#and as we all know henry cant say no to them
calamity-unlocked · 1 year
There is so much untapped potential in the idea of young Lark and Sparrow using the San Dimas Museum of Natural History as their personal playground. I'm picturing full cartoon-y hijinks, including but not limited to:
They dress up in historic costumes and pretend to be part of an exhibit, jump-scaring visitors for laughs
Trying to scare the living shit out of henry by crawling in the skin of a stuffed tiger and pretending its alive
Them sneaking into the museum after closing hours and playing superspy with the laser sensors. They of course set them off, triggering the museum's security system, and quickly scramble out of there before the police arrives
They accidentally break some statue and spend all day trying to glue it back together
Taking the intercom hostage and saying the most batshit insane stuff while Henry desperately begging them to open the door
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adriennebarnes · 15 days
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Charles gets easily jealous when his girlfriend fawns over her fictional or celebrity crushes
Warning: spelling and grammatical errors
A/N: all the characters and celebrities mentioned are people I find attractive. If you don’t have a crush on them, that’s fine, to each their own
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Y/N and Charles were watching American Assassin because Charles wanted to watch an action movie and he has never seen it.
“Ugh, Dylan O’Brien could get it.” Y/N said and Charles turned so fast to look at her.
“What?” Charles asked.
“Dylan O’Brien could get it, he is so fine, I already thought he was cute as Stiles but as Mitch Rapp? Ooh, so fine, I’d let him choke me.” Y/N said, eating chips and Charles just looks at her. “What?”
“Were you always this unhinged?” Charles asked.
“A little, but have you seen his veiny arms when he was being held at gun point? I wanna bite them.” Y/N said and Charles looked at his arms and back at the screen.
“Mon ange, my arms are veiny, you could bite mine.” Charles said.
“I bite yours all the time when we’re not in public. There’s just something about Dylan O’Brien playing Mitch Rapp that does something for me. Like look at those abs.” Y/N said and Charles immediately retaliated with
“I have better abs than him!” Charles exclaimed, making a point by taking off his shirt and standing next to the TV to compare him and Dylan O’Brien
“Ay muñeco, Im teasing, don’t take it too seriously.” Y/N said, pulling him back to the bed and kissing him.
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The next time Charles got “jealous” was when Y/N was on TikTok and she saw a video of The Drivers Era performing.
“Ross Lynch es tan guapo, no wonder when he performed in Mexico, todos le estaban diciendo que se encuere.” Y/N said and Charles was brushing his teeth in the bathroom. Charles poked his head out to see Y/N in bed. “What? Ross is 6’1, our height difference is literally perfect.”
“Are you trying to hurt me, Mon ange?” Charles asked before spitting into the sink.
“Of course not muñeco, he’s just a celebrity crush, it’s not like anything will happen.” Y/N commented.
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Then it happened again when Charles and Y/N were out with Pierre and Kika. They saw a movie poster for the ministry of ungentlemany warfare.
“We should see this movie, the trailer looks amazing.” Kika said.
“And so does Henry Cavill, I love how curly his hair is.” Y/N commented.
“Just once I would like to go out and not listen to you talk about other men.” Charles said.
“Whats happening there?” Pierre asked
“Charles gets butthurt when I talk about my celebrity crushes.” Y/N said.
“What do they have that I don’t?” Charles asked.
“Well Ross and Henry are 6 feet tall, Ross plays hockey and I LOVE hockey boys, Henry played field hockey, but you’re taller than Dylan O’Brien, I’ll give you that.” Y/N said and Charles stared at her.
“You weren’t supposed to give me a list!” Charles exclaimed while laughing at how ridiculous this conversation was.
“You literally asked!” Y/N exclaimed. “But I also want to see the movie for Eiza Gonzalez, totally support her making it big in Hollywood.”
“Yes! Loved her in Baby Driver!” Kika said and her and Y/N started talking about movies.
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Y/N was watching Supernatural and eating ice cream.
“God I love this episode, he looks so good.” Y/N said. Charles looked at the screen and back at her.
“Really? The Winchester brothers in prison? Isn’t the guy who plays Dean like 50?” Charles asked.
“Um, he’s 46, and he looks good for his age considering he’s white.” Y/N said.
“Cant believe you love Dean Winchester. Why not Sam?” Charles asked.
“I love both Winchester brothers, I just relate to Dean more. And in the later seasons, I don’t like Sam’s hair. But Sam’s hair in season 1 and 2? LOVE.” Y/N said.
“What about my hair?” Charles asked.
“Muñeco, you know how much I love to pull on it when we’re kissing and other stuff.” Y/N says, kissing Charles, running her hands through his hair to make a point, he pulled away.
“Mm, I love when you do that.” Charles said smiling.
“I know you do.” Y/N said, continuing to play with his hair. “There’s no reason to be jealous of my celebrity crushes, okay?“
“I’m not convinced, how about you show me that you’re mine and mine alone.” Charles said, hand wrapped around Y/N’s throat, not applying pressure.
“It would be my pleasure.” Y/N said, holding Charles’s hand to run to their bedroom.
The End
Hope y’all like it!
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risaonda · 2 years
just watched a livestream of the silent hill stuff. thoughts:
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findafight · 1 year
Tw for hospitals and use of of pain medication, infection, and canonical injuries, brief mention of the AIDS crisis. Ohhhh steddie dating pre S4 au where Robin has now been subjected at work to Steve both striking out spectacularly and flirting like he knows he's getting laid that night. She isn't sure which is worse. (The striking out is worse. She is glad her friend is happy. She's just painfully single and pining away)
The same stuff happens in s4 minus Robin and Eddie pushing Steve and Nancy together romantically (Dustin is trying to push Steve to both Robin or Nancy he's like dude these are girls you like why are you not making a move on them! I want you to be happy!!! And Steve rips his eyes away from Eddie's lips like huh?) But they're still like hey Nancy! It would be nice! If we could be friends maybe! And it's still awkward.
Robin is out here sweating and glaring at Steve and eddie trying to beam thoughts into Eddie's brain in the Upside Down like Eddie please cool it I know it's a stressful situation but stop staring at Steve's tits for five minutes pl-oh giving him your vest??? You think that's going to help? Ok buddy. I'm just going to. Distract Nancy up ahead a little bit while you and Steve chat aaaaand neither of you are listening. Fine.
And it's still a mess. Max and Eddie and Steve end up in the hospital. The ground split open but sealed itself once Steve cut Henry's head off. Everything is over.
Eddie gets discharged first, despite having more bites than Steve, because his didn't have two days to get infected with Upside Down nastiness. So he ends up camped out with Robin at Steve's bedside as he fights the infection with antibiotics (the doctors hope will work), pain meds, and a slight fever.
Which is to say, completely out of it and high as a kite.
So when Dustin visits and Steve is awake, he gets to see a big, goofy grin spread across his best friend's/adoptive older brother's face as he reaches out and says "dusssstyyyy! Cmere. Lemme. Boop you." And yeah, okay, it makes him feel a bit like a baby but Steve is out of it and apparently drugged Steve likes to Boop his younger friends noses. Dustin can accept that. He sighs and leans forward and allows his nose to be booped.
Steve giggles and smiles and pats his head. "Good to see you, man"
Dustin smiles, a bit watery because it's hard to see Steve in the hospital again, and because it was fucking terrifying to watch him nearly drop to the ground after making sure Eddie got treatment, only being caught by Robin. Dustin almost lost three people he loves, and he is so fucking glad they're all alive, if not well.
"yeah, Steve. Good to see you, too. They say when you're allowed to blow this pop stand?"
Steve frons. "No. Still got Upside Down goobies in my guts, 'parently."
Robin sighs. "They said a few more days. Make sure the infection is clear and there's no suspicious side effects."
"yeah. That's what I said, Robin."
Dustin grins, then settles down beside Robin, across from Eddie. He hasn't said anything since Dustin walked in, but was playing with the sleeve of Steve's hospital gown and tracing patterns on his arm. He looks up at Dustin, and offers a small smile.
It's a bit weird, how close he's stuck by Steve this whole time, but Dustin guesses they probably bonded when they got sucked through the watergate, and that Steve saving his life really endeared him to Eddie. He hopes they can be actual, real friends once things settle. Given how much Eddie is at Steve's bedside, he thinks they're well on their way to it.
They all chat for a while, Steve sometimes getting off topic and dreamy, but looking happy even when he isn't quite following what they're all saying. Dustin is pretty sure Steve doesn't have his hearing aids in on top of the drugs, so he isn't really surprised.
His mom eventually bustles into the room, and fusses over Steve. "Oh, sweetheart, I'm so sorry. Let me know if we can do anything, I mean anything, to help, okay? I'm sorry I cant visit for longer today, but what with everything happening like this, I -"
"isss okay, Mrs. H...Ma." Steve corrects himself immediately, smiling. Dustin's insides always get a bit squiggly when Steve calls his Ma, Ma. Like they're actual brothers, and she's their mom, and no one could ever argue they're not family for real. What makes it better that it was Ma who insisted Steve call her that since January of '85, as though she knew just how much both Dustin and Steve needed each other like that.
"I'll be by tomorrow, okay, dear? Robin, you and Eddie are alright for tonight? I'll stay tomorrow but today I re-"
"it's fine! Seriously, Mrs. H. Don't worry about us. My parents will force me home tomorrow anyways, but tonight we're good." Robin grips at Steve's ankle, grounding herself. Dustin doesn't think there's been a day when she hasn't been in Steve's room. Doubts if the places were reversed Steve wouldn't have to be dragged out to shower and change clothes. They're so weird, but Dustin is glad Steve has someone older that loves him like Robin does. It makes it easier to not be able to spend all day with him like he wants to.
"okay. Alright." She leans forward and kisses Steve's forehead a few times, brushes some stray hairs out of his face, just like she does when Dustin is sick in bed. "You take care Steve, sweetheart, and make sure you let Robin and Eddie take care of you too." She turns to Dustin. "I'll give you a few minutes to say goodbye and then meet me down at the car, okay?"
Dustin nods, and his mom is out the door. He sighs. "Well. I guess I'd better head out." He gives Steve a hug, a bit awkward from Steve lying down, but it's fine, Steve wraps his arms around Dustin and tries to give him his normal double squeeze, but it's more of a press with his hands than anything. Dustin'll take it. "I'm glad you're getting better Steve. Glad we're all safe."
Steve's smile is soft, gooey in a way that he usually tries to hide. "Glad you're safe, too, man. Love you." Something in his smile sharpens, then. "Unlike some people in this room you actually...listened? When I told you not to be a hero. And didn't nearly almost die."
Eddie groans, dramatic. It seems like a game they're playing with each other more than anything, but it's a game Dustin doesn't know the parameters of, and it's jarring. "C'mon, Steve. I said I was sorry! I wasn't going to let Dustin get hurt."
Steve glares at Eddie, which would be more intimidating if he wasn't scrutching up his nose or propped up by pillows freshly fluffed by one Claudia Henderson. "Which is the reason why you're allowed in here even though you almost died. Dustin is safe, and that's good. But I'd've been so fuckin pissed if you died."
Robin snorts, pats Steve's hand. "Oh, buddy. You'd have been inconsolable."
"yeah. Exactly. it would have fucking sucked, Eddie. So. I'm still mad at you, even though I love you. Probably because I love you."
Which is. Not what Dustin was expecting. Sure, Steve was pretty open about his love. Especially after Starcourt, when he finally seemed to settle into something Dustin thinks of as comfortable with who he is. (Which is, actually, a big softie with a bit of a bitchy mouth) He's told Dustin he loves him before, and he's pretty sure he's told Max too. Steve says he loves Robin all the time, just not romantically even if Dustin doesn't think that's entirely true, but.
This feels different.
It is different, given the way Eddie squeaks a bit and sways towards Steve. "Steve..." He breathes, his eyes big and wet and wide. He swallows. "Steve. Dustin doesn't. He's still here, i--"
Steve's brow furrows. "Yeah? So? Did you not want...oh." something in the blankness that drops over Steve is scary, especially in comparison to how Steve's been open and lax the entire time Dustin's been in the room.
Steve turns his head slightly towards Eddie, ten slightly away, like he doesn't know if he wants to look at him or not. Dustin shuffles his feet, not quite sure what's going on, feeling awkward and wrongfooted. Robin stands, puts her hand on Dustin's shoulder, tries to turn him away and out the door, but Dustin isn't leaving when Steve's face is all stiff and blank like it is.
"steve--" Eddie sounds wrung out, wrecked. What the hell is going on?
Steve sniffs ever so slightly, interrupting Eddie. "You don't have to say it. You don't even have to-uh. To feel it, right now. That's okay. I've done that before. I can wait." Dustin sees a muscle twitch in his jaw. "But if you- if you don't think you can, I need to know now, actually. Because now Dustin knows but he's my brother so that's good and fine but if you don't want to--if you don't think this is gonna, like, be a long-term, tell people important to us kind of thing; if you're realizing that it's been long enough that you should feel that--that way about me but you don't, then I need to know because I don't want you lying about how you feel. I can't do that again. When you say it back I want to be sure you mean-"
"I love you too, Steve! Jesus fuck." Eddie blurts, apparently having had enough of. Well. Everything Steve was saying.
It's dawning on Dustin that maybe when Steve and Eddie said they knew each other they didn't just mean from highschool. That they. Well. Obviously they love each other. Which is....something to consider later because Steve looks like he's about to cry. Because Woah, Dustin has misread a lot between the two of them if they're...like this.
"yeah? You're sure?" He says, wobbly now he isn't rambling.
Eddie's squished himself more into Steve's space. "yes, yeah, of course Steve. Fuck. You met Wayne! I want you in my life, for a long, long time. I don't- I didn't do anything to make you think I didn't, did I?" His voice is a little rough, and little pleading.
Steve shakes his head, grips Eddie's hand in his m, even as Eddie uses it to support himself over top Steve. "No. I just. I know it freaks people out, is all, and I don't want you to freak out, or leave, or think you had to because we've been dating for a few months and I want to say it. It just came out because it's true."
Eddie laughs, leans in reeealy close to Steve. "Honey. It came out because you're high and morphene."
Steve grumbles a bit, but he's smiling too, and knocks their foreheads together. "Yeah. And also because it's true. I love you."
Eddie's eyelids flutter, Dustin can see, as he grins. "And I love you." He says, before closing the distance and kissing Steve squarely on the mouth.
Robin clears her throat. "As...heartwarming and sappy you two are. Dustin has to leave, and probably...has some questions? That he's not going to be a dick about?" She says this as she grips his shoulder tightly, in a way that is definitely a threat.
Dustin nods furiously. Eddie sighs but pushes away from Steve, not before pecking him again, drawing that dopey smile back into Steve's face. "Yeah." He says. "I'll walk you out Henderson."
Dustin waves goodbye to Steve, who seems cheery once again, wiggling his fingers are Dustin and Eddie, before walking out the door behind Eddie.
"so. How long have...has that been a thing?" He asks, as soon as they clear the doorframe.
Eddie huffs, but seems good natured about it. "Few months. December."
"okay." Says Dustin. "Uh. I didn't. I didn't know you...or Steve, I guess...I didn't know you guys were-" he lowers his voice, despite the hallway being surprisingly empty. "Gay."
There's something steely in Eddie's eye when he answers. "We're not. Well-we are, but we both also like women."
Something doesn't sit right about that with Dustin. "But! You just said-"
Eddie holds his hands up, and Dustin shuts his mouth on instinct. "You can like both while just dating one person, Dustin. Just because you like women doesn't mean you're going around with girls who aren't Suzie, right?" He nods. He adores Suzie, can't really imagine looking at any other girl like that because she's just. Amazing. She's his girlfriend and they love each other, and just because girls are pretty great doesn't mean Dustin wants anything other than friendship wi--oh. He sees where Eddie is going.
"right. Yeah. Sorry."
Eddie shrugs. "Steve kinda dropped a bomb in both of us, today"
""isn't it weird though?"
"well...girls and guys are different"
"they are indeed."
"so, if you like girls, why do you like...boys...too?"
"why do you like girls and not boys, Dustin?"
Which is hard to answer because, well. Dustin's never really thought about why he likes girls. He just does. And maybe that's what Eddie means. There's no reason, really. People just...like what they like.
Or there are reasons, because girls are pretty and often smell nice and Suzie looks like a mad scientist when her ponytail gets a little loose after hours of working on a project, her eyes glinting behind her glasses as she giggles and bites her lip, just a little. But that's mostly Suzie. So. He can't really put a finger on why he's only ever had crushes on girls, or why before last summer they've never been as much or as consuming as his love for Suzie. Never been anything like the long days spent together at camp building and creating and blasting ideas off each other, before one day Suzie took his hand and they ended up sneaking away to look at the stars, trying to outdo each other's knowledge about them and slowly being pulled into the other's orbit like binary stars. He's never really wanted to kiss anyone like he wants to kiss Suzie, not even when he had a brief and fleeting crush on Max.
"oh." Is what he says, and feels pretty lame for it.
Eddie shrugs. "You can't really choose who you like." He says before breathing in. "But you do choose who you love, and how you love them."
And. Well. Dustin thinks of his Ma sweeping Steve up into family dinners every other week, and how the party absorbed Max into it as easy as anything, and holding Suzie's hand as they looked up at the stars in dew covered grass feeling like the world starts and ends there, and of Steve and Robin cackling together and having seemingly no personal space or boundaries between them. And of Steve and Eddie, saying I love you for the first time in a hospital room after saving the world.
"That's pretty good." Dustin says, and Eddie smirks at him.
"yeah. Steve said it to me, way back on our second date."
Dustin scoffs. Because he should have known; it's so typically Steve to say something like that. "And you were surprised when he said he loves you?"
Eddie's eyes twinkle in the florescent lights of the hospital. "Nah. Just... it's different being pretty sure, and knowing for sure. I also didn't want him saying something in front of you he'd regret."
He nods. "That's fair. I...don't know how I would've taken it if Steve weren't in the hospital, honestly. Like!" He tries to reassure Eddie "I would have gotten over it, for sure! But if had had sat me ore the party down and talked it out I might've been, like, y'know. Super weird about it. Because. I mean. This talk is good, right? I'm think about things and thinking about how I've only ever really wanted to kiss Suzie, even if I thought about maybe abstractly kissing other people. And how we as humans have all these quirks that let us be human, but different, which enable us as a species to thrive." He heaves a breath. "But. Seeing Steve all loopy and saying it, and then being worried you felt pressure about it, I dunno. It makes sense, I guess. I don't know how you two met or got to know each other, but. I guess it makes sense, how you like each other. And talking to you now. It's helped, I think."
Everything is a bit scrambled in Dustin's brain, the love and the confusion and the worry, because it's setting in that in Hawkins, something like this, for Steve and Eddie, is dangerous. Something that could get them hurt or killed, scorned by the town they've helped save.
His mother always grumbles agrily when ads about how the virus going around is God's punishment for sinners, or how it's cleaning up the streets of unwanted people gays and addicts. She huffs, swears. Says that just because bigots don't consider the people getting sick as wanted or valuable, doesn't mean no one does. That no one deserves to get sick for things they cannot control, or for things they can. A smoker is more likely to get lung cancer, but that doesn't mean they deserve it more than someone who's never seen a cigarette.
Their families will mourn them the same.
They reach the main doors, and Dustin sees his mom has pulled into a pick up lane, blinkers on. He turns to Eddie, and burries his face in his neck.
Eddie takes it in stride, parting his back and giving him a bit of a squeeze. It's not as good a hug as Steve gives, but that bar is only really surpassed by his mom, so it's still a good hug.
"please be careful, Eddie."
"ah," says Eddie, and he pulls back slightly. "We are, man. You're close to both of us and didn't suspect. We know what we're doing."
Dustin raised his eyebrows. Now that he has context, a lot of interactions between Steve and Eddie in the wake of getting them out of the Upside Down seem a lot less friendly.
Eddie chuckles. "Seriously. We are. It was just hard during everything, and, well, we both feel safe around you guys. I think Steve's been gearing up to ask me if we can tell all of you sheepies soon."
"yeah, bud. Don't worry about us."
"Considering you just got released and Steve is still in the hospital, I think a little worrying over you jackasses is justified."
Eddie smirks. "Fine. A normal and reasonable amount of worrying, then. But no more than that. Now, git! Your ma's waiting on you."
Dustin smiles, "yeah, yeah. I'll see you tomorrow."
"yep. You know where to find me."
He waves again as he hopes into the front seat, and buckles his seatbelt before Ma can ask him to. He smiles at her, and feels oddly...grounded. a mystery has been solved, even if Dustin doesn't have all the pieces, he still has the big picture.
"everything alright, Dusty? Nothing wrong with Steve, is there?" She asks, even as she changes out of park.
"yeah, yeah. Just accidentally stumbled over something saying goodbye, and was worried about them. But everything is fine. Robin and Eddie have Steve handled."
They turn out of the hospital parking lot, heading for home. Ma smiles. It's softer, more indulgent than usual. "Yes. They're good for each other, I think. Compliment one another nicely."
Dustin doesn't bother asking which set she's talking about, thinks maybe they both know.
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masturbucky · 2 years
Being shared between Joe and Love would include...
[!!!]it's mostly a dark and smutty profile, keep that in mind
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Joe. HATES. it.
He hates how Love looks at you- He knows what a MONSTER his wife is, he CAN'T let her get to you, he can't let her know that he wants you even if she does too-
Wait. She... What?
When he picks up on the way Love looks at you — when he sees her stalking you, too, because he does the same-
They both shocked when they see each other's cars near your house.
Love tried to hide you from him, afraid that he would be mad, and he did the same because he was afraid that she will kill you-
But after a small family talk they came to an agreement.
Sharing is caring.
So when they finally have you — not without your and their fight with each other of course, not without some blood here and there, screams, kidnapping, you know, tipical Goldberg-Quinn family stuff-
When they have you the way they want you, without any fight to their love, there's finally appears the question.
How should we have sex?
Joe and Love of course didn't thought about that before, when they, you know, were busy keeping you in their cage and getting you to the point of Stockholm Syndrome-
But it does matter now, when you love them both and want them both.
So they have one more family talk, you're not included yet — they don't want to embarrass you in any way, you have such a good progress accepting them(Love says), they just need to figure it out before acting up
So they talk. Like, seriously talk about how they want you and what would be included, and how. I mean, everything should be consensual, they will take care of it.
Joe was reluctant at first when Love offered to try threesome instead of making a fucking schedule for who can take you and when, but... It's not really that bad, he can imagine that. He can feel himself getting harder on the thought of you being all sweet and messy between him and Love.
So when the time goes to action, they start it slowly. Baby steps, yeah? Love cooks a dinner with you while Joe makes sure that Henry's asleep. A simple, sweet evening of their unusual family, as it should be, as they love it to be and hope that you love it now, too.
You already expected something to happen when Love was practically buzzing with excitement, constantly hugging you and kissing your cheeks while you help her on the kitchen.
So when after dinner Joe and Love somehow lead you to their bedroom instead of yours — well, yes, both of them stayed in your room more often than in their, but still — you just know what's happening.
"Sweetheart, we..." Love starts, sitting on the bed with you, stroking your thigh with her hand softly. She's nervous, you can tell, Joe is nervously stands near the bed too.
"We want to try something new. Y/N, would you let us...?" Joe continues instead of his wife, as he kneels down in front of you, placing a small kiss on your knee while looking up at you.
You cant really say no to them. I mean, of course you can say that you're not ready, they will understand, they want you to want them and they wont force you in their bed, of course- They can always wait for you.
But you don't. You let them take your clothes off slowly, with multiple kisses and praises, with all their attention on you — mostly Love talks, Joe does — a perfect team work
And now, you're completely naked for them. They, meanwhile, stayed clothed, but oh god — you dont really care, as long as Love kisses you the way she does, and Joe eats you out like he haven't eaten in years-
You notice that you're so close to cumming only when Joe puts a thrid finger in you, and Love takes her clothes off too, so you can touch her as much as she touches you.
And yes, that's it. You're cumming on Joe's fingers and tongue, you even feel him moan, maybe he even strokes his cock on that image of you all overwhelmed by him and Love. Love, meanwhile, oh Love, she holds you close, grabbing wherever she can grab on you, and holding your hands on her chest.
It's going to be a long, great night. They waited for too long to stop so early. And from now on, you sleep only in their bed.
You don't really mind, do you, sweetheart?
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raynetheinsane · 2 months
Batfam (and friends) as Henry Danger quotes
(Because im a nerd and love this show)
Damian: Tt, my parties arent that bad
Jon: Christmas. 3 years ago. 15 kids ended up in the hospital!
Damian: FATHER!!!
Tim: Damian! Were trying to study here *indicates to Duke and Steph, both clearly not studying*
Damian: I’m talking to my Father.
Robin!Jason: Dangit! All these jobs say i gotta have skills..
Dick: You have skills!
Jason: Name one.
Dick: You’re a great dancer!
Jason: No I’m not?
Dick: You could take lessons.
(More under the cut i just dont want this to be super duper long)
Bruce: How old are you?
Tim, trying to become robin: Im 13, I’ll be 14. On my next birthday
Dick: Ah so youre aging sequentially
Tim, extremely tired: Do you ever dream about sleeping?
Steph, extremely confused:…no??
Tim: good. If you did youd be dead.
Bruce: Lets ride.
Robin!Jason who is very new to this: Wha- Ride where?
Bruce: We’ve got people in the Jandy River that need saving.
Bruce: Come on.
Jason: You mean we’re going there? Together? Like right now?
Tim, extremely dirty and has a cut on his face walking into Drake Manor:
Jack, not paying attention: Hey Tim, did you get the job?
Tim: Yeah, just finished my first day.
Jack: So hows work?
Tim: Uh it was pretty… interesting.
Bernard: Hey, you never told us what you do at your new job
Tim: *just stares wide eyed silently*
Bruce: While we were patrolling, Poison Ivy stole packs of baby bottles, can you guess why?
Robin!Dick: Uhhh
Bruce: To flood the bottles with radioactive plant matter.
Dick: I would not have guessed that.
Jason: I see youre in your pajama pants.
Tim: Yeah its almost midnight, I was studying for this test i have tomorrow
Jason: What subject?
Tim: Puerto Rican history
Jason: Ah Puerto Rico… land of…
Tim: Puerto Ricans?
Jason: yeah..
Red Hood: Strike three.
Spoiler: That was only 2
Hood: Okay, don’t correct me in front of the criminals
Duke: Whats in the mug?
Tim, who just poured himself and entire pot of coffee despite hating it: Coffee.
Tim: To keep me alive.
Duke: no, no, no, no, you cannot drink this much coffee after work. This mug is comedically large!
Steph: I have the same dream all the time. It satrts with me getting a horse for my birthday. Then my dad shows up. Then the horse kicks my dad in the face!
Jason, helping Tim study: You want a good grade on your puerto rican math test?
Tim: history
Jason, who died before he finished highschool: Same thing
Non-Bat who needs the antidote for Joker gas or something: Will this hurt?
Black Bat: Yes, very much.
Bernard, talking about a criminal the Bats cant catch: Its not Batmans fault, he just needs a better sidekick
Tim: One more time.
Bernard, who knows: Just saying, I’d be way better at catching criminals than the current Robin
Dick: I’m gonna die..
Jason: Not in the house. If you’re gonna die, do it outside
Tim: I’m Robin.
Bernard: I know. I figured that out.
Damian: Todd, I wish to speak to you about something.
Oracle: Steph, come to Gotham Park right now!
Steph: noo, I’m not in the mood for trees
Oracle: did i ask you what youre in the mood for?
Vikki Vale: So, Spoiler, how did you catch Two Face?
Spoiler: I’d love to take all the credit, but it was really all thanks to my partner, Black Bat.
Vikki: Interesting. Black Bat, can you tell us more?
Black Bat: No.
It really bothers me the lack of Babs, Cass, and Duke worthy quotes there are 😔😔 also my personal favs show a lot and im sorry for that, but there will be more as i think of them, these are just eps 1-4, the rest will be posted like in a queue or something and as single quotes cus im eepy
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f10werfae · 2 years
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Pairing: Husband!Henry x Pregnant!Reader
summary: fans on social media are absolutely in love with Henry and Y/n's relationship, and can’t ignore the fact that the woman is stunningly glowing !Fluff!
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Henry Cavill Masterlist💫
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We’re Building our baby’s Crib‼️
Uploaded: 10 minutes ago
@/tokyodrifter129: Ok but who knew watching a man building a crib could be such a turn on?!
> @/Y/nCavill: Babe I was thinkin the exact same thing 😭 it’s like porn for me now
@/lizziedwire: Y/n is so cute with her baby bump🥺 The way her hand is just constantly touching on it and the way she smiles at her tummy just makes me wanna cry my eyes out. She’s so precious
> @/marvelledsire: let’s talk about her pregnancy glow though?? Like don’t get me wrong the woman was already stunning before, but even i’m findin her irresistible to look at
@/livingonntheflatearth: Did anyone notice in the video when Henry was reading the instruction manual to the crib, and his other hand was just rubbing Y/n's stomach mindlessly. I just know he positioned her rocking chair right there for that exact reason. But also I can’t blame her if she just wanted to watch him up close 🤪
@/Cavillsfangirl00: Their nursery is so cutely decorated, all the pastel stuffies and toys on the shelves; DONT GET ME STARTED ON THE SUPERHERO BABY BOOKS THEY HAVE. I’m volunteering to be reincarnated as their baby
> @/leavemealonepls: Watching Henry in a vest top and shorts trying to build a crib, is something we didn’t know we needed. Thank you Y/n for posting this😭😭
@/Tacosandcheese: Henry leaning his head up like a kid to ask Y/n for a kiss as a reward gets me all giggly every time. Who knew a man needed a kiss after every hammer hit☠️
> @/clarkentwho: Y/n looks so done with him every time he put his head up for that😭 but did you see how she always ended up smiling into their kiss?! I’m sleeping on the highway tonight for real
@/369girlswannadrink: My favourite part of this video has to be when Henry accidentally dropped a bit of wood too loud and instantly turned around to Y/n, scared that he had “woken the weep chap”
> @/presidentofyourheart: Mine was when he finished the crib and him and Y/n started placing the mattress in it, you could see them both tearing up when they were hugging that dog stuffed toy they had😩
>> @/Saneiofanhere: How about when Y/n was sat eating baby sausages and every few seconds Henry would open his mouth and she’d try to aim one into it, then at one point she just got grouchy cause she ran out and he went and got her more. Sausage queen
@/noobmasterer: Y/n is absolutely stunning in her maternity dress, i’m actually in awe, what a goddess
> @/henrycavill: yeah imagine how I feel waking up to her everyday
@/beyoncesbackupdancer: Yall remember when they just revealed their pregnancy, AND HENRY CHANGED ALL HIS BIOS TO SAY “Future dad” This man is so extra i love it
> @/jellybaby: Can we blame him though? Mans has waited ages for a woman like her and waited even more for his own family. He deserves it sm!!
@/Iminlove: I nearly cried when the baby kicked Y/n’s stomach in the video and Henry dropped everything to go to her side to soothe the baby, with gentle kisses and cuddles😭😭
@/princesspopper: No lie I saw them buying the crib in ikea, and Henry was complaining wondering why the baby couldn’t sleep with them☠️☠️ Y/n had to hit him up the head and remind him that he can’t squish the poor thing
> @/princesspopper: THEN Y/n hugged him but she couldn’t cause of her stomach so he went around and hugged her from behind. I’m jealous can you tell
@/britishenthusiast: Omg the plaster cast of Y/n's bump in the background is so fricking cute, I heard that Henry did it himself at home.
@/bringitonsatan: I hate how there’s still fans hating on this beautiful family, CANT YOU SEE THEYRE LITERAL PERFECTION
> @/emmalovescake: omg yeah i know right, you can clearly see how much love they have for each other just by their eyes, I can’t imagine what they’re going to be like when their baby is here
@/cheesytoes: Ok but Y/n ogling Henry while he’s building the crib is a mood, Henry ogling Y/n while she’s sorting out the toys is also a mood. I’m in love with them both
@/Y/ncavillstan1: I can’t wait for vids of Y/n with their baby and singing them to sleep😭 I need to see it.
@/Y/nCavill: @/HenryCavill you purposely put the bar of this crib too high, I can’t get out of it
> @/Henrycavill: I told you not to get in it pet, luckily it’s big enough for a feckn bear
>> @/Y/nCavill: Please baby i’m gonna piss myself, I just wanted to check if it was comfortable enough for our baby boo 🥺
>>> @/HenryCavill: Alright babs i’m coming up now
>>>> @/supermanreds: stop it. The cuteness is too much.
Taglist Tags (Form is up there^^): @thereisa8ella @pandaxnienke @kimhtoo17 @beck07990 @vrittivsanghavi @dumb-fawkin-bitch @madebylilly
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yeahprobablyamimic · 1 year
no cause have we like. laughed at the absurdity of it all yet?? The Stamplers must be fucking cursed at this point holy shit. All Ron ever wanted to do was to have a family and he didn’t know how to fucking do that but then he met people who helped him figure it out and then right away it was ripped away from him by something eldritch his dad had helped create. Ron was fucked over constantly by Willy and the wake of everything he said and did both to Ron and to the people he cared about and no matter what he fucking did he couldn’t stop it
now we flash forward a bit. they’re back and he’s in love with his wife and Terry Jr and him are friends and he calls Ron dad and Ron has finally found people who will love him no matter what and there’s maybe two days of that before Henry gets stabbed and the doodler gets released and YEAH SURE it was running through the Oaks veins but now literally surrounding him at all times is another reminder of his dads manipulation of Willys influence of Willys control of Willy in general so he starts DADDIES. and tries to get rid of it
and then he fails
and then TJ and Grant and Lark and Sparrow and Nick take over and they turn on each other and then TJ has his own family and he wants them to love him so bad the same way Ron wanted him to love him so bad but he can’t fucking do anything but try but trying isn’t working he can’t love someone who doesn’t want to be loved but Ron is dead. Or missing. Or whatever he’s not there. Terry Jr is fatherless again and all the while he’s a bad father and all he wants to do is hug Ron and apologize again and again and again but he cant
and then Scary gets involved. and terry hates himself for it. the same was Ron hated himself when Terry got involved but he’s stuck he fucked up he can’t do anything about it this is his fault for having a family his fault for marrying Veronica his fault for caring Ron loved Samantha despite what Willy put him through Terry loved Veronica despite the fact that he was fighting an eldritch war they were not the same and then TJ meets Terry. Meets the kid that existed before his own and shes open and loving and careful and optimistic and it kills him. it kills him because he doesn’t love her any less she’s still his daughter but Terry isn’t herself anymore and fuck fuck she’s about to watch him die he’s about to traumatize her again he’s about to leave her fatherless again he tries to think of what Ron would say he tries to think of what his mom would say and he almost smiles at the absurdity of it as “whos your daddy now?” comes to mind but then he’s hugging her and apologizing and he remembers who Willy Stampler has with him.  Terry Jr is going to die and its his best friends finger on the trigger and its his Grandfather saying ready aim fire 
and it hits him that he never left that fucking tower. he never escaped that fucking castle. terry jr dies having never made any goddamn impact in the world. i mean of course, any good impact in the world. 
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youareabird · 1 year
Zoom Interview
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You sat at your desk in your small room, the computer directly in front of you. The luminescent light flowed off of your features, brighting them up. The computer 'dinged', signifying that you'd be let out of the Zoom waiting room soon.
Your manager, along with everyone else, had signed everyone up for a mass Zoom interview. Finding it easier for eveyones schedules rather than cramming into a room. Your phone buzzed from beside you, looking down at the notification. You smile.
From: Jelly Belly Are you ready?
Typing a quick, "Yes, r u?" Back to them, you set your phone back down. The screen changed from a plain black to one that was filled with familiar faces.
"Hello everyone! Is the connection good before we start?" the interviewer asked. They received a crowded, 'Yes' from all the attendees.
"Alright - before we begin, can everyone state their name and character?" she said.
A small silence filled the call as people debated silently who would go first, finally stepping up, Pedro begins. "I'm Pedro Pascal - I play Joel Miller." He said.
"I'm Anna Torv, I play Tess Servopoulous."
"Lamar Johnson - Henry Burrell."
"Bella Ramsey - Ellie Williams."
"Nico Parker - I play Sarah Miller."
"Gabriel Luna - Tommy Miller."
"And I'm Y/N L/N - I play Lor." You finished.
The interviewer smiled widely, "Alright, wonderful! And what were some of the most memorable moments working together?"
Your phone buzzed again. Looking at the screen, you see Bella smiling brightly. Looking down at your phone, you see another text.
'This is going to take forever.'
You smile lightly at the text, liking it before you close your phone, trying to focus on the interview. It buzzed again.
'They don't even know were in the same room'
'Stop texting!' You reply quickly, closing it once again. As you focus back on the interview, you notice that Bella began to talk.
"Honestly, this whole cast had memorable moments, I loved when we all would just lounge around the set after filming." they began, "I have a lot of photos of Y/N just casually sleeping on set, actually. They would find the most random places to sleep, so it was always an adventure to see where they slept."
Everyone laughed at their comment, "And Y/N, what was one of your most memorable moments on set?"
The buzzing of your phone pulled your thoughts away, a picture of you sleeping on the forest ground during a long set.
"I'm sorry?" You say, face flustered.
"Memorable moment on set?"
"Oh! right, well, the giraffe was a sight to see. Also, the blossoming friendships between everyone was super memorable." You smile. Nailed it. You thought silently to yourself.
'Look what you made happen!'
'Not my fault you can't pay attention.'
Another photo was sent your way, one showing off Bella and you sleeping on a chair in Jackson. Half of their body was sprawled across yours, back over the handle of the foldable chair. Your elbow was rested on the arm, and they sprawled themselves across, mouth slightly open. You could see a small glisten of drool coming from your mouth
You laugh to yourself as you inspect the photo. You both looked so drained from the days work, didnt even know who took it.
'Favorite cast member'
"Alright, well we've heard from everyone but Bella and Y/N -" you shot your head up once you heard your name, "Who're your guys' favorite cast member?"
"Pedro and Y/N" they say quickly, "I love everyone, but I'm closer to them than I am my own family."
"And what about you, Y/N?"
"Well, I love everyone equally. I cant choose a favorite, its like asking a mother who their favorite child was."
Pedro erupts into laughter, the noise causing smiles to break loose on everyones face. "That is such a lie!" he wheezed, face becoming a pale shade of red.
"What?" you ask, confusion layering itself on your face.
"What?" he says mockingly, "You've been texting your favorite cast mate this whole time!"
Your face flushed at his comment, "That's not true!"
"Ouch!" Bella says jokingly.
Nico nods in agreement, "Yeah, we all know you have a thing for them."
Everyone nods in agreement, including Bella. "Okay, you all suck." You say, throwing your hands into the air.
The interviewer smiles at the interaction, "So, Bella, is your favorite?" they ask.
"According to everyone else, I guess so." You say while furrowing your brows, Bellas camera became dark. Sporting only their name over a black screen.
"Bella, is everything alright?" the interviewer asks.
'Ding' Looking down, you see a text,
'Computer froze - give me a second.'
Looking back up to your computer, you inform everyone that their camera froze, that they were fixing the issue. A few minutes passed as you said that the interview continued on as if nothing had happened. They still hadn't returned. Answering a few more questions, everyone waited for the arrival of the teen.
With the interview continuing on, you observed everyone. Their faces smiling and looking like they were holding in laughter. Not knowing what the reason is, you decided to ignore it. Only when hands landed on your shoulders followed by a loud scream, did you understand.
A small yelp flew from your lips as you managed to jump out of your chair, landing flat on your ass as Bella flew quickly to your side. "I am so so sorry, I did not know that would happen." they say quickly.
Laughter erupted from the computer, followed by, 'Oh my gods.' and 'I got that on cameras.' 
"Not funny." You huffed as you took Bellas extended hand, being pulled up with ease.
"Again - I did not know that would happen." They said defensively, wiping the imaginary dust off your legs.
"Did your computer even break?"
"Oh, yeah. I was just lazy and didn't want to fix it." They replied with a lazy smile on their face, "I'll join you."
Carefully going back to your chair, you planted yourself down. Eyes glancing at everyone's little squares that showed off their bright faces.
Expecting Bella to pull up a chair beside you, it threw you off when they decided to sit on your lap. Arm wrapped tightly around your shoulder as they joined into whatever chatter was happen.
Face growing red from embarrassment, you wrap an arm around their waist. Securing her tightly to your side. "Jesus christ." You mumbled.
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taeiris · 11 months
okay guys here’s my crazy unsupported st5 theory that is mostly just me projecting my need for madwheeler bonding and drama and angst also byler duh
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disclaimers: i never make theories so this is extremely messy probably, i know jack dookie abt writing shows i think of this as my own little version of what i would think would be very cool to happen, if this has loop holes dont ask me anything bc idk either
so first things first here is what i am taking into consideration for the theory to happen:
• mike pov, self reflection and introspection (he is gay and in love with will byers okay)
• madwheeler bonding, theyre both complex n misunderstood
• the upside down isnt just one dimension, i came up with this bc of how different the ud looks now
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compared to when henry arrived.
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to me theres like an umbrella dimension (yellow one) and others under it (blue one/hawkins ud, the void, etc)
this is also lowkey supported by the silly boobie diagram the writers posted abt
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in this silly theory of mine, a new dimension variant of the ud will be revealed in season 5, serving as a parallel to the void. this is where max is
OKAY another thing is this is also heavily based on those “leaks” that were going around twitter (for me at least) earlier when the strike first started. i remember a few of them claiming that we would get a deeper insight into mike and his own things, so this is my interpretation
this would serve as another vanishing, not really bc its shorter, but this time mike will be getting stuck in this other dimension, eventually finding max BOOM madwheeler serve
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i mean look at them. the potential is insane
this dimension is like a combo of all the other ones, picture it like the hawkins ud, with the void’s wet floor maybe
lets go back to the fact max is here, this is her coma nightmare, its like this purgatory dimension vecna put her soul in
in this dimension inhabit your ghosts
this overwhelming, haunting, tormenting realm in your mind where you are constantly confronting all your bad memories, maybe this is kind of how vecna keeps max under his grasp, no happy memories allowed
okay so, mike gets there. how? when? i dont fucking know this is honestly just word vomit fanfiction to me
at first hes confused, scared but mostly confused, picture him screaming for wills name (the parallels) at first it’s empty and eerily quiet, but as he accepts it, the ghosts start coming in.
he gets BOMBARDED with these bad memories, some of them he cant even remember because come on, bro is always neglecting his internalized feelings/monologue in fear of what they say about him
this is where we get his pov on the whole will and eleven situation, amongst other things (like the way he’s constantly stressed thinking about the safety of the people he loves)
for a moment we see him break, bc these ghosts are LOUD and MANY
but it stops
max is here, she’s like “MIKE?”
shes been here for a fat minute, she knows how to handle these ghosts in fact shes been going thru them one by one ever since, because shes done hiding. and she suspects that the only way to get out is by confronting them.
max saves mike from his ghosts, explains that this place is seemingly a purgatory with levels of memories and ghosts to overcome
this is how we get our madwheeler bonding we so graciously need, as they are part of eachother ghosts since theyre so similar it makes the other mad
this is how our complex misunderstood characters are broken down, explained to the audience, while also discovering the mystery that is this new dimension where at the finish line they might just figure out how to defeat vecna.
because they will
after overcoming the ghosts they find the place that vecna didnt think they would reach as he was so sure they would break and collapse on their own madness
think of it as how el found the source in season 3
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or how max found vecnas lair after running away in dear billy
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except this place is vecnas actual mind, they can see hear and feel what vecna is thinking, his plans and everything
mike wonders how will feels being able to feel this all the time
will feels this all the time
will is always connected to this piece of vecnas mind, to this source
he can always hear vecna
until he suddenly hears max… and mike and theyre calling for help
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theyve figured out key clues on how to defeat vecna, and they have an idea on how to get out. this is how will’s connection comes in handy
mind walkie-talkie
maybe thats what this theory should be called, idk
so thats how we get our byler confirmation, madwheeler bonding like never before, mike focus, and the key to defeat vecna
at least in my head
i know this was messy and all over the place but it was very fun to explain and drop all my thoughts ive been vomiting on the gc for months now
let me know what you think, what you would add, if theres anything you think will support this theory?
its all just a theory, for fun! pls keep that in mind
thank you if you’ve read this far🫶
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rayroseu · 6 months
actually all this talk about sebek or silver fighting against malleus makes me sad akdhkhwod because if you think about it its the very thing that lilia was trying to avoid happening... a conflict between faes and human yk 😭
on another thought, i cant entirely blame malleus, the reason for his overblot is an effect of how dark faes are treated by the other species, feared, excluded, and labelled as strange and too powerful to be even considered as equals/be treated normally.
i think its ironic that the person who should've embraced that reputation is their ruler but he's the first one to feel that it isnt right, i think its been implied by now that human morals like shouldn't be applicable to faes as they have vastly different morals but when consider malleus, hes actually alot more humane based on his what he wishes (a friend, to be invited, have fun) but ig thats what sets him and meleanor apart....
sebeks personality says enough about how dark faes naturally think of themselves: because theyre so powerful and superior, its natural for them to be alone, but all that power leads to loneliness... as what was implied in Book 7.1 where Yuu asks Malleus if the Thorn Fairy (or rather Malleus) was lonely after years of exclusion...
also i want book 7 to reveal why levan, an assumedly dark fae, was desperately trying to make peace between humans and faes, even at the cost of (accidentally) endangering briar land--- (i think briar land lost at the human fae war bcs theyve weakened their defenses against silver owls😭)
maybe Levan's mission isnt just a general "faes and humans should get along"--- as we know, faes and humans DO get along but its only the "light faes" that humans accept (i.e knight of dawn and the 3 good fairies), but their treatment and view with the dark faes is that theyre villainous and should be defeated bcs apparently they're terrifying (implied in lilia's dream)
(even though silver owls was the first to offend them kshdkwj i truly think there was a time that silver owls and briar were "at peace," as henry says he first met meleanor and saw princess glow during a visit (?) at meleanor's castle)
so maybe Levan's actual mission isnt "humans and faes should get along" but rather "for dark faes to be accepted and treated kindly",
plus its makes more sense to center his ideals on dark faes- as we know that Meleanor hates humans and he's her wife so---for now, i dont think she'll approve of a plan that "caters to humans" but she could consider a plan that could give "dark faes more acceptance to the world" so they could be safe
idk where this word vomit is going lol this is just a simple interpretation but i think its just saddening that dark faes are making an effort in understanding humans yet the humans barely make effort to understand faes,,,
there are exceptions like silver and yuu, yet whenever they express their thoughts to others that (their) dark faes are "kind", they get shrugged off 💀💀💀
but ig the conflict never ends until one makes amends lol (sobbing about what mrs zigvolt and lilia endured just to believe in their dream that humans and dark faes can love one another djkdj)
(((i was just wishing twst wouldn't go all out in writing malleus as the “evil overblot villain that must eradicated” then boom a little essay about the profound relationship between dark faes vs other species lol (its the malleus apologist in me guys😭😭)))
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gab-loves-darlin · 1 year
some things i feel like Quinn talked abt in those “hours” of tortue: (MWUAHAHAHA)
- Darlin’s relationship w/ gabe (even better bc david was in the room too so combo hit ykwim)
- the intimacy side of their relationship…? thingymabob (just to see that vein pop out of sam’s forehead)
- lying to sam abt once being Darlin’s mate (immediately after sam’s done, one of the first things darlin does is tell him thats not true)
- just some more general biting talk (i cant get over how excited quinn sounded when he got under sam’s skin oh my daySss bro i hate him RAHHHHH)
- he’d talk abt how they’d vent to him abt their parents (whether or not you think they were bad but i meaNNNnnn we all kinda agree that they weren’t outSTANDINGG right?)
- all the angsty teenager things they’d say abt the pack, word for word (quite literally quoting things they’ve said)
- how pathetic he thinks they are (a light dusting of general badmouthing as a garnish 🤌 oh ya know, the usual)
- i can totes imagine him going on an uninterrupted rant (not from lack of trying on sam’s part) about all the mischief they got up to and how Darlin was and still is alot like Quinn (just writing it makes my blood boil bro imagine being tank, a bloody forced to be voiceless victim UGH!!)
how Darlin was when they were listening to him:
- (i feel awkies showing yall my interpretation of tank’s personality but here we go!!) initially, they would sigh alot, roll their eyes, mainly bc they were still conscious of david’s presence, they didnt want to show just HOW effected they were by just him being there yk? but that totes fell away quick when he brought up fred
- darlin loves fred and bright fight me
- then ofc we have the part where he was talking abt them. they were speechless, unshedded tears brimming as he just kept going and going and suddenly david was gone, henry was gone, and quinn’s eyes seemed to catch their own a bit too often…
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dsaf-confessions · 3 months
yeah, im sorry this is so long. its not meant against you, mod, respect ya for all that you have to put up with here... yeah.
i think a lot of the people coming on here to complain about other peoples opinions need to take a deep breath. you don't have to agree with them. but bashing people in the tags, anonymously sending in that someone's opinion on a fucking rpg maker game that, at its core, is a massive shitpost.
suicide jokes, especially when you dont know the person saying it at all, are not funny. if it isnt a joke and youre really about to kill yourself over a fun little tumblr blog, get help. seriously. i hope you get better and feel okay one day.
somebody who probably lives 12 to 24 hours away from you, by plane, saying they self-ship or ship an oc with a character you find irredeemable is not the end of the fucking world. sure, you may see it as weird, but at the end of the day a surprising amount of this fandom is around about 13, and thats what 13 year olds do. no shade to yall. those of you that i know are great.
i myself am a minor, i only got into the games, and months later, the fandom around my 15th birthday. its easier than some of you want to admit to stay away from the parts of the fandom that arent child appropriate. i dont mean the drugs. drugs arent anyone-appropriate. theyre fucking illegal. shoving an eggplant up someones urethra is also totally outlandish and sounds like it was written by a 5th grader
lets all respect each other for a bit. nobody fucking deserved to get the colossal amounts of anon hate that ive seen soley because of a harmless opinion.
to the adults here who churn out high-quality comics and fics and ask blogs, that i so joyously read, hell yeah! keep doing that, do what you want with it.
to the children, and by that i mean minors okay we are in fact legally considered children, you keep it up too. keep up your ask blogs and fics and fanart and shit that is sometimes so high-quality i assume youre fucking 30 until i check your bio.
yall, collectively, need to learn that at the end of the day people are gonna do what they want with these characters. it doesnt matter if someone draws henry miller in fucking cat ears because hes a fictional guy. have you seen what they do to steve raglan out there, man? its a fucking warzone but instead of explosives everyones firing out furry edits! it doesnt matter if someone ships something you dont like. im not a proshipper, theres lines i personally refuse to cross, but can i do anything about the people who do? no. ive come to terms with that.
ship your weird rarepair who never met in canon. draw your genderswap fanart. make your au askblog. write that fic you think wont be good enough. someone, somewhere, probably loves what youre creating.
the anons here saying shit like "oh im gonna kms over this" and "thats a fucking weird character to like", yall are the same. im sure you arent all vanilla ice-cream on a summers day level basic. youve got your unusual headcanons too.
we really have to let the minors in this fandom be. they arent going anywhere, myself included, because they dont want to. you cant force people out. so be fucking nice instead of making someone feel ashamed because they make jake a she/they or whatever.
holy fuckin shit that is. long. i am so sorry mod. if its too long you dont have to post it lmao
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romqnticstylez · 9 months
hmmmmmmmmmmm um some of this si gomna be the same as urs okay so
irst rhis or that ALEX OR HENRY
thus ir that andrew garfield or leonardo dicaproo
titanic or oror orrrrrr um tfatws
tfatws or pjo series
pjo or hoo
og trio or leo jason piper trio
piper or annabethg
leo or percy HEHEHE EVIL LAUGH
chai or coffe
hindi or wneglish
if u coudk kill soneine and like u woudlnnot have consequences etc u knwo u would qalk free but only ine person who woudl it be
prev wasnot this orthat questib but do i care no
if u were acat wgat breed wouldu wabt DONT SAY ORANFE
umumumumum the idiotsor rge marauders
wolfstar or jegulus
jegulus or flowerppot
flowerpot or marylily
dorlene or marylily
omg hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
hMMMM ok idr anything since i never finsiehd the books and all. you know. ubt im gonna say alex bc he reminds me of leo
OK well wlell wel they r both soooooooooooo 👀👀👀👀 however. only one of them is cool. so andrew 😻😻😻babygril
titanic imSORRY a sayr ofrgive me plspslpsl
ok pjo no hesitaiton. forgive me for my sins a. also sary
THATS SO HARD STOPP um ok lers see UHAISJDASKJD BRO FUCK YOU 😡😡😡😡😡 this is so hadr ughhghhklklg pjo is just. PJOOO and we got GORVERROROOR but no lost trio. and hoo has the lost trio..........but no grover...FUckukfc ok okosaodk im imsdun m it has nico and wiwlwllw too bro so muchslad pain and suffering ok im OGING TO SAY hoo..............................................................................because mark of athena and house of hades and the seven and percabeth is togehter ??? BUT PJO NO I CANT CHOOSE OSJSDAKSJLK BRO WY WOULD U ASK ME THIS 😡😡
umuumumum og trio. becuase. tlt forever<3 I SITLL LVOE U PIPER JASON LEO
annabehtj but piper is still my wife its ok
HOW DARE YOU 👊👊👊👊👊🔪🔪🔪🔪 lets see hmmmmmmmmmmmmm leo is Literally Me but percy is also Literally Me..........................i am ocnea garal.....but i am also builindg silly goofy things garal.....................sceience garal...?..................aftermuch thought. i will choose................................................percy. BECAUSE U KLILELD HIM SO MANY TIMES HE DESRESVES TO BE CHOSEN AT LEAST ONCE wait i was gonna say someting else too umm ok fuck i forgot lol oops I WILL BRING LEO BACK WITH THE POWER OF ACATS Its ok
chai i am ANTI COFFEE sometimes. i dontliek
english 1021i3021391% hidni is alwys cHANGING its fcjkcgnin i DONT KNOW so many weird words. english ez. or maybe im biasde why is it so much easier to speak the first language u ever learend
hmmmm ok ok lets see i dont really have beef w anyone except my games teacher but hm. i could kill someone whos actively killig the earth or someting but idk whos doing the most damage hmmm ok ykw im killin g the games teacher SHE MADE MY BEST FRINED CRY and she has been. anti meowing at her for like ayear. so. bye woman
so real of u
ASKDJKASLJD ok o kolets see i dont acutally know the breeds of animasl very weell um exposed but ok anyways im going to take a uquiz hang on ok ok so at first i got norwegian forest cat but it was NOT me tbh butthen !! i got abyssinian and omg. yes. it's me. the desc is so real tbhbtbh ALSO hwen i searched it up the google image cat was orange lol so def fits
ts alwys but laufey so cool
THE IDIOTS we r ebtter no offesne maraudersgaiz
wolfstar bc i lovekjily<3
si flowerpot jily ???/????/? if yes then flowerpot heueh
dorleene bc jily yes and also their fanart is so. yes
okokok GODOBYE mewo mewo
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heartpascal · 1 year
so i was listening to "the other side" by ruelle and "wait for it" by leslie odom jr. and had this depressing thought regarding that maybe bonus scene of "if the door wasn't shut" series but like- what if it was reader who abby kills instead of joel? hear me out but- joel killed her father right? and probably made her go through sm pain and grief right? so what if somehow she finds out how much reader means to joel.
"did we ever see it coming?
will we ever let it go?"
and blinded by her need for revenge, she 🏌️ the reader instead, wanting joel to feel the same pain and grief she feels and twists the knife even deeper saying that her death is on him. the reader who didn't even go with them and had no idea what even happened in that hospital and absolutely had no part of it was killed because of him. that her death will be on his conscience. she was just someone who was caught in the crossfire because of her relations with joel and ellie.
"i don't want to lose part of me,
will i recover?"
and joel, ellie, and tommy just watches her get 🏌️ by abby. i'm- IMAGINE THE PAIN TOMMY AND MARIA WILL GO THROUGH 😭😭😭😭 reader whom they basically raised as their own just gets killed just like that 😭 maria gonna lose another child 😭 AND READER'S SHOP IS JUST BURIED IN FLOWERS 😭😭😭
"i don't want to know what it's like to live without you,
don't want to know the other side of a world without you."
what's even more depressing is that she's still young and still had a life ahead of her and it's just cut short because the world is cruel just like that. (especially in the tlou universe cough)
"death doesn't discriminate,
between the sinners and the saints,
it takes and it takes and it takes."
and joel just breaking and wondering why he's still when so many people that he has know and cared and loved has left him (i'm going for the sarah's mom left route and tommy leaving joel to join the fireflies) or died (sarah, tess, bill, frank, sam, henry, and now reader) AND WHAT IF THEY JUST MADE UP TOO?!?! I CAN'T- 😭😭😭
"(and we keep living anyway),
we rise (and we fall),
we fall (and we break),
(and we make our mistakes),
and if there's a reason i'm still alive,
when so many have died."
might go back to this if ive thought of even more but for now i'm ending this here and gonna cry about it 😭😭
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howl you have HURT me with this one. so badly. my heart hurts. i’m gonna add my thoughts hope this is ok <3
FIRST. LETS TALK ABOUT THE SONGS. especially the other side by ruelle?? HELLO??? “i don’t want to leave here without you” …. stop it. i’m in so much pain. “i don’t want to know what it’s like to live without you” SCREAMING. this hurts me so much and it fits for all of the characters AND AND “i don’t want to know who we are without each other” i cant do this today howl i really cant. it’s interchangeable between the scenarios as well i-
“and if there’s a reason i’m still alive when everyone who loves me has died” stop. i’m gonna cry and shout and sob and yell.
lets think about this scenario, shall we?
warning: graphic content, death, weapons, blood, canon-typical, grief, aftermath of r dying. you should know what’s happened if you’ve come past the keep reading thingy. pls read at your own risk <3 its not written as a proper fic/drabble (although there’s an idea) but still, be careful of the content you consume !!!!
lets say that reader and jesse were partnered up to take joel and tommy off of patrol. lets say that reader is fucking terrified when the miller bros don’t show up. lets say that jesse agrees to go and find dina and ellie while reader goes ahead to look for joel and tommy, fearing the worst.
lets say reader hears that gunshot, and rushes in, guns blazing. lets say she shoots owen in the shoulder when she pushes the door open, because he’s the first person she sees. lets say manny takes her down, gets her gun off of her, while joel is yelling as he realises who it is.
lets say joel is yelling, “get your hands off of her” and “don’t you touch her” while the others hold him down, tommy already knocked flat out. lets say abby is stood there, looking between you baring your teeth as you’re held down by manny and joel yelling for you. lets say she’s angry, she’s angrier than she’s ever been. lets say that she looks at you and sees herself, and she looks to joel only to see what he took from her.
lets say reader is looking at joel, at his leg that’s almost beyond saving, lets say reader is praying that jesse, dina and ellie are quick. she’s sure that if they got here soon, the four of you could get the upper hand. joel would be okay, if only the others were quick.
lets say abby looks at joel one more time, and spits “move him”, and she looks to reader while the others pull joel away, while he’s kicking and screaming the whole way.
lets say they pull reader over towards the wall, all looking at abby nervously.
lets say when she swings at reader’s head the first time, she’s still struggling, looking over to joel as one of the group hits him across the head with their gun. lets say the second time, she goes down, and they don’t need to hold reader against the wall anymore.
“don’t,” reader would say, “please, i-” lets say abby hitting her again would cut anything else off, and some of the group have to rush to the door when it opens, and reader blinks bleary eyes over to see ellie, and almost sighs with relief until she’s taken down.
lets say reader waits, vision swimming, to hear or maybe see jesse and dina come through the doorway, guns blazing. lets say reader tries not to cry when they don’t come.
“stop it! she had nothing to do with this” ellie would say, despite not knowing why the group was here, why they were doing this. “i’ll kill you, i’ll fucking kill you! stop,” she would be begging, pleading, as they hold her head against the floor, lets say she’d try and pull away, try and get to reader as abby would swing again.
lets say joel hears ellie scream as he starts to wake up, his first and only image being reader with her face covered in blood and- they hit him across the head again, and he’s out.
lets say jesse and dina come, and dina almost doesn’t shout for jesse to come down. lets say jesse almost passes out when he pushes the wooden door open. lets say that he shouts, and he’s on his knees beside reader in a second, not touching, hands just hovering, and lets say he doesn’t know what to do. lets say he holds in his tears as he turns to where tommy is blinking into consciousness. lets say he blocks the man’s view of you until he’s pushed aside.
lets not say how joel is unresponsive when he wakes up, even though dina had pulled a sheet to cover the sight in front of him, lets not say that none of them can get him to speak even when they pull him up, on his half-fucked leg, tourniquet wrapped around his thigh from the very group who had-
here’s what we shouldn’t think about this situation!
lets not think about tommy having to go home to maria, to his son, and look her in the face to tell her what happened. lets not think about maria demanding to see reader, demanding for someone to tell her it’s not fucking true.
lets not think about how joel can’t be there when reader is buried, stuck in the infirmary, because he’s alive. he’s alive and reader isn’t. lets not think about that.
lets not think about how jesse would blame himself, would never forgive himself for letting her go searching alone, how he would carry that blame forever.
lets not think about ellie sitting in reader’s shop, looking at the clay reader had set out that morning, ready for when she’d be home later on in the evening. lets not think about all the flowers that would be laying outside of the shop, obscuring ellie’s view out of the windows.
lets not think about tommy leaving maria when she needed him most.
lets not think about ellie and dina going after him.
lets not think about joel, finally being let out of the infirmary, heading back to Rancher Street, not knowing what else to do. lets not think about joel being completely despondent, about him finding the mug that reader had made sat on the counter from the coffee he’d had in it just before he had gone on patrol.
lets not think about joel finding out his whole family has gone to avenge reader, when its his fault she’s gone. lets not think about him limping to the stables, demanding to go after them. lets not think about jesse helping him sneak away.
lets not think actually.
(i could add more to this. expand on other things that could happen in this situation. but. i’m sad. i will if yall want tho >:])
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vanana-r0tat3 · 1 year
some pre-game batim headcanons :>
Henry: - all he does is eat hot chip be bisexual and lie /j - has a preference for women so i think him realizing hes not straight is like hey wait a minute hey wait wait - joey was his gay awakening,,, real -gets burnout super easy, it probably frustrates him a lot when he cant draw - drawing is a big comfort for him - has pretty bad social anxiety, but has become pretty good at dealing with it!
Joey: - gay. this man is not into women at all sorry 💀 "i just dont have time for girls" yeah sure fruitcake - watch me project once again and give this man bpd. like im sorry his whole thing with henry?? im not even explaining it but if you get it you get it yea - also definitely has adhd - wheelchair user !! he is able to walk, but he still needs the wheelchair when flare ups get real bad. he is stubborn though and refuses to use it at work or when hes out of the house
more under the cut !!
Wally: - he has adhd, obviously - transgender !! i feel like hes a gnc binary trans man - hes straight to me, but his gf/wife is also trans >:D t4t win - i feel like he likes to gossip. the thought of him, norman, shawn, maybe even jack whispering to eachother in a corner about some random secrets theyve overheard is super funny to me
Sammy: - AUTISM... hes autistic - gets overwhelmed and overstimulated super easily, hence why hes always so irritable - yknow what im giving him bipolar. hes my comfort character and i get to project my mental illness !! - hes gay and demiromantic - honestly? transfem i see it. bc like im thinking about how he talks about susies singing like. i know what you are - bad with boundaries.. he is so bad at them and reading social cues - hates being touched, probably is only comfortable with jack for the most part - watch him crush on like half the men mentioned in this post at least once
Norman: - hes also autistic. his sense of humor is so??? 😭 - HES ALSO DEFINITELY AN OLDER GAY GUY. he just has that energy yknow like if you agree - probably would be agender too - him and sammy are that incompatible type of autism havers does this make sense?? like some autistic people i just cant stand because of my autism, our places on the spectrum make it so hard to like them yk? thats norman and sammy - this man definitely has insomnia
Susie: - lesbian. she doesnt know it yet but she is - her calling sammy handsome isnt her being attracted to him its just gender envy 😁 - shes just a feminine transmasc 👍 - rejection sensitive dysphoria out the ASS my poor girl - very insecure deep down, so she overcompensates for it by trying to be a people pleaser n stuff
Allison: - shes bisexual !! has a strong preference for women - shes a trans woman idc idc i love her - AUTISTIC AS HELL - i imagine she had a sibling like relationship with joey - probably one of the few people that could tell him off without like. getting fired lol
Buddy: - adhd and autism,, special intrest in art/drawing - AROACE. the stuff he says about his friendship with dot?? "i didnt know we could just be friends" and him not being too into his first assumption when she pulls him away to show him the bendyland model?? yea - honestly i think he has social anxiety hes doing his best - hes very sensitive over people bringing up him being jewish, he seems so ready to be made fun of or scorned for it :( - definitely some cultural detachment because of it (im projecting again) - i think dot would wanna learn about about it, buddy should teach her stuff!! like traditions and whatnot
Tom: - asexual 👍 - TRANSGENDER. probably would be nonbinary, heavily masc leaning though - he smokes a lot have you heard this man good lord. i dont think allison is a fan of it - anger issues,, mostly caused by stress and a lack of sleep, hes trying his best :( - he has arthritis. hes not old but god do his joints fee like it. he has crutches !! like joey though he only really uses em at home 💀
Jack: - wheelchair user jack my BELOVED idk where the hc came from but im all for it - he cant walk, but is able to get around just fine! watch him try and do wheelies to impress sammy only to almost fall over - 100% autistic as well. him and sammy are able to be autism together - unlabeled aromantic - hes such a loser /loving
Grant: - poor guy gets chronic headaches someone give him some painkillers - hes got generalized anxiety disorder this man cannot get a break - demisexual and demiromantic,, mans is double demi
Shawn: - adhdtism 😭 - LOVES to talk, he could go on for hours dude - i feel like he knows a lot of ridiculously obscure knowledge. for why? dont worry about it - he gives me genderfluid vibes - literally just some guy
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