#Regulus Black and Penguins
regulusblqck123 · 4 months
Do you know what I just realised?
Penguins don’t have teeth.
There’s 18 different species of penguins.
The smallest penguin is a foot tall.
I love penguins if it isn’t obvious.
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thepenguinclub · 2 days
dancing with our hands tied
jegulus, dancer!regulus, smitten!james, mutually beneficial agreements (ill do soemthign for you if i get to give you a little smooch on the forehead), open ending
Wordcount: 2,423
When Marlene had first invited James along to pick up her new girlfriend from her dance studio, he had been slightly curious but mostly more interested in the nachos they were going to get afterwards. But one thing had led to another, and then he was watching Marlene’s girlfriend dance something called a jive with the most gorgeous man he had ever seen, moving so quickly and fluidly that James had, for the first time in his life, had to seriously consider needing to leave a room for fear of embarrassing himself.
So, James being James, he had immediately needed to speak to the man, who had introduced himself as Regulus. And, because James really had no self-control, he had then proceeded to call the man beautiful, asking him on a date, and then giving him his number despite his repeated refusals. Not his finest moment, and James had genuinely contented himself to never stepping foot back in Marlene’s girlfriend’s place of work ever again and possibly also moving to China, but then the unthinkable had happened. Regulus had texted him.
Regulus needs a favor, and James is more than happy to help.
hey. i think ive decided my presence on this website will just be me randomly uploading shit i speedwrote and did not reread whenever motivation strikes, and you know what? im okay with that.
this is my first jegulus work, i love them. this idea hit me in the shower and instead of imagining a whole book surrounding this one interaction i decided that i was just going to write this as a oneshot and if i decide to expand upon it later, good for me. if not, whatever. if you feel struck by motivation after reading this and want to continue it, go for it (if you do please credit it me because i would love to read it).
otherwise yeah i think that's it. enjoy.
WARNINGS: drinking (coffee), swearing, james has some dirty thoughts but none are explicit, just maybe imply explicit stuff, mentions of the control walburga and orion have over regulus, implied depressive feelings
if theres anything i missed let me know and i'll add it :)
The cafe around James was not at all what he had expected when he had agreed to meet with Regulus.
Granted, James had only spoken with Regulus once, so what did he really know? Quaint, pastel coffee shops could be right up the other man’s alley, though somehow James doubted that. With his pale skin, glossy black curls, sharp cheekbones and lithe figure, Regulus looked more likely to be found at a Victorian ball than a cafe in downtown London.
And yet, there he was, walking briskly through the door, just as striking as the first time James had seen him. He was in a soft-looking gray sweater, and black trousers that hugged his thighs. James lifted a hand from his table and smiled at him, only receiving a quick nod in return before Regulus was stepping up to the counter to order.
The conversation that had led to that point had been a short one, starting with a ping on James’ phone and a ‘James Potter? This is Dorcas’ friend, Regulus.’ and ended in a ‘see you there!!!! 😁’ Honestly, James had assumed it had been a waste of time to give Regulus his number at all, seeing as he had appeared very uninterested in James’ original advances when Dorcas had first introduced them. Which she had warned him about, of course, but James couldn’t help it; watching Regulus and Dorcas dance the way they had was nothing short of a transcendent experience.
When Marlene had first invited James along to pick up her new girlfriend from her dance studio, he had been slightly curious but mostly more interested in the nachos they were going to get afterwards. But one thing had led to another, and then he was watching Marlene’s girlfriend dance something called a jive with the most gorgeous man he had ever seen, moving so quickly and fluidly that James had, for the first time in his life, had to seriously consider needing to leave a room for fear of embarrassing himself.
So, James being James, he had immediately needed to speak to the man, who had introduced himself as Regulus. And, because James really had no self-control, he had then proceeded to call the man beautiful, asking him on a date, and then giving him his number despite his repeated refusals. Not his finest moment, and James had genuinely contented himself to never stepping foot back in Marlene’s girlfriend’s place of work ever again and possibly also moving to China, but then the unthinkable had happened. Regulus had texted him.
“Thank you for coming,” Regulus said in his posh, perfect accent. Every move he made was graceful and precise, from the way he sat in the chair to the way he lifted his coffee to his lips to sip it slowly. James was obsessed.
“Happy to,” he replied, smiling widely. He was going for ‘a friendly guy’ and not ‘in love with a stranger’, and hoped he succeeded. After a moment of silence, when Regulus continued to sip his coffee and James continued to stare at him, James cleared his throat and pushed up his glasses. “I was surprised you texted me. Not that I didn’t want you to, of course, but you had just seemed, well…”
“Uninterested,” Regulus filled in for him after the word had stretched on for a few seconds. James nodded. “I was.”
“What changed?” James asked curiously, his fingers tightening around his own cup of coffee. He had drained it a few minutes before Regulus had walked in, which was, in hindsight, a bad idea.
Regulus sighed.
“I appreciated your honesty at the studio, James,” he said seriously. “And I am sorry, but I cannot be for you what you want me to be.”
“I don’t want you to be anything,” James refuted immediately. “I am happy for this to be whatever you want it to be.”
“That’s nice of you.” Regulus’ lips twisted, and he took another sip of his coffee. James watched his Adam’s Apple move as he swallowed. “I was hoping to repay you with some honesty of my own, really. That’s why I asked you to meet.”
“I’m all ears.” James leaned forward. This man was very interesting, and trust that James was very interested. It also seemed to him that Regulus wasn’t particularly honest often, and that he should make sure he paid attention to whatever he was about to say.
“I don’t have time for friends,” Regulus told him, “much less a significant other. I spend twelve hours a day, six days a week in that dance studio. When I’m not there, I am preparing to take over my family’s investments when I inherit them. When I am not doing that, I am studying for the online classes I take at Oxford. The only friends I can truly afford to have are the ones that are at the studio with me. As you can imagine, their friendships are very dear to me.”
James nodded, and Regulus blew out a long breath.
“My family puts a lot of importance on my dance career, specifically my mother. Her expectation is that I am perfect.”
“That’s impossible,” James interrupted with furrowed brows. “Sorry, but- she must know that no one is perfect.”
“No one is perfect except for me,” Regulus corrected calmly. “She, nor I, will settle for less. For a very long time, my mother has been arguing to send me to a dance studio in Paris, one that is much more prestigious than the one I am at currently. I come from a different class than Dorcas, or Barty and Pandora, who I believe Dorcas introduced you to.”
“She did,” James confirmed, crossing his arms on the table. He didn’t like any of what Regulus was saying, and felt extremely protective of him, and angry on his behalf. He forced himself to remember that he had only met this man a week ago, and that they still did not know each other.
“The only one of our friends who matches me in social standing is Evan and he has recently made some… controversial decisions. That is what had resulted in my mother seriously pushing for my movement to France.” Regulus paused, pursing his lips. 
“Have you told Evan this?” James asked cautiously. “I don’t know you or him very well, but if he’s your friend I’m sure he would stop if he knew it was hurting you.”
“No,” Regulus answered fiercely. “Evan is taking a stand against his family for what he believes in, and I will always support him. To ask him to stop would be to trap him in his situation, and I would never do that to him. And he would certainly stop if I were to let him know of my situation.”
“Alright, well, there has to be something you can do,” James argued, feeling rising up in his chest. “Your parents can’t just ship you off to France, you’re a grown adult.”
“For complicated reasons I cannot explain to you, yes, they can,” Regulus sighed. “My age has no bearing in the matter. For all intents and purposes, they have complete control over me. But you’re right, there was something I could do. I got my mother to agree to a contract.”
“A contract?” James asked, eyes wide. Regulus simply hummed.
“Indeed. She would not force me to leave London if I could prove that I was not wasted at my current studio, and that my skills were improving. She agreed that I could do this by performing a specific way at the upcoming world ballroom dance competition.”
“Ignoring the horrifying fact that your mother made you sign a contract for your freedom,” James started slowly, “how are you supposed to perform? Please tell me she doesn’t expect you to win the whole thing.”
“No, not quite.” Regulus gave him a humorless smile, which briefly stopped James’ heart. “I must win every single category that I compete in except for one, as well as receive two perfect scores and break one record.”
“What the fuck?” James asked, appalled. “How is that possible? I mean, I’m sure you’re amazing, but that has to be impossible, or at least extremely difficult. How could she expect you to do that?”
“She doesn’t,” Regulus answered primly, swirling his coffee in his hand as if it were an exquisite red wine. “And you’re right, it is, while not impossible, extremely difficult. But I work very hard. And you were right again. I am amazing. I’ve planned out every category that I am competing in and every dance or event I will participate in and have it down to a perfect plan in which the terms are met.”
“I’m sensing a ‘but,’” James sighed, biting his lip.
“But, a majority of the categories that I have to win are paired dances. Which means that even if I perform perfectly, I cannot guarantee a win.”
“Because it relies on Dorcas to perform perfectly as well,” James finished, leaning back in his chair and running a hand through his hair. “That’s horrible.”
“It is what it is.” Regulus copied his movement, reclining in his chair much more graceful than James. “Dorcas is completely capable of performing the way she needs to, but not if she is worried. She needs to have a clear head.”
“She would be worried if she knew your future rested on her performance,” James couldn’t help but say. Dorcas was lovely, from the few times he had hung out with her and Marlene, but she did seem like somewhat of an anxious person, and he also knew that Regulus was her best friend. James could only imagine what it would be like to know that Sirius’ future happiness rested on his shoulders.
“Exactly,” Regulus agreed, “which is why I’m not telling her, or any of my friends. If it happens, it happens, and there’s nothing they can do about it. If it doesn’t, there’s nothing to worry about. But either way, she doesn’t need that kind of pressure.”
“Alright, that all makes some kind of twisted sense.” James pushed his glasses up his nose again. “Where do I fit into it?”
“Dorcas is already worried about me.” Regulus sighed heavily and rubbed a hand across his face. Despite the heaviness of the conversation, James couldn’t help but swoon a bit. “She believes that I am unhappy, and worries about my lifestyle.”
“Well… are you unhappy?” James asked slowly. Regulus waved his hand, as if physically batting the words out of the way.
“Whether I am or not is neither here nor there. What’s important is whether Dorcas thinks I am. Which is, as you said, where you come in.” Regulus pointed at James with a long, thin, perfectly manicured finger. James dug his nails into the meat of his thigh to stop himself from thinking about sucking on it. “Dorcas has, for some reason, decided that you are the key to my happiness, either as a friend or boyfriend. I don’t have time for either.”
“You want me to pretend to be your friend or boyfriend?” James squinted at him, his heart experiencing an interesting squeezing feeling. “Am I understanding that right?”
“Unfortunately, yes.” Regulus clenched his teeth, the muscles in his jaw flexing with the movement. James reminded himself to focus. 
“Sorry, can we back up to the part where you never answered if you were unhappy or not? I feel like that’s a little important,” he said, concern buzzing under his skin. They had only been talking for a small while, but James had given up on pretending that he shouldn’t feel so strongly about Regulus and had decided to just dive right in. He was concerned and angry and protective and he wanted to wrap Regulus in a hug. He settled for waiting for a response.
“I don’t…” The man across from him seemed to struggle with his answer for a moment before letting out a frustrated sigh. “I don’t know.”
“Don’t you want to be?” James asked.
“I don’t know,” Regulus repeated, sounding more and more unsure of himself. He squirmed a bit in his seat, for the first time looking something other than calm and collected. Two spots of color rose on the height of his cheekbones, and he bit his lip. Fuck, James wanted to eat him.
He shook his head sharply. Not the time.
“I’ll make a deal with you,” James offered. “I’ll pretend to be your friend or boyfriend or whatever you want for as long as you want.”
“And in return?” Regulus asked, face suspicious but intrigued. He leaned forward in his seat and folded his hands on the table.
“You try and be happy, and don’t stop until you are,” James answered firmly. “And then you say to me, “James, I’m happy,” and really mean it. When that happens, you’ve done your part.”
Regulus stared at him for a long time. James stared back. He hadn’t felt this strongly about anything or anyone in… forever. He’d never felt this strongly about anyone, and James made a silent deal with himself then that he wouldn’t let Regulus go. That whatever his answer was, this would not be that last time they saw each other.
“Okay,” Regulus agreed finally, face blank and eyes inscrutable. “I agree to your terms.”
James reached a hand over the table, and Regulus took it without hesitation. They shook hands, and James really wished he wasn’t thinking about how mouthwatering their skin tones looked against each other in such an important moment.
“You’re a very strange man, James Potter,” Regulus told him as he let go. James smiled.
“Thank you, Regulus- er…”
“Black,” Regulus supplied, with a slight smile of his own. James’ breath stuttered at the sight. “Regulus Black.”
“Regulus Black,” James repeated, tasting the name on his tongue. “You have the same last name as my best friend.”
Regulus hummed in response and finished his coffee, standing. James stood as well.
“I have to get back,” Regulus said, “but I’ll text you.”
“I’ll be waiting,” James replied, cringing a second later. Definitely missed ‘a friendly guy’ and fully crossed into ‘in love with a stranger’ on that one. Although, Regulus wasn’t really a stranger anymore.
James was rewarded for his awkwardness by another smile, larger than any he had seen before.
“Goodbye.” Regulus nodded at him, turned, and left.
James fell back into his chair and buried his head in his hands. When he closed his eyes, he still saw that last smile.
hope you liked it. im thepenguinclub on ao3 if you wanna read more stuff. comments and kudos are my life force so please leave them, especially comments they always make my day. ive posted some other stuff for harry potter, as well as merlin and sanders sides so if any of that's your jam feel free to read that too, otherwise have a fantastic rest of your day and i'll see you next time.
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thatdammchickennugget · 7 months
RIP James Potter you would have loved minecraft and making thirst traps
RIP Sirius Black you would have loved spotify and just dance
RIP Remus Lupin you would have loved noah kahan and weirdly specific video essays
RIP Peter Pettigrew you would have loved club penguin and reddit
RIP Lily Evans you would have loved pinterest and wordle
RIP Marlene McKinnon you would have loved milf culture and she's the man
RIP Mary Macdonald you would have loved tumblr and the barbie movie
RIP Regulus Black you would have loved water wings and therapy
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All tributes (With the exception of hellsite-hall-of-fame, God, Jesus, Tarlton, and Wallace) were chosen randomly, as were the pairs (Again, with the exception of 1, 18, and 32)
Information about the polls will be out a little bit before the polls themselves
Polls will open February 14th in the afternoon/evening (EST)
Second Wave will be announced sometime around 6pm EST
Tribute List under cut
@hellsite-hungergames vs. @hellsite-hall-of-fame
Vace (I Was a Teenage Exocolonist) vs. Herobrine (Minecraft)
Regulus Black (Harry Potter) vs. Edward Cullen (Twilight)
Merlin (Merlin) vs. Florida Man (American Mythology)
Gary the Gadget Guy (Club Penguin) vs. Sunny (Omori)
Benoit Blanc (Knives Out) vs. Ridley (Metroid)
Animal (Muppets) vs. Miku Binder Thomas Jefferson (Hamilton)
Clint (Stardew Valley) vs. Data (Star Trek)
Skunk Ape (Florida) vs. Daniel the Manager (Anon's manager)
Waluigi (Mario) vs. Timmy Turner (The Fairly OddParents)
Meta Knight (Kirby) vs. Castiel (Supernatural)
Death (Puss in Boots: The Last Wish) vs. Prince Caspian (The Chronicles of Narnia)
Katsuya Suou (Persona 2: Eternal Punishment) vs. King Arthur (Monty Python's The Holy Grail)
Squidward's Hopes and Dreams (Spongebob Squarepants) vs. Spiders Georg (Tumblr)
Anya Forger (Spy x Family) vs. Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games)
Hannibal Lecter (Hannibal) vs. Campbell Bain (Takin' Over the Asylum)
Jasper (Steven Universe) vs. Star Butterfly (Star vs. The Forces of Evil)
Tarlton (A completely real fandom) vs. Wallace (Wallace the Living Wall)
Mikhailo "Mickey" Aleksandr Milkovich (Shameless) vs. Dimitri Blaiddyd (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Duck (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared) vs. Everyone from Cats the Musical (Cats the Musical)
Jay Walker (Ninjago) vs. Miles Vorkosigan (Vorkosigan Saga)
Illyria (Angel: The Series) vs. Evan "Buck" Buckley (9-1-1)
Haymitch Abernathy (The Hunger Games) vs. Richard Gansey III (The Raven Cycle)
Ronald McDonald (McDonald's) vs. Amelia Bedelia (Amelia Bedelia)
Matt (Wii Sports) vs. Oswald Cobblepot (Gotham)
Edward Nygma (Gotham) vs. Tumblr Anon Icon (Tumblr)
Gillion Tidestrider (Just Roll With It) vs. Jedediah (Night at the Museum)
Reigen Arataka (Mob Psycho 100) vs. Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Alex Fierro (Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard) vs. Puss in Boots (Puss in Boots/Shrek)
Jessie Prescott (Jessie) vs. George Costanza (Seinfeld)
Leon Scott Kennedy (The Resident Evil Franchise) vs. Han Solo (Star Wars)
God (Universe fandom/Deadbeat dads fandom) vs. Jesus (Christianity fandom)
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suzieloveships · 2 months
Jegulus Batman au
So last week I wrote post about how Bruce and Harley are Regulus and Pandora variants and now I can't stop thinking about Jegulus Batman au
Regulus as Bruce Wayne, but more like Battinson!Bruce instead of comics!Bruce. In the day time he is Regulus Black, awkward rich orphan who looks like he wants to kill himself everytime he steps outside. By night time he becomes Batman, a mask vigilante, who fights criminals of Godric's Hollow, the most corrupt city in all of England. It's his way to repay for his parents' sin, part of Hollow's corruption. His only help is a family butler, Kreacher, who really wishes Regulus finished the med school instead of running around in bat suit
James as the Cat, a professional thief with a heart of gold whom Regulus keep failing to catch. He won't admit it but there were few times when he let James escape. Mostly because James often steal from people that deserve it but also because he loves the thrill of a chase. Overtime the two of them start working together on few cases and slowly fall in love
Pandora as Harley Quinn, once a young psychologist turn a henchwoman of Regulus's biggest villain, Tom Riddle, turn an anti-hero who help Regulus, James and their allies fight evil. Her biggest strength is psychoanalyzing her enemy and getting inside their heads. She and Reg went to med school together before he dropped out, years later while working together she conected the dots and realised that this grumpy bat and that grumpy boy from med school are the same person. Arguably Reg best friend
Lily as Poison Ivy, an ecoterrorist with a power to control plants and Pandora girlfriend. Regulus often lets her and Pandora escape as they most attack factories that pollute the environment
Sirius is both Dick, Jason and Kate. Regulus older brother that after a death of their parents abdicated from a role of a Black family heir and started a life for himself outside of Hollow. He came back to Hollow after seeing Batman on the news an immediately recognising his little brother. Was killed by Tom Riddle, but resurrected but whoever is Al Ghul in this au, I haven't decided yet. He return to Hollow as Red Hood, mad at Reg for "replacing" him and not killind Riddle. It took a while but eventually they startes working together again because at the end of the day they are family
Emmeline as Red Robin, Sirius "replacement", a smart girl that figured out Regulus secret identity and girlbossed her way into becoming his new sidekick (not my joke)
Remus as both Barbara and Renee, the only good cop in an all of Hollow. Later he ends up resigning from the force and starts working for Regulus but hacking into city cameras and becoming his eyes and ears
Mary as Spoiler, daughter of a minor villain name Cluemaster. He was a terrible father so Mary decided to help Batman take him down. Now a member of the batfamily, Emmeline's girlfriend and Regulus's biggest bully (affectionately)
Barty as the Riddler, arguably the smartest man in all of Hollow who loves creating chaos and asking people riddles. Luckly for Regulus Barty is also an attention whore that needs everyone to know that he is the smartest person in the room so he often leaves clues for Regulus to follow
Evan as Penguin, the biggest kingpin, started out as a son of a poor housemaid and climp his way into becoming the most powerful mobster in all of Hollow. For some reason Barty is the only person he really trust in this world (he has a massive crush on him)
Dorcas as Scarecrow, a scientist fascinated by fear and the only person in the world with enough brain power to keep up with both Pandora and Barty
Marlene as Firefly, purely because I think Marlene deserves a flamethrower
Peter as Two-face, Reg's best friend turn enemy with half of his face burned
And Narcissa and Alice as Green Arrow and Black Canary
Harry as Helena and Luna as Lucy
Also Xeno as Rick Flag because I love both of them so much <3
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 5 months
A normal teenage kid? Nah its traumatized!
by floofzombrs After the events of Infinity War Peter is thrown into a messed up world. he must learn how to live. however, will he do it? heavily inspired by:   time flies by(bye) by WHYISEVERYMANTAKEN Peter the pizza guy by Irisen Spiderhead by Emmacortana peter parker's dimensional travel to emo city(gotham) by ZaaratFeasal and dark matter by mysterycyclone Words: 37, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: The LEGO Batman Movie (2017), Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Batman (Movies - Nolan), Batman: The Animated Series, Red Hood - Fandom, Batman: Under the Red Hood (2010), crime boss - Fandom, Violence Jack (Anime & Manga), proper use of micro hairs, in-proper use of death, rewriting uncle Ben's death for the trillionth time, I have no idea what I'm doing - Fandom Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other Characters: Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne, Rogues Gallery (Batman), Kate Kane (DCU), Reagan (Batwoman), Imani (Batwoman), Ocean (Batwoman), Mouse (Batwoman), Margot (Batwoman), Tatiana (Batwoman), Mabel Cartwright (Batwoman), Selina Kyle, Black | Catwoman (Batman Beyond), Dick Grayson, Nightwing, Barbara Gordon, Oracle (DCU), Jason Todd, Red Hood's Henchmen (DCU), Cassandra Cain, Orphan (DCU), Tim Drake, Red Robin - Character, Stephanie Brown, Spoiler (DCU), Duke Thomas, The Great Revolutionary (SIGNALIS), Damian Wayne, Robin (DCU), The Jokerz (DCU), Joker (DCU), Bane (DCU), Batfamily Members (DCU), Harley Quinn (DCU), Regulus Black, Scarecrow, Killer Croc, Dark Creativity | Remus "The Duke" Sanders, Ivy (Poison Ivy 1992), Two-Face's Gang, Clayface, Penguin (Character), Mr. Freeze, Slade Wilson, Étienne (Deathstroke) Additional Tags: Lazarus Pit Side Effects (DCU), Lazarus Pit (DCU), Lazarus Pit Mad Jason Todd, Lazarus Pit Madness (DCU), Lazarus Pits are Ectoplasm (Danny Phantom and DCU), Character Death, Orphan Peter Parker, Hurt Peter Parker, Hurt No Comfort, Found Family, Angst, Death, Gotham City is Terrible via https://ift.tt/eb4vYGz
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naquey · 9 months
I figured I might as well start a masterlist while I'm at it because I never really had one before, and don't exactly know how to write one. No better way to whack at it, am I right?
Hi! You an call me Naqe or N. I'm aspiring to be an author and have loved writing since I was in fifth grade. It has been my passion for as long as I've known. I write fanfiction as a hobby, and am in college! Surprisingly, I'm fairly new to tumblr despite writing fanfiction for a long time. I started out on Quotev and just recently moved to AO3 under the same name Naqe. I deeply enjoy the fandoms that I am in and the fandoms that I discover.
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Basic request and ask ethics:
minors DNI (if you see the above banner on anything nsfw that i've written and you still interact. I will block you)
dms are open to anyone 18+ (im 20 an DO NOT want to be talking to a child for any reason)
don't be an asshole: INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO PROSHIPPING, BATCEST, OR INCEST (if i see you come to my page i will block your ass)
i will not write anything 18+ if asked {(only on my own accord) and even if I do, I use a place holder. No x readers}
no zenophobia, transphobia, homophobia
nothing pertaining to religions (think: religious themes) outside of black butler
i only write for male/gender neutral reader
nothing with yandere or mental illness (even if it isn't glorifying it)
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Avatar The Last Airbender Batman Black Butler Ever After High Five Nights At Freddy's Genshin Impact Gravity Falls Harry Potter Marvel Monster High My Hero Academia Twisted Wonderland Nanbaka
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-Sokka -Aang -Zukko -Toph -Katara -Uncle Iroh -Mai
-Bruce Wayne/Batman -Dick Grayson/Nightwing -Jason Todd/Red Hood -Tim Drake/Red Robin -Damian Wayne/Robin -Stephanie Brown/Spoiler -Cassandra Cain/Batgirl -Barbara Gordon/Oracle -Helena Wayne/Huntress -Ed Nygma/Riddler -Oswald Cobblepot/Penguin -Harley Quinn -Selena Kyle/Catwoman -Harvey Dent/ Two Face -Turner Haynes -Harper Row/Bluebird -Cullen Row -Duela Dent
[Black Butler]
-Sebastian Michaelis -Ciel Phantomhive -Grell Sutcliff -William T. Spears -Ronald Knox -Undertaker -Madame Red -Bardroy -Finny -Mey-Rin -Gregory Violet -Lawrence Bluer -Herman Greenhill -Edgar Redmond -Vincent Phantomhive -Blavat Sky -Joker -Dagger -Snake
[Ever After High]
-Raven Queen -Madeline Hatter -Lizzie Hearts -Cerise Hood -Darling Charming -Apple White -Daring Charming -Dexter Charming -Hopper Croakington -Hunter Huntsman -Ashlynn Ella -Briar Beauty -Chase Redmond -Sparrow Hood -Duchess Swan -Humphrey Dumpty
-Mike Schmidt -William Afton -Ness
[Genshin Impact]
-Raiden Shogun -Tighnari -Kuki Shinobu -Neuvillette -Kamisato Ayaka -Kamisato Ayato -Thoma -Kaveh -Kaeya -Alberich -Lisa -Amber -Lumine -Aether -Zhongli -Furina -Venti -Diluc -Rosaria -Keqing -Itto -Kaedhara Kazuha -Shikanoin Heizou -Layla
[Gravity Falls]
-Dipper Pines -Mabel Pines -Bill Cipher -Stanley Pines -Stanford Pines -Robbie Valentino -Thompkins -Soos Ramirez
[Harry Potter]
-Neville Longbottom -Harry Potter -Ron Weasley -Fred Weasley -George Weasley -Hermione Granger -Luna Lovegood -Remus -Lupin -Sirius Black -James Potter -Severus Snape -Regulus Black
-Spiderman -Doc Ock -Silver Surfer -Loki -Thor -Deadpool
[Monster High]
-Frankie Stein -Deuce Gorgon -Clawd Wolf -Cleo DeNile -Draculara -Clawdeen Wolf -Abbey Bominable -Twyla Boogeyman -Torelai Stripe -Ghoulia Yelps -Holt Hyde -Jackson Jekyll -Manny Taur -Venus McFlytrap -Rochell Goyle -Garrot DuRoque -Robecca Steam -Sparky -Hexiciah Steam
[My Hero Academia]
-Izuku Midoriya -Iida Tenya -Uraraka Ochaco -Bakugou Katsuki -Shinsou Hitoshi -Touya Todoroki -Twice -Mr. Compress -Toga Himiko -Magne -Shigaraki Tomura -Spinner -Overhaul -Hawks -Takeshita
[Twisted Wonderland]
-Cater Diamond -Riddle Rosenheart -Ace Trappola -Deuce Spade -Trey Clover -Idia Shroud -Malleus Draconia -Lilia Vanrouge
-Hajime Sugoroku -Samon Gokuu -Enki Gokuu -Kenshirou Yozakura -Mitsuru Hitokoe -Rorotto -Kiji Mitsuba -Damian -Nijimasu Nanairo -Yamada Orochi -Koisuke Kyuubi -Uno -Rock -Nico -Jyuugo -Honey -Trois -Aki -Haru -Musashi -Liang -Qi -Upa -Hakushaku -Tengu Murakami -Tsukumo -Fuji-san -Kusatsu -Ikkaku -Kojiro -Isou -Kujaku -Mei Yomidou -Ido Yomidou -Chimney -Hell -Tauro Twister -Taura Twister
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Eddie Baby (Rose Corvid/Ed Nygma)
Gotham Frights (Rose Corvid/Ed Nygma)
[Black Butler]
[Ever After High]
[Five Nights At Freddy's]
[Genshin Impact]
Sickness is Green (Kaveh x reader)
Business (Diluc/Li Jing)
[Gravity Falls]
[Harry Potter]
Did You Hear About That Mother (Roan Goldfinch & Walburga Black)
The Eagle and Her Prey (Roan Goldfinch/Regulus Black)
One Last Night (Roan Goldfinch/Regulus Black)
One Kiss (Roan Goldfinch/Regulus Black)
A Thousand Years (Remus Lupin/Cassander Lyall)
[Monster High]
[My Hero Academia]
[Twisted Wonderland]
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Crime Down 10 (Ed Nygma and Oswald Cobblepot x reader)
[Black Butler]
One Of A Kind (Ocs x reader)
[Ever After High]
[Five Nights At Freddy's]
[Genshin Impact]
[Gravity Falls]
[Harry Potter]
[Monster High]
[My Hero Academia]
[Twisted Wonderland]
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[Black Butler]
[Ever After High]
[Five Nights At Freddy's]
[Genshin Impact]
[Gravity Falls]
[Harry Potter]
The Black Family (personal fanon)
[Monster High]
[My Hero Academia]
[Twisted Wonderland]
Semi-Personal Drake Parker Headcanons
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Entrusted To You [Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji]
Meet the Character [about ocs]
Star Wars; Purged [Star Wars]
Fame [Drake & Josh]
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source: cafekitsune
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smuttyazrael · 4 months
About me:
She/Her, Cancer (not that I think it matters much), ADHD, dog lover, animal obsessed, thinks penguins should run post offices, curious by nature, and absolute horn dog.
PSA: If you have nothing nice to say, move on. Don't read fics if you don't see something you might like. And remember these are not playbooks for life these are fantasy. I shouldn't have to say this but apparently I do.
Send requests, try to include as much as you want to see in your fantasy. I will adhere to it as much as I can. If it only has 1 or 2 sentances I will be making up a lot, so it might not be exactly what you want.
Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favour.
This is where I put all the horny fantasies I have that aren't suitable anywhere else. This is the deepest corners of my mind. The depraved part of me. The part I want no one to see.
This is also where I put requests that I get asked to do. To get the chance to push the boundaries of my writing in ways that I don't normally. I am trying to get better at writing smut, so to do that, I must do it more. So, here it is.
What you can expect to see on my page:
Nothing that isn't smut. Don't expect anything fluff unless there is a smut in it.
Characters: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zambini, Viktor Krum, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Regulus Black, James Potter, Ron Weasley, Jason Todd, Paul Lahote, Sam Uley, Quil Atera, Embry Call, Seth Clearwater, Jared, Kim, Captain America, Tony Stark, Thor, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov, Bucky Barnes, Dimitri Belikov, characters of my own creation.
Fandoms: Harry Potter, Twilight, Avengers, Batman, Vampire Diaries, Vampire Academy, Teen Wolf (possibly).
Kinks: innocence/corruption kink, cum kink, size kink, breeding kink, lactation kink, daddy kink, incest, stepcest, praise, dom/sub, masturbation, oral, anal, sex, pregnancy kink, knotting, A/b/o, breath play, humiliation, Hyperspermia, squirting. Beastiality (sorta, it's Sirius in dog form, and he turns human)
I have a hard time with M/M with no F involved ever. So, do bare with me sometimes. I will add more as I do more exploring. Don't hesitate to reach out with any ideas. I will do them after I plan it out and spend a few days making it.
Here's my master list. Hope you enjoy!
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regulusttars · 1 year
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High School YxK (High School DxD) Cast
Hovernyan as Issei Hyoudou (Yo-kai Watch)
Maguro Maki as Rias Gremory (Sushi Pack)
Kani Maki as Akeno Himejima (Sushi Pack)
Fluttershy as Koneko Toujou (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls)
Tako Maki as Yuuto Kiba (Sushi Pack)
Wasabi Pow as Gasper Vladi (Sushi Pack)
Lala Hagoromo/Glitter MilkyWay as Asia Argento (Glitter Force TwinkleStarlight)
Rose as Rossweisse (Plants vs. Zombies Heroes)
Natalie Madoka/Glitter Ace as Ravel Phenex (Glitter Force Doki Doki)
Green Shadow AKA Penelopea as Xenovia Quarta (Plants vs. Zombies Heroes)
Tweak Bunny (Octonauts) as Sona Sitri
Dashi Dog (Octonauts) as Tsubaki Shinra
Ikura Maki (Sushi Pack) as Genshirou Saji
Luna Kaguya/Glitter Serenity (Glitter Force TwinkleStarlight) as Momo Hanaki
Petty (Pororo the Little Penguin) as Tsubasa Yura
as Tomoe Meguri
Chompzilla (Plants vs. Zombies Heroes) as Reya Kusaka
Penny (Top Wing) as Ruruko Nimura
Sci-Twi AKA Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls) as Bennia
Poby (Pororo the Little Penguin) as Loup Garou
Citron (Plants vs. Zombies Heroes) as Vali Lucifer
Nightcap (Plants vs. Zombies Heroes) as Bikou
Flora (Winx Club) as Kuroka
Spike (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls) as Fenrir
Grass Knuckles (Plants vs. Zombies Heroes) as Arthur Pendragon
Stella (Winx Club) as Le Fay Pendragon
E-123 Omega (Sonic the Hedgehog) as Gogmagog
Pure Vanilla Cookie (Cookie Run) as Sirzechs Lucifer
Larry the Lobster (SpongeBob SquarePants) as Falbium Asmodeus
Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls) as Serafall Leviathan
as Ajuka Beelzebub
White Vanilla Cookie (Cookie Run) as Millicas Gremory
Leonardo (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012) as Zeocitus Gremory
Princess Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls) as Venelana Gremory
as Sariaorg Bael
Uni (Sushi Pack) as Diodora Astaroth
Roxy (Winx Club) as Seekvaria Agares
Daphne (Winx Club) as Misla Bael
Captain Gantu as Riser Phenex (Lilo & Stitch)
Peso Penguin as Beruka Furcas (Octonauts)
Nani Pelekai (Lilo & Stitch) as Coriana Andrealphus
Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls) as Misteeta Sabnock
Spudow (Plants vs. Zombies Heroes) as Gandoma Balam
Captain Combustible (Plants vs. Zombies Heroes) as Ladora Bune
Wall-Knight (Plants vs. Zombies Heroes) as Liban Crocell
Flain (Mixels) as Diehauser Belial
Bloom (Winx Club) as Lady Phenex
Pleakley (Lilo & Stitch) as Naud Gamigin
White Lily Cookie (Cookie Run) as Grayfia Lucifage
as Kuisha Abaddon
Titanium Chef (Sushi Pack) as Tannin
Meopatra (Yo-kai Watch) as Viser
Karen Plankton (SpongeBob SquarePants) as Isabela
Tammy Misumi/Glitter Black and Melina Yukishiro/Glitter White (Glitter Force Power Hearts) as lle and Nel
Karai and Shinigami (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012) as Ni and Li
Chloe Aoki/Glitter Breeze (Glitter Force Smile) as Karlamine
Rosygury (Noonbory and the Super 7) as Mira
Mackenzie Kenzaki/Glitter Sword (Glitter Force Doki Doki) as Siris
Mochi Macchiato (Sushi Pack) as Xuelan
Aurora Tsukikage/Glitter MoonFlower (Glitter Force HeartsFlowers) as Yubelluna
as Burenet
Glaciere (Team Umizoomi) as Shuriya
as Marion
as Mihae
(Yo-kai Watch S) as Regulus
Squidward Tentacles (SpongeBob SquarePants) as Zephyrdor Glasya-Labolas
Jumba Jookiba (Lilo & Stitch) as Azazel
Major Nixel (Mixels) as Kokabiel
Eugene H. Krabs (SpongeBob SquarePants) as Baraqiel
as Shemhazai
Regina (Glitter Force Doki Doki) as Raynare AKA Yuuma Amano
Eas (Glitter Force Fresh) as Kalewarner
Sheldon J. Plankton (SpongeBob SquarePants) as Dohnaseek
Gentlu (Glitter Force Delicious Party) as Mittlet
Meta Knight (Kirby Right Back At Ya!) as Michael
Solar Flare (Plants vs. Zombies Heroes) as Irina Shidou
Infernites Max/2014 (Mixels) as Great Red
Rarity (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls) as Ophis
Maximum Mixel (Mixels) as Ddraig
Naximum Nixel (Mixels) as Albion
Dragon Lord (Yo-kai Watch) as Vitra
Azure Dragon (Yo-kai Watch) as Midgardsormr
as Odin
Unagi (Sushi Pack) as Loki
King Nixel (Mixels) as Hades
as Indra
as Sun Wukong
Torts (Mixels) as Cao Cao
Valtor (Winx Club) as Shalba Beelzebub
Captain Carvaline Narkoff as Katerea Leviathan (Lilo & Stitch OC)
as Creuserey Asmodeus
as Georg
Brody (Top Wing) as Leonardo
as Siegfried
as Jeanne
Fugu (Sushi Pack) as Heracles
as Connla
Eight AKA Octonaughty (Numberblocks) as Freed Sellzen
Laura/Laura La Mer/Laura Apollodoros Hyginus La Mer/Glitter River (Glitter Force Tropical Girls) as Kunou
Queen Oceania (Glitter Force Tropical Girls) as Yasaka
Rod (Top Wing) as Matsuda
Swift (Top Wing) as Motohama
Lisa Izayoi/Glitter Magical as Murayama (Glitter Force Witch Girls)
Evelynn Asahina/Glitter Miracle as Katase (Glitter Force Witch Girls)
Prince as Rassei (Glitter Force TwinkleStarlight)
Abby Hanasaki/Glitter Blossom as Aika Kiryu (Glitter Force HeartsFlowers)
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rip to regulus black. you would’ve loved penguin clothbound classics.
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halothenthehorns · 3 years
All in the Family
Chapter 29: The Dueling Club
Peter found it a genuine relief, once his head stopped ringing, to find themselves not in Hogwarts for now. There was just too much going on in their school that was giving him the creeps, too much trouble Harry kept getting into that they somehow managed to follow.
His confusion still rose of where exactly they were. There were glass cases lined all along the walls and a metal bar protruding from the wall in front of all that as if it were any kind of deterrent, and it took a few moments before he could get to his feet and peak into the nearest one, prepared to dart away the second another dangerous thing lunged out. Instead he found a strange, very tiny little creature with rough brown skin and buggering blue eyes. There were three prongs coming out the back of its head, but four legs that seemed webbed in appearance and a flat tail. His eyes swept down further and he saw a plaque reading Axolotl- Ambystoma mexicanum, with some description of the beast. Looking more properly now along the way again he saw the same type of thing in front of every display. They were in a reptile house.
He'd been to the zoo a few times in his youth, but his mum being a seamstress meant they hadn't much money and it had been a treat. As far as they knew Harry had only been the one time, but that didn't explain why they were here now. Up until this point they'd been following Harry along, this seemed rather out of the way.
"Hey, I think I found the boa Harry was talking to," Frank said as he eyed a great mound of green coils snoozing away.
"I don't think so," Alice corrected. "I distinctly recall that one being brown, and a Brazilian boa. The Emerald's are from Brazil, but not the right species."
"Maybe they don't have it on display anymore," Lily muttered, thinking that whether it had escaped captivity or been caught, someone likely wouldn't want it on sight anymore.*
"Oi, I found a door that opened!" Sirius whooped in triumph, keeping the book loosely under his arm as he sucked in the fresh air. "How about we put this nasty business on hold lads and get some space, I've never been to a zoo before!"
"That was just sad," Remus told him at once, and Peter was more than happy to follow them out of this place. Too many things in here would find him a snack, in both bodies he could assume.
"I want to see the Dudley gorilla," James agreed as he darted past, coming almost at once to a fork in the road. He didn't even hesitate, high on pure energy he darted right and took off at full speed still shouting about all the animals he wanted to see.
"I vote Wormtail fetches him," Remus smirked.
"You literally just used a Padfoot joke on me, I can't decide if I'm offended or flattered," Peter rolled his eyes as he strolled past the two, who were clearly enjoying the clear skies and shady foliage more.
"Go with flattered and do what he says," Sirius suggested.
Peter was already doing so, scoffing about the two turning into layabouts, but turning into a jog to keep James in sight as he took a left. He finally caught up to him as he was bouncing in place and reading the plaque of a reindeer. "Look, look it Wormie! My distant cousins!"
"Prongs, you know just because you can turn into one doesn't mean-"
"Shhh! Don't spoil my fun, think I can get in there with them? Bet I can be king of the herd!"
"James, I really wouldn't recommend-"
He was being ignored, he'd already slipped under the wooden boards and was standing in the space in between, fingers pressed into the mesh gate, eyeing the top as if he could gauge how far the jump was. "Wonder why they only have males in there," he said absently as he tried to fit a trainer into the metal.
"This is one of the few species of deer where females can grow prongs to, I'm sure they're in there," Peter said in resignation as he managed to get both feet off the ground, but stayed there for a moment rather than lifting himself higher.
James hesitated, trying to stretch his arm up higher to get more purchase without toppling over, but couldn't get his feet in well enough to manage such a thing. "Where's Sirius?" He demanded as he wobbled dangerously, looking for more backup than Peter's silent unsupport.
"He and Moony were taking their sweet time while you ran off."
"Been noticing that a lot lately," James groused as he let himself loose and hit the ground, deciding to focus on this. Of course he could have made the climb if he wanted to...it just would have been easier if he'd had his broom.
"Yeah," Peter agreed, keeping the bitterness entirely out of his voice as James acknowledged this as well.
"Probably just catching each other up on every mundane detail Pads missed the past month," James sighed, even as he did gaze back curiously.
"Wasn't much to miss," Peter reminded.
James ignored this, no need to go back and reminisce how quiet their life had somehow gotten with one of their numbers not on speaking terms, so grabbed hold of Peter and began towing him further on. "Oh well, they'll catch up. I saw an exhibit for meerkats isn't far off, let's go see your cousins Pete!"
"I think this place got the sign for this one wrong," Frank told Alice as he inspected the odd creature before him. "That's clearly some kind of zebra."
"Says here an Okapi is a subspecies of giraffes and zebras," Alice agreed. Shrugging at how odd Muggels were for their many sciences, especially in naming creatures. The two moved on, stopping with increasing frequency and more than happy to have Lily around whenever they ran across something odd, like a cart full of bobble-heads.
She seemed to be in a radiant mood, having tied her hair up and was all but skipping ahead of them and only rounded back when they called out a question to her. When curiosity had gotten the better of her and Alice had finally asked why, she'd just smiled and admitted, "the peace and quiet is nice."
It was true they hadn't heard a word of the book yet, which was rather odd, and they wondered if distance had finally pulled the magic too far and they didn't even know if the Marauders were continuing the story somewhere else. Only Frank seemed disappointed in this prospect, the mystery of that monster at Hogwarts still on his mind, they could be missing clues. He was having far too much fun though to really offer the complaint, and didn't dare suggest actually hunting the lot down, bringing the girls moods with this.
"Let's go find the birdhouse," Lily suggested, her eyes sparkling with excitement. They spotted a huge dome like structure in the distance which must have been what caught her eye and easily kept pace with her as she kept up a happy babble. Alice suddenly realized this was really the most she'd heard her talk since this began. "I love birds, did you know their bones are hollow, but still incredibly strong. You can't just snap them in half like a chicken bone."
"Do you own an owl?" Frank asked kindly, but to his surprise the smile dropped from her face.
"No, ah, my parents won't allow it." Her answer sounded very diplomatic, but Frank still regretted asking, having brought her mood back so low.
"My sister, really," she tacked on defensively, her tone edging harder every word now. "She, err, I've asked, but she hates animals, and my parents, err, I mean I have to respect her wishes too."
"Must be hard having siblings," Alice offered.
"Yeah," she agreed, her hand trailing up to catch strands of her hair now and playing with it, walking along at a much calmer pace so to stay even with them now. "She, ah, doesn't like that I can do magic but she can't. It's, been hard to talk to her lately. Last time we really did was our last trip to the zoo, first summer back from Hogwarts. It's like she forgot where I'd been gone all year, and we just talked and had fun all day. Even though she took no interest in the animals, we played games watching Muggles pass by and mum and dad let us even go off ahead of them a bit to show they trusted us being bigger. Then we went to the birdhouse, and I saw the most beautiful owl in there! I started telling her about all the ones at school, and -" She stopped there, both in speech and walking, staying frozen on the spot in front of a cart advertising plushies for all sorts of critters to see in this zoo.
Then she blinked as if coming back to reality and gave them a very guilty look. "Sorry, looks like I'm always putting my foot in my mouth no matter the company. I'll just let you two-"
"Don't be silly," Alice said at once, reaching out and taking her hand with the best smile she could offer. "As if we're going to let you off on your own after spilling your guts like that. Your sister's a twat for not wanting to hear about your life, but we'd love to."
Frank gave an encouraging smile as well, thinking the poor girl needed some fun in her life. Between such a home life and someone like Snape for a friend, she probably didn't get much. "We don't have to go to the bird house, how about we find the food court?"
"No, I want to," she insisted, her eyes lighting with some spark again. "I really did love the place, it's so exotic and probably as close as I'll ever get to seeing the rain forest. Err, it's also on the way to the restaurants," she offered herself.
"Sounds perfect," Alice agreed, now the one dragging both of them along.
Remus and Sirius were unintentionally taking turns watching each other. It was a miracle they'd managed to keep their school bags on them all this time, but when Sirius realized he had, he'd slipped the book into it without a second glance yet, and that had been almost an hour ago now. Finally he could just enjoy some time out, and some alone time with Remus.
The two had already stopped and had a good snog once already, before the sound of something had drawn their startled attention. It didn't sound particularly threatening, and in fact it turned out to be a lion attempting to mimic a roar, though it more sounded like a giant cat hacking up a hairball. Remus had dragged Sirius over and began mocking the beast, and the proud cat actually responded in kind. Sirius nearly fell to the ground laughing as the two kept 'roaring' at each other for a good few minutes.
Then the two had taken off to actually find their mates, looking first in the gorilla house where they'd expected to find them. They did indeed spot the apes, but in the very back hiding in the shaded trees and various equipment they had available to play in. Then they'd been sidetracked at where the warthogs were rummaging about, Sirius being genuinely amazed how tough they looked compared to the bacon he was craving.
Remus had to drag Sirius away from the anteater, while Padfoot still insisted he wanted a closer look at such an odd creature and surely it wouldn't run if he turned into a friendlier dog. They had another good pass at each other before they realized they had an audience in front of the lemurs, and still red faced and fixing their clothes from that, they finally stumbled across their friends gazing at some naked mole-rats.
"There you two are, we been looking all over!" James called in excitement.
"What's with you two, you look all hot and bothered," Peter agreed. There was an odd look in his eye as he saw the pair and then looked back at James, but both ignored him and the question.
"Probably walked right past each other in a place this size," Sirius said off hand. "Let's go find that place Harry mentioned, where we can get some ice cream around here."
They all stopped and had some fun in front of the tigers, each bidding how far they could get in before the big cat realized they were there. Peter insisted he'd make it the farthest, without becoming a meal. Then they came across a bear enclosure, two huge beasts tossing each other about inside. It seemed in good fun, for the animals.
"Come on, we run around with a werewolf once a month, I'll bet I can take them!" James insisted, now more than willing to levitate himself into the enclosure and give it a go.
"Prongs, you are literally something they'd have a joy eating," Peter tried to protest.
"Not if he has backup!" Sirius insisted, bouncing on his heels in preparation.
"You two idiots are going to be murdered and then we're going to be zapped around with corpses," Remus pleasantly informed them. "Please, let's go have some lunch, and then we can come back," he quickly pacified.
They were still happily bickering about it when they found a good sized restaurant and went into the cool air with gratitude, raiding the kitchens for the sweet treats and each making their own scoop before Sirius finally took a grateful seat at a table and digging into the bag for the book.
"So you weren't reading that this whole time?" Peter asked with interest.
"Nah," Remus shrugged, "was just having some jollies about the place like you two."
"I'd been wondering if we'd just get yanked out of here before we'd find you two," James rolled his eyes.
Sirius ignored him too as he finally got started reading the chapter title.
"Glory Black, we could hear you outside, can you yell that any louder," Smith said as she poked her head inside, her face flushed from heat as well but looking almost grateful to have found them.
"You just getting started on that?" Longbottom asked as he came inside as well along with Evans, all three clutching stuffed parrots.
"Yep, glad you could join us," James smiled and very obviously moved himself over to make room for them, her, nearly pushing Peter out of his seat in the process.
Peter scowled and shoved him back just as hard, James nearly face planting his ice cream.
Ignoring the two making snipping comments at each other now, the three sat around comfortably, though not nearly as far away as they could. James still beamed at the proximity, wishing they could spend the rest of this reading adventure here, it was clearly putting Evans in a good mood, she was even smiling as Sirius started off and it didn't even dim that much as the Muggleborns in the school were described during this monster fear.
Regulus spent the entire time staring at penguins. They were funny little things, he'd instantly decided, and had been captivated at once by the flightless birds zooming through the water at such speeds. For a moment he'd even tried to see if he could run faster and been amazed the bird swam the length of it's glass before he could do any such thing. Smiling as the one he'd locked eyes on darted away, he tried to circle around and follow it, finding a nice large tree he could sit under and observe the whole area.
He was sure if a Muggle were to come along he'd be terribly scolded, he'd had to clamber over a large ridge right into the enclosure and several of the birds came up to him within reach, clicking their beaks and eyeing him for food. When he offered nothing they lost interest and began preening each other, the splash of water as the bodies leaped free of their miniature ocean the only noise he heard until Sirius finally began reading the next part of the chapter.
His voice had been so clear Regulus had startled, scattering all the webbed critters that had gone near him back into the water, but when he looked around, there was still no one in sight. Sighing and inching himself further a bit more so that his feet nearly touched the clear surface, he relaxed again and let himself enjoy the tale from a distance for once. He couldn't hear the commentary going along, to which he was grateful for. He could almost imagine it all anyways, his idiot of a brother and his friends laughing about the Potter kid causing trouble in Snape's class, Smith and Longbottom being happy about everything and chatting about the good merits of a dueling club. By the time the chapter even got to the part of Harry attending it Regulus was so relaxed he'd even slipped his shoes off and dipped his feet in the water, surprised by how pleasantly warm it was.
Hearing of Harry actively speaking Parseltongue was of great interest to him, his fascination with Potters child growing all the more as he took control of the situation and spoke the language he'd only heard rumor the Dark Lord could as well. Knowing the child could and actively hearing him do it twice now was enthralling, what his family would give if he could do such a thing as well! Potter and his friends treated it like some bad thing, and Regulus just had to scoff, those kids didn't know how good their life could be if they'd just be a bit smarter, instead all three reminded him of his idiotic brother.
The idea of something happening to a ghost did get his attention, a chill sweeping through him that had nothing to do with the warm sun still beating down. He couldn't blame that Ernie fellow for thinking Harry had done it given the circumstances, but a pureblood should be smarter than that! He should realize you should always look at more options available than just blaming the obvious source, shouldn't he? He was really starting to question that, considering that Hermione friend of Potter's obviously knew better but so many purebloods didn't. Then he swallowed and looked around again, waiting for his mother or one of his friends from school to spot him having such traitorous thoughts-
He cursed and jumped straight out of the enclosure in surprise, not because Potter was going to see the headmaster, but a penguin had taken a nip at his foot, apparently under the delusion it was a snack rather than toes. He drew his wand and took aim at the pestilent bird, but lowered it at the last second as he conceded he had been asking for such a thing to be happening. Then he was pulled away altogether.
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Regulus: If you could have anything you wanted for your birthday, what would it be?
Barty: I think it would be to be told I was a meaningful and valued member of this team!
Bellatrix: Oh. Well, we got you something else.
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anauro · 2 years
Bonjour again Roc! While writing my previous ask, another question popped in my mind lol. So what where the Marauders' initial career plans, if they had any? And more importantly, what are they going to do when (if) they finally get sober. I assume that rehabilitation programs exist but the boys don't have diplomas (they didn't graduate high school, did they?), driving licenses, etc. So what are they going to doooo? (I don't mind spoilers but I'd totally understand if you won't answer ;-))
Bonjour again! 🧋
So career plans.
1. James
As we now know, he wanted to be a doctor. No one knew about it except for his parents though. And now Regulus.
2. Sirius
He didn’t have much of a choice here, really. He was the heir to his family’s business and was very much prepped from early on to step into his father’s shoes. Because of that, Regulus was allowed a bit more liberty and chose the medical field too.
By the time Sirius got disinherited, too much work and effort has been put towards Regulus’ medical dream to snatch it away from him.
Before you ask, Bellatrix and her husband will inherit the business once Orion and Cygnus retire.
3. Remus
Remus was a scholarship student and he came to school with a clear vision in mind. He is a somewhat of a computer genius (he developed the software for The Map) and his goal was to get to Oxbridge, get into a master programme in the States and settle down in the Silicone valley.
Before the first day of school, he was forced to go on a induction tour of the school and met another new student called Sirius Black. We all know what happened next.
4. Peter
Okay, so I’m gonna risk you all calling me unnecessarily edgy or trying too hard to make Peter a character here. Which, you wouldn’t be wrong in doing, this is exactly what’s happening.
Peter is just as smart as the rest of the lot. This kid was going places, he could have been the next Wolf of Wall Street if only things panned out differently.
You may remember me saying he was the best at obtaining drugs (unless women) and yes, this man’s middle name is negotiation. He is good. He is a sweet talker, he watches his “opponents” like a hawk and he uses what he learns against them.
Business school was made for him.
Now all four of them finished sixth form and obtained their A levels, which is British equivalent of baccalaureate that you get in most European countries (idk what Americans gets). Disinherited or not, the Blacks would never allow Sirius to be a drop out.
They all finished cause they were smart but none of them went to uni.
As to what’s gonna happen when they get sober…. You’re gonna have to wait and see, my dear French anon hahah 😉
All of them have a driving license, except Peter who has the hand eye coordination of a penguin and never got one. None of them drive tho cause a) they’re constantly under the influence and b) they can’t afford a car
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blue-sweater2 · 3 years
James adores stuffed animals, they help him trough times when he’s not doing great. You couldn’t even count them, but James knew they were more than 100.
When Remus got a rought full moon in 3rd year, James got him a pocket size Wolf stuffed animal with shinny eyes and a pretty cute smile.
When Sirius left his abusive household at 16, James got him a black dog with a “I love rock and roll” jacket on it.
When Peter was feeling sad about not getting into the quidditch team, James got him a hamster (there were no rats, but a hamster would do, it was brown, just like Pete’s animagus) to make him feel better.
When Regulus asked to talk to Sirius and got rejected, James sent him (anonymus, of course) a black dog just like the one Sirius had, no jacket thought.
When Lily broke her friendship with Snape, James got her a little yellow rabbit that belonged to him and helped him when was feeling lonely.
When Dorcas had to come out to her parents but went totally wrong, James gave her a panda with a “you’re the best” quote in a heart hold by the little panda hands.
When Marlene got harassed by the boys in Hogwarts because she had come out, James got her a little penguin because she always said they were cute animals.
When Mary’s mother told her she needed to learn something else than make up and magic, James got her a little white cat wearing lashes and lipstick to remind Mary how beautiful and good friend she was.
When Harry was born, James got a lot of stuffed animals for him and put them around the nursery and just the house in general. Harry didn’t had a favorite, but he loved playing with his father and the little cute animals.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 5 months
A normal teenage kid? Nah its traumatized!
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/eb4vYGz by floofzombrs After the events of Infinity War Peter is thrown into a messed up world. he must learn how to live. however, will he do it? heavily inspired by:   time flies by(bye) by WHYISEVERYMANTAKEN Peter the pizza guy by Irisen Spiderhead by Emmacortana peter parker's dimensional travel to emo city(gotham) by ZaaratFeasal and dark matter by mysterycyclone Words: 37, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: The LEGO Batman Movie (2017), Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Batman (Movies - Nolan), Batman: The Animated Series, Red Hood - Fandom, Batman: Under the Red Hood (2010), crime boss - Fandom, Violence Jack (Anime & Manga), proper use of micro hairs, in-proper use of death, rewriting uncle Ben's death for the trillionth time, I have no idea what I'm doing - Fandom Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other Characters: Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne, Rogues Gallery (Batman), Kate Kane (DCU), Reagan (Batwoman), Imani (Batwoman), Ocean (Batwoman), Mouse (Batwoman), Margot (Batwoman), Tatiana (Batwoman), Mabel Cartwright (Batwoman), Selina Kyle, Black | Catwoman (Batman Beyond), Dick Grayson, Nightwing, Barbara Gordon, Oracle (DCU), Jason Todd, Red Hood's Henchmen (DCU), Cassandra Cain, Orphan (DCU), Tim Drake, Red Robin - Character, Stephanie Brown, Spoiler (DCU), Duke Thomas, The Great Revolutionary (SIGNALIS), Damian Wayne, Robin (DCU), The Jokerz (DCU), Joker (DCU), Bane (DCU), Batfamily Members (DCU), Harley Quinn (DCU), Regulus Black, Scarecrow, Killer Croc, Dark Creativity | Remus "The Duke" Sanders, Ivy (Poison Ivy 1992), Two-Face's Gang, Clayface, Penguin (Character), Mr. Freeze, Slade Wilson, Étienne (Deathstroke) Additional Tags: Lazarus Pit Side Effects (DCU), Lazarus Pit (DCU), Lazarus Pit Mad Jason Todd, Lazarus Pit Madness (DCU), Lazarus Pits are Ectoplasm (Danny Phantom and DCU), Character Death, Orphan Peter Parker, Hurt Peter Parker, Hurt No Comfort, Found Family, Angst, Death, Gotham City is Terrible read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/eb4vYGz
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