mungdou · 3 months
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PR. ushijima x reader; semi x reader
W. swears
GR. angst, comfort, resolution
WC. 3.2k
AN. revenge is so sweet; tysm for all the love on the first part!! it was such a warm welcome back haha :)) requests are still open so please ask away my brain is highkey empty.
(pt. 1)
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It's been a while since you've felt lonely. After that day, Semi started sitting with you during lunch to chat about his day, hum some new riffs he was testing out on his guitar, or just as good company. He'd get something from the cafeteria whilst you ate the pre-packed lunch you made the night before. Needless to say, there were more than a few bites missing from your lunch after the hour was over. It was peaceful and more than anything you could ask for.
"Y/n, listen to this-" He played a short video clip of a new song he was practicing. The sound was smooth, almost as if he had run the audio through a creamy filter. Were his fingers always this nimble? Or did you just start noticing? Mesmerized by the short clip, you couldn't help pressing the reset button 3 or 4 times before Semi began pulling away.
Your eyes looked up, snapped out of the trance his fingering put you into. "Oh! Sorry, I couldn't help myself-" You smiled as your face burned with embarrassment. "That was amazing, Semi-Semi, definitely remind me next time you practice- I'd love to come listen to you live." Your fingers twiddled under the table, hoping the sudden advance didn't come out too eager. His playing was beautiful- his fingers danced on the fretboard meticulously and the notes were so smooth, almost like magic.
His lips curled in a proud smile and he seemed to perk up like a dog. "You... wanna come over? Like, to hear me practice? Me? Really?" He mustered out, his words stumbled over another. His ears turned pink and waved his hands around, gesturing between the two of you without direction.
You giggled at his flustered reaction and grasped his flailing hands. They were flushed at the knuckles, and you could feel the hard-earned callouses that had formed from years of guitar and volleyball practice. His palms were warm, but his fingertips were cold, and as you squeezed his hands, they seemed to relax into a gentle position.
"Yes! I'd really like it if I could... does this Sunday work? You'll be going home for the weekend, right?" You eagerly spoke, your hands squeezing his just a bit harder.
Semi nodded shyly, his eyes darting between his enveloped hands and your eyes. "Ahem-" He coughed softly. "Here, give me your phone, I'll put my address in for you." He took your phone off the table and typed in his address before turning it to you to confirm that you had it.
"Hmm? Oh! You live so close by to me!" You exclaimed, smiling brightly. "Yeah this is like, a 15 minute walk from my place! Wow, Why haven't we seen this before, that's so convenient, Semi-semi!"
"Oh really? That's crazy, we could have been catching the bus together or something-"
"SEMI-SEMIIIIII??" The disembodied voice of a familiar lanky middle blocker interrupted your newfound discovery. "DID SHE JUST CALL YOU SEMI-SEMI????"
"Goddamnit" Semi groans, turning away from Tendou, banging his head against the table.
"Hi Tendou, what's going on?" A shit-eating grin creeped on your face with full intent to milk this 'Semi-semi' privilege you held over his head. One of the only things you could hold above his head to be honest.
Tendou's teeth grit, greeting you with a playful glare before turning to Semi, "Why can she call you Semi-semi without getting verbally attacked? This isn't fair, I'll have you know." He tsked, "And what's this about meeting up?? Hmm?? Unsupervised, might I add?"
"Shut up, Tendou." Semi growled, picking up his tray and walking away.
You smiled nervously at Tendou, "So..." You began.
"So..." Tendou copied.
"How's Ushijima been? I mean- well- yeah." It was hard asking. It had been a few weeks since he insulted your character and needless to say, everything about it was hard. His words and your acceptance of those words. As much as you wish it didn't, time still moved on even though you were left in pain and embarrassment. The only thing that helped you get through with it was Semi and Tendou.
"He's doing okay, I guess?" Tendou mused before sauntering to pester Goshiki abut his bowl cut or something.
You guess? Okay, weird.
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Even though Tendou stayed close to Ushijima, he still came over to ask about how you were doing every so often, or to tease you about something or another. It was refreshing, that despite all this, he still treated you the same.
At least he didn't pity you.
It was a shame how fast rumors spread after Ushijima rejected you so coldly.
Most said that it was your fault for interfering with his feelings.
Some thought that it was his fault for being so blunt without apologies.
Even less thought it had to do with Aoi.
Most people in the inner volleyball ring knew the truth. That Aoi had changed their cornerstone ace for better and worse. On one hand, he worked twice as hard to impress her and to better himself. On the other hand, he became ever so slightly distracted, and it didn't help that Aoi rarely did her manager duties.
At some point, it had become too much for you to handle basic manager duties on top of appealing to Aoi and Ushijima. Aoi's whole point of being here was to help out, but instead of pushing carts, hanging laundry, or taking notes, she could be seen trailing her boyfriend up and down the court with a water bottle and towel only for him.
Imagine pulling a hundred pound anchor of dead weight on a chain with your teeth while using your hands to organize papers and running 5 miles an hour.
It was obvious that people noticed. They pitied you more than they cared to admit, but they were too afraid to speak out. Plus, you reassured them that everything was fine as to not stress them out further.
Besides, it wasn't like you could fire her at this point. She was supposed to be taking over after you graduated and it was already too soon to the end of the year to start over.
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That Saturday, you woke up earlier than usual to make some cute thumbprint jam cookies to bring over as a snack for your hangout the next day. You biked out to the local grocery store to grab some missing ingredients and some nice fruit for his parents before visiting for the first time. After grabbing all the ingredients, all that was left was to peruse the aisles for fun.
"Ooh, they have truffle fry chips? That's new- ahh I shouldn't... but then again... hmmm." You murmured to yourself, crouching down to look at the options of savory treats when you heard a voice call out your name.
"Y/n-senpai?" A familiar cute, yet unfeeling voice rang in your ears, making your stomach flip in anxiety. You turned around and saw Aoi standing at the end of the aisle. Whipping your eyes back down to the bottom of the shelf, you took a few deep breaths as you heard the pitter-patter of her heel-adorned feet run down the aisle towards you.
"Aoi." You curtly nipped, with an unfamiliar lack of emotion lacing your words. "What are you doing here?" Standing back up to face her, you noticed that she had showy makeup on and was dressed nicer than usual.
"I'm here to get something with Toshi~ But I should be asking you that." She smirked boastfully, her cute demeanor barely shielding her bitter intentions. "You are so... weird. No offense. Why are you here? Probably stalking Toshi like always. Ugh, you're so suffocating, like, leave us alone. He. Doesn't. Like. You. What don't you get about that? Honestly, I might need to call the police or something to report you-"
"I. Don't. Give. A. Flying. Fuck. You. Dense. Ass. Child." You clapped back, clapping between every word, emphasizing your hate towards her. "You wanna talk about being clingy and obsessed? Really? Because last time I checked, who's the one who constantly follows Ushijima around the court, ignoring everyone else around them? The one who's always rushing over to hover over him to gush about how amazing he is after practice while others pick up your slack?"
Her face turned pink with anger, the flush blocked by the sheer amount of concealer she had on. "Well- you were rejected, yet you still show up around him, to practice and to show the notes to him all cutesy and whatever. You're practically begging for attention." She ticked her head to the side, as if she was saying checkmate.
You doubled over laughing. Tears formed at the corner of your eyes as you wheezed, trying to catch your breath. "Hah... Hah.. Oh my god you are such a little comedian." Wiping away the tears, you stood straight up and finished off your thought. "Showing up to practice and taking notes, putting aside my differences to make sure that the team functions?? Aoi, I'm gonna metaphorically hold your hands while I say this."
I stepped forwards and leaned down, moving my lips close to her studded ears. I lowered my voice, babying my voice to make sure she understood.
"That's what you call being a mature manager. Woahh~~ Whahh~~ Isn't that amazing? Though, if I'm being honest, you probably don't even know what being mature means, so I don't blame you if this completely flies over your head."
You walked past her frozen figure, waving nonchalantly as you passed. "And by the way, to answer your question, I live in the area- in fact, I live right next door to Ushijima. The same place for the past 5 years, so forgive me for intruding on his space or whatever."
On your way out, as you scanned your ingredients by the self-checkout, you caught a glimpse of a softly weeping Aoi and a silent, but furious, Ushijima in the background.
Well, at this point, what do I have to lose? If he's mad at me, I've already accepted that. If he's mad at her, I win.
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When you returned home, you hastened your pace, prepping all the ingredients and efficiently moving around your kitchen to make your cookies as quickly as possible.
Flour, butter, eggs, sugar, jam.
Finally, after an hour, you popped the cookies into the oven, wiping the sweat off your brow in triumph. After setting a timer on your phone, you ran up the stairs and collapsed on your bed.
As you lay there looking out the window, you began to think about what happened just a few hours ago. Oh the rant you were about to go on when you see Semi later tomorrow.
The thought of seeing Semi relaxed you, a heavy weight leaving your shoulder, and now all you were stressing about was to not fall asleep before your cookies were done.
Don't sleep. Don't do it, you're going to burn your whole house down. You'd better not pass the fuck ou-
"Get out."
A voice bellowed from outside your window. You sat up quickly and peered out your curtains. Across the way you could see Aoi and Ushijima arguing in his room. It was hard to hear, and only snippets were caught.
"did i stutter? please, get out. i am saying this as nice as I possibly can."
"Toshi- please, she was the one harassing me, I swear!"
"do you think i am that dense? i was in the next aisle, i am not deaf."
Your cookie alarm loudly rang from your pocket while you peeked out the window, scaring you, but also getting the attention from the perfect couple next door. Their heads sharply looked over, but you slammed the window and shades to avoid their gaze before rushing down to take your cookies out of the oven.
phew. at least they came out nice.
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It's a weird feeling, waking up before your alarm.
After dressing up in a nice white top, a jean skirt, and a gray overshirt, you went downstairs to pack your cookies and fruits into a canvas tote before leaving your house to walk over to Semi's place.
"Y/n." Ushijima's deep voice startled you.
"Oh! Good morning, Ushiji-" You started before being cut off.
Ushijima cleared his throat, "You should call me by my first name again. We aren't unfamiliar, after all."
You smiled, a sigh of relief escaping your lips. "Wakatoshi. What's up?"
"You heard, did you not?" His intense gaze wavered for a split second, tilting down towards the curb.
"Well, it was hard not to- though I didn't mean to eavesdrop like I did... Sorry about that, by the way." You sheepishly looked away, struggling to meet him in the eyes.
"It's alright. I should be sorry for the way I've treated you for the past few weeks. I never should have let her blind me into treating you like that. I never thought that her intentions were impure." He looked into your eyes, a light gentleness glazed over his own. "Do you think you could ever forgive me?"
"I can," You began, "and I will, eventually. But I don't think I can just forgive and forget right now, but lets just establish good terms from here on out? I'll let you know when I've healed- emotionally- that is."
"Thank you." He paused before speaking up, "Where are you off to?" looking at your treat stuffed bag.
"O-oh. I'm on my way to visit Semi... I'm running a bit late, so I'll catch you later! Bye Wakatoshi!" You jogged off, quickly making your way over to your destination.
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
You arrived on Semi's doorstep, but before you rang the doorbell, you tried to catch your breath. However, the door swung open to reveal Semi, draped in a loose gray hoodie and cargo pants. Both of you flushed with embarrassment.
“You… hah… I didn’t even ring the doorbell, Semi-Semi.” You laughed, out of breath, looking at him as he put his hands over his face, trying to hide his flushed cheeks. “Were you waiting for me~”
“N-no-“ Semi turned around, holding the door open to let you in before turning back to dace you, “Well, you were running late, y’see- and, uh, I was worried…” he trailed off after seeing the pouch in your hands. “What’s that?”
You looked down at your hands, “I made cookies for us to eat! Oh!! I also got some fruit for your parents- are they home?” You rummaged through your bag and took a nicely wrapped melon.
“Nah, my parents aren’t home right now… We can just leave it in the basket over there.” He led you to the kitchen and took the melon to store away.
"So... you were waiting for me, weren't you?" You smiled, leaning in close, "I didn't even ring the doorbell- You were definitely looking for me through the window..."
"I- No, It heard your huffing and puffing a mile away-" he stammered, his ears now flaring red. "A-anyways... let's go upstairs- you can bring the cookies with you..."
Following him up the stairs to his room, you noticed all the baby photos adorning the walls, before stopping in front of a familiar one.
Semi heard your steps come to a stop, turning around to join you. "Wow this is so embarrassing- that's from my daycare graduation-" He started, before turning to see your face.
You looked almost startled, "I have this same photo in my house, look-" Your finger pointed at the little girl behind the platinum haired toddler. "In the pigtails behind you-"
"Seriously?" Semi huffed, looking closer at the photo, "Damn, you're right- it really is you."
"Wow Semi-Semi, your hair is naturally this color? I could've sworn you dyed it or something-" You giggled, examining the photo in detail before quietly whispering, "You were a really cute baby."
Semi looked at you with wide eyes. "I heard that-" He coughed out before grabbing your arm and pulling at you to his room. You yelped in surprise, but after walking through the hallway of pictures, you finally made it into his room. It was covered in band posters and at the very corner stood a guitar propped up on a stand.
"Wow- your room is so decorated, it's putting my room to shame," You laughed before plopping onto the floor. Semi picked up his guitar and started to tune it.
"It's nothing special, just some stuff that I've printed throughout the years." He smiled, plucking at the strings before playing some chord progression.
It was almost angelic, the way he played. His fingers danced around the strings so naturally, like he was born to play.
"You play so beautifully," You smiled, looking intensely as he played, "If you put a halo on and wore all white, I could swear you were an angel or something."
"Probably not as beautiful as you are, though." He blurted before catching himself, his fingers frozen in place. "Wait-"
"Really?" Now it was your turn to blush. "Wow Semi, you are such a flirt~" You felt the blood rush to your face while the words fully sunk in.
He cleared his throat. "Uh... Yeah... You are really pretty, did you know that?" His fingers hovered over the strings, almost as if his brain didn't know how to control them anymore.
"You too." You squeaked out, trying to find your voice and composure. "You too, Semi-"
He put the guitar down, and it's hollow body clattering when it hit the floor. "I like you." He smiled shyly, not sure what to say next. "I really really like you."
You shuffled, closing the distance between the two of you. "Me too." You mumbled, looking down at the ground. "I really really like you too."
Both you and Semi sat in silence for a while, though the room kept getting warmer and warmer.
"O-oh!" You exclaimed, stopping the stagnant silence. "The cookies! Uh- Really good! Eat-"
Good job, Y/n, really, really good job.
Semi, in a state of panicked eagerness, grabbed one and practically swallowed it whole before choking a bit. He pounded his chest, tears watering in his eyes.
"Ah!! Water- Water!" You scrambled, pulling out the thermos in your bag.
Semi quickly took the bottle and gulped down the water, sighing in relief after the cookie passed through.
"Are you okay?" You exclaimed, the panic leaving your body. Semi nodded in embarrassment.
"Yeah... it was really tasty- the choking was my fault."
"No, I should have warned you that it was the crumbly kind of cookie." You paused, before buckling down laughing. Tears welled up in your eyes as you gasped for air.
Semi started to laugh, and soon the silence and panic was replaced with cackles.
"Hah... this is gonna be a good story to tell everyone." You sighed, calming down and leaning on his shoulder.
"Yeah...." Semi smiled, resting his head on yours, grasping your hand and interlacing your fingers.
"Wait-" he froze. You looked at him, puzzled by his reaction. "No we can't tell anyone- Especially not Tendou- I can't take the embarrassment any further."
You giggled, looking up at Semi through your eyelashes.
"No promises."
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AN: omg this took so long haha my bad yall, hope u liked it :)
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masterlist || request
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jockbroski34 · 9 months
New Year's Resolution
Hey bros, Happy New Year's! I hope you all make this year your best yet and I hope you all reach your goals. I came up with a short story on the fly to ring in the new year. Hope you guys didn't party too hard like these two!
Before I knew it, 2024 was almost here. Everyone always says that next year will be their year, but few people actually end up following through with their New Year's resolutions. Some people want to make more money, some might want to quit smoking, but me? I just wanna get jacked, bro. I know how it goes though. People go to the gym for a week, then are unable to keep up with that lifestyle. But I can do it, and I will. I felt a sense of determination with the desire to get in shape.
I found myself at a New Year's party. One of my co-workers invited me. I didn't know most of the people there, but I didn't have any plans so I decided to go, because why not? My friends barely have time for me anyways. A lot of them have started to settle down and some decided to have smaller celebrations with their spouses or are visiting family.
I was sitting on the couch when a guy I've never met sat down next to me and greeted me. He told me his name was Mike. He was my age, wearing a backwards hat, tank top, and shorts. Not exactly the best look for the winter, but he looked just like a fuckboy who partied all day every day. He probably just wears this every day just to show off his muscles and pick up chicks. He started chatting me up about the party and about the football game that was on the TV. I didn't really know anything about sports, but it was what was on so I played along, not wanting to be rude. He asked me what my New Year's resolution was. I said I wanted to get jacked. He seemed confident that I could do it. He downed what had to have been his third beer so far before asking if I wanted another drink as well. His breath stank with the scent of beer.
I said sure. As long as it got this dude away from me for a minute or two. I might tolerate him more if I was drunk anyways since it didn't seem like he was going anywhere anytime soon. He came back carrying two bottles of the same type of beer. We made a toast for the new year and chugged our beers. As I drank, I started to realize that Mike wasn't that bad for a dudebro. He was actually really chill. I ended up asking for his number so we can get drinks sometime. He said he knows some good bars nearby and he didn't live too far from me.
He asked me what my New Year's resolution is. He already asked me that though? His memory must not be the best since he was drunk. I told him I wanted to be jacked, kinda like him. He chuckled a dumb laugh, drunk from the excessive amount of alcohol he drank tonight.
"What do you mean? You're already jacked, bro."
I was confused at first. I didn't have a lot of muscle.
"Look at yourself dude."
I thought he was fucking with me until I looked down. My biceps felt like they were throbbing, burning as they seemingly increased in size. I panicked, running to the bathroom, unsure of whether I wanted to check out my new gains or find a way to stop the aching burn in my muscles. I looked at myself in the mirror, and flexed. I wasn't hallucinating. I was just as jacked as the bro I was drinking with. I stripped down. I realized that I had a six pack as well. The dude from before knocks before entering the bathroom with me.
"You good bro?"
"What the fuck did you do to me?" I asked, overwhelmed by my new body.
"You said you wanted to be jacked, so I made you jacked. I put something in your drink, and now you're huge. Isn't that what you wanted, dude?"
I couldn't deny that. I wasn't sure whether to feel grateful to him or mad at him for doing this without my consent. He could've even drugged me further. Before I could comprehend everything, he grabbed my shoulder, pulling me in for a picture, showing off our ripped bodies.
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"Hey, try my hat on. I wanna see how you look in it now."
He tossed me the hat he was wearing, but I didn't wear hats. I took care of my hair and I didn't want my hair to get messy. I wanted to look professional, not like a frat bro. Despite that, I found myself wanting to put it on, and so I did. To my surprise, I even turned it backwards just like my best bud. Best bud? I didn't really have a best friend. But Mike was my new best friend. We met at my co-worker's New Year's party and we hit it off really well. I needed a new workout partner to help me stay consistent, so he offered to take me with him every day. He's actually looking for a new roommate so I might move in with him since we get along so well. Makes it more convenient since we plan to hang out and party all the time in the coming year.
I start to realize that my mannerisms are changing, starting to match his. Before I was uptight and professional, a total bore. Now I’m an outgoing, party-loving dudebro. I felt my penis grow erect in my pants and start leaking as I became as horny as Mike, with my length growing to a sexy 9 inches to go alongside his. I doubt that I could pull as much as him with my old size.
"You feeling better, bro?"
"Yeah dude. I feel great! Let's pound some more brewskis and fuck a baddie or two."
"That's what I'm talking about!" Mike gave me a high-five. "You can keep the hat by the way. A memory of the day we met, bro."
And keep it I did. I decided I would wear it everywhere, especially when I was out with him and his bros. I would fit perfectly in with them in a way that my old self would have never.
We returned to the party with even more beers in our hands, and me and Mike chugged every last one of them. We drank the most beers out of anyone in the party combined. My coworker caught the two of us causing a scene and kicked us out. He almost didn't recognize me at first, but after seeing me with him, he started to put two and two together. He told Mike that this is why he doesn’t invite him anywhere. I thought my coworker would tell my boss about my conduct, but I didn't really care what happens. It's not my fault I’m a party animal.
"What a buzzkill," Mike said. "Whatever. Let's go back to my place. I took a box of beer with us to finish as we left. They aren't gonna finish themselves."
Midnight was still a few hours away, and all of his bros were at other parties anyways. We sat down on his messy couch and finished what was left of the beers, cheering on our team and playing loud music. Didn't matter where we were or who we were with, we were the life of the party. My bro became pent up after not being able to get any action tonight and so was I. I offered to suck him off. After all, it's not gay to suck a homie off, and so we got off together. Getting head from him was almost as good as a hot babe. I’ve never had a guy blow me before. Neither of us could tell the other how much we really enjoyed it without the fear of being called gay.
After we both released our loads, we passed out from all the alcohol we drank, him on top of me. I don't think I ever drank this much in my life, and it was just one night. We woke up, looking like a total mess on the couch. Damn, we slept past midnight. I was still wearing his hat. I thought I would wake up and find out this was all a dream, but nah. I’m still Mike’s douchey best friend. But I smiled, knowing that we would always have each other’s back.
"Happy New Year’s, bro." I said.
"Happy New Year’s! Now tell me your real New Year's resolution, dude?" Mike answered, obviously hungover.
"I wanna party and fuck all year long!"
"Fuck yeah, bro!" He gave me a strong, brotherly hug. He told me about a rager that one of his friends was hosting tonight. All of his bros are invited and so am I, and some hot babes are gonna be there. This was the life I always wished I had, and this year, it will be my life.
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cutebat · 1 month
Go Home with your Friends Route
Warning(s): No yandere themes, past neglect, a lot of swearing, skipping school, attempted smoking, mentions of pills, bribery, threats
(This is where now you can pick your own choices in this series, so this isn't technically a chapter)
You decided to go home cause honestly, fuck school.
You and your friends all went inside the Wayne Manor after that whole conversation.
"You can put your stuff right there."
You tell them as you point at the corner.
As they did that, the three of you went into the living room and sat on the couch.
It was silent for a moment before you spoke up.
"So, do you guys wanna do anything or what?"
You ask that makes the two of them stare at you.
"You're the one who made us skip with you. How the hell should we know? We've never been to your house before."
Sasha responds as she leans back against the couch.
"Did you really decide to go home so you can avoid Damian?"
Noelle asks as she crossed her arms and puts her leg over her other one.
"Not really. He lives here."
You respond in a nonchalant tone.
"Yeah, unfortunately."
"Then, why did you want to go home if you know he lives here?"
"I don't know, I just don't want to be at school right now after everything that happened and he never skips, so we're fine."
It was silent again before Sasha spoke up.
"Can we smoke here?"
She asks as she lightly pushes herself off the couch.
"You can, but I don't know if you should. Bruce banned cigarettes here."
You tell her.
"Okay, well, you hate your dad, your brothers, your sister, and basically anyone who you told us that you hate. So, let us smoke here."
"Holy shit, calm down. Fine, you can. Also, how are you so addicted to this?"
"Blame my mom. I usually steal stuff from her and she has a fuck ton of cigarettes lying around the house. I usually take them when I feel fucked over."
There was a brief silence before you spoke up again.
"... How old are you again?"
"Are you really going to smoke at that age?"
"Bitch, you don't know when you're going to die or not. I don't really care about what my fate is, so why not just use that time to just, you know?"
"I guess that's true."
"Cool. Anyway, Noelle, what kind did you bring today?"
Sasha asks as she turns to her other friend who is just sitting on the couch, not saying a word for the entire time until now.
"I have Marlboro Ultra Lights in my backpack."
She said that made Sasha cringe.
"Seriously? You have the weak ones? What happened to all the good shit you had?"
"My mom started therapy as her New Year resolution ever since she caught my dad having an affair with his intern three years ago. And now, she basically quit smoking and smokes with very weak cigs every two weeks."
Noelle said as she walked over to the corner before returning with her bag.
"So, do you still want to do it, or not?"
Sasha seems to be in thought before she lets out a heavy sigh.
"I don't know... These things don't throw me over that much. I need something that can actually fuck me up."
She said as you spoke up.
"I actually found some pills that my brother's girlfriend had. I think she left them, but they look pretty cool to high over on."
You said as you took out a pill bottle.
"What's that?"
Sasha asks as she stares down at the bottle in your hand.
"I dunno. I just found them on the ground when she left."
You said in response with a shrug.
"Damn... two choices. Smoking or getting high over some pills that we know nothing off."
Noelle mutters out as she stares down at the pills.
Use Bab's pills
Smoke in the house (Coming soon)
Taglist: @somebodyrandom-613 @delias-stuff @endism @ragdol-666 @snowy-violet @sleepydhanie @missikkj @k1ttys-w0rld @box-of-kinderjoy @thetreefairypersonalblog @thelibraryofdeez @animegoddess15 @lilyalone @seraph101 @lain3iwakura @tacodeemon @whiterabbitxxx @yuyuzi-ling @lilithquillete @amisupposedtomakesenserightnow @una1002289 @spacetravelr @luckyangelballoon @illytian @ghostdoodlen @imaginarydreams @flyingpansaurus @wrenbirde @kimzzz18 @ohnoivefallen @ferakillia @f1lover4ever @asahi20789 @livingforloves @moonieper @rosecentury @waitingforanarchicaddiction @missmannequin @mischiefmanaged124 @hanselate @doli09 @chocolatemoose26 @enjisthings @stitchtheseconde @purple-lemon-8 @milliu @blublock404 @kimzzz18 @jsprien213 @bluemidnightmelodies @enter-sandmann @tdickensstuff4 @couldeatthatgirlforlunch @starsdotalk @sumikosasaki @erikasurfer @h0rr0r-10ver-69 @0lshadyl0 @ghostlotusnymph @yuyuzi-ling @lilithskywalker @trashlanternfish360 @i-never-saw-snow @couldeatthatgirlforlunch @76lonelyspoons
(If you want to be in the taglist, let me know!)
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hkthatgffan · 1 month
Hey! You seem like a huge *Gravity Falls* fan, so I was hoping you could answer some of my biggest questions about morality in the show. Since the release of *The Book of Bill* (which I’ve read), do you think Bill could ever be redeemed or seen sympathetically? Is there a possibility for him to get better and maybe even have a happy ending?
I ask this because I see a lot of fans saying, "He's awful," or "He deserves everything coming to him a thousandfold," and "Don't sympathize with him!" But then I watch the show, and I see characters like Gideon Gleeful and Robbie who were also problematic—they did terrible things but still got happy endings.
I know Gideon went to jail, but he broke out and ultimately had a positive resolution. Robbie, for example, tried to brainwash Wendy into a romantic relationship (which is super messed up!). Even though it didn’t work, and Wendy only dated him because she thought he wrote her that song, Robbie knew what the CD was supposed to do. But instead of facing real consequences, he just went through a breakup and still ended up with a happy ending, with friends and a new girlfriend.
As for Gideon, he tried to kill Dipper, manipulate Mabel, and invade the entire town’s privacy—basically doing some of the same things Bill did. Yet, after going to jail and making a last-minute turn toward good, he still got a happy ending.
So I’m super confused. What should I be feeling? Is there a correct way to view these characters? What do you think?
Bill at his core is the personification of denial. We see in the book that the harbours some regret and hatred for what he's done to the people around him but he refuses to try and take it to heart and use it as a point to grow from. I mean, look at what he did.
He killed his entire dimension and family and yet tries to deny it was anything bad and that in fact he liberated them. He manipulated and almost destroyed Ford and yet denies ruining the friendship they had. He tried to kill Dipper and Mabel and yet acts like it was nothing. Bill is unsympathetic. He's a narcissistic sociopath who doesn't wanna admit it.
The difference with Robbie and Gideon is that they changed and grew past their issues. Robbie tbh was more so being a literal teen drama story while Gideon was made that way through his exposure to Journal 2 and how that corrupted him. Once both found a new lease on life, they were able to grow and become better.
Bill is not that. He cannot accept that he's not fine and that he's the sole survivor of his kind and has pushed everyone he knew out of his life through his own actions. We've all probably dealt with people like Bill Cipher. Be it a person, co-worker, significant other, friend, family member, etc. We've all had that person who acts full of themselves and manipulatively but in reality is suffering. But because of how they act and their refusal to do anything, you start to lose any sympathy or interest in helping or being there and just let them go. Congrats...you just escaped a toxic relationship.
As someone who has dealt with Bill Ciphers in my life like many of us probably have, it's easy to feel sympathy for him. Bill make his case out as such that you wanna feel like he deserves better. But he's a trillion year old being that has been doing the same thing over and over again and refuses to make an effort to move on and let himself accept what he did to his dimension and to people around him like Ford.
Ford on the other hand realized that and cut Bill out of his life. He's doing better now because of that and has his family by his side. Ford is an example of how to move on from such toxic situations and people and find happiness in your life again after that. Bill is the example of what happens if you can't.
Life is short. We all will die one day. We all deserve to lead a life free of people like Bill Cipher in it. The best thing we can do is follow Ford and find the people in life that make us happy and let go of Bill.
So, to answer your question, NO!
I don't think Bill Cipher can be redeemed or seen in a sympathetic way. He tried to. But he's shown even in the Theraprism that he can't. He's doomed to live forever with the shit he's done. And it's his own fault.
Bill can say he's fine but in the end...he's not. And he never will be. There is no redemption for Bill Cipher.
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honeytonedhottie · 9 months
trusting and betting on urself⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🫧
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keep promises that u make to urself : just like how if u know someone who continuously makes promises to do something, yet they never act upon it, you won't trust that person or believe them if they promise u something else. this is also the same with urself. ur new years resolutions? ur goals that you've had for a while but never ever did? all those promises that you've made to yourself and the ones that you haven't followed up on will lessen trust with urself. do what u say you'll do. "stand on business" and if u know that u won't be able to deliver or do what u say you would, dont say it. dont tell urself promises that u won't be able to keep. once u start keeping ur own promises, you'll start to build trust within urself.
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hold yourself accountable : just a quick disclaimer but when i say holding urself accountable i do NOT mean punishing urself!! when u find urself falling into old and fruitless patterns you need to hold urself accountable and make sure that u straighten up. the thing about our relationship with self is that a relationship needs BOUNDARIES. you need to set boundaries with urself. what will u or what will u not do? ur non-negotiables?
and when u find urself crossing boundaries within yourself take the BIGGEST step back. the key to forming a healthy relationship with urself is to balance being strict and gentle with urself. strict in the sense that ur the only one that can get u to where u wanna be, and gentle in the sense that ur best won't look the same every single day and u should also listen to urself and what u want, without having to compromise on ur boundaries. kind of finding that middle line is important, bcuz when we're too lenient with ourselves, we get too comfortable and that leads me into my next point...
where growth begins : u cannot expect to grow if ur too comfortable and honestly, this is why most people stay stagnant. its bcuz being comfortable FEELS GOOD. but growth will almost never happen when ur comfortable, on the contrary growth can only happen outside of ur comfort zone. if u want better things for urself, ur simply gonna have to DO BETTER.
the importance of ur self concept : even if ur not familiar with or u dont practice conscious manifesting/law of assumption, i think that working on ur self concept can still be such a fruitful thing to do. i say this because self concept is the way that u view urself in relation to ur desires/goals. its seeing urself as worthy and powerful, and truly grasping ur potential to do great things. a way to start with ur self concept is with affirmations! start telling urself about urself in a positive connotation. you're unstoppable <3
putting it into practice : start small, challenge urself a little bit every day. do one hard thing a day, doing so will build ur confidence bcuz u won't be so daunted by ur big goals when you've already done so many hard things. when u see something challenging instead of thinking "oh i can't do this" you'll have confidence in urself and what u are capable of. oftentimes when we have goals, we kick ourselves out of rooms before we've even tried to get in them bcuz we think "im not good enough" or "im not worthy" which isnt true at ALL. dont shoot urself in the foot. thats self sabotage. and thats not hot.
motivating urself : if u remind urself of your "why" then you'll have reason to stay consistent and truly try. i recommend asking urself the tougher questions, like "what do i want out of my life?" or "am i truly happy and if not what can i do to get there?" once you've decided what u want out of life make a VISION BOARD and actively pursue your dreams. u can't actively pursue something if u dont know what it is. so i advise u to remind urself whenever u feel that u need it of your "why", your driving cause. having that motivation, and actively pursuing and keeping the promises that u make to urself -> will then build ur confidence in yourself to the point where your betting on urself bcuz u know that no matter what cards you are dealt, you'll prosper.
so just to wrap things up, an overview ; start keeping ur promises -> be strict -> get comfy being uncomfy -> say ur self concept affirmations -> apply -> remind
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meruz · 2 months
hi!! im sure ppl have asked this b4, but i scoured your asks tag for an hour or so looking to see if you answered anything abt it and couldnt find anything, so i was just wondering if youve made any posts on your process for making n selling merch b4? and how you know which franchises you can make merch for w/o getting into trouble w copyright n trademark stuff (hopefully that makes sense, im not sure,,,)
hi! got a bunch of asks abt merch stuff lately im gonna put it under a cut.
preface: i don't know if i'm the best person to ask about all this stuff because I'm doing merch on a strictly hobby basis LOL. I have a fulltime job which takes care of the bulk of my finances, I don't really make big quantities of anything and my main priority at cons is to just make enough money to see my friends in different cities at minimal expense. i pretty much always get a refund when i file my con taxes because my profit after all the deductions is like fucking..nothing.. lmao. So if you ultimately lose money following my advice don't blame me. OK NOW lets get into it
my process for making merch: when I have an event scheduled that I want to make merch for I start by brainstorming a bunch of stuff I wanna make. for mgscon this is what I wrote down in my sketchbook lol
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i made a legend to denote which ones are actually just reprints. it gets easier to plan out merch when you already have merch. out of the new merch ideas here i actually only made like 4 of them. and out of the reprints i only reprinted like three. i also came up with like 4-5 other merch ideas after writing out this list that i actually did do. LMAOO UM. my point here is that nothing rly goes as planned.
when i get a merch idea i start with thumbnails what i want it to look like (sometimes this is based off merch ive seen before so its very realized and sometimes its really vague bc im kind of pulling it out of my ass)
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then BEFORE i go into making the final art I research how I'm going to make the merch. whether its printing/constructing it myself or looking for a manufacturer. There's a lot of different places that you can get custom merch made, i used to go shopping around at local printing shops but nowadays it's really common to do it all online. For both these jet tags and the washi tape I did some of my own research into manufacturers and also asked friends for their contacts/referrals/recommendations etc. most manufacturers either have their specs/template publicly available or will give them to you when you ask. so once I've locked into a manu and gotten the specs I'll start designing the final art.
then it's sending it off and waiting! easier said than done.
i will say this process is a lot lengthier for some types of merch than others LOL. for prints... I've been doing prints for like a million years and I plan out almost none of it. I draw everything at print resolution so a week before I have a con scheduled I'll simply go through all the files I've accumulated since my last con, squeeze whatever drawings I want into standard print sizes lol (ie. 8.5x11, 11x17, 4x6 etc), and print them at a local shop. takes like a couple hours max.
how you know which franchises you can make merch for w/o getting into trouble w copyright n trademark stuff?
I mean. honestly I don't know. selling fanart is the kind of thing that IP holders kind of just let slide as long as they don't think they're losing a substantial amt of money on it. there ARE a couple franchises people avoid because they've been known to send IP lawyers after fanartists... disney is the big one and they're known for being pretty petty abt it... that's why you don't really see people selling fanart of the disney princesses at cons. ive heard pokemon will also crack down if your project seems to be making a lot of money lol, part of why i think a lot of pokemon fanzines operate on a charity basis. I do feel like the pokemon company has bigger fish to fry than someones artist alley table though so i wouldn't sweat it too much.
it's also generally considered impolite/bad taste to sell fanart of small franchises. webcomics and indie games especially if they only have like 1-2 devs who rely on the income that game makes.
I'm not a lawyer so you shouldn't consider this legal advice BUT I will say... I don't think you should let IP law stop you from selling fanart lol. especially if it's low quantities/not mass produced and you're not making crazy amts of money I think you kind of have a leg to stand on. Besides, most cases it seems like the worst you'll get is a cease and desist.
you Will notice that when people start turning their artist alley endeavors into a real business they'll generally ease up on selling fanart (the case most prominent in my mind is omocat lol). but i love fanart and thats why i will never make money and thats a promise [snake saluting gif]
SORRY IDK IF ANY OF THIS WAS HELPFUL. I've been doing merch and cons for a long time (10+ years lmao, you can find record of this on this very blog) and i think im kind of old fashioned about it. i recognize the artist alley/merch scene is a lot more demanding now than it used to be but start small at local low-risk events, online sales etc and work your way up and remember to have fun and itll be ok i believe this wholeheartedly.
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its literally just layers of acrylic like any other dinky charm. I'm sure pretty much any manu that does acrylic charms could do it but this specific charm/template i did order through a group order server. they're pretty well known! heres a link to their twitter
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@wheatormeat sorry for taking a full month to answer this... anyways. This is tricky because I've actually been changing up my sticker manu everytime LOL IDK if I've found one I actually love.
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these ones i ordered thru an alibaba manu because I was jumping on a friend's group order to save on shipping. it was ok. they arrived a liiiitle late and printed a lil dark but i think thats kind of my fault LOL I use dark colors i always need to lighten things before i get them printed and i think i just didnt lighten these enough. otherwise i rly love the quality!
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i realized i never posted these online and also this is not a good picture (the lighting in my living room sucks rn) but i printed these tmnt stickers thru stickerninja they feel really solid but they needed kind of a lot of space for the cutline. but their customer service was very nice and helpful!
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these ones i got printed at washimill and i was so impressed with how fine their cutline is... pricing and quality of the sticker itself is alright they feel a lil flimsy? idk. but i do like the printing. i kind of elected to go with them solely because i was already ordering washi tape. A LOT of my manufacturing decisions are made based on how much money i can save on shipping tbh.
and thats my sticker manu reviews dont forget to like comment subscribe idk if i have one im gonna stick with forever or anything im rly indecisive. ideally id like a manu based in the u.s...? because im based in the u.s. and international shipping is pricey. but idk if i keep ordering washi tape maybe ill keep using washimill. who knows...
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gowonders · 9 months
11:45 ♥ c.bg
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notes : helloooo >_> felt like writing a new years fic for the pure reason of me liking it more than christmas.. and i got a crazy idea while doing my makeup .. soo.. !!! DID I FORGET TO RELEASE THIS…??? maybe. so it is based around new years, im so so so so sorry!! its so late >_< hope you enjoy this ~
warnings : not proofread, english isn’t my first language, yes i did bsf➡️lover again kill me, perv!switch!gyu, kinda perv!sub!fem!reader, dubcon, mentions of alc, and oral (m. rec.), reader has a BAD oral fixation :3, lmk if i missed any baes~~
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beomgyu only had one new years wish. or.. resolution, he should say. to get you, his best friend to be his new years kiss. and he had a set plan, to get you to a party, and get you drunk enough to forget anything if you didn’t feel the same .. simple enough, right?
except, like anything that seems simple, it was the most fucking complicated thing ever.
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a couple of knocks are heard on the doorway as you fix your makeup up, you turn your head back and meet beomgyus gaze, a meek smile on your lips. “hey gyu, what’s up?” you ask, putting down your lip gloss vial. beomgyu huffs and shakes his head. “um? we have to go soon.. get dressed and finish your makeup, i only wanna be fashionably late.” he says with a chuckle. “okay, okay,” you respond with a giggle. “let me get changed…” you trail off as you put on lip gloss, it had a pretty glimmer which gave it a white tone, and of course, it drove your best friend crazy. because all he could think of was painting your pretty lips with his cum…
“beomgyu.” you cut through his thoughts, holding up some dresses. “can you help me pick one? i’ll be quick, i just seriously don’t know which one to wear.” you ask with a pout, tilting your head.
“uhhhhhhh” beomgyu says into the air.. both of the dresses were cute, and they’d look perfect on you.. but one was more revealing. one one hand, it’d be really easy to keep his eyes on you all night.. but on the other, people would be able to see you too… “that one.” he says, pointing towards the less revealing dress. he’d be able (hopefully) to see more some other day. “oh, yeah! that is cute!” you say with a smile, “let me get changed and we can go.”
a few minutes later, you’re walking out of your room, looking absolutely perfect. like.. beomgyu could die right. there. but luckily, he keeps his composure and stands up, looking you up and down. “you look really nice, yn.” he says with a grin. “um.. thank you gyu, you too?” you respond with a chuckle, tilting your head at your best friends sudden sentimental words.
with a sigh, beomgyu waves his hand and grabs his keys, waking towards the door. “let’s get going?”
and somehow, maybe 2 hours later, you’re wasted.
you only had a few drinks.. did you? at this point, you couldn’t keep track. your best friend kept handing them to you, and you just took them, because what kind of person turns down free drinks? maybe a smart person.. because at this point, you are feeling things worse than a buzz.
“beomgyu….” you slur out, titling your head as you look at the boy sitting next to you. “can you hand me that..” you say to the boy holding your purse in your lap, pointing at it. you had kindly asked beomgyu to hold your purse before you came, and thank god you did.. because who knows where your stuff would be without him? “yeah, for sure.” he says stiffly, handing you the bag.
his mind is going crazy. he pulls out his phone a few moments after giving you your stuff, and sees the time. 11:45. he only had around 20 minutes to try and get you to be his new years kiss.. or more.
and god.. the way you applied that pretty and shiny lip gloss right infront of him didn’t help. he wanted to kiss it off, and have it smeared all over his cock. you would look sooo pretty… big, round, glassy eyes looking up at him, your bruised knees visible from your short dress, his hands tangled in your hair. don’t even get him started, if only you gave him a chance.
“it’s 11:50…” you start, pouting. you take your can of.. whatever you were drinking at this point, who was keeping track, and holding it up to your lips. “another year, no kiss.” you say in a tone that, to beomgyu, sounds like you’re begging him for that kiss. you take a sip of the drink and hold it up, making a toast to yourself. “ah, no.. yn..” beomgyu says, pulling your can down. “if you want.. i could kiss you? i know we’re best friends but like.. you complain every single year.” he sighs, looking you in the eye. he had you right where he wanted, you were drunk, he could have you in his arms if he used the right words. “i just hate to see you so upset!” he says with somewhat fake pity.
“really? you’d do that for me, gyu?” you ask, your face almost lights up. “you’re so thoughtful.. shit, i’ll take it.” you say with a slurred chuckle, pulling out your phone once more to check the time. 11:59.
“well. um.” beomgyu starts with a chuckle. “yn, happy new years. you’re my closest friend, and i can’t wait to see what the new year brings, right? i think you’re really great so like-“ he says, somewhat rambling before you cut him off. “its 12.” you mumble, holding onto his shoulders and pulling him in, pressing your glossed lips to his.
finally, ohmygodohmygodohmygoddd- are all of beomgyus thoughts repeated as you kiss him, and soon enough, he tries and shoots his luck, swiping his tongue across your lip, and your lips part.. which just ends you guys making out for a little longer than some “new years kiss”…
as he pulls away for air, you’re still connected by a string of saliva, and his lips are smudged with your lip combo.. just like he wanted. you guys had already made out.. and you were in some isolated part of the house.. it wouldn’t be a crime to ask.. “yn, wanna give me head?” it was bold. really fucking bold. but you were drunk, you would not remember anything in the morning. “yeah, sure.” you mumble. “like.. right now…?” you ask, and he just nods.
“mkay.” you say under your breath, and your hands move to his belt, undoing it. the clinks echo throughout the empty room as he leans back on the armrest of the couch, his hair turning more disheveled than it was before. your fingers hook under the waistband of his briefs once you unzip his pants, and he shivers, leaning his head back.
“i’m gonna.. yeah.” you say, slipping off the fabric and watching his hard-on spring against his stomach, your mouth watering at the sight of his leaking, red tip. you press your thighs together and whine, wrapping your hand around the base of his length, starting to pump it. his cock was so pretty..?
you could barely contain yourself as you press a small kiss to his tip, a shaky breath fanning against it. “so pretty. love you.” you mutter before you lick up his precum and wrap your lips around his length.
beomgyu couldn’t believe his ears.. aren’t,,, drunk sayings,,, sober thoughts??? he didn’t want to harp on it much.. he was literally about to ruin you. and your pretty little face.. and that really distracted him as he laced his fingers through your hair, fisting it.
as you sped up, beomgyu started to push your head down to take all of his inches, making you choke slightly and tears well at your eyes… you could care less. the salty taste and the way it hit your throat had you going crazy, you had to press your thighs together to try and satiate some neediness, but you could still tell, with the way your whines and moans muffled against his cock, making the experience all the more better.
“n-ngh, yn, fuck!” he chokes out, hips snapping up against your face as he pushes your head all the way down. “f-feel so- good..!” he pants. sweat was beading at his forehead, and a sheen of it could be seen from his half open dress shirt.
and you were faring no better, because beomgyus taste alone had you going, eyes squeezing shut to hide the way they rolled back.. you couldn’t wait for him to just paint up your throat.. and he looked so pretty, eyes squinting and lips parted as he lets out heavy breaths and groans, his disheveled hair and shirt.. god you were going crazy.
your hands jerked off the parts you absolutely couldn’t reach, so with that, your mouth and the vibrations of your moans.. beomgyu was on edge.. he could cum. any second. and honestly.. so could you.
“g-gonna c- ah!!” beomgyu cries out, throwing his head back all the way against the arm rest, hips rolling up into your face, gripping your hair for dear life, needy moans leaving the boy until he stays in a hilt, shooting white ribbons of seeds into your throat, making your whine against him, and that shot off your climax, except you finished in your panties, ruining the flimsy fabric. he just tastes so good..
and you were about to get the whole.. ruined underwear.. somewhat taken care of.
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hyunsvngs · 7 months
content warning: masochist,gymrat(kinda),bf!hannie, sub!hanjisung, cockstepping, scratching (m. rec), hair pulling (m. rec), switch!reder, foot stuff (duh), dirty talk, degradation (m. rec), aftercare/ implied aftercare, safe word mentioned but not used
“Jisung, why do you wanna get so big? Are you a masochist?” You eyed him as you both walk to your shared apartment.
“A.. a masochist?” He stops dead in his tracks, which has you turning to face him two feet away. The tips of his ears are turning the prettiest shade of pink and his boba eyes are so wide, mouth slightly agape.
“You’ve put on quite the muscle since I first met you a few years ago,” you begin, images of Jisung walking into your college mathematics class looking considerably toned, but slightly thin. A small smile finds it’s way onto your face as you finish your sentence, “and every New Year’s Day I ask you what your resolution is, but the answer is always the same.. ‘I wanna get bigger’.”
He looks down at his physique and makes a unsatisfied face. “I just don’t think my physique looks that nice,” he begins walking and grabs your hand to lead you on the sidewalk. You almost think you didn’t hear him correctly when he whispered “and maybe being sore feels really good.”
And heard him correctly you did.
A week later, Jisung asks you a question you never thought you’d hear.
“Hypothetically? Are we sure this is a hypothetical question, Hannie?” One of your eyebrows is raised out of suspension while he plays with a loose sting hanging from the bottom of his grey sweatpants shorts. You walk over to his figure on the couch from your previous position in the kitchen and sit next to him. His body sinks towards your weight, his face vulnerable.
“I thought about what you said.. and it makes sense. 1000%. I enjoy feeling pain. I like how it feels when I’m done doing a set of exercises, and I especially love being sore the next day. I just- I wanna try it. Please.” Jisung shifts his body so that he’s facing you, almost frantically. Like he can sense you pulling away, even though he knows you wouldn’t leave him because of this..maybe you would find him weird. He doesn’t want that either though.
“Are we talking barefoot? Sneakers? Boots? High heels?” Your head tilts and you even look away a little to think about what he would want as the first step.
“H-huh?” There’s no longer a pit in the bottom on his stomach, just whispers of heat beginning to stir under his waistband. He’s beginning to fall apart at the seams and nothing has even happened yet.
You had already toe-d off your house shoes before he realized what’s going on. “You can’t seriously be hard already.. we just started talking about it!” You laugh and he covers his semi with both of his hands. “I-I’m sorry baby.. sorry.”
Without a word, you slapped his hands. He knew what you wanted.. his hands away and to not return until told otherwise. He’s gripping and unclenching the couch cushion with anticipation and desperation, head already a little numb. It’s always easy to spot when he gets floaty- his ears and neck (even upper chest) become splotchy with a dusty pink hue, and his hands are restless.
“Hannie, you look so pretty like this. Can you tell me the safe word?” You stroke his cheek and wait for his answer. The word is spoken softly, almost like he is too scared to speak any louder- terrified he may ruin the mood after he built the courage to ask you such a question. “Perfect baby, sit up a little for me.”
Jisung sits up slightly, allowing you to remove his loose black shirt. His heated, splotchy chest looks like a masterpiece paired with his tanned skin; it invites you to places kisses against the muscle. Your right hand flies to his waist and dig your fingertips into him. He jerks at the feeling of your lips and hand- he wants, NO.. needs more.
“Please hurt me, pleasepleasepl- AH!” His hips lift from the cushion as he feels your teeth nip harshly at the skin next to this left nipple, your hand following to scratch at his side.
“Jisungie.. shhhh. Let me play with your body.” You whisper against him. You place your right hand on top on his clothed cock, and the most sinful and beautiful moans are coming out of his mouth. As quickly as your hand appeared, it disappeared and he makes his disappointment known. You shoot him a glare to shut him up and he listens. He knows you mean business right now- you always do when it comes to his pleasure.
At his side, next cushion over, you lean back on both hands and lift your right leg. Bent at the knee, ankle loose and foot firm, you hover it over Jisung’s hips. He’s watching your every move with scrunched eyebrows and mouth unhinged. The ball of your foot begins to press down on his erection, not stopping even though gravity has done all its work. The force starts to push into his bladder but still no mind, he’s now staring at you like you put the damn stars in the sky and you’re drenched. You can feel your panties sticking and it won’t get better from here because you know he won’t want to stop any time soon.
“Hannie, does it feel good? Or do you not want it to feel good?” Even you’re breathless.. the view you have looks straight out of some cheap porno. His red and bitten-raw lips open, his cheeks flush and his eyes heavily lidded with lust, even his labored breathing.
“Need more. More pain. Please” Voice cracking on his last word, you get up as fast as you possibly can. This newfound confidence in yourself after seeing what you can do for your boyfriend has you reeling. Jisung lets out a yelp of surprise when you grab a fist full of his hair and begin to drag him off the couch and to the center of the living room.
“Take off your shorts and lay down. Now. And I didn’t tell you to touch yourself, did I?” He had grabbed his base over his shorts when you tugged on his hair. He feels so pathetic like this, he could totally get off on this but he doesn’t want it to end soon. He stripped himself of his shorts and laid down on the carpet floor, even the navy blue underwear making for a great view against his thick thighs- threads stretched taught against the muscle.
The second his whole body made contact with the floor, you raised your right leg again. Bent at the knee but with a firm ankle and firm foot, you dug your heel into his cock. Jisung took in a sharp breath and a few moments later, released a shaky one. “Oh fuuuuuuuck!” His eyes rolled into the back of his head.
You’re dripping, and you’re about to lose your mind seeing Jisung strung out on the carpet like this. You don’t even wanna blink because you’re afraid you might miss the sight like he could disappear.
“How about this, Hannie? You like this shit?” You scoff, “What a fucking painslut. Getting off to me stepping on your dick.” You moved your ankle back and forth to dig into his skin even more and you can hear the carpet being scratched at. He is trying his hardest to stay grounded so he can feel this bliss for as long as he can, but you go just deep enough and he’s done.
“I’m gonna cum! Gonna cum!” He’s breathing frantically.
“Just from this??? This is all it takes, Hannie? Just need me to step on you??” You put as much weight into your right foot as you can for a few seconds to help him reach his orgasm.
“Yes! Yesyesyesyes! I’m cumming! Gonna come so hard!” He’s babbling and you watch him break.
His fingertips are white from digging into the carpet and his body twitches as his underwear becomes soaked with fluid. His moans and gasps are so loud you don’t doubt there would be a complaint or two tomorrow. There’s so much cum, you question if that’s all it is and nothing else. His back is arched in the prettiest curve and his neck is on display as if saying ‘I still need more, please bite me’. He stopped breathing towards the back end of his orgasm as if to prolong it (asphyxiation is something you will bring up another time).
The aftershocks are still hitting him when you drop to your knees next to his head. He’s so dazed and spacey. You give him a quick kiss to his forehead and tell him you’ll be back in a second. You come back with a new pair of underwear and a towel to wipe him with. You help him change and sit him up.
“You doing okay baby? How’s your penis? Does it hurt too much?” You ask while giving him a scalp massage, trying to relieve what you caused earlier.
Jisung shakes his head and whispers “I feel so good right now. Can we lay down on the couch?” You both make it to the couch and you offer to make him some food and get beverages. Only after 10 minutes of cuddling, kissing, and ‘i love you’s ’,does he allow you to do that.
“I know the initial conversation we had about this was about a week ago, but if it wasn’t obvious… I really like your physique, Jisung.” You say as you place the plates of food on the coffee table. Your cheeks heat up at the confession, but all he can think about is your lips on his body. He shoots you a quick smirk and says “Yeah, totally wasn’t obvious.”
OMGoMG i know i said hard thot (or was it hot thot????idek) LMAOOO i got carried away sorry <3 also the end is rushed but i hope you enjoyed
Jjesus what
THIS BROKE MY BRIAN. i meant my brain but also
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"The force starts to push into his bladder but still no mind, he’s now staring at you like you put the damn stars in the sky and you’re drenched." holllly HOOOOOOLY THIS WAS SO GOOD. I WAS CHEERING MAKE HIM PEE MAKE HIM PEE MAKE HIM PEE!!
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“And when broken bodies are washed ashore, who am I to ask for more, more, more?”
Regulus welcomed September. A new year is borne from another reckoning. Another storm is weathered, another tempest yet to come. He’s happy to leave home behind. His forearm will sting for eternity but it’s a small price to pay. He knows no one can find out about this or his greater intention. His plan is set - leave nothing behind. His mother never cared for the spare. He has no friends, no allegiances. He has one thing though, undefined and unfinished, a weakness. Regulus is too selfish to leave it behind just yet.
“But you're breathing in my open mouth, you're the gun in my lips that will blow my brains out.”
Regulus can only watch. He watches James at breakfast, at Quidditch. Their friendship is tentative at best and forbidden at worst. He waits for only one thing - their Wednesday night rendezvous in the astronomy tower. He never asks for more than he is given. Regulus knows that he can’t show just how much this means to him - anything he treasures will inevitably be taken away. He can do this. He can long from afar. He survives his mother. He survives the misunderstanding of his brother. So he can do this. Loving James is never something that needs to be survived, it’s a lifeline, a tether.
“I wanna make you drive all night just because I said, "Maybe you should come over"”
“You could just leave?” James’ voice is quiet, hesitant even. Again, it’s Wednesday so they’re perched in the astronomy tower like owls. It makes Regulus laugh that this is the only time he feels free - when he’s trapped on a ledge, with the boy who risks his best friend just to be here. It makes Regulus almost happy to harbour the fleeting thought that he is important to James. “I’m not Sirius.” Regulus’ voice is firm, resolute. He knows his brother’s intention - always took the fall, always shouldered the blame, always sought to mark the path for Regulus behind him. What Sirius didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. This conversation always makes its way back around. “It’s not a crime to leave something so terrible behind.” Regulus wishes he could believe James - if only he knew that the terrible things still await.
“Wanna make you fall in love as hard as my poor parents' teenage daughter.”
Another Wednesday. A repeat ritual except it is different. “She’s amazing.” His voice is rich and passionate. “She’s kind and smart and intelligent and just so, so pretty…” James’ voice trails off as Regulus pats his back sympathetically. This is all Regulus will allow himself. He doesn’t have much to say. Regulus will not beg for a love he doesn’t deserve. In fact he wouldn’t ever ask for much more than just company. He knows James deserves to be loved - a love that is pure and untainted. Regulus knows that he is ruined, that something so distorted and ugly could never exist in the bubble of James’ life. He looks at the blush on James’ cheeks and thinks of the girl who causes it. Regulus knows if he begs like a dog, surely he deserves to be put down like one too.
“She'll be the best you ever had if you let her.”
Lily watches James, the vacant stare present in his eyes. Every Wednesday night he’d go missing until Remus finally relented. Every Wednesday he’d go to the tower, just like he did before Regulus had left. Every Wednesday he’d sit on the ledge and wait to hear footsteps behind him. He’d wait for Regulus to sit down next to him and smile - like really smile, not just his usual smirk. Lily would gently rub her hands over James’ shoulders before resting next to him. She was used to the sharp inhale and soft exhale of disappointment. In this moment, and only this moment, she couldn’t be what James wanted. She wonders just how much love James has to give, if he can love someone and grieve another at the same time.
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moonandris · 8 months
Omg, I actually did it! I finally joined a queer dating/friendship app!!! EEEEEEK!!! I'm sooooo nervous!!! I literally have almost no queer friends IRL so I don't have anyone to get excited with me!! 🥳
One of my New Year's resolutions for 2024 was to put myself out in the world more and try my best to be more social, meet new friends (as well as potentially find a partner), and explore all my passions, hobbies, and interests with like-minded people.
As a very shy bisexual woman, it's so hard to meet other queer people, especially when you live in a more conservative area. So when I joined a queer dating/friendship app I was was SO surprised to see how many other lesbian/bi women were located near me.
Also, for some reason I've always had this super toxic thought in my head that queer women wouldn't be attracted to me because of the fact that I'm S U P ER femme/girly and I think I look very 'straight' to the average person assessing me. Trust me when I say I was genuinely SHOCKED at the matches I was getting like??? Why did I think such terrible things about myself and my sexuality? I feel really silly for thinking that and I've realized that I have a lot of inner work to do regarding my sexuality and self-worth.
This is honestly such a new, exciting experience for me and was so healing for my mind and mental health to just be able to communicate and talk with other queer women. I know this isn't writing related but it's really not something I can share with other people or on my other social media (yet) so I knew I had to make this post bc I'm just SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited!!!
It honestly makes me wanna cry a little. It's a very emotional feeling and also feels so freeing to just BE MYSELF and not have to hide my queerness or be afraid that someone is going to find out I'm bisexual and act really awful/disgusted towards me, you know?
Regardless of whether I find a partner or make new friends and whatnot, I'm super proud of myself that I'm not denying this part of myself anymore. I'm exploring my sexuality with people who know what it's like to be queer in this crazy world we live in. It's a really awesome feeling. 💕💕💕💕
Anyways, if you've made it this far thank you so much for reading this silly lil post and wish me good luck! Happy New Year!! 🎊
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zairene · 11 months
* ˚ ✦ synopsis: you’ve perished and after being in a limitless abyss that seemed to have no end, you found yourself having a conversation with the underground’s grim reaper.
* ˚ ✦ genre: fic, 1k count !
* ˚ ✦ author’s note: this is honestly a really good prologue for a series.
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after becoming a victim of reality’s corrupt fate of death, you were surprisingly calm. were you satisfied when you died? obviously not. dying young meant leaving everyone and everything you had ever loved behind and it was definitely a hard pill to swallow. however, you just knew it was coming. you were free of the pain you were constantly having to endure when living, and now that it has stopped, you finally achieved a level of peace you haven’t experienced before.
you had been suffering from a terminal illness, when doctors immediately diagnosed you and relayed the news that you were slowly dying, you didn’t know how to feel. seeing the tears of your loved ones did not help your conflicted emotions, they were handling it worse than you and you were the one dying. so when it came to the day you were expected to die, you were just ready for life to take you away and put you in whatever situation that lay for you in the afterlife.
and here you are now, walking in this abyss-like place where nothing but the color black was in your vision. you didn’t know how long you were walking or where you were heading towards—hell you could’ve been walking in circles this entire time—but you didn’t feel any sort of fatigue or have any sense of time. being dead was a lot more dull than you assumed it to be. either way, you had no choice.
“well hello there.”
a deep smooth voice called from behind you. you turned around to see a figure with a tall and lanky physique, his bandaged hands held an enormous scythe. is he here to finish me off? that was your initial thought when you saw the being. he soon lifted his hoodie to reveal his face. his eyes were a piercing black to the point where a simple stare could make any regular person think he could see their soul. in this case, he probably could.
his wavy brown hair was layered, but his hair in the back reached the nape of his neck. even for being dead, it looked like he took care of it quite well, you were kinda impressed. his smile was oddly soothing, but you could tell there were many tales to be told behind it.
“are you just here to tell me i’m dead? i think i’m aware.” you said.
“no, no darling. actually, you’re not dead. not yet anyways.” he saunters closer to you. “this is the void.”
“the what?”
“the void.” he raises his hand that is holding his scythe and places it behind him to lean on. you are stunned by the fact that thing could handle his entire body weight. “a place between life and death where i make your journey into the afterlife somewhat easier, to put it into simpler terms, i guess.” he paused, taking a look at you. his expression changed. “you poor thing, you look awfully young. i take it you haven’t handled the news well, hm?”
“yeah, dying young wasn’t really a part of my resolutions for the new year but here i am. and i handled it just fine, thank you.” you were not about to have him treat you like some charity case similar to anybody else that has met their end here. he smirks. “sassy one, aren’t ya?”
“if being sassy means i won’t put up with pity, then i might be the sassiest of them all.” you retorted.
“point taken.” he puts his hands up in defense. “here, walk with me. unless you wanna be here forever, then be my guest.” he walks past you, and you follow shortly not interested in the idea of being lost for the rest of eternity.
“i’m your friendly neighborhood grim reaper, and yes, just like the forms of entertainment the humans like to indulge in.” he says disgustingly. you noticed his disdain for mortal activities but you weren’t bothered to ask.
“so you’re here to take my soul?”
“incorrect and that’s honestly boring. think of the opportunity that lies ahead of you as a second life.”
“a second life?” you were intrigued.
“yes. a better version of humanity, that’s what many have said at least.”
“oh really? what makes them say that?”
“my, you are filled with questions. as expected but i’m afraid i can’t answer them all as i am a very busy man.” you rolled your eyes. “however, you can refer to our consultant at the underground once our conversation here is finished.”
he held his finger up. “and before you ask, i’ll explain.” you closed your mouth since you were gonna ask another question.
“the underground is the place you go to once you’re officially dead—i feel that part was obvious but it’s part of the speech i give everyone—a wonderland filled with people who are also in your situation. dead and confused. some have resided there longer than others, so they know their way around the place, but for people like you,” he points at you. “it’s a redemption of sorts. to live your life eternally without the fear it may end due to unfathomable circumstances or stupid things like old age.”
“so you’re saying that i’m living life again but infinitely and with no consequences?”
“correct! you’re a natural.” he continues. “but this doesn’t exclude you from having responsibilities of course. we all have jobs here and you still have to play your part, alive or not. now, are you ready?”
“yeah, sure.” you weren’t. you were still very hesitant about the whole thing but you didn’t want to continue to bombard the guy with questions. “well then,” after those words a red portal appeared in front of the both of you. you looked at the man’s face and he gave you another smile. “welcome to the party.”
and before you could even comprehend what he told you, you were pushed into the portal, unaware of where it would take you specifically but you most certainly had an idea.
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revasserium · 1 year
also heavy breathing bc before i even opened the "keep reading" i was like. i hope pride and prejudice is on the list T______T and there she is ..... #1
i will kindly ask for osamu x pride and prejudice pls & thank u 🤲
pride and prejudice
osamu miya; 2,952 words; fluff, childhood friends to lovers, volleyball player!reader, fem!reader, general cuteness
summary: osamu has known you for longer than he can remember.
a/n: @starrysamu remmyyy thank u!!! and thank u for sending this prompt omfg i actually loved writing it so much u__u i hope u enjoy and yES ofc i couldn't leave miss p&p off this list!!! though the fic has nothing to do with the actual book LOL i hope you like it regardless <3
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you have known each other for longer than he can remember.
longer (osamu is convinced) than the summer days. longer (he is still convinced) than the winter nights. longer than the length of a volleyball court, than the glistening white lines that separate the game from everything else beyond it.
you’ve always been small, but you’d never let that stop you. and perhaps it’s this more than anything that grates at osamu’s consciousness — the sheer stubbornness of you. and he knows a thing or two about being stubborn — have you met his twin brother?
but no — you’d insisted, at the tiny, peculiar age of four, that you’d found volleyball first. as if it were something to discovered, like electricity or the new world. even though osamu knows better, knows that volleyball has always been there, just like he knows that atsumu will always try to steal the last popsicle in the freezer and that the sky will always turn blue again after even an entire week’s worth of rain.
“shorty’s can’t play volleyball, y’know,” he drawls, watching you with his head cocked, casually kicking his feet as they dangle from the edge of a low-rise bridge, the summer having reduced the usually hearty waterway to a trickling stream. you stand on the banks, panting, bruises like badges of honor blooming across your knees as you bounce a large ball along your forearms, over and over and over again.
osamu follows the trajectory with half-lidded eyes, his heartbeat ticking inside him like a time-bomb.
“says who?!” you demand, squeaking as the ball bonks off your head, making your eyes water.
osamu hums, caught between morbid amusement and a true, burgeoning curiosity as you dash off after the worn old volleyball.
“says… everyone, duh. tall people play volleyball… shortys…” he trails off, casting his eyes up at the first flickering stars as they wink into existence along the far horizon, “i dunno… shorty’s probably make ramen or riceballs or something like that.”
“samuuuu! it’s dinner time!” the clank of their old bike alerts osamu to his twin’s appearance, even as atsumu screeches to a halt the foot of the bridge, looking between osamu and you, now cradling the ball in your arms, your eyes bright and sharp as — yes, osamu thinks, bright as the evening stars.
“c’mon,” osamu says, hoisting himself up and jerking his head towards his brother.
“don’t wanna,” you say, stomping a foot as you turn resolutely away from him even as he rolls his tiny, four-year old eyes.
“don’t be stupid. kaa-chan made taimeshi —”
“oh! my favorite!”
osamu smirks as you bound up to meet them, his previous slights apparently long forgotten as you race off down the road, shouting over your shoulder that the last person there has to do the dishes. atsumu shrieks and nearly topples the bike chasing after you, leaving osamu to sigh and jog slowly after the two of you.
he wonders how long it’ll take before you outgrow this weird new obsession with volleyball. but then again, watching you play, it did seem like fun.
maybe, he’ll even give it a try one day.
you’ve got a solid 10 centimeters on him by the time he and atsumu make it to the starting lineup in their middle school team. by then, you’d already been the star for an entire season, what with your boundless energy and your painful determination.
he’s seen you at school games, but of course he has — streaking along the sides of the court, jumping high enough to convince half the stadium that gravity does indeed play favorites.
“anddd… inarizaki middle takes another stunning victory over the girls at shukugawa tech! that number 11 is really someone to watch!”
he meets you after the match with a cold pocari sweat and a bag of caramel candies.
“you’re dropping your elbows on your spikes again,” he says, even as atsumu smacks both his palms into yours in celebration.
you pause, wiping at your face with the towel dangling around your neck.
“shaddap! we won, didn’t we?”
osamu sighs, “guess you did.”
“so, when’s your first game?”
osamu sniffs as he tries to keep the blush from crawling too far up his neck as he looks away.
“tomorrow afternoon.”
atsumu jabs a thumb into his chest with a cheeky grin, “you gonna be there to watch us cream the other team?”
“course i will!” you say as you flash them a smile that has osamu wondering if, just like gravity, perhaps the sun plays favorites too.
the twins grow nearly a head and a half over one summer before high school and you’re inconsolable for weeks.
“it’s not fair!”
osamu sighs, fighting the urge to roll his eyes for the twelfth time that night as you smack another ball across the net and toss another for him to set.
ba-bam! thump thump thump.
“guys and girls grow different… it’s not like it’s a secret or anything —”
ba-bam! thump thump thump.
osamu catches the next ball you toss for him, straightening to shake his sweaty bangs from his eyes.
“you’re dropping your elbows again. and you’re pulling back too hard on your swing — you’re gonna throw out your shoulder if —”
“what’s it matter anyway?!”
your voice is loud enough to echo, even in the giant gymnasium, even with all the doors thrown open to let in the autumn breeze. osamu doesn’t miss your fingers curled into fists at your sides, he doesn’t miss the tremor in your voice like the first rumble of thunder before a summer storm.
“it matters cause if you injure yourself, you’re not gonna be able to play —”
“i — i haven’t grown since i was twelve years old! w-what’s it matter if i get hurt o-or if i can’t keep playing? it’s only a matter of time before i’m too short —”
“fine then. quit.”
your head jerks up, your eyes wide and watery as you stare at him. the ball falls out of your grip and bounces, listless, once, twice, three-four-five times against the waxed wooden floor before rolling to a stop against one of the padded net poles.
osamu shrugs, feeling suddenly too cold and too hot all at once as something he thinks might be anger roils in the depths of his stomach, and then all he wants to do is scream and run laps around the building till this inexplicable fire inside him goes out.
instead, he turns away from your piercing, accusatory gaze and starts picking up volleyballs, casually tossing them up and setting them back into the big blue ball bin.
“osamu… you giant fucking asshole!”
bomph-thwack — something smacks against the back of his head so hard his vision goes blurry. but before he has the strength to whip around and look for you, you’d already gone, racing out of the gym, leaving osamu utterly bewildered as he raises a hand to touch the bump already rising at the back of his head.
“ow… what the fuck was that?!”
later that night, when he recounts the tale to atsumu, who’d spent a solid fifteen minutes laughing at the fact that he’d gotten nailed in the head by a girl, atsumu had pinned him with a flatlined look and said —
“well, ya kinda did deserve it.”
to which osamu had responded by promptly shoving atsumu’s face into a pillow and holding it there.
you don’t quit volleyball, because of course you don’t. and osamu knows you well enough by now to know that you run on a combination of energy drinks and spite. but you don’t talk to him for weeks, and that sucks more than he quite has the words to explain.
so he doesn’t. and he doesn’t.
atsumu is the first one to notice, but then when kita-san finds him in the lockers one day to ask him what’s wrong, osamu thinks that it must be more serious than he’d thought.
he finds you practicing by the river, his footsteps slowing as he pauses to watch the shape of you silhouetted against the setting sun, the ball bouncing up in perfect rhythm as you bend at the knees and bop it back up, again and again and again.
he allows himself a smile as he makes his way over and plops down in the grass.
“your shoulders are getting tense again.”
you don’t answer, don’t even show any sign that you’d heard him, expect for the near imperceptible drop in your shoulders as you force them down the second before the ball makes contact with your outstretched arms.
the ball goes up and up and up again.
you don’t turn to look at him so osamu takes a deep breath and casts his eyes up at the darkening sky.
“it was a shit thing to say. i’m s —”
“we’re playing shiratorizawa this weekend.”
you both speak at the same time.
osamu jerks upright to stare at you.
“shiratorizawa? aren’t they in miyagi? what are they doing here?”
you bump the ball way up and fall a few steps back. he watches as you mark the ball with your eyes, the way your whole body goes fluid as you do your run-up, bending down, your entire being held perfectly still for a single second before you leap up into the air.
like this, he thinks, it really does look like you’re flying.
the ball comes straight at him, but this time, he’s ready for it. he jerks the side to avoid it and catches it as it threatens to bounce off towards the open road behind him.
“dunno… some kinda training camp or something,” you say, shrugging as you climb up the short incline to join him on the grass. you drop down next to him as he cradles the ball in his lap, eyes trained on his fingers as they dig into the worn grooves around the old ball.
“hm. their boys team is a pain in the ass to play against.”
you laugh, “their girls are just as bad.”
you turn towards him, “not gonna wish me good luck?”
osamu tosses the ball up to balance it on the tip of a single finger.
“why would i? ‘s not like you’re gonna need it anyway.”
you bump him with your shoulder before snatching the ball from his hand and jumping up to race off towards the road.
“mom’s makin’ gyoza tonight! last one there’s gotta do the dishes!”
osamu groans as he pushes himself up, but jogs after you all the same, wondering just how long of a head start he should give you before he races after you.
he shoves your head forward as he catches up to you, chuckling as you yelp.
“how bout if you win this weekend, i’ll come over and do the dishes for you for a whole week!”
you laugh, chasing after him, “and if we lose?”
osamu turns around, grinning as you narrow your eyes at his easy gait, even as he’s running backwards, still noticeably faster than you, “mah… i haven’t thought that far yet. i mean, ‘s not like you’re gonna lose, right?”
when they lose to karasuno, you’re crying way harder than anyone on their team.
atsumu huffs, scowling to keep his own tears at bay as you bawl into his chest, your other arm wrapped around osamu’s waist. osamu sighs, reaching up to pat you placidly on the back, even as something in his own chest coils tight, and then tighter.
“d-damnit — you guys p-played so well, too! th-that little number t-ten was — was such a freak!”
at this, osamu chuckles, pulling back to take you by the shoulders, “says our own tiny volleyball freak.”
you sniffle and wipe at your eyes, glaring defiantly up at him. and as he watches you hiccup, reaching up to wipe at your red, puffy cheeks, something inside him seems to snap all at once.
he tugs you forward and before he knows it, all he can feel are your rapid, uneven breaths — all he can taste is salt and the faint hint of your mint chapstick.
he hears atsumu make a half-disgusted, half-resigned sort of sound next to him but he doesn’t care. he kisses you till your breaths are no longer choppy, till he can feel your fingers digging into the sore tightness in his biceps. till someone clears their throat and he pulls back, breathless, to find aran staring at him with his arms crossed.
“team meeting in five,” aran says as he pointedly turns back around to usher the rest of the stunned team towards where their stuff is. several people from other schools are staring and whispering behind their hands but at a sharp glare from atsumu, they all scatter.
“feeling better?” osamu asks, unable to keep the lilting edge of a tease out of his voice as he pulls you with him into a deserted corner of the stadium. you blink up at him, your eyes a bit unfocused and still red from crying as you reach up to press your fingers to your lips. and then, you jolt back to life all at once and whack him on the arm.
“ow! w-what was that for?!”
“did you do that just to stop me crying?”
“wha — no! i — i did it cause — i — i don’t really know why — ow! stop hitting me!”
osamu grabs your arms and pins them to your side, pressing you up against the large pillar behind you, currently keeping the two of you hidden from view. he stares down at you, at the way your eyes are bright and sharp even in this relative, borrowed darkness, at the way your chest heaves up and down, up and down, stretching at the fabric of your very well-fitted sports top. he stares at the way your lips are still parted, and he hates the fact that he now knows exactly how they taste, knows just how soft they are, after having wondered for years and years and years.
he wonders how long he’s wanted to kiss you.
longer, he thinks, probably, than the summer days.
longer, he knows, than the winter nights.
“hm? oh. sorry…” he shakes his head and lets you go slowly, but he should’ve known you’d never let him off that easy. it’s just not who you are.
you narrow your eyes and he feels caught by your gaze.
“if you didn’t do it to stop me crying… then why’d you do it?”
osamu allows himself a deep sigh, taking half a step back, “ah… can’t a guy just kiss the girl he likes without being interrogated about it?”
you blink, and then, you reach out to whack him again.
“dumbass-samu… you’re gonna be late to your team meeting.”
osamu feels a strange mixture of pride and elation ballooning in his chest as he notices the way you’re blushing, the way you refuse to meet his eyes. he reaches down to ruffle your hair even as you yelp and try to swat him away.
“right, right — wait for me, yeah?”
you roll your eyes but you’re smiling as you say, “of course, idiot… where else would i be?”
“so tell me… why’d you really kiss me that time after the karasuno match?”
it’s winter, two years later, and osamu’s arm is slung casually around your shoulders as the rest of the team chatters and drinks and makes a mess in the corner of the bought-out restaurant for their first annual high school reunion.
osamu hums, nursing a half-finished glass of sake.
“mah… i guess i just wanted to make myself feel better after getting my ass whopped, y’know?”
you laugh and try to dig your elbow into his side but he clamps his arm around you and holds you close. outside, the snow is finally starting to slow.
“have you figured it out yet, then? what you’re gonna study in college?”
at this, osamu turns to cast you a sidelong look.
“you’re not mad that i’m quitting volleyball?”
you shrug, “why would i be mad? it’s not like you’re making me quit with you.”
this time, he shrugs, “well, tsumu was mad for like… a week.”
you roll your eyes, “yeah, and i’m so similar to your brother.”
osamu makes a noncommittal noise that once again prompts you to try and elbow him in the side.
“then you tell me… what do you think a former volleyball star should do after quitting, hm?”
you swirl your own drink around your glass, your cheeks dusted in pink as you consider for a moment. then, you smirk as you look back up at him with a wistful gaze.
“make ramen or riceballs or… something like that, right?”
osamu smiles, leaning down to gaze his lips along your cheek before reaching out to tip your head back to press you lips to his.
“y’know, that actually doesn’t sound like such a terrible idea.”
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2k celebration reqs still open! :)
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breakerwhiskey · 9 months
Please visit breakerwhiskey.com for more information or to send a message to Whiskey's radio. Breaker Whiskey is an Atypical Artists production created by Lauren Shippen. If you'd like to support the show, please visit patreon.com/breakerwhiskey.
Transcript under the cut. For more episodes, click here.
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(very drunk)
Harry, Harry, Harry. Harriet Harriet Elaine Stadtler.
Happy New Year! 1975. Who’d’ve thought, huh? Who would’ve thought we’d make it this far and who would’ve thought that we wouldn’t be ringing in this year together.
D’you know this is the first year in ten years that we haven’t spent New Year’s Eve together? I know, isn’t that crazy? But Don’s New Year’s party, we were always both at Don’s New Year’s party. We would both get drunk at Don’s New Year’s party. And stay up until truly absurd times—I guess I’m right back into that habit. It is currently…three AM looks like? On New Year’s day.
Don’t worry, I didn’t drink and drive—I didn’t have anything with me to drink on the beach, and I didn’t want to sleep in my car, so I drove back to Los Feliz and found a bar and then proceeded to drink nearly everything in it. Can’t ring in the new year without a toast.
I think you’d like this place. The…the Dresden. Plush booths and a piano. Your kind of spot. The kind of spot that I went on that date, uh, at, uh, the one with K.
You never liked her. Because of course you knew Sissy. Everyone knew Sissy—is that how I know Sissy? Did I meet her through you? Anyway, it doesn’t matter, because you and Sissy got along like a house on fire but apparently you hated K because when I told you I went out with her you were such an asshole about it.
I mean, you were an asshole about a lot of things, but that, that really pissed you off. I always thought it was because maybe you liked K. And I always hoped it was because—
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You wanna know what my real new year’s resolution is? To get over—to stop thinking about you. You take up so much space in my head, Harry, you always have. Pete used to make so much fun of me for it, because even when we were both doing jobs—when he and I were doing jobs—that you weren’t on, apparently, I would find ways to bring you up all the same. He thought I was fixated.
He was right. He was always right about everything. He was. I was fixated. I am fixated. And I’m so tired of it. I’m so tired of thinking about you when I’m not sure that you’ve thought about me in a whole year as much as I think about you in a single week.
Did that make sense? Is anything I’m making saying sense? Is anything I’m saying making sense? Sometimes you’d look at me like I was speaking a different language and I never could get you to really understand what I was trying to tell you when I said—
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Well, understand this. They say to begin your year the way you intend to con-continue on and this year, for the first time in a decade, I’m beginning the year without you.
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ardenrabbit · 6 months
A Long and Slow Recovery - are we past the halfway point? I am so excited to see how everything turns out. Did you do a lot of research to delve into Xie Lian’s experience with recovery? It’s very well written with regard to his mental and emotional struggles. Also , I just love how you write Hua Cheng and Xie Lian’s interactions.
Those Worthy of Following( new name change!) - I gushed about it in your comment section but need to emphasize how much I love that opening chapter with the dual between Hua Cheng and Xie Lian. And this dynamic, of Hua Cheng being the prince, and Xie Lian being the bodyguard, is A+++. Xie Lian is so calm and kind and powerful. He was so fierce about Hua Cheng not talking down about himself. Like,yes gege, please show your Hua Cheng how precious he is, haha. I ❤️ reading Xie Lian showing his protectiveness of Hua Cheng, even from the man himself. I’m also keen to see how Feng Xin and Mu Qing will take to Xie Lian in this verse too.
Is there anything else you can share about it that’s not spoilers? If not, that’s fine too!
Your writing is just delicious - a pleasure, something to savor and come back to again and again.
Thank you!
Omg thank you so much 💕😭💕 Your comments are always such a delight!! It's so validating and encouraging and I hope you know that!!
We are indeed past the halfway point in alasr! I honestly just kind of know what happens in a big blob with like half a dozen bullet points, so I don't have a final chapter count ready, but Chapter 20 is basically the start of the second half of the story. I originally thought the fic was gonna end at just about the New Year celebration, but it turns out his recovery is taking a lot longer than that, and his recovery isn't even the only one we're dealing with now, so I got ambitious. The premise also uh deserves a little more closure and resolution than that lol, so Arc 2 is gonna be a little higher stakes than we've had so far.
I'm so glad you're enjoying how I'm writing Xie Lian and his recovery! Haha I did research a variety of other conditions and disabilities and read accounts from people who have them, because that's just good research. Honestly, though, inspiration for the vast majority of Xie Lian's mental/emotional struggles have been sourced from firsthand experience :)
I'm mentally and physically disabled and have been my whole life, and I wasn't even diagnosed with anything (I was somehow just diagnosed with Teenager) until I hit rock bottom about it in adulthood. I've gotten to a better place with the mental stuff, but even though it's no longer an active threat to me, my bad days can still leave me nonverbal, disconnected from reality, and sometimes catatonic. The physical stuff has been getting worse over the years, and even though I can still walk independently with a cane when I leave the house (as long as I rest a lot), I still fall down just walking in my own home. I keep having to remember that my chronic pain and fatigue isn't normal, and I keep getting evidence that I'm worse than I thought. I've had to reorganize my life around all of it and I'm uh. Not taking it well lately lol.
So alasr is my self-therapy project. Xie Lian is going to get better and I'm not, and that still kind of pisses me off lol, but it's nice to vent and see someone else get a happy ending. So...yeah, at least writing alasr has helped distract me from my own pity party, and Xie Lian's anger, despair, guilt, and forced optimism are cathartic for me. It's not just about me, though; obviously I'm trying to stay in character for him and write in the context of his specific circumstances. But I guess I relate to sick fic stuff lol
Fully aware that that was a lot of oversharing 💜
But ANYWAY, AS FOR ✨ THOSE WORTHY OF FOLLOWING ✨ I'm so glad you're liking that one so far too!! I craaaaave protective badass Xie Lian and I needed a different brand of angst and drama from alasr for a while lol. I love writing violence tbh. I don't wanna spoil too much, but I definitely wanna confirm this:
TWOF is NOT a post-canon reincarnation fic. I'm personally not up for writing that kind of loss of all their canon experiences. And there are probably some really well-written takes on it! It's just not personally my speed. 😅 This one might seem like a post-canon reincarnation fic in the first couple chapters, but it'll make more sense soon.
It IS angst with a HAPPY ending, I promise!! What I'm planning right now gets really rather sad and it might seem hopeless at some point, but I promise, I'm confident in my plan to make it genuinely happy and fulfilling!
I'm exploring a trope about which I've had some general hangups, but I honestly enjoy taking tropes and tweaking them to my preferences. I think a lot of people can already guess what trope I'm talking about, which is fine with me! If it means the buildup and foreshadowing are working, I'm happy it fits!
What I'm panicking about with this wip is that I've convinced myself that I need to earn a doctorate in Tang Dynasty battle and siege tactics to write it credibly lmao. I spent three hours the other night researching ancient Chinese fire starters and the differences between Han and Tang era tea preparation (to little avail). This one is gonna take a lot of research for my own peace of mind but I hope it pays off!
Mu Qing and Feng Xin are gonna be okay!! Someone commented on ch2 that they liked that Mu Qing got hurt because they hate him and I'm like...I didn't think I'd framed that as a good thing..... 😅 That was something a Bad Guy did.......... 😅😅😅
Thank you so much for your kind comments and all of the fun engagement!! I'm truly so honored that you've enjoyed my writing so far! 💖💖💖
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requincouche · 8 months
Sometimes I wish that I could look cuter, more shaped and curvy, in the rear and the front. When I look at myself in the mirror, I just see stick and bones 😅. Though, probably it's more healthy for my body this way.
I'm not unhappy with who I am or what I look like, though we all have our wishes. My new year's resolutions are that I wanna be a little bit more healthy. I'll drink less wine, and I think that I'll stop drinking coffee too cus the latter seems to stain my teeth. On a more serious note, I noticed over the last few years that my acne started coming back. My shoulder skin started getting that weird inflamed feeling all the time. So in December I visited a derm to ask what my options were. Of course they recommend all kinds of cremes and antibiotics, which for me did not previously work. So I asked whether I could get another round of accutane and whether it'd be useful. It's a very annoying med because you need to get tested every few weeks to see if you're not experiencing too much side effects, but at least I know that it'll work. I agreed to it and I'll take it for its full duration. Well it kinda works out cus you can't drink alcohol when taking this med, anyway. I'll be fine of course, and I look forward to my skin looking less inflamed again
I love you, sorry I've been inactive. I'll queue up new pictures today ♥️🦈
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Type-40 (10th doctor x GN!Reader)
New year new fics, new fandom. Welcome to my doctor who brain rot! I'd say ,my new year's resolution is to post more but I wouldn't wanna get your hopes up. Either way I hope you enjoy this:)
Summery: The doctor gets a strange distress signal from a long dead planet in the middle of a long dead galaxy in gallifreyan.
Wordcount: 2.1k
Part 2
Series Masterpost
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Stuck. You were stuck on an isolated, uninhabited planet, in the middle of a long dead galaxy with a broken Tardis. Any other time you’d simply fix it like you’ve done a thousand times before but that wasn’t an option now. The central processing computer— the one that held the Tardis’s AI— was worse than shot. It was destroyed beyond recognition by the Dalek ships that chased you to this abandoned rock. Without the processor the Tardis was dead, worse, she was dying with no chance of repair. Without her AI she will slowly shut down until her final parts die. 
You did what you could to conserve power for as long as you could, sent out a distress signal and waited. And waited. And waited. 
You weren’t sure how long you waited for but by the time you reached the last of your Tardis’s power reserve even the chameleon circuit that had disguised it as a cave among the planet’s rocky terrain had shut down. You were left inside a gray column that was bigger on the inside. The lights on the control circuit have shut down and you stared at the final blinker still on. The last sign that your Tardis was still alive. 
“Come on old girl, you can do it. Just fight a little bit more” You tried to encourage, not that it would do anything. Before you crashed your Tardis had been alive, powered by such a strong, advanced AI that it might as well have been alive but since the crash, well, it was like she was brain dead in a hospital. Every other part of her slowly dying until there was nothing left.
When that final blinker went out you sat down, under the main control panel, mourning in a way. You’d traveled with this Tardis for 300 years, it had seen three bodies and had been with you for three lifetimes and now she was gone and with her your way off this planet. You would die soon too. You were sure of that right up until a strange noise came from outside. 
The planet you were on was uninhabited to the point of not being able to support life. It was a giant rock. 
Nothing made noise but the occasional earthquake or a solar flare from the nearby sun. 
Neither sounded like the sound coming from outside right now. It was a sort of whooshing though that wasn't quite right. It was much closer to a vworp than a whoosh. 
Deciding to find the cause of the noise before the Tardis’s air bubble vanished. 
You opened the door carefully and peered out. 
Outside on the once barren rock field you’d been stranded on for who knows how long stood a big blue box. A big blue box that read, “Police public call box” on it. A man came out of the box showing you a peak of the inside, it was bigger on the inside. It was a Tardis!
Without delay you opened the door and went out to meet your savior. 
“Oh thank the stars you’re here, I was beginning to think no one had gotten my message” You said and the man watched you with weary eyes. 
“How did you get that?” He asked. 
“How did you get that column, the one you came out of, how did you get it?” He asked, making sure to keep a distance between himself and you. 
“It’s mine. I was piloting it and then I got shot down and stranded here.” You said although the man didn’t seem to believe you. 
“How could you pilot a Tardis? That’s what it is by the way, a Tardis. Stands for—” 
“Time and relative dimension in space, yes I know. I’m a timelord just like you, although why your Tardis is stuck in the form of that dingy blue box I don’t know. It really should have camouflaged itself by now” You said, cutting him off. 
“Oi! I like that dingy blue box” He immediately defended and you raised your hands in surrender. 
“Alright, no need to get your panties in a twist. Although with your blue box and blue suit you do look a bit obsessive” You said, motioning to the blue suit the man wore. It wasn’t the same shade as his Tardis but it was close and his messy brown hair only served to make him look more obsessive— like some kind of mad blue scientist. Not that his skin was blue. It was a very nice pale beige. 
“I’m not— That’s not important, did you say you were a timelord?” He asked and you nodded. 
“Of course. Who else uses a Tardis?” You questioned. 
“But that’s, that’s not possible” He said and he began to pace. 
“That’s not possible” He repeated. 
“I’m sorry and why not? Are you here to help me or not?” You asked. You were beginning to lose your patience with this strange man. 
“Yes but I— I didn’t think— It’s not possible, that—” The man rambled. 
“You’re not making any sense, you haven’t even told me your name” You told the man and he almost seemed to snap out of his trance.
“Right! Of course, I’m the Doctor” He said, holding out his hand for you to shake and you did. 
“I’m Y/N” You said and he smiled. 
“Y/N, it’s good to meet you Y/N” He said then took out a sonic screwdriver and approached your Tardis. 
“You said this was your Tardis?” He asked and you nodded though he was standing in front of you scanning it so he couldn’t see. 
“It was destroyed by Daleks. I’ve been stranded here ever since” You explained. 
“And how long’s that been?” He asked. 
“I’m not sure” You answered. “Could have been days, could have been weeks. There isn’t much way to tell on this barren rock. No seasons changing, no sun setting, nothing” You explained. 
As you were talking the Doctor turned his attention away from your Tardis and onto you, using his sonic screwdriver to scan you and then carefully examine the readings. 
“You really are a Timelord” He said once he’d read through them, there was a sense of awe and something else in his voice. Guilt, it was terrible, terrible guilt. 
“Like I said” You replied cheekily, as if it was obvious. To you it was.  
“Now are you going to take me home or not?” You asked but the mention of home changed his face from one of joy to that of sorrow. 
“What’s that look for?” You asked. The man before you was making less and less sense the longer you spoke to him and a part of you wanted to just take his Tardis and leave.
“Home… Gallifrey…”
“Yes, Gallifrey, home of the Timelords, located in the constellation of Kasterborous in the seven systems,that Gallifrey” You said sarcastically. 
“Y/N, Gallifrey is gone. It has been for years” The Doctor said but you scoffed.
“Nonsense. I was just there, I couldn’t have been stuck here for more than a few weeks at most” You said but this time the doctor cut you off, putting both his hands on your shoulders in an attempt to steady you. 
“It’s gone. I’m sorry” He said and you wiggled your way out of his hold and away from him.
“No,” You said. 
You turned around and ran into the Doctor’s Tardis, already flicking at the controls when he came in after you. 
“Oi! What do you think you’re doing? That’s my Tardis” He said but you ignored him. 
“Hey!” He called out and pushed you away from the controls but it was too late and the Tardis took off through time and space. When the Doctor checked the monitor he saw where you’d set it to go. Gallifrey. 
“Y/N it won’t be there” He said. 
“You’re wrong. I don’t know what kind of sick joke this is but it isn’t funny. I don’t even know you” You told him and once you heard the Tardis’s vwooshing you rushed outside only to almost fall into the vacuum of space. 
You were sure you input the right coordinates so why weren’t you on your home planet. 
“Well your Tardis really is defective Doctor, it can’t even fly right” You said but the Doctor grabbed hold of you again. 
“Y/N, my Tardis is fine, these are the right coordinates” He said and you turned your head to take a quick look at the monitor. He was right. 
“I told you, Gallifrey’s gone” He said.
“That can’t— No that’s not possible” You turned back to look out the still open door. It was still empty space. 
“But that means…” You trailed off. 
“You were stuck for years. I’m sorry” He said and you slowly walked back to the monitor, pressing some buttons and bringing up the Tardis’s last location. The planet you were stranded on. 
It was a long dead planet in a long dead galaxy on the outskirts of space. 
“The time dilation. To me it felt like a few weeks at most but to the rest of the universe…”
“It was years” The doctor said, finishing your sentence. 
You turned to him, eyes glassy but no tears falling.
“What happened to them?” You said but the look on the Doctor’s face told you everything. 
“The Time War, we lost, didn’t we” You said and the Doctor nodded but you felt something, or more saw something. Turning to him your face morphed from sorrow to anger. 
“No, we didn’t lose. It wasn’t the Daleks who destroyed Gallifrey was it?” You asked, the Doctor’s guilt finally made sense. 
“Y/N” He tried to say but he couldn’t. 
“It was you wasn’t it?! I remember you now. You have a new face but I remember the Doctor! The warrior, the fighter, you destroyed them didn’t you? Didn’t you?” You yelled, pushing him against one of the antler-like pillars that surrounded the console. 
“You killed them all” You said and he didn’t deny it. 
“Yes. Yes I killed them, I destroyed Gallifrey” He admitted. He looked pathetic. Tears in his eyes and voice uneven. You could barely even stay mad at him with the sheer amount of guilt radiating off of him. 
“I had no choice. It was Gallifrey or the universe” He said. 
“And you destroyed my home. Our home.” You said solemnly.
“It was the only way to end it” He said, though he sounded more like he was trying to convince himself than you. 
You took a seat on the top step leading to the console and the doctor sat beside you. 
“Are there any others?” You asked but he shook his head. 
“I thought I was alone until I met you,” He said. “the last living timelord. A relic of a bygone era” 
“Where have you been? I mean this thing’s old but she obviously still works” You said. 
“All over the place, every planet in every galaxy, or I will be” He said and you chuckled. 
“You sound like an academy student” You said.
“I was one, a long time ago” He said.
The two of you just sat there for a while. Neither knowing what to say. 
You were the last of your kind in the place where your planet used to be. 
“You could come with me, you know. It’s always better to travel with someone” The doctor said and you turned to him. 
“You’ve just met me” You said, almost as if you were reminding him. 
“Well then let’s get to know each other!” He said, excitedly jumping up and running to the console. 
“Where have you always wanted to go? Let’s go there, talk, explore, travel partners, why not?” He said, he sounded like a little kid on his birthday. 
You stood up and slowly made your way to the console. 
“Before I was shot down I was on my way to Delphon to do some more research into their language structure” You said, your tone almost teasing the idea and the Doctor smiled. 
“I love it! Setting a course now” He said and began running around the console trying to do everything on his own. 
You came up beside him and flipped a switch, turning off the brakes. 
“You really shouldn’t leave your brakes on” You teased, flipping a few more switches and inputting a few things into the computer to help. 
“Where did you get this thing anyways? A type-40 like this should be in a museum” You mention and he smirked. 
“Stole it” He said and you were off. 
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