#ancient writings
thetelesterion · 9 months
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"He is Himself, both things that are and things that are not. The things that are He hath made manifest, He keepeth things that are not in Himself.
He is the God beyond all name; He the unmanifest, He the most manifest; He whom the mind [alone] can contemplate, He visible to the eyes [as well]; He is the one of no body, the one of many bodies, nay, rather He of every body.
Naught is there which he is not. For all are He and He is all. And for this cause hath He all names, in that they are one Father's. And for this cause hath He Himself no nome, in that He's Father of [them] all." -From the Corpus Hermeticum, translated by G.R.S Mead.
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mindfulldsliving · 3 months
Nephi's Education: Learning of Jews and Language of Egyptians
The narrative in 1 Nephi 1:2-3 serves as a pivotal backdrop, shedding light on the cultural and educational influences that shaped Nephi's character and mission within the Book of Mormon.
Yea, I make a record in the language of my father, which consists of the learning of the Jews and the language of the Egyptians. And I know that the record which I make is true; and I make it with mine own hand; and I make it according to my knowledge.~ 1 Nephi 1:2-3 ~ Photo by NEOM on Unsplash | Commercial use allowed Overview of the Book of Mormon The Book of Mormon offers a compelling…
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bizarrelittlemew · 6 months
i can't wait to be 30+ and still in fandom and i can't wait to be 40+ and still in fandom and i can't wait to be 50+ and still in fandom and i can't wait to be 60+ and still in fandom and i can't wait to be 70+ and still in fandom and i can't wait to be 80+ and still in fandom and i can't wait to be 90+ and still in fandom and i can't wait to look back on my life and know that i loved things deeply and passionately and was inspired to create and was part of communities with incredible people from all over the world brought together by the stories that touched us
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kentnaturaltribrid · 1 year
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• “After the life I’ve led, I refuse to drift off into the the sunset.” •
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jamtamart · 29 days
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the last disco
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Space (I see you)
Danny has a space core, in the beginning he thought he has an ice core, but it turns out that because he had been highly stressed since his death his core had been underdeveloped and only showed certain aspects to keep him healthy.
Years have passed his 14 birthday (death-day)
He was now 17 and had grown into his core which had revealed a lot about him.
For example, being the Ancient of space distorted his entire view of everything. After all space was everywhere and ever growing, expanding more and more.
Danny could feel himself in his physical halfa body,
But at the same time he was watching people on the other side of the planet: laughing, dancing, celebrating, crying, being born, dying,mourning, and going about their day.
That was only on this Earth he could see every Earth that exists.
Earth was such a small part of space.
He could feel & see entire solar systems, galaxies, nebulae.
More & more
Just continuing to expand
Never ending
As he got older he could understand more his connection to everything.
Being able to help life be born on other planets
Moving moons towards planets
Creating star nurseries
Everything at his grasp
This would cause him to let his mind wander away from his physical form, which just looked like he was spaced out.
His human form slipping slightly when he does: freckles gaining a glow and moving to form different constellations, his hair moving like if it were weightless, and his eyes
Don't stare too long at his eyes
After all the eyes are the window to the soul
And his hold too much
(Look away)
Danny casually watches a meteor shower hundreds of light years away, spaced out: Ooh pretty!
The poor goon who taught he could mug a careless teen and stared at his eyes for too long: *Twitching on the ground foaming at the mouth*
Danny who hasn't blinked in a few minutes: "The pretty space station with heroes in it just made a full orbit on top of us again!"
Tim next to him who's just waiting in line for a cup of coffee or 3: *panicked side eyes him* Wh-What?
Batman: "We have to find who's taking out all these criminal."
Danny who looks like a Wayne kid therefore getting regularly kidnapped (or at least attempted), focusing on making a good star nursery: " Shhh! I'm concentrating"
Villain & his goons dropping like flies: "Mercy!"
Just an Idea
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thatpunnyperson · 1 year
According to NBC here in the US, the missing titanic sub has been found. As debris. Off the bow of the Titanic wreckage.
And it looks like the sub suffered what we all suspected, and what was undoubtedly the more merciful of the two options: a catastrophic implosion from the pressure.
Also, more info has come to light about the fishing trawler with the hundreds of migrants that sank cataclysmically off the coast of Greece, indicating that the greek coast guard knew about the vessel AND how much trouble the vessel was in, and were towing it at a speed that made it capsize, at which point they unhooked the tow line and watched the trawler sink without helping the passengers to safety. Despite a bunch of other ships trying to help as well throughout the whole ordeal.
So a lot of people are dead, all because of regulations (and the lack thereof) regarding sea-faring vessels and rescue protocols. People shouldnt be allowed to make a business charging a ton of money for a ride on an uncertified, unsafe, un-seaworthy ship going deep into the ocean with no distress beacon or tether to the mothership. People also shouldnt be allowed to enact laws that criminalize the ferrying of refugees, which then force the refugees to hitch rides on fishing trawlers, and which also prevent people from helping those fishing trawlers full of refugees due to fear of legal consequences.
Hopefully BOTH of these events spark changes on an international scale in terms of what is legally allowed to be sailed, who is legally allowed to be the passengers, and what the rescue protocols are in the event of disaster for any seafaring vessel, illegal or not. It shouldnt be just the global 1% who get 24/7 search parties and remote-operated submersibles helping rescue them.
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bluerosefox · 3 months
Striking of the Clock
BrainDead or DeadTired idea.
During Tim's BruceQuest he uncovers hidden texts/tombs of a being that controls and watches over the Time Stream and Tim knows this being will have to be his best bet of finding Bruce while also trying to figure out on his own how to get Bruce out of the Time Stream as well.
However the being doesn't have a summoning sigil due to being an Ancient.
He does find the sigil for the Ghost King however, a being that borderlines into Ancients power territory and could in theory grant Tim an audience with the Time being if Tim plays his cards right.
In the end, Tim decides it was worth a shot. He convinces Ra's to 'help' him summon the Ghost King. Ra's wanting to see if such a being could be real and to see how far Tim is willing to go to bring Bruce back, allows League resources to be used.
It takes a few weeks, with Tim also making plans to undermine not just the Council of Spiders but Ra's as well, but eventually the time to summon the Ghost King comes.
Tim honestly was expecting the large eldritch like being that showed up, he just wasn't expecting the being to be basically a formed galaxy mixed with ice and the northern lights itself.
He also really wasn't expecting when he negotiated a deal with the Ghost King, and taken into a place called the Infinite Realms when they shook hands (Tam and Prue is also taken with him, he refused to leave them with Ra's), for the being to shrink down and turn into a white haired, green eyed teen around his age who starts flirting at him.
Nor was he expecting for another being, one that apparently is able to shift aging forms, and a grandfather clock in its chest to appear next to the teen and bonk the white haired teen with a staff and tell him to stop flirting with his future new apprentice....
Wait what?
Danny is rarely, very rarely summoned since taking the mantle of Ghost King. Due to being a new Ancient most old sigils that was once connected to Phantom (mostly teens from Amity tired summoning him a couple of times) no longer worked and the only ones that did were the ones he gave to his friends and family or the Ghost King ones (but again rare due to how rare texts/tombs to the Ghost King is written down)
So when he felt the pull of a summoning he made sure to go in his eldritch form, mostly to see if he could scare them or at least intimidate.
Honestly he was expecting the cult, given the fact they summoned a being known as the (freaking) Ghost King, maybe not them being assassins/ninjas but still a cult.
He wasn't expecting the cute, same age as him too, guy in the room.
(CW totally paused time for a second, gave Danny a file on who and why he was summoned, discussed getting Tim Drake out of Ra's hands (and maybe allowing CW to finally have his own future apprentice because Tim is a smarty smart whose been slowly able to figure out the freaking Time Stream itself.), and then started the timeline again)
Danny decided, after striking a deal, that since he's going to be working with Tim, aka Red Robin (who Danny found out used to be Robin! From Gotham), from now on he might as well shoot his shot and flirt with him and-
"Stop flirting with my new apprentice for now My King, we have work to do."
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lenainwonderland · 4 months
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"We didn't care whether we lived or died, and that is the exact reason we lived." - Henry Winter
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"When YOUR kingdom is the only truly safe haven in all of Earthbread — how could you POSSIBLY know that your OH-SO-DEAR FRIENDS are PERFECTLY SAFE AND SOUND?! That's right, Vanilly!~ YOU CAN'T. So allow yours truly to demonstrate some possible ... Outcomes of what may be happening as we speak!"
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zylev-blog · 7 months
Apprentice of time Danny AU.
in Danny’s dimension, he was Phantom, savior of Earth, and also Danny Fenton. To the rest of the universes he was a nobody, a cryptid, a shadow.
As Danny got older, he began to learn what it would take to be King. This causes Clockwork to send him on missions through time and space, which eventually lead him to the DC verse.
Clockwork had told him of some things to say if he was ever confronted about his identity. Danny agreed, because why would he argue with the ancient of time? Clockwork knew best. But he also knew Clockwork was an asshole, and he figured this was one of those times.
He was floating above the surface of the planet. He didn’t want to touch ground on molten lava, so that’s why he had opted to float. He was going to try and reason with Darkseid, the way he always tried to. He was a being of peace, after all. But Darkseid was not to be reasoned with, so Danny did what he must for the timeline. Apokolyps was destroyed violently. The shockwaves of this planet’s destruction echoed through the universe.
Earth found all of their missing meta teens delivered back safely, and they didn’t have any other problems from Apokolyps ever again. Highfather invited Danny to a grand dinner fit for a god.
By the time whispers travel to Earth of the new god of space, the legends had already dubbed him as the son of Kronos. The protector of the innocent.
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DC x DP prompt kinda thing
Danny is Damien’s twin. In the League, they believe twins are born as opposites, usually complementary. one twin is always the “good” twin and one is always the “evil” twin.
the League will usually kill the twin they believe as “good” since they’re assassins and all that.
Talia being Talia and this being the prompt, she refuses to kill one of her twins, and instead hides one in the states, far from his father and across the world from her. he was supposed to be safe there.
she never “decides” which twin is supposed to be which, and even hides the fact she had twins from the rest of the League. Damien doesn’t know he has a twin.
normal Danny Phantom stuff happens to him. things happen he somehow ends up meeting Damien or one of the other bats or even a JL member that would recognize Dami’s or Bruce’s face, and they go “oh no”
when Damien finds out he’s got a twin, he freaks out trying to figure out which of them is the “evil” twin, and which is the “good” twin.
is one of them the “good/evil” twin? or is it arbitrary self-fulfilling prophecy? you decide~!
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minty364 · 9 months
DPXDC Prompt #142
It was considered a pretty big deal when a new ancient gets born. Danny didn’t and wouldn’t know this when he gets into an accident. A signal went out to all magic users that the ancient of space was born as soon as he stepped out of the portal and then things changed. If you could make a deal with an ancient it increased your power way more than that of a demon. Soon Danny gets chased by all sorts of folk trying to make a deal with him. He then gets caught by John Constantine who takes him back to the safety of the watchtower. What is the safest place to put the space ancient? In space!
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echo-stimmingrose · 1 year
I have funny but first a quick history lesson
In Ancient Athens they had things called ostracons. Basically every year everyone would carve a name of someone they didn't like into a small stone tablet and then submit it. Then they would look at all of the ostracons and if there were too many of one person then they told that person to get tf out. They had ten days to flee Athens and couldn't come back for ten years.
So now I would like you to imagine Dionysus doing a pseudo version of this at Camp Half-blood every month because we all know he LIVES for the drama. (He's stuck there for a hundred years he might as well have some fun)
He would hand out stone tablets (it was very important to him that the names were carved don't ask why) and every person at camp would write a name.
Whoever had their name written down the most would be sent to live in a cabin in the woods for two weeks. If they survived they would be allowed to return to camp.
Mr. D always makes sure there's a crowd around to witness their walk of shame and he takes a picture of said person every month. He keeps them hung up on a wall in the big house.
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lucky-fy · 5 months
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For the Laicion nation (aka, me and three other people)
I had this illustration commissioned (a big thank you to @lunehowls) for my werewolf AU Laicion fic (still a WIP).
The general pitch is as follows :
AU in which Laios never got to meet his sister again, putting his life on a whole other path, a more desperate one. A military deserter with barely a coin to his name, Laios hitches a ride on a boat to one of the elven continents, where he learns about magical tattoos that binds one’s soul to a wolf’s, effectively making them artificial werewolves. Illegal magic be damned, this feels like the answer to… everything.
In the process, he learns about the existence of an illegal fighting ring in one of the elven cities, where beastmen gladiators gather. Freshly tattooed and without anywhere else to go to, Laios decides to head there, where he meets Lycion, an elf and artificial werewolf gladiator. If they first bond over a simple shared meal, by spending time together (sharing the same room in the barracks, maybe the same bed? gasp) they find that they have a lot in common, notably a shared distaste for the body they were born in, a dysphoria partially remedied by becoming a werewolf.
They bond :)
NB: I commissioned another piece, go take a look :D
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winningismyjob · 1 month
Success in your studies isn’t about cramming the night before or relying on last-minute luck; it’s about consistent effort and dedication. Every time you sit down to study, you’re investing in your future self. Remember, the small, daily efforts add up to something great. So, take a deep breath, organize your notes, and tackle each topic one step at a time. Your journey may be challenging, but it’s also incredibly rewarding.
There will be days when motivation is low, and distractions seem endless. On those days, remind yourself why you started. Think about the goals you’re striving toward, the knowledge you’re gaining, and the growth you’re experiencing. You’re capable of more than you realize. Stay disciplined, take breaks when needed, and don’t forget to celebrate your progress, no matter how small. You’ve got this!
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