#Yeah I guess he could be a green lantern
everythingisok3000 · 8 months
It sucks that Will Smith's name is Will Smith because it sounds like some green lantern lore thing, like, The Willsmith, the one that makes the rings or something. But now it's the guy who was in Bright.
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emin-folly · 2 months
Imagine that there's this person whose whole thing is being without fear and the fandom decides he's afraid of a dude in a fursuit.
Fandom Logic (tm)
I think it comes down to primarily two reasons, one being because people think it's funny
They think it's funny that this character without fear can suddenly be afraid of this human Bat guy. If it was just a few people in the fandom doing this, it wouldn't be nearly as bad; people are after all allowed to do whatever they want, even if we don't like it. The problem lies in where the actual comic writers start adapting this as canon as it's a huge disservice to Hal's character
The second reason is just basically these people legitimately think Hal should be afraid of Bruce because he's ~The Batman~ (which, again, you're allowed to think that, just know that's not really in character for Hal....like at all)
The whole deal with Bruce is that, both in universe and in real life, he's designed to terrify low level criminals: thugs, crooks, any unsavory person who wanders the Gotham alleyways. That's the environment Bruce works the best in. Where he can easily slip into the shadows, where he can become the night and make himself out to be a monster he wants to be. The only people who should be afraid of Batman are the ordinary hoods and criminals that infest cities
But when you suddenly stick him in a brightly lit room like the Hall of Justice next to all these colorful superheroes, that's where his effectiveness pretty much stops. All his tactics and methods to scare people don't really work here. Suddenly, he's just some guy in a bat getup with a scowly mask on. And these are seasoned superheroes, they don't scare easily, especially the ones with powers like speedsters or Kryptonians. Bruce is out of his element. Everything he does to try to act scary should look comical and silly at best
And as for Hal, I think we can all agree that Hal has definitely seen some shit. He goes off into deep space, for months up to a year or so. Who knows what kind of unimaginable horrors he's had to deal with?? Going a bit into headcanon area, but I think that if Hal wasn't desensitized before, he definitely is now. He's not afraid of space Cthulhu and he is not gonna be afraid of a bat furry who furrows his eyebrows really hard. Hal isn't scared of anything--physical, that is. And I feel like Hal is definitely the kind of person who sees straight through Bruce's BS posturing, Bruce's whole act just doesn't work on Hal.
Unfortunately, just like a tornado, any character who comes close to a Bat gets dealt major damage and we're still picking up the pieces and trying to set things straight again OTL
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letoasai · 1 year
dp x dc Chronos part 2
Part 1  and Part 3 
The Justice League sat in the Watchtower, some of them at least. The meeting was meant to be a quick one, only certain members in attendance to make sure they were all on the same page after the debrief of the last mission. Not all of them were necessary and most were usually busy. 
Today Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash and Green Lantern were in the middle of wrapping things up when the alert sounded. The siren blared twice before the red lights in the corner of each room flashed in an emergency.
“What in the world…” Flash grumbled but was obviously the first to the controls to look for the problem. None of the main alarms had been triggered, none of the doors messed with. No unusual motion noted in parts of the station that were currently vacant. “Weird.” 
“What is it?” Batman was next beside him, arms crossed as he peered at the screen with narrowed eyes. 
“It’s the sensors.” Flash said. “We’re picking up some kind of  interference.” 
“Way up here? What kind?” Green Lantern asked, he’d moved to one of the wide windows of the viewing deck as if he would be able to see something approaching. As things were, there was nothing but the normal vastness of space with Earth to one side.
“No idea.” Flash said. “Never seen something like this before.” 
“Any idea on a location?” Superman asked, appearing by Green Lantern’s side. 
Flash just clucked his tongue, hitting buttons much faster than a normal person. It was almost an irritation that he had to wait for the computer to keep up with him. “I mean, there’s nothing exactly to track yet.” 
“An anomaly then.” Wonder Woman said, leaning back against the conference table they’d all just been sitting around. “Something natural?” 
“There’s nothing natural about this.” Batman said, tone skeptical as he gazed at the screens. 
“Gonna side with that bat on this one.” Flash said, “It’s more like a warning before anything happens. Something setting off the sensors but nothing else? Feels like it was on purpose.” 
Green Lantern rolled his eyes. “What, like something’s knocking before they make themselves known?” 
Before anyone could even offer their opinion on what they thought of something so ridiculous, a spark of green ripped through the air like lightning. Just as quickly it spread out into an obvious portal. Every member of the Justice League sprang into position, circling the phenomenon to block it in from every direction. Things like this shouldn’t have been possible, but it wasn’t the first time an intruder had gotten creative to get inside the Watchtower. 
Without any fanfare, a man stepped out. They presumed it was a man anyway. He was dressed in mostly shades of purple other than his leather boots and gloves. He was covered by a cloak and hood, but when he looked up, it was hard to say what about him was the most unsettling. The red eyes. The blue skin. The pendulum clock that set back into his chest so far that he could only be missing crucial organs. 
“Who are you?” Superman demanded, quickly trying to assess if there would be a fight or not. 
“How did you get here?” Batman said right after, gravel tone somehow more frightening because he was calm. 
The intruder just gestured with his thumb at the portal behind him. “Thought it was rather obvious.” 
“Your purpose?” Wonder Woman asked, looking relaxed but her body was tense and ready to react in a moments notice. 
“My purpose?” He chuckled quietly. In his hand was a staff they’d almost missed before, the top of it cradling a clock. It seemed to be a theme given the number of watches and clocks he wore. “I’ve come to call in a favor. The Justice League owes me several.” 
“We owe you? Ppfff. Yeah right. We don’t even know who you are.” Flash rolled his eyes.
The intruder turned to the Flash, his brow raised. “Speedster, with the amount of times you’ve dabbled in the time stream, you alone owe me your life a fair few times.” 
“Time, huh?” Green Lantern looked him over. There were a lot of clocks... “Guess that’s your schtick.” 
He chuckled again. “I go by many names, only one will be relevant to you today.” He turned his attention onto Wonder Woman who squared up under his gaze. If she was going to be his focus then she’d take him head on. 
“And?” She arched a brow at him. “What name may we call you?” 
He looked amused, red eyes filled with mirth. “You, Diana, may call me grandfather.” 
The room stilled, the others looking around in varying degrees of confusion while Wonder Woman just paled. 
“Chronos. God of time…” she muttered, making it very clear to the team what they were dealing with. A God. 
“I go by master of time these days, but yes. I am that Chronos. I have a task for you, Diana. One i do not think you will turn down but i’ll give you the illusion of choice.” Chronos said, the minute and hour hands on his staff moving strangely. 
“You’re a god, and you come to us for help?” Batman asked, unimpressed no matter the glowers he was being sent by the others. 
“You are the Justice League, aren’t you?” Chronos looked pleased. “Righting wrongs. Defending Earth. Justice is in the name and everything.” 
He didn’t talk like a god. He didn’t even talk as formally as Wonder Woman herself tended to occasionally. 
“Doing tasks for you is asking for trouble.” Wonder Woman muttered. She’d heard stories, so many stories. 
Chronos shrugged. “Time is messy. Keeping it in line is difficult. Especially when there are those who mess with it who should not.” He was not above verbally throwing speedsters under the bus.
“What do you want?” Green Lantern asked, obviously suspicious but paying very close attention. 
“Simple.” Chronos answered, still looking at his granddaughter. “You will take custody of your uncle for a time. He needs a safe place to rest and live.” 
The silence that followed was loud, no one knowing what to make of that. Wonder Woman herself looked puzzled. 
“Are you claiming a sibling of Zeus needs a babysitter?” 
Chronos hummed. “He is my son though he holds no biological relation to your father, i suppose.” 
“Then how is he her uncle?” Flash asked, with a hint of sass. 
“You can ask Batman how it works.” Chronos mused, saying all he would say on the matter but that was enough. 
Wonder Woman couldn’t fathom what kind of person her grandfather would see fit to adopt. “Are you going to tell me more?” 
“Telling you more would imply you were agreeing to the task.” 
She tsked. “None of your word games. I want to know what i could be walking into.” 
Chronos never once looked threatened or put out, he did however, appear to look a few years older than he had when he’d first appeared. “He recently needed to be removed from his home for his safety. He can easily visit me but staying with me long term at this time is not beneficial to him for health reasons.” 
Superman frowned. “Removed from his home? How old is he?” 
“Sixteen. If that is all you need to know, i will fetch him. It may take some time for him to regain consciousness.”  Chronos said. 
“He’s been hurt?” Batman was frowning at the thought, looking more and more unhappy as the conversation progressed. 
“I did say he was removed from his home.” Chronos said, almost flippantly as he stepped back into his glowing green portal. It remained open, everyone exchanging looks. 
“Diana, is this a good idea?” Superman asked, willing to accept her judgment. Greek gods were more her wheelhouse. 
“Chronos was a titan. Is a titan?” She frowned. “His power is immense for a being thought to be killed.” 
“Something about him is off.” Batman agreed. “He was not worried at all. That is someone aware they have the upper hand.” 
Wonder Woman just nodded her agreement. Chronos was the god of time. There was no telling what he knew. “I’ve never met him before.” 
“Hell of a time for family reunions.” Flash snarked, heading back to the controls to see what readings they could get on the floating portal. It was obvious each of them wanted to study it in their own way. Scans and samples were first on their minds but it was clearly some kind of magic they weren’t familiar with. 
It was almost a shame there wasn’t a single member from JLD currently in the Watchtower. They might have been able to provide answers. 
Before much of anything could be done, Chronos returned, somehow looking several years younger than when he first appeared. In his arms was a lanky teen, cradled carefully as if he were fragile. He was equally a sight that left the League speechless. He wasn’t blue, in fact he looked more or less human other that the freckles that shined. 
Superman was the one to immediately note they were constellation patterned. 
His hair was a stark white that wisped and flowed as if he were under water. His clothes were strange, a detailed variation of an old hazmat suit, all done in black and white. Floating above his head was a crown that didn’t seem to know if it wanted to be on fire or covered in ice. It bobbed back and forth and even did a slow flip in the air but never left the area about the boy’s head. 
When no one uttered a word, Chronos took that as permission to begin the introductions. “Diana, this is your uncle. Danny Phantom. Son of the Stars. The Personification of Balance. The Ghost King. High King of the Infinite Realm.” 
“He’s a king?” Batman frowned. “He’s a boy.” 
“He could be both, Bats. He’s got a crown.” Flash chuckled softly. 
Chronos shared his amusement. “I did say he was only sixteen.” The god paused for a moment as the teen twisted in his arms, his face pressed against Chronos’ shoulder and a hand lightly pressed against the door of the clock embedded into the man’s chest. 
The fact that, even asleep, the boy was comfortable in the gods arms didn’t go unnoticed. 
“Is he injured?” Wonder Woman asked. They’d gone over this already but he didn’t look actively wounded. He seemed to be sleeping only. 
Chronos grunted once. “One form heals faster than the other. He needs rest, ambient ectoplasm which he knows how to get on his own, and food. He can answer your questions if he feels like it.” 
“If he feels like it?” Green Lantern frowned. 
“He’s the King.” Chronos’ lips twitched in amusement again. “If he decides to tell you more, or seek help, that is his decision.” 
“Seek help?” Batman’s eyes were narrowed. “Seek help for what?” 
Chronos approached and shifted the teenager into Wonder Woman’s arms. His crown shifted back and forth but never left the teen. The grip he had on the god wasn’t noticed until he tried to pull away and Chronos needed to carefully extract the boy’s hand. 
Ignoring Batman, he pressed on. “He’ll need to follow up with his doctor by the end of the week. He’ll know how to do that. If he doesn’t, his doctor will come to him. That should be incentive enough.” 
“Does he know you’re dropping him off here?” Superman asked, brows knitted together in concern. The heroes had been expecting a fight, not to be handed a royal teen. 
“He has a fondness for for space, so you might want to let him wake up here.” Chronos said instead, ignoring that question too. He was growing older again, a short, white beard starting to form.
“How long will he need to be in my care?” Wonder Woman asked, noting the boy weighed very little in her arms. In sleep his features were soft, hopefully he was as sweet as he looked. 
“Good luck.” Chronos said, staff reappearing in his hand now, turning back to the portal without giving her an answer. 
“Hey! Wait!” Flash yelled but for once, he was too slow, the god and the portal disappeared. 
Five members of the Justice League just stood in a mild stupor, their attention shifting to the sleeping teen. 
“Well…” Superman muttered. 
Wonder Woman looked at the boy, floating hair and crown moving in tandem. “I’ll set him down. We’ll see if he can answer any of our questions when he wakes up.” 
“You gonna call him Uncle Danny?” Flash asked, not bothering to hide his smile. 
Wonder Woman just ignored him and turned to stride off towards the med-station. -------------------------
------------------------- No idea at all if i’ll continue this. If anyone else wants too, go for it. ^_^
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donutz · 2 months
sebastian with a reader who gives him a ton of resources and asks if they can buy a kiss from him O-O
Buying a kiss from Sebastian
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You aren't that delusional right?
— A big ol smooch. Mwah. Delicious fishy skin oh so yummy.
Warning: Shy reader, but not the stereotypical 'Y/N'; Stutters, I'm sorry I'll try to make it realistic; THIS IS NOT A BIG DADDY AND SHY Y/N TROPE.; Sorry I just wanted to warn you; I don't use Y/N anyways, I use Reader as if there's a difference😎; There's no kiss on the lips☹️; Buttt there's a teasing Sebastian; 'Bad' words; Non-human reader, they just have the ear fins; They have green-like skin with four yellow eyes! Two fakes ones underneath their original ones; They also can disguise as a human
After dying over and over again, you became acquainted with Sebastian. You saw him in the shop and even saw him when you were dead. You’re not sure on how the dying thing works but…
It doesn’t really matter as long as you get to see Sebastian.
You’ve gained feelings for him, even though he isn’t very.. Human. His little insults can be annoying but I guess it’s um. Reasonable? Yeah that’s something you don’t enjoy all that much.
But his voice and his tone is something that you like. You may have a strange taste but who doesn’t like a 10 ft tall man that has aquatic features?
… Probably every other normal person…
But some mermen can be attractive! You feel like a little kid crushing on cartoons.
Sebastian seems very closed off and distant from humans. Maybe because humans are the reason he’s this way?
That’s understandable.
I don’t think I would like humans at all if I looked like that either. It’s not like he’s ugly it’s just… It seems like he was human before being that way.
Maybe since he doesn’t seem okay with other forms of affection— You could get him a gift! It’s unexpected, can be taken as platonic, and a way to get closer to somebody! Perfect!
Though what should you get him?
You don’t know any of his likes, favorites, nothing really.
But he has a shop!
You could uhh. Give him some items for his shop!
And then…
Ask for a kiss!
… Is that too forward? Well he might like you back!
He might… Like you back..
He doesn’t really give many hints on his feelings towards love. Especially towards you, minus the lessened amounts of insults he throws at you.
Oh that could be a hint! He stutters sometimes too! But he did that before he truly knew you… 
Ugh, too many ellipses.
Oh sorry I didn’t mean to break the 4th wall.
Agh hem.
As the loop starts again, you decided that the gift could be items. Items to give so he can hold it for his shop. Then a smooch!
A smooch?
Yeah a kiss. Totally. He’ll definitely give you a kiss with those… Rubber… Lips…
Okay maybe a kiss on the hand can suffice.
Exiting the submarine you prepare to give Sebastian a ton of items in return for a kiss!
Are you really that delusional?
You end up finding flash beacons, flashlights, medkits— Actually maybe you should keep that one.
Y’know, just incase a good pers—
… Mmm…
Just in case good people pops up.
Hate that thing.
Oh wow a lantern.
When it comes to the monsters and just being in this place in general, it’s like your whole personality switches. 
When it comes to Sebastian you’ll be all shy. But when it comes to just Urbanshade, its creatures, and Hadal Blacksite… You’re more mad and irritated.
Sometimes you even say bad words at the creatures.
Saying bad words even though you’re a grown adult.
When people infantilize shy characters?
You get pretty close to door fifty, having many helpful sources to give to that— man…
You hear an expected voice..(Oh how spooky)
“Hey. Come here”.
You look at an invisible camera pulling off that— Roblox man face or something- I don’t– I don’t know.
Speed walking over there in excitement, you hold a smile on your face. Your beautiful smile lines showing.
Damn, you really like him huh?
You crawl through the vents waiting with anticipation. Possible praise? Or even a smile?
You can’t wait.
Reaching the end of the vent, you immediately look up, bumping your head. It’s a good thing you have that head gear. You might’ve gotten a traumatic brain injury and five dollars.
… What.
A- Anways, you rub your head looking down.
“Oh damn. Well based on that head bump I already know who it is. Hello my favorite prisoner”.
“Hey Sebastian, yeah you’re so funny. Making fun of my h- head bump. Die”.
“Hey buddy I was justt messing arounddd”.
“M-hm- Mhm.” You let out pained noises. Getting out from the vent, you stretch out your limbs. Hearing a few pops
“Eww… Yuck, I hate those sounds.” Sebastian commented.
“Yeah they’re kinda weird about humans”.
“They suree areee”…
After a few seconds of silence, Sebastian speaks up.
“Soo, you gonna buy anything”?
“W- Well maybe, I– shiver, I actually have some gi- gifts for you.” Clearing your throat you physically cringe at the stuttering. It makes you seem.. I don’t know.. Fanfic material or something.
“Yea! Gifts.. T- To show you my um… G- Gratitude for- sigh, for giving me those items”.
He chuckled, “It’s not like I give you them for free or anything”.
“Yeah but sometimes you give me discounts”.
“Oh yeah huh”?
“So I— I wanted to give these to you, S- Sebastian”..
“You’re very stuttery today aren’t you”?
You look up at him while getting the things out of your bag.
You let out a shivery laugh, “Y- Yeah, I’ve never really um.. Given someone gifts before a- and it’s.. Spooky– down here”.
Sebastian could tell that was an excuse.
I know that was an excuse, it’s obvious you’re this way because of your little crush or something.
You hand Sebastian the items, his two claws engulfing yours. You wish these stupidly thick gloves were off your hands so you could actually feel his claws.
“And shaky”.
“Oh! Um”..
“You sure you’re okay?” He asks with concern. Putting away the items, he’s not sure why he even asked.
“Yeah I’m okay! It’s just um. Th- Those aren’t f- free.” Even with the small amount of built confidence, you were still very nervous.
“Oh of course they’re not. What is it? Do I have to give you some data or something? If you’re asking for cash then–”
“N- No”!
He’s surprised by the sudden and yippy-like voice.
“I uh, I don’t want data or cash”.
“... So, what do you want”?
“A. A uhm. Uh”.
“C’mon spit it out already”!
“A kiss!! Yeah a small kiss or something”..
Oh yes I love awkward moments, what about you?
“A kiss?” Sebastian repeats.
You nod, not even being able to speak right now. You’re looking at the ground with hands together and thumbs rubbing against the hard leather. If you weren’t sweating you definitely would be now.
“Y’know it would’ve made more sense if you said that before giving me the items”?
“Sebastian I’m serious”!
“Okay okay, yes you can have your kiss”.
You look up quickly, a quiet crack in your neck from turning it so fast.
You may think that you’re blushy and flustered one right now. Well that’s correct, if you can even blush.
Buttt you’re not the only one with a rapidly beating heart.
Sebastian’s trying to hide it, to not seem all vulnerable in front of somebody. Not just a human. Showing that you’re vulnerable is a sign of, I guess.. Weakness.
“But how can you even kiss me with that diving helmet”?
Oh yeah you forgot about that.
“O- Oh, yeah uhm- let me take care of that”.
That sentence peaks his interest, if you were to take that off then he’s sure your head would pop.
“W- Wait I was just joking—!” He reaches out to you to stop you, putting his right claw over your head gear.
Even though you’d be just fine with the pressure, you were shocked he even stopped you.
“Oh uhm. Sebastian. I’m not fully human, I can handle the pressure with or without the gear”.
His face scrunches with confusion and shock, stunned. 
You take off the head gear, but don’t worry, you’ve managed to disable that explosion thing. Just temporarily, they haven’t noticed yet.
You hold your gear in your hand, looking up at Sebastian.
You smile, showing off your yellowish, blueish teeth. Your ear fins sway slightly, up and down.
“Yeah I’m not really uhh, human. Fully anyways.” You set your gear on the ground—
“A- And I’ve taken care of that blowing up device. S- So don’t worry”.
God he reallyyy hopes that nobody walks in right now.
“Th- They can’t hear me either so, I’ll be fine temporarily. I’ll soon have to turn it all back on so they don’t suspect anything”.
He thought you were kinda dumb to add onto your shy personality.
That’s um.
You can feel his stare on you. It’s not very uhh, it’s not a good feeling.
You look back up at him, putting a hand over your forehead as if it were a visor.
“Do I not look good or-”
“N- No! That’s not why I’m staring. It’s just.. Surprising. I couldn’t really get any hints on how you weren’t a human”.
“Ah, well that was on purpose actually. I- I’m not sure if you really do scents but– I gave myself a more human scent and covered up the dark green skin with a more human one”.
Woww, yes you’re sooo smart.
He keeps on staring at you.
“Anyways, what about that uhm.. That kiss..?” You mentally cheer at the least amount of stutters in the much bolder question.
“O- Oh yes”!
Oo! A stutter!
“Well I doubt you would kiss me on the lips”.
“O- Oh I don’t m- mind— Ughh, I don’t mind kissing you anywhere really. Just a kiss itself is fine”!
“Oh really?” He teased.
“Y- Yes.” You whisper.
“Well, how about a kiss to the palm, yeah? Not too forward and nearly just the right amount of romance”.
“Yeah that’s fine”!!
Your somewhat wobbly legs move over to Sebastian. He slightly moves his right claw to your face, casting a shadow over your head because of how big it is.
You grab both sides of his hand and lean over to his palm, giving it a quick—
To the palm. Even after the kiss you still stay there for a few seconds, before backing away with your hands behind your back.
You hurriedly put your head gear back on before quickly stuttering out—
“T- Thank you f- for the k- kiss! I enjoy- gulp, enjoyed it”!
Rushing out of the shop, you let out a huge breath.
As if this was some show, the camera would pan to Sebastian’s scrunched up face, his lip(?) quivering. He’s happy that he’s cold blooded, or else he’d be blushing very, very hard right now.
He holds up that same palm, and puts it to his lips(??).
Letting out a shaky breath.
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Guys guess how much words..
1773!!! I'm so good at um. Long fanfics yeah😛😛
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berryz-writes · 3 months
You're mine, sweetheart
Summary: Theo cheers you up after a shit day
Theodore Nott x reader
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Pansy looked me up and down, hate simmering in her eyes. She scoffed "Don't tell me that's what your wearing. You look like an absolute slag"
After being best friends with her for our first few years and realising how toxic she really was I had tried to keep my distance from her but she didn't get the hint and instead liked to comment on each and every thing I did. Of course the comments hurt me but maybe after the years they just didn't hurt as much. Maybe I was immune now. The dress I had chosen for this nights party was a short green dress, something to celebrate our Quidditch win but of course the dress didn't live up to her expectations. What was really annoying was she wore a similar dress just a few weeks back but according to her I was the one who looked like a slag.
"I think it looks nice Pansy"
I turned to my mirror and applied a light pink lip gloss that was almost finished because of the amount of times I had used it. I couldn't be bothered arguing with her tonight. I wasn't about to let her ruin my mood.
"I bet you tried finding the shortest dress in that store"
I rolled my eyes "What are you on about?" I was getting tired of her stupid, annoying comments.
"You know exactly what I'm on about. Don't think Theo's gonna fuck you after this, honey. Your just like all the other desperate bitches at the party"
I gritted my teeth together and put my lip gloss down trying to appear as unaffected as I could. "Fuck off. Jealousy isn't a good look on you"
I walked past her, tears forming in my eyes. Before I could leave she made sure to mutter "Once a whore, always a whore". I let my feet carry me outside to the warm summer evening where the sun was setting. I walked around the lake trying to blink away the tears so my makeup wouldn't be ruined. Was there any point of going to the party? No, probably not.
I sat down on hill, the freshly mowed grass making a soft carpet for me to relax on. Me and Theo had sat hear many times before whether it was to have a late night snack or to miss lessons. It was a comforting place.
I sat there until the sun set and soon it got darker. Almost too dark. My thoughts had cleared now. My tears no longer trying to make an appearance. Maybe I could join the party. Just because one person was being an ass didn't mean everyone else would be.
As I was contemplating on whether I should stand up or not someone cleared their throat behind me. I raised my wand instantly expecting...well something scary I guess.
It was in fact Theo holding a small golden lantern. I didn't bother standing up and instead waited for him to flop down next to me.
"My favourite person isn't going to congratulate me on my performance today?" He placed the lantern between us so we were both bathed in a warm orange light. I could just about make him out, his features looking almost worried.
"You were good." I said. I didn't have the social battery to talk to him right now even if he had done nothing wrong.
He smiled at me "I know. What's up with you? Your usually dragging me to parties but instead your...well from my point of view it looks like your mourning your rabbit"
I let out a small laugh. Even at times like these he could make me laugh. "I just don't understand. Why is it so hard for some people to be nice?"
Theo shrugged "They're probably insecure. Or jealous."
"Yeah. Probably"
We sat in silence for another few minutes before Theo stood up stretching out his hand to me "Come on, sweetheart. Your the life of the party. It's no fun without you"
I stood up and handed him the lantern instead "You can be the life of the party tonight. I'm tired"
"Don't let someone ruin what you want to do. Y/n you love parties. You've never missed one. Unless you really are tired, I'll respect your decision and walk with you to your room"
I contemplated my options. I could do what I really wanted to do which was go to the party and enjoy life with my friends or I could get cosy in my bed and feel like a coward for the next week. He was right. No one got to influence what I wanted to do.
"Your playing truth or drink with me then"
He grinned at me "Whatever you want, sweetheart"
As we walked back inside the castle from a more hidden entrance Theo made sure to hold my hand because apparently he "didn't want me to trip and get hurt". Whatever the reason was it didn't stop butterflies from forming in my stomach.
I had to blink at the sudden brightness of the corridors, the light finally letting me see Theo clearly. He had dropped my hand and instead was surveying me.
Theo's eyes took their time on inspecting my outfit, hungrily devouring the way the dress emphasised my curves. He finally brought his gaze up to look at me, his eyes slightly darker than usual "You look absolutely divine"
I smiled at the compliment "If you weren't my best friend, I'd say you were flirting with me"
He raised an eyebrow "Maybe I am. It's quite hard not to when my best friend is so fucking gorgeous" My cheeks heated at his words, my dress feeling a little too tight all of a sudden. I think I needed to sit down after that.
He extended his arm so I could wrap my hand around it. "I can't wait to tell everyone we're dating"
I paused. What did he say? "If that's ok with you" He added hastily.
I thought about what he said. Had I always imagined what it would be like if Theo asked me out and we weren't just best friends anymore? Of course I did. Every single second of every single day.
"That's fine with me"
He smiled again, a small dimple appearing in his left cheek "Then it's settled. Your mine, sweetheart. And I'm yours" 
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thevoidstaredback · 5 months
The plan was set and the game had begun.
There was a meeting on the Watchtower exactly three days after the Bat Clan had decided to mess with the Justice League, so that's when they planned to set everything in motion.
Robin couldn't be at the meeting because it fell during school hours, so Nightwing had come to the meeting with Batman. He'd already had the day off, so it wasn't too much of a hasel. Red Hood and Red Robin had both wanted to come, but they also had civilian duties to take care of.
When the meeting was over, the 'main leaguers', as many others had dubbed them, stayed behind as they always did. Normally, it was just so they all could catch up, sometimes to arrange another meeting, or even to discuss more sensitive topics.
This time, when everyone but Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, The Flash, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Cyborg, and Nightwing had left the room, Nightwing threw his arm across Batman's shoulders and said "You all should come to the Cave!"
All conversation stopped as everyone turned to look at the black and blue clad vigilante. For a long moment, no one spoke or moved. Then, Batman nodded.
"Perfect!" Nightwing's smile got even bigger.
"Um," Superman, the sweet midwesterner, flicked his eyes over to Batman's face before looking at Nightwing. "Are you sure? Bat's has never let any of us into Gotham, let alone the Bat Cave."
Nightwing winked at the hero, his domino mask not hiding it, "Yeah, well, me and the others managed to wear him down. Besides, we've all wanted to give you guys a tour! We've been to all your secret hideouts, so we figured it's about time you saw ours!"
"I'm sorry," Green Lantern raised his hand slightly, "'Others'?"
Nightwing blinked, his smile dropping. Batman straightened up. "Did you-" Nightwing cut himself off, "You do know how many of us there are in Gotham, right?"
The heroes all looked at one another. Sure, they'd heard that there was two, maybe three, working with Batman, but nothing had ever been confirmed aside from Robin working with Batman and Nightwing working in Bludhaven.
Batman fought very hard to keep a smirk off his face. Nightwing didn't even try to hide his amusement.
Wonder Woman was the one to ask, "There are rumors, but I can't say any of us know exactly how many heroes work within Gotham City limits."
Nightwing and Batman shared a glance. This added so much more to their game. They had to tell the others! This was already so much fun, but it was about to get so much better!
"Then, I guess you all have no choice but to come to the Cave with us so you can meet everyone!" Nightwing exclaimed.
The eight heroes shared looks with one another before looking back at Batman and Nightwing. Their choice was obvious to the two Bats before the group had even decided.
"Alright," Aquaman said, "When would you like us to stop by?"
Right on script. Batman said, "Meet here tomorrow at fifteen-hundred New Jersey time. We'll be here to bring you down to the Cave." Then, he left, Nightwing trailing behind him.
"Cool," Flash nodded, "Cool, cool. Totally not nerve wracking at all."
Cyborg stood from his seat. "Don't be nervous, Flash. We're actually being allowed in Gotham. Batman doesn't let anyone in Gotham."
"No," Green Arrow said, "He doesn't let anyone operate in Gotham. I've been many times."
"As Green Arrow or as a civilian?"
He fell silent and the others all laughed. He joined them.
"Regardless," Martian Manhunter said, "I think it's good he's allowing us to see his main base of operations."
"Yeah," agreed Superman, "I wonder what it'll be like."
Wonder Woman was the next to stand from her seat. "It will be quite the tour, I'm sure."
Part 2 Part 4
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dotster001 · 1 year
Good End
Previous Chapters: One Two Three Choose Another Ending
Malleus was smiling. Grim had never seen him smile. It was eerie. Unholy. Frightening. But he had to persevere, for tuna.
"I look forward to our partnership," Grim stuttered, looking down at his paperwork, and shuffling it so he could hide his nervousness.
"Does tomorrow work for-"
"Tomorrow will be most excellent," Malleus interrupted, "in fact if you wanted to begin today-"
"Tomorrow it is then!" Grim shouted, before inhaling a deep breath. "I, uh, need  to practice my part of the script and I won't be ready today."
Malleus pouted.
"Are you certain? Because-"
"Yes, yes," Grim shouted over his shoulder as he sprinted off, leaving behind a confused but excited horned fae.
Grim was acting weird. Well, he was always acting weird, but it was weird even for him….
"Yawn! I said I'm so sleepy!"
"Yeah, I heard you the first three times, but I'm hung up on the fact that you keep verbally saying 'yawn'"
Grim huffed, and put his paws on his hips.
"Because I'm yawning, duh. Yawn!"
"Grim I've seen you yawn before-"
"SEVENS! Okay! You're tired, I get it! What do you want me to do about it?"
"Oh," he seemed thoughtful for a moment, "Well, all I was trying to say is I'm going to bed early, so you'll have to entertain yourself in whatever way you entertain yourself at night, for longer."
He stared at you pointedly.
"I-well, goodnight I guess," you said, staring straight back at him.
The two of you stared for another couple seconds, neither sure what to do.
"Yawn!" Grim said, before scampering up the stairs and slamming the door to your room behind him.
"That cat," you muttered to yourself. You weren't ready to go to bed yet, but without Grim, there wasn't that much to do.
You supposed you could….
But would he even be around at this hour?
Oh well, no harm in checking.
You stood up, stretched your limbs, and made your way to the front door, searching the surrounding area in the dimming light.
You didn't have to search long, as a shower of green fire flies materialized into the form of a familiar friend.
"Tsunotarou," you said with a grin.
"Child of man," he responded, an equally large grin gracing his features.
"You're early-" you both said, simultaneously, before giggling at the moment.
"Grim went to bed early so I thought I'd go on a walk…"
"I spotted a new ruin earlier today, and was so eager to show you that I arrived earlier than usual."
"Well, perfect, then," you said with a smile.
He held out his hand to you, and you interlaced your fingers before beginning your walk, swinging your joined hands back and forth all the way.
The two of you shared light hearted small talk as he lead you to the nearby forest. Eventually you came up on a clearing, full of glittering lanterns floating through the air, as light as bubbles.
"What's all this?" You asked, breathlessly.
"I lied to you, my child of man," Malleus said, gently directing your chin so that you faced him.
"I did not, in fact, find new ruins. But I was truly excited to see you, because," he paused to gently caress your cheek,"because today is the day I decided to tell you I love you." 
His brow furrowed. "Is that a good wow? As in you accept my feelings?"
"And what if it is?" You grinned.
He hummed thoughtfully for a moment, before matching your grin.
"If it is, then I shall have to kiss you so hard that your teeth rattle."
You grabbed his tie, and pulled him to your level.
"Then pucker up, pretty boy."
"And that, Fortuna, is how we came to the royal courts of the Valley of Thorns, and began our life of luxury."
"Wow, dad! You're so smart!" Fortuna, Grim's oldest daughter, said with delight.
"I know, and one day, you might also be as smart as the great Grim," Grim said with a grin.
Before either of them could continue the conversation, they were greeted with a curt knock on the door.
"Come in," Grim purred, lounging back on his lounge chair.
Sebek, now a decade or so older, entered carrying a tray, a single can of luxury tuna sitting in the middle.
"Your tuna, your excellence," Sebek said through gritted teeth. This was the most humiliating part of his day. Which is exactly why Grim requested Sebek to be the one who brought his dinners.
"Just set it over there," he gestured lazily to his mahogany desk.
Sebek groaned, but complied, before saying, "Also, your wife burnt another flower patch while-"
Grim tossed a bag of gold coins his way.
Sebek growled. "You are so lucky the king has sworn me to silence, or Y/N would-"
"Well you are sworn to secrecy, so there. Now tell my wife and the triplets that dinner is here."
With a grin, he turned back to Fortuna. 
"Dad, tell me another story of your greatness!"
"Of course! This is the story of how I single handedly saved NRC from seven overblots, while Y/N, my beloved henchhuman, hid behind me in fear. So there I was-"
The End
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fluentmoviequoter · 5 months
Crushes Aren't Just for Kids
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x fem!JL!reader (Justice League Unlimited!Bruce)
Summary: When all adults are banished from earth, you join Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern in a unique fight to save the world. Along the way, some hidden feelings are revealed.
Warnings: spoilers/rewrite for Justice League Unlimited 1x3 "Kid's Stuff", fluff, mention of beheading, canon-level violence and action
Word Count: 3.1k+ words
A/N: I can't tell you how many times I've watched this show because Kevin Conroy's Batman in the DCAU tv shows is unmatched (and the kids who did the voice acting in this episode did phenomenally). I hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think!🤍
Part 2: Butterflies Aren't Just for Kids >
Picture from Pinterest
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You are in a unique position for several reasons. Being one of the only human members of the Justice League, you find yourself pushing yourself to be the best you can and ensuring that you can keep up with your superpowered teammates. Plus, you are one of the only people who knew Bruce Wayne before you knew Batman, and no matter how much he denies it, you knew after one look that the man under the cowl was none other than your favorite billionaire. When you first arrived on the Watchtower with your fellow vigilante, you wondered if any of the superheroes (especially those who had unique mind powers) could tell that you wanted to be more than fellow crime fighters with Batman. If they did, no one said anything, so your secret crush has remained secret as it grows stronger.
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“Bats,” you warn as you duck away from Cheetah’s claws.
Bruce flips away from Deadshot’s line of fire before rushing up beside him. He punches under his jaw, and you watch as Deadshot lifts Bruce off the ground. Bruce throws a batarang, and you slide away from them as Deadshot falls to the floor.
“Guess that’s a wrap,” Green Lantern says. At Bruce’s look, he adds, “Sorry. Been hanging out with Flash too much.”
“I don’t see how that’s a bad thing,” you tease.
You look away from John and see three police officers entering the vault. A pink wave follows them inside, and your eyes widen when the officers disappear. Bruce pulls you to his side as John creates a forcefield with his ring, but it fails nearly as quickly as it appears.
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When you open your eyes on a floating rock, you’re still tucked against Bruce’s side. You step back quickly and look around. Dozens of rocks surround you and each holds numerous people; adults only, you notice.
“It was judgment day,” Copper exclaims, “and- and we got sent to the bad place. The bad place!”
“Where else were you expecting to go?” you ask sarcastically.
“Snap out of it, Copper!” Cheetah demands as she slaps him.
“Yeah, calm down,” John calls. “We’re probably just in another dimension.”
“I don’t see any children,” Bruce says.
“You would be the one to notice,” you murmur. “It’s not a bad thing,” you add when he directs his bat glare at you.
“That’s because a child is responsible,” a woman wearing a mask interjects as she hovers above you.
“Morgaine Le Fay,” Bruce greets, though he’s prepared to fight rather than exchange niceties and introductions.
“Great, magic,” you mutter as you fall in line between Bruce and Diana.
“I mean you no harm,” Morgaine assures. “My son Mordred has wrought this treachery. Banishing all adults to this shadow realm.”
“Do you think Flash is here?” you whisper to John.
“50/50,” he answers.
“After I spent millennia feeding him, bathing him, preparing him to be a king,” Morgaine continues. “Where did I go wrong?”
“You’re a sorceress. Can’t you just undo his spell?” Diana asks.
“No. He’s got the amulet of first magic. He’s too powerful. But if we all work together…”
“You want us to defeat your own son?” Bruce clarifies.
“So don’t trust me. Let him rule the world and all your children. Here we will stay. Forever.”
“But what can we do? We’re stuck here, aren’t we?” Diana says.
“Please don’t say-“ you begin.
“Not exactly,” Morgaine answers.
“That,” you finish as your shoulders slump.
“The spell only banishes adults.”
“I don’t like where this is going,” you and John say together.
“It’s the only way,” Morgaine says.
“We have to do it,” Clark announces.
John exhales deeply, and you step back to be at Bruce’s side again. Magic has never been your preferred battle, and as Morgaine directs her spell at you and everything turns green, you clutch Bruce’s cape in your hand.
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When you arrive in Mordred’s amusement park-turned-kingdom, you’re ready to leave. Being turned into a kid again wasn’t exactly on your superhero bingo card, and as a human, you don’t bring much to the fight anyway.
“I hope this is temporary,” Bruce complains.
You look over at him and feel butterflies in your stomach. Despite de-aging, you still have a crush on Bruce, but it hits harder and faster. You tear your eyes away from him and try to calm your racing heart. Each moment you live as a kid, you’ll start acting more like one.
“You sound weird,” Clark says. “Whoa. So do I.”
Diana looks between Clark and John before straightening her shoulders. She towers over them and smiles. “I kind of like this.”
“Why are you squinting?” you ask John.
Bruce, Clark, and Diana look over after you ask, and you drop your eyes to avoid looking at Bruce again.
“I wore glasses as a kid. Guess I need ‘em again,” John answers.
A pair of oversized green glasses appear on his face, and he jumps in surprise. They’re nothing like what adult John would create, and you stifle a laugh at the sight of them.
“I didn’t even try to make these!” he exclaims.
Clark laughs as Bruce says, “I hope not.”
You pat John’s back as he focuses on making nicer glasses. Once he’s ready and Clark compliments his new look, Diana reminds you that you’re supposed to be looking for Mordred.
“Bet the little punk’s in there,” Bruce says.
He points to the castle looming in the distance and begins running. You run behind him and watch as Diana, Clark, and John fly past you.
“It’s not a race,” Bruce grumbles.
He speeds up, but you keep your pace and make it to the castle all the same. Despite the earlier teasing about John’s glasses, none of you have mentioned any differences between the kid and adult versions of one another. You’re thankful, though, because reliving your childhood is not your favorite pastime. When you enter the castle, you stay behind Bruce as he stands beside Diana.
“The Justice Babies!” Mordred calls before laughing.
“What are you laughing at, precious?” Bruce asks.
“Precious?” you repeat.
“You,” Mordred answers. “Mother sent you, didn’t she?”
“Maybe she wanted a chance to have a normal kid,” you taunt.
“She shouldn’t send a boy to do a man’s job,” Mordred tells Bruce.
He grabs the amulet, and you watch as a young boy’s toys come to life. They grow until they’re giant, and you stumble backward before running for cover. When Clark flies into one of them and is knocked to the floor, you begin questioning if it was truly a good idea to become kids to fight a boy with powerful magic.
“Bruce, batarang,” you request.
He hands you one before running toward Mordred. You wait for one of the toys to run toward you before sliding between its legs.
“I’ll make a laser cannon. No, a missile launcher,” John says above you. “Oh! Oh, I know.”
“Just pick something!” you and Bruce yell together.
You dig the batarang into the back of the toy’s leg and roll to the side as it collapses to the ground before disappearing. Bruce and John take one out, while Clark disables the other with his laser vision.
When you hear Bruce grunting and see him dangling from his cape in the grip of the last toy, you gasp and run toward him. Diana beats you there and catches him.
“You okay, tough guy?” she asks.
“Let go. I’m fine,” Bruce demands as he struggles to get out of her hold.
His shoulders drop and his cape surrounds him as he sulks. You don’t ask the same question Diana had but thank him for the batarang as he passes.
“That’s not fair,” Mordred complains.
“Get him!” Bruce calls.
You run behind Diana and aren’t surprised when you’re all encased in ice. Mordred is powerful, and you and your fellow “Justice Babies” seem to be forgetting that. When you fall into a dungeon and are freed from the ice, you scoot toward Bruce. One of the cells opens, and red eyes glow within. You clutch Bruce’s cape and watch as a small demon walks out.
“Etrigan?” Bruce asks.
He steps away from you, and his cape slips through your fingers. You stay behind John’s forcefield as Diana lifts Bruce out of the way of Etrigan’s flame. Diana has been closer to Bruce during this mission than usual, and the butterflies in your stomach start causing more pain than happiness as you wonder if they’ve been hiding feelings for one another in the Watchtower, too.
“Don’t hurt him!” Bruce yells as Clark pulls Etrigan away from you and John.
Etrigan bites Clark’s arm, and he calls, “Tell him that!”
“C’mere,” you tell Etrigan. You crouch to the floor and pull him into your arms. “Stop!”
He calms down, and Diana helps Bruce up as Etrigan cries. You look at Bruce and shrug.
“He’s just a baby,” Diana says.
“And he needs more than a hug,” John adds, waving his hand in front of his nose.
“Now, that is a job for Superman,” Bruce says.
Bruce takes Etrigan from your arms and passes him to Clark. When Bruce takes your hand to lead you out of the dungeon, you nearly trip over your own feet. You’ve never been more ready to grow up before, you think.
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Mordred’s new kingdom is comprised mostly of children doing what they were never allowed to do before. When you walk through the paths surrounding what used to be the center of the park, you are surrounded by children doing dangerous stunts and breaking rules.
“You two, knock that off!” Clark demands when he sees two boys playing with wooden swords.
“What are you gonna do? You’re just a kid,” they taunt.
Clark shoots a laser between them and answers, “I’m the kid with laser beams coming out of his eyes.”
“That’s just gonna scare them,” you interject before they run away screaming. “You can’t threaten kids the same way you threaten criminals.”
“Then what do we do?” John asks.
“Tattle,” Diana answers. She flies to an elevated area and yells, “That’s enough!”
Everyone freezes, and you find yourself reaching for Bruce.
“You can’t tell us what to do! You’re not our mom!” someone replies.
“No, but I promise you we will find all of your moms and I’m gonna tell!” Diana answers.
“Well, what should we do?”
“Go outside and wait for your parents. Now!” Diana demands with a hand on her hip.
“Man, your girlfriend sure is bossy,” John tells Bruce.
“Shut up,” he replies before leaving John’s side.
Those butterflies in your stomach become dead weight. You stall behind John, but he turns to look at you.
“You like Bruce,” he accuses.
“What? No!” you answer too quickly. “We’re friends.”
John gestures for you to come with him, and you follow Bruce together. You know that John knows more than he ever lets on, and if anyone found out about your crush, you suppose you should be glad that it’s the one who can keep a secret. Better him than Wally.
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“He’s almost asleep,” Diana whispers as you look into Mordred’s hideout. “We can take him.”
“I’ll make a lawnmower and chew him up,” John suggests.
“A lawnmower?” you repeat incredulously. “Why?”
“I say we get that amulet away from him first,” Bruce says. “We’ll split up and sneak behind him. Then Lantern can do his thing. But no mowers.”
“Why?” John questions.
“Because it’s stupid,” Clark answers.
“He’ll hear it, too,” you whisper with much more kindness than Clark.
“I guess I’ll go with Clark,” Diana says. “Unless I should go with you,” she tells Bruce.
“Whatever,” Bruce answers.
John sees your eyes drop and says, “Clark can go alone. I’ll go with Diana.”
You appreciate it but shake your head because you don’t want to be left alone with Bruce.
“Whatever,” Bruce repeats.
“Go,” John whispers.
You lead Bruce around the side of the cave, and John shakes his head as he watches you go.
“What’s with them?” Clark asks.
“Really?” Diana questions.
“Man, for somebody with fifty different kinds of vision you are so blind,” John responds.
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“Is that a claw?” you ask Bruce as John tries to get the amulet.
“Unfortunately,” he answers.
He may be young, but his sarcasm hasn’t changed a bit. You lean against him when John’s claw wavers before disappearing. The amulet falls to Mordred’s chest, and Bruce moves you carefully as he calls, “Get the amulet!”
You join Bruce, Diana, Clark, and John in a failing attempt to hold Mordred down and take the amulet. He uses his magic to grow and throws Bruce and Diana off of him before standing. A young girl is standing nearby, and you take her hand to lead her to safety as the others fight Mordred.
“Bats!” you yell, just as you had as an adult this morning.
Bruce looks back and sees the living gargoyle chasing him and John and directs John toward a small bridge.
“Close the door!” you yell as Bruce enters the castle.
Diana closes and locks the door behind him, and you listen to John come up with complicated plans to stop Mordred as Bruce thinks.
“Forget it!” Bruce calls after John mentions giant handcuffs. “We’ve got to focus on…” Bruce’s eyes lock with yours and he says, “Never mind what I just said. We’ll take care of everything else. Lantern, you go crazy.”
“What are you going to do?” you ask.
“It’s time for all of us to grow up,” Bruce answers.
He takes your hand before running toward another area of the kingdom. Your butterflies begin reviving, and you wonder if anything will be the same after this.
“Go!” he yells to Clark.
Clark pulls the amulet from Mordred’s neck while he’s distracted by John before tossing it to Bruce.
“This is the most dangerous game of keep away I’ve ever played,” you yell as you take the amulet from Bruce and run it to Diana. Diana throws it to Etrigan, and you flinch when he bites into it. The wave of purple magic that escapes it is unsettling, but you don’t take your eyes off Mordred.
“I already absorbed too much of the amulet’s power,” Mordred says as he stands.
He uses his magic to suspend all of you, and Etrigan, upside down in the air. He pulls a sword from a nearby stone, and it turns purple before reappearing as a curved blade.
“I’ll take care of my kingly duty myself,” he declares.
“Is he really going to behead us in an amusement park?” you ask with your arms crossed over your chest.
“I’m scared,” the girl you helped earlier says. “I want my mommy.”
Mordred lowers his blade to say, “You don’t need a mommy. You’re better off without one. Trust me.”
“Ooh, mommy issues,” John muses. “Those ain’t easy.”
The girl begins crying and Clark taunts, “Some king.”
“I’m not impressed,” Diana agrees.
“What’d you expect? He’s a boy doing a man’s job,” Bruce finishes.
“You don’t know what it’s like being stuck as a kid,” Mordred says.
“Since you’ve had all that power, you could have been a man anytime you wanted. I think you’re too chicken to grow up.”
“Yep, big chicken. That’s what you are,” John agrees, flapping his arms like wings. “Bock, bock.”
“Face it, precious,” Bruce continues. “You like being a little mama’s boy.”
“I’ll show you!” Mordred yells. “I’ll show you all.”
“Sure, you will,” you agree with an eye roll.
“And when I am a true king, I’ll start with the human!” Mordred adds, pointing to you.
Bruce looks at you, but you keep your eyes on Mordred as he spreads his arms and is surrounded by purple ribbons of magic. Etrigan claps as Mordred’s spell spreads, and he reappears as a man.
“I’m older than you now,” Mordred says as he turns to face you.
The magic released his spell, and you catch yourself as you fall from the air.
“You sure are,” Bruce says.
Mordred disappears, banished by his own spell. As an adult, he couldn’t stay, and now you can only wait until Morgaine does her part. Bruce steps to your side and you turn your face toward him.
“Are you okay?” he asks.
“Yes,” you answer just before Morgaine appears.
“A bargain is a bargain,” she says as she waves her hand before you.
The spell is lifted, and you are an adult again in only a second. You hadn’t prepared for the change in size however and are pressed against Bruce’s chest with the sudden growth. He makes no move to get space from you, though.
“Mommy,” Etrigan coos at Diana.
She drops him and steps back. You chuckle at the scene and Diana looks at you with furrowed brows before smiling and rolling her eyes.
Morgaine opens a portal, and Bruce places a hand on your hip as he steps around you.
“Wait,” he calls. “What happened to Mordred?”
“My spell gave him eternal youth but now that he’s broken it all he has is eternal life,” she answers.
“Circumstances aside, it was kind of enjoyable to be a kid again,” Diana says.
You walk to Bruce’s side and watch the happy reunions of children with their parents.
“I’m sorry,” you offer softly.
“For what?” he asks.
“You just- you didn’t get to be a kid like the rest of us.”
“Perhaps Diana was right. It wasn’t completely unenjoyable.”
He turns toward you, and his arm is pressed to your shoulder.
“You’re telling me the big, bad bat had a little bit of fun?” you tease.
“You never talk about your childhood,” he deflects. “So, I’m sorry if this brought up bad memories.”
“Just dead butterflies,” you answer.
Bruce glares at you, but it’s the one unique to when he’s reading you.
“Is that why Lantern sent us off alone together?”
You look down as you nod.
“My butterflies are alive and well, and happy to wait for you,” Bruce murmurs.
“Butterflies or bats?” you ask.
“Should we be having this conversation in an amusement park?”
“You’re right. Let’s go to Metropolis and make the cover of the Daily Planet so Clark has to write all about it.”
Bruce sighs, but he takes your hand as he leads you outside the amusement park. He presses a button on his utility belt and the Batmobile pulls up a moment later.
“Bruce,” you say once you’re inside. “You were a really cute kid.”
“You were really bad at eye contact,” Bruce counters. “Or was that just with me?”
“I guess crushes aren’t just for kids,” you muse.
“Maybe Diana will stop pestering me to ask you out now.”
You nod as you watch the road before you. It takes a moment, but you finally understand what Bruce just said.
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haveihitanerve · 7 months
These Aren't Guards-
“Bruce? Your phone is ringing.” Dick Grayson called, not bothering to move from his place on the couch. Bruce sighed, but ambled downstairs, picking up the phone. “Yello?” he asked, pressing the phone to his ear. “Now?” dick frowned, setting his own phone down and glancing over. Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose. “Yes. yes of course ill be there in a bit.” he sighed, hanging up. “Dad? Everything alright?” DIck asked in concern. Bruce waved him off. “Clark called. Theres a League meeting. Lantern needs some help with these-” he waved a hand, trying to find the words. “This other alien species i guess, and the other Lanterns are refusing to help because its not technically a threat. yet.” Dick frowned. “Huh. need backup?” Bruce cocked his head. “You don't have anything better to be doing?” Dick shrugged. “Not today not really no.” Bruce shrugged. “Okay. You’re welcome to join me if you wish chum. At least then the meeting wont be a complete waste of time.” Dick laughed and stood, following his father down the stairs to the Batcave. “Hey B. Dickwad.” Jason greeted, sitting on the table, cleaning his guns. “Is that my rag-?” bruce groaned. “You know what? I don't even care anymore.” Jason grinned, dropping the rag, and whispered in a staged voice. “I finally win.” Bruce rolled his eyes, moving to his suit ti get changed. “Woah whats going on here? A daytime patrol? I thought we have duke for that.” Dick laughed. “We do. B has a League meeting and i volunteered to come along.” Jason jumped off the table. “Wait- for reals? I wanna come.” Bruce arched a brow, slipping on his suit. “You do?” Jason nodded. “Hell yeah. I haven't been up there since i was robin.” Bruce shrugged. “Alright. Suit up.” Jason grinned. “For real old man?” Bruce shrugged. “The meetings probably going to go in circles for a while, useless bickering, getting nowhere and achieving nothing, if you want to provide me with some entertainment while we’re there, then by all means.” Jason laughed. “Bet.” They suited up quickly and Bruce led the way to the zeta tube. “Jason, you made a fair point. Neither one of us has been up there since we were last robin. And most of the heroes don't know us.” Jason grinned as Bruce groaned. “Oh this is gonna be fun.” 
“I called Batman, he should be here shortly.” Superman informed the other few members of the justice league that had arrived at Lanterns call. Wonder Woman nodded. “Good. then we can begin-” “they just showed up in the tube.” Flash informed them. “They?” Lantern asked, walking over. Barry frowned, but nodded. “Yeah. They.” The other JL members frowned, leaning over to see the monitor and what Barry was looking at. To their surprise, Batman was accompanied by two other men, both around his height, flanking him. “Is there a new bounty on Bats head we don't know about?” Green Arrow joked. “Whats he need bodyguards for?” The others shrugged. Before they could discuss it further the doors slid open and Batman walked in. “Is everyone here?” he asked without greeting. (although technically that was his greeting) “Yes. We can begin.” Superman nodded, and his eyes drifted behind him questioningly. Batman ignored all of their inquiring looks and took his seat, the two men taking their places behind him. “Um, we can get more chairs, for your um, guests.” Diana offered. Batman shook his head. “They'll stand. Its fine. Lets begin shall we?” The JL exchanged glances, but shrugged. 
“My legs hurt.” Jason murmured into the comm. Dick huffed a laugh. “Shut up jason.” he muttered. “Code names dickie.” Jason twittered back, his moving lips hidden by his red hood. (who'da thunk it) “Not super necessary.” Bruce murmured, without moving his lips. “I've designed all of our comms to be unhackable, and managed to make it so Clark can’t hear us through them.” Jason raised his eyebrows, though neither of his companions could actually see that. “Impressive daddio.” Bruce fought hard not to roll his eyes and settled instead on casually flicking his leg. Jason smirked. “Both of you focus.” Dick hissed at them, but they could hear the smile in his voice. He was enjoying being here. And, bruce found in spite of himself, he was enjoying himself too. It had been far too long since he had brought his kids with him on League things, for good reason, but seeing as he shared everything League related with them anyways, and meetings rarely ever had direct danger, there really wasn't any reason not to bring them more often. “What do you think Bats?” Oliver asked, his hand landing on Bruces shoulder. Bruce felt rather than saw Dick and Jasons contempt for the action, so much so that he truly didn't know how he felt about the casual touch. Jason stepped forward and in one move had wrenched Olivers hand back, pushing him away. “Back. off.” he snarled. Dick was at his side, none of the Nightwing ease in his stance, no easy smile. No, it was all Jason, Red Hoods anger seeping into his posture, making him glower rather than grin. “Okay.” Oliver lifted his hands in surrender, taking a ste back. “Geez.” he added. “I just wanted to know what you thought Bats. You didn't need to sic your dogs on me.” “birds.” Bruce muttered. He felt Jason's anger flicker slightly. He had amused his second son. Bruce fought his grin. “Its a solid plan.” he admitted. “I think if you use Superman instead it would go over better though. He has the reputation as Earths defender. That will earn him respect.” the others nodded. “Okay. So its settled? Kal will fly out with Lantern?” The league all murmured their agreement. “Good. Then i hereby declare this meeting adjourned.” Bruce stood, and Dick and Jason backed up a few steps, allowing him to move away from the table. “Is that all?” he asked. The others nodded, watching him and his birds with curious eyes. “Good. Ill see you at the next meeting.” He turned for the door, Jason and Dick falling into step behind him, when Barry spoke. “You know we’d protect you Bats. You didn't need to bring your own guards.” Bruce could feel Dick and Jason's glee. He fought his own smile, turning back. “Guards?” he frowned, looking at Jason, then Dick. “oh. These aren't my guards.” he smiled, knowing how unnerved it made the others. “These are my kids.”
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To succeed is to fail
whumptober2023 day 9- mistaken identity fandom- Danny phantom x Batman TW- nothing summary- The Amity Parkers have the opportunity (they didn't want) to explore Gotham. It's just too bad that Danny looks a lot like adoption bait.
First of all, I’d like to state that I know this is whumptober. But the story disagreed. So now we have whumpcracktober.
ao3 masterlist
They were not supposed to be here. They didn't want to be here. They hadn’t even tried to be here. Yet luck had never been on the Amity Parker’s side before, and they should have realized this would be no different.
It was their senior year and things around Amity had calmed down. Or at least everyone was used to Amity’s special brand of crazy.
He had told his parents about Phantom and they had helped hunt down the GIW. Most of Amity was discovered to be liminal and most of the young people had developed some basic abilities. 
And then Mrs. Abernagaby decided that their science final would be a group project. This wasn’t anything new. Every year Casper participated in the Helping Intelligent Minds Be Outstanding competition–better known as the HIMBO competition.
And usually the smartest seniors would be picked to work on a group project to submit. Casper High had never won. So, this year Mrs. Abrnagaby decided that all the seniors could work on it together. Because more heads were better than one!
Obviously she didn’t remember what being part of a group project felt like. And she obviously didn't account for the fact that no one would care.
They weren’t even told what the award was since it varied year to year and was meant to be a surprise.
All they were told was that they had to design a new air filtration system.
So, being seniors who had survived ghost attacks, invasions, their town being pulled into another dimension, dealing with the GIW, and making it through adjusting to Amity shifting to the stranger side as everyone's liminality began to show, they did not try.
Which was how they ended up with this masterpiece.
The challenge was to design a new air filtrator. Which if they had wanted to, would have been easy since air filters that would reduce the amount of ectoplasm in the air had been designed before the residents realized it was too late to do any good, and so they had never been made.
They didn’t even submit a design; it was a paper mache volcano covered in everyone’s failed tests. The accompanying research paper they were supposed to submit had Dash’s and Paulina’s self-insert fanfics with– you guessed it– phantom as the love interest. Danny had tried to make them remove it since it was awkward now that they knew who he was, but they had claimed they wrote it before they knew. Danny knew this was a lie because they were lying liars who lied. 
The paper also included one of Sam’s activist papers, Wes’s conspiracies about Bruce Wayne being Batman’s sugar daddy (now that everyone knew Danny was Phantom Wes didn’t feel the need to include that research (he also believed that Batman was Bruce Wayne but didn’t want to antagonize the furry who could ruin his life)). 
Tucker had included evidence of a Pentagon hack he had done a few years ago, Mikey had drawn some incredible fanart about Green Lantern (he said this would have the greatest effect on Gothamites and Wes agreed saying Batman didn’t like Green Lantern. How he knew this, no one asked.).
And lastly, they attached a file of them doing the Harlem Shake.
Mrs. Abernagaby hadn’t even looked at it before sending it off.
And then of course they had won. And what a grand prize it was! They won a trip to Gotham to explore the various big businesses, as well as a chance to apply at those locations for internships. Yeah… Sam had found out all the other schools had dropped out after finding out the prize. No one wanted to go to Gotham. But the school said it was a learning opportunity! To see what it was like outside Amity! To see what normal was supposed to be like!
So, they were forced to go, but at least they got Mr. Lancer as their supervisor and they wouldn’t even have to take a long bus ride because Amity was friends with Gotham. Apparently there weren’t very many Living Cities and the two liked to talk. They also thought it would be hilarious if the Amity Parkers went to Gotham. So, Amity had temporarily turned the road that left the city into a portal that led to Gotham’s border, and at the end of the week Gotham would return them.
And that was how he had ended up here. In the back of a smelly van with a smelly bag over his head surrounded by smelly men probably heading to a smelly, sketchy location. All because these men were stupid and thought he was some Wayne kid.
Sure, he could have gotten out. But this was honestly more interesting than touring another boring building and having to almost get mugged again.
AN-I plan to continue this but it probably won’t be until after October because I want to focus on completing the challenges I'm participating in.
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phantom-dc · 1 year
Dad Hood - part 16
‘Ok Danny. Let us know if you see anything that looks familiar.’
After the plane had landed, the family set out in a rental car. They had decided to tour the town while it was still light outside. Since they had no leads, Danny was sitting on Jason’s lap and looking to see if he recognized something.
‘Oh! There! That’s the Nasty Burger! Can we go get burgers there? Please daddy? I promise it’s better than Bat-burgers!’
Jason looked at the fast-food place. At least that explained why Danny kept asking for ‘nasty’ burgers. Promising they would go there for lunch, they kept driving around. After a while they came across a large official building.
‘That’s the mayor’s office! Remember the frootloop? He worked there! He became mayor just to spite me and make my life difficult. But he is lost in space now, so it’s all good!’
Jason put down his gun. Looks like he’ll have to ask Green Lantern for a favor later. Too bad. A few minutes later they passed a school.
‘That’s Casper High! I go to school there! The food is gross, but at least it doesn’t come alive! One time the psychiatrist tried to kill my sister. That was Spectra, she’s dead too! But even deader than us, dad! She’s like fully dead!’
Danny then spots something across the street. He phases out of the car, and flies towards it. Jason immediately takes of after him, no way he was losing his kid in a city he didn’t know. He sees Danny nearly tackling a green-haired girl into a hug, who was standing next to a woman with blue hair and a blonde guy with a motorcycle.
‘HI GUYS! I’m back!’
Kitty looked at the little kid that was suddenly in her arms. Despite him being so small, she recognized him immediately.
‘Danny! Where have you been? Everyone has been so worried since Desiree wished you away!’
Johnny 13 ruffled the kids black hair.
‘Dang, little man! You got even smaller! You know that your family has been in a tizzy, right? It’s been weeks!’
Ember pried Danny out of Kitty’s arms and held him up to see.
‘Look at you! Now you’re an actual baby-pop! Almost as small as Youngblood!’
Jason manages to catch up and apologizes for Danny tackling the girl. He notices that the three teens glow, just like Danny does. Are they like Danny? Are they experiments as well? Or is there something about this city that causes it? He then notices that the blonde guy seem to become hostile.
‘Are you the reason that Baby-pop was away for so long?’
A shadow emerges from beneath the blonde’s bike. It is growling at him, making itself look big to intimidate Jason. Before Shadow can attack though, Danny speaks up:
‘No! He’s my daddy! He is really nice and took care of me! He worked reeeaaaally hard to get me back home! Please don’t hurt my dad!’
Calming down, Johnny recalls his Shadow. Kitty smacks him on the head for losing his cool. Wasn’t it obvious that the guy was worried about Danny? Jason, deciding to just accept all this to save himself from a headache, asked if they knew why Danny was so small. From their conversation it seemed they knew him when he was older. Johnny gave him an explanation:
‘Yeah, he was fighting Desiree. She can grant any wish, but messes it up so It’s not what you want. And his idiot of a pop wished him a kid again so he could hang with his dad from what I heard. After that Danny just disappeared. Guess he ended up with you, huh?’
Jason sighed. So that’s how Danny ended up in his appartement. Someone magicked him there to get rid of him. It also explained how he became a 5-year old. All this because of a rogue.
‘Poor baby-pop. Even when he does everything right, someone else messes things up for him. He always gets into trouble like this!’
While Ember laughed, Danny put up a serious face.
’Speaking of trouble, you guys aren’t causing any, right? Even if I’m tiny I can still kick your butt!’
Kitty giggled at the adorable threat:
Oh, no no! Don’t worry, little King! We’ve been good! No one’s causing trouble here!
Jason decides to cut this short. It’s starting to get late, and he needs to find Danny’s parents.
‘Look, we’ve been looking for Danny’s family all day. He has trouble remembering things, so could you tell us where he lives? If it’s a safe place…’
Johnny assures him that the Fentons are loving parents. The times they hunted him was because they didn’t know it was him. Different forms and all that. Plus, now they know that not all ghosts are evil they even let up on the hunt on other ghosts, as long as they don’t cause trouble. He points Jason to a long street, and tells him to follow it until he finds Fentonworks. Jason can’t miss it. Really.
When Jason and Danny get back to the car, the Waynes head into the street. For a moment they are wondering which of these houses was Danny’s. Then the giant UFO appears over the horizon. Hearing Danny’s calling out for home, they head there immediately. Sure enough, Fentonworks is written on the side. Danny is getting impatient, fussing in Jason’s hold. Taking a deep breath, Jason knocks on the door, the other Waynes behind him. An orange wall of a man opens the door, holding what looks like a sci-fi bazooka. Before Jason can react, the man has snatched Danny out of Jason’s arms:
As the man starts hugging and doting on Danny, a woman in a blue hazmat-suit nearly jumps down the stairs and joins him.
As the parents are over the moon, Jason and the others are standing in the doorway. A girl with orange hair and a 12-year old girl ran into the room as well. Seeing them, Danny gets even more exited.
‘Hi Jazzie! Hi Dani! I’m home! And I brought guests! Is that ok?’
Realizing there are people with Danny, Maddie invites them in. Jack gives Jason a nearly bone-breaking hug in gratitude for bringing his son home. The orange haired girl decides to introduce themselves.
‘Thank you so much for bringing Danny back home. I’m Jazz, his sister. These are our parents, Maddie and Jack. And that is our little sister Dani.’
Looking at Dani, Jason sees that she has picked Danny up, and swinging him back and forth.
‘Jeez Danny! You’re even smaller than me now! I’m a big sister now!’
As Danny laughs, Tim pipes up:
‘Wait, wasn’t Dani a clone?’
This causes Jazz to freeze.
‘You know?’
Jazz had hoped that Danny had managed to keep things a secret. But seeing as Danny was around 5, she realized that was hoping too much. And when she saw that these were the Wayne’s, a very famous family, she was now worried that his identity became public. Bruce assured her that wasn’t the case. They had been very careful to keep Danny hidden from any press. Jazz was relieved. Jack gave Bruce a good-hearted pat on the back that nearly toppled Bruce over. He always thought that Bruce was an airhead, but he guesses he’s not! Danny agrees with that:
‘Of course not! He’s the Batman! The worlds greatest detective!’
The Waynes freeze. Jazz just sighs.
‘Danny, you can’t tell people things like that. What if someone was spying on us?’
‘I’m sorry, Jazzie.’
Jazz just pats Danny’s head. Looking at the Waynes. Now that she took a look at them, they did resemble the bats a bit. It was the right amount of people after all. She assured them they would keep it a secret. After all, they kept Danny’s secret too.
‘So, which one of you is Danny’s dad? I’m assuming it’s you, Bruce?’
Jazz was surprised by the strange looks. Was she wrong? But he was the only one old enough for a 14-year old son? Then Jason stepped forward:
‘Actually, it’s me. Things are very weird, and I’m not sure where to start…’
‘Jazzie! Jason is dead, like me! And my mom is an assassin! And I’m really 6 years old! The assassin mom made me older! Isn’t that cool? I had a superhero origin before I even died!’
Jazz just looked at him. Jason understood that feeling all to well. Utter confusion, mixed with a smidge of horror. He’d become very acquainted with that feeling these past couple of weeks.
‘Yeah, I think we should explain what happened these past couple of weeks.’
Jason told the Fentons everything that happened. From Danny appearing in his appartement, to looking after him and the discovery of Danny’s powers. He told them about Danny’s birth and how he ended up in the orphanage the Fentons adopted him from. He also told them about the misunderstanding with the ‘frootloop’ and the fight he had with Bruce. After that the Fentons told them about their own stories. They explained how they used to hunt ghosts, and Danny’s accident. They explained why they hunted him and they gave more information about Vlad. They explained the Ghost Portal and how Danny saved the world with the help of the other ghosts. They were very proud of their boy. During the talk, Danny started to fidget.
‘Dad, how do I get big again? Desiree’s wishes are permanent after a while, right?’
‘I don’t know ho-’
‘Don’t worry, Dann-’
Jason and Jack looked at each other. Both had tried to answer Danny’s question, responding to being called ‘dad’. Jason suddenly realized that this was Danny’s family. He was a Fenton, not a Todd. As Jack leaves the room to go get something, and Jazz goes to call Sam and Tucker, Maddie puts her hand on Jason’s shoulder.
‘You know you are family now too, right? Just because he is back home doesn’t mean you have to leave his life. I’m sure that Danny would love to have you, whether he’s a child or a teenager.’
Jason smiles at her. He’d like that very much. At this point Jack comes back.
‘Here we go! Danny’s friend Clockwork gave us this. He forbade us for going to look for Danny, something about 'saving the Father' and ‘getting rid of a great evil’ in exchange. This medallion should make him older and fix him up again. Are you ready, Dann-o?’
Dani puts Danny down, and Jack slips the medallion around Danny’s neck. In a flash, Danny was now 14 years old.
Danny looked at himself, getting to know his older, bigger body again. Jason felt odd seeing the kid age up so quick, almost regretful. But even if it meant missing time raising Danny he knew it was for the best. Dick and Bruce were surprised just how much Danny looked like a younger Jason, though less skinny. Noticing Jason, Danny turned to him to thank him:
‘So, uhm… thank you for looking after me? That was… kind of you? Sorry, this feels weird.’
Danny felt a bit sheepish. He now realized he caused Jason a lot of trouble, and it was odd talking to him like this after being a kid for a while. Jason felt odd about it as well.
‘Yeah, no problem… So, this is the real Danny? Older Danny? I guess you won’t need the toys we got for you anymore.’
Danny laughed a bit. He might be keeping some of them.
‘If it’s ok with you, I’d like to keep the Red Hood one. And maybe we could give the rest to Dani instead.’
Jason smiled. It was nice that he was still Danny’s favorite. Seeing his own family hinting franticly behind them, Jason decided to push his luck a bit.
‘If you’d like, you could come over sometimes? Like for a holiday? We’ll get your room updated for a teenager and everything!’
Danny thought about it. He wanted to have Jason in his life.
‘I’d like that. I’d like that a lot!’
As Maddie starts inviting the Waynes for dinner and everyone starts to relax, Danny got a weird look in his eyes, his older mind realizing something important has happened:
‘Wait, did I kill a guy?’
First - Previous - AO3
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st0ryf1lms · 1 year
fallen ➳ hal jordan
Tumblr media
pairing: hal jordan x reader
word count: 523
genre/warnings: fluff, i guess??? a bit of angst if you squint, open ending but i might make a part 2 if i dont get lazy
synopsis: what if hal jordan told you that he’s fallen? based on fallen by lola amour.
a/n: OH MY GOD GUYS IM BACK FROM THE DEAD!! it’s been so hard trying to write while keeping up with the honor roll at the same time so i went ia for over a year 😭 this one’s not really that good but oh well better than nothing ig i swear i’ll do all the reqs in my inbox this summer anw enjoy this short drabble of my fave test pilot!! <3
edit: part 2 is now up!
Hal Jordan was not a man of commitment. Never was, never is, never will be. He deemed himself "too busy" for a committed relationship. Well, you couldn't really blame him, he actually is too busy for a relationship. Aside from being a test pilot, he was also a Green Lantern (more or less, a space cop). Being a Green Lantern meant he'd have to be at the Guardians' beck and call, even if it means ditching a flight that could pose as a real problem for his life as Hal Jordan.
But honestly speaking? He'd rather be at your beck and call. That's right, yours.
You may not know it, but you have Hal wrapped around your little finger. Heartbroken because of a date that went south? No problem, he'll fly over to your place in less than a minute with ice cream and watch some romcom movie while you cry your heart out to him. Stuck in a conversation you don't like? No worries, he'll scoot over to you and pull you out of it real smooth. Did I mention he's also your best friend? Yeah, as cliché as it sounds, Hal freaking Jordan fell real hard for his best friend.
Harold "Hal" Jordan, the notorious serial heartbreaker would rather be at your beck and call. So, is he too busy for a committed relationship? Yes, he is. But a committed relationship with you? He's definitely considered it and his answer is no. No, he'll never be busy for you.
Numerous nights he's practiced in the mirror, went to go grab a drink that turns into six and gets a really bad hangover the next morning, imagined you with other guys and beat up the bad guys a little bit too hard. It's not really a healthy outlet but he has to make do with what he has.
"-Jordan. Earth to Hal Jordan. Paging Hal Jordan, you there?" You waved your hand in front of him as he quickly snapped out of his reverie. Damn, he must've zoned out again. "Yeah, yeah, right here. Sorry, you were saying?" He shook his head slightly and stared back at you, giving you the same heart eyes he always does. Not like you'd ever notice anyway.
"I was saying, a co-worker of mine asked me out and I'm not really sure if I should go but I kinda like the guy, know what I'm saying? I don't know, I just wanted to ask you for advice." You started rambling on again and he stared blankly into space, his surroundings blurring.
What? Someone finally beat me to it, he thought.
His mind was like an over speeding car, running at 100 miles per hour, gears turning and crashing down as he tried to process what you said.
"Hal, come on, I'm being serious." Your voice brought him back to reality again, the gravity of the situation actually sinking in. No, you can't go because I've been in love with you ever since the day we met and I can't let you get away because I'm a coward.
Oh, no, he must've said that out loud.
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the-witchhunter · 1 year
DP x DC: Stuff about Alfred Pennyworth
Just some facts about our favorite butler, Alfred Thaddeus Crane Pennyworth.
-His full name is Alfred Thaddeus Crane Pennyworth
-He’s not as old as you probably think. He’s only 20 years older than Bruce, which would make him early 60′s at most currently. He was in his mid 40′s when batman started.
-He owns a shotgun. While Bruce doesn't like guns, Alfred doesn’t have such convictions, and is entirely ready to use it. 
-Former member of MI-5. Essentially, he was special ops, has serious military training and was part of the British counterintelligence agency that combats terrorism and espionage aka he was one of the guys that stopped spies. Some continuities had it where he was MI-6 instead.
-Has killed before. Special ops, remember?
-Former actor. He had a bit of an acting career after he left MI-5. This lasted until his father, Jarvis Pennyworth, requested he serve the Wayne family on his deathbed.
-He has a daughter, Julia Pennyworth, an agent of the Special Reconnaissance Regiment. She briefly took over his duties helping the Batclan, It was a whole thing involving her not respecting him because he went from MI-5 to working as a butler for Bruce Wayne before an Identity reveal. 
- He is also highly respected by those heroes who are aware of his existence, including Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and the original Teen Titans.
-Was romantically involved with Dr. Leslie Thompkins. Not much came from that aside from a few dates, but they dated.
-Proficient in emergency medical techniques, acting, mechanical and computer sciences, on top of being one hell of a butler
- While not as skilled at hand-to-hand combat as Bruce Wayne, Alfred is nearly as resourceful. Batman: Gotham Adventures 16 has him kidnapped, only to readily escape and overcome his captors without even mussing his suit. It is later mentioned that he has overcome 27 kidnapping attempts.
-Reads the Artimis Fowl novels
So yeah, Alfred is the best, he’s a hell of an actor, a resourceful former secret agent that has dated Dr. Thompkins and has a secret agent child with an unnamed woman
Why am I tagging this DP x DC? Simply fertilizing the soil. Not everyone is as familiar with the character, especially with how confusing continuity is. Me rambling on is simply an effort to both educate, and give creators in this crossover more things to work with. Maybe it inspires someone, maybe they use this information just to add a little something. Maybe they think, “huh, that’s interesting” and never have to use it
Also I’m just glad we collectively ignore the fact Alfred is dead in current continuity. If you didn’t know, Alfred is dead after Bane snapped his neck and killed off one of the best characters. So I guess we could tie it in with Danny meeting him as a ghost,
 Alfred haunting wayne manor just to get Bruce to take care of himself 
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suzukiblu · 1 year
disappointed missing fearless
Cut for weird alien biology kinky porn but mostly just for length. Also, I don't know if there's an actual established ship name for Slobo/Kon but this is technically from a YJ polyam fic either way, so idk if it actually matters right now, hah.
Pretty sure I posted at least some of this excerpt before, but this SHOULD be the extended edition.
"The Boy Wonder just had to be our token straight," Kon grumbles, folding his arms. Which is whatever, fine, preferences are preferences and the dude's still his friend and he would still very literally die either for him or on his say-so, but is the idea of letting Kon go down on him every now and then and maybe also making out a little somewhere in there really that unappealing? Like, seriously? 
Bats are the freaking worst. 
"What's it matter?" Slobo asks, wrinkling his nose at him. 
"I mean, it doesn't matter-matter," Kon says with an exasperated sigh. "But also I just want to finally score some dick for once, man, and I still can't actually keep up with Bart's and Suzie only has one when she's in the right mood and Rob's isn't even into me, and I don't wanna go knock over a civilian for it, that's just–" 
"And that'd be all the options for dick currently available to your picky ass, yeah," Slobo cuts in dryly, leaning in towards him with a pointed look. Kon turns red. 
"Actually I kinda figured you were straight too," he says, glancing sidelong at the guy. "And very solidly monogamous, given all the time that you and Anita spend ignoring the rest of us in favor of rooms with doors that lock." 
"We ain't monogamous, she just don't like gettin' interrupted when she's in the mood. Though yeah, you're right about the straight thing," Slobo agrees with a dismissive shrug. "But also, look, I'm Czarnian. Which literally none of you bastiches are. And gonna be frank here, you and Anita got a lot more biological similarities to each other than Anita and a Czarnian chick would, so at this point I don't really give a shit what kind of hole I'm fraggin' so long as whoever it belongs to's got somethin' interestin' to say about the process." 
"Huh," Kon says, frowning to himself. "That literally never occurred to me as a thing that might be a thing, actually." 
"I mean, what, are you attracted to Branx and Bolovax Vikians and Karnans and Martians?" Slobo snorts dubiously. "Or frell, even Czarnians?" 
"Well, just the ones I like, but yeah," Kon says, a little puzzled by the question. They're all sentient species with free will and also he would absolutely let that one very specific Green Lantern just fucking step on him whenever the guy felt like it, so yeah, why wouldn't he be attracted to them? And . . . Kilowog, he's pretty sure said Green Lantern's name is? Kilowog's built like what a brick house wishes it could grow up and be. So Kon would definitely let him step on him. "Is that like . . . weird or something?" 
"Galactically speakin', yeah," Slobo says wryly. "Though I guess you're already a hybrid so I probably shoulda expected you to be less discriminatin' than the rest of the universe tends to." 
"So what, are you calling me a slut?" Kon snorts. "Like on a genetic level?" 
"Depends how many people you've screwed, galactically speakin'," Slobo says. 
"Not enough," Kon replies frankly. 
"Then yeah, pretty sure you're a slut," Slobo says with another shrug. "Especially if you miss dick bad enough to get in a snit on the couch over it." 
". . . I mean, okay, I haven't actually socialized with another dude's dick before," Kon admits grudgingly, making a face. "Unless watching gay porn counts, and to be honest I usually get bored if there's only one style of genitals onscreen so I don't do much of that. Just I just finally figured out that I fucking want dick and my options for getting it are frustratingly limited right now." 
"Then wanna actually socialize with mine?" Slobo suggests, which is an approach that Kon appreciates the straightforwardness of. "Seein' as it don't belong to a picky control freak or a hyperactive speedster or someone with a real fraggin' inconvenient tendency to turn intangible when they come." 
"Suzie does that?" Kon asks. 
"Accordin' to Anita," Slobo replies with a shrug. "And since I trust her with my literal fraggin' life at this point, I'm assumin' this ain't the thing she's picked to lie to me over." 
"Huh," Kon says. "Weird, but noted for future reference. And yeah, fuck it, let's socialize. Room with a lock, or . . . ?" 
"Naw, give Wonder Girl the chance to walk in on us, she wants to see your indestructible ass get wrecked real bad," Slobo says with a smirk, then sticks with that straightforward approach that Kon so rightly appreciates and immediately yanks his belt open and whips his dick out right there on the couch. It is not remotely proportionate to his build, and Kon definitely means that as a compliment. 
"Oh, is that the plan here?" Kon says, as someone whose mouth just went dry and who would also admittedly like to see his indestructible ass get wrecked for once. Like, that's a thing he'd like to get to do before he dies, that's all. 
"Damn right it is," Slobo says, smirking wider at him and giving his cock a meaningful squeeze. Kon glances down at it speculatively, wondering exactly how Czarnians fuck. Said cock is currently actively rising to the occasion, and also getting increasingly disproportionate to Slobo's build. 
Like. Very increasingly. 
"What'dya think? Wanna come on it, bastich?" Slobo asks with a leering grin and a very unsubtle tug. Kon flicks his eyes back to his face and just eyes him. 
. . . then he eyes his dick. 
It's actually, like, a very appealing dick. It might be a little smaller than Kon's own is, he thinks, but it's definitely comparable and still plenty damn big either way, all long and thick and heavy-looking, and it's got, like . . . ridges. Bumps. Textures. Like, Bad Dragon wishes it could design such a dick. 
. . . Jesus, actually, is that a knot at the base? And–
Oh. Okay. 
"Is your dick prehensile," Kon asks, officially just staring at it. 
It waves at him. 
"Is it?" Slobo asks with a smirk. 
"Fuck," Kon says as a downright vicious stab of arousal goes through his gut, and then he very suddenly feels very weird. Slobo cocks his head, looking surprised. 
Kon looks down at himself, because again, he feels weird. "Himself" is not there to be looked at. 
Well, like, it is. Just not in very . . . "him"-type fashion. 
"Huh," Kon says to the very nice pair of tits currently sitting all cute and perky under his S-shield. He blinks in absolute bemusement, and Slobo's expression lights up hungrily. 
"Shit, you really do like me, huh," he says, letting go of himself and reaching out to put his hands around Kon's suddenly very, very narrow waist. Like . . . way too far around, actually. That's . . . an experience. Wow. "Never had Kryptonian pussy before." 
Yeah, well, you're not the only one, Kon thinks only slightly hysterically.
"You can't get knocked up 'til you go through a full cycle, right, so can I stick it in raw?" Slobo asks like this is all just perfectly normal, which admittedly for all Kon knows about Slobo's life experience and alien biology in general it could in fact be. He thinks of several thousand reasons to say no, but given both who he is as a person and also how bad he really, really wants to finally score some dick for once . . .
"Yeah," he says, then half-reflexively flicks his eyes back down to Slobo's cock and licks his lips. Slobo grins. 
"Nice," he says. 
Anyway, Kon's suit lasts about five seconds after that. Which–it doesn't fit him quite right at the moment anyway, so it's whatever. It's very weird to see tits and ass and a statistically improbable amount of curves when he looks down at himself, but it's weirder feeling Slobo's hands and mouth roaming greedily all over said statistical improbabilities as the other pushes him down against the cushions. The prick hasn't even kissed him, which: rude much? 
Not that Kon's really complaining, because if he wanted "polite" that bad he wouldn't be socializing with Slobo at all, much less his dick, and Slobo is currently making his way down his body and clearly on a mission to kiss him somewhere. 
So yeah, the "weird" feelings are very rapidly losing out to the "holy shit, do that again" feelings. 
"Holy shit, do that again," Kon says. Slobo grins sharply up at him and then Kon meets his clit and his clit meets Slobo's very eager tongue and anyway Kon now officially and intimately understands why people who've got one bitch so damn much when a partner ignores it. Like wow, does he ever. "Ohhhhh my god. Oh my god oh my god oh my god–!" 
So that's pretty distracting, for at least a couple minutes there. 
Not that Kon's brain is in any condition to be noticing the passage of time right now. 
"Frag, you're already dripping. Wanna get off on my tongue a few times or just get straight to the main attraction?" Slobo asks as he hooks his hands around Kon's currently statistically improbable and also badly shaking thighs and licks his own very slick and shiny lips. Kon remembers the sight of the guy's big fat disproportionate dick very, very vividly, then immediately spreads his thighs as far as he can without the back of the couch interfering. 
Possibly he damages said back of the couch just a little bit in the process. 
Like, just barely. 
"Main attraction," he says firmly. Slobo grins at him again. 
"Damn, rolling out the red carpet here, ain't we," he says. "Gonna make a guy feel downright appreciated like this." 
"Put your dick in me right the fuck now or I will put you through the fucking wall, asshole," Kon threatens, and of course it's Slobo, so he just grins all the wider. 
"Fraggin' flirt," he says with obvious approval. 
Then he puts his dick in him. 
Kon's vision very literally whites out at the way Slobo feels sliding into him so big and hard and big and deep and big and good and he jerks up instinctively underneath him and makes some really, really undignified noises as his body seizes up. The couch might suffer a little more damage. Kon doesn't give the slightest bit of a fuck. 
"Holy shit, did you just fraggin' come?" Slobo asks in obvious delight. 
"Shut the fuck up," Kon barely gets out past the aftershocks making his whole damn body twitch and tremble under Slobo's, and Slobo laughs and sort of . . . rolls his hips, kind of, and Kon moans. 
"Shit, you're tight," Slobo says, sounding approving again, and this time in a way that makes Kon shudder even harder than he already is. "And soaked. Feels like I just stuck it in somebody's sloppy seconds. What do you think, bastich, want the whole thing in your snatch? Think you can take it?" 
"Yes," Kon chokes desperately, and Slobo does the only gentlemanly thing that Kon has ever seen him do, which is immediately just thrust into him balls deep. 
That is definitely a knot, yeah, Kon notes. 
And definitely Slobo's dick is prehensile. 
The literal only reason that Kon doesn't fucking scream is because they're in a building full of active superheroes and god fucking forbid somebody come and "save" him right now. Like, Cassie can watch if she really is into that, but if anybody in any way tries to fucking interrupt he is gonna straight up just become a supervillain. 
Unless it's a supervillain interrupting, he guesses, in which case he's just gonna take a page out of Wonder Woman's book and give them the Maxwell Lord special. 
Either way, he emphasizes deeply with Anita and her locked doors. 
Real deeply.
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nitewrighter · 17 days
I think one of the reasons dc/warner bros like to push Batman (other than “cool/dark/edgy”) is ironically, it’s the easiest hero to sell toys of. As a character with no powers, he has to make do with tech, that means accessories! He can’t fly and doesn’t have super speed, ergo the Batmobile or batwing, or a bat jet pack! He needs different suits for different jobs, so that justifies variant figures! With other heroes, you’d just get the figure and that’s it. Why would the flash need a car? Why would Superman need power armor? If you’re old enough to remember, or research back enough, you’ll know the stupidity of the Superman mobile, or the just sad justice jogger. You could have a super figure’s eyes light up to show heat vision, but that’s about it. I guess you could have a green lantern toy line with construct accessories, but clear green plastic might be flimsy or too expensive, I don’t know. I’d think this was why they gave Wonder Woman a sword and shield, cuz they thought the lasso was lame, if not for BoYz DoNt LiKe GiRl HeRoZ! (Convo for another time, but even as a kid I hated that, and I was a boy)
So tldr, one of the reasons dc pushes bats is once upon a time they saw dollar signs at the idea of bat ji Joe.
Also the fact that you can make Batman Merch out of anything just by making it black and/or gray and just slapping a Batman logo on it--it's just probably a lot easier than finagling around other hero's color schemes.
Thinking about the Batsketball again...
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But on a lore level, yeah, Batman is basically the "Cool Toys" superhero. You pretty much have every person in the DC universe commenting on how many "Cool toys" Batman has, or how much of a manchild having all those "Cool Toys" makes him. Like, I hate hate hate Frank Miller and of course I would fight him any day of the week, but the one thing All Star Batman and Robin had going for it was the GIANT BEAUTIFUL JIM LEE ILLUSTRATED BATCAVE PULLOUT MULTI-PAGE SPREAD. Like I need you to picture me in bed, giant glass of ice water on my nightstand, absolutely fucking miserable as I trudge through the worst fucking Batman characterization of my goddamn life, and then, AND THEN-- I go, "Oh, this is a pull-out," I carefully unfold it because library book, and then my jaw drops. I literally felt all the 8-year-old boy parts of my brain activate, and then you have young Dick Grayson's voice narrating it with five little words: "And it just. keeps. going."
A thing I really do like about all of Batman's tech and toys is they're all very tactile, and one of the things that's making Arkham Knight very fun as I'm playing through it is this factor of figuring out which of your little gadgets to use in which situation, and you're so proud of yourself when you figure out when the game expects you to use a certain gadget without the game cuing you to do so, or when you get a new gadget and then go back to all the parts of the map you previously weren't able to access without it (Baby "Square shape goes in Square hole" brain activation...) and the game also has very fun sound and vibration design and camera work to make using the various doodads feel very tactile even as it's happening in the game, but okay, let's take all those factors and pivot to Superman.
Superman doesn't have the Batcave, he has the Fortress of Solitude, and the Fortress of Solitude is not a Toy Chest like the Batcave is. The Fortress of Solitude is not a teenager's basement room to brood. The name itself is very intentional: It's Superman saying, "Yes, I save humanity, but I need breaks from it, I need a space to contemplate my work and my heritage, as well as get some distance from it for perspective, or else I will go fucking bonkers." And it's not just a house or a trophy room, either, it's a museum, it's an archive. I think about the Grant Morrison commentary about the bottle city of Kandor being a family heirloom like a snow globe or a music box--beautiful and yet distant, and that also sets a lot of the mood for the Fortress of Solitude: If the Batcave is a big toybox full of robot dinosaurs and a batarang target range and a lot of tactile stuff, then the Fortress of Solitude is a lot more, "You can look but please please please do not touch unless you really know what you're doing." You touch one crystal in the Fortress of Solitude and Jor-El's giant hologram head pops up booming 'KAL-EL, MY SON, THESE ARE THE PRECIOUS RECORDED HISTORIES OF OUR PEOPLE--' and you're like "Oh Jesus fuck how do I turn this off---"
One of the things I've come to really like in recent comics is how, as Superman has embraced having a family, that the Fortress itself feels warmer and more dynamic--Lois is using it as a space to research and write a book about Krypton, Kara tinkers with Kryptonian technology, Jon spent stints there as a toddler in Superman: Space Age, Krypto is there... It's actually kind of reflected how museums have become a lot more dynamic and kid-friendly in recent years. It's still clearly a space they all respect, but there's a much stronger element of enrichment than, "Look at this thing behind glass."
But anyway, yeah, Superman's stories are really more, like, fantastical than Batman's, so it goes to reason that Superman-play is more daydreaming and broad imaginative concepts while Batman-play is more physical and tinkering. So Batman in general is more likely to have lots of toys.
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greenlantern94to04 · 5 months
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Green Lantern #51 (May 1994)
At last, after months of hype, we've finally reached the official debut of DC's sensational character find of 1994: Ohm! You know, Ohm? The guy who fights (and almost beats) Kyle Rayner in this issue?
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Oh yeah, and as of this issue, Kyle Rayner is officially named "Kyle Rayner" and not "the rando who got Hal Jordan's ring."
But, before getting his ass kicked by Ohm, the first thing Kyle does with the ring he got in Green Lantern #50 is visit his ex-girlfriend, Alex, who at first assumes this is some practical joke. I guess she's used to Kyle showing up at her door in the middle of the night wearing tight-fitting costumes? Kyle insists that this is real and explains that he got the power ring from a blue little person in a red dress who materialized in an alley, only he doesn't say "little person."
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Apparently, Kyle is a bit immature and irresponsible (hence the "ex-" in "ex-girlfriend"), and his job as a freelance artist doesn't seem to be going anywhere, but he thinks the ring represents a chance to get his shit together and make something of himself. He tells Alex he could become a big shot superhero in New York (they're currently in a small town called "Los Angeles," by the way) while she, a photojournalist, could take photos of him and sell them to the newspapers for big bucks. The ol' Peter Parker gamble.
Alex is eventually persuaded by the idea, though I get the impression she's just humoring him because she wants to go back sleep (without him; he's on the couch). The next morning, Alex wakes Kyle up because some nutjob stole one of those experimental armors S.T.A.R. Labs likes to leave laying around and is trying to use it to siphon all the electrical power in LA. Alex tells Kyle to stay in the car while she takes photos and he assures her he won't do anything stupid like, say, try to fight a supervillain with a power ring he's only used to change his clothes and levitate slightly. We already know how that went. Guess we can add "impulsive" to "immature and irresponsible."
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That takes us back to the start of the comic, with the ALL-NEW Green Lantern getting pummeled by the mighty Ohm -- that is, until Alex reminds Kyle that he can create stuff with the ring, like a shield to protect himself from Ohm's attacks or a big... stick thing to knock him down. Thirty years later, I still have no idea what this is:
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So, Kyle successfully avoids being murdered on his first mission and saves the day as the crowd cheers for "Green Lantern," with only one guy commenting that his hair looks different now. Perhaps inspired by that, Alex later tells Kyle he should put that Graphic Design degree to use and make himself a new costume that will give him his own identity, resulting in the iconic new look that we'd already seen in the cover, and in the ads for this issue, and at the end of GLCQ #8.
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(Note that they're at the beach, which means it's possible Kyle couldn't think of anything for the new mask, looked down, saw a crab in the sand, and said "I've got it!")
Meanwhile, at a maximum security supervillain prison known as "the Slab," some poor guards try and fail to contain the breakout of one of the inmates, who turns out to be... our pal Mongul! As in, the one who broke Hal Jordan's arm (GL #46) and helped break his brain by destroying Coast City. And he wants a rematch with "Green Lantern."
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Whelp, hope he's better at remembering hair color than the average LA pedestrian...
According to the DC wiki, this is Ohm's one and only appearance, which I find really surprising. I'm shocked (pun intended) that he survived that period in the mid-'00s when Geoff Johns and James Robinson were going around murdering obscure DC characters for shock (pun intended again) value.
On the other hand, New Jersey's very own Slabside Penitentiary, which also debuted in this issue, went on to become a recurrent location in various DC stories, most notably the Joker: Last Laugh crossover and the Arrow TV show.
Speaking of the Slab, there are a few villain cameos in that scene: a devil guy I don't recognize (is that Nightcrawler's dad?), Shrapnel from Doom Patrol and Suicide Squad comics, and Captain Atom nemesis Major Force. As a fan of the Captain Atom run where MF was introduced, I was thrilled to see him here and wished DC put him to use more often. (Somewhere, a monkey's paw curled.)
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I will echo Neil's comment on the post for GL #48 that the timeline for Kyle and Alex's breakup doesn't make sense. In this issue, Alex says they broke up "last week" and doesn't even wanna let him in, yet they seemed pretty chummy in #48, which seemed to take place only a few hours ago. The only way I can make sense of it is that it took longer than implied for Ganthet to crawl out of that pile of bodies and travel to Earth. Future issues do reveal that he made some other stops before settling for Kyle, so it's possible he spent several days offering the ring to random people in alleys before someone finally said yes.
I like that not only does the crowd mistake Kyle for Hal, but Kyle himself doesn't even remember the Green Lanterns were a thing until Alex reminds him, and he was already wearing the costume. This acknowledges Green Lantern's status for casual comics fans as a guy you kinda sorta know but don't really care enough to fully remember. That was definitely the case for me, until this run changed it.
No Guy-Watch this time... because he's getting his very own post! Coming soon.
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