#and sirius has prongs
Okay, lets talk about Patronuses.
To my understanding, a person's Patronus is either a physical representation of their character, or takes a form that is the animal version of somebody who is dear to that person or someone who that person looks up to.
Harry's Patronus is Prongs, a stag— his dead father's animagus form. His dead father, who everyone says Harry looks like (except his eyes. He's got Lily's eyes), who Harry looks up to, who Harry idolizes throughout the series. I think it's interesting to note that Harry doesn't have an animal that corresponds to his personality— the dursleys were never a place where he could nurture or grow his own identity, and Hogwarts was always riddled with too many dangers for him to have time to figure himself out. Up until the end of the war, he had no aim, no direction, no idea what his own personality was like. And so, his Patronus took the form of a stag, a tangible representation of his parents' sacrifice, of his physical likeness to his father, of his love and admiration for people he couldn't remember.
Snape (barf) had a Doe Patronus. His obsession with Lily was so strong that it became his personality. His obsession was the only reason that prompted him to betray Tom Riddle, the only thing that prompted him to make an oath to Lily that he would protect her child (bang up job he did of that, btw- just superb), and the only reason he made an effort to stay alive. If it had been the Longbottom family that was under attack, Snape would have gone down in history as one of the cruelest and most loyal Death Eaters of Riddle's army who did terrible, horrible things in the name of his "love".
Now to the main point of this little rant: James Potter, Lily Evans, and Sirius Black.
The Terf Extraordinaire has declared in Extracanon that James' Patronus was a stag, and Lily's patronus was a doe. Imo, that is complete bullshit. James Potter and Lily Evans are famously known for having started off on the wrong foot— he's an arrogant, bullying bastard and she is a sanctimonious, hot-tempered bitch (bear with me, please, I love both of them).
I can't believe Lily's Patronus being a doe— she had too much love in her heart for it to be a representation of her own personality. Even if it was that, it is entirely too inaccurate. Does are considered delicate, weak, innocent creatures. Lily in canon has too fiery a temper and too sharp a wit for her Patronus to be something so mundane— she hurries to rescue Snape in SWM with such rage, unafraid to go against the worst pranksters in the school. And if the angle that Rowling wanted was for it to be an indicative of her love for James, that her Patronus was a doe instead of stag was because Lily was a female, then that's utterly, completely stupid. Lily hated— no, Lily loathed James with her whole being for the first six years of their school. They canonically began dating some time in their 7th year, and even if Patronuses were taught only in the 7th year, Lily wouldn't have fallen in love with him so fast; he had been an utter dick thé previous years, and Lily is canonically too smart to let herself fall for someone who had changed so very recently. She gave him a chance in seventh year, but i believe that she fell in love with him much, much later. All of this just points to the fact that Lily's Patronus being a doe right off the bat is just.. weird. And something I can't imagine happening. If I was to give her a Patronus before she fell in love with James, it would be either a big cat or a dragon. And hey maybe her Patronus changed became a doe to match James when she married him, but then I don't like the connotations of a wife having to submit herself fully to her husband. So no. No Doe Patronus for Lily.
James Potter having a representation of himself as a Patronus is much more believable; he is confident, smart and self assured— traits we don't often see in teenagers. The thing is, though: James loved Sirius. Whether canon or au, platonic or romantic, they are always described as "never see one without the other", as soulmates, as two people who had a legendary friendship. His love for Sirius did not become his entire personality, but it was an integral part of his growth as a character and his story arc. They were best friends who liked each other's company so much that they literally made magic mirrors to talk during detentions. You cannot tell me that James' Patronus was a stag; his patronus was more likely to be Padfoot. He wasn't obsessed with Sirius like Snape was with Lily, he just had more love for Sirius in his heart than he had arrogance in his mind.
Vice versa for Sirius, who had Prongs as his own Patronus, because James was the one that saved him. James became his friend, irrespective of his last name. James took him in when he ran away from home. James was there for him, always, every time, every day of his life since he was eleven. James was his first friend. Sirius' Patronus was Prongs, and you can't convince me otherwise.
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oh nothing, just jegulus ‘accidentally’ swapping ties and watching sirius go absolutely mental trying to figure out how james ended up with a slytherin tie.
(he would have so many outlandish theories)
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that-bitch-kat3 · 2 months
james and sirius really do match each others freaks and i love them for that
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hyperfocuscentre · 3 months
James Potter would love gryffindor parties, but I think he’d also take many bathroom breaks just to separate himself from the noise and crowds so he doesn’t get overstimulated.
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messervixen · 2 months
Just listened to the lyrics specifically of Bohemian Rhapsody and 0/10 would not recommend. Absolutely awful. If you kin Sirius Black AT ALL do yourself a favor and never go with 500 feet of that song because it is rough. TCOPTP Sirius had every right to start sobbing the first time he heard it because it’s genuinely horrific.
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while james potter DOES have an ego, it’s not as big as people may think. he fakes his confidence so well that people think he’s so put together but in reality he rarely knows what he’s doing
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Sirius and James failing to solve their homework
Regulus: You know your boyfriend is kind of dumb right?
Remus: Yeah... yours is the same.
Regulus: I know
Remus staring at Sirius: but I love him.
Regulus watching James: yeah... I know the feeling...
James: you know we can hear you right? love.
Sirius: Aww babe!! you said you love me!! embarrassing.
Peter: God, I need new friends.
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lulublack90 · 2 months
Prompt 31 - Fluff
@wolfstarmicrofic July 31, word count 753
Part twelve of werewolf Sirius
This is probably going to be the last part for now. I might do a second part but a Jegulus. Let me know what you think 🙂
Previous part First part
After finally getting rid of the bat bogeys that were attacking his face, Sirius raced out of the castle after Remus and his brother. They apparated together back to the new camp. Remus checked their wards, and then they headed towards the sound of happy people chatting merrily. 
They all got bowls of food and went to find somewhere to relax. Marcus waved them over to a spot he’d laid blankets on and they settled there. 
Sirius found he wasn’t all that hungry, but he ate anyway, so Rorbey didn’t scold him. It was some sort of rice and chicken dish and was delicious. He felt very full once he'd finished his meal and ended up curled on the blanket with his head in Remus’s lap. Remus ran his fingers lazily through Sirius’s hair, and he could feel his eyes beginning to droop shut. He must have drifted off as the next thing he knew, Remus was gently waking him and leading him into the forest. He glanced back and saw that Regulus had fallen asleep as well. Someone had covered him with a blanket and Marcus was watching over him. He felt bad for abandoning his brother already, but whatever Remus needed him for, it must be important. 
They walked deeper into the forest and came upon a small open area full of wildflowers. Sirius ran out into it, letting his fingers brush the delicate petals. He spun back to smile at Remus, but Remus was right behind him. Suddenly, he was on his back in the middle of the flowers with Remus above him. Remus dipped his head and they were kissing. Sirius laughed and rolled them, not letting Remus’s lips go. Remus rolled them right back, pressing his hips into Sirius's to keep him there. Sirius couldn’t remember the last time they’d been so carefree. 
An hour or so later, Sirius had his head on Remus’s bare chest, and they were watching the clouds drift by in the sky above them. 
“That one looks like the birthmark James has on his arse,” He pointed to a wonky cloud. 
“How do you know Prongs has a birthmark there and what it looks like?” Remus chuckled. Sirius could feel the vibrations through Remus’s chest. 
“Quidditch locker room. I know more than I ever wanted to know about our peer’s naked bodies.” Sirius scrunched up his nose. 
“In that case, I’ll take your word for it.” 
A blueish-white hyena came bounding towards them. They both tensed until they realised it was a Patronus. Marcus’s voice sounded out of its open mouth. 
“The wee Black is waking up,” It told them, then vanished. 
“Come on, sweetheart, time to go back.”  
He snuggled into Remus’s side, holding his hand firmly as they explained everything to Regulus. Regulus stayed silent the entire time they were talking. They told him how they were captured. That Sirius was now a werewolf and how they’d usurped Greyback and Remus had taken over as the pack leader and their plan to rescue him. 
But before Regulus could ask his questions, a loud wailing siren went off. They all jumped to their feet, wands out, ready for an attack, apart from Remus. 
“Oh, good he’s here,” Remus flicked his wand, the air around the treeline wavered and a figure appeared. 
“James!” Sirius cried out, running full pelt at his best friend and launching into his arms. “James!” He cried again, burying his face in James’s chest. 
“Pads, I thought you were dead!” James sobbed as he held Sirius tight.
"I love you, Prongs!"
"I love you, Padfoot!" 
“Bleh,” Regulus gagged behind them. “Are they always this much?” He asked Remus. Remus chuckled.
“I’ve seen worse.”
James peered over Sirius’s head and his eyes bulged out of his head. 
“Regulus?” He rasped. “But, you’re actually… In the papers… Your own family…” Regulus rolled his eyes. 
“Do try to calm down, Potter. Stories of my demise were greatly exaggerated. I’m perfectly fine, as you can see.” Regulus turned more serious. “I have vital information for the Order.”
“Can it wait?” Sirius whined as he wiggled closer to James, missing the contact he hadn't been able to have over the last few months. 
“Only if you want to lose the war,” Regulus scoffed, turning away. 
“Save the world now, hug later?” Sirius suggested, before dropping from James’s arms and bounding after his brother, grabbing Remus’s hand on the way and dragging him along with him. It looked like their adventures were far from over. 
Second part of the series (Jegulus)
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moonytoastx · 2 years
"You can have anyone. You can have the world if you want, Potter."
"I don't want the world. I want you." James answered with a quiver in his voice and his gaze on his shaky hands. Regulus didn't need to look at him to know that the Gryffindor was pouting.
Regulus blinked once. Twice. Thrice.
James looked up from his hands. "Reggie, I just-"
"Well then, fucking have me, Potter."
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Sirius walking out with a towel on his head
James: Hey Sirius
Sirius: What?
James: Your hair
Sirius (taking the towel off his head and his hair is perfect): Oh right I forgot thank you
Remus: How does it?-
Sirius (walking out the door): Money
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a-great-tragedy · 3 months
One thing that annoyed me about shadow and bone was how unrealistic it was. Like, what do you mean Sirius killed James?? For what???
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simon-snowing · 9 days
remus is taller this sirius is taller that, Nooooo JAMES IS THE JOCK HE IS THE TALLEST AND BROADEST
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fourthemarauders · 2 months
Remus:"Just out of the shower,I'll be down in a few minutes"
Sirius:"Oh,you gorgeous, smart individual. The handsomest man alive have I told you how loved and appropriated you are?"
Remus:"Whatever it is that you broke,fix it or Bury it in the yard"
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sweetnnaivete · 2 months
frat boy barty vs frat boy james who would win
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hyperfocuscentre · 3 months
james potter would have a teddy bear in quidditch kit that he’s had from a young age and it’s stinky, ripped and ugly but also his favourite thing ever.​when he gets overwhelmed or just upset, he immediately pulls out this absolutely foul, repugnant ass looking bear and hugs it to his chest like it’s the only thing keeping him mentally stable (it is).
bonus: sirius jokes that they could win quidditch matches if they threw the bear at players, cause it’s stink is so ripe it could kill a fully grown man.
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messervixen · 12 days
TW: Internal homophobia (Walburga and Orion nothing could make me like you)
Give me Sirius Black who knew he liked Remus romantically. Who wanted to say something but was stopped by an overwhelming fear of rejection because that was what he’d known all his life (courtesy of his parents).
Sirius knew he liked Remus but anytime someone asked him how he felt he would deny it because he was terrified that it would get back to Remus and it would ruin their relationship forever.
Give me Sirius who knew how he felt about Remus but was scared of it. Scared because he’d been told it was wrong. Scared that Remus would think so too.
Sirius was scared because what Remus thought mattered. He wanted Remus to approve of him. He was scared Remus wouldn’t look at him the same way anymore.
Give me Sirius who was denying his feelings for Remus from himself too. He knew that he was in love but he wouldn’t allow himself to think it because then it would be real.
Sirius was denying his feelings to himself because he didn’t want to feel that way. He just wished he could be normal.
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