#and realizes how much he's done for jl
dionte-goethe · 4 months
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I was inspired by that one scene in "more than anything" from Hazbin Hotel. Just thinking about the way Jiang Cheng had to face these sect leaders with a destroyed sect, no alliances (until Yanli married and even then...), and the fallout of Wei Wuxian's actions. He just doesn't want Jin Ling to have to deal with all the terrible things he had to deal with as a young sect leader, he's tried to protect him from all that, when JL wants him to step back because JC could tear himself apart protecting JL...
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 months
your posts about Tim being the parent in his time with Bruce+ Richard's parentification + Tim always planning of being a placeholder, got me thinking
What if Tim started off like that, playing parent for Bruce, ensuring he doesn't cross any lines or overworks himself
And just never stop?
His civilian life is starting to crack, and he's doing worse than he could be, but Batman has to be taken care off
In comes Jason who tries to kill him (great another Bruce) so his workload is doubled, and also Damian who has to be untaught murder
Well it's an escalation of what he's used to, but if he can deal with Batman, he can deal with his kids, time to bust out the books on therapy and deprogramming cult teachings
Besides, he's a placeholding for the two of them until they're better like Batman, so who better to teach them the ropes than him?
Let's toss in comments here and there that will clear misunderstandings between the Bats (excluding himself— he's temporary) and what about their interactions keeps the family apart
Like boy is neglecting himself to high hell, only stopping when it's literally impossible, and barely has a civilian life, but it's worth it for Gotham's betterment and the Batfamily's stabilization
Timestream? Well shit, he has to get Bruce back as per his job of keeping the family in order but the family is either not getting better or worse,
Let him just leave a bunch of personalized self-help guides and programmed schedules that'll ensure the bats are getting better while he's away
Oh hey Ra's, midn if I secretly learn everything about how Damian grew up in this fine League of yours so I can teach Damian what is so wrong about his childhood once I'm home?
So everything is getting better post BruceQuest, Richard can be a brother more (because Tim took on his job as parent-brother), Damian and his family are able to bond and understand each other (because Tim untaught an awful upbringing) and Jason feels like a member of the family (because Tim got Jason up to speed with how much he has always been loved) plus Bruce gets to be a father with his kids (because Tim kept the man out of his otherside inevitable self-made grave)
And say Batfamily, in a miracle of communication, realize that Tim has subsumed Bruce's role as caretaker and father
Not to the entire family of course, but even parenting for one sibling or parent as a kid yourself is one too many
And they remember all the comments Tim said to help the family get better subtly suggesting everybody but Tim is family
Like he's said "Your family," never "Our"
He says "You're a Wayne, a member of their family,"
He has to be referred to as Tim and Drake, never Wayne to catch his attention
And also imagine Richard saying "You can't keep being a parent to your brothers and father" and Tim going "glass houses, *tires to parent Rich*"
The shit storm that would happen if the batfamily realized that Tim donned Robin with the intention of always playing parent for Bruce, and then leaving once his intervention isn't need anymore
Yes! I absolutely love the ideas you incorporated with this. I didn't manage to hit all of them in my post, but I tried to expand upon them a bit:
At first, Tim wouldn't realize that's what he's doing. He just wants to help Bruce (even if that includes taking away the Batmobile keys, locking him out of the batcomputer, and using a rewards system when the man successfully takes care of his wounds).
Tim only comes to the realization that he's Bruce's parent when the YJ are being lectured by their mentors. At this point, the team has done far more dangerous stunts and missions than whatever the JL was lecturing them about. When the mentors come, Robin allows Batman to lecture him in front of the others. Tim knows they have to keep up appearances and can listen to a hypocritical discussion from Bruce to maintain the image of Batman Tim has spent so much time propping up.
After the other mentors leave, Tim pulls Batman into a private room for a chat. Bart, fearing that Robin is getting a second lecture, almost bursts in to save Tim. He's slowed down by the glare Tim sends his way. He's stopped by the conversation he overhears.
Tim, with his hands on his hips as he glares up into the cowl, lectures Bruce on all the behavior issues the man displayed the month that the YJ were away.
Bruce is just standing there, head slightly hung, as Tim goes on.
"This is why I feel I can never get away, B. I can't even leave you for a month before your excessive force statistics skyrocket! What am I supposed to do with you?"
Bart quickly leaves as he has a mental breakdown at this discovery. Two hours later, when Batman leaves, Bart asks Robin if he's Batman's father. Tim laughs it off at first, but after Bart lays out the evidence, Tim spirals for a few days at this discovery.
Once Tim accepts that he *is* like Bruce's dad, he decides to just embrace it. He and Alfred can share custody of the man-child (and this is also why Tim has the view of family that he does. His three examples of being a father are his own dad who constantly leaves, Alfred who maintains a professional distance, and Bruce who's his grieving son). Tim sees Dick as his brother, but he sees Bruce as his kid. It's confusing as hell, complicated, and Tim also doesn't see himself as part of the family at the same time.
While the teen is finally settling into his role as Bruce's parent, Jason comes back and tries to kill him. He doesn't know whether or not to laugh that Jason becomes his new responsibility at the same place Bruce officially (in Tim's mind) became Tim's.
The teen treats Jason similar to a grandson and son. He parents Bruce on how to interact with Jason, takes a few college classes and reads a few textbooks on PTSD, and interrogates LoA agents on the Pit. He slowly starts to feed them both phrases and perspectives so that they understand and interact with each other better. He almost wants to hit them both upside the head for their miscommunication.
It's not great, and Tim is so fucking tired, but they are getting closer to being a family. Tim can almost taste his retirement.
Then Damian comes into the family and tries to kill him. Tim wants to scream.
Damian isn't exactly friendly to Tim, but the teen spots a breakthrough when he catches how Dick and Damian interact. He, in what he later calls foolishly, drops some of the weight onto Dick's shoulders. Tim's tired trying to wrangle both Jason and Bruce into somewhat, even unhealthily, communicating with each other.
Then Bruce dies. It's unfair because Tim has lost someone who's both his son and his father to him. No one except Cassie could know about the amount of grief Tim is under because of that. Cassie, who Tim isn't talking to after the whole basement scientist cloning thing.
So, Tim finds evidence that Bruce is alive. He watches as Dick cracks under the weight of Batman and being a father to Damian. He's hurt (oh gods does it burn to lose his self-made but suffocating role that ties him to Bruce), but he understands why Dick gives Damian Robin.
Tim leaves, and he starts to discover himself. He became an adoptive father at thirteen. For once, even though he's heavily lost in the thralls of grief, he's free of that responsibility. He only has to take care of himself (an exhausting task he's never quite accomplished before) and he doesn't rely on anyone.
Still, despite his freedom, he sees Ra's offer for what it is. It's an opportunity to learn more about Damian. Bruce will need Tim's support when he returns, after all. If he takes down Ra's both for himself and Damian, that's neither here nor there.
When Bruce finally returns home, Tim starts to see his retirement again. He sees the progress he's enacting out of the family in all of their relationships. Like Tim's messy relationship with Bruce, Dick is both a father and brother to Damian. Jason and Bruce will occasionally meet at a diner. Damian and Bruce will have father-child outings outside of Batman and Robin. Cass returns home more often. Steph barges into the Manor for food or bugs different Bats on patrol. Babs is able to take time for herself outside of wrangling the Bats together. Duke is starting to join the family, but Tim doesn't imagine too much tension or difficulty with that transition. They'll be fine without him.
It's looking up. Tim can leave behind his the Wayne family.
Then Damian points out how Tim often uses "your" or "their" instead of "our" family.
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spacedace · 1 year
So I have an idea for a dp x dc fic and I'm going to throw it here since i need to get it out of my head and i'm not sure i'll ever actually write it (and as always if anyone finds my rambles interesting any/all of it us up for grabs to run with):
Elle ends up crashing into the DC universe while exploring, but despite all the dimension/multivariate nonsense that always goes down (or maybe because of it) she can't actually get back, and the levels of ectoplasm are a lot lower than most dimensions which weakens her quite a bit.
There's enough for her to survive, and use her powers a little bit, but using them too much makes her get really weak/maybe even causes serious harm depending on how much she uses.
She finds this out when she tries to open a portal home and both fails to open the portal & passes out as a result of trying. Cut to Elle waking up in Cadmus and realizing "ah, fucked up unethical science, I am familiar with this fuckery" and escapes.
In the process of escaping she comes across Kon, who isn't "finished" yet. He's alive and aged up to a teenager, but isn't quite done with his programming/whatever (this idea came to me based entirely off what I've gleaned through fandom so I don't know the canon of Kon's whole time with Cadmus). Elle immediately realizes "Oh clone baby, that's not good" and breaks him out and takes him with her.
Kon in this doesn't know he's a clone of Superman, he doesn't know a lot of things considering how early into the clone info-dumling process he was in when Elle broke him out. He barely knows language and how to read. What he does know for sure though is that Cadmus is Bad and Getting the Fuck Out is Good so he's down to go with Elle
Queue them becoming friends and being on the run together, learning about this world/dimension together and coming to see each other as family. Eventually they end up in Gotham because it's one of the places that naturally has a higher ectopalsm level and because if you're in the right area no one cares if you have no legal ID (in some circles it's a plus).
Kon gets a lot of odd jobs before eventually ending up working at a strip club or burlesque bar or something (my idea is that it's years after escaping so he's in his early 20s at this point and not just a fresh baby clone anymore and he gets into it because he likes it and it's good money) while Elle uses her ghostly knowledge/what powers she can to work as like a psychic or something like that.
Meanwhile Justice League (with alive again Superman) have found out about the escaped Superman clone and, along with Cadmus, are desperately trying to track him down. The info they have is a bit murky, so they think it's actually *two* clones, one that had Martian dnd also thrown in to the mix based off a short clip they managed to find of Elle phasing through walls.
My idea is that it'd all finally come to a head when Constantine pulls Tim (and maybe also Damian) in on a JL Dark case that involves the Lazerus Pit and for reasons ends up having to hire Elle to help. I'm thinking it's a thing that Elle is a pretty respected name in certain magic circles due to her expert knowledge on the Infinite Realms, though she refuses to work for most people who seek her out - even though the money would be good - because usually it's only evil assholes that want to hire her.
She makes a deal with Jon to help (in exchange for something that would let her get a message to Danny letting him know what happened or something like that) and Kon joins in because there's no way he's trusting a dude Elle calls the "drunk soul slut" with his baby sister unattended, he doesn't *care* if she could handle herself it's not happening.
Anyway, Tim/Kon (and maybe some Damian/Elle) shenanigans during a Lazerus Pit/demon hunting road trip where eventually everyone figures out who Kon & Elle are, Elle manages to get a stable portal setup so she can go home and come back whenever she wants (Kon getting adopted by Danny? Kon getting adopted by Danny) and Kon joining Young Justice and having a good relationship with Clark (who had a lot more time to deal with things before meeting Kon and learned about him as a person before learning he was Clark's clone).
Anyway there would be a scene at the end where Kon would be in his superhero suit for the first time and just:
Clark: Did you choose a hero name yet?
Kon: Yeah, I figured I'd go with Supernova.
Clark, feeling touched: Yeah? Any particular reason?
Kon: It's cool, it has 'Super' in the name, and really it just seemed the easiest option, I'm used to responding to Nova, so *shrugs*
Clark: Yeah? Why's that? Nickname?
Kon: I guess kinda? It's my stage name at the strip club I work at
Clark: what
Tim, brain shut down by this revelation: ...do you do private shows?
Clark: w h a t
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(#) = Notes at end of post
TW: mentions of human experimentation and blood
The Sapphire Stone Sits Highest on the Throne
The GIW have done the unthinkable. They've captured Phantom, King of the Infinite Realms and ruler of all who reside within it. The government organization tortured and experimented on Danny so much and for so long that Danny was forced to recede into his core. While a ghost's core is relatively strong by itself --only another ghost of similar strength could shatter it-- it's also extremely vulnerable to misuse if left in the wrong hands.
The GIW use the King's core to ravage Amity Park --uncaring if human citizens got in their way-- as well as the Ghost Zone itself. The Ancients combine their efforts to search for the lost, little king, desperately trying to find Danny's core and take it back from the blood and ectoplasm stained hands of the agents. As a result of their dogged search, the Ancients bring worldwide destruction down upon the Earth in their hunt for every single white suit agent remaining, scurrying from one hiding place to another like rats in the walls of a dilapidated house.
One by one, almost every agent was hunted down and bound in unbreakable chains of ice, awaiting their trials for the atrocities they committed against the Infinite Realms and its King. The only one left is the leader of the organization itself, the one who holds Danny's core. The leader, however, is extremely slippery and has managed to evade capture for months now, going so far as to throw their own men to the wolves if it meant an easy escape with the jewel-blue heart of a scared, grieving, and injured child.
At this point though, the Ancients have caused so much destruction and natural disasters, that the Justice League has no choice but to step in. At first, the JL actively try to fight the Ancients, not fully understanding the situation but having little luck in actually hitting any of them regardless. It isn't until John Constantine runs onto the battlefield like a bat out of hell and skids to a stop right smack dab in the middle of the fight that things change. He's out of breath, his hair is in disarray, he smells heavily of smoke and alcohol, and that's definitely a still fresh coffee stain on his weather beaten trenchcoat along with red blood painting his knuckles.
Normally, one small human wouldn't be able to stop the wrath of the Ancients when they've set their sights on something. This instance, however, was very different. As Constantine raised his hands up towards the rampaging Ancients about to unleash their fury on the JL, one thing managed to capture every single one of their attention.
That being the weakly glowing, sapphire-like core held in one of Constantine's outstretched hands(1 & 2) and the faint, echoing cries of a child begging the Ancients to put an end to the carnage they've unleashed upon the world.
(1) Constantine gives little explanation on how he got his hands on Danny's core. Little do the JL know, it was just pure, dumb luck. He ran into the leader of the GIW right as the bastard was leaving a coffee shop. Coffee got spilled all over Constantine and, being slightly drunk off his ass, he decides to deck the person in the pretentious white suit and knocks him out in one shot. Constantine's about to walk away when he hears a child crying. He finds Danny's core in one of the downed guy's pockets and has a panic attack when he immediately realizes what it is. Danny explains what's going on and Constantine books it towards where he can sense a large amount of necrotic energy gathering. The rest is history.
(2) ALSO, sapphire is a pretty significant gem. According to the internet, the sapphire symbolizes wisdom, royalty, prophecy and divine favour. It's a symbol of power and strength, but also of kindness and wise judgement. Which just fits Danny PERFECTLY in this prompt, imo.
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Dead Twins
so a dpxdc idea that’s been floating in my head for a long time.
i’ve seen jason and danny being each other’s alternate selves from another reality or father and son, but never as twins, i’ve seen danny being a twin or look alike to all the other batboys (mostly damian) but never with jason.
so they could be the children of the fenton’s but it’s easier for me to write them as children of willis and sheila, willis taking one child and sheila taking the other so she can get child support or something and once she’s done with him she dumps him in an orphanage, where tye fenton’s pick him up as a friend for their daughter jazz.
jason and danny both grow up never feeling alone due to a twin bond between them, when one was feeling sad the other would send happy feelings to cheer the other up, but they couldn’t tell each other’s thoughts or location, their bond streched thin from their separation. so when jason dies, danny feels the bond snap and he feels jason’s last moments, his sadness, his fear, his feelings of betrayal and helplessness at his situation, and it sends him into a depression spiral that not even his sister or friends can get him out of. he could feel himself dying, slowly fading from existence his body failing him at every turn, it wasn’t just depression, it wasn’t just in his head as his sister tried to tell him, it was physical he could tell .so when his parents machine fails and his friends ask him to go inside to take a picture he doesn’t argue even though he knows how dangerous it could be, knows that many of his parents inventions malfunction or backfire in horrible ways. so he doesn’t notice the protruding wire on the floor and trips pushing the on button on the wall as he tries to stabilize himself. he dies and comes back not knowing that when he came back his brother came back with him.
the bond comes back but it’s weak barley stable only assuring the other that they were alive. both being connected to death, to ectoplasm, danny a halfa and jason a resurrected revrent with a core.
their reunion could go several ways:
1. The Ghost King Way
enter world ending threat that the JL can’t defeat and need to summon the ghost king to defeat. danny apears in all his space obssesed ghost king glory, and instantly feels a connection with this strange man wearing a red helmet standing at the back the same bond he has always felt since he was born. jason also feeling this stange bond is very confused as to why his bond leads to the ghost king. they end up hanging out as their alter egos neither knowing that they are in facr twins, their bond strengthening the longer they spend time together. they first start out hanging out at the watchtower but later start hanging out in gotham, jason finaly has himself declared alive again which makes into the paper, that danny ends up seeing.
2. The Jazz Way
Jazz ends up working at arkham asylum much to her brother’s dismay and manged ti make him promise her not visit for at least a month. que her bumping into jason at the library or a coffee shop and sees what she thinks is danny (who she can also sense because she’s liminal) stalking her after explicitly told him not to follow her to gotham and she is furious, she pulls jason by the ear and starts to lecture him in the middle of the road, ‘i trusted you’ and ‘how could you’ and ‘you promised me’ and ‘why did you dye your hair like that’ ,and jason is like ‘lady who are you?’, his siblings are standing to the side laughing at him. jazz realizes that’s not her brother, she shows them a picture of danny and they all agree that they ate identical, and agree to set up a meeting. when they meet they realize that that’s who their bond conects to.
3. The Ellie Way
ellie is traveling around the world visiting all the famous places and decides to visit gotham and ends up seeing jason thinking he’s danny she barrels into him sreaming ‘DADDY’ and jason is very confused, like WTF, she soon relizes that this isn’t danny despite their ecto- signature being almost exactly the same if not for the weird corruption jason has, but decides to be a troll anyways and pretend that jason is her dad danny. she pretends to be very upset that her daddy doesn’t remember her, and shows them pictures on her phone of her and danny doing father daughter things, cuddling, playing. jason on the other hand thinks ‘oh my god did i have a daughter that i forgot about’. they take her home and run a dna test just incase (ellie is just waching the chaos, she also wants to know why he feels so much like danny) and while not a match for a father it is for a close relative like an uncle. with the her act done ellie tells them about danny and how he was adopted and they realize that their related.
-ellie could either be aged up by vlad or rescued and raised by danny before she was aged up.
*** or it could be dan too, actually it would be way funnier if it was dan. grown ass man proclaiming that you are his father, with photographic evidence. they might think he’s from the future or something. dan it just doing it for shits and giggles.
*** or both, both together is also funny, because they would squabble like the siblings they are and jason would have to act like a dad to make them stop.
4. The Ellie Way 2
in this one it’s better that ellie is not aged up.
after danny let her go on a camping trip with his parents while he goes on a business trip or to attend ghost king duties, ellie is kidnapped by meta children traffickers, after seeing her float for a bit. maddie and jack don’t want danny to worry or be disappointed by them try to find her without telling him. ellie ends up in gotham and ends up rescued by jason, senseing his ectoplasm that feels almost exactly like danny, and clings to him fully believing that he is her dad danny, and the only reason he didn’t find her straight away is because his ecto became corrupted. jason is now stuck with a little girl that insists that he’s her father going off of nothing but that he feels like her father so he’s her father. he ends up taking her to the manor and takes off his helmet and tells her “look at me, do i look like your daddy” to which she insists that yes he is her daddy. so they ask if she knows her dad’s number to which she answers yes, they call danny and tell him that they found his daughter, danny is predictably worried and furious because his daughter had been kidnapped and his parents didn’t tell him, he rushes over and the batfam is like omg they look really identical. of course the reunion between danny and ellie is tear filled, lots of hugs and kiss.
5. The Vacation Way
they go on a vaction to lets say the beach, with all their family, jason with the batboys and batgirls and danny with his parents sister and dan and ellie included.
*** jason and danny go to a food truck to get food with steph and ellie. because of the large amount of food they’re carrying they can’t see so they need some one to guide them back, que ellie and steph taking the wrong twin back to their area. both jason and danny ate very confused, who are you people. both families think that something must have happened because neither twin knows who these people are. danny is confused but all for having more siblings and another father, while jason doesn’t understand why a teenager (ellie) and a full grown man (dan) are calling him dad. they both go back to the food truck so that they could maybe trace the problems back and end up meeting.
*** or they could be swimming and end up in each other’s area.
*** or a volleyball game that got too intense, either from the trained batfam or ghost strenght/ectoplasm enhanced family.
for this it’s funnier if ellie and dan were older.
6. The Business Way
danny started a company with sam and tucker, and is heading to a meet with wayne enterprise in gotham. he gets there a few days early just in case, and goes around site seeing and end up meeting memebers of the batfam along the way, he doesn’t know who these people are but they’re very friendly and it’s freaking him out, meanwhile the batfam are very sad that jason is pretending he doesn’t know them even though they had finally put away their differences. it isn’t until the meeting that they realize no that is not jason. or tim who is ceo could think that jason showing up for the meeting is a very elaborate prank
-random snippets that could fit anywhere-
danny telling jason that he felt him die.
for angst both jason and danny having Y shaped scars.
when talking about their death they find out that when when danny died and came back jason came back with him (i got this from a fic where jason and danny were soulmates on ao3, i don’t remember the name if anyone knows that fic tell me.)
the batboys and girls acting as uncles and aunts to ellie and/or dan.
comparing crazy family shenanigans.
/each way could be an entire fic really but im to lazy to be fully invested in writing these as actual fics with good grammar and consistent updates./
feel free to use these ideas, but tag me if you do i really wanna what others come up with.
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wolfjackle-creates · 7 months
Bring Me Home Arc 2 Part 20: FINAL
So guess what I realized this morning. Today, November 13, 2023 is the one year anniversary of me posting my first DPxDC fic to tumblr. It was the original fill for this very fic. (Which you can find here.)
So I decided I just had to finish this arc and get it posted. This year has been amazing and so much fun. I've become a much better writer and joined a community that has brought me so much joy. I'm glad to be here and I'm glad so many of you like to read what I'm sharing.
I noticed I got a few new readers over the past week or so, so welcome to all of you! Hope you enjoy this early update!
In personal news, my nephew was born and he's adorable and I'll be meeting him tomorrow! (As soon as I'm done posting this, I'm off to make food for his mom.)
Story Summary: Tim and Danny are both neglected by parents who care more about their work than their families. They deal with this by spending too much time online and find each other playing MMORPGs. They keep up their friendship as Tim becomes Robin and Danny becomes Phantom and don't bother keeping secrets from each other.
Arc 1
Arc 2: Part 1, Previous
Word Count: 1.2k
In the end, it ended up taking several hours for Danny, Sam, and Tucker to escape their families and converge on the park. In that time, Tim had called Bruce to let him know he’d be back in Gotham by tomorrow and finished most of his homework.
While he worked, Wulf and Bart were having an animated conversation in Esperanto.
Tim was pretty sure Wulf would be bringing Bart to the Ghost Zone for a tour sometime and started making plans to learn Esperanto himself and bribe Bart to get in on them.
Cassie was helping Conner sort through some of the music Sam had given him. Tim was jealous as he solved more banal trig questions. Why did school have to be so boring? He tapped his pencil on the paper in time to the beat of whatever music Conner had playing.
Tucker was the first to arrive. “Danny and Sam not here yet?” he asked as he plopped down next to Bart and Wulf.
“Nope. Haven’t heard from them, either,” said Tim. He opened his phone notifications again just to be sure, but there was nothing new.
Tucker shrugged and pulled out a stick of jerkey to munch on. “Not surprising. The Fentons will be all overprotective after the mayor was kidnapped by a ghost on live TV. And Sam’s parents are just as bad. Only they smother rather than check the weaponry.” He turned to greet Wulf in Esperanto.
An email came through on Tim’s phone and he groaned. “Our evening interview was canceled. No one wants to hear us try to defend Phantom anymore.”
Cassie cursed. “Course not. Bet the paper won’t publish our editorials either.”
Conner looked over, confused. “Won’t they? Clark works for the Daily Planet. They publish stuff like that all the time.”
Tim didn’t look up from his math as he answered, “That’s the difference between a big, Pulitzer winning publication and a small-town op-ed.”
Tucker sighed. “Well maybe someone will remember your interviews from this morning in a positive light.”
Bart rolled his eyes. “Come on, we can’t change it. So let’s move forward. Next step, make friends with more ghosts! Wulf says there’s a bunch of cool people in the Realms.”
“Realms?” asked Tim.
“It’s what he says the Ghost Zone is actually called. The Infinite Realms.”
“Huh. I’ll have to check JL databases, see if they have any information on them.”
Tucker asked something in Esperanto and Bart burst out laughing as Wulf looked on in confusion.
With Bart’s help, though, he rephrased until Wulf was able to reply. And then the three kept to Esperanto. Tim really had to find time to learn it.
Sam was the next to arrive. She grinned and sat down next to Conner. “How you liking the music?”
Conner grinned and showed her the sheets where he ranked the bands so far based on which songs he’d listened to. She then took over the speakers and searched for specific tracks to try and change his mind about some of the bands he liked the least.
Tim let his eyes close as his friends’ voices washed over him.
After some indeterminate time where he dozed between sleeping and awareness, a foot nudged his hip. Tim grumbled out what was supposed to be a, “What?” but was too mumbled to really be understood.
“Come on, Secrets. You can do better than that.”
Tim cracked an eye open to see Danny grinning down at him. He pushed himself up slightly and blinked heavily in the sunlight.
“Finally got away from your parents?” asked Tim.
Danny collapsed on the ground next to him. “Ugh, don’t remind me. They’re freaking out over everything that’s happened the last few days. Jazz and I are basically going to be on lock down until they feel confident the ghosts are gone.”
“Did you have to sneak out to get here?” asked Cassie.
Danny shook his head. “No, I told them I was going to find you guys to make sure you were all safe. You’re welcome to come back to ours tonight, by the way. Mom and Dad basically insisted on it.”
“What do you guys think?” asked Tim. “Spend one more night here at Danny’s and head out in the morning?”
Cassie sighed. “My mom’s already freaking out that I’ve been gone longer than planned. I should get back tonight.”
“I’ll stay,” offered Conner. “I’m your ride home, anyway.”
“Why don’t you come to my place, Conner,” offered Sam. “Your nails need a fresh coat after fighting today. And I need teach you about the different brands of makeup and what to look for in terms of cost, quality, and ethicality. Plus I can get you more music.”
Tim laughed when Conner looked to him. “Go for it. Have fun.”
Conner grinned. “Then yeah, let’s do it!”
Bart shrugged. “Wulf is going to go back to the Realms soon. I’ll head out after. Wally and Linda want me over for a family dinner tonight.”
“Well, looks like that’s it, then,” sighed Danny. “Been fun having other heroes around.”
Tim nudged his shoulder. “Join the Young Justice. You could join us and we'd help out whenever you wanted. Get you around people who actually appreciate what you do for them.”
But Danny was already shaking his head. “I have to stay here. And now Amity trusts heroes even less. I want to improve that, not make it worse.”
“Even if you don’t join,” declared Conner. “You’re not getting rid of us now.”
Bart nodded his agreement. “Yep. We’re gonna be stopping by all the time. You’re in the group chat.”
“Exactly,” agreed Tim. “And we’ll figure out ways to help you. Starting with how to minimize property damage. That seems to be the big thing people focus on. You can make shields, right? How big can you make them and how much power do they take?”
Danny smiled wryly. “Can’t say I’ve really tested it.”
Tim laughed. “Well, I know one thing we’re doing tonight. We’re going to go back to Nasty Burger—” Tim looked around at the whole group “—all of us. Then Cassie and Bart are going to go home. Danny and I, at least, are going to take a nap. Then we’re gonna test the current limits to Danny’s powers.”
Danny bumped their shoulders together. “You know, this is just like gaming with you all those years.”
“Yeah, well, it’s best to be thorough.”
“We’ve measured, like, his top speed and stuff,” said Tucker, pulling out a PDA. “Want to see what we’ve got so far?”
“Absolutely.” Tim took the device and looked through it. “You’ve a decent amount of information here. Maybe instead of taking a nap, I’ll help you organize it and come up with a testing plan.”
Conner flew over to him and pulled the PDA out of his hand. “Not after pulling an all-nighter you won’t. We’re going to get some food, then the two of you are going to sleep for at least four hours.”
“I’ll set Jazz on you, too,” threatened Sam. “Don’t think I won’t.”
Tim pouted as the device was given back to Tucker. And grumbled more when Conner picked him up and threw him over his shoulder.
“Come on, food time.”
“I am going to put kryptonite in your phone,” threatened Tim.
“Bingo!” shouted Cassie.
Danny laughed as he stood. “Does this mean I can join the next round?”
Tim scowled. “Traitors, all of you.”
And that's the end of this Arc! Arc 3 will pick up where the original fill did. (Only this time, Tim won't be the only DC character there to help Danny.)
I'd say something like I can't believe it's only been a year, but so much has happened to me in the last twelve months that it feels like a lifetime ago, to be honest. But it's been a good year and I'm glad this community has been part of it.
Please follow the subscription post if you want updates for when I start transferring this arc to AO3 or begin posting Arc 3.
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profounddestinyrebel · 11 months
Pretty much my ideal dcxdp coexisting world
Danny had all his canon happen before Bruce and the JL started their vigilante careers
Before Bruce was born or Martha and Thomas even got married
Phantom Planet never happened and the world never realized that they were almost dead in the first place (I apologize for mentioning it)
Danny retires after blowing up the portal and designing a new system of gov for the Infinite Realms (why the hell is that a monarchy anyway? Fighting being a way of communicating AND the way of determining a ruler does not make sense so I'll choose the better one)
Danny still visits the Infinite Realms but mostly lives his life
He still has interesting things happen to him but more because he apparently has a curse placed on him than anything else 'may you live in interesting times'
Danny manipulates the curse by getting into situations on purpose and then resolving them without getting attention drawn to his civilian id and normal life
He keeps track of immortals and big names that deal with death magic so as to lower the chances of being summoned
The more powerful the Realm Being the more powerful the summoner has to be to summon them and with how powerful Danny is there aren't many he has to keep an eye on
Ra's has been losing Lazarus water at a steady rate for over a decade but only now has it become a noticeable loss. The day the that he notices is a Very Bad Day for the League of Assassins (the day Danny lets himself get caught satisfies his curse for 2 whole months)
Danny hasn't aged much at all since he left Amity at 17. He's still short but mimics the effects of age with stage makeup and other tools used by actors to look older they actually are. This is how he meets a certain Alfred P. who remains a good friend even though they never really meet in person.
His parents blow themselves up and wipe their house off the map when tinkering with a device designed to lure realm beings to them. Danny isn't really sorry they're gone. He finds out after leaving Amity that he wasn't really their kid and he wasn't even adopted. They made him in their lab while distracted from their obsession with ghosts then completely forgot they had done so when they refocused on ghosts. His growth chamber (terrible name) was coated in ecto which allowed the device to reactivate and allow Danny to finish incubating into a toddler then (suspicious) it mysteriously popped him out before his the fentons noticed the growth chambers success.
His parents never took any notes on the clone experiment out of the house due to it being a (perceived) failure. After going back to their ghost obsession they completely forgot about it so no one knows. Jazz only found after Danny told her and he only found out after growing older and continuing to look less and less like either of his parents.
Danny finds the notes and that's what inspires him to leave Amity, to start looking for his bio parent. The Fenton's had no clue that the clone they grew was Danny. They dismantled the growth chamber when Danny was four (actually two) and never realized that the toddler they adopted was the clone of wonder woman they made. They never said anything to anyone about Danny being adopted so Vlad has no idea that Danny isn't Maddie's child.
Vlad starts to age drastically after the portals are destroyed and Danny figures out that Vlad isn't a halfa after all. He's just a normal ghost who can prey on people like spectra but with an obsession directed at Maddie originally and then Danny. Afterwards Vlad gets shunted off into Walker's prison because of all the toxic and human crimes he's committed among them brainwashing, mind control and mind wiping various wealthy and not so wealthy individuals into giving Vlad their money and companies.
Ellie has to explore the Infinite Realms (literally Infinite though so she's not confined) only because she can't really produce her own ecto. She has to absorb it from her surroundings so she can wander safely all over the Infinite Realms (so long as she calls for help when she gets in over her head) but not the human realms unless she takes a buddy who can produce a steady stream of ecto for her.
Vlad makes Danny his heir so now he's rich enough to travel even after giving all the people Vlad stole from their money back. It turns out that Vlad was good with making more money once he had it.
just Danny being a crptoid for the entire magical community and them being unable to talk about it if they even know of him
while danny runs a NASA and space account where he talks about NASA's recent achievements, newly discovered stars, planets and new alien races that Earth has been in contact with
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Sam knew she was conceived before her parents marriage, but she never realized that that meant the father who raised her and her bio father might be different people. It's only now, after her parent's death, that she finds out she's the daughter of Dick Grayson, famed Gotham playboy.
In other news, Sam has, for several years now, been trying to figure out how to punch Nightwing in the face for being the one to dismiss Amity Park as a hoax in the Justice League database, preventing them from receiving help.
Now Dick's daughter that he didn't know he had is trying to murder him with evil magical plants screaming about how he's the reason her best friend had to work himself to the bone to protect their town, and Jason has a new favorite niece.
Oh this has been just hanging in my inbox for ages but hOLY shit this is some brilliant stuff right here. Sam being Dick’s daughter? That could be really fun to work with.
Dick is FLOORED when he finally connects the dots and is told that he has a daughter. He’s slightly distracted by this while Sam berates him.
‘You’re a fucking detective and you didn’t think for a moment to research this town that claimed to experience extradimensional attacks of hostile entities that are supposedly ghosts?! YOU HAVE ALIENS ON YOUR TEAM AND AN UNDEAD BROTHER?! Do you have any idea. Any at all how hard it is to take care of someone who’s so willing to throw it all away for the greater good?”
Nightwing saying that he does know because of Batman and Sam just INSTANTLY cutting him off.
“NO! No you don’t. That was a grown ass man who kept himself stuck in the grief of his parents death that he dresses up as a fucking bat and fights crime. I had to kill my best friend for a second time because I knew that not a single League member would come and help us. I had to watch as a boy who literally could not stop himself from taking action. Do you know how much pressure he was under?“
Ooo definitely also stuff like “you have no idea how many sleepless nights i had where I just called the JL hotline begging for someone to pick up as I cried to the echo of the cheery hold music that was a lie. No one was ever going to pick up but I hoped that someone would answer.”
Dick is distraught. He fucked up big time. He does what he normally does: run away for a tad.
It takes him a long time to wrap his head around having a kid and how badly he fucked up her life. He didn’t even know she existed and somehow he still managed to fuck up her life unintentionally.
EVENTUALLY Sam gets along with her bio dad. It takes a LONG time but eventually Dick genuinely apologizes and tells her that he had no idea that it was that bad and he should have done better. She absolutely sticks to Damian and Jason more before she warms up to Dick. (Mostly cause they’re the edgier and more ‘I’m my own self fuck u all’ batfam members).
Ooo and Ya know how Damian is with animals? Yeah that’s Sam with plants. Dick’s and Jason’s apartment are eventually absolutely FILLED with plants. She helps teach the two how to germinate plants and it becomes a nice bonding activity. (Oh and Jason absolutely brings Sam to the range for Uncle and Niece bonding experiences. Dick doesn’t approve but is happy how gleeful Sam is to learn from Jason.)
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lansplaining · 5 months
Can you imagine the shock and grief JYL felt when she was supposed to receive the news of WWX coming to celebrate? instead, she had to receive the news that her husband had been killed by none other than the Ghost General/WWX. The realization that her son no longer has a father, and she no husband, is... harrowing. No words can express this.
Can you imagine the shock and grief JC experienced when he watched his beloved sister's life fall apart upon receiving the same news that JZX was killed bc his bro glitched, and WN killed JZX, the light of JYL's life? And that his nephew will sooner or later be in danger?
I just KNOW everyone's heart stopped that day. There was no turning back anything now. No fixing anything. No mending anything. There can only be so much to be done, knowing that wherever and whatever WWX does, it was impermanent death for him and the Wens. (not that it wasn't already bad and JGS was already plotting things, but adding this fuel to the fire only rallied/forced everyone to rally together)
And then JYL dies??? bc of WWX again?
JYL? Widow of JZX, who was wife to the late-sect heir? eldest sister of JC who is a sect leader? mother to JL, whose son is the son of the late sect-heir?
This is so fucking personal and had JC not joined the fight, to me, it would be unbelievable. Ignoring the politics and their roles for a second, JC's bro-in-law and sister were killed by none other than the man they all tried to hold onto and reconnect, but this resulted in orphaning his nephew.
ik not everyoen ignores this and i'm sure it gets talked a lot about but there certainly are still fans who still refuse to look at this situation in the eye and confront what just happened.
I really think the acting in the scene in CQL where they both find out is pretty exquisite-- just the complete shock (also worth noting that Jiang Cheng very much lets the moment be all about Yanli)
and YEAH you make such a great point-- how could Jiang Cheng NOT participate in the siege, and frankly, how could he not lead it? You can headcanon whatever you want about whatever ulterior motives or plans he may have had-- as Lan Wangji found out, sometimes not being there is worse, because you have no say in what happens-- but politically speaking, there was absolutely no way for him to sit it out without igniting all-out war between himself and the other clans
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
Ok, seems dumbass S/O x Riddler is going good so time for another one.
He says once again that she's an idiot out of frustration and she says "But you love me?" But this time there's no teasing in her voice, instead she ask it quietly and looked worried. Like she isn't sure anymore. I want boys to show her love.
BTAS, JL, Arkham
A/N: as a wee simpleton myself this hit home for me rip
Trigger Warnings: None really, just some mean, mean green beans but only for a minute, then it gets fluffy
Riddlers x Dumb F! Reader - I Love You, Idiot!
Batman The Animated Series Riddler: 
The desk was riddled with blue prints, scattered post it's, pencils and pens. Some new and sharpened. Others used, blunt, and only eraser heads.
Edward growled in frustration as he crumpled up another mock up for his next puzzle toy, and tossed it over his shoulder. It just wasn't working. It wasn't up to his standards. Too simple, already done before, or not good enough. 
"Hey Eddie, did you drop this?" You came into the room after knocking softly and hearing no response. You saw the crumpled piece of paper and picked it up. 
You and your nonsense and nonsensical questions. 
"No…Y/N. The paper I clearly crumpled up and threw away over my shoulder…I did not drop. God you're so foolish sometimes…"
"But you still love me right?" 
Edward dropped the new pencil he grabbed from his desk and his eyes widened. Oh, he really should watch what he says around you. His face fell when he turned around and saw you weren't joking either, you really wanted to know. 
Your head was down to the ground, you were rubbing your arms, and your feet were shuffling. 
He got up from his chair and wrapped his arms around you in an embrace. 
"Of course I love you, I love everything about you, your smile, your laugh, everything. They bring me more comfort than any riddle or puzzle. I'm so sorry I shouldn't take my frustrations out on you…" He kissed your forehead. 
You started giggling softly. "No, no I do ask pretty stupid questions at times, I just care so much I think with my heart than my head.." 
"I would rather you ask them all the time than to never hear you at all." 
You blushed at that, causing Edward to grin and keep peppering your face with kisses to keep you smiling and laughing. 
Young Justice Riddler: 
This recon mission was taking way longer than he planned. 
None of his usual tricks were working, the network he was working with was flimsy at best. He didn’t have to worry about the corporation figuring him out, he couldn’t get too deep without being disconnected. 
He was just minutes away from tossing everything onto the floor, but he realizes he probably couldn’t lift it all and didn’t want to make a bigger fool out of himself. 
“How’s it going, Ed?” You plopped down in the seat next to his, looking over his shoulder. 
Ah, yeah and there was you. At least he didn’t have to suffer alone…but he would much prefer the quiet. 
“Well, as well it did thirty minutes ago.” He grumbled crossing his arms over his chest in a huff. 
You bit your lip. Thirty minutes ago was a long time ago…
“Uh, how well did it go thirty minutes ago?” You asked meekly.
Ed groaned. “Terribly, it’s going terribly, Y/N! I’m still stuck on this stupid firewall cause of this stupid spotty connection. And to top it off I’m stuck with someone stupid!” Ed wiped his face and groaned again in agitation. 
Nothing was working and nothing was going right. 
“But you still love me…right? Even though I’m stupid?” 
Everything stopped in that moment. The minute those words fell from your lips everything shattered. Edward didn’t care about the mission, the connection, the firewalls, anything. Your words rang in his ears and his brain. 
Oh my God!
He quickly turned in his seat next to you and put both of his hands on your shoulders. Normally, Ed would be too flustered to even touch your hand, but the panic that settled over him hurting you took over whatever shyness he usually projected. 
“I-I-um…yes...yeah...I-I do. I-I’m sorry I just, I’m just frustrated that something so simple isn’t being…simple..” Ed’s face was getting redder by the second. He really did care, but he hoped it spoke more in his actions than him having to verbally say them out loud…like now.
Edward almost jumped out of his skin when your hands reached up to your shoulders to grab his hands and bring them to your lap. 
“D-Do you really mean it, Edward?”
Ed cringed, he hated it when you called him his full name. He’s grown quite attached to the way you sweetly call him “Eddie.” But that’s also how he knew you were being serious in your question. 
He had to do something though, he did care about you, a lot. This was all still new to him but he didn’t want to lose you now, not over something small. 
After gulping down the frog in his throat. He took both of your hands in his and squeezed them. “I-I do, I l-love you, Y-Y/N…even when you’re being…s-silly!” 
You giggled before lunging at him in a hug. “I love you too, you dork!” 
Arkhamverse Riddler: 
It didn’t sound good at all. 
Loud clunks and clatters of metal, tools, and chairs could be heard down the sewer corridors. 
You really, really shouldn’t be down here. You should stay in the upper level, in the bedroom and wait like he asked. 
But you were worried. You swore you could hear him curse something out, maybe in pain? He’s probably just frustrated again…oh, but what if he’s not though? 
Forget it, he can be mad, call me stupid, I don’t care…I have to know. He’ll probably just call me stupid regardless. 
Your heart hurt a little at that more than likely assumption. At first you thought you could just keep pushing it away and keep ignoring it then it wouldn’t hurt you. Little did you know you were one more “stupid” away from a complete break down.
You knocked, but Edward didn’t respond. You opened the door and there he laid in a heap on the floor of parts and tools. 
“Oh my God! Edward are you okay?” 
Edward groaned as his hands cradled his head like he’s subsiding a headache. Until he looked up at you with cold green eyes. 
“What? What’re you doing here, Y/N?! How many times do I have to tell you not to come in unless I say so!” Edward was already boiling from a concoction of exhaustion, frustration, and stress. When he saw you deliberately disobeying him, he was seeing absolute red. 
“E-Ed…I-I I heard a lot of commotion! I didn’t know what happened!” You tried to defend yourself, but you were already shrinking away from him. 
Ed scoffed. “You don’t know anything! I’ll yell for you if I need you, what part of that is so hard to understand? Even someone as stupid as you could surely follow those simple instructions!” 
Your bottom lip started bobbing, your throat started constricting itself. Tears filled your eye ducts. “Y-You still love me, though…right? T-That’s why I came down to check on you…cause I love you…I just wanted you to be okay.” 
Silence hung in the air like a thick fog, suffocating. 
Whatever white steaming rage, Edward felt had quickly dissipated at your choked out words. When they finally registered in his exhausted mind, he sighed in defeat. 
“I know…I know…I…I do love you.” He muttered but you could hear him. 
Your eyes widened at first, you hadn’t expected him to actually respond, let alone actually reassure you. 
“W-wait, really?” 
Ed chuckled tiredly, “yes, really, dear. Please next time just, I will call out if anything happens…”
You nodded. “O-okay…Eddie?”
“If-if I can say…I think you should come to bed now…”
Ed opens his mouth about to rebuke your suggestion, but then he realized he was even too tired to do that. He walked up to you and hesitantly took your hand in his. 
“I think…that’s probably best too.” 
You gasped at the gesture, but held onto his hand tight in yours as you began walking out of the workshop together.
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barid-bel-medar · 10 months
At least Hori is one of the few writers who acknowledges that he should’ve done something differently for the early portions of the story. He acknowledges that he should’ve written Bakugo not as harsh and that Aizawa should’ve different characterization. So there are valid reasons for fanfic writers to reduce the Mary Sue-ness of Bakugo and make Aizawa into a better teacher. It’s just that people want to make Aizawa a Batman-like character without the charm and understanding on how Batman works in his universe, infantiled the other characters and bashed the good ones, and not understanding certain cultural impact in the Japan vs US societies.
This is very true! Like a lot of authors won't say shit or just hope people will accept retcons. Yes Hori's also to some extent doing the second, but at least he's come out and said he shouldn't have done some of the stuff he previously did (though I think there was also the issue of him underestimating how popular both Bakugou and Aizawa would get).
Yeah the attempts to make Aizawa a Batman-like figure in fanon/fic again (much like the Kakashi references I noted in that earlier post) miss why things work for that character. This definitely goes into the desire to make Aizawa a much more competent figure then he is actually written in canon. But like...he's not getting called in as a strategist. He's not getting get in because he's a great combatant. He's generally getting called in because they need his Quirk for something.
I should note this is also an issue Nedzu suffers in fic/fanon. He's certainly brilliant and manipulative. He also still misses some pretty obvious shit or handles it poorly (no matter what, someone as smart as he's supposed to be should have realized immediately how stupid the 'chain Bakugou to the pole' thing was)
(Though also in context of Batman I think it also gets missed a lot that the man himself fucks up/DC writes him as doing things that make no sense. I know I've talked about in the past the issue of how in the Nu52 when he's explaining his take down plans for JL members his plan for taking out a GL is apparently to use a yellow ring. You know, the thing these guys are specifically given training to fight against? And the ring-type that two of them (Hal and Guy) are perfectly capable of wielding themselves? Also in general Lantern rings are much, much harder to use then they seem on the surface, and trying to use one against people, who have the case of the four GLs he would have been setting up the plan against, been using those rings for several years is just stupid. Though also there it's a good demonstration of the arrogance DC also is prone to writing with Batman)
Though to be fair to the cultural impact issue, that's a pretty wide ranging issue in a lot of stuff, not just things related to Aizawa. There's a reason I had it specified in Words May Hurt that the detention thing is a result of WHA standardizing punishments at hero schools, rather than a norm.
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stoopid-turtle · 10 months
BTS in Order Addendum 2
Second and final addendum for rn! This covers the translated bts clips for June that I found. Sadly, the playlist did not have July or Aug, so I can't go over those. If I ever do find July and Aug, I'll try to add it on.
As before, the timeline posts are already updated. I'm just highlighting some things here for those who don't want to hunt for the updates. Also, I tried to clean up some of the formatting but y'all, the formatting on Tumblr is just weird. I can't figure it out and I'm not gonna invest the time to do so, so I've done my best!
I can see where the WZC/GG pairing came from. GG and WZC seem quite close, often playful, and similarly physically affectionate to ggdd. Their dynamic is different, but I can def see how people could pull together a compilation of their bts clips for CPFs. (Not saying they were a real couple, like ggdd.)
Madam Jin did not seem to realize she was cast in a bl adaption.
There's much mentioned of dd's afterglow on 6.19 after the Dragon Boat Festival date, but I've never seen anyone mention that GG is also in a really great mood the next day. His first scene is in the forest with JC and JL, and he's all smiles and says, "I'm so happy this early morning. I really love my team."
JC says "Happy? What nonsense!" For some reason, this sets gg off on the giggles.
Needless to say, GG had his own afterglow.
Also on 6.19, there's this cute exchange between gg and the older lady producer (?), who is also from Chongqing:
Crewmember: So many beauties come from Chongqing. GG: I'm beautiful. Producer lady: More beautiful than me? GG: How can that be? Can't compare!
And then, a couple days later on 6.23, when dd is still gone, gg is in a hellishly rotten mood. He's visibly moody and unresponsive to xl and JC, both of whom try to cheer him up. At one point, he asks someone (his assistant?) if he has any crying scenes that day. And later he says, "Remember this feeling. After a month, when filming, definitely will..." I think he says something more to XL here, but I guess it was too quiet for the translator to hear. The implication to me is that he's gonna try to bring up the experience of his feelings in later scenes when WWX is having similar feelings.
Not everything with regards to the boys has to be about ggdd, so it's possible that gg's bad mood is bc of something else going on in his life. Family, friends, something with his company, politics, a stranger being a jerk, whatever. DD's one possibility among many. I did check out what dd was doing on 6.23 and 6.22, and he's on Produce 101, where he looks as DD (with a mullet) as ever. But there aren't any bts or unscripted clips of him where he might reveal a similar mood, so it's hard to say anything.
So basically, make of gg's bad mood what you will. It could be literally anything.
I need to talk about JC's fake butt
So the clip on 6.25, with JZX, Mianmian, dd, XL, and gg all chatting starts with them talking about JC wearing a "fake butt". I'm guessing butt padding? Some highlights:
DD is confused because he's "not even wearing jeans", to which gg asks if it makes sense to wear a fake butt in jeans.
The "reason" why JC wears this is apparently only known to XL and GG. XL refuses to explain.
GG says if she doesn't explain, dd will just walk up to JC and ask him, "JC, you wear a fake butt?"
Poor WZC did seem a bit put-upon on the set.
Also, unrelated, dd thinks sweat is sexy.
Also, the nasal spray that got passed around: looked sus, but not actually that sus. It's a Thai herbal nasal inhaler, which apparently looks a lot like people doing some uppers. (So much so that gg chastises the cameraman for filming it and XL turns her back to do it)
Also also, gg's rotten mood is gone. The clip on 6.23 of him being in a bad mood is only about 5 min long, and there's only a 45sec clip for 6.24. So basically, we have no idea what might have cheered him up and there are almost a full 2 days of stuff we know nothing about.
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brucewaynehater101 · 24 days
Tim drake ruler of worlds
Ok I am an outsider but I think ppl are focused too much on the brucequest. Imagine the comedic potential of none of the batfam knowing but the loa does. Damian arrives and shows respect to Tim bc even the demons heir knows when they are outclassed (by several planets worth of people). Batfam + jl don't realize this until a force appears that overtakes planets and sees Tim. Tim says "fuck off". They promptly fuck off. What the jl doesn't know is that they only overtake weaker planets without a good defense. Planets Timmy has multiple planets to act as a defense and should not be counted. He wouldn't ask them but the second those planets hear of the threat to their beloved rulers planet???? They shall take this strain from his shoulders!!! He has done so much!!! (What if he thinks we are too much work) We can do this small act for him!!!
They hear of one (1) threat and are like but what does he get from ruling us?? (Mental health boost from millions saying how great he is, stress relief tbh, the ability to take days off while he feels like he's still being useful). We Will Keep Our Overlord!!!!
Better if they have longer lifespans and so Tim being 17 is like.. Smart Baby!! Babey so clever!! We love him!! Earth babies are clearly such good rulers!!! We should recommend?! But wait?? He tries to KILL earth?? THATS WHERE OUR BELOVED BABY RULER IS??
Tim is like people electing a bear to president because it clearly can't make anything worse right? But then he makes it BETTER?!??!??
I fucking love this so so much. I can't with them electing him for the morale boost (baby for overlord), and Tim somehow doing well anyways.
Just planets of people who love their mascot overlord who actually does really good work.
Also, you are correct that Damian (and LoA) knowing about Tim from the get-go would be such a juicy twist! Like, Damian would try to befriend Tim instead. He would try to establish a friendly relationship and connection for the purpose of having him on Damian's side when Damian takes over the LoA or Batman's mantle.
I bet Talia has trained Damian in business relations and how to manipulate people onto your side. Damian would try these tricks (there can still be some conflict with Tim being Robin) and notice months later that they somehow became brothers. Oh well. Tim's proven to be a formidable ally. For those who hurt his family? He's a terrifying opponent. It's truly better this way (and not that he'll admit it even to himself, but he also cares about Tim at this point).
Since Damian knows about the planets and they have a friendly relationship, Tim would take Damian with him sometimes when he visits. He'd show him some of the ropes (training useful for WE or LoA) and implement ideas Damian proposes.
Then! Your whole JL and invading forces ideas??? Fuuuudge. I love that shit so much. I just love dramatic reveals like that
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dairy-farmer · 1 year
People think batman or superman is the most popular hero. Hell, maybe even wonder woman. They do a poll and... red robin is the most popular hero? But... but how?!?!? (He's always doing hero work, likes to comfort victims, relatable, fun, funny etc)
there's this fic that i almost constantly reread by dexdefyingstunts called 'fandom's favorite twink'!!!!! and the concept is that tim is almost universally used as the twink!! the default bottom in the capes community because they're all just so...hunky and muscley.
so maybe there's also a mix of that intertwined and the superheroes who were at first grumbling at the poll (because they were all expecting superman or wonderwoman to win but turns out its not even a JL member who won) all fall silent when they look back on footage and photos of them interacting with red robin and realizing how many of them just...pick him up and move him how they want to. and they hadn't realized just how....compact red robin was.
red robin is also very androgynous with frequent arguments in online chatrooms occurring about whether he's a boy or a girl because they're so well built but their hips are just a little too wide for a boy and they either have nice pecs for a boy or small tits for a girl.
red robin is one of the few heroes who opted out of having the distribution companies owned by wayne and queen industries design and make merch. merchandising like tshirts, backpacks, shoes, jackets, and jewlery is one of the ways to fund heroes, pay for their equipment, keep bases up and running, provide funds for relief efforts and repair damages done to cities. for other heroes it's also a way to make sure they have a steady income because the hero business leads to a lot of injuries and time off which means many aren't able to hold a steady job.
the assumption that superman, wonderwoman, or even batman and flash would win the title of favorite hero was because the number of sales on their merchandise reflected them as the top selling hero and well....you wouldn't buy a shirt of someone you hate would you?
red robin doesn't have merchandise but with a little digging into the accounting department, they're able to find small online sellers like artists, printers, and craftspeople who all handmake hero merchandise of smaller, local, and unknown heroes. red robin is the top seller across all the boards.
more than that there are an overflowing amount of fanclubs, social media, websites, and chatrooms dedicated to red robin. they're able to find out pretty quickly why.
red robin is one of the few heroes the public is sure is human. just a normal average human. and that means something to people. because superman and wonderwoman are borderline gods who are at levels no normal person could ever hope to achieve. same with all meta heroes. they're human sure, but they're all still at an...unreachable level for most people.
but even among human heroes, red robin stands out. batman is long suspected to be a meta but even if he wasn't he's just too...offputting, too creepy. a lot of people have made the assumption that he's mean in real life and sure bruce set out to be scary but he never intended to project...cruelty. red hood has the same problem. the lethality puts off as much people as it gets people who support him. nightwing hangs around more aliens and metas than actual humans which gives him a certain kind of...framing. it makes it seem like his feet don't even touch the ground. the new robin isn't as gentle and reassuring as the others. black bat has the same problem as batman. batgirl is more interested in getting into fights and solving cases than helping out the victims or people who are still shaking after a near mugging.
all the human heroes fall short.
they're not as good at their job as red robin.
they're not as nice or kind.
they're not as funny.
they're not...people. people in the sense that when they put on a mask, they don't rise to another level above everyone else. red robin stays at the exact same level. he talks like a person, walks like one, interacts with them like one.
everything about red robin highlights how he's as average and normal as everyone else. only that when he saw something wrong in the world- he went out to try and fix it. and even after all the years as a cape, all the hardships and pain he endured and went through, he still never lost his gentle touch or kindness.
he still thought people were worth saving and fighting for. even though his days must be filled with fighting against the worst humanity had to offer.
red robin looked at gotham, it's people, and the world and said that they were worth the pain and struggle of protecting.
no augmentations, no magical powers, no alien birth rights, no space ring- just human.
red robin wasn't popular because he had the flashiest costume, coolest powers, or longest time on the roster.
he was the favorite by a landslide because people looked at him and saw the personification of perseverance and the human spirit.
the other heroes see this and know they don't stand a chance against him. not even a little
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ultfreakme · 10 months
I am in shock and awe.
I am so shocked right now.
Okay. Look. Okay so we already KNOW Jon likes to be methodical and goes into every fight having done some homework and preparation. We saw how confident he gets, and can even flaunt his strengths when he is assured he has the upper hand (when he did that microsurgery on Lachlan/flaming dude in SOKE, winning against Lex in chess).
But this.
This is on a level I just did not expect. The terrifying part for me, about Jon, is that he is nowhere near as nice as Clark when he's confronting people. He gives them a chance to explain themselves, he listens. But he does it with this...distance. I think this preview shows him at the height of his preparedness and AOSJK is a good example overall to show how exactly Jon works as Superman.
He asks what the problem is
He gets perspectives from all parties
He does personal investigation
He waits and watches
He deliberates on it and examines the information
He prepares himself for whatever battle is to come to his best abilities based on the information he's gathered
He strikes
He's so very methodical in the way he fights and this means he's not personally involving himself as much as other Supers usually do. He's doing the right thing but the measures he's going to are treading on some...questionable territories???
Like he's ripping off nth metal wings, he came to an agreement with Barry but even then he isn't nice about it, he's not being like "I know you have good in you Barry" and trying to appeal to his emotions AT ALL. Actually I don't think he's ever tried to 'redeem' ANY of them- even the people he's trying to save.
I think....Harley expected a better closure or better reception to admission of her involvement in Lois's death but Jon just ripped her a new one and left it at that.
He has a job to do, and atm Barry's a non-issue and that's all that matters. I don't think he particularly cares right now about "second chances". The previews cut off but he REALIZES Hal is SCARED and....and he seems so unaffected by the fact that Hal's scared of him. Which is wild considering the Yellow Lantern Ring is involved rn, and it's all about fear(fingers crossed Jon Yellow Lantern???)
There's like a clear shift in tone when Jon realizes Jay's missing. He goes from just distant and cold to angry and cold. Idk, we always think Jon's the nicer one but he really isn't.
I keep comparing him to Clark and I'm like. If Clark were here, he'd probably try to appeal to InClarkstice and this JL. Or he'd focus on rescuing the rebel team over taking down the JL. It's so clear just from this how Jon's priorities differ.
Sorry for rambling anyways Jon's fucking unhinged.
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mostlikelytofangirl · 2 years
Ok but can you do a fic with like baby trapped au done by jiang cheng to jin guangyao
Hi there! Sorry this took so long ^^;. I'm literally at the other side of the world on vacations, but I figured I should reply to this already, especially after having been hit by inspiration.
Idk if this is what you had in mind, but I could only think of modern AU since I failed to come up with a canonverse way in which JL could ever be under the full care of the Jiang sect :P
Jiang Cheng had no idea who was that guy trying to fool. He would admit to not being the most observant individual and that only made the situation all the more infuriating: Jiang Cheng noticing it all so blatantly and Jin Guangyao still shamelessly denying it.
“I have no idea what you are talking about, Wanyin.”
The Wanyin in question frowned in his best unimpressed face, hoping he didn’t have to spell out how little he believed the guy standing in front of him in his designer suit and shades, all perfectly professional like it was a business meeting and not a casual conversation at Jiang Cheng’s porch. 
If they could even call dropping their currently sleeping shared nephew at Jiang Cheng’s place after a legal battle ‘casual’, that is.
“You can wear all the Gucci you want and that still won’t cover the bruises, Guangyao.”
Jiang Cheng rolled his sleeves up and crossed his arms. He was pleased to see Guangyao’s hand flinch towards his own sleeve, realizing too late that his tailored shirt wasn’t covering his wrists enough.
“Accidents happen, Wanyin,” replied Guangyao, shrugging and placing his shades on top of his head. “Forgive my bluntness, but this is hardly your business.”
That only made Jiang Cheng furrow his brow deeper. Yes, maybe it wasn’t his place to say a thing about what clearly was happening between Guangyao and his father and step-mother, but it just didn’t sit well with him, not saying a thing.
“We have been handling this issue together for a while, sorry if I show some concern,” Jiang Cheng rebuked, not sorry at all. “The Jin household is not a safe place and—”
“And that’s why I helped you get full custody of A-Ling, didn’t I? Which is a secret you swore to take to the grave with you.”
The urgency in Guangyao’s voice was only adding to the pile of clues he was unknowingly giving Jiang Cheng about his own situation at the Jin residence. Or maybe he was trying to get Jiang Cheng to do something about it? He couldn’t put it past Guangyao to be too much of a proud bastard to directly ask for help. That was something Jiang Cheng could respect, truth to be told, as much as such mind games were a pain in the ass.
“I will, don’t worry, no one will know.” 
“Good. It wasn’t an easy case, I’d hate for all the hard work to be wasted just because you can’t keep your mouth shut.”
“You know, it would have made the case easier if you had just declared the mistreat—”
“It’s all done now, Wanyin, we accomplished our goal.” Guangyao looked away, putting his shades back in place as he got ready to leave. “I’ll have the rest of A-Ling’s things ready in a couple days, tops; father and Mrs. Jin are very sore losers and I wouldn’t be surprised if they offered resistance, so it would probably help if you applied pressure, calling frequently and threatening to get the police involved for failure to comply with a court ruling.”
“I’ll pick the bags up myself.”
Guangyao nodded, and just as he leaned down to pick up the bag that had contained Jin Ling's basic things, Jiang Cheng managed to catch another fading bruise on his nape.
“Come on, man, seriously?!”
The shades went up again, showing Guangyao’s confused expression, blinking at Jiang Cheng with something way too close to indignation, waiting for the other to explain himself.
“You neck, goddamnit! You gonna tell me that that one was an accident, too?”
Jiang Cheng considered it a victory that Guangyao’s hand automatically moved to the spot in his neck without having to be pointed out. With a sigh, Jiang Cheng rubbed the bridge of his nose.
“Can you at least not act like I’m too dumb to notice?”
“I’m not doing such a thing, Wan—”
“You are doing it right…!” He took a deep breath. “Listen, we’ve gone through our fair share of shit together.”
“So what, we are friends now?”
“Aren’t we?”
Guangyao’s fierce gaze didn’t soften after the question, but he closed his mouth, pursing his lips as he breathed in and out, recovering his infamous composure. He hadn’t downright denied it and Jiang Cheng wasn’t very sure why he was relieved about that. They had spent months plotting in secret how to get Jin Ling away of the clutches of his grandparents, both agreeing that Jin Guangshan and his wife were the furthest cry from good role models for the three-years old; and knowing fully well that there wasn’t a place far enough that Guangyao could run to where his father wouldn’t find him if his involvement was ever discovered. It had been a brave thing that Jiang Cheng hadn’t expected from a Jin, much less the peacock’s uptight little half-brother; a selfless act, too, since Jiang Cheng having full custody meant Jin Ling would no longer be living in the same place as Guangyao. 
The man’s dedication to their little nephew was something that took Jiang Cheng by surprise, and he couldn’t deny that it gave the guy a lot of points in his book. He had been an unsuspectedly nice co-conspirator, as well: he was smart, with a mean steak and a sharp tongue that made Jiang Cheng laugh like he didn’t imagine he would after a-jie’s death. It also made him more confident about that brash side of himself that Wei Wuxian always said scared people away.
Jin Guangyao was someone Jiang Cheng could be as openly assholish (to others) as he wanted, and he honestly appreciated that he could be that for the other man, too, if the way his customer service persona slipped when they were alone was anything to go by.
Which was why it was so fucking frustrating that Guangyao was hell bent in denying that he was being physically abused! Hadn’t Jiang Cheng proved himself already?! Wei Wuxian was abroad and Guangyao’s other half-siblings had been clever enough to not get too involved with their father, Jin Ling was the only family they both had left, why couldn’t they…
Why couldn’t they.
“I appreciate your help with this issue, Wanyin, but I’m afraid there are no more miracles you can work.” Guangyao said in a tone that sounded awfully similar to defeat, offering a shy little smile as he tentatively took a step back. “Do let me know if there is anything I can do for you and A-Ling from now on…”
Jiang Cheng acted before he could either talk himself out of it or think it through; he simply reached out and grabbed Guangyao’s wrist, carefully.
He fixed Guangyao with an intense gaze, trying to convey how much he meant it. However, it was plain to see that Guangyao wasn’t convinced, he just stared back at him in disbelief, almost like Jiang Cheng had grown another head.
“The hell are you talking about, Wanyin?”
He was fucking talking about giving Guangyao a place where he wouldn’t have to hide bruises, damnit! But that stubborn son of a bitch was not going to relent in his denial and Jiang Cheng only had one more weapon in his arsenal.
“I’m a single dude that has never looked after a toddler all fucking day long, man. At least you have lived with the kid.”
“... You want me to help you care for A-Ling?”
“Yes. You know your shit around kids, from what I heard.”
“From where did you—?”
Guangyao averted his gaze at last. He had loved A-jie almost as much as Jiang Cheng himself, she had always been the nicest towards him and that apparently was a change in the guy’s life. 
“Well, I do know that you don’t curse anywhere near them, Wanyin.”
There was a hint of a smile there, and Jiang Cheng felt his own lips curling upwards.
“See? I could use some help.”
When Guangyao made eye contact again, he did so barely peeking through his ridiculously long eyelashes.
“Are you sure you want this?”
“Hey, I wouldn’t be asking if I wasn’t sure.”
Guangyao’s hand moved to his shoulder, rubbing it in a gesture that could easily pass as nervousness and hesitation, but Jiang Cheng was already sure that he was going to find another nasty purple-green marking there.
“Alright,” Guangyao eventually relented, taking a deep breath as if mustering his conviction. “I will have A-Ling’s and… my things ready in a couple days.”
“I’ll pick you up, then.”
Jiang Cheng let go of him once he saw an actual smile on the guy’s face, shades on again and picking up the empty bag.
“I guess I’ll see you soon, then,” Guangyao was saying as he made his way to his car. “The things I do for this child, honestly.”
“That brat, forcing our hands like this,” replied Jiang Cheng, watching him go with his back leaning on the doorframe.
“This is just for A-Ling.”
“Just for Jin Ling.”
Guangyao went inside his tacky golden car and started the engine, but just before he drove off, he looked at Jiang Cheng one more time, smiled again, got another smile in return, and mouthed a ‘thank you’.
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