#Personality Development for Students
borngeniusworld · 4 months
I'M Born Genius
Welcome to I’M Born Genius, where we believe every individual has the potential to excel and shine. Our mission is to nurture and develop the skills and strengths of young students, graduates, and working professionals. At I’M Born Genius, we offer a wide range of courses and training programs designed to enhance your personality, professional skills, and inner strength. Our Courses and Training…
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artsekey · 4 months
Went to apply for a job, midway through I learned that the person hiring is someone I respect very, very much in my field (who I have never spoken to), then saw the application site was closed (How Did I Miss the Deadline for this Really Cool Job!!!!) and then saw that it was the website's fault and that they were taking applications through LinkedIn DM's. So I did the premium trial & sent my reel in, and they told me they're sending it to recruitment/leads and that it's a good reel!!!! And then the person I have respected for years sent me a friend request!
I'm beside myself!!
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winterr77 · 1 year
ੈ✩‧₊˚Self Improvement Habits
ੈ✩‧₊˚self improvement habits to slowly implement
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✩no social media before 10 am and after 9 pm (even better if you delete your social media, I only use pinterest and tumblr)
✩sleeping around 6-8 hours everyday and not sleeping later than 12pm
✩ figure out your bodies needs, what are you defficient in?(e.g iron and vitamin D) Do you need acne meds? (they saved my skin) Take vitamins and minerals daily and invest in your health early to prevent issues.
✩waking up early (this can vary but I try around 5-7am)
✩reading 15 min a day and slowly increasing by 3-5 min, I recommend classic literature such as Woolf, Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, etc
✩working out once a week for beginners to slowly 3 times a week
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✩eating healthier through nutritious meals, fruits and nuts and avoiding very sugary and overly processed junk food.
✩practicing writing, journalling, or any other form of creative expression
✩pick up an instrument to learn (proven to increase brain activity and improve brain health)
✩reconnect with nature, spend an hour or more outside, no music just listening to your natural surroundings
✩choose a skill and hone it, this can be from Edx or Skillshare, e.g CS50 course from Harvard at Edx
✩work on your goals for at least 30min a day
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good luck with your studies !!!
ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚
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blissfullyecho · 1 year
how to study + become a better college student
*i’m in nursing school for reference*
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before classes/school:
#1. eat a good, hearty breakfast. i cannot concentrate when i’m hungry because i think about lunch or having a snack. i like to carb up for breakfast (carbs give you energy) and have things like pancakes, french toast, bagels, etc., as well as protein (because that keeps you full) like eggs, turkey bacon, yogurt, etc. i like to take a green powder or a multivitamin during this time to give my body what it needs so that i can function for the rest of the day too.
#2. i always bring water with me to class so that i can concentrate and not think about how thirsty i am. it’s super important to stay hydrated so come prepared.
#3. i know the lesson plan and what’s going to be talked about each day, and if your classes are run like that too, read the chapter or look over whatever it is you’re going to look over today in class to give you a general idea of what you’re going to learn today. this will help you feel like you’re one step ahead (which you are).
#4. wake up early enough to be relaxed in the morning. every time i didn’t perform my best in school was when i woke up and immediately rushed to get ready for class and not took the time to allow myself to ‘wake up’. your mornings should be chill, not a race against the clock.
during classes/school:
#1. actually jot down notes— do not rely on just using your phone to take pictures of the board/powerpoint. when you write your notes down, you get a chance to get that information stuck in your head. what i do if my instructor goes too fast on the powerpoints is: i take a picture of the powerpoint, then i write down what she/he says, then when i get home i rewrite what i took a picture of and the notes that i took in class (i’ll talk about this later).
#2. ask questions— who cares if you’re shy or whatever. asking questions will allow you to be more engaged and it shows your professors/instructors/teachers that you actually care (and they might even bump some grades up for you if you show you’ve taken initiative and tried). every question you ask, write your question down and their response in your notes. i’m telling you, this has helped so much and it gives you such a good look.
#3. use your lunch break for what it is— a break. 30 minutes isn’t a lot of time for an 8 hour day so actually rest and enjoy your lunch during this time. you need a chance to reset.
#4. if you can, always ask to review your tests with your professors/instructors. see what you got wrong and talk it through with them. in nursing school, we generally aren’t able to see what we got wrong on our exams and tests without our professor being there to review them with us. please do this.
#5. use a 1 subject notebook for each class and have pens/pencils that you only use for class. your notes in class should be legible but not super pretty. make your notes pretty at home, not in class.
#6. when taking a test, go over the questions and answers before turning in. there have been so many times i read a question too quickly and changed my answer and i ended up being correct when i looked it over again. don’t make those dumb mistakes.
#7. befriend the other students who do really well in the class. seriously, this will save you.
after classes/school:
#1. when you get home from school, unwind for an hour. take a shower, go to the gym, do whatever you want to do to allow yourself to relax and unwind. you need to take another break after school to regroup and to find a little bit of balance.
#2. review the notes you took in class that day and the pictures you took of the board, and rewrite your notes in a different notebook. so i suggest 2 notebooks for each class— one for your sloppy in-class notes and another for your pretty and organized notes. rewriting your notes will allow your brain to help retain that information.
#3. spend some time each day after rewriting your notes to watch a few videos on youtube about that topic. for nursing school, i like to look at 1-3 videos about what we’re learning to get a wider understanding.
#4. on the weekends, i like to spend 1-2, sometimes 3 hours each day reviewing everything i learned that week. i will watch more videos, i will read over my notes, and i will also create flashcards with my own practice questions in regards to the notes i take and quiz myself with those cards.
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girlmagicfr · 3 months
Preparing for the New Month
A guide with effective tips for planning your month with success in mind.
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Pinterest: girlmagic_fr
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sanctiphera · 2 months
Are we waking up to reality yet? Anne Frank had nothing to do with Gaza, so there is no reason to deface her statue unless the real reason is nothing to do with Gaza.
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This is a pretty low thing to do, but I'm sure they're going to find a way to sink even lower.
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a lot of people carry around an assumption that a work of art which is “good” in certain ways is going to be received pleasurably (i’m using an extremely broad definition of pleasure here that encompasses things like art-induced moral discomfort or sadness don’t @ me) by, like, people at large. this comes up in two different areas of interest for me: on the one hand, People Having Takes On The Internet; on the other hand, discussions about pedagogy, particularly around writing. i have, i mean, a lot of different thoughts about this - still marveling over the interview with a book critic and harvard philosophy doctoral student i read where she casually espoused the belief that if people were simply taught better what makes art good they would like bad art less, which continues to strike me as one of the stupidest things i’ve ever seen a person i temporarily had a positive opinion of say - but like in pedagogical considerations for example something i had started to wonder about when i left the classroom was like… our writing instruction relied a lot on modeling. like, “notice how this published author does this thing; see how i try to do it also; now you try.” and i think that an unarticulated/unrecognized problem in that sort of modeling is that it kind of assumes the student finds pleasure in say a thorough visual description - that the student agrees “yes this part of what makes the book good.” (an adult can probably choose to learn craft lessons from a book they dislike - but i think that’s a tall order for a seven year old.) but not all of them do, and i picked description specifically because it’s something plenty of adult readers dislike as well - “too much description” is a common goodreads complaint! to me this is viscerally sort of insane because what are you even reading for then? but the answer is that they’re reading for different reasons than i am and i’ve never heard an argument i found compelling in favor of the idea that there are objectively better or worse things to seek from art (an area of life that quite literally doesn’t matter, which is precisely what gives it meaning, IMO). and also a surprising number of people very deep into art generally or of a particular kind seem ignorant of or opposed to the idea that, for example, someone who cares about a medium as an art form is probably going to have different criteria than a person who doesn’t care and just sometimes wants to go to the movies or see a book, and this is actually normal and not a problem to be solved. which i find strange. no real conclusion here except maybe an argument for spending more writing time in elementary school on things like learning what a complete sentence is and how to write one, which is a skill that will prove valuable regardless of personal tastes.
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o2studies · 7 months
༻`` 12 Feb 24 — Monday
100 days of productivity 43/100
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Woke up late enough but I didn't let that put my mood down (especially that a longer sleep was probably needed) and got a lot done today! All the housework for tomorrow is finished, my dogs and I enjoyed a walk, I didn't make any physics notes but I thought about them if that counts 😅. I rewatched another episode of The Falcon And The Winter Soldier today with lunch and started making a notebook from spare pages I had! Never done it before and I am encountering issues as expected, but it's going well so far! (we don't talk about that 1 needle I kind of bent...). And also I worked on The Sci Journal website a bit! The 'about me' for everyone who submitted one so far is alsmot finished and I'm making progress with organising the subjects and tags.
Have a good day/night <3
🎧 - Soviet Russia (accordion)
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trivalentlinks · 9 months
Let F be a Floer homology theory. For the purposes of this talk, you can assume it's any Floer homology theory you like, and if you don't like any Floer homology theory, then pretend you do like one and assume it's that one
-- a conference speaker
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waitineedaname · 2 years
actually I'm not done thinking about teru and ritsu's friendship. I think teru might be one of ritsu's first real friends. ritsu isn't like,, the most social kid in the universe, and I think he has plenty of superficial friends (see: "I talk about the weather with pretty much anyone") but I think the only real close friends he has are teru and shou. and I think it's bc both of them are people he met without his Perfectly Ordinary Middle Schooler mask. he has to fill the role of honor student, perfect son, doting brother, etc. all the time while ALSO trying to blend into the background and be inconspicuous, and that's part of why he lashed out like he did during the cleanup arc, but with teru and shou, his first encounter with both of them involved him being an arrogant little shit that's willing to pick fights, which contradicts the perfect kid act AND the perfectly ordinary middle schooler act, and is in fact much more honest bc he's not hiding this kind of nasty side to himself. and that honesty works out for him with these two! teru sees himself in ritsu because he's also kind of an arrogant little prick, and aside from initially trying (and succeeding) to intimidate him, teru looks out for him and risks his life trying to save him and they genuinely get along pretty well! and with shou, he sees that ritsu is willing to fight him on his own and he's like "oh you're fucking nuts, we need to be best friends now" and immediately respects him a lot just because he's not gonna run away from a fight he's certain to lose. idk, I just think it's important that ritsu's first real friends are ones who saw him in rather ugly circumstances and wanted to be friends with him anyway
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nenelonomh · 1 day
the bucket list
✧. ┊ philosophy club (my school has one)
✧. ┊ music: piano, guitar, singing
✧. ┊ sports: karate, volleyball, netball, long distance running, dance
✧. ┊ peer tutoring
✧. ┊ robotics club, book club, chess club, engineering club, esports club, board games club
✧. ┊ start a business (?)
✧. ┊ misc hobbies: photography, coding
✧. ┊ spanish culture club (again, my school)
✧. ┊ be a student leader, write a school paper
✧. ┊ get back into creative writing
✧. ┊ card games
✧. ┊ maximise nutrition, culinary arts
✧. ┊ yoga (?), pilates (?)
✧. ┊ astronomy, sign language,
✧. ┊ start a podcast, make a youtube video/channel
✧. ┊ gardening, knitting/crocheting, diy projects
✧. ┊ get my first-aid certificate
✧. ┊ travel overseas
✧. ┊ try some type of extreme sport
✧. ┊ learn how to speak a new language FLUENTLY
✧. ┊ look after someone else's pet (like dogsitting)
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Would you like to live this LIFE?✨
Pictures from pinterest. Credit to the owners.
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winterr77 · 1 year
ੈ✩ Habits for your academic life
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Below are some habits and rules to keep in mind throughout your studies and some tips that will elevate your learning experiences.
☆ Setting boundaries and learning to say no
It is always easy to say yes and join every social event that one is invited to, however its crucial to consider your own personal life and the consequences of your decisions. Hanging out with friends is a needed event as a social creature, however it's better to exercise caution and know when to say "no" to focus on your own goals and dreams. Don't get pulled into the pace of others and focus on finding a routine and schedule that works for your own benefit.
☆ Being comfortable with your own company
You will find in uni that there are lots of times that you will spend alone, and maybe feel a little anxious that you're the only person who isn't constantly in the company of someone everyday like you maybe were in high school. However, realise that even the time to yourself is a time of value, and treasure those moments to focus and work on your own goals. It is easier to get lost and lose sight of your ambitions when with others who don't have the same aspirations as yourself. Use your own time to sit down and work out what you want to achieve and quietly put in the effort to win.
☆ Never being scared to ask questions
It can be quite daunting to ask questions in lectures, so I prefer to ask my questions during times that aren't forced into a short time interval, such as tutorials, office hours, and other forms of learning support that your university/college provides. This way there is no rush to answer my questions and take my time in working through concepts and ideas. Ask questions based on your own conclusions, questions that challenge current rules and perspectives. Think deeper into your lessons and seek to make use of every bit of information.
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☆ Being curious
This is very much related to the point above, that being that personal interest really aids with the brains memory retention. The more things you approach with an enthusiastic attitude, the easier it is for your brain to remember and categorise. Having curiosity, even if it is forced, gives a great advantage where you seek to interconnect the information you learn with other data, and grow more networks of neurons that allows your brain to stay healthy and active.
☆ Initiating contact
Struggling with a theory or assignment? Great, it shows that you are actively trying to understand a concept and working your brain muscles. Now the best way to comprehend or complete what you are struggling with is to access support materials. Still difficult? Reach out. Your teachers, professors, tutors are all there for your benefit. Use them intelligently and squeeze every drop of assistance and support from them while they are still available to you.
☆Watching educational content to aid your studies
You can never lose from learning a bit more every day. However make sure to fact check and find your information from trusted and quality sources. In general, it's always a win to be educated in various topics from health, sciences, arts, humanities and more to gain a better understanding of ourselves, our world, and humanity.
For example, I watched a ted talk today, and here is my conclusions from my notes:
ੈ✩TedX: Why Reading Matters by Rita Carter
☆Your brain needs a workout as much as your body. And reading fiction seems to be one of the best workouts you can get. (I recommend quality fiction, with that being classic literature because it genuinely exercises your mind with its intricate language techniques and diverse vocabulary)
☆Not only is it good for you, but it's also good for society as a whole because the brain is like a muscle: the more you force yourself through books to take other people's perspectives, to sympathise, to empathise with other people, the more empathetic a society we will have.
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good luck lovelies
ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚
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I love reading all of your little triumphs and stories on my posts. Every day I read them and I don't reply to a lot of them because they are just so amazing and beautiful and how you guys congratulate me and then share your story after just makes me almost cry. I am so so so proud of all of you. You have worked so hard to get to where you are and it's all because of you, yourself. You have done amazing things and you will keep doing amazing things!
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girlmagicfr · 4 months
Read when you feel unmotivated or you are in a slump. I understand that life can be hard sometimes but you need to rise above the challenge. Remember to take care of yourself both physically and mentally. Your emotions are unreliable source of motivation. Talk to someone, your friends or family. So much love💗💗.
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sanctiphera · 3 months
The way to judge a country is to observe the way they treat their animals, their women, and their vulnerable (not necessarily in that order). That's my benchmark, always.
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