#Yep Thats Him Alright
n4rval · 10 months
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a few pointers on how i draw this idiot because i can
Definitely DTed himself (you fool no one dude): come on. if you think he's not crazy enough to experiment on himself, what are you doing. the average creature would likely simply vaporize in a CORE accident, but throw an amalgam(dubious term) in it and watch it haunt your footsteps.
Somewhere around 7' ?: lord have mercy. well, i'm not complaining, i've dealt with 10'.
Old man hunch (ow!): this is what happens when you spend your whole life crouching to look at people. or when you try your best to look smaller and kinder as to not creep anyone out, but you creep them out anyway. loneliness is often the price of brilliance
AUTISM HANDS (RAD) (COOL): or of autism. loneliness is often the price of a neurodivergent understanding of social norms. but sometimes you're just cuckoo bananas as well, and that's okay. tries his best to be a gentleman(fucking old man), comes off a little awkward about it
i've picked purple as his representative color for reasons i'll elaborate once i throw in some pre-DT headcanons in here
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Random Wachowski family headcanon: for their first Halloween, Tom chooses to dress up as Darth Vader just so he can say the iconic lines to each of his kids. "Sonic, I am your father" , "Tails, the force is strong with you", "Knuckles, come and join me to the dark side." Etc.
That and he just talks in a deep ass voice the whole time to where it even gets on Maddie’s nerves after a while
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moralpuppet · 9 months
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your heart.
you have loved, and been hurt. your heart is tired, but cannot grow calloused...
tagged by : obedientmade
tagging: anyone who wants to join in !
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pirateborn-a · 2 years
writing roger is just            slaps his empty head         this bad boy can fit so many decelerations of devotion in him
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jasmines-library · 1 month
Okay that one with baby batsib learning about Batman was so cute but what about the opposite? Imagine they decided that they hate Batman 💀 love your writing 🥰
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Note: LOVE THIS. sorry it took me an age.
The look on your face when Bruce picked you up from school that day was not the look he expected. Your arms were folded, and your eyebrows were knitted together in a tight scowl as you stood at his feet.
Ruffling your hair in an attempt to wipe the pout off of your face, Bruce knelt down to your height and spoke to you gently. "What's that look for, Sweetheart?" He asked, unable to hide the hint of amusement lingering in his tone.
You didn't answer. Instead you just huffed, turning away from him. Bruce just tilted his head, rather amused by your mood. "Come on, kid. It can't have been that bad. What did you learn about today?"
With one drawn out movement, you turned back to face him, a stony expression chiseled onto your face. "Batman."
"Oh?" Bruce raised an eyebrow. He was wondering when you would come across Batman. The family had agreed that you were far too young to know the secret yet, so had avoided telling you.
"I don't like him." You declared, sticking your chin up.
Bruce frowned a little. "And why not?"
"He stops people."
"He's trying to help the city, kid."
You huffed once again. "I don't like him."
Bruce couldn't help the slight grin on his face. He found it rather comical that you hated Batman so much. You were going to have one hell of a dilemma when they reveal their identities to you.
Your little hand was stretched above your head as you clung onto Dick's hand. He had decided to take you to the park to enjoy the most of the summer weather before Gotham shortly returned to its usual doom-and-gloom rain. Your feet shuffled on the pavement beside your brother as he walked you towards the ice cream parlour just across the road. Your eyes practically lit up as you saw the abundance of bright colours and flavours all lined up in neat rows.
"Alright kiddo. Whatcha having?" Dick lifted you up and placed you on his hip so that you could see properly over the small line of people. "They've got strawberry, chocolate, vanilla.....oh look." He pointed to one of the drawings on the specials menu. "You can get a batman sundae."
Your face twisted with disgust. "Yuck. Batman."
"You don't like Batman?" Dick raised an eyebrow, adjusting you on his hip.
"Where'd you learn about Batman?"
"At school." You replied, trying to look over the people at the counter, clearly more interested in the ice cream than in the conversation with your brother.
Dick shook his head with amusement. "Why don't you like him?"
"He's boring."
Your answer took Dick a little off guard. "Boring?" He frowned.
"Yes. Boring. We spent all day learning about him and it was very boring."
"I see" Dick chuckled, making note to tell Bruce about this later. "So i take it no Batman sundae then? Because Batman is boring?"
"Yep." you said proudly.
Jason was in his bedroom reading comics on his bed when you wandered in.
"Jay-Jay?" You called out for him, turning the corner and stopping when you saw him on his bed. you looked at him, eyes wide with curiosity. "What are you doing?"
"I'm reading, Little Wayne." He answered.
"Reading what?" You asked, wandering to the bed and standing on your toes to peer over. He lifted you up to sit beside him.
"Comics." he showed you. "See."
you pointed to the figure on the page. "Who's that."
"That's Batman."
"Who's Batman?"
"He saves the city. He keeps Gotham safe." Jason explained, giving you a rundown on Batman. His gadgets, his cars.
"Thats booorringgggg." You drew out, looking at the illustrations on the page.
"yes." You huff. "I don't like him. He does boring things."
"If that's what you say, kid."
Tim was in the kitchen with you. He had you sat in a chair as he made you a snack. The news was playing in the background, with Batman and his sidekicks' faces flashing across the screen. You paid little interest to it as you ate you breakfast, but as time went on, you began to grow fed up of seeing him and his fast car driving through the streets.
"Timmy. can you turn it over?"
Tim reached for the remote and flicked to another channel, but it was also playing the same footage.
"Tim." You whined. "Turn it over. I don't like Batman."
Tim turned around to face you. "No?"
"No." You said, taking another bite of your breakfast. "He destroys the city."
"He doesn't do it on purpose, kid. He destroys it to get the bad guys."
"But sometimes he doesn't even catch the bad guys. And he has sidekicks to help him."
"He can't stop all the crime on his own, kid."
You paused for a moment, outspoken, but pout and take another big bite, speaking with half of your mouth full. "Well i don't like him anyway."
Tim changed the channel to something else. He found your slander of the vigilantes amusing, considering you would more than likely become one in the future. he just hoped that he would be there to see your face when you found out the truth.
You were watching Damian play video games in the living room one evening. He was supposed to be babysitting. out of the window, the bat-signal flashed into view.
You tugged on his sleeve, pointing it out to him. "Dami. Look. Batsignal."
"Where'd you learn that, kid?" he asked, pausing his game.
"At school."
Damian took in the look on your face. "You don't seem that excited. Most kids are excited about batman."
"I'm not." You folded your arms. "I hate batman."
Damian chuckled in interest. "Well, you're not like most kids then, are you. why do you hate him?"
"He doesn't change the city."
"There are still bad guys."
"There are." Damian hummed. "But he's trying his best."
"And he hasn't got the monster under my bed yet."
Damian couldn't help the snort of laughter that slipped past his lips. "Oh well, thats not very good of him, is it?"
"No its not." you scowled.
"I'll have to have a chat with him then, get him to sort it out for you. will that make you like him more?"
Damian smiled softly. "I'll see what i can do."
@aestheticdaisies @hearts4robs @xxrougefangxx @hell-o-kittys @harleycao @batfamsstuff @alicedawitchbish @killxz @rosecentury @lara20aral
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ghoulysaphomet · 2 months
Tim's Ao3 AU
just got the image of tim writing red hood x oc fanfic but the oc is basically tim/red robin and each time the A/N is like
"sorry no beta im mid-shoot out with some gang leaders atm"
and the content ranges from super fluffy to the most degenerative porn wanting to lick his skull and the authors notes are like
"heey sorry for the slow update i got shot again and im forced on bed rest but now i have an excuse to work on the next chapters!!"
now i want a fic where its like
it gets more and more outrageous, and the comments are just people debating whether its real or not and then there's 1 comment.
that comment is like.
"Pick Up Your Phone, Now. -D"
and tims like
"::) im in trouble::)"
theres one person dissing out the red hood and how he's so terrible and will never actually deserve someone loving him and tim replies with
"Loompa Roompa might malfunction for a while"
and the person is like *how the fuck do you know the name of my roombah what the hell is this why it's been turning on and off at night what the fuck*"
tims username is pretty bird or somth bcs thats what jason called him at least once before and hes like yes i can be pretty and a bird i can be whatever you want me to be
(totes not because thats what jason always calls tim in my head no no)
dick just really, really wants answers but also is deeply, deeply concerned
"tim you had a 20k fic of red hood lovingly taking care of you and hugging you like you'd never been hugged before. are you like, okay?"
"you.. you read all of that?"
"that's besides the point. now answer the question"
"i dont know how to feel about this"
"how do you think i feel? i didnt need to know about any of it"
"and yet you do. curiosity killed the cat, dick."
"alright i wont bother you if you promise to talk with dinah or some jl approved therapist about... the hugging touch starved things. if you dont tho ill just send jason your ao3 account babs said he has one so he can see all your shit'
"i think i would feel better if you just stabbed me"
dick makes a lemon bitten face.
"you saw that too, huh."
"i dont have a kink for being stabbed. i have a jason fetish. just him and whatever he decides to do to me so dont worry i wont be out getting stabbed by randos"
"I'm glad but also i wanna circle back to the jason fetish part i feel like thats something i should worry about"
20k fanfic where tim just rants about jasons soft hoodie
jason, meanwhile, he sees someone w the username idk PrettyBirdRedHoos in his comments and hes concerned someone figured out he was robin but goes to look and this persons bookmarks are all just fics written by a 'PrettyBird" user and all of them are red hood/oc, and some of them is like; piercing kink, some of them are 20k fics where the oc falls asleep wearing their hoodie, one of them is a very specific scenario where the red hood 'playfully attacks' the OC on top of a tall building and they fuck nasty and jay is like
this. is too detailed. to be a coincidence innit.
and the comments are just people debating how real these scenarios are and every single person that disses RH has something hacked or exposed and jays like 'ah. well, timmy certainly has a hobby."
he could tell him that he knows.
he could also choose to be an absolute tease. forget a hoodie there, wear some bootyshorts here, not wear a binder while wearing a tank-top here, spit out a specific phrase tims used in a fic before just to keep him on his toes. it's fun watching him squirm.
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sulkingscythe · 1 month
bakugou bf! headcannons
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a.n: fluff!bakugou
pairing: bakugou x gn!reader
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⁂ he for sure was extremely protective of you before you guys were officially together and would always be around you guarding you like a watchdog waiting to kick anyone’s ass who dared to even look at you wrong!! but when you brought this up to him he completely denied it saying that you were the one stalking him.
“i have no idea that your talking about ? did you hit your head ? maybe you have a fever? yep maybe its that haha or maybe its been YOU!! thats been spying on me! ahh i knew it !!!!”
⁂ bakugou is also the type to do small gestures to show his affection!
like buy you your favorite snacks and food when your week has been busy
always covering a desk when you drop your phone under the desk to make sure you don’t hit your head on your way up,
fix your uniform when it’s a mess from waking up late and rushing to class but also scolds you for not getting up on time
"really?? i told you not to pull a allnighter, to binge all of the marvel movies! now look at you, you got detention for not listening to me!!!"
"your just mad i didn't invite you, huh?"
"PFFT AS IF!!! .... yeah i am, but come on!! now i have to watch them alone!"
"i can always rewatch them, and im sorry suki, ill invite you next time now let me make it up to you!! i'll pay for snacks!☆
⁂ extremely loyal!!! this guy does not bat a eye at anyone else !!!, he would also scream to any girls that touch him in away way!!
⁂ he hates it when guys from other classes talk to you especially deku! and would tell to stay away from him saying he’s “bad business” and that all the other guys are not worthly of talking or even being in your presence!
“i dont want you talking to that green broccoli idot! you hear me, he’s just all bad news!!”
“how would you know that!? huh suki? he seems nice”
“i grew up with him remember !?, remember its always the ones that look nice on the outside that are the true villans!”
“uh ok? i mean if it helps you sleep better at night, then ill stop talking to him :b”
“also tell those weak extras from the support course that you won’t be going over there for repairs on your gear anymore. got it, your stronger and better them to be asking for thier help, alright babe? they don’t deserve someone as smart and badass as YOU in their boring dry lives.”
“uhh but how am i supposed to get fast repairs and fix my own gear!!!???”
“ill fix it babe ok?, dont worry about it got it all covered, when you need it fixed just drop it off at my dorm and for payment methods? we could always figure something out. maybe acts of service ;)”
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divider credits to @cafekitsune check her page and her work !!
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delilahsturniolo · 1 month
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dangerous - (pt 2)
⇨ alternative ending
(for those who wanted a happy ending.)
read the first ending here!
in which: Y/n and Chris are officially broken up after he cheated on her, what happens when they find their way back to each other?
this story contains: angst, kissing…thats it?
written by: @delilahsturniolo
I sat on the couch, watching TV as Grayson played with his toys on the floor in front of me. I glanced at him occasionally to make sure he was okay.
I sighed, rubbing my eyes in exhaustion. Grayson hummed to himself as he stacked blocks on top of each other, suddenly my phone started ringing.
I jumped a little from the unexpected noise, but picked up my phone next to me. It was Nick, I smiled to myself and answered the phone. “Hello?” I spoke through the phone.
“Y/n! Hey! How are ya?” Nick asked, his voice happy and bright.
“Nick! I’m pretty good, what about you?” I replied, grabbing the remote and lowering the volume on the TV.
“Amazing. Wheres Grayson? Tell him his favorite uncle is on the phone.” Nick laughed at his own joke. I rolled my eyes playfully.
“He’s right here, playing with his toys. And hey, I wouldn’t doubt you being his favorite uncle. You spoil him way too much.” I teased, chuckling.
“What? I’m just the cool uncle.” Nick replied.
“Anyway..me, Matt, and Chris were gonna go out for some dinner tonight. I was wondering if you wanted to come along?” Nick asked, a bit of hesitation in his voice. I frowned at hearing Chris’s name.
“Nick-“ I started speaking, but Nick interrupted.
“Y/n, I know you still aren’t completely over Chris, and that’s okay. That’s completely normal, but you barely even hang out with us anymore. We just miss you, Y/n.” Nick told me, I honestly felt really bad.
It was true, I had been avoiding them, in fears of having an encounter with Chris.
“We care about you. I want to see you happy. And I’m gonna make it happen, starting off by getting you out of that damn house.” Nick insisted, I simply just stayed quiet.
Nick sighed at my silence. “This isn’t a good way to cope, Y/n. Come with us, it’ll be fun. I promise.”
“Alright, fine.” I gave in, feeling a little better from Nick’s reassurance. Nick cheered from the other side of the phone, I giggled.
“I’ll send you the address of the restaurant, do you need a ride?” Nick questioned.
“I’m okay, thanks though. Is 6 PM okay?” I suggested.
“Yep, cya at 6 queen!” Nick emphasized before hanging up the phone. My heart felt heavy as I slowly put down my phone, tonight was going to be rough.
5:50 PM…
I parked in the restaurant’s parking lot and turned off my car. I got out and opened the back seat door where Grayson was sitting, helping him out of the car.
“You look so handsome baby!” I smiled at Grayson, kneeling down to his level and gently tickling him playfully, causing him to squeal in excitement. I adjusted his little bowtie and ran my hands through his hair.
“Thank you mama.” Grayson muttered, stumbling across his words. I picked him up into my arms and walked over to the entrance, where Nick and Matt were waiting for me. Nick gasped in excitement and immediately ran over to me and Grayson, engulfing us both in a warm, comforting hug.
“My two favorite people!” Nick exclaimed, pulling away from the hug and gently kissing Grayson’s forehead.
“Excuse me?” Matt scoffed playfully, resulting in Nick rolling his eyes. Matt wrapped his arms around me and booped Grayson’s nose.
“It’s really good to see you, Y/n.” Matt softly spoke, looking at me sincerely with care. “It’s good to see you too, Matt.” I responded, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders from all the reassurance and love from Nick and Matt.
I set Grayson down and Matt took his hand. I suddenly heard footsteps behind me, I turned around. Chris walked up to the three of us standing by the entrance of the restaurant.
Our eyes met, It was hard to read his emotion. I felt my heart race faster every passing second, I then ripped my eyed off of him.
“Took you long enough, what were you doing?” Nick asked, playing with Grayson’s hair.
“I was just on the phone with mom.” Chris replied, I didn’t even realize he was standing right next to me. I turned to face him, looking up at him.
“Hi.” I simply mumbled, Chris politely smiled.
“Hi.” He whispered softly.
“How’ve you been?” Chris asked me, running a hand through his brunette hair.
“I’m..I’m okay.” I replied, Chris nodded. “I’m glad.”
We looked at each other for a few more moments before Chris walked over to Grayson and kneeled down to his level. I watched as Grayson’s eyes lit up when he saw his dad, Chris hugged Grayson’s tiny body.
I bit my lip, watching as they both interacted. It warmed my heart, I knew that no matter what happened Chris and Grayson would always be close.
Eventually, we walked into the restaurant. A waiter led us to our booth and we sat down. Nick and Matt purposely sat down on one side of the booth with Grayson, leaving me forced to sit next to Chris.
I sat down as our waiter passed out menu’s. The tension between me and Chris was heavy, he was acting as if everything was fine. And it was pissing me off.
As we waited for our food, Nick began going on some random tangent while I stared off into space. I didn’t realize how hard it would be hanging out with Chris again, I couldn’t move on. That was the worst part.
“Y/n? You good?” A familiar voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked up, Matt was talking to me.
“Y-yeah, I’m fine. I just need some air.” I abruptly got up, walking outside the restaurant. Nick, Matt, and Chris exchanged a confused look.
I stood outside the restaurant, people walking in and out of the doors. I stood under the roof as rain poured hard, thunder rumbling in the sky. (this is what i meant by roof)
“Y/n.” I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned around, my eyes meeting with Chris’s.
“Who the fuck is Olivia!?” I raised my voice, my anger rising with every passing second. Chris’s eyes immediately went into a panic.
“Nobody, she’s just a friend. Give that back!” Chris lied right to my face, trying to snatch his phone away from my hands. I backed up, not allowing him to do so.
End of flashback.
“Come back inside..” Chris whispered, coming next to me. He put a hand on my shoulder, but I swatted his hand off.
“Don’t touch me.” I mumbled. Chris tried grabbing my hand but I shoved him off, walking out into the rain.
“Y/n, wait.” Chris said, following behind me. He grabbed my arm and spun me around. His wet hair fell over his eyes, my dress was soaked with water. We both stood face to face as rain clattered to the ground harshly, he didn’t let go of my arm.
“Why did you do it?” I whispered, my mascara running down my cheeks from the rain hitting my face. Chris looked at me, his bright blue eyes piercing into mine. My heart continued to race faster every passing second.
“Why’d you hurt me?” I continued.
“I don’t know, bab- Y/n. I’m so sorry, I don’t think I could ever apologize enough. It was a stupid mistake that I’ll forever regret, you didn’t deserve that.” Chris responded, his voice cracked with emotion.
I stayed quiet, simply just looking at him as the rain poured harder, thunder rumbling.
“And…I broke it off with Olivia the night of our argument. I’m no longer associated with her. I want to try again, I want to make it work.” Chris continued, I looked down to the ground before speaking again.
“Chris, the thing is..I don’t know if I could ever trust you again.” I told him, gently pulling my arm out of his grip.
“I know, and that’s my fault. I promise I’ll do better. And I know actions speak louder than words, I’ll show and prove to you that I mean what I’m saying.” Chris pleaded.
“Please. For Grayson. For me, for you. For us.”
I looked down to his lips, then up to his eyes. Chris’s breathing grew heavy as his eyes searched mine for an answer.
But I didn’t respond to him. Instead, I took a step closer to him. I grabbed his face and pressed my lips against his, kissing him hungrily. Chris placed one hand on the side of my neck and the other on my waist.
I missed this so much, I missed him. The kiss felt magical. I wrapped my arms around Chris’s neck, deepening the kiss, I didn’t care one bit about being in the rain.
I pulled away from the kiss.
“One more chance, Christopher. Don’t fuck it up.” I spoke firmly. Chris smiled down at me, placing a hand on my cheek and caressing it gently with his thumb.
“Whatever you say, princess.” He replied as he grabbed my chin and slowly leaned in once more.
comment on this post to be apart of the taglist! 🪽🤍
sorry this took so long to post i lost motivation mid writing but lmk if u liked it ! :)
@babyalliah-777 @stopdropandroll1 @h3arts4harry @sturniolossluttybitch @sturniooolos @gwennybenny @jetaimevous @vtaraa @doctorreid187 @ivysturnss @strvnolin @sturnzsun @sassysturniolo2008 @blahbel668 @jamiesturniolo @sabsturned @wiidfi0wer33 @bitchydragonparadisee @ofc1ofc @z03ey @pixie-sticks-are-good @elsxz1 @rafecameronsbitch @mariasturniolo @miss-tyummy @emmavzlsblog @mattlovesfall @slutforsturnioloss @itsfloriii @stvrnmc @sturnsxplr-25 @sturnobsessedwh0re @kierra-holland @itzzmfjade @ilovecats0402 @lizzymacdonald06 @0kt0 @sturnstvr @sturnn372 @emely9274 @nicksloverrr @ariologyy @memea32221 @lushjunkie @mylove4lana
© delilahsturniolo
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hughjackmansbicep · 14 days
The Seamstress
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Contains: Logan Howlett X F!Reader
Summary: Youre a seamstress and he seems to have an endless supply of holey clothes....
Wordcount: 1.2k
Warnings: None :D
a/n: haiiiiii ive always loved this trope in fics !!! tehe!! srry for not writing much recently i got fired from my job LOL anywayssss... i was listening to the smiths writing this unrelated but related.
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Most days bled together, the same mundane routine playing out in front of you each day. Wake up, go to work, go home, eat takeout, and pass out to some soap opera. Currently, the highlight of your life was finding out what was going to happen next on The Days of Our Lives. You were a seamstress in the middle of Manhattan; you owned a small shop off 64th, and although you were living out your dream, nothing excited you anymore. Every task felt exhausting; you couldn't even find passion in sewing anymore. That was until he stumbled into your shop.
“Hi, yeah, I was wondering if you'd be able to sew this up for me.” He grumbled, holding up what appeared to be some yellow and blue jumpsuit. You'd almost forgotten to respond, completely captivated by his sheer beauty. His gorgeous face, chiseled body, kitty-like hair, and you can't forget the unusual yet totally working for him mutton chops. “U-um, ahem, yeah, I totally could.” You manage to choke out, reaching for the clothing item. “How long do you reckon it'll take?” You examine the clothing carefully; it's decorated with rips and holes everywhere. He's lucky if I can get this finished by the end of the week, “Tomorrow.” Your mouth moves quicker than your brain can. “Cool, I'll come by at 10? Is that alright?” He asks, slowly backing out of the shop, his eyes never leaving you. ‘10am? I can't begin to do that either; I mean, I wouldn't get to sleep tonight’. “Yep! See you at 10!” Cure that mouth of yours; you give him a smile and an awkward wave as he makes his way out the door.
You blow your breath out as if you'd been holding it the entire time, sinking down into your chair. You silently cursed at yourself for agreeing to such a stupid timeframe, but this meant you could binge Days of Our Lives tonight, so maybe it wasn't half bad.
The rest of the day went just as you expected. A couple hems, a few cinches—nothing out of the ordinary apart from the comic book cosplay you agreed to revive back to life. It was currently 3 o’clock in the morning; you'd been sitting there sewing the garment for 7 hours. Honestly, you'd been making great time; you were so close to finishing, maybe 20 stitches left total. Somewhere between the last stitch and a doctor getting slapped, you'd passed out on your living room floor.
You'd awoken to the feeling of your feline licking your cheek, causing you to immediately shoot up off the floor. Your eyes frantically searching for a clock, the power Must’ve gone out sometime around 5 in the morning because that's all you saw flashing back at you on the stove. In a frenzy, you started throwing random clothes on, praying they'd match, shoving the costume in a garment bag, and running out the door. Thats when you finally looked down at your phone, seeing the time read 10:03, “God damnit.” You whined under your breath. Your shop was only a couple blocks away, but that was still a 15-minute walk, so you sprinted. You probably looked like a complete lunatic, but you couldn't care less right now. The incredibly hot customer probably waiting outside your doors was the utmost important thing on your mind.
Dripping in sweat and hyperventilating as you turned the corner to where your shop was, you saw him just as you thought you would. Leaning up against the door, one arm crossed over his torso as he took a drag from his cigar with his other. God, he looked heavenly, and you... Well, maybe not your best day, but definitely not your worst. “Hey, sorry I'm late.” You breathed out, hands resting on your knees as you caught your breath. “But I've got your thingy.” You hold the garment bag up; he just furrows his eyebrows at you, cocking his head to the side. His silence makes you feel more embarrassed than you already do. You get up to unlock your doors, ushering him to follow you inside.
You check him out at the register; the only words being exchanged were the cost of the repairs and where he can tap his card. He walked out with a smile and a nod, a soft ‘Thanks’ escaping his lips before the door shut. You throw your head in your hands, feeling shame wash over you. You were hoping and praying he was going to leave his number on the receipt, but obviously he did not. I mean, why would you have had him waiting and showed up looking like a complete mess? Not very good looks. You simply had to chop it up as a loss and return back to the mundaneness of your life.
The very next morning, though, he was here again, this time holding an old brown jacket. He'd said there was a small hole in the pocket he wanted fixed. This time it only took you all 20 minutes. You asked him to wait upfront as you brought the jacket to the back to repair it. When you returned, you checked him out the same as before, and he left exactly the same as before. This became an everyday routine for the two of you. Every day he'd walk in with some worn-out article of clothing asking you to stitch it up; you always obliged, even if the clothes looked and smelled like they came from 1987. You always did wonder how this guy had so many ripped-up clothes just lying around, and why wouldn't he just bring them in all at once?
This charade had been going on for 2 weeks now when you finally decided to break from your usual script of ‘thank you, come again’. “Why is everything you own torn apart? Is everything okay back home?” You asked as he slipped his card into the machine. You could see the heat rising to his cheeks as he tried to hide a smirk creeping its way on his face. “You want me to be honest with you?” He looked up at you, pursing his lips together in a thin line. You nodded your head, waiting for him to continue, “I honestly thought you were gorgeous when I first walked into your shop.” Now your cheeks started burning red as your eyes went wide. “So every day since then I head into Goodwill and find anything I can with a hole in it so I can find an excuse to come see you.” This was the first time you'd ever seen this man avoid eye contact with you. You couldn't find your words as your throat had gone dry. He was into you??? And here you were this whole time thinking you ruined your shot (and that he was homeless, but you weren't going to tell him that). 
"Well, say something.” He exasperated, snapping you out of your daze. “I honestly don't know what to say; I’m shocked. I get off at 6 if y’know... You wanted to grab something to eat?” You offer awkwardly, smiling through the pain of how anxious you sounded. He looks up to you finally meeting your gaze, a soft smile painted on his lips. “Ill be here to pick you up at 6 doll.” He grabs your hand, planting a gentle kiss on your knuckle. He walked out the door, leaving you in utter shock and denial for the rest of your shift.
hi ps u can always request me shtuff to write! :3
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night-dazai · 8 months
I keep giving myself baby fever
Hear me out.
Bsd men got a breeding kink-
Hey, I feel like this is not so complete cause this is the first time I am writing about breeding kink, forgive me if there are mistakes and point them out so I can correct them on later works. Thank you for the request cause it is a wonderful one
I also did not check this for spelling and grammar errors
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Dazai : 
To this man he has never kept his hands off you and never will.
One day as he was mindless watching some reels he saw a few baby reels “What will y/n’s kid with me look like “ his mind thought and thats the end of you . 
Every night senseless fucking you raw “Bella..want a kid..” he would plead. 
But deep down he felt he does not deserve one, but once he has tried fucking you raw . yep. no changing his mind he wants a kid .
He wants to see you belly bulge with his kid , but makes sure you also agree to it . 
He feels sacred some nights thinking of what can happen if he has a lot of weakness cause one of them is you , all precious people near him all dead yet you are here to hold his hand at every step . 
And let him fuck your cunt till it leaks cum “ you look soo lovely like this darling , like a painting “ he says licking the mixture “one more pleasee “ he asks with his doe eyes. 
The moment the pregnancy is confirmed, yep he is shocked
"Its like a pea " he says looking the documents, man becomes so overprotective makes sure you are always with someone from the agency and nerve alone .
He loves to lay his head on your tummy and talk to the baby " baby , it has been 178 days since you are in you mom's tummy hows it in there ?" " Baby your dad is being bullied bu your mom " he would also complain to it .
Boy is overjoyed he first runs to tell Oda " I am starting my own family " his voice breaks as the gentle breeze makes his hair sway he keeps talking to him while you holding his form falling down.
He knows how dangerous it is for you and the baby now and his mind just starts planning everything from birth to every single thing to do to keep the baby safe.
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Chuuya : 
Boy , now first step its you who brings up this topic , to him he is blessed enough to feel human due to your presence but he is a man who is never overly greedy. 
A kid ? his kid ? when you tell him this you see wet eyes and trembling hands “ but its dangerous i am dangerous “ he says . 
It takes a lot more time than Dazai to convince this redhead, but once he is conceived he is the most sweetest guy . 
He would treat you like its the first time you are having sex , being all sweet and making sure you feel alright. 
All the rough sex is out of the window (unless you beg for it )
He cums inside and uses his thick fingers to pump it back in “Now now be a good girl “ he would whisper sweet things into your ears . 
One day he would suddenly come home with tons of baby clothes and toys and posters “ chu what is this ?” you asked confused “ i liked it bought it “ he says happily smiling like a kid . 
Big rich has its perks, he gets you regularly checked up , men make sure your health if on top it, and no one in the mafia is allowed near you .
He is like a guard dog barking at anyone trying to even look at your direction,and night after night of sweet love once pregnancy is confirmed.
He cries, he cries in front of everyone in his office (well you tell him in his office with the scanned images ) . 
Good luck with more pampering 
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This man , has everything planned from the moment he sleeps eats and takes a bath , maye even even he breathes. 
But sex, family, and lifelong partner are also in his book . 
I am sure he will find it hard to find a person who fits all his ideals and you might be someone who fits 2 or 3 of them (or even none)
You guys having sex is also scheduled in his book as a relaxing time (call caps )
He is a top , gentle, sweet , always wears and condom and all okay good fine . 
You were someone who wanted some spicy and thats how one day when he comes home all stressed you give him your present. 
A tight red lingerie, lifting your breasts a bit a cut leaving your sweet buds open and you holding your legs wide open saying “ welcome “. 
He snaps, there is no way he is holding back from this treat , his rthurs hard and pace fast , he becomes all grabby. 
As he feels his dick twitching he realises he ahs no condom “ shit “ he mumbles and try to pull out “ stay “ you say pulling his neck and kissing him while the other hand pushes his dick back deeper . 
The man relases inside you feeling something new , his eyes wide chest heaving he looks down seeing his cum drip down your tighs on the sheets.
Licking his cum mixed with yours “ it felt nice right ?” you ask trying to get up and wash when a hand stops you . 
“More “ he says tone very firm he is going back in , he is too out of it , his mind seeing images of a mini you running around the house 
Seeing your belly big, he lost it and you knew it cause his eyes looked soo lust full “ sure babe” 
After all the steamy stuff is over man is weight down with his thoughts, keeps saying sorry while you are smiling at him “ its fine “.
“Of course it is not” he says , his job is not extremely dangerous but alos not very safe , he does not ever want to see anyone die . 
You were strong to protect yourself but what about a kid ? his mind is too messed when you kiss his hands.
“ It will all be fine relax ,we can take care “ and that when it hits him “ you want a baby ?” his voice trembles he asks while you nod shyly. 
Good luck cause once it is decided every night you guys have to RELAX and the next day, you better ask for a long vacation if you are working cause this man is going to work overtime on you .
Once it is confirmed that you are pregnant " from now on all your lazy schedule is out of the roof " he says sternly.
Makes you eat health food, and makes you do yoga for fitness you can whine and cry but you are doing them " no more fooling around its time for you to eat your vitamin tablets "
He will try his best to spend more and more time with you guys and read books as to "what to tell a baby while it's in the stomach " he looks like a ring master telling the baby moral value stories but you can see the affection and nervous this man is hiding.
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princessbrunette · 8 months
jj being so oblivious to how much he turns on reader and by the time they get back into her room at the end of the day she’s so needy for him and he’s like ???
🍰♡₊˚ 🩰・₊✧
jj had taken the lead on the little pogue mission you’d joined in on today.
you wasn’t sure if it was the leadership and casual dominance over everyone that was doing it for you, your boyfriend strutting about in that black t-shirt and backwards cap — confidently throwing out “just follow my lead, okay?” to the group, or “not to worry, papa j’s got it.” which made your thighs clench whilst everyone else’s eyes rolled.
or maybe it was the way he was courteous, making sure your safety and involvement in everything was his top priority— glancing over at you to gauge your reactions whenever something happened, taking your hand to help you on and off boats or steps, calling out a “‘scuse me, if you could just make way for muh’lady.” as he’d usher you through a crowd with his hands on your waist.
whatever it was, it had you in heat by the time you had hurried him into his designated room at the chateau, pawing at him with the door barely shut, catching him off guard when you’re grabbing at the neck of his shirt trying to pull him down to get his mouth on yours.
“uh— hello, hey— you okay? why are you trying to eat me?” he pants after you get a few confused pecks in, gently holding you back by the shoulders. you whimper, just from having his hands on you and lick your lips hungrily.
“jj, you’ve been killing me all day. please, i’m sorry i just need you, really bad!” it comes out whiny and in one breath, his brows jumping up as he takes in the surprising information.
“okay first of all, never be sorry for that— alright. second of all, why? what did i even — i feel like if anything i was kinda gross today i’ll be totally honest with you.” he rambles, glancing down at the way your hands twist in his shirt itching to touch him.
“you’re just… such a natural leader jayj. was tellin’ everyone what to do n’ looking after me and it just drove me insane. wanted it all day.” you sigh, pupils practically covering your iris.
“really? th—that was doing it for you? jesus well, okay— im flattered— you know i kinda feel like i’m having one of those crazy wet dreams that i wake up all disappointed and sticky from so like — this isn’t a dream right?” he reaches down and pinches your hip, making you yelp and slap his hand.
“ow, why are you pinching me if you’re the one dreaming, jj?”
“thats a good point actually uh—”
“can you stop pinching me and start fucking me, please?” you mewl, drawing closer, practically breathing into his mouth and he frantically nods, dropping a kiss to your lips before pointing to the bed.
“yep, can do— get your skirt off. panties too.” he commands you, briskly making his way to the door to close it properly and lock it, making his way over to you to help you pull your underwear down your legs. “mm, that’s what i like to see. papa’s gotta eat.” he spreads your legs, shuffling around to be face to face with your cunt, dropping kisses to your inner thighs.
“been waitin’ for this all day!” you slur, already arching off the bed trying to get his mouth on you.
“yeah? well that means you’ve been a very patient, good girl…” he presses a sloppy kiss directly to your clit making your breath hitch, his thumbs sliding up either side of your puffy folds to spread them. “if only there was a way,” he spits on your clit and you jolt, the glob running down the entirety of your heat. “for me to reward you for that.” he grins up at you with wet lips before diving in, reminding you why you love his tongue so much.
🍰♡₊˚ 🩰・₊✧
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alyakthedorklord · 7 months
Agent D to watchtower
Flash And Green Lantern, bored, stuck on monitor duty at the watchtower, cheerfully badmouthing batman together when a notification rings through the room.
Hal snaps to attention, because notifications on monitor duty don’t usually mean good things, but at least they’re things.
Oh holy crap that’s Batman’s caller ID.
Green Lantern and the Flash do NOT scramble like kids caught staying up badmouthing a parent at a sleepover, sending chips and cookies flying. They are professional world savers. Incredibly powerful men. Yep.
“Batman!” The Flash squeaks. “Whats- uh. Whats the situation?”
Whatever it is has to be dire. Batman never calls for help, ever. So it has to be a really big problem. Unless he’s spying on them. And is about to growl at them for talking behind his back.
The line is silent for a few moments, just long enough for Hal and Flash to trade terrified looks, and then…
“This is Agent D, reporting in.”
That voice is not Batman.
It’s not Batman’s deep, growly baritone. It’s slightly accented, boyish and light, despite the serious tone to it as whoever the voice belongs to whispers into the communicator.
Too young. Far too young. Thats a kid.
Hal checks the ID- yep, this is Batman’s communicator. How on earth does this kid have it?
“Uh… nice to meet you, Agent D. Can you tell me what’s going on? How are you calling us right now?”
“I’m deep in enemy territory.” The kid whispers, which isn’t really an answer but definitely catches Hal’s attention. The kid is whispering like he’s scared someone- or something- will hear him. “The darkness is endless. Any and all sound travels here- it’s a massive echo chamber. This is his territory. I’m not sure if I’ll make it out of these caves- if he hears me, I’m done for.”
“Whoa, whoa, hang on.” Hal says quickly, eyes wide as he stares at the indicator on the screen. “What’s going on? Where are you? Do you need help?”
“Negative on the extraction.” What the hell? Who is this kid? Who taught him to talk like that? “It’s too late for me. But I have urgent info the Justice League needs to hear!”
Hal and Flash exchange a concerned look. The kid knows he’s got a Justice League communicator. It isn’t just some random thing he’s picked up.
“We’re all ears, kid.” Flash says.
“Alright,” the kid says seriously, taking a breath like he’s bracing himself for the words he’s about to say, Hal and Flash leaning closer to the monitor as they wait for whatever he has to say. “Batman…”
“…is a butthead.”
Hal stares at the monitor.
Flash stares at the monitor.
“Batman is a butthead.” The kid repeats. “A stinky butthead. He’s mean and old and dumb and a big butt.”
Is there something in his ears? Is there something in the Doritos making him hallucinate? Did a kid really steal Batman’s Justice League Communicator to call him a butthead?
“He’s such a big butthead, we should call him Buttman instead of Batman.” The kid is saying, glee seeping into his serious tone. “There goes Buttman, in the Buttmobile.”
“These are-” Hal begins, then has to stop to let out a laugh or else he won’t be able to maintain a serious voice for the game they’re apparently playing. Flash has his hands pressed over his mouth, shaking. “These are serious claims, Agent D. Do you have any proof?”
“Yes!” Agent D announces. “He makes me wear PANTS and do GRAMMAR! And! And last Wednesday he wouldn’t let me have dessert, and he won’t take me on patrol with him, and! He was mean to Agent A! Even though Agent A is just worried about him because he got hit on the head and got a concussion because he doesn’t have a skull to protect his brain and his head is all squishy like a Butt!”
Hal is nearly crying with the effort it takes to hold in his laughter, clutching onto the desk for support. Thankfully, the Flash has recovered enough to play along with a shocked gasp.
“Is that why he wears that Armored Cowl?” He asks Agent D. “To protect his squishy head?”
“Yes.” The kid insists, voice dripping with vicious glee. “I saw him take it off once and he doesn’t have any hair. He’s wearing underpants on his butt head.”
“Is it… is it special underwear? Or just normal?” Flash asks, grinning madly and shaking as well. “He doesn’t have legs on his head to wear it right, so-”
“The ears on his cowl are the legs.” The kid says immediately.
That mental image is enough to bring Flash down to the floor beside Hal, cackling madly. They get ahold of themselves, swallowing down their laughter to get back to the kid, but then they lock eyes, setting them off all over again as Agent D’s giggles echo through the comm line above them.
“I can’t- oh god, I can’t breathe.” Hal gasps, clutching at his chest. “Fu- um, gosh, I needed that.”
“I’m never going to be able to look him in the eye again.” Flash wheezes. “That’s an image that’s going to stay with me forever.”
“Good. Memorize it: this information will not be repeated.” The kid says seriously, deepening his voice in what is clearly meant to imitate Batman. Flash cackles again.
“In all seriousness, kid.” Hal says, crawling his way up to the desk to stare in bewilderment at Batman’s caller ID. “Where did you get this communicator? It’s meant to be a secure line. Emergencies.”
“Well,” Agent D says, voice lightening out of his Batman imitation and into a tone of sweet, angelic innocence, “he shouldn’t have left it out in the open then.”
“I didn’t.”
Both Hal and the Flash freeze, hearts stopping in their chests at the familiar angry growl.
“Uh oh.” Agent D mutters.
The next thing they hear is the flurry of motion- the thump of the communicator being jughled, the scraping of cloth and shoe on stone, the whoosh of the communicator being swung through the air, and the patter of feet running full tilt.
“ROBIN!” Batman’s voice shouts, the only response a cackle of young laughter.
“Run, little man!” The Flash urges, bouncing on the balls of his feet. “Go go go!”
“It’s too late!” Agent D shrieks. “It’s too late! The Buttman is coming! Remember me! I sacrificed myself for the greater good! Like the spies who got the death star plans! Remember me!”
“It’s not over yet!” Hal cheers, even if he knows theres no escaping Batman. “Evasive maneuvers! Keep going!”
“YOU’LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!” Agent D bellows, but a moment later the sound of running is cut off with two grunts, one much deeper than the other, and the sound of a scuffle.
Scrabbling and slapping of little kid hands on kevlar armor can be heard between thumps of the microphone hitting something. Finally, the sound settles, enough for Hal and Flash to hear Batman mutter, “you sure about that?” as Agent D groans dramatically.
A moment later, Batman’s voice comes over the communicator clearly for the first time.
“Batman to Watchtower.” he says, voice flat and businesslike as ever despite the kid gighling madly in the background. “Comms have been compromised.”
“We noticed.” Hal smirks. And Batman was the first to let the secure line get infiltrated! He’s never letting him live this down.
“The perpetrator has been apprehended, and will be punished accordingly.”
“Aww, no, Batman, come on.” Flash wheedles on behalf of his new buddy. Hal is kind of worried too- Batman won’t be too hard on the kid, will he? “Agent D was just having some fun!”
“Yeah, don’t be a butthead!” Agent D shouts, before giggling again.
“You know you’re not supposed to be down here alone.” Batman grumbles. “This is probably one of the safer things you could have picked up. And it can send a distress signal that can summon the entire justice league. What would you have done if Superman decided to smash his way through the cave?”
“I know how to use it!” Agent D complains. “I’m not stupid! I’m good with technology, and you showed me how in case of emergencies!”
“And this was an emergency?”
“A boredom emergency.” Oh god, Agent D is sassing Batman.
“Seriously, Spooky.” Hal interrupts, because he’s actually a little worried for Agent D, “whats his sentence?”
Batman huffs, and then there’s a grunt and a small oof like he’s readjusting his grip on Agent D. “Considering this isn’t his first offense of the night…”
“I’ve done nothing! I’m innocent! I want a lawyer!” The sounds of struggling come through the communicator, but Hal doesn’t think it’s working very well. The kid is trying to escape Batman, after all. “You’re always saying we can’t be judge, jury, and executioner! Put your money where your mouth is! I want a lawyer!”
“Alright.” Batman hums, much to Hal’s shock. Is he really playing along with the kid? “Green Lantern. I’m promoting you to Lawyer. Answer my next question carefully.”
Still a little shocked, all Hal can say is, “um… okay?”
“What is twenty-four minus twenty-four?”
Hal frowns. That doesn’t sound like a lawyer question. “Excuse me?”
“Twenty-four minus twenty-four.” Batman repeats.
“Uh… zero?” Why does Batman need him to say this? Doesn’t he know math? Can’t he whip a calculator off that belt of his? It wouldn’t surprise Hal in the slightest. Hardly the weirdest thing Batman’s got on there.
“Lets add some words to that problem.” Batman growls. “If I had twenty-four cookies before someone was left unsupervised in the kitchen, and none after… then how many cookies are currently rallying for a stomachache against Agent D?”
Hal won’t lie. That’s impressive. The kid doesn’t sound grown enough to have a big stomach. “Twenty-four.”
“No!” Agent D shrieks. “No!”
“Sounds like an admission of guilt from your lawyer.” Batman growls. Oops. Hal forgot that was his job! He should have dodged the question!
“No! Leading the witness! Your question was a trick!” Agent D shouts, in an impressive show of melodramatics. “I want a better lawyer! This one sucks! I bet this guy didn’t even go to law school! Also, he wasn’t given all the relevant evidence or time to prepare his arguments! ALSO also he was appointed by the opposition! Rigged jury! I want a retrial!”
How old is this kid?
“Nope, too late. Welcome to Gotham, chum.” Batman huffs. “Now then, stealing a Justice League Communicator, eating all of the cookies, which were meant for both of us and I was very much looking forwards to, and calling me… Buttman.”
He growls the last word, and Hal watches Flashes fist teleport to his mouth to hold in the bark of laughter threatening to escape. The serious way he said that stupid name… even Agent D has stopped his dramatics in the face of the court to cackle!
“Don’t laugh.” Batman growls, in exactly the same tone that made them laugh in the first place. “I am deciding your punishment.”
“You can’t do anything!” Agent D jeers. “I already told the Justice League that you were actually a Butthead! I’ve eaten all the cookies! All twenty-four tasty, tasty cookies and you can’t have any! I’ve won! There’s nothing you can do! You’ll never get your cookies back!”
“Is that so?” Batman hums, and if Hal didn’t know better, he might think Spooky was smiling. “Well then. I guess I’ll have to tickle you until you toss your cookies.”
“Wait- no!” The kid shrieks, and then the communicator breaks off into peals of desperate, full bellied laughter, interspaced with pleas for mercy and one final, deep voiced line.
“Batman, out.”
The comm channel is cut, leaving the Watchtower’s occupants in an echoing, shocked silence.
Tickles? TICKLES? Batman, the hardass of the Justice League, the no-nonsense, work no play, spooky scary bastard… left his communicator where a kid could get it. A kid who stole all of Batman’s cookies. Who Batman retaliated against for stealing his cookies with tickles.
And his voice had been… not non-growly, but lighter than Hal has ever heard it. Ever. The kid had seemed completely at ease with him, mocking him, grumbling about homework and treats. It was almost as if…
“Oh my god Batman is a dad.” Hal whispers into the silent room, eyes wide. “This is the greatest thing to happen to me ever. I’m so glad I decided to stay to keep you company.”
“So am i, so you can tell me later i didn’t hallucinate that.” Flash says fervently. “He’s a dad. He’s a dad to the giggliest kid I have ever heard in my life.”
“He punished his kid with TICKLES.” Hal wheezes. “His kid calls him a butthead for making him do homework- oh my GOD. His kid grabbed a JUSTICE LEAGUE COMMUNICATOR- he knew exactly what that thing was!”
“Came on the line like a proper secret agent!” F agrees, vibrating. “Oh my god, please tell me we have that saved. Do we have that saved?”
“Quick- before spooky deletes it!”
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Father Mine- 3
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ok so this is where canon goes out the window, ive made my own universe, this might be blasphemy against marvel comics but i dont know. Honestly i made this up as i kept going and i like how this chapter ended<3 tell me how you like it! if you want a spoiler go to the tags and see what i've tagged :) part 1
You must have passed out because you wake up in someone’s living room.
“Anyone home?” You dare to call out. The apartment is sort of open-plan and if you had the energy to turn around and move you would have been able to see the man in the white suit staring at you.
“Yep. Hello!” The man walks up to you and you flinch at his strong southern london accent and glaring white suit that makes him look like a psycho Colonel Sanders, “I hope you’re alright, Khonshu said you were from another dimension?”
You reluctantly reply, “That’s right? And by Khonshu do you mean the actual Egyptian God?”
He nods excitedly, “Yea! Right twit he is!”
You look at him worriedly, maybe he is psycho colonel sanders after all.
He looks at himself in the mirror and does a double take, “Oh bollocks! No wonder you look scared!” The suit disappears to reveal a man with wild curls in an oversize t-shirt and pajamas, “sorry, sometimes I forget I still have it on.” He smiles nervously, “Um I’m Steven. With a V.”
That causes you to smile a little, maybe he’s not so bad, “Hello Steven.” You wave from your position on the couch and tell him your name.
Behind him you see a bony pigeon looking skeleton appear and your eyes widen, “WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!” You point at it and scream.
Steven turns around, “That’s Khonshu, you can see him?”
“NO SHIT!” You web a wall and pull yourself up to stick to it, glaring at the offending creature.
“That’s mental.” He exclaims.
“What universe is this?” You ask him, eyes narrowed underneath your mask.
“Well, there’s no particular name for it.” Steven begins, but Khonshu intervenes, “How is it that you were able to traverse through the inter dimensional planes?”
“I knew someone who could.”
Suddenly Stevens demeanour changes and your spider sense tingles, you ready your webs against the potential threat.
The voice that comes out of Stevens mouth is not his. It’s the sound of the man who threw you here.
“Kid?” He says when you freeze and take your mask off, looking at him with wide eyes.
“You’re-You’re not Steven.” Your voice breaks at the familiar lilt.
He shakes his head, “My name is Marc.”
“Miguel! Stop it!” Jess finally snaps and the man looks up at her.
She takes a hold of his hair and uses it to maneuver his face to look at him, “You either go and get her back, or you fucking move on. Because in this state there is no way you will be able to do anything. Get your shit together. ”
He gulps, not used to seeing her angry side often and nods.
“She thinks I’m a monster.” He looks down at his toes and breathes shakily.
“Then prove to her that you’re not. You’re her father, regardless of what she says, she still loves you. You need to apologize to her.” She looks at him pointedly and he sighs.
"What do you want me to say, 'Hey honey, I know what I did was wrong, I was wrong to chase a teenager and I was too blinded by my fear of losing my daughter again that I chased you away. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.' Thats not going to be good enough."
"It's a start."
"Jessica." he looks up
"I should have told you, something about her."
"She's not a normal variant, even if her universe was destroyed. That fact alone makes her a special case. There's a reason I sent her to Earth 19999. Her atoms and dna will not glitch there. And I don't know why."
"Why didn't you send her there before?"
"It was too dangerous."
"As opposed to Earth 1999999?" Jess raises an eyebrow.
"Very similar universes, but everything is flipped."
The woman tilts her head, "What do you mean?"
You sip on the hot tea Steven had made for you, glaring at the bony god sitting opposite you.
“I cannot send you back, child.” He says and you roll your eyes,
“As if I didn’t know that. The tea’s lovely, thank you.” You smile at Steven who beams at you. He’s much nicer than the American man living inside him. The one who was Miguel in this universe.
He nods, “I happen to know of someone who can help you.”
You tilt your head, “Go on.”
He went to explain how he was on call as an Avenger, who were considered the world’s mightiest heroes, and how he was acquainted with someone known as Dr Strange.
As soon as he says, the name Strange, your mind considers the possibility that you might be in the universe of idiots, as Miguel calls it. Earth-1999999.
He’s spent whole hours explaining the entire storyline that honestly came out of a movie to you and while it was such, really Captain America you ditched your best friend to go be with someone who had already moved on? You were drawn to the universe.
It reminded you very much of your home universe that was destroyed.
When you’d nodded and said you’d be on your way he’d blocked you from leaving. Saying it was too dangerous and that you were being an irresponsible person.
You tried to reason with him but he was able to block your punches with efficiency, and he reached for your web slingers. The ones Miguel had given you.
That was currently why there was a purple bruise on Stevens’s cheek that you felt bad about. This sweet man didn’t deserve to suffer the consequences of a hard punch. So you had helped him around the kitchen and he made you tea as a way of saying thank you.
“If you can’t take me away, you can atleast lead me to Strange, considering your own Knight isn’t letting me leave.”
“For good reason.”
“But it doesn’t make sense, without the watch I would be glitching every three seconds because the universe would not accept my genes. Here I haven’t glitched a single time.”
The god tilts his head and seems to contemplate your words, mimicking the man who looks at you with his head tilted, “Most interesting.”
Whatever you were going to say died on your tongue as orange sparks began to appear out of thin air, forming a circle and then a portal out of which a man with a weird beard walks through. He nods at Steven and walks over to you, “So you’re the one huh?”
“No, your mom is.” You snarl, “Yes. Doctor Strange, I’ve heard of you.”
“Oh?” He raises an eyebrow, “Am I a common topic of conversation in the multiverse?”
“When we have to make fun of something yes.” You grin.
He rolls his eyes, “How did you arrive here?”
“Look I'd leave if I could, sir. But my device was taken away by the jerk who sent me here.”
His eyes narrow, “Sent you?”
Shit, you might have said the wrong thing.
"So you're not from here." The sorcerer supreme raises his eyebrow at you.
"No, sir." you're shocked at your politeness, but the man demands respect.
"And you cannot go back?"
"There is only one person now, who is capable of autonomous multiverse travel, America Chavez. And even her powers are not perfect. It is too risky to do this."
"What would you have me do then?" you ask.
"Wait here, there must be a reason you are not glitching. Maybe, you were meant to be sent here." Strange reasons.
His words make sense, honestly, maybe this universe would be your new home. Even back in Nueva York, you had to wear the watch at all times, or you'd be glitching.
But did Miguel know that? Because if he didn't know, then that would mean he'd sent you to your death.
You just nod at what Strange says, his words going in one year and out the other. You miss the way his eyes glint and flash. His shadow moving under him.
"She can stay with us at the tower." Steven puts his hand on your shoulder, looking directly at Strange, no smile on his face. After a few moments, the Doctor nods.
Your spider sense starts to tingle, and you glace at Steven, who only smiles at you. All teeth. Eyes that are blank. Devoid of emotion.
Now that you're here to stay, he looks like he's never been happier.
"You're going to enjoy yourself here, love." he pats your shoulder, "We'll all have a bit of fun."
You need to run.
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writingoddess1125 · 9 months
How does buggy and Shanks handle their daughters s first period?
Oh Honey- it was a fucking disaster 🤣
I have the Shanks one right here if your interested but I'll do a Buggy one as a quick story!
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Press Here if you Love Buggy <-
Old Man Series Masterlist <-
• Buggy didn't really grow up around girls- So he is inexperienced with periods and such till he started dating you.
• "Where is Bubbles?-" Buggy muttered to himself, noticing immediately that Ari was missing. He looked to see you were with Ali and disapeared to the back to find his missing daughter.
• But since he knew the time would come, he had the conversation with you ahead of time about what to do when that day comes.
• It was Ari and Ali 11th birthday party. Of course he threw a big party, like he did for both sets of twins-
• Buying them all matching nice clothes, stocking up on the best of everything and even going as far as the dock in a place with lots of kids so there were plenty of playmates.
• This was no different from the other parties, the sun just starting to set and the live music was blaring as his ship was packed with people.
• However one thing was off'
• "Ari?...Bubbles?...." Buggy called out, looking around the lower deck to see if he could spot her. After a moment he stepped towards the bedroom that the twin girls shared and heard it-
• Rushing in quickly at hearing his daughter crying he came in to see her face buried in her knees and sobbing.
• Crying?
• "Uhhhhhh Shit"
• "Bubs?-" He stared at her, Her looking up up at him with wide eyes. That's when Buggy sees it- Blood. Staining her pale pink dress to high hell and some on her exposed legs
• Which ment...
• "No No! its fine! It's actually normal!" He said loudly.
• "Get out!" She cried, Lunging forward and slamming the door on his face.
• "B-Bubbles it's alright! Sorry I didn't knock uh-" Buggy stuttered trying to figure out his course of action now.
• "Go away! Im sick!?" She sobbed from behind the door- Buggy panicking himself as he tried to think.
• "W-What?!- How is this normal!?" She sobbed hysterically.
"It means-" Buggy sighed as he sat on the floor with his back against the wall. "It means your growing up Bubby-" He said softly, Ari sniffled and wiped her cherry nose.
• Buggy stood there for a second, Hearing her cry. Before sighing heavily himself to calm himself- "Can I come in Ari?" He said softly, sending his hand off to get the supplies he knew you kept in your bathroom.
• After a second the door cracked open and Buggy stepped in slowly, Seeing Ari now seated again still in tears.
• Buggy entered a bit awkwardly but leaned against the wall as he daughter cried.
- "What does this mean?" Ari whimpered, sniffling into her knees.
"I dont like it-"
"Ahh noone does. But thats just part of life" He said a bit sadly. His hand returning with a bag which he tucked to his side at the moment.
"It is your period Ari, it means. That your a woman, like your mother" He started, internally cringing at having to have this talk with her. She looked up to him, as he started to explain- Clearly both of them embarrassed about the situation as Buggy tried to be as mature of an adult about it.
"Oi! The party is just starting Whats going on?" Bee yelled out, Banging on the door. Buggy opening his mouth to yell at his sons to fuck off- but he was beat to him.
"So this is gonna happen for the rest of my life?-" She clarified, Buggy nodding calmly knowing damn well she didn't like that answer.
"Yep until your old and wrinkled like me-"
Ari sighed irritated at this- Groaning in frustration. Buggy could only nod at her reaction-
"Yep. Once a month.. That is why we got these-" He said calmly as he brought the bag out and passed it to her.
"There are instructions inside and I can go get your mother to run down how some of that shit is u-"
"Hey!" Bee called out, smacking the door making father and daughter duo snap back from the conversation. Buggy hand quickly flying up to lock it so the boys didn't barge in- He knew this was already a sensitive situation for Ari and she didn't need her brothers getting in.
Dee starting to argue with Bee about leaving the two- clearly more socially aware.
"GO AWAY!" Ari screamed, making even Buggy jump a bit. Clearly having his lungs it seemed even if she was typically very resevered. He heard the boys scramble away pretty quickly after that. Buggy sighing at this-
"Come on Princess- Let's get you all washed up and we can get you a new dress okay?" He said sincerely, his little girl nodding as he helped her up and escorted her to go use the shower in the master bedroom.
• Buggy quickly gets you to come down from the party, giving a quick run down of the situation to you and sends you off to the bathroom with Ari.
• He knew he couldn't find an exact match and that Ari really liked this dress it being matching to Ali who was still partying upstairs.
• Buggy now tasked with figuring out what to do about the damn dress! He searched through his daughters closet to find something similar for her to wear but failing-
• "You dyed it?" She questioned gently taking it from his hands- feeling the fabric was still ever so slightly damp as well. Knowing he must has used all his strength to dry it as quickly as possible after his quick dye.
• "Think damn it!" He hisses, Looking around at what to do. Before it clicker and he runs to the supply room of the ship-
• You and Ari stepping out into the hall after a while. Ari freshly showered and in comforble clothes- clearly upset and not wanting to go out in her long pajamas for everyone to see and question.
• "It's okay honey-" You try to reassure but Ari face was sour and clearly uncomforble. You sighing and rubbing her back to comfort her.
• In moments Buggy rushed towards you two, you raising an eyebrow at your husband who haf splatters of black over his face and clothes.
• Buggy smiled down at his grumpy daughter-
• "Feeling better?" He asked, getting a shrug in response. He expected as much.
• "Well, if you're still in the partying mood since it is your birthday afterall- I fixed your dress!" He said cheerfully. You and Ari looking surprised at this since their was no way to completely remove such a heavy blood stain-
• Grinning as he pulled from behind his back the dress, now a deep dyed Purple color.
• "Well, Dark dye covers red stains so- Yeah" He said with a grin.
• Ali didn't her own period till a year later 2 weeks before their 12th birthday and at this point Buggy was prepared and mentally almost ready.
• Ari eyes well up with tears and she hugs him tightly. "Thank you Dad!"
• Buggy smiled at this and hugged her back. "Of course Princess, Now go get dressed. Your missing your party!"
• Ari smiled, now clearly happy as she rushed off to her room to change out of the provided PJs and into her new dress.
• You smile at Buggy, Proud of him for handling this so well. Kissing his cheek that didn't have the dye on it "Great Job Honey"
• After that Ari returns to her sister, The two going about eating, Opening presents and more.
• The rest of the party goes off without a hitch-
•Much to Buggy's relief-
• However sends you to handle it anyway-
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crystlizabeth · 9 months
Thinking about Simon and his Stallion!wife How while in Vegas for their anniversary Simon decided he wanted to spoil her. The couple had been walking around the stores he watch as her eyes laid on a Louis Vuitton. “You wanna go in?” He asked pulling her closer to him by the hip.
“I don’t think so.. we’ve already spent enough..” she spoke her voice was hesitant as her arm wrapping around Simon’s waist.
He simply rolled his eyes and walked towards the store. Simon loved spending his paycheck on her, yes she was grown and made her own mine but what’s the fun of having her spend her own money on herself when he was with her. Nothing was to much when it came to her. The Chanel, Dior, hell even H&M bags His hands he carried her bags proudly, his gorgeous wife holding on to his bicep her pretty freshly done nails holding his arm.
Now he kneeled in front of her fastening the heel around her ankle, his eyes scanned her calf tattoo the pretty details, soon his eyes met hers her dark eyes looking down on him a smile displayed on her glossy lips. He stood up watching as she tucked her boho twist, holding her hair as she scanned the heel.
“What do you think?” The sales lady asked.
“Not really a fan of I’m honest.. do you happen to have wedge sandal, the starboards? I’ve had my eye on them for a while” She asked her tone excited while looking down at the small lady.
Simon watched as the lady looked up at his wife Her light eyes a bit nervous, “well umm..” she muttered, yep definitely nervous.
“Oh Honey I don’t bite.” She teased her hands meeting her hips.
“Well ma’am I don’t think we have your size..”
“On thats to bad..”
“I’m sorry I bet you could order them online!” The sales lady said.
She looked over at Simon then back at the lady “it’s alright hun, no worries.” She spoke sitting back down.
He could tell she was sad more disappointed, he helped her take off the heels it’s was and unsuccessful shop. Yet Simon now knew what she wanted, and he be damned if he didn’t get them for her.
He spent that night scrolling through his hope even making a few calls and ended up finally finding a store that had them.
It was weird especially on holiday not to wake up with her husband not in bed with her was new but not out of the ordinary. She ended up getting a text saying ‘Be ready for brunch I’ll be back soon gorgeous.’ It wasn’t long before he got back and she saw the bag in his hand.
He loved the face she made her jaw slightly dropped “Si?” She spoke fastening her gold hoop, Simon’s eyes scanned her body the white sundress she wore hugging her body the bottom being ruffled and stopping at the top of her knees, the top of it in a U shape her cleavage showing the sleeves also ruffled. Shit she looked good.
Simon cleared his throat before speaking “So you know those wedges you wanted.”
She gasped “you did not!” She smiled walking over to him quickly.
Simon hanged her the bag watching her place it on the bed Opening them “oh my lord, they’re so pretty aint they!” She smiled her eyes scanning the shoe.
Simon smiled as she let her arms wrap around his neck her lips kissing his multiple times. “Ugh! I love you so much. Baby! You didn’t have to!” She spoke between kissed knowing damn well he just spent twelve hundred dollars on them.
“But I did.” He spoke simply, his hands wandering soon feeling up her ass.
She hummed “what if we just do lunch instead brunch is for white suburban moms anyway.” She joked.
“Might make you mom…”
“Simon you impregnated me now I will rain hell.”
He chuckled pushing her against the bed, “yet you still beg me to cum in that pretty cunt of yours huh?” He spoke bitting her lip.
“You better get this dress off me, and that don’t mean rip it.” She spoke the feeling of Simon’s hands already at work.
“If this is a thank you I might just buy you another pair.” He smirked against her lips.
.˚₊‧ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ‧₊˚.
Sorry for any spelling errors but I figured y’all used to it reading my stuff!
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pfhwrittes · 4 months
inspired by @femalefemur’s post and my tags: 
#johnny sends this to his transmasc partner post top surgery #no one can change my mind on this #he's so used to you calling your tits your tits that he's adopted it #so when you send him “im fcukin bobless babbbyy” while still fighting off anaesthetic he absolutely cracks up #just completely loses it #and he has to show gaz the messages to explain why he's laughing so hard #gaz's eyebrows shoot up his forehead and god that's even funnier to johnny for some reason so he can barely breathe when he sends back - #- “thats braw handsome” and he can tell you're probably squinting SO hard at your messages from the way the dots indicating you're typing - #- keep popping up and disappearing over and over #eventually you just send him a blurry selfie of your loopy grin and part of the hospital gown #with a “lvoe uu” #jm #sorry cyn i have no idea where that spark of inspiration came from #and i probably should've put it in its own post instead of the tags #but here we are now #ily!
and @syoddeye’s reply: 
@/pfhwrittes thank you for the notes fic, fucking adore it. definitely loses his shit when his partner, still woozy, smiles all dorky “I got my toys off AND a boyfriend?? wow…love it here.”
pairing: john mactavish x transmasc!reader
500ish of barely edited words below the cut.
warnings: post-surgical procedure inebriation, references to surgical procedure (top surgery), fluff. 
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your head feels both light as air and heavier than your parent’s disappointed gaze when the lovely nurse smiles at you and kindly informs you that “your boyfriend and friend will be coming in to see you, sweetheart.” 
you think you blink and sigh softly in response. 
wow, no tits and two boyfriends? this place is great!
two rumbling laughs cause your eyes to flutter open and you’re already beaming as two beautiful and familiar faces swim into view from the end of the incredibly comfortable bed you’re laying on. 
“oh mate, you’re well out of it, aren’t ya?” 
oh he’s so pretty! so smiley and pretty!
there’s another laugh, this one closer and your head swivels, bobbles, rolls, as you look down at a large warm hand holding your own. you blearily follow the hand, up past the faded inky shield and sword tattoo, to gaze into the bluest eyes you’ve ever seen. 
“j’nny!” you beam, utterly delighted by the way his eyes crinkle warmly and the hand squeezes your own slightly. 
“‘m here, my braw, bonnie lad.” 
another warm hand reaches over from the other side of the bed to hold your free hand, mindful of the large white dressing on the back, and you’re dazzled by the smooth brown skin. 
kyle’s holding my hand!
“yep, sure am, mate.” kyle’s voice shakes with barely restrained laughter. 
it’s like looking into the sun, so warm and pretty. 
your eyes drift closed again as you hear johnny and kyle talk softly over your reclined form. 
some time later, you’re not sure how long exactly but the light from the window in your room has gone soft and golden, your eyes slowly blink open. your mouth feels dry and tacky, and you can hear the muted sounds of two animated siblings squabbling on the tv in the corner of the room. 
“-think of him more as a large brother. no offence.”
“yes, offence!”
you blink woozily as a callused palm smooths your sweaty hair away from your temple. 
“how’re ye feelin’ now handsome boy?” johnny asks gently. 
you nuzzle into his palm and grumble weakly. 
“aye, prob’ly a wee bit thirsty, hm?” 
you nod your head slowly, still feeling like you’ve been stuffed full of cotton, and feel the way the motion pulls oddly at the lump of white stretchy fabric on your chest. you drop your chin to stare at the smooth flat shape that makes up the surgical binder. 
slowly, you lift your head to gaze wide eyed and delighted at johnny before flicking your eyes over to kyle who has been watching you carefully from the slightly more comfortable chair in the corner of the room. 
“alright mate?” kyle asks carefully. 
you beam. 
“i‘m fuckin’ awesome.” 
three slightly wet sounding laughs fill the room as the nurse shuffles in, a large jug of water in one hand and a tiny paper cup of pills in the other. she takes a moment to smile to herself, unnoticed by her patient and the two handsome men radiating pride and love that are with him. 
the lucky devil.
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