#Urban Resource
samwisethewitch · 3 months
Homemaking, gardening, and self-sufficiency resources that won't radicalize you into a hate group
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It seems like self-sufficiency and homemaking skills are blowing up right now. With the COVID-19 pandemic and the current economic crisis, a lot of folks, especially young people, are looking to develop skills that will help them be a little bit less dependent on our consumerist economy. And I think that's generally a good thing. I think more of us should know how to cook a meal from scratch, grow our own vegetables, and mend our own clothes. Those are good skills to have.
Unfortunately, these "self-sufficiency" skills are often used as a recruiting tactic by white supremacists, TERFs, and other hate groups. They become a way to reconnect to or relive the "good old days," a romanticized (false) past before modern society and civil rights. And for a lot of people, these skills are inseparably connected to their politics and may even be used as a tool to indoctrinate new people.
In the spirit of building safe communities, here's a complete list of the safe resources I've found for learning homemaking, gardening, and related skills. Safe for me means queer- and trans-friendly, inclusive of different races and cultures, does not contain Christian preaching, and does not contain white supremacist or TERF dog whistles.
Homemaking/Housekeeping/Caring for your home:
Making It by Kelly Coyne and Erik Knutzen [book] (The big crunchy household DIY book; includes every level of self-sufficiency from making your own toothpaste and laundry soap to setting up raised beds to butchering a chicken. Authors are explicitly left-leaning.)
Safe and Sound: A Renter-Friendly Guide to Home Repair by Mercury Stardust [book] (A guide to simple home repair tasks, written with rentals in mind; very compassionate and accessible language.)
How To Keep House While Drowning by KC Davis [book] (The book about cleaning and housework for people who get overwhelmed by cleaning and housework, based on the premise that messiness is not a moral failing; disability and neurodivergence friendly; genuinely changed how I approach cleaning tasks.)
Rebel Gardening by Alessandro Vitale [book] (Really great introduction to urban gardening; explicitly discusses renter-friendly garden designs in small spaces; lots of DIY solutions using recycled materials; note that the author lives in England, so check if plants are invasive in your area before putting them in the ground.)
Country/Rural Living:
Woodsqueer by Gretchen Legler [book] (Memoir of a lesbian who lives and works on a rural farm in Maine with her wife; does a good job of showing what it's like to be queer in a rural space; CW for mentions of domestic violence, infidelity/cheating, and internalized homophobia)
"Debunking the Off-Grid Fantasy" by Maggie Mae Fish [video essay] (Deconstructs the off-grid lifestyle and the myth of self-reliance)
Annika Victoria [YouTube channel] (No longer active, but their videos are still a great resource for anyone learning to sew; check out the beginner project playlist to start. This is where I learned a lot of what I know about sewing.)
Make, Sew, and Mend by Bernadette Banner [book] (A very thorough written introduction to hand-sewing, written by a clothing historian; lots of fun garment history facts; explicitly inclusive of BIPOC, queer, and trans sewists.)
Sustainability/Land Stewardship
Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer [book] (Most of you have probably already read this one or had it recommended to you, but it really is that good; excellent example of how traditional animist beliefs -- in this case, indigenous American beliefs -- can exist in healthy symbiosis with science; more philosophy than how-to, but a great foundational resource.)
Wild Witchcraft by Rebecca Beyer [book] (This one is for my fellow witches; one of my favorite witchcraft books, and an excellent example of a place-based practice deeply rooted in the land.)
Avoiding the "Crunchy to Alt Right Pipeline"
Note: the "crunchy to alt-right pipeline" is a term used to describe how white supremacists and other far right groups use "crunchy" spaces (i.e., spaces dedicated to farming, homemaking, alternative medicine, simple living/slow living, etc.) to recruit and indoctrinate people into their movements. Knowing how this recruitment works can help you recognize it when you do encounter it and avoid being influenced by it.
"The Crunchy-to-Alt-Right Pipeline" by Kathleen Belew [magazine article] (Good, short introduction to this issue and its history.)
Sisters in Hate by Seyward Darby (I feel like I need to give a content warning: this book contains explicit descriptions of racism, white supremacy, and Neo Nazis, and it's a very difficult read, but it really is a great, in-depth breakdown of the role women play in the alt-right; also explicitly addresses the crunchy to alt-right pipeline.)
These are just the resources I've personally found helpful, so if anyone else has any they want to add, please, please do!
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jaysims00 · 6 months
January Day One
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Will be posting everyday this month! Make sure to click the link down below!
100% Made by me
Make sure to hashtag me at #JaySims on TUMBLR AND TWITTER AND INSTAGRAM
Body By: Me
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physalian · 3 months
Take A Risk and Don’t Write a Chosen One
This trope stands the test of time for some very good reasons: Audience wish-fulfillment as they live vicariously through the hero, automatic plot-induced agency for your protagonist, and automatic legitimate reasons for your protagonist to join the whirlwind adventure of the day.
I like chosen ones. We all have our favorite famous chosen ones and I’m not here to say the concept of a chosen one is bad at all.
Those “automatic” windfalls that come pre-packaged with the trope can lead to the author taking shortcuts, or not thinking they have to put in more effort to write a compelling character, because they’re the “chosen one,” what more do you need?
Not writing your protagonist as commanded by the powers that be to participate in the plot forces you to get creative with why they’re here, what they want, and how they entrench themselves in the story. And most importantly, if the gods haven’t chosen them to act, they must now choose themselves to act.
I have never read Harry Potter and after its author-who-shan’t-be-named flushed her reputation down the toilet, I never will. I’ve seen the movies, they’re ok. I have no nostalgia-driven love for this franchise, and most of that comes from watching Harry be an incredibly boring protagonist.
Book readers correct me, but Harry is the poster child of “only exists so the audience can live vicariously” with generic heroic traits and nonexistent or at least unimportant side quirks and distinguishing hobbies, interests, or personality tics. He’s “brave” and “courageous” and “determined”... as most child protagonists of children’s books should be. He has zero flaws that come back to bite him in the ass. He acts the way he’s supposed to, not the way he should want to, as an independent being.
He’s the least interesting character in this entire cast, and I can’t stand Movie Ron. Ron, Hermione, Neville, or Draco would have made much more compelling protagonists and so much of this relies on the “Harry is important because the plot demands it” crutch.
Why is he the chosen one? Because his birthday happened at the right time of year? What is the story trying to say about the dichotomy between him and Voldemort? What about his personality, his wizard-societal stances on the many faux pas in this series, or the choices he makes, that makes him the chosen one? Why should I care?
You know who’s a great chosen one? Percy Jackson. Why? Because he understands the screwed up world he lives in on page 1. Being a demigod isn’t everything he ever dreamed and despite what Disney + wants you to believe, he’s got a crap bio dad who’s as disappointing in book one as Percy expects him to be.
He’s not even the chosen one by the end of the original series, and what a fantastic twist that was.
An infamously self-chosen protagonist has her own iconic hero quote: "I volunteer as tribute". Katniss is a nobody. She's not the evil president's daughter, she's not the child of a famously martyred revolutionary, she's just a girl who refuses to bow down to the reaping, refuses to let her sister get slaughtered, and volunteers for a death match that historically sees anyone living to survive another year cowering in relief. Yeah, she has some convenient skills in her archery and survival knowledge, but those matter because her district is starving, she learned through necessity.
Every second of her story, Katniss is fighting for her right to exist, and she only becomes a "chosen one" dragged around by the powers that be when she becomes marketable to the grand scheming of the actual revolutionaries, when, before, she didn't care about politics, she just wanted to save her sister. She matters because she chose compassion in a world where survival demands only serving yourself.
It’s so, so easy to start planning your book and make your cool fantasy world and figure out how your protagonist fits into it. So easy to say “well they’re the long-lost princess and the only heir to the throne” or “this magic amulet from her great great aunt is the key to saving the world” or “she’s the villain’s secret love child and the only one who can stop him because blood magic” or “this vague prophecy picked this little desert slave boy to bring balance to the Force”.
None of these stories are at fault for writing chosen ones.
But push yourself to let go of that crutch and come up with other reasons for why your hero is the hero. Usually this character has been isekai'd into magical-fantasy-land or magical-hidden-fantasy-urban-underbelly and you can still write that character.
Refusing to make them the chosen one demands one thing first and foremost: How is this outsider going to fight for their place to exist here? What do they bring to the table with their hobbies or interests or unique skillset that happens to be mighty applicable and useful in this new world? What is it about their personality that draws these strangers in? What do they want from this new world, and what are they willing to do to get it?
This choice demands you give your hero agency (though whether you give into those demands is up to you).
More importantly: I think it gives your audience agency, as they still live vicariously through their hero. Sure, lots of kids have lost their parents and live in horrid conditions like a cupboard under the stairs, but none of us will ever be “chosen” by omniscient wizard prophets. Harry would have immediately been a more compelling protagonist to me if he’d stumbled upon magical shenaniganry and fought for his place as some forgotten nobody mudblood.
Harry would have shown us his courage, instead of the story insisting he has it, we promise, just don’t think too hard about it.
Stop giving me characters who accept their destiny because God said so. Give me characters who fight tooth and nail for a destiny they discover on their own and I’ll root for them to succeed even more than someone compelled by force. Not everyone can be a chosen one, but everyone *can* choose themselves and decide to act.
With that said, I have an announcement! I have a new book in the works bereft of a prophecy-ordained hero. It’s time I put all my sagely writing wisdom to the test in a shiny published paperback myself. If you’ve learned anything from my blog in your writing journey, please subscribe for updates on the upcoming novel!
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novlr · 2 months
I’ve been reading some craft books and online posts about the world building because my story is an urban fantasy set in present day US, in a fictional town, and theres not a secondary world where the fantasy happens, it’s all in the real world, except the magic is a secret that only certain people know about, but all of the resources I find about world building only talk about fantastical worlds that exist by themselves and not the kind of more subtle world building that I’d have to do. Do you have any tips?
Worldbuilding for urban fantasy is the perfect opportunity to explore the mix of the mundane and the magical. It involves crafting a universe where the impossible becomes possible, yet is grounded within the familiar settings of our own world. This requires a delicate balance—immersing readers in the fantastical without breaking the spell of believability. Here are some essential tips on worldbuilding for urban fantasy writers.
Understanding urban fantasy
Before delving into building your urban fantasy world, it’s crucial to understand what sets this subgenre apart from other forms of fantasy.
Recognise the defining traits of urban fantasy, which typically include a contemporary setting combined with supernatural elements.
Familiarise yourself with the genre’s common tropes and themes, like hidden magical societies, the coexistence of magical and non-magical beings, and the contrast between the ordinary and the extraordinary.
Critically read successful urban fantasy novels to see how other authors have balanced the real and the fantastical.
Consider reader expectations for the genre, and the flexibility it has for innovation and subversion of norms.
Determine the tone and mood you want for your setting, as this will influence all other aspects of your worldbuilding.
Creating your magical systems
The magical systems in your urban fantasy will offer a unique flavour to your world, determining the capabilities of your characters and the challenges they face.
Where does the magic in your world come from—is it drawn from nature, ancient artefacts, parallel dimensions, or something else?
Decide if magic is commonly known or if it’s a secret kept from the general populace. If it’s a secret, why? And what are the consequences if it becomes known?
Develop the limitations and costs of magic, as these constraints can drive conflict and plot development.
Invent magical organisations, guilds, or societies, detailing their roles, influence, and how they operate in your story world.
Create distinct magical phenomena that occur within your urban setting, which can become landmarks or points of interest in your narrative.
Consider how technology and magic interact; do they coexist harmoniously, or are they in constant contention?
Creating realism in your urban setting
Realism in urban fantasy is about making the reader recognise and connect with the world you have created as something that is both other and familiar.
Include lots of real-world details, including accurate descriptions of city life, technology, and culture. Make sure you research for accuracy.
Use sensory details to make the urban environment come alive—smells, sounds, textures, and tastes that the reader can relate to.
Include social and political issues that resonate with contemporary society, allowing readers to draw parallels with their own experiences.
Develop a diverse cast of characters whose life experiences and backgrounds reflect the complexity of a modern urban society.
Integrate authentic dialogue that mirrors the way people communicate in modern life, including local slang and mannerisms, both real-world accurate and unique to your setting.
Consider the logistics of an urban environment, like transportation, law enforcement, and the economy, and how these are affected by the presence of magic.
Character development in an urban fantasy
Characters are the heart of your story, and the way they react to fantasy elements in their real-world environments will drive a lot of your narrative.
Create protagonists and antagonists whose motivations are shaped by the intersection of the real and the magical in their lives.
Develop backstories for your characters that explain their relationship to the urban setting and the magical elements within it.
Design character arcs that reflect the challenges and growth that come with living in a world where fantasy is reality.
Introduce secondary characters that highlight the diversity of the urban fantasy landscape, from magical creatures to human allies and adversaries.
Explore the psychological impact of a dual-world existence on your characters, including the strain of keeping secrets and the wonder of discovering magic.
Use character relationships to explore the nuances and complexities of your urban fantasy world.
Plotting your urban fantasy
Your plot is the vehicle through which readers experience your story world. Urban fantasy requires careful attention to pacing to give both elements equal weight.
Construct a plot that intertwines the urban and the fantastical, using the unique aspects of your setting to drive the story forward, rather than relying on the mundane.
Introduce conflicts that arise from the overlap of the magical and the mundane, be they societal, personal, or existential.
Use the setting itself as a character, with its own moods, secrets, and evolving role in the narrative.
Create set pieces that showcase the extraordinary within the ordinary—magical battles on the rooftops, secret meetings in subways, or enchanted parks hidden in plain sight.
Develop a pace that balances the exploration of your urban world with the unfolding of magical elements and plot progression.
Consider the use of multiple viewpoints to give a broader perspective on how the urban fantasy elements affect different characters and society at large.
Blending the real and magical
The key to urban fantasy is making the reader believe that magic could exist in their own world, interwoven with the everyday.
Introduce the fantastic elements gradually, allowing the real world to serve as an anchor for the reader’s suspension of disbelief.
Develop a set of rules for how magic operates in your world to maintain consistency and a sense of order.
Use recognisable landmarks and urban elements as grounding points, then twist them with your fantasy elements.
Establish the history of magic in your world and how (or if) it has shaped society and its infrastructure.
Consider the impact of magical events or beings on the everyday lives of both your characters and the city’s unsuspecting inhabitants.
Intertwine the real and the fantastic so that they feel inseparable, each substantiating the other’s existence.
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anim-ttrpgs · 9 months
The free shareware copy of Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy was released last week!
I'm only just now making a big post about it because I worked about 21 hours (nearly) straight to get it up and ready before the weekend.
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This version is free, and you can download it from out website here. The download link is on our website.
Download it, read it, play it, give it to your friends, upload it somewhere else, do whatever with it, it’s shareware. It’s a free demo that you can send or put wherever you want.
In case you haven’t heard, to find out what Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy even is, click here (link to the big master post that announces the patreon)
This free version of Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy we have released comes with everything you would need to play the game: Investigation rules, PC creation rules with tons of options, combat rules, a peak into the supernatural, a pre-written adventure module where the PCs will solve a murder, and four pregenerated PC character sheets—plus blank character sheets so you can make your own.
All of this is free, and we’re giving it out to promote the full version, going to Kickstarter in early 2024.
You can also actually get your hands on the full prerelease build early by subscribing to our Patreon for $5.
This will unlock for you:
Character progression rules.
More firearms combat options.
More melee combat options.
Full, complete, and VERY robust options for creating supernatural PCs.
Two additional horror-mystery adventure modules, each with their own pregenerated PCs if you need them.
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Thank you all for supporting us and getting us this far. We look forwards to sharing many more of our creations with y'all.
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fala-alfredo-pasta · 1 year
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Didn't make anything for Valentine's Day but remembered that I had yet to post my piece for the Danganronpa Rare Pair zine. So happy v-day to all the Oumaeda shippers out there💜💚
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natisimmers · 11 months
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗      MY Mods list     ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
So, lately, I've been getting a lot of questions about the mods I use in my game. Here are some mods that new simmers will like to make their game more enjoyable to play. I'll be honest with you guys and say that I have a lot of mods in my game. I'll update this list twice a month and any mods that I haven't used in a while or that have been broken for some time but haven't been patched. I will cross it out. My favorite mods will be marked.
Happy Simming!! ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
Loading Screen
(I'm currently using)
NeonLights Balloon Loading Screen  <- Still can use
Colorful Plumbob Loading Screen -> (Pride Month version)
Animated plumbob -> (Chainsaw Man version)
Plumbob recolors by pinkishwrld -> (more colors) ✓✓
CAS Background
(I'm currently using)
Discord Colors CAS Backgrounds - Full White  <- Still can use
CAS Room - Eren Yeager     <- Still can use
Beige - cas background by shasims
In Game
(I'm currently using)
MCC ✓✓
UI Cheats Extension ✓✓
Realistic Child Birth Mod ✓✓
Woohoo Wellness & Relationship Wellness Mod ✓✓
Wicked Whims ( 18+) ✓✓
Basemental Drugs (18+) ✓✓
Extreme Violence Mod
Life Drama Mod <- Still can use
UI Recolor ✓✓
Urban Social Mod
Expanded Pregnancy Interactions
Slice of Life
Adeepindigo ✓✓
SimRealist ✓✓
TMEX settings ✓✓
Control any Sim ✓✓
Andrew Pose Player  ✓✓ <-- MUST HAVE FOR POSES!!
In Game (small mods)
(I'm currently using)
Functional Personal Care Products
Functional Perfumes
RSVN oil diffuser
Alarm clock  -> (Recolor version) ✓✓
Towel after shower
Iso love camera ✓✓
Photographic Memory 2.0 ✓✓
Bar Cart
Get Fit ✓✓
Kiss-n-Grind ✓✓
Sims 4 Brawling ✓✓
Mandatory School Uniform
Passionate Gifts ✓✓
More Kisses Mod ✓✓
No Make-up & Accessory on Random Sim 
The Slightly Nicer Treehouse
Lie On Lap Interaction
Lie On Lap Interaction for Kids
Slow Infant Needs
Infant & Toddler Medical Care
The Sims 1 & 2 Font ✓✓
The Sims 3 Time Control Sound ✓✓
The Sims 3 Pie menu Sound ✓✓
Map Replacement ✓✓
Tech-Hippie's  K-Project mods ✓✓
Sponge replacement
Phone replacement -> (Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultra)  <- Still can use
iPhone replacement (case changeable included)  ✓✓
Cloud replacement
Ceiling replacement
Coffee bag replacement
Tv channels replacement  ✓✓
Movie replacement -> (Anime version) ✓✓
No zzzs ✓✓
Default Car replacement ✓✓
Terrain Replacement
Makeup Replacement  -> (Bratz Version)
Default Replacement Haul  ✓✓
Feet Replacement Female
Feet Replacement Male
Feet Replacement Toddler/Child
Wearable Maxis Feet for Necrodog’s HD Feet ✓✓
Feet Replacement Infant
EA piercings Replacement 
Toothbrush Replacement -> (Electric toothbrush version) ✓✓
Cleaning Spray Replacement
Razor Replacement
Mail Replacement
Pencil Replacement
Default infant bath sponge
Default Underwear
Infant bathseat override
CAS Stand still 
CAS Stand still close up
CAS (Supernatural animation override) -> MUST HAVE CAS Stand Still!
Bubble Tea Override
Gaia skinblend
Eye Shine Remover ✓✓
Small Mods  ✓✓
Default bucket and spade
Default Infant Spoon
Lighting Mod
Into the light by lotharihoe
Out of the dark by lotharihoe
No glo by luumia
No blu by luumia
Brighter Walls and Foundations by lotharihoe
Hair CC
BrandySims ✓✓
Ebonix ✓✓
Diversed King
Simpliciaty ✓✓
Kiegross ✓✓
DreamNigh Tt
Maxis Match
GegeSims ✓✓
aharris00britney ✓✓
Daylife Sims
ClumsyAlien ✓✓
Simstrouble ✓✓
Sheabuttyr ✓✓
Joshseoh  ✓✓
CC Clothes
EllieSimple ✓✓
Lazy eyelids
Rimings ✓✓
Fukkie mon
Blue Craving
Mocha & Donuts
Maxis Match
Mochizen cc
Boschiana cc
HappyLifeSims (Koonam)
WARNING: make sure some of the sliders don't intervene with the other sliders. (For example, if you install the neck slider while you have the height slider. The height slider will not work.)
Another thing some of the sliders may be broken due to the most recent update to the game and your sims will go faceless without their eyes. So, be careful
Pouty Lip-Slider ✓✓
Teanmoon Mouth Scale Slider ✓✓
Height Slider ✓✓
Enhanced Butt Slider ✓✓
Enhanced Leg Slider 
Expanded Nose Sliders
Lip fullness Slider
Chin Slider
Hip Dip Slider
Eyelid Space Slider
Sliders For Eyes
Detailed Butt Slider
Belly Slider
Cheek Slider
Leg Length/Hip Height Slider
Eyebrow Slider
Breast Slider
Leg Slider
Shoulder Height Slider
Arm thickness + pronounced hip sliders
Neck Slider
Afrosimtric Sims ✓✓
NAMEI (old user ->NNAO)
Northern Siberia Winds ✓✓
Wicked Whims Animations (18+)
E404P ✓✓
GreyNaya ✓✓
Kiki Chain
Purpura Sims
KingBlackCinema ✓✓
Phia Sims ✓✓
Zeya Val  <- You can still use it
Foxsi (old user -> Grindana)
Gaming Tweety
Sinnora Studios  <- Still can use
Steven Studios
VMS Animation (old user -> Purapura)
KingBlackCinema ✓✓
E404P ✓✓
Miiniature  <- You can still use it
PLASTIC by Sisters Lapay (stopped doing sims animation)  <- Still can use
Serendipitia  <- You can still use it
Luka  <- You can still use it
Sovasims ✓✓
Edward Ferso 3D Creations
DejaSims Animations
Dark Prayer ✓✓
Gold - E  ✓✓
Nawora A3D
StorySimmer Animations
Darling Sauce Pancakes
Anime CC 
Natalia-Auditore ✓✓
Jay Bird The Nerd <-- (Found alternative site for their anime cc they stopped) 
Obsidian Sims
Simomo CC
Aruru Simmer
Studio K Creation
Ginko Sims
SilverMoon Sims 4  ✓✓
[comfort zone] by 5soofy ✓✓
ellcrze ellanora
ellcrze latte
tofu by ellcrze
groovy by ellcrze
ellcrze 2.O
bloom 2.0 by ellcrze
aquarium by ellcrze
storybook by ellcrze
ellanora by ellcrze ✓✓
Vanilla - MidsummerMoon20
Selcouth 1.1 - rhdweaunio
[simsboo] Apricot Blossom
[amelie] pearl
[neecxle] bohodreams  ✓✓
LIVID - by CharlyPancakes ✓✓
[TT] Eleanora
SenshiGame3.0 ✓✓
intramoon Elysian Updated
intramoon Patchouli Rose
[MissLollypop] Radiance w/Bloom
Xureila by Xureila Reshade.ini
PETS (horse included) <-- Still in Process
Blue Ancolia ✓✓
The pet collection
Kawaii CC
Hydrangea ✓✓
Giggle Coffin
COMING SOON: Children/Toddlers CC
COMING SOON: Blender Scene
More coming soon...
CC's clothes, hair, shoes, makeup, etc.
small mods
many more!
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hoekami · 2 years
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Shoppe Black’s Ultimate List of Black Owned Farms and Food Gardens🥦🥬
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thestudentfarmer · 9 months
Kitchen post today~
With prices being what they are I like a good deal on groceries when I can find it. Sometimes that leads me to buying large quantities of things.
This week the local scratch n dent market had 5 pound bags of golden potatos on sale, 2 for $4. We like potatos so I snagged a few bags. Since i had 2 from last week's groceries I decided to pick through them all.
I tossed a few rotten ones and sorted out the good from the ones getting on the going side. The good ones I put up in a storage tote (a cooking pot for now) for later cooking.
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These ones are the contenders for the weekly meal/freezer prep. They had some funny or funky spots, things that can be cut off and thrown away or in the compost. I clean them after washing them well.
As a heads up, it's not suggested to feed chickens raw potatoes. So leave anything with raw potato bits in the trash or the compost bin.
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The bad bits.
If you feel need to you can wash them up again. I move to peeling after words.
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I save the peels for breakfast potatoes, or to make soup.
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A few peeled spuds.
Afterwords, depending on how many potatoes needed to be processed will decide what im making. This time I had enough potatoes to do cubed potatoes and hashbrown potatoes.
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Cube potatoes, then blanch them till all Dante in a pot. (Not quite to mash potatoes softness, but not crunchy.)
Drain, cool quickly. (If your into water conservation, save the water for your plants once cooled) I cool till just under warm and lay them out to drain/dry a bit.
Then take a pan and lay out a clean kitchen towel on it. Pour dry potatoes on and place in freezer till frozen.
Store in container and use like regular frozen potatoes.
Moving to hashed potatoes
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Similar to the cubed potatoes except I grated them.
I like to destarch my potatoes a little so I do a soak for about an hour, drain and then blanch.
I did about 5 minutes to blanch the hash, every couple minutes fish out a peice and test it to see if it's crunchy or just firm. Drain, cool asap.
Lay out to drain and dry a bit.
Lay towel on baking sheet. Place drained hashed potatoes on top. Place in freezer and freeze a few hours.
When frozen package up. Date and use as necessary :)
Other potato freezing/preserving resources
🥔🌱Happy Homesteading!🌱🥔
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urbanflowergraphic · 10 months
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♡ Love is the flower you've got to let grow ♡
Here’s psd n. 440 . I hope you like it!
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♡ Please like / re-blog / follow if download.
♡ Don’t claim as your own,if you use it credit me.
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[DOWNLOAD at Deviantart] ♡
[DOWNLOAD at Google Drive] ♡
[ for MORE PSD]  ♡
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honestlyyoungtyphoon · 6 months
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Seems apt.
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reeseplayscc · 1 year
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LoveRosie Tattoo
100% By Me
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Disallowed For Random
7 swatches
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queensimmer3 · 7 months
The Sims 3 Teen Look Book
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First Look:
Jacket By @dari-sims-DOWNLOAD sims3pack ↓  FULL | CHOKER | JACKET |... - DARI (tumblr.com)
Top By @sim-songs-♪ i'm singing in the rain ♪ (tumblr.com)
Pants By @teekapoa-٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶ (tumblr.com)
Shoes By @chunkysims & @yosimsima-Sims R US - yosimsima: By request, I’ve converted... (tumblr.com)
Second Look:
Jacket By @dari-sims-DOWNLOAD sims3pack ↓  FULL | CHOKER | JACKET |... - DARI (tumblr.com)
Jumpsuit By Melisa Inc-The Sims Resource - Teen High Waist Denim with top
Shoes By @tommyandsean-GVNCH DENIM BOOTS TS3 AND TS4 | Patreon
Third Look:
Jacket By Pinkdahlianow-Jadia Oversized Puffer (Volatile) | Pink Dahlia (pinkdahlianow.wixsite.com)
Jumpsuit By Black Lily-The Sims Resource - Teen Elegant Jumpsuit with Belt
Shoes By @tommyandsean-ASTRO BOOTS TS3 AND TS4 | Patreon
Fourth Look:
Top By @ninaaposts -(1) nina's spamboard on Tumblr
Bottoms By Simplexsims -Six plus One for TF (simplexsims.blogspot.com)
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etherealthingscc · 1 year
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EARLY ACCESS: Sanrio Bed | IsntL on Patreon
4 kawaii swatches of Sanrio ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Base game compatible, as always luvs (●'◡'●)
I am no way contracted with Sanrio or any of their characters!
Price in game is $500
Patreons get 26 days early access to this product!
Please be sure to reblog as reblogs help with traffick :3 tia <3
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Upping the Ante: The Garden Resource Program
But the big leap forward for Detroit’s urban farming movement came in 2003, when the Earthworks Farm joined forces with the Detroit Agriculture Network, the Greening of Detroit (an organization primarily focused on reforesting the city), and the Michigan State University Extension Service, to found the Garden Resource Program Collaborative. The Garden Resource Program (GRP) which grew out of that collaboration started by providing seeds and some gardening resources (tilling, compost, etc.) to 39 community gardens and 41 family garden participants. But the program has grown by leaps and bounds, so that now the GRP provides a multitude of training classes, technical assistance and advice, marketing guidance, etc., in addition to providing seeds and seedlings to community and individual gardens across the city. For the price of GRP membership ($10 for family gardens; $20 for community gardens), members are able to pick up spring seeds in late March, cold crop transplants in April, warm-weather seeds and sets in May, and fall crop transplants in mid-summer, with all seedlings being grown organically at the Earthworks Farm.
During the 2008 growing season, the Garden Resource Program provided resources to 169 community gardens, 40 school gardens, and 359 family gardens within the city. In the process it distributed 32,320 packets of seeds and approximately 129,360 transplants! The 40 by 60 foot greenhouse at Earthworks farm is now working at capacity to provide those transplants, and the growth of the Garden Resources Program is still accelerating.
But the Garden Resources Program seeks to provide more than just gardening resources and skills. The GRP consciously strives to make the urban farming a communitybuilding activity. By emphasizing community gardens, where the work and the produce are shared, and community garden events and celebrations (community work days, picnics and cook-outs, meetings to plan, evaluate, and share experiences, etc.), the GRP helps strengthen community bonds as it enlivens the communities in which it operates. Megan Kohn, an Americorps volunteer serving on staff for the Garden Resource Program, came to Detroit “... to practice small-scale, intensive growing practices [because]...more people need to be growing food close to where they live...” Her immersion in the Garden Resource Program, however, caused her to “come to a deep realization that the work is so much more about the people, and the connection between people... Neighbors growing food together is powerful. We are literally building an alternative food system here...”
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prompts-by-anjali · 8 months
“Here again, little engineer?”
“Morning, baker.”
“Your self esteem must be healthy. I’m surprised the townsfolk haven’t run you out with your tail between your legs yet.”
“First of all, I don’t have a tail, thank you. Secondly, sure, my self esteem could be shot to dust every time I come out here and present my inventions to a crowd — who, by the way, seem unhealthily obsessed with throwing their surplus of tomatoes at my face. But I choose to believe that they’re just weird for not liking my ideas. It’s called shifting your paradigm. Maybe you’d be able to do it, too, if your cakes weren’t so… delicious.”
“Are you… flirting with me?”
“Is it working?”
“I don’t know.”
“Can I at least buy an actual cake, then? Something that goes well with the tomatoes that will be thrown at me today.”
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