#Orphan Black season four
Okay back to our regularly unscheduled programming of “The Batfamily as a Sitcom” part two. *end commercial break*
After Cass’ and Jason’s plan fails they enter a four person group chat where they plan a way for Jason and Cass to sneak into the guest rooms without seeing Bruce. Cass tries first but is stopped by Alfred when he knocks on her door to deliver the ballet shoes she left in another room, and to tell her how proud she is that she’s putting herself out there romantically. Jason tries second but Alfred shows up to request they cook breakfast together the next morning, so Jason can show off to Rose and so Alfred can spend quality time with his grandson. As Alfred leaves he notifies Jason that he will be checking in with the rest of the family before going to bed, so Jason texts the group chat that they’ll probably have to wait until Alfred’s done before they can sneak out.
Ten or so minutes later, like a true sitcom, the plan changes to Rose and Kyle sneaking out for a minimal reason like Cass and Jason are too comfortable to move now. Rose tries sneaking out first, but is interrupted when Alfred walks in to offer more blankets and/or a tea before going to bed. Rose appreciates the hospitality but tries her best to get rid of the older man. When Alfred does leave she texts the group chat that it might take a while because Alfred’s still not in bed, and she assumes he’ll check on Kyle next. Kyle doesn’t try to even leave the room, instead he tucks himself into bed believing playing along with Alfred’s nightly visit and looking less suspicious would get him to leave faster. When Alfred enters he raises a brow at Kyle’s relaxed attitude. Instead of being warm like he was with the Batkids and Rose, Alfred gives Kyle the most intense shovel talk of his life and takes the blankets Kyle is already using under the excuse of them being dirty so Kyle will probably need new ones. Needless to say after thirty minutes of waiting Alfred just never returns.
When Kyle complains about his lack of covers to the group chat, the girls ignore him and suggest now is the perfect time to sneak out. With none of them planning anything solid now, they all sneak out at the same time, only for all four to run into Alfred who was waiting patiently for this moment. Instead of trying to lie to him, they come clean about their plans, and this is the cheesy sitcom moment of “You gotta tell your father the truth yada yada, master Jason and miss Cassandra you’re college students now you should be able to talk to your dad yada yada, yes he can be stubborn but he cares about you yada.”
And next morning when they confess at breakfast Bruce is upset, but he understands where they’re coming from after Alfred intervenes by bringing up Bruce’s own sleep over experiences. Bruce agrees to give them more freedom and trust, but the moment comes to a halt when Tim, who is still in a half sleep state, says he thought B was cool with that considering Dick is dating a red head and they sleep over all the time. And as if on cue Dick comes down for breakfast followed by Barbara, Kori, Roy, and Wally who all slept over last night. Cass, Rose, Jason, and Kyle decide they should get breakfast somewhere else as soon as Bruce’s eye starts to twitch… and end of the episode! This episode was not filmed in front of a live studio audience.
follow up to this post here
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lomapacks · 11 months
in the source link, you’ll find FOUR HUNDRED AND SEVENTY gifs of the actress KRYSTEN RITTER in ORPHAN BLACK: ECHOES (SEASON 1). all gifs were made by me from scratch, therefore i’d appreciate if they are not edited, redistributed, added to other gif hunts or claimed as someone elses. if you enjoy or plan on using them, please like or reblog the post. if you enjoy my work, please consider buying me a coffee! tw: guns.
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alicent-vi-britannia · 2 months
Why does Shirley have to die?
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One of the most frequent comments I found while browsing when I entered this fandom and it bothered me greatly was that Shirley's death was useless, which reflected a lack of understanding of the series and the character of Shirley and her relationship with Lelouch and Suzaku. So today I'll explain what the effects of Shirley's murder were.
Broadly speaking, Shirley's murder serves as a catalyst between the first and second half of the second season. Likewise, Shirley's sad murder resonates with the main theme of the series and influences the narrative arcs of Lelouch and Suzaku.
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1. Shirley's death was what pushed Lelouch to change his plans for the Geass Cult. Instead of controlling the orphans who had been turned into Geass users, Lelouch decided to destroy the Geass Cult by decimating the children and scientists who participated in the project by organizing a clandestine operation with the Black Knights.
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1.1. This operation will later become one of the reasons why the Black Knights will betray Lelouch. It's information that is leaked to Asahina, a member of the Four Holy Swords, and reaches through him Tohdoh, who, together with Ohgi, were the ones who convinced the rest of the Black Knights that they were angry with Zero for abandoning them in the middle of the takeove of the Tokyo Settlement. So the massacre of the Geass Cult influenced the betrayal of Tohdoh, one of the pillars in the Order of the Black Knights and most loyal to their leader.
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1.2. Additionally, the Black Knights' attack on the Geass Cult resulted in the death of V.V. and attracted the Emperor who took the code from V.V. and then attempted to initiate the Ragnarök Connection in episode 15, but C.C. prevented this by sealing her code and suppressing her memories. Something that will influence Lelouch's isolation. Also, in the massacre of the Geass Cult, Lelouch captured Cornelia, which will be important in the future.
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2. Shirley's death was what pushed Suzaku over the edge and motivated him to coerce Kallen through refrain to get confirmation that Zero was behind her murder. About to do so, Suzaku realized that he was about to become completely corrupted and begins to rethink his beliefs and methods for the first time. It's because of this incident with Kallen that Suzaku is willing to reunite with Lelouch and team up with him, even if it means abandoning Britannia. But, well, Schneizel ambushes the two former friends and makes Lelouch believe that Suzaku betrayed him once again. Consequently, Lelouch is determined to kill Suzaku in revenge, but it turns out badly due to the cursed order he gave him long ago and which causes the total annihilation of the Tokyo Settlement, something that will mark a turning point in Suzaku's narrative arc and It will also affect Lelouch...
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3. Shirley's death was a turning point in Lelouch and Rolo's relationship. It was a relationship in which love and hate were quite balanced, but, after this event, Lelouch leaned towards hate. I'll talk more about this point in my analysis of Rolo's motivations for killing Shirley, so that's all I'll say for now. I'll add that, if Mao made him realize that Geass can corrupt the user and Euphemia's death made Lelouch realize that Geass is an evil power, Shirley's death made Lelouch realize that Geass will condemn him to isolation (damn, Lelouch saw a lot of red flags and kept going; I don't know whether to call it idiocy or determination). At the same time, he realized how terrible the power of Geass is in the hands of a child and became terrified that all Geass users were like Rolo, which is why he thinks it is better to eradicate the Geass Cult and not control them.
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4. Shirley's death is linked to the main theme of the series (will) and, in a certain way, influenced the epiphany that Lelouch will have in the final stretch of the series. Rolo didn't get into a vehicle, he drove to Shirley's house and got out to shoot her. No. Shirley was murdered, following her will. She abandoned the security force that was guarding her because she wanted to offer her help to Lelouch. To paraphrase Lelouch's words to Schneizel in the series' penultimate episode, people are actively seeking happiness, and for Shirley, her happiness was with Lelouch. Even though Lelouch erases her memory over and over again to protect her, Shirley will always do what her will dictates, and that includes falling in love with him again. Shirley's firm resolve, added to that of other characters, is what teaches Lelouch to value human beings' will and constant pursuit of happiness.
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In short, Shirley's death is what leads to most of the events that occur in the second part of R2. Without that, the Zero Requiem doesn't even take place. For all this, it is ridiculous that the alternate universe continues with the same events as the canonical universe, but, well, nothing makes sense in the alternate universe (hence it is complete garbage and I'll maintain this statement until the last day of my existence.)
Having said that. If anyone still wants to be angry about Shirley's death, they have to change their focus on her. The point isn't that Shirley's murder adds nothing to the plot (we already saw that it isn't true); but this seems to show that Shirley is a "woman in refrigerator." This is a term coined by Gail Simone to refer to female characters who face disproportionate harm, which will serve as a plot device to motivate male characters. The term was used to talk about situations in Western comics, but can be extrapolated to other media. Is Shirley a "woman in refrigerator"? I would say yes, but I think that term should be applied when there are female characters who have great potential and the authors don't exploit it, but rather prefer to reduce them to a motivation for the current male hero. And Shirley is not Kallen (an action heroine and Knightmare pilot, whose talent and skill can change the flow of a battle), she is not C.C. (an Immortal Witch who knows all the secrets of Geass and is clandestinely working with our protagonist's worst enemy for her own interests), she is not Euphemia (a princess in the Holy Empire of Britannia who can challenge the status quo and change the system from the inside), she is not Nina (a prodigy in science, capable of creating a weapon of mass destruction). She's only Shirley. An innocent civilian trapped in a bloody war. She cannot contribute more than she can, so let's not ask for pears from the elm.
I really wanted to write this analysis! I just removed a thorn that was stuck. I feel better.
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hannigramislife · 3 months
Thoughts on this idea I’ve seen people spout?
“Dazai has to treat Akutagawa the way he still does and he can’t make nice and give him approval because he promised Aku a reason to live and if he gave him that approval Aku wouldn’t have a reason to live anymore.”
It’s normally used to semi-excuse Dazai’s current behavior, but not totally since it’s normally preceded by a “I’m not justifying his behavior! But”
Well op, lemme tell you what I think about this take.
I think it's the biggest load of bullshit I've heard while in this fandom, and I've heard a lot. What does that even mean?? I don't even know where to start, to be honest.
Firstly, since when was that an acceptable reason of living to give to a 14 year old orphan? Since when did Dazai promise that the reason he'd give would be his own approval– more so, how fucking arrogant and conceited and disgusting would it be, to believe your approval is worth being someone's entire reason to live? If Dazai really thinks of it that way, it would be horrible and disturbing.
Secondly, if that is Dazai's true reason for his behavior, even a tiny bit, he still left. For four years he was gone. I don't remember if him faking his death is canon or not, but nonetheless, dead or missing, he was gone and had no plans to come back. How could he have been Akutagawa's reason to live then? I don't think that even featured as a thought in his mind at the time, so why would it now? Obviously Akutagawa can get by without him.
Thirdly, if Dazai gave a fuck about Akutagawa's emotional wellbeing, about his mental health and what's best for him, he would try to rip out Akutagawa's admiration of him from its roots. He'd be honest and say that at the time of their promise, Dazai hadn't had a reason to live himself. That there was actually no such thing, and that a reason to live should be whatever causes you not to kill yourself each morning. He would encourage Akutagawa to find his own meaning, in his own people, instead of withholding praise and affection and acknowledgment and all the positive feedback he so easily offers Atsushi.
Finally, I'll say this. The reason why this is, as I mentioned, the biggest load of bullshit ever, is because Dazai actually uses Akutagawa's admiration for him. Why would he get rid of it when it's so convenient? Season 5 showed us that. I will admit that Dazai probably is planning for Akutagawa's progress, and wants to help him grow. If that weren't true, he wouldn't partner him with Atsushi, he wouldn't be trying to cultivate a new Double Black, he wouldn't bother with him at all.
But that's not because he cares about Akutagawa personally. I am quite certain he doesn't even like Akutagawa. There are plenty of other reasons he could be doing this; because he wants to make up for the past, because Oda told him to save the orphans, because him and Atsushi are so compatible–
“Dazai has to treat Akutagawa the way he still does and–" Dazai has to do no such thing. Dazai has never manned up and faced his problems head on a day in his life. Man runs from his past and his issues and his feelings, so why would this be any different? He chose the easier option, which would be to keep Akutagawa tethered to him, and simply went with it.
That's all.
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listen i’m not saying that The Devils Chord is gonna be a musical batman crossover episode but that’s exactly what i’m saying
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First and most obvious proof, this was posted to the official doctor who tiktok when they released the episode titles for the new season. It literally says Timothy Drake.
Then today I was rewatching the christmas special and when the goblin song came on I fully went tinfoil hat yall.
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ORPHAN BOYS WITH JET BLACK HAIR??? oh you mean like bruce wayne or dick grayson or jason todd or TIMOTHY DRAKE??!?!?!?
And then this was the very next line:
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Dick Grayson was quite literally raised in a circus and the Joker is a clown.
These last four specials leading up to the new season have all been establishing that the doctor has pushed reality to be a little more strange than it used to be and idk I feel like this matches with that.
i’m probably delusional but whatever yknow
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lesbianspeedy · 10 months
Oooh what's orphan black? 👀
a part of me is worried that with the general. everything. of my blog that you're thinking im about to recommend a sick comic series, but im gonna hope you wont be disappointed when thats not what i do. though technically it does have some comics, shoutout to the 3 people other than me that have read them
Orphan Black is a show that begun airing a decade ago in 2013, it had 5 seasons, with 50 episodes overall! it's a sci-fi (technically listed as a thriller but. idk about that) show about human cloning and well, the ethics of science and human intervention.
Starring Tatiana Maslany (currently more known as she-hulk in the mcu) as, by the end of the show, about 8 different full time clones, with a few one-offs for good measure. each with their own personality, history, mannerisms, accent, look, and relationship dynamics. Tatiana's acting in this show is a genuine masterclass, you will forget and have to remind yourself she is playing all four characters in a scene you're watching constantly. how does she have chemistry with herself. what is happening
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on a wider scale the show is about nature vs nuture, family and man's interference in human evolution, and also gay people. a lot of gay people. i dont really know how to get further into it because its a show i really really dont want to spoil.
i'd recommend giving at the the pilot a shot, its (in my opinion) very compelling, and if that doesn't hook you, give it up to episode 3 before you give up, i think thats really where you get the best first look at Tatiana's acting prowess.
if you do enjoy it, theres an audio sequel Orphan Black: The Next Chapter with Tatiana back as everyone, and after that there's Orphan Black: Echoes, set 30 years after the show and following a whole new story, though explicitly set in the same world, thats not technically out anywhere but australia yet.
now. the worst part of this is that unless you're british and you have access to channel 4, i have no idea where you can watch it. it used to be on netflix but was taken off a few years back, and afaik it hasnt been put on any streaming site. so. my recommendation is well, if you want to watch it, Do What You Gotta Do.
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gremoria411 · 3 months
A question I've been half-pondering since you posted some of your thoughts of G-Witch -- are there any series that you think do particularly neat things with design lineages (either aesthetically or otherwise)?
Obviously in G-Witch, you've got this lovely variety in mobile suit design, with each corporation having a different, easily-identifiable style. But there's also things like how both styles of 'suit in Gundam Wing (Gundams and Leos et al) trace back to Tallgeese, so you have a 'progenitor' mecha running around.
Oooh, that is a fun one. Off the top of my head I can think of around two series that do really interesting things with Mobile Suit Design Lineages, Mobile Suit Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans and Mobile Suit Gundam 00, but Gundam Wing, Witch From Mercury, SEED and the Universal Century in General all have examples worth discussing.
Note: I hit the character limit here, so this post’ll just be part one, and contains my thoughts on 3/4 of the main units in 00. I’ll talk about the fourth and other series in a subsequent post.
Admittedly, most of these are the titular Gundam’s design lineage, but there’s enough grunts that are worth discussing too.
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First of all, Gundam 00
I’ll fully admit the above graphic is overkill for what I’m going to actually be discussing, but I think the design lineages of the four main Gundam’s is very very good, because each unit is clearly delineated into a speciality. (I’m gonna define them by their Third Generation Entry, since that’s the ones in the first season of the show).
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Exia - Blue, with a focus on close quarters combat (I.E. Swords, to the point its original developmental code was “Seven Swords”).
Dynames - Green, with a focus on long range and sniping.
Kyrios - Orange, a transforming mobile suit that has high mobility.
Virtue - Black and White (sometimes with purple), Initially seems to be the Heavy Weapon Gundam, then later you realise it’s just full of absolute bullshit. It’s great I love it.
The second season, movie and side manga all add to this development line, so you can see how each concept develops over time. It also provides alternate equipment options for the main units, variants on a theme if you will. (I’m going to ramble a lot here, so I’ll identify which unit I’m talking about in bold).
Exia, for example, is the melee Gundam, one of two Gundam’s designed to primarily deal with any traitors to Celestial Being (I should do an analysis post on 00 sometime……, anyway). It accomplishes this by incorporating weaponry specifically designed to get around GN defences which, at the time of its inception, is unique to celestial being (this is why it’s got solid swords in addition to beam weapons). Its immediate predecessor, the Astraea, is probably the most stable of the original second-generation gundams - it’s designed for melee combat and doesn’t incorporate much experimental systems into the mobile suit itself. Because of this stability, it’s typically used for testing weaponry slated for other Gundam’s, such as the proto GN Launcher. This is further evidenced when it’s modified into the Astraea F by the Celestial Being support organisation Fereshte, since it’s the mobile suit of choice for that organisation when circumstances don’t demand a different unit, again because of that versatility. The Exia’s successor is the 00 Gundam (which I habitually just roll into the 00 Raiser, since it’s only around for about three episodes). The 00 Gundam is fitted with two GN Drives instead of the standard one, which should give in a far greater output. In practice, it needs to be fitted with the 0 Raiser, a little stabilisation plane thing, in order to run stably. This becomes the standard loadout for the Gundam, and it becomes the 00 Raiser. The 00 Raiser has slightly less swords than its predecessor the Exia, but makes up for this by incorporating the Raiser Sword, which essentially turns the entire Gundam into a sword hilt. The 00 Gundam’s Variants, the 00 Seven Swords and XN Raiser are essentially the 00 Gundam with even more swords and bladed weapons bolted to the frame (I’d like to specifically call out the Seven Swords for having GN Katars, which is just neat, honestly). As Setsuna’s penultimate suit, we have the 00 Quanta, which dares to ask the question “laser-shooting psychic swords?”, and can also freely teleport, just in case you thought distance was going to make this easier. The 00 Quanta Full Saber is probably what you’d expect by this point - the 00 Quanta with a bunch of extra swords strapped to it. (The ELS Quanta’s not, strictly speaking, a combat Gundam, so I tend to look at it as its own thing). The Exia line starts off basic, but eventually takes the concept of “sword” to greater and more ridiculous levels.
Dynames, is a sniper, but it develops very differently to the other Gundams. The original Dynames and its successor Cherudim were developed for Neil Dylandy, an excellent sniper. However, the Cherudim and its successors were piloted by Neil’s brother Lyle instead. Lyle was not as good a sniper as his brother, and so his Gundam’s were subsequently reconfigured in order to be more effective in large-scale combat - rapid fire rifles and submachine guns as opposed to “true sniping”. So, though the line shares several visual elements and retains a focus on ranged combat, it changes with its pilot.The Dynames was armed rather simply - a sniper rifle and two pistols, with supplemental armour being added. This is likely a direct response to its predecessor, the Sadalsuud. The Sadalsuud is notable for two reasons - it was configured more as an information-gathering unit than a combat machine, and it was notably lacking in armour. The Sadalsuud F incorporated a pinpoint GN Field in order to get around this issue, but the Dynames simply incorporated more armour as a result (likely due to practicality). The Gundam Cherudim, Dynames successor, incorporated missile pods and GN shield bits in addition to its pistols and sniper rifle, with its GWHW/R pack adding GN Rifle bits to the mix, giving the Cherudim far more guns to use. Another equipment pack, the Cherudim SAGA, even went so far as to be a “Seven Guns” counterpart to the Exia’s “Seven Swords” philosophy. Lastly, there is the Gundam Zabanya, which incorporated GN Rifle Bits and GN Holster bits, casting off its original sniping specialisation for a mass battle focus. “You don’t need to be a better shot, you need to shoot more bullets”, indeed. The Dynames line shows the progression from scout, to sniper, to more sniper, to Gundam with a billion guns. This is directly due to the influence of its pilot and the difference between the brothers - Neil’s a Sniper, Lyle’s a Gunslinger and so the line is adjusted accordingly.
The Kyrios is probably the simplest to talk about, since it was piloted by Allelujah/Hallelujah Haptism and was designed to maximise its aerial profile. The Kyrios itself was armed with beam sabers, a beam submachine gun and claw shield, with various optional missile packs, typically used in quick strikes. Its immediate predecessor, the Aubulhool, was barely a mobile suit at all, being essentially a proof-of-concept for the transformation mechanism. Nonetheless, it would also be used as a quick strike craft by celestial being when required. The Arios is essentially the Kyrios but more so - it has a new rifle, and the original beam submachine guns and claw shield have now been integrated into the mobile suit itself. The GWHW/M pack gives it a missile pod and swaps the rifle out for a GN Cannon. The Arios is also unique in that it incorporates a support mech - the GN Archer, which is essentially a smaller, simpler Arios for all intents and purposes (it’s not on the chart, but it was adapted from the Gundam Artemie, the bee-looking Gundam at the top-right). The Arios Ascalon is essentially the Arios fitted with various pieces of equipment originally slated for other units - a GN sword from the Exia, missiles from the Dynames and a GN Launcher from the Virtue. This makes it far more versatile, while still retaining its excellent mobility. It’s another one I’m quite fond of, simply because I find the versatility appealing. That and I think the Arios looks good in red. The last unit in the line is the Gundam Harute - designed from the ground-up as a two-man space superiority fighter. It’s also designed to leverage the abilities of its two/three super-soldier pilots, incorporating the Marute Mode which allows its pilots to fight in-sync (it’s…. Not quite clear how it does this, but 00 runs with the “quantum innovators understanding” stuff quite a bit, so I’m not too concerned). The Harute also incorporates GN Sword Rifles, which are scissor gun-swords (fun), as well as GN Scissor bits and a nice lovely missile container on the rear. Kyrios and its derivatives are largely concerned with doing the same thing - a fast attack plane that’s also a Gundam. It’s a very good, very achievable concept, so it’s neat seeing how the line develops over time. I’d like to note that the Harute is basically a culmination of everything that came before it, but considering I’m quite fond of it, perhaps I’m a little biased there.
I’ll talk about Virtue and other series in a follow up to this post, since I managed to hit the character limit for the first time.
But in essence, I think 00 does interesting things with its Gundam Design Lineages because each unit has a specific role, so it’s interesting seeing how they develop within that role, and seeing how their pilots influence them. The vast amount of other units added in supplemental material further sheds light on the in-universe development patterns and general “goals” of each unit. Exia retains the sword focus, but takes it in more esoteric directions as Setsuna himself moves toward his awakening as an innovator, Dynames undergoes a shift from sniping to gunslinging when its original pilot dies and celestial being replaced him with his brother (which is a very weird process, now that I think about it). Kyrios basically hits the nail on the head first time with its mobility and fast attack focus, with Arios basically just adding armaments, however his eventual understanding with Marie enables the addition of the GN Archer and eventual development of the Zabanya, which raises its mobility to even greater heights. On the other side of the coin, the units seen during 00P and 00F provide context for their successors - what worked and what didn’t, and how they developed.
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advocatingpeanut · 1 month
My mom and I have been binge watching Lost this summer and we're rushing through the last season before I go back to school.
Is it just me or does EVERY main character have such tragic backstories?
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Jack: Drunk dad he had no closure with until Sawyer finally said something. A mother who defended said father. And a wife who left him. Not to mention he has a step-sister he doesn't even know about until later in the show.
Kate: Kills her stepfather for being abusive, learns her dad isn't actually her biological father, gets harassed by police, has a series of toxic relationships.
Sawyer: Is traumatized as a child and orphaned. When he seeks revenge, he kills the wrong man, and as such, feels guilty for it. Has a series of toxic relationships.
Hurley: Is in a mental institution, learns he has hallucinations and thinks himself crazy, is self-conscious about his weight and binge eats, has an absent father who suddenly shows up when Hurley wins the lottery, has bad luck because of the numbers.
Sayid: Is forced to torture people at a young and impressionable age, loses his first love and searches for her to no avail and in doing so is blackmailed by the FBI into convincing his college roommate into becoming a suicide bomber, watches said friend kill himself
Locke: Was born premature and very sick as a baby, his teenage mother didn't want him and his grandmother didn't give it a second thought when giving him up for adoption, is told he isn't special, is told throughout his life what he can't do, Anthony Cooper blackmails him into giving up one of his kidneys and then tries to kill him, his one romantic relationship ends as a result of Anthony Cooper's involvement, is paralyzed for four years
Claire: Has a tense relationship with both her mother and her aunt, her baby's father gets her hopes up then leaves her, has a psychic give her all sorts of conflicting information, feels guilty for considering giving her baby up for adoption, survives a plane crash while heavily pregnant
Charlie: Tries to help his brother get clean, tries to keep himself on the straight and narrow and in doing so becomes an addict himself, watches his brother get better as he gets worse, his band fails to sustain its success
Jin: Grows up poor and is harassed for being part of a lower class, falls in love with a woman in a higher class and is forced to do her father's dirty work to marry her, becomes aggressive and withdrawn until well after the plane crashes
Sun: Forced to be under her father's rule and falls in love with a man in a lower class, is blackmailed for a large sum of money by Jin's mother - a prostitute, has an affair with a man who loves someone else and feels guilty for it
Ben: His mother dies shortly after childbirth and his father becomes a drunk and blames him for it, is groomed from a young age by the Hostiles and gives the go-ahead for them to kill the Dharma Initiative, becomes their leader and must be ruthless.
Juliet: Is a divorcee, her ex-husband is her boss and flaunts his sexual escapades in front of her, her sister has cancer and Juliet cannot watch her be cured nor see her nephew grow up save for a glimpse of a black and white recording that lasted a few seconds, Ben controls her and does not let her leave the island.
Michael: Him and his girlfriend have a son, whom Michael loves very much and is committed to taking care of. Said girlfriend takes a job in another country and only tells Michael after she has accepted the offer. In the same conversation, breaks up with him and informs she will be romantically involved with her new boss and they will raise Walt. When Michael tries to travel to see Walt, he is injured and cannot leave. His ex-girlfriend visits, says she is marrying her boss, wants Michael to give up parental rights. A long, drawn-out custody battle ensues, Michael is eventually convinced by ex to sign away rights so her new husband can adopt him. Says goodbye to son that doesn't even remember him. Writes letters and draws pictures over the course of several years that his mother keeps from him. When Walt is 9 or so, his adoptive father comes to see Michael, tells him ex died, he never wanted to be a dad in the first place and only adopted Walt to appease ex. Gives custody to Michael. He tries to raise his son that doesn't even know him and amazingly after all that, doesn't paint ex or adoptive dad to be bad guys and doesn't turn Walt against them.
Desmond: Tries to find his purpose, gets fired from being a monk. His girlfriend's dad constantly undermines him, tells it to his face, actively tries to keep his daughter away from him. Goes on an around the world trip her dad is hosting to prove to him his worth and gets stuck on the island for four years. His one companion he accidentally kills and his life becomes pushing the button every 108 minutes.
Rose: Has cancer, falls in love with Bernard and he takes her to healers. Nothing works. She believes she is dying.
Boone: Is in love with his step-sister and is constantly manipulated and played by her and her many romantic interests.
Shannon: Is smart but plays the dumb, helpless, pretty blonde role. Manipulated her step-brother for money but probably feels guilty for it, especially when she has a moment of clarity about what type of situation she's in and wants to get out. Is accepted into a prestigious program all of her own hard work and asks her step-mother for money to attend it. Her step-mother says she is the sole beneficiary of her father's money, disowns Shannon and keeps said money.
Ana-Lucia: Is constantly trying to impress her mother, is shot while pregnant and loses the baby. When she tries to return to work before she is ready, she gets an earful from her mother for it. Kills the man that shot her, taking revenge and justice in her own hands and not the law's. Gets reprimanded for it. Is hired as a bodyguard for Jack and Claire's dad and is constantly confused about what they're doing. Shares a drink with Jack and is flirtatious. It never goes past that.
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ourladyofomega · 1 year
So, @lysistra was nice enough to tag me to name four albums I’ve been listening to intensively in recent weeks (thank you!). It was a tough decision and I literally lost sleep over this, so everyone please be nice to me or I’ll never do this again.
And they are:
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#1: Sweeping Promises: Good Living Is Coming For You. Their debut, Hunger For A Way Out, was an essential Pandemic Autumn jam and I was drawn to it because of the d.i.y.-ethos album cover. I listened to that album the most out of any others that season. Now this came out with very little heads-up and I reached for it immediately, effectively taking me back to those Pandemic feels. They stuck with the same post-punk-driven, Pylon-influenced formula and these ten songs come with a slightly dirty, muddy splash in their production values. There’s a few new tricks that vocalist Lira Mondal has tried out and they show. They’ve also retained that d.i.y. method of creating records throughout all of their projects and their entire discography. Still not enough? There’s the orphaned single “Pain Without A Touch” and their other just-as-awesome project Splitting Image. And look at this CMYK artwork?!
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#2: Free Love: Luxury Hits. I’m elated to say that I’m the only one here amongst my mutuals who know about this Scottish electronic duo, and that started with Apero, a record that stamps my move into my current residency. Formerly Happy Meals (because they can’t be bothered naming themselves after cancerous toxicity), this married couple have that magic touch in their sound that no one else has. They have such a special soul that could take you to another world; one that could’ve possibly existed but per chance could be a reality. Luxury Hits contain two personal favorites / footnotes of mine: “Tomorrow Could Be Heaven”, one denoting an Autumn Sunday trip out to Greenpoint, and “Pushing Too Hard”, part of a soundtrack to a colorful and vivid but complicated Summer. The latter is a charmer thanks to Suzanne Rodden’s charismatic vocals, and any release of theirs is super high-resolution, sweet colors, and lush sounds. I still hope to keep Free Love as a personal gem only I can have to myself. Maybe not after you see this.
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#3: Kontravoid: Too Deep. Whenever I’m not blasting hardcore music while busting my ass at the gym, I turn to synthwave instead. After hearing the electrically-charged sounds of Kontravoid, I’m becoming more a fan. This all started when Boy Harsher featured Kontra's-“Maskerade” on a one-and-done post and the rest was game over. The original full-length has some severe high-voltage bangers (“Turn Away”, “So It Seems v.2”) and some superior anthems included (“Too Deep”, “Cost Of Life”). If you’re headed for the remix album, go on right to Fractions’ version of “So It Seems”, then tell me that you didn’t lose your shit over it because it’s that crazy.
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#4: Black Marble: A Different Arrangement. It’s Summer, and you know what that means: it’s time to reach for the record that one of my fellow dee-jays opened my eyes to. Black Marble gives me a elevated feeling of superiority thanks to not only its art direction but also its frigid beats and moderately warm but lush-as-heaven synth work. Chris Stewart’s project is so good that I saw them twice: one at Brooklyn’s Warsaw opening for Cold Cave, and closing out Sacred Bones’ 15th at Queens’ Knockout Center. Both amazing experiences. Bonus points for its’ Eighties sentiment which reminds me of Dead Or Alive’s “Brand New Lover”, and double that for being the soundtrack of me moving into a new neighborhood.
And…because I can’t settle for four albums, I’ll throw in a bonus:
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#5: SpaceGhostPurrp: IntoXXXicated. Holy shit. Talk about a venomous Naga-grade pit-viper of a rap release. This has to be the most exotic bars mixtape I ever heard. If you’re looking for a good drugs, money, and sex record? Well...then here it is! It’s super hot.
This time, I will tag: @sibelin, @charliemonroe, @kate2, @tewzz, @aleprouswitch, @sheisthesisterofnight, @restwaerme, @misterwhirly, @maldoror-est-mort, @sclr, @justmakesuresheeatsthemouse, @chickenshit-conformist, @urban-hieroglyphs, @iamdangerace, @the-land-of-rape-and-honey, @testure-1988, @rivetgoth, @theonlycure, @sweetness-doesnt-touch-my-face and anyone else who wants to play.
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kloppinthekop · 8 months
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꧁ hello! ꧂
amy ᝰ ❧ scorpio sun and moon, she/they, grey-ace, 30s
i support liverpool f.c. (epl) and mclaren (f1). faves include: dominik szoboszlai, lando norris, oscar piastri, and carlos sainz jr.
→ formula 1 sideblog: carlandoscars ←
i have a ph.d. in english literature, specializing in science fiction, but i really only write for fun these days.
other interests include: kate bush (queen of my heart), goth and post punk music/subculture, horror and sci-fi films, jane austen, mary shelley (i am always ready to bring frankenstein into any conversation), orphan black, star trek, studio ghibli, and more.
a masterlist of my fics and other scribblings are below the cut! a gentle reminder that i do not take requests for fics; however, headcanons are welcome and my askbox is open!
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you can find most of my fics on archive of our own (ao3). some may be archive-locked (only viewable to users who are logged in on ao3). fics are sorted by type, ship/pairing, and then alphabetically listed within each category (for the most part). ratings are indicated in parentheses next to each title. if you are under the age of 18, please do not interact with any mature/explicit fics. full list of tags and any potential content warnings are available on ao3. masterlist to be updated periodically.
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꧁DOMITRENT꧂ (dominik szoboszlai/trent alexander arnold)
dream come true (M, eventually E) 𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔱𝔲𝔰 ➾ [work in progress]
→ Dominik, whose dreams of becoming a professional football player ended years ago due to injury, has dedicated himself to a new passion: physiotherapy. After moving to Liverpool to complete his studies, he meets Trent, a local lad whose dream of playing in the first team is about to come true. But what if, in meeting one another, their dreams become intertwined?
⟡ by chapter: chapter one: skull and bones | chapter two: skeletons and secrets | chapter three: start of something | chapter four: sweet as sugar | chapter five: stay with me | chapter six: stuck on you | chapter seven: suddenly everything changes
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꧁HENDOLLANA꧂ (jordan henderson/adam lallana)
borne in red (E; dubcon) → In a world where men have been discovered to be infertile, the few men who are not sterile are forced into service of Captains and their Wives. Adam Lallana is one of these "studs," also known as Reds. He is also, dangerously, in love with men. Over a course of Ceremonies, he discovers that his Captain has a secret, and that his proclivities may be indeed similar to Adam's own desires…
A Hendollana AU based on Margaret Atwood's novel, The Handmaid's Tale.
⟡ by chapter: chapter one: waiting | chapter two: discovering | chapter three: being | chapter four: waiting | chapter five: coda
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꧁DOMITRENT꧂ (dominik szoboszlai/trent alexander arnold)
we lit the fire and it's burning bright (E) → After the Liverpool vs Manchester City game (where Trent scores the equaliser), Dom takes Trent back to his apartment and proceeds to take him apart with his hands and lips.
working on the riddle of your heart (E) → Dominik can’t stop thinking about Trent. Ever since pre-season training, he has been obsessed. God, Dominik wants to be possessed by Trent.
you're out there killing the game (E) → Trent gets his arse out for all to see, but Dom wants it to be just his.
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꧁CARRAVILLE꧂ (jamie carragher/gary neville)
gary knows; or, gary the fool in liverpool (T) → Liverpool’s lost the league, and Gary’s lost his damn mind.
a christmas carraville (merry crimbo, ye big lug) (G) → God I love him, but my husband is an idiot, Jamie thinks. In which Gary Neville and Jamie Carragher are married, but Gary doesn't know it yet.
champagne supernova (happy new year, ye tosser) (T) → It's New Year's Eve, and all Carra can think about is whether a certain Manc will kiss him at midnight. Maybe a little liquid courage will help light the way.
package deal (it's valentine's day, ye dimwit) (E) → Gary's got a Valentine’s date with an idiot.
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꧁GERLONSO꧂ (steven gerrard/xabi alonso)
days of legends past (G) → "When you left, it broke my heart." Three vignettes related to various and sundry myths and legends.
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꧁HENDOLLANA꧂ (jordan henderson/adam lallana)
fools in love (G; archive-locked) → aka, five times that other people noticed Jordan and Adam were dating before they did, and one time they finally realize that they’ve been a couple all along.
hounds of love (G; archive-locked) → Jordan's not sure what his soulmark will be yet, but what he does know is that he's terrified. A slow-burn soulmate AU.
merry to go 'round (G; archive-locked) → The lads buy a house together at the end of the 2026 World Cup campaign, and not a single one of their teammates (former teammates now) are surprised.
soft lad (E; archive-locked) → Five-hundred twenty-five thousand six-hundred minutes… it took a span of two pre-seasons for Hendo to realize that he was in love.
vignettes: tickertape (G; archive-locked) → After the trophy lift, Hendo searches for a tangible piece of memory…
vignettes: turf (G; archive-locked) → Lallana leaving LFC, but choosing a certain squad number for familiarity…
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put myself on a pedestal - virgil van dijk/jarell quansah (E) → After the Union Saint-Gilloise match, Jarell says some things to the press that perhaps ought not to have been said. It's Virgil's job to educate him. But perhaps there are things that Virgil also ought not to say out loud… Then, Jarell comes over to his house one night after training, and Virgil finds a more effective way to stop Jarell from saying stupid things.
eu sou... - eric dier/dele alli (G; archive-locked) → Dele is um idiota but so is Eric. Pining ensues. footballers watch: eurovision 2019 - multi-ship (G; archive-locked) → What it says on the tin. [Pairings include: Carraville, Hendollana, Gerlonso, Deledier, and other random cameos.]
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klopp in the kop, forever - jürgen klopp (G) → Jürgen Klopp, the normal one, is about to live a normal life, for the first time in his life.
vignettes: takumi (G; archive-locked) → Second day at Anfield • Daemon!fic aka His Dark Materials/Football RPF
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⟡ domitrent headcanon - who's naughtier, domi or trent?
⟡ domitrent headcanon - valentine's day
⟡ domitrent headcanon - who fell first
⟡ domitrent headcanon - dealing with injuries
⟡ domitrent headcanon - sex positions
⟡ domi and trent headcanons - fashion styles, shopping habits
⟡ domi, trent and jude headcanons - jealousy
⟡ trent and jude headcanons - food habits, sweet tooth
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⟡ cheeky - domitrent
⟡ the prince and the scouser - domitrent
⟡ queen's gambit AU - domitrent
⟡ anfield is a cauldron - gen!fic
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dividers created by @cafekitsune | other graphics resources
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exquisiteagony · 6 days
if you notice chapter 30 bearing similarities to beth’s plot in. season four of orphan black then you’re welcome
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shark-myths · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you so much for the tag ((and drag)) @carbonbased000! this was very fun and thoughtful to do.
who is writing things right now? i never remember. i will tag a wide and perhaps not terribly relevant range of: @toorational @just-about-nothing @27-royal-teas @leyley09 @alienfuckeronmain @stereostatic @setting-in-a-honeymoon and anyone else so inclined!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
968,103, but as i’ve said before, i have orphaned a lotta fic as well
3. What fandoms do you write for?
pretty much just Fall Out Boy, but i will occasionally dabble in something random! this includes tony stark femslash (not sorry, will not apologize), cobra kai, and anything about girls or characters who could compellingly be made into girls.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Difference Between Real Love and the Love on TV
Stranger Danger
Boys Next Door / Assholes
From Russia With Love (this is one of those random sidesteps, a MCU femslash epistolary)
Jet Black Crow
(As an aside, it is so wild to me that older fics have so many more kudos than newer ones—you can really tell that fob went 5 years between albums! imo this is NOT a list of my best fic.)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
for years, I responded to every single one! then at some point i fell behind because of my high standards for trying to put the same thought and effort into my responses as all you lovely people put into the comments, then i became overwhelmed, then i stopped. I AM SO SORRY IF I OWE YOU RETURN COMMENTS, i read them and i treasured them and you are a huge part of the reason i keep writing. love u all!!!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I only write happy endings, man! I stopped writing tragedies a long time ago. My angstiest fics are red and unafraid of living and In Every Universe. the end of Made One Way (Cobra Kai) is ambiguous and potentially brutal, depending on how you take it.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
um, every single other one! I’m a big fan of the gory fairy tale ending of The Boys Time Can’t Capture, and transmuting the hiatus into an act of mutual care and love in Sell Out Girl meant so much to me.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not since my first fandom and god, don’t
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes, a bit, could probably write a little less about feelings and a little more about feelings if u know what i mean. I’m super into sex as a person so i almost never write about intense romantic connections without bringing smut into it somehow; they feel really tightly linked for me, and i think i also crave media with HOT and INTIMATE connections between queer people. In terms of kind, i guess i’d have to say it’s largely rushed vanilla emotion-and-orgasm driven scenes. not a very flattering oeuvre i've created here.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
mash-ups are my favorite thing to do! I especially like ripping off movie and fairy tale plots and making them stranger, or else taking a really specific constrained timeline from someone’s life or a piece of media and transforming it somehow. best sandbox ever. my craziest one is probably the coyote ugly / beauty in the beast peterick fic, Wolves Dressed As Wolves. and i love this type of transformation in everything, whether it's the weirdo gender shit i just learned duchamp was doing or katherine addison's destructively beautiful 'sherlock holmes except there're ANGELS' novel or the buenos aires re-imagining version of vivaldi's four seasons by piazzolla, my life and taste keeps taking me into the various ways we fold and refract and remake the same experiences over and over again through different lenses or angles or selves. to quote some author whose identity i forgot years ago, though the quote remains: "there are no new stories." all art is iterative, and the most interesting thing we can do as creators is deviate in new, unexpected ways.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
yeah, a million years ago on deviantart
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes! I have had a few translations and a podfic. I love it when people want to interact with my stories in their own way, all interpretations are welcome.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
one day i hope to be domesticated enough that @carbonbased000 can write with me. I used to co-write by passing the laptop back and forth with my bestie in high school; we wrote self-insert x-men fanfiction based on the comic books in like 2004 and it was an absolute blast; but generally i am considered impossible to work with, by both myself and others.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
i feel completely unqualified to answer this question. i have been driven insane by any number of pairings in my life. when i was younger, i was more interested in internalized homophobia themes in ships, because that's where WE were culturally in the early 2000s and where i was in relationship to myself, and i think each change and growth and greater empowerment and self-possession in my own life is mirrored in what i am interested in. i feel the most drawn in by dynamics between people that are creative and give me a new way to access and explore interesting ideas and themes; i’m a real sucker for shared art products and touring bands as unique and agonizing ways to connect people. there are so many different ways to express that someone is your soulmate and you'll never convince me throwing away all trappings of a traditional life in order to rove the earth and make art with your friends isn't one of them.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
do you not just block out your WIPs from your mind so that you can live in moment-to-moment freedom?? I am a finisher in general, i have a few peterick drafts lurking around in my gdocs but if they remain untouched, it’s generally because there are only a couple thousand words to them and i’m not very excited about the possibilities of the fic. there is a sequel to a meticulously historically accurate pirate fic i wrote long ago called Providence, i got to about 30k and then lost all of my extremely painstaking notes and research in a software update. I’m still very interested in and excited by the idea, but i lost the notes and felt too traumatized to continue with the project genuinely a decade ago, so the idea that i will return and finish the fic seems fairly unlikely. Providence is one of my greatest pieces of writing ever, though, so hope springs eternal, i guess!
16. What are your writing strengths?
lyrical prose and conveying humor via unusual sentence construction. i was recently told i write arguments well and feel tough as a result, like, watch out! you don’t want to fight me!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i am lazy and easily distractible, i don’t plot in advance, i barely edit because i get really rigid and have trouble seeing any other way to say something than how i’ve already said it, i have an unwillingness to delete and rewrite even when that’s the only way forward (see: my eternally 90% finished age swap peterick au), i use up all my emotional energy elsewhere and then neglect my craft for weeks at a time. 
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
sometimes i’ll use pet names in another language if it makes sense for the character, but i avoid this in general as i’m not fluent in anything other than english. I would, have, and do sound like a duolingo lesson.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
afi bandom, when we used to call it slash, when i thought i had invented it with my friend at summer camp, when i was 13 and sent her kidfic stories i wrote out by hand in pink envelopes.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
genuinely i almost always write things i personally want to read, so i love them all! except the fucking fixed stars of heaven, everyone knows that fic tortured me to within an inch of my sanity. My most personal and personally meaningful fic is Girl Out Boy. i have a tattoo of it on my arm.
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tvrundownusa · 29 days
tvrundown USA 2024.08.25
Sunday, August 25th:
(exclusive): City of God: The Fight Rages On (MAX, premiere, drama series sequel to Brazilian movie, airs in primetime on HBOLatino)
(streaming weekly): Orphan Black: Echoes (AMC+, season 1 finale), SEAL Team (Para+), Mission: Yozakura Family (hulu)
(streaming twice/week): Romance in the House (netflix), Love Next Door (netflix)
(original made-for-TV movies): "Deadly DILF" (LIFE, 2hrs+)
(earlier - hour 0): *60 Minutes (CBS*, football overrun), [*NFL note: CBS shows are scheduled for a 30-minute delayed start in Eastern time zone, additional delay possible.]
(hour 1): Hotel Portofino (PBS, penultimate), *Tulsa King (CBS*)
(hour 2): Snowpiercer (AMC|AMC+, ~68mins), Emperor of Ocean Park (MGM+), Industry (HBO), *Big Brother (CBS*)
(hour 3): "Hollywood Black" (MGM+, part 3 of four), "Chimp Crazy" (HBO|MAX, docuseries, part 2 of four), Orphan Black: Echoes (AMC|BBCAm, season 1 finale)
(hour 4 - latenight): PSI Cops! ([adultswim], 30mins)
[preempted, returns in two weeks: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) ]
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adeptune01 · 1 year
Marauders TV Show Pitch
First of all, I don't understand why they are releasing a new Harry Potter show to HBO. I don't understand why this will exist, why people want it to exist, and why they did it this way. Second of all, if JK Rowling has anything to do with it, I will not support it or watch it.
Now that that's out of the way, this is what I would do instead.
Create a TV show following the Marauders (not necessarily a recreation of ATYD).
It would be so easy.
Each character already has their own tragic backstory:
James was raised in a wealthy home with loving parents, but is worried about living up to his family's expectations.
Sirius was also born into wealth, but into a family who value tradition and dignity above all else. He is the literal "black sheep" of the family and has to break away from their deeply ingrained bigotry.
Remus is an orphan, bitten by a werewolf when he was a child and raised in an accommodating but spartan muggle orphanage.
Peter has always been average, falling just short of his exceptional friends so he turns to darker powers, hoping to succeed where his friends dare not tread.
Besides the characters, there's also ready-made romance. James and Lily- a classic enemies to lovers tale that's already canon. And, obviously, Remus and Sirius- a beautiful friends to lovers relationship.
The show starts as the group enters year four with a lighter tone and then, as they get older and the war starts to seep into life at Hogwarts, there's a shift to a darker one- and once they graduate and join the Order of the Phoenix it gets downright tragic.
However, in the first few seasons it could do what Stranger Things did and lean into the aesthetic of the decade- the 70s. Using funky clothes, good music, and a golden filter over everything, it could build a solid vibe and attract an audience.
I even have a few episodes planned out.
Pilot: The Marauders meet to discuss their summers in a compartment of the Hogwarts Express on the way back to school. The episode features their tales boasting of summer fun juxtaposed with flashbacks showing what really happened.
Ten-Point Tosser: James becomes captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, but his friends fall out of his sight as his vision narrows to winning the upcoming match against Slytherin.
Box Clever: As of late, the head-boy is a particular pest so the Marauders decide to take action. It's revealed at the end of the episode that the head-boy's father recently died in the fight against Voldemort.
Hop, Skip, and a Skive: Sirius skives off class one too many times and the rest of the Marauders are left to cover for him. Features increasingly ridiculous lies told to Professor Mcgonagall and her attempts to catch them in the act.
Annual Brilliance: It's time for the semi-official prank of the year, but the Marauders have all landed themselves in separate detentions. Throughout the episode they work under the professor's noses to pull off their biggest prank yet.
There's more I haven't mentioned (even a few full scenes planned out) but I think I've proved my point. That perfect mix of comedy, drama, and romance. The world deserves a marauders show.
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dailycass-cain · 2 years
Cassandra Cain Merchandise
Have a craving for official Cass merch? 
Action figures? Statues? Mini figs? T-Shirts? Beach Blanket? 
Yes that latter was a thing.
Here’s all the known Cass merch! 
Action Figures
 DC Direct (remember them?) made two Cass figures. One in their “First Appearance” line which is based on the Damion Scott design of Cass:
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The other was in the “JLA Classified” line (sadly this was the last known action figure of Cass made back in 2011):
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This one feels like it was inspired from Ed McGuinness design of her in Batman/Superman #5.
Mattel made one Cass Batgirl figure that was released prior to their DC Universe line (but they would use the action figure buck when they would release a Babs Batgirl figure for this line). 
Cass was in one of the “final” waves of their DC Super Heroes line (because of this she’s a rare figure):
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Unfortunately, as of 2023 both the Mattel and JLA Classified figures run just over $100. You might be able to find the First Appearance figure at a good price, but I’ve seen it usually go for around $80. 
Once again DC Direct made two Cass statues. The first was based on Damion Scott’s design of the character:
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This particular statue usually runs for just over $100. Thankfully it hasn’t broken the bank unlike other Cass merch released by DC Direct. This one was  “Ame Con” line and Cass got a statue near the tail end of it:
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So originally, this was meant to come with an additional unmasked head that you could switch. But the higher ups said no to the additional tooling cost.
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You can view the designer of the statue’s unmasked head here. Sadly, this is probably one of the most expensive items of Cass merch out there. Currently this statue goes for over $200. 
If you’re looking for something smaller Eaglemoss released TWO mini statues of Cass for their DC line and a Batman chess set. 
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These should only cost up to $30 at most (there’s a $24 listing for Black Bat and $22 with Batgirl). Just a word of warning the Black Bat one is notorious to have  a fragile head and is likely to come loose. 
Finally there is this from statue from Kotobukiya: 
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This one is $35 last I checked. Sadly I don’t own this particular statue but I’ve been told the plastic has warped a little compared to the others (it is an old statue) and the pieces don’t fit very reliably anymore.
It’s why I hesitated to go nab one myself due to a friend’s problems with this particular one.
If statues and huge figures of Cassandra are too big, well. Cass has also gotten a few little figures as well released of her. Six miniatures for games, one MINIMATES figure, and two figures for Imaginext. 
There's also a custom Lego Cass out there on eBay as well but-- it isn't really official.
The Minimates Batgirl figure currently goes for $30 alone (it had a mini Bat-plane with it). But you have two looks you can give this Batgirl unmasked and masked:
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Imagninext released two Cass figures. The first is as Black Bat:
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Two years ago they then released a Burnside Batgirl with Cass color scheme giving us the other figure:
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This figure is a little more “rare” and can run you up to $15 as of 2023.
 The miniature game HeroClix has released FOUR Cass minis. Two based on Batgirl:
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Then one each on her identities as Black Bat and Orphan:
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Monolith has Cass (as Orphan) in the Gotham City: Chronicles Batman Board Game (season 1 base game). 
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Season 3 of the game gave us her as Batgirl:
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This version was available last year during the Season 3 Kickstarter. Currently, Orphan goes for $10 on eBay. 
Love it or hate it. Funko made a Harley Quinn & the Birds of Prey Funko Pop of Cass (based from the movie):
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She’s currently $30 as of 2023. 
Knight Games has a Cass miniature in their Batman: Heirs of the Cowl expansion for their Escape from Arkham Asylum Board game.
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This hasn’t been released yet but there was a Kickstarter for it late last year.
Cass has three official t-shirts at the DC Shop (thanks to AAPI). One based on Audrey Mok’s AAPI variant cover for Batgirls:
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Jen Bartel’s Nightwing AAPI variant also has Cass on it:
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Of course, there’s also DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration #1 Jim Lee cover that has Cass front and center:
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Sadly, I cannot find this shirt anywhere but it was made two years ago. It might be still on the DC Shop but I can’t find it currently. 
Beach Towel
Yes, Cass had a beach towel based on James Jean Batgirl Vol. 1 #45 cover:
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Sadly I cannot find this beach towel as listing for it stopped around mid 2010s. Speaking of James Jean though...
Officially, James Jean has all of his Batgirl covers as prints avaiable if you purchase the DC Poster Portfolio: James Jean:
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As of 2023 this is going as cheaply for $19.
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lichfucker · 10 months
Twenty questions for fic writers
tagged by @bisexualshakespeare !! ty archer 🫀
guess I'll tag @jaynovz @asterofthevoid and @grasslandgirl
this is gonna get long so I am just putting it under a readmore from the jump lmao
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
ten if you include music. eight if you don't
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
black sails, community, the fetch phillips archives, and ted lasso. I used to have a cr fic too but I orphaned it bc uhh fuck that noise. on my old account in high school I wrote for community, homestuck, dangan ronpa, and hp :/ but we don't talk abt that account lmao
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Sanguine - Ted Lasso, Trent/Ted, M - my vampire!trent au! g-d I still adore this fic in my bones. not surprised at all that it's my most popular by a wide margin; this is the biggest fandom I've written for, and I wrote it at the peak of the show's popularity. I'd like to believe it's worth the hype lmao
Five Girls Annie Almost Kissed and One She Did - Community, Annie/Annie Kim, T - canon-compliant lesbian!annie thesis. an exploration of annie's romantic life from adolescence through season three with a LOT of autobiographical projection lmao. I looked back at my own life and thought, "yeah, that happened to annie too" dflsdf this fic will always be precious to me
Crawl 'Til Dawn - Community, Annie/Britta, M - oh, look, another vampire au! well. this one came first. this is the oldest fic on my account-- I wrote the first seven chapters in the fall of 2016, posted them in early 2017, and then stalled out finishing it until fall of 2021. it's the fic that got me back into writing. the five-year gap is palpable, I think. I'd write it very differently now than I did then. there's something really charming in that, I think
Ner Tamid - Black Sails, Silver/Muldoon implied but it's mostly gen, M - I'm at the jewish!silver character study. I'm at the doldrums cannibalism fic. I'm at the combination jewish!silver character study doldrums cannibalism fic. I had An Episode the night before my mom's birthday, went into A State, and wrote this in one ten-hour sitting. I think it is perfect. wouldn't change a single word
Through His Stomach - Black Sails, FlintHam and SilverFlint and SilverFlintHam in a weird proxy way, E - my magnum fucking opus. dark fairytale hag au. we are two weeks out from this fic's first birthday. at this rate it'll be another four years before I finish it. I learned how to write smut for this fic. the pride I have in this fic is obscene. this is the quintessence of me
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes! I do! I respond to every single comment! because I like getting comments and I appreciate the people who take the time to leave comments and I want to show them my appreciation by thanking them for their comments! and also because I can't shut up and I will take any excuse to talk about my own work! if you mention one thing offhandedly in a comment I am replying with an entire paragraph about that thing
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
ooh, this is a tricky one. the obvious answer is Cold, Dark, Depraved, but that one's SO angsty all the way through that the ending is rather... cold and dispassionate by comparison. the other answer is Ner Tamid but I suppose that depends on your definition of angst. there's an air of resoluteness to the ending; it isn't particularly fraught, it's just horrific
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
hmm. Sanguine, Five Girls, and Crawl 'Til Dawn all end with a getting-together (well, in CTD it happens a bit before the ending, but still). Five Girls has the element of self-acceptance and the confidence to live the rest of your life open and free and unburdened, but Crawl 'Til Dawn has the element of murdering your evil ex and then riding off into the sunset. guess it depends on which makes you happier lmao
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no? I write niche enough stuff that nobody's gonna read it if they're not into it
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
as of this year I do! I've been writing fic for over half my life at this point and I was so certain for so long that I would never be comfortable writing smut. and then I came to a scene in hagfic that I knew would hit so much harder if the characters were having sex. so I resigned myself to my fate and I fought through the embarrassment and now look at me. I'm a certified pervert
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
no and I don't like reading them, either
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that I know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
one of the homestuck fics I wrote in high school got translated into russian but, again, we don't talk about that account
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
how the fuck am I supposed to answer this. how can I possibly choose. obviously the answer is jeff/britta but how do you expect me to pick
15. What’s a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I am still holding onto the belief that someday I will write To Cross Running Water, my sprawling black sails canon retelling where everything is the same except flint is a vampire. I refuse to let myself think I will die not having written it.
the actual answer is Say It Out Loud, my other trent/ted vampire au where ted is the vampire this time. I started writing it at the same time I started Sanguine-- literally the exact same moment. I had two word documents open in split screen. then I went all-in on Sanguine for a month (still insane to me that I finished it in a month) and I swore Say It Out Loud was gonna be shorter and faster and sillier, but then. I moved so slowly. and it got bigger and bigger. I got 30k into it-- thirty thousand words into it-- before season three came out. then s3 aired and it was so bad it killed all my enthusiasm for the show, and I really do not know if I'll ever bring myself to finish the fic now. I think it would have ended up being another 15k or so. I'd like to hold out hope that I'll go back to it but the hope diminishes every day
16. What are your writing strengths?
MOOD. mood. tone and mood. florid description. the rhythmic flow of the language-- cadence and meter are so ingrained in my mind; if it SOUNDS wrong, it IS wrong. I have a strong command of language and I can set a lush and vivid scene. and I need to do very little editing. it just springs out from my brain fully-formed like athena from the skull of zeus
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
plot. concision. speed
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
it's neat when other people do it but I don't know any other languages and I'm not gonna embarrass myself by relying on google translate or w/e
19. First fandom you wrote for?
hp unfortunately 😔
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
hagfic. Through His Stomach. it's not even a question. like. are you joking. it's hagfic. except for when it's Ner Tamid
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