#The Ace Magical (Boys) AU
ashenberry · 5 months
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[ID: a digital illustration featuring Pearl Fey, Athena Cykes, Maya Fey, Jinxie Tenma and Florent L'Belle from the ace attorney series.
Pearl is the largest character in the illustration, standing in front of everything and to the right of the canvas. she is wearing heart shaped glasses, a denim jacket with a fluffy collar, and black sleeves that lead into fingerless gloves with a break inbetween for her spirit channeling bracelet. she is also wearing a magatama and has earrings. She has a shocked expression with her hand covering her mouth
Behind her is crossed film reel featuring the other characters. One reel features:
Maya in a directors outfit yelling into a megaphone, smiling and winking
Athena in court, wearing magenta star sunglasses, her designed slightly tweaked from canon featuring a bowtie widget, suspenders, and a moon hair tie instead of her cyan ribbon. she is pointing ace attorney style
a partially obscured dead body in a puddle of blood
the feet of the jammin ninja and the bottom section of his scarf
Behind that is another film of reel featuring
Jinxie, hiding behind a clapboard, sscared,
L'Belle as the Jammin Ninja
a close up of tenma taro
The background consist of various sections of a movie set, including the rig of lights above, a boom mic and chair, an under passage, and the camera
end ID]
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eway · 6 months
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The half siblings if they actually knew they were siblings when they were young.
I really like the idea of young Trucy and young Apollo interacting.
Art by @voidless7
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midzurugi · 5 months
- Noir Amethyst -
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upsidedownwithsteve · 10 months
Simmer #5
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CH5. Wake 'n' Bake | The Menu [4.9K] Eddie Munson x shy fem!reader: a line cook au.
“Well, you don’t know what we can find. Why don’t you come with me, little girl? On a magic carpet ride.”
The diner was quiet and the radio was louder than usual, lilting through the kitchen and between the empty tables. It was a too hot Sunday, with most of the usual clientele swapping leather booths for loungers by the community pool. Only Mr Creel sat in his usual stool by the bar, parked perfectly underneath the TV screen that was playing the same old western movie that came on every day at three o’clock. Jonathan was manning the counter, pouring the old man refills when he grumbled, whistling as he went. 
Everyone else had either gone home earlier or was preparing for the night shift that started at eight that evening. The diner was too hot, the old AC barely keeping up, blowing out a whisper of cool air that you and Jonathan had taken turns standing under, watching the glass door for any signs of life out on the street. 
None came. 
So you’d long taken off your apron and after some internal arguing with yourself, you had plucked up the courage to push the doors to the kitchen open. There wasn’t much happening there either. Eddie was the only chef in, clock watching until there was a customer to feed or for when Argyle would arrive to take over the next shift. 
And now? Well, now you think you were just annoying him. But he was allowing it, and that was something. 
“And what’s that?” You asked for the fourth time. 
You were hunkered down on the stool you’d dragged over to Eddie’s station, elbows on the stainless steel and your cheeks squished between your hands as you watched the boy work. He’d told you and Jonathan he’d made some lunch, and after some back and forth (Eddie argued enough until Jonathan gave in), Eddie was making some ramen. 
“It’s gochujang,” Eddie mumbled back. He was too busy concentrating as he tapped a teaspoon of the red paste into the pot on the stove. He was more relaxed than you’d seen him, with no big orders to cook, he’d been humming along to the radio, his curls knotted on the top of his head to keep himself cool. He’d merely smiled when you plopped yourself down at his table. “And if you ask me what something is again, m’gonna put you in this pot too.”
You didn’t take offence, not anymore. You scrunched your face at him. “Mean,” you said. “When’s it ready? It smells real good.”
“Soon. And I’m not mean,” he grumbled back, tossing some ramen noodles into the pot that had been ready to overspill with bubbles. “You’re annoying.”
You gasped, all faux dramatics. “And he’s rude too,” you told no one. You grinned when Eddie rolled his eyes and shook his head, but when he bent over to chop up some spring onion at a scarily fast speed, you saw him smile. “Can I do anything?”
“You could get us some drinks,” Eddie suggested and he peered out of the hatch at the empty tables. Mr Creel glared back. “Seeing as you know, you’re not doing anything. At all.”
You huffed but there was a laugh under it that Eddie was beginning to recognise. He raised his brows at you as you let your sneakers slap onto the floor, hands pushed to the worktop as if getting up was an awfully exhausting thing. “I suppose I could manage that,” you told him wistfully. “If you’ll cope without my help for five minutes.”
Eddie snorted, stirring a delicious smelling broth he had simmering in another pot. He levelled you with a stare that a month ago, would’ve made your stomach churn with nerves. “I’ll try,” he played along. “I’ll tell Jim it was your fault if the kitchen burns down though.”
“Snitch. Coke?” You asked him as you made your way to the door. 
“Just the one line, sweetheart, I’m driving,” Eddie smirked back. 
He had an adorable habit of letting his head tilt to the side when he joked with you, as rare as it sometimes could still be. Dimples in both cheeks, stray curls over those big eyes, thick lashes that he liked to bat at you when he thought he was being real funny. It was becoming a problem. 
“You’re hilarious,” you told him flatly from the other side of the hatch, shooting some soda from the gun into a glass for him. “Jonathan, coke?” You called to the other boy from across the diner, holding up an empty glass for him too. 
“Shhh!” Mr Creel hissed at you, teeth bared, brows furrowed and you grimaced back, a smile that wasn’t customer service worthy but you’d long learnt to stay away from him. 
“God, stop annoying the customers,” Eddie told you when you came back in holding two pints of coke, he was grinning as he ladled your lunch into a big blue bowl, letting his eyes settle on you as you passed him his drink. 
“Don’t tell Jim,” you joked, but the humour in your voice fell flat as you watched Eddie bring the glass to his lips and gulp the fizz down. 
His neck bobbed as he swallowed, chin tilting up and back as he led his eyes flutter close and you could help but stare at the line of his jaw, the up and down of his Adam’s apple, the push of his lips against the cup. Your mouth felt dry, your head a little empty and when he opened his eyes and put the empty glass down, you were still staring. 
“What?” Eddie was staring back. 
You shook your head, words unable to form. You stuttered and stammered and shrugged your shoulders, gripping tightly to your own glass. “Nothing,” you finally managed. “What?”
“What?” Eddie squinted at you. 
“What?” You asked again, before you could help yourself and you realised too late that you’d asked him a question there wasn’t even an answer to. “Shit.”
The corner of the boy’s mouth lifted and he looked at you, amused, if not a little concerned. “Okay,” he drawled, sliding your lunch over to you. “Here, eat. Lack of good food must be makin’ you loopy or somethin’, christ.”
So you ate in silence, sitting across from Eddie and exchanging shy smiles as he watched you hum at each flavour, nodding at Jonathan when he slapped him on the back in thanks, taking his own bowl outside so he could smoke at the same time. It was a new kind of friendship that still made you nervous, too aware when Eddie looked at you - like, really looked at you. Eyes earnerst, watching, gauging what you liked and what you didn’t. He knew that a scrunch of your nose meant you were unsure, a little taptaptap of your feet on the stool meant you loved it. 
He still made you shy, even though you spoke more. Stomach dipping and somersaulting when he called your name out of the hatch, some kind of plate made up for you, grouching good naturedly about how you needed to stop skipping meals. It made your heart jolt when he got too close, when fingers brushed as he passed you a bowl of fruit, a sandwich you could inhale between serving tables. 
But then again, maybe that wasn’t nerves. Maybe that was just the crush you were telling yourself you didn’t have. 
It was becoming harder to lie. 
“Good?” Eddie asked like always, letting his foot kick gently against yours. He’d finished his own bowl and was watching you with a fond look on his face as you wrestled with the last few noodles. 
You nodded and hummed happily, “mhmm. Could’ve done with some more salt though.”
Eddie did a double take, lips parted to argue because he knew that broth was damn perfect, before he realised you were joking. He narrowed his eyes at your grin, tried to hide his own smile when you laughed. 
“Oh, she’s actin’ real cute today, huh?” He snarked but everything about him told you he thought you were hilarious. He took your empty bowl from you, poked at your shoulder with a chopstick. “The self proclaimed crybaby s’gettin’ bold.”
It was a meaner type of teasing that you’d grown used to, but still, you wrinkled your nose at the boy as your cheeks burned, head ducking down at the memories of your teary eyed encounters with certain customers. You heard Eddie laugh as he dumped the bowls in the sink, but it wasn’t a cruel sound at all. And when you lifted your chin back up from your chest, he was back on the other side of the work station, elbows on the stainless steel and leaning over to you. Close. Closer than before. 
You blinked and Eddie smiled, a lazy, knowing thing, his eyes darting over your face like he was able to read you. Maybe he could. “There she is,” he murmured softly. “Shy thing.”
“Oh my god,” you tried to joke weakly, your voice a soft, embarrassed drawl. “Stop.”
It made Eddie laugh, a wide grin pushing at his cheeks until the dimples you rarely got to see appeared. You wanted to push a finger to one, to see if the tip of it would fit perfectly into the dip. You sat on your hands instead. 
“What?” The boy asked. “She’s got no jokes now?” But he smiled a little softer and went back to preparing the dough for tomorrow’s rolls, not saying anything else when you leaned back over the counter to watch. If you’d looked up, taken your eyes off the way his big hands kneaded at the sticky mess, you’d have caught the boy watching you, still smiling. Awfully fond. 
“Hey,” you interrupted a while later, once Robin had arrived to take over you shift, once Argyle was throwing some burgers on the grill for the customers that had finally shown up. “What’re you doing tonight?”
 Eddie looked a little startled as he closed over his locker, chef whites in a bundle in his bag, ready for washing. He blinked at you, pretty, pouted lips parted as he wondered where this conversation would lead. “Uhh, I- I dunno. Probably gonna go home, roll a joint and wait for another day in this shithole to start. Why?”
You wondered if Eddie could hear your heartbeat. ‘Cause it echoed in your ears, inside your head. A thud that made your mouth feel a little dry and suddenly the bravery you’d felt when asking that question melted away with the boy’s gaze on you. You weren’t sure what you’d planned to ask. Maybe if he knew of any good films to rent. Maybe if there was a nice park to explore. Maybe if he’d want to hang out—
“That sounds like a really good night,” you said instead, a nervous laugh following your words and Eddie’s brows shot up in surprise. 
“You smoke?” He asked in disbelief. 
You shrugged, leaning back against your locker as you tried not to sound completely uncool. “Kinda? Not really. I don’t like to smoke it but- but I’d sometimes, you know, bake some brownies or something. I haven’t done it in a while, but—” you wrinkled your nose. “—moving to a new city really makes you wanna just… get really fucking high.”
Eddie was laughing and nodding, beaming at you with a pink flush covering his cheeks. You watched him swallow hard and then gesture to the door. He almost couldn’t meet your eyes when he said, “d’you, uh, wanna come hang out? Smoke with me?”
It took Eddie a whole ten minutes to drive to his house. A trailer that was tucked into the back of the park you passed every day. You shot him a look when he parked up and he rolled his eyes, like he knew what you were about to say. 
“You drove me all the way home that day, when you live, like, seconds away from—“
“Oh, shut up,” he told you, scrunching his face. “It was a fuckin’ tsunami that day. You weren’t walkin’ anywhere.” He nipped his fingers playfully at your knee as he bent over to snatch his rucksack from the footwell. When he sat back up, he was too close. You held your breath. “Besides, Wayne told me I had to, remember?”
It was your turn to roll your eyes then, shoving at his shoulder as he cackled. “God, you’re such a gentleman.” 
He was still laughing as he jumped out the van, surprising you as he appeared at your door to open it as you busied yourself with gathering your bag and jacket. Eddie waved his hand in a dramatic gesture as you got out, eyeing him suspiciously. 
“I’m gentlemanly enough to be sharing my weed with you, sweetheart, don’t put me down too much.”
It made you soften and you followed him to his front door, the trailer humming from a generator you couldn’t see. “Thank you,” you told him shyly. “For this. For the invite.” Somewhere in an ugly part of your head, was an even uglier voice that was telling you you’d made him feel bad enough that he had to invite you. That he felt sorry for you. 
You told it to shut up. 
But Eddie turned the key and looked back at you over his shoulder, his eyes soft. “S’alright. What’re friends for?”
You blinked, unable to help the smile that spread across your lips. Your cheeks ached with it.  “We’re friends, huh?” 
Eddie walked into the trailer and waited for you to follow. “I know,” he drawled dramatically. “I don’t know how it happened either.” He was grinning, an awfully pretty thing. 
You didn’t know what to say, or do, for that matter. This felt close to flirting, something that made that horrible crush you had rear up in interest, it’s heart pounding. But maybe that was just your own. 
“Here,” Eddie gestured to a small dining booth, a c-shaped bench around a little table. He cleared a pile of laundry from it and looked flustered as he decided where to put it. It got thrown onto an armchair in the corner. “Sit down, you want a drink?”
 That’s where you sat with a can of soda, watching with a stuck laugh in your throat as Eddie upended his tiny kitchen, looking for the bag of flour he insisted he had.  “I swear, it’s in here,” he told you, holding various jars of spices and cake moulds. “What the fuck?”
“You’re supposed to be a chef, Eddie.”
“I know,” the boy wailed mournfully, swearing when he dropped a whole tub of dried fruit, chocolate sprinkles and vanilla pods. “Shit, kid. Looks like you’re gonna have to be a big girl and smoke up.”
He turned, raising his eyebrows at you like a challenge. You huffed, tipping your head back so he wouldn’t see the panic in your eyes. “Fine.”
And that’s how you ended up in Eddie’s bedroom, a space filled mostly with his double bed, a glaringly personal thing that you felt like you couldn't even look at. But he blushed and spread back the unmade sheets, fluffing up his pillows before he told you to make yourself at home. So you perched on the edge and toed your sneakers off, watching as Eddie flitted around his room, kicking things under the bed as he went, pushing cook books and comics back onto his shelves. Then he plopped himself down beside you, knees almost knocking, an old tin lunch-box on his lap. He flipped the lid and grinned as he produced an already rolled joint, wagging it in front of your face. 
“A chef is always prepped,” he whispered conspiratorially. 
“You’re a dork,” you whispered back but you leaned into his pillows as he brought it to his lips. 
A lighter flickered, a flame lighting up his face in amber just for a second or two, and then he was blowing a cloud out towards his open window. You watched Eddie’s eyes shutter closed, pretty lashes fanning over his cheeks and his lips hung open for a second or two, letting out a sigh along with blue-grey smoke. He let his shoulders drop, his head roll. Melting, like butter in the heatwave.
Then, “here, have at it, sweetheart.” Eddie handed you the joint, careful that you didn’t burn yourself on the glowing ash. He watched you take it dubiously, eyeing it with caution as you prepared yourself to bring it to your lips. You cringed a little, inhaling too sharp, too quick, coughing it all back out before you could even inhale it properly. 
You were mortified, coughing into your hand as you handed the joint back to Eddie blindly, eyes tearing up, blurring him and his room. He took it quick, making sympathetic noises as he rubbed his other hand down your spine. He waited until you wiped at your eyes, until you managed to catch your breath. “You alright?”
You wanted the ground to swallow you. “Mhmm,” you managed, keeping the heels of your palms pressed to your eyes, just so you wouldn’t have to look at him. “Sorry.”
“Nah,” Eddie said quietly, voice soft. “None of that, c’mon. You want another drink?”
You ignored him, reaching for the smoke instead, insistent on showing him you weren’t a complete loser. But Eddie tsked and held it out of your reach, frowning at you with concern. You wanted to tell him you’d almost missed that stitch between his brows. “Hey, woah, slow down, yeah?” Eddie knocked a hand into your knee, a comforting touch that didn’t push either of your boundaries. Yet. “You sure you wanna smoke? I can run back to Jim’s, see if I can smuggle some flour and we can make brow—”
You shook your head emphatically, not wanting to be any sort of annoyance. “No, no, it’s fine. I can try again.”
You weren’t sure if it was the setting sun that was coming through Eddie’s window that was turning his face fuschia, or if he was suddenly blushing something furious. It took him a second or two to meet your gaze and when he did, you saw a shyness there you’d never really seen before. Eddie was blushing. 
“I could, uh,” the boy cleared his throat noisily, awkward and fumbling. He gestured to the joint he still held, to you, to himself. “I could, I could help. I could help you. You know?” He frowned at himself, annoyed at his own stuttering. 
You frowned too, confused. “No?” You replied, unsure. Your hands were fisted in his sheets, a nervous reaction.
“Shotgun. I could, well— I could shotgun you.”
The room suddenly felt infinitely smaller. Warm and intimate, soft with the last of the sunlight, dust motes floating in the rays that came through slats of the blinds. You were on Eddie Munson’s bed. With Eddie Munson. You sucked in a breath. “Okay.”
“Okay?” Eddie seemed as surprised as you were at your answer but you nodded firmly, keeping your gaze on his, your chin lifted in a boldness you so rarely felt. So Eddie nodded too. “Right. Um, yeah. Just— c’mere.”
It was a clumsy thing, the way you both shuffled closer, the mattress dipping, sheets rippling. You moved until your knees knocked against Eddie’s and he was watching you so carefully, cautious enough that you felt too shy, a burning in your chest that spread up across your neck, your face. Eddie was holding the joint out to the side, the smoke being drawn to the open window and you looked back and forth between the cigarette and the boy. 
“Done this before?” Eddie asked you quietly. 
It was suddenly silent in the trailer, in the whole park. Fuck, Hawkins had fallen asleep, you were sure of it, because looking at Eddie this close, you couldn’t hear the way the generators hummed, you couldn’t hear the crickets or cicadas, no car engines or muffled televisions. You could hear Eddie breathe though, normal enough before it hitched a little and he had to exhale that little bit heavier - like he was nervous too. 
You shook your head and swiped your tongue over your bottom lip, chasing the taste of the orange soda you’d drank at the kitchen table. “No, never like this. I— I know what to do though.” You sounded so naïve, small and a little silly, but Eddie smiled and nodded encouragingly. 
“Atta’ girl,” he murmured and then he was bringing the joint back to his lips. He spoke around it, muffled. “Ready, yeah?”
You watched the way his cheeks hollowed out, how his gaze got a little heavier even though he kept looking at you. And this time, instead of blowing the smoke out to the window, he leaned in, one hand holding the joint away from you both, the other gesturing for you to come closer. You obeyed, moving forward with your heart lodged in your throat. You moved until Eddie’s fingertips met your jaw, skimming over the skin there and he tapped gently with his thumb. 
His gaze was lowered, lashes fanning out over his cheeks as he leaned in closer still, eyes searching yours for some kind of hesitation, a sign that you’d maybe changed your mind. And when he found none, he coaxed you a little further until his nose bumped yours and you gasped, lips parted and waiting. The boy opened his mouth, just barely, smoke slipping from between his lips and he gently blew it into yours. You didn’t realise how his hand had fallen to your neck, fingers curling around the sides of it, the cool metal of his rings on your overheated skin and the blunt scratch of his nails in your hair. 
You inhaled, a shuddering breath, shaky from how close the boy was - nothing to do with the weed. Eddie’s hand on your throat made you feel higher than anything else had before. And when there was no smoke left, when the last of it had floated up towards the ceiling and had turned into wisps in the sunlight, neither of you moved. You were still close enough that your nose bumped his when you tilted your head and you could see the freckles on the bridge of it, the tiny silver coloured scar at the end of his right brow. You wondered what Eddie could see when he looked at you, if he’d find your imperfections, if he’d find them as pretty as you did his. 
You watched as his eyes looked into your own, unabashed and completely shameless, like another hit of the joint made him a bit more bold than before. Maybe it had, because you were feeling fuzzy, a warm, heavy feeling pulling you into the mattress, into Eddie. 
Your forehead touched his. 
His thumb was on your jaw, tucked into the space underneath your ear and it was pressed there like he meant it. Like he wanted you to feel it and god, you did. You did. His eyes wandered, flicking from yours to your lips and back again, warmer than ever, a honey colour in the setting sun. You wondered what you both must’ve looked like, sitting cross legged and knees knocking on Eddie’s unmade bed, heads bent together like you were sharing secrets, like you were going to share more. 
The boy swallowed harshly, Adam’s apple bobbing and his stare on your mouth and it all made you feel so heavy and warm and lightheaded at once. You weren’t sure if it was the weed, you weren’t sure if it was Eddie. 
“Your eyes are really pretty,” he whispered and he sucked in a breath when your idle hands found his bare knees through the rips in his jeans. 
You played with the frayed hem, the loose threads and tried not to squirm at such a compliment. You hummed, nose wrinkling even when you smiled. “Thank you,” you replied politely and just as quiet. “Your eyes are pretty too.”
The boy turned pink, a pretty flush over the bridge of his nose that you wanted to trace with your fingertip. He tilted his head, inspecting you, eyes flicking over each of your features like he was drawing you in his head. “You shouldn’t be handing out compliments,” he mumured bashfully. “Not when I was such a dick to you.”
You shrugged, smiling as you leaned back just a little, too focused on the way Eddie’s lips moved as he spoke. The small space you put between you both gave you some air and Eddie’s hand dropped from your neck to trail down your arm. His fingers found your ring, a dainty thing on your middle finger that was so different to his own that it was comical and he played with the gold as you did with the rips in his denim. 
Touching. Still touching. 
“S’okay,” you told him gently. “You’ve made up for it now.”
A wry smile, a thumb brushing over the inside of your palm. “I have?”
“Oh, yeah. Free food and free weed?” You grinned when Eddie scoffed. “What more could a girl want?”
It was a rhetorical question. Eddie knew that, but still, he hummed as if he were thinking about it, his fingers dancing over your wrist now, climbing, climbing, climbing. You wished he’d cup your jaw again, warm, wide hands making you feel small and soft. 
“I dunno,” he mused. “What about a d—”
Whatever Eddie was going to say was interrupted by the opening of the trailer door. A sharp noise in the quiet and it rattled off of the wall as Wayne barged his way in, arms full of pizza boxes and a giant bottle of soda. “Ed!” He yelled out in greeting, oblivious. “Grubs up, boy, come get.”
It made you spring apart, the mattress squeaking obnoxiously at the movement and you burned at the noise, at what it made it sound like you were up to. You stared wide eyed at Eddie, like a teenager caught doing something they shouldn’t and suddenly you wondered if Wayne would shout at you both for getting high. 
But then Eddie was yelling back something noncommittal as he got off the bed, looking back down at you with an amused expression. He bent at the knees, shins hitting the mattress and his hands found your knees where he squeezed them reassuringly. “Hey, hey,” he smiled like he found you funny. Maybe he did. “S’all good, relax. Wayne doesn’t care.”
You sucked in a breath and willed away the weed induced panic you could feel brewing in your stomach, a knotting of nerves that Eddie managed to unravel with the way his fingers smoothed over your lower thighs. So you smiled back and nodded even though you felt like cardboard and when Eddie offered his hand to help you stand, you took it. 
“Hey, Wayne,” Eddie called out into the living room. “We got a dinner guest, that alright?” 
You could hear the rustle of pizza boxes being opened, the smell of basil and tomatoes wafting through the trailer. Your stomach rumbled and Eddie laughed, chuckling harder when you batted the back of your hand into his side for his lack of manners. 
“You can’t just announce that!” You hissed. “That’s so rude.”
Eddie rolled his eyes and then held out his hand to the bedroom door as if to say ‘see?’ when Wayne grunted and said, “If it’s Steve, tell him I ain’t paying extra for those damn mozzarella sticks when there’s already cheese on the pi— oh, hey, kid.”
Wayne looked surprised to see you as you shuffled out of Eddie’s bedroom in your socks. The boy had his hand on the small of your back as he coaxed you forward into the main space of the trailer. “Hi,” you waved shyly, watching with a hot face as Wayne looked at you, at his nephew and back again, brows raised in interest. “Sorry I interrupted your dinner plans, I—”
“Nonsense,” Wayne said at the same time as Eddie scoffed, “shut up.”
“C’mon, now, sit and grab a plate,” the older man urged. “Hope you like Jeopardy! ‘‘cause that’s pizza night tradition.”
You smiled and nodded as Eddie slid into the breakfast nook beside you, hips nudging yours as you budged up. And as Wayne argued with the remote control, the boy loaded up your plate with pizza slices, ignoring your protests completely. 
“God, you’re such a feeder,” you joked weakly, still embarrassed to be crashing the Munson pizza night. 
Wayne was still frowning at the buttons when he grunted and laughed. “Yep, the boy doesn’t know how to give someone a damn hug, but he’ll make sure you never go hungry. Gotta show love one way or another, huh?”
Nobody said anything and Wayne won the battle as the channel flicked over and the voice of Alex Trebek filled the room. You couldn’t quite look at Eddie and both of you sat side by side as you ate your pizza, Eddie’s curls hiding his face from view. You wondered if he was pink again, blushing and cursing out his uncle in his head. 
You wondered if you should’ve said something.  
But then, as if to prove some kind of point, Eddie barely glanced at you as he picked up the last slice of pepperoni from the box, and slid it onto your plate. 
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Maybe can I request with Vil, Ace and Silver in self aware au ?
The reader is stressed after a day of work/school and while playing they just stare at them in silence until they start caressing or touching their faces just to say that "Your pretty face is all that is good in my life" or something like that. Oh, I hope you understand 😣
Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, violence, death, poison
Ace Trappola/Vil Schoenheit/Silver-“Your pretty face really cheers me up!”
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Ace isn’t exactly known for “pretty boy” esthetics. Heck, he doesn’t even care that much about his appearance and all that he wants is to look decent
But then there is you, Overseer extravagance, the uncrowned ruler of the Queendom, the God of Briar Valley and the Island of Woes, a freaking legend wherever you go
And apparently, you like pretty faces but ok, who does not have a weakness or two
But Ace didn’t exactly count himself as “sparkle face with silky skin” or something along those lines
Then one day, ONE DAY, “I paint a heart on my face every day” guy over here was getting ready to go to his lessons, you having decided that apparently he needed more flying lessons
And even his house warden who was present at the scene would look like he was about to collapse any second after witnessing what was about to happen
Here he was, sitting on his broom, flying in mid-air up in the sky, suppressing screeches of horror
And then you had to drop that one line
“Your pretty face really cheers me up!”
Guess what else was dropping? Oh yeah, a first-year heartslabyul student
This simple sentence was too much for his body, making him drop off of his broom
But no need to worry, Vargas got him, levitation magic is a neat thing. Didn’t mean it would levitate his failing grades up into better places though…
If Ace had social media he would now surpass Vil, news travel fast you know?
And if the Overseer, I don’t think you know what kind of influence you have, THE OVERSEER said that someone was pretty then oh boy, you better believe they are!
And whilst we are on the subject of beauty, Vil is going absolutely bananas somewhere in the background, screaming “HOW??!” and other not-so-beautiful things
Ace though? Just pure shock. From that day on he is painting that heart extra carefully
And if someone just slightly smudges the heart? Well, I hope they have someone to help them adjust because they won’t leave the hospital for a long time. They and their crushed spine.
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Vil is used to compliments about his apperance. I mean, come on, he has five million followers
So a compliment is usually met with a simple “thank you” and then he moves on with his day
Here we are, a normal day for Vil, sitting in his room, taking off the make-up to get to sleep
And then he feels your presence
Really bad timing. REALLY bad timing!
So whilst he sitts there like he just turned into a stone statue, a very beautiful stone statue, you just go along with your day, assigning students to go to lessons, yada yada
And then your gaze falls on him (aka your home screen). The statue stopped breathing
This is it. Now he has done it. He has shown him to you whilst he was at his most disgraceful
And whilst Vil is already crying in his head you are still staring at him
“Your pretty face really cheers me up!” And then you carass his face
This… this can not be real, right?
There is no way you complimented him whilst he is like this
But alas Vil finally gets that you geniunely mean your compliment
Sadly there was no one to witness it but boy, Vil is happy
Now whenever Vil looks in the mirror he is proud that you think he is beautiful and imagines what he would do to the wretched rats who dare and try to steal your attention from him
Rook even commented the next day that his skin seemed to glow brighter than usual, Vil during all of that not able to stop smiling
Does that mean he will take it easier now? No. After all, he can’t loose his “Oh he pwetty” status
And if he does… well, there are a lot of poisons he can make and don’t forget his special magic…
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Silver, good old Silver being himself and accedentaly sleeping the day away
Now saying that the poeple of the Valley of Thorns are a bit too interested in you is a understatement
And who could blame them? You are their God (I blame them. In fact, I blame them a lot)
So here he is, laying on the grass, dreaming of spending a day with you…
And everything is good and dandy and fine and you opened the app
Silver is not a fae so he doesn’t have that sixth sense that tingles whenever you are even glancing at the app but he had been trained to be cautious
And cautious he is, waking up the second he feels your gaze on himself
So you are back. Good to see you! He hopes you have a- why are you touching his face?
“Your pretty face really cheers me up!”
The rest of the day Silver is in a daze and only after his father, pardon me, vice house warden Lilia asks him what is wrong Silver finally snaps out of it
“They called me pretty…” “Who called you pretty?” “The Overseer.” “Ah, I see… WAIT WHAT??!”
Yeah, Silver is just happy
He even uses skin care products after that day
But if someone would dare to take away his special status, being called pretty, away from him then good luck
All I can say is that he knows how to use a sword… and he probably knows how to get rid of a body
Just don’t leave him and Vil alone in a room, ok? Otherwise one will be poisoned and the other might be a bit scratched up
“Your pretty face really cheers me up!”
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faeryarchives · 5 months
when your hopeless streamer gets a girlfriend (ace trappola x f!reader)
summary: the rising streamer ace trappola has always been teased by his friends and fans about his failed relationships - that is until one certain stream where each and everyone of them were proven wrong.
note: ok i had this idea at 1 in the morning i was like 'hmmm what if we make a streamer series for twst?' and its just full of fluff and crack like no magic au + everyone is just normal
recent fics: happy birthday (malleus x reader) & so what are we? & in sickness and in health
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it was around saturday midnight when everyone should be asleep, but ace trappola decided it was a good time to stream a horror game out of all possible games he could play with his friends. they all started as friends before starting the game but i fear he might have none after the stream.
"crabby, where are you~?" the sound of floyd humming through the mic sent shivers down the boy's back as he tried hiding from the hunter. "it's so funny to see floyd just have this tunnel vision to kill ace." jamil's smooth voice rang out, obviously amuse how the scene was unfolding. 
"oh flooooyd! ace is hiding in the house with the telephone!"
"i hate all of you, after this game i am blocking everyone!" seeing him become the victim in the game and everyone turning on against him, his fans flood the live stream chat with laughing emojis and 'take the l'.
"ace, become a good bait while we fix the car." he heard ruggie and deuce laugh at his misery before their characters ran opposite his direction.
"okay who is the one that said floyd should be the hunter this round? hey, hey, hey! stop chasing after me- am i the only player in this game?! epel is right here!" in an act of desperation, ace tried to hide behind epel's character instead but only to receive massive damage when the attack hit him instead.
"eh... but guppy-chan isn't even trying to run away, which is boring!"
"wait, really?" he then stopped running. ace turned to face the hunter's character, trying to see if floyd would actually kill him, only to notice something wrong a little too late. "heh, gotcha,"  ace screamed into his mic, watching his character gets stuck in the tree and meet his demise as floyd split him into half literally. the words 'you died' appeared on the streamer's screen. 
gloomurai: wow you are so great in this game 🤣
"i see you idia-senpai! it's not my fault they all turned against me!"
wani-sama🔧: it's your karma for selling them out to ruggie last game
"yeah, yeah... well, i'm always the last one to get caught, so this can be pretty relaxing." the streamer smirked as he watched from deuce's point of view where he is currently lost in the woods. 
"i get to watch them die but knowing floyd he might quit mid-game." to used to being the first one out, ace sighed, switching from one point of view to another. bored ou of his mind, he looked at the corner of his screen, ace looked at the comments curiously as they try suggesting things.
muscle-red: why don't you do a q and a while waiting then?
"question and answer? don't you guys basically know me already?" ace looked at the screen intently, contemplating whether he should do it.
"fucking viper i swear!" suddenly someone joined the call causing ace to jump in surprised, only to realize it was ruggie. 
"how did you die?"
"jamil betrayed me because we thought it was a four-seater car. it turns out it was only two!" hearing this, ace turned to jamil's point of view and snickered about how he and epel got chased by the sneaky eel. "welcome to the dead club."
as if he could imagine his senior rolling his eyes at his words, he smirked smugly - karma does bite back hard. "hardy har... what were you doing? i heard something about a question and answer?"
"chat wants me to have another q and a portion, what more do i have to tell you guys?"
cowabunga: how is the search for your beloved mwishxr: there is no use in asking that 
"search for my beloved? hey!"
"shishishi! even your viewers are against you!"
it's a running joke in ace's community on how he was immediately dump by his ex girlfriend one week after dating. it wasn't like he wanted to share the story - he shared it as a batsu game after losing a round of uno. usually, when asked about his search for a girlfriend, ace would get all red and try to defend himself from the single until he became old allegations.
but today was surprising because not only did he not become all flustered and defensive - ace trappola looked smug even as he leaned his head into his palm and laughed.
"hmm, i wonder about that?" from behind, ace could hear approaching footsteps stopping next to him, and the live stream chat went wild and even ruggie who was looking at ace's stream right now watched with wide eyes as someone who was wearing the streamer's well-known sweater stood beside him.
"what the fuck?!"
gloomurai: ?!?!? muscle-red: what is with the sudden plot twist wani-sama🔧: WAIT wani-sama🔧: IS THAT-?!
"heya (nickname)~" ace hummed, turning his gaming chair facing your direction, his arms wrapping themselves around your waist as he grinned at you ever so cheekily. "you're late!"
"what are you five? i don't even know why you want me to come over." you rolled your eyes, trying to push him away playfully, only to run your fingers through his hair and chuckle.
seeing him lazily smiling at you causes you to succumb to your urge to pinch his cheeks - hard, making ace cry out in pain. before you could even ask another question, you saw something flash at the corner of your eye causing you to look at his monitor - realizing that he is still streaming. while holding onto you. and he not even on mute!
"this is all your plan, wasn't..." holding his face in your hands, ace could only laugh and nod, his hand quickly pulling you down, making you sit on his lap as he proudly present you to everyone. "as you can see, i am not hopeless anymore!"
wani-sama🔧: WHAT ARE YOU DOING SIS?!
"how is it possible i could hear sebek through the screen..." you sigh, leaning your back on ace and waved at the camera so casually as if the chat and ruggie weren't surprised at all.
"i just want to say to chat that ace didn't have my family in hostage." with you hand wrapped around his, you put up up and showed it to the camera. "and he is stuck with me."
hearing at just what you said made everyone in the chat go insane erupting into numerous emoji and something with the lines of 'oh my god he is not lying!' or just exclamation but nothing beats the reaction of your friends.
"(name) you settled for a guy like him?!" you could hear ruggie's surprised voice through your boyfriend's headset and honestly, you were contemplating if you would agree or just laugh it off.
"what can i say? sometimes, idiots have their charms."
jamil-viper: i can't believe you got (name) of all people... deuce-spade: oh thank god i don't have to keep it a secret anymore. wani-sama🔧: YOU KNEW?! epel-felmier: i think that's the effect of not our gc !!
the stream goes on with ace finally having his bragging rights and the twitter stans going crazy about the sudden girlfriend reveal. oh well, karma does hit back hard doesn't it?
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mochinomnoms · 2 months
Future WIPs and their synopsis:
“Rewrite the universe (and spit in the face of god)”—Ace x Reader
themes/tags: yandere, angst, doomed by the narrative, time loop, Madoka Magica au
Everything is dark when you first opened your eyes in the coffin. It all seems familiar: the small direbeast with fire in his ears, the squawking headmage who's flakier than the dandruff of someone's head, and the ginger-haired boy with a heart over his left eye. The ginger-haired boy who speaks to you like he knows you. The ginger-haired boy who seems to hover over you no matter where you go and who you're with. The ginger-haired boy, with a teasing smirk, a gleam in his eyes as he looks at you like you're a ghost. He looks at you like he's done this all before. Like he would do it again and again, every time he helps you get out of trouble. You think if he could, he'd drag God down from the spigot in which they drink their divinity and present it to you in a golden chalice. If just to do what he wants. He acts like he already has.
“Remedies, Poisons, and Other Uses for Medical Herbs: An Apothecary's Guide”—Kalim x Reader
themes/tags: humor, suggestive/lewd humor, potentially smut, episodic storytelling, friends-to-lovers, consorts/courtesans, inspired by the Apothecary Diaries
He only wanted to give you the taste tester position because you needed someone to employ you for your senior internship. Just until a position opened up in his family estate's apothecary! He should've known that you'd eventually be made to do your job, no matter what he said to his parents. Kalim stared at you from the corner of his eye, though based on Jamil's raised eyebrow, he wasn't being as slick as he thought he was. But can you blame him?! You had such a blissful, almost orgasmic look on your face! Was the soup really that good? Licking the broth from your lips, and placing the spoon back in the bowl, you cleared your throat. Drawing the attention of the other taste testers and the nobles at the table, you brought your napkin to your lips. You smiled, something sweet and soft, it made Kalim's heart thump against his chest, as you announced: “This soup, has been poisoned.”
“Two's Company, three's a Crowd, and six is a riot”—Overblot boys x Reader
themes/tags: humor, time travel, fluff, mild angst, happy ending
Malleus and the others were never really sure what to expect from you. After your involvement of the last six overblots (the last, everyone hoped), they all hoped that you wouldn't get into any more trouble. Wishful thinking, on their parts. But honestly, how else were they supposed to react to the 6 different versions of you from the future?! All of them claiming they were married to one of them in their future?! Is it a delightful surprise? Yes, though most of them won't admit it. But now they must discuss, which timeline are they currently in, and who gets to stake their claim in your heart? Perhaps it's time to take advantage and learn from their respective “Yous” how it is they managed to woo you and put that potentiality into reality. Now if only they could find you, current, time-period you, and put some new learned skills into practice… Or: A freak magic accident replaces you with six potential future versions of you that the overblot boys married. Now they learn a bit about, you, themselves, and their future, all while trying to bring you back to present-day (where ever you are).
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ashtavula · 4 months
Royalty AU: Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, and Octavinelle
This is going to provide a bit more lore for the au, as well as providing some information about what the rest of the boys are doing in this world!
Start Here
Your Kingdom:
-Your kingdom is known as the Kingdom of Sages, and its capital is the city of Ramshackle. As the heir to the throne, you reside in Night Raven Castle, along with your staff. You have Crowley, your tutor and advisor. Master Crewel is your personal healer. Trein is the steward of the castle. Sam is the castle's quartermaster, and Captain Vargas is the leader of your Royal Guard. There are also more maids, butlers, and cooks than you can count. Your parents also reside within the castle, but you don't often see them, due to their royal duties.
-The Rosehearts manage the Heartslabyul march, which is a fairly large patch of land on the borders of your kingdom. However, only Marquess Rosehearts actually lives in the march. Marchioness Rosehearts and Riddle both reside in a rather lavish estate in Ramshackle. The family's investments in medical research have made them more wealthy than most others of their class, and plenty of nobles despise them for it.
-Riddle's mother is still extremely strict with him, but her motivations are a bit different here. The marchioness is fairly power hungry, and she wants social status more than anything. Thus, she's been raising Riddle to be the most suitable candidate for your hand in marriage. If you choose him, then she'll be the mother of your king consort, and that grants her more social standing than the rest of the aristocracy. Riddle, for what it's worth, is hesitant to actually court you because of that. He's aware of what she's like, and he doesn't want to subject you to her whims.
-He's recently taken over for the Four Leaf Bakery, which is the most popular sweet shop in Ramshackle. His mother, father, and siblings are still helping out, but his parents are trying to make sure that he knows how to run things properly before they get too old. Trey likes to think that people come to the bakery because of how good his treats taste, but honestly, people also come to see him. He's polite, hard working, and sweeter than a slice of his bakery's famous strawberry tarts. Swing by the shop, won't you? He'll make sure to whip up your favorites.
-Cater works for the capital's best selling newspaper, the Ramshackle Gazette. He's always busy writing new articles, and interviewing people. Pretty much everyone recognizes his charming smile, and his news stories are always plastered on the front page. Secretly, he finds all the running around to be more than a little tiring, but he wouldn't trade his job for the world. You've spotted him prowling around the gates of your castle recently, hoping to snag an exclusive interview with you. After all, putting your words to paper will make him even more popular.
-Ace works as a delivery boy, making sure people receive their packages and other sundries. He's often paired up with Deuce, who works for the same company. Ace ends up running around all over the capital, and he usually complains about having to do so. Honestly though, he's not sure what he'd rather do in life. He enjoys doing little magic shows, but being a street busker isn't a steady job, and his mother would yell at him for doing it. One day, he might figure out his life's purpose. But that day isn't today, he thinks, as yet another bundle of mail is shoved into his hands.
-He also works as a delivery boy, but he gets a few more benefits, since his mother is the one who runs the office. Unlike Ace, Deuce does like the job. He gets to wander all over the city, and meet interesting people. But he wants to be a knight, deep down inside. He grew up hearing stories about valiant knights protecting delicate princesses, and he's been enamored with the idea ever since. Still, his mother always says he should keep his head out of the clouds. So he'll work hard to make her happy.
-He's still the second prince of Sunset Savannah, and he still resents his place in life. However, Falena is doing what he can to further diminish Leona's political power by planting rumors and stirring up their citizens. Leona is intelligent, bitter, and ambitious. Three traits that make him a rival for the throne, despite the birth of Falena's son, Cheka. The best way to get rid of Leona is to marry him off to someone outside of their country, where he won't pose as much of a problem. Falena doesn't quite like the idea of Leona becoming your king consort, but it's better than letting him continue to stay. Besides, if you marry his brother, then your country will be more open to diplomacy, and trade. And that's what's driving Falena to push Leona your way.
-As for Leona himself, he's heard about your search, but he isn't all that interested in going to see you. He's not keen on the idea of actually courting you, because he's aware of what Falena is attempting to do. Besides, he doesn't want to end up playing second fiddle to a spouse that won't take his advice, or let him rule beside them. Although, he has to admit that he's a bit curious as to what you're actually like. And who knows? Play your cards right, and you might just be able to snag his full attention.
-Cleaning, cooking, washing clothes, scrubbing floors, he does it all. Ruggie is a personal attendant for Leona, and that means doing whatever the prince demands of him. It's tough, and he almost never has time for a break, but it's not all bad. Normally, Leona would have a small fleet of servants, but thanks to Falena's efforts, Ruggie is pretty much his only servant. Despite that, Ruggie is proud to serve Leona. The prince pays well enough for Ruggie to feed his family, and that's what matters most. And, if Leona marries you, hopefully the man will remember who actually took care of him.
-Jack serves as a personal guard for Leona. Admittedly, Jack isn't sure how he ended up being the one to guard the prince. Protecting the royal family is usually a task only given to the very best of the royal guards, but Jack is still a fresh faced recruit. Still, he takes his job very seriously. He's never too far from Leona, and he's constantly scanning his surroundings. Once he hears the news about your search, his mind instantly goes to his prince. He sincerely hopes that, if you marry Leona, you'll let him continue to protect the man who's earned his steadfast loyalty.
-His mother owns what is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, one of the most famous restaurants in your kingdom. Even your own parents have been there, and loved every dish she presented. Azul, however, wasn't satisfied with just helping her run the family business. He set his sights higher, and managed to open his information agency with the help of the Leech family. It's worth knowing that, despite Azul's wealth and connections, his reputation isn't the best. Sure, he always delivers exactly what you asked for, but many people have figured out firsthand why you should always read the fine print.
-As for his reasons for courting you, he claims that it's all about the power he'll gain from winning your hand. And he's not exactly lying about that. But he's also a romantic, deep down. He's always wanted a fairytale romance, and he sees the opportunity to have that with you. He sighs, already dreaming about the tales people will tell about how the heir to the throne fell deeply in love with a common octopus mer. Floyd and Jade are already teasing him for how often he's practiced writing "King Consort Azul" on the margins of his papers.
-Jade is one half of Azul's "eyes and ears." Literally. When they first started helping Azul with the Octavinelle Agency, the twins struck a deal with Azul. Now, Azul is capable of seeing and hearing the same things as them, to an extent. As for your search for a husband, he's extremely curious to see who you'll select. After all, it might be fun for him and his brother to have royal backing for their antics. Or, it might be even more amusing to watch you fall for someone else, and crush Azul's hopes and dreams.
-Right now, he's bouncing between eagerly listening for news on your search, and getting irritated at you because it's all anyone's talking about. Honestly, it's so much fuss! He sometimes entertains the idea of trying to woo you himself, just to see the looks on everyone's faces. But Azul's quick to remind him that meeting you is going to be a big deal, so he needs to be on his best behavior. That sounds so boring! He'd rather see how cute you'd look if he gave you a little squeeze. You won't mind, right?
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yuri-is-online · 5 months
To the Reader, My Tenderest Freak of Freaks
Hello, I am Yuri. This is a side blog for my writing, currently there are only Twisted Wonderland fics here, but I intend to post original work here in the future~
Rules for requests can be found here,
Thank you to the named anons for your support.
(Twisted Wonderland)
Long Fic
When He Sees Me: Azul Ashengrotto (x)
The Tower Stairs: Rollo Flamme (x)
"Do Be Gentle With Me" (Jade Leech) (suggestive) (x)
First Rule of Mountain Lovers Club (x)
Random Rollo Headcannons (x)
Eel Wedding (Jade Leech) (x)
Boys Being Jealous of Grim (x)
What, Are You in Love With Me? (Ace) (x)
JadeYuu go dancing (x)
Well Maybe the Octopus was Being a Dick! (Pt. 1) (x)
Well Maybe the Octopus was Being a Dick! (Pt. 2) (x)
Shades of You (Jade Leech x Yuu) (x)
Cute, Right? (Floyd Leech x Yuu) (suggestive) (x)
Why So Rude? (Everyone x Yuu) (x)
Sled Ride Together With Yuu (Jade Leech x Yuu) (x)
Out With the Old (Heartsabyul, Savanaclaw, and Octavinelle x Yuu) (x)
And in With the New (Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, and Diasomnia x Yuu) (x)
It's Not Going Away (First Years x Yuu) (x)
You, I, and the Wall (Octavinelle x Yuu) (x)
Missed Connection Section of the NRC Gazette (Floyd, Leona, and Ruggie x Yuu) (x)
Plead the Fifth (Riddle, Floyd, Azul, Jack, Lilia, and Ace x Yuu) (x)
Consider the Shrimp (Jade Leech x Yuu) (x)
You May Now Kiss the Shrimp (Azul Ashengrotto x Yuu) (x)
The Most Romantic of All Arts (Azul Ashengrotto x Yuu) (x)
Soft Toxic Whispers (Jade Leech x Yuu) (x)
Ortho Decorates for Christmas (x)
The Moon Is Beautiful Tonight (Octavinelle and Scarabia) (x)
Why Can't I Be Your Spouse? (Leech Twins) (x)
Why Can't I Be Your Spouse? (Trey, Jamil, and Leona)
Summer is in Your Eyes (Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, and Octavinelle) (x)
Birthday One-Shots
Oh No You Don't (Ruggie Bucchi) (x)
A Step Behind the Curtain (x)
Bitch the Pot (x)
Follower Milestones
300 Follower Celebration (So So Shojo)
500 Follower Celebration (Invitation to the Masquerade)
800 Follower Thank You (Seven Plus One Happy Haunts)
Landing Page
Mafia Ayuu
Landing Page
A Fyuuture Kid AU
What happened to Yuu? (x)
What happened to the Main Cast? (x)
Daytime TV Dreaming (Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, and Octavinelle) (x)
Soap Operatic Symphony (Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, and Diasomnia) (x)
Fyuuture kid dunks on Ace (x)
Why is Azul's Fyuutre kid afraid of him? (x)
Yutu and Yuu (x)
What does Yutu look like! (x)
Some of Yutu's happy memories of Yuu (x)
Floyd! Fyuuture kid hc (x) (bonus)
Uncle Jade with Floyd's kid (x)
Cater! Fyuuture kid hc (x)
More Ace! Yutu dunking on him and Riddle! Yutu has a nightmere (x)
Riddle! Fyuuture kid hc + general info (x)
Ace! Fyuuture kid hc (x)
Jade! Fyuuture kid hc (x)
Ruggie! Fyuuture kid hc (x)
Malleus! Fyuuture kid hc (x)
Lilia! Fyuuture kid hc (x)
Idia! Fyuuture kid hc (x)
Leona! Fyuuture kid hc (x)
Kalim! Fyuuture kid hc (x)
Deuce! Fyuuture kid hc (x)
Trey! Fyuuture kid hc (x)
Epel! Fyuuture kid hc (x)
Some Fyuuture kids bonding with their dads (x)
Overblot Kids and their dads (x)
Fyuuture Kid Unique Magic (ft. Riddle, Cater, Ace, Jade, Floyd, Azul, Ruggie, and Vil) (x)
Uncles Ace and Deuce (x)
Azul reacting to the Yutu reveal (x)
Hints of Rollo (x)
Grim Ranking the First Years (x)
Soulbound AU
inspiration taken from this post by tiyon, please check out their soulmate au here
first post
Idia and Leona thinking about Yuu coming to TWST just for them
adding some angst
Ace and Deuce in denial
Aceyuu "Rewrite the Stars"
What if Yuu was Cursed?
Family Day
The Quiet Part (Azul, Jade, and Trey x Yuu) (x)
Out of the Bag (Jamil, Ace, and Idia x Yuu) (x)
Without Saying (Floyd and Ruggie x Yuu) (x)
There's Mud in Your Eye (Leona and Deuce x Yuu) (x)
And Your Name Is?
Jade, Leona, Riddle (x)
Ace and Malleus (x)
Sebek, Silver, and Idia (x)
Deuce, Azul, Floyd (x)
Time Loop Angst
Original Ask (Vil, Azul, and Malleus) (x)
The Rains Have Ceased (Riddle, Cater, and Idia) (x)
Another Beautiful Day (First Years) (x)
Theory Posting
A Pocket Full of Posies and Rollo's Hankie (x)
Octavinelle and Loneliness (x)
Sometimes the Wallpaper is Just Yellow: A Heartslabyul Color Analysis (x)
You Simple Vile Monstrosity: Rook and the Flowers of Evil (x)
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robo-milky · 5 months
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Of course whenever I promise something, I immediately work on a side thing and this is that… I give you crumbs of a Greaser AU! As fun as it would be to imagine everyone as greasers, I think it might make more sense or be interesting if I incorporate the different classes for different characters. I also think it’d be neat if I tweaked some things for a 60s vibe. Even now, Greaser! TWST still lives in my head rent free…
• I really wanted to give the Socs varsity jackets but noooo birthday union already has that, and I wanted this to be more “original” from the canon TWST outfits…
• C-Can you tell I was an “The Outsiders” kid???
• I did start this AU with thinking of Pomefiore first but I wanted to challenge myself and take it more seriously?? So I built up ADeuce. Still debating on what Grim’s role will be…
• Night Raven College is turned into a public school for the sake of this AU (but magic is still involved)
• For this particular AU, I envision Ace and Cloche to be childhood friends, comfortable enough to bicker (taking Grim’s place). How did Deuce get thrown into their little group? Cloche pitied Deuce and let him sit with her and Ace at lunch. Eventually, Ace got used to Deuce’ presence and started to help him out with fitting in with the other socs.
• Loved by the students and hated by the teachers? That’s Ace! With his brother being an alumni of Night Raven College, Ace didn’t have any troubles getting along with some of the older kids in the school. Of course his charisma and goofy personality isn’t something to be overlooked, either. Ace’ father wants him to get into an Ivy League Arcane Institution after high school, but Ace wants none of that. Sure, he could get good grades in school if he tried, but he has no interest. Maybe he should take his future seriously in a year or two, but for now, he just wants to have some fun.
• Deuce was never an official greaser during his middle school years, but more of an errand boy. …Don’t mind the fact he did get dragged into a couple of fights, has a half-used up tin of grease in the closet and his old leather jacket with recent rips. Look at the boy now and see how much he’s cleaned up over the years. Deuce’ tank tops evolved into button-ups, but he still feels uneasy with tight sleeves that cover his full arm. Deuce’ mom worked so hard to afford the school fees for Night Raven College, so he better pull his slack in turn,
• Cloche’ family owns a couple gas stations in Sage Island, allowing her easy access to cigarettes. Though she knows underage smoking (and smoking in general) is bad, she doesn’t care enough. With no allowance of her own, Cloche will gladly scrape however much she can get from willing customers who can pay up. Normally Cloche likes to stick her head out of conflicts between the different classes, but ever since she met a certain greaser— Cloche can’t help but carry a mini medkit at all times, in hopes to play his Nightingale.
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mysteryshoptls · 1 month
🤗Hello! Are birthday vignettes canon? as an example, the 1st year students are 15 or 16 years old, and we have already had 4 birthdays in total (the 4th being together with Disney's 100th anniversary), so in total they would be 19 or 20 years old?
Vignettes are basically "canon-adjacent." I mentioned it once before that vignettes in general don't really follow a prescribed timeline, but are there to give us more information on the character. Permanent Cards (Ceremonial Robes, Dorm Uniform, etc.) seem to be more or less canon compliant, especially with call backs to events that actually took place in the main storyline, while event vignettes seem to be canon to the event they are a part of (although the events themselves are also only "canon-adjacent"). To put it simply: the students are still the same ages that they were when the game first started. It doesn't matter that there's been four birthday celebrations so far, the first-years are still first-years (For example, Ace mentions that he's a first-year in the 3rd birthday card, Bloom Birthday). Yes, in the four years that the game has been available, we've had four birthday celebrations for each student. This is for the sake of gameplay, to keep us entertained. It would be boring if we only got the same birthday card year after year. if it helps, think of each birthday card as an AU of their birthday. In Birthday Boy, they are being interviewed by Yuu for the school paper. In Birthday Jacket, "magical dice" chose their presenter for them. In Bloom Birthday, a "magical pendulum" chose their presenter for them. And in the Platinum Jacket, although it is a "birthday card," they are all at a National Art Museum in the Land of Dawning as a "supporter" for the museum on their 100th anniversary. This coincides with Disney's 100th Anniversary, so this series is a little special. There are some people who follow the "time loop" theory, saying that this storyline has happened multiple times, with different Yuus. We've even had one example of an AU of an event (Fairy Gala IF). Because this is a game, the timeline and storylines can be pretty malleable. (I almost typed Malleusable, but you know what, with what's going on in Chapter 7, that's also a possibility) In conclusion, no, they would not be aged up because of four years of real world time with four birthdays. They could be aged up one day by the developers if they decide they want to bring in new first-year characters for the new school year. But that will be reflected in their profiles if so. A new card every year is just another way to give us deeper character lore.
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mrwinterr · 5 months
Die Happy (Eddie Munson Version)
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Pairing: Ghost!Eddie Munson AU x Female Reader; hint of Steve Harrington x Female Reader
Summary: You summon a really friendly ghost. 👻
Warnings: Smut 18+ (consensual vibes all around, masturbation, vaginal fingering, oral? [female receiving]) and language. 🚫 Minors DO NOT interact. Dabbling into the occult (use of a Ouija board).
Disclaimer: I’m a spooky bitch, but I would NEVER mess with an Ouija board. This is an AU. The upside down and the events that happen in the series Stranger Things (2016) aren’t entirely canon here. 
Title Inspiration: “Die Happy” by Dreamers  
A/N: This is a re-imagine of my Ghost!Bucky Barnes AU from years ago, but I wanted to convert it to fit with our dear boy Eddie. It’s only altered to fit a different narrative, but the smut is still closely the same. The inspiration came from an erotic audio on Reddit, so I owe it to that. There was a part two in the works, so if this goes well, I’ll continue writing it for this AU. Enjoy!
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You sat there on your small couch of the trailer you had just moved into about six months ago, staring at the unopened brown rectangular box placed on your coffee table, contemplating on unboxing it. A part of you was scared to touch it again because of its contents and the other part was bullying you to just rip it open and get this over with. This was your idea after all. This was your last resort. This was the package that would, hopefully, help you find the answers you were so desperately looking for.
What exactly were you trying to solve? 
Six months prior, you’d managed to save up enough money to move out of your parents’ home, away from a superficial city and into a small, quiet town. Albeit a trailer wasn’t your first option, it was something you could call your own. It was the most adult thing you’ve done in your life so far. Initially, you were excited because you would be able to decorate it the way you wanted for every holiday, host small gatherings with friends and maybe even bring someone home. However, you couldn’t exactly do most of that, not with all the strange things that have been happening and while you attempted to brush them off as mere coincidences, they were becoming almost too outstanding to ignore any longer. 
First, it was the air conditioning unit acting wonky. You kept the place at a reasonable and comfortable temperature, but you found yourself often sporting hoodies or wrapped up in blankets. Never mind the breeze that blew past you here and there, the technicians couldn’t find a single problem with the system and besides whenever you scheduled a visit for inspection, it was magically working just fine. 
Next, much like the AC unit, the electricity started to have a mind of its own. Before you could flip the light switch or press the button on your remote, it was always one step ahead of you. It was almost like you were living in a smart house, but instead of acting on voice command, it read your mind.
The most bizarre thing though, was things disappearing and reappearing. Small things like the morning paper would vanish from where you left it and if you couldn’t locate where you last left your keys, you never had to search too far because there they were. Maybe it was all in your head? 
The eeriest one of them all was the unexplained smell. There was a distinct yet alluring scent that would trail behind when you felt that breeze pass over. You couldn’t pinpoint what it exactly smelled like, a composition of something woody with amber undertones that suggested a sense of strength and warmth from its presence. One thing was for sure, it wasn’t any like your fragrances nor was it from the only person that visited you. It was a pleasant odor and almost a calming one to you.  
You didn’t want to believe it, but these weren’t just common occurrences - these were tall tale signs of a haunting. You came to the conclusion you were living with a ghost. The spirit wasn’t vengeful, that much you gathered since it didn’t make attempts to harm you in any way. If anything, it helped you out more than bothered you. Sure you could just either ignore these oddities or move out, but you’d worked too hard to get here and you weren’t going to let whatever entity run you out of your new home. Instead, curiosity won the best of you and you opted to take matters into your own hands.
Pulling the Ouija board out from the box, you place it on the table and it seems to have a hold on you. How do you prepare yourself to summon a ghost? You don’t know how long you’d been staring but it was only when the sudden knock on your door does the spell break.
You get up and make the short distance to the front door and you’re briefly greeted by your close friend Steve. Your relationship with him was close to the point where you’re not even bothered that he just makes his way inside as if he lived here with you. He’s so busy rambling about something, probably about his latest shift at the video store he worked at, that he didn’t notice how uncharacteristically quiet you were being. 
“Whoa!” He exclaims, stopping in his tracks once he sees the Ouija board laid out. Its presence was enough to effectively cut his story short. “What are you doing with that?” He asks, pointing at the object and taking a few steps away from it.  
You roll your eyes, sitting back down and reaching into the box to pull out the remaining piece, the planchette. 
“What does it look like I’m going to do with it?” You say, staring up at him blankly. 
“Shit,” he starts, running his hands through his thick hair, “okay, uh, I knew you liked Halloween, but I didn’t think you were this spooky,” he says, his eyes bugging out in disbelief. 
He stands in place as if the items in front of you were cursed, but seeing that you hadn’t actually begun anything yet, there’s a bit of relief. You’re not deterred by the Ouija board at all. It had quite the opposite effect because you were all too fascinated with the supernatural. It was just wild that it was happening to you. 
“You really shouldn’t mess with that kind of stuff,” Steve warns as he cautiously makes his way back closer. 
“I don’t know why you’re so scared,” you respond, blowing him off and kicking the now empty box aside.
“And you’re not?!” He says incredulously, “trying to speak to the dead is not right!” 
Well, it certainly wasn’t normal, but so weren’t the things that were happening in your home lately.
“I need to find answers, Steve!” You bite back, the volume of your voice matching his, if not, louder. Your once calm demeanor switching to an intense one, cutting the tension of what you were going to partake in had brought about. You didn’t miss the hint his exclamations gave off and it bothered you. “What do you expect me to do? Continue living like this? I’m not in control of my own place.”
Oh yeah, he knew. Steve was the only friend you could confine in and the one person you could share your stories about your home and the experiences in it.
“You really think this place is haunted.” It comes off as more of a statement because he can see you’ve clearly made up your mind on how you’re going to prove this theory. He could see the inner turmoil you were facing and the vulnerability that cracked through your exterior after your outburst. 
“I’m not going crazy! And I certainly am not going to spend another fee on having a technician tell me there’s nothing wrong with the units again.” If the frustration wasn’t visible in your features, it definitely was in your voice. 
“Look,” Steve says, voice now careful, ”why don’t you just come spend the night at my place and we can think of another way to approach this?” You knew this offer all too well. It had always been on the table. When you decided to move to Hawkins and were looking for your own place, Steve had offered you a room, but you were hellbent on making it on your own. You were proud and independent…and weren’t sure about taking the next step with him. 
Steve was everything your past lovers weren’t and you while you both weren’t official, a couple of dates happened here and there, something was holding you back. You cherished his friendship so much and even though you'd both crossed so many lines already, a part of you feared crossing anymore would jeopardize it. Worse, what if whatever it turned out to be would just fail miserably in the end. Then where would that leave you both? He made it clear how he felt about you, but you brushed it off casually each time. Steve knew you simply weren’t ready and he was willing to wait. 
“Thanks, but I’ll be okay.” You reply, breaking away from seeing the look of concern on his face, the kind that made you feel guilty, and went back to fidgeting with the planchette in your hands. You knew he was a skeptic on these kinds of things and only worried for your safety. He’d always been protective of you and hated seeing you upset. 
The nights he had spent in your trailer nothing strange ever happened. It’s like these occurrences were only happening to you. Steve wasn’t sure if he believed in ghosts or not, but he wasn’t about to stick around and find out today like this. He knew that you could be stubborn, but there was only so much he could do to change your mind from where he stood and he just hoped he hadn’t lost you yet.
The crack of thunder in the sky, slightly rattling the trailer, indicated a storm was coming and you took that as an excuse to convince Steve to leave for the night. You didn’t want to fight with him about this. The few times you did talk about a possible haunting were just humorous conversations to Steve, but you were always being serious. It was evident that you two were not on the same page. 
“You should probably start heading home before the rain comes,” you advise, standing up , walking over to the front door, hoping it’d sway him, but he knew what you were doing. Steve wasn’t mad. He knew you weren’t going to change your mind this time, but he could be patient. He was always very patient with you.
He reluctantly nods, defeated, before following your lead. “I’m coming back first thing in the morning to check if you’re still alive though,” he jokes, before pulling you in for a hug and kissing the side of your head. His words elicit a light chuckle from you, but it mostly muffled against his biceps. You bask in the warmth of his embrace for a few lingering seconds, inhaling his fresh, clean scent, one that was a complete contrast to the one you were used to smelling inside your trailer, before pulling away and playfully shoving him out the door. 
As soon as his car disappears from the end of the street, you jump, head snapping at a sudden crashing sound from the kitchen area. You make your way in that direction to find the mug gifted to you, on your last birthday from Steve, shattered in pieces all over the kitchen floor. The last roar of thunder must’ve been a strong one or the elevation of the shelf had been slightly off or maybe the house just didn’t like Steve… You shook your head at that last silly thought and sighed preparing to clean up the mess. 
The gloomy weather quickly casted a blanket over the once clear sky and with the sounds of the fast raindrops against the windows and pavement, the lag in thunder chasing the flashes of lightning, you didn’t waste time on the mission.
What better time than now? It set the mood. Were you scared? You weren’t sure. You were already convinced you were living with something so what could’ve been scarier than that. You didn’t ponder long enough to think about the aftermath. Was this all just a bunch of hocus pocus or pseudoscience? Would you get possessed by a demon or would they be like Casper?
Would this even work? The use of a Ouija board, especially by someone inexperienced as yourself, was highly not recommended. You’d seen The Exorcist and not to mention this kind of activity was very much frowned upon during your upbringing. If only your parents could see you now…
The spirit in your home couldn’t be that bad though, right? If they wanted to possess you, they would’ve done so by now; unless they were just waiting for an invitation. Well, there was only one way to find out.
You dimmed the lights and lit a few candles around you. Was this insulting? There wasn’t exactly a guide on etiquette for communicating with the dead. You did your fair share of research, but most of what you knew about Ouija boards were credited to horror movies.
You take a deep breath in and out then begin to summon your supposed roommate.
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Eddie felt bad. 
He felt bad as he watched you clean up the mess he made in your kitchen. He knew you liked that mug, but he didn’t. He remembered when you were given that mug. He saw the way your face lit up after reading the stupid text on it that only you and the person who gifted it to you understood the meaning behind it. 
He didn’t like Steve and he certainly didn’t like how Steve made you feel. Steve made you feel all sorts of things and Eddie knew that, which explained why Steve never experienced anything unusual in the house because Eddie didn’t like seeing you with him. He chose to not be present in Steve’s presence. Most of his kind would make it a point to make it known they hated them, but Eddie didn’t want to spook you. 
He was aware of how silly it was. A ghost jealous of two living humans. He had his turn, but it was tragically cut short. He was so young, barely in his 20s before he left an ongoing cold case behind, providing no closure for his friends and his uncle.  
But why did his afterlife have to consist of seeing the most angelic living human being just waiting to fall in love with the perfect living man? He didn’t get a chance to live out that part of his life, so was he bitter? Yes. He’d grown so attached it outraged him to see any distress that was brought upon the current tenant of his home.
Eddie wasn’t sure why he was able to roam around his old stomping ground over the last couple of years. He tried his best to communicate with his uncle before he finally managed to move into a better place. He was proud of Wayne for working hard to get a real house for himself. He took assurance that he was able to live more comfortably now. He should’ve known his own flesh and blood wasn’t bothered or spooked out by his attempts to get his attention, so when he left, Eddie was alone for nearly three years. No one was exactly in a rush to move into a trailer, his trailer, until you came into the picture. That day you walked in, if he wasn’t already dead, and you could’ve seen him, he just knew he would’ve been as pale as a well…ghost. He made sure to not send you running for the hills.
He tried to subtly help you with everyday things. He didn’t even spy on you during private moments like in the shower or on those lonely, needy nights. He proved himself to be a ghostly gentleman.
He even tried to not eavesdrop on your conversations and almost always disappeared when guests were present, but he heard you raise your voice earlier at Steve. He wasn’t sure what you two were arguing about and sure it was petty on his part, but before he could summon enough energy to knock over the mug, Steve was already gone.
Eddie followed you back into the living room, watched as you lit the candles scattered around and dimming the lights. He lightly smiled believing you were attempting to relax. You deserved a nice night in. If only seeing you in peace was enough to put him to rest - permanently. He was already trying to guess what kind of movie you were going to turn on but when he saw what was laid out in front of you as you sat back on your couch, his expression fell and he swore his heart would stop again if it could.
“Oh no,” he says as he stares at the Ouija board on the table. Eddie starts pacing in front of you, his hands bunching up his hair in a panic state. Anyone that had ever set foot in this trailer to scope it out knew this place gave off a spooky vibe. This was a tough trailer to sell because not only was it unsettling but so was the story behind it, which it was unbeknownst to you why it was so affordable. You weren’t stupid and you knew there was something or someone lurking, so this was almost bound to happen. 
“Is anyone here?” He hears you ask the first question. He looks over your direction and sees your eyes are closed with both hands on the planchette. You’d close your eyes to mask your fear so that should anything bad happen you wouldn’t have had to stare death right in the face. 
“Oh my God,” he barely whispers and realizes, “she’s really trying to talk to me.” He couldn’t believe you were willingly reaching out to him. He hadn’t been able to talk to anyone in years, so now given an opportunity to do so gave him a sense of elation. 
“Yes! I am! I’m here!” She can’t hear you, idiot. “Fuck, of course she can’t hear me.” Eddie argues with himself on what to do before he remembers how Ouija boards work.
He almost can’t believe it when he does it, but he’s able to delicately and effortlessly move your hands to slide the planchette over the word ‘YES’.
Your eyes pop open and you gasp when you see that you received an answer. Now that was not your imagination. This wasn’t your mind playing tricks on you either. You’re frozen, but look up in front of you half expecting the spirit to show itself to you, however you don’t see anything.
At least that’s what you think. On the contrary, you’re staring right at Eddie or rather through him. His expression mirrors yours - complete and utter shock for two reasons. 
First, he was never able to easily move or touch anything solid in years. The incident with the mug earlier, that kind of stuff usually required a lot of concentration and energy on his part. Secondly, he was in awe. He knew he was attracted to you, but even though you couldn’t see him, he could see you clearly and you were so beautiful to him.  
He’s scared that he’s frightened you with that move, but at the same time it excites him that he’s successfully communicating with you.
You’re unsure if you should continue. You were half expecting this to be a bust, but it moved. It actually moved! While you were excited that this worked, the tiny voice in the back of your head had you thinking that maybe you shouldn’t go any further, but who ever really listened to them? If you were to get hurt or anything, you’d deal with Steve later. You blink a few times and refocus your attention on the task.
“What are you?” You ask next.
“What am I?” Eddie repeats the question, “I’m dead, sweetheart.” Wait. He starts to spell the letters ‘D-E-A-D’ with your hands on the planchette still. The corners of your mouth lifting, amused at that response, of course he was dead, had him comparing it to what angels must’ve felt like when they earned their wings. If anyone believed in that sort of stuff…either way he felt very blessed to pull such a thing as a small smile out of you. 
“You liked that one, didn’t you?” Eddie said more to himself with a big smile on his face. He loved this! It was like he was having a real conversation with you. It was something he only ever dreamed of for the last six months.
A particular flash of lightning followed by a clamorous thunder startles you, breaking you away from the Ouija board. You weren’t going to lie. You were still absolutely spooked out and decided maybe that was enough contact with the dead for the night.
When your heartbeat finally returned to its steady rate, you got up to turn on the lights. You made sure you blew all the candles out and doors were locked before turning in. As you walked the path to his old bedroom, Eddie watched you look back to the living room and bid goodnight to seemingly nothing, but he knew who it was directed towards - it was meant for him.
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The days that followed, you were growing more and more curious. In your spare time, you started digging into how much can come out of the Ouija board, but first you needed to figure out who you were dealing with.
You went from door to door of the trailer park doing your own investigation on who used to live in your trailer. You got mixed reviews from the neighbors, but you believed you got the gist of it down.
The trailer originally belonged to a man named Wayne Munson, who took in his nephew becoming his sole legal guardian. You dug deep at the local library, sifting through old Hawkins newspaper archives, to find out that his nephew had commonly gone by the nickname ‘Eddie’ and he wasn’t too far away in age from you. He went to the same high school as Steve, where he struggled in graduating, had a reputation of being a delinquent and someone who participated in satanic practices. The worst of his offense was being linked to the murder of a beloved teenage girl, Chrissy Cunningham.  
The accompanying images of the girl and boy in the newspaper clippings, you assumed to be Chrissy and Eddie. She was undeniably pretty and he was…cute. The tips of your ears burned and turned red as you caught yourself staring a little too long at his picture. 
Why’d that make you feel weird? You’re thinking things about someone you’d never met. You didn’t know anything else about him and what you had learned, it didn’t sound good either. That couldn’t have been the same Eddie in your trailer, right? 
To your surprise, Chrissy had brutally died in your very own living room. Were you living with her? Something didn’t make sense though. What was her unfinished business? All the things you picked up on from the TV or movies, was that most spirits that wandered had some sort of “unfinished business” that prevented them from moving on. Right? 
The news seemed adamant that it was Eddie who killed her, but it was her own boyfriend, some star athlete, Jason Carver, who had been found guilty of her murder. Eddie had been acquitted but the twists and turns never stopped as you read he himself had been found dead inside the trailer a few weeks later. The puzzling thing was the autopsy proved it wasn’t by suicide. He didn’t do this to himself. The saddest thing, aside from the loss of two young lives, was his uncle being the one to discover his nephew lifeless in their home. No one was ever charged for his murder and it didn’t look like there was a rush to locate the killer, which angered you as you continued reading. The real killer was possibly still out there free to live the rest of their life. 
You’re so engrossed with your findings you barely paid any attention to Steve when he’d come in to check on you. He had the spare key in case of emergencies, and ignoring most of his unreturned phone calls, which seemed uncharacteristically you, to him was deemed as an emergency.
Steve was only less than thrilled to see your enthusiasm on all this. Normal people didn’t go around poking at the dead. He pointed out you were lucky you didn’t get possessed, not paying any mind or adhering to you claiming he was probably a friendly ghost.
“This isn’t an episode of Casper!” Steve shouts, fed up again. His face falters as he watches your shoulders visibly slump. He hated killing the vibe, especially when you were excited, but you were hyped about something all too unreal and that shouldn’t be messed with at all in the first place. 
He looked around the small space seeing your notes scattered throughout the coffee table, some spilled on the carpet. There were so many he couldn’t see the Ouija board still laid out. It was just buried underneath. 
“What if I can help him?” You try reasoning with him. “Did you know? Did you know Eddie? Or what happened to him? Did you know that he and someone else died right where we’re standing?” This was the first time you asked him about the person Eddie was, not the ghost. You wondered why he didn't say anything? He’d lived in Hawkins his whole life. Surely he’d had to have heard about this. It’s a small town, people talked.
“I barely knew him,” Steve sighs, guilty but admits, “he wasn’t exactly popular or well liked by most because of how different he was.” You watch as he brings a hand up to rub at his eyes, “but even I didn’t think he was capable of doing that stuff to Chrissy.” He was trying to erase the crime scene the media had released to the public from his mind. “I swear I didn’t know this was his trailer though. Like I said, I barely knew the guy.” You can hear the sincerity in his response and nodded. Had Steve known, he’d most likely had pushed harder for you to move in with him. 
“What if I can help him pass on? Then I can live in peace…and so will he,” you start to persist. 
“You’re not going to be able to convince Hawkins that Eddie Munson didn’t kill someone,” he says bluntly. “You’re already lucky that you’re unharmed,” Steve reminds you. “I’m just worried about you,” he brings his hands to your arms in an attempt to comfort you. 
“I know you are, but I’ll be fine,” you assure him, hoping you could keep that promise. After all, you couldn’t even confirm you were really communicating with Eddie.
You were relieved that the conversation with Steve didn’t take a turn for the worse like it easily could have. You understood where he was coming from and you were lucky to have someone like him care so much about your wellbeing. The realization never fails to punch you in the gut for not allowing yourself to give in.
So why were you more scared to commit than of willingly reaching out to the dead?
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Take two.
You sat perched, trying to hype yourself up to communicate once more. Eddie, on the other hand, is more than ready and the cool familiar breeze that passes you by lets you know that they’re here.
“Chrissy?” You ask, your fingers firmly on the planchette. You hadn’t figured out which one was actually still here or if both were. 
Your hands move over to the answer, ‘NO’. 
Shit. Eddie thought to himself when you said Chrissy's name. How much did you know about Chrissy? If you read anything about that night in the papers then it surely wasn’t good. What did you think of him now? You probably thought he was the devil. He thought you were going to end this, cut ties with him, cleanse the house or even move out after discovering it’s been him this whole time. The realization that you were living with a monster. 
“Who are you?” The last revelation had to be obvious, but you needed confirmation. Eddie had nothing to lose, physically, but if this was the last time he’d get to communicate with you, he’d take every second until you stop. Your heartbeat starts to pick up as you’re slowly spelling out ‘E-D-D-I-E’.
“Eddie,” you whisper. Boy, did Eddie like the sound of his name coming from your lips.
“Is anyone else with you?” The answer points to ‘NO’. He was alone. 
“How did you…die?” you had to swallow in between the last word in that question, hoping it wouldn’t trigger a negative response. Even in the afterlife, death couldn’t be an easy topic.
The letters ‘M-U-R-D-E-R-E-D’ give you your next answer. It was indeed him! Internally, you’re overjoyed that you’ve figured out your ghostly John Doe, but you try to remain at ease.
“Did you knock down my mug?”
Eddie rolls his eyes at that, but swiftly moves your hands over to ‘YES’.
“Okay. I mean that wasn’t very nice,” you couldn’t just bite your tongue as the sass flowed right out of you.
The apology takes you by surprise, and suddenly you weren’t mad about the mug anymore.
“It’s alright. It was just a mug,” you try to assure him. You’d just have to explain to Steve another time that the ghost broke it. No biggie. Yeah, right. What with the tiny arguments, he’d most likely believe you destroyed it out of anger and frustration at him.
Your arms were getting tired from the position they were in. Several minutes had passed since you last said anything to Eddie and you weren’t sure of what to ask next, but you didn't want to stop talking to him.
Where does this end? Do you ask him to leave? This is his home. No, it’s not anymore. It’s your home now. How do you help him pass on? Did you have that ability? Do you hire a medium? Enlist the help of a priest? Call a ghostbuster? Your mind grew tired all too quickly, you slumped back in your seat, breaking away from the Ouija board.
Eddie watched as you rubbed the muscles of your sore arms. He felt helpless. He wishes he could ease or take away your worries and pain. Instead, all he could do was watch and make sure you were okay until you were ready to start talking again.
With your hands back on the board, you ask, “are you still here?” Eddie responds with ‘YES’. You take a deep breath and close your eyes, mentally preparing yourself, before proceeding with the next question.
“Can you show yourself to me?” There is the ultimate question and Eddie can’t help but ask why? Why were you interested in seeing him? He was a lost cause.
“No?” you ask more to yourself, still staring at the word through the eye of the planchette, and frown, defeated at his response.
Eddie wanted nothing more than to show himself to you, but he didn’t know how. He was nothing but a gust of air. No matter how hard he tried to show himself to those nearby, he was never successful.
You pull your hands back away and place them in your lap, unsure of where to go from here. Well, you couldn’t force a ghost to do something they didn’t want to do, but you hoped that maybe seeing him would make it less taxing while communicating.
There’s a sudden iciness that covers the side of your cheek, sending a chill down your spine. You flinch and your hand rises quickly to warm the spot. What was that? You didn't feel that when using the Ouija board. Was that Eddie?
Eddie almost disappears at the sudden reaction. He can’t believe it. You felt that. You could feel him. All he did was caress your face and it was different than pushing your hands in different directions because this time, neither of you needed the help of the Ouija board.
You’re not sure where he is as your eyes scan the room, you wanted to feel that again. Sure, the cold was a bit alarming, and as sharp as his icy touch was, so was the surge that flowed through you. It was unexplainable, but soothing.
It sucked for Eddie because he couldn’t keep your eyes trained on just him.
“Are you sure you can’t show yourself?” You ask again to the open area, this time convinced you didn’t need the Ouija board anymore.
However, Eddie still needed the board to reply. You sigh in defeat as you watch the planchette slide across to the word ‘YES’ on its own. You couldn’t allow yourself to get mad. You just couldn’t understand how it was possible for him to do all these other things, but not be able to show himself. Whatever it was, you’d just have to accept that you’d never understand ghost logic.
The sound of the planchette scraping against the board, offers you the word, ‘F-E-E-L’.
Feel? You definitely felt a presence and a touch, but now it was confirmed. He was trying to communicate through touch.
“Yes, I felt you!” you let Eddie know quite eagerly. The planchette remains unmoved after that and instead of what would appear to be awkward silence, the seconds that were passing by could be more appropriately compared to that of a ticking time bomb.
“Touch me,” you requested.
Eddie is stunned. If he were alive and well right now, he’d no doubt be on his knees for you with a command like that. He floats over to you and is only more than eager to touch you again, but he’s not sure of where. Feeling the soft anticipation of a ghostly tingle, he hesitantly places both hands on the underside of your jaw, in a cradle-like fashion, hoping it’ll stop your wandering eyes.  
You are still, frozen in place, now seeing the breath of air that escapes your mouth in a cloud of smoke, his comforting scent invading your senses. It was him. It had been him this whole time and he’s definitely here in front of you.
“More,” you say barely above a whisper, not paying mind to the coldness.
Fuck. Eddie inwardly swears at himself as you unintentionally egg him on. Testing his limits, what more could he already lose? He was already dead.
He goes all in. He leans in and presses his cold, dead lips to yours in the most gentle and light kiss ever. When he pulls away, he sees that your eyes have closed and he can’t help immediately start to wonder if you actually felt that or not. He sure as hell felt it. He can’t be certain as he tries to gauge the expression on your face. Shit, why did he do that?
“Do it again,” and this time with a more affirmative tone, Eddie doesn’t question anything anymore and obeys. His lips back on yours, but with added pressure, you let out a small moan and purse your lips to respond. You don’t think about how silly it must look to be making out with practically nothing, not knowing what to do with your hands because there was nothing to hold onto, but despite that it all felt too real. He was real.  
Eddie’s mind is reeling at the sound of pleasure that spews from your mouth, he can’t comprehend how this is even possible. He’d been dying to know what kissing you felt like - what you felt like at all.
When your lips start to get numb and turn blue, disregarding the temperature, you reluctantly pull away. You open your eyes to a dark room and wish you could at least hear him, the sounds of ecstasy played a pivotal role in intimacy.  
Your body temperature returns to normal, blood rushing, mind a haze. You stand up and head towards your bedroom without another word. Would he take the cue to follow you? You can’t be sure. You can’t see or hear him, but your actions say otherwise and make you both feel as if he wasn’t dead at all. It was now a game of cat and mouse.
Eddie or not, you were unabashedly turned on. In moments like these, it was hard to be in control of your own body and the only thing you could do was give in to the desires. In this instance, your body couldn’t make up its mind because as if you weren’t just freezing your ass off while kissing Eddie, you were suddenly hot all over.
Flustered, you pulled down your shorts on the way to your bed, tossed them carelessly across the room, perhaps a little too harshly. If he wasn’t going to help you out, then you would do the job yourself. A mad smile on your face, surprised you weren’t the least bit embarrassed if he was going to watch you or not. It only added to the thrill and the excitement.
Trying to regulate your breathing, you lie down on the center of your bed and run your hands over your face down to where you need them the most. Your fingers experimentally graze along the wet spot of your panties, groaning in acknowledgment of the sudden arousal. There’s no sense in conjuring up a justifiable explanation as to how something so seemingly innocent as the kiss you shared with Eddie got you so crazed. Not wasting any time, you lift your hips up and bend your legs to slip the flimsy garment off.
No longer a thin barrier between, your entire body shivers slightly, a sharp gasp escaping your lips, when your fingers make first contact with your clit. Using your slick, you begin to rub slow circles over it. Your stomach sinks in with each relieving exhale, your breathing growing heavy. Your fingers run off course and dip into your folds, past the floodgates, resurfacing now coated by your own wetness as you use it to an advantage in invigorating your bundle of nerves.
Eyes closed, you start to think about Eddie. How his skin would feel against yours. How you’d tangle your fingers in his wild hair. How his hands would feel on your sensitive parts. You want to feel guilty or believe this was all wrong. Instead of getting off to someone like Steve or someone real for that matter, you lied there baring yourself to a ghost. You try to picture that baby face of his, and all that you could based on the lone image you found of him to get you through the finish line. 
The curve of his full lips that you were fortunate enough to feel on yours moments ago. You already knew they were soft, but what about his other features? Did his eyes sparkle or were they like black holes? They had to be of a set that could hypnotize someone. Maybe it was okay that you couldn’t see him because if you had you just knew that you’d be at his mercy.
And that was just on the surface of it all. How was he like in other areas? How would his tongue feel against yours, on your skin, in you…The simulation causes your thighs to clamp up, knees involuntarily knocking into each other; your other hand clutching onto the bed sheets. He made it that easy.
A thin layer of sweat coats your skin from the increase in body heat, then you hiss at the abrupt familiar cold sensation that runs through you, his alluring scent filling your nostrils, your legs forcefully separate; all tells you that Eddie was here. You pick your head up, always a small hint of disappointment flashes through your features at the fact you still and won’t be likely to ever see him.
It shoots a wild pang through Eddie's chest because he doesn’t miss it; never knowing he could read someone so openly. He missed a few significant things in his life already. He missed graduating high school. He missed a chance to get a better car. He missed a chance to sell out venues. He missed playing music. He missed his uncle. He missed his friends. He missed Hellfire. He missed out on someone like you. He missed a chance to develop a deep connection with someone. Life was so cruel.
Your thoughts aren’t as far away from his as you start to wonder, why was it all so easy - seamlessly flawless - with him? Running with only first-party information and two silent conversations, you were already willing to go headfirst for halos for Eddie. The feeling had you wishing he had lived to one day cross paths with you. Would he have still been in Hawkins when you moved here? Would you be neighbors, friends or more? Would it have been him and not Steve? All the could've and would’ve scenarios sprouting in your head. You got too attached learning about him. Was it pathetic? You didn’t care anymore, whatever would ultimately bring you to him, you just knew in the end you’d die happy.
Your head falls back in defeat and you try to keep your emotions at bay, until you feel the hem of your shirt being lifted, exposing your midriff. Your lips cave in and you wince at each uncalculated cold peck Eddie’s lips leave on you. Whereas you felt minor stings at how cold his touches were in the beginning, for the first time, Eddie felt like he was on fire at how hot to the touch you were in this moment. This moment with him.
His lips create a path down to your core, and the contrast in temperature felt good. Not knowing what to do with your hands again, your arms lie sprawled on the bed on either side of your body.
Cool air brushes past your folds and your heartbeat spikes up again. Eddie never imagined he’d ever be able to make someone feel this way. It was pointless for him, but he dreamt about it countless times. And then he wickedly thinks how he was dumb to not spy on you during those nightly sessions. He was missing out. You were absolutely divine in his eyes.
“Eddie,” his name slips past your lips breathlessly when he makes contact with your swollen clit. It started off so innocently, but when he pulled his mouth back to ran a long, flat strip over your folds, giving him a taste of what you had to offer, he wanted more.
The cold, with each bit of contact from Eddie, was no longer a thing as your body quickly acclimated to it. Eddie uses his fingers to spread your pussy lips apart and allows himself to get a better taste. Your head lulls back, sinking deeper into your pillows.
There’s only so much you could do to communicate with Eddie, you want to feel his hands all over, but instead you pick up on the slack, pulling your shirt over your head to grab and squeeze handfuls of your breasts, massaging them and adding onto the sensation. Your groping proves to be successful when you draw out more noises.
Eddie’s eyes never tear away from watching your reaction, the way your body moves, squirming from pleasure - pleasure he’s bestowing on you. His mouth doesn’t require guidance as his tongue pulls all the right moves, weaving its way through and between your folds. He drags out a long moan from you when he finally dips his tongue inside your wet hole and back out, before capturing your clit between his lips, sucking on it. The sweet suction sensation on your clit as his lips enclose around it.
“I-I need...fuck,” you try to voice out your desires, but you’re reveling in so much, especially in being able to feel Eddie’s fingers digging into the sides of your hips; you bite down hard on your bottom lip, you could taste a hint of copper already, trying your hardest to not let out a crazed scream.
Eddie doesn’t want you to hold back though, so he introduces his fingers into the mix as they and his tongue take turns in you. The addition of his thick fingers start taking you closer to your impending orgasm. You wished you could hear him and all the sounds of his onslaught. To hear those pretty boy moans, the filthy pops and slurping noises. Was he a dirty talker? God. Imagine the filthy things he would say or do.
He gets the message loud and clear. You want to come, and so he quickens his actions until your body goes into overdrive. He could feel your walls closing in tight around his digits, your wetness pooling around them and spilling, he almost loses control of your withering body. When you reach your peak, your mouth and eyes snap open, a choked gasp transitioning into a straggling loud moan, pupils blown, the sweat beads trickling down, and your back arching up in perfect bridge-like fashion. It almost looks like you’re being possessed when your orgasm rocks through you before you come back down releasing choppy breaths from its intensity.
Exhausted, you struggle to stay conscious wanting to communicate with Eddie one last time, but it felt like the orgasm almost sucked the life out of you. His fingers slowly slipping out and the puffs of cool air against your pussy are an indication that Eddie is still present and he wasn’t going to go anywhere just yet. He hasn’t moved from his position and is short of breath, in awe of seeing you coming undone for him and more so the fact that this happened. This wasn’t just another one of his dreams.
For as long as he’d been an apparition, he’d always hoped to be able to finally pass on and if this was his actual last day on Earth or wherever he was, then he’d gladly accept it because one night with you was enough. 
Eddie would die happy.
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A/N: Reblogs, comments & likes are appreciated. 🥹 Do we want a part 2? Let me know! Thank you for reading! 🫶🏻
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tmntaucompetition · 4 months
As promised here’s the full list of every submission plus the creator! Keep in mind I’m only human and might’ve missed a few AUs. If so, let me know! (This does not mean every au on here is in the competition! Refer to the other two lists for those who are.)
Mystic Prodigy Series - KHLegacyNexus (+ao3)
Rabbit’s Broach - Pigeonsgrame
RatTrap AU - RatTrap tmnt
Uprising Dystopia AU (ROTTMNT) - alexthenerdbird
Uprising (2012) - hypernovasmash
Down with the Stockholm - devotedtoasadpoetry
Donnie Disaster - 5ilent5ilence
Until I Found You - PhoebePheebsPhibs
Little Subjects - AllyHeart707
Snapdragon - bluesgras
Remember Forever - uncannyAlien (ao3)
Totpocalypse - pastadorable
Warriors Heart - PeanutRat20
Gemini AU - tangledinink
Kid Leo - Angelpuns
Mama’s Boys - honey_rye
Feral Casey - azucar-skull
Lone Turtle and Hunter - MidnightCreator12 (+ao3)
We ran out of rats - breadle_doodles and sheltered-uno
Tmnt search for our colors - breadle_doodles
Minor interference - bambiraptorx (+ao3)
Rita’s AU - ProbablyNotARutabaga
Catch You - mudlurkspur (ao3)
Spikerangleo - Sweeenydino
Sorry I’m Late - GeminiForest
Kendratello childhood - zeawesomeness
Kendra tells Childhood AU - AlleyHeart707
Empyrean Weeping - cupcakeslushie
Open your shell to find - Onejellyfishplease
The lemonade leak - turtleinsoup
Fears embrace - Karonkar and OwlieDoesNothing
Their memories - 3mutantsinatrenchcoat
The last ronin becomes a discord admin - MelonPaloonza
Lost and found - LilliputianDuckling (ao3)
Two souls - virgilsspidey
Jacob’s Ladder - Tapakah0
Happily ever after - Phykoha
Ghost in the shell - amevello-blue (+ao3)
Of mutants, mystics, and magic - clanofjones (sideblog: of-mutants-mystics–and-magic)
Rise of the parallel - Indieyuugure
The mutation situation - Indieyuugure
Quilt au - Cokowee
Difference (2012) - NeptuneIsaPlanet (ao3)
The colors of yesterday - boots-with-the-fur
Tmnt greyscale - broken-slime-boi
Good genes 2012 - lordshroom
Two shades of blue a new timeline - Leon/Blue
Aberration - ProbablyNotARutabaga
I’m sorry teenage mutant what now? - tangledinink
TMNT stabilize - tangledinink
Slice of life – Theawesomeninja_XD (+ao3)
Memories - Theawesomeninja_XD (+ao3)
Miraculous hamato - Theawesomeninja_XD (+ao3)
Twin-Sync (More than you think) - little-banjo-frog
Snapper and stinkpot - Paytato435
Blood Orange Multiverse - JadeClementine, Mylenapony11, Cherry-Blossom-Consumer
Teenage turtle ninja mutants - idiot-mushroom
Revelations Timeline - idk-im-just-here-now (+ao3)
Through your hollow bones - idiot-mushroom
Age Gap - pezhead
The Lonely Buzz in Blue - Overthinkingbluesparks (+ao3)
Flowers amongst ashes - Spacemimz
TMNT Reticent - tmnt-reticent
Tabletop turtles - caffetato-the-caffinated-potato
Who rescued who - shardkn1ght
Purple squared - debb987 and bluepeachstudios
Michelangalone - error-code400
TMNT Street punks - Sir Concon (DeviantArt previously, Instagram currently)
Wrong home - Demonwitchcat (TikTok)
Subnautica leon au - havendoesthings
Space pirate leon au - havendoesthings
Pacific turtles - FantasiaWandering (ao3)
Snapdonnie - Onejellyfishplease
TMNA (Tortugas Mutantes Ninja Adolescents) - matuito
Prime Leo - Darth Sonny
Onryo leo - Aquariumgirls (+ao3)
Lost in the pink mist - lost-in-the-pink-mist
Hues of mystic neon - Overthinkingbluesparks (+ao3)
The Neon void - sugarpastelTMNT (+Twitter)
TMNT but warrior cats - Fireheartfan
Reptile rampage - lexa-ocean
What once was calm - lucatea
Soulmates (evil) – error-core-animations (Oofiescreams - ao3)
The somber sunrise - Mocha_Mochaccino (ao3)
Sorrow is an autumn heart - Srloc_Elbisivni (ao3)
Replica - Kathaynesart
Mitosis - Varian_dislikes_cheese (ao3)
Vengeance is yours - that_one_dork (+ao3)
The likeness of mirrored souls - enthblaze and omgselinabeckendorf
Future!rise mandalorian - TinyP3ncil (+Twitter)
The employees - theemployees
Hello, Clairvoyant? - cogentsummoner (+ao3)
When the world crumbles - tmnt-obessesed-ace
Same story different font - tmnt-obsessed-ace
Non-canonical chronicles - tritailed-shenanigans
The cupboard game - pianokantzart (mollykittykat - ao3)
Sidelined au - Dandylovesturtles
100 feet and a world away - Dandylovesturtles
Villain leo – villainleoau
Bloom from oblivion - Aliteraladhdmess
2012 sep au - Jaydrawsdoodles
Scraps - Skrapadoodlez
Magic au - Vaudeville-Moggie
TMNT unified - Bellaizumi13
Surp-Rise! - TheWritingDork (what_in_the - ao3)
Shades of purple - the_lavender_clown (+TikTok)
Never better - less-depresso-more-espresso
TMT Croc pot - less-depresso-more-espresso
Multiple red masks - Insane_lollypop
Eclipse - G0LD_Tea (Twitter)
Mama’s Wishes - Bucketofbugz
Twins Stick Together - YourGlitchedFandom (ao3)
The last something that meant to me - kinky-asexual
Forgive me - reagi-df
Rottmnt x TADC - insane-ace
Teenage Mutant Meddling Turtles - kaysdenofchaos
Ghost au - Melliedoodles
Difference between the appearance - jasminegazer
Bayverse rewrite - ragathaempanda
Feral leo - cupcakeslushie
Feral Leo (2012) - Tmntforeverinmyheart
Just this once everybody lives - TheDragonTribes (ao3)
The rift - Mathclassd00dles
Multi-Mutant Verse - MerakiMagic
Guess i’ve been disarmed - PhoenixDeleted (+ao3)
The Little Prince - Beannary
Same as it never will be - Hecktail
Is this right - cruilty-ink
Turtles all the way down - Pommigranite
Call me here I will appear - callmehere-iwillappear (rbt_lvr - ao3)
Firefight au - remedyturtles (remrose - ao3)
Death wish - remedyturtles (remrose - ao3)
Strawberry skys - frogandbird
Swanatello - tangledinink
Finding home - sad-leon
Once more, with feeling - oncemorewithfeeling
Causa scienta - urlocalllama (ao3)
Tmnt 04 - koolaidashley
DNAngel - blye-flower
Spider-lily au - tinker-the-dragon
No crime only brooches - olliethescribe
Villain PB and J duo - onionninjasstuff
Size upgrade - twin-disaster-tutel-brainrot
Know peace - less-depresso-more-espresso
Childhood dreams - chaos-potat
Wow, what a coincidence - Mathmusic8 (ao3)
Monophobia - MarukisSnack
Little Scraps of Wisdom - spectralsleuth
Mystic Malfunction - VanillaVengeance (ao3)
Softshell in human clothing - HoonHarpoon (ao3)
Puppet tightly strung - clairakitty (ao3)
Even more a disaster - 3lectricinsomnia and teaableu (mainblog: evenmoreofadisaster)
Red rover - Red-Rover-AU
Old soul - Delicatechildwitch
Camp hamato - P0t3n1al
Ktech - dontfindmeimscared
The sky is still red - cartoonhostage
At my worst - teainthesnow
No fun in fungus - boots-with-the-fur
August’s au - star-sparkler
Years we’ve lost - reagi-df (Reagy_jay - ao3)
Hueso raised leo - shardkn1ght
Remnant au - SelinaBeckendorf
Alt ninpo au - azure-fl0wers
Bad end ninja turtles - butterfilledpockets
Teetlez-verse - shiveagit
The girl who was once human - YourGlitchedFandom
Killer donnie - Yumeleo
wanderer - vangh17a
Live life - centerofleesmind
Twinpathy - vangh17a and centerofleesmind (mainblog: twinpathy)
Wouldn’t it be easier - 12Muffinz
Portal baby - Quartergremlin
Clarification - Quartergremlin
Caseys high school disaster era - Quartergremlin
Teenage mutant neglected turtles - nerves-nebula
Krang infection - Abbeyofcyn
Mutant Menace - 3m0n3rd
One turtle short of a lair - bucketofbugz (+ao3)
Remember your mission - Srae13 (+ao3)
Two arms left - intotheeliwoods
Rise rodeo - wanderinguteruspress
Dadatello - dadatello
Tlr rise - x bluebell (TikTok)
True colors - V-albion
TMNT 1999 - ezguple
Five Nights at the Mad Dogs - cj-can-art
2000s au - Youtube (???)
Mutinis - mutinau
Same as it never was – Kittynumyumm
Dee-evolution au - cnwolf-brainrot
The dragon on 5th ave - Lavender_Chaos (ao3)
Please Don’t Leave I Need You - TownFowl (ao3)
Battle scars - kaysdenofchaos
Blood is thicker than ooze - Linkymew
Loyalty leash - Nicoforlife (ao3)
Little brother au - Sharkfinn
Spider’s web - blue-star-doodles
Multidimensional turtles - multi-dimensional-turtles
Raised by the capybara au - rube-tmntluver and auggie-arts
Minecraft isekai - calebscornerofart
Ronin plural au – cpunkhobie
We’ll go from there - koolaidashley
Universes - XxLea_nardoxX
Honor bound - Terrazooid
New home au - clovers-super-cool-ask-blog
Crusade of a lonely turtle - revitalizationrat
Mustachello - revitalizationrat
Little warrior - NovelistServant (ao3)
TMNT x Sonic the Hedgehog - theelvishfiddeler
Aftermath - Happyfoxx-art
August and papatello au - Star-Sparkler
Her inspiration - Onejellyfishplease
Memories of a tyrant - Idk_im_just_here_now
TMNT Pokemon au - rubie-tmntluver
Bad end friends x tmnt - Landon Discher
Tmnt masa - Masadesign
Separated leo au - dianagj-art
Sewer punks - kettle-bird
Rottmnt ghost au – melliedoodles
Its not always the rabbit that takes a wrong turn (Dimension Hopper Leo AU) - nights-flying-fox (nightsfox - ao3)
Snapper lou au - Kittynomore
Reboot: a second chance - donniesbrows
Tmnt foodie au - Sleepis4theweak
But first they must catch you - mudlarkspur (+ao3)
Mirror maze au - idk-im-just-here-now
Omniverse - glitter-alienz
Life goes on - Andromeda_Galaxy2877 (ao3)
The unicorn paradox – Mushangaa
Starblind - WeirdNCrazy (ao3)
Prison leo au - Turtleblogatlast
Tiz sep au - Tizeline
Mutanimatronics - patate.frenchie (TokTok)
Not quite kintsugi, but close - terveneula
There must be something in the water - Filsamek (ao3)
Once upon a turtle - Metalshootingstar
Hunger games - daboyau
Fireflght - dandylovesturles
Tmnt chicago style - its-captain-sir
Tmnt shen and the lesbian league - genderfluid-envy
Broken trifecta - genderfluid-envy
Prodigy AU - koolaidashley
Leomori - koolaidashley
Four knights - lactoseintolerantswag
Leaves from the vine au - Cheetochild989
The extracurriculars - Nameissmile
Unfamiliar Familiar - Torable (ao3)
Goosey Leo au - GooseyLeo
A ninjas life for me - Triona-tribblescore
Grown apart - Chriscribbs
Turtle torchwood - Kiaxet
138 notes · View notes
sanctum-of-ramshackle · 10 months
“I am…You know who I am”
[TWST AU]: What if MC/Yuu was an Iron Man fan and a genius engineer who created their own iron suit?
[Gender Neutral MC/Yuu]
[Synopsis]: In this timeline, MC/Yuu is this variant of Iron Man and they are titled as “Iron Force” in Twisted Wonderland.
[TW]: Some cursing
[(A/N)]: Hi everyone. It’s been quite some time since I posted TWST magic. I have been busy with IRL stuff and working on non-TWST ideas on my main blog (@swiftyangx12). I unexpectedly took a break from the fandom, but slowly getting back into business and honestly, I miss my boys...
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[AC/DC - Back in Black]
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Alright, let’s see how this goes…
MC/Yuu was a huge fan of Iron Man and an aspiring genius engineer back in their home world.
After hearing about Stark’s sacrifice, they felt devastated that their idol passed on.
They coped by studying and building inventions, motivating themselves to honor their role model.
Then one day as they were walking to school in New York, something happened.
At first, they were exiting from their usual coffee shop and the next thing you know, they’re confined into darkness.
MC/Yuu: Alright. Not the weirdest thing since being dusted away for five years.
After feeling their surroundings to escape from their imprisonment, they heard somebody chatting about how heavy the door is to open up.
Then after blazing fire hued in blue, blew up the the door and this triggers MC/Yuu’s iron suit (with the latest nanotechnology) to encase them, activated to confront what was a danger to their safety.
When they’re revealed to Grim, he got scared. Because it’s not everyday to see someone in an iron suit and he just screamed as a reaction.
MC/Yuu holds out their hand ready to blast away whatever that creature was.
MC/Yuu: What the hell are you? A talking cat? Raccoon? A demonic alien from another dimension?
Grim: I’m neither of those! I am “The Great Grim”!
MC/Yuu: Who? Look, buddy. I think I got kidnapped and was somehow dragged here. I need to find my way out. *Activates their boosters and flies out of the room*
Grim: Hey wait! *Chases after them*
They basically flew out of the academy and toured around the whole world having to realize they’re not on their Earth anymore.
Then MC/Yuu return back to NRC, clumsily landed in during the Dorm Sorting Ceremony.
Every student was startled by a stranger in an iron suit.
Grim unceremoniously barged into the room.
Grim: You’ll never escape from The Great Grim!
MC/Yuu: Okay. *Holds their blaster up aiming at the menace*
Then Crowley came rushing in, putting a stop to the whole mess.
Crowley: Seize your fighting!
MC/Yuu: Uhh…Who are you? *Powering down their blaster and opens up their mask*
Crowley: I am Dire Crowley, Headmaster of Night Raven College.
MC/Yuu: …J.A.R.V.I.S., scan him.
Crowley: What-
After the chaos was settled, Crowley dragged MC/Yuu to his office for them to explain their dilemma. They also explained what they can offer for NRC with upgrades around the area.
Oh! Grim is still with MC/Yuu because after he listened to what they can do, he decided to be the greatest mage with technological advances.
Grim: MC/Yuu, who are you always talking to?
MC/Yuu: My A.I. assistant. They’re called J.A.R.V.I.S. 2.0, “Just A Really Very Intelligent System, but as my own version.” He helps me hypothesize possible outcomes when testing my inventions, and assist fighting bad guys by my side.
J.A.R.V.I.S. 2.0: I’m also their assistant for daily tasks and reminders. Grim, you and MC/Yuu are scheduled by Headmaster Crowley to pick up supplies for the upcoming NRC’s annual Magift Games at 7 p.m.
Grim: No way! I don’t wanna do chores.
MC/Yuu: You get to ride with me in my iron suit.
Grim: Oh yeah, I forgot. Let’s go!
MC/Yuu: What kind of power source I can use around this world? *Snaps their fingers* A Mage Stone. Crowley, by any chance, are there other magical crystals back in that Dwarf Mine?
Crowley: There are, but I mustn’t let you go there since it was closed due to a “monster” you fought last time.
MC/Yuu: Alright. I’m still getting that power source.
[5 hours later]
MC/Yuu: *Inserts the mage stone in their suit* There. My very own Arc Reactor.
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J.A.R.V.I.S. 2.0: Congratulations, MC/Yuu. You discovered a new element.
MC/Yuu: Definitely. Sourced a new element as this is my first.
Vil: MC/Yuu, explain this. *Shows them an online article*
MC/Yuu: *Reads the article* Oh yeah. I had an interview and became a philanthropist.
Vil: You’re basically a celebrity by this point. What did you do to become this well-known?
MC/Yuu: I just helped some people. Carrying thousands of construction materials, assist upcoming tech companies with my knowledge from my experience and gave children the best rides of their lives…Oh my god, I’m becoming like my idol. Except the rich and player parts.
Vil: You’re a celebrity, MC/Yuu. You would have plenty of Madol from all this exposure.
MC/Yuu: Okay, I’m becoming rich, but I can’t pull no bitches.
[During Chapter 2]
Iron Force: *Charges at Overblot!Leona and kicks him mid-air*
OB!Leona: *Knocked the wind out of his lungs*
Iron Force: Okay J.A.R.V.I.S., any chances?
J.A.R.V.I.S. 2.0: 90% success rate of subduing the target.
Iron Force: Then 10% avoiding this mess. *Knocks him to the ground*
OB!Leona: Why that little- *Punched in the face*
Iron Force: *Repeatedly punching him* Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep!
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MC/Yuu: *Wearing glasses*
Azul: I didn’t know you wear glasses. Trying to appear as an intellectual?
MC/Yuu: Hm? Oh, no. My sight is fine. I just transferred J.A.R.V.I.S. in these modified frames.
J.A.R.V.I.S. 2.0: Scan completed. You have a slight iron deficiency and recommend a salad in your diet, MC/Yuu.
Azul: Did it just talked?
J.A.R.V.I.S. 2.0: Yes. I also scanned your physiology and it reveals you’re 95% suspicious of my existence and 5% envious of me for being MC/Yuu’s A.I. assistant.
Azul: I certainly do not envy your virtual assistant.
J.A.R.V.I.S. 2.0: Oddly enough, your biology categorized as relations of Cephalopod.
Azul: …
MC/Yuu: You’re an octopus?
Azul: May we change the subject?
Iron Force: *Flying around the island*
Ortho: *Flying beside them* Hi MC/Yuu!
Iron Force: What the f-?! *Halts their flight and hovers with Ortho* I didn’t know somebody else created an iron suit in this world.
Ortho: Iron suit? Oh! You mean my structure. Nii-san helped with my upgrades.
Iron Force: You’re not wearing a suit? You’re an android with highly advanced artificial intelligence?
Ortho: Yes!
MC/Yuu: …Whose your brother?
[An hour later]
Idia: *Finishing a difficult level*
MC/Yuu: *Hacks into his door as it slides open* You didn’t tell me you’re a tech genius!
Idia: *Startled* AHH! Who let you in?!
MC/Yuu: I let myself in. Buddy, we need to collaborate-
[That’s how a friendship was made.]
[Imagine H.Y.D.R.A. somehow created a portal and enter into TWST]
Iron Force: Oh boy. Thank god I made spare suits. *Activates the other suits*
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Jack: You’re fighting alone?
Iron Force: Not alone. I made some for you guys to help everyone. *Closes their mask*
[The First Years enter into their respective suits.]
Ace: *In his suit* How do you work in this thing?
Iron Force: There’s an automated mode to help control your suit. You even get your own A.I. assistants I programmed in each of your suits.
J.E.R.K.: Hello, I am J.E.R.K. Your A.I. assistant, Mr. Trappola.
Ace: Really? Jerk?
Iron Force: The words behind the acronym are better.
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ira-hydrangea · 2 years
Replaced Mc? Not really... Never. Part 2
Note: Seems like all of you have deep anger toward the Replaced MC AU 😅. Where Mc is have been replaced by supposed to be a 'better one'. Oh well, we face the same problem then 😂. And as you wish for. This is the second part of it.
Summary: The new student's sacrifice has finally arrived at The Mirror Hall. The new girl is someone that has a certain strange obsession with someone. But little did she knows, how far the NRC will go for the sake of the plan. Even if they need to hold down their disgust.
Extra Note: The MC will be referred as Y/n
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A new magicless human is a girl by the name, Eva. She comes stumbling down from the coffin and looks around in confusion. Until a step can be heard walking toward him. There she meets a strange man with a mask.
"Uh... Hello? Who are you and what am I doing here?"
"Oh my! To think we will have another magicless student here." Crowley said as he helped the girl out of the coffin. The said girl looked at him in confusion. And then Crowley proceeds to tell her a story. It was the story of how NRC is established and its history.
Eva can never believe her ears. All her life, her dreams to visit the magical world have finally come true. It has always been her wildest dream. She can not contain herself when Headmaster Crowley allows her to attend NRC while searching for a way home.
Now that part is done, there is another wish that she always wanted. To meet a prince and married him and she will become the Queen.
The first student, she meets is Silver. He is requested by the headmaster to show her the ways inside the NRC. The rest of the students have been kind as they greet her in the warm way. (As they are told to do by their dorm leaders)
For the past few weeks, life for her has been great. Especially when you are the only female student in a school full of boys. There is no competition and no one can compare to her beauty. Well, until she meets with MC and the first-year gang.
She looks confused when looking at Y/n from far away. She never meets students like them. Their beauty is even more than her and seeing how the boys flock around them in worried makes her clench her fist unconsciously.
"Ace~ Good Morning~" She decides to suck it up and approach the group.
"Oh... Good morning to you too, Eva." Ace said. She starts a little conversation while looking at Y/n. Ace noticed that reluctantly introduced each of them.
"I see... Nice to meet you, Y/n~. My name is Eva." She said cutely. Y/n smiled as she want to shake hands with Eva but Epel just calmly held Y/n's hands in a tight grip.
"Epel? Uh... I'm sorry for this. My name is Y/n. " Y/n said with a soft smile. But before Eva can continue the questions, the bell rang.
"Y/n. You need to go to class now before the professor starts to get angry." Jack reminded. Y/n can only look at Eva with apologetic looks and leave with the rest of the first year and Grim, leaving Eva all alone behind. The looks in Eva's eyes can be described as pure hatred.
After the meeting, Y/n will find herself in a weird situation. Eva will try everything she could to make sure Y/n is out of the frame and away from her happily ever after.
It starts with simple rumors that she tries to spread. With watery eyes, she tries to tell her version of the story of how Y/n is bullying her, and when asked what Y/n does, she starts to exaggerate it. But the other student's response?
"Huh? Are you sure that is Y/n you are seeing? They have been staying with the Octavinelle trio all day. And for these past few weeks, they have been quite sick."
While the staff and teachers?
"Young miss. I can not believe your mouth will spit out such nonsense. Return to your class and I will pretend that this conversation never happened." Said Crowley.
Train only look at her in disgust. "To think such a lie will come out from the lady. Perhaps I should think twice before giving the title lady to you."
Crewel glared at her, "If you, little pup even have time to spout such nonsense, shouldn't you use your time to review your material? I didn't want to hear some excuses that you come from a different world and need time to adjust. Y/n can even adjust themselves in less than a week. If they can and so can you."
Sam only smiled an eerie smile before the shadows behind him grow larger. "Be careful about what you said, little imp~ After all, you won't know what is lurking in the shadows."
Vargas only laughs before telling her to run more if she has the energy to speak like that.
Oh, how she is fuming with anger deep within when that plan is fail. The next target, she tries to test is the dorm leaders, first one is Kalim. But even Kalim brushed off her attempt and simple laugh.
"Y/n is not that type of person. Perhaps some other students want to tease you so they decide to do it as Y/n. Haha, I'm sure it will pass."
Every attempt she tries to do is never working. Y/n has held something that Eva could never have. The respect and love from the NRC.
As Eva tries to do her next plan to move Y/n out of the pictures, she starts to think of some clever plan. This would be her master plan to make sure Y/n is out of pictures, once and for all...
A dark figure has seen the whole things happen and how dark Eva's heart has become. He smirks. Another student soon teleported behind him as he look at Eva with a red eyes.
"You can't seem to wait for the result, My prince~" Lilia smiled.
"All of us can't wait for the result. Now, it only needs a little bit more push before the fruits can finally be reaped."
"Fufu~ We can't wait for that day to come... So, our little lamb, hurry up and grow. Grow to be the person with the darkest heart. So, we can save someone with the pure heart~"
With that, Lilia's eyes gleam red while Malleus's eyes glow bright green as they look at Eva with a smirk. Meanwhile, Y/n has been sleeping peacefully inside the Diasomnia dorm. Ignorant to the fate that soon will befall Eva.
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Tagged: @ladykitsunesworld @shutsuyuri
@lilqi @fancyhawk45 @probablynoposts @justakiro @blue-yucca @loving-tartarus @sxftiebee
I'm sorry if there are a few of you that still don't get tagged. If you want to be tagged for this series then you can leave a comment or put it in my ask.
Extra information, my 1.000 event followers are still open. You can check it out here. The next part will be out after the event (I think...). Until then, you can give some more suggestions in this comment or my inbox. I see you in the next part of the story.
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firstdivisiongirl · 6 months
Soooo excited to read your Xmas event! Can I request fluff with luffy and #14
Hi! So this was a really hard combination. But, I also used this as an opportunity to try my first One Piece Modern AU. I hope you like it and Merry Christmas!
Day 20:  Luffy - I Need You To Pretend To Be My S/O for the Family Christmas Party
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“I need you to be my significant other for the family Christmas party,” your bestie Luffy asked you randomly one day on your way home from school.  
“Why?  I mean I guess but why?”
Both his brothers were in happy loving relationships.  And one day they were joking that Luffy wouldn’t have anyone to kiss under mistletoe with and he lied and said he did.  Sabo told him to bring them to the family Christmas party.  And now here Luffy was.  Asking you to be his significant other for one night.  
“Great!  Thank you Y/N!  The party starts at 4:00PM at my house,” Luffy said as he and his famous straw hat walked away from you.  Oh boy!
Luffy was starting to get nervous.  You still hadn’t shown up.   Ace and Sabo were starting to doubt he had a partner.  “Just drop it Luffy,” Ace said, setting food down on the table, “we know you're not in a relationship so just admit it was a lie.”
Just as Ace said that.  There was a knock on the door.  Sabo walked over from his seat on the plush couch and opened the door to see you.  You were wearing a nice pair of dark jeans and a nice plaid sweater.  “Hi,” you said shyly.  You never actually met his brothers, so you were a little nervous.  Luffy ran up to you and hugged you tightly.  You hugged him back to keep up the act.
“So how long have you two been dating,” Ace asked, crossing his arms.
“About 2 months.  But we’ve been friends for about 7,” you answered calmly.  The two brothers interrogated the two of you about your relationship for about twenty minutes and then you all ate.  You actually had a great time being Luffy’s significant other.  He was super nice and caring.  He made you laugh and made sure you were comfortable the whole time.  At the end of the night, Luffy decided to walk you to your car outside their tiny little house.
“I should probably kiss you,” he said blatantly, scratching the back of his head nervously.
“Because Ace and Sabo are watching from the window to see if it’s just an act.”
You nodded.  You both of you leaned in.  The kiss only lasted a few seconds, but it felt magical.  Later that night, Luffy texted you asking you to be his partner.  You of course said yes.  You were happy that you were now his real significant other.
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