#also sorry for the lack of puns i love puns but couldn’t fit any in :(
acorrespondence · 1 year
From "i put this heavy heart in you":
“Hello?” says a voice over the line.
“Shit. You ain’t Raylan,” Boyd says. He steps out onto the porch and closes the door behind him. 
“Ah... no. Look, this line isn’t really for personal calls—“
“Well,” says Boyd, “I happen to have some information as pertains to the two enterprisin individuals busted out of Big Sandy this very night.”
There’s a pause. “All right,” the voice says eventually. It’s a slow drawl, professional enough, though something about it strikes Boyd as bored, maybe even sarcastic. Although he supposes he’d be aggravated himself, having to answer another man’s phone half past four in the morning. “What is your information?”
Boyd looks out at the headlights flashing by, the roads here never quiet, even in the small hours before dawn. “Deputy Marshal Raylan Givens was ten, fifteen minutes out of Parisville on the Mountain Parkway towards Big Sandy as of 9:20 this evenin. However, if you were to contact the prison, I fear you might find that Raylan Givens never made it back to survey the livin quarters of the escapees, as he was intended to do. I believe he encountered a gas station he saw as suspicious—and I have an inkling his suspicions may’ve proved founded.”
“And… how do you know this?” asks the voice slowly. Suspiciously. Boyd supposes it must sound like an awful lot of detail, to someone who hasn’t spent the last three hours turning every facet over in his head like seaglass, holding each one up to the light, waiting for something to shine through.
Boyd sees no cause to lie. He smiles into the mouthpiece, the one that shows every tooth in his head. “Well, Deputy, I was on the phone with him when he happened upon the very service station in question.”
The deputy on the phone makes a skeptical noise. “And you think this has somethin to do with the escaped convicts?”
“I do believe that to be the likely case, yes,” says Boyd. His hand flexes around the phone, a movement only half-conscious. He only notices when the plastic case creaks. “And if it ain’t, then, when you find him, you tell that fucker to answer his goddamn cell phone.”
The deputy snorts. “All right. Thank you for your information. And what is your name and loca—“ 
Ah, the phone call. As we know from later on in this chapter, the guy who answers the phone is Tim (and I do hope I did a good enough job characterizing him that this was clear even before he confirms it in the car on the way to Shirley’s later). He is going to be so bummed when he finds out that Raylan came out to Rachel first, after he laid such nice groundwork for such a confidence, but boy is just too subtle for his own good. Of course, this was a large part of the point of this scene: much of this fic deals with being closeted, how and when to come out, the fact that queer people often have to come out over and over again, and the fact that they can be out in some places or to some people but not others; if coming out should ever be necessary and the ramifications of that decision; etc. So, this is the first instance of anyone having cause to question whether or not Raylan is straight. Since Tim in this fic (and in canon, let’s be honest now) is gay, I gave that honor to him. He’s the one most likely to draw the correct conclusion.
I’m so glad you picked this bit, I was very proud of my Tim voice here; plus, it’s the first instance where we hear Boyd talking to someone he doesn’t live with, so I got to really stretch my vocabulist muscles. I know I’ve talked about it before, though I can’t remember where—possibly DMs with @boydcrowdr?—but based on my extensive rewatching of canon I came to the conclusion that Boyd’s language isn’t quite as elevated with the people he’s closest with, including Raylan. I’ve incorporated this quirk of character into my fic, and so while he always has a big vocabulary and likes to throw some impressive words in at random, I’ve written his everyday dialogue more casually so far. He’s at his most verbose when he’s a) defensive or b) trying to get someone (or a group of someones, as it were) to do something. Here, he’s stressed, at a disadvantage, and trying to convince someone of something, so it was fun to let loose on the eloquence front. The hope is that, upon close inspection, the fic hints at Boyd’s state of mind, as well as his intentions, in accordance with how pedantic he’s being.
I think Boyd’s feelings are pretty clear through the narration, but as for Tim, I think he starts the conversation annoyed and confused, but then gets intrigued, and by the time he hangs up he’s feeling pretty amused and obviously curious, which leads him to go fishing the next day, when he has Raylan as a lone captive audience. Prior to this call, he was stuck in the office doing boring shit in the middle of the night because of this prison break bullshit, his new colleague is out doing all the legwork Tim would much prefer to be doing right now, so this ends up being a pretty interesting event to cut through the boredom. Ultimately, he doesn’t regret picking up Raylan’s desk phone; his night would have felt a lot more pointless and monotonous if he hadn’t. Plus, you know. It’s nice not to be the only one.
So, after California, we now have all the most important players from the Marshals’ office at three different places when it comes to their knowledge of Raylan being queer: Rachel, who he told outright; Tim, who guessed correctly; and Art, who’s still in the dark. This, of course, adds several delicious layers of tension that are very fun to work with. And the one of the three who has the most reasonable argument to claim that he should know is the only guy who doesn’t.
(Ask game here)
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abbynx · 3 years
La Squadra Esecuzione as Best Friends Headcanons
Formaggio - Very chill, first and foremost, he is down for anything to do. Videogames? He'll try to beat your ass. Cat cafes? Heck ye he is down - The type of friend who will coax you to cut class to hang out behind the school or climb over the school fence to hang around the local arcade or theatre. But if he get caught, he won't snitch and he's willing to take responsibility. Begrudgingly. - Ohhhh physical touch is bare minimum for him. He'll occasionally lean on you, perhaps shrink himself to fit himself in your pocket just to platonically cuddle and perhaps, use you as a transport. - Will high five you as a greeting, and will high five you as a farewell. Usually followed by a hug too uwu "Bro!" He holds his hand out for a high five, in which you instinctively grant him one, when he also entwines his fingers through yours and pulling you for a hug, patting your back for a second and pulling away. "I missed you bro!" - Prepare for dumb jokes, dumb puns that he effortlessly come up with as time goes by. You can't go on a day without him cracking a joke. You'd either roll your eyes at it or laugh along with him. There's nothing in between "You see that guy over there, bro?" He leans on you, arm draped around your shoulder as he points at a person from afar. "Yeah, what?" "I say... You'd be a perfect match." You glanced at him, hearing him shake a box of matches as he wiggled his eyebrows with a dumb grin. - *Finger guns and bro intensifies* Illuso - That weird person you don't see yourself associating yourself with somehow befriended him for some reason. Most likely started when you both started to wake up at 3 AM and meet in the middle of the dark, in the kitchen, wanting to grab something to eat. At first it is awkward, but soon you learned to bond through it! And soon enough, your midnight chats extended to become actual friendships! - Seems distant, but he cares. He's the type pretend not to care about you, but will glare (or more than glare depending at the severity) at people who hurt you. He is the 'I'm the only one allowed to insult them like that' type of friend. "Huh, Formaggio hasn't been teasing me. I wonder what happened." You wondered aloud, as you say beside your friend Illuso. "Must be because of his bruised jaw. The previous mission must've been tough for him." "Yeah... That..." - Probs touched-starved. He acts irritated and push you away when you try to hug him, but secretly loves it. If you stop trying to hug him, he'd be kinda sad but will not say anything. - This friendship includes you listening to him rant about every little thing, and brag about things he can't do. He appreciates you listening to be honest, and that's initially how your friendships started anyways. - Will use derogatory terms as a term of endearment. Please don't be offended, he doesn't mean any offense "Hey idiot! Get your sorry ass right here! Risotto said we have someone to take care of!" "Thanks, dumbass." "Eyo slut! Take a look at this fugly idiot!" - Does not have the habit of knocking. In fact, he just barges into your room, through the mirror. In more than one occasion has he seen you undressed but he couldn't care less about it. "Hey dumbass can I borrow your— hey, stop screaming! Anyways I ran out of hair ties, do me a solid—" - Everyone around you being confused to how you two are most unlikely to become friends, but you two are practically unlikely twins Prosciutto - You can not stop me from assuming he is quite the mom friend if you pry his shell hard enough. Perhaps a mom friend mixed with tsundere friend. "Hey! Drink your water or I'll break your ankles! No I don't care that we're in the middle of killing someone! I packed you some water and you didn't drink it! Well shit I didn't pack it specifically for you, I just managed to pack extra! Now go ahead and drink, I'll handle this one myself! While you're at it, coat yourself with sunscreen! If I hear you whining about being burnt, I swear to God—" - If you happen to be a mom friend too, you'd be bonding over the
mutual stress of having to look over the rest of the gang over a glass of wine as chaos around you ensues because you two decided to take a small break. "Formaggio and Ghiaccio is up at it again..." You sigh, swirling the content of your stemware as the distant bickering of the two aforementioned assassins echoed. "Just... Let's just lay low. It'll be over soon." Prosciutto sighs along as well, before downing his glass of whiskey. "Hopefully." And it didn't end, as it ensued and progressive got worse. Stands were called, knives were thrown, guns were shot. And two mom friends of La Squadra almost lost their voice from all the yelling and lecturing - Will scold you for your bad habits. Bad posture? He will walk behind you, press his knee on your back and roll your shoulders back whilst he lectures you about it. Messy time management? Will buy you crap to make you keep track of time. Sleeping so late? He will take whatever you're distracted with, demand you to turn your lights off as he lights soothing scented candles and tossing you some comfortable blankets to use. Barely taking care of yourself? Bro prepare yourself. "I don't understand how you live like this! You'd be dead if you were to continue that habit! At least help me help you to make you be better!" - Very blunt and honest to the point it stings, but he never lies to people he is closed to. He prefers being upfront with his loved ones and will try to rebuild their confidence and reassure them that they can be better than what they are. "When I say you're idiotic, you're but a burden, I mean it. You have all rights to be hurt by it, but don't just live with it. Prove me wrong, that you can be better than that and you'll be the best version of yourself. I know you can do it." - Will accept hugs, but will most likely not hug back. Maybe he'll just out one hand on your back and lightly stroke it, but that's it. But in rare occasions, he will return them too. Sometimes, he'll even initiate it. - Your connection to him as a friend has lead several advantages. No one in general can make a negative comment about you with Prosciutto around. His glare alone was scary and they would not wish to stick around and find out what he can do than just glaring. - Extremely appreciates when you help him around by simply carrying things for him, fetching him coffee and actually doing your damn job properly is enough to make him be filled with gratitude. Pesci - Baby. Okay, so this boy. Boy oh boy, he is baby. Take care of him, bro. Don't coddle him to the point of him being entirely dependent on you, but sis you can always reassure and make him improve himself! Perhaps a tamer version of his relationship with his brother. - You two will mostly likely be friends because you always defend him from the others from teasing him and rooting for him. He is very grateful for it and can't thank you enough. Either that, or Prosciutto paid you to babysit him. - Will constantly cling on your arm when he's anxious. It's up to you whether you'll snap at him and slap his hand away, or just let him hang around you. He'll just simply grab your wrist, and sooner and later he'd have his body pressed against yours, completely clinging on the entirety of your arm. "D-don't leave me, Y/N! I'm scared—!" - He is extremely thankful for you watching over him and protecting and by this, he tries to improve himself a lot more just so he can confidently say he can watch over you and protect you as well - Just the sweetest little thing, whenever he'd be away with Prosciutto for a mission he'd return home bearing gifts from travel and he'd give it to you. It would be something either miniature, or something practical like a knife sharpener or something. "I-I got this for you... I hope you like it! Big bro helped me pick!" - Honestly, I can imagine him just being the best, supportive and encouraging friend there could be. If ever you needed someone to confide in, he'd just sit and listen and will certainly not repeat what you told him to others. He'll try his best to comfort
you, taking inspiration to how you comfort him and will just try his best to make you feel better. "I know life is rough and hard and bad, but you always told me it will change and soon it all be over and better. It's good that you recognise you're in a bad place, now you need to take a break and then later you won't even know you've already forgotten your problem! It's okay to be sad, too, but not for too long." - The type of friend that will share anything he has. He has a cookie with him? Shit, he'll split it in half and give the other half to you. Some soda? Well I hope you don't mind drinking from the same can as he is, he will give it to you. Melone - So this nerd isn't a complete creepy pervert, not entirely at all. He's chill for most of the time, so he's a neat company if you don't mind him bombarding you with questions regarding your genetics, heritage records, blood type, zodiac signs and whatnot. But knows when to stop. - You most likely befriended him because he is one of the chill people in the group... Somewhat. Or perhaps you just started to bond over mutual love for steamy, erotic novels from the same author. If this man has shame, his guilty pleasures would be reading these types of trashy novels filled with smut. - He is great as a wingman. Complain to him about your lack of a love life, he'll observe your types and he'll somehow come up with a list by the next day enthusiastically listing them to you in a PowerPoint presentation. "If you're into girls, I have this one right here! She's compatible with your zodiac sign, although she has quite the temper she can be extremely passionate and affectionate— or perhaps you're into men, that I have as well. Several, actually. This other fellow right here is also a part of Passione from the Human trafficking branch, stoic and quite a stern one, but knows when to lay low at times and appreciate those around him— either him or the girl, you'd make good babies together!" "Melone, what the fuck—" - Very touchy. He'd lean his head on your lap as you both read on the couch, or randomly put his head on your shoulder during meetings, grab you by the arm while crossing the road, smacking your ass as a greeting (if you tell him stop, he'd stop of course), will pretend to kiss you just so he can see your reaction, anything. He is one affectionate nut that he sometimes forget about personal spaces. If you're not particularly fond of being touched like I am, simply tell him nope. I mean, he'd be sad but will respect your boundaries. The only time he'll actually respect established boundaries, to be honest. - Knows the most random facts and will share them to you for the fun of it. Additional to that, he will also mutter his shower thoughts and random cursed facts out loud just so he can curse you with the knowledge and confusion. "Did you know that dolphins masturbate using dead fishes? Also, there was an experiment involving dolphins in which one of the scientist fell in love and had sex with it. Another fact, is that dolphins are also seen doing the deed—" "Okay, Melone, I get it! Dolphins aren't as innocent as they seem! Stop ruining it for me already!" ... "Did you know that a woman once used mayonnaise as a lubri—" "MELONE!" - Being his friends meaning being his impulse control. If he intends to use his Stand on some innocent passerby just for the heck of it (for science, as he claims), smack him by the wrist and glare at him. If he eyes a particular someone for too long that the person gets too uncomfortable, try to divert his attention away. "Ow! Y/N what the heck—!" "What did I told you about oogling at people? It's impolite and creepy, stop that!" - He may not seem like it, but bro he cares a lot. If ever you had a problem, he'd sit and listen, offer you his shoulder to cry on, and perhaps hang out to divert your attention away from what's bothering and hurting you. And if you need advice, he'll try his best to come up with a flawless solution to your problems. But if comfort is what you need, his arms are open baby. Ghiaccio
- Bro you must need emergency ear plugs for this one, he is a massive screamer, a ticking time bomb with no timer that will erupt at random. If ear plugs aren't enough, cover your ears. - Befriending him was an impulse control befriending him. Well, all you did was to constantly try to calm his tits and cool his head to the point he actually barges in your room to hang out so that he can cool his head from all of the shenanigans occuring all around him, or maybe he just had another thought about something maddening about the world. "WELL WHY?! WHY IS WOMEN'S CLOTHES SIZING CHART DIFFER FROM EACH STORE?! THAT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE! INCHES AND CENTIMETRES EXISTS FOR A REASON, DAMNIT!" - There are moments where he isn't screaming, thankfully and he's a decent person to talk to. If you're a listener, he'll do the talking, just ranting about things, rambling on and on, before complaining, and then another outbursts comes out. By this, you simply sigh, put a hand on his shoulder and talk to him in a gentle, calming voice. It usually does the trick. Formaggio and Melone joked about this talent of yours as witchcraft. - He appreciates you a lot and honestly doesn't know what to do without you and by that, he knows he has to reciprocate the care you give him somehow to show he is grateful of your friendship and care. He isn't the type to be physically affectionate, but he is extremely thoughtful about his closed loved onesa and prefers to be practical about it. He would save you your seat in meetings, fetch you snacks if he ran out for an errand, etc etc. Extremely observant of your mannerisms, that he might point that out to you and you won't even realise you do that. - So like, he is very protective as a friend. He will do something whenever someone has wronged you in any way. The others teasing you? Bam, he'll shoot them back with a witty insult. Your s/o cheated on you? Ohohoho boi, be prepared to see their name on a headline on the daily news. Your order was wrong? Bam, he'll have the waiter shaking in fear from a screaming, angry Italian mafioso as he demands for them to remake your order correctly. "WELL CAGACAZZO?! QUIT STANDING AROUND AND GET ORDERS CORRECTLY—" "G-Ghiaccio it's just a minor thing, let it go—" "THEY SERVED YOU AN INGREDIENT YOU SPECIFICALLY TOLD THEM NOT TO INCLUDE BECAUSE YOU'RE ALLERGIC TO IT! WHY ARE YOU LETTING THIS SLIDE OFF?!" - All in all, he's just glad you're there for him because damn, someday his temper is going to get the best of him and he doesn't know what to do. And with your friendship, he's learned how to cope with his spontaneous anger by carrying soothing stuff to ease his nerves (courtesy of your suggestions and gifts for him) - Basically the dynamic of a rapid gremlin with rabies and a calm, sunshine personified angel. Everyone (Riz, including, but he's more subtle and dry about it) joked about the unlikely friendship, and how your ears must've lost a little bit of hearing capacity. Rissoto - I feel like he'd be extremely attached to a childhood friend. You've been friends since before you underwent the drastic change by going through a lot to get to where he is now, and still the only person that stuck around with him was you. By that, you became the most trusted by him due to the fact you've known each other for very long. - As his best friend, you're his confidant and finds himself often going to you if ever he needed advice, or needed to vent about his stress. He really isn't vocal but when he's confiding in you, his words spill out of his mouth usually sealed tightly just steadily flows, his big strong Capo veneer falls apart in front of you but he doesn't necessarily feel unsafe by being vulnerable. That's how he trusts you. - No one will dare to bad mouth you in front of the Capo, or else there'd be hell to pay for. I mean, teasing is fine, he knows you can handle burns from team mates here and there (and will silently smirk at it) but he will not stand it if they attempt to belittle you for something unreasonable. "Watch your mouth. That was
out of their control, stop blaming them for something they can't do." - The type of friend that doesn't know how to comfort someone, but will try their best. So as you spill your heart out, tears, snot, sweat and all, he'll just pull you to his chest and awkwardly pat your shoulders to get you calm and comforted. Not to mention, he is extremely stiff at the hug and is very unsure what words to say to you to not upset or offend you any further, so he'll just ride it out smoothly, and let you let it all out on his chest. It's not like he can't wash your tears, snot and sweat on his chest anyways. - Since he is very non-vocal, he's a good listener so rant all the way! Complain about the weather, about your lack of love life, about how underpaid the hitmen team is, anything! He won't find the perfect response, so he'll just nod along and perhaps comment occasionally on what your saying. "So like, ugh, I am soooo frustrated at how Prosciutto could say that to Pesci! He makes a good point, but it's redundant for him to be too harsh on him! Look, all I'm saying is, maybe Prosciutto should start choosing his words correctly so that Pesci won't feel too upset! You know???" You glanced at your friend, as he simply sat attentively beside you. He nods silently as a response. "Anyways—" - Extremely great at deduction and the way he reads people so easily is so unreal. And so he uses this to his advantage to know what's up with you whenever you seemed off. By this, he's able to tell whenever you're upset but scared to talk about it, frustrated but too busy to talk about, etc etc. And with this, he takes the time to drag you to take a seat, and talk about what's been bothering you. If you don't wish to talk about it at all, he'll let you be after with a reassurance that you can overcome whatever the heck you're going through. - Everyone is surprised that you two aren't married??? That you're just friends??? The way you two look just makes you two look like a couple and it boggles the others how you two aren't one.
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lovely-jily · 3 years
"Enjoying yourself?"
"Jesus!" Lily jumped at the sound of his voice, the hairs on the back of her neck standing up in reaction to his breath against her ear. She turned to face him, smacking his chest with the hand that wasn't holding her drink, "You've got to give a girl some warning!"
James laughed. Although it wasn't his intention to scare her, he wasn't necessarily upset that he had, "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you."
She rolled her green eyes, "Sure you didn't."
She looked absolutely stunning, donning a form-fitting, silky, black dress with a slit up the side that stopped at her mid-thigh. It also left most of her back exposed, which meant that James had spent most of Slughorn's party not only looking at the way it accentuated her body, but he was also trying his damn hardest to ignore the fact that she probably didn't have a bra on.
The room was big, busy with excited teenagers talking to their dates and many of the guests Slughorn had invited. James wasn't really interested in any of them, as Lily's dress was also sleeveless, revealing not only most of her chest but also some slight cleavage. While the boy tried his absolute hardest to focus on other things and felt immensely guilty every time he stole a forbidden glance and thought of dirty things, he was seventeen, and no amount of magic couldn't really stop him.
It also didn't help that the pair had gotten quite cozy in a broom closet and an empty classroom one or two times. While they weren't dating, the two discovered some of the many physical benefits the other could bring to the table.
"Honestly, though, are you having any fun?" James leaned against the small table set up for couples to stand and enjoy some of the many hors d'oeuvres that were being served. He noticed Lily had been there for a while and seemed to be stewing over something while her date, Jeffery Biers, was nowhere to be seen.
Lily sighed and faced the party again. Her glass was half empty of whatever carbonated beverage she was drinking. Her red hair was in a sort of updo on the base of her neck, exposing it and therefore not helping James in his ever losing battle of Stop-Sexualizing-Evans-And-Be-The-Respectful-Young-Man-Your-Mother-Taught-You-To-Be.
"It's alright. Although a while ago, my date seemed to accidentally stumble into Joan Fisher, and I haven't seen him since."
James felt his jaw tighten, one of the few giveaways he had when it came to his emotions. No one in their right mind would ditch or take advantage of Lily Evans. Not only was her date given the blessing of going out with the witch, but he was also dumb enough to take advantage of it. James would never.
"That's no fun. Not a good move on his part, ditching you and flirting with another person's date."
"Isn't that what you're doing right now?" The girl turned her face to him, a mischievous twinkle in her green eyes, her smirk enticing. What James would give to be able to taste her lipgloss...
"Sirius doesn't mind. Besides, I'm not flirting," The boy leaned into her ear, the corners of his mouth pulling up slightly to form the smirk that had driven Lily Evans crazy for the past seven years. Of course, recently, it made her crazy in the I-Want-To-Take-Off-All-Your-Clothes sort of way and not the I-Am-Going-To-Murder-You way.
"Unless you'd like me to," he whispered softly, the sound of his amusement clear. He saw Lily's skin get goosebumps and felt a swell in his chest. He took pride in his ability to make her feel the way she made him feel.
"Now, that wouldn't be appropriate with such an audience around, would it?" She smirked back, glancing at his lips for a second and then back to his eyes. James remembered how they felt against his: hard, fast, passionate. Ever since their last "special" moment together, his lips had felt so empty without hers on them.
James decided that if she was going to increase the tension, then he would too. It wouldn't be fair to allow her to be the only one teasing. He brought his eyes to her neck, where faint purple bruises were still visible from their enjoyable escapade in a broom closet the other night.
He brought his hand to touch them gingerly, knowing what and how his light touch could make her feel. His attempts to rouse something up in her seemed to be working as she bit her lip subconsciously. His smirk was still painted on his face.
"You covered those up well."
"Ah, yes," She smiled, trying to focus as James delicately traced his fingers over the faded love bites, "Hickeys aren't very Head Girl appropriate."
"That wasn't what you said the other night."
She turned around, leaning against her forearms and getting close to his face. James recognized the mischievous glint in her eye and prepared for her to say something that he knew would do him in.
"Speaking of head-"
James silently cursed Jeffery Biers for ruining the moment because for a second, it seemed like Lily Evans, Head Girl, was going to make a pun about oral sex, and it was incredibly unlikely that James would ever be in this situation again.
As he approached the pair of them, James didn't try to hide his glare. While it went right over Jeffery's head, Lily seemed to be taking some enjoyment from James's lack of amusement.
"Care for a dance?" He asked Lily.
"Of course, Jeff, I'd be delighted," she turned to look at James, who was doing a terrible job at hiding his jealously, "Meet me in the Heads office after this, and we can discuss that important business that you wanted to talk about, yeah?"
She winked as she walked away with Biers, causing James to forget about his jealousy and a particular appendage of his rather excited.
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I literally found this blog recently and it’s awesome! But for your alternative ending, I was wondering what would everyone’s reactions be of Marinette missing for 5 months, to fighting her?
I honestly wasn’t really sure what this ask was asking for. I ended up writing their feelings about her going missing and seeing her for the first time in months. Sorry if this wasn’t what you wanted :(
(Also, thank you!!)
First part
Second part
Next part
@solangelo252 asked to be tagged
Everyone ready? Let’s go!
Dick is the one who has to stay strong for the family. He’s always been aware of that. It’s fitting that the guy whose biological family died due to their lack of safety net as trapeze artists ended up being the emotional safety net for his adoptive family. He is always there with his calm smiles, his bad puns, his warm hugs.
… that being said, who was to be his safety net? Marinette had served that purpose as of late; many hours had been spent in a rented out gymnasium, stretching and venting about their problems. It was the closest he’d come to a give-and-take relationship emotionally since his parents had been alive.
But now Marinette was missing. How was he supposed to vent about his anxieties about the fact that she was missing when she wasn��t there to vent to? Could he somehow vent to himself?
No. But he had to stay strong. His family needed him to. Without the Grayson safety net, his family would fall into early graves yet again.
So, he’d pull on that perfect smile of his and get to work. He’d force everyone to eat and sleep, he’d go out on patrols and make sure no one broke The Rule or too many bones, he’d make sure they didn’t close themselves off emotionally, he’d remind them they weren’t at fault, he’d listen to their problems, give them advice, hug them, help them, help them help them helpthemhelpthemhelpthem --.
Days stretched endlessly but weeks whizzed by.
And then Marinette was there.
His eyes had landed on her and he almost couldn’t believe it. Maybe he’d finally snapped. He’d held in his emotions, his grief and his guilt and his anger, and he’d held them in too long. And now he was hallucinating her. Now his mind had created a new her.
Maybe he actually could vent to himself now.
But then he’d glanced at everyone else and found that they’d stopped walking, too. That their eyes were still glued on that one spot. That they could see her and she was there. She was really there.
Emotions bubbled in his throat and tears stung his eyes and she was there.
“Mari?” His broken voice broke through the silence.
She brought a hand up to rest over her heart, almost as if she wasn’t quite sure he was talking to her despite him using her name.
Jason spoke next. “Is that really you?”
“Maybe,” she’d said, a bitter smile stretching across her face.
But Dick didn’t care about the warning signs, about the new demeanor, about anything because she was THERE.
A hand grabbed the back of his shirt. Held him back. He hadn’t even realized he’d been moving towards her, but that didn’t matter to him. Because now he couldn’t reach her.
His gaze fell on Tim and his brother had better have a good explanation.
“You’re pale,” Tim pointed out, blue eyes never leaving hers.
She giggled a little, but it was a broken sound. It was the kind of laugh a person made when they were trying their hardest not to cry.
“Yeah. Lack of sunlight and chemical baths do that.”
Tim’s grip on his shirt had lessened but it wasn’t necessary at all anymore. Instead, an icy hand clutched his heart and held him there.
Because now he could take in the chill in the room despite the roaring fire under where Marinette had perched herself. The way her eyes were now a dull blue instead of the almost unnaturally bright shade they usually were.
He hadn’t been around to be her safety net, and now the Marinette he knew was dead and gone. He was staring at what was essentially Marinette’s corpse. She even had the pale, bloodless skin of one.
He’d failed her, and he had already learned that there’s nothing that can be done when someone’s already hit the ground.
It was his job to keep her safe, and yet he couldn’t do that. She’d been captured by the Rogues. It was possible she’d never come back. If she did come back she wouldn’t ever be the same.
And it was his fault.
He should have tried harder to get her to stop. Made her take a break when she’d accidentally killed that man in the convenience store. He’d killed before, he’d KNOWN how that would affect a person. He’d seen how distracted she’d been the previous few days, seen the cracks. He should have seen this coming. He should have benched her when he’d had the chance.
And now his protege -- his SISTER -- had been captured by the Rogues and who knew what kind of horrors she was facing at that moment.
Because they weren’t going to kill her. The Rogues were never that merciful, and especially not when they’d been slighted.
Marinette had betrayed them, had been sent in to pretend to be their friend and gather information and sabotage some plans. Rogues were many things, but they weren’t ones to fake being friends. They all knew their real standings with each other, their real opinions of each other, for good and for bad. No, to them, she was a heartless monster.
And they were going to make sure she paid dearly.
“Is that really you?” He asked, though he knew what the answer would be. There was no way she could still be the same her after what she must have endured.
And she’d said “Maybe”.
And, though he’d expected it, the confirmation and the way her voice had cracked just slightly on the word had made it all the more real.
“You’re pale,” Tim pointed out.
Oh god, he was right. She looked so much like…
“Yeah. Lack of sunlight and chemical baths do that.”
Jason’s heart clenched at the words ‘chemical baths’. Because he knew what that meant. He may not have been there for when Tim had become Joker Jr., but he hadn’t needed to be in order to know just how completely fucked she had to be. He’d heard about the weeks of torture he’d endured before Batman and Batgirl had found it. Seen the way his younger brother still tensed slightly upon seeing Joker or Harley.
Five months. Marinette hadn’t been gone for a few weeks like he had. She’d been gone for five months. If that was what he was like in less than a month, then what about her?
He wanted to wrap her up in his arms and never let go, to never let HER go again, to make sure she’d never come to harm.
But one thing was stopping him.
Because he remembered what Joker Jr. had been created to do. What she must have been forced to do.
And he could see how much she hated it. In the lines in her forehead, in the slump of her shoulders, in the sad smile playing across her lips.
But she was doing it. She felt like she had to do it thanks to whatever she’d endured.
She wasn’t meant for murder. She especially wouldn’t do well with murdering someone she had once cared for. Whatever pieces of her old self that remained would crumble to dust until she would be completely unrecognizable. Completely broken.
He’d failed her, she’d been hurt, and he was going to have to hurt her more in order to keep her from hurting herself.
You’d think that it would be easy to figure out where she was. After all, these were the biggest Rogues in Gotham. Surely, they couldn’t hide out for long without people noticing them.
But no.
Nothing. Common henchmen were out of jobs, competitors were encroaching on their territories, allies called for help… and yet they refused to make an appearance. It seemed the Rogues had just grabbed Marinette and gone off-world.
A painful memory kept replaying in his mind. Taunting him.
The two of them had been sitting on a park bench on one of their many not-exactly-a-date-but-yeah-it’s-basically-a-date things that they loved to go on.
He remembered her in the Red Robin themed hoodie. The brilliant smile she’d given him. The twinkle in her eyes. The teasing lilt to her voice as she explained why he was her favorite hero:
‘Of course! He’s super smart! I mean, I know Batman is supposed to be the greatest detective of all time or whatever but, considering ages and experience, I think that Red Robin is probably going to have him beat in… I don’t know, a few years?’
She’d been laying it on thick, he knew, she’d been aware of his identity by then and was doing it to fluster him… but he could tell she wasn’t lying. Even if that was more blunt than she tended to be, it was still what she really thought of him.
The memory used to make him blush. Now, it hurt.
He downed his third cup of coffee at the hour, eyes locked on the screen in front of him. There had to be SOMETHING. There was always something.
And, yet, there wasn’t. The place she’d been taken had clearly been prepped for her kidnapping. There was hardly any blood anywhere outside of a bit on the wall where she must have hit it, someone must have set up a tarp or something. The only things they could find were the broken pieces of her comm and two ears. Forensics confirmed they were hers; the earrings they normally bore were missing, but they could hardly care about that when the first -- and likely tamest -- thing they’d done was cut off her ears.
That was it. There were footprints, sure, but they got lost in the millions of footprints on the streets of Gotham.
He threw his empty mug across the cave, but when it splintered on the ground he didn’t feel any better. It didn’t help him find her. 
The moment his eyes landed on her, he knew.
He could recognize that look anywhere. Bleached-white skin, cherry-red lips… her usual pigtails had been raised in an imitation of Harley’s signature look...
Just like Tim had been Joker Jr., she was now Harley Jr.
Part of him wanted to assure her that she would be fine, that he was living proof that she would be okay again eventually. The other part knew that it was a lie, that she, just like him, would likely never be fully ‘okay’ ever again.
He blinked away the tears threatening to spill over.
He should not have allowed Dick to make him sleep, should have widened the scope of his search, he should have simply done so much more than he had.
No mystery was completely unsolvable. He had to have missed something.
He’d failed her, and now she was paying the price for his shortcomings.
Mother had taught him that relationships were a liability. They made you weak. They made you lose.
Father and Richard had taught him that relationships were tricky, but they were worth having.
But, if relationships were worth having, why did they cause him so much pain?
First Father had died. Then Richard had ‘died’.
Those had been temporary, at least. He had started to have difficulty feeling sad when people died. There had been three deaths in the family since he’d joined including his own, and they always came back within a few months. It had started to feel like the Wayne family was untouchable.
Then Alfred had been killed brutally by Bane. Even now, years later, he had yet to make a miraculous reappearance.
So, no, they weren’t untouchable.
They were assuming she was alive, that the Rogues were keeping her around for some big thing. But, as time stretched on with no progress or proof that she was even alive, he started to lose hope. Why were they so quiet? What were they planning? Had those plans gone awry? The Rogues could never match him on impulse control, so something might have happened…
He told himself it didn’t matter if she was alright or not. He knew it was a lie.
Despite their rocky start, he’d found himself attaching to her far faster than he should have. He was regretting it now. Maybe he should have put a distance between them, maybe then this wouldn’t have hurt so much.
It didn’t help that he couldn’t seem to stop thinking about her. It was the little things that seemed to hurt the most. The smell of coffee or baked goods, the place where she’d scratched her initials into a chair to claim it as hers, even the color red...
It was making it hard, if he were to be honest, to fight properly. He was constantly distracted. His mother had been right, his attachment to her was making him weak.
Not to mention the ring on his finger... He couldn’t bring himself to transform, not without his partner. Part of him wanted to tear it off his finger, to toss it off a pier and get rid of the constant reminder that she was gone, but he couldn’t.
It was all he had left of her, after all.
“Is that really you?”
No. The answer was no. He could see it in her eyes. Whoever was in front of them, they weren’t Marinette anymore. Not really.
“You’re pale.”
“Yeah. Lack of sunlight and chemical baths tend to do that.”
He clenched his fists tightly. The ring dug into his skin, but he couldn’t bring himself to care.
After all, he wasn’t stupid. He was aware of what had happened to Drake during his tenure as Robin. He knew what he’d been forced to do, and he was sure she was there to finish the job.
He readied himself for a fight.
He’d failed her, yes, but he couldn’t afford to lose another person.
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lyranova · 3 years
Leon and Alistar Pt: II
Hi guys! Here’s part 2 of mine and @thoughtfullyrainynightmare ‘s co-op fic, i think we had too much fun with this part hehe but that’s ok! Because I can’t add any notes at the end due to tumblr’s block count thing I wanted to thank Laura for doing this with me it was so much fun hehe 🥰! I hope you guys enjoy~!
Taglist: @eme-eleff @jovialnoise @simpingforthisonedeer @succulentsunrise @ckjwnnbc
Warnings: None
Inside the box laid a small crystal full of mana and..a leaf?! Alistar and Leonidas blinked and looked at each other then back at the box. This was it? This was their treasure?! Alistar shook his head and placed the box back onto the small pedestal.
“ Of course our parents would play a sick joke like this on us.” He said with a sigh before he crouched down onto the floor, looking to see if there was maybe any hidden traps that could be hiding the real treasure.
“ Well, you could say this is unbeleafable.” Leonidas said with a chuckle, he found his puns to be quite funny. Alistar suddenly stood up and looked at him , Leonidas rubbed the back of his neck nervously as silence fell around them.
“ Hey; don’t leaf me hanging!” Alistar said suddenly before bursting into fits of laughter. The orange haired boy blinked in surprise before he himself began to laugh.
“ Ah I’ve got one; Where did the plant like to travel?” Alistar asked and Leonidas shook his head. “ All clover the world!”
Both boys began to laugh even harder.
They both sat there. Just sat there, trying to gasp for air through their laughter. Tears started running down their cheeks from the released tension, and their stomachs and sides started to burn from the sensation.
But Little by little they were able to catch their breaths.
"I didn't know you were into puns," Leonidas commented with a grin.
"I could say the same," Alistair replied with an equally wide grin.
The two chuckled for a moment longer until their eyes landed back into the box. But all they could do was shake their heads. After all, time was running out and there was clearly a trick to it.
" What do you think it means? A crystal and a leaf?" Alistair inquired while turning his head to Leonidas.
"Honestly," the orange haired male began, "I have no clue." He paused for a moment while gazing into the ceiling. "It's not even that both of the items would have mana in them. But only the crystal. Now that could potentially be a key of some kind, but even then there'd need to be a magical lock to match. And the leaf is... Just a leaf? What is it even from?"
Alistar inspected the leaf forwards and backwards for a moment as Leonidas looked over the crystal in his own hands. Finally after a few moments, Alistar snapped his fingers as he recognized the plant.
“ Humulus Lupulus ‘Aurea’!” Alistar said as he began to look around the room, the orange haired boy frowned.
“ English please?” He asked politely as he saw Alistar began to inspect the room, apparently looking for where the plant belonged.
“ Ah sorry,” he laughed nervously before rubbing the back of his head, a nervous habit he had developed. “ Golden Hops is the common name for it, it’s a vine that when grown onto something provides excellent privacy. But they don’t grow on brick or stone walls, they have to grow on a lattice or trellis. They’re also used to provide a bitter bite to beer.” Alistar explained and Leonidas blinked.
“ You really like plants.” he said with a laugh as he began searching the walls for the same vine as Alistar.
“ Ah yeah, my mom was a florist so she had a ton of books on different plants, herbs, and such things. I guess my love of plants is something I inherited from her.” He said with a small laugh. “ Ah here it is.” He added as Leonidas came walking over to him. Alistar quickly used his plant magic to make the vines retract and moved the trellis out of the way. Behind it lay a stone door with a small crystal shaped hole in the center, but the designs around it appeared to look like fire and flames which seemed odd in Alistar’s opinion.
“ Leonidas, see if the crystal will fit.” Alistar asked.
Leonidas nodded in agreement and placed it onto the supposed lock. And as expected, the crystal did fit into the hole, but nothing happened. Seconds ticked away, making the two frown as there was no change in the crystal or the lock.
"I guess it would have been too easy," Alistair commented with a disappointed smile.
However, Leonidas frowned as that mechanism seemed perhaps far too familiar for him. "Maybe it just needs a bit of mana for it to activate," he pondered aloud.
"What do you mean?" Alistair inquired with a curious tone.
"Ah, well, let's say that a key gets into the wrong hands. Then for the purposes of keeping, whatever is guarded by the lock, safe, it's better if the mechanisms used to operate the key aren't clear. Or better yet, if there's only a handful of people who can do so. For example if only a certain type of mana interacts with the key itself.” Leonidas explained factually.
" You seem to know a lot about these things," Alistair chuckled in turn.
Leonidas smiled while picking up the crystal and feeding it some of his own mana, making the crystal glow bright yellow.
" Yeah, it's something I've learned from my mom," he replied," Thean can be... very private people. "
“ So I’ve heard.” Alistar agreed with a nod, Thea was a very private country. Alistar had heard very little about it himself but he had to admit he was curious about it and it’s magic. “ Maybe when this is all over you can tell me a bit about it, and I can teach you about botany.” He chuckled.
“ Hm, there isn’t much I can tell you about Thea but I’d be more than happy to share what I can.” Leonidas said with a nod before he gently placed the crystal back into the door and the runes on it began to glow yellow.
It opened with a hiss as the door swung open slowly. Alistar and Leonidas smirked at each other before they walked inside the room.
“ We make a pretty good team, considering this is the first time we’ve worked together.” Alistar admitted as he looked for a light source, which was soon provided by Leonidas.
“ Hm, I wonder why our parents would hide the treasure here?” Leonidas mused as he picked up an overturned crate and looked inside it.
“ To test our problem solving skills as well as our team skills perhaps? Especially considering the puzzle used both our magical attributes.” Alistar said before Leonidas picked up a box that was bigger than the one in the other room.
“ What’s that?” Alistar asked curiously as he walked over to the orange haired boy.
"Umm...." Leonidas uttered after opening the box. He shuffled something in his hand and let out an amused puff of air. "It seems that you had a thing for bunny plushies while growing up," he grinned.
A brief silence passed through the air, before Alistair spoke in a low, disbelieving, hushed voice: "...what?!"
Leonidas turned around and showed Alistair a small portrait of him when he was younger. And in the picture, Alistair with his bright, blue eyes and white hair, no more than 3 years of age, was holding a bunny plushie. The sight made Alistair turn bright red, which was emphasized by his otherwise fair appearance.
"Why me?" He asked while burning up.
"Well..." Leonidas grinned forcefully. "It's not just you...." he admitted while showing Alistair another, similar, photo, where an orange haired boy was hugging a lion plushie. "It seems our parents really aren't short on... surprises..." he continued while averting his gaze.
“ Nope they certainly aren’t.” Alistar grumbled as he snatched the portrait out of Leonidas’s hand and quickly put it in the inside pocket of his robes. He had hoped no one would ever see his baby pictures.
“ Well, it could be worse,” Leonidas said, trying to suppress a chuckle while being slightly optimistic. Alistar quirked a brow, silently asking him to elaborate. “ They could’ve been naked baby portraits.” Alistar blinked but laughed, it was true.
“ Knowing them; they probably considered it.” Alistar said before turning and walking out of the room, he was slightly glad now that he hadn’t been paired up with Hikari, otherwise he would be teased a lot more now than he currently was.
“ Come on, let’s head back.” Alistar called and Leonidas quickly followed him out of the room.
“ Hey Alistar? What kind of books do bunnies read?” Leonidas asked suddenly, the white haired boy shook his head. “ The ones with hoppy endings.”
Alistar couldn’t help it; he started laughing, as embarrassed as he was he still found the bunny pun hilarious.
“ Alright, What do you call a lion with a fancy hat?” Alistar asked once he caught his breath, Leonidas shook his head. “ A dandy lion.” Leonidas snorted before laughing himself.
The two boys steadily cracked puns as they made their way back to the starting point.
Sadly they were having so much fun on the way back, that they lost track of time. And it wasn't until they were getting close to the headquarters that they realized they had to hurry. So, they shared a quick glance before dashing forward towards the starting point.
They made it. They just made it until the time ran out. But It was at the cost of their muscles aching, and their lungs burning because of the lack of oxygen, so they slumped against a wall.
As they sat down, Alistair let out a little whine, which made Leonidas' lips turn into a smirk.
"Like a grape," he commented.
"What?" Alistair huffed out of breath.
"It-, um, it's...." he took a moment to catch his breath. "What did a grape say when it got crushed?"
"What did it say," Alistair grinned while turning to glance at the orange haired boy.
"Nothing. It just let out a little wine," Leonidas grinned back, making both of them burst into laughter and slide further down on the floor while holding their sides.
After a small moment, Hikari and Cyraleona walked over with a few smoothies in hand, while sipping their own, talking about how cute they were as toddlers.
"Did you actually lose brain cells on that treasure hunt?" Hikari quirked an eyebrow.
"They just might've done so," the red headed girl commented.
"No..." Leonidas tried through his laughter, "you don't get it!" He laughed.
"GRAPES!" The boys yelled in unison.
Both of the girls quirked an eyebrow at them.
"I do believe they have lost it," Cyraleona still commented with a hushed tone.
"You can say that again," Hikari rolled her eyes.
Alistar started wiping tears from his eyes as he looked up at the girls and saw the disapproving looks on their faces. The looks on their faces only made the boys laugh harder.
“ Phew, that was a good one Leonidas.” Alistar said as he caught his breath. Leonidas looked over at him and waved his hand.
“ You can just call me Leon if you want, and thank you. You’ve got some good jokes, yourself.” He told Alistar as he caught his breath as well. Hikari rolled her eyes before holding out a hand to the white haired boy as Cyraleona held out a hand to her twin, the boys looked at each other before taking them and standing up.
“ Go get some smoothies, they’re about to wrap the exercise up for the day.” Hikari said as she walked them to the smoothie stand.
“ Oh, what did you two get in your treasure box?” Cyraleona asked softly, causing Alistar and Leonidas to both blush.
“ N-Nothing. Don’t worry about it.” Alistar stammered and Hikari smirked before she and Cyraleona looked at each other.
“ Baby pictures.” The said in unison before laughing as the boys faces turned even more red.
In the distance, Fuego and William watched their sons with small smiles on their faces. The white haired male glanced at the Crimson Lion for a moment before speaking.
“ It seems our sons are getting along well.” He chuckled and Fuego nodded in agreement.
“ Yes they do, which is exactly what we wanted from this exercise, was for all the kids to try and get along and become a more cohesive unit. Although, I wonder what was said that made them laugh so much.” He muttered curiously before William stood in front of the mic to address the kids.
“ Congratulations on a job well done kids,” William announced before moving out of the way to let Fuego speak.
“ Yes you all did amazing today, you showed teamwork, determination, and that you can all solve any problems that come your way.” Fuego said with a smile on his face.
"We are all very proud of you," Charlotte commented with a smile, looking at each of the kids, but keeping her gaze at Hikari for a moment longer than the others.
"Yeah, good job on not trashing half of the Kingdom while doing so," Yami stated with crossed arms.
The rest of the captains looked at him, but brushed it off as they all still remembered everything the Black Bulls had put the kingdom through over the years. They shook their heads before William continued: "And though it wasn't included into the schedule we have prepared for a small banquet."
The kids glanced at each other with knowing looks as the adults made their way to them. Of course their parents had something like that planned. After all, it had been several hours since they last ate.
"And I hope that you had a good day," William still continued with a smile, stopping his gaze at Alistair.
"Yeah, we-," Alistair paused for a moment. "You could say that it was a pun-tastic day."
Leon snorted with the comment, immediately placing his hand over his mouth afterwards and shaking his head.
The fathers quirked an eyebrow at their sons, not really knowing what to make of it.
"But yes father, it was an excellent day. And I'll be sure to treasure the lessons and relationships gained on this day," The white haired boy continued.
"Yes," Leon agreed. "Our friendship is unbeleafable," he grinned while glancing at Alistair from the corner of his eye, which made him snort in turn while the girls let out disappointed sighs.
William and Fuego blinked before looking at each other with a look of near horror in their eyes; both their sons were punny. Oh no. Maybe this was a mistake after all? Now that the two had met and were friends the punny jokes were sure to be in abundance now.
“ You two are dorks.” Hikari said with a shake of her head as she walked past them with Cyraleona in tow, Alistar saluted his father quickly before following after her, Leonidas doing the same before running to catch up with his sister.
“ Hey, only good chives will be accepted here.” He told the raven haired girl with a smirk, she pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed at him. She had been victim to his terrible puns since they were young children so a small piece of her was happy that he now had someone who he could be punny with.
“ Uh huh, you and your good chives can go sit at a different table until they stop.” She told him with a smirk, he sighed in defeat but nodded. Leonidas watched the exchange curiously.
“ Hey Alistar,” The white haired boy turned toward him. “ Do you have a crush on Hikari?” Alistar smiled but shook his head.
“ No, we’re just good friends. Our relationship isn’t like that.” Alistar said with a small laugh, he looked calm on the outside but inside he was freaking out. ‘How did he figure it out so quickly?! Was it that obvious? I need to keep my emotions in better check.’ he thought to himself as the children walked.
William shook his head as he began to laugh, which caused Fuego to look at him curiously. William turned towards the Vermillion haired Captain.
“ What are the chances, of both our sons being into puns?” He chuckled and Fuego shook his head.
“ Perhaps one in a million? I’m not quite sure myself.” He said but with a warm smile, he was glad his son had found a friend around his own age, and he was sure William was thinking the same.
"I know that look," said a voice behind them, which made the fathers glance behind them.
"I'd be surprised if you didn't," Fuego smiled at the sight of his wife.
"Good day, Solara, " William greeted with a polite nod.
"Good day William," she replied before continuing from the topic. "Yes, they're terrible puns. But Don't go pun-ishing them too hard," she smirked, making the eyes of both of the men widen in slight horror.
"Darling... " Fue began. "I think I died a little bit inside..."
William just shook his head while letting out a sigh.
"They're just exercising their brain cells. There's nothing wrong with that," she continued with a passing shrug.
"They could use their brains more constructively," William commented with a hushed tone.
"Oh? Can you think of a pun from the spot? No? That's pun-fortunate," Solara grinned.
William's lips parted for a moment to reply, but nothing came out. Instead he let out another sigh, much deeper this time while pinching the bridge of his nose. Meanwhile Fue let out an amused huff before shaking his head.
"Point taken dear," he commented.
“ Well we know where Leonidas gets it from.” William said with a shake of his head, Solara looked at him curiously for a moment.
“ Your wife was a jokester herself was she not?” She asked, Fuego looked at his wife and shook his head slightly, even after all these years William’s wife was still a somewhat sensitive subject but William quickly waved his concern away.
“ It’s alright. Yes she was a bit of a jokester,” William chuckled before he looked towards the sky with a small smile. “ she was partial to plant jokes especially.” He added before looking back at the husband and wife, his smile turning solem suddenly.
“ Fuegoleon, I know...there’s some issues between us and some things that have happened that may not ever be forgiven but,” he paused for a moment as he searched for the right words. “ I don’t want the things that have happened between us to affect our son's friendship. They deserve the chance to become friends and get along without our personal issues getting in the way.”
Fuego nodded along as he listened, William was still trying to atone for his actions after all these years, especially for what he did to Fuego, he gently gripped his fire arm as he got lost in thought. He looked up at his wife’s face and, for one of the few times, he couldn’t read it. This was something he would have to decide on his own.
“ I agree,” Fuego said after a moment of silence. “ our son’s deserve a chance to let this friendship have a chance, to let them decide for themselves if they wish to continue it without our influence. Who knows? Maybe they’ll even start a rivalry or something similar.” Fuego chuckled, remembering his own rivalry with Nozel and William’s with Yami.
“ Yes that would be something wouldn’t it?” William agreed with a nod. “ Well, shall we head in and have dinner with the children?”
"Yes. Let us do just that," Fuego commented with a faint smile before they all started making their way to the banquet hall.
Fuego knew that he and William wouldn't become the best of friends, possibly not even great friends, but they certainly had come a long way. It was clear that William did try his best, as well as admit his wrongdoings. And he tried to seek his own atonement, even though it wasn't served to him in the form of a juridical punishment. No, he had to look for redemption harder than that. But, as William had said, and he had agreed, their personal relations shouldn't come in between their sons' relationship.
Fue felt a slight tug of his arm, and as he turned to look, he saw an expression he recognized just as usual.
"It's alright," he assured, intending to stop there, but being forced to continue as a result of the settling silence. "I assure you, it's alright."
The moment ended and whatever tension had gathered in the air slowly dissipated away. And it was again just as usual.
"You didn't bring Nora with you?" Fue asked after a few moments as his thoughts emerged from his eldest.
"No, she's out with Mereo," Solara commented. "A few puns will be the least of our worries today."
Fuego chuckled to himself and shook his head. Indeed. A few puns didn't seem all that bad suddenly.
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timbertumbr · 4 years
Boneafide Gamer (A Reverse Harem Fic)
Chapter 1, Signing In
Quotev Link
Welp- Guess who’s joining the skeleton train?!
Note: When it's in your perspective, it's more than likely going to use the boys Usernames instead of their Nicknames since they legit just met so… here's a list of the usernames I've come up with-
Blue (Underswap Sans): Magnificent Blueberry
Stretch (Underswap Papyrus): Carrot
I'll add more as the boys are introduced. (Also for the horror bros I'm using ratsoh-writes nicknames.)
Finally, after a year of waiting, you have it!  Basic MMORPG VR edition! You squeal before thanking the delivery person and closing the door.
You tear open the packaging as you enter the room, open the case and put the disc into your computer. You gently place the case onto the desk before setting up your V.R set. The game boots up as you put on the VR goggles and you begin the intro. 
"Welcome to Basic MMORPG VR edition. A world that was heavily inspired by Sword Art Online, but our game is much better in so many ways! Would you like a list?" Snorting, you select yes.
"You do not have to fight any creatures in this game.
There are many skill sets to choose from like cooking, fishing, farming, bounty hunting and many many more!
A world that gets updated throughout the seasons.
Create, craft, or find many items the world or players around you provide.
You are not strictly assigned to a specific class, want to be a mage that wields a sword? You can BE a mage that wields a sword!
There are-" Holy crap, this list is long… you'd review it later, you wanted to get to the good stuff! Gameplay!
You enter the character customization screen and make your persona. Then came the most difficult part of making a character, giving it a name!
You tapped your foot as you thought of what to name them… do you want something funny? Something normal? Or something stupid? Man, this is hard…
You go for the grandest name of all "fart." You snicker as you accept the name, knowing you could change it whenever.
Hitting "confirm," you wait as the game loads on a public server. And when it loads in, there aren't a lot of people on… Wasn't there a lot of hype for this game?
You shrugged and went to the infamous Quest Master to receive your class, first weapon, and first quest. 
After all was said and done, you were "fart," jack of all trades (because you couldn't choose just ONE of all these cool classes!) And off you went to the fields to complete your first quest, kill/befriend/collect 5 slimes. 
Holding your multiweapon tight, (Again, you were VERY indecisive and basically created a multitool for weapons.) You venture into the fields to see a lot of slime and very few people.
Legit, there were only two people here. Skeletons, one named "Magnificent Blueberry" and the other named "Carrot." Very fitting considering their choice of armor/robes.
Intrigued, you decide to focus on your quest conveniently close to the skeletons, waiting for the chance to jump in their conversation and make friends! Haha! Genius!
While you slashed more than the acquired amount of slimes with your sword, the short skeleton was reading all the features this game held while the tall one was trying to figure out the controls.
"OH WOW! PAPY, DID YOU KNOW YOU COULD MAKE FRIENDS WITH THE CREATURES?!" Blueberry exclaimed using voice chat, turning to his struggling younger brother.
"Really? I think we both know who'd like that," Stretch says amused, Blueberry huffing before helping Stretch with the controls.
"INDEED! OKA WOULD LOVE TO MAKE A SLIME FARM! (THE TRIGGER IS TO ACTIVATE STUFF LIKE GRABBING AND DROPPING ITEMS) AND I THINK EDGE WOULD BE MORE THAT HAPPY TO HAVE A CAT 'ARMY,'" Blueberry exclaims, happy that there's so much to do in this game! (Even if it is a waste of time according to Edge.) 
Stretch nods, finally getting used to the controls and thanking Blueberry, who enthusiastically welcomes him.
"What other features are there?" Stretch asks curiously, peering at the cybernetic screen on Blue's arm.
"OH LOT'S! THERE'S HUNDREDS OF FEATURES IN THIS!" Blue exclaims before scanning the list to look for one Stretch may like.
"Oh wow," Stretch comments amazed, he knew there was a lot but HUNDREDS?! It's every gamer's dream! (Red may enjoy that.) 
"Sure, why not?" With stars in his sockets, he hovers his disembodied hand over Stretch and adds him to a party which Stretch accepted the request for. Blue then renames the party to "THE AMAZING DUO!" Stretch raises a bone brow with an amused smile.
"REALLY! OH LOOK, A POTENTIAL FRIEND!" Blue exclaims, finally noticing you. However you were focused on the slimes.
"They've been there forever though," Stretch points out.
"WHA? PAPY, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!" Blue says sadly, Stretch shrugs again.
"They seemed busy," Blueberry looked at you again and you were still focused on the slimes.
"WELL, MAYBE THEY NEED A BREAK!" Blueberry exclaims before approaching you. Stretch sighs before hesitantly following his brother. 
"GREETINGS FART!" He exclaims, causing you to burst out laughing.
"Ahaha! I knew that name was a great choice!" You say before turning to the smiling short skeleton.
"[Insert pun here] MWHEHE!" You hear a groan come from the taller skeleton that just arrived.
"Hehe! That was a good one! As you know, I'm Fart. And you're…?"
"I'm Carrot," Stretch says afterwards, causing you to snicker.
"Those are great names! Say, what are your classes?" 
"Mage, You?" You chuckle sheepishly at the question.
"I… chose all of them…" You admit, making Carrot snort.
"Couldn't settle for one huh?" Stretch asks amused, you cross your arms and huff.
"Hey! It's not my fault there's so many choices!" You exclaim.
"I THINK IT'S NEAT!" Blue chimes in making you smile.
"Thank you Blue. Hey, are you guys new to the game?" You ask and they both nod.
"Well, so am I! How about we explore together?" You suggest, Blue lit up like a Christmas tree.
"THAT'S A GREAT IDEA! LET'S GO NEW FRIEND FART!" Blue exclaims before leading the way, you and Carrot snicker and follow after.
So you spent the entire day exploring the HUGE town made for beginners and it's also a hangout/meetup area for experienced players. You got witty remarks from Carrot, puns and fun little facts and features from Sans as you explored. Before you all knew it, night had arrived and you had to log off.
"Oh shoot! It's 8 already?! I gotta go guys, thanks for exploring with me!" You announce making Blue jump.
"IT'S 8?!" Blue yelled before quickly logging off, leaving you with Carrot.
"He… doesn't play games a lot. He usually works hard," Carrot explains, you nod.
"Makes sense," You say before you go to log off.
"Wait a minute," Carrot says before you press the logout button.
"Could I get your discord? I have some… cousins that could use some social interaction from someone like you," You smile.
"Is this your way of telling me you want to hang out more?" You ask in a teasing tone, Carrot snorts.
"Yes and no," He answers simply with a smirk. You exchange discord usernames and codes (Cheesepuff ####) before saying your final goodbyes and logging off. 
You take off the VR headset and wince from the lack of light and strain on your eyes. You shut off everything and begin your nightly routine. Once done, you scoop up your phone and check your messages on discord. 
Cheesepuff: Yo, it's Carrot. I came to wish the jack of all trades goodnight. And to tell you Blueberry says he's sorry he left so suddenly.
You snicker before replying.
(Username): Thank you Carrot. Tell Blue I said it's okay. Goodnight to both of you!
You then go to message your friend hoping they weren't asleep already.
(Username): Dude! I made friends! :D
Totally not the writer: Oh? Do tell.
And so you do, telling them EVERYTHING! 
Totally not the writer: Woah. I gotta get that game. And they sound nice but keep on your toes okay? Not everyone is who they seem.
(Username): Don't worry, I will! Good night you night owl. (You better go to sleep once you send YOUR good night.)
Totally not the writer: No promises. Night.
Sighing, you shut off your phone and head to sleep and dream of Slimes, Carrots and Blueberries.
Holy shit! That took a while to write. One pair of boys down, 4 to go… Will the other chapters be as long as this one? It honestly depends but let's hope not for both our sakes.
So we got ourselves a new series! Huzzah! I’ll try and post the chapters here with links to the next as the series goes on but I could also post it onto quotev or something if you guys prefer that.
Next Chapter
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ughgclden · 3 years
bee, love, don’t apologise, please, it’s okay, and first and foremost, are you alright?? i hope you’re taking care of yourself, love, but i understand, i don’t think there’s been a year since third grade that i haven’t gotten pneumonia in the winter. I hope you’re feeling alright!!
honestly, dead poets society is one of my only personality traits anymore, i find myself drawing parallels to it constantly, for no reason but i love thinking about it. i’ve watched it so many times at this point, it’s,,, concerning. those tests always take me way less time than they give me, and i used to feel really awkward, i remember i took a bio one once, four hours they gave me, 45 minutes in, i was finished, and the moderator didn’t believe me. i aced it too, like the silly little neil kinnie i am. i’ve gotten used to the ‘worse’ side of being a neil kinnie, and honestly, now that my mum isn’t as controlling about everything as she used to be, it’s easier to deal with. i remember once, i’d gotten an 89 in algebra, and she threatened to pull me out of the fall show. that was a neil perry moment if i ever had one lol. the biggest thing these days is just imposter syndrome, imposter syndrome like oh you’re not hispanic enough, but also, you’re not queer enough, nonbinary enough, things like that. It’s exacerbated some days, but i try.
i watched the it movies on my cousin’s hbo,,, i may or may not have used it without her permission since she forgot to log out of my computer, but that’s neither here nor there. i remember having such a hard time taking the first one seriously initially, because of all the new kids on the block jokes, having a mum who was obsessed with them made it hard, especially when i actually got them all- in truth, the only midnight premiere i’ve been able to make was the force awakens, and i had school the next day too. i’m definitely a richie kinnie, and i have the internalised homophobia (only towards myself though) to prove it /hj my waterbottle has both a sticker of neil on it and a sticker of the r + e carving on it. in case there was any doubt about me lmao. stan kin makes sense for you, honestly, i can see it, i can see it.
okay so listen- no really, i’d bought them with the intention of only drinking half of one that night and spreading them out like that, but then came 9:45pm, and i had a research paper (on womens’ pockets/lack thereof) due at 10am that i simply hadn’t even started, so i downed them all in an hour and got the paper turned in at 5:56 in the morning. but i scare you huh? /hj bee, you’re too sweet, in truth, i’m fairly inelegant, but i try, as for the comforting and cosy, i’ll take you at your word, since that is something only someone interacting with me could discern. i do try to be kind to others for the most part. mainly i think because i’m usually on the other end of mean people.
i’m just perceptive like that bee, i dunno what to tell you, something just tells me, you know? /j and thank you, i always feel a little silly talking about it, because most of the tattoos i want are dead poets society tattoos, i guess some part of me, within the part of me that feels so incredibly tied to it, feels as if if i were able to get a tattoo i’d owe it to the movie in some way, if that makes any sense. i’ve already begged a friend of mine to go with me to get my first once i get to new york, the question though, is what to get first. i’ve got time to make a decision (for once in my life) i just spend a lot of time thinking about it.
honestly, i have never known a school rule to make sense. banning ripped jeans? banning dyed hair? it’s almost as if if they don’t stifle everything natural about kids expressing themselves they dont feel like they’re doing anything. but i digress. the same-sex couple rules were. awful. 12 year old me had enough going on without having an administrator yell at my friend and i for hugging in the courtyard and not leaving until we were a foot apart, but hey.
okay, jumping over a fence to go to a mcdonalds? how coming of age indie movie manic pixie dream girl of you /hj
200k words, is that a challenge? also ahaha not at all like my italian uncle up there just opened a ‘pizzeria’ /hj but mob!star au? might be a project i should start… granted, i’m not as good a storyteller as you, but i can try.
when i was little, i wanted to revolutionise things, i guess. i even actually wrote out a campaign, i wonder if its still somewhere. thank you for believing in me, but these days, bee, i’m thinking less about changing the world, and more about making it the next few weeks, and then the ones after that. little star was aware of so much, but also so little. i wonder what they’d think of me now, honestly.
i did, in fact, teach archery, it was so fun but my arms got SO SORE, and the kid who challenged my archery skills seemed surprised when i actually,, hit the bullseyes. my inner susan was happy then. incidentally the experience is also why i made a playlist called “touchstarved and wanting to teach you to shoot a bow” which low-key slaps when i’m lonely. and bee omg i cannot believe you said im better than susan pevensie i will be thinking about this for the rest of my life thank you- and yes, yes it was named aslan, however did you guess? /j prince caspian<33333
i’ll let you know my results from the tournament, as soon as they come out, and i say this having just put on pjs after taking off my suit, and sitting in the room with my cat in my dear evan hansen hoodie, frantically refreshing the results page because i’m anxious and impatient.
i hope you have a good night, with fitful and restful sleep, i’m sorry this got to be so long, but you know me, i certainly can talk. i’m honestly shocked i even made it to finals, considering i was running off four hours of sleep, having gone to bed at three last night. whoops.
all my love, hugs, and a warm mug of tea,
p.s i said yes so that?? happened?? it honestly feels surreal but we’re not gonna be in the same place anymore come the end of this year, so that’ll be something to deal with
P.p.s might just start adding spanish or latin or russian phrases to these if i keep having to translate your cute french bee /lh /hj
star my love, i know you said don't apologise, but i think the word 'sorry' makes up about 60% of my vocabulary. i'm okay!! was just a bit icky, but luckily i've recovered now!!
that's so nice - and again, makes so much sense for you. i think you would work perfectly in welton, i know it. i love bringing the messages from that film into my own life, as silly as it may sound. i'm astonished, and so fucking jealous of you. i used to finish tests maybe half an hour early, but hours is so impressive??? fun fact i did finish my physics final in about 45 minutes and slept for the other hour <3 neil would b proud my love!!! oh my god - i'm so sorry that happened??? but that is also so neil kinnie??? it seems futile me saying this, but i assure you that you are hispanic enough, and queer enough, and non-binary enough. you are enough, period. more than enough even. imposter syndrome is the worst, and i'm so so sorry you're dealing with it.
she did that to herself, you just saw an opportunity /lh a midnight premiere of the force awakens sounds so cute though omg - i hope you had the absolute best time. the r + e carving actually broke me. as a die hard reddie shipper since 2017, seeing the movie make it basically canon?! had me a mess in the cinema.
you are ridiculously comforting and cosy, everything about you feels like a warm hug from a familiar face and i love it. and the way you write is so smooth, it makes me think of a quill smoothly gliding across parchment, the deep black ink unsmudged and pristine. that seems a little pretentious of me, but oh well.
i also want some dps tattoos!! i desperately want "and still we sleep" from todd's poem, and was also so so tempted to get an outline drawing of meeks + pitts dancing on the roof. i love that, and i can't wait until the day you get it, whichever one it may be. my one concern is becoming addicted to them and making my bank account suffer - at least my piercing obsession is a little easier to fund /hj
i've NEVER gotten that - they claim it's 'distracting' but how on earth would it be?? when i got to college, no one was distracted by my dyed hair, and i certainly wasn't distracted by other people's outfits or painted nails. you were yelled at. for hugging. a friend.. what the fuck is wrong with these people??
just call me ramona flowers star /j it was possibly the highlight of my school career, sans hiding in the back room of the music room to avoid a maths test
i bet you're an amazing storyteller, if these letters are anything to go by. it would be a new york times best seller, i know it
we all have to take things one step at a time, i think. that's the only way i really get through things if i'm honest. one day after another and the cycle repeats. i love wondering what young me would think of me now - i'd probably be intimidated of myself, but i like to think i'd be proud that i'm still here, pursuing something i love
that playlist. sounds nothing short of sheer perfection. i too am touch starved and want to teach someone to shoot a bow - even though i.. cannot shoot a bow... but i can wield a sword so, it's close enough.
i saw your message about the tournament results - im so fucking proud of you!!!! you deserve it so so much and i couldn't be happier for you. see, your words and ideas are changing the world, even if you don't realise it.
ps; that is so fun???? omg im so happy for you star, you deserve tis <33 i hope towards the end of this year whatever happens leaves you both happy, no matter how far the distance.
pps; omg no.. please don't do that.. aha that would be awful... definitely wouldn't make my heart race.. haha not at all
all of my love, star. pardon the pun, but you are out of this world ;) i'll leave you with one of my favourite quotes;
il n'y a qu'un bonheur dans la vie, c'est d'aimer et d'être aimé <3
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cluelessnamelessao3 · 3 years
It’s Raining Somewhere Else
The One with a Pleasant Surprise
It wasn’t your alarm that woke you, but rather, your very needy and very annoying devil of a cat. He didn’t just wake you by pawing at you, no, but by attempting to suffocate you. You pushed him off, which he objected to rather loudly, and sat up in bed, spitting cat hair out of your mouth.
“Asshole,” you griped.
He stretched luxuriously, blinking at you with innocent eyes.
You got up and started about your morning, tidying your room a little, brewing coffee, getting Shade his breakfast, and eventually, sitting in front of the TV with a fresh cup of coffee. Paradise. Well, as close as you were going to get to that in your dingy little apartment with noisy neighbours and a shocking lack of natural light. Still, it was home.
Time marched on and soon it was almost lunchtime when you got a text from Undyne.
Be there soon, was all she said.
You hurried to get up and make sure you were ready to go. Today you would meet Alphys and hopefully make another friend. You really did not have many since you graduated school.
It wasn’t that you weren’t social, nor that you weren’t friendly, but you had trouble putting yourself out there. If they didn’t text you, then you usually didn’t text them—simple as that. As a result, though, you had fallen out of contact with many of your school friends. You didn’t blame them, knowing with a pinch of guilt that it was most likely your own fault, but it did make you lonely at times.
That was one reason you loved working at Grillby’s. It was a good opportunity for you to get out and socialise. Plus, you had started becoming actual friends with Jen, which made working with her all the more enjoyable. Not to mention, you probably would not have met Undyne and Papyrus if you hadn’t been out to explore the area around the bar that one day.
There was a sharp knock on the door, then a split-second passed, and a much more aggressive pounding started.
You rushed over, opening the door to a grinning Undyne. She towered over you—it always surprised you just how big the monsters all were. There were a few species that were much smaller, some human-sized, others almost child-sized, but there were many that seemed as tall as trees. Okay, maybe not that large, but it definitely felt like they were giants.
Undyne, with her usual energy, stalked past you into the apartment, her one uncovered eye roving over every detail. For a moment, she looked quizzically at the large blue coat that Sans had left but she said nothing about it.
“Yep!” You responded cheerfully.
A cab waited at the curb of the building, inside was a new monster, presumably Alphys. She looked shorter, somewhat like a lizard, or a dinosaur—you couldn’t really tell, and was absolutely engrossed in a manga that looked suspiciously like a shoujo. Undyne practically pranced into the cab, getting into the vehicle with an unexpected grace despite the fact that she had to hunch over to fit. You followed, closing the car door with a soft click.
The sun was out and the sky was clear. The weather always seemed to match the way you felt—or maybe it was the other way around. Either way, you couldn’t help but appreciate the nice weather, especially when it was still early spring.
“Kit, this is Alphys—my girlfriend.”
You smiled and waved, introducing yourself formally, before adding “but most people just call me Kit.”
Alphys gave a small smile and a little wave, before saying “N-nice to meet you.”
You didn’t know Undyne had a girlfriend—she had never mentioned it before! Although, to be honest, you hadn’t had many chats with her yet, so there was certainly a lot you didn’t know.
“What are you reading?”
Suddenly, Alphys was eager, rather than timid, as she gushed about the absolute cuteness overload of the manga she was reading. The rest of the cab ride was filled with a lengthy description of the characters and their troubles. You relaxed into the seat, your brief nerves about meeting a new friend absolutely gone.
 The restaurant was an unfamiliar one, still within Ebott, but not somewhere you had gone before. Undyne, helpfully, pointed out the park that you had visited not too long ago. It was nice, though you didn’t have the best sense of direction, so it did nothing to help orient yourself.
It looked like it was Italian themed, advertising some delicious looking pasta meals on the front windows. The inside was cosy, somewhat dimly lit, but inviting. Your hostess was a mild-mannered rabbit monster who led you to a table in the back where you could see Papyrus and someone else waiting.
The moment Papyrus saw you, he clambered up, bumping the table as he did. He paid no mind as he quickly ran up to scoop you into a hug.
You laughed, patting him awkwardly on the back while nodding in agreement, “thanks for inviting me.”
“OF COURSE! OH! HUMAN! I AM SO EXCITED. TODAY, YOU WILL MEET MY BROTHER!” And with that, he put you down, more gently than you expected, and turned to give the same treatment to Alphys, then to Undyne.
You smiled all the while, loving to see how genuinely happy he was to be with his friends.
The hostess had made herself scarce during the interaction and Papyrus was the one to lead you all to the table.
There, at the table, to your utmost surprise, was a very familiar face. He gave a casual wave, his lazy smile not moving an inch as you gaped at him.
“she knows.”
“HE IS REALLY QUITE NICE ONCE YOU GET TO KNO—WHAT?” Papyrus looked shocked, then elated.
The group sat down, you ended up sitting beside Sans and Alphys, with Undyne and Papyrus at the other end of the round table.
“Uh, y-yeah! I have—we have met! I didn’t know you were brothers!” You said the last part with a pointed look at Sans, remembering just how vague he was when describing his brother and how intently he had looked at your phone when you got those messages.
This fact shocked you more than anything else, thus far. Sans was looking very intently at the menu, almost seeming to not hear his brother speak at all.
“Really?” was all that you could manage, surprise evident in your tone.
Undyne grinned toothily, “probably wanted to make sure you weren’t gonna be a bad influence on his little brother.”
You studied the two skeletons for a moment, taking in the differences in their frames, height, and general appearances. In your head, you smirked at the thought of Papyrus being called little in comparison to anyone, when he was a good head and shoulders taller than the already large Sans.
Outwardly you said, “Well, that’s just what good brothers do.”
The waiter came up to your table, a teenaged boy with dark hair and dark eyes, and asked if you needed anything, or if you were ready to order. You hadn’t even checked the menu yet, Alphys looked striken as she frantically scanned it herself, and you answered for the group.
“Just some waters for now, we need a couple of minutes, I think.”
“Cool,” he said and left.
“So,” you started, looking at the menu for yourself, “have you guys come here before? Any recommendations?”
“SPAGHETTI,” Papyrus supplied instantly. Undyne shrugged and Alphys shook her head.
“I-I try to get s-something different everyt-time, but I liked the ravioli.” She sounded so nervous, despite how confidently she had enlightened you to the twists and turns of her shoujo on the car ride here.
“I do like ravioli, but spaghetti also sounds good.”
Sans said nothing, he alternated between watching you and studying his own menu.
“Oh, I can’t decide,” you whined.
The waiter returned with waters, a pad of paper in his hand, “you ready?”
You nodded but asked to go last. Everyone ordered, Papyrus getting his favourite spaghetti, Undyne getting some shrimp dish, and Alphys getting something that you had never heard of before. Sans simply asked for a bottle of ketchup to be brought to the table, and then, it was your turn.
“I think I’ll get the ravioli…” you trailed off, noticing the little disappointed hunch in Papyrus’ shoulders, “actually—sorry, but I’ll also get spaghetti.”
At that, Papyrus straightened with a wide grin, “I BET YOU WILL LOVE IT, HUMAN.”
Sans, even, smiled a bit at that.
 Lunch was relatively uneventful—relatively, considering it was a lunch shared with two boisterous and loud monsters, a ketchup-loving fiend, and the shiest, nerdiest little lizard you had ever met. It was so much fun, though.
You were glad you got the spaghetti, since it seemed to mean so much to Papyrus, plus it ended up being delicious. Everyone seemed to be enjoying their food, although Undyne kept looking around with a slightly sour face.
“Ugh, I hate being stared at.”
“there is a high pasta-bility that they’re looking at me,” Sans said, raising his ketchup bottle in a mock cheer.
“Bone appétit,” you added with a grin.
“NO. NOT YOU TOO.” Papyrus looked positively betrayed.
Undyne barked out a laugh, and Alphys looked between you and Sans with a gleam in her eye.
Sans chuckled, “you know you love it, don’t be so saucy, paps.”
“NO!” He protested.
“Doughn’t lose your head,” you grinned.
The two of you continued to pun for a little longer and eventually, even Papyrus was smiling, despite himself. Undyne even tried to add into the fun, while Alphys watched in amusement at the group’s antics.
 “H-how did you meet Sans, K-Kit?” Alphys asked as you were all finishing your meals.
“Oh, uh, I work at Grillby’s! He’s kind of a regular.”
“yep,” Sans supplied helpfully.
“Yeah, I’ve met a lot of good people while working there,” you continued with a bright smile.
Sans took a sip of his ketchup.
Alphys nodded, “t-that’s cool.” She looked as though she had something else to say, but instead turned to Undyne and whispered in her ear.
Undyne snickered, glancing at you, “hey, Kit, are you free tomorrow?”
“Uhm, yeah, I think so, why?”
“I was wondering if you wanted to have a girl’s day.”
Papyrus looked scandalised, “WHAT!? I WANT TO COME.”
The fish-monster rolled her eyes good naturedly, “Paps, I said a girl’s day.”
“I CAN BE ONE OF THE GIRLS,” he retorted, “WE COULD DO FACE MASKS. THEY DO WONDERS FOR MY COMPLEXION.” As he said this, he struck a dramatic pose, and Undyne whistled her encouragement.
Alphys nudged her and Undyne coughed, “Er, yeah, I know. How about we plan another day to do some facemasks and watch movies?”
“So,” she continued as though she had not been interrupted, “you down?”
“To what?”
“Girl’s day.”
“Oh—yeah! I mean, I’m down for both of those events, I mean, unless of course I was not being invited to the second, in which case that’s embarrassing and I’m sorry for inviting myself like that—” you cut yourself off, a little flustered at being so presumptive.
“W-what?” Alphys spoke up, “O-of course you are invited t-to both g-gatherings.”
You nodded sheepishly, “t-thanks. I would love to come.”
Sans watched all of this with a quiet curiosity, then turned to Papyrus, “don’t worry, you don’t have to be bonely tomorrow, you got me.”
Soon, it was time to go, but you felt so reluctant to leave the company of your friends. Still, at least you had something to look forward to tomorrow.
Papyrus paid for the meal, giving you another hug before leaving, while Sans lingered for a moment. Alphys and Undyne had already stepped outside to call another cab for the three of you.
“paps really admires you.”
You blushed, feeling pleased, “really? Well, that means a lot, he’s a really cool guy.”
At that, Sans seemed to beam, before saying fondly, “yeah, he is a really cool guy.”
“I guess it runs in your family,” you said with a small smile.
“guess so,” he paused, as though contemplating something, “i didn’t know you knew paps.”
“I didn’t know you knew Papyrus.”
“how many skeletons do you think there are?”
“Is this the setup to a joke?”
“I don’t know—I thought there was a chance you could be related, but it felt rude to assume that.”
“well, it isn’t a wrong assumption.”
“How many skeletons are there?”
“you’ve met them all.”
That gave you some pause. You knew about the many different species of monsters from the Underground and that there were some that were rarer than others—but two? Two!? You had somehow managed to meet the only two skeleton monsters?
“yeah,” he shrugged.
He started to walk away, but called over his shoulder, “watch yourself, kit. if you hurt my brother, you will have a bad time.” His tone never changed, but the white pupils in his eyes shrank infinitesimally.
You swallowed thickly, feeling a mixture of dismay and something close to hurt, before responding, “I would never want to hurt someone, but especially not him.”
He nodded, continued to walk, then stopped short of the door, “you should make more of that ketchup soon.”
And he was gone. Quickly, you gathered your things from the table and followed suit, finding Undyne and Alphys waiting outside for you. Sans and Papyrus were nowhere to be seen.
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imnotcameraready · 4 years
don’t tread on me
A/N: wow, i’m updating ANOTHER story? that’s not chivalry? amazing!!! 
anyway, this has been a very, very long time coming! i’m procrastinating on packing, but i’m super excited that you guys finally get to meet janus and remus in this au! they’re a real pair! 
WARNINGS: death/murder mention, alcohol mention, blackmailing, swearing/cursing, panicking, Logan Is A Serial Killer, blood mention (in a more medical sense) — if i forgot any, please let me know! 
Pairings: Logince, Demus/Dukeceit | mentions of: Moxiety, past Analogical 
Words: 3366
AO3 link!
masterpost to the serial killer logan au!
here we go! (fitting that the next side to get his own actual readmore cut off photo is logan, i love the nerd)
Tumblr media
This couldn’t be real. 
Logan’s hands nursed the mug in front of him, watching the steam roll off in plentitudes. He had the offending letter in his breast pocket, inside his coat, and he could feel the sleekly folded pages press against his chest when he inhaled. 
It was a curious situation he’d found himself in. The first person to catch on to what he’s been doing wasn’t his boyfriend, wasn’t his ex-boyfriend detective, wasn’t even his ex-boyfriend detective’s new semi-boyfriend partner. And he could tell because, instead of being taken out in handcuffs, Logan had just received a personalized letter to his place of work with details about the latest killing, the statement that the sender knew that Logan was the culprit, and a meeting time and location. The letter was typewritten and then scanned again, to make it nigh impossible to find fingerprints or individualities in the writing, but he could definitely read it. Signed off by someone who called themselves “Deceit.”
And they were blackmailing him.
Logan took a sip of his coffee. No one he knew personally had the lack of morality to blackmail. Heck, even he didn’t, and he was a murderer. Talk about rudeness.
At least the meeting was to be quick. He checked his watch again — he’d arrived about half an hour before his meeting with the blackmailer for another meeting, with some journalist interviewing him about a research award. Roman’s brother was moving into town, was throwing a house warming party that they’d been invited to, and Logan didn’t want to miss getting to finally meet Roman’s only other living relative.
He always had quite the weirdest of stories to tell about this brother, Remus, and Roman seemed so ecstatic about him moving closer that Logan didn’t want to let him down. They had been going fairly steady for the past year and a half, with Roman somehow still unaware that Logan had committed ten murders. 
It would do well to continue laying low, after the most recent murder. Logan was a little sloppier, in a rush, trying to dispose of the body in a manner almost too crass for him. That was about four weeks ago. Of course, in Logan’s mind it was a messy endeavour, but even that would be too detailed for Virgil or Patton to trace. He was safe from them. 
Perhaps Roman would question the blood on his shirt, but he could always write it off with a story of how things broke in the lab. Those are some of Roman’s favorite stories. He was so interested in Logan’s work that it was easy enough to distract him from Logan’s other extracurriculars.
“Excuse me,” he overhears someone talking to the barista, while he sips his coffee, “Have you seen Doctor Logan Webster?”
“Janus Daniels?” he calls out to the man at the register.
They spin around, and grin upon locking eyes with Logan. This must be the journalist, then. They slink forward, a thick mustard scarf wrapped around their shoulders and atop their black trenchcoat. They’re wearing a bowler hat, too, which may fit with the weather, though not with the decade. 
Logan also notices the skin discoloration around this person’s left eye. Vitiligo, by the looks of it, all along the left side of their face. It’s juxtaposed by their dark hair and punctuated by the difference in color between their two eyes, one amber and one near white.
They offer out a yellow-gloved hand, which Logan takes, both shaking firmly and heartily. When they pull their hand back, they’re smiling. “I’m sorry to have kept you waiting, Dr. Webster,” they say, taking out a recorder from their jacket, “Hope the coffee’s not too cold.”
“It hasn’t been very long. And I’ve been examining notes, grading papers,” Logan tries to dissuade the journalist’s concerns, smiling back himself, maintaining a perfect, unreadable composure. He shouldn’t let his two worlds bleed into each other, after all.
Janus smiles back, and taps a pen into their notebook. They flip to another page, glance over something written, and then nod to the recorder. “May I record this interview?” they ask. 
Logan waves his hand. Standard procedure for a dual-consent state. “Yes.”
They press a button on the little box, and ask again. “Once more, on recording, may I record this interview?”
It goes fairly quick after that. Logan had recently been part of a team of eight researchers, sending information back and forth regarding the clotting abilities of platelets. The end result had included information on how to use certain enzymes to signal to the platelets to clot over certain wounds. If these enzymes could be delivered outside of the bloodstream, then it may lead to a faster and cheaper way to produce certain medical products, even close wounds that would bleed out into fatalities. This would also have a higher success rate, considering the process relied heavily on the natural healing process. 
The interview lasts roughly forty minutes. It’s a perfect length, too, since Logan has to run from this immediately to wherever the blackmailer says to meet him. In the letter, he’d been told to await further instructions, but this journalist couldn’t have met him another time in the day. Of course, he could have turned Janus away, but there was no one else on the team that they’d gotten the chance to speak to. Ignoring them would have been setting them up for failure.
“Blood clotting,” Janus murmurs, “Can you think of any other practical applications to that?”
Logan shrugs. It’s a mundane question, too trivial for someone who had so narrowly missed a Nobel prize, but almost too large for an article meant for the general public. He knew the drill; he’d spoken to many reporters before. “Oh, if something like this were to be commercialized, then military-grade medical supplies could begin entering the consumer market. That would drastically change the household medical landscape as we know it.”
He checks his watch again, and sighs. If he leaves now, he might be able to make it back to his office to await further instructions. Janus must notice his discomfort, because they sign off on the recording, and then stow the device away.
Logan gives them a grateful look while he packs his notes back into his bag. “This has been a lovely interview, but I have a prior engagement for 2 p.m.,” he tries to explain.
Janus just watches him with a wry smile. They shrug, taking a sip of their coffee silently.
That’s when Logan’s blood begins to, no pun intended, run cold. What kind of expression is that?
“I don’t think you have to go anywhere, Doctor,” Janus’s voice is light as they take out a piece of paper from their other pocket, “We can have our little meeting here.”
They open the paper up before Logan, only to show the same letter he’d gotten in the mail days ago, only the original form. 
Logan scans it for a few seconds before slumping back into the chair. He’d been had. 
“....So. Janus. How did you figure it out?” he’s moved beyond these theatrics. So Janus, Deceit, had set up this whole interview. Was the article even real? Logan had indeed vetted the reporter, was sure that they were a journalist. That’s all any of their social medias focused on, anyway.
Janus shrugs, still smiling a little. “I can’t speak for all of my sources, but once I got the details, it wasn’t too hard,” they say, “Roman’s far too dramatic to be committing such a quiet act and the similarities are far too uncanny to be him. But someone with access to the equipment necessary to drain a body of blood, someone with experience in the field, well….”
This was infuriating. Logan hadn’t even assessed Janus thoroughly during the interview. They were just so unassuming. 
Was that how this a success? Logan had simply underestimated them? What else was he possibly overlooking, then. 
What was the purpose of all of this, too? Logan hadn’t done anything to Janus, not to his knowledge. Maybe they had a relation to one of Logan’s victims? That would be an incredible oversight on his part. But that still wouldn’t explain why they were resorting to blackmail above letting the authorities know.
“Don’t worry too hard. I’m certain your ex hasn’t figured out heads nor tails of the case yet,” Janus leans back and sets their gloved hands on the table, “And I don’t intend on letting him know. Virgil’s not stupid but he doesn’t have the evidence that I do.”
“How do you know about Virgil?” Logan’s mouth runs dry.
No one knew about Virgil. It had been so long since they’d broken up—that was all old news. 
But Janus just laughs, a soft, tinkling sound. “He’s the head detective on the case, anyone in the police department could have told you,” they wave their hand, as though this were a simple matter, something not worth scrutinizing. 
They don’t seem to think that them knowing Virgil is Logan’s ex is weird. That’s not on Logan’s social media, nor is it on Virgil’s, as few as he has. How the fuck did Janus figure that out?
For the first time in a long while, Logan has no idea what to do. His chest was clutching his heart so tight that it was difficult to breathe. 
There were so many questions. And Janus’s gaze, once amicable, now seemed to look deeper into Logan than any of his microscopes at his lab. What did Janus know? How much did he know? The letter was so vague, just a time and place and knowledge that Logan was the killer. This probably wasn’t even a confrontation, they probably just wanted to confirm that Logan was afraid, and he’d walked right into their trap. 
How stupid! He needed to be much more careful if individuals like this Deceit were figuring out who he was and what he was doing.
But time to cut to the chase. “Well, you know the facts. When are you planning to tell him?” Logan asks, prepared for the worst.
At that notion, though, Janus’s face scrunches up. “Me? Tell Virgil? God, no, you misunderstand,” Janus waves their hand, “Let me explain myself. I have a personal stake in your activities, Logan, and I simply wanted some reassurance that I and those around me will stay safe.”
That was. Very.
Once again, Logan was thrown for another loop. What the hell? Janus just wanted protection? “I assure you, I won’t target you or anyone you present to me,” Logan says, fighting to keep the anger out of his voice, “That’s an incredibly petty reason to be going to these lengths, though. If you know this much about me, as much as you’ve been alluding to, then you would know that I likely wouldn’t target you in the first place.”
Janus shrugs once again and that blank smile. This was a thick mystery. 
Logan leans forward, to ask another question, when someone’s loud voice entering the cafe makes him jump. Agh, he’s getting so paranoid now. He had to take a step back. 
“AYO!” the person shouts, “SNAKEY!”
And then the person bodyslams Janus. Logan jumps back in surprise, but Janus laughs warmly, reaching up and hugging the newcomer with one arm. 
“Hello, sweetheart,” they purr.
“What’s up, babe dot net,” the newcomer kisses Janus’s temple before pulling a chair from the empty table beside them and sitting right between Janus and Logan.
And then he looks at Logan, finally. He had shaggy brown hair with a few grey streaks through the front. His eyes were a glittering green, just like Roman. In fact, the person’s entire demeanor seemed uncannily like Roman’s, despite how he was clothed in a patched leather jacket and a green fishnet shirt. He also had a nose piercing, a lip piercing, an eyebrow piercing, and, from what Logan could see, six earrings. There was a curled mustache across his face, too, which added to Logan’s assessment that this man was, well. What was the best word. Weird?
He holds out a hand to Logan, grinning ear to ear. “Heya, Specs. You must be the Doc’. How’s the blood?”
Oh my God. Logan blinks, biting his tongue for a second as he takes the person’s hand and shakes. “Yes. My name is Logan. Nice to meet you.”
“Remus! A pleasure,” Remus sticks his tongue out and winks as they shake hands, “So you’re my lil’ brother’s bitch, eh?”
Holy fuck. There was absolutely no way. This wasn’t on any of Janus’s social medias, either. Logan had done as much of a background check as he could on the reporter, there weren’t—there wasn’t any indication—Roman hadn’t mentioned that his brother had a partner—
The cogs in Logan’s head were stopping. This was a ridiculous series of events, there was no way that this was happening. “Remus...Del Sol?” Logan asks. 
Remus giggles. Janus reaches an arm around his waist, pulling him closer to them, and Remus abides by snuggling his face into Janus’s neck and literally licking him. 
“Remus is my partner,” Janus says, and Logan can see, is absolutely infuriated by the level of shit-eating that Janus’s grin holds, “He was too excited to meet you, so he wanted to drop in on our interview.”
Oh my god, they had interviewed earlier. Yes. That was correct. Logan nods, though he can’t find his voice to say anything. Interview. Remus doesn’t know, then?
It seems that Remus doesn’t mind or doesn’t notice, which is good, at least. “I was just so excited to get to know my baby brother’s boytoy, you know? Though you’re definitely the braincell he’s missing, sheesh!” Remus cackles, and Janus chuckles warmly along with the joke, “You’re coming to tonight’s party, right? I’m buyin’ extra tequila for the drama queen.”
Logan nods. And that’s enough for Remus, it seems, because he laughs heartily and slaps Logan’s shoulder. 
But Logan still can’t get over the fact that his boyfriend’s twin brother’s partner is blackmailing him. I’m sorry, he really can’t. 
“Remus, darling, I’m going to leave you here for a second so I can take this,” Janus stares at their wrist, seemingly infatuated with their Apple watch. 
Remus patted Janus’ ass as they stand up and step out of the cafe. And then it’s just Remus and Logan. 
That’s more acceptable. Janus is such a wildcard, Logan doesn’t know what to do. Is he worried that Logan would kill Remus? What for? 
“So,” Logan blinks, focusing back on Remus, who watches him with a much harsher look, “You’re Logan.”
“....Yes,” is all he can say. There’s only so much Logan can take in a day.
“You think you’re good enough for my little baby prince.”
Ah. Was he getting the big brother talk? He thought they were twins. “Aren’t you and Roman the same age?” he asks. 
Remus leans forward, placing both of his hands on the table, squinting at Logan’s face. Up close, Logan can definitely smell the sweat wafting off of Remus. Good lord, did he bathe? His mustache was held up by some sort of grease, so it was clear that the man kept his appearance in check. His face, too, up close, was populated by a multitude of small scars. Remus points up at Logan with one finger, only a few inches from his actual face. 
“You hurt my little brother and I’ll have to kill you,” he says. 
Now that was laughable. Remus didn’t seem to be joking, considering how rigid his facial expression was, but Logan couldn’t really think about the possibility of someone killing him. He wasn’t worth killing, in any case. Up front, he was doing good by the world, researching ways to make life easier for those who needed it. And behind the scenes, he was keeping the city ever more clear of those who would break the safety of others. It wasn’t like he murdered just anyone, you know. 
Remus didn’t seem to be targeting him, too, over the whole murderer thing. He squints more at Logan—likely awaiting a response.
“I don’t intend on hurting him,” Logan keeps his voice as level as possible, “In fact, I love your brother very much. This past year and a half has been the best in my life.”
Remus squints even more. There’s no way that wasn’t an acceptable answer, though. Maybe he’s off-put by the rigidity that Logan himself is holding his person. He’s a little shaken still, but he manages a smile. 
At that, Remus raises an eyebrow, but he slowly sinks back down into his chair, slouching his back and throwing one arm over Janus’ vacant seat. He drums one hand’s fingers against the table, slow, in some sort of thought. 
“It better be. My brother’s a catch. The best boyfriend life coulda thrown at you,” he declares, and then he slaps his hand on the table, “I guess I’ll see how good of a boyfriend you are tonight then.”
Logan chuckles. “If you would like to gauge my abilities as a partner, then tonight is likely the best time,” he says. 
Going home will be nice. Roman has likely picked out an outfit already, maybe had moved on to an acceptable make up routine. 
“We’re gonna have to get you a keg stand, Doc Oc,” Remus snickers, hiding his mouth behind his hand. 
Logan doesn’t necessarily drink that much. He definitely doesn’t drink beer. A keg stand sounds quite out of the ordinary, too, for a house party. “Oh?”
“I gotta see how well you can suck!” Remus lets out a laugh, harsh and biting, and Logan deflates just a little.
Ah. Roman had warned that Remus was a little more outlandish. Perhaps this was simply an exposé. Good to be shocked now than in front of an audience, he supposed. 
Logan was saved from having to respond by Janus, who returned quickly. Remus lifts his arm for Janus to sit, but instead, Janus grabs him by the shoulder and tugs him up. 
“Logan,” they say, and Logan’s taken aback by how serious their tone is, in contrast to how controlled they sounded earlier. You know, during the blackmail.
“You haven’t seen the university’s campus yet today, right?” 
What an odd question. Logan shakes his head; no reason to lie about something so easily provable. “No. Roman and I were together all day before I arrived here for our appointment,” buying housewarming gifts. Roman’s quite excited about the throw pillows and framed photos he arranged.
Janus gives him a hard look, motioning for all of them to leave, and Logan doesn’t think twice. He picks up his bag, sets down some cash as a tip, and follows Remus out. The sudden movement and the urgency of such felt like it deserved explanation, though. “Why?” 
Janus looks back at him, over their shoulder, and sets their hat back atop their head. “You should go home and check in with the university’s administration,” they say, and Logan notes how that doesn’t answer the question in the fucking slightest. 
“Work?” Remus asks. 
It sounds like he might know a little more than Logan. Remus wraps an arm around Janus’ waist and kisses their cheek quickly. “I’ll see you later tonight, babe, you be safe! There’s a killer on the loose!” he shoots Logan and Janus both finger guns, and then flips them both off. 
While Remus grabs a motorcycle—of course he rides a motorcycle, he seems the type, how are he and Roman related?!—Janus turns back to Logan. Their jaw is set and, for the first time during this whole visit, Logan can sense a bit of fear. 
“You weren’t at the university. Right?” they ask.
Logan shakes his head. “I wasn’t. The last time I was on campus was yesterday,” he says.
The repetition of the question is worrying. He doesn’t know what might have happened. Was there an accident? 
Janus exhales, looking around to make sure no one’s near them, before leaning in just a little more. “A body was found in the chemistry building. Poisoned.”
General: @jemthebookworm​ @okay-finne​
Serial Killer Logan AU: @theunoriginaldaisy​
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milknette · 4 years
day 21 - circus
all i want is to fly with you, all i want is to fall with you.
tumblr month: @auyeahaugust
links: ao3 | ff.net
WHEN Nino suggests that Adrien invest in the circus, he is, understandably, hesitant.
"I'm just not sure it's a good idea long-term, Nino," he starts, a hesitant expression on his face. "Does anyone even go to circuses anymore? Father's really counting on me to expand our business venture, and I can't take any risks that would disappoint him."
Nino only shakes his head, putting a carefree arm around his best friend's shoulders, and pulling him closer. "Dude, you weren't there. I thought I'd hate it, but I was so wrong. Their performances were almost… magical."
Adrien only laughs. "Magical? I've never heard you use such… romantic words."
A playful bump on the shoulder. "Shut up, man," he only responds, an unimpressed expression on his face. "Look," Nino starts, retrieving a ticket from his pocket. "They have a show tonight. Alya couldn't go, so I have an extra ticket. I really think you should check it out."
"And if I don't?"
Nino shrugs. "It's your loss. Besides, it's just onenight. What do you have to lose?"
It's called the Miraculous Circus.
Adrien thinks it's a corny name, but ultimately decides to continue on anyway. After all, he's driven almost an hour to get there, and it is, frankly, a waste of a ticket.
(Though the ticket itself doesn't cost a lot— which doesn't do much to heighten his expectations for what he's about to see.
Why is he doing this again?)
The ticket line is unsurprisingly small. Outside of a few kids and their families, Adrien starkly feels like an outsider in his absurdly overly-formal business suit and lack of company. He's only too glad that the line moves quickly, allowing him to take a seat at the very back of the tent.
An old man, almost struggling to walk with his cane, enters.
Adrien's first instinct is to run down and help him out.
Is he the ringmaster of this whole affair?
The stranger coughs, then speaks with surprising strength, his clear voice echoing throughout the stands. "Welcome to the Miraculous Circus, everyone! We are extremely happy to have you here." He scans the audience, then smiles. (Adrien almost thinks they make eye contact, as he winks. Maybe he imagined it?) "My name is Master Fu, and I've been lucky enough to work and become a family with this amazingly talented group of performers. But that's enough with introductions."
Master Fu's eyes shine, then to Adrien's complete surprise, throws up his cane.
The curtains open as he does so, and he watches with surprise as the ringmaster moves with surprising agility and grace, to introduce the show.
"Now for something truly magical."
Magical isn't enough to describe what took place before him.
From the horse tamer who seems to transport from place-to-place in mere seconds, to the monkey-like acrobat who can contort and move his body in ways one could never imagine, to the fox-like magician who creates illusions from smoke, Adrien found himself completely enamored with the performance.
He was confident that Nino was making a big deal out of nothing.
As it turns out, Nino wasn't making enough of a big deal at all.
It's almost two hours of pure magic, when Master Fu announces their final act.
Adrien thinks he's seen it all, and that nothing could quite top what he's watched already.
As the day has proven, however, Adrien, in fact, gets many things wrong.
Which is all-too-clear when the final performer walks upon the stage, dressed in a vibrant red outfit that seems to draw everyone's attention. She also wears a mask upon her head— the same color as her clothes, with a fanciful black feather decorating the top.
It's no different from the rest of the performers, who also wear masks, but Adrien finds himself deeply wishing that she would take it off; to see her more clearly.
The woman— Ladybug, Master Fu calls her— is a trapeze artist. She carefully stands upon the edge, almost nervous, before she takes a deep breath in. Then, her expression makes a complete switch.
A confident smile upon her face, Ladybug simply takes a step forward, holds on to the ring, then let's go.
And she's flying.
With ease, Ladybug jumps and moves her body in a way that Adrien can only describe as mesmerizing. She looks almost at home in the air, as if she were born with wings— navigating through the sky with evident ease and comfort.
Adrien doesn't blink for a moment.
Scared that he'll miss something, carving every moment he sees of her in his head.
For a moment, she swings his way, and he swears that they make eye contact.
Swears that he sees the playful look in her eye, and her lips curved upward with the tiniest sliver of a smile.
She swings back just as quickly, but it's in that moment of split-second electricity Adrien becomes settled on his decision:
He's going to invest into a circus.
It's a challenge, at the very least, to convince his father that working with the circus is a good idea.
But after hours of negotiations (mostly on Adrien's part) and the promise that this is a good investment— where he'll take all responsibility should it fail or even be worth even the smallest fraction less than what he told him it'd become, Gabriel Agreste finally relents.
And it's been a long time since Adrien's been so happy about anything at all.
After speaking with Master Fu, the arrangement is set.
He's to start working with them the following day.
Adrien meets the performers the week after.
They all use their stage names in introducing themselves to him, something Master Fu had warned him of in advance— a lot of the performers had identities they'd prefer to keep secret, and this sense of anonymity was much respected within their community. Unlike in common society, asking for someone's name there is to ask for them to share their deepest parts of themselves to the other person.
Rena Rouge, Viperion, Carapace, Queen Bee…
"So, what's your name?"
After a moment of thought, he smiles. "Chat Noir."
Adrien fits right in with them.
He asks for Ladybug, and Master Fu tells him she's the most mysterious one of them all; only showing up when she's due to performance, and never any longer.
The hours seem to take forever while he's waiting for her to show up.
She arrives at the act before hers, already fully-dressed in her costume and makeup.
They only have a few minutes to talk, maybe even less so, but Adrien's determined and makes it a point to introduce himself.
"Ladybug, right?"
"Ah, you must be Master Fu's new business partner?" She says the words a little too dryly, maybe even almost unimpressed, but he decides to shake it off and push forward.
"Yes. We're working together, and I'll make sure to bring this circus to new heights—"
(He hopes Ladybug gets the pun. It's either that she does not, or that she chose to ignore it completely. With the unimpressed expression on her face, Adrien assumes it's the latter.)
She turns to him. "Look, I'm not sure why you're here, but leave us alone, okay? Miraculous is a family, and my home." Her glare turns sharp. "And I'll destroy anyone who tries to take that away from me."
Her tone indicates that she's done talking, but he, understandably, isn't.
"I think we have a misunderstanding," he tries speaking up. "I'm not trying to take the circus or anything, I just want to help it grow— to have more people experience the magic that I experienced while watching everyone here," he pauses. "You, especially."
A smile teases the edge of her lips.
"So I take it you enjoyed my performance?"
"Enjoyed wouldn't be a strong enough word to describe how it made me feel."
Ladybug leans closer to him, and he can feel himself explode into a shade of red he never thought possible.
When their lips are only centimeters apart, she smirks.
"Sorry, I'm only interested in performers." She looks down at his tuxedo and business-casual suit. "Someone more… fun."
Vaguely, Adrien registers the voice of Master Fu calling Marinette to the stage.
She smiles.
"See you around, kitty."
The next day, Adrien goes around asking different performers if they could teach him some of their tricks.
Ladybug watches from the sidelines, evidently entertained.
He's a bit cute, actually.
After a few weeks of almost choking on knives, getting bitten by a lion, and burning himself, Adrien tries out his last and final circus activity.
To both his and Ladybug's surprise (though it's more to her absolute horror), Chat Noir has an innate talent with doing trapeze work.
Master Fu announces that she start teaching him the ropes. (Chat Noir looks hopefully at his now-partner, because the ropes, haha get it because that's what we mostly work with, but is only met with a flat look.)
"Alright then. If we're doing this, then we're doing this properly, got it?"
"Yes, milady. The two of us together will make a meowvelous purrformance."
She rolls her eyes, but can't quite hide the smile on her face, either.
Chat Noir adjusts his earpiece.
"Can you hear me, bugaboo?"
"That depends, what are you going to tell me?"
"Hmm… well I guess, don't worry."
"What do you mean?"
"I won't let you fall."
"You bet you won't let me fall, we've practiced this routine enough times that…"
"Because the only time you'll fall is when you fall for me."
"Aw, didn't your heart jump for joy when I said that?"
"You really are corny, aren't you?"
"But you love it anyway."
"Maybe I do."
"Wait, Ladybug… what did you—"
"Now let's introduce our final act! The one you've all, and even I have been anxiously waiting for…"
"I couldn't hear it properly through the headset. Ladybug, tell me what you said…"
"Get the routine down perfectly tonight, and I'll say it again. So, are you sure you're ready for this, alleycat?"
Adrien smiles.
"... the debut performance of Ladybug and Chat Noir!"
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bssaz97 · 4 years
“Call Me Back” Finale
* Patch Maternity Ward *
Ruby always knew that labor and delivery was going to be one of, if not, the hardest and most excruciating part of her pregnancy. She vividly remembered the tired faces of when Winter, Weiss, Blake, and Nora had delivered their babies and how happy they were after they got to hold onto their babies for the first time. But Ruby also remembered the seemingly endless amount of screaming and curses she heard from down the hallway of the maturity ward each time one of her friends went into the second stage of labor. When Ruby tried to ask for any ideas for how she could make the delivery stage easier for herself (that was the time when she learned she was carrying twins). However, all four girls just looked at her and collectively said one statement.
Past Winter/Weiss/Blake/Nora: “Practice breathing and pray.”
Ruby had greatly underestimated the counsel of her close friends and was convinced that they were trying to spare her the terrible truth about childbirth. The truth being that no matter what, childbirth is the most intense and painful experience that a woman can experience. How Mrs. Arc was willing to go through this experience five times (two of those resulting in twins) was truly a mystery to Ruby. But if Mrs. Arc could make it through all that amount of pain and struggle, then so could world savior Ruby Rose right? Oh poor, poor sweet past Ruby, how foolish she was to think that optimistically about the stages of childbirth.
Ruby: “GAAAA-HAAAHHHHhhhh!!!” *she screamed in utter agony, sweating profusely*
Taiyang: “It’s ok sweetie you’re doing great. You just need to wait until the head starts popping out. And by then it’ll be- Gah!” *feels his hand crushing under the pressure of Ruby’s grip on it.*
Ruby: “‘huff!’ If you say... it’ll be a piece of cake. ‘Huff!’ Or any other stupid birthday pun. ‘Huff!’ I’m going to kill you Dad!”
Taiyang: “Yeeep! Read you loud and clear sweetie!” *groaned as his grip was once again under the pressure of a mother birthing her offspring*
Doctor: “Ok Miss Rose you’re doing great, just keep breathing and PUSH!”
* Waiting Room Area *
Yang waits anxiously in her seat along with the other members of her team, their husbands, and Ren and Nora. Yang was trying to find something to focus on but came up blank. She was gripping tightly on chairs arms and ponders about how her baby sister is doing... well for lack of a better term ‘birthing babies’. She tries to calm herself through any means, but when a family member is expected to wait until the end of more or less a twelve-hour process is done, then calm is the last thing she wants to be right now. Yang has spent a good portion of her life fighting monsters and many groups hellbent on the destruction of humanity as a whole along with other things. However, if there was any situation that she dreaded the most was the feeling of helplessness when someone she cherishes is in pain or hurting. But then again, this isn’t normally like any of those cases, this was supposed to be a special day for both Ruby and...
Yang: ‘God damnit.’ *internally trying not to start any waterworks*
This was supposed to be a good day for the two of them, where they would start a new chapter of their lives together. Now there’s only her sister, who’s now all alone on this supposedly special day. Yang felt something in her boiling, a rage she had felt only a few times before in her life. She felt hatred, hatred towards whoever deemed it fit to take away not only her baby sister’s fiancé, but her happy future as well. A future that everyone worked and fought so hard for was taken away from Ruby without her knowledge.
The parallels between her own childhood and right felt so unbearably similar that all Yang wanted to do was hit something. A happy family who was robbed of someone who was so loved and admired by everyone that was close to them, only to never see them alive again. To that was the most painful part, he-Jaune did not deserve to be taken away from his family, friends or his soon to be mother of his children. But someone sought it fit to do just that, and now his parents lost their son, they lost a friend or brother, and Ruby lost the love of her life, the father of her soon to be born children. Just like Summer and so many others were taken away from them, a tragic repeat of history in their family.
Yang: ‘why...? Why?...WHY DID WHENEVER SOMETHING GOOD WAS GOING TO HAPPEN TO RUBY DID SOMEONE HAVE TO TAKE IT AWAY?!’ *She didn’t notice when tears started to trail down her face before shaking her head*
Yang had come to terms with the fact that Jaune was gone, they did have a body after all but that didn’t make it any less painful to know. She tried to remain strong for her sister who was no doubt going through the darkest part of her life, and she knew that it would only persist if not addressed. But Yang felt that she lost a friend and a brother many months ago, the saddest part was that it wasn’t something she’s not used to feeling. The sad cycle of their family was supposed to end with Ruby and Jaune’s union but maybe they had placed too much hope in their happily ever after. But whatever the result was, there was nothing that could be done to change it. That to her was perhaps the most painful thing about it.
Blake: “ Yang are you ok?” *places her hand on her friend’s shoulder*
Yang: “Hmm? Oh sorry, guess I was lost in thought. Got a lot on my mind I guess. Hehehe... ‘sigh.’”
Weiss: “Yang Xiao-Long. If you think for a moment that we’re going to believe that poor excuse, then you clearly do not realize who you are speaking to.”
Yang: “Heh. Yeah I should’ve figured that wasn’t gonna go pass through you Weiss-Cream. Well... I guess I’m just thinking about how Ruby’s doing right now.” *she leans back into her seat*
Neptune: “Yeah, by the way. How has she doing? Before right now I mean!” *adds in quickly*
Yang: “Honestly, not too good. Ok that’s an understatement, she was a mess, had to keep my eyes on her almost all the time. I’ve... never seen her look so defeated before. There’s been bad times before but now... it just brings back some bad memories.” *drags her prosthetic hand over her face*
Blake: “Yang...” *Looks at her old partner sympathetically*
Sun: “Sorry to hear.”
Neptune: “How’ve you been holding up?”
Yang: “What do you mean?”
Neptune: “Well you’ve been there for Ruby all during this time, but I can’t imagine it will be easy for you when you have to... well go back to doing your ‘other’ job.”
Yang: “Wha-? Do you actually think I would leave Ruby all alone during this time!” *eyes briefly flash red*
Weiss: “We’re not suggesting that Yang. But we do need to address this matter, because we have noticed that you haven’t been to Mistral since this... we found out what happened. That’s why we need to talk about it.”
Yang couldn’t deny what Weiss was saying and she had to admit that she has been slacking in a duty she’s neglecting for sometime. Although she would prefer not to do this today if all days. But rarely did they ever have time to hang out with one another.
Yang: “‘sigh’ Okay. Let’s talk.”
Weiss: “Well from what we remember you telling us, you spent most of your looking after Ruby. Even as a child back then you placed yourself with a lot of responsibility. So now after everything that has happened, you may not notice but we see how you are reverting back to the position of a helicopter sibling. However, as you know, you’re also in a position where you have to uphold a duty to the people of Mistral, so you cannot be in two places at once.”
Yang: “So what’s your point Weiss.”
Weiss: “The point that WE want to make is... we want to help easing up the burden you’ve been holding for so long.”
Yang: “...What?” *her face displaying confusion*
Ren: “It’s true Yang. While you are Ruby’s sister, the responsibility of helping her shouldn’t be on your shoulders alone. Nora and I are the godparents of these coming children, so it’s our responsibility to be there for them and Ruby as well.”
Nora: “That’s right.”
Blake: “You and Ruby are one of the best friends I have, who have fought many personal battles alongside me. So let Sun and I return the favor.”
Sun: “Yep.”
Weiss: “Yang, do you remember what I told my father when he tried to force me back home all those years ago. Your not just friends to me, you’re family. So as part of my family, I want to be able to help out as best as I can. Plus I refuse to not help with expenses she may need.”
Neptune: “‘laughs’ What she says.”
Weiss: “So what do you think.” *gives a small smile*
Yang: “..... Y-You guys would really be willing to do all this... for us? *moving her gaze to look at all of them*
Weiss: “Of course. Did you really expect to go any other way?”
Yang: “I-I don’t know what to say.”
Nora: “There ain’t nothing to say, you can’t get rid of us that easily!”
Yang: “Guys..... ‘sniff, sniff’ ....thank you.” *bows her head a little, mostly to hid the fact that she couldn’t hold the tears she had built up earlier at bay any longer*
Blake, Weiss, and Nora group around Yang so that the girls could have group hug around their blonde friend. Soon enough the husbands of the group also formed another layer of hugging to show their support as well. Yang felt as if a large load was taken off her shoulders that she had no idea she was carrying but was just happy to have friends and family such as these. Maybe with them around, she wouldn’t have to worry as much to care for her sister. Even if one of them was gone, there were still others there to help carry the load alongside her, as one big happy family.
Female Doctor: “*Cough, cough*”
Everyone: ‘⁉️’ *They all look up to see a doctor standing in front of them in scrubs*
Female Doctor: “Sorry to interrupt this special moment but I wanted to inform Miss Xiao-Long that her sister has completeld her delivery.”
Yang: “‘gasp!’ Oh my gods, is Ruby ok! Did everything go ok! Please tell me everything is ok!” *she knocked everyone off of her to get up close to the doctor pleadingly, hands clasped together*
Female Doctor: “*laughs* Yes Miss Xiao-Long, everything went off without any problems. Would you like to meet your niece and nephew?”
Yang: “Do I?!”
Weiss: “Ahem!”
Yang: “Eh?” * turns around to see the others picking themselves up after Yang unceremoniously pushed them off after a such touching moment*
Yang: “Oops. Sorry guys, got a little too excited there. Hehe...” *raises hands in a defensive manner*
Weiss: “‘Hmph’ I will forgive you right now but only because it’s a special occasion.”
Yang: “*laughs* Thanks.”
. . . . .
Nora: *sprints past the two of them* “FIRSTONETHEREGETSTOSEETHEBABIESFIRST!”
Female Doctor: “Mam, please no running in-!”
Yang: “Ohhh Hell No Lie-Valkyrie! Those kids are my blood so I get first dibs!” *follows hot on Nora’s trail*
Female Doctor: “Miss Schnee could you please-!”
Weiss: “Damn Brutes, you get there before me I will have words!” *uses Glyphs to boost her speed*
Blake: *Uses Shadow to follow after*
Ren/Neptune/Sun: “So sorry about this.” *starts lightly jogging to catch up to their respective wife*
Female Doctor: “...... ‘sigh’ It’s always like this with Huntresses.” *shakes her head*
*Few Minutes Later*
Nora/Weiss/Blake: *sulking in defeat*
Nora: *pouting* “Using special powers in the last lap is cheating Yang!” *forms an X with her arms*
Yang: “Hey, you got a good five seconds head start on all of us so I don’t wanna hear it.”
Ren: “Nora, you can still see the babies today. You’ll just have to wait your turn.” *he says but internally is just as upset that he can’t see his godchildren first*
Yang: *looks at the door* “Ok. *breathes* Here we go Yang.”
*Door Opens then closes*
Yang enters the room and hears a small tune playing that sounds almost like a lullaby. Just as she does she sees her father standing on the right Ruby, with what seemed to be the biggest smile on his face she’s ever seen. Her dad turns to look to see that Yang had entered and signaled her to come over quietly. She gently walks over to the opposite side of Ruby’s hospital bed and after moving the curtain that was blocking her view Yang stood still, holding her breath. There she saw Ruby, her baby sis, holding two bundles of white blankets in both arms that only showed two tiny, squishy, baby faces. Ruby’s hair was damp with sweat and seemed very tired but was awake enough to soothe her newborns with a lullaby.
Ruby: *stops humming and looks up to see Yang, then smiles* “Hi Yang.”
Yang: “Ruby... They look... I mean just look at them.” *says with a hushed quivering voice, barely able to contain her smile*
Ruby: “*giggles* Yeah. Aren’t they just perfect. Took awhile getting them out but... they look so beautiful don’t they.” *she smiles tiredly*
Yang: “I-Is it ok if I...?” *hold both hands out*
Ruby: “Sure. Dad, could you?”
Taiyang: “Sure sweetie.” *he grabs onto one baby with blonde hair*
Ruby: “Here you go Sis.” *gently holds her other baby with reddish hair*
Yang gently takes one baby into her arms from Ruby and takes the other from her Dad. She looks at both of the babies up close and her lips were trembling with tears threatening to spill out.
Yang: “They’re so precious! Did you decide on names yet?” *says quietly so as to not disturb the tiny babies*
Ruby: “Yep. If one was a girl Me and Jaune wanted to giver her both Mom’s and Pyrrha’s name. Then if we wanted a boy we would name him Rowan... named after Jaune’s favorite fairytale character as a kid, ‘Rowan the Red.’”
Yang: “... Wasn’t that story about a squirrel?” *starts to giggle*
Ruby: “Yeah. But it was so cute that I couldn’t think of anything better than that. Plus I actually like the sound of it. My little Rowan.”
Yang: “Wow. Summer *kissed the redhead* and Rowan *kissed the blonde*”
Taiyang/Ruby: “....*holds in laughter*”
Yang: “What?” *face becomes confused*
Taiyang: “Yang, Rowan’s the one with red hair and Summer’s the blonde one.”
Yang: *eyes widen drastically and looks down at the two babies she just mixed up* “Whoops. Rowan *kisses redhead* and Summer *kisses blonde*”
Ruby: “That’s better, almost thought you were gonna check just to be sure.”
Yang: “To be fair if I wasn’t holding two bundles of joy in my arms, I would have tried that.”
Ruby: *shakes head while giggling*
Yang: *Looks fondly at both babies once more* “They’re amazing Ruby. How’re you holding up?”
Ruby: “Well the Doctor gave me some painkillers to dull the pain so right now I am doing greeeaaaat~”
Yang: “That’s good to hear.”
. . . . .
Ruby/Yang: “There’s something-.” *both laughs*
Ruby: “Sorry you go first.”
Yang: “Nah it can wait, there something on your mind?”
Ruby: “Ok... So I’ve been thinking for a bit while I have been here, thinking about what happens after I get out of this hospital with my children.”
Yang: “Oh?”
Ruby: “Well you’ve been helping me a lot since what happened to.... after the incident. I reminded me a lot of how things were when we were kids. Then I thought about how these two are going to be living once there back home with me.”
Yang: “Right.”
Ruby: “So with that thinking in mind I realized something that I hadn’t thought of before. How do I wanna raise my kids. Sure I’ve thought about it a lot since I had.... Jaune with me. But now he’s gone, and these little ones only have their mother left in the world. Their mother who is a sworn protector of Remnant...”
Yang: “...Where are you going with this Rubes.”
Ruby: “It’s come to my realization Yang that with Jaune no longer here with me, I’m all my babies have to rely on to care for and nurture them as a parent. But I can’t do that as a Huntress sworn to protect others. So it’s with that I’ve decided...”
Yang: *starts moving closer to Ruby with the babies in tow* “Ruby wait please, before you say anything else-!”
Yang was having a bad feeling about what her sister was going to say next. She hoped, no, prayed that Ruby wasn’t going to do a Raven and give up her kids. Sure these babies had Ren and Nora as godparents but Yang’s seen how that road ends with Raven and she didn’t want Ruby to-!
Ruby: “I’ve decided to retire being a huntress.”
Yang: “.......what?” *her face is one of disbelief and shock*
Ruby: “Yang I love being a huntress. It’s all I ever wanted to be when I was little, it’s what I’ve worked towards my whole life. *holds a hand out playing with Rowan’s hair* But in the short time that these two came into my life, these wonderful things of purity and innocence, I’ve discovered something that’s worth more than all those years spent slaying monsters and stopping the bad guys.”
Ruby: *moves up slowly to retrieve both of her little ones from Yang, who let them go gently* “That’s being these two’s mommy. I don’t want to miss a single moment of either of their lives, I want to see them grow, learn to walk, say their first words and be normal kids with a mom they can come home to who will be there. So that’s my decision, I choose to be my children’s mother..... my little blessings.”
Yang: “...And you’re sure this is what you want Rubes?”
Ruby: *nods* “I know I can’t prevent every hardship they will face, but I at least want them to have a better childhood than what we had.... No offense Daddy.” *turns to look at her father*
Taiyang: “*sniff* There’s no need to apologize sweetie. I’m just so proud of you right now.” *he says as small tears fall from his eyes*
Yang: “Yeah. *sniff* So am I sis.”
Ruby: “Thanks... so what is it you wanted to talk about?”
After much time spent having each and every member of her team and friends see her little blessings they all took time to explain and establish what would be their plan of action to move forward. Nobody could change what happened, Life is filled with hardships and struggles but together they could rise above it. They all had done so many times before and together they would do so again. Ruby was touched that everyone wanted to help so much with caring for her babies, she almost wanted to cry again. She was so happy to have friends and family such as these, a true blessing in her life.
*Knock! Knock!*
Female Doctor: “Miss Rose you have more visitors. They said they’re family to the newborns.”
Ruby: “Were we expectanting anyone else?”
Yang: “Weeeell I might’ve sent a late invitation to one family.”
Saphron: “For the love of- Move out of the way! I want to see my darling niece and nephew!” *pushes by the Doctor*
Female Doctor: “GAH!” *almost trips*
Saphron: *looks around and sees the four couples in the room* “Oh come on! You all got here before me!”
Terra: *entering holding up a five year old Adrian* “Well we would’ve gotten here sooner had someone NOT send us a notice at the very last minute. Then we would’ve been here sooner.”
Adrian: “Hi Everyone!” *while waving*
Ruby: “Hehehe. Sorry it happened so suddenly that well we kinda forgot make a big announcement about it.”
Saphron: “*snort* Ok I guess that’s fair. Now where’s those darling little angels!”
Ruby: “Well they’re right here but they’re sleeping so I would be- *Saphron swiftly takes them* careful with them!”
Saphron: “Oh my gods! Terra look at them! They’re so cute! Rowan has blonde hair like an Arc and Summer has the her mommy’s hair~ Oh could just eat them up!~” *says in a hushed tone*
Terra: “....Saphron. The red haired ones a boy and the blonde is a girl.” *smiles at her wife*
Saphron: *eyes widen and looks at both babies, who she just mixed up* “.... I knew that. I totally knew that I was just saying that to test you.”
Terra: “Sure. Look Adrian, it’s your new cousins. Don’t be like your other mommy and get their genders confused, ok~”
Adrian: “Sum-Sum and Rowen.” *pokes Summer’s cheek*
Summer: “pfff-! Hehehehehe!~”
Everyone: “Awwww~”
Yep. Everything was starting to feel right in the world again.
*One Year Later; Unknown Destination*
Dark Figure 1: “Is he awake?”
Dark Figure 2: “Not yet, but he should awaken soon.”
Dark Figure 1: “I still can’t believe the Master wants to keep this one alive, it took a lot of effort to take him down and we lost too many of our own. We even had to sacrifice brother Nil in order to make a convincing corpse of this one for the Huntsmen to believe.”
Dark Figure 2: “Brother Nil chose to make that sacrifice, his shapeshifting semblance allows him to become the perfect copy of one’s body and blood. Without him we would never had been able to make those heretics believe that £^%3 ^~< was dead.”
Dark Figure 1: “You maybe willing to follow his bold ideas but I do not. I serve only the command of the True Queen, not him.”
Dark Figure 2: “Patience Brother, we will have justice for Nil soon enough. This only serves as a means to fufill the Queen’s Will. Once we have all the pieces of the puzzle, then we can awaken her from her eternal slumber.”
Dark Figure 3: “Quiet! He awakens...”
A man’s eyes open from his deep slumber, he brings one hand up to rub his temple so ease his piercing headache. He tries to raise himself but feels that he is still too weak. What was he sleeping on? He looks around and sees three distinct figures wearing dark robes and were looking at him from different spots of where he was laying. Alarmed by them he tries to get up but the one closest to him places his hand on his shoulders to keep him in place so not for him to go thrashing around.
Dark Figure 3: “My brother, you must not push yourself. You’ve been asleep for a long time, and your body is still too disoriented to move around freely.” *a scraggly male voice*
Awaken Man: “What’s happening? Who are all of you?!”
Dark Figure 2: “Brother, you have been greatly injured in your last mission. You need to be put in a temporary deep sleep in order to heal your wounds. It has been a little over a year ago. As to who we are, we are your companions.” *voice reveals to be a females, who’s sounds like silk*
Awaken Man: “... So I know you all?”
Dark Figure 2: “Yes my friend, you know us all very well. We’ve fought together for many years.”
Awaken Man: “Years...? I... do not recall.”
Dark Figure 3: “Yes. A side effect of the deep sleep treatment I’m afraid. You were dealt a rather heavy injury from the warrior you faced last.”
Awaken Man: “I was fighting someone?”
Dark Figure 3: “Yes, you were fighting against one huntsman named ‘Jaune Arc.’ He was a formidable enemy who had slain over thirty of your own men.”
Awaken Man: “He... killed my men? That bastard! Where is he?!”
Dark Figure 1: “Dead. Slain by your own sword.” *the last member with them stepped in, his voice sounded deep but calm and cold*
Dark Figure 2: “It’s true brother, you had defeated your adversary but soon afterwards you succumbed to your wounds. We had to take you back to our home in order to help you survive.”
Awaken Man: “Yes, I think I’m starting to recall now. I was fighting against a strong warrior, he... had others with him...” *holds his head in an attempt to remember*
Dark Figure 3: “No you are mistaken brother, he was alone when you fought him. But his battle power was vast.”
Awaken Man: “Was he truly? I could’ve sworn...”
Dark Figure 1: “What’s done in the past is done, there is no changing it. You fought Arc, you prevailed and he died. Now come, the Master will be expecting you to fully recover within the next two days.”
Awaken Man: “The Master...?”
Dark Figure 1: “Yes he will be expecting you to come see him, he will want a full report on your mission, Abel.”
Awaken Man: “Abel?”
Dark Figure 1: “Yes, that is your name, Abel Gris. Do you not remember at least that much?”
Abel: “My memory is still not too clear right now, I must have been more injured than I thought.”
Dark Figure 2: “Have no fear brother. We will help you fill in the gaps.” *she runs her hand through his blonde hair*
Abel: “I... thank you my sister.” *it felt odd for him to say that for some reason*
Dark Figure 1: “Well I hope for your sake that you at least remember the events that occurred to you last year before the week is done. The Master is not as understanding as we are and he will expect the full report soon.”
Abel: “Of course... brother.” *why did it feel like there was a spike in his throat to say that*
With that all three of his companions left the healing room. Soon when he felt he was able, he stepped off whatever he was laying on. It looks like a opened metal egg with dark purple crystals sticking out on the sides. He walks forward to wear he sees a mirror at the left side of the room. Slowly he walks over, holding onto what he looks to be injured side that presented the most pain. As he walks up to the mirror he takes a look at himself.
His appearance looks to be young, lean physique despite being in bed for over a year, and what looked to be more than a long horizontal scar to the left of where he supposed his heart is located. A nearly fatal wound indeed. The last thing he looks at is his face. Abel looks at himself as he sees his unkept blonde hair, his pale complexion and his what looked to be dark purple eyes that seemed to have a glow to them. He places his hand ver his reflection in the mirror and narrowed his eyes.
This was the face of Abel Gris. The man who killed Jaune Arc.
- Fin -
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Janxiety (Jan x Rock) - Winter
a/n: So I saw a request for a rock x jan fic a little while back and loved the idea of the ship so I wrote it. Somehow managed to get 2.2k words and I’m proud. Huge thanks to @hy-jinkx for betaing.
Feelings were hard to deal with. Rock knew this. Uncertainty made her chest tighten, confusion over her own feelings was overwhelming. Most of the time she was better with dealing with it all than she used to be. It was easier to cope these days, but that didn’t make it easier when her anxiety peaked. 
She’d joke about everything, humour was her escape. People wouldn’t notice something wrong if they were too busy laughing. Right? 
Sometimes people would see through the facade. That odd person with those caring eyes, the kind heart. Rock could feel her mind wandering off again but did nothing to stop it. The irony of the cause of her anxiety also being the thing she needed to calm was not lost on her.
She was sitting there, a grown woman. 22 years old. She was an adult who knew herself. Feeling something new was terrifying to the young woman though. The confusion just about ate her up inside. The only thing it left behind was a spiralling fear and anxiety. 
Rock’s phone buzzed loudly. She flinched at the sudden noise and movement but glanced over. 
She felt her body freeze upon seeing who had messaged her. Jan’s contact on her screen showed a simple hello message that seemed as enthusiastic as ever. 
Without time to even think the message over, her phone buzzed again. 
You free today? I’d love to see you! 
Rock felt her heart stutter in her chest. Her chest tightened at the thought of seeing Jan, especially when she was a vortex of emotion. Half of her said it was a bad idea. It told her to hide, make jokes to ward off any suspicion. But the other side spoke louder. It would be good to see her friend, even if she could not make sense of her feelings for the other girl. 
After a brief clash, the louder side won out. She picked up her phone and sent a reply before she had time to think about it.
Yeah I’m free :)
Was the smiley face over doing it? Was she being too enthusiastic? No. Jan was the personification of energy, she didn’t know the meaning of being too excited. 
Jan felt excitement bloom in her chest. Rock wanted to see her! She felt ecstatic at the idea of seeing the other girl.
They hadn’t known each other for that long. Nicky had introduced them, suggesting rather bluntly that Rock could use more friends and Jan was the easiest person to get along with. The blonde chose to take it as a compliment, not particularly thinking over Nicky’s intentions and only seeing the opportunity to make a new friend. 
Jan just wanted to see someone. She didn’t want to spend her day off alone and she felt a blossoming close friendship with the other girl. 
She sat there grinning, quickly shooting up to get ready after they agreed to meet at 12 and grab lunch together. She had roughly an hour until she would have to leave, she started to get ready while smiling so much it hurt her cheeks. 
She was just excited to see her friend. That was totally it. Although Jan was generally just excited to live she couldn’t help but feel a small flutter in her heart when thinking about seeing her new friend. She swore to herself it was nothing more than that. Just a friend. She was excited to see a friend.
Having arrived slightly early, Rock fiddled with her phone. Jan was not known for being early so she wasn’t worried quite yet. Knowing the blonde, she was probably on her way trying to be early and got distracted by a cute animal she saw in the street.
One of the Rock’s favourite things about Jan was her enthusiasm. While Rock couldn’t help but be in her head a lot Jan would bounce around and appear so happy about so many little things. A memory came to her about a time they were out with Nicky, and Jan just about exploded with excitement upon seeing a cute purple jacket. To give the girl credit the jacket did look adorable on her.
While she was distracted by the thought of the adorable blonde in her favourite colour, Jan appeared. 
Rock was still focused on her phone, not noticing Jan in front of her. Seeing an opportunity Jan brought her arm up to the taller girl’s shoulder and lightly touched it. Rock jumped and made a high pitched noise of shock that had Jan doubled over because she was laughing so hard. 
Rock looked at the girl in front of her. She was coincidentally wearing the jacket she was just thinking about. That paired with a purple jumpsuit, and Rock thought she looked adorable in her favourite colour. Her hair was tied up in a fluffy ponytail that swung, bouncing as she was still doubled over in laughter.
The sound of Jan’s unrestrained giggles made Rock feel something she was trying to avoid. But the warmth that spread through her chest didn’t feel so scary right now. Maybe that was what Jan did to her. Could her fear be wrong? 
Jan eventually regained her composure and met Rock’s face with a grin. She couldn’t help but notice how the other girl was so effortlessly beautiful. Jan caught herself staring and stopped before Rock could notice. 
“Hey, sorry I was running a little late.” Jan smiled softly, watching the taller girl return her smile.
“Hey. Did you get distracted by a cute dog again?”
Jan gasped loudly, placing a hand over her chest in mock offense. 
“I’m offended that you think I’d be distracted by such a thing!“ 
"Am I wrong though?” The deadpan delivery Rock gave broke Jan’s theatrics as the blonde broke out into a giggle. 
Something twisted inside Rock’s chest but she couldn’t help but smile at the reaction. Jan’s dramatic nature was fun to play with and she clearly had no issues with it. 
After some back and forth jokes the two agreed to go to a cafe that Jan swore had the best coffee and food. Rock shrugged, jokingly saying she was in it for the food.
They settled on a table and ordered some food. Jan got an iced coffee and a sandwich, with Rock getting the same at Jan’s insistence it was the best thing she’d ever tasted. Rock had never seen someone so excited over food, but couldn’t help joining in the joyful energy  that practically spilled off of her friend. 
The pair conversed for a long while, with Jan excitedly going on about whatever was on her mind and Rock firing jokes back whenever she could, leaving the other girl in a fit of giggles. 
Rock felt something, it jolted through her without any warning. The warmth in her chest made it tighten slightly as it started to click. She was crushing hard on Jan. She’d gone her whole life up until recently having never felt such a connection with another girl. Especially not one like Jan.
The blonde noticed the sudden silence from her friend and looked at her with a soft expression.
“Hey Rock, you alright there?” Her tone lacked any patronising or pitying that Rock had come to expect when her emotions became visible to others. Jan looked at her with such genuine care it made her heart melt. 
Rock paused, should she tell Jan what was bothering her? She knew the other girl was out as a gay woman and had been for a good few years. Maybe she would understand? There was something about the other girl that made her seem so trustworthy. Jan was the kind of girl everyone would want in their life. She was full of so much love and compassion that Rock found it difficult to lie to her. 
“Yeah I just…” Rock trailed off, trying to find the words to describe her inner turmoil. Jan reached over and supportingly put her hand on Rock’s. She smiled gratefully at Jan. 
“I’ve been feeling a lot of things recently and it’s confusing. Jan, how did you know you liked girls?”
“I just always felt a desire to be around girls more than I did with guys. Women are so beautiful to me. The way people described their feelings for guys growing up is what I always felt for other girls. But just because I knew young doesn’t mean other people would. Some people don’t discover their true selves until later in life. If you’re feeling like you might like girls that’s great, but don’t push yourself if you’re not comfortable yet.”
Rock stared back blankly for a second, absorbing everything she was told. Everything Jan said made sense, and the girl spoke so genuinely that it made her words so much more believable. She smiled slightly at the blonde and nodded. Her eyes watered a little. Jan was always good with making people feel better. 
Moving her hand from hiding her face, Rock put it over Jan’s and whispered a soft thanks. 
Jan felt her heart melt at the sight. She was just happy to help Rock feel a little less alone. 
They continued eating after, Rock slipping back into her normal jokes and exchanging puns with Jan that left the other groaning with a laugh. 
When it was time to leave, Jan felt her heart sink slightly. She wished to spend more time with the girl. They said their goodbyes and had a very platonic hug that Jan absolutely did not try and stay in for as long as she could. 
Since her lunch with Jan, Rock had come to accept and realise a few things. It all finally clicked after she had gotten home that day. She had feelings for Jan and that was okay. After a little while of thinking it over, she felt comfortable calling herself bisexual. She felt the desire to thank Jan for everything. The opportunity was possibly coming soon with the two meeting up to hang out. Jan was due to be there any minute, but Rock doubted she was going to be on time. The blonde’s lateness was a constant, if only by a few minutes. 
Just as her thoughts trailed off, a knock on her door was heard. Rock answered it to a beaming Jan and couldn’t help but smile back at the other girl’s elation.
Exchanging greetings, Rock invited Jan inside while she grabbed a jacket. Pausing briefly she saw the opportunity to thank her friend. 
“Hey Jan?" 
The blonde turned to her friend quizzically. 
"I just wanted to thank you. That talk we had about sexuality really cleared something up for me. I’ve realised a few things about myself now and you really helped me feel better about it all.”
“I’m glad I could help you feel better. You deserve to feel comfortable in yourself, you’re amazing Rock.” Jan beamed at her, her body feeling lighter at the idea of being of some help to the other girl. 
Rock stepped closer, softly thanking her again. Jan kept her smile, it made her cheeks ache but she couldn’t help it. The two were only a few inches apart when Jan felt something flow through her. A deep desire to close the small gap between them and kiss her friend. Her eyes flickered at Rock’s lips. 
Rock caught on to this quite quickly. The energy between them changed as she gave a slight nod and moved closer. Holding brief eye contact with Jan was all the confirmation she needed. Both of them wanted this so there was no problem. 
It was Jan who finally closed the gap, connecting her lips with Rock. It was a quick, soft kiss but said all they needed to know. When they briefly break apart Jan, couldn’t hold back her smile, which Rock returned with enthusiasm in her eyes. 
“You know it was you causing this all. And you helped me through it all without knowing. You’ve got to love that irony,” Rock grinned with Jan giggling softly in front of her. 
“You were giving me some janxiety.” With that Jan erupted in loud, uncontained laughter. Rock felt some pride in her chest, she felt lighter than ever making the blonde laugh and smile like that. Their love of puns made them a good match. 
“Oh my god! Janxiety, I’m going to use that,” Jan managed out in between laughs. 
Jan laughing was one of the cutest things to Rock. She just wanted to hold the girl close and make her laugh with stupid jokes, and kiss her until they were breathless. She pulled Jan back to being a few inches from her face and kissed her once again. The second time was longer and more telling than the first. It was deeper, full of feelings neither girl had dared to speak before. 
Breaking apart one more time, Rock saw Jan’s face flush red at her action. She seemed to want to say something but couldn’t help but stupidly grin at the events. 
“So. How about we get going then?”
Rock slipped her hand into Jan’s who nodded wordlessly. Just as they door shut behind them, Jan turned to Rock and placed one more kiss to her lips. She could get used to this. 
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atrashsith · 5 years
Old Flames
Reader had a relationship with Xemnas when they were nobodies and he commanded the organization, so when she sees Terra-Xehanort she thinks she’s finally reunited with her lover.
This is the one-shot that started it all! my current WIP Igniting is a prequel of it, it was written over a year ago
"Xemnas..." I breathed out.
He turned to me. His lips parted, as if he was about to say something, but then they were pressed into a thin line. the first thing I noticed was his hair; it was shorter, nothing like the long strands I used to run my hands through. Then his fitted black shirt with a red X on his chest, it showed off the muscles I memorized after the many late nights I spend in his room. I took a step towards him, ignoring the yells from my new friends. His lower half was covered in baggy brown pants. A piece of armor in his left arm matched the colors of his attire.
"Is it... is it really you?" My voice was so soft I wasn't sure if he even heard me. His golden eyes landed the keyblade in my right hand, then they moved back to my face. I choked out a sob and let go of my keyblade. I ran the short distance between us and wrapped my arms around him in a tight hug.
It's only been months since I last saw him, but I really fucking missed him. Our relationship as nobodies was very complicated. It started off as a casual thing, due to our inability to feel, it was purely physical attraction between us. As the years passed, I became fond of him, I didn't know if I could call it love because I wasn't even supposed to feel anything at all. His personality didn't change one bit when we were alone. He was as formal and stiff as when we were surrounded by our comrades and he barely let himself show any emotions. He slowly opened up to me after a year of our... relationship? Sometimes he just wanted me to hold his hand and I would assure him that I wasn't going anywhere, or the pecks he left on my forehead when he thought no one was looking and whispered that I looked pretty, despite wearing the same black Organization coat every day. I longed for the time we would be whole again, because I knew he would finally love me as much as I loved him.
"I’m not Xemnas, not anymore." Despite his harsh tone, he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and rested his chin on my head. I closed my eyes and relaxed in his arms. It felt like home.
"We're whole again! We can finally be together, like we always wanted." I smiled and propped my chin on his chest to look up at him.
His jaw was clenched tightly as he stared at the ground, avoiding my gaze. I loosened my grip, but it only made him tighten his arms around me. Now this was more like the side Xemnas he only showed me. Suddenly he released me from his arms and dropped to the ground. He held his head and groaned loudly as his knees dug into the dirt. In an instant he looked up at me, his amber eyes widened. I frowned and reached out to him, he grabbed my hands and pulled me to the ground with him.
"I’m not Xemnas. He's possessing my body, leave before he comes back and hurts you."
Tears swelled up in my eyes as I got my arms out of his grip. I crawled backwards on the floor to get away from him. What the fuck was happening? I heard Sora calling my name, then Riku. I thought I could also hear Lea, but I was too distracted with the man kneeling in front of me to make out any of the voices around us.
Xemnas– or not Xemnas– held onto his head again, but this time he actually fell to the floor and writhed in pain. I couldn't do anything other than stare dumbfounded at him, looking for any sign that this was my Xemnas besides his appearance. Riku ran up to me and helped me back onto my feet. I was about to thank him when I felt movement behind me. I turned just in time to see Xemnas surrounded by purple chains, then he caught Aqua, Ventus and Sora with them. I screamed and tried to save them, but Riku held me back.
"They can take care of him. Let's go!" He snapped and wrapped an arm around my shoulders pull me to safety, where the others were waiting for us. I heard another scream, so I tried to turn back, but Riku had an iron grip on me.
"You'll never be able to break these chains." Xemnas chuckled. "They're our bonds."
"Riku, please." I begged as we arrived at the group, Kairi quickly holding onto each side of my face as she tried to talk some sense into me. I closed my eyes and shook my head. Another scream was heard, followed quickly by one of my own. I ripped Kairi's hands from me and I managed to escape before Riku's reflexes kicked in and noticed I wasn't in his arms anymore. Lea called out to me, he had been one of my best friends in the organization, so he knew how much I cared for Xemnas despite the feeling not being returned. I froze on the spot. Lea used the time to catch up to me, he murmured an oh shit when he noticed what I was looking at.
Aqua and Ventus were plummeting to the floor and fast. I choked out a sob and watched helplessly as they fell. A black monster flew in at the last moment and grabbed the keyblade wielders. I recognized it as the Heartless that guarded Ansem. Why would he protect them if he was a being of darkness? It broke the chains and gently laid Aqua and Ventus on the hard ground, Sora following behind quickly. I was left to watch in awe as Xemnas looked visibly irritated at the heartless.
"How?" He yelled in frustration. "You fell to the dark–" A dark orb appeared in his hand, but before he could do anything the Heartless teleported behind him and grabbed his head. "No!" I cried out. Lea held me back as I squirmed in his arms. "He's in pain... let me go!"
"Xemnas never existed! That was Xehanort possessing Terra's body!"
"No... no. That's not true." I stopped struggling at his words. The Heartless ripped the crossed tapes over his mouth and struggled to speak. I couldn't make out the words, my eyes were focused on Xemnas' struggling form. His eyes caught mine and they widened before a blinding light covered us.
What's happening? I panicked as I shielded my eyes. I took the opportunity to blindly walk towards Sora. The light quickly subdued, and I could see Xemnas standing in the middle of the field. No, that wasn't Xemnas. He had chocolate hair and he looked at me with deep blue eyes. They were full of sorrow, sympathy, regret. He abruptly turned towards Sora, who was kneeling beside aqua and Ventus. He quickly took off towards them, leaving me alone a couple of steps away. I couldn't bear to watch their reunion. I was happy for them, I really was. They finally got their friend back from the darkness, but it meant that my lover would never return.
Sora watched me with sad eyes. I shook my head and offered him a fake smile, hoping he would catch my drift and leave me alone. He squeezed my shoulder and walked past me, towards the awaiting group. I sighed and wiped any tears off my cheeks before turning to follow Sora, but someone held me back. I softly gasped as I looked into Terra's eyes, knowing once I looked into them and thought I was in love, then I looked down at his hand holding my wrist. He cleared his throat and let go of my arm when he noticed my eyes had trailed downwards. I quickly snapped them up to his face as I felt my cheeks heat up.
"I’m sorry."
His voice was an octave higher, but I found my breath hitching as soon as I heard it. He brought his hand up to rest on my neck and his thumb rubbed my cheek. My eyes closed as I subconsciously leaned into his touch. This had been all I wanted with Xemnas, small touches like this, but now I would never have it. At least not with him.
"He was so- so heartless towards you." A giggle escaped my lips at his unintended pun. "Sometimes I could take control of my body, I tried to make you feel better. A kiss on the forehead, playing with your hair. You looked so beautiful when your face lit up at those small moments."
My eyes shot open. So, it was him all along? Xemnas only wanted my body, but Terra made up for what he lacked romantically. My bottom lip quivered as my vision began to blurry. "No, don't cry." He held my face with both hands now. "I couldn't bare seeing you falling for him, only for it to not be reciprocated. He didn't deserve your love."
"Nobodies don't have feelings." I repeated the words Xemnas often told the organization. I gasped at the realization. "He used to say that– oh no, he manipulated us."
I couldn't help the tears now. They fell freely down my face and Terra pulled me into his chest. He whispered sweet nothings near my ear and even kneeled with me as I collapsed to the floor. He pressed his lips to my forehead like he always did and pulled away just enough to catch a glimpse of my smile. I didn’t get this kind of moments with Xemnas, but maybe I would get them often now that Terra is back.
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ladyramora · 4 years
Together again
Shadowbringers spoilers.
Submitted by: @lolzwaitwhat
Ramora and Y'shtola walked deeper into Rak'tika Greatwood,  following a path of bright blue flowers that glowed in the shadows of the trees towards Yx'Maja, the taller of the duo scanning the area while the shorter stroked at the medallion that was to help them gain safe passage, her eyes searching for a people who had cut off all contact to the outside world centuries ago.
Thancred, Minfillia and Urianger hung farther back, their eyes searching through the wood as well, although as to what they were keeping their eyes open for, Ramora could only guess.
Since coming to this world, she had found that the one who had brought her here hadn’t realized they had pulled another warrior of light through and had no idea where she was. He knew where everyone else had popped up, as he had many people looking out for them as well as letting the Scions here know if one of their friends had slipped into the world as well and could look for them, but he had no idea where Lolz was. 
She and the others had been searching for her while killing the light wardens that plagued these lands, but had not seen her anywhere. Y'shtola assured her that those who entered this part of the forest without permission or proof that they were trustworthy were often killed on sight, so it would be highly unlikely that Lolz would have stayed, even if this had been where she had arrived, but Ramora had a feeling deep in her gut that the last of her lost companions was close as they continued forward.
Suddenly they heard arrows and she and the nimble Miqo'te leapt backwards to avoid them, the heavy heads landing with powerful thuds into the ground where they had just been.
“‘twould seem we have found them.” Y'shtola purred, pleased that they had found the group they had been looking for, her head held high to look up at three armed vii wearing a sort of uniform armor. The one in the middle held a bow, most likely the one who had given them their warm welcome, the one on her right had a staff and the one on her left welded a spear.
“You tresspass on sacred grounds.” The one in the middle said, her tone powerful with a hint of an accent that made Ramora perk up a bit, a bit enamored as the vii ordered them to “Begone!” As she unleashed a volley of arrows into the air.
Ramora didn’t even have the time to be impressed with her ability to shoot so many arrows at once when she felt her stomach tense at the sight of so many arrows falling towards them and quickly grabbed at her weapon.
Only to watch as something pink flew towards the arrows from behind them and knocked them away before standing, revealing a female with a short stature, pink hair and a lack of bunny ears stand between their group and the vii, wearing the same armor as the bunny girls in the tree, a fan in each hand and no staff to be seen.
“Is-is that?” Thancred began.
“Lolz?” Ramora murmured, stiff with shock.
The figured turned and then gave them a sweet smile, “You’re fucking late again, Rammy."Lolz told her.
"TRAITOR!” The one with the spear bellowed at their savior, “THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY US AFTER WE TOOK YOU IN AS OUR SISTER?!”
“Well, to be fair.” Lolz said as she lowered her stance, “These guys became like family to me before you guys did.”
the one with the spear let out a roar before leaping to the ground before charging at them.
“Wait, we did not come to-!” Y'shtola began, only for the Vii to knock her off of her feet and for Lolz to began to fight her one on one, fans verses spear.
“I never thought I’d see the day that Lolz fights with anything other than magic!” Thancred laughed as he used his sword to stop more incoming arrows from striking him or Minfillia.
“Indeed.” Urianger agreed, his tone light and somewhat amused, “If I recall, you have often said that in a battle, you prefer magic over might.”
“that doesn’t mean I don’t know how to fight without magic!” she blurted, somewhat annoyed at their shock as she fought, “I just like magic better!”
Y'shtola looked up at the two other Vii still standing in the tree, “Please, we mean you no harm!” And then held up the medallion to them.
The vii with the spear stop mid strike and stared at it in awe as Y'shtola told them that they were allied with the kingdom of Ronka and that they carried the seal of the emperor.
The vii on the ground began dashing around her squinting at it at all angles.
“For the love of-” Lolz groaned, “Just ask her if you can take a closer look already!" 
The vii stiffened at the command before sheepishly motioning to the medallion, Y'shtola handed it to her and she began doing a proper inspection.
Ramora finally managed to take a few steps towards her no longer lost friend, "You’re-you’re okay…”
“It appears to be GENUINE!” The spear one cried happily.
Ramora heard muffled voices from above as she took another step closer, her eyes watering as she did so.
“Are you okay?” she asked, “Because Your eyes are all shiny and it’s not the happy 'I’m gonna ride tonight’ kinda shiny…” Ramora pulled her tiny friend into a big, tight hug before she could say anymore and started to cry.
Lolz looked towards the others, who seemed to mirror her shock before she sighed and rubbed her back, “Glad you guys are okay too-” she then paused and looked to the others, “Wait a bloody second here, aren’t you three supposed to be out for the count?!” she cried, her free hand moving to point at the three who, last she saw, had been souless husks in rooms back at their base.
But before anyone could answer, the archer of the trio called out, “We acknowledge your seal, but we must be certain of it’s authenticity! Follow the azure flowers to our village, there we will judge if you are friend or foe.” She then seemed to narrow her eyes on the non-vii wearing their armor, “That goes for you too, Lolz.”
“That’s fair.” She complied, “Need me to pick up any extra food for tonight on the way back?”
The archer let out a huff, “You seem confident that your deeds will be forgiven. Or are you trying to bribe us?”
“Confident.” She replied, “Vii aren’t the kind who can be swayed with bribes.”
The archer gave her a small smile before motioning for the other two to join her and then they left. The group waited a beat before Ramora finally let go of her friend and wiped at her face as she regained her composure.
“And how, dare I ask, do you know what kind of people the Vii are?” Y'shtola asked.
“Oh, the village elder back home is a Viera, she used to babysit me all the time when I was little. I used to make her all sorts of little accessories and stuff and she’d teach me about Viera culture and how to fight with fans and basic self defense.” Lolz explained, then rubbed at her shoulder, “She’s also the reason I prefer magic to might, harder to get your ass handed to you when you’re sending blasts of magic at your enemy from a distance.”
“Couldn’t an archer attack from a distance as well?” Minfilla asked her.
“Arrows and bullets can be sent back to the source if you know how to do it.” she mumbled, then motioned towards the path of glowing flowers, “come on, the village isn’t too far and I helped the little ones hunt for a bit this morning, so there should be plenty to eat when we get there, even if we don’t see anything on the way.”
“I must say, you must have quite a diverse culture on this island of yours.” Y'shtola chuckled.
“That’s a nice way of putting it.” She replied, making them chuckle.
Ramora watched in rapt attention as the last friend she’d lost led the way to the vii village, the words their group spoke seeming to be lost to the sounds of the forest and the glow of the flowers, her heart feeling light (no pun intended)
She would probably bombard Lolz with questions later and had no doubt she had questions of her own, but for now, it was just nice having all her friends back.
Lolz note: Yay! Rammy has all her friends back now! 
I kinda felt bad about how I made Ramora cry in alone and when I learned she had abandonment issues… so yeah, I kept trying to think of how I could have them reunite. Then while I was playing the main story of Shadowbringers I was watching the scene where we meet the vii, I was like, hmmm, yeah, Lolz would have the kind of luck where she’d get stuck with the antisocial bunny girls who try to kill anyone who ends up in their forest without any armor or weapons… or clothes for that matter.
Also, I headcanon that Lolz had no idea she was in an entirely different world until Y'shtola explains it to her.
Why is that? Well, she woke up naked and without her bag or weapons and figured the possessed Zenos stole all her stuff and stripped her and left her in some far off place to either die or to keep her busy enough to pull a Thancred so he could do as he pleased without her interfering and upseting Ramora in the process. When she saw Vii running around, she knew she was far away from where she had been, although not much else than that, and threw a shit fit about how she was going to fucking kill the next Ascian she saw for this, but she had no idea she was in the First and not the Source since Vii and Viera have such similar cultures. And as for the Lighteaters, she just figured they were just dangerous and unfortunately common place monsters in the area as her old Viera babysitter never told her about the local monsters she dealt with growing up.
Also, Lolz has another shit fit after finding out she’s been in another world this whole time and is pissed that she couldn’t have come into this world with at least some clothes. “I HAD TO MAKE CLOTHES OUT OF DEER SKIN AND POISON IVY! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW LONG A POISON IVY RASH LASTS, RAMMY?!”
“I’m honestly more curious where you got the rash.”
You don’t have to post this one, I just wanted to give you a follow up story that has a happy ending after making Ramora cry in Alone. sorry if it’s not as good as the last one but I really wanted to share this with you. 
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cosmiciaria · 5 years
In defense of Final Fantasy XIII-2 (long post - mild spoilers ahead!)
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Disclaimer: Sorry for the pics bad quality. I don't own a ps3, my friend lent me one, and I don't really know how to take screenshots, so I did my best to make my photos look visible.  Just don't mind them much.
SO, I'll start by saying that this game IS BAD and it's part of a badly executed and hated trilogy. To be honest, I don't appreciate Final Fantasy XIII much: the first time I played it I was blinded by (light – sorry pun) the visuals and the crystals and everything was shining and whatever. But then I replayed it, and started seeing all the things people were complaining about. As I skipped some scenes to make my second playthrough smoother and faster, I noticed one thing: I was bored. I wasn't enjoying the gameplay, I didn't understand the story in its entirety even if it was my second time playing it. It was one of the first videogames I played in English (hello from Argentina) so I thought that maybe my limitations with the language were dampening my experience, but I asked a friend about the plot and she told me she didn't understand it either.
At any rate, I only played FFXIII because I wanted to play FFXIII-2. I didn't know why, or what, but something in the sequel (cof cof Noel cof) gave me the urge to try and see it for myself. Like I mentioned before, I don't own a ps3, so I had to wait until in 2015 they released the PC ports. I was so happy with this, that I decided to complete the game 100% and see everything it had to offer.
And it has so much to offer! Yes, I won't deny it, the plot is all over the place, and this is where the trilogy goes to hell with its story. But, let's just say we are all aboard the suspension of disbelief train – if we do it, we'll find there's a great story behind all the time gates.
What I enjoyed the most about this sequel was the characters. In XIII I spent HOURS complaining about how annoying everyone was (except for Fang, she's perfect). I couldn't relate to or stand anyone: Lightning became obnoxious with her monotone, Hope was a crybaby with a pretentious revenge plot that didn't work out well, Sahz is just kinda there not contributing anything to the plot, Vanille just has that oh-please-kill-me squeaky voice and Snow is… I hate Snow. I just hate him. The little fondness I have for him stems from my love for Troy Baker's performances, but oh my Etro, Snow is just like a shonen hero in the body of a 21-year-old man. It's just not right, it defies the laws of anime and videogames. Please eradicate him. I hate Square Enix for creating a character like him and forcing me to play as him and use him as a Sentinel because he's just that good in that role, damn him!
But in FFXIII-2? Suddenly, I found myself rooting for Noel and Serah. We get to learn about Noel's backstory, his sad present, his depressing lifestyle. The inexorability of his tale, the imminence of his decaying world. And he becomes such an endearing partner! He's always there to catch Serah if she falls, he's always asking her if she's feeling well. He's proficient, he's efficient, and he's not complaining about stupid stuff. He even doesn't want to talk about his past because he doesn't want to bother Serah – PLEASE Hope just learn something from this man!
And what about Serah? She's not the best character, I give it to you, but she goes from damsel in distress to a badass time traveler in a blink of an eye, and I can certainly get behind that! She's selfless, she faces everything head on, even though she's scared. Her journey began with the search of her sister, but slowly she found herself surrounded by things she couldn't quite comprehend, only to learn that she was more entangled with the fate of the world than she'd anticipated.
And if you do some optional stuff, you can learn things about Mog as well – not only his features are useful (and funny), but he's also the comic relief, adding extra spice to some of the conversations. His exaggerated expressions and his cute voice make up for a good companion.
And I cannot NOT mention Caius (Liam O'Brien I stan). Say whatever about him, but I love his characterization. He's well made. Yes, he wants the same as countless others villains from the FF franchise, but this time I can understand his motives. I feel pity for him. I want to help him. He's cursed beyond redemption. And he's got the best theme song ever.
I can understand these characters. The game spends enough time on everyone so we can learn to care for them, they show us how their relationship nurtures, their dynamics. And I care! This is something XIII-2 made right and XIII did not: I don't care about Lightning, or Hope, or Snow, but I do care that Noel and Serah succeed in their task. I don't care about Barthandelus or the Pulse Fal'Cie, but I do care about Caius getting what he wants. XIII had so many characters but spent too little time in developing (properly, at least) their strengths and weaknesses, but most of all, their relationships. The only real relationship that feels genuine is the one between Fang and Vanille, but that's because they know each other from before the events of the game; whereas the rest of the team feels like… badly placed pieces of puzzle trying to fit.
I know you're gonna say, hey, other FF put together characters that had nothing to do and it worked (yeah, I can mention FFXII and to a certain extent, because Penelo and Vaan were just there for the lulz I guess). In XIII it just didn't work for me: I couldn't root for any of them, and when the game was finished, I was kinda relieved.
That doesn't happen in XIII-2. Maybe they got it, maybe it was out of luck, I don't know, but characters here are better fleshed out, and we can learn to care and root for them, so we want to see it through to the end by their side.
That's just one thing that XIII-2 did better.
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Gameplay was enhanced: now it's faster, more strategic, it doesn't bullshit you like when the leader died in XIII. I'm not going to delve deeper into the Pokémon thing, but yes, you can catch them all, and it adds a lot to the stakes because there's one more thing to gain besides the battle: the monster you're fighting. The game added so many features, it blows me away: the time travelling, opening new paths, closing some; the fragments, which give you experience points and insights in some of the lore; the fragment skills, additional things you can earn or do if certain requirements are met; the f*cking casino that has chocobo races, something that was lacking in the previous game; you can add ADORNMENTS to the monsters you tame to get the ultimate fashion experience. I don't know, there's so much to do, too many timelines to visit. There are too many sidequests, but all of them are linked to the main plot, so you feel like you're still learning things from the main story. Yes, I know, they reuse the same map over and over (Yaschas Massif and Oerba, I'm looking at you), but they compensate with some brand new maps, like Academia 4XX AF which must be my favorite location, so full of life and futuristic style, and the Archylte Steppe, with its weather changing feature.
Sometimes the lack of gameplay slaps you in the face but in the good sense, for instance in Academia 400 AF, where you have a forced battle every two seconds. The sense of urgency and danger is well conveyed through the use of random encounters with enemies. Or when you visit the Void Beyond with Serah, that you're alone, and you have a ghastly Mog following you around, with some of his features blocked. They used everything they had at their disposal, and they used it well. Gone are the days with the endless hallway that we complained so much about in XIII (as if FFX wasn't linear as hell too, but we don't complain about that one – don't dare because it's my favorite FF I warn you): now you can choose how to play, when to play, face that monster or go for an alternative ending. They listened to our whining and gave us this sequel, yes, that nobody asked for, but yet, they did.
There's a huge world-building surrounding all the time travelling thing: in the future, time travel becomes something of an everyday topic, so when you walk around in Academia 4XX you can hear kids playing "let's go and destroy those evil paradox monsters". They built a world around the idea that you can time travel, and that's how Hope gets to live and see every era, monitoring his work that will take centuries to be fulfilled. This is how we should take the time travel in this game, not as doomsday-serious as in Terminator or Back to the Future, but with a more light-hearted approach. I think that's what they tried to do, and it works well that way.
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However light-hearted this game tries to be, it has some sad and depressing bits, mostly around Noel and his way of life. Whenever his theme song kicks-in, you can understand all his character without a word. And that takes me to another thing this game excels at: soundtrack. Now, I won't say it's better than XIII, because the first game has some awesome music as well, but I'll be damned if I don't give enough credit to this game's songs. Yeul's Theme, Noel's Theme, Wishes – you learn everything of these characters by just listening to these beautiful vocals. And I also love that the music took risks, like the Crazy Chocobo theme – I swear that thing is both the best and worst thing out of this game.
Confession time: I can't stop shipping Serah and Noel. I'm just so angry that Snow exists because it forbids this ship in the canon. I have one major complain about it, though: I can't help but notice that both Caius and Noel are infatuated by a fifteen-year-old. I can't discern how much of it is "loyalty beyond boundaries" or "I love her, I truly love her, like I'm in love with her" kind of love, but still, it bugs me a bit. Caius and Yeul's relationship feels more natural, given that he's her guardian, and he acts upon this role the whole game, until the end, where Noel clearly states that Yeul always came back because she wanted to stay by Caius's side. So it leaves me wondering. And Lightning Returns pretty much confirmed to us that Noel was in love with Yeul, which of COURSE I don't LIKE at ALL but I'll roll with it. I'm just glad that we got XIII-2 ending where Jason Marsden's voice breaks when he yells Serah's name. They gave me enough content for a thousand fics. Let's pretend that Noel's attitude in LR doesn't happen, ok?
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You can hate this game. I can't blame you for it. Nobody wanted it, it doesn't connect well to its predecessor unless you read two novellas, and it forcefully leads us to Lightning Returns where, I can safely say, the plot goes to hell, almost literally. But this game exists, and it doesn't deserve half the hate it receives. If you play it it's because you enjoyed XIII (I highly doubt that you'll make yourself go through this suffering if you didn't like the first one – if you do, I just don't know why you hate yourself so much), and if you did, there's no way you're not going to see all the good things they added in this one. Enjoy it for what it is, and not for what it's not, or for what it could've been.
I sometimes wonder what could've happened if this game didn't have "Final Fantasy" on its cover. Because the time travel is intelligent and fun to play, the world-building around the Farseers and this bleak future is interesting and well made – the problem with this game is that it's a Final Fantasy and that it's a sequel to an already quite finished story. It feels like they forced a sequel, and maybe they did. But I, for once, am glad they did.
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kyberjolt · 5 years
my first round of thoughts on tros ( spit bubbles of thought as i cling to 3 hours of sleep to write this before i head into work )
film wise: the opening scenes really rocked my shit; probably some of my favorite shots throughout the entire film just because of how attention grabbing they were. kylo ren at Peak Power just popping off ( his piloting abilities...... we’ll talk more about that later ) & poe dameron expertly lightspeed jumping with the falcon? an entertaining beginning! i was blessed with being able to see it in imax & i found the entire work visually beautiful for sure, many scenes leaving me wanting to see more of each new world. the cgi for carrie was better than i expected ( both young & elderly ), & i felt honored her well. lots of lovely shots of her daughter too.
throughout the rest movie, i found the pacing shifted into FAST MODE, the story feeling a bit rushed; kinda like they tried to fit two movies worth of content into a couple action packed hours. the ending wrapped up so quickly i feel like i didn’t exactly get an opportunity to say goodbye to all of these characters that i’ve loved so much so that felt like a bit of a bummer. the soundtrack was beautiful but i’m not ready to listen to it yet.....
the content: ......i’m so devastated over ben not making it, this character i’ve loved for several years, BUT i did call it back when tfa came out that the only way he could be brought peace would have to be through death. star wars is about sacrifice and honor and redemption and i always had a feeling it was going to happen, but it doesn’t hurt any less knowing that i was right.
kylo ren barely hanging on by a thread after killing his father, but being unable to stand it & nearly loses the war & his life over the feeling of his mother passing? kylo ren wanting to go home & never feeling like he could? the memory of han in kylo’s mind helping free ben? ben solo sacrificing himself like his father....and mother.....and uncle....and grandfather? what a family. i’ve always been very soft for the organa-solos.... i wish ben could have seen leia one last time :((((
“dad....” “i know.” ( like mother.... like father.... like son.... )
hux being the spy was like something someone pulled out of ao3 and slapped a trademark sticker on it just for the sake of convenience for our heroes. there’s already enough ‘is it right or is it wrong’ about redeeming ben solo in the first place after all of his monstrosities, but i’d like to think there’s enough evidence to concur that there’s more meat to ben’s backstory that was fueled by manipulation by the emperor...... hux let their most valuable hostages leave the ship because he’s in a dick measuring match with kylo? something he knew would potentially get him killed, & did? idk seemed quick with no prompting prior to think he would ever aid the resistance in any way, shape or form. his death was terribly executed ( pun intended ).
the knights of ren deserved more screen time than what they got, & as someone who loves all my kor ocs, i’m here to hold you close & never let you go. i loved every single shot i got to see of them, among the few. i felt very let down by their lack of..... doing anything except existing i guess. running errands for kylo..... standing behind him as a lil creature fixes his mask..... not saying or doing anything & then going belly up when ben gets his hands on a saber........ i’m sorry but very underwhelming for something so hyped up for so long! i hope that the star wars creative department releases more comics of them or something, & until then, i’m collecting knights.
rose tico got scrubbed out & left behind. finn had little to no development & thats truly one of the most unforgivable parts. it felt like they opened several doors for exploring these character & ended up forgetting to close them. i loved jannah with my whole heart but she ALSO DESERVED MORE SCREENTIME.
haha jj abrams gay ally puts two hot girls kissing in his movie for .5 seconds & prayed that would patch up the lack of representation everywhere else..... haha jj abrams gay ally makes a female character in a tight suit with NO FACE just for poe dameron to continually hit on to remind everyone he’s straight for a weird segment of the movie with no context to who she is or their past or nothing. just ;) they had sex once & he’d do it again aha ;) 
thats all im going to say about that.
now..... on the topic of shipping: as someone who does ship reylo ( my soulbond uwus ), but really wanted finnrey to happen ( my softest uwus ), and if that couldn’t i was like “that cool they’ll just make finnpoe canon” ( god fucking damn it jj.... ), i feel like ive taken the fattest L. 
but enough bitching! i have to go to work & i still have so much more to say but i’ll end this with: kylo in the tie silencer headed to exegol in the first scene made my mom smack me bc i gasped out loud. i just love to see him flying, & with such precision & brute force! such a contrast to how we see poe & rey pilot their respective ships throughout the rest of the movie. 
also the choreography for each saber sequence was exhilarating & fun to watch. i love that they stayed true to how each character reacts & fights in battle.
p.s. ben planned on taking the emperor on with..... a blaster after he fucking YEETS his best weapon into the ocean, for the drama of it? that’s the most solo/skywalker thing i’ve ever seen in his arc yet & i lost my shit in a quiet, teary eyed theater.
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