#Sad people
freyapoststhings · 3 months
"you can't traumatize the whole bsd fandom with just one phrase, that's impossi-"
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petya-and-wolf · 6 months
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Me 33 years ago 👶🏻vs👩🏻 me now
Both: hate mornings 💀
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aesonas · 1 month
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gazeofseer · 7 months
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Depression is a sign of breakout on things you held on when you were on lack of life, it can be ashes that you smoke through to survive..
But why all mental problems long? Isn't because we never had enough of pain, either we fleet around the ache or drown into the wounds that breaks..
Saying which so, I would like to say that yes..I am depressed too
it does not feels good to facade under a concrete lie that my truth has no edges and flaws to crumble down anymore..
Feeling sad, is not wrong nor do feeling the strike of pain perceived as an force does,
but what stays.. starts to seed..
Your future won't fix your present situation, just like your present situation could never appease your past..
Is where I shed my tears down and let myself vent out to know that..i don't know..sometimes I don't even know what I had for my lunch or the color of dress I have wore..
Numb to my very own breath made me suffocated, where I was the one ceasing myself around a cage to find a hollow of escape..
I must stop, and have enough of the things that hurts..I must feel the hurt enough in the time being that it does not stays like a narrow creek of sorrow full of bleeds of memories..
I need to heal, to heal I need to indulge, I need to feel the pain well that I can let it go well.. - S
Ps : I don't know who need this, but I wanted to write so badly that I was finding it hard to express..I am taking this moment to honor your pain..let it go with all grace an grain..
If you feel like talking about things you haven't and it needs a space you are always welcome in my comment section to speak about it !
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sincerelygarden · 1 year
I’m stuck in this space,
stuck in this space.
I broke down here and made it my home and I’m stuck in this space.
I locked the doors and the keys dissolved in my hands and the handles turned to dust and I’m stuck in this space.
And I could scream about how it feels to feel lost for days but I’ve grown comfortable here, like the plants hugging the walls, hugging me,
I’m safe in this space.
Like the books that stay unread,
nothing but a vessel for secrets,
they remind me of myself like the clocks holding nothing but time, nothing but me, I accept that.
Like the flies do the cobwebs,
like these floors do my weight,
I’m safe in this space
when the lights are on,
but what if they shatter?
What if it rains sheetrock and chandeliers and I’m stuck in this space?
What if the birds flee and the spiders die and the floorboards betray me?
What if it never rains again,
and I’m stuck in this space,
stuck in this space..
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vaidehi1742 · 11 months
Everyone has a story to tell, some are happy, some are sad, some are heart wrenching, some are satisfying, what is yours?
(Ps - I am eager to hear your story)
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kalbiminsahibiyok · 10 months
şanssız olan sen değilsin sana şans vermeyen dünya..
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high-villian · 10 months
"Otra vez soñé contigo, solo espero que no se haga repetitivo"
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miss-drunk · 11 months
And if you still wonder what could've been. I'm here, I'll be here. I've never left. I'm still waiting for you, but you never come.
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all-thingz-lovely · 3 months
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No cap necessary
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sweetfreedom2107 · 5 months
I have my hands outstretched towards nothing.
I know you have never been one to give, but every now and then, my heart hopes for otherwise. And those little moments of hope hit me like no drug can, but the hope dies down and the aftermath, the realization that you'll never love me like I love you is worse than any pain I've felt.
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aesonas · 2 months
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nuri148 · 2 years
Look, Mum, I got hate!
Oh, wait, she's dead.
Some spiritual being left this in my arumika fic 0 to 100
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In the dead of the night, I have these dreams. What’ll happen to me? Will I burn out? - Kid Cudi
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vaidehi1742 · 9 months
It’s sad that nowadays we don’t find true love easily. People are in relationships or looking for a relationship just because they are lonely. They are just trying to pass their time and trying to get rid of loneliness. It’s actually terrifying that people are so insecure that they cannot sit by themselves or eat by themselves without their phones and they constantly need either a person or their phone for entertainment.
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rosestothedead · 2 years
"you're a monster" he hissed;
she laughed and said, "better a monster, then an arrogant god."
— why fall when you can rise; she whispered | A.M (via lunavlovegood)
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