#and also the random pass out but that’s unrelated
mothmothwoth · 6 months
one of these days I will cave and buy myself a walking stick/ cane of some sort
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ruinikaido · 5 months
Somehow this girl has developed the nickname "cici" for me............ cici.............................
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sunderwight · 8 months
Shang Qinghua strikes me as the type who would only pursue a particular cultivation skill if it had some utility to making his everyday life easier or some specific task more doable, not even register that he'd achieved anything impressive with his cultivation in the process, and then carry on firm in the belief that this is a normal skill that every other cultivator has probably already acquired. Because if it's useful, why wouldn't they?
Like he thinks cultivation is cool and all, but (as can be evidenced by some of his writing choices) he's not really interested in it for its own sake. So everything he chooses to pursue has a reason. Usually that reason is "letting him be done with this tedious task so that he can possibly scrape together some free time, or at least more time to do other tasks."
This is why, despite sword arts being very cool and dashing and all, Shang Qinghua doesn't really bother learning a lot of swordsmanship or fighting skills. There are pretty few situations where wielding a sword is useful, most of those situations are ones which Shang Qinghua doesn't want to be involved in, and nearly all of his martial siblings are better at and more interested in fighting anyway.
He knows that martial prowess is popular and attractive, but it's boring. Sword drills? Dull as hell. There's a reason he came up with a super cursed sword that let his protagonist immediately win almost any fight, with consequences that just led to more interesting drama or conflicts to write about. His fight scenes were at least as boring and repetitive as his sex scenes, let's be real.
The end result is that Shang Qinghua's cultivation is probably deeply weird.
Like he's done muscle-reinforcement but not for combat, it's so that if he needs to he can literally pick up a recalcitrant ox and move it. He mastered inedia because remembering to eat and finding a moment to do it during An Ding's inventory week was harder. He introduced flying carpets to the setting after he transmigrated because figuring out how to transport items on some compatible spiritual device that was bigger than a sword blade, and could thus hold like a chest of goods or baskets of supplies, was way too convenient to pass up. He has selective knowledge of various skills, like alchemy, medicine, smithing, etc, things that are usually only brought up at the master level (thanks to his author knowledge cheat) but he doesn't know most of the basics of those skills, and he only deploys his knowledge for like, hyper specific tasks largely unrelated to the field.
He probably drives Mu Qingfang and Wei Qingwei crazy because he'll drop expert niche knowledge that they know is expert niche knowledge into a random discussion out of the blue, but then can't actually sustain a conversation about it because he doesn't know all the usual accompanying information. Mu Qingfang counting slowly backwards from ten because somehow Shang Qinghua knows that a super rare tonic made from a believed-to-be-extinct plant can bestow temporarily telekinesis to those who imbibe it, but doesn't know anything else about the medicinal uses of the plant, the history of the tonic, or other tonics that can achieve similar results with varying side-effects. But he knows what this one hyper-specific thing will do and he knows, very very vaguely, how to make it. Somehow.
Which would be less weird if it was just one thing, because people do pick up odd bits of knowledge or skills from unexpected places now and again. But it happens all the time. Seemingly at complete random! He also, as said, doesn't just do it with knowledge but with skills. No idea of basic leveling up, Shang Qinghua singles out what he wants from a process and then just does enough to get it and skips everything else that usually goes with it.
I bet he's like thirty before it comes to light that he has no idea how to actually do basic meditation, or something, and Yue Qingyuan does that thing where he smiles placidly while dying inside because how? Shang-shidi is a peak lord! How does a peak lord not know how to meditate properly?!
(In Shang Qinghua's defense, meditating involves spending a lot of time just focusing on one's self and not doing anything else, and he is a busy man! And he actually has mastered a form of meditation, but it's a kind Cang Qiong doesn't usually teach and that you do while also performing repetitive tasks. Usually those repetitive tasks are things like "repeatedly punching the exact same spot on a tree until the tree topples" but Shang Qinghua's are more like "reviewing a thousand nearly identical requisition forms and eating melon seeds at a steady rate" type stuff. When other people expect him to meditate he just sits quietly for a minute until they leave.)
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gendercomsumer · 6 months
hiii ^^ I would like some headcanons for riddle, malleus, vil and rook with a fem mc that accidentally ends up making them laugh (because what she says or does is very random xd maybe an example would be like jennifer lawrence sjjs she is very funny ) well that's all, thanks and take care <3
Riddle, Malleus, Vil, and Rook with an S/O who can make them laugh with the most random things
A/N: Hello to you too Anon! I know this has been in my inbox for gods knows how long- But thank you still for sending this in! I hope this is to your liking! I actually did watch some Jennifer Lawrence videos for inspiration and I have to agree the comedic timing she has is perfect!! I also used some google translate in Rooks part so it may not be accurate ^^;
Characters: Riddle, Malleus, Vil, and Rook
Warnings: Cursing to a mild degree, playful mention of stalking in Rooks (I love him I swear!!!), lightly proof read
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle is a bit difficult to get a good genuine laugh out of, at least in my opinion.
Like sure you have a small chuckle when he finds something amusing, but i feel like it'd be a bit of a challenge to get a good genuine laugh out of.
Then you came in, saying the strangest things at the most unrelated times!
And Ace and Deuce find this absolutely hilarious
You'll say the most out of pocket shit with the straightest face and somehow half the people around you start to laugh some others breaking out in giggles
Ace and Deuce have definitely talked about this 'talent' of yours, at least in their words.
You had said some of these strange comments around Riddle and he found them strange a bit endearing as well
I'd think the time you got a good laugh out of him was when you had come with him to take care of some of the hedgehogs
The two of you were sitting in the grass some of the hedgehogs were playing while a few had decided that climbing on the two of you was a good way to pass the time
One had wandered up onto your head and almost fell off but luckily you were able to save the little guy before he fully hit the ground
After Riddle worriedly checked the little guy over you while looking over his shoulder at the small animal said:
"Well at least we know this one has no self preservation"
Unwillingly, or maybe subconsciously, a small laugh makes it's way through Riddles chest to his lips.
Well, now maybe he saw what those two were blabbering on about
Your little comments were always appreciated with Riddle
Even if they didn't cause him to laugh they did brighten his mood at least somewhat
"Yes, this one does tend to be a bit of a handful. Reminds me of a certain rose I know"
He teased before you two fell back into the pattern of caring for the small animals
More chuckles and comments to come no doubt
Malleus Draconia
At first Malleus didn't understand why the rest of Diasomnia found your remarks so comical
Yes his child of man did tend to bring a certain warmth where ever she walked
But he didn't see this as an excuse for the amount of laughter you cause people around you
Most of the remarks you make will fly over his head
I'm sorry but he seems like the kind of guy to not get the joke until you explain it to him-
Now the Thorn Prince does share a few chuckles with those around him when he finds something amusing, similar to Riddle
But it's even more difficult to get a laugh out of him considering he doesn't get a lot of the play on words type of jokes
but something abrupt and slightly out of context?
I feel like that would get some sort of laugh out of him
One day you were talking with Malleus about some of the things you did in your old world
The topic of amusement parks came up and you started listing the rides you used to go on as a child
Roller coasters, bumper cars, lazy rides where you could relax, until you blanked on the name of a ride
It was frustrating considering it was probably something simple and you would remember it after their conversation, but you wanted to keep the ball rolling
Malleus mean while was partly enjoying seeing how frustrated you got over a simple word
You really were a strange thing weren't you Child of man?
"I'm sorry Mal- I know what I'm thinking of! It's on the tip of my tongue- It's like one of those horse tornado things!"
Horse.. tornado..?
Now that got Malleus attention
he understood the other rides you described, favoring the lazy rides
but what ever this horse tornado was... it sounded.. strange, yet curious at the same time
Malleus let out a small puff of air before he started chuckling under his breath
You truly were a strange one weren't you child of man, just like the world you came from
Malleus pressed a kiss to your forehead letting out one more chuckle before speaking
"Truly fascinating, maybe one day you could bring me to one of these 'horse tornados' you have me interested"
Sure jokes your fly over his head, but he would tease you some what for your small skips in memory
Vil Schoenheit
Now Vil, having acted in a lot of movies, (If I'm correct) Would have probably had a few good laughs in that line of work
Weather that be on set or behind the cameras
But he doesn't often let out a good laugh in public, it's not really part of the proper image he'd want to put out there
As for behind closed doors or with close friends he's definitely willing to have a laugh
And who better to bring a smile to his face than his lovely sweet potato?
Though one good moment always stuck out to him that caused him to have one of the most genuine laughs in awhile
The two of you were getting ready to go out to a fancy restaurant, courtesy of Vil of course, hair, makeup, shoes things like that
While Vil was sitting at his vanity working on his eyes when you came out of the bathroom in a stunning dress hand picked by Vil
It brought out all your best features while still being enough coverage to where it wasn't uncomfortable to wear into a public area
The two of you made idle conversation as you sat on a near by chair to slip on a matching set of heels for the dress
As you stood up in the heels to work on your own makeup you lost your balance thanks to the new height the heels provided
Although Vil was quick to catch you making sure you came no where near the floor he still was concerned
"Oh sweet potato are you alright? What happened?"
Yes looking back on it the question seemed dumb but he was concerned
but you just let out a giggle while regaining your balance before saying:
"Well I'm not sure what happened, but I remember wanting to yell 'fuck' as my last words before I embarrassed myself"
Vil took a moment while looking at you
then a chuckle escaped his lips which soon turned into the two of you sharing a small laugh
Now Vil doesn't know why he laughs at your antics, in hindsight they're just normal phrases
But maybe it's the delivery?
Or the way you smile at him?
What ever it may be it always causes a smile to grace his lips or a chuckle to be drawn from him
Sure Vil maybe all about preserving beauty and making sure he looks flawless
But if he happens to get a few smile lines because of your antics, he will never hold it against you
"Well my darling, I'm glad to hear you're alright. It would be a shame if you or your lovely dress got roughed up before we left. Now come, you still want to do your makeup don't you? Allow me to help"
Rook Hunt
Now Rook has plenty of laughs in his life
Weather that be from stalking some poor soul or a genuine laugh among friends
Rook out of the four is probably the easiest to get a laugh from
He's a joyful guy wanting to see all nature and the world has to offer! Can you blame him?
Then enters you who some how can't help but leave Rook giggling when ever you do something!
You put your tie on wrong? Oh silly Trickster aren't you just the sweetest thing!
Then comes your words which to Rook is a whole new ball park
Rook tends to hold onto every word meant for him, weather that be written or spoken out loud
His darling Tricksters words are so elegant and so sweet how could he not treasure everyone!
What really gets him chuckling and laughing is the moments when your words aren't as sweet and graceful
Cut to one day when you and Rook were in the fields often used for flying class
Rook had a desire to teach you archery so he happened to drag you along with a quiver and bow to some targets set by his hand
After the first few moments of Rook teaching you how to properly hold and aim the bow and making sure your arm guard was secure (He wouldn't want his darling trickster to get rope burn!) He let you shoot
All was going well as you hit targets in an... acceptable way
But all that seemed to end when a large gust of wind sent your best shot yet off course and into the ground
And just as Rook was about to offer some encouragement to keep going and try once more
some colorful language came from you to say the least
"Wind!? Really!?! Could you not wait two fucking minuets!! Nooooo! You just had to thro my best shot off course you-!"
Now don't get Rook wrong he hold the sweet words you two share close to his heart
But there was just something about you yelling at the wind of all things that caused him to start laughing
As he laid on the grass of the field eyes closed as he laughed
Oh? It seems your colorful language is directed towards him now? Even better!
"Trickster- reine de mon coeur! Please I believe- I believe you have shared plenty enough words with the wind today!"
A/N: This is actually the first time I've taken a good look at the name of Malleus' dorm. Dia = Dragon. Somnia = Sleep
Diasomnia = Dragon of sleep
just a ting i found silly :)
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phoenixyfriend · 5 days
Tony Stark & Natasha Romanova, now in Star Wars
IDK if you folks were ever MEGA into crossovers but did you ever engage with the kind that can more or less be summarized as "isekai but the person 'hit by truck-kun' is a character from a different canon?"
Because that's what this is.
Tony Stark isekai'd into Star Wars (random planet) after dying in Endgame. He knows the movies, but not the supplemental material, as even by the time TPM came out, he was thirty and fucked up and making a name for himself in war. Bad times.
Tony wakes up sixteen and with Nothing to his name but his skills. He does not speak the language. Mostly gets by doing shit like skinning potatoes for a kitchen and pulling weeds and whatnot while he catches up on Basic. (He is apparently fluent, or at least conversational, in French, Spanish, Italian, Latin, and Dari. So Basic would be his Seventh language, and while four of those can be lumped into 'if you learn one, the next will be easier,' Dari is wildly unrelated, so I'd say he could pick up Basic a bit faster than average, especially with 16yo brain elasticity.)
A toddler, two years old with intensely red hair, runs into his shins one day and yells his name very clearly. He looks down, is a little confused, and then a nearby carer from an orphanage jogs up yelling "Nat!" The toddler is Natasha Romanoff. She remembers everything, including dying, but is about twenty-five pounds soaking wet and NOBODY will take her seriously.
It takes some… effort, to explain the situation to the carer. Yes, Tony knows Nat. He worked with uh…. her 'older brother, a man named Clint.' Tony does not currently have the resources for anyone to legally give him custody of a toddler but he's got some motivation to secure housing and a stable income.
He does that. Gets Natasha with him because of course he has to do that. It's the one person he knows. It's Nat.
Turns out she's Force Sensitive, though. A 'natural extension' of her more skillgrinding abilities to read/manipulate people. Tony is not Force Sensitive but he DID recently have a medical episode that took him to a thankfully-government-funded clinic that informed him he has a Bad Heart and will require a pacemaker despite being seventeen.
A Jedi finds Nat while passing through and they Discuss Their Options. This is when Nat is about four. There is a heavy discussion about how her mind is older than her body, so the Jedi would need to be ready for that, but also Tony needs to discuss this with Nat, who was like thirty-nine(?) when she died and thus more than capable of making her own decisions.
Despite fandom generally painting Tony as the most selfish of the Avengers and Natasha as the most coldly practical, they are still heroes who put in some Fucking Effort to become better people, and they come to the conclusion that Natasha would do much more to help this galaxy as a Jedi than as some kid in poverty on a no-name planet. So off she goes!
She's like five years younger than Obi-Wan, the story reveals.
Tony is a bit aimless and the work he's BEEN doing (probably laying down electrical lines or something at this point, IDK, he got into construction or something) gets sideswept by Damage To A Tool. He knows how to fix the tool, but he does not have a forge.
There is a forge in town. He goes to it and says that he can't afford to ask to have it fixed, but he knows how to do it himself, so could he borrow access for a small fee?
This is a Mandalorian armorer. They say no. In fact, they tell him, that would be significantly more expensive than just getting it fixed.
Buuuuuuuuuut for Reasons, the armorer decides that Tony (now 18-19 physically) can do it so long as the Armorer supervises. Tony is competent Enough that the Armorer gives him a datapad and tells him to read it and come back in a week to discuss the topic. Tony warns that Basic is far from his first language and he doesn't have a whole lot of free time, so he probably won't have read it by then. That's fine, they'll just discuss what he has read.
It's about Mando culture, in a mildly propaganda-y way, and Tony comes back to Argue About Religion more than anything. He thinks the Armorer is proselytizing, which they kind of are, but they are also more than happy to discuss the lines between the Mando culture as ethnicity and culture and religion and so on.
This becomes a regular occurence. Tony has made A Friend who has started offering him a side gig doing Basic Village Blacksmith Work that the Armorer deems too menial, like "horse"shoes.
Tony is offered an apprenticeship that he did not expect, on the condition of Becoming Mandalorian.
This is. A heavy decision.
However. Tony is a guy who is at least partly defined by his cool armor. Mandalorians are defined by their cool armor. He has been told, several times, that there are multiple ways to be a Mandalorian. So he accepts, because he decides it's worth for the chance to be somebody who can make a difference in a way he currently can't.
Ten years later, 'Initiate Romanova' goes up to Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon as they prepare to leave, and neatly informs them that she has a feeling they are going to have a Bad Time on their mission in Mandalore, and that if they need emergency shelter from enemies, to go to an Armorer by the name of Tony Stark, because that's her brother so she knows that he's going to be friendly to Jedi. (Tony has sent her a small handful of messages, through channels both official and not, about big life events.)
Of course, shit hits the fan and the two plus Satine end up finding Tony's forge and he hides them in his Underground Bunker, which actually has a tunnel to a cave system that is safer than the bunker itself. Because reasons. (IN A CAVE. WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS.)
He has helper droids! They are named indirectly after friends from the Past Life, things like Spangles.
On their way back after the mission they swing by to say hi and he asks them to bring something to Natasha and it's a matryoshka doll set he made based on the Avengers (it goes based on age so the outermost is Thor, followed by I think Bruce, Rhodey, Tony, Clint, Natasha, Steve, Sam, Wanda, Vision), as well as a plushie he had custom made by somebody in town of a Bird With Archery Gear, even though she's too old for that stuff.
Even among the Jedi, Natasha is WEIRD and SERIOUS and everyone's pretty damn sure she's going to be a Shadow, or at least do a HECK of a lot of undercover work.
IDK how this plays out but Tony is definitely keeping an eye on politics so he can figure out the Palpatine rise to power and remind Natasha in case she's forgotten because when they first split they didn't, either of them, know what to expect in regards to her memory given the whole Baby Brain issue.
"Why is Tony an Armorer"
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Okay some more thoughts!
I think Tony's aggressively atheist and consistently watching whoever claims to be Mand'alor with a critical eye in case he has to step in, and does not take any references to ka'ra with any real seriousness. That said. He's an Armorer now. A weird one who refuses like half his clients for Ethics Reasons, but technically a cultural authority figure who's allowed to argue with the Mand’alor.
fsr the initial meeting scenario with the armorer bugs me,like would they really just let him" but tbf Tony knows how to steamroll people and could probably dissect the forge in an instant.
Which, yeah, in my defense, I put this together in about two hours so some of it's a bit wonk? BUT. @threebea had a good suggestion for how/why the Armorer had Tony actually do things in the forge instead of telling him to scram:
Maybe Tony has been doing some 'crafting' on the side maybe droid repairs or modifications which is how the Armorer first sort of hears about him and then one day there's the kid that people have been mentioning the Stars aligned here's a pamphlet. He can't make a living off gizmos in his situation since most of what Star wars has is advanced tech and to do anything impressive he would need more resources and more of an understanding of the mathematics of this universe (Stares at ceiling one night trying to figure out if the law of relativity would be a thing here). That might slow him down just like… his math doesn't actually work here so on top of language he would have to learn things to do complicated stuff that he could already buy for a credit. But with armory it's concepts he knows well and adding weapons to armor especially no lethal ones is something he also knows. Mandalorian armor with UNI BEAM
When it comes to canon, he knows THE big thing (Palpatine is Sidious) and basically nothing else. He thinks he remembers the clones being Mando? but he's honestly not even sure he remembers the original Fett's first name correctly. He knows the guy is a Fett, because Boba was a cultural mainstay for Tony's childhood, so like, it was nice to have some backstory, but he's honestly not sure how likely "that baby Mand'alor that went missing" is to being Boba's plot-relevant dad. Could be an uncle for all he knows, or just a guy with the same last name.
I feel like to keep things fair Tony should be able to scale up a little harder than the average Mandalorian. Yeah all his tech knowledge is a bit out-dated and he isn't likely to get an arc reactor running in a way that'll be more powerful than anything locally available, but I feel like he'd adapt pretty darn quickly to available tech and start Improving Things Nat's skills all translate extremely well, once she's not got stumpy toddler body she's basically back to her old level PLUS telekinesis and wibbly force nonsense although I understand if that's also not the focus of the fic, being less "And now there's some Avengers Here (Powerset)" and more "And now there's some Avengers Here (Attitudes and Characters)"
Nat is very excited to Break Into Tony's Cave.
NGL this was initially going to be a Tony Raises Nat thing but I couldn't ultimately justify her NOT going the Jedi route after I realized I wanted her to be Sensitive.
There was also a discarded plot idea about her being a little older and having gone undercover in death watch, because Tony got kidnapped to work for them and got through to her, where she gets to use her Bites as a teen but I scrapped it.
I do think she successfully argues to her Master to visit him at 14 to get light armor though.
Nat's the sneakiest little initiate and also. Very, very controlled in the scary way during spars.
Natasha as a Jedi is so good. Like, she would probably have a bit of dissonance between Jedi training and the training she received as a child, and it might help her work through some things. Nat: I've known Yoda for three days but if anything happened to him I would kil-- wait uh (pivots) I would be very sad. She would try to sneak up on council members. It is like a kitten stalking a cat on the outside, but also she's a grown woman and wants to be that good. (AU of this If Quinlan ever saw this he'd adopt her: Quinlan: Tholme I found a new padawan sister. Get training Tholme: [literally just finished with Quinlan. Had planned to take a vacation. Meditate. Drink. He loves his kid but needs literally a moment here] Tholme: She's seven. Quinlan: I was four. Tholme: … Quinlan: She has a secret tragic background toooo I know you like that 😄 Tholme: [Sigh] Nat: …wait is he supposed to be Sherlock Holmes. I think he's space Sherlock Holmes. Need to ask Tony if Star Wars had Sherlock Holmes? lol yeah Tholme just feels like he could blend well with an avengers story, and a Black Widow story in particular)
Not joking when I say I considered if I could squeeze Tholme into the timeline.
Tony sends her music files that he thinks sounds Particularly Ballet to her because he remembers how much she liked dancing, as the main or even only positive thing from her Red Room training, and how she once said that if she hadn't become a spy, she thinks she'd have liked to be a ballerina.
The first time they see each other in person in years is her visiting for baby armor at 14 and is hesitant to hug him because like. Yeah he's her "brother" and there were a few years where they were acting as such and he was helping her with Basic Tasks that she doesn't like to think about too much because it's embarrassing, and they cuddled THEN, because she was Physically Baby, but they're just coworkers in reality, right? Should she hug him? If only to sell the bit to her Jedi Master?
Tony is also not the most huggy person and isn't sure if HE should hug Nat because he remembers jokey stabbing threats from when they were Avengers and like. Does she still feel that way, now that she's not a bumbling like tot?
They are both unsure of if hugging is on the table and it's the Jedi Master who says "you know, you're allowed to hug, if you want" under the impression that they aren't sure if the Jedi would allow it. And then the hug is very tight and loving because at least subconsciously they DID both want that.
The Jedi Master takes a pic.
Jedi master: (aw) It's one of those "we've been in life or death situations together and also grew up together kinda sorta and also we're trauma bonded," and the first opportunity to solidify Family as their dynamic they both jump in feet first. And both of them were like. Extremely lonely children probably. In different ways but still.
(It's why the Hawkeye plushie didn't make her CRY, per se, but she does start keeping it in her bed even though she's Too Old for these things.)
When it comes to hugging, Nat is understandably concerned about overstepping and like. "Taking" Morgan's place. (I'm going with Tony and Nat being friends (or at least friendly) from A1 to A2, and during the blip she stopped by for dinner once in a while. Nat doing her best to bring Child Appropriate Gifts for Morgan (she misses being Aunt Nat for the Barton kids).) Or as Bea put it: Tony: Are you spying on me or are we doing people things? Nat: Can't it be both?
Anyway, their dynamic is a weird little midpoint once they're in Star Wars but then they get to a point in the armor making where Tony takes a break on a bench and she slips in under his arm to cuddle and it's just Nice (even though he's kinda sweaty and gross from the blacksmithing).
Tony: ….. so……. is Yoda… does he look like… is he…. Nat: …???? Tony: You saw the Muppets right? Is he still a Muppet? Nat: [totally has seen the Muppets] what's a Muppet? Tony: You're killing your brother, Nat ;A;
Also the comedy of having MULTIPLE "secret languages" that nobody can translate.
It's handy, too. Between her and Tony, but also lots of languages to give different uses to. Can teach one to a specific faction for communication. OH, the poor Threepio units! She got stuck in a room with one once, and don't get my wrong, they can pick up a language fast, but they need to hear long enough sampling of it. Nat: I'm not teaching you stop asking I do agree too that Tony and Nat no matter their circumstances would be working towards stopping Palpatine. Like is this a real space is this a dream is this another dimension that just happens to be like a movie in ours? Doesn't matter the dictator is going down.
The Jedi Master is somewhat aware of the whole 'used to be an adult, sort of' thing. I don't know that they believe she's linearly matured but probably they think it's something like what I did in Jedi Babies It's definitely more explicit with a mind healer she got assigned soon after arrival.
She didn't decide whether to play it straight and "get help" or just try to game the system until she was actually sitting down. But she'd been having screaming night terrors about things she experienced in her first life, so.
She meets Anakin after TPM (if it's not avoided) when Obi-Wan's trying to settle him in and goes "ah, I know how to handle this kid." At some point Anakin and Tony end up sending each other various schematics.
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deancasbigbang · 8 days
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Title: Mind Your Own Business
Author: BunnyHunter
Artist: Melle OtterWise
Rating: Explicit
Pairings: Dean/Castiel, background Sam/Jess
Length: 50000
Warnings: No major archive warnings apply
Tags: Alternate universe, Stanford/College AU, Dating, First times, Past Dean/others, non-graphic descriptions of violence and drug use, hurt/comfort, falling in love, Dean and Cas both working through some stuff
Posting Date: October 17, 2024
Summary: While the ability to overhear the secret thoughts of the people around him was distracting at best and anxiety-inducing at worst, Castiel has found ways to cope that include a pair of noise canceling headphones and burying himself in his research. After hearing inner thoughts for his entire life, there were very few things he overheard that surprised him anymore. So imagine his shock when his roommate Sam's brother, Dean, came to stay with them. While Dean may have been able to keep a straight face on the outside, he was constantly thinking about banging Castiel. 
Excerpt: The bus arrived ten minutes late, hissing to a stop at Castiel’s corner. He boarded, swiped his monthly pass, and claimed his usual seat by the back door. His trusty, over-the-ears noise-canceling headphones drowned out all external noise with the soft sounds of faraway thunderstorms. The vehicle was nearly empty, filled only with a handful of weary commuters. The day had been a marathon. Fall quarter had barely begun at Stanford, yet he was already drowning in work. Assisting Professor Adler with Physics 101 was proving to be his most time-consuming endeavor. The prospect of coaching stressed-out undergrads through basic physics for the entire quarter filled him with dread. Of course, he couldn’t complain. He knew what he was signing up for when he enrolled in the graduate program.  It wasn’t the work itself that bothered him. Preparing lectures, grading papers, even the occasional teaching gig were necessary evils in academia, although his true passion lay in research. No, the problem wasn’t the workload. It was the people. Physics 101 was a behemoth of a class, encompassing multiple sections and hundreds of students. He predicted that his office hours would become a hectic battleground around midterms and finals, which he was not looking forward to. Dealing with any amount of people, especially large groups of people, was a challenge for Castiel. On the nearly empty bus, he could, theoretically, take off his headphones without much issue. There were only a few others around, and he could handle that. But if the bus had been crowded, like it was in the mornings, wearing his expensive noise-canceling headphones with the volume cranked up would be a non-starter. Castiel didn't mind being around people. He just couldn't stand hearing them. Especially when no one was speaking. Because for as long as he could remember, Castiel could hear people's thoughts as clearly as if they were speaking aloud. Thoughts were sometimes loud, sometimes just whispers. People who had internal monologues running through their heads were a near-constant source of noise. Those without them sounded like random ideas or concepts drifting through the air like lost bumblebees. But he always heard them. It was especially bad with large groups of people. The more people around, the more thoughts built up into an unrelenting orchestra of noise. That's why he wore headphones, to block it all out and escape the constant barrage of sound. It was also why he was looking forward to going home.
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mr-jack-letterman · 1 month
*boss music starts playing*
Hello :D tiz I once again!! With more Scenic Our House silliness!!!!!
This is even more fanart for @grubbin22 and their fic "Scenic Our House" on AO3!!!! Pls check it out!
(I meant to finish this all sooner, but school decided to curb my horrific sleeping habits by making me pass out for 3 hours upon arriving home each day so this took longer than intended BSBSBBS)
(click for better quality)
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Some silly scenes from the actual fic + some extras.
The Edge vs Snowy fight was so dramatic and cool, and then Edge got frozen BSBSBBSBS dude my face was genuinely so red from laughing it was ridiculous/pos
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Also, hypothetical Snowy genocide encounter!!!!!
The options, box, and stats are all traced from undertale itself obviously, for the sake of accuracy, but I did draw the rest lmao. Drawing like this with only black and white was rly fun!
Took me a while to settle with this "Check" flavor text, but "It's snowing cats and dogs" was also something I considered. I felt the situation was a bit too dramatic for something like that tho NSNDNDN.
But yeah!!!! I hope you enjoy my goofy drawings.
Random unrelated funfact (dancing around some spoilers) before Snowy's true nature was revealed my main, I guess "crack theory" for why Snowy looked a lot like a sans but taller and with different magic, was that they were some sort of ancient skeleton ancestor of both sans and papyrus that fell into a centuries long slumber only to be awoken years later.
And the reason they don't have bone magic anymore is because the cold temperatures of their environment forced their magic and body to adapt in order to survive in their vulnerable state.
Obviously I was completely wrong, but I thought it was worth sharing NSNDNDN.
Anywho, I wish you happy writing fellow skeleton enjoyer 👍
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velteris · 8 months
I’ve seen a fair amount of posts complaining about this arc in Frieren and… we are all entitled to our own opinions etc which is why I will be launching into a Defense of Frieren’s Exam Arc :) Keeping it manga spoiler free since it seems like most of these complaints are from anime-only viewers.
For me the main draw of this arc is the world building. We’ve spent all this time with Frieren and Fern as our main perspectives on magic. Because it’s Frieren, the magics we’ve been hearing about have mostly been a little silly and sweet. But now we’re finding out that 1) “mage” is largely still a combat designation, and 2) Frieren and Fern are actually incredibly jack-of-all-trades when it comes to their magic repertoire. The “magic is visualisation” part is starting to be really leant into and we’re seeing more humans as well who seem to specialise in one magic (steel flowers, rocks, clones, ice and water…) It’s cool!! It’s objectively cool! I love being able to see this range that we wouldn’t have had otherwise! Also it’s fucking fantastic to see how much of a BEAST Fern really is when compared to other human mages. And she doesn’t even seem that aware of it.
Coupled with that is being able to see different people’s philosophies toward magic. I think a lot of viewers are kind of down about the sudden huge influx of side characters who they don’t really care about. But these philosophies—Land’s maximum wait-and-watch, Wirbel and Ubel’s vastly different approaches to killing—keep expanding the world and highlighting Frieren and Fern’s own perspectives. It’s soooo good seeing them react to situations not of their own making and people not of their own kind.
We get to see human society that isn’t a village in the middle of nowhere! We get to see Frieren being forced to socialise! We get to see Fern away from her emotional support elf! We get to see how society has changed since the demon king was defeated! I love that Himmel and co ushered in an era of peace, which it is, and yet the world is still full of conflicts. Truly the story continues after the hero is finished.
To address a few specific complaints I’ve seen brought up:
Frieren isn’t about all these nonstop shounen fights.
Agreed! Which is why it’s cool as hell that Frieren’s main badass shounen strategy is “sit very still for 10 hours”. That aside? There actually hasn’t been much actual fighting. You could probably count up the minutes in which actual spells are being cast and it’ll be something like 2 minutes max in the latest ep20. And that’s because it’s not about who beats who, it’s about the philosophies, the worldbuilding, the ways of thinking about magic. This is not a power-measuring contest, much as Genau would like to make it. And the random lucky draw-ness of the Stilles only plays further into that. It is possible to pass this exam without coming into conflict with others, and certainly without battles to the death. It hasn’t ever been about the shounen fights.
The good part of the show was about the delicate melancholy and that’s totally missing here.
I agree that it’s one of the strong points. But the thing with the melancholy is that it only works when juxtaposed against other moments. A story that’s composed of a bunch of unlinked wistful slice-of-life episodes will eventually fall apart because it has no momentum, no driving force. And ten years to Ende is too long to go without at least some conflict. Also, again, ten-hour bird meditation session?
Anyway, there’s melancholy, but how sad it would be if there was nothing but introspection and wistfulness. Frieren is bringing the memories of Himmel forward with her into the future. That means she has to be moving forward, forging new relationships with unrelated people, going into situations that she hasn’t been in before. A Frieren stuck in the past would be against the themes of the show, of remembering and yet moving on.
Why should I care about them spending ages trying to catch a bird?
You don’t like Stille? 🐤 fweet?
Actually I care lots about this funky thing. Indestructible and goes supersonic fast. That’s fucking hilarious. Bird that simply cannot be contained. Genau is a dick for setting up this kind of exam when, Your Honour, my client Stille does not deserve to be imprisoned.
Too many irrelevant side characters who it’s hard to care about, and they’re gonna be thrown away at the end anyway.
Again, it’s the worldbuilding. And also, mild spoilers for stuff that won’t be covered in the anime, but at least one of these side characters does come back and we get more delicious main character development as a result. Though frankly many of these characters are deeply compelling and interesting to me so I don’t rly get this complaint. Give me more Lawine.
Where’s Himmel? What do these exams have to do with the hero party? Frieren is good because of the links to the past.
Frieren is good because of the links to the past, which affect how Frieren responds to the present. The whole point of Frieren is that Frieren’s life continues. And through her new experiences, she comes to understand and reconnect to the emotions she didn’t realise she felt about her past. I don’t care what Himmel would think of the mage exams, I care what Frieren thinks of them now. And the answer is that she doesn’t really give a damn but she’s in here anyway because Fern strongarmed her into it, and then she was forced to adopt two more kids along the way, and all of that is something she never would have done if she was still hermiting in the Central Lands. Somehow we are still getting Himmel flashbacks anyway? So? He’s still haunting the narrative guys. Just because Frieren isn’t saying “that’s what Hero Himmel would do” out loud in these circumstances doesn’t mean his ghost isn’t here.
Even so, Frieren clearly recognises the name Serie. Do not fear. There is going to be more about links to the past.
I miss Stark.
Fair enough. It’s okay, he’s just on vacation rn. Having an appy juice.
It’s taking too long. The arc is too slow.
It’s only been three episodes… I’ve seen people going “it’s already been three episodes!” but what? Really? Is that considered an excessive amount of time now?? Given the amount of story covered I think it’s quite reasonable? There’s still 8 episodes to go in which we cover the remaining exam stages. Have some patience like Frieren. The payoffs are being set up; they’ll resolve before the end of the mage exam arc. In the meantime, let’s enjoy theorising about the soft magic system and hollering for full auto Fern.
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melancholy-of-nadia · 2 months
love u lately (m) #12 | myg/knj/pjm
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title: love u lately​ chapter title: #12 - shift pairing: yoongi x f. reader, namjoon x f. reader, jimin x f. reader (yoonminjoon x f. reader) rating/genre: m (18+) ; smut ; college/university au , pseudo frat! bts; best friends! yoonminjoon friends to lovers; summary: an outro song is defined as a song placed at the end of an album that signals to the listener that this is the wrap up or conclusion of the story told in the album . and while this might be the outro to this part of your life story, you think this is is also kinda like a prelude to a new beginning. a graduation. a move. a shift in relationships. we don't know what the next album of our life entails but having three boyfriends makes the unknown, a little easier. warnings:  LIGHT SMUT, Namjoon sax mention, small FOURSOME scene again, EIFFEL TOWER, random fluff scattered all around, mention of a pool party, kissing, blowjob, multiple orgasms, reader's birthday is 7/9 army day, video call, creampies, multiple positions, dirty talk, pet names, size kink returns, more confessions as always but they're good! playful banter from yoonminjoon note: @daegudrama has been editing this for over a year and if you have not followed her, please do so NOW. She has a SPICY Festa 2023 one shot series that is amazing and is currently working on a BTS x Pokemon fic. Go show some love! total word count: 7.5k (not including the authors notes at the end) drop date:  July 12th, 2024, 1PM PST cross posted on AO3 here ← #11 | Series Masterlist
Overall, your relationship with Namjoon, Yoongi and Jimin progresses well after that night. Is there really a difference between the time before and after being in a polycule for you?
Well, not really. You would say the biggest difference is that it feels like old times when it was just you and them versus the world, and not like the months leading up to that Gamma party last October. The days when you would stick together, and there wasn’t casual dating or hookups causing a rift in your friendship. You guys are more intimate with one another now though, and it's been serendipitous.
After the initial foursome, you all agreed to keep things lowkey, but your best friends (now lovers) don’t exactly know the definition of “lowkey.” From conspicuously holding your hand as they walk you to and from class (taking turns, by the way), it hasn’t gone unnoticed by others on campus. 
Soon after, rumors began circulating, especially coming from a certain salty Gamma boy who got left behind and some snarky Psi Gamma girls who were friends with Jimin’s ex. You’ve heard things in passing like “Y/N, the Beta Tau Sigma slut being passed around the house” or confession account tweets anonymously saying “Y/N is stealing all the finest men on campus for herself. Selfish bitch.”
But these are the same rumors you have been hearing since the beginning, back when you first moved into the BTS house and started hanging out with the guys. But with more concrete evidence now, it’s been more rampant than ever before. However, if you try to defend yourself, you know it will only satisfy those people more, confirming their torment works and continuing to do it until you’re on the brink of insanity.
You don’t blame your boyfriends for their affectionate behavior or for not keeping things more under wraps. 
They just want to show you as much love and care as they can to make up for all the lost time they couldn’t do that.
So when you accidentally snap at them for an unrelated thing after dealing with some harassment in your Instagram DMs, your boyfriends immediately worry about you, especially Yoongi. He is the first to notice the shift in your mood, pulling you aside to talk.
"Hey," Yoongi says softly, his voice filled with concern. "What's up? You've been tense all day."
You sigh, feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders. "Sorry…It's just... the bullshit rumors on the confessions account Instagram. I’ve been getting hit with so many DMs from burner accounts calling me “the Beta Tau Slut”. I’ve blocked a lot of them, but…" You feel your eyes slowly fill with tears of anger, but unwilling to let them fall.
Explaining all of this feelsl so stupid. Namjoon and Jimin join the conversation, their faces mirroring Yoongi's worry. "Babt, we won’t let them get to you," Namjoon says, taking your hand in his. "You know we’re here for you, right?"
"I know," you reply, squeezing his hand. "I’m usually good at ignoring shit like this, but damn… it just won’t stop."
Jimin wraps an arm around you, his warmth comforting. "We’ll handle this together, okay? We won’t let them say shit to bring us down."
Their support makes you feel better, but the constant negativity still lingers in your mind. It isn’t just about ignoring the gossip—it is about reclaiming your narrative and not letting anyone else define you or your relationship.
The next day, Yoongi surprises you with an idea. "Let’s make a statement," he suggests. "We’ll show everyone that we’re proud of what we have."
"How?" you ask, curious but hesitant.
"We’ll post about it," Jimin says, determination in his eyes. "Not intended to fuel the rumors, but to show that we’re happy and in love. Let them say what they want. We know the truth." Namjoon and Yoongi nod in agreement. "It’s time we take control of our story," Namjoon adds.
That’s when your three boyfriends post a photo of all three of them kissing your face at once, followed by a photo dump of other moments from that spring semester. 
There is no caption, as the photos really speak for themselves. You receive a downpour of positive comments from people who either already knew about your relationship with Yoongi, Namjoon, and Jimin or familiar faces you have good relationships with that comment their congratulatory messages to you four.
That eases some of the anxiety that has been building up inside you. Seeing the supportive messages and knowing that there are people who genuinely care about you and respect your relationship makes a significant difference. You feel a sense of relief and gratitude wash over you as you read through the kind words. You're glad you have the best boyfriends. They have stood by you, defending your relationship and ensuring you feel loved and cherished despite all odds.
"Took you long to come clean, honey pie." Hwasa narrows her eyes at you from the doorway of your room.
“Look I can explain…” You look away in shame, clutching your pillow closely, feeling more anxious than ever. You’ve never had close female friends before, so having to be comforted by one feels scarier than when the guys confronted you about things.
"Explain why you couldn’t tell me why you were snogging with your three guy best friends? I thought we were friends!" She pulls out her phone, pointing to the photo Yoongi had posted as well as Namjoon and Jimin’s.
You really were planning to tell her not long after you made it official with Beta Tau Sigma, but now it feels too late that she found out through several Instagram posts.
“I was scared you would think it’s weird…” "Weird?" She scrunches her face in confusion as she moves closer towards you, her tone serious. "I thought it was pretty fucking… awesome!" Her enthusiasm grows suddenly. "That’s every girl’s fantasy—dating the school’s hottest guys all at once? Trust me, I’ve heard stranger things."
“Really? Like…” You whisper, asking cautiously.
Hwasa sighs, her expression softening as she sits down beside you on the bed. “Like a girl from Psi Gamma doing coke lines with her professor and fucking him after for an A+, or a Mu Chi guy getting his dick up after injecting steroids,” she says with a chuckle. “Trust me, your situation isn’t even close to weird in comparison.”
You have a lot of questions about what she just told you, but you’ll save it for later.
You let out a nervous laugh, relieved by her understanding tone. “I guess you’re right. It’s just all so new to me. I’m so sorry, Hwasa.”
“It’s okay,” Hwasa reassures you, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. “Like I’ve said a million times before, I got your back. I just feel bad for not being able to protect you from the harassment sooner…”
You sigh. "It’s not your fault Hwasa. But the good thing is that I had my boyfriends with me who have been doing their best and bearing with me through this. They’ve really made me feel what love actually is.”
"And that's why I'm so happy for you. I haven't known them for too long, but they’ve always seemed like great guys. If they make you happy, then I'm all for it." Hwasa joins you on your bed, getting comfortable under your Pompompurin blanket.
You smile, feeling the warmth spread through your chest as you move in for a hug. “Thank you, Hwasa. That means a lot.” After a moment, you pull back and remember your other friends. “Wait..do… Soohyun, Jieun, and Soyoon know?”
Hwasa groans, flopping back on the bed. “Soohyun saw the posts, but she’s still a confused little bird, bless her heart. Jieun, though, she’s sharp. She told me she caught on during that camping trip a few months ago. I thought she was imagining things, but she was spot on.” You blush, realizing you definitely need to talk to Jieun about this. “As for Soyoon, she and I had a bet on whether you’d end up with Namjoon or Yoongi because they seemed like more likely options than Jimin at the time. I was Team Yoongi, by the way. But… I guess we both won, so…” You both burst into laughter.
Hwasa's eyes light up with mischief. “Oh, but Soyoon did not see this coming at all! She was convinced you’d end up with Namjoon only. She told me he couldn't stop yapping about you to her whenever they’d hang out. You should have seen her face when she saw the photos! Her jaw literally dropped. She was in complete shock.”
You giggle, imagining Soyoon’s expression. “I can picture it. I guess I have a lot of explaining to do.”
Hwasa grins, “You do, but take your time. They’ll understand. And if anyone gives you trouble, they’ll have to deal with me first.”
“Thanks, Hwasa. I really do appreciate it.”
“Anytime,” she says, giving your shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “Now, you better tell me how this all began. Every detail. Even the nastiest ones! You’ve got liquor in the kitchen, and I can get Hoseok to provide some weed on the house.”
A good smoke session sounds perfect to loosen up and spill everything.
You nod, then yell, “Hoseok!” He comes running from downstairs, looking confused.
“Give us the good stuff,” Hwasa says with a wink, beckoning him to bring the weed he keeps in a closet next to his room.
“As long as I can join for a bit too!” He smirks back at her, which she returns as well.
You both look at them, shaking your head.
Oh god, this is gonna be a long night.
Along with dating, other things that you are all initially worried about eventually start to fall into place.
Yoongi ends up finishing the mixtape he’s been working on for the longest time.
He submitted the best one out of all his peers, which means Professor Kang fulfilled his end of the bargain, writing him a letter of recommendation, and sending his mixtape to Mr. Bang. He said he’d never listened to such an innovative and unique collection of music and held Yoongi in high regard.
“Mr. Bang reached out to me!” Yoongi announces excitedly one afternoon in mid-May, holding up his phone for you to see. “He says he wants to do a Zoom call and talk business!”
You take his phone and read the email on the screen: “As I know you are still studying at X City University, it may be difficult for you to relocate to LA on such a short notice for the summer, but I’d like to potentially offer you a 3-month internship with Bighit Records. You can work remotely for now and then come into the LA office for the last few weeks of the internship. We will discuss more during our call. I don’t want to miss out on having a talented individual with growing potential join our label.”
You pause, stunned by the news. “Holy fucking shit, Min Yoongi! I told you that you could do it!” you exclaim, rushing to hug him.
“Like I said before, it’s because you had faith in me and gave me your love as motivation.”
Blushing, you kiss him on the cheek. “Stop, you’re being so cheesy!”
Yoongi laughs, pulling you closer. "Cheesy, but true."
When the other Beta Sigma boys hear the news, they immediately announce they are going to throw Yoongi a party to celebrate his achievement. Hoseok excitedly proclaims he will supply the alcohol, while Taehyung promises to buy the weed.
“We’re going all out tonight!” Hoseok declares, setting alcohol bottles down on the kitchen counter. “Only the best for our future music mogul.” That night is probably one of the most fun parties of the year.
Jimin, too, finds his groove. He wasn’t sure what other goals he had besides trying to get his business degree. He knows that either he or his younger brother would have to start running his dad’s bakery one day. But before that, Jimin’s dad wants him to become a prosecutor…which Jimin wasn’t completely keen on doing.
But there is one thing he does like: dancing. Aside from majoring in business, he is minoring in dance just because it lets him have an outlet to explore his long-time passions. Working for a corporation after graduating seems like the next big move, but for someone like Jimin, he thrives in creative environments more than a boring office.
He’s been doing dance covers since high school and uploading them on YouTube.
Recently, a few of his dance performances with Hoseok started gaining recognition. This led to him asking Jimin to perform in the college dance team’s performance for the university’s end-of-the-year culture fest, as well as choreograph it. He was initially nervous, as he hasn’t done something like this in so long, but you and your other two boyfriends attended his rehearsals, supporting him and cheering him on.
After he killed the performance amazingly with his fellow dancers, Jimin has new aspirations in mind.
“I talked to my parents earlier, more specifically my dad,” Jimin says, laying his head on your lap and looking up at you. “Told him I want to take dance seriously and make it my career.”
“Oh? What did he say about that?” you ask curiously, your fingers running gently through his hair.
“He was a little hesitant at first. You know, trying to nicely say it’s not financially stable.” You hum softly at his words, understanding the concern. “But then he said I could work an office job and dance at one of those professional dance studios during my free time. When I’d make enough, I could leave that job and stick to dance.”
You smile down at him, admiration shining in your eyes. “That sounds like a good plan to work towards. At least he’s supportive, even if he’s worried.”
Jimin nods, a small smile playing on his lips. “Yeah, I’m glad he didn’t outright dismiss it. I just need to prove to him—and to myself—that I can make it work.”
“You can do it, Jimin. You’re an amazing dancer. With your talent and determination, there’s no way you won’t succeed,” you say, your voice filled with conviction. “You’ve made it this far after all.”
He reaches up, taking your hand in his and squeezing it gently. “Really? You think I could aim for 1Million Dance Studio?”
“Pfft.” You say, grinning. “You are the Jimin Park, after all. Son of the famed Magnate Bakery’s Hyunsoo Park.”
“This is one of the many reasons I love you, babe. Thank you.” He laughs, an angelic sound that fills the room, and cuddles further into your lap, making you laugh at his clinginess.
As for Namjoon, he has switched his study abroad program to the summer instead of the fall semester. Being the (slightly) possessive boyfriend that he is, he can’t bear being away for that long. Especially this early on in the relationship when he is worried other guys would try to get at you. But you reassure him that it won’t happen, Jimin and Yoongi are with you anyway.
Despite you rarely seeing Jaebeom around after he got the biggest hint that you already had… others, Namjoon sometimes worries you’ll sway.
One evening, as you sit together in your cozy living room studying for finals with Taehyung, Jungkook, Hoseok and Jin, Namjoon brings up his concerns. "You’re not gonna randomly break up with me… or all of us while I’m gone right?" he asks, his voice tinged with unease. "What if Jaebeom tries to get at you again? Or Mingyu? I know he’s such an attractive guy and you–"
You interrupt him mid-rant and take his hand in yours, squeezing it reassuringly. "Namjoon, you know I love you. I love Jimin and Yoongi too. You don’t have to worry about anyone else getting in the way. And besides, these Beta guys will keep protecting me too, right guys?"
Taehyung looks up from his notes and grins. "Absolutely! No one's getting past us!"
Jungkook nods vigorously. "We’ve got her back, Namjoon. Always."
Hoseok chimes in, flashing a bright smile. "Yeah, don’t worry. We’ll keep all those weird frat boys, international students, and businessmen away."
Jin, ever the voice of reason, adds, "You’ve got nothing to worry about, Namjoon. It’s literally summer session too, who the fuck is going to be around here anyways."
Namjoon smiles, albeit a bit shyly. "I know, I know. It’s just me being paranoid.” He lets out a sigh of relief, his shoulders relaxing. "Thanks, guys. I mean it.” 
Taehyung chimes in, hitting you with his elbow, “If anything, our little Honey should be worried that her boyfriend won’t find another pretty girl while he’s in Korea.”
You playfully roll your eyes, nudging Taehyung back. "Oh, please. Namjoon is too obsessed with me, reading books and looking at art to notice anyone else."
"Very offended you would even think I would do that, Tae." Namjoon narrows his eyes at him, smacking him on the shoulder. "I’m only going to Korea to study at Yonsei, and I’m taking a really cool contemporary art class taught by a famous art conservator and historian. Plus, there’s this student organization I want to join that focuses on integrating art and social change. That’s what’s going to keep me busy."
Taehyung laughs, rubbing his shoulder. "Ah! Okay, okay, I get it. Mr. ‘Studious Foo’. Never mind."
Not long after, Yoongi and Jimin come home carrying bags of BB.Q Chicken and a selection of Korean beers they picked up from H-Mart downtown. The enticing aroma of fried chicken fills the room as they unpack the boxes, revealing an array of golden, crispy goodness as well as sides of white radish in cups and french fries. One box contains your favorite: Soy Garlic flavored chicken, a perfect blend of sweet and savory that you always have to make sure Yoongi orders instead of the original flavor. The other box holds Yangnyeom chicken, coated in a vibrant red sauce that provides a sweet and spicy kick that Jungkook and Jimin are obsessed with. You all gather around the dining table, the spread of chicken and cold beers inviting you all to indulge. The clinking of bottles and the sound of laughter fills the room as everyone settles in. Yoongi pours the beer, its crisp, refreshing taste pairing perfectly with the rich flavors of the chicken.
As you start eating, Namjoon begins to share details about his upcoming study abroad program. He speaks animatedly about his itinerary, his eyes lighting up with excitement. 
“That sounds really cool, Joonie,” you say, genuinely happy for him. “You’ve always been so passionate about art and using it to make a difference, so I’m glad you have the chance to discover more about that.”
"Thank you my love," Namjoon says, his smile growing. "It's a dream come true, really. And I promise, I’ll keep in touch as much as I can. Video calls, texts, everything."
Jimin, who has been quietly listening, chimes in, "We'll make sure she’s too busy to even think about other guys, hyung. Don't worry about that."
Yoongi smirks, giving Namjoon a playful nudge. "And we’ll show you proof too.”
These nights—eating delicious food, savoring Korean beers, and sharing laughs and dreams with your closest friends—are moments you cherished deeply. 
However, there is a bittersweet realization looming: Hoseok and Jin are about to graduate. Soon, these carefree gatherings will change. The thought tugs at your heart as you look around the table, capturing the smiles and laughter etched into your memory. You silently vow to hold onto these precious moments, knowing they will become even more precious with time.
About two weeks later, Jin graduated from college. The whole house attends the ceremony, each of you holding flower bouquets or some sort of gift to congratulate him. It is a hot afternoon, sun blazing throughout the 2-hour commencement ceremony while the friends and families sitting on the bleachers are excited and proud.
After the ceremony ends, you all gather down on the soccer field. Jin’s brother, mom, dad, pregnant sister-in-law, and nephew have already arrived to congratulate Jin. 
Namjoon, who has been unusually secretive lately, suddenly opens a decently large case he had brought with him. Upon opening it, he pulls out his old saxophone, the one he hasn’t touched since high school. He immediately starts playing it, a catchy tune filling the air. Everyone turns to him in surprise, especially Hoseok.
"Why on earth did you bring that out after so long?" Hoseok asks, his eyebrow raising in curiosity.
Namjoon grins, positioning the saxophone and taking a deep breath. "It's a bet I made with Jin during his freshman year," he explains. "I told him that if he actually graduated on time, I'd serenade him with the 'Epic Sax Guy' song from the 2010 Eurovision."
The group bursts into laughter, Jin included, who is now shaking his head with a wide smile. "I can't believe you remembered that," He says, amusement clear in his voice.
Namjoon continues to play, and all of you around him can’t help but laugh and cheer, clapping along to the music. Jin is doubled over in laughter, tears streaming down his face as he watches his friend fulfill an old, ridiculous bet.
Jieun approaches you, wearing a white dress under her graduation gown, her eyes filled with concern and curiosity. She glances at your three boyfriends, who are behind you, laughing and teasing Jin. He looks both amused and embarrassed by the attention he's receiving from people around him after Namjoon's serenade.
"You think you'll be okay, Honey?" Jieun asks, her gaze shifting from the boys to you. Her question is gentle, but her eyes are sharp, taking in every detail.
Your cheeks redden. "I still can't believe you caught on to everything months before anyone else, Jieun."
She grins, a twinkle in her eye. "Of course. Nothing gets past me! Just wasn’t sure whether I was understanding things right." She jokes, giving your arm a light squeeze.
You smile at her, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. "But to answer your question, yeah, I think so. We've got a good thing going, and we'll make it work."
Her expression softens, and she steps closer, pulling you into a hug. "I’m glad. I really do think you guys are meant for each other. Just like soulmates."
Soulmates. The word resonates deeply with you. All of the signs from the past just point out to that after all. It just took a little longer for you and them to realize it.
You’re pulled from your thoughts as Jieun continues, shifting the conversation.
"I'll be moving in less than 24 hours to LA to start my first job in entertainment next Monday. You better come down and visit me, alright?" She gently pokes your cheek, making you giggle.
"Oh woah! I will!"
"And don't forget about what I told you back in April. If you’re still interested, I’ll help you get there."
You nod eagerly, feeling a surge of determination, before you're interrupted by Soohyun, Hwasa, and Soyoon, who come over to bombard Jieun with their congratulatory flower bouquets.
As you watch the joyful scene, you can't help but reflect on your own future. After all, your boyfriends had started thinking about their careers, it makes you realize that maybe you should start getting your shit together as well. You are now their girlfriend with the potential to become their wife, which leads you to talk to Jieun, who was a senior in your department, about your future. Your career.
As a psych major and theater minor, her goal is to go into the entertainment industry and become an actress or go into hospitality in this field. And being a business major and psych minor yourself, hearing her stories about her internship from last summer made you realize you want to consider getting into this industry as well. Jimin and Yoongi will be involved in it due to dance and music, and Namjoon will be consequentially also in it due to working in art, so it will make sense. Maybe this is something you will start looking into as you approach your last two years of college.
As the day draws to a close, you find yourself standing with your boyfriends, the warm glow of the setting sun casting a golden hue over the soccer field. Jin’s friends and families surround him, laughter and chatter filling the air. Namjoon wraps an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close.
"Ready to head home and party?" he asks, his voice soft and comforting.
You nod, feeling a sense of contentment settle over you. "Hell yeah!"
June 21 [Friday]
The sun is scorching as you stand outside feeling the summer heatwave pound down on you. However, your relief for quenching your thirst is suddenly gone as your hand lets go of your iced peach tea. You stare blankly at the building in front of you.
“You’re… going to lease an apartment for all four of us?” You manage to word out, turning back to look at Namjoon and Yoongi in shock.
Namjoon now sports a buzzcut, a new look he wanted to try after seeing how stress-free Sanyawn was with his own buzzcut. The change suits him well, and he looks undeniably hot. He’s wearing a slightly ill-fitted navy blue shirt that shows off his toned arms and a pair of khaki shorts, perfect for the summer heat. His new haircut accentuates his strong jawline and expressive eyes, giving him an edgy yet clean appearance.
Yoongi’s hair has progressively gotten longer, with some locks now cascading down to his shoulders. You were always used to his hair being side-swept or even in a bowl cut, but this new length is more than alluring. Dressed in a loose white linen graphic tee and jorts, Yoongi exudes an effortless cool despite the weather. The longer hair frames his face beautifully, highlighting his sharp features and giving him an almost ethereal doll-like look.
Jimin stands beside you, his hair now a striking blonde. He always talked about dyeing his hair but was hesitant to take the plunge until last week when Jungkook spontaneously decided to help him do it. It could’ve gone really badly, but it turned out incredibly well. He looks prettier than ever, the blonde contrasting perfectly with his warm skin tone. Jimin is wearing a white t-shirt and ripped jeans, a playful and stylish summer outfit that complements his new hair color.
“Uh, I mean, why not? We’re dating after all. Think it would be better for us.” Yoongi shrugs, walking towards the side gate entrance of the apartment complex and going inside. Jimin helps grab your sad, empty plastic cup on the ground and throw it in a nearby bin. You just got it on the way here and were barely halfway done with it. Nonetheless, the three of you follow along behind him on this self-guided apartment tour. 
“But…what about Beta Tau Sigma? The house?” Your words sound sad. “Are we not living there even after Seokjin and Hoseok graduate?”
You were only there for a little less than a year, but managed to become so much closer to the guys who you’d only share a few words with and maybe some small talk prior to living with them. What’s going to happen to them now? The house being two stories and having 4 rooms made it rather expensive to live in, especially in the area you are in. With 8 people living in it, there wasn’t much difficulty in getting the bills paid, and still having enough for other things like tuition and whatever fun stuff we had. 
You’ve been working in the library since your freshman year, and while you didn’t talk about it much, the guys had jobs to contribute to the costs as well. Namjoon works at a local art gallery near campus with San Yawn. Jimin works at the Admissions building and does campus tours to visiting students (which usually always charms them to enroll). Yoongi does freelance producing work for some studios in the area. Taehyung works late nights at a jazz club while Jungkook works reception at the gym. Hoseok is a dance instructor at a local community center and Jin… Jin doesn’t work. His rich parents have been really supportive to help provide for the other expenses.
“They’re planning to move out sometime in January. Jin just graduated and Hoseok is graduating in December. They don’t know if they’ll still be around, so Taehyung and Jungkook won’t be able to cover all the costs on their own. They’re looking to rent an apartment here too.” Namjoon adds.
A silence falls as the reality of things changing settles in.
“Can’t believe this is the end of Beta Tau Sigma…” Jimin mumbles, which doesn’t go unheard by the rest of you guys.
“For now. If things start looking good for us post-grad, maybe we’ll rent a new house together that’s even bigger. It was feeling a bit cramped in the last few months, not gonna lie.” Namjoon puts an arm around you, “But for now, we need some privacy…” He smirks at you, which makes your eyes roll.
“What he wants to say is that we can’t fuck you on the kitchen table at the BTS house.” Yoongi bluntly says, making you choke on your spit. Namjoon and Jimin begin to hit your back, which makes it worse with multiple hits.
“Hyung!” Namjoon and Jimin yell at the older man, who shrugs. 
“Oh my god…” It’s an understatement to say you are feeling half nervous and half horny at the thought of being fucked on every surface of your new home by your three boyfriends. Are you even going to survive that?
After a couple of months of being together, most of those times you’ve taken turns having sex with all three of them. At times, maybe one boyfriend would be in the room watching you and another getting it on. But as they mentioned, it’s not particularly easy to have sex as a group when you live with 4 other guys. Keeping quiet is not a simple task. You could’ve sworn you overhead Taehyung saying to Jimin and Jungkook that he got off of the sounds you and the guys were making one of those nights. And maybe you haven’t been able to look him in the eye since!
“You guys know I’m up for anything,” you say with a grin, giving them a thumbs-up, which earns you bashful smiles in return.
"Give it a few weeks while Namjoon is away, and you're all ours," Jimin teases, winking mischievously. “You know what an Eiffel tower is?”
"H-Hey, that's not fair!" Namjoon protests, though his smile betrays his playful spirit.
After Jimin’s teasing comment, you all decide it is time to go check out the new apartment. 
Upon entering the place itself, you are greeted by a spacious living room with large windows that let in plenty of natural light. The kitchen is modern and sleek, and there are three bedrooms, one for each of your boyfriends. The best part is the balcony overlooking the pool, a perfect spot for late-night talks and relaxing evenings.
“This place is beautiful!” you exclaim, twirling around in the living room. “You guys did great!”
“We thought you’d like it,” Namjoon says, grinning proudly.
“We should start moving in right away,” Yoongi suggests, already planning how to arrange the furniture. “Makes things easier before we start to get busy this summer.”
You nod excitedly in response, which makes him lean in close to you and kiss your temple.
A part of your heart breaks knowing that you won’t be back at that house on a daily, but no matter what, you’re ready for a new beginning with your soulmates.
Over the next couple of days, you all work together to move in. It’s a whirlwind of unpacking boxes, arranging furniture, and hanging up decorations. Namjoon proves to be surprisingly meticulous, insisting on organizing the bookshelf by genre. Jimin and Yoongi spend hours setting up a cozy corner with bean bags and a record player.
Finally, with everything in place, you all decide to celebrate with a pool party with friends at the apartment complex. The sun is shining, and the air is filled with the sounds of laughter and splashing water. 
This is truly what life is.
“Fuck baby, stay still while I fuck your tiny pussy.” Namjoon whispers as he lifts your ass to thrust at a better angle. You are currently trying to balance yourself with your noodle arm on the couch as Yoongi enters in and out of your mouth and you use your other hand to pleasure Jimin’s cock. 
You were enjoying the party not long ago, and then once it ended, they immediately came back in with you, locked the door and closed the blinds. You guess the black swimsuit you bought really enticed them through the day. 
Now you’re being overstimulated to the brim. Your body is going to ache tomorrow for sure.
“This fucking bikini… Were you trying to kill us?” Yoongi chuckles, his hips are moving more frantically now, chasing his orgasm with little regard for how obvious his movements are. 
“So fucking slutty wearing that in front of the guys.” Namjoon moans quietly. “Let me breed you before I leave you to Yoongi and Jimin.” He snickers, making you whine as your cheeks heat up. Not long after the first couple of times with Namjoon, you found out he has a size kink, a breeding kink, and a slight degradation kink. It’s so interesting to see the contrast from being a golden retriever on a normal daily basis.
Namjoon pulls out and snaps his hips back into you, burying himself inside you over and over again, his movements make your brain go fuzzy as he uses his knee to push your legs further apart, from this angle he reaches deeper inside you, his fat tip prodding at your cervix. He presses his large hand right above your womb to feel himself moving inside, the feeling sends you over the edge as well, and your walls squeeze him, robbing him of all breath. 
“Shit..” Is all he manages as his climax hits him unexpectedly, you feel him spill inside you painting your walls white. Yoongi follows, making you swallow the cum as Jimin paints your tits with his own.
July 9th [Monday]
A few weeks later, Namjoon is in Korea, settling into his study abroad program. It has been years since he was last in Korea, back when he was just a kid before he moved to the US. Now, as he overlooks the sprawling Seoul skyline from his dorm window, he can’t help but think about how much his life has changed since then—especially after meeting you, his next-door neighbor. He often daydreamed about bringing you here one day, showing you all the places that meant so much to him. He’d start with Ilsan, his hometown, then Daegu, where Yoongi was from, and finally, Busan, where Jimin’s mom currently lives.
But those daydreams will have to wait. 
For now, he has to focus on his studies and then think of the future. Namjoon opens his planner, filling it with various assignments he has received for the semester. He makes a note to visit the National Museum of Korea in the coming days for one of his assignments. As he glances at the date, he suddenly realizes something important.
“July 10th here… Wait… July 9th. It’s baby’s birthday in the States,” he muttered to himself. “Damn, I was so busy getting settled here that I almost forgot.” Just as he is about to panic, his phone buzzes with a video call notification. It’s you.
Wasting no time, he answers the call, looking forward to seeing your face after a few days of not seeing it virtually.
But it isn’t your face, it’s Jimin’s.
“Hi Hyung! You didn’t wish our baby happy birthday earlier so…” He switches the camera view, showing Namjoon what appears to be you, receiving backshots from Jimin as you suck on Yoongi’s dick. “We wanted to show you what you were missing.”
Eiffel Tower.
Namjoon's eyes widen as he watches the video. He can’t believe what he is seeing, but a small smile creeps onto his face.
Jimin passes the phone over to Yoongi, who holds the phone close to your face, showing his dick going in and out of your mouth.
“Fuck…” Namjoon's hand slowly inches inside his sweatpants, palming his cock slightly.
“Baby, show your daddy how good you’re taking me,” Yoongi said seductively.
You smile playfully, your eyes locked with Namjoon's eyes on the phone. You slowly take Yoongi's dick deeper into your mouth, swallowing and pulling back before starting all over again. Jimin and Yoongi sigh contentedly, their eyes never leaving yours.
Namjoon watches, mesmerized by the sight. His heart races as he stares at the beauty of your body, your lips wrapped around Yoongi's dick. 
He feels a wave of longing and desire wash over him, making him pull out his own dick to stroke it as he watches you be taken by his two best friends.
The sound of your moans and their groans fill his ears as he continues to watch. His mind races with thoughts of the three of you together. 
Jimin and Yoongi's bodies move in perfect harmony with each other, their sweaty skin slapping against your soft lips. Namjoon's own cock twitches in his hand, unable to hold back his own arousal any longer. He wonders if the three of you are thinking of him as he watches, if you are fucking with the intention of sharing your pleasure with him.
Namjoon eyes widen as Yoongi sets the phone down, propping it up so Namjoon can get a full view of you being fucked and Yoongi making out with Jimin.
He can see your body arching, Yoongi's dick sliding in and out of you as you reach down to stroke Jimin's dick. Jimin moans into Yoongi's mouth, his own hand moving faster on his own cock. The sight of you pleasuring the two of them is more than Namjoon can take. 
He begins stroking himself faster, desperate for an orgasm.
As you begin to scream, Yoongi and Jimin follow suit, their orgasms filling the air. You collapse onto the bed, panting, as the three of them kiss and cuddle. Namjoon's own orgasm hits him like a freight train, his eyes locked onto the screen as he comes, his body shuddering with pleasure.
He needs to get through this semester abroad, make connections, come home and take care of you all for the rest of your lives.
“Happy birthday, baby.” He huffs before you wave with the laziest and most fucked out smile ever.
“I m-miss you.” You say before Yoongi ends the call to continue whatever he and Jimin have planned for your birthday night.
September 6th [Friday]
“What are your thoughts on having kids?”
You nearly choke on your water, sputtering and coughing as you set the glass down. 
“Kim Namjoon!?” you manage to say, eyes wide with surprise. It hasn’t even been a full week since Namjoon returned from Korea, and here he is, bringing up such a huge question out of nowhere.
Namjoon looks at you with a calm, thoughtful expression, leaning back on the couch with Jimin and Yoongi on either of his sides, eating snacks while catching up on One Piece. “I’ve just been thinking a lot, especially after being away. I mean, it’s not like I’m saying we should have kids right now… or ever, but... I’m curious about your thoughts on it.”
You blink, still processing the sudden shift in conversation. “Well, honestly, I don’t really want to have kids…”
You’ve never had motherly instincts or felt like a caretaking figure. You have a younger sibling, but you’re only a few years apart in age, similar to Jimin and his brother or Namjoon and his sister, so it doesn’t require you to take on much responsibility. Plus, the things you’ve read online about pregnancy heavily scare you. You refuse to do it.
Silence proceeds, making you a little nervous. “I… Uh, could we opt for cats?” You suggest, giggling awkwardly.
“Okay but…” You start, knowing you’re gonna regret even saying this. “Maybe… just maybe… I’ll consider having one child. You guys just have to rock paper scissors that.”
Namjoon chuckles, his eyes softening. “If that’s what you want, sure. As long as we get three and we each get to name them.”
Yoongi smirks, leaning back. “I call for naming one Gyul!” You remember it means Tangerine in Korean, and it fits Yoongi’s vibe perfectly.
Jimin’s face lights up. “I’ll go with Marimo, like the moss ball,” he adds, making you laugh at the thought of a fluffy cat named after a plant.
You take a deep breath, feeling a bit more at ease. “Okay but…” you start, knowing you’re going to regret even saying this. “Maybe… just maybe… I’ll consider having one child. You guys just have to rock paper scissors for that.”
“Really?!” Namjoon’s eyes widen, excited by the potential.
The room erupts in laughter, the tension dissipating. “Rock paper scissors to decide who gets the honor, huh?” Yoongi grins, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “I guess that’s one way to settle it.”
“Let’s decide now!” Jimin’s competitive nature kicks in, and he’s already positioning his hand for the game.
“Wait, wait!” You laugh, holding up your hands. “We’re still in college! Let’s give it several years for us to get settled with everything and our careers–”
“What about marriage? That can happen sooner right?” Yoongi’s eyes gleam with curiosity and a hint of excitement.
You blink, taken aback. “Marriage?”
You’re not gonna lie. You have thought about this one.
It would be difficult to get married to all three of them in a country where polyamory isn’t…legal. And there’s also the whole thing with Namjoon, Yoongi and Jimin’s parents being Korean and religious. That would most certainly give some or even all of their families heart attacks. So what were you thinking would be a good solution to this.
Legally marry only one of them.
And surprisingly you already have someone in mind for this.
“Your face is telling us you have thought about it.” Namjoon chuckles.
“What!? No way.” After cleaning the spill from earlier, you turn to sit on the loveseat, holding your bag of Lay’s Sea Salt & Vinegar chips with your glass of wine. These are your go-to snacks after all… well right after the Banana Kick Korean Cheetos that your local H-mart ran out of.
“So who did you have in mind, or are we also playing rock, paper, scissors for this?” Jimin wiggles his eyebrows playfully.
“I have someone in mind, but I’m not gonna say yet!” You say, then eat your chips. “I don’t think I’ll change my mind, but you can always try to win me over…perhaps.”
Namjoon chuckles, leaning forward. “You’re really going to keep us in suspense, huh?”
Yoongi smirks, nudging Namjoon. “Better step up your game, Joon. Looks like you’ve got some competition.” He gestures to himself and Jimin.
Jimin laughs, popping a cheese ball into his mouth. “Challenge accepted. Just wait and see, Y/N.”
Is this really going to be another virginity race with them? 
You roll your eyes at their silliness. "I do not want to see this turn into a competition again, guys. So let’s just go with the flow. This is a democracy!" you declare, trying to maintain a light-hearted atmosphere about this before they start a fight over this.
Namjoon leans back comfortably on the couch, his expression thoughtful. "Fair enough," he concedes, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "But you know we're all going to do our best to win you over for this."
Yoongi chuckles softly, leaning in closer. "That's right. We'll make sure you know why we're the best choice," he says with a playful smirk.
Jimin nods eagerly, reaching for the wine bottle on the coffee table to refill his glass. "You can count on it," he chimes in, his gaze lingering on you with affection.
Outside, the last rays of sunlight filter through the curtains, painting fleeting patterns on the floor. The evening breeze rustles the leaves outside, a gentle reminder that time continues to move on. Inside, amidst the comfortable familiarity of your new shared space with your boyfriends, you take a moment to savor the scene, knowing there’s more to this love story with your soulmates for years to come.
Hi everyone. I just want to thank you all for reading this fic since it was released almost one year ago, August 29th, 2023. As I mentioned before, I had actually thought up this fic on May 29, 2020 and fleshed it out a little more on May 26, 2021. I have a whole character chart on activities/personalities/etc and the first half of chapter 1 up until Yoongi and Reader got ready to go to the Gamma Party. Though, I never got to writing more than that as I ended up getting hired for my first job after college not long after. Last year I got laid off from said job, but there were many issues that had me on thin ice and burnout. Sometimes I wonder if I should've stayed longer and carried on with it. But nonetheless, this leads me to a lot of great small opportunities I’ve found in the past year through networking and meeting amazing people in the music industry. It also gave me time to be like, “I guess maybe I could go back to writing this fic now that I have too much time on my hands…”
I have written fics in the past, but never managed to finish any series. Well, there was an Attack on Titan fic with several thousands of reads on Wattpad, but i will not comment on this further haha.  So this was truly my return to writing. It’s funny because I had initially not planned the fic to end up this way. Yoonminjoon have been my bias line for the last 4 years, so I knew that’s the delusional focus I wanted. But definitely had various drafts and plans that could’ve gone differently. But to spoil you on some of those initial ideas…
The original fic plan had more emphasis on Jaebeom throughout the story as  (somewhat) an antagonist that would be dating Reader until Yoonminjoon would realize their feelings throughout the story and eventually snatch her away not long after the first 4 chapaters. Jaebeom was my GOT7 bias for a long time before I fell out of the fandom.
not an initial idea but aside from the poly / fwb stuff, there were a lot of events in this fic based on things that happen to me when i was in college a few years ago. i somehow had a pretty wholesome experience, but did have many guy friends than girl friends in college so that did help me in relationship dynamic writing
Other notes I had from 2020 drafts: [Joon, Jimin, Tae and Y/N work at Joon’s family coffee shop on the weekends. Yoongi goes back home sometimes to help his mom at their family restaurant, but mostly works as an underground composer and sells beats. Hobi works on campus in the library. Jin is...rich. Koo works at a chicken place.] Obviously most of this did not happen in this fic, as mentioned earlier in this chapter with changed job responsibilities. Though the one job mainly mentioned in the story was Reader working in the library.
Had more smoking, (light) drugs, etc. use involved. It’s mainly alcohol and weed, but even then it wasn’t heavily done which makes me want to go back and add more of this later on.
Not really initial notes but age/year timeline in this fic for anyone confused
Seniors: Jin, Hoseok (graduated high school early)
Juniors: Namjoon, Yoongi
Sophomores: Reader, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkoo
Jimin cheating on Irene to get with Reader
I really wanted to do this because I wanted Irene to be more involved in the story, but that would make it too messy and dragged out. I would’ve had to make this story like 25 chapters if that were the case. 
Also I don’t personally think Jimin would cheat on his gf in this fic or irl, so I didn’t want to write him like that. I had to break them up before he could do anything else.
was supposed to be a bigger character in the series… but i accidentally did reduce him to “Jackson the party host”... but at least he’s Hoseok’s close friend  and show up often
I wanted to tie in more of the frat activities and dynamics in this fic as BTS is an unofficial frat on campus and he’s the leader of it, but I honestly don’t think was too important and could take away from the actual story
Jin was supposed to kick out Reader from the house as her relationships with her best friends got too messy and complex, though he didn’t want to do it.
Jihyo was supposed to date Namjoon longer and break up with him during the party where Reader ran into Yeonjun. Timeline should’ve been: Namjoon is at the TXT frat party with Jihyo -> Namjoon fights Yeonjun to protect reader -> Reader is shocked and upset -> Jihyo is confused and Namjoon comes clean about his feelings for Reader -> Break Up -> Namjoon confesses to Reader 
I also wanted Jihyo to send the “confession” text to Reader regarding what Namjoon said at the Gamma Party much sooner, so when she saw Namjoon at the TXT frat party, she would know everything. But I couldn’t find a way to tie it in earlier during her fight with Yoonmin. Very messy stuff.
I thought Jihyo was the best choice as Namjoon’s side “love” interest in 2020/2021, but once all the Namjoon and Soyoon friendship photos started coming out, I kinda of abandoned Jihyo and changed my focus to Soyoon.
Soyoon takes on the side girl best friend role that Jihyo would’ve eventually had
Soyoon was supposed to date Namjoon briefly, but it was too messy to write in, so I just made Reader have initial suspicions before the truth came out in Ch 8
Reader and Namjoon weren’t supposed to sleep together after the Yeonjun fight. Soyoon was supposed to act as a wingman for Joon so he could apologize to Reader and then they would have their first time in the library. But I wrote things definitely so it wouldn’t end up like that.
Jungkook was supposed to be closer and more clingy to Reader. They have a close relationship, but I felt that it interfered with other things in the story, so I left it with the mention that he had a little crush on her and would hang out with her often.
Jungkook is the end game if Reader didn’t end up with Yoonminjoon. (hehe)
If there was only one end game from Yoonminjoon, it would’ve been Namjoon for obvious reasons.
If Reader ran into Namjoon right after her fight with yoonmin, that would’ve changed everything and lead him to be end game. I discussed with Rae about these through texts after I dropped Ch 8.
Initially planned for him to not be caught so soon by Jimin, but honestly, didn’t want to drag it out and didn’t know how to tie it better
Should’ve been more Yoongi smut scenes
I don’t know when or if I’ll ever write another series as it’s very time consuming. But for the LUL universe, I still have the LA LA LOST YOU prequel with Reader’s relationship with Yeonjun almost done. IDC (i don’t care) is another series I’ve been thinking of releasing filled with WHAT IFs~ (...Reader picked Namjoon, Reader picked Yoongi, Reader picked Jimin, Reader picks everyone in Beta Tau Sigma?, Reader slept with Jaebeom at the party, etc.). But all of that will have to wait. Let me know your thoughts in the meantime though!
Until then, thank you for all your support, and hopefully we meet again.
With luv, @melancholy-of-nadia
➸ let me know what you think OR join the taglist for future works! ➸ love u lately series masterlist
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kyra45 · 2 months
Scam posts and how to spot them
(Scam posts and how to spot them)
Hi! My names Key (or Jess depending on where you know me from) and I’m here again on your dashboard to tell you about scams and the general things to look out for when you get asks for mutual aid.
Disclaimer: Not every blog asking for mutual aid is a scammer and therefore you shouldn’t assume everyone is a scammer on sight. It’s necessary to do some research into the accounts who appear in your askbox or DMs.
Anyway, what is a scam post?
A scam post is a post that’s usually asking for monetary support but isn’t being entirely honest about the reason and also may be misleading or stolen from someone else. These posts range from a variety of topics but generally are based on trending events or medical attention such as needing insulin or medicine to prevent lungs from collapsing. The scam post means that the post is false and no money sent is going to someone who needs it because the poster is lying and isn’t telling the truth about who they are or what their fundraising for and may be stealing their post off someone else to make bank. Sometimes a scam post is about needing to pay a bill for pet care and the images are stolen off another fundraiser offsite much like the usual scam.
How do you find out if something is a scam?
One of the best ways to find out if a post is a scam is to search the username of the blog and see if anyone’s made any posts about the account who sent you an ask. It’s also suggested to search the ask as well to see if it may have came from another blog who was already called out for the same scam at some point in time. You may also find the account disappears before you can answer the ask if you was waiting some time before answering it.
It’s also likely the account may reuse the same pfp/story across multiple accounts with very little change in their posting content. This means the blog sending the ask has only a few random reblogs and then one original post. What the blog hopes for is that you don’t bother scrolling down a lot to see how very few posts they may have. If you use timestamps, you’ll see that often the pinned post is a few days old or even hours old. The tags also are usually completely unrelated to the content itself. (If you’re legit and do this for visibility, don’t. It’s spam if not in reblogs. Please use only related tags as per the rules.) Sometimes the link is several colors of text. (If you do this for some reason, please consider accessibility for those who can’t see some color and may miss the link entirely.) And other times there’s a linktree link posing as something else.
Also the blog may say they’re vetted/verified but keep in mind this doesn’t matter if they don’t tell you or say anywhere on their blog who vetted them or what organization confirmed their legitimacy. They won’t say who because asking whoever it is would instantly call out the scammer themselves. It has happened already and that’s why you shouldn’t trust a ‘vetted’ blog if they don’t list anyone anywhere on their page. Some accounts will just say that and expect you to not ask anything because they can’t pass whatever means of verification is asked for.
What do you do if you know for certain a post is a scam?
Please alert anyone sharing the post and also make a post yourself compiling the evidence you’ve gathered proving the scam so others searching will see it and be able to decide for themselves if the account is a scam or not. This makes it easier for a scam blog to be found out even if they try changing urls as they always do that for some reason.
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olderthannetfic · 30 days
https://olderthannetfic.tumblr.com/post/758964492351799296/ httpsolderthannetfictumblrcompost75863697332#notes
preface, I'm not arguing about the current ongoing war situation. I only mentioned war so that people who filter out the word have their filters catch it. I'm also only commenting on XJZs behavior on the basis of using that kinda language. One bigger incident I've seen of XJZhao getting a massive wave of criticism was using "blood libel" against a Jewish follower, when they said they wouldn't buy their next book. XJZhao: "I don't want your blood money." Once again, think what you may of the current situation, or if you're on either the person's or XJZhaos side.
All that said, using a stereotype or a racist slur against someone because you feel they (as an individual) are an appropriate target is not ok. You don't get to replicate racist, discriminating, hateful and damaging words, phrases or stereotypes which attack an entire group, just because you're mad at one specific person, and then pretend it doesn't affect an entire group of people. No not even if you're POC, you don't need to be a armband wearing moron or a white hood cross burning swine to be sit at that particular kinda table.
If you're angry at a black person and use the N-word. If you're angry at a single queer person and use the F-word. You catch my drift, that's unacceptable, and would immediately get you labelled, and rightfully so, a racist, or queerphobe. Before anyone pulls that maybe they didn't know card, if someone unknowingly says something racist or queerphobic, do we just give them as pass, or do we call these people out? We still criticise people who use racist stereotypes, even if they didn't know, because this stuff should be called out regardless. Apparently that caused quite a stir, especially completely unrelated Jewish followers. Even those that are neutral/non-political or even on XJZhao's side. 👁👁
And obviously their ongoing beef with random people who criticize their online presence. XJZhao's main tool has been making tiktoks, and insta posts where they take screenshots and post the full online name and clearly invite their followers to harass them, or even tell them to blacklist and find people related to the target. Even sending their followers after someone who basically repeated exactly what XJZhao said themselves, that they missed deadlines and started fighting with their publisher. Just that they also pointed out how much leeway XJZhao was given compared to what's normal, and was still complaining. 🐧
Some of their tiktoks against the criticisms have also been just been very petulant. This one I relate to a bit lol 🤔 Such as the tiktok/yt short where they tell everyone who criticised or commented on the very blatant Darling in the Franxx story beats that "Akshually, the makers of DitF said I was all good." Yeah, that's fine, most people don't care about that though, they're commenting on how obvious the story elements were copied. It isn't always bad, many reviewers were neutral, some critical on how blatant it was. It doesn't matter if you got the green-light, it's still going to be something that might irk people because anyone who copies another story's story beats in such an identifiable way is gonna be called out at some point. That literally happened to every Hunger games, Twilight and HP clone. 🤷‍♀️
My dim memory is that XJZ literally said the initial plotbunny was a response to Darling in the Franxx in a youtube video long before the book came out. I think they should calm down and take some time away from toxic social media for their own good. (And yes, I do think they're acting antisemitic and getting a pass because online lefties often give people a pass for that when they wouldn't for other bigotry.) But I don't think it was any kind of secret that it's a blatant response to that series.
I haven't read the actual book. Does it come across as just a repeat? My impression was that it was supposed to be more of a critique/reaction.
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taboo-delusion · 6 months
So, I just discovered something interesting.
This is a bit of a long one, so bear with me. It's important. Seriously.
I just woke up a few hours ago. My meds are starting to kick in. I was having a very serious and genuine, deep conversation (in-head) and it was... beautiful. It wasn't happy, but it was beautiful. Not the point.
Point is:
I had not had a single fucking intrusive thought today until someone made a noise in the other room.
I am so fucking PISSED OFF
Why my brain refuses to realize that intrusive thoughts CAUSED the good feeling to go away, I have no fucking idea. I've known that for almost a year now, yet my stupid fucking subconscious refuses to change anything it's doing
Before I snap my fucking android phone in half and yeet somebody's face into neptune, I thought I'd share the discovery!!!!
When you fall asleep and your heart slows too much, your body does the falling thing to make sure you're still alive.
It's not that intrusive thoughts are *Just* because your brain gets too quiet, It's because your life has never been completely quite before, or -like me- the few times it is quiet, something interrupts. And even if it doesn't piss you off, even if you don't jump like I do, your brain still registers it as not safe.
Falling asleep, heart slows a lot-
Body: *Sends adrenaline just to make sure it still actually works.*
Drowning, even mostly unconscious-
Body and brain: *Hold onto that last half-breath even if it feels like you're head is going to explode.*
Going grocery shopping or talking to someone you think is cool-
Brain: *Remembers what it felt like the first time your guardian was indifferent or mean about something that made you happy or calm.*
Things around you actually get quiet-
Brain *Sends a thought you hate just to make sure you're prepared for a sudden problem.*
TDLR 1: Your brain isn't mean on purpose, It's just paranoid and still has a will to live.
Listen. I know I'm just some random dude from a weird blog. But I'm trying to translate, to assist. Maybe somebody else needs this realization as much as I do. I apologize for the yelling earlier. I'm still just as upset, but only at my dumbass subconscious. Now some time has passed, and I have regained self-control.
(I also apologize for the above paragraph, my brain nags for me to do this, but I can't remember why. So:)
I am no psychologist. Here are my qualifications (why you should listen to me):
As my friends call it- "Disturbingly self-aware at all times."
Paranoid Schizophrenic with actual (unrelated) OCD, with years of experience dealing with it- more healthily in recent years.
Philosophy and deep thinking is simply my default. I use metaphors, but everything in this post is entirely literal, ...except the angry threat. (*begrudgingly accepts disappointment*)
I am a fiction writer. I don't know about healing people/first aid, but I know a LOT about how anatomy works, with many deep-dives on the psychology/evolution side.
People irl generally consider me a genius? Idk how to gauge that, IQ tests are irrelevant with this type of... smart?. I've been compared to both Da Vinci and Einstein. So, ...actually that's pretty fuckin' cool- (I AM NOT TRYING TO BRAG! I APOLOGIZE IF IT COMES OFF THAT WAY! I've never put it all down like this, and I'm just surprised and questioning my reputation.)
(Also, I love playing detective, so naturally I call myself Batman XD.)
Autistic; I experience the world, and every situation, from a view without any context.
ADHD: My brain automatically -As a guardian I hate describes- "Can watch three different movies at the same time, all in fast forward, and can keep up with all of them." ... Well, yes, but technically no. Idk if other ADHD people do this, but my brain "connects the dots" so quickly, I end up laughing at jokes I've never heard before the 'punchline', because I've already figured out what you're going to say next.
Now combine all that. I am kicking depression's ass and now I want to help you do the same.
I have only mentioned the relevant things. Please keep in mind that ALL of these have both advantages and disasters. Thank you for your patience and understanding. I am running on four hours of sleep. For the love of whatever, I hope this actually helps someone other than me.
Qualifications are noted because: This is all stuff (and stuff like this) that I am just always casually aware of.
TLDR2: Even if I wasn't trying to help people feel better, Apparently I was born with a nat 20 perception/insight check, so please don't argue that I truly understand what I'm talking about here.
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fairyniceyeah · 1 month
💎 I love my team, I love my crew (Part 2/7)
Title from Super (SEVENTEEN)
Summary: Seungcheol, Jeonghan and the manager check on the sick members. The group has to decide how to go on as all are at risk of contagion.
CW: emeto, diarrhea in the context of illness
Sickies: Woozi/Jihoon + Joshua + Minghao + S.Coups/Seungcheol
Caretakers: Wonwoo + S.Coups/Seungcheol + Seungkwan + Jeonghan + Jun
Jihoon told himself he would never ever set foot on a boat again. He had told himself the same thing when they had filmed on a boat for the first time and he had gotten really sick in the span of an hour but until now every time they had been on ships the motion-sickness medication had helped. He didn’t understand why it didn’t help now, instead he was feeling worse with every passing second.
His head hurt. His stomach hurt. His whole body hurt. 
And he was still so nauseous. 
The producer had at first not been a fan of company, though he felt bad for snapping at Seungkwan to go earlier, but now he didn’t know what he would do without Wonwoo. Crash, burn and die, all while pathetically laying on a random sailing boat’s bathroom floor, probably.
Instead he had relaxed under Wonwoo’s fingers braiding his disgusting hair back from his face, maybe even a little too much. The older had barely finished braiding before Jihoon had to jerk forward, a spray of sick painting the toilet water brown. He truly hadn’t wanted to see the kimbap from this morning again. 
“It’s okay, Jihoonie”, Wonwoo soothed and pulled Jihoon away from the toilet. The rapper reached up and flushed the sickness away before propping Jihoon up on his lap. It should have been weird but it was cozy instead. Like Jihoon was hugged by a big teddy bear. “Manager-hyung and Cheollie-hyung are coming now. They have meds for you. I’m sure you’ll feel better soon.”
Jihoon sighed and nodded. He truly looked forward to medication that hopefully helped even if he wasn’t sure if he could actually keep it down. The nausea was unrelenting and he could feel his stomach rebel under the tight grip he had on it.
“Sorry for ruining your afternoon”, he whispered. He was glad to have Wonwoo, yes, but he also felt bad for him. Wonwoo surely hadn’t planned to spend the afternoon sitting in a tiny bathroom watching over his seasick, pukey dongsaeng. 
“Nonsense”, Wonwoo said firmly, “don’t worry about it. I’m happy to help. We all know you get seasick and though it sucks, it just happens sometimes.”
Jihoon was saved from having to think of an answer by footsteps and then a knock on the partly open door.
“Hyungs”, Wonwoo called, “come in or well…”
There really wasn’t any room for Seungcheol and the manager - both tall and broad - to come in. Instead they stayed in the open doorway, looking down at them. Wonwoo scooted a bit, still holding Jihoon on his lap, so they all could look at each other.
“Hey, Jihoon-ah”, Seungcheol greeted with a hoarse voice. Even the leader seemed a bit confused by his voice quality but after he gave a short cough, it cleared. “How are you feeling now?”
“Nauseous, hyung”, Jihoon mumbled, “I just threw up again. My head hurts too, and my stomach. I hate boats.” He shivered and felt Wonwoo hold him tighter.
“We don’t think it’s seasickness, Jihoonie”, the manager remarked, “Minghao-yah isn’t feeling good too. And Jeonghan is fine and he took the same meds as you - that doesn’t really mean anything but still … it’s more likely that you are really sick. Food poisoning is out of the question considering you all ate the same thing.”
Great. Just great. Nothing better than a stomach flu in these tight quarters. Jihoon already dreaded the coming hours.
“Shit”, Wonwoo spoke aloud what Jihoon thought. 
“Yeah. But don’t worry about it, Jihoonie”, the manager said and crouched down to look at Jihoon, brushing back a strand of hair. “I have some pills for nausea and vomiting here that we can try. Do you think you could take one?”
He held out a bottle of pills.
Jihoon took a deep breath in and tried to decide. His stomach was unsettled, so much was true, but he also didn’t feel like he needed to be sick in the next few minutes again. So he nodded, hoping the pills would bring some relief.
The manager handed him a pill while Seungcheol balanced past them to fill Jihoon’s toothbrush cup with water. Wonwoo helped Jihoon lift the cup to his mouth, his shaking hands not able to properly grasp and hold it. The cold water felt uncomfortable in his queasy stomach and suddenly Jihoon doubted his ability to take the pill after all. Saliva filled his mouth, making him feel like he was about to gag again.
But he was already inconveniencing his hyungs enough. Surely he would manage to swallow one teensy tiny pill. 
Jihoon was wrong. He was so wrong. The moment he took the pill into his mouth, he realized that with how tight his throat was he couldn’t swallow. Within a few seconds the pill had started to dissolve and before Jihoon was even able to comprehend what was about to happen, the vile taste made him gag. 
The water, white and chalky from the pill, spilled from his mouth before he could stop it, drenching his shirt. But then Jihoon couldn’t stop. He retched again, feeling his stomach reject everything, and more vomit came up, falling onto his lap. 
Wonwoo exclaimed in surprise but quickly helped Jihoon lean over the toilet where he proceeded to gag and retch. Torrents of throw up dirtied the water and the porcelain while Jihoon started to fight for breath. His stomach hurt, cramping badly and pushing even more sick up. 
It took a few moments before Jihoon was able to stop gagging even after he hadn’t thrown up in a bit. He kept leaning over the bowel, not sure if he wasn’t about to spew again.
“Deep breath, Jihoon-ah”, Wonwoo said, gently patting his back. With his other hand he used a wad of toilet paper to wipe Jihoon's mouth. A dangerous task, if Jihoon was honest. He couldn’t guarantee that he would be able to warn Wonwoo in time but it also felt good to have the sick away from the corner of his cracked lips.
But it was useless, as much as dangerous. Jihoon felt his stomach contract and this time the force of his angered stomach was so much that vomit rushed out through his mouth and nose. It was a horrible feeling, burning his esophagus, throat and nose and it took Jihoon’s breath away. His vision went a bit black before his stomach calmed down and gave him mercy. 
Exhausted from the ordeal and too tired to feel humiliated, Jihoon just sunk back against Wonwoo’s chest. He couldn’t hold himself up anymore, even if he wanted to.
The manager sadly smiled at him, looking truly empathetic to Jihoon’s plight. “Let us take your …”
“Cheollie-hyung”, Seungkwan called, barreling into the bedroom out of the blue. Ashamed, Jihoon bowed his head. He didn’t want the younger to see his vocal leader this way. “Thank God I saw you from the hallway. Shua-hyung isn’t doing well either.” He stopped for a moment to take in the scene. “How is Woozi-hyung?”
“I’m okay”, Jihoon replied before any of the others had a chance. It was getting too crowded. Having three people stare down at him laying miserably on his taller chingu, covered in his own sick, was overwhelming and humiliating. Luckily Wonwoo seemed to get the memo.
“Go check on Shua-hyung, Cheol-hyung, manager-hyung”, the rapper said and tightened his arms around Jihoon even more for a moment, “I’ve got Jihoonie.”
The headache Joshua had been nursing since lunch had taken on a worse level. It didn’t quite seem to be a migraine, despite the awful pain. He ticked all the boxes for an early level migraine but somehow he didn’t think it was one. Yet the pain was bad enough that he wanted to cry or smash his head against the wall. Knowing that would scare Seungkwan - if he hadn’t left while Joshua had been asleep - who had no idea how bad headaches could get and to some extent aware that it would not solve his issue, he refrained from it. 
He’d only been awake for a minute or two but Joshua was ready to fall back asleep again. 
He took a deep breath, trying to speak and find out if he was alone or not. Opening his eyes was out of the question. But even speaking seemed to have been the wrong thing to do. Suddenly nausea was rolling in his stomach. 
Oh no. He didn’t know if he could take vomiting on top of everything. He was sure his head would split open if that happened. Still, he couldn’t ignore the bitter taste in his mouth.
“Kwan-ah?”, he whispered without opening his eyes. There was a bit of a scuffle and it sounded like something was dropped. Somebody was there. Joshua felt relief was over him, even if the sound aggravated the pain. 
“Shua-hyung?”, the younger vocalist replied quietly, “what do you need?”
“Can you get me a bin or a bag or something?”, Joshua mumbled, “I don’t think I can make it to the bathroom.” Getting up would definitely make him sick, he was sure.
“Are you gonna throw up?”, Seungkwan asked, his voice a bit more frantic now. 
“Maybe”, Joshua admitted, “can you…?”
His stomach rolled again and he felt himself break into a cold sweat. 
“I’ll be right back”, Seungkwan said before the door opened and closed quietly. The sudden silence was deafening and in the absence of anything that could distract him he was now very aware of the ship’s slight up and down movements. 
Joshua wasn’t sure if he had fallen asleep again or if Seungkwan was so quick but the door opened quite soon. It sounded like there were more footsteps now. Who had Seungkwan brought? The vocalist hoped for one of his fellow 95-liners. Seungcheol had a lot of experience caring for Joshua’s and Woozi’s migraines and Jeonghan was his best friend and his safe place. 
The bed dipped as somebody sat down beside him, causing the nausea to surge. Joshua resolutely clamped his jaw shut, breathing deeply through his nose and trying to concentrate on anything but the nausea.
“He’s gonna vomit”, a quiet voice said. Seungcheol. It sounded further away and there was a weird quality to the leader’s voice. Why was Seungcheol so far away? Who was sitting beside him? Jeonghan? He hoped it was him but he couldn’t tell for sure.
Then the words registered in Joshua’s sluggish mind. He wasn’t gonna throw up, how would Seungcheol…?
Joshua gagged, tasting bile at the back of his throat. The mysterious someone lifted Joshua up into an elevated position and it was enough for the nausea to boil over.
Hot sick sprayed past his lips and Joshua whimpered. It was disgusting. Even worse, the sound of his vomit hitting a crinkling plastic bag seemed to stab at his brain, making everything too loud and intense. Bile burned his nose and he threw up again.
“It’s okay, Shua-yah, we got you”, the head manager said. So it was him who was holding Joshua up. If he wasn’t so focused on how awful he was feeling he would have been embarrassed. At least Jeonghan had seen him like this before. 
“I’ll go and get him something to drink”, Seungcheol announced and his hurried footsteps receded. For a moment Joshua wondered why the leader was abandoning him now but as he retched again and his brain felt like it would explode with the next sound, he couldn’t care less.
He whimpered again, not able to stop the helpless sound. “Make it stop”, he begged, despite knowing there was nothing the manager or Seungkwan - Joshua supposed it was him holding the bag - could do. He was so desperate for relief that any rational thought was wiped from his mind.
“I’m sorry, Shua-yah”, the manager said, rubbing his back. “Try to calm down, okay?”
Joshua wanted to tell him that he could not - under any circumstances - calm down. He was so hot. He was shivering. His stomach was turning itself inside out. His dongsaeng was holding the bag he was puking in. Worst of all, his head was in so much pain that even thinking was hard.
But he couldn’t. He just gagged again, the stench of his previous meals reappearing making the nausea worse. 
It seemed like Seungkwan understood. The bag was pulled away from his face and suddenly Joshua could breathe.
“What are you doing?”, the manager asked, confused and panicked, “what if he …?”
“The smell is making me nauseous. Imagine how Shua-hyung feels”, Seungkwan - so it was really him - replied quietly. “If he throws up, he throws up. But I think this will help more.”
It really did help to not have the bag in front of his face, even if he didn’t even see the contents. Joshua gagged dryly a few times but then his stomach calmed down. He sighed in relief. A tiny part of him had started to believe he would forever be trapped in a circle of vomiting making his headache worse and his headache triggering more vomit. 
The manager, seemingly satisfied and hopeful that Joshua was done, lowered the vocalist back onto the bed. “What can we do for you?”, he asked.
Joshua desperately wanted to remove the taste of throw up from his mouth but he didn’t think that drinking or even swishing his mouth out would happen without him vomiting again. Nevermind the movement needed for that. Taking medicine was out of the question as well. Just the thought of his anti-emetic and the migraine medicine wanted him to start gagging. 
“Ice pack?”, he slurred, sudden exhaustion hitting him.  
“I’ll go look for one”, Seungkwan said.
“Good call. You’re running a fever, I think”, the manager whispered, “I think you have what Jihoon and Minghao have.”
Joshua didn’t even have it in him to ask what was going on with his dongsaengs. Sleep pulled him under.
Minghao didn’t remember a time where he had felt this terrible. His mom had once told him that  he had had a terrible stomach flu as a baby but he obviously didn’t remember it. Even when he had eaten the spicy curry Jun had made some years ago - and then never again - he hadn’t felt like this. It was as if his insides were boiling, reduced to watery, sick liquid.
As his stomach cramped anew, he couldn’t help but whimper and curl over into himself. Tears burned in his eyes and he didn’t have the strength to hold them back. They trailed down his cheeks, dripping onto his lap. 
He felt so humiliated. The ship was small, barely fitting the members and the staff. In fact, Hoshi didn’t even have a bed but only an inflatable mattress on the floor of the bedroom he shared with Seungcheol, Jun, Jeonghan and Vernon. All of the staff would sleep on air mattresses on the floor of the living room, a small section would be separated by a curtain for the four women on staff. 
And here he was. He was acutely aware that his stomach wasn’t throwing a quiet fit. Anybody passing by would know what exactly he was enduring. To add to his misery, the combination of upset stomach and the smell quickly made him queasy. 
A gag made his throat jump. Oh no. There was no trash can in the bathroom. It only held the toilet he was getting very familiar with and a tiny sink. He couldn’t throw up in this bathroom, not now. It was bad enough that he had been forced to admit to Vernon about his bowel issues, he couldn’t throw up on the floor on top of that. Speaking of the youngest rapper, Minghao really hoped he hadn’t followed him after he had been forced to flee the living area. 
Fate was against him. Just as he heard a knock on the door and Vernon’s concerned voice asking if he should go and get a hyung, Minghao’s throat spasmed. He retched. 
Minghao didn’t have any time to prepare himself before a cascade of vomit made its way out of his mouth, splattering onto the floor between his feet. At least he had been already bent over so he didn’t hit his lap. More liquid, chunky and hot, spilled from his lips and this time the backsplash dirtied his lower legs. An instinct reaction of disgust made him sick again. 
Helpless tears sprung to his eyes and Minghao couldn’t help but sob between expulsions from both ends. Everything hurt and his stomach was so sore and unsettled. He wanted a hyung. But he also didn’t want to be seen this way. 
A knock on the door made him jump and another wave of vomit rushed up his throat to join the rapidly growing puddle. For a moment Minghao wondered what would happen if he continued throwing up like this, already most of the floor was covered. Would the puddle just continue growing until it ran out of space and pushed its way out into the hallway like a broken water pipe? Minghao certainly felt like a leaky water pipe, his body desperate to get rid of all fluids. 
“Eissa, it’s Jeonghan-hyung and Junnie. Vernonie fetched us”, his second oldest hyung said through the door. “Are you okay? Can we help you somehow?”
“No”, Minghao gasped out, “just … wait…”
“Okay, we’ll just be outside, baby”, Jun called. 
Embarrassment crept up on Minghao as he realized they wouldn’t budge. They would get first row seats to the sounds of his body rebelling. 
In a stroke of luck it seemed like his body was done with him soon after. He cleaned himself up, flushing a few times, and tried to wipe the sick from his legs without stepping into the puddle. It didn’t really work as his stomach cramped badly as he tried to bend down. So quickly he was forced to admit defeat.
He didn’t really know what to do. He knew that he’d likely be in this position again sometime soon. And he desperately wanted comfort. In the end the need for comfort and his inability to properly clean up forced him to call out for his hyungs sooner rather than later. He was just glad that he had been wearing shorts and therefore had been able to pull them up over the sickness on his legs. At least he was spared the indignity of being naked after all that.
“Gege? Hyung?”, he called out cautiously.
“We’re here, Xiao Ba”, Jun replied instantly. “It’s just us. Can you open the door for us?”
Minghao didn’t reply, just unlocked the door. However, he couldn’t bring himself to open the door. It only took a few seconds until he was facing the two older members. Tears sprung to Minghao’s eyes again and he looked down at their feet, ignoring the mess on the floor.
“Oh, baby”, Jeonghan cooed, managing to sound shocked at the same time. 
“I’m sorry”, Minghao whispered without lifting his head. He didn’t want his hyungs - or worse a staff member he would never be able to look into the eyes after - to clean up after him, but he knew he couldn’t do it. 
“It’s okay, Xiao Ba, come over here”, Jun said and held out his hand. Tentatively Minghao grabbed his hand and stepped over the mess to immediately be pulled into the older dancer’s arms. 
“It’s okay”, Jun repeated as Minghao kept sobbing into his shoulder, “I just wish you’d told me earlier you didn’t feel well.”
“It’s embarrassing. It only started when we played table tennis anyway”, Minghao mumbled. He was starting to feel really lightheaded and wobbly, even with Jun holding him. “I don’t feel good.”
“Don’t be embarrassed”, Jeonghan said from behind him and rubbed his back, “you’re just really sick. It happens.”
Minghao removed himself a tiny bit from Jun’s arms so he could look at Jeonghan. The older gave with a sweet, comforting smile and Minghao noticed that he had closed the bathroom door so that anybody who would stumble upon them would not immediately see. Minghao was deeply grateful for that.
“Do you feel ready to go lie down in the living room?”, Jeonghan asked. 
“Please”, Minghao mumbled. All he wanted was to lie down. The walk to the living area wasn’t long at all but at the moment it felt like they were asking him to hike the length of the Great Wall of China. 
His head was swimming and then his knees really buckled. Jun tightened his grip on him as soon as he felt Minghao sway, which was the only thing keeping him from face planting on the floor. 
“I got you, Xiao Ba”, Jun whispered, “Hannie-hyung, could you…?”
Within a few seconds Minghao found himself supported on both sides by his hyungs, his arms wrapped around their shoulders. His legs were like jelly and he was more dragged than he actually took steps. The little strength it took to keep his head up made everything woozy again so he just let it thunk against Jun’s shoulder and closed his eyes. The last thing he felt was being laid down on a soft cushion and a cool cloth wiping his legs before he fell asleep. 
From Jeonghannie-hyung (17:48): Everybody who is able to, please come to the living room as soon as possible. It’s important. 
“Well, that’s ominous”, Hoshi commented after Vernon read out the message out loud. Dino and the other maknae had done as asked from Jeonghan - they had joined Mingyu, Seokmin and Hoshi in the lounge area on the deck. They hadn’t found Joshua to tell him about the arising situation but they apparently had been able to keep appearances up enough for the three elders not to ask if anything was wrong. 
“Let’s just go”, Vernon said and rolled his eyes at Mingyu and Seokmin, who were still discussing the table tennis match - which they had done since the two maknaes had arrived. Even Hoshi looked like he wanted to strangle the two which was really a feat. The older was so easily drawn into shenanigans that it was truly a wonder he wasn’t involved.
“Do you think it has something to do with Woozi-hyung and Minghao-hyung?”, Dino whispered to Vernon as they walked side by side. The rapper just shrugged. 
When they entered the living room, they found a variety of staff members, as well as Jeonghan and Seungcheol gathered around a table. Jun sat at another table. Dino quickly realized why, when he saw Minghao asleep on the older’s lap. The dancer was curled into himself and looked pale and sweaty. Jun had his hand on Minghao’s stomach, rubbing soothing circles. 
The atmosphere was undeniably tense.
“Is he okay?”, Hoshi asked, eyeing the duo wearily. The dance leader wasn’t a fan of sickness, as far as Dino knew. He’d rather avoid it because he doesn’t know what to do - except for with Woozi, obviously. Mingyu didn't look any more happy.
Jeonghan sighed and pointed at the five empty chairs at their table. “Please sit. Now, that we are all here…”
He was interrupted by Seokmin. “What do you mean that we’re all here? Shua-hyung, Wonwoo-hyung, Woozi-hyung and Kwan-ah are missing?”
“That’s what we’re here to talk about”, the head manager remarked, “Minghao-yah is sick. So are Woozi-yah and Joshua-yah.”
“Oh damn”, Mingyu cursed. 
“Yeah”, Jeonghan sighed, “Kwan-ah volunteered to keep an eye on Shua and Wonwoo just texted that he doesn’t think he should leave Jihoonie alone to come here.”
“It’s that bad?”, Hoshi asked nervously, seemingly very concerned for his best friend. Dino understood. He too hadn’t thought it was that bad. Beside him Vernon was starting to fidget as well.
“I haven’t yet looked them all over”, the medic replied, “but we all doubt it’s food poisoning. I think it’s a stomach flu, a very contagious one at that. Norovirus, likely.”
Dino felt his heart drop to his stomach. With three members already sick and a very contagious virus going around they all were likely doomed. A ticking clock was counting down on them. It would be awful on the boat, far away from help and in such close quarters.
Another manager seemed to think along the same lines as the maknae. “Filming is canceled obviously, we can do that another time. The priority at the moment is to keep this from spreading, I think. Can we quarantine the sick members to a room and hope that the rest of us are not yet infected? It might keep the sickness from spreading.”
“No, that’s not possible. I don’t think so, at least. No matter that Woozi hasn’t been able to leave the bathroom, no matter that Joshua is in so much pain he basically passed out, no matter that Minghao is really weak, no matter that none of them could climb up to an upper bunk”, Jeonghan started, “Woozi has been throwing up every twenty minutes, Joshua is really sensitive to sound and light and also throwing up, and Minghao is getting sick from both ends. There is no way they wouldn’t set each other off and sharing a bathroom with two other sick members will be a disaster waiting to happen. I’m afraid we all might need to bite the bullet and distribute sick members to every room, so we can watch over them.”
“I agree with Jeonghan-ah”, the head manager said.
Jun nodded as well. “I don’t know about the other two but Minghao needs help. He can barely walk and he’s really dehydrated, he fell asleep before he could drink anything. I doubt he would have kept it down but … they can’t be on their own…” He trailed off, looking lost in thought and so worried about his younger fellow chinese member.  
“What do we do then?”, Dino asked, feeling overwhelmed with the situation but also like he needed to help.
Jeonghan sighed, resting his head in his hand for a moment and taking a deep breath before suggesting: “I think the best would be if we divide into groups to take care of the sick members, as well as one where we only put those we hope didn’t get infected yet go together, and try to avoid each other for the time, so that maybe contagion is a bit reduced.”
Jun nodded, as did the head manager and the medic.
“Wonwoo is with Woozi, Kwan-ah is with Shua and Jun is with Minghao”, Jeonghan decided the obvious, “I think we should add another member and one manager to each team. Vernon, Cheollie and I have definitely been in contact with the sick members, and the rest of you maybe try to stay far far away. Cheollie, what do you think?”
Dino had nearly forgotten that the leader was there, he had been so quiet. It was unusual for Seungcheol to be quiet in a situation like this, the maknae mused, normally their leader was the first one by a sick member's side and decided on how things would progress. But during the whole exchange he had been silent, head bowed and staring at the table in front of him.
Now that all the attention was on him, Seungcheol lifted his head. 
“I …”, Seungcheol started but then he stopped and pushed his chair away so violently it toppled over. 
Dino only had a few seconds to note how awfully pale their oldest was and remember the heart-stopping moment of Seungcheol falling into the water after complaining of the cold on a hot day. Then Seungcheol turned his back to the group and doubled over, throwing up onto the floor with a loud gag. 
“Shit”, Jeonghan cursed and pushed his own chair away to stand and support the leader as he continued getting sick. 
Dino watched in horror, not having expected it even though in retrospect it had been clear that something was up with their mat-hyung. Vernon had seemingly expected it even less and out of instinct clutched Dino’s hand with his own tightly.
“This is not good”, the rapper whispered.
Seungcheol didn’t know when he first started feeling unwell.
When he first noticed it, it was like he had always felt like that. Nauseous, stomach cramping and freezing cold. Not necessarily the best conditions for swimming in the open sea. Staying close to the floatie and getting out before his strength completely vanished had been the only thing on his mind at that time. Falling into the icy cold water had not been his plan, a wave of nausea so suddenly washing over him that he feared he would throw up then and there on the ladder. Instead he had fallen into the water. 
The leader had no idea how he had made it up to the deck without vomiting all the salt water he had accidentally swallowed up. Hell, he was feeling so bad he had all but confessed to Jeonghan, Dino and the manager that he wasn’t feeling well. Only Vernon running to tell them Minghao was sick had stopped him from telling them we thought something else next to falling was wrong. 
While the others had seemingly forgotten about the leader’s admission - don’t get him wrong, he was glad they were focusing on the younger members instead of him -  he himself could not forget about how awful he was feeling. 
If watching Woozi vomit all over himself had not been enough, watching Joshua throw up barely ten minutes later had not done the leader any favors. At least the members had been so focused on the sick ones that they had not even suspected that Seungcheol was feeling about ready to redecorate the floor himself. Getting Joshua water had been as much of a necessity as a saving grace. Seungcheol was sure if he had stayed any longer he would have gotten sick listening to Joshua retch. And if he took a detour to just stand in a corner and take deep breaths until his own shaking had subsided, nobody seemed to care. Least of all Seungkwan who told him that Joshua was asleep and to leave the water at his bedside when Seungcheol turned up with it, much later than the time he would have needed to get to the living room and back. 
None of them had suspected a thing. A win in Seungcheol’s book. 
He knew that as general leader and mat-hyung he was expected to say things and give suggestions, work on solutions, at the meeting Jeonghan and the main manager had quickly organized. Yet with a GI infection epidemic looming over their heads no one even spared a thought to the fact that he didn’t speak. 
Seungcheol was proud of the members for staying level-headed even in face of this - a situation none of them had ever faced before. 
“Cheollie, what do you think?”, a voice asked through the fog in his mind. Shit, they wanted his opinion after all. Just … Seungcheol had no idea what they even were talking about. 
Along with the stomach ache, he must have developed a fever. That would explain his muddled thoughts. It was only then that it occurred to Seungcheol that he likely had what was already making Joshua, Jihoon and Minghao so sick. He needed to let them know, needed to let them know they had to keep their distance from him.
He lifted his dizzy head, seeing everything swirl around him. This was not good. His stomach twinged, unhappy with the nauseating movement.
“I …”, he started, feeling like his tongue was too big for his mouth. He didn’t even have a chance to process what happened. One second he was speaking, the next he had pushed back his chair and a puddle of sick was rapidly growing at his feet. 
Seungcheol gagged harshly, feeling his whole body shudder with it and swaying with the motion. A new torrent of vomit rushed up his throat, splattering at his feet. His knees went weak and he would have fallen if not for the hands holding him up.
“Shit”, the person holding him cursed. Hannie? Seungcheol wasn’t sure.
Later he couldn’t say for how long he had been throwing up. Afterwards he just knew he felt wrung dry, his insides twisting and everything swirling around him. 
“Let’s get you to the bathroom across the hall, hm?”, the voice said and it was then that Seungcheol realized it really was Jeonghan who was holding him tightly. 
But then.
“Hannie-hyung”, Jun called, his voice frantic, “I need to get Hao there.”
Seungcheol suddenly felt sick again. Guilt was crashing over him like a wave. First his sickness had interrupted the meeting about the sickness and now he had - even if accidentally - set Minghao off again. Minghao, who as far as Seungcheol knew, couldn’t afford to lose more liquids.
With a sob, more sick spilled from his lips and onto the ground.
“Cheollie”, Jeonghan whispered, gently rubbing Seungcheol’s back in comforting circles. After this surge of sickness passed, Seungcheol was pushed down on a chair. He hung his head low, nearly resting it on his knees. 
“Hey, can you look at me?”, Jeonghan asked, his tone so gentle and worried that Seungcheol couldn’t help but lift his head to do as asked. He didn’t even remember closing his eyes but when he opened them he was greeted by Jeonghan giving him a lopsided smile, the one he used when he tried to cheer members up but also was very worried himself. The vocalist was squatting in front of the chair Seungcheol was sitting on, balancing with one hand on Seungcheol’s knee. The touch was so comforting. 
“Hannie”, the leader rasped.
“I’m here”, his best friend reassured, “wish you’d told me you felt this sick earlier though. I know you mentioned after swimming but you let us brush it aside. Next time, make us listen.”
Jeonghan sighed and lifted his free hand up to first brush Seungcheol’s hair from his forehead, then hold the back of his hand against it. After a few seconds trailed his hand down to cup Seungcheol’s cheek.
“You’re burning up, darling.”
Seungcheol nodded. Even with his mind hazy as it was he knew what that likely meant.
Suddenly somebody crouched down beside Jeonghan. It was the medic on staff if Seungcheol could remember correctly. He placed a plastic bag into the leader’s lap.
“Just in case”, he commented. “Can I look you over, Seungcheol-ssi? You seem to be burning up and obviously have what the others have.”
Seungcheol nodded, exhaustion pulling at his every bone. He just wanted to sleep.
Five minutes later the medic had established that the leader was running a sky-high temperature of 39.4°C and Seungcheol had been forced to bring the precautionary plastic bag to his lips, the thermometer having triggered his gag reflex to an uncomfortable degree. He hadn’t yet thrown up again but he also was pretty sure it was only a matter of time. 
The managers had vacated the room, moving the meeting to the outside in hopes to discuss future plans and try to figure out how to get back to land - at least that’s what Seungcheol managed to understand while fighting to not spit out the thermometer along with his stomach.
“Hyungs?”, Dino’s voice suddenly came from the entrance door to the living room. He and Mingyu were both standing there, kind of awkwardly. Seungcheol had completely forgotten about them if he was being honest.
“Hey, Dino-yah, Mingyu-yah”, Jeonghan said, “what’s up?”
“How is Cheollie-hyung?”, Mingyu questioned, biting his lip and seemingly trying to avoid looking at his sick leader. If anything, Seungcheol understood. He arguably was feeling even more awkward than his dongsaeng.
“Queasy but alive”, Jeonghan quipped, likely trying to make the atmosphere more light. “What can I do for you?”
“We just wanted to let you know that Hoshi-hyung went to help Wonwoo-hyung with Woozi-hyung and Seokmin-hyung went to check on Joshua-hyung and Seungkwan-hyung. Vernon-hyung went after Jun-hyung and Minghao-hyung. That leaves us with Cheollie-hyung if that is okay? We thought you might like to check on all the sick members periodically, Hannie-hyung?”, Dino said hesitantly. 
It was not a bad idea. Jeonghan seemed to agree. 
Masterlist links: Fairy's Full Masterlist Fairy's Masterlist - SEVENTEEN
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thedevilundercover · 7 months
my perpetual state of being is going: hey, that piece of media + this fanfic + another headcanon + a bajillion other stuff would make the perfect fic
totally unrelated to that, I have another fic idea
Timbuktu but he’s a shady medic. He’s also aged up bc why not
He’s lost his parents, he’s lost his fortune, he’s now living in crime alley. Great, stellar, it’s whatever, then he finds a whole ass child bleeding out in an alley
Because Timber has, like, a saviour complex, he’s like ok I’m going to carry this random child into my shitty apartment. When he finishes patching the child he passes out and the next day the child is gone.
Timmy’s like great, he’s gone, idgaf. But no, Timberly, you made a mistake. Bc the child told *other children* about him. Now he was running an under ground medic for homeless children, he’s totally fine, the compartmentalisation skills are coming in hand.
The first kid he saved, Jason, disappeared one day, Tim’s confused and worried (he doesn’t care for him, no sir, why would you say that?) then he’s like ohhhh new Robin = Jason
Then Robin dies, and he’s… *more hurt than he had thought he would be*
After a while he’s still sad, but it’s better, he’s still taking care of the children. Bc it’s what Jason would have wanted, but the fucking red hood gang captures him.
He’s like ohhhhh fuck, this is the end besties. But for some reason this goon named Gary ruined it all. Gary was a little dumb and he ruined the entire terrorising part of the kidnapping.
Jason apparently wanted to kill him because he forgot him? Bullshit? He was depressed?
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cebwrites · 7 months
since you wanted some uncommon character requests; could i request some sfw and nsfw relationship headcanons for penguin x reader and shachi x reader? If they're not too out of the way for you (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ I rarely see those two requested for, so I'd love to see you're take on them! [I'd ask off anon but i can't ask from a non-primary blog - I'll be reblogging to @remisloves if you wanted an identity (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)b ]
a/n: surprisingly they aren't around these parts, I've gotten quite a few requests for the boys lol - but since you asked nicely, sure <3 [thank you so much for including your blog too, it feels nice to actually put usernames to people (;´д`)ゞ]
Relationship Headcanons (Penguin, Shachi)
gn reader, trans penguin, nsfw under the cut self-indulgence unrelated to pen and shach at the end cw; blood, funky OP-verse sex toys word count: 1.1k
Penguin was the oldest of the original Heart Pirates quartet, he's always been the oldest even when it was just him and Shachi, before and after the tsunami that left them with Shachi's horrible, horrible relatives
It's made him protective over the people he holds dear, incredibly worrisome even if he tries to hide it, but also surprisingly nurturing for someone who seemingly goofs off as much as his counterpart does
He makes snacks, he checks up on the crew, and has a bad habit of taking too much onto himself, although not nearly as badly as the notorious Heart captain, Penguin still struggles with that "eldest sibling" mentality even if most of the crew is quite a bit older than him; he vehemently denies any teasing you or the crew give him about passing on those traits to Law
When it comes to you, Pen likes to keep a close eye on you even when things are calm and everyone's having fun, not that he doesn't trust you to take care of yourself, but he'd just like to make sure no one's getting hurt or too carried away when his crew mates' usual brand of shenanigans kick into high gear
There's a cute kind of shyness when he opens up to you for the first time; yeah agreeing to being in a relationship is one thing but it's another to actually know the person you love and with Penguin, it's tentative, almost scared, but genuine
He's hesitant to let you come too close at first, become too physical, an insecurity that you do your best to quell but it isn't easy, Pen's become used to protecting himself and his own so much that vulnerability is alien
Being topless with the guys on the Tang's deck, whacking each other on the ass with freshly laundered towels is one thing, but being intimate with his partner in a private room is another entirely
Still, you're patient with him, you don't react poorly when he gets overwhelmed at the protective layers of clothes hitting the floor, you allow him space, and eventually, maybe even agonizingly slowly, he lets you in - starting with a held pinky while Penguin catches his breath with his shirt off, his nerves getting the best of him after getting a little more handsy than usual that day
When the dam finally breaks, when he's comfortable showing himself to you in his entirety, you're surprised at how ravenous Penguin actually is - he's insatiable, betraying the composure he carries himself with throughout the day
In the bedroom, against the wall, in the communal bathroom and over the Tang's railing when everyone's asleep, hell, even in an alleyway once when the both of you had time to kill on a random island while everyone else was getting wasted, he can't keep his hands off you
Penguin loves watching you eat him out, one hand in your hair while the other shakily props himself up, but what he loves more is the view he gets when you're sucking him off
The Grand Line is.... an anomaly, neither you or Pen are here to dispute that - weird as it is, however, it's often resourceful once you can get past the initial recoil; all that to say—Penguin got his hands on seeds that, once "planted" between his vulva, allowed him to temporarily grow a fully functioning phallus
By god, Pen loves the way you look bouncing on it
He digs his nails into your waist, laps up the sweat on your skin, his grip is hard enough to bruise but you're no better, egging him on to take you after you've done such good work prepping his cock, prepping yourself for him
And really how could he say no after all that
The MOST live in your hoodies mf to ever; he's clingy, he's affectionate, he mock-whines if you've been apart from him for too long like a pup with separation anxiety
To some degree you both know it's an act he puts on to vie for your attention, but there's also a real part of him that worries if he lets his hold on you slip a little too much, you'll disappear
I like to think Shachi's part fishman too, so there's a quiet part of him that worries his partner would leave if they found out, or couldn't handle the treatment you'd get by proxy of being so close to a fishman, even if he wasn't full-blooded - yet every day you find ways to reassure him that'll never happen
In return, he'll climb to the top of the Tang's mast to yell about how much he loves you and how perfect you are, he's a little obnoxious in the Maes Hughes "look at my adorable family" kind of way but you can forgive the mild embarrassment when he flashes his award-winning smile full of razor-sharp chompers
Shachi takes incredible pride in being the one who takes care of the Heart Pirates' hair, his little summer job on Swallow Island for the few years that he spent as a stylist really did turn into a passion for him, even if his occupation on paper is "pirate", but hey, who's keeping track anyways?
Despite his enthusiasm about most everything else, he's incredibly delicate with you initially, constantly checking in to see if you're alright, making sure boundaries aren't crossed, confirming that you are, in fact, enjoying yourself like the big shell-conchus dweeb he is, Shachi just wants to make sure you're alright
Not that he doesn't still check up on you now, he absolutely does, but now with a decent amount of shared time between you two, he's a lot less jumpy about things, more confident in his stride - or rather stroke, I should say
He's loud, peppers you in kisses all over, hell if other people can hear, Shachi needs you to know that he adores every part of you - it does result in an addition of both of your chores (takes two to tango), so whenever the sub drops anchor the both of you try to sneak off to a love hotel given the option of free roam at least once if possible
Shachi answers to you completely, he marks you up at your command and eases whenever you show the slightest discomfort; still, when you do manage to convince him to let loose, he definitely takes the phrase leaving his mark literally - with those exact teeth
He laps at the wounds he leaves as he makes love to you, smearing crimson and words of praise against your body like hymns of devotion, pulling you impossibly close and sharing your taste when you pull him in for a kiss, still trying to hold back that animal desire
The aftercare is just as tender, just as sweet, but maybe a little awkward the first time around when he has to explain to Law why he's sneaking medical supplies away while you sit in the middle of blood stained sheets like you're the victim of a murder
And a bonus for me since writing this had me thinking about it-
I know Law goes down on their man like a champ; inexperienced initially? Yes, but they learn quickly and spite from being teased is a good motivator as any, plus, pleasing their partner, of course
Kirin's got his dick out? Not a problem, they're making him beg for it, the E, As, and T on their fingers might not see the light for hours, not until they're satisfied with edging Kirin until he cries
The only one who beats them at that is Zoro but realistically, no one's topping the King of Cock, not unless Zoro finds it in his heart to not power-bottom Sanji for the night
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sailorshadzter · 2 months
some random jonsa
somewhat inspired by the mufasa & simba scene in the lion king lol
“.... Father…”
He groans, softly, rolling onto his other side.
There it comes again, the voice unrelenting as a hand shakes his shoulder.
“Your son is awake,” it’s another voice this time, his wife’s groggy vocals filtering into his brain. 
“Before the morning call, he’s your son,” he replies, attempting to draw her into his arms, but she shrugs him off, rolling onto her other side and drawing the furs over her head. A sigh escapes him and he turns back to face the son that stands at the side of his bed, barely tall enough to come up over its edge. “It is early, my boy,” Jon yawns, reaching out to ruffle the boy’s dark locks, though the child frowns, arms folding over his chest. “Get into bed,” he gestures towards the space between he and Sansa, a place he once slept religiously, but the boy shakes his head.
“I want to learn to use a sword,” he says with all the determination of a boy his age, his gray eyes flashing. 
“Can’t it wait until sunrise?” Jon asks and the boy pouts, bringing a chuckle from his lips. 
“Alright, alright, I’m up,” he says next, pushing back the covers so he can swing his legs over the edge of the bed. Of course his son was far too young to wield a sword, but he recalls those days when he and Robb had begged to do the same, and he softens, deciding he might as well put a wooden sword into the boy’s hands. He’d be King in the North someday, after all, and despite the peaceful times they lived within, it was only fitting he learn the way of the sword. 
And so he rises up and dresses in the dark, putting back on the clothing he’d discarded the night before, stuffing his feet back into his boots. “Will you let me use Longclaw?” The boy asks as they make their way down the hall, pausing only for a moment to peek into the room where the baby slept, unaware that his brother had left his bed. At this rate, it wouldn’t be long before that babe also wanted to learn the art of the sword. 
“You have much to learn before you hold a steel sword, my son,” Jon replies as he puts a hand to his shoulder. Though the boy makes a face, he steers him along, until they reach the main floor. At this early hour there is no one around but them and so he pushes him along, out the double doors and into the twilight hour of dawn. 
“I do?”
Jon chuckles, taking in the sight of his son, a boy that is every inch his, from his dark curly hair to his Stark gray eyes. “Aye,” he replies, gesturing for him to follow him towards the door that opens up to a storage room, which from within he takes hold of two wooden swords. “I too once yearned to learn to swing a sword, to cut down my enemies, to protect my family… But there is more to it than that.” He thinks of every battle, of every enemy, of every moment that had led him to this very one… He smiles, handing one of the swords to his young son, a boy of six, the very same age he’d once been when Ned Stark had taken him and Robb out into this very courtyard. 
Now he stands here with his own son, another Robb Stark, the successor to the legacy left behind by the uncle he’d never know. “Your grandfather always said," The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword.” The boy’s gray eyes widen with these words, his young mind trying to grasp the depth of their meaning. If you would take a man's life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his final words. And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the man does not deserve to die. Those words still echo in his own mind, all these years later. He thinks of every sword swing that has taken a life and he knows he has lived up to those words his father once said.
Little Robb stares up at his father, eyes wide, wondering what it might feel like to take a man’s life. He knows his father has done it, more than once, including taking the life of a tyrant queen that spared the lives of all those who still yet lived in Westeros. His older foster brother, Samwell, told him often of the stories he’d heard of Jon Snow- now Stark- from his own father, the elder Samwell. A hero, the boy had said, my father says he’s the greatest hero of all time. Better than any of the stories. “Father…” The boy begins, following after him as he steps closer into the center of the courtyard, where the ground was firm, perfect for their first lesson. “Is it true… What they say you did to the dragon queen?” 
Jon freezes, turning back to face his young son, who looks up at him with those same gray eyes he knows he has himself. “Aye,” he says honestly, dropping to a knee so he might look his son in his face. “I did,” he knows the rumors that still swirl all these years later- the truth caught somewhere between the tales. “I did what I had to do to protect my family, to protect my home.” His hand falls into place against the slim shoulder, giving it a tender squeeze. “Someday you too may have to make a difficult decision to protect those you love.” He hopes for a better life for his son, for all of his children, but there was no telling what their future would bring. All he can do is prepare them the best he can for what may come, gods willing. “You must always put your family first, as a man and as King.” The boy is nodding, slowly, his young mind doing its best to fully comprehend the meaning. Jon knows there will come a time where he will recall this conversation, just as he recalled the one with Ned Stark, and know he’s held onto his father’s wisdom all the years of his life. 
And all Jon can do is hope that Robb will smile looking back, thankful for his father’s voice in his mind.
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