#Tim Crouch
shakespearenews · 1 year
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cuartoretorno · 3 years
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Algo para hacer en estos meses! Arte, historia, teatro! tu que dices Malon ? 2021 seguimos vivos ! a por ellos !
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emilydavis999 · 6 years
Beginners @ Unicorn Theatre, 7th April 2018
  I have recently been watching many compilation videos of Jimmy Kimmel I Told My Kids I Ate All Their Halloween Candy. Here here and here if you want to have the most evil laugh of your life.
I love these because little kids are so Theatrical without realising it. Once the parents show them the empty pumpkin-bucket, they either throw themselves to the…
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theatrebubble · 6 years
Beginners at the Unicorn Theatre
Beginners at the Unicorn Theatre - 'Tim Crouch delivers another wonderful piece in Beginners' @Unicorn_Theatre
Much has been written about Tim Crouch’s work, and much is still, surely, to be said – his vision as a writer and a director has allowed work to interrogate theatricality, form and assumption. Pieces like The Author, Adler and Gibb or An Oak Tree have always had the capacity to shock and alter our perspective on the performance space. As he said in an interviewrecently: “In my work I’m always…
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the-bcritic-stuff · 7 years
În căutarea autorului...
În căutarea autorului…
Autorul lui Tim Crouch, montat de Bobi Pricop la Teatrul Național de la Craiova, este un discurs teatral autoreferențial, structurat pe două niveluri: performativ – spectacolul se conturează și prinde substanță pe măsură ce discursul metatextual este rostit – și introspectiv și autoreferențial, așa cum spuneam, în măsura în care miezul spectacolului ce ia ființă dinaintea ochilor noștri…
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mesagerulneamt · 7 years
Premieră 2017 la TT: "Un stejar"
Premieră 2017 la TT: “Un stejar”
Teatrul Tineretului (TT) Piatra Neamț anunță prima premieră a anului 2017: “Un stejar”, de Tim Crouch, în regia pietreanului Bobi Pricop. Reprezentațiile vor avea loc în Sala Mare cu participarea extraordinară a actorilor Claudiu Bleonț și Ana Ciontea, sâmbătă, 4 februarie, și duminică, 5 februarie, de la ora 19:00.
“Prin proiectul propus de Bobi Pricop, Teatrul Tineretului vă invită să…
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awesomeplayquotes · 8 years
I’m curled up on the sofa. Look. I’m so small. Something’s wrong. Something’s wrong with me.
ENGLAND, Tim Crouch
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davidralf · 8 years
Gibb & Adler - an Adler & Gibb fic
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The grass is cooler than the air, and I am thinking about our dog, on the floor back in our house. There was no blood on him, or the floor. It was as if he was asleep. Like it was when you went. But there’s blood just pouring out of me. “There,” the actress is saying – the actress wearing our old clothes – “the art dog and the art wife. Two for two.” “Busy... night...”, her coach pants weakly from somewhere further off. I hear her toss the gun into our grass and I see her face appear turned sideways like a slide tossed across a projector. "You have been real helpful, Margaret. I really think I've had a breakthrough. I'm going to do such a good job with her. Really. You'd be so proud if you saw it. I mean, obviously that's not going to happen. But if you did see it- I'm gonna be just like her. And I'll share her with everyone." I fill my lungs and something rattles inside me. Just enough to tell her. Tell her I watched you fade away. My partner, my audience. Just as we had got away from that noisy world which was drowning us out, just as we had built ourselves a house, a theatre for us and no-one else. Tell her how I told you stories about the first time we met. How it had already been written so large in our imaginations that the real details of that exhibition - the radiator, the posters, how we looked, what we said - were paltry. Forgotten by you, and grey to me, in comparison to that myth of us that we had told each other. And tell her that although everyone thought I was the strong one, I wasn't. That I needed you because it was like the sun was shining directly on my brain when you were near me. And tell her that I held your cold head in my hands, your chest across my lap, for a whole two days as I wondered what to do - knowing I only wanted to follow you, knowing I couldn't. I'd tried that years ago, when the pills didn't take, and knew the journey back was worse than taking leave. We were leashed together like climbers. And when you fell my crampons hugged the rock and my hand shook but stayed firm, and I held you up. Remember when we wore the same clothes in New York and laughed when people confused us and we did each other so well and you said it was your favourite piece of all because it was for no one but us? I have enough breath to whisper how I told the authorities it had been me. That Adler, not Gibb, had gone. I have enough breath to say I'd been playing you from the moment I heaved your head off my lap and fixed myself your favourite meal. Enough breath to say that it was easy - that you came to me like a party piece and I was so pleased, somewhere in the mind which I was trying to give over to you, because you'd always said that the best art felt effortless. I let the nature come in because you'd loved it so much. I wouldn't give the dog treats because you never did, and I took it for those long walks you loved more and more because I knew that's how you'd make peace with life without me. How I wished it had been you grieving for me, and so I let you do it, freely. How I took a job in a gas station because you needed to eat, because you would never leave that house. A piece just for you. The audience remembered by the artist. The artist undone in the process. The least consumable work I could conceive of. It was for no one else. Because: who else was there? I decide she doesn't need to know. Just like every time. It's better for the work, if they never know. And my head feels so light now, I can feel your clenched hands and your pursed lips relax. Your bad knee, which I perfected over years loosens and becomes mine. It's over. I'm becoming me. It's been a long time. I'm becoming me again, and I'm following you. Tumbling after. Impersonation Piece #1. Gibb by Adler. My best.
For more on Tim Crouch’s Adler & Gibb see www.adlerandgibb.com and www.royalcourttheatre.com/whats-on/adler-and-gibb.
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shakespearenews · 8 years
Spymonkey The Complete Deaths.
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theatrebubble · 6 years
Three families trapped in a waterlogged holiday cottage in Cornwall over summer. The children are bored.The adults are down the pub. It’s like this every year.
Tim Crouch directs his new play Beginners, a work that inspires us to examine our relationship to growing up, living and grieving in this exquisite and joyful portrait of being a child in a complicated world. Seen through the lens of a family holiday, Beginners is a dazzlingly original work, where childhood and adulthood collide in a funny and vivid exploration of the redemptive power of art in the face of loss.
Tim Crouch is an award-winning writer, director and performer. His previous work at the Unicorn includes the acclaimed Jeramee, Hartleby and Oooglemore, Adler and Gibb and his acclaimed one-man show I, Malvolio. Other work includes The Complete Deaths and An Oak Tree.
The full cast includes Pandora Colin (Lucy), Rob Das (Bart), Jacqui Dubois (Joy), Neil D’Souza (Nigel) and Amalia Vitale (Sandy). There are also 8 children (2 teams of 4 on rota) cast in the show. They are Atinuke Akinrinade, Ethan Dattani, Nekisha Eric, Rowan Davies-Moore, Archie MacGregor, Ella Scott, Emilija Trajkovic, and Milan Verma.
Age guide: 9 – adult / Duration: approx 1 hr 30 mins. Photos by Huge Glendinning.
First Look at Beginning by Tim Crouch @Unicorn_Theatre LET’S DISCUSS THIS LIKE ADULTS. Three families trapped in a waterlogged holiday cottage in Cornwall over summer.
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handforahead · 8 years
And here’s the production trailer Joe and I (but mostly Joe) did for Jeramee, Hartleby and Oooglemore. On till 15 March, and then gone forever, so don’t miss it!
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svaartpractice · 9 years
Uncertainty is a very good thing: it's the beginning of an investigation, and the investigation should never end.
Tim Crouch
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polygianniba-blog · 10 years
Review: Adler and Gibb, by Tim Crouch, at the Royal Court Theatre Downstairs
Review: Adler and Gibb, by Tim Crouch, at the Royal Court Theatre Downstairs
Brian Ferguson, Denise Gough and Tim Crouch in rehearsal
I am not fond of plays that come with instructions but I feel I should issue one for Adler and Gibb, the new play by Tim Crouch currently staged at the Royal Court: for a significant part of the first half you will be thinking “I don’t know what the fuck is going on”. Persevere. Not only will it start to make sense, but some of the…
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