#also John and some alien lanterns
khthonic-echo · 7 months
I am from the bottom of my heart begging batfans who have never read a Green Lantern comic in their lives to get their shit straight about Hal Jordan
Hal Jordan and Batman do not hate each other. And if they did, it wouldn’t solely be because Hal is an arrogant ass. If anything they are BOTH pricks in ways literally designed to grate on each other!
Hal and Bruce are thematic opposites. GL= light, emotion & color. Bats= darkness & cold logic. Hal is a rebel who distrusts authority and Bruce is an uncommunicative control freak. They are mutually responsible and valid for their dynamic.
Hal is not just some loudmouth flyboy. He’s ADHD as fuck and does dumb shit sometimes, but he’s actually matured a lot since the Silver Age; specifically being betrayed by Sinestro and/or violated by Parallax can be considered The sobering events for his character.
Hal’s not a womanizer. In the past 30 years I can count his love interests on one hand. Oliver once asked him where to find a good time and Hal offered his gd chess board (and then Ollie rightfully ditched him for being a square).
Hal has canonically dated an alien that was like 80% tentacles. He is an open-minded man alright, and he has seen shit in outer space that rivals anything in Gotham.
The other Corpsmen are full-throttle ride or die for Hal for a reason. Kyle, Guy, and John are 3 very different men with different standards and baggage, and they all will (and have!) take on Batman for Hal’s honor.
I also feel compelled to add that Hal has bottom energy in most of his relationships. Dude is legit drawn to people who can and will step on him.
I know it’s not that deep when all these quirky JLA reaction fics and fake quote posts want an outsider character for the Bats to clown on. But I personally need these folks to know that they do not know who or what Green Lantern is.
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thebeesareback · 9 months
Every episode of New Who in chronological order (Doctor Who)
Spoilers: it makes no fucking sense. Also, there are some episodes which occur in two or more time periods
"The Fires of Pompeii" - 79 David Tennant
"The Eaters of Light" - 2nd century Peter Capaldi
"The Pandorica Opens" - 102 Matt Smith
"The Big Bang" - immediately after "The Pandorica Opens", 102 Matt Smith
"The Girl Who Died" - 851 Peter Capaldi
"Resolution" 9th century Jodie Whittaker
"The Magician's Apprentice" - 1138 Peter Capaldi
"The Witch's Familiar" immediately after "The Magician's Apprentice", 1138 Peter Capaldi
"Robot of Sherwood" - 1190 Peter Capaldi
"The Bells of Saint John" - 1207 Matt Smith
"Can You Hear Me?" - 1380 Jodie Whittaker
"The Day of the Doctor" - 1562 Matt Smith and David Tennant
"The Vampires of Venice" - 1580 Matt Smith
"The Shakespeare Code" - 1599 David Tennant
"The Curse of the Black Spot" - 16th century Matt Smith
"The Witchfinders" - 1612 Jodie Whittaker
"The Woman Who Lived" - 1681, sequential to "The Girl Who Died" Peter Capaldi
"Legend of the Sea Devils" - 1807 Jodie Whittaker
"Thin Ice" - 1814 Peter Capaldi
"The Haunting of Villa Diodati" - 1816 Jodie Whittaker
"Spyfall Part Two" - 1834 Jodie Whittaker
"Deep Breath" - Victorian era (between 1837-1901) Peter Capaldi and Matt Smith
"The Next Doctor" - 1851 David Tennant
"War of the Sontarans" - 1855 sequential to "The Halloween Apocalypse" Jodie Whittaker
"The Unquiet Dead" - December 1869 Christopher Eccleston
"Tooth and Claw" - 1879 David Tennant
"A Town Called Mercy" - somewhere between 1865-1890 Matt Smith
"Empress of Mars" - 1881 Peter Capaldi
"Vincent and the Doctor" - 1890 Matt Smith
"The Snowmen" - 1892 Matt Smith
"The Crimson Horror" - 1893 Matt Smith
"The Name of the Doctor" - 1893 Matt Smith
"Ascension of the Cybermen" - "the early 20th century" Jodie Whittaker
"Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror" - 1903 Jodie Whittaker
"Survivors of the Flux" - 1904 sequential to "Village of the Angels" Jodie Whittaker
"Human Nature" - 1913 David Tennant
"The Family of Blood" - Immediately after "Human Nature", 1913 David Tennant
"The Power of the Doctor" 1916 Jodie Whittaker and David Tennant
"The Unicorn and the Wasp" - 1926 David Tennant
"Daleks in Manhattan" - 1930 David Tennant
"Evolution of the Daleks - Immediately after "Daleks in Manhattan", 1930 David Tennant
"Let's Kill Hitler" - 1938 Matt Smith
"The Angels Take Manhattan" 1938 Matt Smith
"Victory of the Daleks" - between 1939-1945 Matt Smith
"The Empty Child" - 1941 Christopher Eccleston
"The Doctor Dances" - Immediately after "The Empty Child", 1941 Christopher Eccleston
"The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe" - December 1941 Matt Smith
"Demons of the Punjab" - August 1947 Jodie Whittaker
"The Idiot's Lantern" - June 1953 David Tennant
"Rosa" - 1955 Jodie Whittaker
"Village of the Angels" - November 1967 sequential to "Once, Upon Time" Jodie Whittaker
"The Impossible Astronaut" - 1969 Matt Smith
"The Day of the Moon" - Immediately after "The Impossible Astronaut" 1969 Matt Smith
"Blink" - 1969/2007 David Tennant
"Hide" - 1974 Matt Smith
"The God Complex" - 1980 Matt Smith
"Cold War" - 1983 Matt Smith
"Twice Upon a Time" 1986 Peter Capaldi and Jodie Whittaker
"Father's Day" - 1987 Christopher Eccleston
"The Return of Doctor Mysterio" - 1992 Peter Capaldi
"The Eleventh Hour" 1998 Matt Smith
"Rose" - contemporary to release, March 2005 Christopher Eccleston
"School Reunion" - 2005 David Tennant
"The Christmas Invasion" - contemporary to release, December 2005 David Tennant
"Aliens of London" - Approximately March 2006 Christopher Eccleston
"World War Three" - Immediately after "Aliens of London", approximately March 2006 Christopher Eccleston
"Rise of the Cybermen" - contemporary to release, May 2006 David Tennant
"The Age of Steel" - Immediately after "Rise of the Cybermen", May 2006 David Tennant
"Love & Monsters" - contemporary to release, June 2006 David Tennant
"Army of Ghosts" - after "Love & Monsters", summer 2006 David Tennant
"Doomsday" - Immediately after "Army of Ghosts", summer 2006 David Tennant
"Boom Town" - autumn 2006 Christopher Eccleston
"Turn Left" - autumn 2006 David Tennant
"The Runaway Bride" - December 2006 David Tennant
"Smith and Jones" - contemporary to release, March 2007 David Tennant
"The Lazarus Experiment" - contemporary to release, May 2007 David Tennant
"42" - contemporary to release, May 2007 David Tennant
"The Sound of Drums" - contemporary to release, June 2007 (immediately after "Utopia") David Tennant
"Blink" - 1969/2007 David Tennant
"Partners in Crime" - contemporary to release, April 2008 David Tennant
"The Sontaran Stratagem" - contemporary to release, April 2008 David Tennant
"The Poison Sky" - contemporary to release, May 2008 (immediately after "The Sontaran Stratagem") David Tennant
"Last of the Time Lords" - contemporary to release, June 2008 (sequential to "The Sound of Drums"), David Tennant
"The Stolen Earth" - contemporary to release, June 2008 David Tennant
"Journey's End" - contemporary to release, July 2008 (immediately after "The Stolen Earth") David Tennant
"The Lodger" - contemporary to release, June 2010 Matt Smith
"Night Terrors" - contemporary to release, September 2011 Matt Smith
"Closing Time" - contemporary to release, September 2011 Matt Smith
"Fear Her" - July 2012 David Tennant
"Dalek" - 2012 Christopher Eccleston
"Asylum of the Daleks" - contemporary to release, September 2012 Matt Smith
"The Power of Three" - contemporary to release, September 2012 Matt Smith
"The Rings of Akhaten" - contemporary to release, April 2013 Matt Smith
"Into the Dalek" - contemporary to release, August 2014 Peter Capaldi
"Listen" - contemporary to release, September 2014 Peter Capaldi
"Time Heist" - contemporary to release, September 2014 Peter Capaldi
"The Caretaker" - contemporary to release, September 2014 Peter Capaldi
"Flatline" - contemporary to release, October 2014 Peter Capaldi
"In the Forest of the Night" - contemporary to release, October 2014 Peter Capaldi
"Dark Water" - contemporary to release, November 2014 Peter Capaldi
"Death in Heaven" - contemporary to release, November 2014 Peter Capaldi
"Last Christmas" - contemporary to release, December 2014 Peter Capaldi
"Amy's Choice" - 2015 Matt Smith
"The Zygon Invasion" - contemporary to release, October 2015 Peter Capaldi
"The Zygon Inversion" - contemporary to release, November 2015 (immediately after "The Zygon Invasion") Peter Capaldi
"Face the Raven" - contemporary to release, November 2015 Peter Capaldi
"The Pilot" - contemporary to release, April 2017 Peter Capaldi
"Knock Knock" - contemporary to release, May 2017 Peter Capaldi
"Extremis" - contemporary to release, May 2017 Peter Capaldi
"The Pyramid at the End of the World" - contemporary to release, May 2017 Peter Capaldi
"The Woman Who Fell to Earth" - contemporary to release, October 2018 Jodie Whittaker
"Arachnids in the UK" - contemporary to release, October 2018 Jodie Whittaker
"It Takes You Away" - contemporary to release, November 2018 Jodie Whittaker
"Spyfall" - contemporary to release, January 2020 Jodie Whittaker
"Fugitive of the Judoon" - contemporary to release, January 2020 Jodie Whittaker
"Praxeus" - contemporary to release, February 2020 Jodie Whittaker
"The Hungry Earth" - 2020 Matt Smith
"Cold Blood" - 2020 (immediately after "The Hungry Earth") Matt Smith
"Revolution of the Daleks" - September 2020 Jodie Whittaker
"The Halloween Apocalypse" - contemporary to release, October 2021 Jodie Whittaker
"Once, Upon Time" - contemporary to release, sequential to "War of the Sontarans", November 2021 Jodie Whittaker
"Eve of the Daleks" contemporary to release, January 2022 Jodie Whittaker
"Kill the Moon" - 2049 Peter Capaldi
"The Waters of Mars" - 2059 David Tennant
"The Rebel Flesh" - 22nd century Matt Smith
"The Almost People" - 22nd century (immediately after "The Rebel Flesh") Matt Smith
"Under the Lake" - 2119 Peter Capaldi
"Before the Flood" - 2119 (immediately after "Under the Lake") Peter Capaldi
"Dinosaurs on a Spaceship" - 2367 Matt Smith
"The Beast Below" - some point after the 29th century Matt Smith
"Sleep No More" - 38th century Peter Capaldi
"Planet of the Ood" - 4126 David Tennant
"The Time of Angels" - 5000 Matt Smith
"Flesh and Stone" - 5000 (immediately after "The Time of Angels") Matt Smith
"The Girl in the Fireplace" - 5000-5100 David Tennant
"The Husbands of River Song" - 5343 Peter Capaldi
"Silence in the Library" - 5100 David Tennant
"Forest of the Dead" - 5100 (immediately after "Silence in the Library") David Tennant
"The Long Game" - 200,000 Christopher Eccleston
"Bad Wolf" - 200,100 Christopher Eccleston
"The Parting of the Ways" Immediately after "Bad Wolf", 200,100 Christopher Eccleston/David Tennant
"The End of the World" - 5 billion (plus 2005) Christopher Eccleston
"New Earth" - 5,000,000,023 David Tennant
"Gridlock" - 5,000,000,023 David Tennant
"Utopia" - 100 trillion David Tennant
"Smile" - it's in "the far future" Peter Capaldi
No indication of the date:
"The Impossible Planet", David Tennant (Broadcast June 2006)
"The Satan Pit", David Tennant (Broadcast June 2006)
"Voyage of the Damned", David Tennant (Broadcast December 2007)
"The Doctor's Daughter", David Tennant (Broadcast May 2008)
"Midnight", David Tennant (Broadcast June 2008)
"Planet of the Dead", David Tennant (Broadcast April 2009)
"The End of Time", David Tennant (Broadcast December 2009)
"A Christmas Carol", Matt Smith (Broadcast December 2010)
"The Doctor's Wife", Matt Smith (Broadcast May 2011)
"A Good Man Goes to War", Matt Smith (Broadcast June 2011)
"The Girl Who Waited", Matt Smith (Broadcast September 2011)
"The Wedding of River Song", Matt Smith (Broadcast October 2011)
"Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS", Matt Smith (Broadcast April 2013)
"Nightmare in Silver", Matt Smith (Broadcast May 2013)
"The Time of the Doctor", Matt Smith (Broadcast December 2013)
"Mummy on the Orient Express", Peter Capaldi (Broadcast October 2014)
"Heaven Sent", Peter Capaldi (Broadcast November 2015)
"Hell Bent", Peter Capaldi (Broadcast December 2015)
"Oxygen", Peter Capaldi (Broadcast May 2017)
"The Lie of the Land", Peter Capaldi (Broadcast June 2017)
"World Enough and Time", Peter Capaldi (Broadcast June 2017)
"The Doctor Falls", Peter Capaldi (Broadcast July 2017)
"The Ghost Monument", Jodie Whittaker (Broadcast 2018)
"The Tsuranga Conundrum", Jodie Whittaker (Broadcast November 2018)
"Kerblam!", Jodie Whittaker (Broadcast November 2018)
"The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos", Jodie Whittaker (Broadcast December 2018)
"Orphan 55", Jodie Whittaker (Broadcast January 2020)
"The Vanquishers" Jodie Whittaker (Broadcast December 2021)
"The Timeless Children" sequential to "The Ascension of the Cybermen", Jodie Whittaker (March 2020)
Key: red is Christopher Eccleston; orange is David Tennant; green is Matt Smith; Peter Capaldi is blue; Jodie Whittaker is purple
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prismuffin · 1 year
Heya, wanted to do an ask, as well as your inbox still says you're taking requests. Didn't know if you wanted to change that.
How do you think the justice league boys, (Superman, Batman, Green lantern ( Hal Jordan), the flash, etc.) and John Constantine would react to an alien Reader?
Better explanation: So the reader has patterns or something that changes based on their mood, so how do you think they would react if they were talking to the Reader and Reader's colours changed to love?
Reminds me of Koro Sensei so I'm gonna use his color palette to dignify the readers colors! Also thanks for letting me know abt my inbox LMFAO- Anyways I think
Batman was just ranting to you about his recent expedition with Hal, enjoying how your face would change colors based on your reactions to certain parts of the story. A deep blue with white outlines when you were shocked, green when you were happy and lilac when relieved. It was a simple and straightforward way of knowing how you felt and he liked about you. He had all your colors and their meanings memorized not only in his mind but in his database too. So it was quite the shock when you'd started to turn a light pink, the areas of your cheeks being a bit darker. You looked lovesick with a lopsided smile on your face and he stopped talking as it all really hit him. At the sudden silence your face went gray and neutral signifying your confusion. He chuckled and decided not to tell you the real reason why he stopped. But now that he's aware of your little crush he may act on his own.
Superman would also probably have most of your colors memorized though he still doesn't know what all of them mean. So when you turn a light shade of pink while you both were talking he was confused because it wasn't a color he could relate to anything. When he asked your pink color turned into a salmon color as you got embarrassed, that one he knew. He had to ask Batman what you turning pink meant in the end because he wanted to know just in case it happens again. When he figures out the emotion behind it he's very flattered and likes to see how easily he can make you turn pink.
Hal would be similar to Superman in the sense that he would only know what some of your colors meant. He's never asked he's just picked up on a few from just being around you. He likes to have knowledge on things though, so whenever a color comes up that he doesn't know he wouldn't mind asking you about it. You usually have no problem explaining to him what you're feeling but right now when he caught you turning bright pink when talking to him you seemed to shut down. Your pink turned salmon which luckily he knew so he asked why you were embarrassed which only deepened your color. He wasn't able to get an explanation out of you that day but after observing your behavior (and color) around him while comparing it to others he was able to easily catch on.
Barry would make an effort to know all of your colors. He struggles! But he's trying and that's the important thing. When having a conversation with you he usually tries to take it slow so that he can fully develop an understanding of what all your colors mean, he's honestly very fascinated. He tries to make guesses on what the colors he doesn't know mean based on context clues. So when you suddenly turn pink his brain is immediately in analyzing mode! It takes a couple of interactions with you for him to figure out exactly what it means, it's only a hunch but it's enough to give him the confidence to ask you out!
John has a mental library of what all your colors mean. Even colors you think he doesn't know he knows ok? So when you turn pink and he doesn't immediately know what it means he starts using the process of elimination to figure it out. After maybe two interaction with you turning pink around him and he's clocked the emotion behind it. Similarly to Superman he likes to tease you and see just how pink he can make you. His goal is to make you turn hot pink, he thinks it's cute.
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luthwhore · 1 year
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I want to preface this by saying that I haven't read every comic in which Lex has ever appeared, and most of what I've read has been from the last two decades or from the Bronze Age; I am still working my way through most of his post-crisis/pre-flashpoint content.
These are also recommended based on how much I personally enjoyed them, so there is a bit of subjectivity here. However, if I think a comic is particularly important to Lex’s canon and/or objectively well-written, I will try to make note of it, even if it doesn’t suit my own tastes.
Stuff listed as “further reading” is content I have more mixed feelings about or that features Lex less prominently, but still think is worth a read if you want to dig a little deeper.
There are a few things I recommend avoiding unless you really, really want to read it for historical reasons (often because the comics include triggering content), and I've tried to make note of these as well.
⭐️ = most important for current continuity 💜 = personal favorites
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Superman: Birthright by Mark Waid ⭐️
Generally considered the definitive retelling of the Superman origin story, and the comic that reintroduced the idea of Clark Kent and Lex Luthor growing up together in Smallville to the mainline canon after it was written out during Crisis on Infinite Earths.
Further Reading
↳ Superman: Secret Origin (alternate telling from Birthright) ↳ Action Comics Special #1 - "The Last Will & Testament of Lex Luthor" ↳ Superman: American Alien (Superman origin story that actively contradicts Superman: Birthright, but has some fun Lex moments)
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Lex Luthor: A Celebration of 75 Years 💜
Not a single comic, but rather a historical account of Lex through the ages. Rather than featuring entire arcs, it tends to feature a single issue that showcases the Lex of each era, so it's a good read to figure out what versions of Lex you personally enjoy. Some of the stories in this collection are included elsewhere on this list.
JLA: Rock of Ages by Grant Morrison (JLA 1998 #10-#15)
Lex and the Injustice Gang take on the Justice League! I really like Lex's characterization here because it really shows how Lex thinks, and it does a great job showing that despite being a villain, Lex does have standards and tries to avoid unnecessary bloodshed.
Salvation Run by Bill Willingham & Lilah Sturges 💜
A villain vs villain story, featuring most of the DCU's villains being stranded off-world together and comparing Lex's style of leadership with the Joker's. Probably one of the best examples I've ever read of exactly how competent Lex is, and seeing him go head-to-head with the Joker is a delight.
Superman: The Black Ring by Paul Cornell (Action Comics #890-#900)
Might be a little hard to follow if you're not familiar with Green Lantern lore, but the arc does a great job with balancing Lex being villainous with still feeling fun and flawed and human. Not a lot of interaction with Superman until the very end, but there is a lot of Lois in this one. (Sort of. You'll see.)
Further Reading
↳ President Luthor: Secret Files and Origins ↳ Superman's Nemesis Lex Luthor ↳ Lex Luthor: Man of Steel ↳ Superman: Last Son ↳ Superman: Unchained
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Forever Evil by Geoff Johns ⭐️
The start of Lex's "hero" arc, which spans from the end of n52 until 2018. Functions as a bit of a reset for his character and sets the tone for everything from here on in Lex’s continuity. It gives some insight into Lex’s relationship with Lena post-reboot, and has a very sweet take on his relationship with Bizarro.
Justice League (2011) by Geoff Johns ⭐️ (Lex appears in #30-52, though you can start at #24 if you’re interested in the setup for Forever Evil)
Follows up on the events in Forever Evil and kickstarts Lex’s several years’ long time as a formal part of the Justice League. I really enjoy his dynamics with each of the Trinity here, particularly with Diana. I would recommend the Darkseid War arc in particular (especially if you’re a Clex shipper), but the whole thing is enjoyable. Lena also appears here! Read Justice League: The Darkseid War - Lex Luthor between #45 and #46.
Action Comics: Path of Doom & Men of Steel, by Dan Jurgens ⭐️ (#957-962, #967-970)
Continues on with the “Super-Lex” arc teased at the end of the previous Justice League arc. This is also where Jon Kent (Clark & Lois’s son) is introduced. There’s a lot more Clark & Lex interaction here than most of the other comics in Lex’s hero era, and you do get the sense that he is genuinely trying to do the right thing, even if his motivations for doing so are a bit…self-centered.
Superman: Imperius Lex, by Patrick Gleason & Peter Tomasi ⭐️ (#33-36)
The end of the Super-Lex arc, though not technically the end of Lex’s time as a hero. Make sure to read the n52 Justice League: Darkseid War arc first, since it references the events heavily. Great Clark & Lex content, including a scene of them being stranded on a red sun planet together.
Justice League: No Justice, by Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, & Joshua Williamson
The official end to Lex being a hero and a member of the Justice League, as well as the setup for the Legion of Doom & Year of the Villain arcs. Imo, his reason for becoming a villain again is pretty contrived and frustrating, but it does set up what will end up becoming a very important dynamic between Lex and the Martian Manhunter in the next arc.
Further Reading
↳ Action Comics #23.1 - Bizarro ↳ Action Comics #23.3 - Lex Luthor ↳ Superwoman (2016) #1 - #8
⚠️ Note: Superwoman (2016) issues #1-8 feature both Lex and Lena and follow up on what was set up in Forever Evil and Justice League (2012), but the writing around Lena’s disability is extremely ableist. It does feature a lot of Lena and expands more on the backstory set up in Forever Evil, and there are a few good character moments for Lex, but Lena's treatment is pretty bad, so read with caution. ⚠️
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Justice League (2018) by Scott Snyder & James Tynion IV (#1-39)
Lex’s return to classic villainy, along with the Legion of Doom. The arc is a little weird in places and I’m not crazy about some of the choices made, but his dynamic with the other villains is fun, and I enjoy his relationship with the Martian Manhunter. I personally like both Snyder and Tynion as writers enough to power through the general weirdness of this arc, but your mileage may vary. It’s pretty dense and hard to follow at times and I felt like it didn’t really hit its stride until about issue #8, so you might need to power through a bit at the beginning.
Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen by James Tynion IV
Follows up the “Year of the Villain” plot set up in Justice League. It’s weird as hell but it does have some good character moments for him, and more importantly, features the conclusion of the arc.
Further Reading
↳ Justice League Annual #1 ↳ DC’s Year of the Villain Special #1 ↳ Year of the Villain: Lex Luthor 💜 (Features an alternate universe where Lex is married to that universe's Kal-el. No, really.) ↳ Dark Nights: Death Metal ↳ Action Comics #1000 (special anthology issue)
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Superman: Son of Kal-El (Annual #1) by Tom Taylor
I don’t have strong enough feelings about Lex in Son of Kal-El for me to recommend the whole series for him alone, but his interactions with both Clark and Jon in the annual are very enjoyable. (If you like the annual and you enjoy Jon, Lex is a recurring character in SoKE, and the series is a pretty quick read.)
Batman: The Abyss, by Joshua Williamson 💜 (Batman (2016) #118-121)
Technically a Batman story, but a very short one. Superman is currently off-world, so naturally Lex needs to find another hero to menace. Williamson is the current writer on the mainline Superman book and imo he is THE best Lex writer at DC. He really captures the way Lex earnestly views himself as a hero while doing the most unhinged bullshit you have ever seen. Worth a read if only to watch Lex take Bruce on the worst date of his life.
Action Comics #1050, by Joshua Williamson, Philip Kennedy Johnson, & Tom Taylor ⭐️
Provides context for the current Superman run. You could technically skip it, but with Williamson as a co-writer, I have no idea why you would want to. Lex is truly a mess in the most enjoyable way here.
Superman (2023), by Joshua Williamson ⭐️
The holy grail, the crown jewel, THE comic to read if you’re a Lex fan. The comic is only a few issues in as of writing this list, but Williamson really hits the perfect balance of making Lex funny and charming while still kind of being an asshole. (Updates monthly, though July-August won’t have new issues while the Knight Terrors arc is coming out.)
Further Reading
↳ Superman: Son of Kal-El ↳ Superman: Kal-El Returns ↳ Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen (2019) ↳ Lazarus Planet: Assault on Krypton ↳ Action Comics: The Rise of Metallo
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The Last Days of Lex Luthor, by Mark Waid 💜
Written by the same author as Superman: Birthright. This comic is a Black Label comic, which means it’s not part of the mainline continuity and is more “adult oriented” than the mainstream books, so the writer has significantly more freedom and it shouldn’t take a lot of prior knowledge. In this comic, Lex is dying, and Superman is trying to find a way to save him. (The comic will be 3 issues long, released every other month.) I would strongly recommend reading Superman: Birthright first, though it's not mandatory.
Smallville: Season 11, by Bryan Q Miller 💜
The S11 comic is a little bloated with random cameos from other DC characters and the art is pretty inconsistent at times, but there are some really nice moments in it if you want more Smallville Lex. You can skip the Titans & Lantern arcs if you’re not interested in the extended Smallville universe, but the rest of the comic features Lex pretty heavily. Prepare yourself to cry over Otis. If you read nothing else, read Smallville: Alien, particularly if you're a Clex shipper.
Batman: Last Knight on Earth, by Scott Snyder 💜
A post-apocalyptic/dystopian future story, following Batman as he attempts to make his way back to Gotham. Lex only appears in issue #2, but Scott Snyder really loves his villains unhinged and psychosexually obsessed with their heroes. Lex’s fate in this might make you tear up. ⚠️ Character death warning. ⚠️
Clark & Lex: A Young Superman Graphic Novel, by Brendan Reichs
Young Clark Kent enters a competition to win an internship at Luthorcorp, where he meets and befriends a young Lex Luthor. Heavy Smallville influence is present here! This novel is marketed as the first in a series, so we'll hopefully see more in the future.
Further Reading
↳ All-Star Superman (widely considered one of the best Superman stories ever written, but I would not recommend if you’re new to Superman) ↳ DC Bombshells ↳ Injustice: Gods Among Us / Injustice 2 / Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (would not recommend these if you’re new to DC)
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Prior to the changes made to Lex's lore in the wake of "Crisis on Infinite Earths", Lex had been a mad scientist first and foremost, and had generally been portrayed as fairly human and flawed. This version of Lex grew up in Smallville alongside Clark Kent, though in the 80s and beyond this would be written in and out of his continuity several times.
These can be a little campy and goofy at times, since the comics were still being marketed toward children and were largely episodic, but there are some truly excellent bits of characterization for Lex within the pre-crisis canon, and it really is a treasure trove of Clex content if you're into that.
How Luthor Met Superboy, by Jerry Siegel (Adventure Comics #271)
The original story of Lex and Superboy (Clark) meeting for the first time. Eventually retooled slightly for Elliot Maggin's "The Luthor Nobody Knows" and then massively overhauled for Superman: Birthright, but this is the original, and while a bit corny and dated, some parts of it still hold up!
The Showdown Between Luthor and Superman, by Edmund Hamilton (Superman #164)
Lex and Superman face off on a red sun planet in an attempt to prove once and for all which of the two of them is stronger. The start of the short "Lexor" arc wherein becomes a hero on another planet.
Luthor Unleashed!, by Cary Bates 💜 (Action Comics #544)
The conclusion of the Lexor arc (mentioned above). Lex has a wife and child on Lexor, and considers that he might even be able to let himself be truly happy there. Unfortunately for him, his obsession with Superman wins out.
The Luthor Nobody Knows, by Elliot S! Maggin 💜 (Superman #292)
This story is somewhat of a retelling of "How Luthor Met Superboy", but told via flashback from the perspective of Superman. It's a bit more introspective than the original Silver Age story, with Clark reminiscing on his relationship with Lex.
The Einstein Connection, by Elliot S! Maggin 💜 (Superman #416)
Long before Smallville decided to make Lex an Alexander the Great fanboy, pre-crisis Lex uphold Albert Einstein as one of his heroes. A great character study on pre-crisis Lex, and in general a great example of the more "frenemy"-esque dynamic that Maggin wrote Clark and Lex with.
The Ghost of Superman Future, by Elliot S! Maggin (Superman #416)
A story set in the far future, with an elderly Superman recounting his life, including his friendship with Lex Luthor and all of its many ups and downs and complications. Contains the first-ever reference to the idea of Lexcorp, though it would not be fully incorporated into the mainline canon until post-crisis when Byrne revamped the character. ** If you like this story, I would strongly recommend reading Elliot S! Maggin's short story "Luthor's Gift", as it delves further into the dynamic between Clark, Lex, and Lois and presents a very bittersweet story of the end of Lex and Lois's lives. **
Further Reading
↳ Luthor -- Super-Hero! (Superman #168) ↳ Lex Luthor -- Super Scalp-hunter! (Superman #282) ↳ The Parasite's Power Play (Superman #286) ↳ Seven-foot-two... and Still Growing! (Superman #302) ↳ Welcome to Luthorcon III! (DC Comics Presents: Annual #4)
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There are some I would personally recommend only reading for historical purposes, as they do not have a lot of connection to Lex's current characterization and have largely been retconned. These contain some pretty triggering content and I will try to warn for it where appropriate.
Superman (1986) and The Man of Steel (1986) by John Byrne
John Byrne was tasked with rebooting the Superman franchise after Crisis on Infinite Earths and made a lot of sweeping changes to the Superman lore at the time. One of the changes made was to switch Lex from a mad scientist who grew up in Smallville and was friends with Clark Kent as a child to a corrupt billionaire who grew up in Metropolis. A lot of the emotional complexity and depth of the pre-crisis version of Lex was stripped away into making him more unambiguously villainous. The Lex of the Byrne era is... to put it delicately, very predatory and abusive to the women in his life. John Byrne is also a far-right conservative and his politics in general bleed through a lot into his work, so I don't recommend it on... pretty much any level.
Lex Luthor: An Unauthorized Biography by James D. Hudnall
This comic contains Lex's Metropolis-based origin story, which would be his accepted origin from Crisis on Infinite Earths through the publication of Superman: Birthright. On top of lacking most of the aspects of Lex that most people who like him actually appreciate, this comic continues the Byrne-era trend of Lex being sexually predatory and physically abusive to the women in his life. You've been warned.
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glorified-red · 1 year
As someone fortunate enough to attend DC's panel at MegaCon today with some of the biggest names in comics (Geoff Johns [Justice Society of America], Joshua Williamson [Superman], Simone DiMeo [DC vs Vampires], Mitch Gerads [Batman: The Brave and the Bold] and Phillip Kennedy Johnson [Action Comics]) here's all the information I managed to write down on what they discussed regarding the future of DC:
All quotes are NOT direct quotes, they are paraphrased. I may be a fast typer but not that good. Spoilers Ahead! Obviously.
Kicking off with the Flash Family, the upcoming releases will explore what Barry and Iris do when they "disappear" every week for date night. No one knows what they could possibly be up to! Turns out, they love to visit the future together, how they get there will be the true story. They also mentioned digging deeper into how being trapped in the speed force impacted ____. (I dont follow Flash so I don't know who they were referring to)
Next is the Superfam (and Arrowfam breifly):
Johnson spoke on Action Comics and said he wanted to evolve the Superfamily as much as the Batfamily has been. Recent comics have been able to take each member of the Batfam and develop them as solo characters to then let them interact with the others as a family. Johnson wants the same for the Superfam. He hates how the family has been boiled down to "looks" (i.e. Kon is just the one with the jacket, the twins are the lookalikes, etc) instead of them as defined characters. Within Action Comics and hopefully more, he hopes to delve into their entire family dynamic just as much as DC has done with the Bats.
Action Comics has been introducing the idea of Aliens coming to earth and certain protests spawning from it, wanting the earth to remain isolated and independent in the galaxy. They breifly teased the idea that this could be emotionally taxing on the Supers---especially Jon and Clark as the more active heroes atm---since they themselves are technically "Aliens". They also said that this new enemy set up will be very impactful for the future of the DCU.
Williamson Chimed in quite a bit to discuss the psychology behind Lex Luther and Clark Kent. "Lex isn't stupid. He's one of the smartest people in the DCU. When he looks at Clark, sometimes he recognizes that the world does need a Superman, but a good one. Lex may just have ulterior motives---i mean, he's lex, he always has ulterior motives---to force Clark to be a better Superman. And when Clark looks at people, all he sees Is the good in them. He sees their potential for growth. But when he looks at Lex, all he feels is disappointment. He feels disappointed in Lex sure, but he feels even more disappointed in himself for failing Lex."
"I love the backstory that Lex is from Smallville. When Clark leaves Smallville, there's what, ten years? Before he makes his way to Metropolis. And when he gets there, Lex is already there. What was he doing during that time? Metropolis had its fair share of villains but he destroyed them so that he could be Lex Luthor, the true villain of the city."
They then mentioned briefly about wanting to do the same thing for the Arrow Family as they did with the Bats and strive to do with the Supers. An upcoming series will explore Oliver getting "lost" and the family coming together to find him. Very exciting.
They showed plenty of beautiful artwork that has not been released yet! Sorry for the grainy photos, I tried as best as I could with my Motorola ok :P
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This is for my fellow writers out there!! When asked about this image, Williamson and Johnson said that Clark "wishes people could hear what he does. He hears all of humanity in a connected thum, it's one heartbeat, not billions overlapping. All of our hearts beat together as one. When searching for specific people, he has to focus in through that single heartbeat."
Green Lantern was next! They announced a new run titled War Jounrals which follows US Marine John Stewart. They took heavy inspiration from 80s action movies such as Alien vs Predator when crafting this series. With DC's emphasis on mental health awareness and representation, I really hope they dive into the PTSD that comes from war. Not much was mentioned about this series to confirm or deny this.
Stargirl continuation: When asked about the writing/inspiration behind the future of her comics, they said they "wanted to dig into what being a side kick means---used to mean, anyway---and bring that back. Side Kicks are supposed to be a hero starting within the community, starting small, but always taking the time to save a kid and instil hope in that kid. That small difference makes a side kick. They start with so much hope only to be forgotten about, we want to bring back the old bright tone that was in Young Justice."
The Justice Society of America will follow the Huntress. She brings villains onto her team to offer them a chance to reform and walk a better path, a good path. She wants to be the same way her father, Bruce Wayne, was with her mother, Selina Kyle. The Huntress will link into the rest of the current DCU as she will get trapped in a timeline? Do I know what this means? Absolutely not. But apparently its gonna be important so
And finally! The Batfamily!!!
The first major announcement was the relaunch of Batman: the Brave and the Bold. Upon looking back at the original source material, they decided to extend the 9 page issue to a 96 page story line. They really wanted to deep dive into the series since they thought it had more to tell than what it did originally.
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Since this is year one Batman, this will be the story of how Batman first encountered the Joker himself. They didn't share much on the contents but said it would stay true to the original, so this is not a retcon, it's just a more intesive retelling.
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The artist for this series admited that he actually forgot year one Batman wouldn't have such a modern suit. After realizing this only after completing the series, he had to go back and redraw every panel with Batman in it. He very proudly said "shit!"
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And of course, the HUGE announcement taking the internet by storm:
Batman and Robin
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This series will follow after the events of Lazarus Planet and the Lazarus Tournament Damian went through. It will follow Bruce and Damian Wayne as they "come together not just as heros this time, but as father and son." This series is going to be a pretty heavy one since it will dive into how they come together "without Alfred as the buffer as the mentor figure for them both." Not only will Bruce continue on his current character arc of viewing each of the Robins as his sons and truly supporting them, but Damian will be front and center to cope with Alfred's death.
Williamson spoke on this heavily as he was supposed to leave Batman and Robin, but he actually went to DC and said "I'm not done with Damian, there's still more story to tell. He's not going anywhere." But he also mentioned a key point for Damian's growth: "He was trained by Talia and of course by Bruce, but he was also trained by Alfred so you'll see how that shapes Damian interacting with Bruce going forward, especially as they grow as Father and Son."
They said this will tie into the next big series in the DCU which follows Damian having "nightmares and demons". That was all that was mentioned about that.
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The Gotham City Zoo will be a huge set piece for the series and I truly hope we see more canon content of Damian's love for animals in this run.
The focus of Damian is him growing into himself and become more emotionally aware of himself and those around him. With Alfred's impression on him, there will be key moments of Damian interacting with Bruce as Bruce goes through tough times.
Additinally, Williamson adores Damian being a fan of manga. Since it's shown Damian has been reading a romance one, there's some hope for emotional connection with others not in a romantic way, but moreso in the ability to be vulnerable with people in a way he has only been able to read about. It's implied he could be reading this manga as a yearning for connection to others on a deeper level, especially as someone who grew up to ignore his emotions. So this will follow Damian as he tries to let himself be more connected to his loved ones the way Alfred was teaching him to. Plus, his love for manga will not be going anywhere, it's "staying strong."
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Damian will get his own car! Williamson wanted to give him a car that matched him since hes "a little rough around the edges." It will be a fun addition while the duo grow as family since Bruce will have to be okay with Damian driving. "Its gonna be Bruce saying he's gonna drive and then you turn the page and Damian is saying 'he's got something' and Bruce has to get used to letting his son drive him."
Very much Bruce growing out of strictness to be more soft with his sons as we've seen in the more recent comics.
And ofc, Simone Di Meo will be the artist for this series!! As well as the cover artist for The Brave & The Bold!
I am super excited for how DC is starting to write the Batfamily and even the Superfamily. They're starting to tackle a lot of mental health issues and the trauma old comics have left the characters with. It's not perfect by any means, especially with Batman v. Robin being more than a little rough, it had it's moments.
My main concern is how they'll be treating Tim going forward. With TDR getting shortened and Damian returning as Robin, I really really hope they don't just forget Tim exists. My hope is that with Tim's new title, there will be room for another solo series under that title in the way Nightwing and Spoiler has been done.
The last thing I want is for Tim to go through all this work finding where he belongs and how he views himself just to join/lead another team. He's defining himself aside from the Robin legacy to define who he is under his new title. I think he needs time as a solo hero before rejoining a group for an extensive time period. I don't want them to erase all his personal growth just because they don't want to give him another solo series. I'll be more than a little upset at the lost potiential.
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dc-polls · 7 months
"That Really Happened?!" DC Comics Tournament Entry #14
Domestic Abuse Ghost Possession
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[ID: Two page comic spread of a giant Sinestro head smiling with tongue wrapped around Green Lantern John Stewart's leg. Figures below pose in anguish and dark buildings appear in the background. John yells, "You're dead, Sinestro!" To which Sinestro replies, "Not any more!" /END ID]
What Happened?
Jesus. Okay. SO green lantern: mosaic is already a really weird comic. The creator (who we don't talk abt and also was in prison until a couple of years ago) literally said (paraphrase) "Mosaic is the book I write when I get confused writing my other books". Like bro. Anyways it follows John Stewart (Green Lantern) as he tries to establish a peaceful society between a bunch of species (humans included) taken from their homeworlds and forced to coexist on this plant. Standard comic plot. NORMAL, even. Or so you'd think.
It's revealed that John is being possessed a times (blacking out) by the ghost of Old Timer, an evil Guardian (so like a smurf looking alien) who brought all the people to the mosaic in the first place. Plot-wise this still makes sense, GL: Mosaic is a spin off and this whole plot was kind of established in the main comic. It makes sense.
AND THEN YOU GET ISSUE NO. 3. John is inexplicably in a relationship with this woman Rose. This happens completely off panel and without explanation (although they did have some chemistry in the main GL title, it was a very complicated dynamic and there was even a joke about them NOT being in a relationship) [the joke was that rose's town was super scandalized bc they thought she was dating John (because aaaaghhhhh interracial relationship or whatever [this is like 1992] and shes from rural West Virgina and was all like no guys its not LIKE that (but like it actually wasnt)) so idk that was a thing that happened
But ANYWAYS in Mosaic #3 John and Rose are dating for some reason???? And then he picks her up and flies up and then drops her and laughs as she screams and falls. He also kicks her around and like beats her up in front of her son while she pleads with him to stop. So VERY much domestic abuse 👍love some absolutely insane fucking mischaracterization what the actual hell. Also he keeps using weird nicknames like calling her Rosie and himself Johhny or Daddy while possessed(?) SO I don't fucking know what that was the fuck
Anyways it's then revealed that this behavior was because of the GHOST! who could have thunk? However instead of the ghost CANONICALLY inside his head that was literally possessing him THE ISSUE BEFORE, turns out it was SINESTRO'S GHOST! how the fuck did he get in johns head you may ask? I could not tell you! He's just there! At this point I'm wondering what the actual fuck is going on and also how many ghosts are possessing John Stewart. Like HONESTLY. I've either entirely lost the plot by now or am just in shock over what is happening. Likely both.
Anyways John goes in his brain to fight the Sinestro ghost (who like ties him up with his tongue and calls him boy (and Sinestro daddy this time) and all sorts of insanely weird awful stuff) And then his girlfriend (who he ISNT DATING) forgives him because "it was the ghost". Absolutely incomprehensible arc. This happened in ONE ISSUE of this comic. The first ghost is not mentioned at all during this story
Also the worst thing abt this whole ordeal is that this is a spin off of an arc in the main GL title which was actually REALLY FUCKING GOOD. like it was great, I loved it. And yet somehow the author (may he die gruesomely) managed to forget what HE HIMSELF WROTE and all knowledge of characterization and turn his hero into a horribly mischaracterized domestic abuser in a plot thay makes no sense.also there was def some racist wack ass shit going on with this fr. The whole comic is honestly an ego trip for the writer it makes no fucking sense and every letter page is just two pages of him talking directly to the readers and telling them how smart he is. This is issue 3 and is as far as i got. Listen to me and do not read this comic
Tournament polls will be posted after all entries are up. As always you can find all posts related to the tournament using #dc-polls-trh
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greenlantern94to04 · 7 months
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Green Lantern #49 (February 1994)
"EMERALD TWILIGHT," Part 2! Hal Jordan has gone so far off the deep end that he's started imitating one of history's most infamous monsters: Ringo Starr. After the events of last issue, a pissed-off Hal is speeding towards planet Oa to give his bosses, the Guardians of the Universe, a piece of (what's left of) his mind. The Guardians try to stop Hal by deploying formidable Green Lanterns like, uh, this red guy and that purple girl.
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Hal brutally whoops their asses and steals their GL rings to become more powerful; if he manages to nab 3597 more rings, he can become a One Man Green Lantern Corps. Hal's dangerous bling addiction even leads him to fight Lanterns he personally recruited into the Corps, like Tomar-Tu (the guy with the bird face who doesn't sound like Geoffrey Rush) and Boodikka, a fierce warrior who refuses to let go of her ring... so Hal just chops her hand off. I like to imagine a Green Lantern from some sort of phallus-shaped alien race turning around at this point and going home.
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Meanwhile, in Oa, the Guardians seem pretty confident that one of their "servants" will stop Hal, but their arrogance starts evaporating with every ring he steals. Ganthet, paradoxically the least dickish of the Guardians despite being the only one wearing a ponytail, has some sort of secret plan for how they could "preserve themselves" if all else fails. At first, the others just mock him (for his plan, not the ponytail), but as Hal gets closer, they get nervous and start preparing for Ganthet's plan, whatever it is.
Hal finally reaches Oa and faces one of his best friends, Kilowog, the most distinguished trainer of the Green Lantern Corps and the Justice League's one-time handyman. Hal reminds his former mentor that he's got like ten rings by now, but Kilowog defiantly says, "Didn't I teach ya nothing? It's the warrior, not his weapons."
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As it turns out, nope, it's the weapons, because Hal defeats Kilowog too within one page. With no one else around to stop him, Hal heads for the Central Power Battery -- literally, a giant battery that powers every GL ring in the universe, and now Hal wants that power to himself (I guess stealing it from here is easier than figuring out how to wear 3600 rings on his fingers). However, the Guardians still have an ace up their oversized sleeves. A hooded figure walks out of the battery, and the final page reveals that it's the other "greatest Green Lantern ever" who went rogue: Sinestro! A villain so heinous that the Guardians executed him for "crimes against the universe," causing his soul to get trapped inside the Central Battery.
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Yes, the Guardians are so desperate that they're willing to give a GL ring to a guy whose name means "evil" and who has tried to kill them multiple times in the past. Interesting tactic. Will it pay off?!
NEXT ISSUE: It doesn't pay off.
When Sinestro is revealed at the end, we also find out that he'd been narrating the issue, which gives a double reading to lines like: "Were he not blinded by his obsession, would these acts wreak havoc on his conscience? I rather like to think so." That almost sounds like Sinestro's version of the Joker's "Far too late" moment from The Killing Joke.
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The fight with Kilowog could be seen as another callback to Emerald Dawn, Hal's origin story, since that contained a montage of 'Wog training Hal when he was a rookie... by making him balance rocks and catch eggs in the air and stuff. Would have been funny if Hal and Kilowog's dramatic face-off in this issue had consisted of an egg-catching contest. To the death.
Ganthet the Least Dickish Guardian first appeared in 1992's Green Lantern: Ganthet's Tale graphic novel by Larry Niven and John Byrne, which establishes that 1) he once drove himself insane by looking at the beginning of the universe, and 2), perhaps related to the above, he has a fondness for human fashion. Ganthet had appeared in exactly two issues of the regular series before this one, but he'll appear a lot more often and have plenty more chances to show off his fashion sense after this.
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Also in Ganthet's Tale, Hal learns the "forbidden knowledge" that the end and the beginning of the universe are linked together, which the other Guardians would have erased from his mind if Ganthet hadn't protected him. Not only will this little bit of trivia come in pretty handy for Hal as he starts toying with cosmic forces in the near future, but also, looking at the final panels in the graphic novel, Hal's comments about being disappointed in the Guardians' lies almost feel like a teaser for Emerald Twilight (which, again, was definitely not being planned in '92).
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Question for the Hal Jordan veterans in the comments (hi, Neil): was the idea that wearing more GL rings makes you more powerful already a thing before this issue? Seems like something a villain would have exploited by now. Or did Hal change how the rings work through sheer force of will?
Meanwhile, in Guy Gardner's corner of the GL universe: the Guy Gardner series officially becomes Guy Gardner: Warrior with #17, which sees the debut of Guy's new moniker and his shorter, non-Moe hairdo. Plus, artist Mitch Byrd!
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In this issue, Guy finally works up the nerve to go back home and tell his abusive dad what he thought of him, only to find out that he died shortly after his brother Mace committed suicide. Both were assholes, but that's still pretty rough. Then, he's attacked by Militia, the armored loon we met last issue. The fight ends when Guy's yellow power ring (which, incidentally, used to belong to Sinestro) suddenly stops working, but luckily, Militia's armor happens to malfunction at the same time and he's ran over by a truck.
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Huh, curious that Militia has ginger hair too. Probably a coincidence. To be continued!
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doom-nerdo-666 · 1 year
Horror does have a place in Doom
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(Mainly felt like making this post after a video by thebeansprout13, even if this comes out later because it was in my drafts for a while)
This is a very talked about, overplayed topic on Doom and it tends to repeat, sometimes because certain opinions/observations are more popular than others.
I think horror is an element in Doom and there's a lot of ways to talk about this, both in favor and against or even somewhere in the middle.
The 90's games
We all know about Doom Bible's canned ideas of the characters and story but even then, Doom is clearly inspired by Aliens, Evil Dead, DnD and so on.
But maybe this mix of inspirations (And the weird presentation of the games) means there's different things to pick apart.
If Doom was a movie, it could have been a B-movie with a goofy, campy nature and still have some eerie atmosphere or gross practical effects.
At first we have:
Some dark, suspense based music tracks.
Darker areas meant to show off lightning and "slow" moments.
Probably the default movement speed and the history behind "ALWAYS_RUN".
Doomguy being hurt in the box art and ingame status bar.
The Arch-vile's intended design of an eerie HR Giger inspired alien.
Textures like the flesh walls with metal pipes, twisted faces and some hanged corpses people thought were based on a real pic of Mussolini (But it's actually GI Joe figures).
But then there's:
The fast gameplay and combat that can happen.
Cartoony designs and assets.
The metal music (And other tracks like those that sound kinda like jazz).
The campy writing style in the manuals and intermission screens.
The presentation of Daisy's death.
Some of Doomguy's faces.
The name "BFG" and how some assets were made like using toys to make the guns.
Maybe whenever a level was clearly gimmicky and "gamey" or experimental.
The ridiculously low-tech aesthetic with blue carpet floors and maybe how Phobos' sky doesn't look like Phobos.
So it seems Doom always had a mix of elements and that's why people even argue over this, though i also see benefits of Doom being a "blank canvas" when it comes to its staying power.
Doom 64 was the more horror focused classic game with its take on Hell and some demon designs (But still not showing Doomguy's bloodied mugshot or some assets of classic Hell).
Even its theme song was barely metal (And i think John Romero really liked the PS1 port).
And D64 is also seen as "the real Doom 3" though this is a bit of a topic i mentioned in a different post.
Doom 3
A "reboot" of the series and a new entry in a time after the series was dormant (And mostly carried by fan mods).
D3 pushes things to a specific direction that John Carmack thought it was natural.
Some fans think the same, others thing it's opposite to what they expect out of Doom, some even accept it as a new thing.
D3 is much more story focused, with a bunch of cutscenes, background/lore, characters and most if it isn't goofy.
Demons are redesigned and some barely resemble their original versions (Might be because they looked "goofy" even if we have fanart that knows how to make them eerie; Meanwhile, D3's Arch-vile didn't capture the original design that much).
New demons represent a new art style that makes them "more serious and scary" or at least surreal.
The UAC stuff is still low-tech but in a more detailed, "professional" way.
Gameplay is slower, with a focus on reloading and the lantern.
Darkness focus and horror etc.
More serious tone, with little music.
D3 marine never smiles and looks worried most of the time.
Besides UAC and Hell, there's the Martians as a way to "extend" the universe but they're still mostly mysterious and not shown a lot.
The premise of a UAC marine having to fight demons after the UAC unleashing Hell is technically there, but it's also differently done from the original games (At least/specially if you look into the "lore" in the old manuals).
This game divided some fans, though a prespective i like to hear more is one that likes the idea but not so much the execution and i also always bring up how unfair it is that later versions (BFG edition and others) tend to have new problems or cut content for no reason, while not fixing certain flaws.
Because you'll still find some older fans thinking Doom was supposed to have some form of tension or horror, compared to those that prefer the fast action side of things.
Oddly enough, Hell in the series always had potential to be weird but D3, the game with the most experimental demon designs, didn't really took advantage of those elements.
At least D3 has some mods that fix some people's issues with the game, whether or not it leads to them respect the game more.
If you ask me: Doom 3's horror isn't just the dark corridors or slow "doomed" marine, but it's the crazy designs like the Bruiser having a screen on its mouth or the Revenant having transparent skin.
And i think D3 has its fair share of goofyness like the Turkey minigame (And the others in RoE that later versions deleted for no reasons) or that one fat zombie going "mmmm boy" that farts.
Doom 2016 and Eternal
D2016 is like an extreme opposite to D3: You are the horror and gameplay is more focused on movement and projectile avoiding that there's barely hitscan enemies besides the Possessed Security and maybe the Hellrazer.
Besides the arena focused combat, there's the Glory Kills, alt fires, upgrades, Mick Gordon's music, the character of the Doomslayer and so on.
But bits of D3's style are still present, speciall Mars and Hell a bit since Doom technically wasn't always "Mars" (Otherwise, more people would bring up the classic Phobos aesthetic and specific textures but even Hell still doesn't carry certain elements back).
(In fact, when D2016 was revealed, people complained about the lack of color and even said the demons looked "MOBA-ish")
The Hellknight is clearly inspired by its D3 design but one major difference is being eyeless instead of the weird eyes (Or are they sockets?) it had in D3.
Most demons have a rather "focused" aesthetic of chitin armored creatures and even lore explaining how they work or even how the UAC was involved in some being created/modified (Which may or may not affect the appeal of Hell being a weird dimension of evil that Doomguy has to put up with).
It's also somewhat known that D2016 was influenced by outside factors for Doom: The Doom comic ("Rip and tear") is obvious but there's probably other theories like anything to do with Death Battle or internet copypastas/webcomics joking about Doomguy (And i guess Brutal Doom but there's still arguements about it).
Doomslayer being a killing machine that scares demons is like an inverse to the "doomed" D3 marine: Putting classic Doomguy in the middle since he's both a strong action hero but still gets hurt (Even his portrayal in the 90's comic is like this).
The existence of D2016 is also a result of Doom 4 being cancelled: A game that was so deviated from Doom, it didn't even feel like a D3 sequel (And maybe it wasn't).
In a way, D2016's appeal relies on some bits of fanservice and at least getting basic ideas that people associate with Doom, which contrasts D3 not relying on "outside factors" but also chosing specific parts of the series while also executing them in a way that i'm not sure if it was ideal for D3 itself.
Then there's Doom Eternal, which builds up from 2016 in a lot of ways (And in was that people either like or hate it but it's still a very beloved and popular title).
The aesthetic is more colorfull and brings back some classic designs (Not entirely as they're put inside the new aesthetic), there's the concept of the "Doom universe", lots of new mechanics and a lot more to like (But also things that divided some fans).
Eternal's "videogamey" pickups were technically based on how some people thought pickups in D2016 overlapped with the environment, even if people liked how items in D2016 "existed in the setting" (Because even in classic Doom, you didn't have those kinds of pickups).
There's a lot of debates about Eternal's lore and aesthetic that leads to comparisons to 2016 but i'm thinking on making a post dedicated to that (Specially with some prespectives, opinions and stuff that most people don't consider).
Regardless, Eternal has clearly different media influences compared to the originals and feels like a different genre.
Basically, if classic Doom is a "campy B-movie", Eternal is a "saturday morning cartoon with gore" (And D3 is a serious sci-fi horror movie, i guess).
(And let's not forget: Different people are behind these games, in a series where people already interpret them in their own ways)
Sometimes, i think Doom is like the Planet of the Apes movie series:
D3 is closer to the original premise but 2016/Eternal are seem to be the more liked iteration of the series.
(Meanwhile, we have Mighty Doom as the most cartoony Doom game but in a cute way while the RPG Doom's had a different cartoonyness and sense of humor and a rather serious intro comic)
"Horror" in Doom to fans (And what else)
If you look at some pieces of fanart (Or even fan redesigns) and some mods, there's definitely an appeal of Doom being more horror focused and tense, even without affecting certain designs or the personality.
It's why one could not only defend D3 but even think that D3's issue isn't being different but rather doing a flawed job at its own direction.
Because 2016/Eternal also have their own differences from the original games but they seem to mostly nail their own direction.
I even see "horror" complement the "power fantasy" concept of modern Doom: Making Hell weirder and stranger, which makes Doomguy/Slayer feel even stronger.
Because "horror" as a concept can mean a lot: Not just dark corridors or walking slow, but it can lead to really interesting designs that make Hell feel threatning and weirdly creative.
After all, if it's possible to make a game out of "fans want a Doomguy that is more powerfull and the gameplay is fast", i don't see why we couldn't have one that is "fans want a tense, bone chilling experience and the demons look scary but still cool", even if you see those cool fan redesigns as better than what we got in D3.
(I like to believe that different types of Doom can coexist)
Even D3 haters may find or cherrypick some parts of the game they like (Which also makes me think it's another good reason why MetaDoom is a really cool mod).
I believe it should be possible to make a game that has elements of both "paths" represented, even if it means like a level with disturbing environments and then you find a goofy collectable toy in a secret.
I also said this before but i kinda get D3 hate coming from older fans but not people who got into the series at 2016 and after, because you technically "skipped" the "dark age" that some fans went through.
How hated D3 really is depends on which opinions or mindset overcome the others, because fanbases and hobbies almost tend to have an "anglicized canon" that is rather pushed by some specific people.
Anyway, i tried to add as much i could in this post but i'd like if someone like a Youtuber or older fan were to analyze this and even add more to this or correct potential flaws.
It's a topic that could be more explored, because even people that argue "Doom was always X" overlook elements that support their claims.
Other links to check, i guess.
How i think a good D3 re-release could be.
Doom 3 power ups and Doom 3 enemy roster rant.
"Doom 3 alternatives" for some picky fans.
The D2RPG intro comic.
Bunch of stuff related to Quake and Wolfenstein.
"Remastering" the 90's Doom games.
How a Doom movie or show could be good.
I mean, there's more on this blog but these could be good enough.
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gemini-care-barr · 4 months
For Barry and Hal-
What fandoms or franchises do you think they are in or follow? Could be podcast related, Reddit forums they are a part of, movie sequels or trilogies or novels!
Definitely something that should be mentioned more in canon comics so let’s use this as a manifesting moment by detailing it out 🤭
Right off the bat, I have to make it clear to absolutely everyone that Barry is 100% a Trekkie and Hal is most likely a Star Wars fan. And while we’re on the most heated sci-fi debate, I’ll add that once Hal and Barry became friends and Barry learned more about the Green Lantern Corps he undoubtedly introduced Hal to Star Trek and successfully convinced him that it was the superior sci-fi franchise, we stan two Trekkies 😜
Now then, I don’t think Hal would be very into book series or fantasy in general but he’d definitely have a particular interest in the Peter Jackson Lord of the Rings trilogy and I think he’d try Game of Thrones and The Witcher because of everyone’s recommendations but would probably not like it very much. He’s the noble-type though and would be pretty easily convinced to read the Lord of the Rings books (including the Hobbit and Silmarillion) because of the nobility of the characters and story. Same reasoning goes for Donita K. Paul’s DragonSpell series. He’d also probably be into the writings of Henry David Thoreau, Ernest Hemingway, and Raymond Carver, not hugely into them necessarily but if he was super bored and he had access to their stuff he’d dig it haha. His favorite poem would also probably be Tennyson’s In Memoriam A.H.H.. I don’t see him being too into podcasts, but he’d definitely like rock bands like Foreigner and AC/DC. He’s also definitely into movies more so than tv shows and would love movies like The Right Stuff, Top Gun, Braveheart, The Patriot, John Wick, most blockbusters classics really, and probably anything with Bruce Lee haha. He’d probably think anime/manga was for nerds until someone pointed out that Dragon Ball Z was, in fact, an anime then he’d realize they can be pretty cool hahaha. And with video games, I’d say he absolutely doesn’t have the patience for long form RPGs but can probably be convinced to play some FPSs with friends like Call of Duty and Halo lol. Basically, this was a long way of saying that Hal is probably more sporty, not in an obsessive fan of sports way, mind you, just that he participated in mostly sports growing up and even as an adult probably prefers hanging out playing baseball with kids (Adams’ GL run has an adorable scene of just that) rather than watching/reading/listening to anything so essentially he’s just not very media-obsessed; he’s a doer! He also probably wouldn’t participate in the fandoms of any of the media he does consume because he cares more about engaging with the media itself rather than about others’ thoughts and feelings on it haha.
Onto Barry, honestly, Barry is kind of tougher for me to figure out purely because I feel like he and I are very similar so I’m inclined to list basically all my favorite things and my thought processes haha, but I’ll try to avoid doing that 😝. So, like I said, Barry is definitely a Trekkie, the Federation’s belief in preserving alien lives and lifestyles plus its dedication to exploration and science all appeals to his inner nerd. He probably loves the shows For All Mankind, The X-Files, and Bones because of their science-y natures (he definitely introduced Hal to For All Mankind and it’s one of the shows they watch together haha). We all know he’s a huge comic book fan (shout-out to Pre-Crisis that had him reading Golden Age Flash comics 😜), but I’ll also add that I think this love of Golden Age Flash, thanks to his mom, would have led to his own love of Greek and Roman mythology once he realized where the idea for Jay Garrick’s helmet and shoes came from! A love of mythology would eventually lead to a love of ancient western philosophy and writings then to Medieval romances like the Arthurian legends and the works of Chaucer. Old English stuff would’ve crept in there too starting with Beowulf. He was an old soul from a young age so all these things would’ve caught his eye on trips to the library and the old-fashioned romantic notions and chivalry has definitely stayed with him. All this appreciation for much older works would then slingshot back around to him loving and appreciating more modern works that took heavy inspiration from all this older literature like The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings, the Percy Jackson series, the Harry Potter series, the Codex Alera, and the Dresden Files, oh and all the detective novels, just all, from Doyle, Christie, Poe, Hammett, etc. then when he found foreign detective fiction he’d go mental and just read them all haha. He’d also probably read the Remo Williams and Jack Reacher book series and convince Hal to do the same! I’d say he’s also into old movies and classic tv shows because they all make him feel good with their sweet morals and happy endings. He’s probably not much of a gamer except for the ones with good stories, he’s too interested in learning new things to just watch someone else play though, if a game’s story interests him then he’s definitely playing it himself. Mass Effect is probably one of his secret favorites. He’s super into podcasts, anything informational and/or scientific, probably conspiratorial and/or true crime stuff, too, if for nothing else than to help him get inspiration on how to approach his own cases, he may even try and solve some cold cases that he hears about (he’d probably stumble across Black Box Down then convince Hal to listen with him haha). He definitely grew up with both the Pokémon TCG and show and was actually aware that it was an anime so is likewise somewhat into other very popular anime/manga like Naruto. Music would be jazz (he’d try and fail to get Hal into it, too, see: New 52 Flash’s Annual #2), 60s rock like the Beatles and the Monkees, and probably 80s pop like the Culture Club, oh and Air Supply (which is also Hal’s guilty pleasure band hehe). He likes sports a lot, both playing and watching, but was still more likely to be found reading/watching/listening to something rather than playing; still, the same way Hal can be convinced to play a video game in order to hangout with friends, Barry can be easily convinced to join in some sporty endeavors if it’ll mean bonding with a friend or loved one. Finally, like Hal, I don’t see him engaging too much with fandoms, he’d probably try when he was younger but wouldn’t find too many people who were into the same things then when he did find people things would devolve into arguments instead of just joy for whatever the thing was so he eventually would resign himself to just enjoying the thing itself, our Barry is a soft boy 🥹. He likes discussion though so once he found people who were his safe space they wouldn’t be able to get him to shut up hahaha.
…I …I can’t believe I wrote this much ahahah 😅. I swear I wasn’t going to get this involved! I was just going to name a few popular franchises that each would be into, but then I started thinking about mediums and how they’d appreciate different ones and then… all this came out lmao 😅😂. I apologize for the long walls of text! Just remember: this is your fault 😜
(Note: forgot to say, Barry would 100% be into Jurassic Park (books and movies) and would convince Hal to read the books (he definitely already watched and loved the movies)!
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yellowocaballero · 1 year
i need seasons 2-4 of kyle rayners reworked adventures i am OBSESSED :o
OH BABY BABY ME TOO ME TOO OKAY. Believe it or not I'm trying to keep all of this as short as possible so the random little HCs are being left out, I might add some extra later.
So again this is a single season haha. Because a) it did not actually end up that short, I got a bit #poetic there, and b) Season 3&4 are a bit vaguer in my head and aren't as entertaining to tell! If/when I wrangle them into something much more interesting I'll share them. I know that there's probably a 1-2 year timeskip to Season 3 and a much, much longer timeskip to Season 4 AKA Green Lantern: Shippuden, which would have a different protagonist. Milagro Reyes, Blue Beetle's sister. Alright, that one I DEFINITELY have to elaborate on later...
Avatar: The Last Airbender Season 1 combo with Star Trek The Original Series but also the moral of the story is ACAB.
The moral of like this entire children's cartoon is ACAB, by the way, in case I was remotely subtle about that.
(By the way, I'm super embarrassed to say this, but I love thinking of stories hyper-specifically styled after kid's cartoons. In case you were wondering: New Wave airs on Kid's WB between Pokemon and Jackie Chan Adventures on Saturday mornings. Green Lantern airs on Cartoon Network, it's ridiculously over promoted because the network doesn't realize how ACAB it is. That one Legion of Superheroes Zoboomafoo show is on PBS. You get the idea. Stories ought to have clarity of purpose.)
Think the first season of Avatar: The Last Airbender, when Aang is searching for any remaining airbenders or a firebending teacher. Same energy.
The episodes are formulaic. Kyle's on a space road trip, searching for signs and survivors of a lost culture. Each episode Kyle lands on a new planet, digs up some rumor or trail to surviving Green Lantern rings, journals, records - anything that could prove what happened to Hal Jordan. Sometimes he finds a trail to an abandoned Green Lantern outpost. Other times he's fortunate enough to actually meet an ex-Green Lantern, usually while fishing them out of some trouble. Other times he's just landing for a pit stop and finds himself wrapped up in alien trouble. Kyle's lost as hell, in over his head, and has no idea where to even begin on this ridiculously ambitious journey. Kyle's always thrown himself into new situations and new places and trusted everything would work out, but space is a little bigger than America. He just has to trust that the answer's out there. He can't go home without it. He can't look Guy, John, and the Justice League in the eyes and lie to them. Even for BTS.
He has one guide in this journey: Kilowog's ring! It serves as his personal trainer on how to use the ring, advisor, teacher, and educator on alien species. It's gruff, pretty silly, but Kyle is depressed to learn that his ring is his closest friend now. It is the sole teacher Kyle has into the actual Green Lantern Corp - it always advises him on their creed, their views, and how a real Lantern would solve a problem. It is remarkably unhelpful on finding a damn Lantern.
Instead, all Kyle finds are problems. Every planet has a problem he needs solving, a person he needs to help, or a disaster to avert. Sure, none of it's Kyle's business - but hey, he's a superhero. Not a cop. You can barely even call him a Green Lantern. Everywhere he goes, citizens of the galaxy tell him about the GLs they met and used to know - how they hurt, how they helped, how they should have done better - and who they wished the GLs would have been. They wished that the GLs actually helped instead of enforced.
They don't have an actual GL. But they do have Kyle. So Kyle says - show me where to help.
He helps wherever he can. He sees everything and learns everything. He meets heroes, villains, and ordinary people just trying to get by. He meets heroes from all walks of life, sees every kind of civilization and culture and found the good and bad in each one. He talks to everybody, from the kings to the peasants, and learns from them all. He learns about the thousand systems of government in the galaxy, and learns about where they succeed and where they fail.
He makes friends. Brave people who fish his fat from the fire. Regretful ex-Lanterns who threw themselves back into being a warrior even without their rings - and embittered ex-Lanterns who resented the loss of their power and authority. He meets a princess who spent her entire life figuring out how to govern well, and the leader of a rebel cell who specializes in freedom. He meets people who are very good at explosives and people who have sworn never to throw a punch. They all have something to teach him.
Not even the ex-Lanterns know what happened on Oa. Kilowog's ring can't show the black box to anybody but its wielder. So Kyle keeps travelling. The ring picked up an unusual energy signal in the next system over - maybe there's an outpost there!
(The unusual energy signal was space vampires. That's how Kyle saved a space Transylvanian town from intergalactic vampire pirates.)
Kyle saves people, but he has to make decisions too. He solves problems. Kilowog's Ring tells him how the GLC would have solved the problem, and he usually takes it into consideration, but usually the episode is about Kyle learning how to solve the problems his own way. He learns how to judge the values of the GLC critically and think for himself, and how to admire not the institution but the good people inside of it like Kilowog. How to fight to promote equity and justice, instead of just fighting to maintain pre-existing systems of power.
Six months later, Kyle has finally defeated whatever (Zuko/Zhao/whatever) villain has been chasing him around (they join his space found family) and makes it to the (North Pole) Green Lantern Outpost At The Edge Of The Universe. This was it. He's spent a month following this trail, and he's risked everything. He's turned over every intergalactic stone, taken every risk. If there's anything, it has to be here.
But all he sees is an empty tower surveying an empty kingdom. And Kyle looks around and he sees nothing. Not the last guru he was promised, or a mythical member of the Guardian species. There's no heroes or warriors. Nobody helpful. Nobody to fix anything. Nothing that will help the people he's met who need help, nobody who will use the GL powers for good. Nobody can restart the Corp as it deserves to be restarted, nobody to turn it around and use their immense power as it was meant to be used. Nobody to avenge Kilowog and expose Hal Jordan for who he really was. The real Green Lantern isn't here.
Kilowog!Ring: "What are ya talking about, kid? The guy's right here." Kyle, dirty with sticks in his hair, has not slept in thirty six hours, going insane: "IS HE FUCKING INVISIBLE" Kilowog!Ring: "That guy is you, kid :)" Kyle:
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Well, Kyle feels like a fucking idiot. F to his hopes and dreams. But at least he's not scared anymore.
Kyle goes home.
Earth is different. Or maybe it's just Kyle that's different. Everything feels so much smaller but so much bigger, and when Kyle stands in the middle of L.A. he's captured by the beauty of the universe - the beauty of humanity as part of that universe, how humans are just another mundane strand in the great web of the universe, and how special they are for it. How he's not special, how he will always be a face in a crowd, just one insignificant person in a world of seven billion - but how amazing that is, to be among a proud seven billion! How improbable, to be the only Kyle Rayner! There are trillions of unique people in this universe, people who all have lives and stories and hopes and dreams, and there's no such thing as an insignificant soul. In an city where everybody has to be special, where everybody has to make it big and stand out and yell their names - none of them realize how special they all are just for living. Special just for being their fleshy, insane, amazing selves.
Kyle flies to the Watchtower and walks into the middle of a Justice League meeting. And he looks Superman in the eyes and says, "Hal Jordan killed the Green Lanterns."
Aaaand then he posts a video on his YouTube channel titled "coming clean" and the thumbnail is him sitting on a couch in his house.
Surprise bitch, he's pulling a Tati. Kyle spills EVERYTHING. He tells the whole truth and nothing but the truth. What the Earth's hero did, why he killed himself, and why it happened.
Kyle explains that the Corp was not destroyed by Hal Jordan - it was destroyed by its own greed and vanity. Its black-and-white and justice-above-all ethos took a grieving man and warped him into a mass murderer. A power such as the Green Lanterns should be used to help people, not control them. It should protect people, not impose law. So uhhh end video, I'm fucking off to space agan, Kyle out!
A year ago, a funky little blue man told Kyle "Help them." He could have warned Kyle about Rayner, told him what a Lantern was, but that was what he chose to say. Kyle never really understood what he meant. Superheroes helped people, right? That's what Kyle figured at first. Six months later, after learning the truth, Kyle believes that he must have been asking Kyle to help the GLC - find the surviving GLs, save the organization, help Jordan himself. But he never really understood until now. It took life on Earth and life in space to really get it.
The Guardian understood that the Corp failed because it cared more about fighting evil than doing good. Yes, it kept people safe, but it never helped them. The Corp was light and goodness in the galaxy, but it never put helping people first. And Kyle finally realizies that this is what the last Guardian wanted for him, and what he wanted for the Corp. This was the future the Guardian wanted. And that's what he's going to do. That'll be Kyle's ethos.
He'll help people. Nothing more, nothing less.
It doesn't matter if people believe him. It doesn't matter if the League believes him. He doesn't stick around to find out. Kyle returns to Oa and finds the ruined power battery, the same battery Hal Jordan used up in his own selfishness and grief and destroyed.
And, with the implacable will of somebody who's always known what he's wanted, who has seen how to create it and what must be created, who travelled the galaxy and back and helped people at every stop of the way, who knows exactly what he wants the GLC to become, he remakes Oa.
He reaches inside the battery and pulls out a handful of rings. Kyle is instantly convinced he's fucked up the whole thing already, because they're all different colors?! Orange ring, Black ring, what the hell? Why is Kyle so bad at this?! But he releases them, and they go zooming off. Somewhere, Guy and John get their rings back. Not the rings they wanted.
Kyle finally makes some normal-ass rings and gives them to his found family/supporting cast from the season (Gaang…Kyle Krew…we'll workshop it), people who all have different perspectives and methods and ways of problem solving but who are all equally dedicated to helping people. They will be the first vanguard of the new Green Lantern Corp.
If Kyle wants it hard enough, it can happen. And all Kyle wants to do now is become a good man, who leaves the right legacy. Season 3 is him running around like a chicken with his head cut off trying to run a gigantic space organization by himself but you know what he's doing his best.
Kyle, who has been writing space emails to Alex this entire time as a framing device: "Hey, honey, so I've been worldbuilding." Alex: "Cool, for the webtoon? Or for your next DND campaign?" Kyle: "No I mean I've been building a world. Should it have volcanoes? I want a volcano." Alex: "Kyle I cannot put you in charge of dishes much less a world what the FUCK are you doing." Kyle, crying: "I have no idea honey can you come here please I suck at this."
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superman86to99 · 8 months
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Super Titles Round-Up (June 1994)
This month: Superboy fights Silver Sword (and the Clone Plague)! Steel fights his nephew! Brimstone fights alcoholism!
Superboy #5 (June 1994)
Introducing Silver "Don't Call Me Surfer" Sword. Superboy #4 ended with the Kid collapsing in his kitchen from the deadly virus that's running through the Superman books. In this issue, his friends take him to a Navy base so he can be transported to Project Cadmus in Metropolis, where they'll hopefully cure him. It's there that Dubbilex informs them there is no cure. Which sucks, but hey, at least the Kid gets his first consensual kiss out of it (courtesy of Tana Moon).
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Rex Leech's tactful reaction is "There goes the best meal ticket we ever had, Roxy," but Roxy herself seems genuinely heartbroken about Superboy's likely death (and/or that kiss).
Anyway, the Navy can't send Superboy to Cadmus right away because they're bombing an island as part of some tests, but the tests are interrupted by a flying guy covered in silver metal. This is actually Dr. Kaua, the guy who got mad at Superboy for misplacing a magical spear in Superboy #3 because he wanted to use it to become Hawaii's first native superhero. Kaua later got his wish when he stumbled upon a mysterious receptacle that blew up on his face and bonded him with some sort of alien metal that gave him powers. He's now using those powers to get back at the Navy for bombing his beloved islands and the goats who live there.
Dubbilex thinks Superboy should sit this one out, given the whole "You're currently dying" thing, but of course he doesn't listen.
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After a fierce fight, Superboy manages to knock Kaua out right before collapsing (again). Kaua, or Silver Sword as the Navy nicknames him, is locked up in a secret government base full of scientists who can't wait to cut him open, but Superboy's example inspires him to keep resisting them. The issue ends with Superboy and Dubbilex finally reaching Metropolis, only to find the city turned into a war zone, which leads right into Man of Steel #34.
Steel #5 (June 1994)
Steel's nephew Jemahl finds out that his gang members "friends" were the ones who shot a little kid, ran over his sister Natasha (she's okay, other than her leg), mugged his mom in an alley, and now plan to take out his grandma. Jem takes some of that Tar drug the gangsters have been using to become superhumanly jacked and intends to kill the leader of the gang, but he ends up fighting his disappointed uncle instead.
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(Side note: This issue's cover should have been a remake of the Green Lantern/Green Arrow #85 one, but with a muscular Jemahl instead of Speedy the smackhead.)
Steel has to contain Mega-Jemahl until the drug wears off and the kid collapses. During the fight, John Henry learns that all the hits on his family aren't just an unfortunate coincidence: they were actually orchestrated by his old boss/mentor, the Colonel. As he holds Jemahl's body in a Pieta-like pose (lots of that going around these days), John swears that he's taking the Colonel down. Permanently.
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This issue also features a seemingly non-sequitur appearance by Fred Bentson, that weird mailman guy we met in Man of Steel #34. Fred is dutifully driving his mail truck across war-torn Metropolis when a bomb goes off and causes him to hit head on the wheel. Suddenly, he finds himself in a completely different city called Dakota, where he's immediately hit by a truck and grabbed by some sort of shadow demon. Just as suddenly, Fred is back on Metropolis, getting saved from that explosion by Superman... who looks weirdly cheerful for someone who is currently watching the city he loves get blown to pieces (see Superman #90).
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Incidentally, someone who looks just like Bentson also shows up in Milestone Comics' Hardware #16, which came out this same month and is set in a city called Dakota. What a curious coincidence.
The Ray #2 (June 1994)
Part 2 of the Superboy team-up, this time featuring some actual teaming up. Last issue, we left Superboy unconscious and Ray about to be smashed by that burning mountain man called Brimstone. Luckily, Brimstone suddenly decides to ditch the fight and go for a beer; apparently, a "defect" in his programming has turned him into a gigantic frat bro. Once he's alone, Ray feels bad about apparently killing Superboy and buries him under some rocks, but as we've established by now, nothing can keep that kid down.
At this point, DC's most prominent jacket-wearing, earring-sporting superheroes actually bond for a bit...
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...before going off to prevent Brimstone from emptying every brewery in Hawaii. They come up with a plan to turn Brimstone off by dumping liquid nitrogen on him, but Superboy gets confused and accidentally douses the villain with a truck-load of orange juice, leading to the moment depicted in the cover in which Brimstone eats Ray. Superboy gets it right on his second attempt and Brimstone is neutralized before his fiery insides can digest Ray, but by now the teen heroes are back to arguing like a couple of, well, teens.
Gotta admit Superboy and Ray are a pretty fun pair in this issue. Can't wait for them to meet again in like 8 years, when Ray joins Young Justice!
Showcase '94 #6 (June 1994)
One of the stories in this issue is written by Karl Kesel and stars Sparx, the girl with lightning powers from Superboy's "Bloodlines" annual. Sparx's family disapproves of her decision to become a superhero, so she left them and went looking for an aunt who is also estranged from the clan. The most interesting parts of the issue are: 1) Sparx continuing to display powers that Superman will eventually gain when Kesel turns him electric (like intangibility), and 2) Captain Boomerang referring to the Flash as a "red wanker".
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At one point, Boomerang manages to knock Sparx out, causing her to revert to her girl form. Upon noticing that she's "a young one," Boomerang creepily says: "Could be ol' Boomer'll get some pleasure out of the evenin' yet--!" The aunt then turns into a spider-like creature and almost kills Boomerang, but Sparx zaps her with energy to stop her. Sparx is like "Wait, you tried to kill that pervert who attacked me? This must mean you really are evil like the family says and also killed your husbands!", so they part ways. Sparx and her family will appear again in the future, but I don't think the aunt ever will. Good for her, they don't deserve her.
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jerseyluck · 8 months
Justice League (2011) #1-6 Readthrough
Sometimes you want to read a bad comic. And spoilers, Geoff Johns’ Justice League does manage to meet that bar. It is a bad sign that this was flagship book for New 52, because it doesn’t sell you on the quality of the line.
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The arc starts with an issue of Batman being hunted by the police while he chases after an alien criminal. And then Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) shows up because alien. The two heroes do not get along, and the alien uses a mysterious device to do a suicide bombing to stop the heroes. We then cut to Victor Stone, young football star, being sad. The two heroes go after Superman thinking that he can help with this mysterious alien situation.
And that is all that happens in Issue #1. You think that a launch of line would be big launch showing the power of heroes, but instead we get Green Lantern and Batman being dicks to each other, and a very paranoid DC universe to the new superheroes.
And Issue 2 manages to continue this weird paranoia from the citizens of the DCU by having The Flash (Barry Allen) being worried that the police are after him. But he doesn’t have time to worry because Superman is attacking Batman and Green Lantern. The fight is going poorly enough that Hal needed to phone a friend to get Supes to calm, and Flash goes quickly to calm everything down.
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Better heads manage to prevail, and the group decides to hide away to discuss the mysterious alien attacks. Meanwhile, Victor Stone terrible day continues with him getting his father to admit that he does not want his son to play football. And when things start to advance, the mysterious boxes activate which leads Victor to be seriously injured.
Issue #3 starts with some Wonder Woman moments, and while these moments are one the highlights (especially the scene where Wonder Woman eats ice cream for the first time) it does seem to out of character for Wonder Women. Geoff Johns writes her more like Thor, as ancient being going to modern day but is hungry for battle. Anyway, the aliens come to attack Wonder Woman and Washington DC as well.
Victor’s dad goes to work to save his son’s life, while in Metropolis swarms of the aliens (they’re Parademons) attack Superman’s group. And weird complaint but heroes are a bit kill crazy for something that they don’t know if they are intelligent beings or not. Anyways, Wonder Woman shows up to join the group in battle. The heroes try to figure out what is going on with attack and the pinging devices when Aquaman shows up.
In the efforts to save his son, Victor’s dad has injected him with experimental nanotechnology. This has the side of almost entirely covering Victor’s body in metal, making him a cyborg. Thankfully this gives Victor the ability to talk to computers and use high-tech weaponry like a sonic cannon. Which comes in handy when Parademons attack.
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Meanwhile, Aquaman makes a convincing argument that he should lead the group of heroes while also using his abilities to take out some more Parademons. But before much progress is made, the US military goes to attack both the Parademons and the assembled heroes. It does not go well for the military.
Cyborg is seen running from the stress of being more machine than man but the mysterious device teleports him to gathered heroes in Metropolis. And to make matters worse the pinging devices finally manage to accomplish their purpose. Darkseid is on Earth, and he is ready to conquer the planet.
Issue #5 starts with Darkseid quickly managing to capture Superman and have him beat the rest of the heroes. Green Lantern gets the worst of it with a badly broken arm. The moment seems hopeless for the world, so Batman steps up. Bats reveals to Hal that he is Bruce Wayne. Bruce says there is too much at stake, that Green Lantern has to step up and lead the rest of the heroes in battle against Darkseid. Batman has decided that his most goal will be to free Superman. That is harder than it seems for Bats because when searching for Superman he got transported to a hell planet.
Issue #6 starts with Darkseid walking through a wrecked Metropolis killing civilians. But then the Justice League work together and attack the evil god. Wonder Woman and Aquaman work together to stab Darkseid’s eye blinding him and stopping his Omega Beams from working. But Batman is having trouble freeing Superman from Darkseid’s henchmen.
Despite the injuries, Darkseid is still ready to fight the League. But the team gets good news when it turns out Cyborg can communicate with devices that brought Darkseid to Earth. He uses this connection to send the god and his army back to their home world. In the chaos of the arriving Darkseid, Batman frees Superman and the entire team fights Darkseid. With great effort Cyborg manages to close the portal and win the day for the heroes.
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The seven heroes bask in their victory and are awarded honors by the president. They figure that might work together again, if only to keep the police away. Thus the Justice League was born…
But every great hero needs an opponent. We see some shadow figures say that with the rise of superheroes, supervillains will rise up to oppose them. And another mysterious figure, Pandora, talks to long-time DC figure Phantom Stranger saying that she can use these new heroes. Pandora will break her curse one way or another.
And that is the start of The New 52 Justice League. Boy, that was long disappointing story to start an entire new book, run, and universe. It took 6 whole issues but overall, there was very little story throughout. There are some decent characters moments but I think the team should have gotten together sooner. The paranoia against heroes is just not good starting place for the DC Universe.
But to give a nice mark, Jim Lee sures makes some pretty art for the book. But even the art has some problems. The breakdowns feel kinda bad for this book. And everything is glossy.
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mlm-writer · 1 year
Who do you think out of DCU (DComics Universe) would own a sex toy that wasn't human? Like dildo's with knots or a full on tentacle??
Like, seeing as John Constantine's ex is king shark. I feel like he has at least made one out of magic once or twice, and I wouldn't be surprised if Hal Jordan or another lantern got curious/ creative with their rings.
Ohohoho fantasy dildo headcanons coming up (but just of people I know)
First of all! John Constantine my beloved got drunk and ordered one or two. And when he got it he was like: lol i am not that mad. And then later he got horny and in the middle of polishing the bishop he got horny ideas in his head and decided to use the dildo he drunk purchased, since he had it anyway. I don't think he would have more than three. He is an efficient fella
Dick Grayson. Listen. Hear me out. Mature adult Dick is definitely down to get freaky. You cannot tell me that Nightwing dumptruck wasn't made for large dildos. Maybe nothing too crazy, but he would defo go up to 10-12 inches when he has the time for some proper Dicky time. Maybe no knot for him, but something big and ridged? hell yeah
Gary Green plays DnD, do I need to say more? He probably calls the monster book handbook the wife register. Look at the man. He is a BOTTOM. He wants the knots, the ridges, the tentacles, the oviposition stuff. This man probably collects the fantasy dildos.
Speaking of Gary... Mona... Mona Wu... Guys she was DTF for the Kaupe. Knotted dildos, 100%. Nothing too big, but defo into knotting.
Mick Rory, our local alienfucker.... ok I think he has too much toxic masculinity in him for alien-themed dildos, but they also have alien fleshlights and you can bet your ass that he has multiple of those pretending to have an orgy. Atta boy.
Adrian Chase 100% has all the freaky stuff!!! MY BOY PLAYS DND AND HE IS A FUCKING FREAK (affectionate). Bro I bet he has shit I would get nightmares from. The knotted dildos, the alien pussy, oviposition dildos, insertable eggs uhh.... cum tube dildos too. I once say a dildo in the shape of a dragon foot and idk how one would use that (and I don't think I wanna know) but Adrian would know how. Tell me otherwise, I dare you.
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kiseiakhun · 1 year
GuyHal, JohnKyle
who hogs the duvet
Again. Hal is from California. Guy is from Baltimore. Hal would ALWAYS like more warmth. He is so cold. Give blanky.
who texts/rings to check how their day is going
Guy texts Hal about his day and then gets butthurt when Hal doesn't reply back. Hal, meanwhile, doesn't notice Guy giving him the cold shoulder. He's already forgotten Guy texted him in the first place. He's moved on.
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts
Guy puts more thought and effort into his gifts but Hal's gifts are more weird, which Guy likes.
who gets up first in the morning
Guy gets up first and then takes approximately 20 naps during the day. Hal gets up and stays up.
who suggests new things in bed
Hal. Once again, freak.
who cries at movies
who gives unprompted massages
Hal, he and Kyle are the lantern Corps' creepy backrub guys
who fusses over the other when they’re sick
Guy makes a big deal out of NOT fussing over Hal like some fucking nanny, and then proceeds to fuss over Hal like a fucking nanny while coming up with increasingly unconvincing excuses. Hal would try to take care of Guy responsibly and then make out with him and also get infected.
who gets jealous easiest
Guys been jealous of Hal for half his life, he has plenty of jealousy to spare.
who has the most embarrassing taste in music
Guy. He's the white guy you think of when you think white guy music.
who collects something unusual
Guy collects all the gifts Hal gives him. He's the only one with a permanent residence.
who takes the longest to get ready
Hal must primp and preen like a peacock. Guy gave up on primping after his second broken nose.
who is the most tidy and organised
Hal, because he owns 2 things. Guy likes his spaces filled with clutter, but he's not messy about it.
who gets most excited about the holidays
Guy, and he makes Hal celebrate every single one despite Hal's unenthusiasm. Guy never passes up an excuse to party.
who is the big spoon/little spoon
Hal is the big spoon at the start of the night but sometimes they migrate to him being little spoon at the end of the night and they never mention it in polite company. Guy teases him mercilessly about it though in private.
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports
who starts the most arguments
Also yes. They argue more than they make love.
who suggests that they buy a pet
Guy gets an ugly naked cat when Hal is away on a months long mission and every time they argue they're like THE CAT LIKES ME MORE
what couple traditions they have
what tv shows they watch together
I Don't Watch Shows
what other couple they hang out with
John and Kyle. Ollie and Dinah. Tora and Beatrice.
how they spend time together as a couple
Fighting. Sometimes aliens, sometimes each other. Also being the gross old married couple at warriors, once they're more secure in their relationship. They are NOT subtle.
who made the first move
Guy because Hal got it into his head he's not good enough (he's right)
who brings flowers home
Guy brings normal flowers, Hal brings the sex pollen flowers by accident
who is the best cook
Guy, he finds cooking fun. Hal can cook but he doesn't enjoy it like Guy does.
who hogs the duvet
Kyle hogs the duvet and he crawls on top of john like a menace
who texts/rings to check how their day is going
They are both constantly texting each other. John does it more consistently, Kyle sometimes texts John 40 times in a row when they're away from each other and John is asleep.
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts
Kyle's thing is literally creativity. John is more careful about his gifts though. He really thinks about what the other person would like, meanwhile Kyle can get lost in his own grandiose ideas.
who gets up first in the morning
John, Kyle would sleep in into 2pm if left to his own devices.
who suggests new things in bed
who cries at movies
BOTH OF THEM. Hal and Guy refuse to go to the movies with them. They're embarrassing.
who gives unprompted massages
Kyle, he is the creepy massage guy at parties
who fusses over the other when they’re sick
Kyle fusses over john constantly but he's useless. John fusses less than Kyle but he's useful.
who gets jealous easiest
Kyle gets jealous, john just gets sad ):
who has the most embarrassing taste in music
Kyle has embarrassing taste in music and he's not afraid to admit it. John pretends he has good taste and hides his embarrassing music at the bottom of his cd drawer. No one can know he listens to Carly Rae Jepsen.
who collects something unusual
Kyle collects dead girlfriends John collects stab wounds yeah I'm just giving up on this one.
who takes the longest to get ready
KYLE. By a mile. Though john gets into phases where he wants to grow out his hair every 5 years and he takes 3 hours to get ready in the mornings and Kyle is dying.
who is the most tidy and organised
John by a WIDE margin. Kyle doesn't believe in tidiness. His dishes grow new and exciting breeds of alien microflora. John made Kyle move in with him because he was horrified at his living situation.
who gets most excited about the holidays
Kyle sees a holiday and he's like ANOTHER CHANCE TO SHOW MY LOVE and then he promptly forgets until the very last second. They go to EVERY holiday party guy throws.
who is the big spoon/little spoon
Kyle IS the little spoon and he is NOT ASHAMED.
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports
Kyle gets competitive in a fun bro way. John gets actually competitive and Kyle finds it really hot and then they get distracted.
who starts the most arguments
Kyle. He is unreasonable <3 john, however, is reasonable, and arguments fizzle out before they really start.
who suggests that they buy a pet
Kyle comes home with a pet and he's like 🥺😀😅 can we keep him 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
what couple traditions they have
Kyle comes up with sappy traditions and forgets about them within a week. John remembers, though. Every single one.
what tv shows they watch together
I'm just gonna skip this question.
what other couple they hang out with
Guy and Hal and all the lanterns and Kyle's 600 friends. Sometimes they are on the justice league together and they hang out with the other leaguers and make them all uncomfortable with their massive amounts of pda. Kyle's Titans friends don't mind because they're all freaks.
how they spend time together as a couple
Being the most gross, romantic, sappy couple you can imagine. Kyle calls john honeybuns and Guy makes audible gagging noises.
who made the first move
Kyle because he is a lovely dovey fool
who brings flowers home
who is the best cook
John. Kyle tries but he is so bad at cooking. He can only make scrambled eggs.
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dcu-rarepair · 9 months
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Day 4 Gifts
Eight fantastic Gifts have been released for Day Four! Head to the Collection to check them out, and view the Release Schedule to see what’s in store!
We also have a handy Commenting Guide to help our Giftees with showing their Giftors some love. And now, here’s today’s works: 
put my lips to something by anonymous for boyswonder
Omegaverse AU, Sex Pollen Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply Dick Grayson/Kaldur'ahm | Jackson Hyde Dick and Kaldur are on a simple mission to investigate some strange occurrence off the coast of Happy Harbor. It should be a simple little mission to retrieve some data, perhaps they could banter a little, maybe Dick could summon the courage to ask Kaldur on another date. They may be biting off more than they can chew.
Falling in Love in a Stolen Corvette by anonymous for SasheneSkywalker
Teen and Up | No Archive Warnings Apply Tim Drake/Roy Harper/Jason Todd Dick sees Jason fall to the enemy, Batman is certain his second son is dead. But without a body Arsenal refuses to believe them. Tim knows his best bet at rescuing Jason lies with Roy Harper. Tim convinces Roy to take him on the road trip to chase down an alien ship and rescue the man they both love.
the animosity of dandelions by anonymous for Nightwang
Explicit | Rape/Non-Con Stephanie Brown/Pamela Isley Vigilantism has rules. Rule number one: Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Prepare for the worst. Rule number two: If a situation looks too good to be true, it is. Don't trust it. Steph finds herself backed into a corner with no way out, but she's not going down without a fight.
Wait That's Not What Omega Beams are Supposed to do, Is It??? by anonymous for somagni
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply John Constantine/Clark Kent "They weren't expecting me. They actually set up a barrier so that I wouldn't notice them, except..." "'cept, just their rotten luck, it was across the street from you and your mates," John said. "And, when they spotted great old Man of Steel, their 'amateur magician' panicked, and hit you with a - what did he call it?" Superman looked uncomfortable, eyes flickering away. "I, uh... I think he was trying to replicate Darkseid's powers. Specifically, his 'Omega Beams'." "Your amateur magician was a fucking moron," John said, because what kind of idiotic human tried to summon the power of a New God? "Yeah, well, he certainly hit me with an omega beam." Superman's cheeks were pink, pretty and rosey. Kryptonians don't have a secondary gender dynamic, and neither does Clark... Until now.
Ceasefire by anonymous for forestgreen
Vikings AU Explicit | No Archive Warnings Apply Apollo/Midnighter/Jason Todd Their bond is something forged in fiercer flames.
Tara and Joseph by anonymous for lovesickseraph
Art | General Audience | No Archive Warnings Apply Tara Markov/Joseph Wilson Sweethearts enjoying their date in civvies.
You're ripped at every edge, but you're a masterpiece by anonymous for syrennetim
First Date Teen and Up | No Archive Warnings Apply Hal Jordon (Green Lantern)/Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne Clark sends another text. Clark: It’s a date :) Hal drops the phone. or Hal and Clark finally finish their date from legend of the green flame, someone else might be tagging along this time
And The World Keeps Spinning by anonymous for BearlyWriting
Mature | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Mia Dearden/Jason Todd Everyone keeps assuring her that the Red Hood is as crazy and out of control as any other murdering creep in a costume; that she was lucky to survive. Some of them, like Batman and Nightwing, actually know the guy. And they have a lot of experience. Way more than her. They know what they’re talking about. It’s just… She is lucky she got away. Really lucky. Despite her training, Red Hood had captured her as easily as picking up his dry cleaning. If he’d really wanted to hurt her, it would have been all too easy. The only conclusion is that he let her go. It takes three days to accept that truth. After that… well, the floodgates have been thrown open. Everything that’s happened, all the shit she’s been through in her life… it's scary how easily she can picture going the other way, letting the anger and bitterness and bone-deep injustice lead her down a more violent path of vengeance and righteous fury.
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romancomicsnews · 11 months
Who should play The Flash in the new DCU?
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Given Ezra Millers crimes, the disappointing box office of The Flash, and James Gunn resetting the DC Universe, a new take on the character of The Flash seems imminent.
Unlike many other DC heroes, The Flash has had a pretty good history in live action. He's had 2 shows headed up by John Wesley Shipp and Grant Gustin, and even appeared on Smallville. And while Ezra Miller is a criminal and should be tried for their crimes, they had a decent portrayal of the character, particularly in Zack Snyder's JL.
After the big three, I'd argue The Flash is DC's most iconic character. He's the most well known speedster across media, has one of the best rogues galleries, and has been a fan favorite across comics.
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I believe after Batman, he will be the next big cast. Which begs the question, who will play The Scarlet Speedster?
First we gotta answer some important questions:
Which Flash?
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You'll now notice in the previous paragraphs I didn't refer to any Flash by their name.
That's because there are many iconic characters who took on the mantle. Jay Garrick, Barry Allen, Wally West, Bart Allen, Avery Ho, there are a lot of choices. And with the recent casting of Nathan Fillion as Green Lantern/Guy Gardner, it's clear James Gunn isn't going to necessarily introduce these characters in comic book order.
In order to determine which Flash we should choose, we should look at what has come before to determine what we should do next.
Grant Gustin as Barry Allen
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The most iconic and best interpretation of the character, Grant Gustin as Barry Allen rules. He's charming, he's funny, he's dorky, and he can nail some one liners. What I think really determines a good Flash is heart. He's not a god among men, he's not a billionaire, or an alien. He's the most regular guy on the team, which usually makes him the heart of it. Gustin nails this, and it shows in his more dramatic scenes.
Any Flash from now on will be compared to Gustin, so I think it would be beneficial to look at other characters who took on the mantle of Flash in order to differenciate.
John Wesley Shipp as Barry Allen & Jay Garrick
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John Wesley Shipp is the only person on the list that has the luxury of playing the Flash twice, once as Barry and once as Jay. I am more familiar with his Jay Garrick, who is a mentor character. He is strong, he is kind, and feels classically heroic.
While he is a good actor and a fun character, it doesn't feel like Barry Allen in the same way Adam West doesn't feel like Bruce Wayne. The suit is rad though.
Ezra Miller as Barry Allen
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Ezra is... annoying. Which I think isn't necessarily bad, it is partially what The Flash can be. But instead of comedic, they feel more pathetic. T
his Barry does have that heart I was talking about Grant exemplifies, and I think if we would've had more Ezra, we could've seen it more in the JL.
While it is a decent interpretation, I don't think beating it will be extremely difficult. I believe Ezra Miller will go down as a Val Kilmer Batman, solid but overall forgotten. Given that it was so recent, something fresh may be in order.
Given the three big live action versions and the characters they played, I think it's time for something a little different. A character who can give us the iconic look and feel of The Flash, but be different enough to blaze their own trail.
A fan favorite character who has been seen throughout animation but barely ever through live action:
Wally West.
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Who is Wally West?
Wally West is the nephew to Barry Allen, Iris West's Nephew to be exact. After trying to recreate the experiment that gave his uncle powers, he becomes Kid Flash, The Scarlet Speedsters first sidekick.
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Wally West had made several appearances in media. He was a fan favorite on Young Justice (shameless plug for my Young Justice article here) Teen Titans, and several animated DC movies.
He is also thee Flash on Justice League and Justice League Unlimited, with absolutely no mention of Barry Allen, voiced by Michael Rosenbaum. This makes him a lot of hardcore DC fans introduction to the character.
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He is also given an underrated performance by one Keiynan Lonsdale in the CW's The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow. As Kid Flash, Lonsdale is funny, arrogant, a good partner to Barry. He had some of the best fight scenes and quips, plus he really rocked the look in my opinion.
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How does he fit into the DCU?
In Lonsdale version of the character, he is a mix of Wally and Wallace West (don't ask comics are weird), so instead of Iris' nephew, he's her brother.
For this version, that's what I'm going to go with. It explains why he's older, and how he can recreate the experiment.
I will also go out of my way to say Barry Allen was The Flash in this universe and is now missing. He can come back in the future maybe, or not! Truly, I don't need Barry. This will not be a Kid Flash movie, this will be a Wally West Flash movie. He will be the DCU's Flash.
In the film he will recreate the experiment, try to don the costume, and eventually create his own spin on it and make being The Flash his own.
What is Wally's ethnecity?
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I just want to touch on this rather briefly, because as you can see in the pictures and gifs, there's some ambiguity.
Wallace West in the comics is a person of color, but Wally West is not. When combining two ideas for characters, it's important to acknowledge this can get dicey.
In live action media now, Iris West is often portrayed as a black woman, which I think should still remain. However, one thing Fan4stic did well was trust audiences can understand the concept of adoption, and brother/sister characters don't need to be the same ethnicity.
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For the time being, I am going to say either way works, as long as they fit the character of The Flash and Wally.
Are there any Other Stipulations?
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Yes, a few.
Whoever is playing this character needs to feel younger than our Superman, David Corenswet, who is currently at the age of 30. The Flash being the youngest member of the team was something I did like in Justice League, and would like to remain.
I'm looking for a lanky build simple to Gustin.
He should also feel more comedically gifted than all those who came before.
I don't mind recasting someone who has done a superhero role before, but I don't prefer it.
Because The Flash is such a big character, I think we can bring in someone with a name, but who can excel at bringing out the comedy in others.
Finally, I want someone with that Heart.
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My Top 3:
To be clear, I love all three of these picks, and I think any of these can absolutely nail the role.
3. Jharrel Jerome
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Known for his work in Moonlight, When They See Us, I'm a Virgo, and Across the Spider-Verse, Jerome is a star on the rise.
He's been playing younger characters who are discovering themselves and their strength, and that's exactly what we need from a Wally West. And at 26, he's younger than our Superman and could be in this role for years to come.
My only concern with Jerome:
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He seems pretty darn cool. Not that The Flash can't be. But much like Spider-Man, there's a dorkiness to The Flash that is key. But then again, Andrew Garfield was cool, and he proved us all wrong.
Jerome playing a superhero feels like destiny (he's got the alliteration name and everything), and is not a matter of if but when. While I can see him as a great John Stewart of Henry Irons down the line, I think his Flash would cause a lot of buzz.
2. Ncuti Gatwa
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If you don't know his name, you will soon.
Known for his breakout role in Sex Education, Ncuti Gatwa has upcoming huge projects such as Barbie and most notably, Doctor Who as the 15th Doctor.
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Gatwa of the three choices has the most flair and screen presence. Much like Justice League Unlimited Flash, Gatwa is a scene stealer in pretty much every episode of Sex Education. While he is a flawed character, he definitely shows heart, with his best friend Otis and boyfriend Adam.
Gatwa knows comedy, he knows sci-fi, and I think is the only one on that list that can fit that classic superhero look John Wesley Shipp did in that suit.
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My main concern is age. At 30 he is on the cusp with our Superman, and with his strength he may come off as older.
And unlike our other candidates, Gatwa's got a franchise he will be leading for years to come. While he could do an incredible Flash, his focus may be else where.
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1. Justice Smith
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Detective Pikachu. Dungeons and Dragons. The Get Down.
Justice Smith is exactly what I'm looking for.
Smith is not only able to hold his own against big hitters like Ryan Reynolds and Chris Pine, he somehow finds a way to elevate performances as to make the whole cast funnier. He's the type of actor you want in a big ensemble piece like Justice League
Even in films I don't particularly love like Paper Towns or Fallen Kingdom, Smith always find a way to highlight his strengths.
He's got the heart of Gustin, he's got the comedy of Rosenbaum, and leading man power coupled with ensemble energy.
And at 5'10 and 27 years old, he feels young enough to be the kid of the team, old enough to be a threat.
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That is Wally West. He's funnier, cockier, but at the end of the day, that same heart Barry has. Smith is the type of actor who can give us the iconic Flash we deserve on film.
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