing else to say for you? DEAN I think maybe I'll play craps. SAM stares at him, outraged. Shakes his head. Sighs in exasperation. DEAN's smile fades. They drive on.
See, one will see this in 3.06 and will want to smack Dean upside of the head! Because he is refusing—absolutely refusing—to face the consequences of the deal he's made—the consequences for himself, and the consequences for someone he loves! His words about seeing what he's doing to Sam here are distant and empty when you see the expression on his face within the episode—the disturbing slight smile and the way he just pretends "This is fine". Dean understands that Sam is having an emotional response and he could write down why for a class exercise, but he is refusing to let himself feel it because then all of this would all become real and he would also have to feel scared for himself.
The thing is, smacking Dean upside of the head would not work, and does not work! Dean already hates himself—if Sam is angry at him, or Bobby is angry at him, or he gets called selfish or screwed in the head or told that he's hurting people... well—Dean doesn't like himself either because he failed Sam and John and he's not supposed to be here and he's a curse that gets people killed, so... so what? Big deal! They are telling Dean things Dean already believes. Yelling and accusing may actually exacerbate Dean's belief that he deserves this—that he should not be here.
You know what does work? In 3.07, when Dean plans to run off alone to save the girl Gordon's kidnapped because he thinks "I don't matter anyway and I'm dying anyway", and Sam gets through to Dean just as soon as he uses two things: 1) Compassion and 2) Care.
DEAN What do you want me to do, Sam, huh? Sit around all day writing sad poems about how I'm gonna die? You know what? I got one. Let's see, what rhymes with "shut up, Sam"? SAM Dude, drop the attitude, Dean. Quit turning everything into a punch line. And you know something else? Stop trying to act like you're not afraid. DEAN I'm not! SAM You're lying. And you may as well drop it 'cause I can see right through you. DEAN You got no idea what you're talking about. SAM Yeah, I do. You're scared, Dean. You're scared because your year is running out, and you're still going to Hell, and you're freaked. DEAN And how do you know that? SAM Because I know you! DEAN Really?
(That "really" is something—there's a whole other world of things that could be discussed there)
SAM Yeah, I've been following you around my entire life! I mean, I've been looking up to you since I was four, Dean. Studying you, trying to be just like my big brother. So yeah, I know you. Better than anyone else in the entire world. And this is exactly how you act when you're terrified. And, I mean, I can't blame you. It's just... (pause) DEAN What? SAM I wish you would drop the show and be my brother again. 'Cause... (can't find words; tears in his eyes) just 'cause. DEAN (after a pause) All right, we'll hole up, cover our scent so he can't track us, and wait the night out here.
This is the first time we see Dean actually swayed since the very end of 2.22—and it's because
Sam shows compassion for Dean's state of mind and the actions that have come out of it. He says that he understands that Dean's play at apathy is just that—a play at apathy. Dean isn't acting this way because he's just some jerk who doesn't care about how his actions effect others. Dean is someone who cares, who is acting like he doesn't care because he is scared. Dean is sniping at Sam intentionally to make him angry, so Sam will get mad at him, so they don't have to talk and Dean can be reminded that he makes people mad and he deserves this. Dean isn't some jerk who should be gone because he hurts the people that care about him. Dean is someone who is hurting and scared and Sam understands.
Sam makes it extremely real to Dean how much Sam CARES ABOUT HIM by saying he wants him there "just 'cause". Dean is inherently valuable! Dean matters! And there doesn't have to be a reason, or a need that Dean fills. "Older" or "Big" is omitted before "brother" here, because it isn't about Sam needing Dean to take care of him—just like he said it wasn't in 3.06! It's about Dean being there at all!
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bastetwastaken · 1 year
If you're still doing the requests and are still open to other ships could you try Wishshipping with this line/theme 👉👈
"If I could, I would kiss away all of your scars."
Preferably Yugi saying it to Jou? Between Hirutani and his dad I feel like Jou probably has a lot of scars that he tries not to be self-conscious about, but it's hard sometimes I bet 🥺
Idk a theme of like "I don't mind your scars but you do so if I could I'd kiss them away" feels really good for them
There doesn't have to be NSFW but I will say I think bottom Jou with Yugi needs more love 👀
Totally understand if that's not your cup of tea though! If you do this thank you, if not thank you for at least providing an opportunity to ask 💙
I love this idea, it's so sweet and you're right, Jou went through it and he'd likely carry some sort of scars from that. Poor guy.
I know this is suuuuuuper short, but I really hope it's sweet for you. (I agree bottom Jou needs more love, but I'm afraid my brain isn't providing the smut right now.)
I hope you have a wonderful day and thank you for your ask <3
The bed was warm, the late morning sun crept around the edges of the blinds on the windows and he was content. He would have been happy to lay there for the rest of the day…it was such a shame they had plans with their other friends which required them leaving their home. 
Yugi looked over at his still sleeping boyfriend who was facing away from him, his breathing soft and slow and always soothing to hear.  
He had to fight the urge to close his eyes and fall back asleep again. He would have done, but he knew he needed to be the voice of reason here, and had to be the one to get them both out of bed and to the movies on time. 
The sun hit Jous bare skin and drew attention to the marks which still littered otherwise smooth skin. 
He sighed quietly to himself as he reached out and slowly ran his fingers slowly across the scars on Jous back. He knew what they were, knew what each one meant and who was responsible for them but still, at moments like these he found himself thinking about them just a little too much. 
He felt angry when he looked at them, but that anger wasn’t directed at Jou, never at Jou. It was directed at the people who had harmed him. Those who had caused the pain he knew lay behind each scar on his body…and he had so many. 
The scars themselves didn’t bother him, it was the history behind them that got to him. He wished he could take away the pain they caused. Wished that it had never been caused in the first place. 
“Do they bother you?” Jou asked quietly. His soft voice deep with sleep startled him slightly. 
“No.” He said softly, sliding an arm around Jous waist as he moved closer, pressing his chest against Jous back. “I’m sorry if I woke you.” 
“I was kinda awake anyway.” Jou said with a shrug. 
They were both silent for a while, Jous hand found his where it rested over his stomach and held it tight, pulling him even closer and drawing a soft laugh from his lips. 
“They don’t bother me, by the way.” He said gently, placing a soft kiss on Jous shoulder. “I know how you feel about them though.” 
“I hate them.” Jou whispered. 
“I know.” He replied with another soft kiss to his boyfriend's skin. 
“Everytime I see them I just wish they’d go away.” Jou said sadly. “Even the faded ones still piss me off.” 
“I understand.” He said softly. “They hold so much pain for you…” 
“So many memories I’d be much better without.” Jou sighed. “I just wish things had been different…” 
“So do I, but not because of these.” He dipped his head to press his lips to a large scar under Jous shoulder blade. “But because you didn’t deserve the pain they put you through. You didn’t deserve to suffer as you did.” 
“I wish you could get rid of them like that.” Jou hummed as he moved his lips toward the centre of his back, placing gentle kisses to each mark he found. 
“If I could, I would kiss away all of your scars.” He whispered against his boyfriend's skin. 
“Maybe you already have…” Jou said softly. 
He moved away as Jou turned over onto his back, then settled against his chest, looking down at his boyfriend with a soft smile on his face as he waited patiently for whatever he wanted to say. 
“I dunno.” Jou laughed quietly and looked to the side. “I mean, you’ve always helped me with that side of my life, even before all of this happened, you know?” Jou gestured between them and Yugi laughed. 
“Yeah” He said. 
“I think what I mean is…” Jou looked back at him, a hand lifted to cup his cheek and Yugi smiled as he leaned into the touch. “Maybe not in the physical sense, but you’ve done so much to heal those wounds. The pain that they carry.” 
“I’d do it all again.” He said with a smile. “Because I love you, and I care about you.” 
“I love you.” Jou said with a laugh, the hand against his cheek pulled him forward and he went willingly, meeting Jous lips halfway. 
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voxasks · 6 months
🫐 hello vox! I'm not sure if you know much about personality types, but I'm an ENFP! well,that's what the test says, my friends say I'm more of an esfp, but doesn't really matter haha. I'm a girl, I'm asian, 5'7, I have long, straight brown hair and blue eyes. I'm 130 pounds, or well, 59 kilos! I'm a very lively and energetic person, I love making my friends happy and spreading joy. I'm sort of the therapist friend, as my friends often come to me for advice or when they want to talk about their feelings. I'm generous, I often share my things, even if there is none left for me. There have been too many times where I would open a pack of of cookies and offer it to everyone, emptying the packet and leaving none for myself 😂. I guess I'm sort of a people pleaser.. I want people to think good things about me. It's a little important to me. I love being loved, and I hate being hated. I enjoy physical touch a lot, I often kiss and hug my friends, but of course I respect their spaces with the friends that don't like being touched. I give my friends gifts out of nowhere, even if there are no special occasions. Like pens and gift cards and jewelry. I tend to forgive people pretty easily, as I have a strong sense of empathy and sympathy. I'm emotional, I sadly get upset very easily, even if I don't want to. I don't think you'll like me so much, but I wanted to participate !
"hahahaha,  okay,  little  tip  for  ya  :  there  are  bad  people  in  this  world,  myself  included.  if  you  don't  treat  yourself  right,  no  one  will.  as  for  my  inner  thoughts  of  you,  you've  got  some  form  of  mommy  or  daddy  issues,  100%,  and  i'm  willing  to  bet  it's  daddy  issues  specifically.  grew  up  with  tough  love,  it's  not  your  thing  so  now  you  show  everyone  else  you  care  in  any  other  way  because  you  wish  the  same  thing  was  done  to  you.  you  wish  that  someday,  someone  would  give  you  all  their  cookies.  you  also  weren't  hugged  as  a  kid  so  now  you  hug  everyone  else.  pens  and  giftcards  and  jewelry  ...  perfect  for  giftgiving,  which  is  something  you  stated  to  enjoy.  again,  a  hobby  that  serves  others  and  not  yourself.  deep  down  you  seem  scared  to  not  be  worth  anything  so  you  make  yourself  'delightful'  to  be  around  so  that  you'll  be  worth  something.  i'm  telling  you,  one  day  someone  is  going  to  try  and  walk  all  over  you.  and  when  that  day  happens,  rememeber  this  moment,  because  i  am  telling  you  that  you  need  to  get  up  off  your  ass  and  shove  that  fucker  down  the  drain.  you  don't  want  them  to  hate  you?  tough  fucking  shit,  you  already  hate  being  around  them.  the  fact  that  you  do  everything  in  your  power  to  make  everyone  else  happy  is  proof  enough  that  you  deserve  someone  who  will  treat  you  right,  and  it's  definitely  not  the  fucker  stepping  all  over  your  favorite  outfit  so  invite  them  over  for  a  romantic  bath  and  drop  a  cute  toaster  in  there  for  all  the  good  times.  and  just,  humor  me  for  a  second;  are  you  angry  at  your  parents?"
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( this ask is based off of my 200 followers event : it’s still open as of the time this was posted. )
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ahappydnp · 1 year
This might be controversial, I don't know. But I honestly don't like Dan's content post coming out nearly as much as pre-BIG. It used to be silly -yes- but relatable videos with one or two edgy jokes thrown in. Now it's ALL "I'm gay, horny and depressed and the world is ending but we also kind of deserve it" ... I know that last part has a lot to do with We're all doomed and Dystopia Daily - like the clue is in the names, I get it. But when it's all jokes like that... where is the lightheartedness? Where is the fun? Where is the relief from the problems of the world? Pre-BIG Dan at least had a better balance with that. Anyway, rant over. Hope it made sense.
mmm normally i'd ignore this kind of ask because it's nuanced and i don't want a dozen more hot takes in my inbox but i get that you're not just criticizing dan as a person but more his content shift so (many) thoughts under the cut:
i think first and foremost it's hard to gage dan as a content creators post BIG because the only content he's consistently made has been dystopia daily and wad (discounting gay & not proud because...you know...)
it's also hard to compare him to his content pre BIG since: 1) the video format is different- DD is a scripted persona heavy talk show format that's more commentary on culture than personal experiences 2) he's not supplementing DINOF with liveshows/regular social media posts + gaming channel videos that showed different (usually softer or more lighthearted) sides of dan and gave the audience a more well rounded perception of him as a person
which i think is one of the biggest ""issues"" people have with DD. it's not even necessarily the content itself (though i doubt anyone would say DD is their favorite content by any stretch), but the fact that the main source of perceiving dan is this heavily edited persona that's a bit too detached from real life daniel howell? because yeah like you said, we know he has a lighthearted side, we know he's actually very kind and thoughtful; however, dystopia daily is about the content, not dan as a person. the product isn't himself anymore which is a massive shift from old content. about dystopia daily as a concept- like i said, the reception from long time subscribers has been basically "i don't love this but i love you and am excited to see you again". it's not BAD it's just not what people watch dan for? it's definitely not something i would click on or enjoy from anyone else, but i love seeing dan in anything and supporting him. and some of it is good! there are some rewatches in there! but yeah if you didn't know him prior to DD you might assume this was just another ~generic angry rich white guy complaining about the world to be edgy~
i don't agree with you that it's ALL "i'm gay, horny, and depressed" and might even say it's not a crime if it was? dan spent the first decade of his career having to edit himself and if he needs a professional second puberty to feel better then go off! am i excited for him to explore more topics or stories or formats?? like absolutely!! but i'm not angry about this era of him getting his bearings. did i love him pretending he doesn't like/has never been around kids when we know for a fact he does? no it felt weird and forced but i get his thinking that he wants DD to be detached from dan. "where's the fun"?- i will say that this year in particular we've seen more of dan's personality online! like the silly little instastories and tweets, he's sharing more about his life (like seriously who would have bet he'd post anything about their japan trip????), him in phil's video + the hair clip. and it's just like the biggest breath of fresh air because that's our dan!!! that laugh!! i know that guy!!! and i do feel like he's ready to incorporate letting people see more sides of him again after giving himself the space and boundaries to readjust after a massive life change. but there have still been bits of him this whole time! the few liveshows he did on tour were fun, him at the tour preshows was PEAK classic dan and he was truly the sweetest during his m&gs (seriously i cannot recommend enough checking out the preshow compilations playlist on youtube or meetdnp on twitter because it's just....god it's so fucking nice to see him being so fucking nice and remembering why he really is special). check out the idb instastories playlists because there are so many gems from the past couple years people forget about!!
i know it hit harder because dan is such a LIGHT and it felt like we lost it for awhile. he didn't lose the kindness or silliness or creativity, he's still dan! he's older and not the same person he was in 2014, but also who is? i'm not the same person i was in my 20s which is a great thing!
change can feel scary, but dan's entire genetic makeup didn't change. i totally get if DD isn't your thing and that is perfectly fine! but i will say if you're mourning the other sides of him, you've got plenty of examples that aren't current main channel videos. i do believe we'll be let back in even more soon though :)
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daintyduck99 · 1 year
laughing when one drops their phone on their face for the pairing of your choice because there are too many himbos who Would Do That so I can't pick
Reggie's rudely ripped from the precipice of sleep by a rather loud slap, followed by an affronted squawk. He gropes for Luke.
"Lu? Wha'sa matter?" 
Luke grumbles something that Reggie can't make out, and Reggie turns to him more fully, squinting like it'll help his eyes.
Once they adjust, he can't help but laugh. 
"And you call me a dork!" 
Luke huffs. He jerks his head so his phone will slide off of his cheek. It then rests innocently on his pillow, like the simple black brick it might as well be. Luke barely even uses the thing, which honestly makes the whole situation even funnier. 
"You are a dork," Luke says sulkily, which sends Reggie into another fit of laughter. 
Aw, yeah. Luke's definitely pouting. Reggie can tell, even in the dark. It shouldn't be endearing, but—well, it kind of is. Mayyybe Reggie shouldn't be laughing so much, but he really can't help it. Luke's being so cute.
He looks like an angry puppy when he scowls and glares like that. 
"It's not my fault phones are stupid!" he insists. "Why do they gotta make them so—rectangular? What was wrong with  flip phones?!" 
"Sweetheart." Reggie kisses his forehead, biting down on a grin when his scowl lessens slightly. "You couldn't write lyrics on one of those. You'd hate it more, I bet."
Luke huffs again, caught, but it's softer this time. He pulls Reggie in for a proper kiss. 
"I know. And it's nice that everyone can read them when I type them. But I wouldn't have to if I wasn't inspired at the most inconvenient times! Fuck, I've probably forgotten exactly what I was gonna say." 
"Here," Reggie soothes, scooping up Luke's phone and tucking himself into his side. He unlocks the thing in two seconds.
The code is still Reggie's birthday, which is both sweet and actually kind of genius, given that most people assume it's like—Kurt Cobain's. Reggie smiles.
"Maybe I can help jog your memory!" 
He twists his head to look at Luke in the midst of Luke's hesitant silence. 
Luke bites his lip. "But—you're tired." 
"Yeah, but I'm awake now—" 
He interrupts himself with a yelp as Luke's phone slips through his fingers. It lands with a fresh slap on Reggie’s cheek before he can react properly, and Luke guffaws.
Reggie sighs, but it melts into a giggle. 
"Okay, maybe I deserved that." 
"You did," Luke says through giggles of his own, grinning brightly even in the dark. He plucks his phone away, then replaces it with his palm, gently cradling Reggie's cheek. His eyes shine. "You dork." 
Reggie lets Luke pull him in for more kisses, but he refuses to get distracted and breaks away before too long. 
"Alright, I deserved that, too. But it does not negate your own dorkiness!" 
Luke snorts. "You just used the word negate, so I'm pretty sure it does—" 
And, well—Reggie isn't above using Luke's own tactics against him, so he's quick to shut him up with another kiss. 
For a long moment, Reggie thinks that they aren't going to get back to the song, but fortunately or unfortunately, Luke does randomly remember exactly what he wanted to say.
All in all, Reggie really can't help but laugh.
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guess-ill-dye · 7 days
Vent post
Everyone is so nice to me. I liked a very depressive vid abt how i hate talking abt how i feel (tumblr rlly helps honestly) and my friend saw it and said she would always be there for me and now I'm wondering why was she nice? What did I do to deserve this? Why are all my friends so nice? I am just loud, easily get angry and I'm not even that funny, I'm just rlly socially stupid and they think it's funny. Now that I think about it, I can't remember being as nice to them as they are for me. Am I just a bad person? Yn I had philosophy and we talked about that. We are all bad persons. But how can they be?? Is the world that unfair? Its the 2nd day of school and I'm already done with it. I loved the classes part, it's more all the expectation I'm putting on myself to get all 20s, go into medicine and be a doctor and then... idk.. but I've been so anxious abt it. I feel me whole heart tighten, my throat tighten, I want to vomit, my stomach hurts, just at the mere mention of how important grades are. I know I have potential. I'm smart. I used to be smart. Then I needed to study because my bare intelect is not enough anymore. I'm no longer the person that when the teacher asks who got the highest grade I'm the obvious answer. That happened. Twice. In three years. But 12 yo me would be ashamed of my 60%s and 50%s in 8th grade and 9th grade. I would cry. I didn't cry. I just accepted I was dumb now. No-one told me that. I just knew my parents thought it. They never seem proud of me. I had such a good grade in my 9th grade exams. 94 in maths and 92 in portuguese. It was splendid. I was so proud. I even won a bet. They seemed so apathetic. Like it was another 70 something on a test if actually tell them about for once. I need to be smart again. For a long time I thought all that was goof abt me was that I was smart. MY FRIENDS THINK I AM SMART. I DONT UNDERSTAND. HOW?? They didn't see old me. Before I changed schools. When I was someone and everyone knew my name and I knew theirs. Is it the glasses? Do they make me look smarter then I am? IS IT JUST THEM BEING NICE AGAIN?? being nice to me even tho I don't deserve it. I cant be nice. When I try to I just run out of words and trip over my syllables and then what comes out is and utter mess of what I wanted to say. I'm so sure that if someone sees this they will say that I'm nice and I deserve it but I can't believe it. I write so many nice words for everyone. My pinned post. I just can't say them to myself really. I wish I could be in peopled heads. I wish I knew what makes me worth being around. My Internet name is Alien exactly because I always felt so alienated from others. Like they speak a secret language I don't. Today at lunch my friend asked me if the person she used to like then disappointed her had any red flags and which. I just answered I didn't know him, but he looked kinda ugly. I was honest. Then they laughed. I didn't get it at all. He did look weird in the one photo I remember seeing him. I asked what was funny and they said my tone of speaking. I talked like I usually do. Maybe that's it. Idk sorry for this I'm just super anxious bcs of school. Yeah
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solibrie · 11 months
Hello darling! ✨🙋‍♀️🧠🤯! Have fun! And choose one you want to answer. :)
hiii oomf :D
✨ - give you and your writing a compliment. go on now. you know you deserve it. 😉
HA. i think i'm pretty good at writing out the way characters think. my manner of typing is practically me transcribing my own internal speech patterns, and that naturally gets projected onto the characters i'm writing. it DOES result in my characters all sounding vaguely californian (i really do say 'like' a LOT), but it works in the case of jatp where the characters are californian B)
i also think i'm good at dialogue, specifically at making them actually sound like people talking. and while i'd never call myself properly funny, i know i'm good at making myself laugh, so i hope that joy is reflected in my writing.
🙋‍♀️ - do any irl people know you write fanfic?
i... don't think so? my friends from high school knew, but i haven't spoken to them in years so i am unsure if they still count as irls.
🤯 - what's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
ACTION 100%. loving zelda and fire emblem makes this especially tragic. my ass is never going to write a compelling sword fight but you can bet i will at least try.
🧠 - pick a character, and i'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
okay, uh-
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i'm very invested in julie's conceptual relationship with rage (and it's actually something i touch on in the next chapter of 22c). maybe this sounds crazy, but if i were julie and i was being bullied for roughly a full year because i was depressed that my mom died and the only person who had my back was my best friend and everyone else was complicit through participation or silence, i would be PISSED that people started to think i was cool after a single performance and then act like everything was fine forever.
the AUDACITY of people asking her for selfies after the garage party is so striking to me. julie deserves to be pissed!!! she deserves to be angry!!!!! like if s2 happened i needed her to have a scene yelling at nick (even if it's only possessed!nick) bc he literally just stood there and let carrie say whatever she wanted for a year.
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bourbon-ontherocks · 1 year
hi 👀 306 was last week but I still wanted to address a couple of things… mainly roxane’s last scene, ouch, she deserved a better exit than parroting the writers’ memo on [gros canard]’s failings 😩 c’est faible. feels like they should’ve axed the scene (it was clear enough they’d break up, anyway) and simply confirmed she left with the voicemail about her sister dropping off the keys. (btw--did we know she had a sister before you mentioned that detail in fic, or was it another of your predictions??)
big fan of the attic scene though, and daphné & [gros canard]’s synchronized "gilles 🙄😵" lol. plot-wise, however, I’d like to know who would put multiple acid tablets in a bottle they’re not drinking, because 1) big waste of money for a student population, 2) it’s probably not the most efficient way to take lsd (les résidus au fond de la bouteille !!!), 3) que fait le bde ? shouldn’t they at least pretend to care about safety when there’s a party in the dorms?
and I’ll admit it was kinda fun to see [gros canard] using his ~"just broke up" privileges to dunk on morgane’s relationship history. the guy woke up and chose violence 😭😂😭 ça va qu’elle le prend bien…
bref. that’s all for me on this one!! brb ✌️
Oh hi anon, it's so good to see you back!! 😘
I tend to disagree with you re Roxane's break-up scene, because let's remember that we are obsessed. We can list all of Adam's misdemeanors in the blink of an eye. The casual viewer can't. So this last fact in itself justifies Roxane's monologue reminding us what a terrible boyfriend he's been. And also, even though it all wasn't fresh news for me, I must say I appreciated hearing them all together and I appreciated even more Adam having all of this said to his face. And Roxane's conclusion "Et tu penses que ça fait de toi un type bien" poooooooow elle tire à balles réelles et ça fait du bien !!!! So yea basically I loved that scene because he deserved it. Period. 😂
And yes, Roxane mentioned her sister in 206!!! ("et pour l'anniversaire de ma soeur, tu as pu te libérer ?" while Adam is cursing Morgane for not capping the ketchup bottle) Now did I mention her sister in PQENCEL, well I'm afraid that's another occurrence of Local HPI anon knows my own fic better than I do lol!
(oh wait no, I mentioned her in the 303 fic, didn't I?)
The attic scene was funny-ish, granted, but it's entirely thanks to Gilles' inability to correctly answer multiple-choice questions! Ok full disclaimer, I'm kinda meh about this episode, I don't understand why so many people, cast members included, claim that it's the season's best, but also I must say that for me, the episode is completely doomed because of some infuriating stuff that happens in the finale 😭
Agreed that there's some very generous dealers on this campus, last time I checked open bars didn't include full bottles of LSD, but hey what do I know, my student years are far behind (also BDEs have never been worried about safety, come on 😅)(but this makes me think of the Palmashow's HPI spinoff "BDE" lol I bet it would have made this ep more interesting)
(speaking of the Palmashow parody, Morgane finding the victim's daughter behind the screen that *happened to be here* reminded me so much of fake Morgane finding the killer behind the curtain lol)
"the guy woke up and chose violence 😭😂😭 ça va qu’elle le prend bien…" -> true, perhaps it was a bit harsh to tell her that, but honestly the return of the flirty bickering felt so refreshing!!!! 😍 And I'd dare to think that maybe that's also the reason she takes it well while she has all the reasons to be hurt by him reminding her that she always gets dumped, because he's FINALLY risking a joke at her after all those weeks of silent treatment and closed face and angry looks, my boy is making amends and holding a timid Olive branch and she couldn't be more relieved....
... which makes the three months window proposal absolutely frustrating!!! I *hated* this part (I mean, before I watched the finale and understood what hating an episode's ending really meant lol *crying laughter*), because even though Adam needs some time to heal (understandable), and is a total control freak who shows up early on dates and probably needs to know his schedule six months in advance, this is like peak non-romance. Where's the passion? The spontaneity? I'd have accepted this scene if we'd seen him showing up at Morgane's door barely a week later and telling her that he, in fact, cannot wait, but this... UGH!
My theory is that he wanted to wait long enough to be sure about his feelings for Morgane (which would explain why he's so enthusiastic to date her in the next ep, unless he's that dtf haha), make sure it wasn't a phase or a fantasy due to being stuck in a relationship, and that's probably the only theory I can accept because it's vaguely romantic at least, and also I need to believe that his feelings are real, which is something that tends to be hinted at in 307-308 imo, so there's that consistency at least...
Speaking of consistency!!! I know I'm just hurting myself at this point but I wanted to make a quick check on the timeline... Surprisingly the show actually manages to speak the truth, Timothée did spend 4 months with the team (he arrived in the summer, two months later around September/October - remember that the months were mixed up in 303-304 - he starts dating Morgane for two months, and here we are!). So WHY would they instantly ruin that effort with the most random line this show's ever delivered:
"Et bah moi, je me suis séparée de Ludo il y a neuf mois..."
GIRRRRRRRRL, you spent two months on a couch after your breakup. Then, admitting that 205 to 208 happened in like a week which is in itself a ridiculous assumption, you left the PJ for six months. And here we are, four months later, as dutifully reminded by Timothée. And I didn't even extrapolate here, I just took point blank the elements that the show gave me.
2 + 6 + 4 = TWELVE FUCKING MONTHS BARE MINIMUM. Was it that hard to follow up? Jesus Christ.
And since I'm on the inconsistency chapter, the way TIBER is written on Morgane and Adam's wrists suggests that it's Morgane who was holding the pen because of the letters' orientation, but in this case she wrote on her left wrist. While she's left-handed. Too bad, huh?
Other honorable mentions include:
Adam playing a Columbo bit on the university's dean re the silver scalpel
"C'est doux en fait. On dirait du mouton" -> this one goes straight in the top ten show's best lines 🤣🤣🤣
The LSD trip scene being WAY too sexual, this is pornography 😆
I know it's fleeting and not properly framed, but did you see the only interesting part of that re-doing the house montage in the end? THIS:
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No I will not accept any other theory, this is the handprint. I will justify it further with this shot from 304:
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While the handprint is not visible, probably due to the light and filming angle, it's the same spot as above, which ties in with where Morgane landed in the dance scene, and also it's interesting to note that she put a little candle in front of it 🕯️🥹
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asteracaea · 1 year
Katy Perry wasn't wrong, Taylor really can be very Regina George-esque towards other women she is upset with, and even Taylor herself has implied in post-Rep Era songs that she's said cruel enough things to Karlie of all people that Karlie's considered leaving her over it, so it's not hard to imagine that Taylor might've said even worse things to people she cares about less than Karlie when she's upset.
So it's not too hard for me to imagine Taylor wrongly lashing out at somebody that embodies one of her worst fears (being replaced as an artist by a younger girl with the same kind of talents as her) even though that person was a teenager who idolizes her.
Taylor's grown a lot in maturity over the last ten years, but she's still not exactly what I would call the most mature acting 30-something year old, so that also makes it not too hard for me to imagine that Taylor could've fucked up and lashed out at a kid she was mentoring.
Also Taylor has always acted like she's never forgiven or forgotten a single slight, perceived or actual, against her in her life, so that's why I am kind of worried that Taylor might do something a least a little bit asshole-ish out of spite in the first place because in the past Taylor has over-reacted to perceived slights against her that were pretty innocuous sounding and only vaguely sounded like it was maybe about her.
Taylor's gotten a lot better at only directing her crueler behaviors towards people that truly deserve it like Scooter, but she's human and humans make mistakes and hurt people who don't deserve it.
I love and respect Taylor a lot but I'm not blind to her flaws, so I just hope that someone reminds her not to say mean things to people who doesn't deserve it that she'll regret alongside all the other cruel things she has said to people who don't derserve it that she has a lot of regrets about saying. It's good to have a reminder for people like us who have sharp tongues that cut people who don't necessarily deserve it when we're angry even if/when it hasn't happened in awhile
i myself have never seen evidence that taylor is ever regina george-like to other women.
taylor sings about hurting people she loves and lashing out, and i imagine she does that to the same extent as the rest of us (tbh i bet it's less than average with her). i do not believe she is a mean girl. and i believe that if honest misunderstandings occur, she seems to have the self-awareness to be able to reflect on it and communicate and resolve things. call me naive if you want to, but i have a very strong reason (re: all of history) to believe that any stories we've ever heard about taylor being "a bitch" have been fabricated by people who are struggling with their own demons, including misogyny, and/or are looking to make a profit "selling headlines." because there's nothing people love to watch more than a successful beloved woman falling from grace, especially from such a high peak.
no, i do not know her personally, but i like the rest of the world have been blown away by her kindness and professionalism and maturity. i think if there's one person on earth least likely to qualify as an "asshole," it's taylor alison swift. so i guess we have two different versions of a person in our minds, and that's okay.
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